Unorthodox Love (UC, K/Ma, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 11

The next morning, Maria woke up in a better mood than she had been in for days. She and Kyle were together. Sure, they couldn’t tell anyone, but it didn’t matter. Besides, she had an idea that Max would catch on.

Kyle too was in a god mood. The girl of his dreams liked him and wanted to be with him. There was no better feeling in the world. Well, except for maybe that kiss last night.

On the drive to school, Kyle held Maria’s hand and occassionally kissed Maria lightly. No, life didn’t get any better than that. If they ever had sex, Kyle would probably explode from pleasure.

When they got to the school, Kyle stopped Maria from getting out and she giggled, “What do you want, Valenti?” she said.

“God, I love it when you call me that.” He siad, “I just wanted to tell you to have a good day, and I’ll see you at lunch.” He said squeezing her hand.

She smiled and looked around, and seeing no one, gave him a peck on the cheek. Then they got out of the car and made their way to class. All either of them could think about all day was each other.

At lunch they sat down with the regular group. Michael was being a pain in the ass as usual, but he didn’t say anything, so Maria didn’t really care. Max gave Kyle and Maria knowing looks. He decided he would have to talk to Maria later about what had happened.

Lunch went by too fast for Kyle and Maria. They wouldn’t be able to see each other until their science class. Once in science they passed notes to each other, praying they wouldn’t get caught.

After school they went back home and found, both of their parents were gone. Sweet. They ran up to Maria’s bedroom with a quickness and made-out. Maria could not get enough of Kyle. No one had ever made her feel like he did. She actually felt wanted when she was with him. She feared she was falling in love with him, but pushed the thought aside. They hadn’t been together long enough.

The rest of the week went like that. Thinking of each other at school and making out when they got home. They also talked. Maria talked to Kyle about her insecurities. She told him of her dreams to be a singer/songwritter. She told him about how Liz’s leaving made her feel insignificant.

Kyle spilled his guts to Maria as well. He told her about his fears of abandoment. He told her about how he wanted to quite football, but he stayed in it for his father. He talked to her about Buddha. They told each other things that they had never told anyone.

That was what Maria loved the most about her relationship with Kyle. She could be completely open with him, without fearing that he would judge her or make light of her problems. They had both come from similar backgrounds. He could relate to her in a way that none of their other friends ever could.

She thought that Max, Michael, and Isabel would be able to, but they couldn’t. Max and Isabel had two loving parents. And Michael was always too concerned with himself to relate to anyone.

One night, in the middle of one of their deep talks, Maria’s phone rang. “Hello?” she answered. It was Max. He invited her over. She knew he wanted to know about her and Kyle. She hung up and turned to her lover. “Kyle, I need to tell you something.” She started, “Max pretty much knows about us.”

Kyle looked surprised but not mad. Maria elaborated, “I had feelings for you and I went to Max about them. He was the one who told me to go for it. And I think he saw us and sees that there is something going on.” Maria said.

“So, that is why you went to Max that day,” Kyle said thinking, “Well, that’s fine with me. I would be willing to shout it from the rooftops.” Maria laughed at Kyle.

“Well, I’m going to go over and talk to him. You wanna come?” Maria asked.

Kyle couldn’t help it. He didn’t like Maria alone with guys. He knew that she and Max were just friends and that she really did like him, but he had a jealous streak that he needed to work on. “Ok, I’ll come with you.” He said.

At Max’s, Maria told Max what happened and he smiled and said that he was rooting for them. He also promised not to tell anyone. He understood why they were keeping it quite. Kyle was grateful that Max had made Maria feel more at ease about the situation.

After Maria went out the the car, Kyle hung back to talk to Max. “Thanks, man,” he said.

Max looked confused, “For what?”

“For being a good friend to Maria and for making her feel at ease about, us. I really appriciate it.” Kyle said. He was really starting to like the alien that had saved his life. Besides, if it weren’t for Max, Kyle would have never fallen in love with Maria.

“That’s no problem, Kyle. I really care about Maria. She is my best friend. Isabel and Michael are family, but Maria is my friend with no strings attatched. She has always stuck by me, and I will stick by her. That is why I must tell you that if you break her heart like Michael, I will have to kick your ass.” Max said seriously but with a grin.

“You’re a good friend, man. I promise you that I won’t hurt Maria. She is the most special person in my life.” Kyle said and the two shared a moment, then Kyle got into the car and left.

The next few weeks went by really quickly. Kyle and Maria spent all their time together. Their parents were home less and less which gave them time to be together intimatly. Jim had been joining Amy on a lot of her conventions when he wasn’t working, so the two were rarely around.

Kyle and Maria had done a pretty good job of keeping their relationship a secret. There were moments when they itched to touch eachother in a non-friend way, but they always fought the urge when they were around the others.

They still touched, but not intimatly. Isabel, Michael, and Alex seemed not to notice the looks across the room or the smiles they shared. But then again, Isabel and Alex didn’t notice a whole lot when they were with each other, and Michael didn’t seem to care about anyone but Michael.

Maria hadn’t heard a word from Liz. She used to receive a phonecall a week at least, but nothing now.

Chapter 12

However, Michael did notice the glances passed between Maria and Kyle. And he was not happy. He still wasn’t sure what was going on between them, but he knew that it was something not sibling like. That thought made him inraged. He hated that there were other guys that wanted to get into Maria’s pants, but somehow it was worse to know that Kyle liked her.

Kyle was the enemy in Michael’s eyes. He had almost fucked it up for the pod-squad before. And now he was supposed to accept Kyle with open arms? Yeah right.

Michael wanted Maria now more than ever. He saw the waay she would walk around shaking her ass infront of God and everybody. She was taunting him. He suspected she knew exactly what she was doing. How could she not.

Kyle and Maria on the other-hand were completely oblivious to Michael’s obsessions. Michael had been ignoring Maria, and she rather liked it that way.

Also, Maria had become closer to Isabel. Before, when Maria would go to see Max, she and Isabel only exchanged pleasentries, but now they hung out by themselves occasionally.

This night was one of those nights. Isabel had invited Maria over to spend the night, and rather conveniently, Max invited Kyle over.

Isabel still had no clue about Kyle and Maria, but she had noticed a change in her friend, “So, Maria, spill…what is with the great mood you have been in for over a month?”

Maria giggled, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She said.

“Yeah right. Well, whatever it is…keep it up!” Isabel said as she brushed Maria’s hair.

Meanwhile in Max’s room:

“I think I am in love with her, Max.” Kyle said with fear in his eyes.

Max just chuckled, “And you are just now figuring this out?”

