Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) *complete* 12/15/09

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Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) *complete* 12/15/09

Post by jake17 »


A huge thank you to behrbabe for this beautiful banner!


Fic with the Best Musical Use

Title: Love Letters
Author: jake17
Rating: Adult
Disclosure: I own nothing Roswell
Parings: M/L
Summary: Thinking that love has passed her by Liz meets a handsome stranger, he soon disappears out of her life until one day she receives a letter in the mail that will change everything.
Author's Note: Song "At Last" by Etta James

Chapter 1.

I can’t believe I’m here.

This is just too surreal.

There is something profoundly pathetic about being an over thirty maid of honor without a date at your best friend’s wedding.

I awkwardly pull at my strapless long snug torturously uncomfortable gown as Mr. Grabby hands makes his way over to me …again.

You guessed it the other pathetic over thirty groomsmen without a date has set his sights on me.

Sighing I lean up against the wall as my best friend’s bran new husband sings Billy Joel’s “I love you just the way you are.” Is it wrong to hope for a quick death?

Maybe if I’m lucky one of these huge chandeliers will break free from the ceiling and fall on my head or a bolt of lightening will coming crashing threw the open French doors and release me from this romantic nightmare.

Please don’t get me wrong or misunderstand me. I am not jealous of Maria’s wedded bliss nor do I wish them anything but a lifetime of happiness, it’s just that well…I’m starting to wonder where the hell my bliss is.

I am so freakin blissless!

As I look around the room at all the married or engaged or shacking up couples I can’t help but think to myself …why not me?

I mean look at me! I’m attractive …not bombshell Angelina Jolie attractive but not half bad. I’m educated, working. People have referred to me as funny or at the very least entertaining.

So will someone tell me where it all went wrong?

I guess I should give you a little background before I continue my pity party… just so you understand my deep frustration.

You see I’m not just at any wedding. I’m the maid of honor of my best friend Maria. We have been friends since the forth grade, and all of the bridesmaids are friends from high school and college.

And they are all (you guessed it) very happily married. Excuse me I just gagged a little there.

So at age thirty I guess you could say this is kind of a reunion, a very depressing reunion.

You see back in high school I dated a sweet innocent boy named Greg. Now everyone loved Greg, he was the captain of the football team drove the red muscle car was the life at every keg party. Yes everybody loved Greg, especially the girls.

It wasn’t long before Gregory went from sweet and innocent to egotistical and a cheater.

Now we all had immature boyfriends in high school and college only my friends were smart or strong enough to move on from their puppy love crushes to the responsible hardworking loving men that eventually became their husbands.

Everyone that is except me.

Yes I hung onto good old Gregory for years convinced that he was my soul mate (does anyone else hate that word?)

In fact it was only after several affairs and many breakups that I finally saw the light or more to the truth the number thirty on my birthday cake.

I guess that was my breaking point.

Suddenly I saw my life speeding by me and I wasn’t in the car. No I was on the side of the road with my thumb out jumping up and down waiting for a ride watching as all the other cars rush by me on their way to wedding ceremonies new houses and babies.

Not that I’m ready for babies but you get the picture.

Now Maria is the greatest … no really she is. She’s always been there for me and if anyone deserves life long happiness it’s her.

And let me tell you she found it. She married her best friend Michael. Both being successful lawyers and in their thirties they decided to have the weddings to end all weddings.

Do you remember the movie Meet Joe Black? Well I am standing in the exact mansion that was filmed in the movie… I kid you not people. Now I’m not a fan of Mr. Asshole Pitt after what he did to Jennifer Aniston but still this place is freakin gorgeous!

It of course sits right on the ocean in Provincetown Rhode Island. It seriously couldn’t be more romantic, there’s even a full moon resting high above the ocean. Maybe rich people can arrange that …I’m not sure.

The entire scene is straight out of a movie with Sinatra playing and champagne flowing it’s enough to make a single girl take a razor to her wrist. Well not literally but I feel like I have to be dramatic to keep your interest.

Are you still with me?

There has to be at least three hundred people here. All of which are standing in awe as Michael sings away to Maria who is welling up as we speak.

Everyone that is except Mr. Grabby hands, let me explain.

Mr. Grabby hands or Eugene is Maria’s very good friend from law school. She loves him, unfortunately he loves me … a little too much. But like I said she loves him so I am forced to be very polite and not hurt his feelings…even though I want to literally break his legs at this point.

He has been following me around ever since we left the church, for some reason he feels like he has been automatically assigned as my escort.

He continually proves this by grabbing me around the waist or other places as much as he can while trying to pull me into dark corners or empty rooms, hence the name grabby hands. I’m afraid the open bar with the steady flow of drinks has not helped my situation.

From what I can tell we are the only two people who have come without dates and he is bound and determined to change all that.

Oh lord here he comes again.

“Liz I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

Just then the crowd goes wild with applause as Michael ends his butchering of one of the most romantic songs ever and pulls Maria into his arms.

This is my chance to make a break for it.

I attempt to push threw the crowd to hug Maria and Michael with Grabby hands hot on my heels

Along the way I’m showered with laughter and rolling eyes by my old friends that think this is just hysterical.

I love my life.

Just as I reach the lucky couple their first song begins to play.

And here come Mr. Grabby hands, he has me cornered… there is no escape. Damn why is life so cruel, I’m going to have to dance with him and he’s going to grope me in front of everyone.

Just as I am about to surrender to my wretched fate and give in to Eugene I see him.

I watch in disbelief as this gorgeous man who I’ve never seen before politely makes his way threw the crowd to stand right in front of me.

He was tall, dark, and deadly handsome but in the sweetest most unassuming way.

I suddenly forgot how to breath and I think so did Grabby hands because he stood just as dumbstruck as I was.

“I’ve been looking for you all night. Don’t you remember you promised me a dance?”

He gave me a warm smile like we’d known each other for years and raised his hand to take mine.

This action must have snapped Eugene out of his spell because he stood between us and began to stutter his disapproval.

“B-But I was just going to ask-

“Sorry maybe another time… this is our song.”

And with that I was whisked away on the grand ballroom floor in his strong gentle arms.

At last, my love has come along,
My lonely days are over,
And life is like a song,

As one hand pressed against my lower back and the other carefully laced threw my fingers, my heart hammered away in sheer astonishment.

He led me around the dance floor with such ease all I had to do was hold on and try to stay on my feet. Not an easy task if you know me…especially in a situation like this. Oh hell who are we kidding like I’ve ever been in a situation like this!

Ohhh at last
The stars above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover,
The night I looked at you

Everything was a blur. The people dancing around us, the soft lights glimmering across the room. It was like a dream but like no other dream I had ever had. Yes this was definitely something that happened to other people …other people as in not me.

“I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been watching you all night and I just couldn’t take it anymore I had to rescue you.”

Ok clearly I was hallucinating …maybe grabby hands drugged me. This is my life we’re talking about.

I found a dream that I could speak to,
A dream that I, can call my own,
I found a thrill, to press my cheek to,
A thrill that I, have never known,

“No I don’t mind at all … I-I mean thank you. He just wasn’t getting the hint.”

I thought for sure my heart would just stop when he pulled me in closer and rested his lips against my ear.

“I can’t say that I blame him. You're beautiful.”

Ok I’m on that show Punked or Candid Camera. Right?

Ohhh you smile, you smile
And then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven,
For you are mine, at last!

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I am pulled away from this mysterious man and into the arms of the groom.

As the crowd shifts and new couples converge on the dance floor I see him for a split second as he turns and mouths the words thank you.

Michael spins me around and when I finally get back to where I had begun he was gone.

“So Liz are you having a good time?”

“Michael you’ve always had the worst timing.”


Resting my hands on his shoulders I try to get him to focus through his obvious alcoholic buzz.

“Michael please tell me you know the guy I was dancing with.”

“You mean Max?”

“So you know him.”

“Sure he’s a lawyer at my firm…well was a lawyer at my firm.”

Wait for it.

“What do you mean was?”

“Well he quit two weeks ago. His mother is very sick so he’s moving back home to take care of her. In fact his flight is leaving early in the morning he probably already left.”

Of course he did.

Everyone welcome to my life.


should I continue? :oops:
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:05 pm, edited 11 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/4/09

Post by jake17 »


Thank you so much for your very sweet fbs!!!

Song for this update is
The way you look tonight by
Frank Sinatra

Chapter 2.

“Stop looking at me like that Leah.”

Ok I’ll admit it.

Yes it’s Saturday night and yes I’m dancing around my living room alone with my cat that is staring at me intensely judging me.

So what?

So what if I’m trying to relive the most romantic spontaneous incredible moment of my life.

It really isn’t my fault. Leave it to Maria to give out a CD of her and Michael’s favorite love songs as a wedding gift.

