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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:09 am
by Behrsgirl77
Hey it's not an update, but I am working on it. I actually just wanted to drop off this *pretty* banner from Memories...It's for our little *Alexis* :D


Best Supporting Character for Alexis Rae Parker in Wings of an Angel

Thanks to everyone that nominated! Now click on my banner to visit the pretty site and vote...and while you're there, and take a look around :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:55 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Can I just say WOW! You guys blow me away every week. Of course that just builds the pressure on me *lol* And I end up procrastinating like I did. I just finished this less than an hour ago. I have to thank La'Shon for always being there to look things over and tell me if I'm missing something or whatever! *hugs* Oh, one last thing...I have managed to fulfill every single thing in the challenge, except the ending so now folks this is all me working towards that goal, hope you enjoy the ride!

Just some quick thank you's:

Mariael311 - *Naked* & *Shower* Just remember that for later :twisted:
aussietrueblue - Hi, not sure if you've left FB before...thank you!
sylvia37 - Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about Max :wink:
Sweet Liz

Scottie - Hi and thank you for taking the time to read and let me know your thoughts. Believe it, the last time I was around a child Alexis' age was about 11 years ago. And I was too young at that point to really pay much attention *lol* Let's just say I've created her from my imagination should I ever have a child :wink:
g7silvers - You are very right, Max is in a way finding himself through this accident. Thank you.
googi - WOW! Well thank you very much! And don't worry I'll keep posting :wink:
prettyfulpink - Hi Tiffany! Did you know my favorite color is Pink? Ask anyone that knows me on this board *lol* I appreciate the time you took to sit and read this story, even though we're on chapter 10, the parts are on the long side, so thank you very much!
Bixie - Ah! What happened to Riley...I have answered that question in this part!
VeronicB - You're right, no one has ever told him that.
mareli - Hey sweetie! No worries I know you're out there. And yes I wonder why no one mentioned the press LOL!
Topy458 - Hi! And thanks!!
out of this world - *muah* You just brighten up my Mondays! Thank you!
Lurkers - Thanks for reading!!

Oh one last thing....ta da! I'm so very proud of this, thanks to everyone that may have voted!!

Best Portrayal of a Supporting Character - Alexis Rae Parker
**Also the banner for this story won for Best Fan Art**

Chapter 10

After Alexis’ little question rant, Max was afraid to say anything else. He still thought she was adorable. He found himself staring at her just wondering what was going on inside her mind.

“Lexi, sweetie step back from the doors a little,” Liz reached out her hand and placed it on her daughter’s shoulder for good measure.

“I’m not close mommy, it’s far away from me.” Alexis turned her head to the side to regard her mommy standing next to Max.

“Princess, your mother is right. The doors will open and I don’t want you to get hurt,” Max spoke up for the first time and Liz turned and smiled at him appreciatively.

“Okay,” Alexis stepped back from the elevator doors and a moment later the doors opened.

“Wow! This place is really big!” Alexis jumped out of the elevator into the hallway.

“It’s not really that big,” Max began but snapped his mouth shut when Liz gave him a pointed look, complete with raised eyebrows.

“Lexi, don’t run around. I don’t want you getting lost,” Liz joked and Max was quick to defend.

“Now that’s a bit much don’t you think?”

“No, I don’t.”

“No Max, it’s huge! It’s really, really big and I could get lost!” Alexis shouted as she skipped around Max’s living room. Max’s house was so much bigger than anything she’d ever seen in her life. Not even on her cartoons was it ever that big, she thought as she twirled around the room.

“Lexi, you’re going to make yourself sick,” Liz called out but knew it was useless. Her daughter was happy and that was more than she could have ever asked for.

“You know it’s okay if she runs around, Liz.” Max stated as Liz pushed him out of the elevator and further into the room.

“I know. I just don’t want her to break anything. Max this house is amazing. It’s gorgeous and just wow!” Liz said wide-eyed as she finally had a chance to survey the room better.

“Thank you, but I can’t take full credit. I had a decorator,” Max chuckled to himself and suddenly found his mouth had gone dry.

He watched her closely; her hands delicately ran across the fabric of the couch, over the lamps and onto the tables. Max watched as Liz twirled around in the room, just as Alexis had moments ago.

“It incredible, Max. You should be really proud.” Liz beamed brightly.

“Proud? Of my house?” he asked confusingly.

“Yes! I’m sure you worked hard to get this. You should be proud.” Liz smiled and then had to make a quick dash for the hallway to catch her daughter’s arm before she took off to another part of the house.

It was funny how Max had never looked at his house as anything more than just a house. It was refreshing to get Liz’s perspective on different aspects of his life, he wondered if their conversations would ever delve deeper into more non-artificial topics of conversation. Only time would tell, he thought.

“Mommy I wasn’t running. I was just walking really, really fast,” Alexis quickly spat out and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Same difference,” Liz began to reprimand her but found herself questioning why. How could she at a time like this, when everything is so new and different, tell her daughter not to enjoy it?

“I’m sorry mommy. I just wanted to see more of Max’s house.” Alexis blinked and threw her arms around her mommy’s neck. Liz quickly wrapped her arms around her daughter and lifted her into her arms. They then walked back a few feet to Max’s living room.

“Ah I see you caught her,” Max joked.

“Yes. So do we get to see the rest of the house or what?” Liz questioned with a hint of teasing in her voice.

“Of course. Okay, you’ve seen the living room. Now if you go down this hall to the left, it will take you to the kitchen and dining room. It will also take you outside to the back of the house. There’s a swimming pool out there,” Max looked up at Alexis who was jumping in her mother’s arms and clapping her hands in enthusiasm.

“Yay! I wanna go swimming mommy! Can I go swimming?” Alexis looked at her mother hopeful, but Liz had to turn her down. Alexis couldn’t even swim so Liz thought it wouldn’t be such a good idea.

“I’m sorry sweetie, not today. But I promise we will another day okay?” Liz kissed her daughter’s temple and placed her onto her feet.

“Okay. Mommy, you gonna show me how to swim too?” Alexis looked up and Liz leaned down and brushed the bangs away from her daughter’s forehead.

Max watched the exchange between mother and daughter, what a sight they made. They were identical, yet their personalities were so different. Alexis was outgoing and very outspoken while Liz was soft spoken and very guarded. Max could clearly understand why Liz was that way, he just wondered if there was anyway to crack beneath the surface and find the real Liz Parker.

“Of course!” Liz stood and then went to stand behind Max to push him around the house. She knew he could do it, but it was best for him to move as least as possible. In fact, she knew that after the tour she would see to it that he was in his bed for the rest of the day.

“Max? You sure you don’t have dolphins?” Alexis asked one more time hoping that maybe Max was keeping it as a surprise from her. She was disappointed when he shook his head.

“I’m sorry princess, but I don’t have any. Maybe when I get better we can go see them, would you like that?”

“Yes! Oh, can I swim with them too, huh Max?” Alexis ran up to Max and practically jumped into his lap.

“Lexi! Be careful,” Liz couldn’t help but wince when her daughter lunged at Max. She didn’t want to further damage the man; he’d obviously suffered enough.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled and Max couldn’t help but tell her it was okay, but that she needed to be more careful.

“I promise. I won’t hurt you, Max.” She reached up and placed her palm against his cheek and smiled at him.

“I know you won’t. Now, lets finish the tour I’m starving and tired.” Liz nodded her head and wheeled Max with Alexis in his lap down the other side of the house.

The tour of the downstairs area lasted about another twenty minutes and soon they found themselves in the elevator once again.

“We’re going to skip the second floor and go right up to the third, that’s where the bedrooms are,” Max began and Liz leaned down and whispered in his ear, “What’s on the second floor?”

Max smiled up at her and couldn’t help but see a glint of childhood humor dancing in her brown eyes.

“It’s the entertainment floor, I’ll show you that one another time.” Max whispered back and Liz just nodded her understanding. Alexis was hyper enough. Therefore, throwing her in a room filled with games to play would send her right over the edge of mass hysteria, Liz thought.

“Max can I get my own room?” Alexis asked innocently. Max wasn’t sure how to answer her question since he and Liz had not discussed it as of yet.

“What do you want?”

“I want my own room, cause I have all my toys and oh! I have Riley!” Alexis began as the elevator doors opened on the third floor.

Liz looked down the long hall filled with closed doors, all except the very last one. She wondered what room that was. It was overwhelming for her. She’d never even set foot inside a house as big as this. Let alone imagined that in this lifetime she would be living in one. Liz was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard her daughter’s last statement.

“Ah yes, Riley,” Max began and rubbed his chin as if pondering his decision.

“Yes, he’s real little too. And he doesn’t bark too much and I really miss him. Can I please, Max. Please?” Alexis begged and framed Max’s face between her tiny hands. Max’s heart melted. There wasn’t anything on this earth he wouldn’t do for her at that moment.

“I think that’s a great idea.”

“What’s a great idea?” Liz finally joined the conversation.

“Mommy, Riley is gonna live here too!” Alexis jumped off of Max’s lap and ran down the long hall.

“What?! Max, Riley can’t come live here,” Liz started nervously.

“Why not?” Max’s brows knotted in confusion.

“Because I don’t have Riley anymore. I had to give him away and I don’t know if I can even get him back,” Liz kneeled down in front of Max. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for at that moment, but somehow Max knew. He reached out his hand to her and placed it on her shoulder and squeezed gently.

“It will be okay, Liz. Did you sell him? Or just give him to the pound?”

“I…I was paying someone to keep him but it got to be too much. I had to and I felt like the most terrible mother in the world, but I couldn’t afford it and…” A lone tear slipped from the corner of Liz’s eyes. Max wanted to pull her into his arms at that moment and tell her that she was by far the best mother in the world, but instead opted to soothe her from afar.

“Shh, it’s okay Liz. Trust me. Where is he? Is it somewhere you can get him back?” Max asked softly. He knew that Alexis was down the hall but that didn’t mean that their conversation wouldn’t drift to her ears.

“I think so. I begged them not to sell him and I call every few weeks to make sure,” Liz rushed out.

“Get me the number, Liz. Write it down and in two weeks you and I are going to pick him up.” Max finished with a smile across his face.

“Thank you,”

“Don’t Liz. Don’t thank me for what I want to do. In fact, I think I should be thanking you.”

“For what?” she asked in confusion.

“For letting me into her life,” Max nodded his head in Alexis’ direction. She was currently swinging open the doors of the rooms and yelling out if they were her room or not. Apparently she’d chosen more than one, Max concluded.

Liz was speechless. How was it that this kind, gentle and caring man wasn’t married with children of his own, she wondered.


“I’m still not sure about this Max,” Liz called out from behind him. Currently he was showing Alexis around her new bedroom. She loved it too, it had lots of windows and it had lots of room for her to play.

“Sure about what? You will be right next door and I will be right on the other side, what’s there to think about?” Max asked indifferently.

What’s there to think about? Was he crazy? She would be right next to his bedroom, which meant that she would see him at night and in the morning. He would have to pass by her room in order to go downstairs. That wasn’t a good thing and Liz started to panic.

“I think maybe we’ll take the rooms closer to the elevator, you know just incase of anything.” Liz rushed out and nibbled on her lip nervously.

“Stop being silly mommy. Max is here to protect us, right Max?” Alexis tipped her head up to him. She really wished he was her daddy. She knew that just because Max didn’t tell her he loved her, didn’t mean that he didn’t. She could see it in his eyes, and he always smiled at her. She knew she would have to be a good girl so that he and her mommy could be together and then he would want to be her daddy.

“Of course princess. I’ll never let anything or anybody hurt you or your mother,” Max smiled and cupped Alexis’ cheek in the palm of his hand.

“See! Okay, now where are all my toys?” Alexis stood in the middle of her room and didn’t see her dolls or anything.

“Michael is bringing them remember sweetie?” Liz still wasn’t sure about the sleeping arrangements but two against one, she was fighting a losing battle.

“Oh. He better not scratch anything,” Alexis pouted and skipped out of the room.

“I swear, what is it about her and Michael?” Liz shook her head and helped Max wheel out of the room.

“I honestly don’t know. But from day one they just rubbed each other the wrong way. It’s all in good fun, but I wonder why she’s not as receptive to Michael as she is to me?” Max didn’t have a logical answer for that, but Liz did.

That was something she thought was better left unsaid, sooner or later Max would figure it out.


“This is the intercom system. You just need to press this button and I will be able to hear you in any room in the house. There is also a monitor, the only places that won’t come up, are the bedrooms and bathrooms,” Liz giggled. Max just rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, if you want to see what Alexis is doing in her room all you need to do is press the button for her room and then type in the code which we already set. Okay?” Max asked tiredly. He loved Liz’s company but he was exhausted and hungry and the longer he went the more tired his body grew. Liz could see the fatigue settling in, his skin was pale and his eyes appeared to be growing heavier by the second.

“Yes. Now how about we get you to your room, and then I’ll make you something to eat?” Liz edged on softly, not wanting to tell him what to do but felt that it wouldn’t be a good thing if he dropped from exhaustion right now either.

“Perfect, except I’ll just have the cook make it. Where do you want to eat at?” Max asked as he pressed the button to summon Susan, the cook.

“In your room. You don’t honestly think that Alexis is going to be able to part from you while she eats do you?” Liz joked and Max rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips with that knowledge.

“I guess not,”

“Right. Okay I’m going to go and get her from her room and hopefully after lunch Michael will be here. What’s taking him so long anyway?” Liz questioned. It had been at least an hour since they’d left the hospital.

“He had to make a stop at home first. Honestly, Michael doesn’t like all the cameras in his face, so I know that he’s probably sitting at home waiting until it dies down out there.” Max explained and Liz just nodded her approval.

“It is very crazy out there, how do you get used to it?” Liz queried lightly.

“You don’t. You just learn to get over it,” Max pressed his lips together. “I’ll see you guys in a little while. I already know what Alexis wants, what about you?”

“I’m not sure,” Liz began to ponder her options and then she knew.

“I’d love to have a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon, tomato and cheddar cheese,” Liz said as she practically wiped the drool from her lips.

“What?” she questioned as her cheeks tinted a light pink with Max’s fixed gaze.

“Nothing. It’s just that’s one of my favorite sandwiches and I haven’t had it in a while.” Max and Liz both stared at one another. The moment was there, it was tangible but she couldn’t let it happen.

“Right. Okay. I’m going to go get Lexi now. We’ll see you in a few minutes.” Liz turned and walked down the hall leaving Max to watch her retreating form.

As he watched her walk away, he couldn’t figure out just what the hell happened? They were in a moment, or so he thought, but she just closed herself off instantaneously.

Max had to wonder if he would ever be able to break through Liz’s walls. He hoped he could because the more time he spent around her, he knew the harder it would be to let her go.



For those of you living under a rock j/k Confessions of a Married Man and Making the Magic Last (posted under sweetbrowneyes) were both posted on this forum :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:33 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - I'm back! I'm sure you guys didn't miss me, but that's okay. I'm still bringing you a new part :wink: Now I have to say, that while on vacation I managed to write a whopping, one page (double spaced) conversation. Yeah, that's it. I had time, but I was being a slacker. So, if this part totally sucks, forgive me. I did however accomplish what I needed to get us to the next part. I'll be skipping a head a little, to get this thing moving along *sigh* Also, I just finished writing this, and I've been up since 4 AM, then I sat in the car with my husband for 7 hours (so you get the point I'm trying to make be nice :P)

Thank you guys so very much for your feedback!! Seriously, I came home and was like "I don't feel like writing," but then I saw the feedback which made me not want to let you guys down!

QB- Love you girlie!! To answer your question, yes 2 weeks is for him to heal a bit more :wink:

Chapter 11

“What are you making?” Alexis bounced into the kitchen behind her mother.

“Nothing, I’m just going to find Susan and make sure that she makes an extra sandwich,” Liz said to her daughter and watched as she hopped onto one of the chairs.

“Be careful, I don’t want you falling.” Liz helped steady her daughter and then turned and looked for the cook. The kitchen was enormous; Liz didn’t think they’d made kitchens as big at Max’s. It was beautiful; she would love to cook in it one day.

“Oh, hello. Can I help you?” Susan stepped into the kitchen and found Mr. Evans’ guests.

“Hi! Sorry, I just wanted to ask if you could please make one additional sandwich for my daughter?”

“I don’t wanna sandwich mommy, I want a hotdog!” Alexis called out and Liz just shushed her for the moment.

“Not a problem. I’ll bring it up to Mr. Evans’ room as soon as it is done. Will you be needing anything else?” Susan asked and Liz took a quick moment to study her. She was a middle-aged woman, with light brown hair, blue eyes and was a few feet taller than Liz, and very beautiful. Nothing but the best for Max, he thought wryly.

“Do you live here too?” Alexis asked, now standing beside her mother.

“Lexi, don’t be rude.” Liz chided her daughter gently.

“I’m not. I was just asking a question, mommy.” Alexis blinked rapidly, not realizing that she was asking a personal question.

“It’s okay,” Susan kneeled down to Alexis’ eye level. “I don’t live here. I have my children and my husband at home,” she smiled sweetly at the young girl. Susan didn’t have any daughter’s of her own, but had always wanted one. And she thought Alexis was a complete doll, and a carbon copy of her mother.

“Oh! You have children?” Alexis asked with a little too much enthusiasm for Liz’s liking. Alexis had asked her awhile back if she could have a brother or sister. Liz of course had to tell her, maybe later on. That didn’t suffice the young girl however, because her next question was how long, which Liz could not answer.

“Yes. I have three boys,” Susan smiled as she stood to wash her hands.

“Ooh! Three? Wow! That’s a lot! I want to have brother’s too, but my mommy says we have to wait until…until,” she placed a finger on her cheek trying to retrieve the answer, then she finally turned to her mother.

“Mommy? How long do I have to wait? It’s been a long, long time since you told me,” Alexis finished with the most innocent face and Liz wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Liz highly doubted that Alexis would accept ‘not now’ as an answer, so she avoided the question all together.

“Honey, I think we should leave Susan alone to cook. I’m sorry, we’ll just be going,” Liz said as she grabbed her daughter’s hand and left the room.


Max watched the exchange in the kitchen between Susan, Liz and Alexis on the monitor. He even eavesdropped on the conversation, which he knew was wrong. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to know what Liz was like when she wasn’t around him. Because when Liz was around Max she was shy, quiet and so very guarded, he wondered if she was always that way, or if it was just with him.

He managed to get himself into bed and wished to hell he was completely healed already. Max wanted to show Liz and Alexis so much, but he couldn’t do that from a wheelchair or his bed for that matter.

He knew they would be coming up to his room shortly, but until then he was left with is thoughts.


