Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 91 4/27/16 p. 76

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The tunnel experience was a nightmare!
How clever, erasing the footprints behind......
I join the others, get right back here, I need to know what happened next.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 91 4/27/16 p. 76

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »


I almost forgot to do a written feedback for this chapter. I've kept it all in my head. I'm sure that's oh so helpful for you to respond to. *laughs*

So... It seems Michael is capable of disobeying a direct order. :mrgreen: Makes me wonder if it only pertains to Maria? :wink:

I have a feeling that he's disobeyed or found a way around other rules/orders as well. Most likely a lot more than Max and Liz (or even Alex, another soldier) realizes. And on their behalf. Considering the accusations Liz has leveled at him and her thoughts towards/beliefs about him it'll be a very bitter dish of crow when it all comes to light.

Maybe that will help heal the group though. You can't go into battle under the belief that those around you will be looking out only for themselves. Someone would do something rash, whether out of fear or mistrust. Hopefully the knowledge of all that he's done for them (whatever it is) is revealed in time for them to work through it. Though how much time they'll have to do so is anyone's guess.

Can I just say my heart aches for Michael in the same way it did for Max at the beginning of all this? The girl he likes is under attack, she's terrified and if all were fair in the world she's never have been brought in to all this. Plus he loves her (or is very close to it) and she's terrified of him. She wasn't before. It's like he's taken a step back in their relationship (even if they never had a "relationship").

The part where Max picked Liz up even though he was exhausted and in pain, etc? *swoon*

And then you did that?! Dear lord! To be so terrified you pee yourself? Talk about embarrassing after the fact. :lol: This poor girl - she's not going to have to worry about the bad aliens killing her. The stress and terror will kill her beforehand at this rate!

Get your tuckus back here little lady and post the next part!

Not that I'm demanding or anything. :wink:
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Post by max and liz believer »

Ashley (Morning Dreamgirl)
You know I hate to be the barer of bad news but in afraid your M is going to be forced into unpacking the rest of the boxes by himself.

Because I have decided to hire someone to kidnap you and keep you sequestered in a remote cabin somewhere until we can come to a happy arrangement whereby I don't age prematurely every time I read this story.
:lol: :lol: :lol: 8)
So... It seems Michael is capable of disobeying a direct order. :mrgreen: Makes me wonder if it only pertains to Maria? :wink:
Sure seems that way... 8)
Can I just say my heart aches for Michael in the same way it did for Max at the beginning of all this? The girl he likes is under attack, she's terrified and if all were fair in the world she's never have been brought in to all this. Plus he loves her (or is very close to it) and she's terrified of him. She wasn't before. It's like he's taken a step back in their relationship (even if they never had a "relationship").
I hadn't actually seen the similarities before you pointed them out. Well done :D
The part where Max picked Liz up even though he was exhausted and in pain, etc? *swoon*
:D :D
This poor girl - she's not going to have to worry about the bad aliens killing her. The stress and terror will kill her beforehand at this rate!
There's that risk... :?

Thank you so much for the feedback, hun :D

Helen (Roswelllostcause)

I am going to have to help Morning Dreamgirl kidnap you!
Obviously, you haven't found me yet... :roll: *muhahaha*

But thank you for the feedback! :wink:

Eve (begonia9508)
It sill is hard to follow, as so much actions happen in your Story and I have to read back because I don't remember where I left...
Sorry about that :( I understand that it's hard to follow with these long absences between updates. But I really appreciate you sticking around, reading and giving me feedback :D Thank you!!

Natalie36 - Such conflicting emotions :wink: Thank you for the feedback! :D

Carolyn (keepsmiling7 - Thank you so much for the feedback!! :D


With a shuddering sigh, fear of crawling through dark passages without knowing what was on the other side moving through me, I crouched down and slowly got to my knees.

”We’ll be right behind you,” Max assured me.

I hesitated before giving a short nod, ducked my head to avoid hitting the ceiling and started the crawl. The darkness within the small passageway was even more pronounced, more drowning and suffocating. It smelled worse in there - sewage - and I felt the dirt press in under my fingernails as my fingers sank into the dirt ground. The dirt was less compacted here - less ’walked’ on.

I got the feeling that this passageway had been added long after the main tunnels. Like an afterthought.

I felt Max’s hand around my ankle, comforting me in that he was literally following on my heels.

