Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Epilogue - Completed: 06/12/2018

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 7 - Updated: 03/20/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait till Max, Isabel get to Texas. Also can't wait for Max, Isabel find Liz and others? And what will happen when Max and Isabel find them? And Max finding out that he has kids with Liz?

L-J-L 76
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Leaving Normal - Chapter 8 - 03/23/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

“Class dismissed,” Vicky Bloom told her class at nearby Austin Academy of Excellence. “Papers due Monday,” she reminded the class as they all filed out. Emma and Evan were in the class and were last to leave. Parker was in a different class, so they were meeting up for lunch. Liz had wanted to separate the twins, to help them socialize with other kids. So not all their classes were together, and they liked it that way.

“How are you adjusting?” Emma asked as they walked towards the meeting place they had agreed to with Parker. “You seem better today.”

“It’s weird,” Evan said. “I am not used to be in school.”

“You didn’t go to school before?” Emma asked. “Didn’t your mother put you in school, when you lived with your mother?”

“Not if my memory is any indication,” Evan said as they took the elevator to the lunch room. “Although it’s kind of fuzzy,” he said.

“That is strange,” Emma said. “But you’re catching up, and doing well so far.”

“It’s kind of nice,” Evan said with a smile. “Although I do wonder why Mom tried to prevent me from remembering anything from my prior life.”

“You really think so?” Emma asked, appalled that any parent could do that to their child. That is the one thing she liked about her mother. She didn’t try to control Emma or Parker. “Why would she do that?”

“So, I couldn’t talk!” Evan said so matter of flatly that it made Emma’s head turn. “She feared what I might say.”

“You’re mother sounds so weird.”

“Well she was weird,” Evan said quietly as they sat down at one of the tables and waited for Parker to show up, so they could all have lunch together. “And you know what is scary?”

“What?” Emma asked, suddenly fascinated about this kid who had been suddenly living in her house and acting like another brother.

“I know I should be sad that she’s dead,” Evan said quietly. “But I am not.”

“Didn’t your mother love you?” Emma asked.

“I think she did, in her own way.” Evan said as he tried to frame what he was thinking in his 9-year-old mind. “But she had a weird way of showing it.”

“That is so strange,” Emma said.

“Yeah,” Evan said as he saw Parker come into the lunch room with his friends. “She kept going on and on about my father. And yet she then drops me off in this place and he’s nowhere around.”

“Do you know who your father is?” Emma asked as she noticed Parker speaking to some friends and then break up and head their way. “Do you have a name?”

“Yeah. Max Evans.” Evan said not realizing he just shocked Emma and an arriving Parker who had overheard the tail end of the conversation. “Mom says she elected to name me after my birth father’s last name”

Emma and Parker shared a look of Damn...


“Liz is so going to kick your ass,” Maria was saying as she sat in the teacher’s lounge with Kyle as they ate their lunch. Kyle had just filled her in on his phone call with Isabel and the fact that Max and Isabel were heading their way. “Why in the heck haven’t you told her?”

“I tried. But it’s hard you know,” Kyle said. “With Evan turning up, her life is so complicated. How can I add to it by letting her know that Max is heading her way?”

“Look Kyle, he’s just not heading this way. He’s heading back into her life. She has got to know. She needs to prepare. You know how Liz is when she is out of control, and feels that way. The situation with Evan has already complicated her life as you said. But she needs to know that Max could be back in a few days. Heck I am surprised she’s not crackling green energy because she’s so overwhelmed. You need to tell her, so she can prepare herself and the kids.”

“I guess you’re right,” Kyle said as he bit into his tuna salad sandwich. “She is going to kill me, isn’t she?”

“Yes. And I am sure Michael will put the bullets in the gun himself,” Maria smiled. “Your butt is so in trouble. But you’ve got to tell her.”

“I will,” Kyle said. “I have a date on Friday night.”

