Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) COMPLETE 5/5/17 + A/N 5/5/19

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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by AlysLuv »

What in the H is going on? Come on creepy Sean. Get a clue. What in the world is Liz thinking going with him? This is only going to end in trouble. Just terrible. Maybe Max will really kill Sean this time...which could be a plus, jeez. I wonder what Mike was really don't inviting Liz. Was is for the benefit that he really liked Maria? Or bc he suspects something with Liz and Max?
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by dreamon »

So I have more questions now! So that seemed like an alien only party so I'm curious why Michael invited Liz and Maria to it.

Eagerly awaiting more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my! Why is she doing this? She wants to be killed or what? It looks like she just walked into a killing wasp's nest! :roll: Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Interesting that a good friend like Michael doesn't want to mess with an angry Max.
It's time for stalking Sean to be gone from the picture. He gives me the creeps.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by saori_1902 »

great part!
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 19, 7/20/15, p. 15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz. Please please tell me Max will save Liz from Sean?

L-J-L 76
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Post by max and liz believer »

L-J-L 76
Wow so Liz can feel everything Max is feeling. I wonder if Max can feel what Liz is feeling.
Well, if Liz can feel it, the chances are high that Max also can feel it :roll:
Thank you for all of your reflections and your bump <3

Max really shouldn't have let Liz go back alone!
Yeah, he probably shouldn't have :? Thank you for the feedback!

Morning Dreamgirl - Ashley, hey! So happy to see you hear. And you brought along your well-formulated and insightful feedback :D
That's obviously why Max has been "avoiding" her as well. I don't think he has, I just think he's being careful about watching over her and/or getting Izzy and Michael to help to a small degree as well. But with Sean increasing his physical stalking (since he can no longer access her mind - yay Max!) he can't really get close enough to Liz without Sean seeing him to answer any of her questions, etc.
You pretty much nailed it. Well, almost :wink:
Anyways, feel free to post new chapters twice daily!
Oh, I would if I could :)
Would be interested to see what kind of throw-down they had in the middle of the night to cause such a violent reaction that it would awaken Liz. Obviously M/L are connected I'm just wondering how good Max usually is at blocking himself from her and how much of her emotions he picks up regularly.
You're the only one that made that connection (well, at least the only one to mention it in the feedback). Well done :D
I'm thinking Sean doesn't quite realize the connection they have yet.
Probably not. Otherwise Sean wouldn't have been so frustrated when he couldn't access Liz's mind. He just thought there was something wrong with his own abilities.
All of this would have been a lot smoother if Max had just answered her questions. Heck even taking her to the middle of the desert and answering them so she can't go screaming for help would be better than this situation. Letting her think she's going crazy as well - great plan there Maxie boy.
Yes, yes and yes. :roll:
Anyways, looking forward to more. How does two hours sound to you? My bread will be done and out of the oven by then so I'll have a snack while reading the next chapter.
You know, after those two feedback posts I was very close to post the next chapter straight away, but… I wasn't quite ready to :oops: I hope your bread turned out delicious!
Thank you so much for the extensive feedback!

does she ever listen :(
It doesn't seem like she has it in her, does it… Thank you :D

AlysLuv - Yes, why did Michael invite Liz? It does seem a bit odd. And I'm with you; Max should really get rid of Sean. Maybe not kill him, literally, because that probably will get him in great big trouble with Sean's father. And Liz - she probably hasn't realized just what kind of person Sean is yet. Thank you for the feedback!

So that seemed like an alien only party
Hmm…possibly… Thank you for the feedback!

Eve (begonia9508) - Does Liz have a death wish? In a way. She's still grieving her mother, still dealing with her world having been turned upside down, having been healed by a boy at school and so on. She's a bit fragile right now and not really thinking straight :? .Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - We should run a petition to get rid of Sean. It seems that's what everyone here wants. Thank you for the feedback!

saori_1902 - Thank you :D


“I think I saw your phone in the kitchen.”

I frowned, “No, I don’t think so.” I hadn’t removed my phone from the bag. But on reflex, I opened my bag and looked inside. The crease between my eyes grew deeper as I searched through the content. My phone was gone.

“Um,” I mumbled, making another search through the bag, even though it was obvious it wasn’t there.

“I’ll take you,” Sean offered and I looked in the direction of the hallway.

No deviations.

Max’s voice whispered through my mind at the same time as I realized that I couldn’t leave my phone behind.