I took another deep breath and started to believe what Alex had told me just now.


My state of mind - if I had managed to relax some or if I still had adrenaline pumping painfully through my body - probably wouldn’t have made much difference to my reaction at the loud sparkling bang. As if large power lines had broken off and crashed into the ground, sending sparkles to light up the dark passage that I was occupying.

My head still hit the roof before I collapsed on my stomach. My heart still felt like it jumped out of my chest and made a beeline for a safe exit (wherever that would be), and I still wet my pants.

Then the warm presence just behind my feet disappeared.

One second Max’s hand had been on my ankle. The next it wasn’t.


Max’s screamed instruction of ”Gooo!” reverberated through my whole body, magnified by a roar (which sounded, frighteningly, a lot like Alex) and my surroundings were so quickly drowned out by sounds of struggle that it seemed surreal. It was as though someone had hit the play-button on a war movie in the middle of a scene where it was raining down bombs and screams.

My feet had still been outside of the passageway, but the last thing Max had done before I had lost his presence behind me, was to push at my damaged feet to get me completely into the passageway.

In the midst of the commotion and confusion, a mere second after it had all started, someone grabbed my upper arms and yanked me forward. A scream of sudden fear - the hands on my arms taking me by surprise - got stuck in my throat as I was hauled forward, the numerous grains of sand in the soil rasping against my chest and stomach, rubbing though my clothing.

I struggled against the hands. Tried to free myself. Tried to prevent whoever was pulling me from adding any more distance between Max and I.

I needed to get back there. Every little part of me was screaming to get to Max. He needed help. Maybe it was my love for him that made me reckless, or maybe it was the connection that was pulling me into the mouth of danger, but it obviously wasn’t a rational wish on my part.

Because rationally, I knew that I needed to put as much distance as possible between the tunnel I came from and me. Without any proper training, I was useless out there. I would probably get myself killed instantly.

But that rationale was not enough to stop myself from swearing at the person dragging me out of the narrow passageway and into a parallel tunnel.

”What did you do?!” I asked furiously, scrambling to get my body working so that I could turn around and go back to where I had come from.

My eyes landed on my ’savior’. I only met his eyes for a moment, but it was enough to mute all words of protest at the tip of my tongue.

I was so stunned by the hardness of determination in Michael’s eyes that I didn’t even say anything when he rather roughly - and painfully - bumped me to the side with his shoulder, to gain access to the passageway.

My mouth fell open in speechless shock as I fell on my behind from the shove and watched how Michael ducked into the small opening before the passageway swallowed him up.

Max’s protector.

Michael had left Max alone. Maybe that was not allowed… Maybe Michael was supposed to be next to Max at all times in these type of situations. That was probably the reason why Michael had looked so…frightened. Because of guilt. Because of fear of being punished for neglecting his duty.

Or… Maybe he actually cared whether Max lived or died. Maybe he was actually frightened that Max was going to get injured.

”What happened?”

My mouth hanging open in shock, my mind having trouble comprehending what was happening - what the frightening sounds being carried through the small passageway were all about - I slowly turned my head towards the voice.

Dresden was looking at me, his face hidden in shadows, his features neutral.

”Attacked,” I said, my voice detached, my mouth parched. I licked my cracked lips and repeated, ”Attacked. We are being attacked.”

The small fine hairs on my arms were standing straight up as we were immersed in the sounds of shuffling feet, yelling, bangs, screams and electricity. Out of the corner of my eye I saw flashes of light repeatedly brightening the inside of the passageway from which I’d been extracted.

My anguish was increasing exponentially with every second, the fear of what was happening making my heart throb with an unhealthy rhythm.

There had been a whisper at the back of my mind that was rapidly growing louder.

Max could die. Max could die. Max could die.

The phrase was filling my head, paralyzing my body, weakening my legs.

I swayed, everything becoming too much for me to handle, and would have collapsed on the ground had Dresden not grabbed my arms and - with single-minded determination - directed me over towards Maria’s unconscious body.

I could feel the strength in his body as he pressed down on the top of my shoulders and firmly - but still surprisingly gently - made me sit down next to Maria. My legs didn’t have the strength to resist.

”Wait here,” Dresden ordered shortly, and numbly I nodded that I had understood.

With that, he left me.

What followed were the most terrifying minutes of my existence. Even worse than what I had endured at the hands of Steven and Sean Carter in captivity.