I am seriously impressed as I look at the cover and smile. Of course I’m looking at a beautiful picture of them kissing in front of the ocean.

Yes it’s definitely time for more wine.

Right after I pick the next song and pull my dress back up…

Oh did I forget to mention I have the dress on? The dress that still after a three weeks smells of his cologne.

Don’t look at me like that, you weren’t there. You didn’t see the way he looked at me, held me in those strong arms of his. My god he was straight out of a dream.

After I push play my mind pulls me easily back to that night and his eyes …those sweet kind honey colored eyes.

Some day, when I’m awfully low,
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you….
And the way you look tonight.


God isn’t this music just the best!

Seriously they don’t make songs like this anymore. Not like I was around when they did, but even I can appreciate lyrics that make your heart melt.

Yes you’re lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.

Leah is growling with a look of bitter hatred as I whisk her up in my arms and dance her around the living room.

“Oh come on Leah what else did you really have planned for tonight?”

Oh if you could see her now, she is really not amused.

I’m sure right about now you are probably wondering why I am dancing around with my cat listening to Frank.

You see I actually did have plans. It was just an hour ago I was trapped in a Chinese restaurant on a blind date that went horribly wrong. Not like any of them ever go right but this was an utter disaster.

Excuse me a second while I dip my cat.

With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart…
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart.

Ok back to my story

So I’m out with Dennis Burger. Go with your first instinct his name fits him perfectly.

Hold on it’s the end of the song… I love this part.

Lovely …Never, ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won’t you please arrange it?
‘Cause I love you …Just the way you look tonight.

Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm,
Just the way you look to-night.


Ok sorry… back to Burger guy.

He was an Actuary that my mom set me up with.

Just so you know I had no idea at the beginning of the date what an Actuary was or that it even was a profession. But don’t anyone worry about that because Dennis was more than happy to explain it to me in full detail over the entire dinner.

The entire dinner.

Honestly disaster insurance is not as exciting as it may sound.

Luckily Maria came to my rescue as she always does with an urgent txt message.

Michael and I had a horrible fight
Please come over!
I need u!!!!!

It's a secret code we have for getting me out of nights like this. I txt help and she sends me this message. It's what friends do for each other.

It was the five explanation points that I think convinced him that this was a full fledged emergency.

I know I’m going to hell.

Like I won’t all see you there with me?

I think so.

Anyway the strangest thing happened after I came out of my Burger coma.

You see Mr. Actuary thought that because he had wine and dined me at Mr. Ming’s he deserved a little dessert.

I know!!


So here I am being pushed against my mailbox while Burger boy attempts to sweep me off my feet with a kiss.

Don’t you just hate that!

I really can’t complain though because at that the moment, that horrible uncomfortable moment when I turned my head and gave him my cheek.

I saw it.

It was right there sticking out of my mailbox like a white flag signaling my safety.

Max Evans
243 Dancer Lane
Roswell New Mexico

I have to admit I did feel a little sorry for Dennis as he went tumbling down the stairs after I pushed him out of the way.

Seriously what would you have done?

Like I was expecting a letter from my dream man.

So there we were …me and Leah sitting at the kitchen table with a big glass of wine and a heart attack.

Dear Liz,

I know this may seem strange but I felt the need to write to you.
I still can’t believe I forgot to introduce myself while we danced.
I was just so lost in everything, the music, the night, you.

If you haven’t figured out who this is by now I’m the guy that saved you the night of Maria and Michael’s wedding.

I hope you’re not upset with Michael for giving me your address. You see he had no choice. I’ve known him since we were kids; I threatened to blackmail him with stories of his wild teenage years. So you see he really had no choice.

I know you must be wondering by now why I haven’t email or called you.
I know a letter is not the usual way people get to know each other, but don’t you think there’s something romantic about it?

All I ask is that you think of that night, how I held you in my arms, how the rest of the world just fell away. It was like we were destined to meet.

I know I would never have the nerve to say all this on the phone, maybe that’s why I’m writing to you.

If by chance I am wrong and these feelings were one sided then I wish you luck on finding that special person, but if I was right I would love to hear from you.

Your rescuer,


So now it doesn’t seem all that crazy that I’m dancing around in that dress with my cat. Ok maybe the cat part is a little crazy but everything else is totally understandable.

He felt the same way.

For all the people who aren’t paying attention I will repeat.


"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/14/09

Post by jake17 »

thank you so much for all the sweet fb !!!! :D
Song: fly me to the moon by Mr. Frank Sinatra

Chapter 3.

OK so you may think writing a letter to someone you don’t know would be easy.

I mean basically I know nothing about him so all the standard questions would apply.

The only problem is there is nothing standard about Max Evans.

No he’s like that movie that you see that refuses to let you sleep, that stays with you for days or that book that you just can’t put down even though its two in the morning and you have to get up for work at six.

Do you know what I mean?

The way he just floated like a dream out of nowhere in his dark blue suit and took my hand … I swear I don’t remember my feet even touching the floor at any point during our dance.

He reminds me of those actors in the black and white movies, so calm and cool. The kind of guy that would save you from the villain and take you in his arms for a searing kiss in two seconds flat without breaking a sweat.

The kind of man that emits a quiet confidence without even trying.

Like Cary Grant or Burt Lancaster….

Oh lord remember that scene in from Here to Eternity? God I’d give anything to roll around half naked kissing Max while blue ocean waves crash over us.

Of course I’d probably get stung by a jellyfish and would need someone to pee on me.

Ok all you feminists out there don’t get mad at me, believe me I am right there with you. I believe in equal rights for woman and all that in fact if I were born during those marches I would’ve set my bra on fire too.

Seriously I would have.

But you have to admit something has changed, men are different now days.

Everyone’s so afraid of being rejected that no one will truly say what they really feel.

It’s like romance and wooing a girl is outdated. Too dangerous for the male ego, it’s much safer to treat them like you don’t care and wait to see if they chase after you.

The bait and switch game.

Have a mentioned I hate fishing?

Don’t they understand that it’s not their expensive cars or their fancy jobs we want? All we really want is to know that we’re important to them that their hearts beat just as fast during that first kiss. That love is a not a disease it’s actually a gift.

Don’t they know that they could have us ripping off our clothes and practically jumping them if they told us how they really felt?

Because I’m so sorry men fall in love just like we do. I know I’ve seen it, and if that’s the case they have that same flutter in their hearts and butterflies in their stomachs like we do.

It’s chemistry you can’t escape it.

No you really can’t believe me I’ve tried.

Sometimes if you get really lucky you meet that someone that makes this stupid world seem like a dream.

I guess I should admit something to all of you since I’m taking you with me on my romantic journey,

You see ever since I was little I’ve only want one thing.

To be in love.

I know it’s not the most practical thing to reach for in this world. And I do know that woman need to strive for independence and goals that fulfill their needs just like men.

And I did that …I mean I’m not the happiest person in the world but as far as all the important things in life …friends family career …I guess you could say I’m happy.

You see I never wanted a high-powered career or cared about having the big house and the expensive car.

I just wanted to be in love and have someone love me in return.

Now really is that too much to ask.

I just can’t get enough of it really.

I love everything about the love

I’m the one crying buckets of tears when the guy gets the girl at the end of the movie.

The strangest thing is that I’m the last person in the world who should be all die hard romantic and foolish.

With my string of disastrous relationships you would think I would be the bitterest woman alive.

But I’m not, when it comes to love I am the eternal optimist.

I want love.

Yeah I said it …I’ll even say it again I don’t care


Does anyone feel like I’ve gotten off track here?

Ok maybe I should just get to the letter.

First some good music is in order. It will help me think, put me in the mood.

Smiling to my self I pick up Maria’s CD again and scan down each song until something hits me.

Sigh …perfect.

I love this song… love it!!!

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby kiss me

Dear Max,

I have to say that I was more than pleasantly surprised when I received your letter.
I remember very clearly that night and our dance …or I should say your rescue. Thank you for that by the way.

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Michael tells me you’re an attorney. I have a far less glamorous job I’m afraid. I’m a nurse, I take care of elderly people in their homes. Speaking of nursing I hope I’m not getting too personal but how is your mom?

I think it’s incredibly sweet that you took a leave of absence to be with her. Which brings me to my next question, what is Roswell like? I hear the desert is beautiful. I myself have never been out of New England.

(oh lord could I make myself seem any more exciting?)

I have to tell you that since you were brave enough to tell me how you felt about that night, I feel I should do the same.

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship an adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love …you

I felt the connection between us, it was something that I had never quite experienced before. I agree Max, the world did seem to melt away while I was in your arms. Honestly I can’t believe I’m writing this, I guess saying it in a letter does make it easier.

