Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

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Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Author: RoswellFan68
Title: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel)
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, or any of the characters created for the series that debuted in 1999, and ended in 2002, or for the preceding book series. They belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB and later UPN etc. This story is of my own creation, and new characters have been created at the discretion of the story.
Category: CC
Rating: Adult for sexual content.
Characters: ALL but will focus on M/L
Couples: Max/Liz
Synopsis: Post Wipeout: Anything after Wipeout is fair game. The dupes come to town looking for a king. My duplicates are different from the ones in the show. That is why I think of them as doubles instead of dupes. It helps if you are read the first story but not a must. Here is the link: ... 157793[url]

Chapter One
Thursday Evening February 1, 2001
Cal Langley’s Home

Cal Langley was up late to do some additional work on his movie script. He was hard at work developing a story about the Roswell crash based loosely around the real events. He didn’t want to give away too many of his charge’s secrets. He took the time to reflect on the last few weeks of his life.

The move to Roswell has been better than he ever dreamed. He finally moved into his small house this week. The house was small based on his standards but to anyone else it would be considered a mansion. He wanted enough room that the home could serve as a hideout for his charges and their families if needed. There were six bedrooms plus a large basement that could accommodate more if needed. The two bonded couples would always have a place to stay if necessary.

He had every intension of bringing Serena back to Los Angles with him when he first arrived in December. It was not Serena’s role to provide Max’s ex human girlfriend with protection. Serena was the royal princess. He was pleasantly surprised when he discovered that said girlfriend, Liz, was Ava’s clone, she wasn’t human. With the New York Ava’s help they learned the truth. Once Zan joined them they quickly defeated Kyvra, Toano, Lonnie and Rath. Serena had no desire to leave Roswell. She wanted to stay close to her parents. Whether he liked it or not she was dating the sheriff’s son Kyle Valenti. Both Max and Zan seem to approve, so he really didn’t get to share his opinion.

Zan was one pissed off alien prince when he first arrived. Zan hated the decision that Cal made in devoting so much of his time to Serena, this left the New York group to fend for themselves. He was pleased that Zan and Ava unlocked her powers. Soon they completed their bonding and became stronger as a couple. Both seemed to thrive with the acceptance of Max’s and Liz’s human parents. There would be a new alien joining them soon but luckily, they had time to prepare. He was happy to give Zan a part time job with the production company. Zan didn’t want to take handouts he wanted to be able support himself and Ava without the Toano’s foreign bank accounts.

He had always worried about what happened to Ava’s clone in the Roswell group. He left the pod with his friend River Dog for safe keeping. Toano had framed him for Atherton’s murder. He was unable to return to the pod. He only hoped that the damaged pod survived, and that River Dog was able to find a family to raise the child as human. It truly was a miracle that Liz survived and was reunited with her king. She is as intelligent, compassionate and loving as Ava and the human donor selected. She is the woman that his king needed by his side.

He was also surprised that Rath’s and Lonnie’s clones, Michael and Isabel, picked up more of the characteristics on their human donors. He was only with their donors for a short time, but it was evident they didn’t pick up on the bad traits of the Royal Four.

Michael had selected well in this life. It was apparent to anyone that was in the same room as Michael and Maria, they would be the next to bond. Maria has taken an active role in the story development. Maria has been a godsend. He couldn’t believe how fast she could think on her feet and explain almost any situation. For someone so young she had a wonderful gift. She keeps an idea book with her at school and jots down ideas as they come to her. She will go far with a little more training in the business.

It appears that Isabel has selected well. The young man she is dating, Alex Whitman, is very good with computers. A trip to the special effects lab would serve him well. Alex has already proven his support for the royal four and he will be a great addition to the family when they are ready.