And Sean seemed to know where my phone was.

“Okay,” I agreed, saw Sean’s beaten face bloom into a smile, and pushed back the feeling of foreboding as I let Sean lead the way.


“Hmm,” Sean murmured in contemplation, brushing his hand across the kitchen counter. “It was here before.”

I clutched my handbag closer to my body, probably looking like a frightened old lady, guarding her most priced possessions.

My bag didn’t contain any priced possessions, though. I think my wallet only stored two dollars at the moment. I just didn’t know how to contain the dark thoughts rushing through my head. The thoughts that this whole place was out to get me. To do terrible things to me.

“I could ask around,” Sean volunteered.

“Sure,” I mumbled, scanning my surroundings. At least we were alone in the kitchen. The mute statues were still in the living room.

“Stay here?” Sean requested, raising a questioning eyebrow.

“Sure,” I repeated, not really paying attention. I really really really wanted to get out of here.

It troubled me greatly that Max had been so eager to leave the party, even though we had been amongst his people. His crowd. There must be a reason why he would ‘turn’ on them. And I had a feeling that the reason wasn’t a good one.

“Be right back,” Sean added before leaving the kitchen.

I took a deep breath. Discounting the time when I had seen my childhood home go up in flames, not knowing if my mom was inside or not, I had never been this scared in my whole life.

But I waited for twenty-three quiet seconds (the house eerily lacking the usual sounds accompanying a high school party), before my nerves couldn’t take it anymore. I spotted a door leading outside and decided to take that one. I really didn’t want to walk through that living room again. I would just go outside, walk around the house, and meet up with Maria and Max at the front.

Walking up to the back door, I decided to let my phone go. They could keep it. It didn’t mean anything if I had to be this scared to get it back.

The door was unlocked (thank God) and I quickly pushed it open and stepped out into the night.

It was dark. And the silence of the party mimicked the silence of the outdoors.

I carefully, and as quietly as I could, closed the door behind me and stepped out onto the patio. Spotting movement out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sean enter the well-lit kitchen and, by some instinct I couldn’t really explain, I ducked behind a bush.

I heard him call my name as I snuck behind the cover of the vegetation, crouching uncomfortably to hide my petite frame. I was grateful that I hadn’t taken Maria’s advice to wear high heels.

I froze as I heard the door open.

“What are you doing out here, Lizzie?” Sean called out and there was a certain smugness in his voice that informed me that he wasn’t just saying that; he could see me.

But instead of straightening and laughing it off, my body told me to Run!

So I did. With Sean’s laughter following me, branches clawed my face and my arms as I ran through the garden.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Liz!” Sean yelled and laughed as though he didn’t have a care in the world. “What are you doing?”

As I ran, I faintly wondered about my reaction. In most ways, it was ridiculous. There was no logical explanation for my irrational need to escape and get as far away from Sean Carter and that party as possible. But lately, I’ve become progressively more likely to listen to my instincts.

I approached a wooden toolshed at the bottom corner of the garden and was just about to seek cover behind it when someone caught a hold of me and I screamed.

My scream never broke the night as it was silenced by a hand over my mouth. The fear that had almost caused my heart to stop, and been very close to making me pee my pants, was slightly reduced as I instantly recognized my ‘attacker’.

“Shh,” he hushed into my ear and I wanted to cry. The relief was intense and overwhelming.

He was, consciously or not, holding me against his body by an arm wrapped across the top of my chest rather than around my middle. Avoiding my wound.

As he felt me relax against him, he slowly removed his hand from my mouth and I inhaled sharply.

I opened my mouth to speak, to ask him what was happening, to ask if I should be afraid of Sean, to ask what we should do now, but he somehow sensed my intention. His cool lips brushed against the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Don’t speak. He’s close.”

“What does he want?” I asked worriedly, the volume of my voice matching his. My voice was not as calm and determined as his though. I was like a shivering leaf, about to fall apart. Only Max’s arms were keeping me grounded.

“Shh,” he hushed, an angry bite to that sound because I had ignored his command.

“Liz? Liiiz?” Sean sing-sang into the darkness of the night.

I bit my lower lip and let my head drop with my eyes closed, willing this living nightmare to go away. The descent of my head caused my lips to brush the upper side of his underarm. His hold on me tightened at the touch, and I relished in the security his embrace brought as I heard the bushes move and scrape against the wall of the shed, close to where we were hiding.