I was left alone with my comatose friend, seated on a cold dirt ground with wounds on large parts of my body and a mixture of exhaustion and shock incapacitating my body. The tunnel we had reached was just as large as the one we had left. And just as dark. The only light came from the flashes from the passageway on the wall opposite to where they had placed Maria.

Sitting there, I realized that I would be dead if an enemy came through the passageway. I would have no way of defending myself. I wouldn’t be able to run to save myself, because that would mean leaving Maria. Something that would be impossible for me to do. I would rather die with Maria than to leave her alone and indirectly sacrifice her to the enemy.

Because there was no way I could carry Maria. She was bigger than me, and she would be like dead weight in her unconscious condition.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the passageway, my nerves holding my heart in a death grip. I was wound so tightly that I might actually jump out of my skin if someone were to come through the opening; friend or foe.

In a way, the horrible sounds coming from there were a comfort. Because as long as there were sounds, neither side had won. The silence that was bound to come then was what was frightening me.

But at the same time, I wished I never had been forced to hear those sounds. I tried not to focus on any voices, because I didn’t want to recognize any cries of death from someone I knew.

The seconds dragged on. My tight and adrenaline-saturated body jumped at every sharp sound, at every loud scream. I wanted to cover my face in my hands, drown out the sound with my hands, escape my surroundings.

But I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

As I sat there listening to the minor war raging on the other side of the dirt wall, the shock started to retreat and my survival instinct - with its accompanied sharp rational thinking - was creeping back.

I jumped from my seat as if someone had flipped a switch.

I needed to get away from there. I needed to find a place where I could see the passageway - and who was coming out of it - without them being able to see me. I needed to find a place where I was less exposed.

Suddenly, with a purpose in my mind, it was no problem to tear my eyes away from that fearsome, flashing opening.

Up ahead, I spotted a sharp turn to the tunnel, where there was an indent in the wall of the corner. The rectangular depression in the middle of the wall should make it possible for me to conceal Maria and myself in the turn of the tunnel, while at the same time providing me with a view through the hollow without having to stick my head around the corner, thus risking revealing my presence.

The pain in my feet ignored, I hurried to the top of Maria’s head, grabbed her cold limb arms and wrapped my hands tightly around her wrists.

Then I started to pull.

They say that adrenaline can give you superhuman strength, and perhaps that was what gave my beat-up body the ability to drag Maria out of there.

With something to do - the opportunity to affect my own fate giving me a small sense of power - my mind started to think clearly. The fog that had been brought on by fear, helplessness and confusion dispersed, leaving only sharp determination and survival instinct.

I found myself approaching the situation as I would a science project in school. Step by step. Methodically. Calculated. As I pulled the unresponsive Maria across the ground, her body rustling as it moved over bumps and the occasional stones, I wondered if she would ever be able to wake up on her own. If the aliens were to wipe each other out, would she remain forever in an alien-induced coma?

Or was her consciousness time-stamped? Would she suddenly sit up and start screaming, attracting the attention of the enemies on the other side?

Part of calming myself down resulted in me attempting to search Max out. Search out our bond. Max had kept it muted, subdued, controlled. I wasn’t sure why, and it frustrated me some. Because wasn’t it for moments like these that he would be benefiting from having a connection with me? Wasn’t this the main reason why alien military men wanted to bond with me? To win wars?

So why wasn’t Max using it? Why was he still partially blocking me?

I could feel that things were happening to his body. I could sense the ghostly whispers of punches to my abdomen, sharp objects slicing through my skin, focal points of increased heat. But they were so mild that I knew he was blocking me.

Perhaps that was his only reason. Because he was stubbornly protecting me. Protecting me from pain when I should be the one helping to keep him safe. And, obviously, if I could help to keep him safe there would be no pain. For neither of us.

I wasn’t really focused on Maria as I pulled her around the corner, pushed her prone body up against the wall to make sure that she wasn’t spotted from the passageway. I wasn’t focusing on my friend because I was getting increasingly angry.

Anger was good. Anger felt a lot better than that gnawing worry.

I was getting worked up about Max still shutting me out. About him not trusting in the connection and not trusting in my strength. I could handle the pain. Especially if that was what it took to keep him alive. Didn’t he understand that I would be in more pain were he to die? Especially with the knowledge that I could have prevented his death.