Did Max even want children? He’d never asked himself that question before, so why now?

Alexis, was his only guess.

He’d met many children in his life, but none quite as unique as her. She was perfect in his eyes, and he had to wonder if he would feel that way about his own children. He believed he would. It was odd for him to even think about settling down and having children, when for most of his life he’d been with random women. It hadn’t mattered to him when he slept with them if they wanted something more, because he didn’t want anything more.

Max realized that it might’ve been cruel, but all of the girls knew ahead of time that Max was not interested in a long-term relationship. Yet, he sat on his bed thinking of what it would be like to have one.

What really threw Max for a loop was Alexis’ question about Liz having more children. He and Liz weren’t close enough for him to ask the question, but rest assured it would be one he would be asking when the time was right.

Max found himself wanting to know every single thing about Liz Parker that he could. What he knew so far, made it incredibly impossible to hide his feelings for her. Hitting on a woman whose daughter was just released from the hospital did not bode well with Max. Liz deserved better than a guy taking advantage of her, which is not what he would do, but the point however, was that it would be perceived by Liz that way. He knew it and so he kept his feelings and emotions at bay around her.

Deep down he ached to get closer to her, the way he was with Alexis. Why was it so easy to love her?

Love, that was another word Max rarely used. In fact, the only person Max ever used that word in a sentence with was when he was referring to Michael. He did love him, he was his best friend and brother, but it was different with Alexis.

The love he felt for her, consumed his heart. If he were feeling bad or depressed, one look at her smiling face and it would all disappear. Max knew that he felt something for Liz, but was it love? He wasn’t sure. He’d like to think that it was, but he had no idea what being in love felt like.

A few minutes later her heard voices down the hallway and then saw Michael enter.

“Hey Max, I made it. Miss me?” Michael smiled as he slung a bag off of his shoulders and onto the floor next to Max’s bed.

“Yeah right. Hey what the hell took you so long?” Max asked.

“I was picking up your nurse and that reminds me we need to talk before I leave,” Michael explained vaguely and Max didn’t like waiting. He wanted to know what was going on right then and there.

“So where’s my nurse? And more importantly why did you need to pick her up?” Max narrowed his eyes when he saw Michael’s smirk.

“Hello patient Evans! Did you miss me? I’m sure you did! Now, let’s get a few things straight. One, I will not give you a sponge bath. Aww, I know, but get over it. Two, you will not move from this bed unless I know about it. If you do, I’ll break your legs. Got it? Good!” Max watched as Maria flew around the room getting things in order.

“Nice digs by the way Max. I bet you get paid some serious cash playing football huh?” Maria asked as she set up a few things next to Max’s bed. When the doctor asked her to do a special job for him, she was a little reluctant. She hated to travel, but then when she heard that he needed her to be Max’s nurse, she jumped at the chance. This way she would still get to see Alexis and Liz, but even better she was closer to Michael.

“Uhm yeah, hi Maria.” Max finished swallowing thickly. She was going to be a handful.

“Nurse Maria!” Alexis ran into the room ahead of Liz when she heard Maria’s voice.

“Hey sweetie pie! Did you miss me?”

“Of course!” Alexis smiled and jumped up and down. Then she turned to Max and asked, “Is she going to be your nurse, Max?”

“Yes she is,” he answered, still not sure about this arrangement.

“Yay! Max you’re lucky. Maria is a really good nurse.” Alexis smiled and then ran to the other side of Max’s bed, and climbed on top.

“Lexi honey, Max needs to rest. How about you sit over here?” Liz questioned softly, knowing that Alexis would be upset if she couldn’t be next to Max. She wondered why she didn’t feel any jealousy towards Max about her daughter’s attachment to him.

“Mommy, I don’t want Max to be alone. Can’t I stay here for a little bit? Please?” she begged and batted her long brown eyelashes. Max watched her work her magic against her mother, and win.

“Okay, but you have to ask Max first.”

“Max, can I please? I promise I’ll be real quite!” she asked. Max just smiled and told her she could.

“Alright, Liz, Maria and I are going to bring in the rest of the stuff. We’ll be back in a few.” Michael said as he ushered Maria and Liz out of the room.

“Bye mommy! Make sure my toys aren’t broken!” she yelled out and Liz reprimanded her.

“But I was just making sure, mommy. I don’t want you to have to buy me all new ones,” Alexis shrugged and laid back against the pillows next to Max.

Max just laughed softly, shaking his head. Alexis was too much sometimes.


“Max what are you eating?” Alexis questioned as soon as the cook brought the food to the room.

“It’s a grilled cheese sandwich,” Max answered lifting his glass of Coke to his mouth.

“Oh,” Alexis nibbled on her hotdog all the while eying Max’s sandwich with great interest.

Liz just sat back eating her sandwich with great pleasure. It was nice for once to not have her daughter picking on her plate for food. In fact she found it quite comical to see Max’s reaction to her questions.

“Max?” Alexis asked placing her hotdog back on the plate.

“Yeah?” Max asked taking a bite of his sandwich. Damn it tasted good.

“What kind of a sandwich is it?” she questioned never taking her eyes off of it.

“Lexi, what did I tell you about staring at other people’s food?” Liz rebuked sharply.

“Sorry mommy. I didn’t mean it. It just looks really yummy,” Alexis stamped her last statement with a swipe of her pink tongue across her lips.

Max watched mother and daughter for a moment, and he knew something was going on. In fact, he sensed it when he saw an extra sandwich under his food tray lid.

“Do you want a bite?” Max asked offering her his sandwich. Alexis smiled and looked over at her mother first, for approval. When she received it, she thanked Max.

“You’re welcome, princess. Do you like it?”

“Yes! Its so good too!” she lifted her napkin, just like her mommy taught her, and wiped off her lips.

“You want more?” Max queried with a grin on his face.

“Yes, please,” she answered folding her hands in front of her, waiting patiently.

Max lifted his tray and gave her the other sandwich, placing it on her plate. Alexis looked at the sandwich, and then the one on Max’s plate, and frowned.

Max was confused as hell; didn’t she just say she wanted more? He didn’t get it. Liz did however, and she tried to hide her snicker behind her napkin. They were adorable together she thought, with a warm feeling filling her heart. She wondered what that was? She straightened in her seat and continued to watch the show in front of her.

“Is there something wrong with your sandwich?” Max asked looking down at her.

“No,” she answered softly.

“Then what’s wrong? Are you not hungry?” he questioned. Still not sure what he was missing.

“No, I’m hungry. And I…I don’t want my sandwich.” Alexis finally spoke up and answered truthfully.

“Okay, and that means?” Max asked with a slight chuckle. He looked over at Liz for help but she once again offered nothing but a smile. She was beautiful and she didn’t even know it, he’d have to work on that. At the current moment though, he needed to figure out what was wrong with Alexis.

“I just don’t want mine. I want yours,” Alexis shrugged and reached for her glass of apple juice.

“You want mine? But it’s the same as yours,” he began and then realized what it was. God! He was slow, he thought.

“Here you go, princess. You can have mine, and I’ll have yours. Okay?” Max asked switching plates and finally, he thought, finally she smiled and lifted the sandwich to her lips.

“Thank you!” Alexis bounced her head from side to side as she ate Max’s sandwich.

“Traitor!” Max hissed out at Liz.

“Hey, I knew you would get it eventually.” Liz chuckled softly, “besides who said I was on your side?”

“We’re the adults here, we’re supposed to stick together. Do I have to teach you everything?” Max shook his head in mock disappointment.

“Maybe, but I’m not sure if you’re qualified to be my teacher,” Liz teased and saw that her daughter was oblivious to the conversation being had in front of her.

“Oh trust me Liz, I’m a great teacher. I can teach you about any and everything,” Max winked and at that moment he saw Liz blush in embarrassment. He was openly flirting with her and she hadn’t shot him down…yet. Score one for Evans!

After lunch, Liz brought Alexis to her new room and had her change and get washed up. Max however, sat in his room waiting for Michael to make his final appearance.

“I’m serious, Maxwell. No sponge baths. I will not have my girlfriend tripping over herself because of you.” Michael stepped further into the room. He could tell his friend was tired but he needed to bring him up to speed on a few things.

“Yeah, so not funny. I don’t want your girl. Besides I’d never do that.” Max pinned him with bright smile.

“You’re lucky, I like you. And besides, I’m not worried because you have your eyes on a certain brunette,” Michael threw him a knowing smirk before taking a seat.

“What did you want to talk about?”


“Liz? What about her?” Max tried to sit up, but it was useless. Maria had ‘tucked’ him into the bed, and breathing at the moment was becoming a challenge. When he complained she said it was for his own good that he couldn’t move. And when he questioned her about the difficulty breathing, her response was, “breathe shallow”.

“That girl is stressed out. Seriously, Max she’ll have a heart attack in a week if she doesn’t relax.”

“What do you mean? Did she tell you that?” Max asked, somewhat aggressively. He didn’t want Liz sharing things with Michael. He wanted her sharing them with him only.

“Relax, Max. I can just see it. She worries about everything. I told her that she needed to have someone look at the brakes on her car, and she just froze and told me she already did. But wouldn’t elaborate further, so I just mentioned that maybe you could help, and she just brushed passed me telling me that she could take care of it.”

“Yeah, well Liz is strong headed. She’s been on her own for so long that she doesn’t know how to let someone in. She’ll come around.” Max closed his eyes and listened to Michael continue.

“She has to go to work tomorrow, you know that right?” Max’s eyes popped open.

“No, she didn’t mention it.”

“Yeah, well she thinks she’s going. Is she crazy? I honestly don’t know if the girl sleeps at all. Does she?” Michael asked as if Max would know that.

“How the hell should I know? Look Michael, I’m really tired so just tell me what she said?” Max really did care about what Michael was talking about, but the pain killers he’d taken a few minutes ago were kicking in.

“She said that, she didn’t want to impose for too long and that she needed to get to work to start saving.”

“And she told you this?” Max had a feeling that he wasn’t the only one eavesdropping today.

“No, I overheard her telling Maria. Then I heard Maria ask her if she was feeling okay, apparently Liz has been dizzy for a couple of weeks and Maria is worried it might be something more serious.” At that Max pulled the sheets from his body and sat up. It hurt like hell but this was serious.

“Where is she?”

“Who Maria?”

“No, Liz.” Max answered tiredly.

“I think she’s with Alexis.”

“Okay, thanks for everything. I’m going to talk to Liz.”

“Max maybe you shouldn’t move,” Michael advised.

“You’re right. I might pass out on my way. Can you just call her in here for me?” Max asked as he laid himself back down on the bed.

“Sure. I’ll be by tomorrow after work. Call me if you need anything.”


“You wanted to see me?” Liz asked softly as she entered Max’s open bedroom door. His eyes were closed and so she tiptoed inside. She had been in his room earlier, but didn’t take the time to really look around.

His furniture was a dark cherry wood. He had a fireplace, a leather chaise lounge in a creamy beige color, which matched the rugs perfectly. The room was filled with windows. She’d gathered that Max loved the outdoors. She herself would rather sit in a cold dark room before she stepped outside. Liz knew it was because of the way she was brought up, and that some habits died hard. After her perusal of the room she turned and was now at the foot of his king sized bed. He looked so peaceful, she thought better than to wake him. So she turned on her heels, but was stopped by his groggy voice.

“Shh, Max. Just get some rest. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Liz, are you working tomorrow?” How did he know? Michael, she grunted.

“Yes. I have to Max. I can’t stay here forever,” Liz started only to be cut off by him.

“I know. But Liz, what about Alexis? Who will watch her?”

“I’m taking her to work with me tomorrow, and I’ll work something about with my boss.”

“That’s crazy. She can stay here, but I…I thought maybe you wanted to spend some time with her now…now that she was out of the hospital?” Max finished lamely. He wanted to tell her that she never had to work again, but that would be too presumptuous on his part. It was too soon for him to go sprouting his desires to her.

“I do Max, but I can’t just live off of you for free.” Liz walked over to him, she knew he was fighting sleep and she didn’t want to argue with him.

“Liz, are you sick? Is there something I should know?”

“No! Max I’m fine. Did Maria tell you this?”

“No, she didn’t. Michael did.” Max didn’t want to lie and he hated skirting around issues. So he took the most direct method.

“Max, I’m fine. I just get dizzy every now and again. I just don’t sleep that well, and…”

“All the more reason you need a break, Liz. You’ve been doing this for a year. I can handle it and don’t worry when I get sick of your face, you’ll be the first to know,” he joked but knew that he’d never grow tired of Liz Parker’s face.

“Max,” Liz began to protest and then he said something that caused her bite back her tears.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you. Alexis needs you, Liz. And…I need you.” Max finished softly before falling asleep. Liz had dropped to her knees and without even thinking she brushed her hand across his forehead softly. He was perfect. Everything she had ever dreamed of, but she couldn’t have him. Although, Liz knew Max couldn’t hear her words, she still felt the need to say them aloud.

“Where have you been all my life? Why couldn’t I find you sooner? Why couldn’t my life be less complicated? I wish I could be what you’re looking for, but I can’t. So, I’ll do this one thing for you, but I have to ask you to do this one thing for me,” she let out a small sob. “Please don’t fall in love with me, Max.” Liz whispered out before standing up and leaving the room.


P.S. This part hasn't been to the beta, so if there are any mistakes forgive me!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:56 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - So I see you all have questions about Liz. I totally understand...but I like seeing the different reactions, and guesses as to why LOL. So here is a little Max and Liz interaction. As I've posted on my other threads, I'll be going on vacation and I'll tell you right now, there is no way in hell I'll be able to update this before I go lol! However, I'll have my laptop with me so I'll be working on a few parts while I'm gone.

Now I have to thank each of you for your feedback! I know I say this a lot, but knowing you guys are just waiting for the next part gets me through the rough patches!

Dreamer 4 Ever
Jason's Lover
Sweet Liz

Eccentric One - I live to drive you crazy :twisted:
Lurkers- Thank you for reading!

Chapter 12

Max watched her move around the room, as he had done for over a week now. She took such good care of him, and was beyond friendly. She talked a lot but he found it endearing. He could also tell why Michael was totally falling for her, and quick.

Max had tried for the past week to talk to Liz. To get her to open up to him about how she was feeling with everything. Not just the living situation, but about why she always closed herself off to him. Was it something he did or said? He couldn’t figure it out.

For the past two days though, Liz had been busy fixing up Alexis’ room and her room as well. And when she wasn’t doing that, she was accompanying Susan or Maria to the store. Max tried to get her to stay with him, but she always refused and used the excuse that he needed to rest.

All bullshit to him. She was avoiding him like the plague and he didn’t have a clue as to why. So, he gave up and this morning decided to try a different route. Maria, after all had known Liz longer, maybe she had some insight to offer him. At least he hoped.

“Maria, can I ask you a question?” he asked softly.

“Of course! Ask away,” Maria said as she took a seat in the chair across from his bed.

“It’s about Liz,” he started only to get interrupted.

“Ah yes. I was wondering how long it was going to take you,” she said as she moved the chair closer and smiled brightly at him.

“How did you know?”

“I’m not deaf and I’m sure as hell not blind. I see the way you look at her…the way she looks at you.” Maria watched the expressions wash over Max. Was he that obvious? He’d thought he was doing a great job of keeping his feelings at bay. He obviously guessed wrong.

“So what should I do?”

“About what?” Maria asked and he simply rolled his eyes.

“About Liz,” he pinned her with a perplexed glare.

“You want my opinion? I’ll give it you. But I won’t lie and I’ll be completely honest, are you ready for that?” she asked crossing her arms over her chest.

“Yes. Just try not to talk too fast, I tend to lose you every now and again,” he joked with a smirk on his face.

“Comedy, will get you nowhere Max.” Maria pinned him with a grin before starting.

“Okay, you like Liz. And Liz likes you, a lot. But she’s terrified about what that actually means for her.” She stopped and watched as he listened intently. Hanging on every word she said.

“The one relationship she had couldn’t even be considered that. She ended up nineteen and pregnant, but most importantly alone. She has always done things on her own, and here you come in and sweep her and her daughter off their feet, and she’s stunned.”

“Stunned?” he questioned. He was even more confused than before. Maybe talking to Maria was a bad idea, he thought.

“Yes. Wouldn’t you be? Max, lets cut through all the bullshit. You are a very good looking guy, you’re rich and famous, and you are a total sweetheart,” she winked at him with a smile forming on her lips. But the smile never made an appearance. Confusion did. Why was Max shaking his head?


“I’m not a sweetheart. Maria. I’ve used women most of my life. I sleep with them and half the time I don’t know their last name, and the other half I don’t even know if they’re married, or have a boyfriend. I…” he swallowed thickly before continuing. “I am a man whore, as women like to call it. I’m not proud of that, and I wish now that I could take it all back, but I can’t,” he finished sadly with his face bent down.

Maria was quick to her feet and sat right beside him. “Max, that may be true about your past, but that’s not the Max Evans I know.”

“It’s not?” he questioned empathically.

She shook her head and placed a hand on his arm for comfort. “No, it’s not. It could never be,” she began gently.

“I will admit to you that I thought you were this hot shot football player, that slept with any woman he could get his hands on and really just an over all asshole,” she stated bluntly.

“Thanks,” he finished sadly.

“Max, cheer up! Let me just finish here before you go off the deep end,” she squeezed his arm for comfort.

“I hope it gets better.” Max looked at her and waited for her to continue. God! If Maria thought that, then maybe Liz did too and that’s why she didn’t want to get that involved with him. What was he thinking? Michael always told him that his past would come back and bite him in the ass, and he had a feeling it was happening.

“The Max Evans that I know is compassionate and honest. He has so much love to offer but doesn’t even know it. I know this because, during probably one of the most devastating moments of his life, he befriended a little girl who had been sad for so long. A little girl whose only happiness came from seeing her mother after a long day of work. A little girl who fell so in love with him instantaneously. He made her smile, he made her look forward to getting up everyday just so she could visit with him. To me, that says that Max Evans is an incredible man who has a really amazing heart,” Maria finished giving him a comforting smile.

Max was blown away. Was he really everything that she said he was? He looked at Maria with tears swimming in his eyes. God, since when was he such a softie? And then it hit him. Since he met Alexis.

She brought out a side of Max he never even knew he had. He loved her, he hadn’t said it aloud, but he truly did. And Liz, she drove him crazy with want. He wanted to be everything to her. He wanted to be the one she confided in. He wanted to be a man she was proud of. Most importantly though, he wanted to be the one she would give her heart to.

“Thanks. I guess for me, it’s kind of weird to be this completely different person than the one I was before.” Max tried to explain but he saw that Maria already had something to say.