“You do?” Maria asked a little amazed. Kyle may be single, but he rarely dated, and it was constantly a running joke between him, Maria and Liz about his lack of a social life. “Who is she?”

“Stacie Thomas,” Kyle said knowing his social life sucked. Being in Texas hadn’t changed things, in fact, being in Texas only made it seem more pathetic because Maria had Michael. Liz had her pining for Max. He had no one, only his phone calls and dream-walks with Isabel. “She teaches English.”

“I know her,” Maria said as she munched a burger. “She’s quite a looker.”

“That is not why I asked her out,” Kyle said with a smile. “That is just a bonus.”

“Yeah Kyle, whatever you say.” Maria said as they ate their lunch and talked. “So, Max is really coming?” she asked.

“Yes,” Kyle said. “Isabel and Max are on their way.”

“Damn this soap opera we’re living has just gone and amped itself up, this is going to be good.” Maria said as she though through the possibilities of what it meant for her best friend. “Maybe Max and Liz will finally get it right this time?”

“One can hope,” Kyle said as the thought of the kids came into his mind. “They do have three good reasons for making it work,” he said. “Okay two.”

“You can add Evan into the mix. She’s fallen for that kid,” Maria said. “Against all odds and sanity.”

“You know how fucked up this is, don’t you?” Kyle said. “Liz takes in Max’s child from another woman without Max’s knowledge, and he’s immediately becomes a member of the family.

“It’s fucked up,” Maria admitted.

“But I’ve got to admit, that kid is cute” Kyle admitted despite his hatred for the kids’ biological mother.

“He is,” Maria agreed. “But then if Max’s involved, I don’t think Liz can help herself,” she said with a sigh.

“I can’t believe the bitch is dead,” Kyle muttered.


“So, no blonde 20’s year olds have come through in the last week?” Michael asked as he sat in the office, on the phone with the hospitals in the area as he checked to see whether Tess could be located and whether she was truly dead. “This one is small in stature, blue eyes.” he asked. “Thank you, Ms. Pauley.”

Damn he thought. This was like the tenth hospital I’ve tried and still no one can tell me where the heck Tess is Michael thought as he put down the phone and decided to take a break.


Max continued driving; they had just stopped for lunch. And they were onto the next town and maybe next state by the time they stopped to sleep. It had so far been a pleasurable drive. The further they got from New York, the freer he felt. He didn’t realize how he felt constrained in New York until they left it. Isabel still wasn’t being free with her information. But he didn’t care; all he wanted was to start a new life. And finally felt he could. New York was over. Texas was his new chance.

He just didn’t know how much of a new chance he had the potential for in Texas…


Liz was doing some laundry after getting home from meeting with a client. It had been a hectic day; she just wanted to get it over. And to top it off, she was tired from her midnight escapades with Kyle in the kitchen. Damn, I think I need to lie down. Deciding to take a nap since the kids wouldn’t be home for a few more hours, she went upstairs to her bedroom and laid down on the bed and before she knew it, her eyes were drooping

“This is a gorgeous place Max,” Liz was saying as she and Max walked around a huge home near the desert. “How did you find it?” she asked.

“I found it,” Max said as he looked at Liz with a tremendous amount of love in his eyes. “I put my connections to work.”

Liz shivered as she looked at his eyes, and saw how he looked at her and how much she was truly in love with this man.

“Yes,” Max said as they continued to take it all in and noticed she was going to say something to him.

“This room needs color,” Liz said as they walked into a large white room. “It’s way too plain.”

Liz jumped awake. Sitting up, digesting what she had just seen. Was it a dream, premonition, or something more? “It’s just like I told Dr. Santos. A plain white room and Max in it. But it’s more. It’s a house.”

Getting up, she found Michael in the kitchen. “Hey!”

“Hey,” Michael said. “Tried to sleep, did you?” he asked.

