2023 (CC, Mature) Part 55, 4/23 [WIP]

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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 51, 8/23

Post by starcrazed »

Remember italics are for flashbacks.

Part 51

Ava smiled at Maria, a sad smile that had Maria more worried then she’d had been previously about Ava and her withdrawn behavior. Sure when Ava first arrived she was ecstatic to see her children and getting to spend time with all the kids, but all too soon there was a worrisome look reflected in her eyes.

Maria put the tray in the kitchen, having brought juice out to Kyle and all the kids as they ran around aimlessly outside. Not training, just having fun being children for once. Kyle was the perfect chaperone for such an occasion. She rinsed out the few cups before joining Ava on the couch as she stared distantly beyond the blank TV screen.

Pulling her downwards so Ava’s head rested on Maria’s lap, Maria therapeutically ran her fingers over the other woman’s back soothing her.

“Tell Maria what’s wrong, Aves.”

The long answering sigh did nothing to reassure Maria or aim her in a direction to start fixing the problem.

“True, I am an expert in the grunts and sighs of Spaceboy, but I think comprehending the sighs of all my family members is beyond my expertise even considering my intuitive, almost empathic powers.”

The soft chuckle from Ava’s lips still wasn’t enough to ease Maria’s worries.

“Please, Ava we can’t help you if you don’t talk about it. Even doofus Kyle here doesn’t seem to be helping.”

Reaching up to wipe away a stray tear Ava finally answered Maria ever so softly, “There’s nothing any of you can do to help anyway.”

With a long pause that truly tested Maria’s patience she eventually continued, the burden of her thoughts weighing heavy upon her these past few weeks,

“There’s a reason that Jaden was the last child any of us had. It’s too dangerous to be raising kids in this environment, let alone to be reproducing every few years.”

“Ava.” Maria didn’t really know what to say; she just wanted to keep her talking now that she had finally started.

“That day in the Crashdown with the explosion, I’ve never been more scared Ria. And sure, it was as silent as the contest going on, but I think we all made a promise in the days that followed that expanding our families any further would have to wait until this was over.”

Placing her hand over her stomach briefly before finishing her point, finally sharing the thing that had been worrying her, “This baby doesn’t deserve growing up like this, none of our babies do.”

Tears had gathered in Maria’s eyes and she was gratefully that Kyle was here to distract the kids, but also for later on when he would surely lift their spirits.

“Ava, that day in the Crashdown was horrible. It’s something none of us will ever forget. How could we when it started all this?”


“I can’t believe we’re still doing this.” Liz states, shaking her head as she sets down the glasses filled with milkshakes for the kids and cherry colas for the adults.

“Eating?” Alex can’t help but joke as he bounces Callie on his knee, the four year old giggles with joy while her sister Lily ignores her own milkshake in favor of her sisters.

Isabel sends a stern look to Lily while handing her the correct milkshake and answering Liz’s previous statement, “I think she meant more along the lines of hanging out in the Crashdown once it closes.”

Five year old Ryan and Rachel are sitting under one table while their seven-year-old cousin Addie colors in her Princess coloring book next to them.

Max pours some Tabasco in David’s sippy cup before adding some milkshake and handing it over to the four year old as he reaches for the salt and pepper shakers, pushing them away for the twelfth time since they’ve shown up twenty minutes ago.

“I like it here.”

Michael snorts as he leaves Maria in the booth with a nodding off three-year-old Serenity. “Of course you do Maxwell. Granted you do have a home now, so you could stare at Parker just as easily there.”

Cutting himself a piece of cake he misses the devilish look and nod Maria gives to Ava who along with holding a newborn Jaden is keeping a trained eye on Jackson who is reaching for Serenity’s blonde wispy curls.

“But it’s so much harder to get a Will Smith burger when he’s at home.” Ava manages to get out without giggling.

Kyle catching on, distracts Jackson from a sleeping Serenity and adds in, “Yeah it’s not like we’re all as lucky as Maria to have our very our Crashdown cook living under the same roof as us.”

Michael picks up the plate with his cake on it and freezes, “No, I told you all last time was the last time I’m cooking for all you.” When they continue to look at him pleadingly he continues emphatically, “This is getting ridiculous, the kitchen is already cleaned up,”

Zan cuts him off, “Oh like you can’t clean it with a wave of your hand.”

But Michael has more excuses ready, “There are small children here that should be taken home and be put to bed.”

Alex fields this one, “You know as well as I do that all the kids had their usual naps and won’t go to bed this early. Besides you’re forgetting its Sunday and only 8 o’clock.”

Michael is still shaking his head as he eats his cake ignoring the looks they’re sending him.

“Exactly,” he spits out around a mouthful of food, “Its 8 o’clock on Sunday you should have all already eaten dinner.”

Maria snorts, “Since when has that ever stopped you.”

Isabel can’t help but add, “Who said anything about dinner?”

Max smiles as Michael sets the empty plate down on the counter but doesn’t rejoin his friends in their booth.

“Fatherhood has turned me into a softie.” He rolls his eyes as the others laugh at his retreating form.

Pushing the back door open he doesn’t ever make it to the kitchen.

In a moment his mind is somewhere else entirely as it recalls flashes from a lifetime that ceased to exist long ago.

Flashes of the Crashdown in rubble, of parents killed, of innocent children gone forever.

Reacting in the same instant without thought Michael throws up both hands and braces himself for the explosion, watching in slow motion as the final second counts down.

As the door swings behind him the others continue to laugh, but the sudden stillness of the kitchen permeates the atmosphere.

Catching sight of Michael with both arms raised Zan and Max are up, standing between their family and the slightly swinging door of the Café. Their electric blue shields blend seamlessly together wrapping around to protect the others. Simultaneously, Kyle has jumped from his counter seat and scooped up the twins from the floor and Addie at the table bringing them to the booth closer to the front where Ava, Maria, Alex, and Liz are sitting. Isabel slightly in front of the table with her hand raised also.

“Shield Isabel.”

Looking down at Ava who is pointing up concerned at the ceiling.

“I don’t...”

Maria cuts her off, “Yes, future Isabel did.”

On instinct, she raises both hands above her and the purple shield joins with the electric blue wall. She barely has time to notice the twins who have wrapped themselves up around her legs as time seems to catch up and the walls of the Crashdown vibrate and Michael comes flying back to the main room as the explosion wrapped in the shield he provided goes off.

The ceiling above them cracks and debris starts to fall, smoke is steadily increasing as the fire in the kitchen begins to grow.

“Everybody out!”

Max demands casting a quick glance at Zan who nods before helping Kyle get the youngest kids out first.

Isabel doesn’ t move and the twins remain; lending her energy as she holds up the roof so the others can get out.

Max take a few steps forward to Michael’s unmoving form crouching over him placing a hand to his chest. He restarts Michael’s heart that stopped when the explosion shocked his energy back toward him as he was pouring it into the shield.

Hefting him up, the other damage has to wait until they get home. Max pulls Michael out the front door to meet a hysterical Maria who’s five year olds are still inside with his sister supporting the building.

Before Max can decide Zan is already headed back in as Liz cries at the destruction of her childhood and Alex stares back in concern for his wife while holding on tightly to Callie and Lily identical mini replicates of what Isabel probably looked like at four with the exception of his steely gray eyes.

Zan coughs as the smoke fills his lungs, he sees Isabel oblivious to the world, holding the shield up and the twins wrapped around her legs faces tight with concentration.

He drops one knee to the ground and gently touches Ryan’s arm.

Immediately his eyes snap open, but instead of the vibrate green he inherited from his mother midnight black of the Granilith stares back at him.

Praying the five year old will understand he asks, “Can you help me fix it?”

He hardly has time to finish the question before Ryan pulls him into a connection and Zan feels the full, overwhelming strength of the Granilith, too much for one person alone to bear.

To steady himself, he drops a hand to the Crashdown floor and just as suddenly the force becomes ten times stronger as Ryan and Rachel gradually redirect their energy from Isabel to Zan allowing him to reset the foundation of the Crashdown and repair the roof.

Vaguely aware of Isabel’s gasp of breath as she’s released from the connection, Zan’s body continues to hum with energy even as he feels Isabel slipping out the door with Rachel.

It is only the tugging of the little arm he’s still holding that distracts Zan enough and leads him out of the Crashdown just before the fire trucks arrive quickly extinguishing the fire before it becomes a blazing inferno from a gas explosion.

The Crashdown although worse for wear and in need of more repairs by experts, remained standing for another day.


It’s a week before they’re all able to gather together for a meeting. Serena joining them with her return from L.A. Despite the protest from some, the kids are present too, especially the older ones, Adam, Ana, Sarah, and Ben who were thankfully out with friends the day of the explosion.

“Kal says it was definitely the Skins.”

Ava manages to add before Jaden starts to fuss in her arms that “Larek stopped in and said it was sanctioned by Khivar. Guess he’s tired of sitting on the throne doing nothing.”

Michael is beyond furious, as are most of them. Isabel manages to speak despite the fury.