“Yes, No, I don’t know. But I don’t know what to do! I’ve never felt like this. It’s…Its…” Kyle had trouble finding the words.

“Scarry?” Max finished for him. Kyle nodded, “It’s supposed to be scary, Kyle. If it wasn’t scary then everyone would be in love. You just have to remember that Maria is worth it. You know that. Just let it happen man.”

Kyle looked at his friend, “Yeah, I know. God, when did you become full of Zen advice?” Kyle chuckled at the situation.

At 2:00am, Maria and Kyle met each other in the kitchen where the had planned. It had been hard being in the same house with each other and yet be unable to touch each other.

“I missed you,” Maria said as she crashed her lips down onto Kyle’s.

“I missed you more,” Kyle said between sweet passionate kisses. His hands wandered her body and she melted into him. He thought about what Max had said. He wanted to tell her how he felt, so he pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked.

“Nothing…it’s just…I wanted to talk to you.” Kyle said.

Maria started to worry. “What is it?” she asked.

Kyle took a deep breath, “I wanted to tell you…I love you Maria.”

Tears filled Maria’s eyes. He said the words that she had longed to hear for so long. And she knew he was telling her the truth. “I love you too, Kyle.” She said and then lunged at him.

Neither one of them noticed Isabel standing in the wings of the house watching their interaction. ‘Interesting,’ she thought to herself. She was happy for them. They had both been through a lot and deserved happiness. This new development certainly explained both of their extatic moods lately.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 13

Isabel grinned at Maria from across the countertop in the morning. “What?” Maria asked. She didn’t understand why Isabel was looking at her like that.

“I know Maria.” Isabel said with a giggle.

Oh God, Maria thought, “Know what?” she asked trying to sound cool.

Isabel lowered her voice, not wanting anyone to over hear her. She still didn’t know that Max already knew, “I saw you with Kyle last night.”

Shock and horror etched across Maria’s face. Oh God…Isabel was going to kill her. Isabel noticed Maria’s fear and smiled, “I’m not upset. Why would I be? You two deserve to be happy after all of this alien crap.” She said warmly.

Maria let out a relived breath. “Really? Wow, that’s awesome. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about it. I mean, Max knows, but I cant really girl talk with him about this.”

“Max knows?” Isabel asked cocking a beautifully manicured eyebrow at Maria.

“Yes, as asked him for advice and he figured it all out. But you can’t tell anyone Isabel. I mean it would just be a matter of time before it got all around this small town and that is the last thing we need. Besides, we have to think about our parents.”

Isabel smiled at Maria’s tirade, “I know a thing or two about keeping a secret, Maria.” She said. “So, how together are you?” Isabel asked.

Maria blushed at the implication, “Well, we really enjoy each other’s company. We have a lot in common. I really think I love him.” Maria couldn’t belive she actually said that outloud.

Isabel was surprised, but happy. She knew Maria had a hard time with emotions, and that she was outwardly professing to love someone, that was a big step. “That’s awesome Maria. You deserve it. Love? Wow, that’s just really awesome.” She said and then switched gears, knowing that the love talk was embarrassing Maria. They would have plenty of time to discuss that later. “But enough of the lovy-dovy aspect. How far have you gone with him?”

Maria turned 10 shades of red. But she knew she could talk to Isabel. In fact, Isabel was the only person in the world she could have this conversation with. “Well…we havn’t gotten too far. Making our, heavy petting. That is about it. I want to take things further, but I think he is somewhat hesitant. You know. I mean usually I don’t want a lot of physicality in my relationships, but with Kyle its different. It’s like I need to be with him. I love him. I think it took me saying that out loud to really realize it.” Maria finished in self-thought.

Isabel thought about it, “I don’t think Kyle doesn’t want to have sex with you. I just think that he wants it to be right. Not up in your room while you guys are praying your parents wont come home. You know? I saw you two together and I saw how he looked at you. There is nothing but love there, Maria. Don’t be scared of it.”

Maria hopped off her seat and lunged at the taller girl giving her a huge hug. “Thank you, Iz. You are the best.” She said. Isabel just giggled. Then Kyle and Max entered the kitchen.

“What’s going on in here? The Ice Princess giving out hugs?” Max said in disbelief. HE didn’t want to reveal that he had over-heard the girls conversation. He had many things to talk to Kyle about later.

“Oh, shut up.” Isabel said simply and they ate their breakfast.


Later that day…

Isabel drove Maria home while Max and Kyle hit the courts to play basketball. Max needed to talk about what he heard. He noticed pain in Maria’s voice when she talked about how Kyle was hesitant physically. And being that Maria was his best friend, he had to look out for her.

“So, I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said to Kyle.

“What’s up?”

“It’s about Maria.” Max said, “I over heard her talking to Isabel this morning.”

Kyle looked worried, “What’s wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong,” Max said. He didn’t want Kyle to freek out. “Isabel saw you two together last night, so Maria was telling her about your relationship. And…well she was talking about the physical part of your relationship. And…I think, that she thinks you don’t want to be with her sexually. Which I know isn’t true, because you kept me up half the night moaning her name in your sleep.” Max said with a grin.

Kyle dropped the ball. How could she not know that he wanted her more than anything in the world. “I’ve only been resistant because I don’t want our first time to be rushed and unromantic. I won’t be like Michael. I wont take her in the back of a car like I know he would.” Kyle said seriously.

“I know, Kyle. That’s what I thought. And that was what Isabel told her was probably the case. But I wanted to let you know because she really sounded hurt. It was like she wanted it and you didn’t.” Max said. He hoped he was helping. He really was rooting for Kyle and Maria. He had never seen Maria this happy. IT gave him hope that he would eventually move on from Liz.

Meanwhile at the Deluca/Valenti house:

Maria went up to her room to take a shower. She was tired and just wanted to get in a nap before Kyle got home. Their parents were gone for a Convention all week, so she was hoping that this was the time they would take things to the next level.

She set down her duffle bag and began to get her laundry together when she heard a knock on her window. Who the hell could that be? Maybe it was Alex. She walked over to the window and found Michael on the other side.

That’s weird, she thought. But she let him in. She wasn’t going to be rude to him, like he had been to her. When all was said and done, they did have a friendship, or at least she thought. And she wasn’t going to sink to his level. Besides, she was over him. She had Kyle and that was all she needed.

“Hey, Michael. You know I do have a front door.” She said with a grin.

Michael looked at her with dark eyes. “Well I wouldn’t want to disturb, KYLE” he said.

There was something funny about the way he said Kyle’s name. Did he know? No, he couldn’t. “Kyle’s not home.” Maria answered simply, still getting a weird vibe from Michael.

“Good,” Michael said with a wicked grin.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 14

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘good,’ Michael?” Maria asked. She really didn’t like the look on Michael’s face. This Michael scared her. This was the Michael that she couldn’t reason with. The Michael that would hit her. When he was like this, it was like a completely different person.

Michael walked towards Maria. God she was hot. She was just begging for him to touch her. “I mean exactly that, my little pixi. Since Kyle isn’t here, he can’t interupt our fun.” Michael said with a smirk. Then he reached out and ran the back of his hand across Maria’s cheek.

“Michael, stop. You are scaring me.” Maria said as she backed away from him. He had a hunger in his eyes that Maria hadn’t seen before.

“Oh Maria, Maria, Maria. You don’t have any idea what you do to me do you? Or really every guy at West Roswell High?” Michael said as he backed Maria into the corner of her room. Right where he wanted her.

“Michael, are you drunk?” Maria asked. She knew he wasn’t but she didn’t know what to say. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you, Maria. You walk around all day in those super short skirts and those skin tight shirts all day, just teasing the men of Roswell. Well I say no more. I’ve seen more of you than anyone in this town. Well, that is except Kyle! And I want more.”

Did he just mention Kyle. Oh My God, He must know. “Look, Michael. I don’t know what’s going on with you. But you need to calm down. We can talk about whatever is going on. Just calm down.” Maria pleaded with him.

He stepped closer to her until his body was pressed right up against hers. She could feel him breathing down her neck as he whispered into her ear, “Just how far did you let Kyle get, Beautiful? Did you let him stroke you like I did?”

For some reason those words about Kyle hit Maria hard. She saw read. She used all of her strength to push him away from her. “What the fuck is wrong with you Michael? Why are you acting like this? You gave me up remember. And what is all this talk about Kyle?”

Michael pushed her up against the wall hitting her head. “Listen to me bitch. I know that you and your brother are now an item. I’m not an idiot. God, Maria how weird can you get. Sleeping with your brother. And I am here to let you know that you are mine. I let you go once, but now I’m here to reclaim what is mine.”

Maria tried to push him off of her again, but he was holding her pretty tightly. “I don’t belong to anyone, Michael. And Kyle isn’t my brother. What we do together is none of your business.” She yelled at him as he let one of his hands travel over her chest roughly messaging her breasts. “Michael get off of me!” she screamed.

“You like it, Maria. I know you do. You have been up my ass for weeks. I know you want this as much as I do.” Michael said to her.

“No, Michael. I don’t want this. I’ve moved on. And I know you don’t want this either. You don’t want to take me here, up against the wall against my will. I know you are an ass-hole. But I cannot belive that this is how you want to loose your virginity.” Maria pleaded with him.

“You don’t know anything about me!” Michael screamed as he ripped Maria’s shirt off and fumbled with her bra. Just then the door flew open.

10 Minutes earlier at the Basketball Court…

Kyle felt a srange pang in his stomach. It was weird. He didn’t know what it was. He stopped playing a looked as Max.

“What’s wrong, Man?” Max asked seeing that his friend was clearly in pain.

“I don’t know. It like a flash of fear or something. I think I need to get home.” Kyle said.

“Home? Whats wrong?” Max asked starting to get worried.

“I don’t know. Its just like something is telling me that I need to go home right now.” Kyle said. He was beginning to feel the fear again, only this time it was worse. “I’m sorry man. I gotta go.”

“Ok, Hey call me when you get home so I know everything is ok,” Max called to the already sprinting Kyle. HE nodded back to him.

Kyle sprinted all the way home and ran up to Maria’s room when he hear yelling. He burst into the room to find Muchael ripping Maria’s bra off as he pushed her up against the wall.

Maria looked really scared. Michael had her pushed up against the wall and wasn’t letting her move.

“Guerin! What the FUCK do you think you are doing?”Kyle yelled. He was beyond enraged. He ran over to Maria and Michael and pushed him off of her.

“Well, well, well, it’s my replacement.” Michael said with a grin. “I’m just taking what is mine, bro.”

“First of all,” Kyle started, “I’m not your bro. And secondly. If you lay one finger on her again I’m going to kill you. That you can be sure of. What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that Maria belongs to me and I didn’t like to see you trying to move in on what was mine. You think she is yours, but she will always be mine. I know her better than you. I know what she likes. You were just a rebound.” Michael said. And when he finished, Kyle punched him square in the jaw.

That made Maria jump. She crawled to the corner of her room and watched as Kyle and Michael went at it. Aparently, Kyle’s first punch had taken a lot out of Michael, because Kyle basically kicked his ass.

Finally, in a move that was very un-Michael like, Michael ran out of the room and probably home to his apartment. When Kyle finally regained his senses. He noticed Maria crying in the corner of her room, head in her lap.


Chapter 15

“Maria, baby, its ok now.” Kyle said as he kneeled next to Maria and wrapped his arms around her. She burried her head in his chest as sobbed. She was so scared. Scared of Michael. Scared od Kyle. Scared of the whole situation.

Finally, Maria lifted ther tear-stained face to look at Kyle. She noticed his bruised cheek and ran her fingers lightly across it. “I’m sorry, Kyle.” She said.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Maria, none of this was your fault. Michael is just an ass-hole. I promise he is never going to hurt you again.” Kyle said as he rubbed Maria’s back in a sign of comfort.

“I know. I just…I don’t know, I never thought I would see you like that. So angry. It scared me. You know?” Maria explained and looked down at her feet. “I never told anyone this, Kyle, but this isn’t the first time Michael has ummm…gotten rough with me. He used to hit me when we dated. It’s just that this time I really stood up to him. You gave me that strength. So…thank you.” Maria finished. It had been hard for her to tell Kyle that. She wasn’t one to enjoy being pitied.

Kyle was shocked to hear Maria’s confession. First of all, how could anyone want to hurt Maria? He’d rather die than see her in pain. Secondly, Why hadn’t Maria stood up to him? She was always known to be a little spit fire. So full of energy and arguments. How could Michael have messed with her head so much that she would give in to abuse?

Kyle didn’t understand any of it. All he knew was that he would never let Maria get hurt again. He turn to her and said, “Maria, I never knew that Michael was like that. I’m so sorry for what you have been through. I can’t even pretend to know why you think you deserve that kind of treatment. But I can tell you right here and now. I love you, and I’m never going to let anyone, especially Michael Guerin, hurt you again.”

Maria’s eyes filled with tears yet again. “I love you too, Kyle. I love you so much.” She said as she through her arms around him. She did love him. No one had ever made her feel so special or loved in her whole life. He dad left her. Michael was less than nice to her and treated her like she was completely expendable. Liz left her because of her own “Max Evans” problems. Alex was not all there sometimes. And Isabel and Max were great, but they never could relate to her like Kyle could.