“You’re still the same person, Max. People don’t change that quick. The only difference is, you want to be the man, the only man in their lives. Am I right?” she smiled smugly. She knew she was right and she loved it when she was.

“Yes,” he answered and then sighed.

“Oh what’s wrong tough guy? Can’t handle a challenge?” Maria teased.

“I can handle a challenge, but Liz is like…like the fucking Fort Knox of challenges. She won’t let me in, not even a little bit.” Max ran a hand through his hair in frustration. The girl was going to drive him to drink heavily. Either that or he’d have a head full of gray hair before he was thirty.

“I won’t disagree with you there. So let me give you some advice, listen close because I’m not going to repeat it.” Maria stood beside Max and placed her hands on her hips.

“Okay,” Max sat up a bit, prepared for a wealth of knowledge. The thing that would help him with Liz and he knew that Maria would have the answer.

“Are you listening?” Maria asked again and Max simply rolled his eyes.


“Good. You need to find the thing that makes Liz Parker tick.” Maria finished with a smile and spun on her heels.

“Wait! That’s it? That’s your advice? I could have come up with something better than that. I was expecting help and I got…I got…” What the hell did he get?

“You got determination. I’ll see you later. Oh, by the way. Michael and I are taking Alexis to the movies, so lover boy here’s your first chance. Make it count.” Maria winked and left Max alone with his thoughts.

And he had many. How the hell was he going to pull this off? Max never had to try to get a girl to talk to him, they just did. So what the hell was he supposed to do with her while they were alone?

A small smile played on his lips and he shook it off. Of course there were several things he could do with her alone, but there would be time for that later. Because right now, Max Evans needed to find a way to break through at least one of Liz Parker’s walls.


“Mommy, why can’t you and Max come?” Alexis asked as Liz helped her daughter with her sweater. Michael and Maria were waiting downstairs for her.

“Honey, Max is still not better. He needs to get more rest and I don’t want to leave him alone. Now, just go and have fun okay?” Liz smoothed down her daughter’s ruthless curls and kissed the top of her head.

“Okay, I love you mommy.” Alexis beamed brightly up at her mother.

“I love you, too. So much. You know that right?”

“Yup! I know it mommy. You’re my most favorite person in the whole wide world!” Alexis gave her mother a hug and bounced out of the room.

Liz however stood there shocked. It had been an awful long time since she’d heard her daughter utter those words. Tears instantly formed in her eyes and began to fall without warning.

“Liz?” His soft voice filtered into the room.

“Max, hi.” Liz wiped the tears from her eyes before turning around.

“Are you okay?” he asked gently.

“Yes. I’m fine.” She smiled but he could see right through it and she knew it.

“I just saw Alexis, she was practically bouncing off the walls.” He smiled widely. Something was upsetting her and he wondered if it was Alexis leaving that was causing it.

“I know! It’s been so long since she’s gone to the movies.” Liz walked across Alexis’ room and took a seat on the edge of her bed. Max wheeled himself further into the room.

“Why didn’t you go with her?” Max asked the question he had wanted to ask since he’d found out an hour ago that Liz wasn’t planning on going to the movies. He was certain, even though Maria assured him Liz wasn’t going to go, that she would.

Liz shrugged. “I’m not really in the mood to watch a movie and besides I have to let her go sometime right?” she laughed halfheartedly.

“I guess, but you’ll always be her mother and you’ll always be there for her.” Max wasn’t sure what to say to her. Would it upset her more or bring her some comfort? He hated not knowing. This was all new to him.

“You’re right. Thanks.” Liz smiled genuinely at him. Max returned the smile and began getting closer to her, so that he was right in front of her. He didn’t want to miss a thing.

“I think sometimes I forget that she’s really mine. I know that sounds stupid right?” Liz looked at Max and saw his genuine interest in what she was saying.

“No. She is like no one I’ve ever met in my life. Sometimes when I’m talking to her, I don’t feel like I’m talking to a five year old. I don’t think I was as smart as she is when I was her age. Alexis is so unique and has such a great personality. Even though I don’t know everything that she’s gone through, she’s happy. And that’s because of the love you give her.” Max finished looking right into her brown eyes.

“Yeah, she is special.” Liz said softly as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. She couldn’t handle him looking at her like that, like he liked her or something.

Max was becoming frustrated with himself, he never danced around any subject so why now? He shook off the fear of being rejected and of having Liz close herself off to him and decided to just come out and ask her.

“Liz, are you mad at me for something?” He watched her head snap up in confusion.

“No, why?”

“I don’t know. Seems like every time I try to talk to you, you just close up and brush me off. Do I make you uncomfortable or something?” Max asked hoping that that was not the case.

“No, Max. It’s not you. I just…I don’t know how to act around you.” There finally she’d said it.

“Why? Am I that hard to talk to?” Max asked sadly. This was turning out worse than he imagined.

“No. Surprisingly you’re the only guy I’ve ever been able to talk to with such ease. It’s scary for me.” Liz looked away this time. His penetrating gaze was too much for her heart. It was beating a mile a minute. This was going too fast for her. She was falling too fast.

Max felt his heart soar. He now understood her hesitance, her reason for closing herself off and he decided that he wanted her to know that he understood. He pulled himself closer to the bed and locked his chair into place. He then lifted himself from the chair with every intention of sitting on the bed next to her.

“Max, what are you doing?! You’re going to hurt yourself,” Liz hissed out, but helped him in any event.

“Thanks,” he quipped lightly with a smirk forming on his lips.

“You just don’t know how to be still do you?” she asked with a smile forming on her lips.

“Nope,” he answered stubbornly. Liz just shook her head. He was like a five year old she thought laughing to herself.

“He hurt you really badly didn’t he?” Max spoke up after a few moments of silence and he noticed instantly how Liz’s body tensed.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Liz stated firmly.

“I didn’t ask it to make you feel bad, or hurt your feelings,” Max started to explain himself but Liz jumped to her feet and began to pace in front of him. Not a good sign, he thought.

“Then why would you ask it? He left me Max, pregnant at nineteen! What makes you think I want to talk about how he hurt me?!” Liz bit out angrily. Did he want to humiliate her? Why did he even care, she wondered as some of her anger drained.

“I’m sorry. I just wanted,” he began softly but decided against it. This was a mistake and he needed to leave her alone. Max tried to stand and get himself back into his chair but her voice stopped him.
“He broke my heart.” Liz’s voice was just above a whisper, but he heard it anyway. She didn’t know what possessed her to blurt that out, but something inside of her made it so hard to hurt Max. He didn’t deserve it and she knew it. He only wanted to help.

Max looked up at her and patted the side of the bed next to him, hoping she would accept the offer. He sighed in relief when she crossed the room a moment later.

“I didn’t love him, but you know that. Then again I have no idea what being in love feels like,” Liz finished with a small self-depreciating laugh.

“Me either,” Max let out a chuckle.

“No? I would think you’ve fallen in love many times?” Liz said trying to make light of the situation.

“Liz, I’m not what people would call boyfriend material,” Max joked back and suddenly decided he used the wrong choice of words when he saw Liz’s smile disappear.

“Liz?” He reached out his hand and rested it on her arm. She was so smooth and soft; Max knew she would be too. Just one other thing to drive him crazy, he thought.

“That’s the exact thing Jimmy told me. I didn’t listen to him though. I was blinded by the fact that a guy was actually interested in me.” Liz turned and looked at Max in the eye, he was nothing like Jimmy, her mind told her, but her heart was afraid. So afraid that it would turn out the same.

“One day I think we need to share the stories of our first times, Liz.” Where the hell did that come from, he thought.

“What?! No way!” Liz snapped her head back in his direction. There was no way she was going to talk to him about losing her virginity. He was insane, she thought wildly.

“I think you’d be surprised to hear what I have to say,” Max laughed and waited for the redness in her cheeks to dim.

“Oh please! You could have any girl you want. I have a really hard time believing your first time was as bad as mine.” Liz rolled her eyes in exasperation. Did he think she was a fool?

“You’ll see.” Max stated firmly and positioned himself to stand.

“Where are you going?” Liz asked confusingly. Were they not just having a conversation?

“To get some ice cream, isn’t that what chicks do when they dish about sex?” Max winked and settled himself in his chair.

Liz didn’t know what to say to that, but decided that it might be fun finding out from a guy’s perspective, what his first time was like.

Liz jumped to her feet and followed him out of the room. Max stopped at her door and looked up at her.

“Look at us Parker, we’re sad.”

“That we are,” Liz turned to Max and smiled genuinely at him. Tonight wasn’t turning out anything like Liz expected. She hadn’t decided if that was a good thing or not, but she would soon find out.


Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:39 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Once again you guys blow me away with your feedback!! Thank you so much!! Just so you know I'm about to fall alseep and I leave for vacation tomorrow lol! But I did manage to finish this up a little while I hope you like it!!

On a sad note, I didn't get time to write COMM or FWTP, so expect and update on Wednesday. I did however update check that out!

Enough of my ramble...hope you enjoy!! *hugs*

Chapter 13

"So, what's your poison Miss Parker?" Max asked as they entered the kitchen area a few minutes later. Even though he'd never done anything like this with any girl in his life, with Liz he felt completely comfortable.

Liz watched Max open the freezer. For the first time she noticed the muscles in his back flex with each long reach he took. Liz had already seen what his muscular arms looked like in action. Now though watching him, she wondered what he looked like without a shirt on. After all, she thought, he did play football.

"Liz?" Max asked with a smirk on his face, when he caught her checking his body out. That had to be a good sign, he thought.

"Oh, sorry. Do you have chocolate chip mint, the green kind?" Liz asked shyly as she stood next to him.

"The green kind?" he asked in confusion.

"Yes, there is a whitish colored one and the green. If you're going to eat chocolate chip mint, you have to have the green one, otherwise what's the point?" Liz said with a flip of her wrist. Max smiled at her, was she that passionate about everything, he wondered.

"I don't eat it, so I'll take your word for it," he cajoled and she stood there with a shocked expression.

"What?" he asked. Did she have to stand so close? Being near her was almost too much for Max, but now he could feel her soft body brushing against his arm.

"You've never had it? This is really bad. We need to remedy this right now." Liz reached for the ice cream and pulled out two bowls and two spoons. Max noticed, with a smile, that she'd obviously been around his kitchen quite often since she knew were everything was.

"But I want Rocky Road," Max grumbled. It was the only ice cream he ate.

"Rocky Road? No, that just doesn't even look good," she started and Max placed a hand on her arm stilling her movements.

"Wait? Are you telling me that you are shocked that I haven't eaten chocolate chip mint, but here you are never having tasted Rocky Road?" Liz blushed and went about scooping more ice cream into the bowls. Did he have to touch her? She could barely stand to be in the same room with the man without having her heart race, but now the hand he had placed on her upper arm was burning. Her stomach flipped and her heart began hammering in her chest. She needed to ignore it, that’s all. If she did, she knew the feeling would go away.

"Oh no, Parker. You are not getting off that easy. You're going to try it."



"Max, it doesn't look appealing." Liz scrunched up her nose and Max couldn't help but smile. Alexis did the same thing, and they both looked adorable to him when they did it.

"And you think green ice cream does?" he teased.

"This is about you not me," Liz huffed.

"No, this is about us. Now, please scoop some of that into another bowl, because you are going to try it." Max nodded towards the Rocky Road ice cream and watched as Liz shook her head.

"No, Max."

"Yes, Liz."

"Fine! But I won't be held accountable for my actions if I hate it."

"Ditto." They were both quite after that moment, but a teasing smiled played on their lips.


After getting settled on the living room couch, Liz had a question that was burning a hole in her brain. She wanted to ask Max how he knew about the ice cream conversations, how could he know?


“Yeah?” Max looked up from his green bowl of ice cream. His stomach was already churning at the thought. He was sure it was very good, that didn’t mean he wanted to find out.

“Stop looking at the ice cream like it’s going to turn into some kind of alien, grow legs and abducted you,” Liz teased and Max laughed. It was so easy to talk to him, she realized that a while ago. And maybe, she thought, that was the reason why it was so hard for her to talk to him. Liz knew she was a walking; talking contradiction, but that was the only way to explain it. She knew that if she needed someone to talk to, Max would be the perfect person. He didn’t judge her, but that is the one thing that scared her the most.

Everyone judged her. Her entire life was spent with her never living up to the expectations of everyone else around her. But with Max, it was different. He never asked for more than she gave, and it was…refreshing.

“I’m not. It’s just Liz, it doesn’t look very good. I mean, does ice cream go bad?” he asked as he played around with the ice cream in his bowl once more.

Liz just shook her head in mock disbelief. God, was he always that adorable? His bangs laid gently across his forehead and his eyes were swimming with uncertainty. He looked like a young boy at that moment whose mother just told him he had to eat all of his broccoli before leaving the dinner table. She had to stop staring; he would catch her soon and that would be a very bad thing. Liz didn’t want to lead him on after all.

“Oh God, Max stop acting like you’ll die from eating it and just try it.” She answered exasperatedly.

“No, you were going to ask me a question. So ask it first then I’ll eat.” Max tried to bargain with her. It seemed to be working, which he was very thankful for. In fact, he was hoping it was a question that would lead to other questions and he could finally figure Liz Parker out.

“How did you know about girls talking over ice cream?”

All the hoping in the world didn’t work obviously.

“I just know,” he hid his face from her, it was turning beet red, he was caught and he knew it.

Liz narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She knew it!

“So what else did that daughter of mine tell you?” Liz deduced quickly that Alexis had to be the one to tell Max about the ice cream.

“What?! I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Max feigned innocence.

“Nice try. Has anyone ever told you that you’re a bad liar?” Liz asked teasingly.

“All the time,” Max sighed in defeat.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to trick you or anything. I just wanted you to talk to me.” Max looked up at her and was afraid that he’d just ruined his chance with her. But what he saw in her eyes was anything but anger.

“I know you didn’t Max. And I’m sorry,” Liz began awkwardly.

“Don’t be Liz. This has got to be hard on you.” Liz’s eyes snapped to his in amazement. How could he know? How was it possible that this man whose known her for just a few weeks, could know that much about how she was feeling? So instead of fighting him, she decided to let her guard down, just for tonight, she coached herself.

“It is but it isn’t,” Liz was trying to find the right words to explain without revealing too much, and she stopped herself. She had just said she wasn’t going to fight him, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before beginning.

“It’s hard because I feel like I’m starting from scratch again. But it’s not hard because of all your help. I just feel like I should be doing more, but at the same time I feel like I might crack if I do.” Max removed Liz’s bowl from her hands and placed his on the table beside him. This was it. They were finally going to have a real conversation about her feelings.

“You know you don’t have to do anything, but be with Alexis…and sleep. Because I know you haven’t been.” Max concluded with absolute certainty in his voice.

“Yeah, I figured with our rooms being next to one another you’d figure that out soon enough,” she shrugged.

“Why is that? Are you afraid something is going to happen to Alexis?” Max watched as she shook her head.

“Then what?”

“I’m scared that…that I’ll wake up and my daughter will be sick again, and…I’m scared that you’re just this figment of my imagination. And when I wake up, you’ll be gone and I’ll be,” Liz began to sob softly and Max quickly reached a hand out to her and encased both of her smaller hands in his.

“Alone.” Max knew the feeling. It was how he felt everyday when he went home to an empty house.

“Yes,” Liz whispered out locking her eyes to his. Max saw the tears slide down her cheeks and he was quick to sweep them away. She invoked such deep feelings from within him; he didn’t even have a name for half of them.

“I know the feeling. I have this huge house and I come home at night after a game, and I’m alone. Hell, even if I have a party and there are people everywhere, I still feel alone.” Max finished sadly. He looked at Liz and saw her tears were subsiding, so he slid his hand away and leaned back into the couch. He watched as Liz tucked her feet underneath her and faced him.

“Why? I would think you’d be the last person on the planet to feel alone. I’m sure you’ve got girls all over you begging for your attention.” Liz started playfully. She didn’t want the conversation to get too deep. Besides that she didn’t want to turn into a basket case, which is exactly what she would become if they continued down the path they’d started.

“Yeah, they beg for my attention, but funny cause it’s not my intellectual conversation they are yearning for,” Max joked and smiled when he heard Liz’s soft laugh. She had the best laugh he’d ever heard.

“So tell me Max,” Liz began as she settled a little further into the couch. “How was your first time?” Max blushed crimson; he hadn’t actually meant to discuss it. It was just a way to break the ice. He didn’t know if talking about their loss of virginity was the way to go.

“Don’t you want me to eat the melting green ice cream?” Max asked reaching for his bowl only to be stopped by her arm on his shoulder. Electricity it what it felt like when she touched him. This spark of energy, it was scary yet left him wanting more.

“I don’t think so Evans, besides there’s plenty more in the fridge. Now, since you seem to be shying away from your own topic of discussion. I’ll tell you mine.” What the hell was she thinking?! She did not want to tell Max about her first time. As she sat staring at his shocked expression, she knew that she had to be the one to offer up something. After all Max had been there for her, even when he didn’t know anything but her name.

Liz took in a deep breath and began, but Max stopped her.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Max told her softly. He did want to know, but not if it caused her any pain.

Liz didn’t answer. She just threw herself back to the day.

“We only dated for three months and he kept telling me how he’d never met a girl like me. And how special I was, you know the common lines guys feed girls? Anyway, he had just finished up a game, his team had won and he wanted to celebrate. So I got dressed up really nice and I thought we were going to go out, but we didn’t. I ended up in his room and we were talking, and he finally asked me when I would be ready to sleep with him.” Liz looked up at Max and found him staring at her with an unreadable expression on his face.

“I told him, that we had only been dating for a few months and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to or not. Then he just made me feel bad,” Liz shrugged and licked the tears that had fallen soundlessly, from the corner of her mouth.

Max was seething. No girls first time should be about obligation. Hell even the girls he’d slept with, up until a few weeks ago, wanted to be with him and he with them. Granted there were no feelings involved, but still it was never like what Liz was describing.

“What did he say?” Max swallowed thickly, not really sure if he wanted her to continue or to just hunt down this Jimmy guy and beat him to a bloody pulp. The latter of the two was sounding just right to Max at that moment.

“He said that he cared about me and then he told me that he loved me and that he always wanted to be with me. I was stupid, he just fed me the lines and I ate them all up. Anyway, he didn’t have any protection, and I told him that it was okay, another dumb mistake on my part. I was in love after all, it would be alright, right?” Liz let out a self depreciating laugh and Max just reached out and squeezed her hand for comfort. She threw him a small smile before continuing.

“Anyway it was over pretty quick, and then his cell phone rang and he left me to hang out with some guys from the team. I sat there and cried for hours before pulling myself out of bed and going to my dorm. It was the last time I spoke to him, until I found out I was pregnant.” Liz finished with a small laugh. Max was confused, why was she laughing? There was nothing funny about the situation.