“It’s unacceptable. You don’t attack defenseless, innocent children. I don’t give a damn what planet your from, what species you belong too. It’s just…incomprehensibly wrong. They’re harmless.”

Her anger turns to sorrow and it’s reflected in the volume as she gets quieter and quieter until the others have to hold their breath in order to hear her.

Kyle grunts, “They don’t seem harmless to me.”

The others can't help but laugh as they turn to Kyle on the recliner holding Serenity. His hair a bright pink and his black shirt now sparkling with glitter.

Isabel can’t help but be exasperated, “She’s three Kyle.”

“And a Guerin.” Zan more accurately manages to point out despite his laughter.

Michael steps over the younger kids who are quietly coloring on the floor in their books. He sweeps Serenity up into his arms; only as an afterthought does he wave his hand over Kyle undoing Serenity’s damage.

“I coulda done that.” He pouts like the toddlers at his feet.

“Then stop complaining like a little girl Valenti.” It’s only because Maria says it that nobody reacts to the stereotype.

Max clears his throat drawing the attention of the entire group gathered in the Guerin’s family room.

“As entertaining and distracting as Serenity’s fashion tastes are, this is serious.”

“You think we don’t realize that Max? If we don’t joke about something we might lose it.” Ava suppresses the shudder of fear the travels along her spine, she folds herself and Jaden deeper into Zan’s side.

Alex cracks a smile, “Lose it, like DeLuca style when she finds out about aliens and goes running from the building screaming.”

Maria doesn’t even blush this time, “Yeah, I’m a character. But we’ve all heard about my dramatic entrance into the ‘I Know an Alien Club’ so how about we let Max finish what he was saying. You were trying to make a point, right Max?”

Taking Liz’s hand in support Max cautiously agrees with Maria’s observation, not surprised because after all these years she can read all of them like a book, even without her enhanced intuition thanks to Kal choosing Amy as their Guardian so long ago.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve had to deal with our alien sides. Beyond explaining to our parents why their grandchildren can float objects and change colors with a touch of their hand, we haven’t had to do anything alien since high school.”

Liz gently squeezes his hand in encouragement, looking down he gains extra strength from her trusting gaze before going on, “I think for a long time we’ve realize this day would come, we were all just hoping that it wouldn’t. We all wanted to go on with our human lives were our biggest worry was who was going to baby-sit Zan or Michael’s children.” He smiles at both his brothers who ignore the jab finding the statement just as funny and true as the others.

“Khivar just declared war on us. On Earth. We all know what can happen here. What has already happened in some lifetimes. I’m here to assure you it won’t happen now. Not because I’ve seen into the future and know we all escape this without any scars, but rather because I know us. I know what we’re capable of; I’ve seen it up front. More then that, I know what we’re capable of feeling, I’ve experienced it firsthand. This isn’t a war we can end. We already know that’s not our destiny. And as much as I believe we create our own destinies, in some ways that’s limited.

All we can do now is fight. Fight for freedom to live our lives. To continue existing where we are, how we are. If we have to fight for the freedom to exist so be it because soon those four will end this war.”

Max points to Sarah, Ben, Ryan, and Rachel who have drifted together as if already knowing the significance of what they will once day become, of what they already are.

“It’s been a war that’s gone on long before we got here and I can’t promise you that it will be over tomorrow. I know it won’t. Part of me doesn’t want it to end soon, because it will mean losing those four to another planet. But it will end with them. On the same planet it started on and until then all we can do is stall.

It’s up to us to make sure they have a home to come back to once they finish a war that’s already taken so much out of each of us. It’s a war that will continue to take more from us than we should have to lose. But we will fight. I don’t think we know another way.” Max ended what some would consider his first proclamation as king.

“I feel like I should raise my glass and say ‘here here’ in a toast.”

Kyle managed to duck Ava’s hand but only because of years of practice.

“So what happens now?” Liz asked as she pulled away form Max and lifts David from his spot on the floor for comfort.

“First things first…”


“It was what, three months before we had this ranch with all Alex’s techno-crap lined up and alien trap security for the kids.”

“Yeah and some of them haven’t left since then. Great childhood.” Ava stretched, sitting up from Maria before getting up and going into the kitchen for snacks.

The conversation may have continued had Kyle not chosen that moment to barrel into the ranch followed by a laughing, yelling group of filthy children. Adam and Ana bringing up the end with Jaden balanced carefully between the two of them as the three year old took careful steps onto the wooden floor with his slippery feet.


Distracted by Ava’s yell of protest, Kyle was instantly brought down by a swarm of kids without the use of alien powers.

Maria joined Ava laughing at the fridge; “It’s so worth it though isn’t it.”

Ava smiled a bright, happy smile that pushed away her fears and Maria’s worries. “So worth it.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 52, 12/10 [WIP]

Post by starcrazed »

I apologize for such the long wait in updating. I have no real reason or excuse, but I have an update for you now, if you wonderful readers are still out there, and I promise to make this a priority from now on. Enjoy.

Part 52

“Maxwell the three of us could take care of this.” Michael pointed out for the third time in the short meeting. Max looked at him before looking between Zan and Kyle briefly. Surprisingly, they were both serious for once.

“It could be done with just three people Max and not just us three either if that’s your concern.” Zan added even though he knew Max didn’t doubt their abilities. Sure they joked around with each a lot, but how else were they supposed to keep sane in this world were nothing made a simple kind of sense anymore.

“That’s not it Zan. I just…I’d feel better if we could have four people leading the soldiers for this. Two for each team.”

Kyle sat forward a little bit more, “What about Serena?” Max seemed to consider it, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible, but in the end he shook his head.

“Maybe if she had been training a bit since she’s been her, but she’s been in the lab these past three and a half weeks. I know Michael and Zan’s kids are bad, but not enough for Serena to be trained for this mission.”

Zan smiled proudly and Michael narrowed his gaze at his best friend, “What than Maxwell? Serena isn’t ready because she’s been out at the ranch, and Isabel’s there now so what do you want us to do? You gonna go in with us.”

Max seemed to seriously consider it, was even about to agree until Zan spoke up, “Nope, we’ll just wait. Nothing’s gonna change in the next two days is it?”

Max and Michael both shook their heads, “Then we can wait until Izzie’s back and Liz is at the ranch. Liz doesn’t need to be here to do her astral projection thing.”

Kyle grabbed the last bag of chips from the table earning a glare from both Zan and Michael, but he ignored them both, “She doesn’t have to be here, but it will tire her out a lot sooner because she’ll be making twice as many trips to keep Whitman and Evans informed.”

“Whitman can stay in contact with Ava, the ranch is all set up with all his technological communication crap anyways right?” Michael asked leaning back on his chair and folding his arms behind his head. “That way Parker doesn’t jump from mission communication to here. She can talk to Ava and Aves can report to base.”

Zan smiled, “That’ll make Ava happy. She won’t feel so useless anymore. And I think that’s our best option because we can’t wait another two and a half weeks when Serena goes back to the ranch and we’re all here. Unless some one was willing to give up their vacation time.”

Raising an eyebrow in question, but already knowing the answer the four men moved on.

“Speaking of,” Kyle suddenly looked around, “Where is Whitman?” Max smirked, “They started building the transportation module, Alex didn’t trust them to not mess it up.”

“Figures.” The other three replied causing Max to laugh.

“That explains Whitman’s absence. Why aren’t Serena and Liz here?” Michael asked.

Zan raised his hand, “Oh lemme guess, lemme guess.”

Kyle chuckled, but Max and Michael looked on un-amused and impatient. Granted if they thought about it any of the four of them could have realized where those two were.

Zan lowered his voice in a false attempt of suspense, “It was Prof. Plum, in the lab with the virus!”

Michael hit Kyle on the back as he choked on a potato chip. Finally gasping for breath before drinking Zan’s water. With breathing back to normal Kyle merely shook his head. “That girl’s gonna wear herself into the ground trying to figure that out.”

“I know. At this point though it’s beyond any of our understandings. Liz and Serena are the only one’s who comprehend it anymore. So what can we do?” Max asked helplessly.

“Maybe it’s time for a Plan B?” Zan suggested grabbing his water bottle back from Kyle.

Michael dropped the front two legs of his chair back onto the floor, “Hate to be a downer, but isn’t this already like Plan C?”

Kyle nodded and Zan sighed, “She’ll figure it out you guys, I know she will.” Max told them.

Nodding Michael almost smiled, “We know she will Max. We just don’t want her to get so lost in it. For right now, at least, the situation is under control. Granted, that may changed after our next mission, but Parker is driving herself nuts over this.”

Silence descended upon all of them as they became lost in their thoughts and their latest desperate attempt to pull one over on Khivar. Finally, Max gathered their notes and papers together.

“We’ll do this while Liz is at the ranch. Depending on how long it takes well factor in more time for her break so when she comes back she can figure the virus out.”