“Yeah, had an unusual dream and so I got up.” she said as she walked to the bar, and got something to drink. Unlike Michael, she could drink along with Maria and Kyle too. Michael ever since his New Years debacle stayed away from the stuff. Although Liz didn’t abuse it like she did when she tried out that Vermont boarding school.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Michael asked as he put a casserole he was making them for dinner into oven. Maria and the kids would be home anytime.

“No thanks,” Liz said with a smile. “I’ll leave it to my brain to figure out. Any word on the Tess front?” she asked.

“No,” Michael said still frustrated. “But maybe one day soon, we’re figure out where the bitch is.”

“Thank you for spending time with Evan,” Liz said. “I think he appreciates it. He might not have had the greatest mother, but he seemed pretty well adjusted.”

“It’s no problem, he’s a cute kid.” Michael said as he turned to face Liz, sitting down at the table. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure!” Liz said. “What’s on your mind?”

“Why did you allow Evan to stay?” Michael asked. “If I had fathered a kid, I doubt if Maria would be so welcoming to that child if he or she turned up on the doorstep.”

“Well if it was Maria, you would be dead if you had gone near another woman in that way.” She laughed, and Michael chuckled in agreement. “But truthfully, I think Maria would be more accepting than you think. I know it’s weird, but Evan is Max’s son. And therefore, he is Emma and Parker’s brother and they should get to know each other. Maybe one-day Max can be involved in their lives. But until he can, Evan deserves a family. We may be an unorthodox family, but we are one. And I couldn’t deny that to Evan.”

“You’re a good woman Liz,” Michael said. “Maxwell is very lucky he met you.”

“I am very lucky to have met him,” Liz said knowing it was true. Sure, she was run out Roswell and was hiding eight years later without Max in her life, still, she wouldn’t do anything differently. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have her kids.

And without Max in her life. She would have been dead at sixteen!


Emma, Parker, Evan, Amelia and Michelle blitzed through the front door thirty minutes later in front of Maria who had overseen their pick up from their school. Once a week, Maria and Liz tried to pick them up, so they didn’t always have to ride the bus. If Liz was busy, they did sometimes have to. But on this day, it was Maria’s turn. And the kids were talking a mile a minute as they came into the kitchen for their after-school snack.

“Hey kids,” Michael said as he was taking dinner out of the oven while working on the homemade bread for that evening.

“Daddy,” Amy said as she ran to hug her father.

“Hello sweetheart,” Michael said as he hugged Michelle as well. “Okay break out the cookies,” he said as the kids went wild except for Parker and Emma who seemed down for some reason, which was very unlike them.

Emma spoke up, “Is Mom home?”

“Try upstairs. I believe she’s in the office,” Michael said and a minute later Emma and Parker disappeared upstairs. Kids! They are always in some mood.

Upstairs, Liz was finishing up a return for one of her clients when her kids came rushing into office. “Hey, you two, what’s up?” she asked when she saw the gloom on their face.

“We have to talk,” Emma said in her most stern eight-year-old attitude which Liz found amusing even if it was directed at her.

“Yeah,” Parker said in complete agreement with his twin sister. “We want to know what is going on.”

“Maybe I can help if you’ll tell me what is up?” Liz said as turned off the monitor of her computer, so she could concentrate on her kids who looked to be in distress.

“I was talking to Evan at lunch,” Emma said as she looked at her mother.

“So!” Liz asked. “I am sure you talk to Evan every day, what makes today so special?”

“Because he’s our brother?” Emma blurted out, shocking Liz with their knowledge of Evan’s situation. “Why didn’t you tell us, that Evan is our brother?”

“How did you find out?” Liz asked.