“Liz, are you okay?”

She ignored him. “You know what the sad part is? I thought I did something wrong. Me! I didn’t even know that the fuck I was doing, and he took total advantage of that. It was all about him. If I really think about it, that is what bothers me the most. I was the one that decided to sleep with him, ready or not. But he was the one with the experience, he was the one that should have known that I needed more time. He was the one that was supposed to have protection and he was the one that wasn’t supposed to leave me!” Liz cried out and Max quickly pulled her into his arms. He rocked her as her sobs grew harsher and harsher. They racked her small frame and he could feel her warm tears seep through his shirt. His heart broke for her, she was too young and too naïve at the time, but that didn’t excuse what that asshole did to her. If Max had it his way, and he normally did, he would find this guy and make him pay. That was his silent promise to Liz that night.

After a few minutes, her tears subsided and her breathing was back to normal. Liz pulled away slightly embarrassed.

“I’ve never told anyone that before,” she finished in a small voice.

“It’s okay, Liz. He was a guy who never deserved you in the first place. And I know that one day you’ll find the right guy for you. One that will love you, and treat you the way you deserve to be.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“It’s the whole truth, Liz.”

“Now, you ready for my story?”

“Yes! So long as you’re not gonna cry,” Liz teased.

“I’m not gonna cry! What the hell! I’m a guy Liz, please we don’t do things like that.” Max rolled his eyes in exasperation.

“Right,” Liz huffed in disbelief.

“Anyway, can I get to my story?”

“Yes, please.” Liz leaned back and placed one of the throw pillows on her lap waiting for Max to begin.

“Okay, it was my freshman year of college. I, of course knew no one. Anyway, this girl I had English with and who sat right next to me, asked me out one day after class. Now I’d never had a girl ask me out, so of course I said yes.” Max smiled bashfully. And Liz was completely enthralled to hear about his first time. She felt like a teenager again, except this time she had someone to talk to. Someone to laugh and to cry with.

“We went out on a few dates. And after dating for two months, we ended up sleeping together.” Max stopped abruptly and began to fiddle with the couch trimming.

“Oh no! I gave you everything. Now spill, Evans!” Liz screeched out and hit him with the pillow.

“Okay! Okay! We don’t need violence, Liz.” Max finished with mock disappointment. And Liz just rolled her eyes.

“Come with it, Romeo.”

“You’re not funny. Did you know that?” Max asked pretending to be hurt.

“Yes I am! My daughter tells me all the time.” Liz crossed her arms and smiled.

“That was low, Liz. Using her daughter like that in conversation. That’s okay; I’ll get you back. Anyway, where was I? Oh right, we slept together. It was the most awkward moment of my entire life. I would have rather ran through the halls naked than to do that. I had no idea where to put my hands, or where she liked to be touched. Nothing! It was terrible.” Max blushed and looked up at Liz slowly. She had a smile on her face.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing. It’s just funny. I mean most guys say their first time was great. That they did great and they knew exactly what they had to do, but you were honest.”

“Why lie? Besides I have definitely improved immensely in that department.” Max winked.

“Yeah I bet.” Liz smiled and smacked him with the pillow once again.

“It was her first time too, so it ended up being embarrassing for the both off us, which oddly enough made it easier. We dated for about a month longer and then she broke up with me,” Max went on to explain but was interrupted by Liz’s question.

“Why?” Liz asked seriously.

“She said that we weren’t working out. That she liked me, but she didn’t see it going any further than friends. I agreed at that point. I was looking for something more.”

“Did you find it?” Liz asked holding her breath. She found herself asking, why she cared so much. Why did she care that maybe Max had found the love of his life and lost her? Or maybe he was in love now but couldn’t be with her. Liz shook away the thoughts running through her head and concentrated on Max.

“No. I never found it. Irony of my situation is that I found out two weeks after we broke up that her best friend and her had a bet for when they got to college. And that was who could sleep with the most guys during their freshman year.”

“What?! Are you serious?!” Liz asked completely unprepared for that to have come out of Max’s mouth.

“Serious. In fact, I was hurt by it. And I confronted her and she apologized and told me that, that was why she wanted me to be the first.”

“Why?” Liz asked, clearly not understanding.

“It was her first time too and she knew that I wouldn’t take advantage of her.” Max finished softly, not looking Liz in the eye at all.

“So that’s why?” Liz concluded Max’s reason for sleeping with several women. Granted Max hadn’t revealed too much about that part of himself, but Liz knew the lifestyle Max led.

“Why what? I sleep with women?” Max deduced quickly that Liz was trying to make sense of his life. He wished her luck, because he himself was living it and had a hard time at it.

“Yes. You felt used or,” Liz started to list thing things off the top of her head but Max was quick to rebut.

“I like having sex, Liz. There’s no puzzle to solve, no mystery to reveal. I like women and they like me, that’s it.”

“How?” Liz bit her tongue. This was too personal.

“Never mind.” Liz mumbled out.

“No, it’s okay. You want to know and I won’t lie to you. So ask me anything you want and I’ll answer it as truthfully as possible.” Max crossed his arms over his chest. This was not a topic he was proud to be divulging but he wanted Liz to be comfortable with him, and if him explaining to her the inner working of his sexual escapades was going to help, then he would do it.

“How can you have sex with these women and feel nothing for them? Or do you? Do you like them and so you sleep with them?” Liz had a million questions running through her head.

“One at a time. I can have sex with them because I want to. I’ll be honest, and I’m not proud of this, but most of the time I would’ve just met them that night. To me having sex is not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? Max, you could have gotten any of those girls pregnant and what then? Do you just walk away?” Max could tell Liz was quickly becoming disgusted with his lifestyle but he was determined to prove her theories on all men wrong.

“I would never walk away from a child I created. Never. Secondly, I always used something and let’s just say I used the rhythm method, for lack of a better terminology.” Max was completely and utterly embarrassed.

“Oh…okay.” Liz shifted uncomfortably.

“Either way though. If a girl I slept with had gotten pregnant I would be there for my child without fail.” Max swore.

“I know you would, Max. If I know nothing else about you, I know that is true.” Max smiled gratefully at Liz.

“So anything else?”

“Yes.” Liz spoke up a bit. She wanted to know one last thing.

“Does it bother you that girls are with you just to sleep with you?”

“No. Because that’s what I’m there for too.” Max could see Liz’s internal battle to understand.

“But sleeping with someone and sharing your body with them is so personal, how do you just walk away?”

“Sex to me, is not personal.”

“I don’t understand.” Liz raked a frustrated hand through her hair. How could he lay down with all these girls and not care?

Max sighed, this was harder than he thought.

“To me Liz, kissing someone is more intimate than sex. When I have sex with a girl, it’s about one thing, reaching that one goal. There are no feelings involved. It’s all about enjoyment. That’s why I don’t kiss or hug. I don’t caress and I don’t have oral sex.” Max stated bluntly.

“Wait?! You don’t have oral sex, but you have regular sex? And you don’t kiss?” Liz’s eyes were wide in disbelief and Max simply shrugged his shoulders.

“Liz, if I kiss a girl I have to like her to be that close to her. And if I have oral sex with her, I’ve really got to like her.” Max emphasized the last part.

“So to you, sex is just meaningless?” Liz asked not judging, but simply trying to understand.

“Yes. I know it might be hard for you to understand. But that’s the only way I can explain it.” Max wasn’t sure what else he could say but Liz had grown quite and he didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not.


Liz wasn’t sure what she was doing, but at that moment there wasn’t anything she wanted more than for Max to say that he wanted to kiss her. It was wrong, she shouldn’t want that from him, but she did badly. She scooted closer to him on the couch and leaned in close to him. And then she whispered out her question hesitantly.

“Do you…is…has there been anyone that you’ve wanted to kiss?” Liz asked so softly that Max almost missed the question.

“There has been,” he answered vaguely noticing how close she was to him. He could smell the light floral scent of her perfume. His heart began to race, he wasn’t sure what was happening, but whatever it was he wouldn’t stop it.

“Max?” Liz was now a mere breath away from his face. She placed her hands on his shoulders and felt his quick intake of breath.

“Yeah,” he whispered out. He could feel her soft puffs of warm air against his lips, her tiny hands grasping his shoulders. He hoped to God this was real.

“Do I know the person you want to kiss?”

“Yes.” They grew even closer, their lips a breath away, their eyes closing…

“Mommy, I’m home!” They jumped apart as if they’d been burnt.

And the moment was gone…but not forgotten.


*Tiny line borrowed from Heat Wave, I’m sure you all can pick it out :wink: *

FYI: MTML was updated as well today.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:25 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - *thud* Can you believe it? I'm back with an update! Instead of thanking you each individually, which I prefer to do, I figured you all wanted an update more than that (lol) So I will just say thank you once again to everyone reading or lurking, I appreciate it more than you know and it's what keeps me and the story going.

Oh! Before I forget, when you get to the end you might have some questions and I wanted to reassure you, you'll have Liz's perspective on things in the next part :wink:

Chapter 14

“Max, are you sure about this?” Liz asked as soon as she saw him making his way down the staircase towards her.

“Yes, I’m fine. The doctor cleared me yesterday.” Max answered as he finally reached the landing. He only had to go down another twenty or so steps before he reached Liz. Max took in the sight of her as she spoke to him with her hands placed firmly on her waist. Her hair was loose and she was wearing a simple pair of blue jeans and a black cotton tank top. Max had to admit, it didn’t matter what Liz was wearing because she always looked perfect to him.

“I know that. But you shouldn’t push yourself. We can do this next week or something,” Liz tried to reason but knew her efforts were futile. Max was strong headed, as herself, and that meant he would do it no matter what she said.

“No, Alexis has been waiting weeks to see him already Liz. I can’t make her wait any longer,” Max said somewhat out of breath. Although his mind told him he was ready to get on his feet again, his body protested just a bit.

“Look at you,” Liz reprimanded him lightly as she raised a hand to his cheek.

“You are going to make yourself sick, or worse. This isn’t a good idea and…” Max quickly covered Liz’s mouth with the palm of his hand. He had to hold back the groan ready to escape past his lips at the feel of her soft lips. It made him recall their near kiss just one week ago.

They hadn’t spoken a word about it, although he did let Michael in on the event. He couldn’t help it. He felt like he would explode if he didn’t tell someone. Liz, however hadn’t even really looked him in the eye long enough for him to ask her what she was feeling.

Then of course Max had to step back and wonder just what the hell was going on in Liz’s mind. He had just finished saying that he didn’t kiss girls on the lips, then she turns around and flirts with him and they end up almost kissing. He knew that she was scared of getting involved with anyone, but why would she lead him on? If that was what she was doing. Or she could really be interested in him.

Just another few questions to add to his list, he thought to himself.

“I’m fine. Besides if Maria is letting me out today, then you know I’m not that bad off. I took a few pain killers anyway, so in a few minutes I’ll be fine,” Max reassured her.

“Okay. But you have to promise that if you’re not feeling well, we turn right back around.”

“I promise. Now, I have an important question to ask.” Max started as they made their way towards the garage.

“What’s that?” Liz looked up at him curiously. She didn’t dare look him in the eyes. That would be a mistake and she’d end up right where she was a few nights ago, almost kissing Max. What was she thinking? Max was hardly interested in someone like her as anything more than a friend. In addition to which, she was not looking for love or companionship. No, Liz was content being alone. She had all the love she needed from her daughter.

As all of those random thoughts floated around in her head, she found herself even more confused standing next to him. He was much taller than she had originally figured, and he was still the most handsome man she’d ever laid eyes on. How could he be real?

“Can you drive stick?” Max asked with a small smirk playing on his lips.

“No, I can’t. Please tell me you have at least one car that isn’t.” Liz let out an exasperated sigh. It would figure he’d have ten cars and not one of them would be automatic.

“Actually, I do.” Liz followed closely behind him, trying to figure out which car she’d have to drive.

“Here we go!” Max announced as they stood in front of his Range Rover.

“No! I’m not driving that thing! Are you crazy?!” Liz shook her head vehemently.

“What? What’s wrong with it? It’s the only vehicle I have that isn’t manual.” Max watched Liz’s sharp reaction and couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

“What’s wrong? Max, that vehicle, as you call it, is worth more than some people’s houses. I can’t be responsible for driving that.” Liz hissed out as she paced in front of the truck.

“You have to. I can’t. Besides, I trust you Liz. It will be fine.” Max tried to soothe her worries.

“Fine? Max, I…I don’t know.” Liz whispered out with great uncertainty. Max was by her side and placed a hand on her arm, urging her to look at him.

And she did. Which was a mistake of epic proportions. She was once again thrust into the pool of honey that were his eyes. Her breath hitched in her throat and her heartbeat began to race with his close proximity.

“It will be fine. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Max smiled reassuringly at her before making his way over to the passenger’s side of the vehicle.

Shortly thereafter, Liz slid behind the wheel and they were on their way.


“What’s your favorite kind of music?” Max asked as the silence in the vehicle slowly threatened to suffocate him. He watched with slight amusement as Liz gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

“Relax. You’re stressing me out,” Max joked and Liz jerked her head in his direction and narrowed her eyes angrily at him.

“Hey, I’m just being honest.” Max raised his palms up towards her in defense.

“Whatever. Anyway, to answer your question about my favorite song, it’s When You Love Someone by Bryan Adams.” Liz studied Max’s reaction closely. However she didn’t quite see what she was looking for.

“Never heard of it.” Max shrugged indifferently.

“What?! Are you serious?” Liz questioned confusingly.

“Liz, you should be happy that I even know who Bryan Adam is.” Max answered with a laugh.

“I guess. Anyway what’s your favorite song?”

“Don’t have one.”


“Nope. Haven’t found it yet, I guess. So, tell me more about this song.” Liz thought that he seemed very interested in what she had to say. That unnerved Liz. She shifted in her seat and concentrated on the road in front of her.

“So why is it your favorite?” Max asked still wondering how a person chose their favorite song. He never thought about it that much, not until now. He wanted to know what made Liz Parker tick and this was going to have to be the way for today, he thought amusingly.

“I don’t know. Basically, it’s my hold over song.” Liz tried to explain but when she saw Max’s confused expression, she went on to further explain.

“The song is called, When You Love Someone, and basically he’s singing about all the things you do for someone when you’re in love with them. The good, the bad, you love the person with everything you have and it’s all worth it. I guess, I’ve always wanted to know what that felt like. I mean I love my daughter, but I’ve never been in the kind of love he sings about. I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t exist.” Liz shrugged. She felt embarrassed that she’d just told Max that much. It was what she thought, but never expressed to anyone.

“I get it. Now why did you say it was your ‘hold over song’?” Max watched closely as an array of expressions flashed across her face before she answered.

“Since the song is about loving someone, I think what I mean by that is, when I find someone that makes me feel and want to do all of those things, that person will replace the song. And a new one will begin, one that has no beginning and no end. A song that expresses everything I’ve always wanted to feel, but never have. I know it’s silly, but that’s how it makes me feel.” Liz’s cheeks burned from mortification.

Max quickly realized that her words were by far the most beautiful description of love he’d ever heard, and he told her as much.

“Thank you.” Liz turned her head slightly and gave Max a bright smile, to which he returned.

“Can I ask you a question?” Liz asked after a few moment of silence. She didn’t want them to fall into their usual rut of running out of things to talk about. It wasn’t for the lack of trying on Max’s part most times, but they were friends, or so she’d like to think, and friends talk, so she didn’t see anything wrong with striking up a conversation.

“Of course.”

“Why, when we left the house today, weren’t there tons of photographers and reporters outside the house? And why didn’t we just take the limo? Isn’t it better that way? And—”

“Woah! Slow down a minute. That is way more than one question and besides didn’t you hear? I play football. Which means in laymen terms means I’m a dumb jock.” Max joked and watched as Liz snapped her head in his direction and began to defend his honor, so to speak.

“Who said that about you? Obviously you have half a brain to graduate college and read a playbook right? And furthermore—” Max couldn’t contain his laughter any longer.

“L-Liz I t-thought y-you called football p-players, ogres?” He couldn’t resist ribbing her.

“Hey, that was below the belt! And what I said was not that funny.” Liz bit out angrily rolling her eyes, but couldn’t help a second later joining in his mirth.

“It wasn’t that it was funny. It was just the fact that you quickly jumped to my defense.”

“I’m still not hearing anything funny in there.” Liz reached out and smacked Max’s arm playfully.

“Liz, it was the way you said it. You got so angry and started defending me…I loved it.” Max smiled and just as quickly the mood in the car had changed to complete seriousness.

“Are you okay?”

“What? Yes, I’m fine. We’re almost there.” Liz rushed out distractedly.

“You sure?” Max edged on cautiously. He didn’t know what happened to change her mood but he didn’t want to further upset her.

“Yes. Can we just drop it?”

“Whatever you want.”

The remainder of the car ride was taken in complete and utter silence.


“This is it!” Liz announced as she rushed out of the driver’s side and over to Max’s door.

“I can get it. I’m a big boy you know,” Max said with a half smile playing on his lips.

“I know. But I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Thank you for caring.” Max mumbled out, which caused Liz to stop in her tracks.

“What did you say?”

“I said, thank you for caring.” Max looked at her funny. What was wrong with her?

“What does that mean?” Liz narrowed her eyes suspiciously up at him.

“It means…what do you mean?” Max was confused and it didn’t look like he’d be getting a reprieve anytime soon.

“Just that we’re friends, and I was being a friend and helping you.” Liz explained cautiously. She didn’t want Max getting the wrong idea.

“Okay. If that’s what you say.” Max shrugged and moved along side her. They were now standing at the back of the vehicle.

“And what does that mean?” she asked sounding a bit frustrated.

“What? Is this like twenty questions or something?” Max bit out angrily.

“Stop joking around and be serious.” Liz rebuked.

“I am. I have no idea what the hell I did wrong.”

“Why do you always think you’ve done something wrong?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the way you turn hot and cold on me. Or maybe it’s because you want to act like there is nothing going on between us.” The sarcasm was dripping from his voice.

“I don’t have to pretend, because there isn’t anything going on between us.” Liz brushed away his words with a flip of her wrist.

“If you say so.” Max stood staring straight ahead, up the driveway to the place where he and Liz would pick up Riley to bring home to Alexis. This was supposed to be a good day, he thought.

“See! That’s what I’m talking about. You’re being all smug.”

“Smug? No actually, I think I’ve been pretty reasonable. You’re the one that’s going off half cocked all the time.” Max tried to reason with her, but he knew once Liz was adamant about something, she wouldn’t back down without a fight.