My chest was heating up. Initially I thought it was because of Max’s hold on me (simple body heat), but I quickly recognized it as the same sensation I had gotten in the middle of the night, the night before.

My senses sharpened and my fear slipped away as I was overcome with that prior feeling of invincibility. The muscles of Max’s underarm flexed against my collarbone and I could hear his breathing even out against my ear.

My thoughts were organized and structured, flashing through my head rapidly. I was pondering why Max had practically attacked Sean before, but now chose to passively hide from him. I was wondering why all the people at the party had acted so strangely. Did they know of Max’s secret?

And why had Sean threatened Max?

What had the girls in the kitchen been talking about? And the whispered clipped sentences from the crowd during the confrontation between Max and Sean; what did they mean?

All of this went through my head in the blink of an eye, my acutely sharpened mind categorizing and filing them away for later. Because right now I needed to focus on silencing my breathing, on not moving a muscle, to pass unnoticed by Sean Carter.

Who was Sean Carter anyway?

I startled as Max grabbed my hand with his free hand, interlocking our fingers in a lovers’ grip, and squeezed while whispering so close to my ear that his words were barely a whisper, “Trust me?”

There was not really any reason for doubt, considering the situation we were in - even though I had no idea what he needed me to trust him about. I was slowly realizing that Max was on my side; that he was actually, in his own way, looking out for me.

So with that realization dawning on me, I slowly nodded my affirmation and briefly wondered what situation that nod would sign me up for.

“Whatever happens; no sound,” he breathed into my hair and I tensed as I felt a pull from the center of my stomach.

A cool breeze swirled around us, making the small hairs on my arms stand up and the ends of my hair momentarily lift. Then Sean stepped right in front us and I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent the gasp of fear and shock from tumbling into the night.

My whole body grew stiff and I could feel Max’s breath rustle the top strands of my hair. I, myself, couldn’t breathe, so I focused on Max’s breathing instead.

Sean was staring right at us. But his eyes were blank. There was no spark of recognition. No sign of him actually looking at us.

My lungs ached from the lack of oxygen as my confusion grew to ridiculous levels. Couldn’t he see us?

My eyes widened at the realization. He can’t see us. He was standing right in front of us, staring at us, but for some reason he wasn’t seeing us.

How was that possible?

I watched Sean’s eyes search the surroundings, his gaze searching through our bodies.

“Lizzie?” he called out, an expectant smile on his face. “I know you’re here. I can still smell you.”

I swallowed and felt Max’s body tense against mine. The hand, that was still holding mine, tightened around my fingers and I became worried that Max was the one that was going to reveal our location. That he would be the one that couldn’t control his reaction to Sean.

Sean was, after all, asking for it.

“I’ve got your phone, Lizzie,” he taunted, but there was no phone in his hand as he continued searching the area.

He must actually be smelling me, I thought with a shiver. Otherwise he would have moved on by now. Instead he spent another two minutes looking through every inch of the area behind the shed - where Max and I were standing.

By the end of it, I could feel Max tremble behind me, as though from over-exertion. I could feel my own body grow weaker, craving oxygen it wasn’t properly receiving due to the infrequent and shallow breaths I was pulling in fear of being discovered by Sean.

But, eventually, he moved on. With a bewildered expression on his face, he disappeared into the night, walking back towards the house.

I resisted the temptation to sag against Max, instead pulling out of his grip with a sharp tug. He released me, letting me spin around to face him.

“What the hell was that?!” I had time to hiss at him angrily before the surroundings blurred and the ground wobbled.

I saw him reach out a blurry hand towards me before I experienced the sensation of falling and everything blacked out.
I came-to in a car.


I groaned, putting my hand to my head. I had a terrible headache.

“Oh my God.” I recognized Maria’s voice, felt her worried hands brush over my hair. “You scared me half to death! When Max came carrying you… I thought I was going to die. I thought you were dead!”

I winced. Ouch.

“Maria…your voice…” I complained, refusing to open my eyes. Did she have to talk so loudly?

I slowly opened my eyes, moaning softly. I felt hungover. Why did I feel hungover?

The events which had transpired just before I fainted quickly came rushing back to me - bombarding my tired brain with memories - and my eyes were suddenly wide open as I catapulted my upper body forward.

My frantic eyes scanned the surroundings. I was in Maria’s car. But Maria was next to me in the backseat.