(I told you I was a stupid die hard romantic)

I love that you have chosen to write to me. It was unexpected and romantic. So I’m sending one back in hopes that you write again. I would love to know more about you.



Too much?

Not enough?

Oh well it’s too late now my mailman Lester has it in his hot little hand.


Is it wrong that I’m picturing him in the shower right now?

Max not Lester.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 7/10/09

Post by jake17 »

destiny: Im so happy you find this funny!! thank you so much for being here! :D
Ginger: I am so glad this music reminds you of happy memories! I absolutely love it! thank you so much for your support! :D
sarammlover: sara! so excited to see you here! thank you for your very sweet fb! :D
darkmoon: omg d. I am shocked and overjoyed that my romactic heart is rubbing off on you! :wink: and Seki likes this!!! omg!! that just made my day!! Your fb was just unbelievable..thank you for absolutely everything! :D
Jan: wow what can I say... I was more than touched by your incredibly sweet generious words... thank you so so much for always being there for me! :D
kismet: well you almost made my cry! wow what an unbelievably sweet thing to say! I was so stunned! thank you your words meant so much to me! :D
abbs007: thank you so much for reading this! iM so happy you want more! :D
keepsmiling:x2 well caroyln as always thank you so much for getting me to write, I hope you know how much you inspire me to keep this up. It helps me so much so for that I am so grateful! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! wow I am the "Best?" no I think you are! for reading EVERY single one of my stories and ALWAYS giving me such incedible support! thank you so much! :D
Eve: oh my Eve, I am thrilled that you like this so much! thank you thank you!! :D
nitpick23: I can't say much about Maria yet.. but as far as Max is concerned I dont' think ANYTHING is wrong with him! :wink: thanks so much for being here. :D
Jessah: wow you are just the greatest! you are so sweet and leave such supportive fb all the time! thank you so so much!

Song "Come Fly With Me" once again by Mr. Frank Sinatra

Chapter 4.

Ok so I’m back and I am holding in my hot little hand a letter that has been burning a hole threw my purse for the last hour.

Let me explain.

It’s the weekend and I am at the ocean. Why you ask? Call me crazy but if your going to read a very (let’s hope) romantic letter from a gorgeous dark haired chiseled from stone sultry stranger you need a little ambiance… a little atmosphere.

Am I nuts for driving an hour up to the shore? Of course I am, but I thought we already established this when you witnessed me dancing with my cat.

So let me set the mood.

I have set myself down on a rock looking over the crashing waves while seagulls cry over head and the late summer wind caresses the sea grass and whistles softy in my ear.

I have my ipod set to Frank of course and a glass of Merlot in hand.

I am ready!

Hey if god isn't going to give me a romantic night it’s up to me to create one for myself.

Please like I have any dignity …I have been dating for ten years …that boat sailed a long time ago.

So like always before we start I have to turn my music on.

Oh please no big sighs; I know you all love this part.

Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
If you can use some exotic booze
There's a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

Sigh, ok everyone ready?

I know I am!

I’m opening the letter as we speak.. isn’t this exciting??

Well isn’t it??

Ok here goes…well… everything.

Dear Liz,

I cannot tell you the feeling I got when to my surprise I opened my mailbox and discovered your letter. To know that you too felt a special something between us that night was not only a relief but an extremely welcomed distraction from an incredibly painful and draining situation.

I hope I’m not being forward when I tell you that you have crossed my mind a few hundred times since I have come to this isolated hot desert. Don’t get me wrong Roswell is nice enough. The people here are very friendly and have been quite supportive. Gossip travels fast in a small town I guess. The ladies at the pharmacy, grocery store, and post office have been very helpful with hints on how to care for my mom.

Honestly I’m making myself sound more gallant then I should. Actually I’m just here for support and company. Two very wonderful dedicated nurses see to her medical care. My mom has always been there for me, a constant encourage force guiding me through my crazy youth, college and eventually the turbulent years of law school. I never would have made it without her daily phone calls and home cooked meals.

Come fly with me, let's float down to Peru
In llama-land there's a one-man band
And he'll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, let's take off in the blue

So when I received the terrible news of her stroke I felt I had to come and see her through this. Being a nurse you must be used to this kind of illness but for me this is all new. She is unable to speak which is making communication with her near impossible. I feel as if she is slipping away as each day goes by. It's a cruel and heartless affliction that leaves you unable say all the things you so desperately need to say at a time like this.

I hope this doesn’t scare you off but really it’s been you and the memory of that night and the possibilities it holds that has kept me sane these past few weeks.

Once I get you up there
Where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide
Once I get you up there
I'll be holding you so near
You may hear
Angels cheer, 'cause we're together

I can still picture your raven hair flowing around your bare golden shoulders as we swept across the dance floor. I can still smell the sent of your perfume on the suit I wore that night. How that is possible I don’t know but it’s there. It’s fills my senses and takes me back to the night I held the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms.

Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day
Just say the words and we'll beat the birds
Back to Acapulco Bay
It is perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away

I know we don’t know each other well but for some reason when I looked into your eyes that night I felt a certain familiarity like deja vu but not really. It wasn’t like I felt that I was reliving that night per say, more like I was living a night I was always meant to have. Like fulfilling a prophecy or something.

Ok at this point you have either crumpled up this letter and chalked me up to an escapee from the Roswell mental institution or you are carefully considering the words I have said and realizing that you have felt this prophecy thing too.

Once I get you up there
Where the air is rarefied
We'll just glide
Once I get you up there
I'll be holding you so near
You may hear
Angels cheer, 'cause we're together

I can only hope it’s the latter. I hope you see that annoying man that I saved you from as sort of a divine intervention, a helping hand in getting two people together that were destined to meet.

I am at this moment going to seal this in an envelope and send it on its way. I’m afraid if I wait any amount of time I will realize how incredibly deranged I must sound and swiftly throw it out.

So here it goes. My life and feelings captured in a thin sheet of paper there for you to analyze and dissect. All I ask is that you’re kind in your assumption of me. Keep in mind that this is the first time for me in dealing with such powerful forces of fate and destiny.

Maybe you're supposed to be more reserved with this journey of discovery but to tell you the truth the memory of you leaves me with an impatience... an urgent inescapable need to get you back into my arms again… back where I can feel your soft skin and bask in the glory of that entrancing fragrance that I am more convinced as time goes by is just …you.

Weather-wise, it's such a lovely day
If you say the word, we will beat those birds
Back to Acapulco Bay
It is perfect for a flying honeymoon, they say
Come fly with me, let's fly, let,s fly,
Pack up, let's fly away



Ok that just can’t be real.

This has to be a joke … some cruel malicious joke that Maria and Michael have pulled on me.

He cannot be for real! I mean who the hell talks like that??

Who do you know uses words like prophecy, divine intervention and destiny?

Oh shit what if he is a escapee from a mental institution?

To tell you the truth after that letter it wouldn’t matter! I can get used to visiting hours, straight jackets and prosac injections if it meant that some heavenly creature such as Max Evans believes I am his destiny!

Don’t roll your eyes at me you would too!

I know you would! I’ve been paying close attention to all of you, you’re all romantic nut cases like me! Whether you want to admit it or not…ahem Jessica. :wink:

Holy crap!

I have to write him back now don’t I?

What the hell am I going to say?!

How could I possibly top that?

God please don’t let this be a dream and if it is let it be the kind of dream that lasts all night not the kind where Max’s head turns into a bowl of spaghetti and chases me around the room!

Oh please don’t even pretend you haven’t had that one...

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 10/3/09

Post by jake17 »

thank you so much to all the people that left me such sweet fb!
I really hope you like this :)

Song: The best is yet to come by Mr. Frank Sinatra

Chapter 5.

Ok I have a question for all of you…

Are you one of those people that believe that if there’s a baby on a plane that there’s no way the big “G” would let the plane crash?

Why do I ask this question you may ask?

Well if you haven’t guessed already I am on my way to see that handsome sweet guy that appeared into my life two months ago.

I know what you’re thinking. Why isn’t he flying here to Connecticut to see me? Well he was actually that is until his mom took a turn for the worst. That's when I received this plane ticket in the mail with his latest letter.

Yes I am happy to report that I have a neatly stacked pile of beautiful letters at home.

I know it’s very unusual to develop a relationship this way but to tell you the truth nothing more romantic has ever happened to me.

It’s to the point now when I know when Lamar the mailman is coming. I hear the slow stop and go of the little engine of his mail truck and it’s like music to my ears.

It’s a special kind of day when I get a letter from Max. It’s strange but even against the cold November air I can feel the hot New Mexico winds against my face as I read his words.

Oh my god… they just announced that we’re going to be landing!

Ok breathe Liz …just breathe.

Yeah right! My heart is about to jump out of my chest, which at the moment is being carefully watched by “Too much information Tony” sitting next to me.