“Evan, Mom.” Emma said. “I asked if he knew his father and he said he did, and that he knew the name of his father. It’s same man that is our father. Max Evans. So, Evan is our brother, right?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Liz what did you expect? Your kids are not stupid. Max and Liz are both in for a surprise when 5hey meet again.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Wow! Great Part. Why did Tess wipe Evan of all his memories except for his father's name? I think she left him with Liz to cause Liz heartache.
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Has Tess really messed Evan up by erasing his memories.......except the name of his father?
He's not even sad that his mother is gone/dead!
Emma and Evan had quite a conversation........and bingo, she has a brother.
So Kyle has a date......hope he is happy.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Agree with Maria Liz is going to kick Kyle's ass. So Emma, Parker know that Evan is their brother. Wow so Max and Isabel are on their way. Wonder how Liz will take the news. And wonder how Max and Isabel are going to find out about Liz and the kids. How will Liz take the news about Max and Isabel? Will Liz be mad or shocked? What is Liz going to tell Emma, Parker, Evan? How will Max and Isabel find Liz and the others? How will Max handle seeing Liz and kids? Will Max and Liz sit down and talk? Will Max stay and raise the kids with Liz? Will Max and Liz try to be a couple? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Isabel be glad to see her niece and nephew? What will Emma, Parker, Evan do when they see Max and Isabel? Will Max, Liz and others have a happy ending? Will Max, Liz and others go back to Roswell? What will the Parkers, Evans and Jim do when they see the kids? Will the parents be happy or shocked? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by roswell4life »

I feel sorry for Evan, but I'm glad he now knows he has other siblings and family that care about him. What the heck was Tess doing all those years and why did she wait until now to push Max and Liz back together???
L-J-L 76
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 8 - Updated: 03/23/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait for Max and Isabel to find Liz, kids and others? And can't wait to find out what Liz and kids will do when they see Max and Isabel?

L-J-L 76
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Leaving Normal - Chapter 9 - 03/27/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

“You knew you had a half brother out there,” Liz reasoned to her daughter as she got the stubborn face she knew so well from her own personality and that of her biological father. “Emma, don’t look at me like that.”

“Mom,” Emma pleaded. “Please tell us the truth,” she asked as Emma and Parker had tried to find a compelling reason for why their mother hadn’t talked to about this when Evan had come to live with us. “We did know, but it is one thing to understand the concept of having a half brother out there in the world and having him living in the same home as us, and we have no idea.”

“You have got to stop studying the dictionary,” Liz smiled and yet she sighed at the same time. “Okay you two, sit down,” she asked of her twins who instantly took a seat in front of their mother’s office desk. Liz was an accountant but working from the home instead of going into a formal office each day. It was much better to be closer to her kids than having to commute and work odd hours. “Yes, Evan is your half-brother. His father is your father, Max Evans and his mother was a former flame so to speak, Tess Harding,” she said with gritted teeth at the mere mention of Tess’s name. “Evan is staying with us because we don’t know where his father is, and because we have received word his mother recently passed away.”

“Wow,” Parker said. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because I am dealing with a lot right now and I am still trying to piece together some of the details of the story and I figured that you guys were fine. Evan was adjusting, and I would have told you the truth. But when I felt the time was right,” Liz said as she spoke frankly to her kids. “You two didn’t need to know. Yes, it would be nice to know, but you two are eight years old.”

“I can buy that, so fine,” Emma said. “What happens now” she asked.

“That is still open for debate,” Liz said. “I really don’t know. We’re going to take it one step at a time okay,” she asked the twins. “I want you to be welcoming to Evan,” Liz asked her daughter and son. “I don’t want the fact you now know he’s your brother change the way you two interact with him. He’s dealing with a lot. You two have me, he doesn’t have anyone,” she said quietly. “Which is why I am letting him stay here for the time being as he needs a friendly atmosphere, as I figure his life with his mother wasn’t always so pleasant.”

“I get that,” Emma said. “He’s made some remarks too about it,” she said. “Sorry if we were hard on you.”

“I know, and I love you both,” Liz smiled. “Why don’t you go see what is up in the kitchen,” she asked. “I should be finished with my paperwork shortly.”

“Okay.” Emma and Parker nodded and left in search of the Guerin kids and Evan, Liz sighed and looked at the picture on her desk of her kids, and one next of it of her and Max. I am a masochist aren’t I she asked. I wonder what Max would think of having three kids, all raised by me. I am gunning for trouble, aren’t I? she asked herself again. “Maybe Dr. Santos is right,” she asked the picture.

