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Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:12 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Ace Roswell
Well, they meet in this chapter but the real problems happen in chapter 11.
Liz86000: Liz will have a problem with a vampire but it won't be during patroling and it won't be in this part. It will be in Chapter 11. And this part will explain how Slayers and Vampires can have children.
WomanofMystery: This chapter will explain how Vamps and Slayers can conceive.

A.N. I changed the chapters a bit. This chapter will be the present/future part, as will chapter 11. Chapter 12 will be the past part. Just a heads up so you don’t get confused. There will be some not so great things that are going to be going on (mostly in chapter 11) and I wanted to deal with those first before going on to another past part.

Oh and Cordelia isn’t blonde, IMO that look just didn’t work for her, so she’s back to the long dark brown hair. Much better hairstyle on her. And Cordy is still a demon just not a higher being.

And lastly but certainly not least this chapter is dedicated to Dream_walker875 aka Erin, Happy Birthday hon! :D

Chapter 10

February 17, 2005

Riding in Spike’s Desoto towards the cemetery brought the reality of her parent’s death crashing home for Liz. Her parents were never coming back, they’d never see her Lucas play soccer, basketball, or any other sport, they’d never see Liz grow big with her second child, their second grandchild.

It was devastating, Liz and Spike found out she was a month pregnant a day before Alex called informing her of her mom and dad’s murder. Liz felt guilty for being happy at a time like this but every time she thought about her new baby she couldn’t help but smile, she was having Spike’s child.

Giles figured it out a few months ago, after Buffy revealed the news of her pregnancy, which that Slayers and Master Vampires could conceive. Something about how the Master Vampire’s sperm would warm in the Slayers body making the possibility of a having a baby high. Since the Slayer was human the baby could and normally do survive. It was all very fascinating and it made Spike all the more…vigorous, Spike wanted a child with her as much as she wanted one with him.

Slowly Spike pulled into the graveyard, her parents plots visible even from the road, the Pod Squad, Alex, Serena, Maria, Kyle, and Maria’s husband Darren were already there waiting. “Bloody tossers, Alex and Serena I expect but the rest of the wankers think they have a right to be here? It’s insulting.” Spike told her.

“As long as they don’t cause trouble they’re welcome to be here Spike, I want to be petty but it wouldn’t be fair. No matter the differences between us…” Liz shook her head, “I can’t deny them a last goodbye to my parent’s.” Spike’s car came to a complete stop about twenty feet from the plots; Angel’s car pulled to a stop behind theirs.

Taking a deep breath Liz opened her door; the others in Spike’s car and Angel’s car follow suit. Cordelia, who rode with them, opened Luke’s door and lifted him out of his car seat and into her arms. Liz, after checking Lucas was ok with Cordy took Spike’s hand squeezing the cool appendage for comfort. Her friends and family trail behind her while Angel made his way to the other side of Liz rubbing her back as they walk closer to the graves.

Alex and Serena, who had already met Liz’s new “extended” family, came forward and embraced the close knit group. Serena cradled Liz’s face in her palms and sent comforting waves to her friend; she was full-blooded alien who had full-control of her powers, the least she could do was send soothing waves to Liz. Which she thanked by giving Serena a small smile of gratitude.

Spike and Angel guide Liz forward toward the closed caskets, the Pod Squad and company watch in silence as the group formed a tight half-circle surrounding Liz, as if protecting her. Max glared as the bleached blonde in a long black leather trench coat standing close to Liz pressing a kiss to her head whispering to her. He couldn’t hear what was being said but whatever it was it seemed to relax Liz a little more. Then there was the massive dark-haired man on the other side caressing her back, which one was her husband? Were they both her husbands?

The priest has yet to arrive so the estranged friends came forward, wanting to know more about this bunch that had made their way into Liz’s heart. Max breathed in deeply calming his nerves, it was time to step up as a King and face people whom he felt were intruders. “I'm Max Evans.” He held out his hand to be shook but the two men next to Liz just raised twin eyebrows and stared at his hand with disdain. Awkwardly Max lowered his hand back to his side. “And who are all of you?”

Cordelia sensing that the two vampires wouldn’t be introducing themselves, she decided to take the matter into her owns hands. She handed Lucas to Fred who gave her tiny cousin a big smile and a kiss on the cheek. Maneuvering around the group of three she gave a very fake pleasant grin, “Well, I'm Cordelia Chase, part-time actress and full-time secretary for Angel Investigations. These two protective gentlemen are Spike, Liz’s husband and…part-time detective for AI, and Angel, Liz’s pseudo big brother and owner of AI.”

She pointed to the people behind the three, “That’s Fred Berkle, Liz’s cousin and AI’s researcher, along with Lucas William Parker, everyone’s pride and joy.” Luke blushed and hid his face in Fred’s neck, breathing in the musty book smell that clung to her. “The rugged English gentleman is Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, researcher and detective at AI, and last but certainly not least Charles Gunn, detective and kick-ass boyfriend to me. And the rest of you are?” She grinned again fake joy oozing out from every part of Cordy.

Feeling slightly intimidated by Cordelia Max took a half-step back, like he was trying to run, something wasn’t right about that woman, he had to find out what it was so he could convince Liz that the people she has aligned herself with are the bad guys. “This is my sister Isabel Evans, she’s working as an assistant our father’s law firm, Michael Guerin, he’s going to college part-time and working at Meta-Chem full-time, Tess Harding, secretary at my father’s law firm, Kyle Valenti,” at that Spike let out a growl that could be clearly heard.

Liz glanced up at him with wide eyes, gently tugging on his hand cutting his growl off. “Continue please.” Cordelia asked, which actually sounded more like a demand than a request.

Reluctantly Max continued but stares suspiciously at Spike as he spoke. “Kyle Valenti, he owns a garage and fixes up cars for people also works part-time at Meta-Chem with Michael. Maria Deluca-Jacobson, she works at the Crash, and Darren Jacobson, Maria’s husband he’s in the music business.” He finished explaining, although Max for the life of him had no idea why he disclosed that much to the curvy brunette.

Tess who has remained out of the situation since Liz arrived decided that now was the time for her to say her peace to Liz. Slowly she eased toward the leather clad brunette, “Liz, I know we’ve never been friends, mostly because always felt that I had to compete with you for everyone’s attention but mostly Max’s and later Kyle’s.”

Shaking her head, “Why did you feel like you had to compete with me?” Liz asked her, curious as to why the blonde pixie was telling her this and why now? Around Tess, Liz had always felt a little inadequate, her breasts weren’t big enough, she wasn’t curvy enough, and Tess had a tie to Max that she just didn’t have. If anything she felt like she had to compete with Tess.

“Max loved you and he never stared at me the way he did you, there was never that I'm going to devour you hear me roar when he saw me. And Kyle he always had your back no matter what, even after you broke his heart for Max and then when you left he was so heartbroken and guilty.” Tess sniffled but continued.

“Then the others, you were closer to Isabel then I had ever been, and that was a really hard pill to swallow because I was…” she was about to mention aliens. But she didn’t want to reveal the group’s secrets in front of a new group of people, but Liz put her fears to rest but also rose a concerned feeling.

Liz again shook her head this time with a small smile on her face. “Don’t worry Tess, they know about aliens, and you all. It kind of became a well-known fact after I started showing signs of alien powers. So it’s fine to talk about the alien chaos around them.”

Max furious that Liz exposed their secret to these people stomped forward passed Tess almost pushing her aside to get as close as the AI team would allow him. He was so intent on lecturing Liz and her choices that he didn’t catch the glare Tess sent him. “WHAT?! How could you tell them? Now you’re going to get them killed because the FBI are going to be after them all now that they know.”

Spike annoyed at the little boy stepped away from his wife and got right up in Dumbo’s face fighting his demon, who wanted to come forward and teach the little bitch a lesson in how to talk to a lady, especially his mate. “Listen you bleeding tosser, no one and I mean no one is going to let a bunch of pansy-ass’s in pressed suits take them without them wanting too. Believe me we can handle ourselves just fine.”

“Obviously you don’t know anything about the FBI or you wouldn’t be saying shit like that, they are stronger than they look?” He sneered at the bleached blonde.

“Or maybe you’re just weaker than you look?” Spike raked his gaze over Max and his expression was less than impressed. Not that Liz could blame him, after being a vampire for over 150 years and seeing many different demons and whatnots a former alien King with weak powers weren’t something to get excited about.

“Baby.” Liz rested her hand on his muscled bicep. “Not here.” She pleaded with him, Liz was one of the very few people that could say a few words and have him back down.

“You’re lucky my woman doesn’t want blood-shed tonight or your head would be on my nightstand.” He growled low but moved back to Liz easing his arm around her waist holding her close to his body.

Breathing in Liz turned her gaze back to Tess. “Before you were rudely interrupted by Max-hole over here, I believe you were speaking.” She sent a glare over to Max before returning her eyes to Tess again waiting for her to continue with what she was talking about.

“Short version, you could make anyone love you and want to go out of their way to help you. I know why you did what you did with Kyle, Isabel and Michael know as well, there are no words that can describe what you gave up for us.” Tears formed in both women’s eyes but Tess still seemed like she had some more to say.

“And there are no words to describe how grateful we are to you. To make a long story a lot shorter, I was hoping we could start anew with each other. Be friends.” Tess rubbed her stomach calming her nerves and her easing away her nausea with her powers. When she was nervous or scared her and Kyle’s baby could feel it and in turn made her mother’s stomach queasy.

Swallowing passed the lump in her throat; Liz slowly nodded her head. “Ok, we can give it a try, after all we have a lot in common. We both think why did we waste our time with Max over there, we’re both pregnant by our honey’s, and we have alien powers. Not to mention, if I remember correctly we both love watching Jensen Ackles as Alec in Dark Angel. I’d say that’s enough to start building a friendship on.”

“Of course, who doesn’t like to see those rippling X-5 abs kick ass?” Tess questioned.