Who is this you might ask?

This is only the number one salesman Tony Trivitelli who in no less then one year has managed to out sell every car salesman in the entire Cleveland area. Thus winning him a fabulous weekend trip to the very exciting Sun and Moon Casino in the bustling electrifying strip mall in down town Albuquerque New Mexico!

Tony, who is recently divorced after twenty five years is currently dating (but not exclusively) the top leading Avon saleswoman in the entire state of Ohio Ms. Pamela Montello. Who by the way has never been married or has children so her melons are still holding strong up were they belong and a quarter could in fact be successfully bounced off her tight ass.

The only down side of Pamela or "Pams" as Tony likes to call her is that although Italian like our new friend Tony regrettably her family can be traced back to Sicily not Naples where the great Trivitelli clan originated.

What is the problem with being from Sicily you might wonder or not like I did but what was forced to be educated anyway?

Well according to Tony if your family is from Sicily you either have a history of crime as in “mob ties” or you are clearly insane. From what I’ve determined after spending five hours on a plane with Tony clearly “Pams” suffers from the latter.

Are you feeling like you know more of what you ever wanted to know about Tony “boom boom” Trivitelli? Well me too!!!

If we weren’t so close to landing I think I’d rethink my whole baby on the plane safe as kittens theory.

Ok listen I can’t get away from the Italian stallion but I can at least spare all of you from his endless ramblings.

Would you like to read the last letter Max sent to me while I continue to hear about Tony’s very troubling bout with athletes foot?

I thought you would.

Here I’ll give you a little mood music, yes Frank again I have a problem I am well aware.

Out of the tree of life, I just picked me a plum
You came along and everything started to hum
Still its a real good bet, the best is yet to come


They just turned on the fasten your seat belt sign! It can’t be long now!

The best is yet to come, and wont that be fine
You think youve seen the sun, but you aint seen it shine

You read while Tony spins his fascinating tale of foot drama to me.

Wait till the warm-up is underway
Wait till out lips have met
Wait till you see that sunshine day
You aint seen nothin yet

Dear Liz,

I really can’t put into words how excited I am that in less than a week you are going to be here with me. I also can’t tell you how much I have loved reading your letters. Don’t get me wrong hearing your voice is something that just can’t be explained but your letters have given me something I could physical hold on to.

Like I have a part of you with me.

The best is yet to come, and wont that be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day that your mine

I’m not sure I should be telling you this but I’ve bared so much of my soul it would almost seem wrong if I started holding back now.

Come the day that your mine
Im gonna teach you to fly
Weve only tasted the wine
Were gonna drain that cup dry

So hear it goes another piece of me for you to do with what you like.

You see Liz I feel like I know you in a way I’ve never known anyone before. Maybe it’s because I’ve had the protection of being so far way that I’ve been able to share with you so much.

Wait till your charms are right, for the arms to surround
You think youve flown before, but you aint left the ground

I have spent my life being guarded and reserved. It just seemed like such a risk to invest your heart into something that could ultimately crush you in the end.

Maybe this stems from my parents disastrous relationship, or maybe from the broken lives I’ve been privy to as an attorney. In any case I’ve stayed distant…safe.

That is until now of course, that is until you.

It has become very clear to me why people take such chances with their hearts.

Wait till youre locked in my embrace
Wait till I hold you near
Wait till you see that sunshine place
There aint nothin like it here

If you haven’t guessed where this letter is going by now I would like to tell you I have feelings for you Liz, very strong feelings. I’ve shared with you everything from my darkest fears to most embarrassing moments and I don’t regret one word.

I just need you to know that this is serious to me. I want you to understand that I am not asking anything of you in return I am merely stating a fact. A fact that I believe you should be aware of before coming to see me.

I hope that my words do not put any pressure on you. I promise to be nothing less than a perfect gentleman while you are here. I expect nothing more from you then the pleasure of your company.

I hope I haven’t said too much. It still baffles me how the shelter of the pen and paper give me courage to say the things I do.

The best is yet to come, and wont that be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day that your mine!

I just needed to be honest with you. If this letter hasn’t changed your mind I will be waiting at gate 14 at nine pm for you.



Well what did you think?

I know it’s like he dropped down from another planet. Only an alien completely foreign to the ways of the male ego would be so incredibly open and sweet.

Oh my god they’ve started unloading the plane!

Now if I can just stop my hands from shaking and Tony from talking I would be just fine.

Walking down the tunnel that connects the plane to the airport I briefly consider turning and running back.

I know that sounds crazy but up till now Max has been more like a dream then reality.

I mean it’s easy to construct every word your going to say so it comes out perfect in a letter but this is face to face.

What if the real me sounds like a stuttering idiot?

As the crowds of people rush the gate I realize it’s too late.

Oh my god.

“Hello Liz."

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 10/27/09

Post by jake17 »

Kismet (there is a special nod to you sweetie, hope you like it :wink: )
Eternal Dreamer
Jan (had to mention you too my love, hope you iike it :P )

Wow your fb is just amazing!! thank you all so so much!! :D

Song: Call Me Irresponsible by Frank Sinatra

Chapter 6.

“Hello Liz.”

Breathe Liz breathe.

Can I just say I’d give my left arm for all of you to see what I’m looking at right now?

“Hello Max.”

He is well…simply gorgeous. Standing in front of me holding a single white rose and a smile that would melt your heart.

He looks kind and gentle but dangerously sexy. What a combination, I mean with a recipe like that he’d have you gladly taking off your clothes and thanking him for giving you the idea.

Immediately I trust him.

I know this is only the second time I’ve seen him but he just has one of those faces.

You know the kind that would always check and see if the right amount of air is in your tires and that you always have gas.

Why the hell am I making car references??

Oh lord I’m lucky that I can form any kind of thought right now!

“Geez what a cheapskate. I’d at least get you a dozen especially if I knew I was getting some ass.”

After giving a hard elbow to Tony I happily accept my beautiful rose giving Max a daring kiss on the cheek.

Like you wouldn’t. Please… half of you would have him shirtless and on the ground by now…and you know who you are. (Jan :wink:)

Fuck me he smells as good as he looks !

I am physically dizzy and I’m sure looking ridiculously giddy and swoony.

Is swoony a word? Screw it …you know what I mean.

“You must be starving, it’s not a long walk to the car follow me.”

Oh baby I would follow you to the ends of the earth if you asked me.

As he holds his rented Lexis door open for me he apologizes for the dusty exterior.

“It’s the desert and the winds blow constantly it’s impossible to keep it clean. I take it to this car wash near the house but it seems stupid to take such good care of a rental car, but I knew you were coming. Sorry Liz I wasn’t thinking I guess.”

Oh my god he rambling! He’s nervous too! I love him!

As he slides into his seat I’m still trying to get over his deep husky seductive voice when he turns on the radio.

“Call Me Irresponsible” fills the car and my shocked ears. I can’t believe it he’s playing you guessed it, the chairman of the board Frankie boy.

Holy mother of God! I must be dreaming!!

No, I never mentioned my affection for Frankie baby in any of our letters…this is true kismet! :)

Call me irresponsible
Call me unreliable

As we drive down the highway he glances at me with a mixture of cool confidence and dreamy admiration. I am left speechless by his beautiful eyes, strong jaw, and jet-black hair that is falling against his long dark eyelashes.


Do my foolish alibis bore you?
Well I’m not too clever
I just adore you

“What? Sorry were you talking? I must be tired from the trip sorry!”

Shit Liz pay attention!

Call me unpredictable
Tell me I’m impractical

“No that’s fine I can imagine you must be exhausted. I was just wondering if you’d like to go to dinner now, or if you’d rather rest at the hotel first.”

Rainbows I’m inclined to pursue

Oh yes I need to get five hours of Tony off of me before this god comes near me… oh please lord let him want to come near me!

“You know I think I would like to check in and get settled before dinner. It was a long flight.”

Call me irresponsible
Yes I’m unreliable

“No problem, I have the perfect place to take you. From your letters I remember you love Mexican food. Would that be alright for tonight?”

But it’s undeniably true
I’m irresponsibly mad for you

I smile loving that he remembers such an insignificant fact. Something that Chuck my boyfriend of two years failed to keep a handle on. Although it must’ve been difficult to fit such an irrelevant detail in his tiny brain along with his hunting, fishing, endless stags, baseball games, and nights at the bar.

So much to keep straight who could really blame him?

As we pull up to the hotel that he has chosen I am stunned. Tony would be floored.

It has to be the most luxurious hotel in the state of New Mexico. Before I can even wonder how much he is spending for my four days at this palace he appears at my window.

He immediately is at my door and helping me out. For a second I wonder if that old show candid camera is still running.

This is just too much.

After checking me in and getting me settled in my room he politely if not shyly excuses himself to let me rest.