“I am not!”

“Yes. You. Are.”

“Whatever. It’s none of your business.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. It’s my business that you almost kissed me,” he retorted smugly this time.

“Oh please! Don’t flatter yourself. You were going to kiss me too.” Liz rolled her eyes in exasperation. This conversation was too intense and she knew she shouldn’t have said half the things she did. But it was too late to take them back.

“Yes, I was because I wanted to and I thought you did too.”

“What did you just say?” Once again Liz felt a flutter sensation in the pit of her belly, how odd she thought. They were having a fight and she felt butterflies in her stomach?

“I said…”

“No. I heard you.” Liz chose her next words carefully.

“Max, I didn’t mean to lead you on in anyway that night. I don’t know what I was thinking and I’m sorry. We can be friends, but that’s where it stops.”

“Why?” he challenged.

“W-Why?” she stuttered looking at him in disbelief. Was he really serious?

“Yes, why? So I should just turn off my feelings?” He rebutted.

“It would be best in the long run.” Liz answered already lost amongst the triage of feelings swirling around in her head…and her heart.

“To hell with that. Look, Liz I like you a lot. And I love your daughter, why won’t you give me a chance?” Max questioned softly.

“I can’t.” She stated with such finality, not sure if she believed it herself or if she was just hoping to sound believable enough to Max.

“You can’t or you won’t?”

“Does it matter?” she asked tiredly.

“Yes,” he countered.

“No, it doesn’t. Because in the end you’d be the one to get hurt and I wouldn’t want that.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because I know.” She turned on her heels and made her way up the driveway.

“Well Miss Parker, I think you’ve finally met your match. And I don’t plan on letting you get away.” Max spoke aloud to himself before following her up the drive.

Things were certainly getting interesting and Max couldn’t wait to figure out the mystery that was Liz Parker. He was right when he told Maria that Liz was like the Fort Knox of challenges.

Nevertheless, he was once again always up for the challenge. There was no way he would back down, and there was no way in hell he would lose. It was only a matter of time before he broke down her walls. And when that time came, Max knew without a shadow of doubt, it would be completely worth it.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:36 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Back with a new part...and can I say you guys blow me away with your feedback! It makes all the time I spend writing worth it, so THANK YOU!


isis7777 - First of all welcome to the story! Secondly, thank you for your kind words! This is a story based on a challenge and I'm always hoping I'm doing it the justice it deserves, so thank you! Hope you enjoy!
Roswell 10/2/00

Jason's Lover - Crystal, I won't be there on Friday :( My life sucks! I have to work and I'm a broke ass on top of it LOL!

ana julia - Hi...not sure if you've left FB before (I'm slow LOL) but thank you so much and welcome!
BehrObsession - Wow, you have lots of questions...that I can't answer LOL!
littlewind - Hi! Welcome! Glad you caught up and I'm so happy you are enjoying it. And let's say this part is small piece of the puzzle that is Max and Liz. Thank you!

Smac - I see you are pulling your hair out...this part may not answer all of your questions, but it will give you a few.
Dreamer 4 Ever - Why was I not notified of Friday prior to today? Hmm, you are my girl with a info and the cool shit! You are slacking, and I'm a take it up with you soon :twisted: LOL!
cherie- And boy what a thick wall it is :twisted:
Lurkers - I'm not sure if there are any out there, but happy reading!

Chapter 15

They had already picked up Riley and were on their way back home. Max hadn’t spoken another word to Liz since their argument.

Isn’t that what she wanted? To be left alone to figure things out herself? Liz wasn’t sure anymore what was right for her.

Max’s words still rung in her ears, he liked her a lot. That was bigger than she ever expected. But what was wrong with her? Why did she lie to him? As Liz drove she stared ahead as Max spoke on his cell phone with his coach and then to someone who she believed was a teammate called, Kyle.

It hurt that Max ignored her, but she deserved it. She was mean to him and heartless. He was sharing his feelings and she just shot him down. But why?

That was a question she herself couldn’t fully answer. If she was honest, she liked Max just as much. Even doing so, Liz knew there was nothing that could come of it. There was nothing for her to offer him. He was used to girls that were sophisticated and well versed, she was hardly any of those things.

And yet even if those weren’t deterrents, the main fact that she didn’t trust her heart or her mind to lead her in the right direction would halt any further involvement with Max. Of course, she wanted to know what would come of them together, but at what expense?

She couldn’t give her heart away so freely, as she knew she could to Max, and then receive unreciprocated feelings. That was more than she was prepared to handle. Could he really love her? Could he give her the kind of love she craved? And if he could, could she herself offer those same sentiments? What if she couldn’t? What if, Max did by some chance fall in love with her, would she know it? Would she feel it the way she longed to? Would it be a passing feeling or would it solidify itself within her and fill her life with her most desired wish?

Why did love have to be so complicated? Liz wondered as she listened to Max argue with Kyle on the phone. He seemed beyond agitated and Liz wasn’t sure why.

“I said that was fine. Do what you want. Yes, I’ll be there!” Max slammed his phone shut and brought his attention back to Riley who was sitting comfortably in his lap.

“Is…everything okay?” Liz asked hesitantly.

“Yeah. Everything is great.” Max retorted blandly. He was still pissed off over this situation with Liz and now he had Kyle riding his ass about not calling him back.

“Is he always this tame?” Max asked as a hint of a smile played on his lips as he petted Riley.

“Riley loves to ride in the car. He always sits completely still just watching everything move around him. And yes, he’s actually very tame. Except when Alexis is around, he goes crazy with her.” Liz laughed to herself just thinking about that last time Alexis saw Riley and then her mood changed quickly.

“Liz, are you alright?” Max asked cautiously as he saw the tears slipping down her cheeks.

Liz couldn’t speak, the memories of that day flashed across her eyes and she couldn’t keep herself together.

“Pull over, Liz. Right here.” Max pointed to the part of the shoulder that was big enough for them to sit on without obstructing traffic.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked softly. He wasn’t sure if she was crying over their argument or if it was something else.

“I…” Liz swallowed thickly as she tried to hold back her sobs. Max reached out his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder for comfort and before he knew it she threw herself into his arms.

He still didn’t know what was wrong, but was grateful nevertheless that she was letting him be there for her.

“Liz, tell me,” Max pleaded softly as her cries died down. Riley had already jumped into the backseat to look out the window, as difficult as it was.

“I was just thinking about the last time Alexis saw Riley. It was a year ago and it was the day I found her lying on the floor, her dollhouse crushed by her weight. I didn’t know if she was breathing or…not. I thought she was dead…and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what was happening,” Liz cried out into Max’s neck and he squeezed his arms around her harder. Pulling her into his lap, no matter the fact that his painkillers were wearing off, he wouldn’t let her go for anything.

“I’m so sorry you were alone, but whatever you did I know you did it as quick as you could. And now she’s fine. She’s healthy and happy and she’s going to be even happier when we get back home with that little guy in the backseat.” Max mumbled against her soft hair. She felt and smelt incredible. He already knew he was falling fast for her, but this was beyond his comprehension. How could she be the one he was looking for his entire life, when he himself didn’t know he was looking for her?

“I’m so scared, Max. I’m scared to let my guard down and accept being happy. My life, as you know, has been anything but. I don’t…I…” Liz wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing, but she knew that Max would be the one person in the world that would understand her at this moment.

“You don’t what, Liz?” Max reared back and framed her face in his hands. Liz’s eyes met his and she finally told him what she’d been holding back for so long.

“I don’t know how to be happy. I’m scared to be happy.” Max’s breath hitched in his throat and at that moment he wanted to promise her the world and everything in it, but it was neither the time nor place for it.

“I know what you mean, Liz.” He whispered out to her.

“You do?” Liz stared at him in amazement.

“Yes, because I felt the same way. But ever since Alexis walked into my hospital room that day, I’ve been thinking I was wrong.”

“You were? About what?” She asked completely intrigued.

“I always thought happiness didn’t exist, maybe it did to some degree. Like when we win a big game or when I hang out with Michael and few guys having a few beers watching a game. Hell, I even convinced myself that happiness was dependent on a monetary figure, but that’s not even close to what it is. Happiness isn’t the materialistic things that surround you, it’s the people and the events that add up to the moments.” Max explained as best as he could.

“The moments?”

“The moments that define your life.” Liz smiled shyly at Max. He really did understand better than anyone she’d ever known.

“Will you let me, Liz?” Max asked cautiously.

“Let you what?” Their eyes were piercing one another’s.

“Let me give you some moments. I promise you won’t regret them,” Max edged on hesitantly. He was showing a part of himself that no one had ever seen, and if she rejected him, well he wasn’t prepared for it.

What could she say? He was so raw and honest. This would be the biggest step she ever took, but something in the back of her mind told her if she didn’t, she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

“Okay,” she answered softly.

“Okay?” He asked in disbelief.

“Yes. I want moments, lots of them.” Liz smiled and Max breathed a sigh of relief.

“But…” Liz added.

“But what?” Max asked concerned.

“It’s not going to be easy. I’m complicated most of the time and…” Max silenced her with a finger on her lips.

“Ditto.” They both smiled but were pulled apart before the conversation could go any further by Max’s cell phone.

Liz scrambled off of his lap and settled herself back in her seat to start the car. Oh my God! That was her mantra. Was she really doing this? Was she really going to put her heart out there? So many questions and thoughts ran through her mind, but when she turned to take a sneak peek at Max, she smiled to herself. It was worth it and she knew it.


“Max? Is my mommy there?” Alexis asked trying to hold back her tears.

“Of course she is princess, what’s wrong?” Max asked concerned and Liz stopped what she was doing to lean over the seat and eavesdrop on the conversation.

“You were gone a long time, and Michael said that everything was okay, but I don’t believe him. Was he lying, Max?” Alexis asked in a staged whisper. Max figured that Alexis was making the phone call unbeknownst to Michael. He just laughed to himself.

“What? Is everything okay?” Liz asked and Max just nodded.

“He wasn’t lying, in fact we’re almost home but let me put your mother on.” Max handed Liz the phone and then watched as she tried to explain to Alexis where they were.

“Mommy, how come you didn’t let me come?” Alexis asked not a little hurt.

“Sweetheart, Max and I had something to do and we figured you wouldn’t want to come.”

“That’s not true mommy! I love going out with you and I’ve never gone anywhere with Max, so why didn’t you tell me?” Liz felt guilty but it was all for a good cause. Because she knew just as Max did that once Alexis saw Riley all things would be forgiven.

“I’m sorry sweetie. We can go out tonight, how does that sound?”

“Oh for dinner?!” Alexis jumped up and down. It had been so long since her and her mommy went out for dinner.

“Yes.” Liz answered giggling at her daughter’s enthusiasm.

“Oh! Mommy can we get dressed up real pretty?” she asked already trying to figure out what dress she should wear.

“Of course honey, you know there is no other way.” Liz smiled and then took a look over at Max, who was just watching her intently.

God, could he be any happier? He was sure he had a big cheesy smile on his face, but he didn’t care. Liz was going to give him…them[/] a chance. Max wasn’t naïve to think that it would be easy. He may not know Liz as well as he’d like, but he knew she was a complex individual, as was he. And maybe that’s what scared him at the moment, he’d never been in a serious relationship and he sure as hell hadn’t been in a monogamous one either, not for some time.

It wasn’t about sex. It was about living up to the expectations that he set for himself. He was far from perfect, and he had made a lot of mistakes in his life. And Max knew that sometimes the mistakes that one makes in the past come back and haunt them. He had a lot of regrets and he hoped that Liz would understand, when they came up.

Max knew only one fact about being in a relationship, and that was if it were going to work, there would have to be complete honesty. That, he knew was easier said than done. But he would try not only for himself but for Liz and Alexis as well.

“See you soon. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mommy! Oh! And tell Max I love him too!”

“I will.”

“You will, what?” Max asked as Liz handed him back his cell phone.

“Tell you that Alexis said that she loves you.” Max blushed and diverted his eyes.

“You’re still not used to it are you?” Liz asked with a half smile as she pulled onto the street.

“No. It’s just really weird, I mean not weird. It’s great. How can I explain?” Max thought for a moment and chose his words carefully.

“She’s the simplest love I’ve known.”

“You know, you’re right. She is.” Liz and Max both smiled at each other before turning their attention to the road in front of them.

Alexis placed the phone back in its cradle and skipped back into the living room, where she was supposed to be watching cartoons while Michael made himself something to eat.

“Where were you?” Michael asked as he watched Alexis skip back into the room. She was an adorable kid, of that he could not deny.

“I was talking to my mommy and Max.” Alexis stated simply as she bounced onto the couch.

Michael honestly wasn’t sure what to talk to a five year old about. It was strange, she was a little person and he had no idea what to do with her. That is other than watch cartoons.

“Mike…I mean Michael.” She corrected herself knowing what her mother told her about disrespecting Michael.

“You can call me Mike, but only you.” Michael winked and Alexis just giggled and scooted closer to him on the couch.

“Thank you, Mike. What’s your favorite cartoon?” Alexis blinked her big brown wide eyes up at Michael awaiting his response.

“Actually, I haven’t watched cartoons in a long time. But when I was a kid I loved Batman and Robin.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“You don’t know who Batman and Robin are?” Michael asked shocked. How did she not know who they were? He would have to remedy this situation.

“No. Is that about bats and birds? Do they have bats in it Mike? And what kind of a bird plays with a bat?” Alexis tilted her head up at Michael and he couldn’t help but laugh. He reached up, holding the remote and turned off the television.

“Nah, it’s so much cooler than that. See there is this guy, who has gadgets and Robin is his sidekick.” Michael tried to explain but was failing miserably.

“What does he do with the gad…the ga…what was it called again?”

“Gadgets, sort of like toys but they are so much cooler. He can climb up buildings and fly through the air.”

“Oh! Does he have wings and stuff?”

“Sort of, it’s a cape.”

“A cape?”

“Yes, like superman.”

“Superman? Oh I think I saw him on T.V. before, but it wasn’t a cartoon it was a movie.”

“Yes, Batman was a movie too.”

“Yeah? That’s cool.” Alexis had quickly lost interest and it was just as well because Michael didn’t think he’d be able to explain it so she’d understand.

“Can you turn the T.V. back on now?” She asked and Michael just nodded turning it on.

So much for a little bonding, he thought.

“Mike?” Alexis asked after a few moments of silence.


“Do you think Max would want to be my daddy?” Whoa! He was not expecting that question. And being that his track record with Alexis and complex conversations didn’t go so well the first time, things were definitely not looking good.

Alexis stared blankly at Michael, why did he look nervous? Maybe he knew that Max didn’t want to be her daddy and he didn’t want to hurt her?

“Alexis, I can’t speak for Max but I can tell you that any man would be lucky to have you as his daughter.” Michael answered as honestly as he could.

“Okay.” Alexis then turned her attention back to the television.

“That’s it’s? Okay? No more questions?” Michael was confused.

“Yes. That’s it. No more questions.” She said and then asked him for a glass of water.

She watched Michael leave the room and then decided that maybe if she showed Max she could be a good daughter he would want to be her daddy. And maybe if she could get her mommy to love Max then they could be a family.

“Alright squirt, here you go.” Michael handed Alexis the glass but he ended up wearing it when she stood up on the couch and bounced up when she heard the front door bell.

“It’s mommy and Max!” she announced when she looked at video monitor that was beside the couch. Alexis jumped off the couch leaving Michael dripping wet and frustrated.

“I’m coming Mommy!” Alexis ran to the front door and knew she couldn’t open it, so she waited until someone unlocked it before she swung the door open.

“Riley!” Alexis screeched when she saw her puppy sitting on the front step. She quickly reached down and grabbed him.

“Mommy, Max you got Riley!” She yelled and ran back down the hallway to Michael.

“Look Mike! Mommy and Max got Riley back! Isn’t he so cute?!” Alexis shouted and Michael just shook his head, the damn dog was cute.

“Honey, what did I tell you about calling him…” Liz started but Michael explained.

“No problem, we have an agreement.” Michael smirked and then turned to Max who had finally caught up with everyone in the living room.

“What happened to you?” Max asked with amusement on his face when he saw his best friend looked like he jumped in the shower with his clothes on.

“She happened, and you guys happened. Look I’m out. I have to meet Maria for dinner. Oh, Maxwell I’ll call you later, something I need to talk to you about.” Michael hinted and then left the room.

“Are you happy?” Max asked as he took a seat next to Alexis with Riley in her lap.

“Yes! So happy! Oh mommy can Riley come to dinner with us?” she looked up hopeful to her mother.

“I’m sorry, we can’t. But we can take him to the park tomorrow. How does that sound?”

“Oh I can’t wait! I’m going to give him some water. Mommy where is he going to sleep?”

“Don’t worry about that, just go get him some water.” Liz ushered her along. She needed a minute with Max to explain about their dinner plans.

“Dinner?” Max asked with a raised eyebrow. Liz took a seat next to him, still not completely comfortable, but enough. This was too new to her and she didn’t want to do anything wrong.

“Yes. Well Alexis wanted to go out to dinner tonight. It’s this thing we do, we get all dressed up and well we don’t eat an expensive meal or anything. We just go and get something, even if it’s pizza and we eat out.” Liz shrugged her shoulders; she figured Max would not be interested in something like that.

“I think that’s great.”

“You do?” Liz asked confusingly.

“Yes. I think it’s great. But I get to pick what we have? How does that sound?” Max asked with a hint of mischief in his voice and features.

“Sounds great!”

And he hoped it would be. But first he needed to make a phone call.

“I’ll be back in a few. I need to get ready and it’s going to take me a while.”

“Okay, I have to give Alexis a bath anyway. So we’ll meet back down here in about two hours?” Liz asked.



“Mommy, can I ask you something?” Alexis asked as her mother brushed her hair. She was all bathed and dressed; the last touch was her hair. Alexis hated getting her hair done, but she wanted it to look pretty for Max so she didn’t complain.

“You my love can ask me anything.”

“Do you think that maybe…not now…maybe later…like later, later, Max can be my daddy?” Alexis didn’t turn to look at her mother, thankfully. Liz almost choked, her eyes went wide and she forgot to breath correctly.

Was her daughter serious? This was too fast? How could she respond to a question like that?

“Mommy? Did you hear me?”

“Y-yes I heard you.”

“You don’t think he would right?” Alexis asked sadly.

“Oh God, no! Honey, Max loves you. And I know he would be so proud to have you as his daughter, as much as you’d want him as your daddy. But…it doesn’t work like that.” Liz tried to explain, but it was a very complicated subject.

“Why not? If I love him and he loves me, then why can’t he be my daddy?” That was a very good question, one unfortunately Liz did not have an answer to.