“Mmm, damn right.” Isabel popped up raising her eyebrows at the two recently agreed friends. Causing Spike, Kyle, and Michael to say ‘Hey’ to their women.

Despite their agreement to be try being friends Tess and Liz didn’t hug each other, they weren’t at that stage yet, and maybe they never would be, they just didn’t want to rush right into being all buddy-buddy. Both women needed time to process before their friendship went any further.

Back on the gravel road leading up to the gravesite the four supernatural beings from LA heard a car drive up and instantly perked their ears to the side trying to get a good angle to hear better. It was far enough away where the humans that didn’t have sensitive hearing had no clue what the aliens, Angel, Liz, Spike, and Cordelia heard.

As the car came closer the humans could hear it now, it wasn’t long before they could see the car pull up. The car had tinted windows, so even with their enhanced eyes the AI supernatural team couldn’t tell who was in the silver Lexus. They only to wait a few moments before the passenger and driver side door opened, the occupants stepped out under the dim lights that lit the gravel road which only was enough light to show you where the boundaries of the road were.

Immediately when Liz’s eyes zeroed in on the face getting out of the drivers side the blood in her veins turned to ice, her eyes hardened to cold steel, and every inch of her Slayer body was telling her to kill. He dared to come to her parent’s funeral. Oh no, he was going to pay.


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:56 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Liz86000: I always thought that Cordy with Gunn (at least before S3 would have been a good match.) and I felt that it worked with this story.
Paris Nicole: It will be revealed in this chapter.

A.N. While watching many BTVS + Angel eps I've come to the conclusion that vampires (in their verse) don’t mind getting it on with a family member, whether that be their real family or vampire family. Spike's mother tried to get with him after he turned her, Alona, Gunn's sister, tried to seduce him to the dark side, and of course the various acts between Darla, Angelus, Dru, and Spike, so keep that in mind for chapter 13.

Chapter 11

February 17, 2005

Liz took a menacing step forward, that asshole dare to come to her parent’s funeral, there was no reason for him to be there none. Spike hissed and growled at the man ambling forward with two white roses in hand, Liz was about to run and attack, Spike saw her whole body tense and flex into fighting ready.

“Let me pet.” He whispered, she shouldn’t have to deal with this, not today.

Before Spike could move from her side Liz rested a tiny yet deadly hand on his stomach, “No, I need to do this.” She whispered. “Fred, please take Lucas to Spike’s car, keep him busy, he doesn’t need to see this.” Her cousin nodded carrying her cousin’s child quickly out of view from the violence that would no doubt occur.

Phillip and Diane Evans slow to a halt about twenty feet from Liz and her protective family. Max had a good idea as to what Liz would do to his father, when the former King invited his father to the funeral he had hoped they could talk and work everything out but that didn’t seem like it’s going to be the case. In an attempt to stop the impending fight Max stepped forward gripping her arm in his hand. He never expected Liz to turn around and punch him square in the jaw, the blow was so powerful and shocking that he fell flat on the cool grass.

“Don’t you ever touch me Max, how the hell did he find out about the funeral? I sure as shit didn’t tell him.” She hissed angrily at him. Liz didn’t wait for an answer instead she grabbed the lapels to his suit and hauled him back up on his feet. “Why do I get the impression that it was you who told the murdering fuck that my parent’s funeral was tonight?”

Liz was so focused on Max and his betrayal and stupidity that she didn’t hear Phillip Evans come closer to her, “Yes he told me Liz, but I would have come anyway. We need to talk this out, you know that I never meant to kill your parents, I cared about them too.” He pleaded.

Dropping Max like a rag doll she twisted her body around, her expertly shoots out solidly kicking Phillip Evans in the gut. Gasped from the group in attendance, minus the AI team, sounded, utter shock and disbelief that Liz was using physical violence. “You cared about them?” She spoke in mock caring, she stood over his coughing body, “Where was your caring when you fell asleep at the wheel?” She snarled.

“Please,” Phillip begged coughing roughly, “You don’t want to,” cough, wheeze, “hurt me Liz.” Cough, “What would your parent’s say?” Diane who shook out of her shock rushed to her husband’s side only to have Wesley hold her back.

“I wouldn’t Mrs. Evans, your husband brought this on himself. I’d hate to see you get in the middle of a fight where Liz is on the other side.” He implored.

“But she’s going to kill him.” Diane shouted. Phillip’s ribs weren’t completely healed, the kick to the gut could have broken them all over again and damaged some of his organs.

“Daddy!” Isabel ran forward but was pulled back by Michael. “Let me go. She’ll kill him.” She yelled.

“It’s nothing the bastard doesn’t right deserve. Besides I doubt she’ll kill him, just beat him up a bit, maybe a break a few fingers.” Spike smirked and wiggles his fingers at Diane and Isabel taunting the two women. Her jaw-drop of horror caused Spike’s grin to increase. He rocked on his feet hooking his fingers in his belt loops; he loved playing with gullible humans. Digging into his trench coat he pulled out a cigarette lights it and continued to watch Liz deal with Phillip the way she wanted too.

“My parents?” Liz blinked her eyes full of fake innocence. “My parents would give their full god damned blessing if I kicked your ass or better yet if I killed you. See they were big believers in the whole eye for an eye deal, if someone screws you, you screw them right back only harder.” Liz giggled crazily not because she herself was losing it necessarily but she wanted Phillip to think she had. Or that could be something she just wished were the case and she really was going off the deep end.

The only action she wanted to take against this man was to snap his neck; her fingers even flexed preparing for the fatal twist and crunch of fragile neck bones. Every muscle, every cell, every fiber of her being was intent on destroying Phillip Evans, but she knew if she gave into her dark side his ghost would haunt her for the rest of her life. Maybe not his actual ghost but she would see him everywhere she went it would be her guilty conscious screaming out at her.

Slowly, cautiously Liz eased away from her parent’s killer; she didn’t trust herself to move quickly. The muscles tightly wrapped and intertwined under her skin, the primal nature of Slayers, her overwhelming anger all would make controlling her muscles in fast movement near impossible. Jaw clenched and body tense Liz spoke to Phillip, “Leave. You leave now, you don’t belong here,” her eyes bore into his sprawled limp body. “Nothing you say will make my parent’s come back; coming here only put your pathetic existence in danger. Leave now and I don’t kill you, stay and I can’t guarantee you won’t be joining the hundreds of dead bodies in this cemetery.”

Phillip, not being a particularly stupid man, scrambled up from the cool damp grass, grabbed his wife from Wesley’s grasp and hurried from the graveyard. Not looking back once, he started the car speeding out of the cemetery almost colliding with another car entering through the gates. Everyone, even the non-superpowers heard the train of expletives coming from the innocent bystander.

Spike, who had since extinguished his cigarette eased up behind his mate gently turning her toward him, clutching her close to his chest. The second she was safe and secure in his arms she began to cry, “Oh God Spike,” gasp, “I was…I was going to kill him. If he said a single word,” gasp, “he would have been dead.”

Spike stroked her hair, “No you wouldn’t have,” he said with conviction, “it’s no surprise that you wanted too, it’s natural to feel that way luv. He killed your parent’s, took them away from you.”

“But, I’m the Slayer, if I think that he should die my Slayer kicks in and,” sniffle, Liz burrowed her head deeper into Spike’s chest, “Christ, I could have killed him.” She tightened her hold on his jacket.

Cordelia and Fred, who had just moments after Phillip left in a rush came back with Lucas, had tears in their eyes listening to Liz and watching Spike comfort her. “You could have, but you wouldn’t have. You’re heart is too pure to kill a human no matter what he’s done to you.” The only way she would kill a human would be if someone had hurt Lucas, then all bets were off.

Slowly her tears subside until all anybody could hear was small hiccups and a tiny laughter muffled by Spike’s now undoubtedly tear soaked shirt. “Feel better now luv. Got all the nasties out?” He rumbled into her hair.

“Not yet, I have some more in there.” She shakily smiled a childish grin. It’s enough to let Spike know that she’s going to be ok for now. That she got out the demons that were eating away at her at the moment but that there were still a few more to come later.

Spike cupped her cheeks in his palms wiping at her tears with his thumb and stared into her eyes conveying all the love he felt towards her. It was then that the real world began to poke its way back into Spike and Liz’s private space, the priest had arrived while Spike was comforting her, he was the one Phillip had almost run into, and he’s the one that was swearing like a sailor.

“Mrs. Parker-Hamilton?” The priest questioned starting at Liz. At her nod he held out his hand, to shake hers, to which she promptly embraced with her own. “It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, however I wish it wasn’t because of these dire circumstances.” He sadly smiled. “I’ve heard so much about you from my son, I'm sure you remember him.”

“Umm, I don’t know, who’s your son?” Liz asked him while Spike stared at the priest confused as to where the guy’s son knew his wife from; it could be any number of people that Liz saved. Didn’t mean she’ll remember anything, or given it’s Roswell it could be someone Liz dated before she met him.

No one from the Roswell group knew who that man was besides the priest that was ‘special-ordered’ by Fred. Michael had asked Alex shortly before arriving some things about who would be at the funeral. The special-ordered priest had come up briefly. Coming up behind Liz, Fred rested her hand on her shoulder causing Liz to look at her. “He’s Father Eliyus.” That was enough to whip Liz’s head around to face him again.

“Your son’s Jeremy,” Suddenly all the AI team knew exactly who the man was. Jeremy Eliyus was a little boy that was taken by a group of Crakus demons that had tried to get at Luke when he was two. After the AI team killed the demon that went after Luke and when Liz recovered she went on a killing spree, her targets the Crakus demons. It was there that she saved and met little Jeremy Eliyus.

“Yes, he talks about you still and has dreams about you coming into save him from the monsters. My boy just celebrated his seventh birthday last week.” He smiled at her.

