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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:45 am
by kay_b
A/N: I'm going to stop apologizing and just do my best to finally finish this fic. Thanks so much for still staying with it though. I won't bore you with any more talk and just hope you'll like this installment. *smooches*


Chapter 10

“Liz?” Serena called as soon as she entered the home she shared with her best friend.

“In here.” Liz replied. She was just closing the door to the guest bedroom to give Ava some quiet, allowing her to sleep in peace. She could tell Ava hadn’t been sleeping well based on the dark circles under her eyes. But aside from that, she knew that Ava had no choice, she had to stay awake and alert because her life depended on it.

“What happened? Is she ok?” asked Serena.

“Yeah, she’s fine, Serena.” Liz answered casually.

“Where are you?” Serena noticed the look on her friend’s face. Something was bothering her.

Liz looked solemnly at her best friend. She knew Serena shouldn’t be involved in this but it was too late for her to get out. She knew too much and if Liz was being honest with herself, she was grateful that Serena was with her in this. Selfish as it may sound, Liz was glad she wasn’t the only one who knew that the world is coming to an end.

“I’m worried…about him, about what will happen.” Liz admitted.

Serena gave out a long sigh. She knew this was coming but no matter how much you prepare yourself to hear this kind of news it still makes your heart stop and your mind shut down.

She placed a comforting arm on Liz’s shoulders. “He’ll be fine. You know if there’s anyone who can defend himself against anything, it’s him.”

“I know, still, I can’t help but worry. After everything he’s done for me…. I just wish there was something more I can do.”

Serena looked at Liz with a raised brow. “Lizzie, you’re fighting with them. What else is there to do?”

“I don’t know.” Liz brushed off Serena’s hold, frustrated. She ran her fingers through her long dark brown locks and plopped herself on the couch, her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to do but there has to be something, anything.”

“Serena’s right, Liz.” Ava spoke up from the doorway.

Liz raised her head to look at her friend.

“You don’t have to do anything.” Ava said.

“What are you talking about? I can help. I have as much firepower as you do.” Liz put in.

“This isn’t your battle; it’s not your war. Stay safe. That’s what he would want anyway. Do you seriously think he would let you face them alongside us?” Ava countered.

Serena just sat quietly and continued to watch her two friends while they argued. She couldn’t say anything because both of their sides were valid. She wanted to help but she didn’t have the same…abilities that Liz did. Then again, Ava was right in saying that it wasn’t their fight. However she also couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

“Isn’t it? The human race is about to be obliterated. I’m a part of that race.” Liz stood up as she spoke. “And it’s not even about that. This is Cal we’re talking about. The man who saved my life, remember?” she looked at Serena. “If it wasn’t for him, I’d be dead. I owe him my life and finally, I can return the favor.”

“Ok, I know Cal isn’t exactly your neighborhood superhero and it’s not like he has such a generous and kind heart to help anyone,” Ava said, rolling her eyes at her own words, “but, he didn’t save you so you could pay him back for it someday. He just did it because…because you’re family. He’s not expecting anything in return, Liz. Nobody will blame you if you walk away.”

“I can’t.” And before anyone could say anything in rebuttal, Liz quickly spoke, “And I won’t. I’m alive because of him.”

“What, you think he’ll ask you to repay the act by sacrificing yourself?”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“But that is what will happen. We know this will end badly, Liz.”

“Then why won’t you let me help you?”

“Because you’re not one of us!” Ava yelled. “We were created for this, to end the war one way or another. And unfortunately, we know we are at the losing end.”

“Do you think for one minute that it’s going to stop there? No, it won’t.”

“We don’t know that. Khivar just wants the throne; so we face him once and for all. Whoever’s still alive in the end gets the crown. Why join us when even if, and this is a huge if, even if you’re the last person standing at the end of it all, you can’t rule Antar. So why risk your life?”

“Because I won’t just stay at the sidelines and wait for news about one or all my friends dying.” Liz spoke softly. “I already lost my parents, you guys are the only family I have left. And if I lose you too….” She couldn’t even complete the sentence. She didn’t even want the thought to cross her mind.

Serena and Ava only glanced at each other before looking back at Liz.

“I don’t want to discuss this anymore. Nothing you say will change my mind.” Liz stood up, signaling the end of their conversation and went into her bedroom, leaving Serena and Ava to retreat into their own rooms.

Liz laid in bed, still awake, a million thoughts running through her mind. However, there was one thing replaying itself over and over in her head.

Walking down a dark path in New York City, Liz never felt more alone than she had since her parents died. Rain kept pelting her olive skin, drenching her long dark locks and soaking her clothes through and through. She wrapped her arms around her chest and kept walking, trying desperately to find the location on the picture she carried with her.

It was an old photo of her grandmother when she was younger, of her father as a boy and of a man she never knew or seen before. She found it from her father’s things when she visited her parents’ house. She was thankful that she was living with Serena’s family but there were times when she missed her mom and dad and going into their home was the only thing that helped when the loneliness became too much. She would usually take out her dad’s shirt or her mom’s brush. She’d hug the clothing to her, smelling the scent that reminded her of her father. Or she would run the brush along her hair, thinking of how her mother would comb her tresses before going to bed when she was a child. Sometimes, you can’t help but think of the ‘what ifs’. What if they had never been in that accident? How would her life be different from the one she lived now?

This time, she went to look in her father’s study, browsing through the books he read and picked up one of them. Deep in the space behind the book was a small rock, or at least what looked like a rock. However, this was different, it was glowing a bright amber color. She took it out of its hiding place and looked at it closely, trying to study. She put it in her pocket then leafed through the pages of the book. The old photograph slipped from the between the sheets, gliding slowly towards the floor. It landed face down, a New York address glaring back at her.

Two years later, she was walking down the streets of Manhattan, looking for someone who would give her an answer. Who would the address lead to? Did it belong to a lost relative that she didn’t know about? Whoever lived in that location, did they know that her father was dead, that she was left alone without a family?

The rain kept pouring as she stopped in front of the steps of an upscale house. Whoever owned it was obviously rich. Gritting her teeth to keep it from chattering, she walked up the few steps and knocked on the huge white doors. She ran her fingers through her wet hair, trying her best to make her somewhat presentable to the person who would answer the door. She heard a male voice calling out then the door unlocking.

“Yeah?” a young man, about a couple of years older than her looked back at her indifferently.

Liz stood frozen, but this time it wasn’t from the cold. It was his eyes; they were the same amber color as the stone she found. She immediately knew that he was somehow connected to the object she found in her father’s room.

“Are you begging or sumt’n?” he asked, eyes burning into hers.

“N-no. Um, I’m looking for the owner of this house. I…I just need a few minutes to…to talk to him or her, I mean, them—”

He just looked over his shoulder and yelled, “Cal!”, then walked away leaving the door open for Liz to enter.

She slowly walked into the warm house and closed the door. She savored the warmth inside though she kept shivering, having walked through that biting cold rain for hours. She was looking around but still rooted in the same spot.

“Yes, who are you?” An older and short bald man entered the foyer, scrutinizing the petite girl before him.

Liz just stood there for a few minutes. She didn’t know if it was from shock of seeing the same man in the picture taken decades ago; or if it was the onset of hypothermia, but whatever the reason she felt the world going black and then she fainted.

She heard voices around her…

“Heal her!”

“What for?”

“Just do it!”

“Cal, he can’t do that.”

“Yes I can! I just don’t want to.”

“I don’t care if you want to or not, but just heal her damnit!”

“Are YOU ordering me?”

“No…just…do this. Please.”

She was coming in and out of consciousness. She thought about the man in the photograph. How was that possible? Wasn’t this the same man in the picture she held? But that was years before she was even born, how could he still look the same?

And then she saw those amber eyes again, bidding her to open them. When she did, millions of thoughts swirled in her mind, hers and of someone else. Something was happening, something odd. She felt heat creeping in her veins, warming up her blood. She began feeling better and better, the cold disappearing.

She woke up and found herself in a bedroom, her clothes all dry. There was a man sitting on a chair beside the bed, the same man on the photo which he now held. “Who are you and why do you have this?”

“Uh, good evening. sir.” Liz sat up, shaking herself out of her daze. “My name is Elizabeth Parker. I…I know this will sound weird, but I found your address from the back of that picture and I…I guess I just wanted to find out if your father knew my dad and my grandmother.”

Cal was immediately curious, he knew of a Parker family, but he hadn’t heard from them for so long. “Who are your parents?”

“Jeffrey and Nancy Parker. Did you know them?”

“Yes. I know Jeff…wait, what do you mean if I knew them?” A sinking feeling settled into the pit of his stomach, a huge feat considering he learned how to block any human emotion.

“My parents are…they’ve…passed away. And I just…” Liz faltered. “I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I just wanted to find someone, anyone who knew them.”

Cal let out a gasp. He knew Jeff and his mother, Claudia. She helped him when no one else would. Of course, no one on Earth would truly help an alien who just crash landed in the desert but Claudia and her young son did. But now, his friend was dead.

Cal let out a sigh and began to tell his tale. “I knew your father and your grandmother when they were younger.”

“How is that possible? You…you’re still the same. You haven’t aged.”

Cal nodded solemnly, he knew he was about to do something stupid but he can’t just let the young woman seated across from him go back to where she came from without anyone to watch over her. She was going to be one of his charges from now on.

“First of all, my name is Cal, Cal Langley and I’m an alien.”

Liz couldn’t help but smile at the memory. She almost fainted but didn’t. She was too eager to find out how her family has been connected to life forms from outer space.

She recalled Cal explaining to her how he came to know her family, and how they helped him hide from military soldiers who sought him out right after the crash in Roswell, New Mexico. He also told her how the stone worked, that it was some type of communicator. He felt sorry about not being there to help her parents when they were in need. Liz knew he wasn’t to blame, it was an accident; she had come to accept that long ago. But Cal made a promise to always keep her safe, to repay the kindness that her family had shown him.

And he did repay it, by giving her everything she could want and more. It was only Liz who kept refusing. But somehow, knowing that he was there looking after her, and that he knew her grandmother and her father and the stories he told her of them, helped her cope with the loneliness.

She settled in the comfort of her bed and as she drifted off to sleep, she dreamt of those eyes that met hers years ago in New York. Little did she know, she was about to come across them again, only this time, it was much closer than she could ever imagine.


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:50 am
by kay_b
A/N: Thanks for all the bumps and feedback. As requested, here's a new part. Hope you'll all like it.



Even with a busy day at school Liz couldn’t stop worrying about Cal. Sure he wasn’t a part of her biological family but she considered him as an uncle anyway. And not hearing from him despite the fact that Ava resurfaced in her hometown, was making her frantic.

And it clearly showed in her features as she worked. Her eyes had dark circles under them and she was sometimes disoriented even as she tried her best to focus on her work. The longer the day progressed, the more tired she looked.

“Maybe you should cut the day short.” Serena suggested after she found Liz at her desk, her hands rubbing her eyelids to keep herself awake.

“I can’t, I have a lot of paperwork to do today.” Liz answered without even lifting her head to look at her friend.

“That can wait. Besides, I doubt if you’ve done a lot.” She smirked knowing well enough that when Liz was preoccupied with “otherworldly” matters, she could not concentrate on anything else.

Liz sighed, “You’re right, ok. But I’d rather stay here and try to work than go home and have more time in my hands. I’ll just keep agonizing on this over and over and not be able to do anything.”

“But if you stay here, your mind will be on something else and you’ll just be messing up everything you’re working on, doubling the effort you have to put in tomorrow.”

“I just don’t know what to do anymore, Serena. I want to help him but I don’t even know where to start looking for him.” Liz said in frustration.

“Stop fretting, he’ll come to you if he’s in really deep trouble.”

“That’s just it, he won’t. He’ll try to do everything to keep me out of it.”

“Maybe because—”

“Stop, don’t even go there.” Liz stood up and grabbed her purse. “I’m gonna go get an early lunch and if I’m not back then I took the rest of the day off.”

As she was putting on her coat, she noticed Serena was still in her office. “Don’t you have a class to head back to?”

“Actually, the bell has rung about 15 minutes ago. I can’t believe you didn’t even hear it!” Serena exclaimed. “Plus I was about to offer my services and accompany you for lunch, that is, if you want to.”

“Alright, maybe you can prevent me from slipping into the mood I’m currently in.” Liz acquiesced.

They headed off for lunch, Serena calling Ava on their way to the local restaurant. She knew that both her friends needed to preoccupy themselves with something else rather than waiting for alien enemies to pounce. So maybe, a normal lunch out with your girlfriends could somehow relieve the stress even if it’s just a little while.

Ava agreed to meet them and walked in just after the waiter placed their drinks on the table. “So wassup?” she asked right after plopping herself on the seat reserved for her.

“I’m trying to distract Liz from the abyss she has sunk into.” Serena replied.

Liz rolled her eyes at that comment, though she knew her redheaded friend was right.

“Well let’s thank the heavens you’re here, Serena. Got a feeling if you weren’t, Liz would’ve probably run herself to the ground pacing and overanalyzing what’s going on with Cal.” Ava added.

Now that comment irked Liz a little bit more. She could understand if it came from Serena, she would even maybe let it slide without saying anything. But this coming from Ava was inexcusable.

Serena knew that Ava’s words wouldn’t sit well with Liz and she had to grimace at what was about to come next.

“How could you say that? We don’t know what’s happening to him? For all we know he could be lying somewhere in the middle of the street, dead!” Liz’s voice kept getting louder and louder.

“Liz, hush, calm down.” Serena was doing her best to appease her friend without causing a scene. Liz was already doing a good job of that all by herself.