It has been quiet for too long. He knew the group needed to be prepared when the Kivar’s henchman, Nicholas, decides to strike again. His sources indicated that he was embarrassed by the inability to have Zan or Max present for the Summit. Max was insistent that everyone begin training for Nicholas’ return. Liz has been developing possible scenarios and possible responses. Max had already assured him that if possible, that the group wanted to remain on earth. He promised if wasn’t needed that he would be permitted to stay behind.
Last edited by RoswellFan68 on Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:34 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 1 (1/11/2020)

Post by Parker1947 »

You make me curious. Can't wait to see what goes on now...
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Two
<Boston, MA February 2, 2001 Early Friday Morning>

“We need to hurry up Abby. We are going to miss our flight.” Jack told his wife Abigail.

“Are we doing the right thing, Jack? It’s been over 50 years since we have been back to Roswell.” Abigail asked.

“Lillian was your best friend. She helped and believed in us more than anyone. She is the reason we were able to get back together. She most likely would have been your sister-in-law. You need to pay your respects. You need this closure. You know I don’t like the idea of going back to Roswell, but I think we both need this closure. We can face our demons together like everything else.”

DeLuca Home – Friday Morning

“Maria, I have already talked to Jeff. You have the next few days off. Your grandmother’s visitation is tonight and the service will be tomorrow.”

“Mom, why do I have to go. It’s not like she ever tried to be in my life after dad left us. Liz’s Grandma Claudia was more of a grandmother to me than she ever was.”

“I know honey. Part of that was on me. Part of it was on your grandmother. When your dad left, he also cut his family out of his life. You and your grandmother were so much alike. She had a tempter, just like you. Where do you think you got your singing ability from? It wasn’t from me.”

“Okay, I will do this for you. Do you think dad will be there?”

“I don’t think we will have to deal with him. I don’t think the family has anyway to get ahold of him.”

“I better get to school.”

<Liz’s bedroom>
“Liz, hurry up we are going to be late for school. I still don’t like the looks your mother gives me when we rush out of here.”

“I’m not the one that decided that we should shower together.”

“What can I say, I love showing my mate how much I love her. Sometimes I get carried away.”

“Sometimes, how about all the time. I need to see how Maria is doing before school starts. I know her and her grandmother were not close but still it has to be hard for her knowing that she will never be able to have a relationship with her.”

“You have a beautiful soul. You always have so much compassion for your friends and family. That is why I love you so much.”

“Max, I’m just being a friend. We need to grab something to eat before we leave. Mom and Dad have plans for the evening so we will have the place to ourselves tonight.”

<West Roswell High>
By Maria’s locker

“Maria, I’m so glad I caught up with you. How are you doing?” Liz asked before pulling her into a hug.

“I’m fine Liz. We didn’t have the same kind of relationship that you had with Grandma Claudia. I guess we will never have that opportunity now.”

“My dad said she had been ill for a number of years now.”

“I know she is not suffering now. I think my dad leaving broke her heart as much as it did mom and me. It is a shame that my mom and her couldn’t find common ground. My grandmother always thought my mom got pregnant on purpose.”

“Don’t worry about work. Serena is going to cover you tonight and tomorrow afternoon.”

<New York City>
Abandon Subway Tunnel

What happen to you Lonnie? You promised me so much. I made several promises based on your word. You embarrassed Kivar and I with the other planets when you failed to show at the Summit with Max Evans. This new plan has got to work. Kivar is getting impatient with me. He wants the real Violandra returned to him and the rest of the royal four dead. Did you find out that I was only using you? That you were a cheap substitute for the real Violandra.

I look forward to killing the homicide bride. She eliminated most of my troops. No wonder she was pissed. They had such a great love on Antar and he rejected her for his human whore. Zan was so stupid without bonding with his true mate he would never have the same abilities he had on Antar. The human seems to be Zan’s weakness. If I get to her I will weaken Zan. Now to come up with the perfect plan.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by Long 76 »

This story is very interesting.