“If I come back in an hour an a half is that enough time because –

“That’s perfect, I’ll be waiting.”

Who is he kidding? Like that would ever be enough time to get ready for this guy! Ok Liz you have to work fast!

Before I can close the door and run into the shower he holds it open and whispers my name.

Oh lord help me…who the hell has a voice like that?

He gives me this serious look that startles me a little and makes me really pay attention.

The emotion in his dreamy eyes says it all, but he feels the need to drive it home by lowering his voice in turn sweeping me clear off my feet into heaven.

“Liz, I just want you to know… I mean I-I’m really …happy you’re here.”

A few seconds go by while I frantically search for the ability to speak...something I've effortlessly managed to do since I was two... until now.

I’d like to see you try it in my situation.

“So am I Max.”

There I did it!

With a nod and sultry grin he backs away and out of my sight.

Closing the door I rest my back on the wall and breathe out in total love lust and longing.

Don’t judge but lust is seriously winning the race.


So after I break my "getting ready" record I am waiting nervous as all hell in my black short sexy but not slutty dress.

Staring into the mirror I lift my hair several times wondering if I should’ve put it up.

Damn too late now he’s here.

Oh god I promise to go to church every Sunday and volunteer at the soup kitchen and never lie again if you let this night go well!

I clutch the doorknob when I open it and see him.

Is he trying to kill me?

He's dressed in a button down black shirt and dark jeans that fit him in a way that lets me know just how delightful his body is under his clothes.

I want to rip every piece of material off of him immediately if not sooner but I restrain.

Not easy.

“Liz you look…breathtaking.”

I look down blushing like a sixteen year old.

“That was a really dorky thing to say wasn’t it? God I suck at this Liz. I’m sorry, I hope I’m not some big disappointment to you. It was so much easier with the letters.”

Is he serious?

Laughing I grab my purse and lead him down the hall.

“Max you couldn’t be a dork if you tried, and I am definitely not disappointed. You're even more charming then your letters, and I didn't think that could be possible.”

Reaching down he grabs my hand and squeezes it gently.

I am certain I have never been happier in my life.

Soup kitchen here I come.
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 11/13/09

Post by jake17 »


wow thank you so so much for your very sweet fb!!

Songs: "It Had to Be You" and "Mind if I Make Love to You?"
both by Frank Sinatra

Chapter 7.

Ok picture this all you ladies out there.

I am sitting across from the most beautiful man in the world at a tiny table for two sipping margarita’s under a full moon and a sky bursting with stars.

Am I dreaming you may ask?

I say this because I’ve been asking myself this question the entire night.

The warm breezes are blowing his dark hair across his dangerously sexy eyes as he shamelessly stares at me…something he has become completely unabashed about.

For all you dirty minds out there this night slowly progressed to this point.

In fact it all began very innocently.

He took me on a tour of Roswell and I discovered that this brilliant gorgeous man has a cute as hell dorky side.

Yes we are perfect for each other.

If he confesses that he dances with his cat too I may have to marry this man.

I insisted and he was in fact thrilled to show me all around taking me to all the tourist traps.

We laughed our way through several alien museums even stopping at an alien themed diner for a drink before heading to the restaurant.

He insisted on buying me a small painting right off the wall of a spaceship hovering over a mountain range with a beam of light striking the ground. It was the cheesiest thing I had ever scene and at the moment my most prized possession.

We had plans for me to meet his mom which I was really looking forward to but she was having a bad night and her nurse thought she needed her rest.

For the first time I saw how deeply painful and draining his mother’s illness had been for him.

I think I fell deeper in love seeing how vulnerable he was. It was so obvious just how much he loved her and how hard this was for him and for some reason he didn't even try to hide this from me.

For a moment he wondered if he should leave her there alone at all, but the nurse insisted she just needed some rest and he deserved to go out and have some fun.

It seems that this was the first night he had spent away from her, and I do think that behind the amazing night we were having his concern for her was always there.

Still I think he realized that he really needed to let go of his worry as much as he could for at least one night. I secretly loved that I was a source of comfort for him.

So here we were after hours of laughing and talking and flirting helplessly with each other it was clear something real was happening.

We were without a doubt falling in love.

It was beyond a feeling or a thought.

It was tangible.

You could feel the electricity in the air and taste it on your tongue.

The air around us was charged with energy.

I had never experienced anything like it.

All I could think about was what it would be like to kiss him, little did I know my wish was about to come true.

For a moment he disappeared from the table and when he returned I heard the first few notes to one of my favorite Frank Sinatra songs ever.

A huge smile crossed my lips as I placed my hand in his and found myself once again almost two months to the day back in his arms.

Looking brightly into his sweet honey eyes I whispered against his ear as he held me close.

“How did you know?”

I almost lost my balance as the he brushed his lips against my neck.

“I saw your face when you heard my CD in the car. Please don’t take offense to this Liz but you are very easy to read.”

As the lyrics began I pulled back and gave him a sexy grin wondering if he could read my thoughts at that particular moment.

It had to be you, it had to be you
I’ve wandered around and finally found somebody who
Could make me feel true
Whoa whoa whoa could make me be blue
And, even be glad just to be sad thinkin’ of you

“Really Max? What exactly can you tell from looking at me right now?”

And just at that moment he slid his arm tight around my waist and pressed his hand against the small of my back leaving me breathless.

As his eyes lowered to gaze at my lips I wondered briefly if I would survive such euphoria.

“Well if I’m not mistaken maybe you're thinking about being kissed.”

Some others I’ve seen
Might never be mean
Might never be cross
Or, try to be boss
But, they wouldn’t do

And just like that it happened.

The very best moment of my entire life.

Our first kiss.

Even the accent of the Mexican band butchering the song couldn’t take away from the sheer magic of the moment.

It started off sweet and tender, his mouth gently covering mine barely touching my lips, but then something stronger than the both of us began to ignite the moment.

Next thing I know his hands are laced threw my hair as he passionately parts my lips and releases a deep moan from his throat.

For nobody else gave me a thrill
With all you faults I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you.

Shaky and gasping for air we part and stare at each other with a mixture of shock and overwhelming need.


Not thinking of my virtue or even remembering what that word even meant I grabbed the check off the table took the keys from his pocket and handed them to him.

“Go get the car, I’ll take care of the bill.”

Shaking his head "no" he reached for his wallet and threw a fifty on the table.

"Tell her to keep the change. I'll be right back."

I know what you're all thinking.

No, I don't usually have sex on the first date.

In fact usually it took several dates before I made the mistake of sleeping with the small number of total idiots from my past.

Apparently no amount of time prepared me for the usual two minutes of pounding and grunting followed by watching them scarf down cereal before drifting off to snore like a beast in my face.

Yes sadly this was my vast knowledge of the sexual world.

But not with Max.

Somehow I knew it would be different.

Maybe love made the difference, maybe it was the man himself.

I didn't really know for sure, but it felt right.

Everything about him was right.

‘Cause nobody else gave me a thrill
with all your faults, I love you still now
And it had to be you, it just had to be you
It had to be you

Suddenly he stops and turns towards me.

He smiles softly and runs the back of his hand down my cheek.

"Liz, are you sure?"

Rising up on my toes I grab the back of his hair and taste him once again. I can feel a shiver rush threw both of us.

Honesty I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.

Backing away I nod and mouth the words “hurry” and he disappears.


We sat in silence in the car as Max blew every light from the restaurant to the hotel.

I smiled at how more than once I noticed his hands shaking on the steering wheel before he would try to hide them from me.

Who was I kidding?

I was just as nervous.

After an awkward call to his mother’s nurse telling her he would not be returning home for the night Max took my hand and we walked onto the elevator.

Unfortunately we had to share the ride with an elderly couple who stared suspiciously at us the entire time.

Even though we were grown adults we stood next to each other and looked straight ahead convinced these people knew exactly what we were about to do.

Finally we found ourselves at the door of my room.

Somewhere between the Mexican version of “It had to be you” and the trip back to the hotel I had lost all my courage.

Then I felt his hand reaching to cover mine.

“Liz tonight was more than I could’ve hoped or wished for. If it’s too soon or you’ve changed your mind I would completely understand.”

Without saying a word I open the door and lead him inside.

I can feel his gentle hands reaching around my waist as his lips graze my neck.

Trembling inside I reach over and turn the radio on and search for a station appropriate for the moment.

As the song begins I realize my fate is sealed with this man.

As Frank softly sings the continuing soundtrack to our love affair Max turns me around and cradles my face in his hands.

In the Heaven stars are dancing
And the mountain moon is new
What a rare night for romancing
Mind if I make love to you?

He gazes into my eyes for what seems like forever letting me know that this is something real for him.

He begins to speak but I can see how nervous he is. I can see how hard the words are and how much he wants to say the right thing.