Ava looked at the other patrons that were beginning to stare at their table. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” She dared them to answer her but no one took the bait. Then she turned her attention back to Liz.

“Listen to me. D’ya think I’m a coward? That I would leave him alone even if I knew he couldn’t handle things on his own?”

Liz noticed that she was creating a commotion and tried to control her anger. “That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then tell me coz I’m sure hearin’ ya different.”

“I…I just…” Liz was almost at the point of a breakdown. She could feel the tears pricking her eyes but she didn’t want to lose it out in public. “I just want to know that he’s safe.” she whispered.

Ava’s anger dissipated. She could sympathize with Liz since she thought they were somewhat kindred. Granted they were different species, but they were in the same boat. Liz lost her parents at a young age and had taken Cal as her surrogate family, while Cal was the only father figure Ava has ever known.

She reached out to hold Liz’s hand, “He is, Liz. I wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t.”

Liz nodded, taking the table napkin to dab at the corners of her eyes. That has been the real reason she couldn’t sleep, couldn’t work. She was scared for Cal, scared that she would never see nor hear from him again.

“Do you want to contact him?” Ava offered. That was to be a last resort, in case of an emergency, but she knew Liz needed to talk to him.

Liz was battling with herself. She felt torn if she should get in touch with Cal or not. On one hand, she wants to know that he’s alright. But on the other, getting in touch with him could mean luring their enemies to his location. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily at the weight of the proverbial world on her shoulders.

Liz remained silent. She knew she had to control her emotions, the same way she learned to control her powers, only this time Cal wouldn’t be standing beside her.

She was back in White Plains for a few months now and was laying in bed thinking about her friends in New York, more importantly, him. No one ever introduced them. No one even spoke of him. The only time she saw him was when he opened the door when she first came to their house. After that, she never saw him again. Sure, she asked Cal and Ava about him but they always changed the topic, not wanting to discuss the man that owned those hazel eyes.

She absentmindedly tapped her bed, still thinking about that guy. She wondered if she was infatuated with him but then laughed at herself. She never even knew him, never talked to him. How could she fall for someone she only saw for a split second?

Then she noticed that her bed felt different. She sat up and her eyes widened at what she saw. Her sheets there were formerly of blue cotton, were now the exact same color of the eyes of her mystery man!

“Oh my God!” she started screaming, freaking out in her room.

Serena came barging in, worried that something had happened to her friend. “What? What happened? Are you alright?”

“My bed...” Liz whispered.

Serena looked at her friend’s bed and noticed the new silk sheets. Then she looked back at her friend curiously, wondering what was wrong with it.

“What about your bed? Was there a bug or something?”

Liz shook her head in the negative. “My…my sheets, they’re different.”

“Yeah, it’s nice.”

“Nice? Nice? That’s all you’re going to say?”

“What else should I say? They’re silk?”

“They weren’t like that when I laid down on it a few minutes ago.”

“What? What are you talking about?” Serena asked. She was beginning to get worried that maybe something had happened to Liz when she was in New York.

When she came back, Serena was relieved. She had to admit she was scared that maybe Liz had enjoyed her stay too much with her family’s friend and that she might decide to stay there for good.

Liz was breathing hard; she didn’t know how to explain what happened without revealing the things she discovered in the Big Apple. But now, she had no choice.

“There are things I have to tell you…but you have to promise me that you would never tell another soul.” Liz started.

“Okay.” Serena nodded.

“No, not just ok, I need you to swear that what I say will be something you will carry with you to the grave.”

“What? Liz, you’re talking crazy.”

“Swear it, Serena!”

Serena was getting exasperated, “Fine, I swear.”

Liz gave her a quick nod and told her tale of aliens living among us.

“So you mean, you…you did this?” Serena looked at Liz then back at the bed and back at her again.

“I think so.”

Serena picked up the cordless phone on Liz’s night table and handed it to her.

“Call them. We don’t know what we’re dealing with here and we need the ones who do.”

Liz dialed the familiar number and was instructed to take the next flight out to New York.

As they were getting ready to leave, Ava excused herself to use the restroom. “I’ll just meet you two outside.”

Serena and Liz nodded and walked out the double doors of the restaurant.

But just as they stepped out into the sunlight, Liz froze.

Serena was busy trying to find gum in her purse that she didn’t notice Liz stopping in her tracks. Though when she did, she looked back and saw the distressed face of her friend, her brown eyes wide as that of a deer caught in headlights.


“No, it can’t be…” Liz murmured.

Serena walked back to Liz and turned to face the street, wondering what it was that captured her attention.

Right across them was little Zan carried by a man she had never met before. He was tall, with jet black hair and is very good looking. Serena thought that maybe, finally, a man has caught her best friend’s eye. He placed Zan in the car seat in the back, took a quick look directly at them then began to get into the driver’s seat of his black SUV.

But before Serena could even ask why they were staring at her student and who she assumed was possibly Zan’s dad since they look alike; Liz leapt into action.

“Stop!” Liz yelled to prevent the guy from getting into his SUV and driving away. She ran towards the vehicle that was parked across the street. Her arm stretched out, palm open and green ropes of electric current racing up and down her skin. She was ready to fight.

“Liz, wait!” Serena called out to her.

Ava could hear Liz and Serena’s voices from outside the restaurant, and in an instant she feared that her enemies managed to follow her and have engaged her friends in battle. Her footsteps became hurried and it wasn’t long till she was running out the doors.

She was greeted with an uncertain scene, her alien eyes formerly the color of ice blue were now completely black. Her powers enabled her to quickly scan the players but she could find not find any foe. Beside her, Serena was in a panic, urging her to stop Liz.

That was when she saw what Liz was about to do. So no sooner than Liz could fire, Ava ran up to her and pulled down her arm, stopping her from doing anything disastrous. “Liz, no!”

Max just came out of the small grocery store with Zan in tow. Since their group had been volunteering to bring his son to school and watch out for any alien powers to show up, he felt like he was losing some quality time with him. So his solution was to bring Zan with him while going around town running errands.

And he felt that Zan was happy too. The connection that father and son shared had helped Max take care of him more efficiently. Zan was never a loud baby, he never cried hysterically nor had temper tantrums. Sure he would whimper and sob when he wanted something, needed a change, when he was hungry or sleepy. But he never really bawled uncontrollably because Max always knew what the problem was way before it got out of hand.

Getting ready to go home, he was carrying Zan in one arm while he put the two brown paper bags in the trunk one at a time. He shut the trunk and went to the back door, opening it to put Zan in his car seat. As soon as his son was strapped in, he stood back up and noticed a brown-haired woman staring at him. And as their eyes briefly locked on each other, the world stopped turning at that moment.

He gave her a half smile and proceeded to get in the driver seat of his SUV. Then Max heard some yelling from outside. And being the paranoid alien that had survived the White Room, Max looked at his rearview mirror to check where all the shouting was coming from. He saw the same brunette, her arms now covered with green streaks being held down by another woman. But it was the other, a short blonde with strands of neon pink hair, who made his heart jump up to his throat, and not in a good way.

The fear swiftly growing inside him was threatening to swallow him whole; because there was no logical explanation other than the reflection he was seeing belonged to a ghost.


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:25 am
by kay_b
A/N: Wow, thank you for all your feedback.

polar vixen
- LOL, I never even realized I portrayed a "controlling" Isabel too. (And I agree with your sidenote about calling Max controlling despite Isabel and Michael's actions in S1.) By the way, Isabel is listed as one of Zan's guardians, in case something happens.

It's great to see some familiar as well as new names here. Again, thank you for reading. Now on to the next part....



Max rounded up the gang, calling all of them up and instructing them to pack light because they were leaving town. He didn’t even give anyone the opportunity to respond. As soon as he was able to relay the message, he hung up and started dialing another number.

He parked his SUV haphazardly in front of his home, not even bothering to park it in the driveway. Max quickly picked up Zan from the back of the vehicle and ran towards the house.

He had come to like White Plains and could almost call it home. But he knew he always had to be on the lookout for anything because his life, that of his son, his sister, his best friend and their changed human friends, all depended on it.

Max always knew there would come a time that they would have to leave. He didn’t allow himself to develop any attachments to the small quiet town he lived in for months now. But at least for that time, he was able to live normally as much as he could.

He burst thru the door, not even caring that Zan had started crying due to the fright coming off him in waves. The child was scared, and Max couldn’t blame his son, he was just as afraid, if not more.

Max was greeted with everyone throwing him question after question. Though they all had their bags ready, they still wanted to know what caused the panic on their leader’s face. Despite the arguments they’d been having lately, they still respected him and if he was the one to order that they should leave, it was big and they wanted to know who they were going up against this time.

Max raced up the stairs to his bedroom while still carrying little Zan. He didn’t want to let the boy out of his sight. He put his son down on the bed and took a bag from his closet as well as a few clothes.

Isabel and Michael followed to get some answers just as Kyle came in, informing everyone that his van was ready. And Alex was trying to comfort a flustered Maria.

“Max, what happened? Are you and Zan alright?” Isabel asked when they reached his room.

“We’re fine, just pack Zan’s things, please, Isabel.” Max told his sister.

Isabel nodded and ran to Zan’s room to do as her brother requested. She didn’t want to get into an argument with her brother. Just the look of fear on his face was enough proof.

“What’s going on, Maxwell?” This came from Michael.

Max paused to look at his best friend; his eyes clearly showing the terror within. “She’s here.”

Michael quickly understood who Max was referring to but he knew it was impossible. Tess died.

“How…how is that possible? She died, along with the base that exploded.”

“I don’t know, maybe she survived it. I don’t care how she did it, but I am not staying here for her to find us.”

Michael agreed and hurried back to the others to start putting their belongings in the van.

After a few hurried minutes, they all got in, ready to leave. But as Michael put the key in the ignition, their path had been blocked. Tess had found them.

“We have to go after him!” Liz said worriedly as she watched the black SUV speed away from them.

Serena rushed up to her two friends. She took off her coat and gave it to Ava to cover Liz’s hands.

“Ava, you’ve got to mindwarp everyone, make them forget what they saw just now.” Serena ordered.

“Gotcha.” Ava closed her eyes to concentrate. Then she did her magic on all the people that had seen Liz’s arms, erasing the vision and the memory of it from their minds. When she opened her eyes, it was done. They looked around and saw people going on about their business as if nothing out of the ordinary happened just a few minutes ago.

When they got to a more secure alley and Liz’s green streaks were gone, she quickly started on Ava. “Why is he here? What does he want with Zan?”

Ava looked sharply at her, “Who’s here? And how did you know that name?”

“Zan is a student in my class.” Serena responded.

“I was talking about the one who healed me, Ava, he whose name should not be mentioned, why does he have Zan?” Liz said sarcastically, even quoting Harry Potter.

“I’d say you were seeing things. He can’t be here, he’s dead.” Ava informed them.


“The skins killed him.” said Ava sadly.

“So it’s the skins that have Zan?” Serena was beginning to get scared. If the skins have Zan, she couldn’t fathom what they would do to the boy.

“Oh God”, Liz whispered, fear creeping up her veins.

“Show me what he looked like.” Ava said hopefully.

Liz took Ava’s hands in hers and formed a connection with her, showing her what transpired before she came out of the restaurant and the man that had Zan with him.

Then Ava said something that gave Liz hope, “It’s them.”

“Serena, Liz, get away from her!” Kyle stepped out of the van, calling his friends to their side as he had one hand outstretched and aimed at the enemy.

Serena and Liz only looked back at him as they stood in front of the driveway, effectively stopping the gang from leaving.

Michael, Alex and Isabel followed. Maria stayed inside the vehicle, holding Zan to protect him. And lastly, Max.

“What are you doing here, Tess? We thought you were dead.” Max said calmly.

“Tess? I’m not this Tess person. She must be my dupe.” Ava stated.

“Where’s Zan?” Liz asked.

“He’s safe.” Isabel answered. “Are you with her?” Isabel motioned her head at Ava.

Liz nodded, “She’s my friend.”

“She’s a monster. She almost killed me.” Alex spoke.

“No! Her name’s Ava. And we’re not here to hurt anyone.” Serena replied.

“Not here to hurt anyone? You were ready to blast me.” Max said.

“I thought you were someone else. And I was only aiming for the tires to stop you from driving away. I thought you had kidnapped Zan.” Liz explained.

“I’m his father.”

“Yeah, I get that now.”

Max, Michael and Isabel looked at each other. Michael telepathically called out to Maria, urging her to use her empathic abilities to check Tess’ clone.

*She’s not Tess. She is who she says she is.* Maria informed them.

“If you’re not here to harm us, then why seek us out?” Max asked.

“We…I…I needed to check on Zan.” Liz answered.

“Why? If you’re not Tess, what do you want with him?” Max questioned.

“Nothing, we just wanted to know that he’s safe.” Liz replied.

“Who are you?” Max was wary, his senses on high alert.

“Maybe we should discuss this somewhere more private.” Liz suggested.

Max sent a telepathic communication to Maria, telling her to convey it to everyone else. *You, Kyle and Alex will stay in the van with Zan. Michael, Isabel and I will talk to them inside the house. If things go wrong, I want you to get as far away from here as you can.*

Maria sent Max’s message to the rest of the group. The only way anyone would know that something had happened was when Alex and Kyle got in the vehicle and the three hybrids went back into the house. The three ladies quickly followed the aliens.

They all went into the living room and sat on the couches facing each other.

Max began, “Who are you?”

“This is Ava, I’m Liz and this is our friend Serena.” Liz motioned towards her friends.

“So you’re aliens too?” Isabel added.

“No, Liz was changed, most likely the same way your other friends were. But Serena is one hundred percent human.” Ava told them.