The others nodded without hesitation. “Kay, that’s it guys. If you see the others let them know.” They nodded gathering their own stuff and heading out to take care of other things that needed to be taken care of leaving Max to his worries and figuring out the best way to lead them into the future.


“It’s so good to be here.” Isabel pulled Lily and Callie into a hug and Ava smiled from her spot in the living room. She reached over Addie’s head for the coloring box and took out another crayon.

“Mama you wanna color with us.” Callie asked already tugging out of Isabel’s hug and pulling her towards Ava and the others. Jaden wasn’t actually color pictures but changing the crayons so they were all the same colors.

“Mom would you tell him to stop doin tat.” Jackson demanded as he grabbed one of the numerous orange crayons before glaring at Jaden

“Jackson sweetie, he doesn’t know any better.” Ava handed him a box of colored pencils Jaden hadn’t gotten his grubby hands on yet “Try these.”

He pushed them away to Serenity who took them up greedily going straight for the non-pink ones and altering all of them too. “I hate pencils.”

Addie picked up a handful of crayons and closed her eyes tight, “Here all better.”

Jackson took the assortment of colors before looking at her suspiciously.

“Honey, how’d you do that,” Ava asked picking up one from Jackson.

“I made the crayon stuff heavier. So Jay couldn’t change it.”

“Where’d you learn that?”

“Rachel and Ryan showed me how.”

Isabel sat down across from Ava. Lily and Callie plopping down on either side where they had abandoned their drawings momentarily to greet their mom when she walked through the door.

“That’s really impressive Addie.”

“Thanks Aunt Izzie, they showed Lily and Callie too since they color the most.”

“That was nice of them.”


Isabel smiled as Ben fell through the front door. Ignoring all the dirt he trailed in with him she swept him up in a hug and kissed him on the cheek, “Ug, mom. Come on.”

She pulled back to find Adam, Sarah, and Ana behind him equally filthy. Comprehension drew and she was sadden to find her little boy was to old and embarrassed by displays of affection.

Letting him loose she straighten his hair, “I missed you Ben.” She wrinkled her nose as loose dirt continued to fall to the floor at the slightest movement from any of them. Waving a hand over all four of them they were once again clean and the other three went off running into the kitchen for snacks.

Ben looked after them making sure they weren’t looking before throwing his arms around his mom’s waist and burying his head into her stomach.

“I love you mom.” Isabel smiled ignoring the tears and running a soothing hand through his hair. “Well it’s a good thing we have a whole week to catch up then isn’t it?”

He nodded into her. “You want to join us.”

Ben looked over to the coffee table to see Jaden trying to eat the crayons now that he couldn’t alter them. Serenity and Jackson laughing at him in between their masterpieces. Addie was chatting to Aunt Ava while they played a game of tic-tac-toe.

His sisters’ were both watching him and their mom waiting for a reaction. He glanced at the older kids who where still munching on snack foods while Maria was else where with David and the twins.


Isabel smiled and he returned the grin with Alex’s charm. Ava smiled at both of them as they settled down. And ten minutes later in turned out Ben really had nothing to worry about because Ana and Sarah joined them on the couch painting each other’s nails with waves of their hand and Adam stretched out next to Jaden turning all the crayons back so the toddler wasn’t forced to try and eat them.


“Don’t get me wrong Chica. I love all the others, but is it good to see you.”

Brushing her hair back and laughing, “I know what you mean Maria. I feel like its been ages.”

“It has been ages. Jaden’s practically fluent in multiple languages at this point.”

“Funny Ava didn’t mention that when she helped me in, said he has barely mastered the English language. And can I ask why is the pregnant lady welcoming me in and helping me with my bags?”

“I was getting us ready of course. Ava!”

Ava stuck her head around the corner into the doorway of Maria’s room.

“You bellowed? And watch it who you call pregnant lady.” She pointed at Liz.

“Are they all asleep?”

“They were, I don’t know if they are now though.”

“Posh, nonsense. Come on.” Patting the spot on the bed she wiggles over jostling Liz who nearly drops the spoon.

“Now tell Dr. Ava and Ria what’s bugging you Lizzie.”

“I hope you’re not encouraging this Ava.”

Ava’s eyes bulge out, “Me, please this is how she was when I showed up. Actually she’s been like this since I showed up in Roswell so if anyone’s responsible…”

Smirking, Liz merely rolls her eyes and reaches for more ice cream. Maria although boisterous is much more observant than any of them tend to give her credit for.

“Stop deflecting Liz.”

“We know the virus thingy is bothering you. Alex mentioned it weeks ago and Max had his brooding worried about Liz face on, even Kyle mentioned it in passing.”

“And Isabel,” Ava added remembering one of their late night conversations after putting all the kids to bed.

“So that’s,” Maria ticks off her fingers, “Five people including Michael, plus the two of us and next week if Zan brings it up I think the world’s axis just might tilt.”

By the end of Maria’s spiel Liz is laughing hard holding her side, which was really the main purpose of Maria’s rant, getting her friend to loosen up and forget her worries for a day. Because while Maria’s words were serious her tone and facial expression did little in allowing them to have a somber conversation.

For the next two days, Ava and Maria with the help of all the kids did quite a job in taking Liz’s mind off the virus and most other troubling things relating to aliens. But after those two days, Isabel, Michael, Zan, and Kyle were leaving on the latest mission and she had to start to prepare her self for astral communication.

Sitting in the den at the far end of the ranch where none of the kids would bother her Liz settled down into the couch and pulled a blanket across her legs. Just as she was settling down and getting ready to reach out to Max to tell him she was ready Kal walked in breaking her focus.

“Kal.” She sighed, “Why are you here?” Liz didn’t know if she meant in this room now or at the ranch since Serena had gone to base. But it seemed they would finally get an answer.

“Need to protect the kids, with the ranch becoming a revolving motel for all of you the risk increases to it. Besides, you should all get time to spend with the kids not having to run security duty while you’re here. When Serena gets back I’ll be out of here trust me.”

“Worried the kids will turn you into a complete softie.” Liz smiled, he smirked at her but didn’t answer. Merely sat behind the desk and unfolding the newspaper he had brought in with him.

“What are you doing in here?”

“My job.”

Liz watched him speculative for a minute before rolling her eyes and turning back in herself to find her focus and reach Max. As always, granted she was unaware of it, her body gasped as she found herself in front of Max; Alex and Serena also in the room, but unable to see her because that would cause her greater strain.

Kal set the paper down and stood up moving closer to the couch and watching over Liz carefully. He remained there for the next six hours checking her vitals and boasting her energy when she was low as Liz sat in a trance communicating between Max and the others.

When Liz slowly started to blink her eyes she found Kal still seated at the desk no longer reading the paper, but having picked up one of the novels from the bookshelves.

“How’d it go?”

Liz sat up straighter wiping away the perspiration from over exerting herself and biting her lip in concern. “Not how we expected.” She got up, the ominous comment weighing heavy in the room.

“Does it ever?” he cast the book aside folding his hands on top the desk.

“I guess not.”

“Liz.” She paused her hand halfway to the doorknob.

“Forget the virus, forget the mission now, it’s done. Just worry about spending time with your best friend and your kids. All that other stuff will be there when you get back.”

She didn’t turn around but smiled anyway, knowing if he saw the smile it would only raise his defenses.

“Thanks Kal.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 53, 1/8

Post by starcrazed »

Part 53

The door cracked open almost silently, but the room itself was dead quiet so Max found himself looking up curiously to the pair sticking their heads in through the entryway.

“It’s fine. We haven’t started yet.”

Alex merely nodded calmly despite his inside demeanor twisted with worry for his wife and closest friends. Serena however wrinkled her brow in confusion knowing how important following the time table would be later in the plan.

“But they left hours ago?”

“Waiting for Liz.” Max mumbled out looking over the plans one last time ignorant to the frustrated look Serena gave him. Seeing the look and recognizing a similar one from Isabel that usually lead to head aches for everyone, Alex cut in trying to stem her confusion and worry.

“It’s not like Khivar just lives down the block. It will take the others this long to get into position anyway. Liz’s signal isn’t due for a few more minutes.”

“Babysitting and being in a lab all day really messes with your strategic instincts.” Shaking her head in disgust with herself Serena finally sat down next to Alex just as Max suddenly looked up over their shoulders and smiled briefly.


It was only because they both knew that it was his Liz smile that neither one of them answered and merely waited silently for Max to fill them in on the details.

“Really? How nice of him.” Max checked his watch before stacking the papers to the side and catching Alex and Serena’s questioning gaze. “Kal is apparently doing his job.”

Serena snorted while Alex rolled his eyes.

“All right. Liz, you focus on projecting to the others, I’ll keep a link open so we’ll be able to communicate and know what’s going on. Serena energy boosts every half hour should do it?” She nodded before he made eye contact with Alex, “Make sure the base doesn’t start a rebellion?”

Smirking he folds his arms behind his head reclining as best he can in the uncomfortable chair, “I dunno Max, the cafeteria food has left a lot to be desired lately. I might join them.”

Max shares a smile with Liz not bothering to answer Alex’s flippant response.

“Make sure everyone knows to stay safe.”

Alex and Serena can’t see but Liz nods before her form shimmers and becomes even more translucent. Max’s eyes glaze over and Serena sighs.

“Now we wait.”

“Goodie.” Alex answers pulling the papers Max stacked up over to him.


Approaching the camp was hopefully the most difficult part of the mission. It was a much smaller setup than what Khivar usually had for his operations. In the past he has gone for quantity over quality of soldiers, but that is clearly not the case here.

Zan scans the outer limits of the base, soldiers stationed every 100 feet of so and a wire fence shimmering in the high noon sun’s rays.

“That fence suppose to keep us out?”

His thoughts escape him before he remembers they’re supposed to be silent waiting for the signal.

Kyle rolls his eyes and points to the soldiers, but Isabel frowns before whispering. “There’s something…”

The crease in her forehead deepens and Michael drops a hand on her shoulder shaking his head at her. Feeling her stretching her mind out to scan the soldier’s superficial thoughts and knowledge.

He silently mouths, “Nex” and she huffs like a child being reprimanded.

“I know Michael. I’m not an idiot.”

Zan and Kyle look at her sharply cluing her into the fact that her last statement was louder than she intended.

“Forget that, there’s something with the fence it’s like that…” She pauses searching for the memory. “The trithium amplification generator, the pentagon Brody had…”

She trails off as Michael suddenly whispers furiously, “Our powers won’t work?”

All worry of Nex feeling Isabel’s mental surfing is forgotten momentarily in face of this recent dilemma.

Isabel concentrates again her mind prickling along the closest guards as they walk around oblivious to her presences in their mind and on the edge of the barricades. Getting lucky, Isabel’s minds skits across one of their own soldiers, Seamus, who infiltrated Khivar’s men a mere eight months ago and quickly moved up the ranks. Seamus also happens to be bonded with Mari beyond the border of the fence. Carefully, Isabel reaches across and except for the small tingle as she passes the boundary, manages to submerge with Mari, a hybrid much like her and almost as powerful as Isabel when it comes to blocking others out of her mind.

Seeing who she is with and what she’s doing makes Isabel nausea as she breaks the blending weary of Nex’s determined focus on Mari, certain that it's only a matter of time before he breaks her and both Seamus and Mari are goners.

With a gasp, Isabel opens her eyes. Their own group of soldiers is securely keeping watch as Kyle and Michael look at Isabel in concern and Zan glares at the camp for an instant before also turning his attention to her.

“The fence won’t be effected by our powers, I think…Kyle will still be able to get through to deactivate it, but we can’t just blast our way through it. And Mari definitely got our message, she’s with Nex now.”

“You think?” Michael looks worried, but also grateful that some of their plan is going forward without problems.

Isabel glares back at him the frustration mounting in both of them, “Well I could go back to figure it out, but then we risk Nex knowing we’re here and blowing the whole rescue and retrieve part of the mission.”

“Guys.” Zan spares them a look that quiets them both before he turns to Kyle, “Can you take one of us through with you?”

Considering it for a moment Kyle nods hesitantly, “I should try just me first though, if Isabel isn’t sure about the fence.”

Zan nods in acceptance as Michael’s eyes study Isabel for a moment before turning back to study the camp and stating what Zan is thinking.

“We need a new plan then.”

Zan half groans, but is nodding as Isabel’s eyes cloud with apprehension and annoyance at such an inconvenience.

“I’ll go with Kyle. Mess up the trithium amplification generator with electricity. Overload the sucker that should work.”

Michael frowns looking doubtful, “I could just as easily…and what if that doesn’t work?”

“Wrap it in an electricity shield?” Isabel questions.

Shaking his head Michael tries a different approach, “What if Iz takes over one of them and sets off a false alarm?”

Isabel shudders at the idea, hating the feeling of controlling someone completely. It reminds her of what Nasedo had done to Tess and what Nex would just love to be able to do to one of them. She would though, if she really absolutely had to she would.

“Two distractions?” Zan shakes his head dismissing the idea.

“So we can’t use our powers on the fence?”

The three of them turn to look at Kyle bewildered. “Have you been listening at all Valenti?” Zan nearly growls at him.

Kyle merely turns to Isabel for an answer. She nods. “So lets go over the fence.”

He says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and maybe because of that it just might work.

Zan and Michael grin, liking the plan and look to Isabel to see if she finds it viable. Her smirk is all the answer they need as a moment later Liz shimmers in between the four of them even more translucent but her form becomes a little more solid as her image drops away from two of them.

Kyle smiles at Liz, “I tell you Liz they’d be lost without me.” Her eyebrows raise in question towards Zan but he shakes it off.

*Communication-all mental from here on out.*

Zan and Kyle nod towards Michael as Isabel directs her focus on the troops.

*Zetas move out behind Zan. Alpha remain on lock down.*

Once again Liz’s eyebrows rise in confusion but Kyle shakes her off this time, “Just go with it.”

Michael gives him a stern look before the four of them move stealth like along the thinning trees and find themselves at the northwest corner of the camp. The weakest point and perfect for their entry.

Before creeping out of their positions Michael closes his eyes concentrating on layering a simple blanket mind warp over the patrolling soldiers so none of them are noticed. He nods once when finished and they sneak out to the shimmering protective fence.

*So how exactly does this plan of yours work Kyle?*

Thinking it was pretty self-explanatory Kyle steps forward grabbing the fence with both hands and hoisting himself up. Isabel tenses as both Zan and Michael reach out to stop him, only realizing what he’s about to do a second too late.

When nothing happens Isabel smacks him across the back of the head before he’s out of reach while Michael mentally grumbles at all of them.

*Fuck Valenti. Are you insane?*

Zan nods once towards Jefferies and points towards the south. Jefferies nods and takes the Zeta troops along the fence unnoticed by the soldiers for now.

Isabel drops over the fence next followed by Michael and lastly Zan. He and Kyle look back at Liz who is frowning at the fence feeling it weakening her connection to them. She disappears for a moment and then reappears by Isabel’s side using the other woman’s strong mental powers to ground her before reconnecting to Kyle and Zan.

Reaching the solitary building within the borders of the protective fence Zan easily eliminates any human technology used for security. The soldiers are still mindless of the intruders slipping in through the door Michael holds open for the other three and the phantom figure of Liz.

Despite the bright sunshine, as the door closes they are enveloped in near darkness as the chilled air raises goose bumps along their skin.

*Liz once we find the flash drive, let Jefferies know. Kyle you and Michael focus on the flash drive, Zan and I will get Perkins and Rice out.*

Even Liz nods as Isabel reaffirms the rest of the plan although the blonde can’t see her.

*Watch out for Nex*

Michael adds as the four of them split up when the hallway branches off in different directions.

Liz’s features become even more drawn as Zan and Kyle grow further apart until she’s no more than a disturbance in the air, her mind conscious of the surroundings only because of her connection to Zan and Kyle.

The four of them are silent as they creep along their separate paths bypassing doors they know have nothing but useless supplies and dormitories. Further along if possible the hallway gets even gloomier, but it also narrows indicating that they are now within the correct stretch of doors.

On opposite sides of the building Isabel opens the first door as Zan watches for soldiers patrolling inside and Kyle merely sticks his head through. It takes longer than they would like, but Isabel and Zan soon find Rice and Perkins chained to the wall.

Both are bloody and beaten, but still breathing. Isabel steps aside allowing Zan to step in the room and tend to them while she takes over watching the hallway with her arm raised ready to propel anyone who approaches backwards.

Zan drops his right hand over Perkins chest and winces as the connection flares and the pain rushes over his senses. He repeats the process with Rice fixing enough so they can both make it out of the building alive and mostly on their own two feet.

He has both of them unchained and is helping them to their feet when it suddenly all seems to go wrong with Isabel’s loud cry of pain as she clutches her head.


Outside along the perimeter mere feet from the shimmering fence, an individual soldier recoils as the bond to his life partner came to an abrupt and brutal end.


It wasn’t until the last door in the narrow hallway that Michael and Kyle found the door they were looking for. They both looked it over knowing neither one of them would be able to get through it with their powers alone.

Michael sighed and his focused brown eyes met Kyle’s doubtful ones, *If you see anyone coming down the hallway kick me. Hard. Got it?*

For a moment Kyle’s eyes glimmered with mirth, but as Michael’s brown eyes darkened he nodded quickly. The next second Michael’s gaze was black as the powers of the Granilith surged through him.

The borrowed power prickled through his veins almost hesitant. Recognizing something in Michael that was familiar, but at the same time not being the twins it was used to.

Kyle watched the hallway while Liz’s watched in awe as the door simply melted away.


With the door gone the room was vulnerable. It’s only defense would be from Khivar’s men. A tiny beep went off from the side dresser alerting Nex to the breach.

His mind exploded with fury.

The action, mentally harming Isabel who was furthest away and crippling Mari who was in the same room. It was only for a second but far too long and Mari’s blocks crumbled.

Mari’s eyes filled with horror as Nex looked up his gazed filled with a murderous intent.

“Traitorous bitch.”

He smacks her across the room before pulling a shirt over his head and quickly tying up the laces of his boots.

Mari’s whimpering sends him over the edge and he thinks nothing as he drags her too her feet and pulls his knife across her throat before dropping her lifeless form away from him and storming out the door.


Kyle’s a little upset as he steps through the doorway that he didn’t have to kick Michael, but mostly glad that they have found the flash drive they’re looking for and will be able to leave soon.

He gathers up papers and files rolling them into his pocket as Michael places a hand across the clear box with the flash drive inside.

His eyes still black as coal as the sound of cracking glass fills the silent room.

Angry stomping breaks through the atmosphere of victory floating in Kyle’s head as Michael turns sharply to the door with an arm raised.

Both men are tense waiting to be discovered and attack however the footsteps stop and they’re forced to step out into the hallway.

Michael goes first, his eyes brown again, but still darker then normal. The shield he puts up saves them both from a fire death as Nex roars at their presences.

Kyle picks up the forgotten flash drive and sticks it in his pocket before he too exits the room. He sees Nex covered in blood and recalls Isabel’s words of Mari being with him.


“I know…” is all he manages to grit out as another fire blast hits the shield dead center.

A fierce growl escapes from Michael as he struggles to maintain the shield, a task made more difficult by the mental assault Nex is attempting.

Nex is busy sending blast after blast at Michael, he hardly notices Kyle slipping up to Michael and whispering in his ear.

“I’m going to get her.”

“Kyle, she’s dead.”

“I’m not leaving her here.”

Michael nods once with understanding and Kyle is gone Liz looking worriedly at Michael. As if he senses her hesitation he grunts out, “Follow him Parker.”

And suddenly Michael’s all alone, but Nex has dropped his arm a malicious grin lighting up his face, confident that he has the King’s Second trapped. The only exit is back down the long hallway, a route blocked by Nex.

“Sending everyone away? Think you can handle it by yourself.” Nex scoffs watching Michael as the strain eases from his face from enforcing the shield.

“Your brother is the same way. Brilliant mind, but thinks he can do everything on his own. You must get it from your father.”

The shield momentarily brightens as Michael’s eyes narrow with the dig. Knowing he shouldn’t let it get to him.

“Khivar’s a maniac just like his mother. And a power hungry, ignorant bastard just like Nar.”

Another blast of fire hits the shield. Michael is unprepared for the hit and the shield wavers.

“You will show respect for my King.”

Michael snorts, taunting the pissed off alien further “I thought Khivar was your King. Such fickle minds.”

Shaking his head Michael drops the shield, hitting Nex’s arm with a stream of electricity from his palm.

Another torrent of fire comes his way but he dives into the wall and sends it in the opposite direction with a wave of his hand.

The physical assault distracts him long enough to feel a pushing on his mind and Michael lets him slip in unburden for a moment. The unexpected change diverts Nex who is completely blindsided by the blast of electricity that hits him square in the chest.

Stepping over the prone figure Michael hastily makes his way towards the end of the hallway, back to the outside. He makes it a dozen steps before Nex is on his feet again shaking his head.

“Ballsy move for a Second.”

Spinning on his heel with his right arm raised Michael pushes him further back towards the dead end wall with a telekinetic blast.

Nex’s heartless chuckle stops Michael from continuing down the hallway towards freedom,

“Especially a Second with a wife that pretty and kids that powerful.”


Letting his rage and fierce protectiveness of family fuel him Michael holds up both hands setting forth a violent flow of fire. It meets in the middle of the corridor with the fire coming from Nex’s raised arms.


Zan places an arm on Isabel but she shakes him off, “Liz, Jefferies now!”

Liz’s eyes widen as she remembers before disappearing.

“You okay Iz?”

“Yeah, Mari’s dead. We have to get out of here.”

She stands up shaking her head to rid herself of the pain.

“Are they ready?”

His vocal response is lost as the battle outside begins, but she sees the nod and helps Perkins to his feet.

Slowly they make their way back down the corridor fortunately undetected as all free personal have moved outside at the frontal attack on the base.

By the time they are back in the dense cover of trees Zan and Isabel are breathing heavy and Rice is almost unconscious.

The flashes of colored light from the handful of hybrid troops partaking in the battle are barely visible in the afternoon sunlight.

A moment later Kyle bursts through the door carrying a limp body, fireman style. Unseen by the other two Liz runs behind him hair tangling as she runs.

Carefully lying down Mari’s body, Kyle looks up and the three of them study each other before they all ask the same thing

“Where’s Michael?”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 54, 2/19

Post by starcrazed »

Thank you for sticking with this story and giving me feedback!

Remember words in *bold* are Isabel's power (or Michael if he borrows it :-) )

Part 54

It seems like years pass as the three of them look at each other in disbelief.

Isabel is the first to recover and she stands up in a hurry and rushes back to the thinnest part of the trees to scan the area for him.

The other two, plus Liz, follow close behind. “What happen Kyle?”

“Nex. Covered in blood, I had to get her body.”

The other two don’t say a word because they would have done the same thing. Plus, Kyle would only have created another target for Nex to take his rage out on.

“We have to go back in there.” Isabel demands.

Zan shakes his head, “We can’t. It’s too risky.” He hesitates, quickly wavering under her glare. “Not all of us.”

Not waiting for a decision Isabel charges forward.

Zan and Kyle try to call her back but she isn’t listening. They chase after her, but Liz gets there first as she reaches out to grab Isabel’s arm her form seems to falter.

Kyle watches intrigued as Liz’s transparent form disappears and Isabel freezes. Liz continues through Isabel shaking away the feeling of being squished on a couch with her closet friends and checks the glazed look on her face.

Zan is looking over at Isabel and Kyle is studying Liz.

With the new idea firmly in place Liz points to herself and then over her shoulder before she disappears, long before Zan and Isabel realize what’s going on.


The hallway is like a blazing inferno and even as transparent as she is, Liz can feel the heat on her skin. She’s relieved to find Michael close to safety and winning the seemingly endless struggle of dominance with fire between the two aliens.

She gets as close to him as she dares and is surprised to find a renewed sense of energy flow through her right when she needs it.

“When he falters, run.”

Her voice startles him almost costing him the upper hand. Liz squeezes between him and the wall as Nex hackles. Careful to avoid the flames she takes a calming breath as she reaches Nex.

His eyes flick towards her as if they can see her, but a moment later she dives towards the center of his chest and he stumbles back.

Michael waiting for such a reaction doesn’t hesitate to turn and hastily retreat back to the woods where he knows the others are waiting.

As he reaches the trees though something twists in his gut and instinct tells him something is wrong with Liz.

*Alphas move in! Alphas move in!*

He drops to the ground on one knee and looks regretfully at Mari’s limp form.

Zan reaches out a hand but Michael pushes it away, “I’m not hurt, just exhausted.”


A second later a short man with broad shoulders steps out from the trees.

“Get her body out of here. Zan help with Rice and Perkins. Time to go.”

Michael is still breathing heavy but finds the energy to hold up a hand halting Isabel from continuing with the orders.

“Liz needs help.”

Isabel frowns and concentrates for a moment before repelling a step away from the compound.

“She’s trapped in his mind.”

It comes out as a whisper and it’s as much as a statement as it is a question.


Liz tries to twist and turn out of Nex, but finds it impossible. While Isabel’s mind was like an overcrowded couch of safe familiar relatives, she finds Nex’s mind to be comparable to a mosh pit.

And if that isn’t bad enough smoke like tendrils crawl around her mind tightening slowly making sure she can’t escape.


“We need Max.”

Isabel declares simply and holds out a hand for Michael.

Knowing what she needs his eyes turn black with little concentration this time.


Max jumps from his chair when he hears Isabel’s voice in his head.


He automatically holds out his hands for Serena so she knows he needs more energy.

*Pull Liz out.*

Without another word Isabel is gone. Max opens his eyes to find the transparent form of his wife frowning at him in concern. He waves her over and lets go of one of Serena’s hands to reach for Liz’s. If he concentrates hard enough its almost like she’s really there with him and not at the ranch.

And that is what Isabel is banking on to save her mind from Nex.

Without breaking eye contact with Liz, he pools all his energy until he feels like he just might explode everywhere. Instead, he releases it in a rush into the hand he can almost feel until he really can feel it and Liz is mostly solid in front of him again.

The fact that she is mostly solid and that he can feel her assures him that this is the only astral projection of Liz now floating around.

“Are you okay?”

She nods with a reassuring smile as if she wasn’t the one who was just strangled by the twisted mind of a lunatic out to kill them all.

“Let them know. But don’t stay come back here alright?”

Liz nods once and vanishes completely.

Max releases a harsh breath and runs an agitated hand through his hair.

“You okay Max? Are they okay?”

Max nods distracted, staring at the spot Liz just disappeared from holding his breath until she returns.