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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by Zanity »

Oh dear. Looks like trouble is brewing. Can’t wait to see how it plays out.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So glad to see this new story (sequel)!
Like Parker1947 said I am curious too.
I've always wondered about Maria's father.......
And now the PTB want to weaken Zan. What else is new??
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by Jlwharton »

Excited to see the continuation of this story! Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 2 (1/13/2020)

Post by Parker1947 »

Interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes...
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 3 (1/24/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Three
<Friday Afternoon, February 2, Crashdown>

“This looks as good of place as any to get a quick bite to eat before heading to the hotel to freshen up before the visitation, Jack.”

“Do you really want to eat in an alien themed diner?”

“The pizza place is the Flying Saucer, the Mexican/Chinese place is confused. You can get your burger fix and I’m sure I can get a salad or grilled chicken. I doubt this place knows anything about real aliens.”

“How can you joke about this, Abby. They almost destroyed our lives.”

“But they gave me a gift I will always be thankful for.”

“Come on let’s get some food. That lunch that the airline served can hardly count as food.”

He took a look around the diner. Besides the flying saucer on the exterior of the building, the room was filled with murals of the typical Hollywood alien, silver or green with big heads, big eyes and little bodies. He led his wife to table near the back far from the hoards of teenagers.

Liz met Serena at the drink station. “Thanks for filling in on short notice. I know you and Kyle were planning on going out again tonight.”

“It’s not a big deal. It was just dinner and a movie. Kyle is here to keep me company and work on some homework. I’m going to help when I can. It looks like you have some new customers in your section.”

“Duty calls.”

Liz approached her new customers with her typical cheer. The older couple in their sixties were not from around her. They didn’t look like your typical tourist either. Both were studying the menu.
“Welcome to the Crashdown. My name is Liz and I will be taking care of you today. Can I get you something to drink? Do you have any questions about the menu?”

He didn’t need to look up to know what she looked like. He knew that voice, so young and fresh. It belonged to his wife of over fifty years.

“We both would like ice water with lemon if you have it.” He looked up to make eye contact with the young waitress. Liz couldn’t believe her eyes. She was staring at his eyes. These eyes were Max’s eyes. That was her last thought before strong arms prevented her from falling to the floor.

This was Abby’s first good look at the waitress. She thought she was going to faint when the other young waitress and her friend came running up to see what happened.

“What happened? What did you do to Liz?” Serena questioned. She thought she knew the answer, she was staring at her parents’ human donors. “Nevermind, Kyle carry Liz to the breakroom.”
“Look we can help. My wife and I are both doctors.”

Kyle took Liz and carried her to the breakroom couch. “Kyle, you stay with Liz. I need to get back out front. We both know that Max will be here any minute.”

“What are you doing to her?” Kyle asked.

“I’m elevating her legs. It will help get blood flow back to her brain.” Abby instructed Kyle.

Max barged in. “Max, I was expecting you. I’m sure Serena needs some help. I will leave Liz in your capable hands.”

“What happened?” Max asked the strangers.

“She took one look at my husband and fainted. Now seeing you I understand why. I’m Dr. Abigail Conway and this is my husband Dr. Jack Conway. You don’t seem shocked to see us.”

“I’m Max Evans and this is my intended, Liz Parker. I never believed I would ever meet you. I just assumed that older human DNA material was used.”

“I think you can answer questions that we have about our lives. We have been wanting answers for over fifty years. Looking at you two and the other waitress I’m getting an idea why we were taken.” Jack stated.

“She is waking up.” Abigail informs him.

“Liz, honey, you have to stop doing this. I don’t think I can survive any more of your fainting spells.”

“Well, when I stop seeing our doubles it may help.”

“How many of us did they make?” Jack asked.

“Only two. This Abigail and Jack Conway. They are both doctors.”

“I think we need to talk, and the restaurant is not the place. I can put in your order and we can go upstairs.” Liz proposed.

“Liz, are you sure?”

“Max, I know we can trust them.”

“We can at least start. My wife lost her best friend from high school and we are in town for the service.”
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 3 (1/24/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I would have fainted just like Liz when I say Max's eyes in the gentlemen.
Also glad Max came on the I'm anxious for this conversation upstairs.
Thanks for the new part.
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