Liz wished she could feel like she deserved his praise, but she didn’t. She hadn’t gone to that cave to save his son; she went there to make sure that that type of demon wouldn’t attack her son again. So far no new clan of Crakus had been spotted in LA, they probably heard that they’d be killed the second they arrived.

“I'm glad he’s ok. And thank you for agreeing to come all the way here from LA to bury my parents.” Liz noticed he wasn’t wearing a cross, which was very odd for a priest. “Umm, if you don’t mind me asking, where’s your cross.” Not that she minded because of Spike and Angel but she was curious.

“Oh, Winifred told me not to wear it, she mentioned that umm, you had some people in your group that wouldn't appreciate it very much.” He cast quick glances to Angel and Spike, nodding to them nervously.

Liz nodded, “Don’t worry, they won’t bite.” She smirked and winked up at Spike.

“I’d beg to differ luv.” Spike leered down at her, the lust clear in his gaze.

Moments later everyone was gathered around the graves, everything was going all right, there was very little problems from the Pod Squad and company, the priest was speaking over the Parker’s graves before they were to be lowered down. But Liz couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, she kept feeling that there was a vampire out there—and it wasn’t Spike or Angel. The sensations they sent inside her were different, still a warning but with a warm feeling attached to it, the warnings she was getting now was pure evil.

As the coffins were descending down into the holes an arm punched through Jeff’s casket. The P.S. and everyone not the AI Team backed up, Liz lost all color in her face and looked like she was going to throw up, Spike and Angel’s face vamped out ready for a fight. They didn’t know if Liz would be able to do what needed to be done.

“No,” She gasped out, “please no.”


A.N. 2: The Crakus demons were mentioned in Chapter 9, I just hadn’t come up with a name for them at that time. So if you want go ahead and re-read that last section with Spike and Liz in Chapter 9 to refresh your memory on that incident.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 12:40 pm
by Jezebel Jinx

Don't worry you'll find out in either chpt 13 or 15 how Jeff became a vampire. I promise. :twisted: I've had Jeff's story line pretty much all planned out since the 1st chapter. It will be explained. :D

A.N. I’m not that happy with this part but I hope its ok.

Chapter 12

February-March; 2001; Liz’s Room

Growling at her cousin Liz turned over, irritated that she and Wesley wouldn’t leave her alone. Lorne was busy taking care of Gunn checking to make sure nothing permanent happened when Liz electrocuted him; she felt horrible about what happened to him but unfortunately she couldn’t take it back.

The whole time she had been awake Fred and Wesley were right there, first making sure she was alright, then after she repeatedly told them she was fine they began hounding her with questions. Liz heard Angel’s heavy footsteps in the hallway outside her room along with Buffy’s graceful and confident steps; over the past couple months she has learned to recognize everyone’s footsteps.

Before she became a part of the alien Abyss she never did that, but she trained herself, she had to if she wanted a fighting chance at staying alive. Liz knew Max, Michael, Isabel, Maria, Alex, Jim, Kyle, and her parents footsteps, and about 2 months before she moved to LA she learnt Tess and Nasedo’s footsteps.

“Liz, how did that happen? There’s no way your body could omit that much static to create that powerful of a jolt.” Fred questioned her cousin trying to make sense of what happened earlier that evening.

Sighing Liz practically begged them to leave her alone, what she did was something she didn’t feel like discussing at the moment. With what she saw downstairs in the lobby of the hotel was enough to make her weak with shock, normally big heavy rock guys didn’t come around to try to kill her. But then again aliens didn’t usually save her life but that happened almost two years ago, so why not rock boy?

For a few seconds she was so into her own thoughts that she lost track of Buffy and Angel’s footsteps and those few moments were long enough where they were able to make it to her room door. “Fred, Wes, can we talk to Liz for a little while alone?”

“Of course.” Wesley seemed like he’s about to bow to Buffy and Liz but remembers where he was and stopped himself from finishing or even starting to bow. It had been drilled into him since he was a child that you bow to ladies when you leave a room, and although both Liz and Buffy are ladies they would stare at him oddly, which they already did plenty of.

Wesley and Fred left Liz’s room closing the door behind them leaving only Angel and Buffy alone with Liz. “Listen, I’m sure you want to know everything about why I’m green electric girl and I wanna know all about Big Mean Rocky Mt. Guy, but can we hold off this convo till tomorrow?” She pleaded with her friends.

Angel shook his head, “I wish we could but we need to deal with this now, there might not be time later.” He said ominously.

“Way to put her at ease.” Buffy glared at her mate the bite on her neck throbbing with just the close proximity of him. The Slayer sat on Liz’s bed as she turned over to face the supernatural couple.

Sighing Angel ran his fingers through his spiked hair. “It’s not like we have a whole hell of a lot of time to tell her about what she needs to know, Giles confirmed everything and you have to go back to Sunnydale tomorrow morning I’m not seeing a whole lot of options here.”

Rolling her eyes at the two lovers Liz sat up to make sure both of them are looking at her. “Listen why don’t you just tell me so I can get some sleep ok?” Her nervousness and concern for what was to come suddenly disappeared, she knew she didn’t do anything so who made those feelings go away?

Almost immediately a warm sensation floated across her belly, quickly she lifted her shirt up just enough so her belly was showing. And fluttering across her abdomen was Lucas’s hand print, letting her know in his own way that he was the cause of her sudden lack of worry. Fascinated Liz giggled at her stomach brushing her hand against the trail of silver that was left behind.

“Uhh, Liz?” Buffy frowned, “why was your stomach glowing?” Curious as to what was going on with Liz, mostly out of concern because she didn’t know what it was.

Smiling up at them. “It’s Lucas, my baby.” A dreamy expression came over her. The joy she was feeling was making her a lot more agreeable to things. “How about I tell you about me and then you tell me about Rock Boy ok?” She pulled her shirt back down to cover her stomach.

Buffy and Angel nod listening to everything Liz has to say about whom and now what she was. She explained everything from her being shot and Max healing her to the last moment she was close to the group, which was before sleeping with Kyle. Liz even told them about her being ostracized from the group and the jocks wanting to have their ticket punched letting everyone know that they got a ride on the Liz-train.

After the initial shock wore off Buffy and Angel took their turn in the explanation. Buffy practically told Liz her entire Slaying history; her relationship with Angel at sixteen was included in the story telling as well, much to Angel’s embarrassment. Now he wasn’t ashamed or anything like that by his relationship with Buffy, far from it, he just didn’t feel it was something Buffy needed to tell the girl he had begun to view as a little sister.

When everything was said and done up to the last couple of weeks Buffy took that moment to ask Liz if she had any questions before she went on. Liz had many questions, but none that couldn’t wait till later, it’s been three hours since the revealing of information began, and Liz was tired. It was then that Buffy dropped the big news, so to speak.

“Liz, I told you all of that because now I have to tell you this. You remember when I said I was called because I had been chosen to fight evil?” At Liz’s nod she continued. “Well you need to know that it could one day happen to you as well. You’re a Potential like so many of the other girls staying at my home in Sunnydale.”

Instead of nodding Liz shook her head not wanting to hear that. It was one thing that Buffy was a Slayer, Angel a vampire, Lorne a demon, Wesley a Watcher, and Fred and Gunn part of this whole thing. That she could handle, but the fact that she too might become like Buffy, fighting the forces of evil only to die? Information like that didn’t fit into her plan that she had for herself and her child, at least with being an alien hybrid she could control her life still.

“Liz, I understand that this is a lot to take in. Buffy and I will leave you alone now, you can think about this and we’ll talk later tomorrow alright?” Liz nodded still not saying a word as Angel and Buffy lefte her alone to contemplate everything that had transpired.


Next Chapter: How will Liz deal with her father being a vamprie? Will she dust him, will he get away?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 4:19 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
A.N. Wow this vacation was something I really needed gave my muse a lot of material/ideas for many posted fics and a lot of new fics. Wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone for being patient on my stories and thank everyone who reads and gives FB on my many stories. Cookies, candy, and hugs for everyone. You’re all wonderful.

Now onto the story information, I promise how Jeff is a vampire will be explained (not completely in this chapter, you’ll get a bit about it though). I'm not sure how long this fic is going to be (got an e-mail a few weeks ago asking how long I was planning to make this fic and I don’t really know), there are still a lot of things to cover in the past parts and a couple more things that I know I want to happen in the future/present parts. After this chapter though the next couple of chapters will be past so I can get some of that out of the way.

Chapter 13

February 17, 2005

Liz watched in utter shock as her father clawed out of his coffin. Her beloved father was a vampire, a soulless creature that she would have to kill. “Daddy.” She whimpered a tear escaped sliding down her cheek to fall onto the cool wet grass under her feet.

“What the Hell is going on?” Maria shouted turning away from the flying wood of Jeff Parker’s coffin. It was unreal, even knowing about aliens couldn’t have prepared her for watching her ex-friend’s father climbing from his coffin when he was supposed to be dead.

Spike and Angel move forward to take care of Jeff, Liz couldn’t do this, it would tear her apart and neither vampire was willing to let that happen to her. However they didn’t expect Liz to stop them, she lifted her arms and grabbed their jackets. Angel and Spike could have pushed away from her but there was a look in her eyes that neither liked.

“Baby?” Spike whispered.

“No,” Her chin quivered. “I have to.” She was the Slayer; it was her job, not theirs. Besides it was her father or at least his body if she didn’t do this it would haunt her. Hell it probably would still haunt her but at least it would be her choice.

“Noo,” Spike drawled out in his sexy voice, in a tone that said it was stupid to think that she should do this, “you don’t. You shouldn’t have to take care of this. Let Angel and I handle it.” The fact that Spike spoke Angel’s real name without an insult attached gave Angel pause, even in the most dire of situations he was putting his Sire down, but when it was Liz Spike was all business. It was then Angel truly believed that his Childe would be there for his pseudo sister till the day that he died…again.