When she does he gives Alex his full attention again, “Liz is okay and the others” with a quick glance at Liz to double check he rushes on, “they’re fine. And they’ve left the compound.”

Serena falls back into the chair relieved.

Alex though leans forward, “They got the flash drive? And our guys are out?”

Liz is nodding before Max even looks at her. “Yes. Perkins and Rice are much worse for wear, but with a few days bed rest and healing they’ll be fine.”

“How do you know that?”

Alex questions suspiciously.

They have all seen Max and Liz’s connection in action before, but never has he gotten that many details from her astral form.

With a tired sigh Max rubs his eyes as he answers, knowing it will start a whole other round of questions, “Isabel.”

“What?!” Serena shrieks, her relaxed body suddenly coiled tight with worry.

“Later guys. We’ll go over it later when they’re back. For now go get some food and a nap. They’re out, that’s what’s important.”

Neither of them move.

“Liz, sweetheart, I’ll call you at the ranch when they get back okay?”

Alex and Serena can only assume that she agrees before disappearing because Max stands a few minutes later and goes to the door.

“Well, I’m at least going to get us some snacks then.”


The furious out cry from Nex is echoing among the trees as Isabel calls a retreat for team Zeta and Alpha.

They work their way as far as possible from the compound waiting until all their soldiers are out before following after them.

Michael is passed out in the back, Kyle staring out at the landscape trying to forget the image of Mari’s body lying in all that blood, her sky blue eyes sightless. Zan drives cautiously making sure they aren’t followed as Isabel keeps an arm raised ready to defend.

Hours later, they’re back at base and after a long debriefing meeting where the flash drive is handed over to Alex and Serena scans Michael to make sure Nex is truly removed from his mind everyone wanders slowly off to their rooms bypassing dinner in favor of rest.


Liz is given two extra days at the ranch and although Zan agreed to this it still makes him grumpy because it prolongs the time before he gets to see Ava.

When Liz walks into base a day early though with a bright smile on her face and almost glowing, Michael nearly kicks Zan out the front door not caring that he hasn’t packed a thing yet.

Kyle laughs at the entire scene as he picks up one of Liz’s bags and drops an arm over her shoulder.

“Thanks for coming with me to get Mari.”

“How’s Seamus?” She replies, picking up another one of her bags.

Kyle just shakes his head sadly, “Not good. We buried her yesterday…” Trailing off Kyle grins suddenly changing topic, “I believe this belongs with you fearless leader?”

Max ignores Kyle and wraps both arms around Liz squeezing tightly. Pulling back, he kisses her forehead tenderly and frees the bag from her arm. “I missed you.”

“Well, I’m very missable.” She winks making both of them laugh.

“How are the kids?” Max questions.

“How’s Ria?” Michael calls out from the head lock Zan has gotten him into.

“Is Kal still there?” Kyle ponders.

“Aves showin’ yet?” Zan grins despite the elbow Michael is digging into his ribs.


All four of them wince and Isabel can’t help but roll her eyes at them. “Oh you all need to grow up.”

Alex grins at their glares and pecks Liz on the cheek “Welcome back. Any more bags?”

“At the car.” Liz answers.

Alex, Michael, and Kyle all pile out of the door and Zan wanders off to pack up some of his stuff for his visit to the ranch.

“Hi Isabel.”

The taller woman smiles and gives Liz a brief hug, “You’re just in time for lunch and I happen to know for a fact that there is a piece of chocolate cake with our names on it.”

Looping their arms together they follow after Zan. Max stands abandoned in the hallway with half of Liz’s luggage. Smiling as his wife and sister walk off chatting about different things the kids did before he hears Alex, Michael, and Kyle messing around outside and realizes he’s left alone to move all of Liz’s stuff.

“JUST ONE PIECE?!” He calls out loudly, disgruntled to their retreating forms not knowing if they heard him until Isabel lifts her free hand and gestures rudely at him.


Ava pries her tired eyelids apart as the blanket lifts from her body and a chill shatters her warmth before Zan slips in soundlessly wrapping one arm around her stomach pulling her to his chest. The other arm slides under her neck as she turns her body around to face him.

“Hi.” She whispers sleepily, snuggling her face into his bare chest and inhaling deeply.

He drops open mouth kisses down the side of her face starting at her temple, working down her jaw line before moving along her throat coaxing her further into wakefulness.

She moans his name, pleading for more.

He grins, pulling back pools of warm amber meet ocean deep blue.

“Beautiful.” He murmurs in way of greeting before he continues with his hot open mouth kisses this time covering her pouting pink lips before she can say a word.


Zan is the first one up, the next morning despite his rather late night.

By the time Kal wanders down the stairs and picks up the paper there is already a hearty stack of pancakes and a plateful of bacon. The boxes of cereal are all lined up and the toast pile is getting higher as he continues with the eggs.

When Maria fumbles into the kitchen eyes still closed she reaches blindly for a coffee cup which Zan hands over before continuing to set the table with one hand and holding Jaden to his chest with the other.

The warm cup startles her awake before she even drinks the caffeine. Maria can’t help but grin as Zan makes all the appropriate listening sounds to Jaden’s three-year-old rambling.

Five minutes later, Maria dashes upstairs when they hear Serenity yelling, hopefully before she wakes up everyone else.

Shortly after Maria’s reappearance with Serenity, Adam and Ana both turn up irritable about being woken up so early. Very much how their fathers would behave.

Adam sits in a chair dropping his head on the plate without recognizing the latest addition to the ranch.

Ana however, is in many ways very much like her mother. Her astuteness allows her to connect the reason for the elaborate breakfast. Anyone still asleep after Serenity’s yelling couldn’t possibly continue to sleep through Ana’s screeching.


Ana jumps up and down squealing in a very girly out of character way. Enough so that Adam raises his head to gawk at her.

Addie’s the first one to find her way down the stairs while Ana is still jumping and yelping. Addie’s eyes are wide in disbelief as she spots her father and throws herself into his arms ignoring her little brother.

Sarah, David, and Ben wander down and greet their uncle. Callie and Lily follow and Maria gets up to help Zan serve all the kids the various combinations of breakfast foods they’re demanding.

Throughout the chaos that follows Kal remains hidden behind his newspaper. Jackson and Ava find their way downstairs next and Maria pauses in pouring oatmeal in David’s bowl to grin wickedly at her.

“Well don’t you look satiated?”

Ava’s cheeks go rosy pink.

“What’s sainted?” Addie repeats around a mouthful of pancakes.

Dropping a kiss on the top of her curls, “Nothing sweetie.”

Zan chuckles while pulling Ava away from Addie into his embrace.

Adam and Ana gag at their food when he kisses her neck, most of the other kids are too involved in their food to notice. Maria smiles and rushes away the kids that are done with their food.

Behind his paper, Kal rolls his eyes.

Ava doesn’t pull away from Zan until Maria’s pleading breaks through their passion filled haze.

“Come on Kal. Please. You haven’t done the dishes at all and these two are…”

She looks over sees that they’re looking at her amused and winks at them.

“I’m gonna go wake Ry and Rachel.” Shaking her head as she goes back up the stairs mumbling to herself, “Just like their father, sleeping all day.”

Twenty minutes later Kal intercepts Maria with Ryan and Rachel on her way back to the kitchen to find them some left over breakfast.

Kal shakes his head, “I wouldn’t if I were you.” He points to the two plates filled with a variety of choices sitting on the coffee table.

He stands up, folding the pages of the paper. “We’ll be out front.”

One perfectly raised eyebrow follows his retreat, “WE?”

“I sent the kids out there.” Shaking his head in part revulsion part amusement. “Those two are going to scar them for life.”

He gets harder to understand as he moves further from the sitting room and closer to the front door but Maria’s pretty sure she hears something about a kitchen table and she can’t help but giggle.

When a groan comes from the kitchen she snatches up the twins’ plates, “Come on tigers. We’ll eat outside today.”

Ryan and Rachel lead the way out the door and Maria casts the kitchen one last glance over her shoulder shaking her head at Zan and Ava’s antics.


“Why are you up in the middle of the night staring at your computer screen?” Michael folds his arms over his chest leaning against the door frame.

With a single dismissive glance in his direction, Alex sighs before clicking the mouse again and re-watching the fuzzy screen before him.

“I’m trying to figure out if we’re idiots or if we’re royally screwed.”

Pulling the closest chair over, Michael swings it backwards before straddling the chair and leaning across the back of it to make out the black and white images flickering across the plasma screen.

“Is that what I think it is? And why are those our only two options?”

Alex nods freezing the screen and writing something down on the notepad next to him before hitting play again.

“I didn’t even know we actually ever got those back.” Michael rubbed his eyebrow trying to recall the days that followed Max and Isabel’s kidnapping.

“I went back the next morning for them, had to break into the house to get the ones upstairs too.”

“Breaking and entering…what would the girls think.”