Maria captured Kyle’s lips in a passionate kiss. She wanted him badly. They had both admitted their love for each other, so the natural step was sex, right? Well, Kyle had other plans. He detached himself from Maria and said, “Maria, I really want this. To be with you. But I don’t want it to be like this. I want it to be perfect. Special. Right now, we need to go to Max’s house and tell him about Michael.”

Maria knew that Kyle was right. She did want her first time to be special. Not hurried right after her ex tried to take advantage of her. “Ok, I understand.” She said, “Let’s go.”


Max opened the door to find a pissed off Kyle and a nervous Maria. Oh God, he thought, what happened. “What’s up?” he asked as casually as possible.

Kyle walked past Max bringing Maria with him. He entered the living room and found Isabel there. “Are your parents home?” Kyle asked.

Isabel and Max shook their heads. Maria sat down on the couch. She really didn’t want to talk about the event again, but she knew that Max needed to know. Kyle started, “Well, Max you know how I had that feeling that I needed to get home?” he didn’t wait for a response, he just continued, “Well, it was a good thing. Because I walked in on Michael trying to rape Maria.” Kyle bit out.

“WHAT?” Isabel and Max exclaimed at the same time. Isabel immediately when over to Maria and wraped her arms around her. Max digested the information he just received.

Finally, he walked over and kneeled in front of Maria. “Maria, tell us what happened.”

Maria took a deep breath and grabbed Kyle’s hand. “Well, after Isabel dropped me off at home, I went up to my room. And Michael was at my window. So I let him in. You know, I was surprised he was there, but I figured what the hell. But he was really weird. He had like a hungry look in his eyes. He kept telling me that I was his and that he was going to take what was his from Kyle. He asked me really personal questions about me and Kyle together and then he pushed me against the wall and ripped my shirt off. It was horrible.” Maria finally got out.

Max stood up and thought. He was going to kill Michael. Brother, second-in-command or wahtever, it didn’t matter. Michael was going to pay. Kyle comforted Maria and turned to Max. “Max, I refuse to let her be hurt by him again. She is all I have and I’m not going to let him take her from me. You know, this is not the first time Michael had attacked her.”

Isabel and Max both looked at Maria. “What?” Max asked.

Maria looked at her feet again, “Yeah, Michael use to hit me. But its not that big a deal. Its over.” Maria just wanted to forget that part of her past

“Oh No, Maria. It is a big deal! A very big deal. I’m going to kick his ass.” Isabel said.

“No, you guys. I just want this to be over. I’m just going to ignore Michael. Can you guys please not make this a big deal. I’m begging you. I just want to forget about it.” Maria pleaded.

Kyle, Max, and Isabel did not want to leave it where it was, but they agreed. After all, it was Maria’s life. But all three of them intended on making sure Michael never hurt Maria again.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 16

Max and Isabel calmly made thier way up to Michael's apartment. They decided, together, that they would respect Maria's wishes and let the situation with Michae lie for the moment, but first they were going to have a few words with him.

Michael opened the door and saw Max and Isabel, with pissed off expressions. He, however, remained expressionless as he said, "i see you talked to Kyle and Maria."

Max and Isabel pushed past Michael and entered his apartment. "Your damn right we talked to Maria and Kyle. How could you Michael?" Isabel asked. She knew he could have no explanation that would make this situation right, but she had to know.

"What do you mean? I did it becuase she was mine. Kyle stole her from me." Michael shot back.

"Michael, you are an ass. She never belonged to you. And she doesn't belong to Kyle now. You make me sick." Isabel screamed at him.

Max relized that he needed to take control of the situation quickly before things got ugly. "Look, Michael. We cam by becuase we wanted you to know that we know what you did. And we know that you are an abusive bastard. We want you to stay away from Maria. She is going to ignore you and you should do the same with her. Personally, i think it is mighty big of her that she didn't turn you in. I mean Valenti is he father now and i think he would like nothing more than to pick you apart limb by limb if he knew what you did to Maria."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the support Maxwell. You two better be gettin back to your perfect lives." he said and he pushed them out the door and locked it behind him.

"I hope he does want you say, Max." Isabel said worried.

"Well, if he doesn't Maria has still got me, you, Alex, and Kyle." Max returned. Isabel nodded. He was right. They would make sure that MAria was safe.


KYle hadn't let MAria out of his sight for a moment except to let her take a shower. And even then he was reluctant. He was just so worried about her. But it was weird. His word was mixed with feelings of desire. He felt like such an ass becuase, while he should be out kicking Michael's ass, and protecting Maria, he was thinking about how great she smelled and how he couldn't wait to make love to her.

Maria was pretty much in the same position. She knew that she was supposed to be shaken up over the Michael situation, and she was, but a more powerful feeling was coming over her. Pure Lust. She wanted Kyle bad. If he didn't set up the perfect senario for them to have sex soon, she was going to burst.

That night, Kyle slept in Maria's room. Thier parents weren't home, so he had no chance of awkward questions in the morning. As they ley there holding each other, Maria's hand began to wander.

Starting at Kyle's chest they worked thier way down, over his exposed nipples, down to his boxers. Slowly, she reached her hand into his boxers and cupped his erection. "MMMmmm" Kyle groaned.

Then he placed his hand on hers and moved it away. "You have to stop." he said looking her in the eye.


"Becuase, if you dont' i wont be able to." Kyle said simply. He knew that if she touched him like that again, all of his self control would be out the window.

"Kyle, i dont want you to stop. I want you to make love to me. I dont care about fancy dinner first, or candlelight, or music. I just want to feel you inside me." she said to him almost pleading.

How could he say no to that. He had been worried about her first time being rushed, but he sould tell that she was really ready for him. He leaned in and whispered into her ear, "OK, baby."

She then moved both hands to the waist band of his boxers and gently pulled them off of him. Kyle couldn't belive what was happening. The love of his life was about to make love to him. He could almost burst at the thought.

He then moved into action puling her nightshirt over her head and ripping her lace panties off. He thought she was so beautiful. He gently pulled himself on top of her and began kissing her entire body.

She tasted so good. He kenw this, but now he was able to taste her completely. he genltly sucked her nipples and she gasped, "Kyle," he knew he would never get tired of his name on her lips.

she wrapped her legs around him pulling him closer and he could feel her wet heat on his hard cock. "Oh God," he moaned. He looked her in the eyes to insure that she was ready. She nodded at him and he began to guide his cock into her.