“How come you look like Tess?” Max wanted to get to the point as fast as he can.

“Like I said, prob’ly my dupe. Same with you guys lookin’ like Zan, Vilondra and Rath.”

“We look like them? We’re all identical?” Michael asked.

Ava nodded. “But you’re different. Your behavior ain’t like theirs.”

“What happened to them?”

“Dunno where Rath and Lon are, they split a long time ago. And…uh, Zan’s dead.” Ava said, giving Liz a brief glance.

“Zan is…the one who healed me.” Liz concluded.

“How did he die?” Max questioned.

“Killed by our enemies.”

“The skins?” This came from Isabel.

“You know about them?”

“Yeah, but I thought Tess wiped them out already.” Michael looked at Max.

“She obviously didn’t.” Max replied.

“So why did you come here?”

“Lem’me give you the 411.” Ava said. “We’re the decoys, me, Zan, Lonnie and Rath. Khivar is our enemy on Antar, that’s our planet.”

“We know about Antar, who we were in that past life and who Khivar is. But we don’t want that, we don’t have any interest in reclaiming the throne.” Max adamantly stated.

“Khivar doesn’t care whether you want it or not. As long as there’s an heir who has the capacity to lay a claim, he won’t stop till he kills every last living person related to you. ”

“We just want to live normal lives, as regular human beings.” Isabel said.

“Didn’t Tess say that he wanted the Granolith?” Michael addressed Max and Isabel.

“You know about the Granolith too?”

Michael only looked back at Ava.

“And its location?”

He then raised a brow to signal his answer.

“You can’t give it to him.” Ava responded.

“Why not? We give him the Granolith and he stops looking for us.” Max pronounced.

Ava shook her head no. “It won’t end there. He’ll still kill everyone related to you because if your followers find out that your line is still in existence, they’ll revolt against him.”

“So what do you want us to do exactly?” Max questioned; he was now suspicious.

“We need you to help us fight our enemies.”

Max’s features became stoic. He knew this was where the women were getting at. He didn’t want to get involved. He was no longer a king of some planet from a faraway galaxy. He was just a regular person, a father who wants to give his son a regular life.

“No.” Max calmly spoke.

“But you have to help us. Khivar will stop at nothing to kill you and get the Granolith. He’s already sent more of his soldiers to find it, even if it means destroyin’ this planet.” Ava countered.

“What? Can he do that?” Isabel was shocked by this news.

“He’s already started.” Liz uttered.

“So what do you two have to do with this?” Max asked Serena and Liz.

“Well, as you heard, their Zan healed me. Long story short, I went to them because their protector knows my family. Apparently they helped him when he needed it years ago. So when I found them, we’ve been in contact since.” Liz explained.

“This is not our war.” Max stood.

Liz stood and came face to face with him. “Yes it is. I know I’m not one of you but I’m willing to fight because your enemies have brought the war to my home.” Then Liz hit where it would hurt the most. “Once Khivar finds you and discovers that you have a son, who do you think he’ll kill next?”

“He will only get Zan over my dead body”, exclaimed Max.

“Exactly. Once he’s done with you, there will be no one to protect your child from that monster.” Liz put in.

Max sat down, contemplating everything. Michael and Isabel could only look on. Neither of them wanted to join the fight, but they knew Ava and Liz’s words rang true. They had to kill their enemies before their enemies kill them.


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:15 am
by kay_b
A/N: Thank you for all your feedback. Things are about to get a little complicated so please bear with me. Explanations will come in the next two parts. Hopefully I can end this in just 20 chapters but that seems unlikely. Anyway, here's the next installment. Enjoy!


“So…” Kyle began as he sat across Serena by the kitchen counter.

“So?” Serena prodded.

“So you’re part of the ‘I Know An Alien Club’.”

Serena chuckled and nodded. “That’s a good way of putting it.”

“How come you’re not in there with the rest of the group discussing how to save the world?” Kyle was referring to the living room where everyone now was, except him because he chose to accompany Serena in the kitchen.

Maria, Kyle, Alex and little Zan came in the house after Max gave them the go-signal, telling Maria telepathically that it was now safe to bring the rest of the group in.

Max immediately took Zan in his arms to assure himself that they were safe once again. And he didn’t relinquish his hold on his son even when they started their meeting.

They all sat facing Liz and Ava in the living room and fired question after question regarding the duplicates, the skins and Khivar’s imminent attack on Earth.

“I’m not really a part of Liz and Ava’s alien gang.” Serena said lightly.

“You’re not…uh, changed like Liz is?” Kyle asked.


“But you’re going to help them fight when the time comes.” assumed Kyle.

Serena nodded with a half smile.

“Aren’t you scared? I mean, you’re just…normal.”

Serena sat up straighter, “And you’re not?”

Kyle shook his head to give a negative response. “No, Max healed me from a bullet wound.”

“I see.”

“So, my question?” Kyle prodded.

“Oh, right. Well, I must admit it is terrifying when you think about fighting aliens. But wouldn’t you rather fight than just sit around and wait for them to get you?”

“You have a point.” Kyle acknowledged.

“And that’s why I’m with them on this.” Serena added. “So what can you do?”

Kyle found it odd to be wearing the other shoe. It used to be that he was the one throwing the questions on his friends’ abilities. That was until his powers decided to make themselves known. And now, it felt different to be on the other side, the one being asked what kind of powers he possessed.

“For one, I can blow things up, and I can throw an invisible force to send objects, and people, flying. Comes in handy when you’re running from the FBI.”

“The FBI?” Serena perked up. Not once did Liz nor Ava mention threats other than those from Khivar and his army.

“Yeah, there’s a team of really higher ups in the bureau that are after us. They’re called the Special Unit; wants to know what makes aliens tic. I know the skins are the worse enemy but don’t discount the Special Unit. They have their ways of torturing too.”

“And you know this how?” Serena was almost afraid to ask.

Kyle only gave her a single name, “Max”

As soon as the more important topics were thrashed out, Max went into Zan’s room to put him down for a nap. The child was exhausted from all the rousing activities he and his father did today.

Max tucked his son in his crib and prayed hard that no harm comes upon them. He blamed himself for everything that was happening. If it weren’t for who he was, his son’s life wouldn’t be in such grave danger. Once again, he wondered if keeping his son wasn’t a mistake.

“I promise to protect you with my life, Zan. I’ll die first before they can do anything to hurt you.” Max whispered as he pulled the blanket and lulled his child to sleep.

Max left the door ajar and went down the stairs with a baby monitor in his hand. He also encased Zan’s crib in a shield he created for double safety.

But as soon as he came back to the living room, he noticed everyone was in the other room except a nervous looking Liz.

“Mr. Evans, I want to apologize for what happened earlier.” Liz began. “I know I acted rashly, not thinking about the repercussions. I didn’t intend to harm you or Zan, I…I was only looking out for him, I guess. But that doesn’t excuse what I’ve done and again, I am so sorry.”

Max didn’t know what to say, he knew he had a right to be angry but he could tell that she honestly wanted to assure that Zan wasn’t in danger. Plus he felt like even if he did want to be mad at her, something within compelled him not to. He wondered briefly if he was getting Maria’s power of feeling others’ emotions or being able to hear their thoughts.

“You’re right, it was rash and you didn’t think. I am thankful that you had my son’s safety in mind but next time, try asking questions first before shooting.” Max said coldly.

“For what it’s worth, I can guarantee that no one saw what happened.” Liz added.

“What? But there were people out there. Is this one of your abilities?” Max asked.

“No, it was Ava’s. She erased that scene from people’s minds to ensure that we won’t be discovered.”

“Actually…” Ava had a guilty look on her face. Now that they’ve been found, it was time to come clean.

“What do you mean you didn’t do anything?” Liz said in an outburst.

Another round of talks began but this time everyone was in attendance.

“Exactly that.” Ava countered.

“So those people know? They know that I did something that no one on Earth should be able to?”

“Well, they know it’s not impossible.” Ava said.

“Stop talking in riddles and just tell us everything we need to know now. Cause Max’s idea of running is looking better and better if you keep on with this crap.” This came from Michael; he hated not knowing things, especially those that are detrimental to their survival.

“Ok, it’s just…Liz, don’t hate me.” Ava pleaded as she quickly threw a glance at her friend.

“Why?” Liz was beginning to get curious. Obviously this was something big if Ava had to hide it from her and Serena.

“Didn’t you ever think why I’m here while Cal isn’t?”

Liz looked at Serena and spoke, “You said things weren’t that bad and that he could handle things on his own.”

“True but it’s also because it’s safer here. The reason I didn’t do anything earlier, with erasing people’s thoughts, it’s because… we didn’t need to.”

“Don’t keep us in suspense, will you? Just spill it out, Ava.” Serena yelled.

Ava sighed, she knew her friends would hate her or at least be really angry with her. “This town, White Plains, it belongs to the people of Antar.”

“WHAT?!” Shock and confusion were all etched on their faces.

“This is why Cal didn’t take you in, Liz.” Ava explained. “He knew you’d be safer here, with Antarian soldiers hiding in plain sight. That’s why I’m here. He’s gone with a few chosen soldiers to look for you.” She looked at Max, Michael and Isabel, “The plan was to bring you here where you’ll be looked after by more capable…people.”

“Then why do you need them to fight?” Alex questioned.

“That’s a last resort. And in any case, you also need to be able to defend yourself should Khivar and his men get to you.”

“Wait a minute. If the people here are aliens like you guys are, then why is Cal still out there looking for them while these soldiers have known that they’ve been living here all along?” Liz was feeling a little enraged. Something was off she now knew for certain.

“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking the same thing.” Ava admitted.

“Well since they’re here now, you can call him and ask him to come.” Liz hoped.

“Yes, but I don’t know if he would and risk having the Skins follow him.” Ava answered.

“But you said it’s safe here. That all these people are soldiers who are on our side.”

“You know how Cal thinks; he would look at every possible angle and even the impossible ones before making a decision. If there is ever a slight chance that he’d be jeopardizing White Plains, especially now that they’re here, he won’t come. And obviously, he has other reasons and believe me, I wish I knew what they are too.”

“So he’d rather stay away than fight with us? Some protector you have.” Maria commented.

“Yo Blondie, if he comes here and just one Skin infiltrates us, one, Khivar will be here faster than you can blink your fake lashes and obliterate everyone. So yeah, that’s the kind of protector we have.” Ava sneered at Maria.

“What did you just say to me?” Maria was on her feet and ready to fight.

“Stop it, both of you!” Max ordered.

Maria huffed and sat back down. Ava looked at her menacingly but obeyed Max too.

“Look, the Antarian soldiers that are here are sleepers, they’re off duty until you need them or until Khivar starts a fight. There are thousands living in and around White Plains, not all of them we can see. Some are in hiding in the perimeter areas, surrounding towns, a limited few spread out across the country on the lookout for enemy activity.” Ava continued.

“You said that they would come if we needed them. Max did, the one you all acknowledge as your king, how come no one was there at the time he needed them the most?” Kyle inquired.

“I don’t know.” Ava answered honestly. She was also curious about that because that’s what the soldiers are for. After they told her their tale of the dangers that they had to face in the hands of the government, more specifically the Special Unit and their White Room, the soldiers should have been able to rescue Max the minute he was detained there.

“Maybe Cal can provide us with an answer to that one.” Serena put forward.

“What do we do now, Max?” Isabel asked. She has remained silent the entire time, just absorbing everything in. She was worried about what Ava told them, of the lives they once had in Antar and the role she played in the downfall of their kingdom. How could she do that to them? Is that her true nature? To betray the people she loved for her own selfish wants?

Maria heard Isabel’s thoughts and placed a hand on top of her friend’s to offer her guidance. ‘That wasn’t you, Iz. You’re different now, you’re not her.’

Isabel smiled back at her friend and thanked her for her words.

“For now, we stay. But we need Cal here, he’s the only one who can tell us everything we need to know, how many are on our side and what we’re up against.” Max stated.

All the way back to their house, the three friends were quiet; each had their own thoughts running through their heads.

Liz entered first and just wanted to go to her room and spend time alone. So many things have happened and she just needed some time to sort it all out.

“Liz?” Ava called after her but Liz just kept walking.

“If you say that everyone that lives here are basically aliens, what am I?” Serena just blurted out.

This made Liz stop in her tracks and turn around to face her friends. They were in a lockdown, both Serena and Liz looking at Ava, the looks they gave her dared her to lie. She was in a Catch 22, Ava knew that if she told them some kind of sham, she would lose the only people she considered her friends. But then again, this wasn’t a question that she should answer herself. In the end, the thought of losing the only people she called friends had won out.

“You’re a soldier too, Serena. Your parents are part of an elite force; they’re two of the best as far as I know.” Ava told Serena. She would’ve wanted Serena to ask her folks, not her. It wasn’t her place to tell but she had no choice.

“And me? Am I a soldier too?”

Ava slowly turned to look at Liz and shook her head imperceptibly. “No, you’re not…your highness.”

TBC...till Thursday

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:49 am
by kay_b
A/N: Thanks so much for all your feedback.

begonia9508 - Eve, aren't you used to my cliffhangers by now? LOL. Thanks so much for reading.

cluless - Thanks for reading.

FSU/MSW-94 - La'Shon, more will be explained in the chapter after this one.

futuremrsmcdreamy - Thanks for reading this. More will be revealed I promise.

Natalie36 - Yeah, sorry, I just thought that was the best part to end the chapter but I'm back with more.

roswell3053 - Some of the explanation can be found in the part below but it's not as complete as we all would want.

aussietrueblue - Thanks for reading this.

kj4ever - Hi KJ, thanks for reading my story. I love your Web of Deception, awesome twist. A bit of Liz and Serena's identities will be explained here but more will come soon.