Liz shook her head and released a shaky breath as her father pushed the cover off of his coffin, her jaw locked and she pulled a stake out from the back of her pants. Her mind blocked off any emotions flowing out, Liz needed to be cold and unfeeling. Feeling, emotions, and crying would come later, but now she had to protect her family and the world from her vampire father. There were times for emotions but now they would only hinder her.

Her eyes turn to ice, the sparkle gone from the depths of her dark brown eyes. Liz’s once soft jaw tightens till her teeth are clenched together, a bottom tooth is grinding against a cracked upper tooth and it gave her the physical pain to get through this staking. She turned her head enough to check on Lucas but not to take her gaze off her vampire father, Cordy, Wesley, Gunn, and Fred ran him to the car and were rallied around Spike’s car.

Isabel watched Liz gave absolutely no emotion to the…thing, there was no other way to put what Jeff Parker had become, that was her friend’s father. To anyone with eyes it’s obvious that Liz’s father wasn’t in there any longer, but if he wasn’t Jeff who was he and why was he standing when he should be resting comfortably dead in a coffin.

Liz simply stood there no more than ten feet from the vampire, staring at the snarling creature, for a fleeting moment she thought maybe they could curse him with a soul. Angel was cursed and his demon self killed hundreds…thousands of people and he’s living a relatively happy life, her father could too…right? But as quickly as that thought came she shook it off, he would hate being a vampire, and Mom was still dead, he’d greet the day as soon as possible.

Jeff searched around with his vampire eyes, everything was brighter, it’s like day but at night. Wasn’t there a car crash, he turned his neck and heard a loud crack as it popped back into place, the last thing he remembered was a violent pain in his neck and then nothing. No, that wasn’t right, he recalled man ripping off the truck door he had a weird looking face. His mind was fuzzy; he couldn’t seem to focus, he’s hungry.

Finally Jeff stared up at his daughter, the power flowing off of her was intoxicating, the blood he smelled under her skin with his vampire senses made him want to drink from her powerful well. “Lizzie.” He drawled out softly enjoying the jump in her jaw, she didn’t like that.

“That’s not going to work. You’re not my Dad.” Angel blinked at how those words hit home, Buffy said those words to him after he became Angelus and they were fighting at the Mall. If only his love knew that Angelus really did and still did want her, he only hurt her that night in his apartment because he had no clue what to do with those feelings.

Even now Angelus roared in his head that his mate was not near, ever since finding out she’s pregnant neither Angel nor his demon counterpart could stand being away from Buffy. Both want to keep her near and safe from harm, but Angel seemed to have more control over his cave-man side and knew Buffy could take care of herself.

Jeff smirked and nodded, “Oh that’s right. Besides you’re not my daughter anyway, no daughter of mine would leave her family for greener pastures in LA. Boo-who, you fucked some guy, got pregnant with his bastard child and then waited till I croaked to come back to your roots and take everything of mine.”

Liz bit her tongue, she refused to get into a verbal battle with him, even when her father had a soul and was alive he had a wicked tongue that could make anyone cry. When he was mad look out because whoever got in his way became a victim of his smart-ass and sarcastic remarks. Never had he turned those remarks on her…till now.

“I'm sorry Daddy.” She spoke in the vampire’s direction but she’s not speaking to him. As of ten seconds ago she managed to separate the demon and her father completely, her father was in Heaven or some heavenly dimension. It wouldn’t make this any easier and it wouldn’t make the pain go away any faster but at that moment it gave her the strength to do what she had to.

Liz pulled out a stake from her waist band, “Now, Lizzie, you wouldn’t kill dear old Dad now would you?” Jeff eased forward slowly, Spike and Angel took a step forward as well but were stopped by Liz’s raised hand, she didn’t want them getting in the middle of this.

Jeff continued to glide toward his daughter, keeping a very watchful eye on the stake she had resting at her side. She hadn’t even raised it yet but that didn’t mean she’s not ready to stab him through the chest with it. However the expression gracing the Slayer’s face was one of pain and determination, he fought the urge to snort, no way would she kill her own father.

“You don’t know what I’ll do.” Her voice never reached above a whisper.

Finally within a hairs breath of Liz, Jeff leaned down to whisper into Liz’s ear, “Just think, no Slayer has ever been turned before, you and I could rule the world. Spread evil and chaos.” He licked her ear and Liz had to force herself not to throw-up and keep a straight face.

With a well of tears rising, the staking had to be done quickly, no way would she give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. “Why does evil always insist on taking over the world.” It only came out in a whisper; a quick motion was all it took the stake slid into the vampire’s chest and it burst into dust. Flakes of the vampire fell on the ground; the wind picked up the rest and scattered the dust through the cemetery.

Liz wobbled and Spike was by her side holding her as she fell to the ground on her knees. The world fell away, all that’s left was the buzzing in her head after a slay. Everything, after killing an evil doer was electrified, her entire body wanted to let loose so much pent up energy but that time all that’s there was the buzzing. Normally her senses were heightened, now she heard nothing, nothing except the buzz.

She didn’t feel Spike picking her up in his arms, she didn’t remember him placing her in the backseat with Lucas and holding her child close to her as if someone would take him away. Liz didn’t hear Spike tell Angel and the rest of the AI team to meet them at the Crashdown, and she didn’t hear Spike tell the Pod Squad and friends to stay away from his wife. All she could hear is that buzzing; all she could feel was her child next to her.


Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:26 am
by Jezebel Jinx
A.N. Alright I'm going to start bringing the Scoobies and other Potentials in and Spike baby (although Spike isn’t in this chapter). Couple things you need to know, I'm not a huge Scooby fan after from the beginning of Season 6. And I have even more issues with them after Empty Places, the ep where they kicked Buffy out. Kennedy (Willow’s girl toy) is going to be bashed somewhat, I really like daydreaming about ways to kill the annoying Potential (as well as the other Potentials). It’s quite possible she’ll be harmed so you have been warned. <Denotes>

Chapter 14

April 30, 2001

Over the passed month life at the Hyperion Hotel had gotten far more interesting than the previous months since she’d been here. For starters Gunn broke up with her, his reason, or at least the reason he told her, was that they weren’t right for each other, and it would be better if they broke up. Broke up before their relationship went any further and they ended up hurting far more than they do now.

Liz knew the truth, he was freaked. Freaked, Buffy’s been spending far too much time at the hotel she’s starting to adopt her speech. Her alien side scared him and Gunn didn’t want to be apart of something that out there. At least vampires and demons were from this planet.

Since that night, remember when she zapped Gunn? Well she’d gotten better at controlling her powers, a lot of broken computers, lamps, glasses, etc were the consequences of her getting better but now when she got upset she could stop the powers from shooting out. The last thing she wanted would be to hurt someone she loved with powers that were uncontrollable.

Of course the next morning after the incident with Rock Boy and electrocuting Gunn she still wasn’t thrilled in the least that she was a Potential. A large part of her wanted to run, run so far that nothing could harm her or her child, but then she thought to herself, would she rather be alone and a Slayer or with people who knew what she was going through and could help her? Liz went with option number two, and if she’s killed in battle, than at least her son would be taken care of.

Mentally shaking her head she released that thought not wanting to deal with it; Buffy was back at the Hotel but it hadn’t been a happy time for her. Yesterday night the people that she had been protecting for seven years and supporting for the passed few months kicked her out—of her own house no less, only to choose the other Slayer who had previously caused a whole bunch of trouble for Buffy and everyone. What kind of crap is that?

Buffy lived and breathed her Calling, as much as she loved Angel and she would lay down her life for him, even he wasn’t before her Calling. Don’t get her wrong he’s right after her Slayer duties but Buffy had reached a point in her life where she knew she had to be a Slayer first and a lover second.

According to Buffy she’d been right about the vineyard, Caleb, the main bad guy, was hiding something. She says ‘was’ because now Buffy had the weapon he kept hidden there, after she retrieved the Scythe, whatever that was, she left Sunnydale to come to LA and to the one person who would protect her and support her in everything she did, Angel.

Now for an even bigger problem, Angel had been replaced, by Angelus. Whose Angelus you ask? Well she’d tell you, he was the baddest motherfucker in the vampire world, or he was until a soul got jammed into him. Buffy when she first told Liz about her relationship with Angelus she was interrupted repeatedly by Angel telling her that Angelus only killed those people because they hurt Buffy or he was sending his affection.

While Buffy was away in Sunnydale dealing with more Potentials and the First and Caleb the AI team figured out that Angelus knew about the Beast even if Angel didn’t. A spell had been done when Angel was Angel but that didn’t affect Angelus’ memories. Wesley tracked down a Shaman and they extracted Angel’s soul, leaving behind Angelus.

Buffy was downstairs right now speaking to Angelus; he wouldn’t talk to anybody but his lover. Wesley went down there first, Buffy had yet to arrive, and got no where with the Scourge of Europe. Taunted Wes for a good long while too, but still even after all that didn’t spill one word about the Big Bad Beast.

Angelus even taunted her when she went down there to help Fred and Gunn feed him his cup of blood, according to Wes having Angelus taunt was a compliment. He said a whole bunch of mumbo-jumbo but the basic gist of what he said was that it meant Angel cared a great deal about her if Angelus was going to all that trouble to try and hurt her. Really she’s flattered and everything but couldn’t he just give her a hug…without ripping out her throat?

Now Liz was just sitting in the lobby watching the screen as Buffy and Angelus speak to each other. <Why> Ever since Angelus saw his lady love he’d been telling everything he knows on the Beast. After everything she’d heard about the evil vampire she didn’t think she’d see him rolling over giving up anything he knew.

<Ever> Liz saw Buffy shake her head negatively. <They> His voice oozed sex appeal, Hell his whole body oozed sex appeal how could Buffy stand it? If it gave her the warm and fuzzies in the pit of her stomach Buffy’s sensations were probably a hundred times stronger.

Lorne came easing down the stairs; his head was ringing from the emotions pulsing in the basement. “I need a Sea Breeze.” He moaned out. “Hey there Cream Puff what are ya doin’ down here? Shouldn’t you be going to work?”