“Sweetie, other things have to be there in order for him to be your daddy.” What was she saying? She had no idea, this was topic she was ill prepared for.

“What other things? Do you have to love him too, mommy?” Alexis asked innocently and once again Liz wasn’t sure if her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

“Lexi, when a man and a woman…” That was not the right approach so she started again.

“What I’m trying to say is…”

“I think…” What did she think? The easiest answer was, ‘Yes she would have to love Max,’ but she couldn’t say that.

“It’s okay mommy. I will wait until you can tell me.” Alexis looked over her shoulder up at her mother and smiled.

Liz let out a breath of relief before going about her task of fixing her daughter’s hair.


She looked even more amazing than he’d ever imagined she could. She wore a simple navy colored dress that came just above her knees. Her hair was done up with a few loose tendrils of hair kissing her shoulders.

Max smiled at Liz as she descended the stairs. He could tell she was nervous but when she smiled brightly at him he couldn’t help but return the gesture.

Max was so extremely happy to know this was their beginning.

“You look beautiful,” Max whispered into her ear as he kissed her cheek softly. Liz smiled shyly and thanked him.

“You look very handsome.” She wanted to say he looked incredible. He was wearing a black suit, with a black and silver tie. He looked so distinguished and God help her, sexy as hell.

Max nodded and then asked where Alexis was.

“Oh she’s waiting to make her grand appearance for you.”

“I feel so honored.”

“I know you do.” Liz smiled and stood beside Max as she called out for her daughter.

“Here I am!” Alexis announced at the top of the stairs. She did a twirl before looking down and smiling brightly.

“Wow! You look beautiful, princess.” Max beamed brightly. She really was beautiful, just like her mother.

Alexis walked cautiously down the flight of stairs, being extra careful not to snag her pastel pink dress. Her mommy let her wear lipgloss, it was clear but it was still shiny and she liked it.

“Thank you.” Alexis then reached out her hand for Max to take, which he did without hesitation, and then Alexis watched closely as Max reached out his other hand for Liz. She then noticed something she didn’t before, her mommy was smiling at Max. But it was different than before. It was like she was happy to see him, even though she saw him all the time. Alexis shrugged and moved along to her next thought.

Which was to get her mommy to fall in love with Max, so he could be her daddy. Alexis was smart enough to realize that Max liked her mommy a lot. Maybe he even loved her already, she thought. There was only one way to find out, but that would have to be for later, when her mommy wasn’t around.

“Let’s go eat!”


“Mommy, I’m so full!” Alexis said as she fell back into her chair rubbing her belly.

“I bet. You ate like a little piggy.” Liz laughed out.

“I’m not a piggy! Besides mommy, you ate more than me!” Alexis challenged.

“You’re right! Mommy is a piggy, but not as much as Max, right?”

“That’s right!”

“Hey, when did the conversation switch to me? I’m innocent here.”

“Sure, sure whatever.” Liz laughed and threw her napkin at him.

“So you liked your food?” Max asked Liz.

“Yes, it was so good! I never had so many food choices before. And the way they made it right in front of us, that was great. Seriously, thank you Max.” Liz finished sincerely.

Max had wanted to take them out to a really fancy place, but realized that wasn’t Liz or Alexis. Yes, they could still do that, but this was something for them to do together and it was new for him but he had to admit he enjoyed it. He had called in a favor and had a friend of his shut down his small restaurant for a couple of hours, so that he, Liz and Alexis could enjoy a great meal without everyone staring at them.

“You’re welcome.”

The night was going so well; he couldn’t even imagine what lay in store for later.


“Mommy, I don’t wanna go to bed yet. Can’t I watch a movie?” Alexis pleaded with her mother, as Max stood in the doorway.

“I’m sorry, but you have to get used to going to bed at a certain time, you have to start school soon and this will make it easier.” Liz explained as she tucked her daughter in and kissed her goodnight.

“I love you.”

“Love you too, mommy. Max, can I have a kiss goodnight?” Alexis asked when her mother stepped away. He was shocked but didn’t hesitate.

Alexis knew he couldn’t bend down, so she stood up and wrapped her arms around him as best as possible and Max kissed the top of her head.

“Night princess.”

Max took his place beside Liz and waited until she turned off the light before stepping out of the room.

Once they were in the hallway, he reached for her hand.

“I had a really great time, Liz.”

“Me too. I know she did too,” Liz smiled up at Max. There was so much that she saw in his eyes, one of which was clearly evident. Hope. For what, she had no idea.

Max walked her to her bedroom door before releasing her hand. This was really awkward for him, usually after a date there would be one thing that would happen. And that was sex, but funny how that was the last thing on his mind.

There was however, something else at the forefront of his thoughts.

“Night, Max.”

“Night, Liz.” He watched her turn around and reach for the handle before he stopped her.

“Wait,” he rushed out.


“I want to kiss you, Liz.” He whispered out. Max was wholeheartedly unprepared for her answer.

“Kiss me then, Max.” Liz turned and faced Max for the first time and without another word he wrapped one arm around her waist and trailed the other up her exposed neckline before cupping her cheek gently. Their eyes locked, and when he saw her eyes slowly flutter closed, he shut his own in preparation.

The first touch was soft, a mere brush of lips against one another. It wasn’t enough for either of them. Max leaned in closer and slanted his lips over hers, coaxing them to become less rigid. It had been so long since he’d kissed anyone this way, he didn’t realize how much he missed it until their lips touched. Liz responded with a soft moan giving him the approval to kiss her deeper. It had been over five years since she’d been kissed by anyone. Somehow she never imagined it would or rather could ever feel that amazing.

Liz stood on her tiptoes and flitted her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. The things he was doing with his mouth made her knees weak. He slowly slid his lips across hers, hoping she would let him continue his exploration. And Liz did with minimal hesitation. Soon their actions grew needy and Max had finally pinned her against the door and continued to drag his lips across her much softer ones, tasting all of her and loving the feel of her petite body flush against his. It was so much more than he ever thought it would be. He appreciated the small moans that escaped the back of her throat and he couldn’t help but release his own as their tongues dueled and danced. It was all too much; they needed air but neither willing to release the other for it.

The sensations that he created within her were foreign and yet so utterly delicious, she never wanted to stop kissing him, but fate had other plans…

“Max, why are you kissing my mommy?” They both jumped apart and stared down at the little girl who had placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot waiting for an explanation.

Max and Liz looked at each other panting and completely flushed. Suddenly they felt like two teenagers getting caught making out in the eraser room. And just like that moment, this one would be just as difficult to explain; they thought trying to hide their smiles.

“Honey, we can explain…”


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:08 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - So what can I say...I'm late. I'm sorry guys but these past few weeks have been killing me slowly. But, I'm back with a new part!! I want to thank everyone that left feedback and to those lurkers who came out to tell me how much they enjoyed that *kiss*! I was hoping you guys would like it...I mean you waited patiently for 15 chapters...that's pretty damned good!!

I have to give a special thanks to Tiffany (sweetbrowneyes) for always being there to support and help me! Our muses suck by themselves but together they're great :wink: love ya!

Dreamer 4 Ever
Roswell 10/2/00
Jason's Lover
ana Julia
Sweet Liz

Chapter 16

Alexis was still waiting for an answer, but it seemed as though she wasn’t going to get one.

Did this mean that her mommy loved Max already? Maybe she did which meant that he could be her daddy even sooner! She then decided that if that were the case, then it would be best if she left them alone. Just as she was going to turn on her heels and hightail it back to her room, Max spoke.

“Princess, I was kissing your mommy…because…well…because I like her.” Max finished with a bashful smile adorning his lips. Liz couldn’t help but blush at how adorable Max looked trying to explain why he was kissing her. Finally though, she decided that she needed to explain to Alexis a little farther.

“Honey, Max and I like each other and when two older people like each other, they can kiss.” Liz looked up at Max with a sheepish smile. She had no idea how to explain this one and Alexis looked even more confused than before.



“I’m a go to bed now.” With that Alexis turned and ran back to her bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.

Liz then turned to Max who wore the same puzzled face as her, wondering just what the hell happened.

“I don’t get it.” Max stated as he turned back to Liz.

“Me either. But hey, I’m not going to complain. It’s better that she walks away than to have me continue to make her understand what she just saw.” Liz smiled and made her way back in front of her door.

She was still trying to get her hormones in check after the kiss they shared. It was the best kiss she ever had. Liz wondered if Max felt the same way. She looked up at him and he had a look that was indescribable, but it made her heart lurch in her chest once more.

What was it about him that drove her crazy? Yes, he was very good looking that she’d never deny. But how was it that he was able to know that at that very moment she wanted him to do nothing more, than to kiss her?

The kiss was perfect and she felt it down to her toes. The fire that grew between them was palpable. Liz knew that if things with her and Max ever progressed it would be intense, for lack of a better word.

Deep down, Liz craved that kind of intense passion, but would she be able to reciprocate the feelings? That more than anything made her terrified of starting this, whatever it was, with Max.

“You okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Just tired I guess.” Liz tried to cover up her distraction.

“So I’ll see you in the morning?” Max asked hesitantly. Something was on her mind, and he wanted to know but thought better of pushing her. After all, they had just shared an amazing kiss. He wanted to kiss her again, all over this time. But that would have to wait, because he knew that Liz was not ready for that type of relationship just yet.

“Bright and early.” Liz paused, mid smile as she watched Max lean in and kiss her cheek softly.

“Goodnight, Liz.”

“Goodnight, Max.”


“What did you want to talk to me about?” Max asked rolling onto his side later on that night. He had been trying to sleep but he couldn’t stop his mind from focusing on Liz. Was she sleeping? Was she thinking about the kiss they shared? Did she want to kiss him again? The questions were pouring from his mind and he wanted to jump out of bed and go to her.

But he didn’t. Instead he called Michael to find out what he wanted to talk to him about.

“So I was watching T.V. with the little runt,” Michael started only to be cut off by Max.

“Don’t call her a runt, Michael.” Max defended.

“Hey, relax I’m just kidding. The girl is a cutie and she’s grown on me. Now, listen to this. We’re discussing some cartoon or some shit like that, and bam! She asks me if I think that you would want to be her father.”

“What?! Are you serious?” Max practically jumped out of bed, as difficult a task that was.

“My thoughts exactly, man. I didn’t know what to say.”

“Michael, what did you tell her?” Max rolled his eyes and plopped back onto his bed. He could only imagine what he might have said to her.

“Damn, have a little faith brother. I told her that any guy would be lucky to have her as a daughter.” Michael finished while shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

Max breathed a sigh of relief.

Wait! Relief? Is that what he felt? And why was he feeling it? Was it just because he loved Alexis and wouldn’t want Michael to hurt her feelings, or was it something more?

“Michael, I have go. I…need to get up early tomorrow. Bye.” Max hung the phone up quickly and made his way into the bathroom. He needed a long hot shower to help clear his mind.




He rolled over and grunted. It couldn’t be time to wake up yet, he thought. It felt like he just laid his head down on the pillows. But when he heard for the third time, Alexis’ voice through the intercom he knew he was wrong.

“I’m coming,” Max said out to the empty air. He still hadn’t gotten out of bed yet.

“Max! It’s time to wake up! Get up!”

“Lexi, stop yelling. You’re going to give him a migraine.” Max laughed to himself at the sound of Liz's whispering in comparison to Alexis’ shouting. They were a pair, he thought.

“Too late for that,” Max muttered to himself, finally lifting himself into a sitting position. Just as he was situating himself on the bed, his bedroom door swung open.

“See mommy! I told you he was up!” Alexis bounced into the room and quickly scrambled to get on top of the bed.

Max looked up and saw Liz carrying a tray full of food. He wondered what that was all about.

“Morning,” Liz smiled brightly and walked over to his side of the bed.

“What’s all this for?”

“It’s for you silly. Mommy and me made breakfast for you.” Alexis leaned over Max to place a kiss on his cheek and stole a piece of bacon from his tray.

“You made me breakfast?” Max asked completely shocked. No one had ever made him breakfast, that is no one that he didn’t pay.

“Yes. Don’t act so surprised. It is the least I can do for everything that you’ve done.” Liz took a seat next to him and because she didn’t want to wait, leaned in and kissed his other cheek.

“You know a man could get really used to this type of good morning.” Max was overwhelmed at the moment. This was different. Usually there wasn’t anyone to greet him in the morning. This was definitely something he could easily grow accustom to.

“Oh mommy loves cooking! She makes the best French toast ever!” Alexis yelled out from underneath Max’s covers.

Liz however wasn’t paying attention at the moment. In fact, she wasn’t sure if she was still breathing. Thankfully, she had the hindsight to take a seat before her knees gave out. Max was shirtless. It was a sight she had actually fantasized quite explicitly about last night, but it didn’t even come close to what he looked like in the flesh.

Liz’s eyes roamed his sun kissed torso. His muscles flexed in perfect motion with his movements. Was it possible for him to be that more attractive to her? She didn’t think so, and it was working on her last bit of resistance. Why did he have to make it so hard on her? Why did he have to be so perfect?

“What do you think about that, Liz?” Max asked after taking a gulp of his orange juice.

“Oh, I’m sorry what did you say?” The sexual fog finally cleared itself from her mind at the sound of Max’s voice. She looked around and didn’t find Alexis anywhere.

“I asked you if you wanted to maybe go to the park after I get out of physical therapy.” Max knew damn well she was checking him out, but he didn’t want to embarrass her. At least she didn’t think he was repulsive without a shirt. Not that he had any complaints before, but Liz was different. What she thought meant more than he wanted to admit.

"That’s a great idea. We can take Riley with us. I know Lexi would love it.” Max smiled and thought back to his brief conversation with Michael last night.

Would he make a good father? Would Liz think so? What was he thinking, he and Liz just got together. That would be moving too quick. Yet despite all of that, Max couldn’t help but wonder what Liz would think.


“Max, does that therapy stuff hurt?” Alexis asked from the backseat. She was trying to get Riley to stop jumping on top of her, but it was pointless.

“No princess. It doesn’t hurt that much.”

“I guess it wouldn’t. Cause you are big and strong, right?” she asked innocently and Max couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s right.”



“When can I have a piggy back ride?”

“You can have a piggy back ride after I go to three more of these therapy sessions.”

“Oh really?! Did you hear that mommy?” Alexis looked in the rearview mirror to get her mother’s attention.

“Yes I did. That’s great news.”

“It is! Oh does that mean that mommy gets a piggy back ride too?”

“I don’t think…” Liz started.

“Of course I’d give my two favorite girls piggy back rides.” Max winked at Liz when he caught her blushing at his words. God, he wanted to taste her sweet lips again. He wanted to feel her soft breathe against his face, the scent of her light floral perfume and the delicious sound of her moans fill the air around them.

Max quickly adjusted himself in his seat, trying to go unnoticed by Liz. What was he thinking?! This was no time to be getting sexual thoughts. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop them from running rampant in his mind.

“We’re here!” Liz announced a few minutes later. She helped Alexis and Riley out of the car before following Max inside the office.

“Okay, we’re going to take him for an hour.” The nurse said as she escorted Max back with her.


“Mommy, what are you looking at?” Alexis stared at her mother in wonder. They had walked a few blocks and then her mother just stopped and started staring at something in the window.

“A necklace, baby.”

“Oh is it pretty?” Alexis asked trying to stand on her tiptoes to catch a sneak peek. Liz turned and lifted her daughter in her arms.

“Ooh! Mommy that’s really pretty,” Alexis said the moment she laid her eyes on the diamond rose pendant her mother was looking at.

“Yes, it’s beautiful.”

“Buy it mommy.” Alexis offered.

“No sweetie. That’s really expensive. Besides, we have to go shopping for your school clothes.” Liz placed her daughter back on her feet and went about window-shopping until Max was ready.

As they made their way back to pick up Max, Alexis decided that there were now two very important things she needed to talk to Max about.


“How do you think she will do in school?” Liz asked as she and Max watched Alexis run around with a few kids at the park while Riley chased them.

“I think she’ll do great. Look at her,” Max nodded towards Alexis and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her. Her brown curls bounced, as she would run away. Her amazing smile and perfect laugh; she would make a great daughter to a deserving man.

“Yeah. She’s come a long way.” Liz finished somewhat distractedly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I should go back to work.” Liz said out of the blue and Max was confused. Was she not happy?

“What? Why?” Max turned to her, but she wouldn’t face him.

“Why? Max, I have no money and Alexis needs school clothes and I just... I need something to do.” Liz finished with a tired sigh. She didn’t want Max getting the wrong idea, but she also didn’t want him to think she was taking advantage of his generosity.

“You can help me.” Max offered off the top of his head.

“Help you what?”

“I don't know. Liz, I just…” Max’s thoughts became jumbled as he tried to dig deep for the right words. “Don't you want to keep me company? I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about football.”

Liz sighed heavily. “Please tell me you’re not going to be playing.”

“No, it's not that. But Kyle is coming over, he's a teammate of mine, and he was telling me about the assistant coach position that they've been talking about me taking over.” Max went on to explain with a disgusted tone lingering behind his words.

“That's great!” Liz smiled genuinely at him. At least he wasn’t going to risk injuring himself further, she thought.

“Yeah, I guess.” Why was she so enthused that he was never going to play again? He didn’t like it.

“Max,” Liz began softly reaching a hand out to his.

“What? I'm sorry but I've played and loved this game for most of my do I go from playing to watching on the sidelines?” Max tried to explain his feelings.

“Max, I've never seen you play and I'm sure you were amazing but sometimes you have to let the things you love the most go.” Liz sympathized.

“I guess the same holds true for you and Alexis. Soon she’ll be going to school and you won’t have her around all day.” Max offered a melancholy smile.

“Very true.”

“I wish you'd seen me play even if it was just once.” He really did. He knew she hated football, but was so sure if she had the chance she would have grown to love it.

“Well I'm sure you have every game taped right?” Liz offered enthusiastically. She didn’t like to see Max depressed, it wasn’t becoming.

“Yes, of course.”

“So it’s a date! You and me tonight. I'm going to watch my first real football game from start to finish.”


“Promise!” Liz smiled, and because she couldn’t help it, leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

Max wanted more than that kiss, but he would take it for now. He needed to clear his mind once again.

“Now back to this working thing...if that's what you want, go for it. But what about when Alexis goes to school? I can hire someone to watch her after school.” Max began to offer Liz solutions, but could tell she had something else on her mind.

“I was thinking,” she began.

“Go ahead.”

“What if I worked part time somewhere, and then I could be home to meet Alexis at the bus.”


Had she just referred to Max’s house as, home? She did and Max couldn’t help but smile at all the thoughts coursing through his mind. It wasn’t just his house anymore it was their house.