Cocogurl - Glad you're liking this.

Flamehair - Thank you for reading.

katydid - That's going to come soon, but there's a bit here already.

Michelle in Yonkers - Michelle! I'm so glad to see you here, missed chatting with you about our fave guy, Jason. I wouldn't really leave you all hanging...for long, lol Yeah, what Max's relationship with Zan could have been like is what inspired me to write this.

Alright, on to the next part....



“Come again?” Serena couldn’t believe her ears.

“What are you talking about?” Liz asked.

“Exactly what I said. You’s our queenie.” Ava spoke, reverting back to her old accent.

“How…how is that possible? I’m human, my parents are human!”

“Your mom was but Claudia and Jeffrey were pure Antarian.”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything?” Liz was already yelling at this point. Her brain still couldn’t wrap around the information it had just received.

“Because Cal instructed me not to.” Ava exhaled hard. She was told of this when Zan died. Cal thought that someone should know of all the vital information now that Zan was gone.

Ava had no idea about the amount of secrets that he was told. She, along with Lonnie and Rath, were all curious of the private meetings Zan had with Cal but they couldn’t get him to reveal anything that was divulged to him.

And when he perished, Cal decided to pass on the whole story to the last of the decoys. Ava was shocked at first to find out about White Plains. She had no idea that they had an army at their disposal. But what stunned her more was her true role in all of this chaos. She was just a protector, and the Queen’s handmaiden.

“Well since you’re the one who’s here, then I suggest you start talking.” Serena instructed Ava then she motioned towards Liz’s arms where green streaks of electricity have begun to appear.

“Oh no, Liz, you gotta calm down, girl.” Ava moved to calm her friend down but an electric current quickly gave her a jolt as she tried to reach for Liz.

“Ow,” Ava exclaimed and touched her injured hand. Serena immediately went to Ava to check her palm.

“Liz?” Serena turned to her friend.

Liz was breathing in harsh breaths. She couldn’t think. How could she not know? Why didn’t her parents tell her? Why did they lie to her? Did other people know who her family really was? What about the accident that took her parents’ lives? Did it have something to do with her father being an alien?

As she was trying to process the information Ava just told her, Liz’s mixed emotions were manifesting themselves physically. Her powers were going haywire and she couldn’t control them.

“Help me.” Liz spoke softly. She raised her head to meet Serena’s gaze.

Serena gasped as Liz’s pupils darkened, turning black. Then it seemed to spread like liquid onyx until it completely covered her white irises.

This had happened before though it wasn’t as serious. Liz awoke to someone knocking on the door and blue and red lights were flashing through her window. Opening the door that night was like welcoming a freight train barreling straight to her heart. She felt her heart being squashed, then her entire body numbing. It allowed her to function at least, do the things needed. It was when she came home alone after burying her only family that she felt the same thing happen for the first time.

She felt like a thousand pins were pricking her skin from within. It had hurt terribly but she welcomed it, allowed it to overcome the agony she was feeling in her heart. She thought it was just the numbness wearing off and that she was being brought back to the harsh reality that she had become an orphan overnight.

But now, she knew that the sensation she felt before was of the power she possessed, heightened by her emotions, screaming for release.

“Ava, do something!” Serena was yelling. She had never seen Liz do something like this. Her powers were overwhelming her. She could only look on as the currents began to take shape, effectively enclosing Liz in a ball of crackling energy.

“Liz!” Ava screamed. She was terrified. She wasn’t told of anything like this. What kind of protector was she when she can’t even help the one person she was supposed to look after?

Liz was now stock-still, only staring back at them with alien eyes that seemed to be unseeing. This was no longer their friend; her Antarian side has manifested itself. It took over in order to protect her from whatever was causing her pain.

“Liz, honey, you’ve got to stop this.” Serena turned to the only other alien in the room. “Ava, what is this? What’s going on with her?”

“I don’t know. I was never told she could do something like…like that.” Ava said. Neither she nor Serena could get any closer to Liz for fear of being electrocuted. And that was exactly what Liz could do to them if they dared to touch her.

“Well we can’t just stand here!” Serena yelled.

“Don’t you think I know that?!” Ava answered back.

“Does she even see us?” asked Serena uncertainly.

“Yeah, she does. I’ve experienced the eyes before. Her vision is actually a thousand times better than the regular human eye. It happens when a huge amount of power is used, and you gotta call on your alien side to collect that much energy. But this, I don’t know what this is.” Ava was at a loss. Serena was right, she had to do something and fast.

“Serena, get your parents here, maybe they’ll be able to help. But don’t tell them what’s going on. I don’t want a thousand soldiers rushing in here. Who knows who may be lurking around. I’m going to call Cal, we need him here now more than ever.” Ava had already fished out her cellphone from her pocket and was dialing as she spoke.

Serena nodded and took off in a run to fetch her parents, parents that practically lied to her all her life. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Liz, she had to focus on Liz right now.

Ava heard two rings before the other end of the line was picked up. “We need you.” Only three words, she was told to keep the phone call short. Cal gave her an emergency number in case something went down. Granted it wasn’t an enemy invasion, but this was something she couldn’t handle on her own.

She hung up and just looked at Liz. It now seemed as if she was suspended in a giant ball. She sighed, ‘what now?’

Serena was running as fast as her feet could carry her. Not even caring that people were starting to look at her oddly.

Kyle saw a flash of red hair running past as if her life depended on it. He started the van and drove up right beside his new friend.

“Need a lift?” he asked. Serena quickly stopped, opened the door and hopped in without a word.

“Where are you headed?” Kyle couldn’t help but notice how radiant she looked with her cheeks all flushed.

Serena spoke in between gasps of air. “Birch street. My parents’ house. Hurry.”

Kyle was surprised at the urgency of her tone. He would ask more later; immediately picking up that this was an emergency. But right now she needed his help. He stepped on the gas and they sped off.

The van wasn’t even in a full stop but Serena was jumping out of the vehicle and took off running into her childhood home.

“Mom! Dad!”

“Serena? What is it? What’s wrong?” Her parents were rushing towards her and were deeply concerned after hearing the sound of their only daughter’s panicked voice.

“Liz, something’s wrong with Liz!”

“What happened to her?” Serena’s mother asked. She has treated Liz like another daughter even before they took her in.

“I can’t explain it here, but you have to come now.”

“Alright Serena, let’s go.” her dad spoke. Sam turned to go and fetch his keys but Serena tugged on his arm.

“There’s no time, I’ve got a friend who will give us a lift.”

They all ran outside where Kyle was waiting by his van. Serena was glad he was still there. “Can you drive us back to Liz’s?”

“Hop in.”

“Ava, we’re here.” Serena yelled as she ran into the house.

“Buddha.” Kyle muttered as he followed Serena in and saw the otherworldly sight.

“Oh no” Serena’s mother, Valerie, stated.

“How did this happen?” asked Sam.

“We were talking and then her powers went psycho on us.” Ava responded.

“What were you talking about to cause this?”

Ava looked guiltily at the older man. “They know their true identities.”

Kyle didn’t intend to listen in to a conversation that obviously wasn’t meant for him to hear. But his curiosity got the better of him. He had to know what was going on with Liz and if it would happen to him and the others who were changed.

“Ava” Valerie started but was quickly cut off by Kyle.

“What’s happened to Liz?”

In all the commotion, the others forgot that he was still there. And now that he has seen too much, they had to inform him of exactly what was going on. Besides, he would find out sooner than later.

“Kyle, we need Max here.” Sam spoke.

Kyle looked at Serena’s father and just nodded. They were Antarians after all, so if they think Max can help Liz then he’d pick him up if he had to.

Taking his mobile phone, he called Max and asked him to come to the address he gave. As soon as that was done, he turned to the older couple for more information.

“It’s a power that belongs to the Royal House of Antar. They can create shields to protect themselves whenever they’re in danger.” Sam explained.

“I’ve seen something like this done by Max but it was just a wall, not a whole sphere.” Kyle stated. “So Max can heal her?”

Valerie shook her head no. “She doesn’t need healing.”

“Well if he can’t heal her, what can he do?”

“He’s the only one who can reach her now.”

Max and Michael arrived after a few minutes. They left Maria, Isabel and Alex to watch over little Zan back at Max’s house while they checked out why Kyle needed him. What they came upon took them by surprise.

“Shit, what the f—” Michael almost cursed in shock but Kyle speedily cut him off.

“Max, you’ve got to help her.”

“What’s going on here, Kyle? And why me?”

“You’re our king, your majesty. Only you can call her back.” Sam spoke.

“Call her back from what?” Max faced the older man.

“Her alien side has taken over to protect her from danger and created this ball of energy to shield her. And only royalty has the power to revive her.”

“So what am I supposed to do?”

“You have to go in and tell her that there is no danger.”

“As simple as that?”

Sam nodded.

“Then why doesn’t Ava do it, she’s part of the Royal Four.” Max pointed to the short blonde.

“No, she’s not.”

“What?” Michael, Max and Kyle all exclaimed.

“Please, just help Liz and we’ll explain all that we know right after. She’s not ready to use this much energy.” Valerie was agitated; she didn’t know what kind of effect this might bring to the young queen.

Max heard the woman’s plea and reminded him of his own mother. He simply looked at her before walking towards Liz.

“Be careful, Ava got zapped when she tried to touch her.” Serena said.

Max stopped and looked at Serena then at Sam.

“You won’t be harmed, Max. Go ahead.” Sam urged.

Max took in a deep breath and walked right into the sphere with Liz.

The minute he stepped in he felt odd, yet he also felt at peace despite of all the electricity around him, currents running from Liz’s arms, down to her upturned palms and straight into the ball of energy. He faced her and she slowly turned her head to look at him with her onyx eyes.


“Zan” Liz whispered.

“Um, yeah. Look, we need you to drop your shield. It’s scaring everyone. You’re not in danger. You’re safe.”

“Are you certain?”


“Then why does it still hurt?”

“What hurts?”

“My head, my heart.”

“Drop the shield and I’ll heal you.”

“You lie, you’re not Zan. You’re trying to trick me into letting my guard down.”

“If I’m not Zan, then how was able to break through?”

“Make it all go away.”

“Make what go away?”

“The pain.”

“Yes, I promise, Liz. But before I can do that, you have to stop this. You’re spending too much of your energy to keep this thing up.”

Liz nodded and the ball began to dissipate. As soon as she reined in the last of her power, Liz fell but Max quickly caught her.

Her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment and she returned the stare of the same hazel eyes that saved her some time ago, before she slipped back into unconsciousness.

tbc...till next week

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:44 am
by kay_b
A/N: As promised, here's some explanation about the aliens and Liz. I couldn't fit it all in one chapter so expect more in the next one.

My thanks go out to:

- Thank you for reading this. I've missed chatting with you, chica.

Hope you all enjoy the new part.



Max was quick to catch Liz as she fainted. He knew she was spent. He remembered the night he healed a bunch of kids in a hospital in Phoenix. He was only supposed to heal one, Sydney, his boss’ daughter when he used to work at the UFO Museum back in Roswell. But seeing all the other children having to spend Christmas confined to a bed and without their families, he was already healing the third kid before he could even stop himself. And soon, all ten kids were cured of cancer. However, it was too much for him. He strained to use the last ounce of his energy to restore them to health. If it wasn’t for Michael almost carrying him out of the children’s ward after he collapsed, he would’ve probably been the one spending his Christmas confined once again to the White Room.

Serena, Ava, Sam and Valerie quickly rushed to the woman in his arms but he couldn’t let her go. Something happened in that split second that Liz opened her eyes. It allowed him to make a connection with her but somehow, when she fell back into unconsciousness, the connection was still raging on.

He asked Serena where Liz’s room was. He knew she must be depleted of energy judging from the sphere shield she created earlier.

“It’s right through here.” Serena led the way and Max was quick to follow, still holding an unconscious Liz in his arms.

“Will she be alright?” Serena asked worriedly, after Max had gently placed her friend on the bed.

“Yeah, she’s just sleeping. She used too much and it can be really exhausting so she should learn when to stop before she drains herself. I don’t think she had a clue as to what she was doing, so it might take longer for her to recuperate”, explained Max.


Liz noticed how dark it was in her room when she woke up. She sat up and instantly regretted moving too swiftly.

“How are you feeling?” Liz was startled. Her lamp was then switched on and she was overjoyed to see the man sitting at the end of her bed.

“You’re alright.” Liz exclaimed and moved to hug the older man.

Cal returned the gesture though a bit awkwardly and checked Liz for any other injuries.

Then she remembered why he was called back to White Plains. “You have some explaining to do.”

Cal nodded, “I know. I was going to get to it, I just didn’t know when exactly. Because once your true identity is revealed, it’s pretty much announcing it to enemies who could be listening.”

“We still had a right to know. Knowing the facts is beneficial to our battle.”

“All of a sudden you think it’s your battle now? This is exactly why you weren’t told, Liz. You and your misplaced sense of bravery is what got you killed the last time.”

“The last time?” Liz questioned.

“I think the others should be here. I don’t want to repeat what I have to say.”

Liz nodded and got off the bed, then she realized something. “Cal, how long was I out?”

“Two days.”

“Two days!”


Liz came out of her bathroom toweling her hair dry when she heard some noise like that of several people in her house coming from behind her bedroom door.

She quickly got dressed and came out of her bedroom. She was greeted by the surprise of indeed having several people in her home.

Serena’s parents approached her to ask how she was doing.

“I’m ok. Thank you. But could we talk later? I just want to hear what Cal has to say first, and I’m sure they do too.” she said, referring to Max’s group.