“Should but with everything going on figured I might be more needed here. Besides Buffy asked me to watch just in case. Not that I could do much except maybe fly him into a wall if he gets me pissed enough.” Two weeks ago she got off her butt and began searching for jobs, when she first arrived in LA all she wanted to do was sleep, Angel and the others were kind enough to let her be but she couldn’t continue to mooch of her friends. It wasn’t in her nature.

She got a waitress job, granted that’s not what she wanted to do with the rest of her life but for a seventeen year old girl she’d take what she could get. Lovingly she rubbed her belly, a small smile crept out onto her face.

“Thinking of that beautiful bun in the oven huh?” Lorne took a seat next to Liz wrapping a badly colored suit arm around her. “Come on, something’s on your mind Hybrid,” a nickname he gave her after she told them all about her various abilities, “tell Uncle Lorne all about it.” He didn’t have to have her sing for him, she’s projecting big time and all he wanted was to make his friend feel better. Plus as an added bonus some of the pain in his head will go away.

She sent Lorne a sad little smile, “I’ve been thinking about other options for a few days now,” Liz licked her lips, “I'm wondering if I shouldn’t give Lucas up for adoption after he’s born.” A tear rose but didn’t fall. “Knowing what I know now, about aliens, vampires, demons, maybe he’d be better off away from all this.”

Lorne held Liz close to him cradling her head, “Oh Lizzie.” Softly he began to croon a mellow tune that always eased his aches. For the first time in a long while he wasn’t sure what to say, he didn’t know what she should do. Lorne saw that giving Lucas up for adoption might be the best thing however the danger to him wouldn’t go away, he’s the son of the next Slayer, yes he knew who’s next in line, even who didn’t have a chance of becoming a Slayer. Son of the next Slayer and part alien, humans, aliens, and demons alike would want to get their hands on that child.

Snuggled close to Lorne breathing in the scent of his freshly pressed suit, smoke, various hints of demons from his re-modeled club, and alcohol enter her nose comforting her. “If he stays here with me, something could happen to him and I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened.” She whispered Lorne’s soft melody wrapped her in warmth while she vented; she loved hearing him sing.

Sniffing she lifted her head from his shoulder, “Thanks Doodle Bug.” She hugged him tight, “You have a talent for making me forget I'm hurting. Still don’t know what I'm going to do but…” She left the sentence unfinished remembering her promise to Buffy.

Turning her gaze back to the screen in front of her she cringed seeing what’s being played out. Buffy was plastered flat against the bars so close that she’s almost mating with the steel, Angelus was clutching his lover tight kissing the daylights out of her. Seeing Buffy grasp at Angelus’ black shirt pulling him closer told her more than she really wanted to know about her blonde friend.

“That looks painful.” Lorne grimaced as teeth clash and tongues mate much like their owners wanted to with their bodies.

“Oh she’s enjoying it.” Liz confirmed. If it looked like Angelus was about to kill Buffy she’d be down there in a heartbeat ready to blast the evil fucker all the way into the wall. However Buffy made her promise that the only reason for her to go down there to stop Angelus was if she was in trouble.

Lorne shifted his gaze from the couple on the screen to Liz. “Aren’t you going to go down there and break them up?” Wouldn’t that be considered trouble?

“I would if I saw that Buffy wanted out of Angelus’ arms but from the way she’s grabbing him it’s clearly wanted attention. I'm staying out of it until I hear her say ‘no’ or ‘stop’. Besides do I really want to get in the middle of a horny Slayer and a vicious vampire? Don’t think so.” She grinned over at him.

“Good point.” Abruptly the front double doors in the hotel were flung open and in march an older version of Wesley with glasses and a feisty looking brunette in tight dark blue jeans, black t-shirt and a leather jacket. Behind them was an entire group of people; Liz narrowed her eyes at the intruders. What the Hell was going on?


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:14 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Jennifer24: Yes I did update and I'm updating again. And the update after that won't be too far behind because I finished that ch. about 2 weeks ago.

elfangel01: The Potentials bugged me to no end, that's why I have to hurt them. :twisted:

orphyfets: Glad you liked it, here's a new chapter.

pandas2001: Here's another update for ya. :D

WomanofMystery: I have a love for B/Aus, I love them more than B/A. So I had to put my fav vamp in there. He doesn't have a whole lot of fun in this chpt but soon he will. :wink:

elizasere: Here's the next chpt.

bluebear01: Promise the next update won't take as long--since it's already written.

Chapter 15

April 30, 2001

“You know most people knock.” Her few months here taught her the valuable skill of a good snarky come back. “By the look of the crossbows and scared little girls I'm assuming this is the crack team of betrayers. You can leave.”

“Hybrid sweetie those crossbows look mighty mean…the people attached to them don’t look to friendly either.” Lorne whispered into her ear. That Slayer fire present even now inside of Liz could very well get her into some trouble and that’s the last thing any of them need.

Wesley having heard the doors banging open ran to his personal weapon cabinet suiting up for a battle and ran downstairs to fight whatever evil dared cross their doorstep. Much to his surprise it was Giles, Faith, the Scoobies, and the Potentials Buffy spoke of standing in the doorway. “Why on Earth are you pointing crossbows at Liz and Lorne?” Buffy questioned from the entrance to the basement.

Cordelia, Fred, and Gunn came charging downstairs from their rooms packing stakes, crossbows, and flame-throwers thinking Angelus got lose somehow. Buffy left the entryway leading to the basement right by her side was Angelus looking pissed off. “WHOA! He’s out!” Cordelia raises a crossbow but Buffy stops her with a loud ‘No.’

“It’s fine Cordy, we have a deal.” Buffy simply told her not willing to explain any further right now. At the moment they had much more important things to deal with, the group in front of them the main concern. “Now I ask again, why are you pointing crossbows at my friends?”

Giles seeing the fire in Buffy’s eyes lowered his crossbow signaling the others to follow suit. “I apologize Buffy, we saw a demon and assumed he was one of the many evil demons roaming this city.” He said with a little sarcastic edge.

“Well, that’s two things you were wrong about Ripper.” Angelus snarled from behind his love. He promised he wouldn’t kill anyone while out of his cage. If he did he’d be right back into his metal prison waiting for the soul to be jammed back in and he’d be back in his normal cell.

Faith shot quick glances from Angelus to Buffy to Giles. How the Hell did he get loose? Most importantly why was he roaming around the hotel no problem? Giles did not look happy, Faith could see he’s twitching, he wanted to raise that crossbow right back up and point it at the evil demon that killed his girlfriend.

“Have you truly lost your mind Buffy? You let a killer roam free and you do nothing?” Giles narrowed his eyes.

Liz kept her expression neutral—or as neutral as possible with a group of people grating on her last nerve. She too wondered why Buffy let Angelus out, didn’t think it’s such a great idea but it’s a concern that she’d take up with Buffy in private. The last thing her friend needed was to have another friend question her judgement in front of everyone.

“No Giles I haven’t lost my mind.” She crossed his arms and offered no more insight on that matter. “Now since I can tell you probably won’t leave unless you say your peace why don’t you come in. Luckily this is one place you can’t kick me out of.” Buffy dug. Angelus wrapped his arm around her waist and they walk together to the front desk.

These meddlesome humans hurt his mate one too many times. Before he wasn’t really trying to kill them back when Buffy was in high school, that would hurt Buffy but now he could honestly say he didn’t think Buff would miss them. Dawn maybe but none of the others, he could spend months torturing them all. Angelus salivated at the thought that would be delicious.

With obvious reluctance the group entered the large lobby keeping watchful eyes on Angelus and Buffy who was rising up to sit on the surface of the front desk. Angelus stood by her side comforting her with his presence alone.

Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, Liz, and Fred stood near Buffy showing a united front against the unwelcome guests. None of them may understand or agree with Buffy letting Angelus roam free but they all agreed on one thing, Buffy knew what she’s doing, if she and Angelus came to a deal they would support her.

“So, mind telling me what all of you are doing here? Last I knew none of you wanted me anymore.” Angelus growled at that but kept uncharacteristically quiet. This was something Buffy needed to handle herself, she wouldn’t be pleased if he spoke up right now.

Willow spoke first. “We heard you left Sunnydale. What would happen if we need you Buffy?”

Buffy stared at her in confusion. “Ok so let me get this straight, you wanted me out of my own home because you didn’t trust my judgement, which by the way is perfectly fine. However you want me around just in case you need some muscle. Is that about the gist of it.” Her voice was as hard as steel but her eyes flare with fury.

“We needed you out of the house Buffy but not out of the fight. Can’t you see that we still need you to be a Slayer?” Xander argued. Faith closed her eyes against Xander’s stupidity that would not be the winning argument to get her back.

“What are you talking about Xander, we don’t need her.” Kennedy jumped into the conversation. “She’s been getting us killed, besides we have a Slayer, we don’t need Buffy. Still don’t know why the Hell we’re here in the first place.”

Liz pushed her body away from the front desk and stalked up to the annoying girl. The brunette with a big mouth could only be a few months younger than her but Liz couldn’t help but view her as a child. “Listen little girl, you need to learn some respect. You have not been fighting the forces of evil for eight years; you shouldn’t have say in anything. If it were up to me you’d bow to Buffy because she deserves to be bowed to for everything she has done.”

Angelus smirked at Liz standing up to the annoying one. He knew there was something about this girl, besides Angel’s residual feelings, that he liked. She had spunk, courage, and a vicious streak. As a creature of the night whose vicious streak was legendary he knew the signs. Buffy’s expression was one of pride and awe, it had to have been a while since someone spoke up on her behalf and she’s in slight shock.

“And who the Hell are you?” Kennedy sneered, she would not be put down by a girl who she viewed as her lesser.

A snide smirk crept out onto Liz’s lips. “Liz Parker, one of the many Potentials. However unlike you I seem to know my place in this world. You are not a Slayer, you may never become one but you certainly act like you are the next in line.”