If Maria was… Who was…?

I met Max’s eyes in the rearview mirror and felt myself relax. I hadn’t been kidnapped along with my oblivious best friend. Max was driving.

I was surprised at the relief I felt at this. Apparently, at some point I had completely thrown all of my distrust of Max out the window. Even though he really had some explaining to do, I was more certain than that the sky was blue that he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Max said you fainted,” Maria continued, running trembling hands through her hair-sprayed hair. “He told me you were wandering around the garden and when he approached you, you probably got so scared that you fainted.”

I felt my eye twitch in annoyance and I looked from Maria to the rearview mirror, where the reflection of Max’s smirk met me.

Right. Because that’s what happened.

I gave him a challenging look, with an unspoken promise that I was not done with him. He graced me with an eye-roll and diverted his eyes back to the road.

“Max is taking us home,” Maria continued. “That’s nice of him, right?” She looked at me with a pointed look and I sighed internally.

Maria really was on a matchmaking trip.

If she only knew what Max and I had been up to these last couple of days…

“Your place?” I asked. We had already decided, before the party, that we would be staying at Maria’s. I didn’t want to disturb my dad by coming home late. Our apartment was so small that it was impossible to hide sounds.

“Yeah,” Maria confirmed and leaned back against the backrest with a loud sigh. “Whoa… That was one hell of a night, wasn’t it?”

I chewed my lower lip, rubbing my forehead with my fingers, trying to alleviate the pounding headache. “You can say that.”

Max’s eyes continuously flickered to the rearview mirror, looking at me. I didn’t consciously meet his eyes, suspecting that he probably didn’t know that I knew he was looking.

He was awfully quiet.

Maria leaned forward in her seat, seated behind the driver’s seat, and asked neutrally, “Did you know any of those people, Max?”

“Some,” Max replied shortly, his eyes focused on the road as I looked at him.

“Huh,” Maria huffed to herself. Leaning back in her seat again, she added, “No offense - if they’re your friends or something - but are they always so…weird?”

Count on Maria to be frank. I hid a smile as I looked at my friend. You go, Maria. Max needed someone else - besides me - to ask the difficult questions.

But Max didn’t miss a beat as he calmly answered, “They like to hang with their own, that’s all.”

“‘Their own’?” I asked. “And what group might that be?”

He met my eyes in the mirror, his eyes narrowing in warning. Okay, Maria got a civil answer while I got an irritated warning. What’s up with that, Max?

“The rich and the beautiful,” Maria filled in and - to my disappointment - saved Max from answering. Maria leaned forward again. “Right, Max? They are all from wealthy families?”

“Yeah,” Max replied with finality, turning on the indicator to turn onto Maria’s street.

Maria turned to me with a goofy smile. “That’s why we didn’t recognize them, Lizzie. They were probably wondering what your everyday girls like us were doing there.”

“Maybe,” I whispered, pressing my warm forehead against the cool window.

The car grew silent as I closed my eyes.

But Maria DeLuca wasn’t very good with silences. “Babe? Are you okay?”

“Just a headache,” I mumbled, my eyes still closed.

“Ah, okay…” Maria said, but I could tell from her voice that she wasn’t really letting it go. I felt her eyes move over me as the car slowed down until it reached a stop outside of Maria’s house.

I forced my eyes to open and straightened up. With more effort than should be needed, I slowly reached for the buckle to the seatbelt while Maria jumped out of the car.

Max surprised me as he opened the door on my side, me still struggling to get the seatbelt off. Without a word, he leaned into the car, removed my fumbling hands from the buckle and unclasped it.

His dark eyes were black in the dim light of the car as he pulled back out of the car. He was worried. For some explicable reason - even though his eyes told me nothing - I was positive beyond a doubt that he was riddled with worry. Worried about my well-being.

I was aware of Maria watching us, standing a couple of feet behind Max on the pavement with her arms around herself to fight off the chill of the night, as Max offered me a hand.

I trembled as I put my cold hand into his warm one. With a gentle tug, he pulled me out of the car and caught me against his body as my legs folded.

I noticed Maria frowning in the background. She must be thinking that I had been drinking.

“Careful,” Max mumbled, remaining still until I could get my feet under me. I pressed my cheek to his chest, closed my eyes, and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart for another second, before I tried to gather my energy and strengthen my legs.

As I straightened my neck and raised my chin, I found him staring at me, dark turbulent emotions in his eyes.