“How are you, Liz?” Kyle asked with a great deal of concern for her.

“I’m doing ok, Kyle. Thanks for asking.” Liz said with a small smile.

Seeing that Serena had taken care of making sure that everyone was comfortable, Liz herself settled on the empty sofa chair. Max’s group was looking at her and she blushed knowing that they were probably wondering if she’d spontaneously combust or something to that effect.

“I hope you don’t mind that we’re all here like this.” Maria told Liz.

“It’s fine. I know everyone wants to find out what Cal has to say once and for all.”

“Uh, Zan’s sleeping in Serena’s room.” Max added.

Liz nodded to acknowledge that she heard him, “I was about to ask where he was.”

“So, it’s great to finally meet you all.” Cal began though he stared impassively at the people he knew to be Zan, Rath and Vilandra and towards their human friends.

Maria couldn’t get a feel for him; it was like this Cal person was devoid of all emotions. Max turned to look at her but she imperceptibly shook her head.

“You won’t get anything from me. I’m a shapeshifter as well as a protector, and as such, we cannot feel any human emotion.” He was staring straight at Maria.

“How did you know I was trying to read you?” she asked.

“You all have to learn to know when others are using their abilities on you. There are some powers that could easily fool you into giving in to your enemies.”

“Like a mindwarp?” spoke Alex.

“Exactly.” Cal responded.

“So you know about Tess.” Max voiced her name with venom.

“I only know that she was sent with your set. I had no idea that she would turn against you.”

“Well what kind of protector are you if you can’t even do anything to save us from the monstrosity that that bitch brought with her?” Kyle spoke. He still felt the most betrayed by Tess. He and his father took her in and treated her like family and what did she do in return? She warped him into carrying Alex’s almost dead body into a car to make it look like a suicide, that’s what.

“You weren’t my charges.” Cal simply stated. “I was ordered to watch over the decoys, that was all.”

“Fine, that’s the past, no sense rehashing this subject. We want to know what the deal is with this town and how you plan on defeating Khivar.” Max demanded.

“I am not a strategist, Max. I am only a protector. I suggest you ask your general what to do.” Cal replied.

“Are you fucking kidding me? We just found out in the past couple of days that we had an army to help us in this war that we didn’t even have a clue was going on. And you expect us to lead you in battle?! In case you haven’t noticed, we’re just kids!” Isabel screamed. She was frustrated with this. She remembered how Max just wanted to be normal back when they were younger. Now, she yearned for the same thing. She didn’t want to have to face Khivar, especially after finding out who she was in their past life. Why can’t they just leave them alone? Max doesn’t want to be king; they can just take the throne for all she cared, as long as they left them alone.

Alex took her in his arms as she sobbed. He could feel her raging emotions through their connection and it was killing him to know how this was affecting her. How he wished he could just whisk her away from all of this but he couldn’t. And the worst part was they had no choice in the matter.

Liz remained silent all this time and was only listening to the group’s conversation with Cal and studying their reactions. She felt sorry for them. Although they had known about their non-human abilities all their lives, they had no idea why they possessed them and what their roles were in the grand scheme of things. It was only recently that they had found out that they had to fight against an alien that they had no clue about. She on the other hand, though she did not know her true part in this, she knew about the war, and she voluntarily offered to join Cal in the fight. Which was worse, not knowing your origins or being enlisted without your knowledge? They all knew that they could die fighting in this war, and that was what scared them the most.

“Cal, do you really need them to fight?” Liz asked.

All eyes turned to look at her. She saw a glimmer of hope in Isabel and the others.

“White Plains is a huge town. Ava said that everyone who lives here are Antarian soldiers and that there are more in the surrounding areas.” Liz still couldn’t look at Ava and just chose to focus on Cal. “Can’t you call all those soldiers in and we can strategize without them. How many do we have on our side?”

“Just a little under thirty thousand, Liz. But the power of the Royal Four is much, much stronger than all of the powers of the soldiers combined.” Cal argued.

“You heard them, they don’t want this—” Liz was cut off by Max.

“That’s not what we’re saying. Don’t go making our decisions for us.” Max said sternly.

“Are you ready to die in this war, Max?” Liz questioned. Something was going on with him, something that was affecting her as well, but she couldn’t tell what exactly. “Cause it’s a 50/50 chance that you might. Are you ready to risk Zan growing up without a father?”

Max couldn’t reply. Of course he wasn’t ready for that but what can he do? If this Cal thinks that they have a chance of ending this once and for all, he would fight. He’d risk it all if it meant that Zan could have the opportunity of leading a normal life.

“Which is why we want to know everything we need to know before we make a decision.” Max turned back to Cal waiting for more information.

Cal could only look at a rebuffed Liz. This wasn’t how the king and queen were supposed to act. How will they ever learn to unleash and control the power of the Royal Four if they can’t get along with each other? He made a mental note of one more thing he had to contend with later.

“Ok, let’s start with White Plains. As Ava already told you, this town is owned by Antarians. Everyone who lives here are soldiers loyal to Zan’s ruling. You already know that you’re the king, the general and the princess, right?” Cal asked Max, Michael and Isabel respectively.

All three nodded.

“Khivar wanted the throne, so he along with his own army, the Skins, attacked the kingdom and killed the only four people who could defeat him.”

“Wait, so they really are the only ones who could kill this bastard? So they have no choice but to fight?” Maria asked.

Cal nodded.

“If that’s true, why didn’t you want me to fight with you in the beginning?” Liz interjected.

“Because you weren’t with them. If you perished before we completed the unit, we’re all pretty much toast as humans say.” Cal answered.

“Ava said it wasn’t necessary for us to join in this. Why are you saying that we are your only hope now?” Michael was tired of all the runaround. “Just lay everything down on the table already!”

Cal exasperatedly turned to Ava who had her head down guiltily. The information was too much, it was inevitable for her to mix up some of the facts she was given.

Cal sighed and looked back at Max and the others. “This town is basically an army willing to serve you and lay down their lives for you. But they can’t do it alone. We can train you to be as powerful as you once were but you have to want it. Otherwise, all the training we could ever give you would be futile.”

“If you said that we are the only ones who could beat Khivar, then why did we die the first time?” This came from Max.

Cal took in a deep breath; this was the part he didn’t want to get into. He didn’t want them to know that they themselves were the cause of their own demise.

“This will be a little history lesson so get comfortable. You and…Isabel, is it?” Cal asked Isabel who nodded her response. “Right, you and Isabel are the prince and princess, same hierarchy applies as the ones in the monarchies here. You, Max are the king in line, your wife being the second, then your kids if you had any. If there were no kids, Isabel would be next after Liz.” Cal was reserving the talk about Liz’s true origins at a later time; he wanted them to have a more private conversation.

“Your parents were the King and Queen of Antar, King Zanthor and Queen Dinara. As the future king of Antar, you were required to have a wife. That’s where K’ladia and her son came in.”

Cal then got a faraway look in his eyes, he was recalling the past. “K’ladia was one of King Zanthor’s advisors and a protector of the Granolith. But she was getting old, her son was being groomed to take her place as an advisor to the king. Faras was a good man, but he wasn’t as wise as his mother. He fell in love and had a daughter, Thala. The Granolith chose her to be its next protector. Of course Zanthor thought the best candidate for the position of future queen would be one that would hold a lot of power. While the Granolith answers to the king, the protector answers to the Granolith and is therefore able to channel its powers. To have such a match would mean domination of all five planets of the galaxy.”

“However, before the wedding could take place, the king was assassinated weeks prior. That’s when Dinara knew that the ceremony had to take place fast. Dinara had the capability to see the future but that ability comes and goes. She knew that once her husband died, it was the signal of the beginning of the traitor’s plan to usurp the kingdom.”

Cal looked at Liz, Max, Michael and Isabel, and then at their friends. “The wedding ceremony on Antar is pretty much like the ones here on Earth. But instead of an officiate presiding over the ceremony, the Granolith did that for marriages of the royal house. Plus this was huge; it was a union between the king and a guardian. Now, as weddings here, you’re tied ‘till death do you part’ or divorce. Antar has no divorce, they only mate once and it lasts for life.”

Cal noticed the looks exchanged between Alex and Isabel and Michael and Maria. He had found out that Alex and Isabel were married when introductions were done. Michael came forth with the information of him and Maria being engaged. He felt happy for them; well, as happy as an emotionless shape shifter could feel for the two couples. He remembered how Vilandra hated the betrothal arranged by her parents to the rising general. Rath on the other hand, didn’t care. He was only doing his duty, whether he wanted the arrangement or not did not matter.

Oh Vilandra tried to love Rath but it was impossible. His only concern was to his soldiers and if he would be able to fulfill his responsibilities once he was proclaimed the general of the entire Antarian army; while his duties as a husband to the princess was pushed aside.

It was because of this that Khivar was able to pursue her. Vilandra wanted to be loved, and Khivar saw that weakness and used it to manipulate her so easily.

Cal was satisfied that at least in this lifetime it seemed that Vilandra and Rath were happy with their chosen mates. Khivar wouldn’t have a chance to woo her this time. And then he turned to Max and Liz.

“So if Max is the king, and Ava said that Liz is the queen, then that means, they were married?” Serena voiced.

“Zan and Thala were forced to wed. They said their vows, and the Granolith began to form the bond. But the marriage wasn’t consummated. That act was supposed to complete the bond. Unfortunately, it was also the night that Khivar decided to siege the palace. Using Vilandra, he made her lure Rath into her chambers. Rath never stood a chance, how was he to know that the enemy was with his betrothed. It was quick; Rath was dead in a matter of minutes.”

Isabel was in tears, Alex hugging her to calm her down. Maria was holding on to Michael’s hand tightly. Then Michael moved to Isabel’s side. “Hey, that was the past. Vilandra only wanted to be loved, but Rath was too hell bent on his duties as a soldier. You are my sister in this life, don’t carry the burden of the mistakes she committed. You’re not her, Izzy.”

Isabel nodded and hugged the man she has considered her brother. Michael smiled at her and let her go. When he sat back down beside Maria, she leaned to whisper in his ear. “You did good, Spaceboy. I’m proud of you.”

Michael looked at his fiancée with all the love he had for her in his eyes and kissed her.

“Ok, are we done with the PDA’s?” Cal asked.

Michael glared at the older man but nodded just the same.

“Where was I?”

“Rath’s death.” Kyle volunteered.

“Ah yes, after Rath was dead, Khivar and Vilandra headed towards Thala’s chambers where the young queen was getting ready for her wedding night. Again, Khivar controlled Vilandra and had her use the pretense that she wanted to congratulate her new sister-in-law. Before Thala was able to call on the Granolith’s power, Khivar slashed her throat. Upon that sight, Vilandra knew that Khivar was out to kill Zan. She tried to stop him, she thought he would stop at Rath but he didn’t. Vilandra was shocked that even Thala was on his target list. Khivar hit her when she got in his way and knocked her unconscious. Then he went straight for Zan.”

TBC till next Thursday...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:32 pm
by kay_b
Sorry I wasn't able to list down the names and responses to those who left FB. I was rushing to get this new part out and I'm practically falling asleep as I post this. (Crossing my fingers that I won't encounter any site problems.)

Still, I want to thank everyone for sticking with this story. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.



Max asked for Cal to take a break. Isabel still hadn’t stopped crying even after Michael’s assuring words. He felt that they should stretch their legs out and digest what they have been told so far. And frankly, he wanted to check on Zan who was currently sleeping in Serena’s room.

But what Max didn’t want to face was his questions, more importantly about Liz. Liz was the real queen, Ava knew that. Did that mean that Tess knew it as well? If she did, then she knowingly trapped Max. Though what if she didn’t know?

His sister on the other hand, had rampant thoughts running through her mind as well. While Isabel knew that she was used to betray her brothers, she still felt responsible for allowing their killer to get close to them.

She also started to feel accountable for Liz’s former life’s death. How could she have been a fool to allow the traitor into their home? She was sleeping with the enemy! Was she that desperate to be loved that she would do anything, even for the affections of a monster?

No matter how Maria or Michael said that she wasn’t Vilandra, what would happen when she comes face to face with Khivar? Would her alien side come out and reclaim her life? Like what Max told them about what happened to Liz, would Vilandra take control of her? And what of Alex, will she betray him too?

“Will you two just stop; please!” Maria screamed.


Serena, Valerie and Sam decided to go to another room to talk about their own situation.

“So, you basically lied to me my entire life.” Serena began without holding back any anger she felt towards her parents.

“Serena, we did it for your own good.” Valerie tried to reason with her daughter.

“What good? I was living a sham, Mom!”

Tears formed in Valerie’s eyes. She knew her daughter was hurting, she felt it but she knew any type of comfort she would like to offer would be rejected.

Sam felt the sadness in Valerie and rubbed her back to soothe her. He understood the anger boiling in his daughter. They thought they were doing the right thing by shielding her from all the alien mess they had to deal with. And he was still convinced that it was the right thing, but he had to admit that they went about it the wrong way. It hurt to see his family falling apart like this. But he swore that he would make sure his family’s relationship was fixed before the day is over.

“Serena, we thought by not telling you, it would give you a chance to have a normal life. Although our planet is at war, we didn’t want you to be a part of it. We wanted to protect you for as long as we could. I guess we went about it the wrong way by not telling you the truth. But believe me, it wasn’t our intention to hurt you.”

“But you did anyway.”

“We know, honey, and we’re truly sorry.” Valerie said regretfully.


“Ok, I want to know the whole truth, Cal.” Liz stated as soon as Max’s group was out of hearing range.

Cal sighed, he was dreading this. He has seen too many kids rebelling after finding out their true identities. Blame it on the stories from Hollywood. The difference is those were regular adoption cases, kids finding out that their families weren’t their biological ones. But how would one deal with finding out that they weren’t even human?

One thing he knew for sure, whatever the consequences, Liz would finally know her true origins.

“Where do I start?” Cal exhaled.

“How about at the beginning?” Liz sarcastically replied.

“I already told you about your grandma’s and dad’s roles in the palace. Your family had a title, like those of a duke and duchess. But aside from that, your bloodline was chosen by the Granolith to be its protector.”

“What is this Granolith you keep mentioning?”

Cal had to think about an answer to that one. The Granolith wasn’t a religious icon yet it was revered to by all of the inhabitants of the five planets. It held a lot of power that the planet who had it ruled over everyone. It wasn’t something that can be easily explained but he would try.

“I don’t know how else to describe it other than it is basically the ultimate power source of the whole Whirlwind Galaxy.”

“What?” Liz was flabbergasted. She was really diving deeper into the alien abyss.

Cal nodded, “All our powers stem from the Granolith. All the things we can do, we can because the Granolith gave us the ability to do them. Kinda like your electricity here, it delivers the juice to everyone. So whichever planet housed it, ruled over everyone else. But it has been decreed by the Granolith itself that its guardians would not come from the ruling house. And never had a guardian married a king, until Zan and Thala that is.”

“You said that everyone’s powers came from the Granolith, how can that work if it’s been here all this time?”

“I don’t know, I guess it can reach that far.”

Liz instantly became suspicious, “How would you know that unless you’ve been back on Antar?”

Cal was caught. “You were always smart. Even as Thala, you were ever the intellectual one.”

“So you have gone back,” Liz stated rather than asked.

“I haven’t.”

“Then how…?”

“K’ladia, or should I say your Grandma Claudia.”


Maria’s head was pounding. “What is with you two? Izzy’s having a guilt marathon while Max is on an anger fest. And I can’t filter through it no matter how much I block you.”

“I’m sorry, Maria. I was just thinking a lot of things about Tess.” Max apologized.

“Me too, Maria”, this coming from Isabel. “I want to stop thinking about Vilandra, I really do. But I can’t help it.”

“Isabel, no matter how much you keep brewing over this, it’s not going to do you any good. You’re not her.” Alex reiterated.

“I know. I just can’t believe that she, that someone I am a part of could do that to her own brother.”

“Just always remember that whatever happened up there has nothing to do with us. We’re no longer the same people.” Max reminded her.

“The logical part of my brain knows that. It’s the illogical part that needs some catching up.”

“And why were you thinking about Tess, Max?” Michael questioned.

“Well, Cal said she wasn’t the queen, so why did she lead us all to believe that she was? She kept harping on us about doing some memory retrievals. If she knew what she was doing then she knew who she was back on Antar. So why lie?” Max expressed aloud all in one breath.

Everyone was already pondering on that the minute Cal told them about Ava.

“You’re not the only one wondering about that, Max.” Alex admitted. “I mean, she showed us that damn destiny book. Her face was etched on that thing. If she wasn’t part of the Royal Four, then why was she on it?”

“We need to ask Cal more about her.”

They all agreed on that in a heartbeat.

“What about Liz?” Maria voiced out.

“What about her?” Michael asked.

“She’s supposedly the real queen. She’s a part of your group. She was Max’s real wife.”

“No, Thala was Zan’s wife, Liz and I are strangers to one another. We don’t even know each other, let alone have a relationship.” Max sternly declared.

“It doesn’t mean that you can’t have one.”

All the guys just looked at Maria like another head was growing out of her neck.

“What? I was just saying; it wouldn’t hurt to get to know her.” she defended. “I wasn’t suggesting for Max to jump into bed with her. Sheesh, get your minds out of the gutter.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with Maria on that one. We have to get to know her if you’re supposed to fight with her.” Kyle commented.

Isabel looked at Max and nodded her affirmation. In that short time that she had spoken with Liz at Zan’s daycare, she seemed to be a nice person.

“Let’s finish hearing Cal out first then we decide on whether we fight or not. If we agree to joining them, then we train with Liz.” Max proposed.

Everyone thought that was the best course of action to take at the moment. They were all heading back to the room where Cal was when they heard Liz.

“What?! No, you’re lying!”


“So what, you were just going to let me live a lie? When were you thinking of telling me? When alien death rays start obliterating the planet?” Serena spoke rebelliously.

“It was agreed that once the others were found, we would have told you.” Sam answered.

“They’ve been living here for months and still you never said a thing.”

“We were trying to think of a good way to break it to you.”

Serena sighed. In a way she understood why her parents did it. As far as she can remember, her parents were always so protective of her that they were borderline suffocating. But she chalked it up to her being an only child. Now she knew better. She was an alien, born to two of the elite soldiers of the Antarian Army.

“I was willing to fight with Ava and Liz, did you know that?” Serena faced her parents. “I thought, knowing about aliens and galactic war, if it were to come to Earth, I wasn’t just going to stand by and watch. I was going to fight them tooth and nail to protect my home. Now I find out, this isn’t even my home planet and that it’s my family that brought the war here.”

“Serena, when we enlisted it was because we wanted a better future. When we were drafted it was an honor for us because it meant that we would be able to do something to ensure that our future kids will have a brighter tomorrow. Then we were sent here, and we thought, finally, our kids will have a shot to living normally, not having to worry about the Skins, mind rapes, torture, things brought about by the war on our planet.” Sam said with conviction.

“Though sheltering you from the truth for so long may have been wrong, we don’t regret doing it. Because you did have a normal life, Serena. You had a happy childhood. You grew up to be this amazing woman without having to worry if you’ll survive another day, or how many enemies you have to kill or see other families and other children suffer. Maybe keeping your true heritage was wrong, but if it meant having the life you have led, I won’t regret doing it all over again.

Serena dwelled on her father’s words. And he was right. She had no idea what growing up on Antar would have been like, or how she could have just stayed on Earth despite knowing that her people were suffering. She did live a privileged life from that of the other Antarians who were still stuck on the other planet billions of light years away.

Finally she saw her parents’ actions in a new light. But before she could tell them that, Liz had started shouting in the other room.

“What?! No, you’re lying!”


“What?! No, you’re lying!” Liz yelled.

“I’m not lying.”

“Yes, you are! My grandma’s dead. She can’t be on, on, on that planet!” Liz’s voice kept getting louder and louder, calling the attention of everyone else back in the room.

“Liz, calm down. You can’t have another episode.” Cal warned.

“Liz?” Serena moved to support her friend and stand by her.

“Why do you keep lying to me? You said you knew them when my father was younger, that they helped you, here, on Earth. You never said anything about them being aliens.” Liz had to sit down.

Cal just looked on at the others’ expectant faces. He figured he would have to give the whole story with an audience.

“I told you that to protect you. You can’t find out who you really were before the others were found. If the enemy knew who you were, you would’ve been killed…along with your parents.”

Liz’s head jerked up at that. Serena and Ava gasped in shock. Sam and Valerie were stunned as well.

“I’m sorry, Liz, they were killed by Nicholas, Khivar’s right hand man.” Cal informed them.

Isabel and the others felt sorry for Liz and what her parents might have been through in the hands of Nicholas. They knew him well, knew that although he looked like a boy, he was a ruthless killer who took joy in causing pain toward his foes.

“How long have you known this?” Liz said in a whisper.

“He spilled the beans just right before I turned Chuckie into dust.” Cal responded.

“Good description.” Michael commented.

Cal turned to them. “You’ve faced him?”

“Yeah, him along with the skins. The murdering whore—” Michael took a quick glance at Max. “I mean, Tess,” He emphasized the name. “She wiped her out with some type of huge flame but apparently, little Nicky wasn’t affected by it.”

Cal acknowledged that. “Ava’s last minute shot at defending herself. Like Liz has her ball of energy, Ava had fire.”

“But she didn’t kill Nicholas despite that. She even sided with him against Max.” Michael added.

Now it was Cal’s turn to be stunned into silence. “How…why would she…?”

“Because she’s a manipulative little bitch, that’s why.” Maria interjected.

Max stayed silent all this time, darting stares at Liz every now and then. He inwardly admitted that he was worried for her. Learning about all this in one day, well two if you count her passing out, could take a toll on her. And he was afraid she was going to have a nervous breakdown any minute.

“Ok, let’s get this trip down memory lane over with.” Cal knew he needed to address everything quickly, time wasn’t on their side.

Liz braced herself for more hits. However, she didn’t know how much more she can take.

“Before Khivar assassinated the Royal Four, Vilandra wanted to capture their essences. The Granolith was very instrumental in this. Whenever royalty died, their… spirits went into the Granolith but it was usually just those of the kings and queens. However, this time, the Granolith took a small amount of the four’s essences even before their deaths. I guess the Granolith could foresee the future too and already insured that Zan, Thala, Vilandra and Rath would rise again.”

Everyone glanced back at Isabel. Despite her misguided actions that resulted in her betrayal and their deaths, Vilandra did redeem herself by making sure that they would all live again.

“She wasn’t so bad after all.” Kyle spoke.

Isabel smiled back at her friend in gratitude.

“Vilandra did us all a favor.” Cal continued. “Although while she had the idea, she couldn’t work on the Granolith without the help of Thala. So it was those two who made sure that you would be made. But there was a problem. While trying to combine human and antarian DNA, somehow the Royal Four became eight. The cells divided into two groups, pretty much like how twins are formed. There was the more human set and the more alien set. So Vilandra and Thala decided that since you will be brought to earth, the king’s seal will be encoded in the more human Zan. So that made your group the real four while the other group became the decoys.”

“But how come Liz didn’t come out with us? I recalled Tess being in that other pod.” Max spoke.

“The Granolith would not allow to having two sets of Thala; that would be like having two halves of a whole guardian.”

“So how did she get here if she wasn’t regenerated like we were?” Isabel asked.

“She was made the human way then her essence was injected into the fetus.”

“I’m right here, you know.” Liz said out loud.

“Sorry.” Cal apologized though he really didn’t mean it. He only said the repentant term to appease his queen.

“Wait, what about my mother?”

“What about her?”

“Was she Antarian too?”

“Yonra was.”

“My mom’s Antarian name was Yonra?” Liz was a little dazed, this was the first time Cal had mentioned her mother.

“Yes, though she died shortly after childbirth, leaving Faras to raise you alone, K’ladia did help a great deal.”

“What? So my mom, Nancy, she’s not Yonra? She’s not Antarian?”

“You needed to be a hybrid like the others. So Faras, I mean Jeff found a suitable donor. So no, Nancy wasn’t an Antarian.”

Liz now openly wept, she sobbed for her mom. Nancy was the only mother she has ever known and she was killed because of who she was, of what she was.

The others had their hearts going out to Liz. They couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if they were in her shoes, if their parents were tortured and killed because of their alien composition.

“She knew who you were Liz. She knew what the situation she was into yet she had no regrets.” Valerie said as she comforted the girl she had come to know as her other daughter.

Her mother was an innocent in all this and yet she sacrificed her life because she bore the queen.

While Cal gave Liz some time to grieve, he turned to Max.

“I want to know what your Ava did.”

“Long story short, she used her powers against us to gain whatever she wanted. She almost killed Alex to translate an alien book, she claimed she was the queen and got Max to bear a son with her.” Kyle said with the taste of betrayal on his tongue.

“High treason!” Cal gasped. “How could your Ava do that? Why did she not know who she was? Why didn’t your protector inform her?”

“If you mean Nasedo, he was practically pimping Tess out to Max.” Maria said disdainfully.

“Tell us the truth about Ava.” Max gave a direct order to which Cal had no choice but to obey.

“Ava was Thala’s protector. While Thala could not be created the same way as you all were, it was agreed upon that Ava would be to ensure that when Thala was reborn, she would have her protector with her. And like your recreation, Ava had two as well, one who exhibited her more human side, and the other her alien side. ”

Then it finally clicked, the reason as to why this other Ava deceived the king.

“But since your team held the seal, we thought it best to put the more alien Ava with your group.”

“So basically you and whoever decided that we were better off having the evil defect with us.” Michael said scathingly.

“We did not know that it would have come to that. And even if Ava was always jealous of the relationship between Zan and Thala, she knew her place.”

“Maybe she did,” Isabel said pointing to the punk rocker alien chick in the room. “Obviously, the other didn’t.”

“Why? Why did you send her with us? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” Max was now yelling. All the misery he went through, all the time he felt that being with Tess was so wrong, his gut instinct was telling him, screaming at him that destiny was nothing but crap. Every time she touched him, part of him felt disgusted. Every time she clung to him and told him she loved him, he has wanted to hurl. His heart knew but it was drowned out, no one wanted to believe him. But now he was sure, it was a proven fact that they weren’t meant to be.

Tess was not his destiny!

And for the first time, since Tess showed up at Roswell; Max felt free.


Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:56 am
by kay_b
A/N:Thanks for your amazing feedback. Sorry to post and run but I haven't slept yet trying to finish this part in time. Hope you'll all like it.



“What do we do now, Max?”

Max remained silent, he wasn’t sure what to do anymore.

“Max?” Michael called once again.

“I want to talk to Cal alone.”

“What? You can’t do that. Whatever decision we make, we all do together. You don’t have the final say. This is our lives too.” Michael was starting to get angry.

“And we will decide together. But I want to talk to Cal first.” There was no room for argument there. Grudgingly, everyone left the room except for Max and Cal.

Cal wanted to get this talk done. Time was ticking away and every minute was precious.

Max didn’t know where to begin.

“What is this about, Max?”

“Um, you know I have a son, with Tess.”

Cal only nodded.