“You’re a Potential? A little chubby aren’t you? Not working out a whole lot?” To Kennedy’s displeasure Liz didn’t lose her smirk. If anything it became more pronounced.

“Yeah pregnancy will do that to ya. Unfortunately you can’t say the same thing. Got a little weight gain around your hips sweetie, a couple extra side leg lifts should help with that.” Instantly Liz’s smirk disappeared and she, along with Angelus and Buffy, turned her head toward the double entrance doors. The slight shaking under their feet got more prominent, tinkling of the glass light fixtures sound around the room.

Buffy jumped down from the front desk, from behind it she pulled out the scythe she took from Caleb and the First. Liz went into an automatic fighting stance; Angel, Buffy, and Wesley had been helping her with her fighting skills. Angelus rushed to his weapon cabinet grabbing two swords swinging them expertly, Wesley and Gunn stood next to Liz while Cordy, Lorne, and Fred stayed in the back but still ready to jump in the fray.

Liz expected the Beast to show up, but it wasn’t the Beast. It was a group of demons, demons looking to kill all the innocents they followed from the second they entered LA. With a deep breath Liz got ready to fight.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:52 am
by Jezebel Jinx
Forensicschic: Yea, after S6 I stopped liking the scoobies (except for Tara and Anya), and Spike will be in the next couple of past parts.

elfangel01: Happy late b-day. Hope you got a lot of presents and hot guy strippers. :twisted:

A.N. Thank you everyone for the feedback. Love it as always. I'm changing one thing, in the beginning of this fic I put in an author’s note that Darla was staked by Buffy. That’s changed now, if it wasn’t this chapter would make no sense. So that’s the only thing different. Enjoy.

Chapter 16

February 17, 2005

From the shadows the vampiress watched as the Slayer killed her Childe. “Dammit, if only he hadn’t awoken so soon.” She snarled. Why did Slayers always fuck up everything she worked so hard for, that blonde bitch took her sweet boy away, now the brunette staked her most recent Childe.

Darla had the perfect plan, turn the Slayers father and teach him the fine art of torture then let him loose on the girl. Weeks before she had come up with her entire plan and decided on which parent to turn, she wouldn’t be able to stand the female, never did like other women encroaching on her territory. So she decided on the father, besides he could do much more delicious things to the Slayer than the mother.

Unfortunately her timetable was sped up when that Phillip Evans crashed into the Parker’s car. Darla was lucky she and a minion had been following the Parker’s for a few nights than and she managed to have her minion turn the father before he died and wouldn’t be able to bring him back. That would have screwed up her plan, besides Fred and the boy, the Slayer had no other relatives at least any that would relish in torturing her before killing her.

Jeff Parker wasn’t handsome like Angelus but he did have darkness in him, he had a past he never told his beloved family. She dug into his past, seemed Jeffrey Parker had a bit of a mean streak…of course by her standards it was small time stuff, however human standards it was major.

While working for his uncle when he was fifteen to twenty-five he was his uncle’s bodyguard. Now that was the nice term for it, but basically Jeff did Uncle Pete’s dirty work, murder, beatings, robberies, even one count of rape. Although the rape allegation was found to be false everything else was true.

After Jeff killed the first girl he loved by driving drunk and then meeting Nancy he decided to give up that life, his uncle as a favor to him made sure all the records of his transgressions were erased and destroyed. Later he had Liz and according to many people in town doted on her like she was a princess, never rose a voice or hand to her, she had him wrapped around her little finger.

Snorting Darla continued to watch as Spike, her Great-grandchilde, caught and comforted the meddlesome little bitch. Angelus, her boy stroked her hair whispering sweet assurances in her ear, Spike carried her to the car and set her in the backseat next to her son. Darla was surprised that Angelus and Spike didn’t feel that Jeffrey was apart of their family line, being around humans must have weakened their senses.

Shaking her head Darla turned away as the Desoto drove from the cemetery. She’d have to rethink her game plan if she wanted to kill that Slayer. That little boy looked to be a weakness for the Slayer, maybe he could be her way to breaking and killing her.

Slayers had ruined her family for the last time. Quickly Darla disappeared into the night returning to her fancy hotel room in the center of the town, it wasn’t like the shit-holes on the outskirts, this hotel was the kind of class she’s used too. She’d get that little bitch of a Slayer if it’s the last thing she dis.

Crashdown Café

With ease Spike maneuvered his DeSoto into the parking lot in back stopping the car next to Liz’s new PT Cruiser. He and Angel the entire way back have been communicating through the mind, vampires in the same line could do that easily, next to hunting it was the first thing that was learnt.

The Poofter and he agreed they’d be going back the cemetery after Liz feel asleep, they had to make sure Nancy wasn’t a vampire as well. If she were then he and Angel would take care of it, Liz shouldn’t have to stake her father as well as her mother.

Spike glanced in the rearview mirror and stared at Liz stroking Lucas’s dark blonde locks gazing longingly at their son. The thoughts written across her face could have very well been his own thoughts, she wished so much more for Lucas then vampires and demons lurking around every corner. Wanted their family to be normal and ignorant of the things that go bump in the night.

“Ready to go inside Pet?” He whispered so not to wake Lucas from his deep sleep.

Liz didn’t say a word she only nodded. Slowly she left the back seat and leaned back in unhooking Lucas’s car-seat and lifting him gently out from the car. “Spike?” She mumbled, if it wasn’t for his supernatural senses he would have missed it.

“Yes luv?” Ready and willing to take care of any need she might have.

“If she’s a vampire,” tears rose and began to cloud her vision. “If she’s a vampire, please don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know.” Liz wasn’t sure she’d be able to take it if her mother was a vampire as well. She might not have heard what Angel and Spike were ‘talking’ about but she knew that if it were anybody but her parents she would be back at the cemetery checking on the other body.

Spike smiled sadly, “Not to worry, if she is, you’ll never know.” It’s a complete lie, Liz knew that, so did he, she’d know because he’d tell her if her mother weren’t a vampire. And at some point when her grief lessened she’d be able to feel her mother if she was the undead.

Carrying Lucas in her arms she, Spike, and the rest of her friends, Alex and Serena included, all walk into the Crashdown. Standing in the middle of the room dancing to a tune only she could hear in her crazy head was a vampiress in a black and red simple yet expensive gown. As if sensing instead of hearing the audience she stopped and turned towards the group.


Max Evans Home

“Ok, what the hell was all that.” Maria shouted to the room still unnerved over what occurred in the cemetery that night. Never in all her time with the aliens had she seen anything like the dead suddenly breaking out their coffin and then exploding into dust because their daughter stuck something into their chest.

Max and Michael shrug their shoulders, “And you think any of us would know Maria?” Michael questioned; this wasn’t exactly their area of expertise either. Then again everything since Liz had come back was uncharted territory.

“This is too weird even for me.” Tess took a seat next to Kyle rubbing her forehead. Why was it that every time the entire group was together she started to get the beginnings of a headache? Kyle taking pity on her massaged her sore shoulders relieving some of the tension.

“And what about those two guys, the ones whose faces changed. That—I don’t even know what that was but I do not want to get into a fight with them.” Kyle spoke up. With those two guys guarding Liz like they were tonight would he get a chance to talk to her about his and her son before she left for LA. She did say that she’d talk to him but after tonight that might not happen.

“Listen I have a fairly easy solution.” Isabel spoke from her place on the recliner. “Why don’t we wait till tomorrow to ask Liz what the Hell is going on? It’s a lot better than sitting here coming up with scenario’s.” She snapped her gaze to Max. “And don’t try to lie Max you know that’s exactly what we would be doing, lets all go home, get some rest and deal with this tomorrow.” She stood up and along with Michael left Max’s home.

Tess nodded, “Iz is right. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. See you two tomorrow.” Darren, Maria’s husband, was off in New York. He mentioned something about a deal and meeting a client, yea right, she’s sure he was meeting someone but not a client. Anyone who met Darren was sure that he had extra marital affairs and most likely affairs with men. Darren and Maria never have sex anymore, and he hardly ever touches her lovingly, that was according to Maria, plus he would get phone calls in the middle night and he’s always gone on trips.

Now those aren’t red flags for having an affair or proof that he preferred men. However the fact that he commented on guys bodies quite often, the way he would look at them with appreciative glances, and also the fact that Tess saw him kissing a man once in the hallway during a banquet dinner took any question out of her mind.

Tess was sure Maria knew but was only using him to get a record deal, which if he hadn’t come through by now, it was unlikely he ever would. She and Kyle climbed into the car and began their drive home. Tomorrow was sure to be interesting.


Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:29 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
elfangel01: The reason for Dru being there will be revealed later. Sorry you didn't get male strippers but I'm glad Kyle made up for it. :twisted:
Jennifer24: Dru's role will be revealed in a couple more chapters Gotta get some past parts done first. Maria's husband won't be in the fic all that much there will probably be one or two more mentions of him.
Once Buffy arrives in Roswell Darla will be going after her too. And she's mostly going after Liz right now because she's a Slayer, no real personal vendetta just that she's a Slayer.
I love Dru too, she was always one of my favorite female characters on either show.
Elizabeth Kivana

A.N. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Sorry for the delay in finishing this chapter. I’ve been seriously ignoring this fic for a couple of my other ones; every once in a while I’d write a paragraph or two then move onto something else. Hopefully the next one won’t take as long to get out. The next few chapters (I'm thinking at least the next two or three) will be past parts. Enjoy.

Chapter 17

April 30, 2001

Faith stared at the demons cramming into the entryway. Why didn’t she sense them, how did a Potential sense them before she did? She’s not able to dwell on those questions for very long before the demons attack with a fury.

Instead of fighting along side Buffy, Angelus, Liz, and the others; the Potentials, except for Kennedy and Amanda, cower in a corner with fright. Faith knew right then that none of them would become the next Slayer, even if you’re only a Potential that deep instinct of ‘kill demons’ that became stronger when one was the Slayer, would come forth in a situation like this.