He entered slowly and when he reached her barrier her held her hand as he thrust through. Maria let you a gasp of pain and some stray tears slid down her cheeks. Kyle was alarmed. "I'm so sorry, baby." He hated that it was he that was causing this pain in her.

"NO, you are fine." she said and as she got used to the feel of his large cock inside her she began to buck against him. He took that as his cue that he could move. And so he did. "God, Maria. YOu feel so good." he said along with some other unintelligable things.

5 minutels later they dove, head first over the edge together. "Kyle!" Maria sceamed and almost instintainously Kyle grunted and spilled his seed into Maria.

Thier first time was fast, but not rushed. Kyle now realized that he had his entire life to take things slow with Maria. Tonight they needed this.

When they both collected themselves once more, Kyle rolled off of Maria and pulled her into him. "I love you Maria" he whispered to her.

"I love you too." she relipled as they drifted off into sleep.

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Chapter 17

Maria's eyes fluttered open and she smiled as she saw Kyle sleeping next to her, his arms wrapped around her. She snuggles into him. Just then her phone rang. Dammit!

She reach over and answered the phone, "Hello?" she said her voice still groggy.

IT was Liz, "Hey, Ria! Whats up?" she said in a cheery voice.

Maria was suprised to hear from her, "Nothing much, how about you?" she answered, trying not to wake up Kyle. But it was too late. He watched her as she talked on the phone.

"Well, i wanted you to know i'm coming home," Liz said excitedly.

"Who is it?" KYle asked. Maria mouthed Liz's name to him.

"Who was that?" a confused Liz asked.

"Ummm..uhhh no on, it was the TV." Maria answered, unable to come up with anything else.

"Oh, well ok. Anyway, my plane will be in tomorrow at 3:00. Ok?" She said.

"Ok," Maria answered, "Well, i got to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, babe." Liz chirped and hung up.

Maria sat up in bed and put her head in her hands. "What's wrong?" Kyle asked, concerned.

"IT's Liz. She is comming home." Maria said.

"Well, arn't you happy? I mean you said that you missed her." Kyle asked.

"Yeah, i miss the old Liz. Its not that i miss Liz cause she is in Florida. I miss her becuase she isn't the same as she used to be. Now, she is comming home and i dont know what is going to happen. Plus, i'm dealing with the whole Michael thing. And she doesn't know about us, and i dont want her too." Maria answered, her voice rising with each sentence.

Kyle wrapped his arms around her. "I know waht you are saying Maria. She isn't the same as she was. But, just remember that you have me, Max, Isabel, and Alex. So what if you and Liz can't go back to what you were, do you really want to?"

Maria knew that Kyle was making sense. She would rather have the friends she had then, than to have Liz. Liz was to self-involved to understand Maria. She always has been.

"You're right, Kyle. But i dont want to talk about it. We have the whole day to ourselves. So, lets make the most of it." Maria said with a devilish grin.

"God, baby you are going to kill me!" Kyle said as he laughed. He pulled Maria down on him.

They kissed for what seemed like hours when the phone rang again, "UGGGHHH!" Kyle yelled and picked up the phone, "What?" he asked angrily.

Maria giggled at him. "Patience." she said with a wink.

On the phone was a lauging Max. Aparently Kyle and Maria had taken thier relationship forward, "Sorry to interupt you, man." Max appolgized. "I just wondered if everything was ok, and our parents wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight."

Kyle rolled his eyes, "Ok, i have to go thought, i'll call you...uhh...later." with that he slammed the phone down and went back to pleasing his beloved, Maria.


A/N: I know it was short, but i promise to post a longer one next time...i'm just extra busy today... :(
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Chapter 18

As Maria and Kyle drove to the Evan's house, Maria turned to Kyle. "Kyle, do you think i should tell Max that Liz is comming back?" Maria asked.

Kyle thought for a moment. "I think it would be best if he knew, so that he could prepare himself. YOu know?" He answered.

Maria thought about that, "Yeah. I just dont want Max to jump into a relationship with her agian. I know its over protective, but i knew that she will either hurt him, or she will cling to him sucking out his own identity. And i dont want that to happen again."

Kyle laced his fingers in Maria's, "I know waht you mean. Look. Why dont you talk to Max about it tonight. He is your best friend. He will listen. Maybe he doesn't want Liz back anyway." He said.

Maria highly doubted that but she said, "Ok. I will." They drove the rest of the way there in silence.

Mrs. Evan's opened the door to them and gave them both a big hug. "Maria! How are you? And this is Kyle, isn't it? I'm sorry, i havn't gotten the chance to officially meet you." Mrs. Evans said.

Kyle shook her hand, "It's ok. Yes, I'm Kyle. I'm Maria's...uhhh...step-brother...and friend of Iz and Max." he said with a sweet smile. It was enough to make Maria's heart melt.

Mrs. Evans led Maria and Kyle into the living room where Isabel, Max and Mr. Evans were watching TV. "Hey guys," Isabel said, getting up to greet her friends. Max joined her.

Mr. Evans rose, extending his hand. Kyle took it. "It's nice to finally meet you, Kyle. We've hear alot about you." Then he turned to Maria, "And Maria. ITs' great to see you as usual. YOu look nice."

Mrs. Evans nodded her head, "Yes, Maria you are glowing! You much have had a great day,"

Maria blushed and looked down at the ground making Max, Isabel, and Kyle have to contain thier laughter.

"Ok, well let's eat." Mrs. Evans said. They all sat down at the table. Mr. Evan started the converstion, "So, Have you two thought about college?"

Maria looked down at her plate. That was the last thing she thought about. "I dont know. I'll probably go to Las Cruses and study music." she answered.

Kyle looked up, "I'm not exactly sure what i'm doing yet," He said. All he knew what that is Maria was going to Laz Caruses, he was too.

"Well, that's normal at 17." Mrs. Evans said. She could tell that they were uncomfortable with the college conversation.

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly. They talked about school and work. The typical. When they were done, Mr. and Mrs. Evan's got up, "Ok, well we'll leave you guys to it then. Night. It was great meeting you, Kyle. And lovely to see you again, Maria." Mrs. Evan's said, and they retreated upstairs.

Maria pulled Max aside, "I need to talk to you?" she said.

Max was worried. Did Michael try somthing again? "Ok, let's go to my room." They left, leaving Isabel and Kyle in the living room.

Kyle didn't like Maria being out of his sight, but he knew she was ok with Max. He was her best friend. He gave up his brother for her.

"She's fine, Kyle." Isabel said with a knowing look.

Kyle grinned, he'd been caught. "I know. It's just...nevermind." He didn't want to get into it with Isabel.

"Kyle, i know that we havn't been close, but you can talk to me. I promise." Isabel said seriously.