“As we told you earlier, I…I mean, we, we were led to believe that Tess was the queen, making my son the heir to…” Max sighed and looked heavenward, “To the throne.”

“Despite the lies your Ava told you, your son remains an heir because his father is the king.”

“I want to know something, why were we considered the originals? We were more human, your set was more Antarian.” Max was holding on to a shred of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a slim chance that doubt could set in about their authenticity then they wouldn’t have to join in the fight and could probably be left alone to live normal lives.

“Antarians and humans aren’t too far off from one another. Our compositions are almost the same hence Earth was chosen for all of us to be sent on. But when your creation split into two instead of just one, we had to test who had the seal. So when Zan hatched, I tested him and he didn’t have it which only left you.”

Cal waited for Max to ask more questions. He knew that wasn’t the reason why his king requested everyone to leave them alone.

“There’s something…going on between me and Liz—”

At that short statement, Cal immediately straightened up in his seat.

However Max quickly squashed whatever dream he had of the two monarchs being reunited the way Zan and Thala were. “But I don’t want it. I don’t want to be following some preordained plan as Tess told us which we now know to be an entire sham.”

“If you say you don’t want it, why ask about it?”

“I want to know what it is and how to stop it.” Max unknowingly ordered.

Cal exhaled loudly, having no choice but to comply with Max’s demand. “It’s Zan and Thala’s connection. Like I mentioned earlier, when they got married, the Granolith started the connection but it wasn’t completed since the marriage wasn’t consummated.”

“But they died, wouldn’t the connection go away?”

“It should but I told you, this is a different union. It’s never been done before, to wed a king and a guardian. My only guess is that since you have a part of them inside you, the Granolith is trying to reignite the flame.”

“So how do we stop it?” Max asked.

“I don’t know.” Cal said honestly.

“So we just wait till the Granolith takes control of us like puppets and make us complete the connection?”

“There might be something.”

“What?” Max asked too eagerly.

“If it is the Granolith that’s triggering this, we can ask it to stop.”

Max was flabbergasted, “How do we go about doing that?”



“Are you alright, hun?” Valerie asked Liz.

Liz just nodded numbly.

Liz and Serena holed up in Liz’s room with Serena’s parents. They knew how much distress Liz was going through and they wanted to be there for her, to support her.

“I know it’s a lot to take in. We’re sorry we hid this from you. But it was necessary.”


“What?” Serena asked.

“Why was it necessary?” Liz repeated.

“Cal was worried you would have done something, like maybe go after Khivar yourself if you knew the truth. We never meant to hide it from you long, just until we found the others.”

“Then what?” Liz angrily wiped at her tears. “You would unleash me to fight because I’d be so wound up in my grief and anger?”

“No, Liz.”

“They were your friends, you were soldiers, why didn’t you protect them?” Liz screamed. “You said I was your queen, why didn’t you protect your queen’s parents? What kind of soldiers are you?”

“Liz, calm down.” Serena tried to reason with her. They were still her parents after all.

After hearing what was going through the other side of the door, Ava went in Liz’s bedroom too.


Liz sighed, “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say those things.” she addressed Serena’s parents

“It’s ok, you have a right to be angry.”

“But I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It’s just so much to process all at once.”

Valerie and Sam nodded. “We’ll leave you three alone while we talk to Cal. Again, Liz, we’re sorry.” But Sam also looked at his own daughter when he said that.

Serena’s parents left but her and Ava stayed.

“I’m sorry, Serena, I just…I don’t know what to think anymore.” Liz apologized once more. Knowing all these things made her feel like she lost her family all over again.

“Liz, Serena, I’m sorry that I kept all this from you.” Ava started.

Serena just looked at Ava, still seething. “I thought you were our friend. How could you lie to us?”

“I was told not to tell you.” Ava reasoned. “But I wanted to, believe me I did.”

“How long have you known about all this?”

“A few months.” Ava answered.

“So the entire time you’ve been here, and while we were being so worried about you, you were lying to our face.” Serena said back.

Liz closed her eyes and listened to everything around her. “Can you both just stop please? There’s nothing we can do about the past now.”

Serena looked abashed, she knew Liz was right but she just felt betrayed by her friend.

“Serena, I’m really sorry.” Ava said softly.

“I know, I’m sorry too. It wasn’t your place to tell, after all.”

Liz gave her friends a small smile. Maybe they could still come out of this abyss they’ve been thrown in unscathed.


“What do you think they’re talking about in there?” Michael asked to no one in particular.

Isabel only shrugged as the rest of their group sans Max stayed in Serena’s room where Zan was still sleeping peacefully.

Michael looked at Maria.

“Oh no, Spaceboy, I am not going to spy on them.” Maria huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Michael, you know we can trust Max, it’s not like he’s gonna hop on a spaceship without us.” Alex assured him. “Besides, we’ve got Zan.


Cal knocked on Liz’s bedroom door while Max did the same on Serena’s. Once again, everyone congregated in Liz’s living room.

“So what now?” Michael asked eagerly.

“First, we need to retrieve the Granolith.” Cal responded.

“What? But that’s long gone. Tess used it to return to Antar.” Isabel said.

“The Granolith wouldn’t go anywhere without its guardian.” Cal looked at Liz.

“We all saw her take off.” Kyle spoke.

“The Granolith would have probably just created a ship for her. But it won’t leave this planet.”

“Is there any way we can check for sure?” This came from Alex.

“Yes, there is.”

“How?” Michael’s eyes narrowed, he didn’t like where this was heading.

“We go to Roswell.”

Maria, Isabel and Kyle perked up at that. They all left someone back there; Maria, her mother; Kyle, his dad; and Isabel, her and Max’s parents.

“We can’t just go back! There are still FBI agents after us.” Michael reminded them.

“They won’t be in Roswell.” Cal replied.

“Why?” It was Max who had the question this time.

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes we do.” Max insisted.

“They have other hybrids to keep them preoccupied.”

“You mean Zan, Rath and Lonnie.” Ava deduced.

Cal only looked at Ava but they all knew that was exactly what he meant.

Liz took Ava’s hand to give her some support.

“If the Granolith is there, why do we need it?” Michael asked.

“It’ll help you train. I’ve told you that the Granolith supplies the Antarians with power. It will help bring you to your full capacity.” Cal explained.

“So when do we leave?” Isabel questioned.

“First, I need to know if you will fight with us.” Cal replied.

Max, Michael and Isabel all looked at each other. Isabel and Michael knew Max was in.

Then Kyle spoke, “I’m in.”

“Kyle, we can’t ask that of you.” Max stated.

“I know, but I’m volunteering. If Khivar is bringing this war to Earth, then I’m going to fight for my home planet.” Kyle grinned at Serena who smiled back at him, remembering how she spoke those same words during their earlier conversation.

“I’m in too.” Alex added.

“Alex…” Isabel looked at her husband. “We need to talk about this.”

“There’s nothing to talk about, Iz. It’s about time we end this so we can start living without having to look over our shoulders. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret being with you, but I want you to be happy, truly happy.”

“I am, Alex. With you by my side, I am. But I’m scared too, what if—”

“Sshhh, don’t worry about that. We’ve got thirty thousand soldiers on our side and plus you four.” Alex tried to set Isabel’s mind at rest.

“Are you sure about this?” Isabel asked again.

“Positive.” Her husband answered.

Isabel looked back at Max. “I know you’re in. So we are too.”

“Well, I don’t want to be the odd man out so count me in too.” Maria said. “And before you even start, Michael, I know you’re going to fight and no matter what I say, you won’t listen anyway so don’t bother talking me out of this as well. You know you won’t win.”

Michael raised his hands, “I never said anything.” But silently, he thanked his fiancée for supporting him and his family.

‘They’re my family too.’ Maria replied mentally.

Michael hugged her and turned to Cal, “So I guess you can count on all of us.”

Cal gave him a brief nod and looked at Liz.

“You already know my answer even before all this.” Liz told him.

Cal smiled at her, he was so proud of his queen. Despite everything that was thrown at her, she always bounced back, braver and more resilient than before.

“The Royal Four lives once more.”

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:29 am
by kay_b
A/N: Thank you everyone for all your feedback. I know what Cal did was a bit harsh but he has his reason, which will be revealed below. Happy reading!



Three vans traveled in the dead of night, heading straight back to Roswell, New Mexico. One van had the original inhabitants of the small alien capital while the other two held some of the residents of White Plains. Cal, Ava, Valerie, Sam, Serena and Liz were in the second van, and the last carried a few of the Antarian elite soldiers to guard their monarchs on the trip.

As they neared Roswell, one of the guards enveloped them in a cloak, using her alien powers, and made the three vehicles invisible.

Ava’s emotions were about to boil to the surface. She was extremely saddened and angered by what Cal did towards the only family she has known.

Now that Liz knew she was the true queen of Antar, she was more in tune with her powers being awakened and she could feel the inner turmoil her friend was going through.

“How could you do that to them? They were your charges. You were supposed to protect them.” Liz addressed the shapeshifter.

Cal knew either Liz or Ava would bring up his comment about the FBI having the other hybrids. He was merely waiting for someone to open the topic and Liz didn’t disappoint him. In a way, he was glad that Liz had picked up on Ava’s feelings, it only showed how close the two really were.

“I did protect them.” he simply stated.

“Then why do the feds have them?” Ava asked.

“What the FBI has are merely their shells. You know they were killed by Kivar’s forces. I simply allowed the FBI unit to find their bodies. Those humans were looking for Michael, Max and Isabel. I just gave them what they were looking for. They were already dead anyway. At least even in death, they were of some use.” Cal said coldly.

“You bastard. How could you even talk about them like that? Like they don’t mean anything.” Ava swore.

“You forget that I am merely a shapeshifter, a lowly protector.” Cal remarked sarcastically. “My loyalties lie with the true royals, the same way that yours do.”

Ava looked back out the window, silent tears running down her face.

Liz turned to Cal, “Couldn’t you have even given them a decent burial?”

“They don’t need one. They weren’t human. They were aliens, even more alien than those from Roswell, except Ava here.” Cal gave a brief nod in Ava’s direction. “At least this way, their deaths were able to serve a purpose.”

Liz let go of that. She didn’t know the other set well, nor did she know the one from Roswell, but at least they were friendlier than the ones Ava grew up with. Ava, Liz empathized with her. Even though Zan and the others were mean to her, they were still her family. She knew losing them was still just as hard for her.

Correction, she did know Zan even if it was just in that short moment that he healed her; or rather that Cal begged him to heal her. But no matter how short that was, she got a glimpse into his soul. Despite the rough exterior he presented to everyone else, deep inside, Zan was looking for somewhere or someone to belong to. And it was seeing that side of him that left a lasting impression with Liz.

But now that she found out that they were married in a past life, questions arose. Could that be the reason why she felt drawn to Zan? Or was it just a Florence Nightingale effect, where a patient falls for the person who took care of t hem, or in her case, healed her?

She was apprehensive to ask Cal, but she knew that there was no one else to ask. She still had a lot of questions and maybe she could ask them while en route to this Granolith thing. At least it would be a productive way to pass the time. She rolled her eyes at her own geekiness. Only she would think of doing something productive while traveling halfway across the country to retrieve an alien artifact.

“Just go ahead.” Cal spoke.

“What?” Liz quickly turned her head to face him.

“You look like you want to ask me something, so go ahead.”

“Is my grandma really still alive?”

Cal just nodded.

“Where is she?”

“She’s still in Antar, rallying those loyal to you.”

“Will she ever come back?” Liz asked, her voice breaking to show her emotions.

“She will.” Cal affirmed.


“I don’t know.”

Liz nodded and sat quietly to mull over her thoughts.

“What about me and Max?”

“Huh?” Cal wasn’t expecting that. He didn’t know that both the king and queen felt the connection he assumed was forming between them due to the Granolith’s doing.

“There’s something not right between us ever since he helped me control my powers.”

“What do you mean?” Cal questioned.

By this time, the other occupants of the van were listening intently to the ongoing conversation.

“I don’t know. It’s just this hum of energy in the back of my head.”

Cal continued to just stare.

“You know something.” Ava figured out.

The protector looked sternly at her.

“Time to stop all the lying, Cal. Tell me what’s going on.” Liz demanded, not knowing that she just gave a direct order to a servant.

“You’re not the only one feeling it.” Cal responded.

“You mean Max is too?”

Cal nodded. “Which is why he wants to go to the Granolith to stop it.”

“What does the Granolith have to do with this?” Liz asked.

“As I told him earlier, the Granolith may be causing this since it was what initiated the bond between Zan and Thala. Though they died, a part of them were reborn in the both of you. And now that you’ve been reunited, the Granolith might be restarting what it began decades ago.”

“Wait just a minute.” Liz didn’t like that explanation one bit. “So you’re telling me that we’re going all this way on a hunch that this Granolith ‘might’ be able to stop what’s going on between us?”

Cal only nodded.

“This is stupid!” Liz yelled. “You have us going on a goose chase.”

“That is not the only reason we’re going there. It’s also to retrieve the Granolith.” Cal defended.

“Then why not just bring your team with you and bring it back to White Plains?” Liz was getting more and more upset with the turn of events.

“Because he can’t. Max is the only one who can unlock the chamber and you’re the only one who can order the Granolith to transport itself to another location.” Ava replied.

Liz gasped at this revelation. “You manipulated us?!”
“I can’t believe we’re finally going back.” Isabel spoke to break the tension in their van.

Max and Michael were still a bit reluctant about this but each had their own reason for going with it anyway. For Max, it was the solution to his current dilemma of having this whisper of a connection with Liz. For Michael, the Granolith was their trump card in the fight they were about to get involved in.