Making sure that I didn’t step on Maria, I positioned myself behind the corner, bending slightly at the knees to be able to see through the depression in the wall. My eyes fixed on the opening to the passageway while my mind worked fervently and my body heated up with frustration.

The physical blows kept landing on my body, making me tremble and sometimes jump. I could feel his exhaustion in my very bones, but instead of making me tired along with him, it seemed to ignite some latent energy reserve in my very core.

With my eyes on the flashing hole, my mind went to work on Max’s block. Subconsciously, I knew that his chances of keeping me out were small considering that he was getting tired and because his attention was on the struggle rather than on keeping mental blocks up.

A part of me - the not angry part of me - hoped that I wouldn’t disturb his concentration and put him in jeopardy by working through the walls around his mind.

It was almost disturbingly easy to get through the barrier.

But the connection left me no chance to ponder this, since I was hit with all of Max’s emotions, the nerve sensations from his injuries and his sharp strategic thoughts.

The world tilted around me and I might have lost my vision for a second (it was hard to tell considering the general darkness I was in), before my legs went out and I crumbled to the ground. I fell on Maria’s feet, the pain from my neck bending unnaturally across her ankles, bringing me back to focus.

I gritted my teeth and rolled off Maria with a groan. I gave her a fleeting look, wondering if I had injured her feet, before Max’s voice boomed through the connection, Liz, get out!

I was so relieved to hear his voice that even his obvious anger was like bliss.

Max… An quick mental sigh. You’re okay.

I was rather certain I would have felt if something really bad had happened to him, but it was still really great to hear his voice. So great that I was struggling to not break down and cry.

But I couldn’t break down now. It would put Max’s life in danger. Even more than it already was.

What if they can somehow hurt you through the connection? Max said tersely.

I ignored his scolding. Ignored the primal fear in his mind about my safety. What’s happening? How many are there? What can I do to help?

You’ll do best to stay out of this, Max replied, his ’voice’ softening even when it was still tense.

Stop being an idiot! I cried out, probably surprising him just as much as I surprised myself. My patience was at an end. I would not let his stubbornness and caveman attitude be the death of him.

So before he could protest, I told him clearly, Use. My. Energy.


I cut him off with a, We’re in this together, remember? This is what we’ve been fighting for. We haven’t gone through all of this just so that we can die separately!

He was listening. I could hear him pausing, even though his mind was still tracking the activity around him. And while he was pausing, I closed my eyes and focused my whole attention on him.

On his smell. On his smile. On the touch of his fingers against my skin. On his warmth. On his weight on top of me when we made love. On his hugs, his laughter, his teasing, his consideration, his empathy, his love, his integrity, his strength. I let the essence of him fill me up.

The pain in my body was forgotten. I no longer felt the damp and cold compacted dirt against my hands as I leaned into the wall. I lost awareness of the cramping in my legs due to my semi-hunched position to be able to see through the depression in the wall. I was no longer aware of Maria’s presence on the ground behind me.

Instead I softened into the connection. Maybe I was becoming energy. Not handing my energy over to him, but rather melting our energies together.

Possibly it could be the work of the connection, which was guiding me on how to keep ’the three of us’ alive, because it was suddenly very natural to me what to do. How to melt our minds together to become one.

I felt how that merged energy started to strengthen him, empower him.

Which meant that I also felt when it was sharply cut off. When the mental rope between our minds was severed.

A sharp jolt of…nothingness rocked my being and my fingers automatically dug into the wall to brace myself against the onslaught of immediate anguished feelings.

My eyes flew open, my mind desperately screaming for Max as it searched through his absence. Had he cut me off? Had he managed to block me?

But why would he block me? I had felt him accept my energy. Accept the merge.

Had something happened? Was he injured?

With trembling hands I took a step back from the wall to step around the corner, while I tried to ignore what I had felt just before the connection had…died.

A sharp painful blazing heat in the center of my abdomen. A pain that had ended just as quickly as it had emerged.

Somehow, without having been aware of doing it, I had walked on unsteady, throbbing feet to the opening to the passageway. My body was swaying softly from side to side, as if I was intoxicated, while I was in shocked pain from the absence in my body. Like my heart had just been ripped out.

I stood, staring down at the opening, my breath picking up in increasing agitation as I waited for the next flash.

But it never came. The flashes that had blinked from the passageway - and had signaled the ongoing battle - had ended.