Kyle sat down and took a deep breath, "Well, it's just that i love Maria so much. I mean i thought i loved her before, but after last night...i know that she is the one person for me. But everyone leaves me Isabel. And i'm afraid she is going to do the same." Kyle admitted. he felt better now that he had said it.

Isabel felt bad for Kyle and Maria. They both were so scared of love. "Kyle, do you know that Maria feels the same thing. You two were delt a raw deal. I know that you both have abandonment issues and it sucks, but i can tell you that Maria loves you with all her heart. She is afraid that you are going to be the one to leave her."

Kyle processed the information, "I know. It's jsut hard. I've never felt like this."

"If it wasn't hard, it wouldnt be the real thing," Isabel said.

"Maria is a lucky woman to have you as a friend, Iz." Kyle said hugging her.

"You are my friend too, Kyle. I know it's probably easier for you to talk to Max. But you can come to me for anything. Except, if you break Maria's heart, i'll break your legs." Isabel said and grinned. She knew he wouldnt.

In Max's Room...

"So what is this about?" Max asked.

"Liziscommingbacktomorow." Maria spit out.

"What was that?" Max asked for clarity.

"Liz is flying home tomorrow." Maria said looking down.


"I wanted you to know, becuase i know she will be looking for you. And..." Maria couldnt find the words.

"What is it? Maria, you can tell me anything," Max said lifting her face to look him in the eye.

"I just dont want you to jump into anything with her. I care about you alot, and i cant watch you get hurt again. I know it will happen if you jump back into a relationship with her." Maria explained.

"Maria, i dont want to be with her. At least not right now. Don't worry. OK. How are you doing about her comming home?" Max asked

"I'm fine. It will be weird and i'm not telling her about Michael or Kyle. So, we'll see." She siad.

"Well, no matter what, i'm here for you, ok?" Max said seriously.

"I love you, Max Evans." Maria said hugging him.

"I love you too, Maria DeLuca." HE returned.

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Chapter 19

"So, what did Max say?" Kyle asked as they drove home from the Evans.'

"He doesn't want her back." Maria said with a smile. "He said he wants to be single for a while." Maria was beyond happy that Max didn't slip into 'lost puppy' mode when she told him Liz was comming back.

"Well, I'm glad," Kyle said placing his arm around Maria's shoulder. "I think that is waht he needs." Kyle was happy that Maira was happy.

"So, what are you going to do when Liz get's back tomorrow." Kyle asked as the walked up the stairs.

Maria thought, "I don't know. Probably start all over. I mean, she is still my friend. Maybe she grew up in Florida. I'll just play it by ear," she fially said as they reached her room.

"I dont want you to feel like you can't go back to being friends with her becuase of me though," Maria said. She didn't want Kyle to feel like he was in the middle. Besides, Maria wasn't really mad at Liz. She just didn't know her anymore.

"It's not like that, Maria. Liz and i were never close. Yes, we dated, but even then, we didn't really know each other." Kyle confessed.

"Ok," Maria said. Liz was the last thing she wanted to talk about. The parents were still out of town. "So, Buddah boy, you comming inside? Or do i have to relieve some tension by myself?" She asked in her sexiest voice.

"Don't even think about it!" Kyle growled as he easily lifted Maria into his arms and threw her on the bed.

"God, Kyle, You are so fucking hot!" Maria said licking her lips.

"Mmmm. I love it when you talk like that." He said before closing the door and falling on top of Maria.


Maria took a deep breath and looked at Kyle. "It will be ok, Maria." Kyle said as they entered the school together.

They saw Isabel and Max at Maria's locker and joined them. "What's up?" Max asked putting his arms around Maria.

"Nothing, and no I haven't seen her yet." She said with a grin. She wasn't going to let anything get to her. She had sevretly decided that whenever she got stressed, or came into contact with Michael, she would think about the mind-blowing sec she had with Kyle the night before.

"What are you grinning about?" Alex asked as he approached the group.

Maria got her hormones undercontrol and said, "Nothing. So Alex, did you knwo Liz is in town?"

"Yeah, she called me last night. And i just saw her in the parking lot." Alex answered.

Maria got nevous. But then she began thinking about the way that Kyle had licked her clit last night. IT was the most amazing thing she had ever experianced. She felt her cheeks flush and her panties become wet at the thought.

Maria cleared her throat and said, "Ok. Well, i have class. And Kyle, Dont forget the Algebra Homework." The last sentence was a code that she and Kyle had made up. 'Don't forget the Algebra Homework' ment: 'I need you. Meet me in the Eraser Room, 6th Period.'

Kyle sucessfully covered the blush forming at his cheeks. He had to control himself and think of mud to keep from growing hard at the implication.


Maria got all the way to lunch without running into Liz or Michael. Michael had skipped (Big Suprise) and she didn't have a class with Liz until 7th.

At lunch, Maria spotted Liz comming to the table. "Hey!" Liz said, sqeezing in between Liz and Max.

Liz flung herself at Maria. "Hey, girl!" Maria returned. Everyone else said 'Hi.'

"So how was Florida?" Alex asked.

"It was great. I found some clarity. But i'm glad to be home." Liz answered smiling at Max. "SO where is Tess?" That BItch Liz added silently.

Isabel took this one. "She left. Nesado was killed and she skipped town. Last we heard from her, she was in Tucson."

"Oh," Liz said. Maria noted the gleam in her eye. So much for Liz being over Max.

"And where is Michael?" Liz wondered?

"I dont know?" Alex offered. "I havn't seen him in a few days." Liz and Alex looked at Maria.

"Uhh I think he's skipped today." She said quickly and looked down and her plate. Kyle, Isabel, and Max did the same.

"Ok," Liz said as they all got up from the table. "I'll see you in 7th" she said to Maria. And they all left.

At 6th period, Maria entered the Eraser Room and locked the door behind her. She knew Kyle was already there. He always got there first. "Ok, Kyle, baby. I missed you." she said walking toward him. "You know, we could probably get caught like this," she said not really caring. Then she crashed her lips onto his and immediatly realized that she was not kissing Kyle, but rather Michael.

"What the hell are you doing in her?" Maria demanded pushing him away.

"I knew you and Kyle were together. I was making sure. And sure enough you are dating your brother. Kyle hasn't been here yet, by the way. Or i would have kicked his ass." Michael said comming toward Maria.

"Stay the Fuck away from me!" Maria screamed. Then she smacked him hard across the face.

He grabbed her wrist and twisted it, "You are going to regret that!" he said. But she yanked her arm away and ran out of the room.

Tears streamed down her face as she ran down the hall. All of a sudden, she ran into Max.

Max saw Maria holding her wrist in pain and crying and he began to panic. He wrapped his arms around her and asked, "Maria, whats wrong?"

"Michael...he was there...He..." was all she could get out. Max hugged her and told her everything woudl be alright.

"Let's go find Kyle." he said and led her down the hallway.

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Chapter 20

It didn't take long for them to find Kyle. He was on his to meed Maria in the Eraser Room. "Kyle!" Max called out draging Maria behind him.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked seeing Maira and Max were both upset.

"Not here," Maria said. "Let's go in here." Maria said pointing to the empty classroom across the hall.

"Ok. Now what happened?" Kyle asked, getting more panicked by the minute.

"Michael attacked Maria again," Max blurted out.

"WHAT?" Kyle screamed. He was way beyond livid. He pulled Maia into his arms.

"It wasn't reallt an attack,guys." Maria said. "He got to the Eraser Room before me. I thought he was you and i kissed him. Then he came toward me. I smacked him and he grabbed my wrist. But i'm fine. He just scared me." Maria said, still holding her wrist.

Max gently grabbed Maria's wrist to inspect it. "Maria, he tor one of you tendons," Max informed her.

"Can you heal it?" she said.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean everything is al better, Maria." Max said, then he healed her wrist.

"Maria. I'm going to go have a talk with Michael." Kyle said.

"No," she pleaded, "I don't want anything to happen to you." Maria cried.

"Look, why dont we all go to Michael's house tonight. We'll talk to him together." Max said. It would be better if he and Isabel were there. But one thing was clear: Michael needed to explain himself.

"Fine," Kyle said, "But if that bastard touched Maria again, I'm going to kill him."

"Kyle, stop. There has to be some reason that Michael is acting like this. We just have to talk to him." Maria said.

"Ok, well be at Michael's apartment after work, ok?" Max said.

"Yeah, we'll be there." Maria called to him as he left.

"You sure you want to go to class?" Kyle asked Maria.

"No. Let's get out of here. We have 2 hrs. until my shift."


Work was hell. Maria listened patiently as Liz told her, in excrutiating detail about Florida. Liz also mentioned that she wanted Max back about 50 times.

As Maria cleaned up, Liz talked, and talked, and talked. Maria was only half listeneing. Her attention was in the meeting at Michael's house tonight.

"So, you wanna spend the night?" Liz asked.

"I can't. I'm going to Michael's." Maria told her.

"Oh, Ok. Well, have fun." Liz said with a wink. She was glad that Michael and Maria were still together. It would make it easier for her to work her way back into Max's heart. Though, she didn't expect that it would be too hard.

When Maria was done, she met Kyle at his car. "I'm so happy to see you!" she said as he face lit up.

He kissed her on the cheek and said, "Ditto."

They drove in the direction of Michael's apartment. "Hey, Kyle." Maria said with a gleam in her eyes, as she began massaging his thigh. "You know what got me through the day without killing anyone?" She asked as her hand moved closer to his crotch.

Kyle swallowed hard, "Ummm what?" he asked. God, she was making him want to pull the car over right there.

Maria leaned in close to him. "I thought about fucking your brains out. I thought about you licking me hard, and fast. I thought about deep thrating your huge cock." she said, now carressing the large bulge in his pants.

Kyle pulled into the parking lot behind Michael's apartment. "Oh God! You are killing me." He said. he knew that this was not the place to fuck Maria like he wanted to.

Maria pulled Kyle into a soul-searing kiss. "Mmmm I need you Kyle!"

"Maria, we can't. Not here," Kyle finally got out. he was begining to lose his control with Maria touching him like that.

Maria pushed her bottom lip out, "Why not? I need you. I dont think i could sit next to you for one more minute and not have you inside me." she said, beginning to unbuckle his belt. "Besides, it would be hot to fuck you in the car, in a public place." She said before running her toung over his bottom lip.

Kyle had to admit that the situation was hot. Fucking Maria in his car behind Michael's apartment was risky, but sexy. He pulled Maria into his lap. "How can i say no to that?" he said before kissinf her passionatly. "God, I love you." he exclaimed before slipping Maria's shirt off of her body.

Maria pulled Kyle's shirt over his head and began to kiss his neck. "Mmmm I love you so much, Kyle." she breathed against his chest.

Kyle moved his hands down to the zipper of Maria's jeans. He gently pulled it down and Maria lifted her hips so that Kyle could pull off her pants. He could feel her heat radiating off of her, through her lacy thong.

"Your turn," she said as she unbuttoned Kyle's pants and pulled them down to his ankles along with his boxers.

Kyle's hard cock sprang from it's confines. Maria rubbed her lace covered clit over his erection. "Mmmm Maria." Kyle mumbled as he eyes rolled into the back of his head.

His hands came up to message her already hard nipples. Maria leaned into himand licked the outside of his ear. "Fuck mt, Kyle." she whispered.

Kyle reached down and tore Maria's panties off. He needed to feel her. When she was completely naked, she sank down on his cock and sat motionless. She knew she was tourturing him, but she wanted him to open his eyes.

He did open them and she said, "I want to look into your eyes as we make love."

Kyle nodded and kept his eyes focused on hers. She did the same. Then she began to rise and lower herself on his cock.

She sped up, but thier eyes never left each other's. They were in thier own world. Looking into each other's souls. They moved together silently and exploded with a mutual sudder. "That was amazing." Maria breathed as they regained their senses.

"I can never express how much i love you," kyle said.

"I know how you feel," was Maria's reply as she kissed Kyle long and hard.

After catching thier breath, they cleaned themselves up and got out of the car. Kyle kissed Maria once more before making thier way to Michael's apartment.

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Chapter 21

Maria was eyond nervous about talking to Michael. It wasn't that she was scared. She knew that if Michael tried anything, Max, Kyle, and Isabel would be right there with her. But nevertheless, she was nervous.

She looked at Kyle, one last time before knocking on the door. "IT's going to be ok," he said as he sqeezed her hand. She smiled at him, and Max opened the door.

He ushered Kyle and Maria in and Michael barely looked up. He just rolled his eyes and looked back at the Kitched counter. Kyle led Maria to the couch and sat down next to her.

"So, what do you want?" Michael asked, not too kindly.

"I'm here to find out why you find in nessesary to attack Maria." Kyle said matter of factly.

"Kyle..." Maria warned. She didn't want this to turn into a fight. That would get them nowhere.

"I didn't attack her, Alright?" Michael yelled across the room.

"Oh, I beg to differ. You tore a tendon in her wrist today. That is an attack." Kyle shot back.

"I have nothing to say to you." Michael said. Max and Isabel just watched the back and forth conversation.

"Michael, whats wrong with you? Why are you being like this?" Maria pleaded with him.

"I'm not talking about this with everyone here, in our business. I need to talk to you alone." Michael said, as if he was almost begging.

"Ok," Maria said. She wanted to find out what was going on with Michael. And she knew that this was the safest way to talk to him alone. He wouldnt reveal anything with the others around. he has always trusted her.

"No, absolutly not. I'm not letting you be alone with him. What if he attacks you again." Kyle asked, concerned.

Maria got up and kneeled in front of him. "Look, baby. I need to know what is going on. And you are going to be right here. He would be stupid to try anything, but if he does, you are right here to protect me. Kyle i need to do this." Maria told him honestly.

He relented. He could see how important this was to Maria. "Ok. I love you. I jsut dont want you to get hurt. But if he tries anything, i want you to call for me immediatly. Ok? I won't let him hurt you again." Kyle said as he kissed Maria's forhead. None of this went unnoticed by the rest of the room, including Michael.

Maria got up and followed Michael into his room. He closed the door. She was slightly uncomfortable, but at the same time, she didn't think that Michael would try anything with Kyle, Max, and Isabel just across the door.

"So, whats going on with you Michael? I mean, you were always kind of mean and you did hit me before, but why are you acting like this now that we arnt together anymore?" Maria asked.

Michael sighed deeply and sat down on the bed. "Maria, when i broke up with you, it was because i was scared. I love you. I'm in love with you."

"Michael, i'm not in love with you, anymore. I still care about you. You scare me half to death, but i care about you. But i'm in love with Kyle. He's the one i want to be with. I still want to be friends with you. But i can't do that if you dont stop harrasing me." Maria told him.

Michael was filled with rage at the mention of Kyle's name. Besides the fact that Maria had jsut told him that she was no longer in love with him. "Are you kidding me, Maria? He is your brother. That is wrong! I love you, and you are just going to throw that away for Kyle?"

"First of all, Michael, he isn't my brother. We were friends before his dad married my mom. And it isn't wrong. We love each other and we are going to be together." Maria shot back.

Michael rose from the bed and came towards her. "I just want you to know what you are throwing away. If you walk out of here tonight, with him. I'm not comming back to you!" HE screamed.

Maria reached for the door opening it, "I'm not going to talk to you when you are like this. If you have a problem with me and Kyle, then fuck off. I dont need you. I want to be your friend, but if you are going to be an ass, then you can jsut leave me alone." she said exiting the room.

Kyle was off the couch to come for her. As they were talking to the frond door Michael screamed, "Fine, go be with him. BUt just remember. No one can love you like i do. He will leave you jsut like your dad did. Just like everyone does, but me. And Then you will be begging to have me back!"

Tears filled Maria's eyes as she said, "Goodbye Max, Isabel. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Then she took Kyle's hand and they left.

When they got back to the car, Maria didn't say a word. Kyle had heard everything that went on in the bedroom. He also knew that Michael's last words had hurt her feelings. "Maria, i won't leave you." he said simply.

She just nodded. She was processing the thought that one day Kyle would leave her like her father had. She didn't want to belive it, but it was a possibility.

When they got home, Maria walked silently into the house. It was still early. They hadn't taken as long at Michael's as she thought they would. She flipped on the TV and sat on the couch. She needed to think.

Kyle sat next to her and held her hand. She flinched for just a second and he noticed. "Maria. We should talk."

Maria closed her eyes and turned off the TV. Then she looked at Kyle, prepared to hear what he had to say.

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Chapter 22

"Maria, I'm not going to leave you." Kyle said forcfully. "Don't listen to that asshole. He is just trying to get you to go back to him."

Maria just looked down at her lap. Kyle then lifted her chin so that she was looking him in the eye. "Maria, you belive me don't you?" Kyle asked.

"Well, i dont know. I was so wrapped up in my emotions and feelings that i forgot to protect myself. I didn't think about the fact that you would leave. But Michael's right. Everyone does leave me. It is inevitable." she answered truthfully.

"Look, Maria, i have the same fears you do. My mom left me. And then Liz left me for Max. I deal with the thought that you might leave me everyday. But i love you. And i know that i can't live without you. So yeah, i'm scared that you will leave me. But in the end, i'd rather be with you now." Kyle confessed.

"How could you possibly think i would leave you? I love you Kyle." Maria said tearfully.

"And i love you. Don't you see. I'm not going anywhere. You are stick with me." Kyle said kissing her cheek.

Maria smiled. "i'm holding you to that." she said kissing him on the lips.

"Common, this is our last night alone before Amy and my dad get back. Let's make the most of it." Kyle said taking Maria's hand. She smiled.

They headed up to her room and shut the door. Immediatly Kyle began kissing Maria. His hands reached up to remove her shirt. She hadn'tput her bra on after their privious sexual encounter in the car, so as he lifter her shirt her breasts were immediatly free to him.

His mouth went directly to them. "Oh my god, Kyle." Maria breathed. And then somthing broke in her. While she loved making love to Kyle she suddenly realized that right now, she wanted him to fuck her brains out.

"Kyle i want you to fuck me." Maria moaned as he reached for her zipper.

"I thought that was the idea." Kyle chuckled.

"No, I mean i want you to FUCK me. I want you to plough into me with everything you have." Maria said. She was no longer embarrased about talking about sex. Kyle made her feel at each about everything.

Kyle was taken aback a little, but he had to admit, that he wanted to feel waht it would be like to have rough sex with Maria. He just would have never done it without her concent. "Ok," he coaked out.

Martia ripped his clothes off and knelt down in front of him. She quickly took him onti her mouth. He was large, but she was determined to deep throat him. "Oh Fuck!" Kyle yelled. "That feels fucking awesome, Maria." he said, controlling the urge to grab her head.

But that was just the start. She was teasing him. She took him from her mouth and stood up again, letting him remove the rest of her clothes. "Mmmm," She said and he lightly brushed her clit.

He then backed her up against the wall. She liked where this was going. he lifted her aginst the wall and she quickly wrapped her arms around him.

He guided himself into her and thrust deeply. Maria let out a sigh. He started slowly, and then sped up. "Faster, Kyle." Maria begged as she clung to him with all she had.

He groaned and quickened the pace. "Oh God, you are so fucking tight," he breathed.

She met him thrust for thrust. Faster and faster. Moans filled the room. "Oh, Maria." he cried as he came inside her.

"Kyle, I love you." Maria screamed. She she clamped down on his cock.

As their breath returned to normal they heard a gasp from the doorway.

Maria and Kyle looked up to see Amy and Jim staring at them with shock and anger on thier faces.

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