“Do you think we can see Mom and Dad, Max?” Isabel voiced out. It was a question that other occupants of the van had been thinking about since they left White Plains.

“No.” Max said firmly. “We can’t go to our homes. We only head to the Pod Chamber, nowhere else.” He hated having to disappoint his sister, especially having to deny her of seeing their parents. But it wasn’t safe.

“Why not?”

“We don’t know who may still be watching, Iz. We can’t risk them like that.”

“But Cal said he took care of the FBI.” Isabel insisted.

“We don’t know that for sure. Besides, they’re no longer the only ones we have to look out for.”

“He’s right, Isabel.” Michael added as he drove.

Isabel huffed, “No surprise that you’re siding with him on this.”

“I know you miss them, Iz. I do too, but we can’t. Not just yet.” Max, who was seated at the back beside little Zan in his car seat, sympathized with his sister. He missed his parents too, especially the woman he had come to know as his mother. And he would love nothing more than for his own son to get to know his grandparents. But he couldn’t, not until he was certain that all threats were eliminated.

Isabel had tears in her eyes but she didn’t want her brother to see it. She had an inkling that Max would not allow them to visit their parents, but she had to try, not just for herself but for Maria and Kyle as well.
The convoy arrived at the Pod Chamber just as the sun was beginning to rise. They quickly hiked up the rocks and Liz, Ava, Serena and her parents were surprised at the events that came next.

First, Max walked up to a somewhat smooth face of one of the huge jutting rocks. He swiped his hand over it and a silvery handprint was revealed. Then the formation trembled as a door opened. All the Roswell gang entered into the cave, everyone else was quick to follow. Only the occupants of the second van went up to the chamber with the Roswell group. Cal left strict instructions to the passengers of the last vehicle to keep the cloak in place and for the soldiers to stand guard.

As the White Plains residents walked into the cave, their surprised swiftly turned into shock. The cave did look normal except for four strikingly alien pods on one of the cave’s walls.

“This is where you hatched?” Liz asked as she walked over to one pod and touched it carefully, awed by the extraterrestrial artifact.


Liz quickly turned and looked at Max who answered her question.

Max was watching her as she walked towards his pod. He saw as she touched the pod in wonder and he was still unknowingly staring at her hand that was on his birthplace.

Liz noticed where Max’s eyes were glued to and realized that he was probably mad that she was touching the pods. She immediately withdrew her hand and blushed with embarrassment for having been caught. “Oh, I’m sorry. This is all just really overwhelming.” she spoke softly.

Max just nodded and walked through a hole on one of the bottom pods. Again, the Roswell group followed him silently. Cal did too; then Sam, Valerie, Serena and Ava.

Ava thought Liz was following her but was surprised that Liz remained in the other chamber. She peeked through the hole and gestured for Liz to go through.

Liz was brought out of her thoughts by Ava who was calling to her, as she was still staring at the pods. She nodded and walked through. But unlike the others who stopped short upon coming face to face with the Granolith, Liz simply pushed on and raised her hand to feel the cold cone.

The minute her palm touched the revered object, a white light shot through her then focused on the center of her torso. Everyone was stunned. Sam and Cal were about to move to pull Liz away but found their feet glued to the floor. And it wasn’t only them, everyone in the room were stuck as well.

One by one they voiced out their predicament, unable to move.

“Max!” Isabel was holding on tight to Zan after Max passed the toddler to her to open the Pod Chamber.

Max looked at everyone, trying to assure himself that his family wasn’t being harmed. He wanted more than anything to get Zan but he couldn’t. And the little kid was beginning to cry, picking up on the panic surrounding him.

“What the hell’s happening?” Kyle yelled.

“Oh my God, Liz!” Maria screamed.

Everyone turned to look at Liz. She was now raised off the floor, her eyes have rolled to the back of her head; her body limp.

“Liz!” Serena was calling out to her best friend, trying to wake her. She was scared that she was being hurt by that giant black cone.

“Why is it doing that?” Alex shouted.

“Cal, we have to do something.” Valerie was downright terrified. Sure she was an elite soldier of the Antarian army, but she was also a mother. And although she had never seen the Granolith until now, she knew how powerful it was and how it can kill with a single beam of light. Pretty much like the one engulfing Liz.

Liz was still unconscious, but the light was growing, covering her bit by bit until her entire being was glowing completely.

“Cal, what’s happening to her?” Michael roared.

Cal stood rooted, struck by the vision going on deep in the cave.

“Cal, do something!” bellowed Max.

“I don’t know what to do.” Cal shook his head. “I don’t know what to do.”

“We do nothing.”

All eyes turned to the other Tess.

“The Granolith is awakening her.” Ava said. “It’s calling forth Thala.”

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:10 am
by kay_b
A/N: I know this part is early but I finished writing this quickly. So this is what I'm going to do. I will post as soon as I'm done with a new chapter but I'm not sure when exactly. One thing I can assure you is that the longest you'll have to wait in between parts will only be a week. I too want to get this story done soon because I have a new fic to post right after this is finished. It's another AU but without aliens, something I find easier to write.

Again, thanks to those who have left feedback and everyone who is still reading this. Dreamer parts to come in the next chapters. Happy reading!



Liz found herself alone in a stark white room. There was no one else there, nothing else there either except herself. The room seemed to be unending. She didn’t know how far the walls were and she didn’t dare move.

“Hello?” Liz called out and was only answered by her own echo.

Liz was starting to get scared.

“Do not be frightened, Elizabeth.” an angelic voice spoke.

Liz looked around, trying to find who was speaking to her.

“You need not look for me for I am within you.”

“Who are you? Show yourself.

An alien form materialized in front of her. It was tall and its movements were slow and graceful. It was silver and translucent, with eyes like that of an opal.

Liz’s eyes grew wide in fear.

“Does my appearance scare you?”

Liz numbly nodded.

The alien then took another form, but Liz didn’t know if she should be more scared as she was now looking at her own reflection. The only difference was, this being was in a blue robe that reminded Liz of the ocean. Jewels adorned her skin in a “V” formation just below her neck like they were glued on, and her face clearly depicted regality.

“Are you…”


Liz nodded.

“Yes, I am her.”

Liz’s heartbeat was going faster. Was she dead?

“No, you are still very much alive.”

“You…you can read my mind?”

Thala shook her head no. “We are one, Liz. I am you, as you are me.”

“I thought I was just a hybrid.”

“But a part of me lives in you. As Zan lives in Max, Vilandra in Isabel, Rath in Michael and Avanya in Ava.”

“What was that a while ago? Was that your true form? I thought Cal said we are the same.”

Thala bowed her head, “Our minds are, but not our forms.”

“So that is how we looked like, before? Back in Antar?”


“Why are you here?” Liz couldn’t help but ask.

“To help you regain your memories.”


A hologram was then projected on the wall in front of Liz.

“This will show you what my life was like.” Thala gave her a small smile which made Liz wonder about Thala’s past.

It was like a home video of Thala’s life. Liz saw her childhood, how her parents doted on her.

She saw when K’ladia and Faras presented the child to the Granolith. A royal blue light appeared and the Granolith declared her as its next guardian by the five planets of their galaxy glowing on her skin, just at the base of her neck.

Then the young Thala was brought to the palace by her parents to be presented to the king and queen and be welcomed as a new citizen of Antar.

Those were the joyous moments.

The Granolith then decided to show events that even Thala didn’t know when she was alive.

K’ladia walked into the throne room where Zanthor awaited her.

“Your majesty.” K’ladia bowed.

“K’ladia”, Zanthor greeted the guardian with a bow of his own to pay respect to K’ladia’s position as a keeper of the Granolith.

“What brings us here, m’lord?” K’ladia asked.

“My sources have told me that Faras’ daughter has been selected as the next Guardian.” Zanthor answered.

“They are correct.”

“I’ve been thinking; your Thala is only younger than my Zan by a few moons.”

“What are you implying, Zanthor?” All pretense of formality were gone between the two old friends.

“Zan will be my successor, it’s only right that he has a great queen by his side.”

“By great you mean one that possesses a magnitude of power. And who else would have that much power than that of a Guardian.” K’ladia stated.

“I knew you would see it my way.” Zanthor was grinning from ear to ear.

K’ladia knew that if Thala would be married to the future king of Antar, not only would her granddaughter be well provided for but she would also be protected. Not that she would need much protecting since the Granolith will be watching over her. But Thala was growing up to be an intelligent young woman. K’ladia and Zanthor wanted change in Antar, change that would benefit their people. And she knew that with Thala as the new queen, they would be able to implement those changes during Zan’s rule with much ease. Still, K’ladia was worried, could Thala handle all those responsibilities that being a queen and a guardian would carry?

“I do not know if this is wise, Zanthor. There is a reason why no guardian has ever been wed to a king.” K’ladia said.

“I have an idea. Let the two young ones meet. If they develop emotions for one another, then that will be our sign that they should be united.” A simple solution, thought Zanthor.

“Emotions? Zanthor, emotions have been erased from Antar for several generations. How do you expect the two to have that for each other when they have never known how to feel? You are asking for a miracle.”

“Exactly. If it happens, then we will know that it is the will of the Granolith for Zan to rule with Thala by his side.”

“All this was based on a hunch?” Liz asked, dumbfounded that the future queen was picked on a judgment call.

“Do not question the will of the Granolith!” Thala roared.

“It’s not the Granolith’s will I’m questioning, it’s K’ladia’s and Zanthor’s. How could they decide on the fate of a planet, of five planets on a ‘what if’?”

Thala remained silent, choosing not to answer Liz. Instead, she faced the hologram, signaling for it to continue.

Liz could only follow suit.

They were in a beautiful garden, lush blue greens grew on the palace grounds. Flowers of all colors were cultivated on the surroundings, creating a wonderful landscape.

A vision of Thala dressed in a deep red robe appeared as she walked through the gardens.

“I have never seen such beauty.” Thala whispered to no one.

“Nor have I.” Zan’s deep voice spoke right beside her.

Thala was surprised and quickly turned to the man standing at her side, almost losing her balance in her swift movement. Zan caught her and braced her arms until she was able to get her bearings back.

“Forgive me, your highness. I was simply admiring the palace grounds.” Thala said with her head bowed low as she realized that she was addressing the young prince.

Zan lifted her head using a finger to raise her chin. “No, forgive me for startling you, princess.”

“Princess?” Thala looked up in astonishment. “You must have mistaken me for someone else. I am no princess. I am only a daughter of one of the king’s servants.

“Oh.” Zan stood back. His father told him that he was to meet a beautiful woman of high stature out in the gardens. But the only one he saw was the young vision in front of him. She could not be the one his father spoke of if she was a mere servant’s daughter.

He knew he was sent out here to meet his betrothed. Why else would his father so openly encourage him to meet a young woman? All those years growing up, he was forbidden to see anyone. And now all of a sudden, his father changes his mind? No, this was a planned meeting. He could only wish that whoever his father had chosen for him to marry would be as beautiful as this one.

“I apologize for bothering you, your majesty. I shall take my leave.” And with that Thala went back inside to look for her parents and grandmother. She was beaming with anticipation when her grandmother told her that she was visiting the palace. The last time she was there was when she was so young and she was presented to the king and queen. Ever since then, the only places she has gone to were her home and the Temple of the Granolith where she studied.

She immediately knew who Zan was; she knew the faces of all the members of the Royal House. And she was pleasantly surprised that he even addressed her and called her beautiful. She still had a wisp of a smile when she walked into the dining hall where her parents, her grandmother and the other members of the monarchy were.

“I’m sorry for intruding.” Thala apologized when all heads turned to look at her.

“Thala, you’ve grown into such a radiant young woman.” Dinara praised with Zanthor beaming right beside her.

“Thank you, your majesties.” Thala bowed.

“Thala, where’s Zan?” Zanthor asked.

“Oh, he is still out in the gardens, your highness.” Thala answered.

“Did he not speak to you?” Zanthor was bewildered. Why did Thala come back in so soon and alone? Where was his son? He quickly left the room to look for the prince.

Thala looked at her grandmother worriedly, fearing that she had done something wrong.

“What happened, child? Why is Zan not with you?” K’ladia asked.

“He was looking for a princess.” Thala replied.

“What—” But K’ladia’s questions were cut off as Zanthor walked back in the room with Zan.

Faras, Yonra and Thala bowed once more, to pay respect to their king and prince.

“Zan, I would like you to meet my granddaughter, Thala.” K’ladia introduced.

“She is your granddaughter?” Zan threw a quick glance at the young woman.

“Why yes, did she not tell you?”

Thala’s eyes grew wide. Why did her grandmother make it seem that she made a mistake? Didn’t her family serve the royals?

“No, but we have only been acquainted for a short while. There is still much to know.” Zan smiled at Thala who smiled back.

This did not go unnoticed by the older woman and his father; while Vilandra and Rath rolled their eyes at Zan’s antics. They knew Zan was smitten with Faras’ daughter, they just couldn’t understand why he was so blatantly showing it.

“Well, now that you have been properly introduced, I propose we move to the east wing to discuss more about your betrothal.” Dinara suggested

“Betrothal? She is my betrothed?” Zan blurted out in shock; not that he was complaining though.

“What?” Thala looked at her parents. “How will I be able to serve the Granolith if I am to marry him?”

“Do not fret, Thala. We have a lot to talk about.”

“You fell for him.” Liz said softly.

Thala nodded.

“But Cal said—”

“Cal was a soldier, how would he know what went on in our lives?”

Liz was getting more and more baffled at everything she was learning.

“She doesn’t believe you.”

Liz turned as she heard another voice speak amusedly. And as Thala before her when she first met her betrothed, Liz too was startled to find Zan standing right beside her.