Giles, Willow, and Xander join Faith and Kennedy at the front line. Amanda and Dawn stay behind with Cordy, Lorne and Fred ready to get any stragglers. Buffy and Angelus easily took out three in the first minute of combat. Liz was still fighting with her first one but causing significant damage so soon she could kill it with ease.

Liz ducked under a beefy, armor encased arm and raised her right knee up into the demon’s gut. The scaly, lizard looking demon doubled over and she delivered a punch and another right knee to its long nose. It fell down onto his back allowing Liz enough time to raise her hand and use her alien powers to blow it up. Instantly she regretted it as her head pounded from the energy it took to achieve that blast.

Wesley seeing Liz waver decapitated the demon he’d been sparring with and rushed to her side gripping her around her waist. “Are you alright Liz?”

She nodded slowly. “I’ll be fine in a minute. Go help the others don’t worry about me.” Liz pushed him away gently and back into the action. Reluctantly he left her side and continued the fight while she carefully walked over to Cordy and the others. “Ow I shouldn’t have done that.” She moaned good-naturedly.

“Liz what happened?” Cordelia asked concerned for the brunette.

“Remember those fun powers I’ve been working on. Well that was one of them—unfortunately I put too much humph in and it hurts my head.” Liz shrugged and tilted her head the movement immediately sent a sharp pain to her temples, her mouth fell open in pain. “Ow again.”

Cordelia turned to face Liz and didn’t see the demon coming straight for them. “Look out!” Fred yelled toward her cousin and friend. The demon saw her rushing toward him and swung his arm out throwing her onto the stairs behind her.

“Fred!” Liz yelled. She hurried passed Cordy and resumed fighting. A big thick fist smashed against her face; oh she’s going to have a bruise in the morning. The sword the demon carried sliced through the air arcing down toward her, diving to the floor she all but missed getting her head cut off but the sword still managed to knick her.

Immediately electricity traveled from her open wound, it didn’t hurt all she felt was warm and powerful, all the energy that bubbled beneath came shooting out passing through the sword still hovering above her arm and into the demon frying him from the inside out. “That’s new.” She grabbed a hold of her arm instinctually and the green lightning flowing stopped.

Buffy, Angelus, and the others fighting made quick work of the remaining demons, during the last couple minutes of the fight Lorne helped her up while Cordelia went to check on Fred. She’d have a major bruise on her back and chest but other than that she’d be fine.

Giles could not believe what he saw come out of that tiny girl. Electricity, massive bolts of electricity shooting from her wound and into the demon effectively killing it. He’d never heard of that happening before with Potentials. It’s all very peculiar. He must sit down and speak with her, immediately.

“Whoa Giles. You are not going near her.” Buffy knew what he thought, what he wanted to do. No way was so subjecting Liz to that kind of scrutiny. She’d been around Giles long enough to have a fairly good idea of what questions he’s going to ask and Liz didn’t need that right now.

Kennedy shook her head. This was unbelievable, first the girl refused to acknowledge her as a leader, a future Slayer, and now she could do weird things. Weirder than Slayer type things. She saw the stares of awe coming from the other lesser Potentials. That girl would be made to think she’s the leader, Kennedy could not allow that.

“Ooo, so she has a funky freaky power. It doesn’t mean she can fight hand to hand like I can, doesn’t mean she’s any more special than me and the other Potentials.” Kennedy sneered. Ha, that’d make her think twice about showing her up—wait no try to show her up. She’s still the leader of the Potentials. Nothing could take that from her.

Liz only rose an eyebrow. She didn’t get it, Kennedy thought she’s the big girl on campus. Maybe more so now that Buffy split. Catty girls at school who thought they were the big fish in the pond always tried to play themselves up like they were important when they were nothing but bait.

“Do you have a problem with people who are stronger than you?” She questioned. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that if she and Ms. High and Mighty threw down she, Liz, would be the one to win.

“You’re not stronger than me.” Kennedy argued.

Liz didn’t lose the smile on her face as she nodded her head. “Yes I am.” See no doubt at all. It’s always the ones who talk a big game that couldn’t, or wouldn’t step up to the plate and deliver.

“Really you think you are? Than prove it. Fight me. Put your money where your mouth is freak.”

“Did I push a nerve?” Off to the side Angelus let out a joyous yet evil laugh. Liz was doing this to piss her off. He’s impressed.

Kennedy shoved her jean jacket off, tossed it on the floor and put her hands up in a fighting position. “Come on. Let’s see what you got.”

“Kennedy!” Giles reprimanded. “This is neither the time nor place. Not to mention do you not care that this woman is pregnant? She said so herself, show some smarts. She’s playing you so you’ll be the first to strike and you don’t even notice all that matters is shutting her mouth.”


“No.” He cut her off. “You have disregarded all your training. Now get back with the other girls.”

“Giles, wonderful job in taking charge.” Angelus clapped and taunted. “To bad you didn’t do that earlier. It’s obvious those girls need a few time-outs to get it through their heads that they don’t matter.”

As Kennedy slunk back to the other Potentials Liz took great pleasure in watching her pout that the Watcher had yelled at her. God, one of the first lessons Buffy and Angel taught her was to not let someone provoke her into attacking. That’d only weaken her and probably get her ass killed.

Although if she wasn’t pregnant she couldn’t say that she would listen any better than Kennedy had to the teachings. Because of her baby boy she’s determined to stay alive and keep him away from harm. Listening to the experts was one of the best ways to do that. They’d been doing this for years while she’d been training for only month; it’s far more likely that they know what to do.

Buffy, staying close to Angelus, looked at Giles. “Say what you want to me Giles but then you and everyone else in the Sunnydale group need to leave.” It felt good being able to kick them out for a change.


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:48 am
by Jezebel Jinx
A.N. So sorry this one keeps taking forever to get a chapter out. Other fics have been grabbing my attention including another Liz/Spike, so in a way I’ve been getting my Spike fix and ignored this one. I’ve been a Bad Dez. So without further ado here is the next chapter.

Chapter 18

April 30, 2001

Fred moved Liz around behind the lobby desk, pulled out the first aid kit, and began to clean her cousin’s wound. At her hiss Fred winced, “Sorry. It looks pretty deep.”

“Great. How come Potentials don’t get all those nifty healing abilities or handy fighting skills? Don’t—whoever made Potentials possible want them to stick around long enough to maybe be called?” Liz grumbled.

“You’re probably going to need stitches.” She reluctantly told her.

“Excuse me?” Irrational fear spiked through her. “Stitches…that means a needle. You know Fred it’ll be fine, really. May have a scar but nothing I can’t live with.”

“This is classic, you’re afraid of a little itty bitty needle?” Kennedy mocked. “Toughen up.”

Instead of retaliating Liz rose an annoyed eyebrow and turned back to Fred. “Can’t we put a bandage over it or wrap it in something and call it a day?” Everyone was entitled to one irrational fear, needles were hers. It didn’t bother her if she saw someone getting a shot or blood drawn but when the sharp, metallic, sliver of death was looming near her un-poked skin it made a normally even keel teenager go off the handle.

“Well, we could. But than it raises the risk of getting an infection of some kind. Which then could cause these erupting puss mountains to show up on your arm. Eventually the infection would spread to the rest of your arm and if you didn’t want it to go through the rest of your body eating away at other parts of you we’d have to amputate the arm at the shoulder.” Fred rambled on.

“I could live with that.” Liz told her. She’s not saying it wouldn’t be hard making it work with only one arm but she could do it. And amputation wasn’t a for sure thing—

“Come on Liz, you can hold Wesley’s hand and he could talk to you making you forget all about that—thing.” Cordelia didn’t even want to say the word needle if Liz was freaking out over the thought of it.

Wesley nodded his approval of the idea and took the spot next to Liz, “Alright. Let’s get this over with. When I look back on this I want it to be a blip on the radar screen of pain.” She backed down and allowed Fred to lead her a chair where she began to get to work on fixing her arm.

However instead of Wesley talking to her Giles was the one that began to distract her. “Ms. Parker—“

“Just Liz alright. No Miss, Ms, or Mrs. just Liz.” Might as well get that straight right from the get go. “Second, don’t be asking about what you saw come out of me. I'm not going to tell you, it’s none of your business, and the major reason for that is that you don’t know me so you get nada from me.”

“Now see here—“ He wouldn’t tolerate that kind of attitude being thrown at him.

“No I won’t. From what I’ve seen you and every single one of your group are less than trustworthy. You kick out Buffy who’s been there every step of the way saving your pathetic asses, not only that you’re supposed to be her Watcher, what kind of Watcher worth his salt goes against his Slayer?” Liz shot back at him. The needle sliding in and out of her injured arm fell into the background, she was getting angry and that seemed to lessen the pain.

The guy named Xander with shaggy brown hair and eye-patch stepped up coming to the Watchers defense. “Who are you to judge us, you haven’t been in Sunnydale for seven years. For that matter neither has Buffy she’s skipped town not once but twice.”

“Wow. Twice? In seven years? Wow, that is unbelievable. How dare she.” She sarcastically snorted. “Well I know that one was this time, I'm sure the other time was when she sent her soulmate to hell.” She displayed the knowledge she had on Buffy’s life—all from what she and Angel told her.

“She left us unprotected for three months while she went God knows where.” He fought with her.

“From what I heard she would have left you that summer anyway. Hadn’t she gone to LA to spend her previous summer vacation with her father? What made you assume that she wouldn’t do it that year?” She pointed out. “If she went to stay with her father that summer you’d all be in the same boat—only difference is that you’d know where she was.”

Not having a comeback Xander tried a different tactic. “And what gives you the right to judge us or defend Buffy?”

“The fact that you’re here bothering us gives me plenty of right.”

Kennedy couldn’t sit back and let Xander get all the licks in. “Bet you’re only saying this so you can continue to be Buffy’s best friend. That’d be the only reason someone sticks up for her. She was getting us killed.”