For a second I thought he was going to kiss me, the look between us was so loaded, but instead he moved the hand he had placed gently at the small of my back to support my body and placed it against my forehead. As if he was checking my temperature.

Instantly, I felt that comfortable cooling effect, that I had almost grown accustomed to by now, chill my warm head. And just as suddenly as the headache had arrived, it was gone.

“Better?” he whispered, his gaze burrowing into my essence.

I nodded.

“She okay?” Maria asked behind Max, breaking our bubble. Max put some space between our bodies, but didn’t let go of my hand.

“Can you walk?” he asked quietly, looking up and down my body in a way that made my cheeks flush.

“Yeah,” I mumbled and took a Bambi-on-ice step around him. I didn’t let go of his hand either, partially afraid that I was going to crash to the ground while the other part of me frankly didn’t want to let go of him.

Maria came up beside me, snaking an arm around my waist to help me. I gave her a weak smile of gratitude.

“Did you hit your head when you fainted?” Maria asked as we walked up to the front door.

“I probably did,” I whispered and as I did it struck me that I had just told my first lie to Maria in order to hide Max’s secret. I wave of nausea weaved through me. I never wanted to lie to my best friend.

I was pretty certain that I had not hit my head when I fell. I suspected that Max had caught me; he had been standing too close not to. I was just as certain that the immediate fatigue I had felt after that Sean-incident had been the cause of my headache and my current weakness.

“You need some rest, chica,” Maria said quietly and I winced at the concern in her voice. She pulled out her house key, unwrapped her arm from around my waist, and unlocked the door.

“I’ll go inside and make up your bed,” Maria whispered as she pushed the door open. She gave me a meaningful look that made me blush. “You just say goodbye to Max.” With a knowing smile that made the mortification in me grow, Maria addressed Max with a wink, “Bye, Max. Thanks for driving my car home.”

“Sure,” Max mumbled and we silently watched Maria pull her shoes off and soundlessly pad into the darkness of the quiet house.

“You drove Maria’s car?” I asked, not looking at him, our sides brushing and my hand covered by his much larger hand. I had been too out of it before to pay any attention to whose car I was in.

Max answered my question by clarifying my unasked follow-up question. “Isabel will pick me up.”

“What happened?” I whispered, while looking unseeingly through the open dark doorway, referring to the mysterious circumstances surrounding our intersection with Sean.

“You fainted,” he replied and I swallowed back the hurt.

Why was he still lying to me? He’s healed me, for God’s sake! What secret could be bigger than that to lie about?

I slowly pulled my hand out of his, took two steps forward to reach the house and leaned against the plastered wall while I looked at him.

I glanced behind me, to make sure that the house didn’t have ears, before asking quietly, “Why couldn’t Sean see us?”

He looked away, his jaw tightening. The night was folded around the contours of his body, making him melt into the shadows. I traced his profile with my eyes, fighting the tired weight of my eyelids.

“Max?” I implored, wanting an answer.

“I made us invisible,” he said under his breath, so quietly that I wondered if I had heard him correctly.

Because I made us invisible couldn’t be what he had said, could it?

Before I had a chance to address that confusing answer of his, Max quickly closed the distance between us. He didn’t touch me, but he was standing so close that it felt like he was embracing my whole body with his.

Looking deeply into my eyes, he said, “We have to stop doing this. You have to be more careful.” His eyes flickered briefly (regretfully?) to my lips and I shivered with what could best be described as desire. “I’m dangerous. Being around me is dangerous.”

“No-“ I started but his eyes turned hard and he practically glared at me.

“Just look at what has happened since you’ve known me,” he interrupted.

“I’ve always known you,” I whispered weakly. I wanted to stop this. I desperately wanted to stop where this conversation was going. Sure, his secrets frustrated me to no end and his behavior was annoying at best, but I really didn’t want him to say that we should stay away from each other.

Not when I had finally gotten used to the idea that I might have more than a passing interest in the mysterious Max Evans. That I had eventually grown to wish for Max to show up everywhere. To look at me with those magnetic eyes of his and, pathetically, I yearned for him to touch me.

Just like I did now. With him standing so close that the air between us was vibrating with tension, but he wouldn't touch me.

“Not this way,” Max denied.