“The kids know?” Maria asked as she walked into the office with a glass of wine for both. “I figured you would need this about now,” she said as she handed the glass to her friend.

“Thank you, Maria,” Liz said as she took the glass and sipped from it. “Why do I do this to myself?”

“You’re a compassionate and trusting soul Liz Parker,” Maria Deluca Guerin smiled. “If it was me, I am not sure if I would be so kind hearted if Michael was in the same situation as Max is in now and I was facing what you are facing.”

“You love Michael, you would have done it,” Liz said pointed. “You would have made his life a living nightmare in the short-term, but you would have done the same thing I have done with Evan. Evan hasn’t asked for all this nasty business, and he doesn’t deserve it. And yes, the twins know.”

“How did they take it?” Maria asked.

“They are confused,” Liz said truthfully. “Heck I am confused, and even I don’t know how to handle it all,” she sighed. “But they took it in easily enough. Emma’s a little pissed I wasn’t more honest when Evan first showed up and that it had to be them just asking a question that made them find out the truth,” she said. “But they will go with it, as Parker will probably be happy to have an older brother to play with,” Liz said.

“I wonder how Max will handle all this?” Maria asked as she thought back to her long-lost friend as they all had dealt with the knowledge that he had been out there with Isabel in diverse ways as being separated had affected Michael and it had taken him a long time to deal with the cord being snapped between the three originals hybrids. Since they couldn’t communicate and because Michael wanted Maria. Max wanted someone alien as backup for Liz, Maria and Kyle if they were going to be on their own. Yet the finality of it had upset Michael in those first months to be separated, and even now to some degree and so to know that they were coming back in some fashion into their lives was a relief purely for the sake of her husband although she still felt mixed feelings regarding all that went down for Max and Liz because Michael’s happiness will bring uncertainty into the life of her best friend, and she hated that for Liz.

“You got me,” Liz said honestly as she surveyed the accounts she had to work on. “Hell, I am not going to get this finished tonight, so I’ll finish it in the morning before my meeting with the client,” she said as she saved the document on the computer and locked the computer before shutting it down, and walking out to the kitchen with Maria. “I really don’t know Maria.”

“I know,” Maria sighed.


Max and Isabel had pulled off the highway near Harrisburg. Driving straight from their home in White Plains, New York Isabel and Max decided they needed a breather. Texas could wait. They needed a good night sleep, so they got a joint room and stopped driving for the night.

“Let’s get some sleep,” Max said quietly as they picked up their bad and walked to their room.


The Valenti home

“I will be there on Saturday,” Jim was saying into the phone. “Yes, I know you want the body handled before then, but I can’t get away from my own life here in Roswell until then, and there are numerous cases on the go and being away is distracting to my town. She is dead right, she’s not going anywhere. Yes, I might be callous about it, but if you knew the victim like I did. You wouldn’t be that sympathetic over the decease as I had personal interaction with the young woman,” Jim muttered at the home he shared with Amy. “It’s better for everyone that she can’t harm anyone anymore.”

Amy sighed as she watched her husband struggle with his emotions over the death of Tess. Too much of their life had been defined by Tess Harding. They lost their only children because of her; although Amy hoped one day that they would get them back.

There was a knock on the door, and Amy went to open it as Jim scheduled a time to meet on Saturday morning, “Jeff, why hello. What are you doing here?”

“I was hoping to talk to your husband. We had to postpone our talk because the station called Jim, and I was hoping to continue it now.”

“Sure, come in. Jim is on the phone as he’s scheduling a time to go and deal with Tess Harding’ body.”

“Are you going with him?” Jeff asked as a lot of emotion went through at the mention of Tess. He missed his daughter. And wanted her back in his life and it all led back to Tess, and all the mayhem that occurred that led to his daughter being forced from town.

