Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 60 & Epilogue Complete 7/3/17

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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 32 6/4/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Lord Jeffrey Parker is one of the few that doesn't think that his daughters need to know who they will marry until it is announced. But I think someone is going to spill to Serena before the announcement. Ava's short marriage to Sean maybe coming to an end soon.

Part 33

Liz watched as Max climbed out of bed when there was a knock on the door. He opened it only part way making sure that whoever was on the other side wouldn't be able to see her as she pulled the sheet tightly around her. He returned after a couple of minutes with a note.

"What is it Max?"
"It's from Kara. Michael's older sister."
"She is a doctor right?"
"Yeah. She is asking me to come to the medical center as soon as possible. It's Ava. Sean has beaten her badly."
"Is she OK?"
"No. Kara was able to stabilize her but she is in a coma. She needs me to see if I can finish healing her."
"I am sure you can. After all you did heal me when I was eight and fell out of that tree and nearly cracked my head open."
"I seem to remember telling you not to climb that tree."
"You did. But I was too stubborn to listen to you."
"Let's go shower and get dress. Then we can try and help Ava. I also want to talk to my father. There may be a way to end her marriage. What Sean did to her is not right."
"Max, it is not much different then the way my father treated me."
"Liz, your father never put you in a coma."

Max and Liz got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower together.


Kara pushed Ava's hair back off her face. She hated to see this young woman like this. She was lost in though and didn't notice when someone came into the room behind her.

"How is she?"

Kara turned to see her younger brother Zane had come in. She hadn't seen him in nearly a year and half. He had been away at school studying to be a teacher.

"Not well Zane."
"You can't do anything for her?"
"I already did everything I could. Now we have to wait to see if Max can help her."
"She never should have ended up with DeLuca."
"Zane, you are in love with her aren't you?"
"Yes. I have been for a long time. I tried to get father to set up the deal for me to marry her. But DeLuca got there first."
"If it is possible to have her marriage ended would you still want her?"
"Yes. Kara, my feelings will not change. I love her."
"That is good to hear little brother. Ava if she gets pass this will need someone to love her."
"What about you? Is there anyone out there for you?"
"Father is going to announce my engagement to Brian Whitman soon."
"Brian Whitman? Isn't he the cousin of our new princess?"
"Yes. He has been studying music. Not that his father was happy about that."
"How do you feel about marrying him?"
"I am OK with it. I like Brian and believe I can be happy with him."
"I believe that he will treat you right."
"I believe that too."

The two sibling never even noticed that Max and Liz had entered the room.

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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 33 6/5/17

Post by Natalie36 »

I hope all goes well for ava
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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 33 6/5/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Natalie36 Help is on the way for Ava.

Part 34

Liz slowly walked up to the bed and looked at her friend.

"How is she Kara?" Asked Liz
"Not good Princess. When she came in she was covered in cuts and brusies. She had three broken ribs and her skull was cracked. But the worse damage is to her heart and lungs. I repaired what I could but the damage to her lungs and heart are beyond my abilities." Said Kara
"Let me see what I can do." Said Max

Everyone backed away and Max went to work trying to heal the young woman. Kara looked at Liz with a slight smile.

"Sorry I was not able to be at your wedding." Said Kara
"It's fine. You have an important job to do now." Said Liz
"True. I am also sorry for pulling you away from your honeymoon."
"I don't mind. Kara, I have been worried about Ava since I heard she had to marry Sean."
"Why would he beat her like this?" Asked Zane
"He blames her for not getting pregnant. He thinks it's her fault." Said Max
"It's not. There is no reason medically that she shouldn't be able to have a child." Said Kara
"So he only got blanks?" Asked Zane
"He would need a medical exam but my guess it is possible." Said Kara
"Is Ava going to be OK?" Asked Liz
"I would keep her in the coma for a couple more days Kara. But she is in good health from what I can tell."
"Thanks Max. I hope the two of you have a long happy life together." Said Kara
"Thanks. By the way I heard about you and Brian Whitman."
"My cousin is a good guy and will make you happy Kara." Said Liz
"Thank you. I am happy to be matched with Brian."
"You like him don't you?" Asked Liz
"Maybe a little."

Liz smiled at the other woman hoping that Serena would be happy to learn that she was to marry Kyle.


Sean paced in his study. He could not believe that bitch sent him home without his wife. He still couldn't believe that woman was a doctor! Women only had one use. That was to give men sons to carry on the family name. As much as he fucked his stupid wife she should have consived a son by now. There had to be something wrong with the bitch. If she didn't get pregnant soon then he would have to get rid of her and find a woman that could give him the son he needed as heir.


Michael smiled as he watched Maria walk through the garden. He couldn't wait until she was his wife. He would never admit it. But he had been in love with the fisty blonde for a very long time.

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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 34 6/6/17

Post by max and liz believer »

Aww, everyone's getting married :D And the matches (except for Sean and Ava, of course) all seem so good. It seems as if most of the couples (at least one part of the two) has been secretly interested in the other before the marriage is announced.

Now. Sean. What a SOB. I really hope he is sterile, because he doesn't deserve a heir. He doesn't deserve a child at all. It sounds as if he might not be nice to his children either, especially not if he were to get daughters. He doesn't really think highly of women…

Hopefully Max is able to fix Ava. I love that there is a man out there that is interested in her and can care for her after this traumatic ordeal.

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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 34 6/6/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Ava was really in bad glad Kara and Max were able to help.
Sure hope Sean will get what's due him!
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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 34 6/6/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Jo Yes everyone is getting married, and to someone they at least like. Well except poor Ava! Sean just might be sterile wouldn't that be something? Yes there is a man who cares for Ava,and that will prove important.

Carolyn Yes Max and Kara have been able to help poor Ava. Don't worry Sean is going to pay!

Part 35

Liz walked through the palace with Max heading for his father's office. Seeing Ava like that had really hurt her. Ava was a friend more so to Serena but still a friend. Someone she had known most of her life. They only had to wait a few minutes before they were let into the King's office.

"Max, Liz, I didn't expect to see the two of you this soon." Said Philip
"Dad, is there anything you can do if a man has been beating his wife?" Asked Max
"Who is it?" Asked Philip
"Sean DeLuca beat Ava nearly to death. It took both mine and Kara's healing abilities to save her." Said Max
"I will need to speak to Ava once she is able to. But there is a chance that I can end the marriage. But only if there is someone willing to take her into their home. Or she will end up losing everything she knew." Said Philip
"I think I know a young man who would be willing to accept her." Said Liz

Max looked at his wife. Then spoke to her in her mind.

*You are thinking about Zane.*
*Yes. Max, he loves her. Why else would he have gone to see her? Besides I don't need Serena's empathy to see that.*
*You are right.*

"I think I am missing something." Said Philip
"You are. Philip, Max and I have developed this connection. It let's us talk telepathically." Said Liz
"Wow. The two of you do realize how rare that is don't you?" Said Philip
"Yes." Said both Max and Liz
"Now who do you think would be willing to take Ava on?"
"Zane Guerin. He loves her. He was there visiting her when we went. You don't need empathy to see it." Said Liz
"After talking to both Ava and Kara if it is true that Sean nearly killed Ava, I will have the marriage ended. But Zane, will need to take on Ava."
"I will talk to him dad." Said Max
"Good. Now why don't you two get back to whatever you were doing before Kara asked you to help Ava."

Liz not needing to be told twice grabbed Max and pulled him out of the office.


Alex leaned over Isabel and gave her a kiss. It was only a month until their wedding. A wedding that would be lower key then Max and Liz's was.

"Alex, we have to be careful."
"Princess don't worry nothing will happen before it should."
"Alex, I love you."
"Love you too Isabel."
"I know you do. You haven't made the same mistake my idiot brother did with your cousin."
"Well Liz has forgiven him."

Alex and Isabel went back to enjoying there time together on the shore of the lake.
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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 35 6/7/17

Post by max and liz believer »

Keeping my fingers crossed that the king is able to help Ava get out of that marriage and that Zane will take Ava in.

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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 35 6/7/17

Post by Natalie36 »

so happy that ava will be able to leave sean
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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 35 6/7/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Sure hope better things work out for one should be stuck in her situation.
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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 35 6/7/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Jo Do you really think I am going to leave poor Ava with the SOB that nearly killed her?

Natalie36 Yes hopefully soon Ava will be able to leave Sean.

Carolyn Good things are a head for Ava. Don't forget she has some very powerful friends!

Part 36

Sean walked through the halls of the palace with a guard on his way to a private meeting with the King. He had a smirk on his face. He hoped that the King wanted to see to give him some kind of good news. He needed it after that bitch of a so called doctor prevented him from taking his wife home. Once they reached the outside of the office he was ordered to sit and wait. The King was in another meeting at the moment.


"Zane, the reason I wanted to see you is because I am thinking of having Lady Ava's marriage to Lord DeLuca ended. But the only way I can do that is if there is another man willing to take her on as his mate."
"I understand the law your majesty."
"Now my new daughter in law seems to think you might be the man."
"Majesty, Princess Elizabeth is not wrong. I had asked my father to speak to Lady Ava's father to arrange a marriage between her and me. I will be honest and tell you that I have had feelings for Ava for a long time."
"You would still be willing to take her as your wife even though she has been with another man?"
"The only man she has been with is the one her father forced her to marry. A man who has treated her horribly. Sire, her only fault is that her husband has not been able to get her pregnant. From what my sister has told me that is not any fault of her own that Ava has not yet consived."
"Yes your sister did send me the medical report."
"Sire, all I want is for Ava to be happy and safe."
"Thank you for coming in. I will let you know what I decide."
"Yes sire."

Zane left and noticed Sean waiting.


Kara walked into Ava's room and saw that she had woken up.

"How are you feeling Ava?" Asked Kara
"Been better. Head feels like someone has taken a led pipe to it."
"Well you did come in with a cracked skull among other things."
"Sean did it. He pissed that after eight months of sex I haven't gotten pregnant. He thinks it's my fault."
"Well I can tell you right now that there is no medical reason you can't get pregnant. So that leaves him."
"Unless the granalith wants to end his bloodline for some reason."
"Only a guardian could answer that. Maybe."
"Doc, you said I was bad off when I came in?"
"Yes. I was able to heal a lot of your injuries. But there were things that I couldn't. I had to ask Max to come and finish healing you."
"He and Liz are still celebrating their wedding."
"Well they both care a lot about you. They came to help you. In fact there may be a way to get you out of this farce of a marriage to DeLuca."
"But what man would want me?"
"I want you Ava. I will always want you. I love you." Said Zane from the door.
"Zane?" Asked Ava
"I think I will leave you two to talk." Said Kara

Kara left and Zane walked over and sat next to the bed.

"You really mean that Zane?" Asked Ava
"Yes. I fell in love with you a while ago. I just didn't realize it until it was too late for you to be my wife."
"If the King can take get me out of this mess. Then it won't be too late."
"True. Just know this Ava. I love you no matter what."
"Zane, I am not sure I know what love feels like. My father was always cold to me, and you know how Tess is."
"What about your mother?"
"She died when I was born."
"I am sorry sweetie."
"It's OK. I never knew her."

Zane took Ava's hand and kissed it.

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