Snorting, Alex wrote a few more things down, “Just cuz I can’t wave my hand to unlock the door,” shaking his head, “anyways, we never actually watched any of the footage we had. I went through it once to make sure the camera’s worked and see how good the quality was in case we needed them again, but never analyzed what was on it.”

“Until now.” Michael said pointing to the screen, “What’s that?”

“Serena’s shield, holding Nasedo against the wall.”

“Where’s Nasedo in this then?”


Michael nodded remembering that part even if he was unable to see himself or any of the others on the screen, “Meaning what?”

“We’re screwed.”

“And why’s that again exactly?”

Alex shuts down the computer moving over to the leather couch and collapsing into it. All he wanted was a break from trying to crack the pass code on the flash drive, instead he created more worries for all of them.

“Did you pay any attention at the briefing meeting tonight. Listen when Kyle and Isabel brought up seeing Ed Harding during their recon at Khivar’s base two nights ago?”

“He never pays attention.”

Alex sits up on his elbows to peer over the back of the couch, “I find it remarkable how much time you spend in this place and you don’t even work in here.”

Scratching his t-shirt covered chest Kyle walks his rumpled form over to the couch dropping down in front of it and turning the TV on, “You two do realize my room’s right next door and you weren’t exactly being quiet.”

“Valenti you sleep like the dead.” Michael moved away from the computers and joined them in the sitting area taking one of the leather chairs, “And for the record, I always pay attention, we knew seeing Nasedo again was a possibility.”

“That’s not the point.” Kyle commented as he flipped through the channels by passing the infomercials and looking for the late night movies.

Michael grabbed the controller holding it out of Kyle’s reach looking at him expectantly. “Up until this point we’ve been fairly certain all the Skins we’ve dealt with have been those that went into hiding from their camp cells or were living abroad.”

“Yeah, I know that.”

Kyle snatched the controller back and continued his search for a movie, “Alex, please tell me how it is this moron is Second in Command when he can’t even make a few intellectual leaps and connect the dots.”

“To tell you the truth Kyle, I’m a little surprised you have, I assumed no one else has thought that far ahead considering most of you were asleep in your beds until twenty minutes ago.”

Michael and Kyle both glared at Alex for a moment who missed it due to his closed eyes.

Holding up a hand, the TV vibrated for a moment and Kyle cast a weary glance at Michael before the TV settled and Kyle found himself watching on of the numerous Lethal Weapons. “I love Danny Glover.”

Kyle settled against the couch and tuned the other two out, immersing himself in the movie with the hopes of falling back asleep. Alex fell quiet too waiting for Michael to figure it out knowing he would and hoping that he could get a few moments of rest.

“Khivar figured out how to bring more Skins to Earth.”

Sighing Alex sat up, accidentally bumping Kyle who shot up, “Not sleeping.” They ignored him and within seconds he was snoring slightly.

“That’s what I’m thinking. Unless Nasedo did something warranting being sent back down here for another chance at us. Khivar probably has the means to send numerous Skins down here at once. And up until this point we’ve only been dealing with the left overs so to speak. Skins that finished out their own Harvests.”

“So we’re screwed.”

“I was hoping we were idiots, but as limited as the camera was…Nasedo really does get zapped up into thin air by Khivar.”

“Why send more now though, it’s not like the numbers he has on Earth are dwindling. Unfortunately.”

Pointing at the TV in question, Michael shook his head and Alex reached over to turn it off. Standing up to stretch and turning off the wall panel lights. Michael stood with him stepping over Kyle’s slumped over form.

“Guerin that’s you’re deal. You’re in charge of figuring out how and why evil master-minds think the way they do.”

Following him out of the lab and down the hallway to where most of the other bedrooms were Michael smirked, “Gee, thanks for that vote of confidence and assessment of my skills.”

Alex stopped in front of his and Isabel’s door, “You’ve figured Maria out, for the most part anyway. Khivar should be no problem after that.”

Laughing Michael continued down the hallway checking his watch to see that, if he was lucky, he’d be able to fit in a few hours a sleep before having to get up and delve into the mind of the enemy.

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 55, 4/23

Post by starcrazed »

Thank you for the thoughtful, encouraging reviews! I can't image how horrible I'd be at updating if it weren't for your continued support!

Part 55

Kyle pried his eyes apart only to find himself once again falling off the plush couch in the lab. Why was it that he continuously found himself in places besides his bed when he woke up in the morning?

The furious typing at a keyboard drew his attention for the third time this past week.

“Does Isabel feel neglected because of all this time your spending in the lab?”

There was a pause in the taping of keys, “I could say the same thing about your bed Valenti.”

“If you would stop having late night conversations with everybody in here…”

The typing continued as Alex realized the bickering with Kyle did not require his full attention. “That was two weeks ago when Michael and I woke you up and you wandered in here. And it was almost five nights since Zan stopped by on his way back from the ranch and then you just banged your fist against the wall.”

Kyle finally stood up stretching his arms over his head and looking for the clock. “What time is it anyway?”

“Not even six yet.”

Kyle examined the dark circles under his friends eyes worried for him and all the time he spent recently in front of the computer trying to break through all the passwords and firewalls on the flash drive. He knew the others were concerned too if he, being the jovial one in the bunch, was finally caving to the worry for Alex.

“Want me to bring you back something from the cafeteria?” Kyle asked knowing Alex wouldn’t drag himself away from the lab and its computers anytime soon if he was there this early. No one but Isabel would be able to get him away and even she wasn’t always successful.

“Nah, I grabbed some stuff on my way here.”

Walking towards the door Kyle nodded, even though Alex was already turning his complete attention back to the task at hand, “And when was that Whitman?”

“An hour ago…?”

Rolling his eyes Kyle left, Liz would be there soon and she was mumbling to herself a lot nowadays. There was a strange light in her eyes though and everyone suspected she was on the edge of a long over due breakthrough so they weren’t on her case as much as they were Alex’s.

Kyle just stayed away because the mumbling freaked him out.

He was surprised to find Isabel sitting on the floor in her jogging clothes. “He’s been in there for almost three hours actually.”

Her eyes remained unfocused as Kyle slid down the wall next to her. “How was your run?”

“I didn’t go yet.”

A frown line ceased his forehead. From now on he’d have to make sure he stayed in his bed and didn’t get up until it was a decent hour. Far too much worrying seemed to go on this early in the day.

“You’ve been sitting here, staring at the door for three hours?”

“Two.” She answered matter of factly.

He’d have to think of something to distract her from her anxiety over Alex, or better yet think of something to distract Alex from the flash drive for a bit. He wondered who would be up for a diversion Michael or Zan. Zan was still wigged out about being separated from Ava again. So maybe a distraction would do him some good too.

Kyle sighed, his work was never done.

“Wanna get some breakfast with me? We could bring something back for him.”

“He wouldn’t eat it. Liz will bring something for him anyway.”

Her answer confirmed for him that this had been going on for too long now and something definitely had to be done about it. He had no way of knowing Isabel's thoughts were traveling a very similar path to his own.

Reaching out Kyle squeezed her hand reassuringly before getting to his feet, “Well I’m starved and you better not be here when I’m done eating.”

Her eyes looked at him for the first time slightly more focused then they had been all morning a small smirk pulled at her lips. “Thanks Kyle.”


“You’re up earlier than usual?”

Max sat down across from Zan looking around and waving Liz over who soon joined them with her own breakfast tray.

“Can’t sleep.” Zan eyes the mountains of food on Liz’s plate, swallowing the eggs in his mouth. “You sure Aves is the only one knocked up?”

Liz can’t help but chuckle, “I think we learned last time how much of a pain it is if more than one of us is pregnant at a time?”

Max grabbed a piece of bacon from her plate, “So true.” His eyes were wide with fear at the memory of Ava and Maria waddling around demanding things from all of them.

“It’s for Alex.”

Finishing the last of his orange juice Zan’s eyebrow’s rose high in question.

“He’s been working a lot in the lab on that flash drive. He forgets to eat.”

“I’m surprised Izzie lets that slide.”

Max snorts, “Iz, forgets to eat too. She’s so busy worrying about him. We need to do something to distract them.”

The clattering of a tray startles the three of them, “My thoughts exactly.”


With a cheeky smile, Kyle sits down across from Max and Liz, “Morning Zan.”

Liz and Max continue to eat while Kyle begins to shovel food into his mouth. Zan remains seated playing with his left over scraps and remembering his last few days on the ranch with Ava and the kids.

Around a mouthful of food Kyle somehow manages to string together a sentence that makes sense, ‘She’s sittin’ outside the lab starin at the door.”

Zan and Max’s eyes meet for a moment, identical amber darkens as they fill with apprehension for their sister’s behavior.

Liz however nods knowingly. “I tried to get her to come inside at least the other day but she shook me off, said she’d distract him and he’d only be at it longer.”

“Can’t you order the two of them to relax?”

Max shakes his head as Kyle reaches for his milk, “I wish it were that simple.”

Zan smirks, “Maybe if we both give the order?”

All three of them roll their eyes in response.