“So,” I inhaled deeply, tightening the fist that was now supporting my weight against the house wall so hard that my nails were digging into my palm. “You’re not gonna give me any answers.” Frustratedly, I felt the tears of rejection pool in my eyes and I tightened my fist even further. “I’m just gonna ignore what has happened, what you’ve done for me?”

He looked away and took a step back. The chill of the night air encased me and a tear spilled down my cheek.

“It’s for the best,” he whispered, looking down and adding softly, “I never wanted to hurt you.”

“You haven’t,” I objected and tried to close the space between us again. This meant me abandoning my support against the wall and I swayed slightly.

Max moved to help me, but stopped short of touching me. The lump in my stomach grew heavier and I swallowed back the threatening waterfall of tears.

I had never felt so rejected in my whole life.

“I have,” he whispered, wanting to make me believe that he had caused me pain, and his guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. He looked up at me and added, “Just… don’t go to any parties like the one you just attended. No parties on invitation by any of the people at that party. Don’t hang around Sean-“

“I won’t,” I interjected. I had seen for myself the darkness inside Sean tonight.

“Good,” Max breathed, his tense stance slightly relaxing. He took another step back. Another step away from me. “And don’t hang around me.”

I bit my bottom lip, biting back the threatening tears. “I deserve some answers, Max.”

He shook his head, looking at me sadly. “No. No, you don’t, Liz.”

He looked towards the door and the hairs at the back of my neck stood up, alerting me to the fact that we were no longer alone.

“You need to get some rest, Ms. Parker,” Max winked, his mask back in place, hiding his guilt and sadness to the unpracticed eye. But I could still see it there. Lurking. Hiding untold secrets. “It’s way past your bedtime.”

“Whatever,” I grumbled, trying to fall back into the role of the disgruntled Elizabeth Parker. But the unshed tears were burning my eyes and my legs felt heavy carrying my leaded heart.

“Liz, come inside,” Maria said softly behind me and I nodded, my eyes still trained on Max’s face.

My breath hitched in anticipation as Max took two confident steps towards me, trapped my eyes with his for a long second, before leaning in and gracing my cheek with his warm lips in a soft lingering kiss.

I froze while my body heated. He had never kissed me before. I - nor my body - didn’t even care that his lips were on my cheek rather than on my lips. It was still an earth shattering experience.

His breath was warm against my ear as he whispered, “Bye, Liz.”

I couldn’t reply, couldn’t speak. My throat was clogged up. Instead my hand brushed against his in a fluttering caress as the sound of a car pulling up made us separate.

Max’s ride had arrived. And with a sense of deep foreboding, I watched him climb into Isabel’s car and leave.

TBC… :roll:
Last edited by max and liz believer on Sun Jul 02, 2017 6:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 20, 7/24/15, p. 16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I am just as confused as Liz is at what is going on. Sean to me seems way more dangerous than Max. But there has to be a reason that Max seems to be watching out for Liz. That she is far more important then anyone really knows.
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 20, 7/24/15, p. 16

Post by dreamon »

So many questions...
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
L-J-L 76
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Re: Unbreakable (AU, M/L, ADULT) Ch 20, 7/24/15, p. 16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz. I'm glad that Max came and saved Liz when he did. Cool Power Max has to make them both invisible. I'm so glad that Sean could not find Max and Liz. It seems Sean is very dangerous. I think it is nice of Max to drive Liz and Maria home. It was good Max was there to catch Liz. I'm glad Maria left Max and Liz alone. Max may have to talk to Liz and explain everything. Who is dangerous Max or Sean? Will Sean keep being everywhere Liz is? Will Sean bug Liz? Will Sean talk to Liz? Will Sean give Liz her phone back? Will Max be there to protect Liz? Will Max talk to Liz? Will Max and Liz stay away from each other? Will Liz be able to stay away from Sean? Will Liz get invited to another party? Will Liz and Maria go? What will happen if Liz goes to another party? Will Max be there to save Liz? Will Max tell Liz the truth? Will Liz believe Max? Will Liz walk away from Max? Will Max explain things to Liz? Will Liz tell Max about the pain she wakes up to? What will Max do when she finds out? Will Liz meet Mr. Evans and Sean's dad? What will happen when she meets Mr. Evans and Sean's father? Is Liz in danger? How important is Liz to Max? Will Liz have to make a choice? Who will Liz decide? How important to Sean? Will Liz choice Max? Does Liz's father know what is going on? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz get together? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz kiss? So sorry for all the questions I was wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76
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