“Max? Did you hear me? I mean if you think it would be better if I worked full time, I could do that too. That way I can start paying for some things instead of living off of you and…”

“Whoa! Slow down. Liz, you are not living off of me. Remember I offered so stop that line of thinking. Secondly, I think you working part time is great, but I insist that you not pay for anything other than things you want or may need. Let me take care of the rest.”


“Please,” he pleaded softly and she nodded.

“So when do we have to enroll her?” Max asked.

“We?” Liz looked at Max surprised by his choice of words.

“Yes, we. I’d like to, if you didn't mind, go with you.” Maybe this was a bad idea. What was he thinking? That he could just step up as the father figure in Alexis’ life?

“No of course not, we should go next week.”

“Then we need to go school shopping right?” Max asked as he watched Alexis on the swings.

“Yes, but…”

“But what?”

“Nothing.” Liz knew that the kids in the area were used to the finest things, not that she was trying to compete but she knew how cruel kids could be. School shopping would be interesting.


After putting Alexis to bed, Max and Liz made themselves comfortable in the living room.

The football game was on and Liz was thoroughly enjoying Max explain the game to her. She realized it wasn’t that she hated the game, it was more that she didn’t understand it. No one besides Max had ever taken the time to explain it to her.

Aside from the fact that Alexis’ father played football, which is what gave her that extra push not to ever care about the sport, until now.

“What I wouldn’t give to see you in that uniform.” Liz’s eyes went wide. Had she just said that out loud?! She hoped to God she didn’t. But when she turned her neck, she closed her eyes in mortification.

“I still have it you know? Whenever you’re ready to see me in it, I’d be happy to oblige.” Max offered with a teasing, yet very sexual toned voice.

“Right.” Liz said not looking at Max once.


“Hmm?” She was starting to doze off after the game was finished. It was late but she didn’t want to leave his side.

“I talked to Michael last night and he told me something Alexis asked him.” Liz’s ears perked up.


“She asked him about me,” he started off vaguely not sure if he should even mention it.

“What about you?”

“Alexis asked Michael if he thought I’d want to be her father.”

“Oh, she did.”

“Why don’t you seem surprised?” Max sounded a little disappointed.

“Max, I think it’s great that she feels that way about you. But I …you don’t…” Liz was grasping for the right words.

“I understand it's still so soon and we're just getting to know one another but I'd like that.” Max offered softly.

“What? her father?” Liz stuttered.

“Yes...maybe some day...and even if I'm not, I'd still want her in my life.” Max voiced his feelings uncertain of how they would be accepted.

“And you will be, Max. No matter what happens between us.” Liz promised.

Max turned to Liz giving her a grateful smile and before either of them knew what was happening. Liz was nestled in his lap and her lips were attacking his greedily.

“God…Liz,” Max moaned out between kisses. He ran his hands up her back, bringing her closer to him. Max wanted to crawl inside of her body, that’s how good she felt.

Liz didn’t know what came over her, but at that moment just knowing how deeply he felt for her daughter…and maybe even for her, was too much. She wanted to feel safe and protected, more than anything else though, Liz wanted to feel cherished. And she did, in Max’s arms she felt like the most cherished person in the world.

Max cradled the back of her neck as his tongue plundered her warm, soft mouth. He couldn’t get enough of her. And just when he thought she’d pull away, Liz did the exact opposite, she pulled him closer. She began to kiss his neck and then trailed her tongue up to his sensitive lobes and nibbled.

He tasted amazing and he smelt so intoxicating. His body was so warm and Liz fought all control she had not to rip at his clothing.

Rip at his clothing?

No! Things were moving too fast. They needed to slow down.

“Max,” Liz panted out after breaking their kiss.

“W-what?” Max gasped for air.

“We need…to slow down.” They both stared into each other’s eyes, both knowing that if they had let things progress, things would have gone far beyond their ability to stop.

“Right. Okay.” Max took a deep breath and placed his hands on her hips.

“How about a midnight snack?” Liz smiled gratefully at Max. He understood and he knew when he could push her, and when he couldn’t.

“I think that sounds perfect.”


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:55 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Thanks for being so patient with me! I have to say that you all have Kara aka QB aka Jara to thank for this part. She truly helped me get this part done...whatever would I do without my *Tigger* hee hee!! Love you girl!!

The feedback is amazing and so very appreciated! Seriously, just seeing how much you are enjoying it makes me *smile* So thank you all so very much!

Roswell 10/2/00
Jason's Lover
Sweet Liz
out of this world
Eccentric One

Chapter 17

It was an early Saturday morning that Max found himself up before noon, which was far from normal lately. He had made his way downstairs only to find the television on in the living room. Slowly, he crept up behind the couch only to find two curly pigtails bopping from side to side.

“Morning, princess.”

“Max!” Alexis jumped to her feet and practically lunged into his arms. Max held her tightly before releasing her.

“What are you doing up so early?”

“Mommy said we were going shopping for school clothes, and I wanted to be ready.” Max smiled at her, it was very apparent that she had dressed herself and done her own hair.

“I think we have to wait for your mother to wake up, besides I have to get ready too.”

“Oh.” Alexis didn’t seem to be pleased with that information, so Max decided to compromise with her. He walked around the couch and took a seat next to her. He watched closely as she scooted as close to him as possible. He couldn’t hide his grin.

“How about you and I make breakfast, and after that we’ll wake up your mother?”

“Okay! But what are we gonna make?” Alexis asked as Max scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the kitchen. He knew he really shouldn’t have lifted her, but Alexis weighed half of what his therapy equipment did.

“I have no idea. What does your mother like?” Max asked after settling her on the countertop. He didn’t know what he was thinking; he hadn’t been in his kitchen to cook since he bought the house.

“Mommy loves pancakes!” Alexis clapped out each word as she swung her legs against the cabinets below her.

“Right! Okay…” Max turned to Alexis and smiled sheepishly. “You wouldn’t know how to make them would you?”

Alexis simply giggled. “Max, my mommy won’t let me make them, she said I was too little.”

“Right, of course.” Now what the hell was he going to do? He didn’t know how to make pancakes, but he wanted to do this for Liz. Surely it couldn’t be that hard, he thought.


“I don’t think they look like that when mommy makes them,” Alexis commented on the plate of pancakes Max had placed in front of her.

“I know, but well everyone makes them different right?” Max asked hopeful but realized he was kidding himself when he heard Alexis giggle behind her tiny hands. Okay, so the pancakes were more shaped like squares and maybe they were just a little overcooked, but all in all he thought he did a good job.

“Max?” Alexis asked from her position beside him as he poured a glass of orange juice for her and her mother.


“Do daddies make mommies breakfast?” Alexis blinked her round eyes rapidly, wondering if this was even a question she should be asking. Would Max be angry with her? She hoped not. It would ruin all her plans.

“Yes, they do.”


“Because they want to make them happy.” Max figured the answer was simple enough, without going into depth. Alexis however decided that wasn’t good enough. She would never get Max to be her daddy if she didn’t know the truth.

“Max, do you want to make my mommy happy?” At that moment, Max stood frozen in his place. Alexis was smart, but Max realized he’d underestimated her determination.

Max knew that Alexis had been asking the question, but he was ill prepared to respond to her. Mainly due to the fact that he didn’t want to give her false hopes, nor did he want to confuse her in any way. Where was Liz? And why was she not awake yet, he wondered at that very moment.

Max kneeled down in front of her and ran his hand gently down her cheek. He knew he couldn’t lie to her. Funny how his heart actually ached to explain the situation to her, this would be difficult and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

“Princess, I know you asked Michael about me being your father.” He watched as she nodded her head.

“I want you to be my daddy. Will you?” she asked hopefully. Max had to blink back the tears that stung the back of his eyes at her words. He wanted nothing more than to be her father, but he knew he didn’t know the first thing about being a parent.

Except that he needed to love her. And he did. Max loved this little angel in front of him more than he ever thought he could love another person. Too bad real life was much more complicated than that, he thought to himself.

“I would love to be your father someday, but it’s not that simple.” He began to explain and Alexis didn’t understand.

“But I love you,” she whispered out passed the tears shining in her eyes. Max couldn’t stand it; he pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently.

“I love you, too.” Max pulled back gently and swiped her tears.

“I hope that one day I can be your father, but if I’m not that doesn’t mean you will lose me.”

“No?” she sniffled out.

“Never. I’ll always be here for you, and I’ll always love you,” Max professed softly and was rewarded with a bright smile. Alexis lunged back into his arms, kissed his cheek and wrapped her small arms around his neck.

Maybe Max wouldn’t be her daddy, but he would love her forever. That was more than she could have hoped for. Plus, that meant she still had time to make him her daddy.


In the shadows of the hall, Liz Parker watched the exchange between Max and her daughter with a heavy heart. She knew how bad her daughter craved for a father and she knew now more than ever that once her daughter started school, that things would become increasingly difficult.

People would ask questions, and she was just five years old. How would she handle it? Would she? And more importantly what was she going to do about it?

Liz decided to let them have their moment, she’d wait back upstairs for them to get her.


“Max,” Alexis whispered out when she saw her mother browsing through racks of dresses. It was the tenth store they went to, but Liz couldn’t decide what to buy. After all, she never went school shopping before.

“Yes?” Max dragged his eyes away from Liz. She looked amazing today. She wore a pair of light tan Capri pants and a white tank top. It was simple, yet it suited her perfectly.

“Did you know my mommy’s birthday is in two weeks?” Alexis knew what she was doing, she didn’t know if it was okay or not but she was going to do it anyway. She remembered her mother’s face that day in the window, she looked really happy.

“Really?” Max had no idea. He sighed internally. Yet another thing he didn’t know about Liz. They still had so much to learn about one another and he felt as though he’d never know her the way he craved.

Max had thought about it while he was showering and dressing this morning. He wanted to know her likes and dislikes. He wanted to know how she liked her coffee, how she preferred her popcorn; with or without butter. What her hopes and dreams were; the list was endless. He felt overwhelmed; relationships were completely foreign to him. Max didn’t know what it took to keep one together, let alone how to keep a girl interested in him long enough to form one. He just hoped to hell he figured it out, because the last thing he wanted to do was lose Liz.

“Yup! And I know what she wants for a present.” Alexis whispered out and Max was intrigued.

“What’s that?” Alexis motioned for Max to lean down so she could whisper in his ear without her mother hearing.

“A necklace. It was really pretty.”

“What did it look like, and where did you see it?” Max asked as quickly as he could, since Liz was making her way over to them with a handful of clothing.

“It was a pretty flower, and it was in that store. The store next to where you go to the doctors.” Alexis told him quickly before skipping off to her mother.

Interesting. He would have to take a ride tomorrow.

“You know I don’t think I like this shopping thing.” Liz huffed out as she passed the clothes over to Max to hold.

“Mommy, that’s too many. I’m hungry and I don’t wanna wear all of them.” Alexis pouted but Liz simply extracted an outfit from Max’s arms and handed it to her daughter.

“You. Dressing room. Now.” Liz pointed and Alexis huffed but proceeded to follow her mother’s instructions.

“Like mother, like daughter.” Max mumbled out with a smirk.

“Tell me about it!” Liz smiled and was surprised when Max wrapped an arm around her waist, quickly pressing her against his body.

“I want to kiss you.”

“Really?” Liz teased.



“Because you look so sexy right now.” Sexy? She wasn’t sexy, was she? Liz’s eyes quickly darted everywhere but at him.

“Hey,” Max whispered out into her ear.


“You are sexy, and beautiful. You don’t have to believe it. But soon, you’ll realize just what I think about you.” And with that Max kissed her lips quickly and pulled away. Letting her tend to Alexis, yet leaving her panting for more.

“Well if your pancakes this morning are any indication, then I would say right about now you want me dead.” Liz joked.

“Oh funny! Ha ha! Liz seriously, they weren’t that bad.” Max pouted.

“Aren’t you cute? Still, they were awful. But it was very sweet of you.” Liz turned and just as she was going to walk away, turned back to him and smiled. Maybe she could open her heart up completely. Maybe.


“God, I love kissing you,” Max moaned out later that afternoon. Alexis was playing in her bedroom at the moment. And Max and Liz were in the kitchen. Max currently had her pinned against the refrigerator.

“I get the feeling you love it too.” Liz smiled into his mouth before he claimed her again. She tunneled her hands through his short raven hair. He was so warm and he felt amazing against her body, it never felt like enough for Liz.

“I do, you have no idea,” Max panted out as he moved his hands slowly down her waist and settled them low on her hips. He slid his tongue over her lips and when he felt her give in, he plunged inside. He loved tasting the sweetness of her lips, loved the feel of her soft tongue stroking his own and the feeling of her fingers grasping at the short hair on the base of his neck. She was perfect and he did in deed love kissing her.


“Hmm?” He murmured out as he trailed kisses along the base of her neck. He couldn’t get enough of her.

“Why me?” All the blood must’ve been rushing from his brain because he didn’t understand her question.

“Why you, what?” He rested his forehead against hers, reveling in the feel of her chest heaving, and her warm breath escaping passed her lips and onto his neck.

“You said that you don’t kiss girls on the lips, so why me?” Liz had to ask the question, it was burning a hole in her brain for weeks.

Max reached out a hand and ran it down her cheek before telling her what she needed to hear. “That’s simple. From the first time I saw you, I’ve wanted to. And that has never happened before.”

“Never?” she questioned shakily. The conversation suddenly became too intense for her.

“Liz, despite what you may believe about yourself, you are beautiful and so real. I needed to kiss you. I needed to know what you felt like. And I needed to know that I wasn’t dead inside. That I was capable of…” he trailed off. What was he going to say? That he was capable of love, that’s what. Too fast, his mind screamed.

Max was speechless. Did he love Liz? That was a very complicated question. He had never been in love with a woman, and he and Liz were still getting to know one another. He loved spending time with her, and yes he did feel something more for her than any other woman he’d ever been with. But was that love? His heart told him it was, but his mind told him that maybe it could be that she was different, that she was a challenge.

“Of what?” Liz questioned softly. She wasn’t sure what to think. Nevertheless her heart began to race and the blood began pounding in her ears.

“Of…” Fortunately for Max the doorbell sounded at that very moment. They both pulled away from one another, with longing still evident in their eyes.

“I’ll just go answer the door.” Liz snaked around him and made her way towards the living room.

Max stood there resting his head against the fridge, chiding himself for what he was about to tell her. He decided not to think about that for now, and instead join her at the door.

Liz swung open the door without looking up until the last minute. “Hello, can I…” her voice trailed off and an audible gasp escaped passed her lips.

“Liz, who’s at that door?” Max asked when he saw Liz frozen in the doorway.

“I…I have to go.” Liz backed away slowly knocking right into Max. Her shocked and tearful eyes bore into his before she rushed passed him and up the stairs.

“Liz!” Max called out to her, but she didn’t stop. Something was wrong. He quickly whipped his head around to face his guest. Wondering what it was about him that had Liz so upset.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:31 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Okay first of all I want to apologize for taking so long with this part. Oh and it would have been posted sooner if LOST didn't come on...couldn't miss it!!

This part has a lot of *stuff* in it...and I will say after this part hopefully things will begin to speed up a bit. At this point I see no end in sight for this fic, so I hope you all plan on sticking around for a bit :wink:

Lastly...just want to say THANK YOU to all of you reading...means so much to me and it seriously keeps me going!!

Jason's Lover
Jason's Princess
Sweet Liz
Eccentric One
Spicy trini1
Dreamer 4 Ever
Roswell 10/2/00

Alien614 - You in Jersey too?! Cool!! Good to know I'm not stranded alone in this state *lol*

Chapter 18

“Do I smell that bad?” Kyle joked lightly as he stood out on Max’s front porch.

“What the hell was that?” Max asked his teammate with a confused expression.

“I don’t know. She answered the door and then she seemed shocked to see me.” He shrugged his shoulders wondering when he’d be invited in.

“Do you know her?” Max questioned, still trying to figure out why Liz would be so upset to see Kyle, someone she shouldn’t know.

“No man, first time I saw her was when she opened the door. She is a looker though,” Kyle commented as he walked passed Max. On any normal day, any guy saying anything like that about Liz, Max would have had a problem with. Right now though he was worried about Liz more than anything.

“Kyle, what are you doing here so early? I was expecting you later tonight.” Max questioned after closing the door.

“Hey, I decided that maybe we could grab something to eat, but I guess you are otherwise occupied.” Kyle didn’t understand what Max had against him, they were not only teammates but also friends; at least he’d like to think so.

“I’m sorry. Yeah we can, but would you mind if Liz came along?” He needed to see Liz. Waiting was no longer an option.

“You mean the cute brunette that went running the second she saw me?” Max nodded but couldn’t help but smile at Kyle’s bewildered look.

“Sure, so long as you promise she doesn’t runaway from me again. That could seriously put a damper on my sex life.” Kyle joked as he began searching the living room for the remote.

“I’ll be right back, try not to fuck up the remote while I’m gone,” Max called out as he headed up the stairs.

“You can’t let that go can you? Boy, you break a man’s remote one time and he never let’s you live it down.” Kyle shook his head as he began playing with the endless number of buttons on the remote, trying to simply turn on the television.


Liz wished she could get her body to stop shaking. The second she saw the guy at the door she couldn’t help her gut reaction. He reminded her of someone she never wanted to see again.

It wasn’t him though. And then she was quickly mortified that she’d reacted so strongly, that the only thing she could think to do was runaway. Max was probably so confused, as well as his guest. She groaned inwardly, how stupid could she be? Max must have thought she was crazy by now.

Still though, she couldn’t help but need to see her daughter. She quickly made her way towards Alexis’ room. Not finding her there, she began to panic. She searched the closet, under the bed and the bathroom, to no avail.

“Alexis!” Liz called out, her voice shaking with fear. She was tearing through each room on that floor of the house looking for her daughter, but she couldn’t find her.

“Liz!” Max said as he caught sight of her opening his bedroom door at the end of the hall.

“Where is she?!” Liz questioned and Max could see her worried eyes. He quickly made it to her side and held her shoulders steadily.

“Liz, Alexis is in her bedroom.” Max watched as she shook her head.

“No, she’s not there. I can’t find her, Max. I have to find her.” He was getting seriously worried. Sure Alexis wasn’t in her room but she wasn’t exactly missing either.

“Okay. I’m going to look for her on the monitor, she’s probably just playing somewhere in the house she isn’t supposed to.” Max reassured her and saw that she visibly relaxed at his calming words.

After a few buttons were clicked, they both spotted her sitting beside Kyle on the couch.

“See Liz, she’s okay.” Max turned and pulled her into his arms.

“Right,” she said distractedly.