He changes the subject, knowing there isn’t really much they can do right now in terms of distracting Alex or Isabel. “How are you coming with the virus now that Serena has had that epiphany or whatever it was?”

Liz’s whole face brightens up as she begins discussing the virus quickly losing all of them with her technical, scientific terms and explanations. She’s still going strong when she notices the time and rushes off with half a plateful of food and no more then a quick kiss to Max’s cheek.

Rubbing his stomach Kyle picks up a piece of toast she left behind, “Did either of you follow any of that?”

Max shakes his head standing with his tray and Zan gathers his stuff getting ready to depart the cafeteria, “Not a freaking word man.”

Deciding that having Zan help him distract Isabel and Alex will benefit Zan too he decides against seeking out Michael figuring somebody should help Max out with battle plans and strategy while everyone else is busy for the day.


Michael is getting back from his morning run when Liz breezes by him with a plate full of food.

“Hi Michael!”

He doesn’t even bother responding with more than a nod as she’s already gone from the hallway. Looking down the next corridor he hears the door of the lab shut behind Liz and sees the figure he knows is Isabel perched on the floor staring at the lab door.

Briefly wondering if she has developed the ability to see through the door yet with all the time she’s been sitting there recently.

At the cafeteria door he notices Kyle and Zan going off away from headquarters. “That’s cool guys I didn’t want real breakfast or anything.”

Instead, Michael grabs a bagel for himself before heading off to join Max.

“I wasn’t expecting you in here this soon.” Max throws away some loose papers thinking about seeing Michael heading out for a run as he and Liz were headed for breakfast.

“Yeah well Zan and Kyle seemed otherwise occupied.”

Max nods knowingly as he continues cleaning up there workspace. “Yeah, they’re working on operation distract Alex and Isabel.”

“Good idea.”

The room falls silent for a while, Michael finishing his breakfast and Max checking over field reports and filing them away.

“Liz seems to be doing good though?”

Nodding in agreement Max eventually looks up from the most recent page he was studying, “Yeah, she was going on about it at breakfast the virus and Serena’s break through of affecting the air particles instead of the actual Skins.” Shrugging Max rubs the back of his neck before going on with a sheepish grin, “We didn’t have a clue what she was really saying, but it sounded good.”

“She looked excited when I saw her in the hallway. Do you think Zan and I should do another recon tonight?”

For the past week since Zan had been back every other night they have done recon trying to determine if Khivar was moving his troops. They knew he’d be pissed off with their latest mission having recovered the flash drive and their men, but so far Khivar hasn’t moved anyone or anything.

“I think Kyle and I can handle tonight. You and Zan need a break. I’d send Izzie, but I think she’s a bit too distracted.”

“How long before the information of the flash drive becomes useless?”

Michael asks pulling the already filed papers to him and checking them over.

“We don’t know. Could be a year from now or within the next week. All we know, thanks to Mari and her connection to Seamus, is that its vital for the using the virus. He’s been inconsolable since her funeral, but was able to tell us the flash drive had dates and locations of the wormholes.”

“And since then Alex has been working like a mad man to get the data.”

“If we don’t have that information…hopefully Liz will have the virus by then. But at the very least we need patrols stationed at these locations to take out as many of Khivar’s troops before they have a chance to settle.”

Whatever Michael’s response would have been was cut off by the opening door.


“Isabel kicked me out of the lab. She kicked me out of my lab.” Shaking her head Liz goes on, “She was yelling and sealed the door closed with her powers. I looked for Kyle, but you guys ended up being closer…”

Her explanation to her presences does little to ease the growing concern they have all been feeling.

Michael and Max hurry back down the hallway with Liz on their heels. They are still a corridor away when they hear Isabel’s shouting, her words still incomprehensible.

“I’d hate to be Alex right now.”

Max smiles, knowing Maria has yelled just as loud and much more frequently in the past.

Reaching the door neither of them can get through it and Michael’s unwilling to use the Granilith for such a task when nobody is in real danger.

*Kyle, get to the lab now.*

Michael steps back, “Kyle’s on his way.”

“It might be good that they’re finally communicating.”

Liz looks at Max surprised, “You call that communicating? If it were him and Maria maybe or even Zan and Ava, but Alex and Isabel.” Shaking her head Liz goes on, “They don’t really do the whole screaming at each other thing.”

Michael snorts, “Only Isabel is screaming, Alex hasn’t said a word yet. She hasn’t taken a breath long enough to let him.”

They hear the pounding footsteps approaching and turn to see both Kyle and Zan. “What’s going on?”

Zan pants and Kyle tries to catch his breath both of them having sprinted from the opposite end of the base.

“Isabel’s in there with Alex.” Michael says like its obvious, which from the yelling it really should be.

Kyle grins, “About time.”

However, Zan looks as concerned as Liz. “Yelling seems more an Ava or Maria approach.”

“Maybe the pressure is getting to her?” Max hedges.

“The pressure gets to all of us.” Michael defends her.

“Like any one of you wouldn’t be in there doing the exact same thing if it wasn’t your other half spending 23 hours a day working at the impossible.”

Max looks at Liz and concedes the point knowing if she starting hanging out in the lab that much he really would lose it.

Michael can’t help but laugh at the idea of Maria spending that long in such an enclosed space. Zan is quick to follow with the idea of Ava cramped up for too long.

“So what should we do?” Liz turns to the lab door as the hallway is enveloped in silence with the pause in Isabel’s yelling.

The four men turn with her and staring blankly at the lab door pondering what is going on behind it now.


Alex was in shock. So much so that he didn’t even realize the lab door had opened. He didn’t hear Isabel ask Liz to leave nor did he notice the fierce look Isabel gave the shorter woman when Liz looked as if she were about to refuse.

He couldn’t believe he finally did it. Almost didn’t think it was possible to get the information they needed off the drive. But he had.

As clear as day four dates and locations blinked up at him from the computer screen. Part of him couldn't believe that it was only four measly dates that he had worked this hard to figure out, four dates that had had so much protection. The other part of him, however, knew just how much trouble Khivar could create with the number of troops he would be able to send with four such varied dates and places.

He was smiling wide turning to tell Liz the great news when he noticed Isabel fuming over him.

Hands on hips, lips in a thin line, steam practically coming from her ears.

She radiated energy. Alex had never seen her look so intimidating, not even when they were in high school and she hardly ever spoke to him. He had never seen her so beautiful either. Especially on the wake of his magnificent triumph over the flash drive.

He felt compelled to pull her into his arms and smother her in kisses and just as he was about to in celebration she started yelling. And Alex was in shock. So much that for the first minute and a half he had no idea what she was yelling about only that she was furious like he’s never seen.

But then two minutes into her screaming her eyes welled up with tears and Alex focused on the words coming from her trying to find a way to make it better and stop her tears.

Realizing she was upset with how much time he was spending in here he was ready to laugh, but knew that would be a bad idea considering her current state of mind.

At multiple points he opened he mouth trying to quell her angry speech, but to no avail. He briefly wondered how Zan and Michael ever survived considering how much Ava and Maria shout at the two of them, but then he acknowledges how much of a turn on this was and all thoughts of anyone but Isabel flew from his mind.

It was around this point that Isabel seems to pause for breath, her anger simpering for a moment, confusion taking its place as she notices the building desire in Alex’s gray eyes astutely focused on her.

“What?” She demands her hands falling from her hips in frustration.

He stalks up to her like a lion hunting prey. She allows him to loop his arms around her waist pulling her close before caressing the small of her back, “You’re beautiful.”

At her blush he grins, excited that after so many years he can still have that effect on her.

“Alexander Charles Whitman, do not think that a compliment can get you out of this.”

He shakes his head knowing such simple flattering would never sway Isabel Evans from what she has her mind set on.

“I’m done with the flash drive Iz.”

Mouth open in shock her eyes leave his to stare at the screen behind him, “When?”

“Probably right when you sent Liz out of her and started yelling. I’m sorry to say I didn’t catch a word of what you said, I was too enthralled with your exquisiteness.”

Isabel tries to hide her reaction by rolling her eyes, but he can still see the blush this time from embarrassment at her over dramatic reaction and the timing of it.

He twirls some of the loose hair around his finger as they look at each other, a tender knowing smile on his face while Isabel’s grin is one of disbelief. He kisses her forehead and steps back.

“I’m sure the other’s are all loitered outside panicking now because of the show you put on.”

“Liz probably just wants her lab back.”

“That too.”

Isabel doesn’t get a chance to respond or consider how ridiculous her reaction was considering it was too late to matter because Alex’s lips are closing over hers his smooth tongue seeking entrance to her mouth, which she readily grants.

“When you guys are done…Liz would like to get back in here…no rush or anything though.”

Kyle pulls away quickly as a notebook flies towards his head.

The others are startled as he pulls back quickly. “No worries, they’re making up.”

Max, Michael, and Zan frown at the idea of their sister, even though married, making up with her husband.

Liz frowns because she knows she’s not getting her lab back any time soon.

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories