Opposites Attract (UC, Ma/Zan, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 11

“Ok. Zan. Tell me exactly what you saw.” Jim said. He had already questioned Michael and Isabel, it was just procedure. He hated that he had to put Zan through this. It was bad enough that he found the love his life naked, raped and beaten in an ally. But now he had to give his statement.

“When I drove up, the Jeep lights were shinning on her in the ally. She was hunched over, barely breathing. I get closer and she was bleeding and whimpering. Sh looked so helpless.” Zan said, tears streaming down his face. He didn’t even bother to brush them aside. “It’s all my fault. I…” he said breaking down.

Jim put down his pen and kneeled next to Zan. “What do you mean it’s your fault.”

“I should have been there. Maria and I got in a fight at lunch. It was stupid.” Zan said.

“No, Zan. This is not your fault. Okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Jim said. Zan just nodded. He wasn’t so sure, but no one understood him.

“Do you know why she was walking in the ally?” Jim asked, just trying to get some facts.

“Yeah.” Zan said his eyes turning cold again. “She was going to your house. Kyle told her he needed her help. Sheriff, I know he is your son, but I also know that he had something to do with this. Maria flipped out whe she saw him.” Jim just nodded and wrote notes. He didn’t know what was going on, but he was sure going to talk with his son ASAP.

“Ok, Zan. I think that’s all I need. Why don’t you get home and get some sleep.” Jim said.

“No, I’m staying with Maria. You can find me at the hospital.


“Kyle!” Jim yelled into the house.

“What happened is she ok?” Kyle asked coming down the stairs.

“No, son. She isn’t ok. She was raped and beaten. She has a broken rib. She needed 16 stitches and thank god, she didn’t have any internal bleeding for a massive kick to the stomach.” Jim said looking at his son straight in the eye. “Now, you want to tell me something, son?”

“What? Dad. You think I have something to do with this?!?” Kyle asked outraged. “How can you even think that.”

“Well, I don’t want to think it, but, Jesus Kyle. It’s a little suspicious. First, you ask her over to the house for “help” then your friends Adrian and Luke rape her in the ally, like they knew where she would be. And when Maria saw you, she flipped out. So, I’m asking you to tell me what is going on.”

“I didn’t do this dad. I swear. God, I could never even do that. Not to anyone, but especially not Maria. We broke up, I was going to ask her over to talk. I wanted to tell her that was sorry for being such and ass to her.” Kyle said. He could see he father wasn’t convinced. “I’m out of here. I’m not staying here if you could possibly think that I did this.” Kyle said grabbing his jacket and slamming the door on the way out.

Meanwhile at the hospital…

“Zan?” Maria whispered as she opened her eyes. The doctors had given her some drugs for the pain, and she was a little groggy.

“Yeah, baby. I’m here.” Zan said. Maria sqeezed his hand and looked into her tearfilled eyes.

“Everything will be ok, Zan. I’m fine.” She assured him.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. And that I could help you. And that we got into that stupid fight today. I love you so much.” Zan said wiping a strand of hair out of Maria’s face.

“No, Zan. You are here now. I love you too.” Maria said raising her hand to his cheek.

“Maria, who did this. I need to know.” Zan said looking into her eyes.

“Luke and Adrian. From the football team.” She said shedding a few tears.

Zan just nodded and held her hand. Those two were dead as far as he was concerned. “Zan, don’t do anything. Promise me you will let the Sheriff take care of this. He already knows. And with my father’s connections, they wont get out of jail for a long time. They are both 18 and I’m only 17, so it will be worse for them. But I can’t get through this without you. I need you to be calm right now.” Maria said calmly.

Zan shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths. As much as he wanted to kill Luke and Adrian, he knew Maria was right. If he did to them, what they deserved, he would be the one in jail, and Maria would be alone. He promised he woudn’t hurt her, and that would hurt her a lot. “Ok, baby. I promise.” Zan sais squeezing her hand.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Zan wondered who that could be. Michael and Isabel had already gone home. He got up and opened the door and saw the last person he expected, and the last person he wanted to see.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 12

“What do you want?” Zan asked, clinching his teeth as he stared down the man he hated. The man that was responsible for the love of his life being in the hospital. Kyle Valenti.

“I need to talk to Maria.” Kyle said, pushing his way into the room.

“I don’t think so. You think I’m letting you anywhere near her after what you did?” Zan said, as anger burned in his eyes.

“I need to talk to her!” Kyle said exasperated. Why did everyone think he was capable of this.

“It’s ok, Zan.” Maria said, weakly from the bed.

“What? No!” Zan argued.

“Please, Zan. Just let me talk to Kyle. If he trys anything I’ll call for you.” Maria said, having made up her mind. Zan knew better than to argue with maria once her mind was made up.

“Fine, but if he trys ANYTHING,” Zan said pointing at Kyle, “Call for me and I’ll be right there, baby.” Zan said before sighing and leaving the room.

Maria turned to Kyle, “What is it, Kyle?”

Kyle looked at Maria’s form. She looked so small, and broken. He couldn’t belive his friends had done this. Friends. HA! Some friends they were. Kyle walked over to the bed and sat down next to Maria. “Maria, do you really think I could do this to you?” he asked, trying not to break down in front of her.

“I would say no, but, Kyle, I was going to your house. They knew where I was. They were YOUR friends. I know you are mad at me. I broke up with you, and now I’m with Zan. But I can’t belive you would do this.” Maria said, tears falling onto her cheeks.

“But Maria, I didn’t. I could never do this to you. Do you know why I asked you over tonight?” Kyle asked. Maria just shook her head. “I’m in love with you, Maria. I guess I never realized it until recently. I did some soul-searching, found Buddah, and I realized that not only was I in love with you, but I had been a royal pain in the ass. I wanted to appologize. I know that you are with Zan, and I can tell by the way you look at each other that you are in love. I would never want to stand in the way of that. You deserve to be happy, and I know that I can’t make you happy. But I wanted to tell you how sorry I was that I treated you like a dick. Then you are carried into my house, broken, naked, and bleeding. I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared that you were going to die, and you were scared of me. I wanted to cry Maria. Do you know how much that hurt. It hurts that you could even belive that I would do that to you. I would never hurt you. Especially physically. I’m going to kill Luke and Adrian.” Kyle said, as he ventured to grab Maria’s hand.

Maria didn’t move away. She listened to everything Kyle said. IT was true, Kyle have been a dick, but she knew he couldn’t hurt her, or any girl like Luke and Adrian had. She looked into his eyes and saw great sadness and fear. She slowly raised her hand to his cheek and spoke, “Kyle, I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. You’re right. If I truly think about it, I cant imagine you doing this. I was just scared. I’m sorry I freeked out on you. I do care about you. Our relationship had it’s up’s and downs, but we were friends at one time. I’d like to do that, but as far as love. I can tell you that I love Zan with all my heart. I always will.”

Kyle nodded. “I know.” He said. “Thank you for beliving me.”

“Thank you for coming,” Maria said. “Can you go get Zan? I know he is going to be a little bit of a pain in the ass to you, but just remember that it’s because he doesn’t want me to get hurt.”

”I understand.” Kyle said getting Zan. The three of them talked afterward. Zan was still leary, but he trusted Maria’s instincts. And truth be told, he saw Kyle in a new light. He wasn’t the ass hole that he knew a week ago, Kyle was growing up, and Zan could tell he genuinly cared about Maria. He just hoped that Kyle could deal with the fact that he and Maria were together now.


Zan and Maria walked out of the courtroom with smiled on their faces. 6 weeks after Maria was raped, Luke and Adrian had gotten what they deserved 30 years in prison. It didn’t hurt that Maria’s father lobbied for the boys to get life in prison.

They walked down the steps and met up with Kyle. He had been a witness, so he couldn’t be in the room for the whole trial. “So…” he asked nervously.

“30 years.” Maria siad with a smiled. He jumped up and hugged Maria. Zan cleared his throat good naturedly to tell Kyle to get off his woman. He laughed and the two men shook hands. Kyle, Maria and Zan had actually all become friends. They hung out with Michael, Isabel, and Alex all the time, and while they lost their “cool” statue over the weeks since the rape, they didn’t care. They had each other.

The End.

A/N: I think there is going to be a sequel…I have some ideas for it already 
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