“You want to tell me what that was downstairs?” Liz stiffened in his arms and pulled back slightly.


“I’m sorry. I just…I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Liz, do you know Kyle?” She shook her head but wouldn’t look him in the eyes. The one thing that she knew drove Max crazy beyond belief.

She was avoiding his eyes; he hated that more than anything. Max knew her enough to know that when Liz didn’t look him in the eye, she was keeping something from him. He decided to wait to discuss it further. However, before the night was through, he would.

“Are you hungry?” he asked, as they made their way downstairs.

“Yes, starving.” She managed a small smile as she gripped Max’s hand harder.

“Do you mind if we go out with Kyle?”

“Alexis and I can have something here, you should spend some time with him.” Liz was too embarrassed. Kyle must have thought she was a lunatic.

“No, I’m not leaving you right now. I know you’re not telling me something Liz, and that’s fine. But I’m also not going to leave you alone.” Max looked her in the eyes, hoping that she saw the hidden meaning behind his words. He needed Liz to trust him, otherwise what were the doing?

“What about Alexis?” Liz questioned as they entered the living room.

“I’ll call Michael and see if he and Maria can watch her, we need to talk anyway.” Max didn’t allow Liz to comment any further; instead he placed a sound kiss on her lips before stepping away from her.

Liz was worried. Max was a determined man, she knew this, but had a feeling it would be working against her later this evening.


“What’s your name?” Alexis had asked as soon as she entered the living room a few minutes ago.

“Kyle, and you are?” He smiled down at the little girl that skipped into the living room to sit next to him.

“Alexis Rae Parker.”

“Well Alexis, it is very nice to meet you.” Alexis giggled and then proceeded to bombard Kyle with questions.

“Are you friends with Max?”


“Do you play football too?”


“But you’re short like my mommy. How come you can still play?”

“I’m not that short, and I play because I’m good.”

“Max is better.”

“Oh really?”

“Yup!” Alexis said as she stood in front of Kyle on the couch.

“Have you seen him play?”


“See! Then how do you know he’s better than me?” Kyle crossed his arms triumphantly. Obviously he’d forgotten he’d been talking to a child.

“Because he’s bigger and stronger than you. And because he loves me and I’m his princess!” Alexis crossed her arms in challenge.

“Alright children, you want to move to your corners of the room?” Max clapped his hands together breaking the staring match going on between Alexis and Kyle. He couldn’t help but feel really proud that Alexis was defending him. It felt damn good.

“Max!” Alexis squealed as she ran over to Max’s waiting arms. Max quickly scooped her up in his arms.

“Hey you. You know you were supposed to be in your room,” Max reminded her softly.

“I know, but I was lonely and Riley needed to go outside. So I brought him outside and then the doorbell rang so I ran inside.” Alexis tried to explain as Max walked them further into the living room to sit next to Kyle.

“You know Max, if I didn’t know any better, she might actually be your youngest fan.” Kyle quipped lightly, watching out of the corner of his eye as Liz entered the room.

“I think you’re right.” Max beamed brightly.

“And you are the infamous, Liz?” Kyle stood and reached out his hand for her to take. Liz blushed but returned the gesture.

“Yes. Sorry about before.” Liz apologized.

“Oh that was nothing. You should have seen what my latest girlfriend did to me when I tried to hug her after a game.” Liz smiled. She knew Kyle was trying to make her feel comfortable, considering how their first meeting went.

Kyle realized quickly how important Liz and Alexis were to Max. He looked at his friend interact with the young girl, as well as the looks he threw Liz. He looked truly happy for the first time Kyle could even remember.

“I’ll be right back, I have to make a call.” Max extracted Alexis from his lap and she happily climbed back on the couch next to Kyle.

“Alexis, honey stop staring.” Liz chided her daughter softly.

“Mommy, I just wanted to see if his arms were big like Max’s” Alexis blinked up at Kyle who just laughed along with Liz.

“Still, baby it’s not nice to stare.”


“Sorry,” Liz apologized, feeling a bit more comfortable with Kyle.

“It’s okay. So tell me Alexis, what’s the verdict?” Kyle watched as she bounced over to the other couch next to her mother.

“Verdict? What’s that?” She looked to her mother and before Liz had the chance to answer, Max walked back into the room.

“What’s what?”

“Oh your little fan here was trying to determine if your arms were bigger than mine.” Max shook his head and chuckled.

“So princess, what do you think?” Max stood behind the couch and crossed his arms over his chest awaiting the answer.

“Max’s arms are so much bigger!” Alexis beamed brightly and Max simply puffed out his chest, while Kyle grumbled in protest.

Liz however, was the only person in the room not paying attention to the little manly display of testosterone. Instead she focused her eyes on Max’s perfect physique. His arms were definitely bigger and more sculpted than Kyle’s. In fact the t-shirt he was wearing did him amazing justice. Liz wasn’t blind and she sure as hell wasn’t a nun, but the fact that she was more than inexperienced was an understatement.

She might have a daughter but it only took approximately five minutes to conceive her. Which is why deep down Liz was terrified of going any further than she and Max had already gone. Which wasn’t much at all.

Despite the fact that this was all new to the both of them, she knew that Max was very experienced with women. What would he think of her if they ever got to that point? A part of her hoped that they never did, that way there wouldn’t be any awkwardness. The other part couldn’t wait, she knew that Max had to be an amazing lover. Lord knew that being with him just once had to be better than the one sexual experience she ever had.

How could it not? His kisses drove her completely and utterly insane. They were electric and they coursed through her body bringing it to life.

Slowly dread crept its way to the forefront of her mind. Liz knew Max was known for his serious partying lifestyle. She’d found out going through some older magazines and articles, as well as the news reports that were plastered on ESPN every other day. Most of the reporters were very sensitive about Max and his accident, in fact it seemed that most of the people that knew and met Max, loved him. Not that she could deny why they felt that way. But others, they were down right nasty and mean. Liz had asked him about it on a few occasions, and every time he had only one comment.

“It’s their job to get the dirt on me, I can’t blame them. Yes, I can’t stand it and it pisses me off, but for the most part I just ignore it.” Liz slowly began to understand it the more time she spent with him, in his world.

They would go to the store and there would be people following with cameras. They would snap pictures every other second, and at first that unsettled Liz. Now though, she was slowly getting used to it. She was however very surprised that people would print stories about her and Max, they didn’t even know her. Max however was quick to rebuke any and all rumors between them. He especially made sure that Alexis stayed out of the papers. Something that would make Liz’s heart swell at the thought of the fight he had put up about it.

“It’s not right, Liz. I’m and adult, and so are you. We can speak for ourselves, but she can’t. And we have to protect her and I’ll be damned if they print so much as her name in ink.” Liz remembered his comment when she approached the subject a few weeks ago. She was broken from her thoughts at the sound of Max’s voice.

“Give it up Kyle! The truth has been told.”

“Oh please! She’s what? Six? How could she know? Everything is bigger to her.” Kyle defended.

“I’m not six. I’m five,” Alexis said as she jumped to her feet and stood between Kyle and Max.

“Max? How come all your friends aren’t smart like you?” Alexis questioned seriously and Max couldn’t hold back the laughter that erupted from his lips a moment later.

“Oh God! She’s another M.W.” Kyle groaned dramatically throwing himself back into the couch.

“What’s a M.W.?” Liz finally managed to tear her eyes away from Max long enough to join in the conversation.

“Those are what the guys call, Max Worshippers.” Max answered throwing Kyle and nasty glare. Liz wondered what that was all about, but didn’t comment.

“Liz didn’t you want to go and get ready? Michael and Maria are on their way over.” Max didn’t want the conversation turning into a, ‘question Max about his past’ fest. That was one topic of conversation he had avoided discussing with Liz, and if he had it his way, he would avoid it forever. He knew that eventually one day his past would come back and bite him in the ass, he just hoped it wasn’t anytime soon.

“Sounds good. And I’ll get this one ready for bed.”

“Bed? But I didn’t have dinner yet.” Alexis looked up at her mother pouting.

“I know that, but when Michael and Maria get here they are going to get dinner for you and then you can watch a movie before bed.”

“Oh! Yay! Okay mommy.” Alexis clapped her hands and then followed her mother up the stairs.

“Max?” Liz questioned called out when she was about halfway up the stairs.


“What should I wear?” That was a loaded question for him. He didn’t care what she wore; he knew she’d look amazing no matter what.

“Anything that you’re comfortable in.” Liz nodded and proceeded up the stairs with Alexis.


“Where is my cutie pie?” Maria brushed passed everyone in the living room looking for Alexis.

“Here I am!” Alexis shouted as she ran straight for Maria.

“Oh my goodness, don’t you look adorable?” Maria lifted the little girl in her arms and placed a smacking kiss on her cheek.

“I do?” Alexis pulled at the hem of her nightshirt.

“Yes! And don’t let anyone tell you different.” Maria hugged her before passing her off to Michael.

“Hey squirt.” Michael kissed her temple softly.

“Did you bring it?” Alexis whispered out.

“Of course. Do I look like an amateur?” Michael questioned with a raised eyebrow and a smile playing on his lips.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Forget it. Let’s just say I couldn’t forget.”

“Forget what?” Liz questioned coming up from behind them.

“Oh hey Liz.” Michael greeted her and then watched as she quirked her brow in question.

“It’s a secret mommy.”

“Well in this family we don’t keep secrets.”

“Okay. We are gonna watch Batman.”

“Batman? You like that?” Since when did her daughter like or rather watch Batman?

“Yes! I love it mommy! Just like Spiderman.”

“Spiderman? Who are you and what did you do with my daughter?” Liz tickled her daughter’s sides gently.

“Max watches it with me in the morning.”

“He does?” Liz turned and looked at Max for an explanation.

“Hey the girl needed a proper education on cartoons, and Michael and I felt we could be of great service to her.” Max gave her a big grin. He was simply adorable, she thought. Adorable and sexy. Mind out of the gutter, she reprimanded herself.

“Are we ready to go?” Kyle entered the conversation for the first time after greeting Michael and then Maria. He had actually met Maria on a few occasions.
Michael watched the small exchange between Max and Kyle. He just couldn’t figure Max out. He and Kyle got along great in the beginning, but now they were like oil and water.

Michael had asked Max several times what the problem was. They used to be friends and hung out when Kyle first joined the team, but now they barely spoke. Kyle was always the one to initiate a conversation with Max, but Max was always bitter and short with him. He wondered what went wrong.

“Yes. Liz is starving after all.” Max joked as he tried to slip by Liz. No such luck, she pinched his arm playfully.

“Max!” Liz blushed slightly before kneeling down in front of her daughter to kiss her goodbye.

“I love you.” Liz kissed her daughter and hugged her tightly before letting go.

“Love you too, mommy. I’ll see you soon.” Alexis smiled and then turned to Max. Who was already lowering himself to one knee.

“You be good for Michael and Maria.” Max winked and Alexis simply giggled. Liz watched them and realized that usually she was the one cautioning her daughter on her behavior. Funny how quickly the tables turned, she thought.

“I will,” she said as she threw her arms around him tightly.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, princess.” Max kissed her cheek before standing up and reaching for Liz’s hand.

“Let’s go beautiful.”


“Serena was killing me that day. Max, I think you and her would get along great, you both have the same sense of humor.” They had finished dinner and were having coffee a few hours later that night. Kyle had been telling Liz and Max about the girl he was currently dating.

“Yeah sounds like it.” Max was short with his answers, despite Kyle’s best efforts to strike up a conversation. Something that did not go unnoticed by Liz.

“So Kyle, where did you meet her?” Liz asked, figuring that Kyle was trying hard to get Max’s attention and failing.

“We were at a game a couple of weeks ago in Chicago and she was there cheering like she had a bullhorn attached to her mouth. It was crazy, we won and she had this sign with my name on it. I said to myself, I had to meet her. And I did. She’s great and just one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.” Kyle beamed brightly over his girlfriend. He was glad that Liz was along, otherwise the conversation, or lack there of, between he and Max would have ended long ago.

“I think that’s great. Don’t you Max?” Liz elbowed him gently to join into the conversation. And based on the stern look on her face, Max settled up a little higher in his chair and joined in.

“Yes. So when do we meet this wonderful girl?” he asked with as much enthusiasm as someone sitting in a dentist’s chair awaiting a root canal.

“Actually, she’ll be here next month. She has some time off of work and I’m flying her up.”

“Great! We should all get together for dinner then, right Max?” Liz turned to him with a smile on her face. God, she was just beautiful. Everything single thing about her screamed out to him. Wait, what was she saying?

“Yes. We’ll set that up.” Max offered with slight more enthusiasm than before, but it was still seriously lacking any sincerity.

“Right.” Kyle finished with a disappointed frown. He thought Max would be happy that he settled on one girl and was being serious about a relationship.

Max did not join into the conversation between Kyle and Liz for the rest of the night. He listened as Kyle asked about Liz about herself and Alexis, as well as how she met Max, without going into complete detail about Alexis’ cancer.

Finally the end of the night approached and that found Max and Liz in uncomfortable silence on the drive back home.

“I don’t understand what the problem between you and Kyle is, Max. He seems like a really nice guy.”

“I don’t want to talk about Kyle right now.” Max reached to change the radio station and to his utter surprise, Liz leaned over and turned it off.

“Max, we’re talking. Now why don’t you just tell me what you have against him?” Liz spoke softly not wanting to upset Max more than she knew her questioning was.

“Liz,” he bit out angrily, “Just drop it.”


“Liz the guy idolizes me.” Max hissed out.


“And don’t you see the problem with that?”


“Well it is a big problem,” he tried to explain but saw the confusion on her face so he decided to elaborate further.

“Liz, you know that I didn’t live the most ideal lifestyle before the accident and I didn’t want Kyle falling into the same trap as me. I didn’t want him turning out like me. He’s a good guy,” Max trailed off staring out the windshield.

Liz didn’t know why Max always seemed to find someway to put himself down. Didn’t he see what a great guy he was? Didn’t he see that he had so much to offer so many people? Obviously not, she figured.

“And what makes you think that you’re not a good guy?” she countered.

“Liz.” He groaned out, already knowing where she was headed with the conversation.

“What? All I’m saying is that you have to be special to take in a girl and her daughter without even knowing them. And then helping them in any way you could and made them feel a part of something they’ve never felt before.” Liz ranted on while Max was stunned silent by her words.

“Felt what before?” he interrupted.

“What?” she questioned distractedly.

“You said that I made you feel a part of something you’ve never felt before, what is it?” This time he turned fully to her and watched as she swallowed nervously before answering him.

“A family. I know it’s pretty unconventional but being with you is as close to having a family as Alexis and I have had. I can’t express to you what you’ve done…are doing for us means.”

“Liz, that’s one part of me. It’s not all of me and…”

“I think that really defines who you are,” she interrupted.

“I’ve done things Liz, things I’m not proud of and…”

“And that was all in the past. Let it die there Max.” Liz found herself thinking that she should do the same thing, but she couldn’t.

“Liz, just because everything has been going great doesn’t mean that my past isn’t going to come up again. I was a rich football player who threw lots of parties and had lots of women,” he hissed out trying to get her to see that he wasn’t this amazing person. It was all just an illusion, and sooner or later she would see through it. Something that terrified Max more than anything, he didn’t want to lose her or Alexis for that matter.

Liz ended the conversation at that point, not wanting Max to elaborate further into his past. It was the past and she would prefer to just forget it…but no matter how hard she tried to push back her questions, she just couldn’t.


After tucking Alexis in bed, she managed to get Maria and Michael let her stay up way passed her bedtime, Max retired to his room. He still needed to talk to Liz, but he didn’t want his past or the conversation that they had in the car coming back up again.

He quickly showered, changed and made his way to Liz’s room. He knocked softly and heard her sweet voice call out to him to enter.

For a moment he stood froze watching her sitting atop her bed. She was wearing all white and if he didn’t know better, he would’ve thought she was his own personal angel. He didn’t know how he got so lucky as to find her, but he thanked God for her and Alexis every morning and every night before bed.

“Hey,” Liz whispered out softly as she patted the place beside her. She hated fighting with Max, but sometimes it was necessary.

“Hey. You tired?” he asked as he brushed a strand of hair away from her flawless face.

“A little, you?” Max simply nodded and watched as she scooted over making room for him to lay down. This was new territory for him with her. He laid beside her, rubbing her arm gently. Max was on overload, he never took the time to appreciate any girl he was with, but somehow he knew no one would ever compare to Liz. The moment was so perfect, so right and he didn’t want to spoil it.

“I thought it was Jimmy for a split second,” Liz confided gently. Max paused mid-stroke before continuing. She was letting her guard down and coming to him, that was a first and it made his heartbeat speed up.

“It wasn’t. It was just his eyes that reminded me of him. And then I just felt stupid and ran.”

“Liz, he wouldn’t even know where to find you.” Max tried to reassure her, pulling her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. Liz snuggled closer to Max enjoying the feel of her body pressed against his.

“I know that but what if he does? What if Jimmy comes back and takes her?” Liz shivered at the thought and Max quickly sat them up and pulled her into his lap.

“Liz that will never happen. He can’t. She’s yours and didn’t you tell me that he wasn’t even listed on her birth certificate?” Max questioned and Liz nodded her confirmation.

“But he can ask for a paternity test, if he ever finds us. I mean I’ve been in the papers pictured with you, he could find me, Max. If he wanted to he could.” Liz looked to him with wild eyes and Max framed her face in his hands.

“Liz that will not happen. I have the best lawyers and if that asshole comes he’s going to have to get through me first. I promise you, no one will ever take her from you.” Liz’s teary gaze met his golden eyes, and a moment later their lips connected.

Max ran his hands down her back pushing her closer, needing to feel every single part of her against him. Their tongues brushed against one another and they both groaned. Max took that opportunity to roll them over so that he lay on top of Liz. His heavy weight pressing her firmly into the mattress as their mouths continued to devour one another’s.

Liz didn’t know what was happening, one minute she was completely immersed into Max, her mind and body wanting one thing, him and only him. The next minute she had felt his arousal pressing hard against her thigh, and those thoughts she tried so hard to push away, surfaced.

“Max?” Liz panted and waited until he opened his eyes. Max couldn’t believe she broke the kiss to ask him a question; he didn’t want the moment to end. He struggled for a minute to get his breathing under control before he responded.

“Yeah?” He rested his forehead against hers. Watching her brown eyes blink with a look he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“How many girls have you been with?” And with that Max rolled off of her and onto his back abruptly, knowing that his greatest fear had just come to light.

For it was at that moment, Max Evans knew that his past was coming back to haunt him.


Just a little note...obviously you guys underestimate how evil I can be :twisted: I do have a few things up my sleeve! See you next week!