Destiny Awaits (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) Thread #1

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Post by Dominicana »


I laugh.

"Oh girl, lol you got it bad, well I will tell you, that player isn't even the word to go for him, and you could tame him girl, I saw the look he gave you, oooo Queen Elizabeth, it has a great ring to it, but I hear the earthlings, have a queen elizabeth too, but hey we antarians, we the better kind anyways." I laugh.

"Sir Rath, you are out of your mind Lizzie, he's married, and wed to Prince Alexander, it's an honour I dream not of, but my parents love nothing more than to have me married to crowned Prince of Antar." I sigh.

"You have it easy girl, marry whom you please, I just wish it was the same for me."
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


" Ava...don't worry about the proposal--I've changed my mind anyway. It wouldn't have worked out anyways." Zan states causing me to frown. I don’t think that you can take back a proposal after it has been rejected. How very odd our future king seems to be.

I pick at a imaginary piece of lint on my dress. Men are just too confusing even for the temptress to understand. Ah yes, I know what people say about me behind my back, I’ve heard the whispers. The Temptress, they call me.

Zan’s servant says, pulling me from my day dream "Right, sorry sir. I must be going Lady Ava--It was nice running into you, I--I just have to go-- I have to be going.."

I raise an eyebrow, how very, very odd. I watch them leave wordlessly before I go and ring for Elizabeth. I suddenly feel the undeniable urge to change into something different.

Post by POM »


I looked at Mary and rolled my eyes. "Your not married yet--you have a say in your life too!" I hear something, "What is that?" I ask her -- "The Temptress--thats Ava, I have to serve her? I don't think shes going to like me,--what do I do?" I ask her all at once.


After taking the important call, I turn to Keith. "What do you know about this new servant? Is she spoken for? Where did she come from? Tell me everything you know.

All I really know sir that she is Marys Cousin. Mary sent for her because Liz parents died two months ago, they had a family resturant--you've eaten there a few times before sir. But anyways, after they died she had trouble keeping it all going and she eventually lost it--she lost everything. She is not spoken for Sir, She's only about 20 yrs. old.


Keith, see if you can't arrange something with her after dinner or something? I tell him. I'm going to be late for dinner--I have to make another call.


"yes, my lord" and with that I was out the door to carry out his order.
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Post by Dominicana »


I smile.

"Ignore her, that's what I do." I laugh.

"She's a bitch to basically everyone, not much you can do, just don't get on her bad side, and your good, I guess." I say.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Hope that you don't mind that I posted this part, its just that I'm going to be awat for a few days and I wanted to post something before I left.


I frown in annoyance when Elizabeth doesn’t answer my first call. Where the hell could she be? I move towards the door of the drawing room, intent on finding some servant to see to my needs when I hear voices.

"The Temptress--that’s Ava, I have to serve her? I don't think she’s going to like me,--what do I do?"

"Ignore her, that's what I do." There’s laughter and I note that the voice is somewhat familiar. "She's a bitch to basically everyone, not much you can do, just don't get on her bad side, and your good, I guess."

Well, that stings a little. I’ve never given much to thought to what those beneath me think of me but to hear it now, I have to admit that it does kind of hurt a little. It is never nice to overhear that people think that you are a bitch.

But now I’m left with so many choices. Should I show them exactly how bitchy I can be by firing them right here and now or should I show them my nicer side. Oh hell, what is the point they are only servants after all. I pull open the door and give them a icy glare. I more then tempted to ask Mary to guess if she is on my good or bad side right now but instead I turn my attention to Elizabeth. “Have you quite finished here or should I employ someone else to be my maid?"

Post by POM »


We both turn around suprised, "um...Temptress Ava..I was kinda hoping you would give me some time to let me get settled in? I've only just arrived, but if that is your wish--what do you wish?" I ask kindly
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Post by madroswellfan »

I walked around the palace, with so much emotion built up in side of me. I was King Zan, the wild one who picked girls up and then spit them back out.
Then why couldn't I get Liz out of my head. Her beautiful brown eyes, her soft hair. She was a perfect speciman of females. No flaws. Perfection.
And she was working for Ava. Ava! The one who turned me down. That stung. No one can turn me down! Im King Zan! Why would anyone reject me?
But then again, now he had seen Liz he couldn't be angry at Ava, especially as he would have wanted to break it off if she had said yes now.
I paced more and more. I had heard no news about dinner tonight...would she come? Only time would tell. I decided to go and change into a clean suit, just in case she did show up. But the, I am King Zan, of course she'll show up....wouldn't she?

Post by POM »


I knock on Zans door--, "Hey buddy can I come In? I need to talk to you about something!!" I knew I was cutting it a little before dinner, but I couldn't help it--I had to get something off my chest.


I opened the door, and made my way to go find Isabel once again...I just wanted to get away--get away from everything, and my brother Zan. Who thought he was gods gift to all women. I just felt bad for his next victim. Safe to say, that it was going to be Liz--he loved new blood in the house. I look out in the garden and there she stood, in all her radience. "Hello you". She looked at me lovingly.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


I had been walking aimlessly in the garden, thinking abot Alex, and Rath, and in general wondering why my life was so screwed up. I had seen the way Rath had looked at that girl, Maria, the other day, and I was wondering why we were married if neither of us wanted to be. Well, I knew that was a family thing, but that didn't make me feel any better.

I saw Alex walking towards me, and I smiled. Just who I needed to clear my mind of such depressing nonsense. "Hello back," I said, grinning at him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

Still pacing, I heard a knock at my door. "ONE SEC!" I shouted as I did up my tie. A king must always look his best!
"Ok, you can come in!" I called.
Rath, my second in command entered my chambers, looking concerned.
"Rath? Are you ok?"