“Yes. We’re leaving Friday,” Amy nodded.

“How are you and Jim handling not having Maria and Kyle in your lives?” Jeff asked.

“It hasn’t been easy, not by a long shot” Amy sighed. “Our wedding had a crucial element missing – our children. They are out there, and I just wish we knew how they are and what they are doing.”

“I miss Liz. It isn’t the same without her in our lives. I know she eventually would have gone off on her own, but the brutal cut in ties is a lot to deal with…”

“It’s for everyone,” Jim said as he came into the conversation. “I am sorry Jeff. I know you and Nancy are dealing with this as much as the rest of us are, and the same with Phillip and Diane.”

“Do you know anything, anything at all about our kids?”

“No,” Jim said. “I just know they are okay. I got a code message about three years ago, and I know that some of them are settled down somewhere, but I don’t know where…”

“I asked earlier, why keep the charade that Max and Liz ran up together.”

“I know they would have wanted to. Or were planning to,” Jim said. “I know that hurts you and Nancy. But the mayhem on graduation night stopped their plans, and something unforeseen came up that separated them. It was better excuse to explain how Liz suddenly would disappear once she was out of FBI custody.”

“And she and Max aren’t together?” Jeff asked.

“Whether they met up on the road, I don’t know. But as of three years ago, when things died down, no. Max was off, separate from Liz.”

“That’s too bad because they were so in love,” Amy sighed, and Jeff also sighed because as much grief as Max and Liz had given him that final year in Roswell, he did know how much his daughter did love Max and, in some ways, sacrificed a tremendous amount in that love story. “I want my daughter happy.”

“There is no reason not to think she’s not happy, wherever they were able to make a life for themselves.”

“If you ever can connect with Liz, will you please tell with me, or Nancy know please” Jeff pleaded.

“I will Jeff. I am sure Liz misses you every bit as much you and Nancy miss your daughter. She did love you guys, I know that for a fact.”

“It’s not fair,” Jeff muttered. “Thank you for talking to me. If you find out anything, let me know…okay?”

“I will,” Jim nodded as she walked Jeff to the door and turned and smiled at his wife, with tint of sadness as how much they had lost as well. “I am sorry honey.”

“I need to know my daughter is okay.”

“They are,” Jim said quietly. “And we have to believe in that okay. I am sure we would have heard if something had drastically gone down on the road.”

“I know,” Amy said and knew her husband was correct, they would have heard in some manner. “Jeff’s right, it’s not fair” she said as turned and headed for their bedroom, while Jim sat down at his desk and did some paperwork for their weekend adventure.


“Wake up,” came the faint voice as Liz tried desperately to sleep and yet was only succeeding in tossing and turning, and so with the sound in her room, she was awakened completely, and she saw a faint glow in her room. “Whose is there?”

“It’s me,” came a sarcastic voice.

“Tess,” Liz asked shocked to the core as stood before in red and white was her former nemesis. “You’re dead.”

“You were always a bright one Parker,” Tess muttered. “Yes, I am dead, and now haunting you. Not my choice by the way. But you need to do what they say to get through the next barrier and they have quite the doozy set up to make sure I don’t achieve it, but I might as well try. They have Alex Whitman prosecuting my case. I thought I would do an end run around him, and see if doing something nice would help my case.”

“Alex,” Liz said softly. “Shouldn’t you be in hell.”

“Nice,” Tess smirked. “They say I don’t completely qualify. But if I meet some qualifications, I might upgrade myself from that special evil place. They haven’t made up their minds. So, I might make your day by ending up there in the end.”

“Why are you here?” Liz asked through gritted teeth because this was the last thing she wanted to experience.

“I gave you the ticket to Max’s heart, like you really needed it” Tess murmured. “You always had it whether I liked it or not.”

“You left your son with me, why?”