Angelus growled but Buffy held him back. Didn’t seem like Liz needed any help in saying her piece. “Jesus not you again. Can’t you sit and be silent for five minutes?” She smirked at Angelus’s chuckle. “And no, Buffy isn’t my best friend, I like her and she’s a friend but my best one—nope. My best friends consist of two people and as much as I like Buffy she’s not one of them.”

Kennedy shrugged not caring about her statement. “Buffy was still getting us killed. She led us into a trap which cost Xander his eye and Potentials their lives.”

“How is Buffy being led into a trap her fault?” Fred spoke up from dressing the stitched wound. “It’s a statistical probability that at some point she’d be led into a trap. If she had been the only one to go in and gotten killed would you blame her then? And this is a battle unfortunately people, doesn’t matter whom, are going to be killed. It’s kind of stupid to think some people won’t be.”

“Well said Fred.” Wesley praised enjoying the blush creeping up on her face.

Gunn tired of all the bickering back and forth said to the group. “Why don’t you all tell us why you’re here, than you can leave and we can get back to our lives.” He saw Liz’s quick glance toward him, on the subject of Liz he was at war with himself. One side of him missed her terribly but the other side was glad he wasn’t dating her anymore.

Being friends with a vampire was one thing, working for a vampire was one thing, but dating one would be out of the question for him. Unfortunately that meant aliens too. Aliens, demons, vampires, and freaks of nature—all things he could be friends with or work for but not date, never date.

Giles took his glasses off and cleaned them, a habit he had gotten into years before so he wouldn’t be able to see what was happening around him. Many a times it was because he didn’t want to see one of his charges making out with someone. He could live without those visual images. Finally he slipped them back in front of his eyes.

“Earlier today I ran across a prophecy.” A common occurrence in his line of work. “And the basic fundamental fact of it is that the only person who can defeat the First is the one that guards the Scythe. Apparently Caleb had the Scythe but now it’s gone, we don’t know who has anymore.”

“So basically you need me to find it?” Buffy questioned.

“Yes, precisely. Unfortunately we only have a location—LA, but Willow’s locator spell told us nothing else.”

Buffy nodded, now for the real kicker. This little piece of information was likely to send some of the group into a tizzy. “Well your search is over. See I know where the Scythe is.”

“Wonderful, where is it?” Giles could hardly believe it was that easy.

“With me. I'm the guardian you’re looking for Giles. What do you know—I was right. Should have listened to me when I said that there was something at the vineyard. Don’t you feel stupid?”


Coming Up:

Chapter 19: Past Part: Will Buffy go back to Sunnydale to help the others or leave them out to dry. And when Liz needs a babysitter who does Buffy suggest?

Chapter 20: Present/Future Part: What will the others do about Dru? Is she there to torment them? Will Liz be able to fight another vampire, one that’s much stronger than her father?

Tune in next time—same vamp time—same vamp channel.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:32 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Jensen Lover 37
: Well, there's no Liz/Spike interaction in this chapter but it's setting up for that.
: Gunn will redeem himself, I promise. I can't be mean to Gunn...or too mean anyway. :wink:

A.N. Hi everyone, thanks for the fabulous feedback, and another thanks for those who have nominated this story, when I saw that it made me so happy. Love that you’re enjoying it and I hope you continue to enjoy it because I enjoy writing it.

With that being said this chapter poured out Wednesday night, mainly because of Angelus who refused to stay quiet any longer. Plus museAngelus promised me some fun filled dreams if I gave into his request…how could a girl say no?

Also my wrist is still demanding I take it easy but with visions/promises of a naked Angelus dancing in my head I decided I could live with the small pain. That’s what they made Advil for right? Love you all, enjoy.


Buffy nodded, now for the real kicker. This little piece of information is likely to send some of the group into a tizzy. “Well your search is over. See I know where the Scythe is.”

“Wonderful, where is it?” Giles could hardly believe it was that easy.

“With me. I'm the guardian you’re looking for Giles. What do you know—I was right. Should have listened to me when I said that there was something at the vineyard. Don’t you feel stupid?”

Chapter 19

April 30, 2001

“That’s gotta sting Rupert.” The time for Angelus to be silent was over. “Every single one of you whining, it’s like nails digging into my ears. Believe me that hurts boys and girls…I should know.”

“Why?” Amanda, a Potential, asked.

“Why?” Angelus’s expression became one of sympathy—mock sympathy. “Because I did it to a weak, slow, whiny little Potential.” The words of torture sail out of his mouth like liquid velvet, coating the occupants in warmth and fear.

Amanda and many of the other girls shrank back trying to get as far away from him as possible. They’d never encountered a creature so sinister, even the First didn’t frighten them as much.

Buffy’s heart raced, he could hear it, and smelled her arousal. His Mate wasn’t scared at all; there was no one like his girl. What person Slayer or otherwise would still be hot for the homicidal boyfriend, not many. He turned to Rupert, that chain saw was looking mighty tempting…Angel even had one in the basement last he checked. His fingers tingled to torture the treacherous Watcher.

“The girl looked a little like you…actually a lot like you.” Angelus glided a step closer reveling in the skittish jump back. “She screamed. A beautiful lullaby, such music to my ears.”

Liz sent a smirk to Buffy who hadn’t taken her eyes from his back, she had a hungry stare and it was glued right on Angelus’s firm behind. She watched as she glimpsed up his back and licked her lips taking in the muscles flexing deliciously. And it was delicious; no man who walked like that could be described as anything but deliciousness.

Delicious, she loved that word. If she spoke it aloud the sound would roll of her tongue inducing shivers of delight. Oh another ‘D’ word, there were so many that could describe the male specimen in front of them. Decadent, damning, dangerous. She could understand why Buffy was so infatuated, she didn’t even want to be with Angelus and she was becoming infatuated.

“That’s enough Angelus, you should stop running your mouth it’s liable to get you dusted.” Faith had it up to the ceiling with his taunting and condescending attitude.

“And the number two speaks up. Took you long enough.” He whispered. “Did you really think that you could ever be Buffy? You’re not even fit to walk in her shadow let alone in her shoes. You are too tainted, too evil to be her.”

“Would have thought a vamp like you would find that attractive.” Faith smirked a part of her excited that the Scourge of Europe had his attention on her now. It had to be a Slayer thing to be turned on by being threatened.

“Oh I do. Just not on you.” He turned his back on her and eased back over to Buffy, but if they thought he was done they had another thing coming. “Did you tell them Faith about how you tried to kill Xander? Not that I blame you, he’s in need of a good neck snapping.” Xander rubbed his neck nervously. “Or how about when you tried to release me from my soulful prison to kill Buffy?”

She fidgeted but held his stare. “I never denied I did those things but I'm different now.”


“I’ve paid for what I did, went to prison for three years, the only reason I'm out is to help Buffy. Then I'm going right back.” She defended herself; Angelus would not make her feel guilty for what she’d already dealt with.

“Three years? You think that’s paying for killing people, attempting to kill people, and trying to get your Mayor boss guy to eat the senior class of Sunnydale High and ascend to be a big snake thing?” Liz snorted in disbelief. “Please, that is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard.”

“It makes no sense, why is Faith forgiven for all her crimes but Buffy accidentally got led into a trap and you’re all down her throat like she personally set out to get you killed?” Cordy snapped at the group at large. “I’d never been so happy to be out of that dysfunctional group.” She huffed.

A few minutes more of taunting and throwing accusations back and forth the main players of the two groups came to a sort of agreement. Buffy would go to Sunnydale with Angelus deal with Caleb and the First, then when that was done come back to LA and take care of the Beast with the AI team.

There were more than a few objections to Angelus coming with them. They wanted Angel’s soul to be put back into his body and than Angel could help fight Caleb and the First. But Buffy knocked down that suggestion immediately. Sunnydale needed her and the Scoobies were going to do it her way, she was non-negotiable on that issue.

Liz wouldn’t fight in either battle. As much as she wanted to be able to help her friends she couldn’t, not with her baby boy growing inside her. No harm would come to her child, she’d make damn sure of it.

Kennedy had some ‘words of wisdom’ to say about her bowing out of the battles. “Why am I not surprised you’re backing out. You talk a big game but when it’s time you won’t step up to the plate.”

Liz hadn’t gotten a chance to set her straight when Gunn grabbed a hold of the abrasive Potentials arm turning her around to face him. “You will not speak to her that way. She has her reasons for backing out of these fights and I don’t blame her. One wrong move or well placed kick to her back or stomach could make her lose the baby she’s carrying.”

His ex-girlfriend gave him a look of gratitude and confusion. She appreciated what he was doing but didn’t know why he was doing it. As her mother always said, ‘never look a gift horse in the mouth’.

“The only reason she helped us here, tonight, was because she had no choice. I'm only giving you one warning. You continue to bother Liz and I will throw you out myself.” Gunn hissed pushing her back away from him.

Instead of waiting to see what Kennedy do he opened the weapons cabinet and grabbed his favorite axe. “Don’t know about everyone else but I'm ready to go kick ass.”

“Yes, indeed. Let’s go immediately.” Giles nodded his agreement.

“Not so fast.” Cordelia halted everyone with the authority in her tone. “What about the rest of us who are staying here? Buffy, Angel, Gunn, and Wesley are going to Sunnydale. Now I'm not saying the rest of us can’t handle ourselves but none of us are Slayer or Vampire strong. What’s going to happen if this Beast thing comes back looking for something to snack on? Liz has her electric thing, Fred has her brains, I have some demon in me—“ she rose her hand shutting the curious questions off, “—don’t ask, none of your business. And what can Lorne do? Sing them to death?”

“If it’ll make you feel better we can call Spike.” Buffy told her.

“Spike? Are you kidding me? Billy Idol will probably want to kill us and take Liz as a Drusilla knock-off.” Cordy snorted.

Liz leaned forward in her chair. “Who’s Spike?”