I had no idea who long I stood there. I had lost all sense of time. My body felt numb. Dead.

There was only one phrase running through my head:

I’m alone. I’m alone. I’m alone.

Because with every silent second passing I became even more convinced that they were all dead. That my childhood friend was dead. That the weird boy at Roswell High was dead. That the leader of an alien rebellion was dead.

That the most important person in my life was dead. The love of my life. My soulmate. My loving healing alien.

My parim.

A full warm tear escaped my eye and slowly rolled down my blackened cheek. It was silently followed by a second and then a third. Every single one of them produced in silence. In deafened grief. In shocked ’This can’t be happening’.

So when the first sound from the passageway in almost a minute bounced off the walls and reached me on the other side, my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

Fear like I’d never felt it before shot straight through me and catapulted me backwards, making me run backwards in a couple of staggering steps with my eyes on the opening of the passageway, before turning around and sprinting as fast as my legs and feet would allow towards the spot where I had left Maria.

The blood was rushing in my head and I was so afraid that I couldn’t even breathe. I felt like I would die of fear at any second. How much more would I be able to handle?

I was just about to round the corner when my name was yelled through the tunnel.

”Liiiz! Wait!”

A large wave of trembles rushed through me at the voice. Alex. The trembles turned my legs into jello and I sank to my knees, my back to the passageway and to Alex.

Alex is alive. Alex is alive.

Inexplicable happiness was exploding inside of me. If someone asked me to describe it, it would have been impossible. To be given hope in the midst of complete darkness. To be given the opportunity to get out of there. To survive. To hear that a person you thought was certainly dead is alive…


And then I heard not only the letters he had used and the name he had screamed, but the feeling behind them.


I tried to will my body to move, to get back on my feet, but Alex was faster.

He was behind me in no time, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. ”We need you.”

I staggered before I managed to turn around to face him. A new wave of emotion washed over me at the sight of his damaged face and I took a step backwards, trying to get away.


His voice was the same, but his mouth wasn’t. The left corner of his mouth looked…melted. It was hanging down with the rest of his cheek. Blood was running down the side of his throat and his teeth were colored pink from blood where the melted lip failed to cover them.

A memory from a dream about my mother’s face melting while standing in front of me flashed through my mind and I had to fight with everything inside of me to not scream.

My body was shaking as I slowly looked up his face, at the red and blistered left side of his head, where hair was missing. Burnt off.

How was he walking around? How was he talking?

He must know how badly he was hurt, or else he wouldn’t be looking at me with such fearful desperation. But he wasn’t the issue. He wasn’t the one who needed my attention.

He told me as much when he turned to look over his shoulder towards the opening of the small passageway, just as Michael crawled out and reached inside the passageway to pull at something. Someone.

I felt Alex look back at my face, but I kept my eyes on the activity at the passageway. Because even in the darkness I recognized the arms being pulled on by Michael. I recognized the dark mop of hair that was becoming visible as the - obviously unconscious - person was being extracted from the small opening inch by inch.


Max Max Max.

”Lizzie,” I heard Alex say slowly, just as Max’s chest and then abdomen were revealed and I heard someone scream. A loud frightened scream from the deepest parts of something very primal.

I distantly realized that it was I who was screaming, right as I was falling to my knees and my scream turned into agonized loud sobs.

When I stared at the cavity in Max’s abdomen, with the hint of exposed intestines and smoke still rising from the corners of the wound, I was certain that I was looking at Max’s corpse. But Alex said, ”We need you to heal Max.”



A/N: I'm sorry about all the cliffhangers, you guys. We're just in one of those parts of the story right now where they are a bit difficult to avoid... :roll:
Last edited by max and liz believer on Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »



The cliffhangers might not be avoidable but the time between them isn't.

Get. Back. Here.

Killing me smalls!


ETA: I'm not mad but... Seriously?! I think you enjoy these cliffhangers sometimes. :wink:
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by keepsmiling7 »

YES.......they need to heal Max......
And we need you back immediately.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by Roswelllostcause »


Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by Morning Dreamgirl »

Jo... I know something no one else besides you know. Something I almost forget occasionally during the ups and downs. What is it?

That you love me and all the other readers. You love us so much you'd never do anything to hurt our sensitive little hearts.

As long as I keep that in mind I know it'll all work out. Technically Max is a Parim. Liz, we're almost 100% sure, is. So even if they managed to kill Max then they'd just be together in the next life. :) See? Logic! Bam! Instantly it's all better. :mrgreen: *laughs*

Okay now on to the real feedback.

You didn't think I was mad at you did you? Because I wasn't. I wasn't even considering hunting you down (I know, I'm shocked too). Mostly I was shocked at the turn of events.

And I wanted to hit Max over the head for being so stupid.


But, given he looks like he was hit by a mini grenade, I don't think he'd appreciate that right now. Not that he'd feel it but you get my drift. ;)

I'm (shockingly) curious about Dresden and Isabel. We know Michael and Alex are still alive. What about Dresden? And where in the world did Isabel go? With the parents? Where are they? I can't, for the life of me, figure out where they've gone. But I have theories. Don't I always? :wink:

I don't think Max is dead. As much as your cliffhanging abilities can scare me sometimes I don't think you'd actually kill off Max. Well, at least not at this point of the story. I think if you ever did kill off Max or Liz it would be when they're in old, old age after living a long, happy life together. :) Because everyone wants a happy ending. And since you've put so much into these characters it seems crazy that you would kill them off right when the fighting started. Plus it sort of puts an end to the story. Because without the strength of their bond the chances of the rebels are slim to none. See? So M/L can't die.

Logic, dear Watson. :)

But what on earth happened to Dresden and the rest? Hmmm... Care to shed some light? :wink:

Now then - I'm pretty sure Michael is beating himself up. His job is to protect Max and he lost sight of that for a minute. But to be fair he was still in protector mode. Just focused (briefly) on the wrong person. I'm sure he's beating himself up over that. After all, if something happens to Max/Liz then Maria's in danger as well. Plus I agree - I don't think Michael wants Max to die. I don't think he's as heartless as Liz assumes he is. Can you really be heartless and be a protector? Seems like you have to like your charge at least a little. Hmm...

And Alex. Poor man! Not exactly the epitome of a good time - half your face being melted off. What in the world happened? The energy blasts could theoretically do that. When cells move a lot they heat up. But that's either a few really powerful Antarians or a lot of them.

I'm so glad Liz was able to talk some sense into Max. Too bad she was slotted too late. Stubborn man!

Hopefully this teaches him that he can't fight without her. And if he'd have died they would have taken her and done Lord knows what to her. In a way this is the smaller price to pay for a very valuable lesson.

Now the question they need to discover the answer too is energy. During the dessert scene earlier this morning Max had so much energy even without connecting to Liz that he was blowing up boulders and steaming in the rain. They need to figure out how to tap into that. That's the real secret weapon. If Max and Liz can both tap into that? There's no stopping them. Let's hope the connection can lead them in that without Max freaking out about it.

And can I just say Liz rocks? She hears this battle, has no idea what's going on, could be surrounded by enemies at any moment but she still manages to drag Maria to cover. Girl has some amazing survival instincts and the ability to think during high pressure situations. A lot of people don't. Go Liz!

Okay - I'm ready for the next part. I think. Maybe. I'm pretty sure.

Oh let's be honest - I have no idea of I'm ready since I don't know what's coming. But I know it can't be too horrible or you'd have at least given us a note warning us the next chapter would be heartbreaking. So no note means we likely won't be out for your blood. Thus I'm assuming it's a happier chapter. Maybe not *happy* but hopefully people stop having their faces and chests melted like a candle on a birthday cake. ;)

Okay... Give it to us! We're big boys and girls. We can handle it. And if not I'll just go hide under my covers on the bed. ;)

ETA: You're really good at writing these war scenes. They're paced correctly, not too gory but at the same time there's enough detail for us to actually see it and feel like we're there watching it happen. That's a really amazing feat. Good job you! :wink:
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by Natalie36 »

wow, need more pllllease :shock:
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my... It took me a really looooooong time to have the courage and read the part in his totality and I let the gory sentences and details aside,
because it was so horrible! But last sentence from Alex was finally calming me down! But if the next part isn't so horrible and with you... who knows!

Poor Liz... EVE :( :shock: :? :x :cry: :roll: :twisted: :twisted: :wink:
Last edited by begonia9508 on Mon May 09, 2016 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch. 92 5/5/16 p. 77

Post by mela3 »

OMG I'm so glad you're back! Why? How could this happen. Maria unconscious, Max dying, where's Dresden? They should be stronger than this. It's too much. I can't.
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