“He deserved to know his father. Back in Roswell, I was telling you the truth. He’s human. He might be gifted with his intelligence although I never did anything to encourage it by the way, and he might learn a talent or two if exposed to enough talent. But he’s human. He’s not Max’s rightful heir. They made sure I knew I blew it.”

“Why isn’t he?” Liz asked confused. “He’s Max’s first born, and a son.”

“Because he didn’t love me,” Tess said. “I basically forced myself on him. Of course, you helped it along with Future Max’s help and don’t think I didn’t know about that little moment of yours. I used a weak moment and pushed myself on him, and they don’t take too kindly to that in this world or our Antar world. They say Max has to love the woman to bring the rightful heir into this world.”

“That doesn’t make sense. Plenty of royals show that isn’t necessarily the case.”

“And because Zan is human, he didn’t qualify but your children are the rightful heirs as I have seen them in action.”

“You were watching us?” Liz asked horrified.

“Of course, Parker, why would I leave my son with you if I didn’t do the ground work and make sure you were right place to leave my son.”

“Didn’t you love your son at all?” Liz asked as she felt for the boy.

“In my way. I did take him after all from that family Max sent him too…” Tess said. “He’s a good boy. He’s like his father and it’s hard not to love Max. I wish things could have been different. But having been raised by Nascedo, one can say I was not meant to be a parent. Max is. You are. So, I know he is in the right place.”

“Why not take him to Max?” Liz asked. “You have to know where he is.”

“He needs to be where he is meant to be. And that little red hair bitch wasn’t the one for him, so I had to make sure that he could be there for our son.”

“Oh my god,” Liz asked horrified. “You killed Max’s wife?”

“It was the only way,” Tess said. “Which is why they are assessing my fitness. I figure if I can do something good than the will let me in.”

“You killed someone.”

“I killed many people Liz as it’s not for the faint of heart being who I am. I can blame Nascedo for raising me all I want. Or maybe I am defective because I hatched well after the others, but I am who I am.”

“Oh god,” Liz muttered. “That is crazy.”

“Try telling your shrink that one day. Anyways, I must go. You have a way of getting Max back in your life. Use it.”

“I am not you Tess,” Liz sighed.

“No, you are not. You were always better than me. So be who you are,” she said before vanishing…

“God, I don’t know if I like having Tess Harding’s personal seal of approval or not,” she muttered to herself as she was unable to sleep so she went for some milk.


“Go be with Liz,” came the words in Max’s head as he slept in Harrisburg, at the motel he and Isabel stopped on. “You are crazy if you mourn that bitch one more minute. You didn’t love her. You love Liz. Go be with her.”

“Tess,” he whispered.

“Yes,” came the reply. “Parker is the one for you, and yes I am sounding like a hypocrite. Blame the overloads up here for making that possible.”

“Why would you come to me,” Max asked. “How are you coming to me?”

“I am dead Max, and you have three reasons for why you need to find Liz, so get to it, otherwise you will always regret it and nothing you will ever do right will be enough to compensate for that guilt.”

“Why would tell me to be with Liz?” Max asked.

“Go with it okay, and don’t ask too many questions,” came Tess’s reply as she started to fade. “And oh Max, I am sorry.”

“Sorry?” Max asked.

“For Pam,” Tess said as she disappeared while saying “Go…. be with Liz…” she said so faintly that Max could barely hear it, but it was still washed over him as he tried to comprehend exactly what it all meant.

There was a knock on the door, as he was staring into space as he got up and went to open the door, “Yes Isabel.”

“Did I hear voices?” Isabel asked quietly.

“Tess killed Pam,” Max said quietly.

“I know,” Isabel muttered and sighed as she looked at her emotional brother. “I am sorry Max!”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Leaving Normal (CC, Mature) - Chapter 9 - Updated: 03/27/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Wow the evil ghost of Tess appears in both Max and Liz's dreams. It's going to take Max and Isabel weeks to get to Texas at the rate they are travelling. I would still like to know more about this Pam, Max was married to. I wonder why Tess didn't like her.
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