But that’s just it. I know what he’s feeling because I’m feeling it too.

Since the dear day of our meeting
I’ve wanted to tell you all I long to do.
Dawn is nearing, time is fleeting
Mind if I make love to you?

I hold my hand to his lips silencing him and begin to lower the straps to my dress. His eyes are warm and loving as he follows the path of my clothes that are now on the floor next to my shoes.

I am speechless as he unbuttons his shirt revealing his shockingly perfect body to me.

The volume of my breathing is almost embarrassing as I step closer to him and put my hands on his bare chest smoothing them over his muscular form.

I can barely form a thought as my fingers graze past his tight stomach and hear a soft gasp from his lips.

If you let me, I’ll endeavor
To persuade you I’m your party for two
And from then on, you will never mind
If I make love to you?
Mind if I make love to you?

As he lowers me to the bed my eyes flutter close as I feel him slowly part my legs with his hard thigh.

Between breathless moans and whispers of words that melt my heart I felt his mouth explore every part of me.

I lost count how many times he pushed me over the edge before he slowly moved inside causing me to cry out his name.

He rocked slowly moving over me. Always with his eyes locked on mine making sure he was pleasing me.

My legs wrapped around his body urging him to go deeper faster.

Our hands were laced together tightly above my head as we shared something that neither of us experienced before.

Feeling myself racing towards the edge once more I arched my back and cried out as he mouth covered my breast.

With a throaty groan he followed me as we came blissfully together.

For hours we laid together, my head resting on his chest his arms wrapped around me.

It was completely quiet until the moment I noticed the bright orange sun peak threw the window and heard his voice.

“I hope I’m not waking you.”

Waking me? Like I'm going to waste one second sleeping when this god is lying beneath me naked.

I may be crazy but I am no fool.

Slowly I shake my head against his hard warm chest silently praying my mascara isn't half way down my face and my hair doesn't look like a rats nest.

“Liz, I know it’s soon. I know I’m rushing things, but I-I need to say this. I just can’t hold it in any longer-

Just then the phone begins to ring.

I lift my head and look up at him.

“Ignore it, it’s probably Maria I’ll get the message later, please go on.”

He begins to speak again but I can tell what he wants to say is too important to have the annoying sound of a phone ringing in the background.

Understanding how he feels I pick up the phone and immediately sit up.

My face turns white as I pray it’s not what I think it is.

“Yes he’s here, hold on one second.”

I already see the panick in his eyes.

"Max, it's your mother's nurse."

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 8 11/21/09

Post by jake17 »

Ok everyone, I know you're all going to hate me for this but I had to do it :(
"running and hiding now"

thank you for all your insanely sweet fb!

song: Full Moon and Empty Arms
by Frank Sinatra

Chapter 8.

Yes my friends every funny romantic story has a heartbreaking moment and I’m afraid we’ve reached that point in my tale.

As Max begins to shake he is left speechless, I can hear the nurse on the other end calling out for him.

God he is in shock, devastated.

His eyes fall to the bed as tears drop one by one from his distraught beautiful face.

I take the phone from his hand, he gives it to me without a fight.

Too shocked to speak he gets up from the bed and goes into the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

Left holding the phone I close my eyes as I listen to the nurse tell me how his mother had a massive stroke. I listen to the words that must have ripped through his heart and want to crawl in a hole.

“I tried to reach him several times but his cell phone was shut off. Please tell him that she was gone by the time we reached the hospital. There was nothing he could have done. She was unconscious the entire time and peacefully passed away.”

I feel a sharp pain in my chest knowing that none of this will matter to Max. I know without a doubt that he will blame himself for everything. He wasn’t with his mother at the end because he was with me.

Knowing him he will never speak these words to me but the guilt will tear him apart.

I love this man.

I love him and he has just suffered the biggest loss of his life.

Oh God please tell me what to do.

I decide I am going to be his rock through all of this, that I will take care of all the arrangements, handle as much paperwork as they will allow.

I want so much to take his pain away. If I could take it on myself I would.

I guess that’s what it is to be in love.

To care more about another person then you do yourself.

Ok God I get it, but did I have to learn such a lesson this way?

Grabbing a pen a paper I begin to take down all the information as the nurse rattles off what needs to be done.

Luckily Max being a responsible smart attorney has already made all of the necessary preparations.

There are still calls that have to be made, and little jobs that I can handle.

I want to do as much as possible for him.

Just then the door opens and Max walks out completely dressed.

He is all pulled together looking like nothing has happened.

“Excuse me Liz, I can take this now.”

I sit back in shock as he takes the piece of paper that I have written all the instructions on and confirms them with Betty.

“I need to make some calls, I’ll be back at the house as soon as possible. Thank you Betty for taking care of my mother. I will speak to you later.”

I am dumfounded as I listen to him talk as if he is conducting a business meeting.

He is cool and calm without a trace of distress on his face.

What is happening here?

After he hangs up the phone he dials the front desk and asks them to make flight reservations for one. Stating the destination and other requests to make me as comfortable as possible he nods and thanks the receptionist.

I am speechless as he turns to me and takes my hand.

“Liz, the hotel desk will be calling shortly with your plane reservations. I will have a car ready out front to take you to the airport. I apologize for not being able to escort you myself but there is much I have to do.”

My eyes widen in disbelief as he begins to get his stuff together.

Why is he doing this?

Why is he hiding his pain from me?

I stand up and wrap the sheet around my body never feeling more naked in my life.

At a loss for words I search my brain but we all know that is totally useless.

He is walking towards me, looking as if he is about to shake my hand. Like we made a successful merger last night and he is politely thanking me.

His face is tight and strained, I can see it’s taking every bit of strength for him not to break down right now.

Please someone tell me what to do!

“Liz, I really enjoyed your stay. I’m sorry that it needs to be cut short –

Screw this I know he felt what I did. I know this is all an act.

“Max please, you don’t have to go through this alone. Let me help you, let me stay. Max-

Gently he places his hands on my shoulders and looks down at the ground unable to face me.

“I am truly sorry Liz, I have to do this by myself. You have to go.”

As he says the last three words his voice cracks.


He doesn’t want me to leave. I can see the shame in his eyes, it’s practically dripping off him.

"Max this is not your fault. There is no way you could’ve known –

“Liz I can’t do this now. I promise to contact you as soon as things calm down.”

As he reaches for the doorknob I blurt out my true feelings for him hoping that it will make him change his mind.

“Max, I love you! And I know you love me! Please, let me help you. Don’t walk away from this…from us!”

But that is exactly what he did.

Without even turning around he was gone.


So here I am flying back to Connecticut with tiny pieces of my heart falling from the sky.

I don’t need them anymore, now I know they were all meant for him.

But he is gone now so let them fall to the ground.

I don't need them anymore.

Staring out the window at the clouds in front of me, I knew it was all too good to be true.

Let’s face it

This is not a movie

And life is not a song…

Give me five minutes more
only five minutes more
Let me stay,
let me stay in your arms

Here am I, begging for only five minutes more
Only five minutes more of your charms

All week long I dreamed about our Saturday date
Don't you know that Sunday morning you can sleep late

Give me five minutes more
Here am I begging for,
only five minutes more

Let me stay, let me stay
Let me stay, let me stay
stay in your arms

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 9 11/27/09

Post by jake17 »

thank all of you for your fb...and for not killing me :wink: !!

i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving :)

song: "Not For Me" by Frank Sinatra

Chapter 9.

Well yes it’s me again and I wish I had better news.

If this were a movie you would be expecting to hear of my Max showing up at my door with flowers on his knees begging my forgiveness or in keeping with this story a dreamy romantic letter declaring his love for me…

But like I said before this is no movie and life is not a song…at least not for me I’m afraid.

Months have passed with no word from Max.

Well that’s not completely true.

I did receive a letter from him but it’s not even worth reading to you.

You see after that faithful day I made many many …many attempts at contacting him.

I called, emailed, wrote letters… eventually I received a note typed on his work stationary.

Yeah I know.

It was very respectful and polite but it was basically letting me know that he was in a period of mourning and that he wishes me well.

Quite a leap from the passionate tender words of love that made their way to my house so many times.

I gave up after that…it was time.

Anyway, holidays have come and gone.

Oh what fun they were.

Michael and Maria tried their best to help.

They set me up with three eligible men. Yes a woman’s worst nightmare the blind date.

Why did I go you ask?

I don’t have an answer for you, maybe out of desperation maybe to try and forget him.

But there is no forgetting Max Evans. There is no forgetting when you meet the man you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with and he slips through your fingers.

You see I know all this for a fact because I discussed all this with every single one of my three handsome well-educated bachelors.

They heard every last detail of my heart-wrenching story; of course the good stuff didn’t come out until my third glass of red wine.

That’s when everything would get a little hazy. I’m pretty sure I discussed how magical it was making love with Max with lucky number three.

Yeah it’s a pretty sure bet Greg from Michael’s law firm won’t be calling me back anytime soon.

But I’m good now… sort of …

I’m in a routine I guess you can say.

Work …gym…lean cuisine for one… crying fit… nightly call to Maria promising her that I will not do anything stupid … bed.

It’s not much but I’m trying.

It would help if freaking the worse day of the year weren’t coming up.

Yes the dreaded Valentine’s Day is approaching and I know what your thinking …

It’s just a stupid made up holiday to make florists and Hallmark rich but it still sucks the big one.

It crazy but it seems like everyone around me is in love.

It’s kind of like when you get your flu shot and for the whole day people keep hitting you in that exact spot on your arm …for no apparent reason… AND IT HURTS….A LOT.

Yeah kind of like that.

Even my slimy mailman has found himself a girl. And he has three toes on his left foot!!

Please don’t ask me how I know that.

Actually you came right in time for my nightly pity party.


I forgot to tell you, along with the crying comes Frankie. Oh yes he feels my pain. I can hear it in his lyrics. He is singing to me up in heaven …have I told you I already started on the wine?

They're writing songs of love - but not for me
A lucky star's above - but not for me
With love to lead the way
I've found more clouds of gray
Than any Russian play - can guarantee

Ok so with my faithful cat by my side I slide the red ribbon free releasing my beautiful letters. Oh yeah…like we weren’t going there…don’t you know me by now?

I was a fool to fall - and get this way
Ah ho alas and awe - so lackaday
Although I can't dismiss
The memory of her kiss
I guess she's not - she's not for me


I love this one…

I know I’m torturing myself but I can’t help holding the paper up to my face and breathing it in… and just like that I am transported back into his arms.

Old man sunshine - listen you
Never tell me dreams come true
Just try it - and all start a riot

Dear Liz,

I hope this letter finds you and you are happy. I hope that work went fast and friends that make you smile found their way to you. I hope that traffic was light and your dinner was delicious and the sun shone on your beautiful face making you feel warm.

But really I hope that you are thinking of me because I am sure thinking of you. I hope that you are imagining the first time we kiss and of me holding you close because I am imagining it too.

Beatrice Fairfax don't you dare
Ever tell me she will care
I'm certain - it's the final curtain

I hope that you ran to get this letter from your mailbox because I do that too. I hope that your heart pounds and your hands shake as you rip open the envelope eager to read my words as I do with you.

I never want to here from any
cheerful Polly-Anna's
Who tell you fate supplies a
mate - it's all bananas

Because you see my feelings are overflowing for you and I just can’t keep them inside. It’s just an ordinary day but I am swept up in you…in the memory of you.
I guess I’m just hoping you feel this way too.


It all began so well - but what an end
This is the time - a fellow needs a friend
When every happy plot
Ends with a marriage knot
And there's no knot,
no not for me

I can barely see all of you through my tears but there is something you should all know.

There is a special reason I invited you all here on this day.

For this is the last day I will read these letters… the last day I will cry over my lost love Max Evans.

You see tomorrow I will be starting over …a new leaf you could say.

I’ve been invited to a wedding …I know what you’re thinking…

It’s too soon.

Maybe, but I have to get out there sometime.

Besides it’s my cousin Alison’s wedding and if I don’t show I’ll be hearing it for the next twenty thanksgivings…or as long as their marriage lasts.

Ooh that was just nasty…

Bitterness…isn’t that one of the stages?

See I’m getting there!
Last edited by jake17 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:54 pm

Re: Love Letters (AU,M/L,Adult) *Complete* 12/15/09

Post by jake17 »

Ken_r: thanks so much for sharing your story ken.

I just want to thank everyone who left such amazing sweet fb throughout this story!

I also want to say that if you've ever been really hurt by the loss of someone or by love it is so hard to take that chance again...and in my mind it was too painful for Max to even talk to her because if he did ...he never be able to let her go...

At least that's how I saw it in my mind...

If you didn't that's fine too... I know i'm a hopeless romantic ...i've excepted it :wink:

I really hope you all like the ending to this story. :)

Oh just to let you know this very long last chapter got wiped away when the site when down and of course I didn't save it like I do with everything else...

So I wrote it all from memory...

Please keep this in mind when you read it... I did my best.

again thanks for all your support! It means the world to me!

Song: At Last by Etta James

Chapter 10.

So here I am ladies!

All dressed up and somewhere to go!

I can’t really complain though as far as bridesmaid dresses go it’s not all that bad.

It’s long and lavender with an empire waist. I kind of look like Jane from Pride and Prejudice, very romantic.

It could be worse; I could be wearing a hot pink taffeta gown with a big fat bow in the back.

Spinning around in the mirror I watch as my reflection approaches and recedes again and briefly imagine him by my side.

Shaking that image from my mind I fluff out my hair going against the brides wishes that all the girls wear their hair up.

I like how it flows against my shoulders besides it makes me feel like a bad ass!

That’s me Liz Parker breaking all the rules, kicking ass and taking names!

No, I haven’t been drinking.

Ok so maybe I’m not breaking the rules I’m just bending them a little, placing my big toe over that forbidden line.

I know what you’re all thinking…

Liz it’s just your hair…

But we all need to begin somewhere and today is a fresh new start for me.

A day of new beginnings

Just in case your wondering…yes my cat Leah is looking at me like I am insane and secretly hoping I won’t pick her up and waltz her around the room again.

Have no fear Leah there will be no cat dancing today…

As you have noticed it’s very quiet, I’m giving Frank the day off.

Stepping off the emotional roller coaster for once in my life.

Taking a break from the soundtrack to my life.

I’m going to handle this wedding with grace and dignity not to mention a sober mind.

Actually I feel pretty good.


Is he still in my mind and more so my heart… well yes. I can’t deny that. I suppose he will always be there but at some point we all have to move on.

Do I feel like going to this wedding alone where I’ll be surrounded by happy couples while I’m sitting at the singles table alone like a loser …no, but what can you do?

Just so you don’t feel left out I’ll fill you in on some of my dinner companions for the night.

My cousin Wayne will no doubt be there. His biggest accomplishments are killing deer and sitting in his underwear all day watching Asian porn. Then there is my Great Aunt Pearl. Pearl is a seventy two retired gym teacher who has twelve cats and sixty two house plants. She loves to lecture me on my poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

Yeah this is going to be loads of fun…

But I feel like I need to do this.

I believe they call it closure.

You know, where you face your problem head on and make peace with it so you’re able to move on with your life?

Well since I can’t have real closure, this will have to do.

See if you think about it we’re going right back where we started.

A full circle you could say.

I know what you’re thinking…Liz enough with the clichés.

But it’s true when you think about it!

This story started at a wedding and will end with a wedding, but instead of finishing with a big romantic climax like in the movies, it’s going to end with our heroin becoming a stronger wiser woman who believes more in the random occurrences in life than some preordained destiny.

A lesson learned you could say.

Don’t get me wrong I still believe in romance and the magic that happens when you fall in love.

I’m just more realistic about it now, because chances are that the guy you think of as your prince charming after three weeks will seem more like a waiter from Sizzler.

Sometimes your food will come hot and delicious and other times the fish will be under cooked and you’ll come down with food poisoning.

That’s love, no reason to sugar coat it.

Hey I didn’t make the rules, I’m just learning them as I go.

With five minutes to spare I take one last look in the mirror.

You can do this Liz, just make it past the stupid part where they cut the cake and you can slip out without anyone noticing.

Smiling I estimate that I should be back home in time to throw on my penguin pajamas and dive into a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream before Saturday Night Live starts.


The Ceremony

“By the power invested in me by the State of Connecticut I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!”

Joining along with the thunderous applause I feel very proud of myself.

I honestly thought I’d have to force a plastered fake smile while recalling the scene in the movie Misery where Kathy Bates smashes that writers ankles with a sledge hammer to get through this part, but I’m good.

Not skipping through the daisy’s singing the hills are alive with music good but I’m …ok.


The Reception

Oh you would all be so proud of me.

I have passed on the buckets of champagne and endless bottles of wine that keeps crossing my path. I have a totally clear mind and am in complete control over my emotions.

Yes I have learned my lesson.

I have successfully gotten through the big romantic first dance and somehow survived cousin Wayne’s many attempts at looking down my dress and Aunt Pearl’s advice on doing deep lunges to improve my gluts.

I figure I just have to make it through a few more songs before everyone is nice and toasted and doesn’t notice my epending escape.

I have placed myself on the edge of the dance floor.

As I see it I have nothing to be ashamed of.

So what if I’m alone, plenty of intelligent strong funny women have gone through life single.

Just so you know that is my line if anyone questions my reason for coming to this wedding stag.

I’m just going to hold my head up high and –

Oh …my… god! NO! no no no no no no no…this is not happening, this is SO not happening!

Maria promised he wasn’t going to be here! He doesn’t even know my cousin!

Shit! I can’t even get away! There’s nowhere to hide! I’m trapped in sea of tuxedos and lavender!

Ok you are not going to believe who is making a beeline for yours truly.

The one and only Mr. Grabby hands himself from Maria’s wedding six months ago… you know the one I am doing everything in my power to FORGET!

Seriously God, are you trying to kill me?

Every direction I turn in is a dead end blocked by some couple making out or a group of morons doing shots and giving each other high fives.


This is what I get for being brave!!

This is what I get for sucking it up and getting back out there!!

Well so much for karma …Buddha can kiss my ass!

“Excuse me Madame, but would you care for a twirl around the dance floor with a man who can please you in ways you couldn’t even imagine in your wildest dreams?”

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.

Before I can decline I am literally almost jerked out of my heels onto the dance floor as beer breath Grope Gus is screaming in my face as he slurs his next almost incomprehensible slimy line.

“Heaven jusst called …ttherrre veerry upssset…

Closing my eyes I sigh assuming that I’m suppose to participate in his butchering of an already cheesy pick up line.

“Oh yeah why is that?”

Suddenly I feel a strong gentle hand take mine as I am pulled into the arms of someone must taller.

Then I hear that voice, that unmistakable deep velvet dreamy tone.

“Because they’re missing an angel.”

No, it can’t be…

Slowly I open my eyes to look up and find I’m in the arms of my true love, of the man I have envisioned spending the rest of my life with….of the man who broke my heart into a million pieces.

Pulling away I stand back to see everyone staring at us.

Maria and Michael have the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces.

Even grabby hands is suddenly sober as hell smiling widely.

Yes my friends this was planned.

Shaking my head I back away, I can feel my face turning beat red half from embarrassment and half from rage.

“Liz wait! Let me explain!”

Increasing my stride I don’t look back.

“You had months to explain, good bye Max.”

Of course with my luck I end up in the kitchen instead of the front entrance.

So much for grace and dignity,

After bumping into several waitress’s and cooks I keep going having no idea if this leads to any exit.

Looking back through my smudged mascara I see him following me.

Of course when I turn back I do not see the waiter who is holding a huge platter of shrimp and crash right into him.

Before I can even start to pick the shrimp out of my hair my heel gets caught on a piece of parsley and I slide helplessly across the black and white checked floor into …yes you guessed it…

The wedding cake

Fuck me sideways

Covered in white icing and butter cream filling I pick the plastic mini groom and bride from my cleavage and wish hard for a quick death.

“Liz! Oh my god! Are you ok?”

Is he serious?

As I concentrate on giving Max the look of death I see a white veil appear behind him and my heart stops.

“My cake! It’s ruined!”

After many many failed attempts at getting up from the incredibly slippery floor I end up only falling deeper into the three tier monstrosity, I think about grabbing the wedding knife and ending it all.

But wait it’s about to get worse.

Yes it is possible…

Don’t you dare doubt me.

Hearing a loud shriek Max turns to find both the mother and mother in-law AND all seven bridesmaids and groomsmen AND most of the guests pushing their way through to get a glimpse at the show.

Even the freaking five year old flower girl is giving me a dirty look!

Reaching his hand out to me he yells over the many many irate voices.

“Take my hand!”

Eyeing the angry mob that was quickly growing I sigh and reluctantly allow him to help me up.

Taking one step my feet fly out from under me almost causing me to fall yet again.

Like a scene from superman Max effortlessly lifts me up and cradles me in his arms and leads me out the door and safely into his car.

As we drive down the street he looks over at me unable to hold in his laughter.

“It’s not funny!”

Nodding he pulls a shirt from his suitcase in the back seat and hands it to me.

“It’s a little funny.”

Releasing a deep sigh I wipe the cake off my face and hands and glare at him.

“What did you think Max? You could just show up and pull off some big romantic scene and I would just forget everything and swoon into your arms?”

“His voice got quiet as he put his blinker on and pulled over to the side of the road.

“Actually it was all Maria’s and Michael’s idea. I was convinced after what I had done to you would never talk to me. They thought that if I made some big grand gesture it would sweep you off your feet or something. I’m sorry Liz, I never meant to embarrass you.”

Turning towards him I rest my head on the seat exhausted and confused.

“Just tell me why? How could you…after everything just shut me out of your life? Max its been months without even a word, and then I get that cold ridiculous note on your office stationary? I just don’t understand?”

I watch as my words crush him.

It wasn’t my intention to do that, but lets face it once you fall into a wedding cake in front of hundreds of people you tend to lose your sense of tact.

Exiting from the car he walks with his head down and sits on a rock by the side of the road.

After several minutes I pull my sticky dress from his leather seat and join him.

He looks like he’s been through hell; I soon get the sinking feeling that tonight was not easy for him. Making a spectacle out of himself is definitely against his nature.

Slowly he brushes his thick hair out of his watery eyes and takes a deep breath to face me.

“Liz, what I did was unforgivable, I know that, and I don’t expect you to understand but I can’t go on with my life until I explain why I did what I did.”

Shivering from the night air he takes his suit jacket off and wraps it around my shoulders.

Whispering I respond as I pull his coat tight around my shoulders. “I’m listening.”

Waiting several minutes he turns to look me directly in my eyes. I can already feel his sincerity hitting me.

“Liz, what I’m about to tell you isn’t an excuse. I was wrong. One hundred percent wrong.”

Taking anther long deep breath he cradles my face in his hands and begins to whisper as if speaking the words is just too painful.

“Liz that night we spent together was the first time I ever…opened myself up to anyone before. I have seen so much pain and destruction of lives when it comes to love I swore I would never let it happen to me.”


“But then you came along and I understood why people risk such incredible heartache and pain. It all became so clear. That night I knew without a doubt that I had fallen in love with you, and nothing …nothing else mattered …and then…

Resting my hand over his I whisper back. “Your mom.”

“Liz, my mom sacrificed everything for me. She worked two jobs to get me through college then law school. She was my rock, always there for me. A constant loving supportive presence in my life that I could always count on.”


“No, please let me finish. You see she only asked one thing of me. After twenty-six years the only thing she made me promise her is that when it came for her time to go …she wouldn’t be alone. She was so afraid of dying but she said if I was there to hold her hand …that it she could look into my eyes as she left this world she would be ok.”

Tears streamed down my face. “And you were with me.”

“Don’t you see Liz it was more than the guilt I felt for letting her down, all I kept thinking is if losing someone I love hurts this much, how could I ever take the chance of going through that again.”

Brushing his thumb across my face he pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.

“Liz, I couldn’t face even the possibility of going through the rest of my life in that kind of pain if I ever lost you.”

Feeling him so close I was unable to speak.

“So what changed your mind?”

Slowly his warm golden eyes opened as he stared intensely back at me.

“Well I’ve learned something after being without you all these months.”

“What’s that?”

“You can’t go back.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean when you’ve shared your soul, your heart with the one person in the world that understands you, when you’ve make love to that person and known what’s it’s like to hold them in your arms completely vulnerable and you feel safe and loved and well…home. You can’t go back.”

Yeah I had to remind myself to breath at this point too…

“Being in love, sharing your life with someone that you truly care about …that’s what it’s all about… all the rest is just …passing time. Liz I would risk everything I have, everything I am to spend the rest of my life with you, loving you.”


“I promise that I will never leave you again, I promise to spend the rest of my days doing everything I can to make you happy.”

And that’s when I saw it.

The small velvet black box resting on my lap.

Smiling brightly up at me with tears in his eyes he got down on one knee and took my hand.

“Liz take this chance on me. Let me spend the rest of my days proving to you just how much I love you. Please ….say yes…say you’ll marry me.”

So there we were on the side of the road by the glow of his headlights dancing to the very song that brought us together in the first place.

I guess sometimes the world is like a movie, and life in a magical way can be like a song…

At Last
my love has come along
my lonely days are over
and life is like a song

Ooh At last
the skies above are blue
well my heart was wrapped in clover
the night I looked at you

I found a dream
that I could speak to
a dream that I could call my own
I found a thrill
to press my cheek to
a thrill that I have never known


you smile
you smile
oh and then the spell was cast
and here we are in heaven
for you are mine at last

I found a dream
that I could speak to
a dream that I
could call my own
I found a thrill
to press my cheek to
a thrill that I have never known


you smile
you smile
oh and then the spell was cast
and here we are in heaven
for you are mine at last

ooo yea
you are mine
you are mine
at last
at last
at last
at last

~ the beginning ~

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare