Asylum – (CC, Adult) [WIP]

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Re: Asylum – (CC, Adult) Ch 11, 3/6/09

Post by ForeignLoveMonkey »

After everything that happened it's Isabel that you focus on. Nice.

This doesn't depict the Antarian's royal house as good guys. They seeked expansion and they conquered those who didn't want to give up their planets.
Most nations have a dirty history with expansion and conquest against those who are weaker than them. I don't think you can judge them based on the actions of people that lived hundreds of years before.

More interest in Isabel...hmm.

Glad you didn't mind the extra long chapter. Prepare for another one.

I love the fact that - being the aliens there - Maria and Liz are doing so well in defence matters! well as Kyle! :shock: :D
Obviously for some reasons Michal and Max doesn't agree!!!! :lol: :lol: and I wonder why.... :roll:
Well those boys, who know what they are thinking? Oh that's right ME! :twisted:

Yeah little Maria, dropping those large men would be quite a site.

Glad your enjoying it

Those guys would never admit to being jealous. I like that you noticed Serena. She's my favourite character in this story. You should always know where Serena it...

Authors Note:
I will have to prepare a paper for publication so I probably won't be posting anything over the next couple of weeks. That is unless I put in some serious procrastination. I've left you with an extra long chapter with nice little teaser so enjoy.


Chapter 11
The man tied to the chair was balding. Battered and bruised he hung limply forward against his binds, his head hanging down revealing only the sparse stubble that covered his scalp. The slow constricted movements of his back and shoulders gave the only indication that the man was alive.

Light suddenly engulfed the room as the only door was opened behind the tied man. The light revealing bloodied cuts and bruises on the back of the man’s head and the side of his face. Walking into the room a tall lean woman took her place leaning against the wall next to the door as it closed while the other circled around behind the mans chair grabbing’s his head from behind and pulling the body upright, causing the head to drop listlessly back on the neck. As the man’s eyes slowly fluttered the other figure gave the mans face two slaps bringing him back to consciousness.

“How are we feeling today Cal?” his interviewer asked as they continued the path around his chair. Watching for his captor to reach the front, Cal held their gaze for a moment before spitting what he was sure was a collection of stale blood from his mouth.

Seeing Cal’s response, the other person gave an amused chuckle “Very dramatic” turning around to grab a straight back chair sitting neatly under a table further back in the room his interviewer continued “So it’s the silent treatment. Classic” they finished dryly. Turning the back of the chair to face Cal his interview straddled it, resting their arms against the top.

“So” they drew out taking in Cal’s carefully studied defiant expression “Gotta ask. LA? I know the moneys good but how can you stand to be around those people?”

A ghost of a smile crossed Cal’s face “Oh you’re too young my dear. You’ve got to be on this planet for a bit longer before you might understand.” Passing his eyes over his interview he continued “Develop a sex drive.”

“Ooo Ouch” his interviewer replied “I don’t have a problem in that department. But the plastic, isn’t it just like a blow up doll?” they continued enjoying the veiled insults the two were exchanging.

“Oh but they are so well trained.” Cal gave a chuckle of appreciation becoming more at ease with his interviewer.

“You can’t even feel the difference can you” his interviewer replied seeing though Cals façade. He may have had knowledge of some of the Earths carnal pleasures in the past but not recently; they didn’t need any special skills to read the anger and loss that travelled across his face.

Seeing his interviewer had cut through his lie Cal responded honestly “We both know who’s to blame for that.”

“The ‘Child-like Empress’” his captor supplied with a knowing smile

“Couldn’t have put it better myself” Cal chuckled. Honestly they both hated the same person, he didn’t see why they couldn’t work together to achieve the same end.

Getting down to business his captor asked him the question he’d brought him here for “So tell me where they are.”

“You know as well as I do that I can’t do that” Cal responded hating that he had volunteered for this job.

“See I don’t understand you.” His captor replied “You were one of the Bodymen right? One of the most trusted protectors, that was an honour and then you were sent to this...” struggling for the right word the interviewer cast their eyes around the room in disgust “…Rock. To protect a handful of over-bred children who shouldn’t even be alive. It’s a false loyalty Cal” his interview reasoned.

“It’s not false loyalty.” Cal explained, “I want that little shit to pay for everything he’s done to me. But I can’t tell you” he ground out.

“Hatred nice” his capture observed in appreciation “Seems you’ve developed some feelings down here Cally.”

Looks directly at his captor with hatred and disgust he replied “I’m a good actor”

“Oh really?” laughed his captor. Picking up on a gap in Cal’s mental shield they got a quick insight into Cal’s thoughts. “Oh I didn’t think he had it in him” they replied in both shock and excitement at what they had just seen.” Standing they repeated their question again in sing-song voice “Tell me where the King is Cal. You know where to find him.”

Panic stated to seize him as he realised what was about to happen “I told you I can’t. This programming won’t let me!” he shouted. Watching as his interviewer threw their chair away he started to really panic “Don’t you think I’d tell you if I could!”

As a malevolent smile overtook the interviewers face they reassured Cal “Don’t worry you will. You’ll tell me everything.” As their hand extended towards him, Cal’s eyes grew wide in genuine fear as he tried to move his head out of the way of the approaching hand. Hearing a quiet chuckle his captor whispered, “It’s alright” before pain ripped through his head.
That morning when everyone gathered for the training session the crowd seemed to have increased, both in the courtyard and around the balconies. That three of the Royals would be training with the Guards this morning was big news and even though this was their first training session, everyone wanted to see them, to see their potential.

“Were they like this yesterday?” Michael asked taking in their spectators

Quickly looking up at the gathered crowds Kyle gave him a slap on the back “Sure man.” Giving a short laugh he explained “Come on, the stars have come out today what do you expect?”

Looking around Michael couldn’t believe the numbers that were there to watch their practise session. It’s was a bit intimidating to think about what their watchers might be thinking or expecting of them. It was that expectation that he didn’t like. The shear numbers of people that had greeted them when they first arrived had scared him. The unspoken expectations, are what he feared the most and as they stood in their hundreds waiting to watch them he wondered again how much they expected from them.

They were just three people, how could they free a planet, five planets really, after what Terrence had told them. How could three people do what thousands of people had failed to do over the last fifty years. People with much more experience and knowledge hadn’t succussed, he didn’t know why they thought they would. Feeling a sharp pain in his ribs, he quickly turned around, Kyle had just elbowed him.

“Your not getting stage fright are you?”

Giving Kyle an incredulous look, he rolled his eye “Does sarcasm get you far with the ladies Kyle?” he joked elbowing Kyle in return.

“Low blow man” Kyle told him. During their time on the road Kyle and Michael had become good friends. They had developed a loyalty that only comes from trusting your life completely to someone else. The dry spell in Kyle’s love life had become an in-joke amongst the group. Kyle had initiated it, using it as an excuse to getting out of work, and over time the rest of the group had picked up on it also, until it became a friendly insult. Letting out a small laugh he continued “I sacrificed my sex life for you.”

“I don’t wanna hear that” Michael replied dryly as they both laughed. Their laughter was joined by Max and Isabel who were standing next to them, while the others just smiled at their comments.

Turning around to watch the Guards, keeping an eye out for an indication that their training was about to start, Maria spotted Suto standing by himself nearby. Indicating for him to come over she introduced him to the group “Guys this is Suto.” Having drawn her friends attention, she introduced Isabel before turning to introduce both Max and Michael. Turning her attention to the boys, she was caught off guard by their stony appearance. Faltering momentarily she continuing her introductions while giving Michael a questioning look. She didn’t know Michael had seen her afternoon training session so his reaction to Suto made no sense.

Bowing to both Max and Isabel, he greeted them with a “Your highness” each before saluting Michael “Sir.”

During these introductions Michael eyes remained on Maria, he was watching her to gauge what she was thinking, why she had introduced this man who just yesterday had been all but beating her up. If he admitted his feelings to himself he was jealous and protective, but as he stood there he didn’t understand why he was so concerned about her. While Michael and Maria remained staring at each other, Isabel greeted Suto warmly. Her greeting was followed by Max’s, which was stilted, remembering the treatment both Maria and Liz had received from this guard yesterday. Trying to cover for both her brothers’ manners, Isabel made small talk asking Suto about his life in the Guards and his family. Quickly running out of things to say she subtly surveyed her brothers, they were still glowering. Casting her eyes to her other friends she silently begged them to help.

Michael was broken out of his questioning challenge, by Kyle slapping him on the chest. Reached his hand out to Suto he gripped the other mans hand tighter than was necessary while grunting “Hi”.

“How did you guys meet?” Michael asked with forged innocence, not releasing his grip. As Michael asked this question Max stepped up next to him. Despite the height difference that left the two just under a foot shorter that him, Suto appreciated the full meaning of their intimidation, as did Liz who had both been watching the exchange and reading Max’s emotional response.

“Don’t worry about them their just jealous” she interrupted before any more could be said. Directing her attention to her husband and Michael she continued “Well don’t you two make great first impressions”. Continued her criticism she explained “He’s one of our training partners, as you well know” she articulated the last part, particularly directing it at Michael.”

Understanding drawing on Maria she exclaimed “Is that what this is about!” Turning to face Michael directly she explained “Michael you were fore this. If I’m to get my speed and strength up as quick as possible then I need to train against bigger and stronger opponents.”

“I was fore you learning to defend yourself not for getting thrown around” he murmured for only her ears.

“You think the Skins are going to take a punch but kindly not throw me around?” she asked sceptically while still admiring the sweet sentiment behind his actions.

Not meeting her eyes sheepishly, he gave a noncommittal shrug of his shoulders.

Smiling at his stupidity, she stood on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek “That’s so sweet” before turning back to the group. Having received a far more direct and subtle warning jab from Liz, Max spoke up “You better not hurt her”

“Either of them” Michael continued rejoining the conversation.

“Never Sir” Suto replied in fear. He had not been a member of the Black Guard when they were killed but the story of their power was legendary. To have one of his Royals mad at him was something to fear but two was terrifying. Worse than that was the knowledge that he had offended his military Lord and the man that was essentially his King.

He had not expected their human emotions to take such control. The technology that allowed human emotions to be replicated and implanted was only in the development stage at the time of their recreation. It had been theorised about, in the time since their arrival on Earth, the extent to which those emotions would be present in the newly created clones. The popular opinion was that their emotional development would be limited and to fit in, based on the extent of that development, they would most likely have to feign strong feelings. But both Max and Michaels reaction suggested a different situation, the unexpected development of human emotions. The shock at this development was only short lived as the fear he had initially felt from their emotional reaction returned in full force with the knowledge that if controlled by these emotions they won’t necessarily be acting rationally. “I guarantee you. I will protect them” Suto continued hoping to reassure these Royals which he now feared and respected to a greater extent.

Accepting this reassurance Max nodded his head. About to continue talking he was interrupted by Kyle. Behind him, he had noticed the massed movement of the surrounding Guards into the centre. Seeing that people were preparing for their morning training session he cut in “It looks like this fitness convention is about to start.”

Turning around, everyone took in the movement around them. Suto was the first to take his leave. Bowing, he turned and disappeared into the moving crowd. Stepping forward, and prompting the rest of their group into movement, Kyle made his way to the edge of the massed Guards where they had assembled yesterday. Taking up their position, many of the Guards from yesterday circling them, and as one the training started.
The sound of a child’s laughter echoed around the playground. Every morning Kate and her son would go to the park after her husband left for work. Her son John loved to play on the equipment and their early morning trip had become a tradition that they followed daily. Collecting a coffee and a muffin from a nearby bakery the two would walk from their home to the park every morning around 9 o’clock.

The park was full of the regular walkers and joggers who made their way along the many paths. But the playground, which was usually covered with two or three laughing children was empty today except for one boy swinging slowly back and forth on the swings. Setting herself on the bench to eat her muffin she watched as her son ran towards the playground and pulled himself up the ladder onto the first landing. Running around the landing he found the spiral slippery-dip and jumped down it letting out an excited cackle as he spun down the slide. Toppling out of the entrance he got back to his feet straight away before running back to the ladder and pulling himself back up.

As she watched her son she couldn’t help smiling as he enjoyed himself on the equipment. Casting her eye to the other boy at the playground, he was ignoring her son and she assumed that he was just skipping school. He looked to be twelve or thirteen and as he moved back and forth she could see the white headphones coming out of his ears and falling inside his jacket.

Not overly concerned with him she turned her attention back to her son who had now made his way to the second platform of the playground and was running across the rope bridge to a set of outlying platforms that had a set of monkey bars and a flying fox leading back to the main playground. Standing on the outlying platform, John reached his arms up, stretching to grab the flying fox that hung above his head.

Putting her coffee down Kate stood laughing. Hearing the frustration in her son’s voice as he tried to reach a bar that was well out of his reach she called out “Wait a second sweetie” as she made her way to him. Playfully fixing the hat on her sons head she counted “1, 2, 3” and lifter her son with ease so his little arms could reach the bar. Holding his body loosely, so he could still feel the freedom of the flying fox she whispers “Ready?” in his ear and feeling the definite nod of his head she whispered “We’re off” and gave her son’s body a tug. Flying along the bar, John again let out an excited squeal of laughter as he moved along the flying fox. Reaching the end he called “again, again” as he tried to twist his body in the other direction to fly back. Turning him around, they went along the flying fox and came back again before John tried to wriggle out of her hold and ran around to another platform. Returning to her seat she picked up her coffee and had a seat as she noticed what looked like a large group of workmates setting up to play soccer nearby.

Turning her attention back to her son, she could see him now on the third and highest platform looking through the coloured windows with painted faces on them. Standing up he waved at her over the top of the balcony before ducking back down to pull a face at her through the windows. Pulling a face back she watched as he ran around the corner, crawling through a plastic tunnel and popped up again at the big slippery-dip. Seeing what he was about to do too late she jumped up just as she saw him launch himself head first down the slid. Rushing around the playground to check on what she was sure was to be her crying son she found him face to face staring at the other boy.

She could see that his hands were bleeding, but he didn’t make a sound as he stood stiffly facing the other boy. The boy was no longer on the swing, instead he stood watched her son, a mixture of surprise and interest on his face. In contrast John, slowly tried to back away in fear. Reaching her hand out to him as she moved closer, she watched the boy suspiciously while murmuring “Come here buddy” to her son. She was not sure what made her son uneasy but she would trust it and took it as a signal that it was time to go.

“Where do you think you’re going” the boy asked, his demeanour changed completely as he watched them menacingly.

Uncertain about the change in this strange boy she opted for the scolding mother “None of your business young man”

“None of your business young man” he repeated laughing “you think I care? The kids coming with me.”

Reaching his hand out, the boy grabbed John’s arm. Not crying like she suspected he would, he stood in silence glaring at the older boy with unbridled hatred. “Let go of me” he said in a commanding voice that she was shocked came from her four year old son.

Stepping forward she ground out “Let go of my son” as she reached towards where the boy was holding her son.

Laughing again and yanking her sons arm so he now stood beside him, the boy replied “But he’s not really your son is he?” before laughing again.

Reaching out with her hand she was going to grab the boy and physically separate them “He’s my son now let go of him.” As her hand grabbed at the boys arm she noticed her son also reaching around to push at the boys chest. Grasping his arm she felt herself pushed backwards as she noticed a soccer ball fly into view and collide with the boys head. Feeling his grip release on her son, she held on as she was thrown back with what she assumed was inertia.

Sitting up she noticed that the boy had also been thrown backwards over the swing. Pulling himself up he brushed the sleeves of his jacket before readjusting the cuffs. Keeping his gaze firmly fixed on her and her son he threatened “You’re going to pay for that.” Reaching into his jacket at his chest near where John had pushed him away, fear suddenly shot through her – he had a gun!

Pulling John behind her, her vision of the boy was obscured as she felt herself thrown backwards again. She’d been shot. That was the only explanation for what had happened, but before she could register that she felt no pain, her body was harshly pulled upright and between two people she was carried away. It took her a second to realise that she no longer had hold of her son before she started screaming for them to give him back. As she struggled against her captors she kicked and twisted, turning her head to see her son.

Twisting her body to the side she finally go a glimpse of her son. Carried by one man, they were surrounded by a large group of men and women who were variously dressed in sporting and business attire. Held in the arms of a man in a business suite her son was laughing happily as they raced across the park.

Seeing her son safe, Kate calmed down enough to stop struggling against her captors and for her to ask fearfully “What do you want with us?”

Receiving no answer, and seeing a black van pull up she started struggling again, screaming in the hopes that someone might hear and come help. Seeing the sliding door to the van open the man holding John placed him on one of the bench seats. Seeing the man step out of the way, she launched herself at him as soon as she felt her captors grip loosen.

Hearing the door slide shut behind her she collected her son in her arms and held him tight as tears, which hadn’t fallen before, ran down her cheeks. Feeling John’s fingers grip her arm as he hugged her back she felt the van lurch into action, pulling out of the park and onto the road they moved with great speed along the streets.
Getting herself under control, the van moved further along the city streets. Sitting forward in her seat she tried to figure out where they were going. Having moved to Boulder only one year previous she was at a disadvantage, she wasn’t familiar with every part of the city and looking through the front window Kate found herself travelling throw an unknown part of town. Moving out of the town on one of the lesser-used roads she gripped her sons hand tightly as she made the decision to speak up before they both disappeared and became a missing persons re-enactment.

“What, do you want with us?” she stammered, regaining the use of her voice again after screaming and crying. Seeing a road sign pass on the side of the road she realised they were heading north towards Jamestown.

“We’re taking you to safety” their driver said. Looking at him properly for the first time she realised that their driver was the man who had carried John into the van.

“He was just a kid” she said in confusion. Thinking back on the events that had led up to their kidnapping she remembered the gun. Quickly checking herself and then John for any gunshot wounds she murmured in shock “He had a gun.”

“Humh?” the driver asked is question, turning again from the road to look at her “Oh yeah. A gun”

“Well thankyou” she said confused. She didn’t want to appear rude considering these people had saved both her and her son. But nothing about this situation felt right. “If you don’t mind I’d feel better if we could turn around and go to the police”

“It’s not safe” came the reply from the drivers seat as they continued along the road.

“It’s not safe” she repeated in confusion “It’s just a kid with a gun, the police can handle that. And what about other people, if they come across him?” she asked, hoping to persuade him to change his mind. “The police need to be notified”

“The police will not be able to help you Mrs Harris” the driver replied in a wry voice.

Gripping her son’s hand tighter she asked in renewed fear “How do you know my name?” Reaching across to the sliding door she pulled on the clasp only to find it locked. “I want you to let me out now” she demanded, the panic simmering just below the surface.

“Mrs Harris, I am sorry but this is for both you and your sons safety. We must get you to a safe place. That boy was more than he appeared to be.” Wanting to see if she had any questions or objections the driver watched Kate through the rear view mirror “We have been watching you for sometime in case something like this happened”

“But what did he want?” she asked in confusion “Why was he after my son?”

“I’m sorry Mrs Harris I can’t answer that”

“You can’t answer that?” she asked dubiously “or won’t” she continued to herself, thinking that it would be easier to teach a snail to curtsy than get information from this man. “What about my husband” she asked in a forced calm voice “We’re meant to be meeting him for lunch. We do it every day, so he’s expecting us” she added the last part, still hoping that she could get him to turn around.

“You lying Mrs Harris. And we’ve already picked him up” the driver replied without a second thought

“Well when will I see him?”

“Soon. When we meet up with the other van we’ll stop quickly and he can get in here.”

As they drove on in silence, Kate started to look around the inside of the van. It was a family mini van that had had its side windows removed and replaced by panels. From her position on the bench seat behind the driver she could see the scenery pass them by through the front windscreen.

Beside her John had started to fidget. Pulling on her hand, where she still held his tightly, he started to complain. After the excitement of their abduction he had sat in silence instinctively knowing that he needed to be quiet, but now he was getting inpatient. Pulling again on her hand he leant forward with his little arm extended, his fingers straining in front of him, towards the pocket in the back of the drivers chair. Visible, sticking out the top of the pocket was a thin blue book featuring a partial cartoon image. Releasing her son’s hand, Kate rested it on his leg, stopping his movement as she reached for the book. It was a colouring book, handing it to her son she reached into the pocket again and found a case with crayons in it. Opening the book she laid it on his lap as he took up the crayons. Happily entertained, John quieted again allowing Kate’s suspicions to take hold.

“You were expecting to take us, weren’t you?” she hissed leaning forward in her seat to speak in the driver’s ear.

“I already told you, we were watching you for any dangers”

“No but you were expecting it to happen.” She accused keeping her voice low “You wouldn’t have had a colouring book if you didn’t think something would happen. That you’d be taking us. Normal people don’t have that stuff in their car”

“We all have them in our cars Kate” the driver said with an air of smugness “Be prepared” he said with the same smugness, turning to face her momentarily with a half smile and giving the three-fingered salute.

Sitting back in annoyance, she leant over John’s shoulder watching as he coloured. Trying to calm herself down she started talking to her son quietly about his drawing. Pointing at one of the picture she commented on how well he was colouring. But despite what she was saying her mind was still analysing everything the driver had told her. He kept saying ‘we’, ‘we are protecting you’, ‘we have them’ and the large number of people which had appeared in the park suggested that some organisation or large group was behind their abduction. She still wasn’t certain if these people meant any harm or were telling the truth. There was nothing she could do at the moment. She was trapped in this van with her son.

They continued to travel for another half hour, as she watched her surroundings trying to keep track of where they were. Turning onto a dirt road south of Winter Park the van stopped suddenly. Hearing movement outside, the door suddenly slid open revealing the worried face of her husband.

“Jack” she cried in both shock and relief as he stepped into the van, reaching for both her and John even before he had sat down. Hearing the door slide closed behind her and the jerk of the van moving Kate kept her head buried in her husbands neck, not wanting to let go. “I’m so glad your here” she whispered not releasing her grip “What have they told you? I have no idea what’s going on.”

“They came into work and told me that you and Z had nearly been hurt and were being moved to safety.” Sitting back he brushed her fringe as he quickly checked that she was alright. “They asked me to come with them. They said someone had tried to hurt us and while they searched for them they had to get us to a safe location.”

Nodding her head as she took in his information, she appreciated the irony that she had just received more information from her husband who had also been abducted that from her apparent rescuer. She also noticed her husbands reference to additional people involved in this operation. Suddenly feeling the answer was important, Kate leant forward again “How many of you are there?” The more she thought about it the more bizarre this situation felt. No government organisation would carry on in this way, she was convinced this had to be some large private organisation but she could not understand what they wanted with her and her family and why anyone would want to hurt them.

Answering obliquely, her irritation at the driver returned “Enough to keep you safe.” Kicking the back of his seat in frustration, her son looked up from his colouring to see what the fuss was about. Getting herself under control she allowed herself to be drawn into Jack’s arm where she tried to calm down under his soothing touches. Taking a deep breath she lay her head on his chest as she watched their van turn onto the highway behind a silver SUV, telling herself there was nothing she could do until they arrived at their destination.
It was mid morning and their training had progressed to choreographed fight scenarios. Starting out slowly they walked through the moves, a series of punches and blocks parried back and forth. Perfecting their execution their speed increased until they were moving in real time. Moving smoothly, confident in their actions they stepped and punched, aiming accurate blows at their partners face and body. These blows were counted by their partner who swerved and blocked, before jabbing and punching in return.

While they practiced a drone started coming from the entrance tunnel. Echoing, the noise built and amplified as it approached. The sound of the approaching vehicle drew the attention of many of the Guards who stopped their training or stood on the balcony. As the noise became deafening Max noticed Terrance had also appeared on the balcony accompanied by Solon, both of them stood watching with shared troubled expressions on their faces.

Turning back to the tunnel the sound suddenly became clear as a black van appeared, driving into the courtyard followed by a silver SUV. A shout from Jaris drew the Guards back into their training. Despite this Max, and Michael remained standing watching the parking vehicles.

Something about the van drew Max’s attention, he wasn’t sure what it was but he couldn’t look away. The door to the SUV opened and a woman stepped out wearing three-quarter tights with a singlet top and a baseball cap. From the passenger door another woman stepped out wearing a brown pencil skirt with a navy ruffle shirt. Two men in business attired also stepped out of the SUV, moving quickly they ran past the van into the main entrance hallway and disappeared.

Not realising what he was doing, Max had moved towards the van. Feeling Michael’s hand on his arm he turned to look at him before tuning back to the van after hearing the slam of the car door. Ignoring Michael he took another couple of steps forward meeting the suited driver in front of the van. “What happened?”

Stepping around him, the driver gave Max an incredulous look “That’s none of your business Guardsman.”

Stepping up to Max’s side in his defence Michael spoke with authority “I think it is.”

Standing with his hand on the door the man gave them an annoyed look before pulling to door to the van open “You have no right to question my authority on this”

Speaking from behind them, Terrance’s voice came as a shock “They have the right Sooen”

Giving them a questioning look he took a stepped forward away from the side door of the van. “Sir.” He addressed Terrance before again returning his eyes to the two men.

“This is Max Evans and Michael Guerin” Terrance said, introducing the two men in front of him.

Looking at them, the shock registered on his face. He appeared lost for words as he took a step back his mouth slightly open in confusion. “I – I had no idea” he stammered quickly trying to amend his last statement. “Sir…” he started but the rest of his apology was lost as Max looked past him.

His attention was caught by a young man appearing at the mouth of the van. The man was in his mid twenties, dressed casually in a pair of cargo shorts he stepped out of the van cautiously taking in first, the massed Guards dressed in their black uniforms engaged in a continuous cycle of combat, before turning around to see the black figures gathering on the balcony. Dropping his eye to their small group, Max saw that his attention was drawn by someone else in the van. Turning to the van he said something, too quietly for him to hear before extending his hand inside.

Feeling Liz approach, he extended his hand behind him without looking. Feeling her hand slip into his she gave it a squeeze asking quietly “What is it?”

Looking back at her he answered “I don’t know” confused why he was drawn to the van. “I just can’t…” he trailed off not sure what he had been meaning to say.

Nodding her head in support Liz watched as Max’s attention was drawn back to the van. Standing next to the man now, was a young woman. Looking younger than the man, her red hair was cropped short in a stylish boys hair cut. Holding his hand she spoke into the van before standing with her back turned to the entrance, taking in her surroundings.

Hearing someone approach from behind Max turned his head slightly to see Michael moving towards him closely followed by Terrance with Maria and Kyle bringing up the rear. A look of excitement was on Maria’s face, but as he turned his attention to Michael he saw a troubled expression cross his face. Terrance or Sooen seemed to have told them whatever had happened. Forcing himself not to look at the van, he asked “What?”

“Max there’s something you need to know” Michael said slowly, standing at his side.

Holding Liz’s hand tighter he nodded his head “Ok”, waiting for Michael to continue. Whatever he had to tell him was important so he waited patently feeling the nerves build. Michael seemed to take forever to start talking, he looked troubled as though he didn’t know how to start. As he waited, the need to turn back to the van built. Of their own accord his eyes slipped back to where the couple stood close together watching them.

“The van has…” Michael started but trailed of. Turning away, searching for the right words, he looked towards the van and saw that the woman had started to move towards their group. Breaking off whatever he was about to say he watched as she drew near, her husband following slightly behind. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah. Do you want to explain to me why we are here?” she demanded of them.

“You don’t know?” Max asked confused. These people obvious had no idea who or more specifically what they were, so he was unsure why these people had been brought here at all.

Immediately turning to Max, Michael lay his hand on his arm and tried to pull him off to the side “Man, there’s something I need to tell you” he said emphatically. “Now” he added giving his arm another tug.

“No you don’t get to walk away” she said, her hand reaching out quickly to grab Max’s wrist. She wasn’t going to let another person walk away from her and not explain what had happened.

“Hey!” Liz exclaimed, reaching to remove the woman’s hand.

Immediately letting go, she took a step back with her hands raised “Sorry”. Directing her gaze a Max, she spoke emphatically “We were taken from the park. I think I’ve been more than patient after me and my son were abducted.” Needing air, she took a ragged breath, her eyes shone with unshed tears. “We deserve an explanation.”

“You’ll get one” Michael cut in stepping to the side indicating for the couple to make their way past them. Standing her ground she looked at Michael sceptically “I swear” he assured her, indicating for her to move past him.

Remembering the woman talking to someone when she first stepped out, Max looked behind the couple back to the van. Seeing movement near the open door of the van a small hand appeared on the frame before a small capped head looked out.

The shock that travelled through Max was paralysing. That face was uncomfortably familiar. The soft angled jaw of youth hinted at the chiselled feature that the boy would soon grow into. Peeking out under the sides of the cap, small brown ringlets curled at his ears and framed clear blue eyes that were wide in a mixture of curiosity and fear. As he looked around the courtyard his eye eventually travelled to their group and stopped on Max. Locking eyes with him, the boy smiled and gave a small, uncoordinated wave with his little hand before gripping the frame and dropping his foot over the edge, reaching with his toes for the ground.

“Let me get my son” the man said, breaking Max out of his shock as his head whipped around to see the guy turning and making his way back the van.

Realisation then hit him, all the pieces coming together clearly in his mind. These people had been under their protection and something big had happened. That little boy whose face had haunted him over the years. He knew who these people were, and the fear, pain and nerves, which attached his entire system caused his throat to constrict, choking out a single word like a plea “Zan”.
Last edited by ForeignLoveMonkey on Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Asylum – (CC, Adult) Ch 12, 21/6/09

Post by ForeignLoveMonkey »

Yes but Nicholas is a dangerous and extremely unpredictable person. He was partially hidden when Kate and baby Zan appeared at the park and it was not certain that he knew who they were or was planing to attack them (he may have only been gathering intelligence), by launching a massive evacuation in the park when he hadn't made any move to threaten them would have put both them and other people in the park in danger.

But as you said the truly important situation is how Zan's new family will be told or will deal with matters.
Good luck with your publication stuff.
Thanks, as you can see total procrastination. I also have making to do which had been another mind numbing, yet helpful distraction

Glad you enjoyed the longy, this one, not so long but plot, plot plot.

Yes more and more kinks are starting to appear

I imaging it's a large shock all round

That will be the mystery that will need to be answered in the next part

Zan's family will have alot more shocks ahead of them.


A new reader, exciting!
Glad your enjoying this and thanks for the feedback

the people that have him are the skins are no they???
Are they? we'll have to wait and see about that :twisted:

The thing with Nicholas is that he is unpredictable and very dangerous. They would have been in more danger if they had immediately given away their position. But amassing their forces and waiting to see if he would make a move, there was still the possibility that he was only spying on them and they could have evacuated them without any danger.

This ladies and gentlemen this is more commonly know as procrastination. Enjoy. :roll:
Chapter 12

Celia Graham sat in the back of the limo, her head turned as she watched the scenery pass them by. They were driving through one of Washington’s poorer suburbs, to the opening of a new community education center, that had been build with money from one of the First Ladies community funding initiatives. She watched the scenery pass them by but her mind was elsewhere. She was thinking back on the conversation she had had with her husband the previous morning.

He was distracted, otherwise he would never have let slip that they were looking into immigration. He knew her feeling on the matter so whatever they were planning was big to have him so distracted. She didn’t want to think the worst of her husband, she knew he was a good man but she was used to politics. You can’t always get what you believe to be right, compromises have to be made and if immigration was something that was on the table, enough to have her husband that distracted, then she should be worried.

The fact was, her husband was the President, he had responsibilities to his constituents. He didn’t have the luxury to hold firm to his ideals, not when there were other, greater issues that he was responsible for. But while her husband didn’t have that luxury she did. She had people who relied on her to fight for their rights, people who were conveniently overlooked and exploited, whose voices couldn’t be heard. That was why this was eating her up. She needed to make sure those people were protected, but as it was she knew nothing about what they were planning and she couldn’t ask her husband because he knew her, she’d never get the complete truth until it was too late.

Still looking out the window she uttered “We might have a problem with immigration.” She was saying it more to herself than anyone else, finally admitting that the day had arrived. She dreaded it but at the same time knew that it was inevitable, she would have to interfere in her husband’s policies.

“Ma’am?” her Chief of Staff asked not hearing her properly. Looking up from the folder laying open on their lap they gave the First Lady their full attention.

Turning away from the window she explained, “I think my husband might be planning to do something with immigration”

Picking up on the uncertainty in the First Ladies voice her Chief of Staff closed the folder laying open on their lap, and questioned her again “You think?”

“It’s something Theo said, and I don’t know if it’s anything or not” pausing for a moment she looked back out the window and saw that they were drawing near their destination. “I’m hoping it’s nothing, and I’m sorry to ask you this Jessie, but – “ Taking a deep breath she continued “I need you to snoop around the west wing for me. Find out exactly what my husband is planning.”

“You don’t have to apologies ma’am” he said as the limo put up outside a freshly painted weatherboard house

As the Secret Service agents exited the vehicle and move to open her door, Celia turned back to Jessie, “Just see what you can find out.”

Nodding his head the door to the Limo opened and he watched as Celia’s whole demeanour changed. The look of concern that that had shaped her face during the car ride was gone replaced by an easy small and a laugh as she exited the car surrounded by a crowd of cheering children.
Arriving at the White House late that afternoon, Paul Stevens made his way directly to Joseph Booth’s office. Greeting Booth’s assistant, Stevens waited only a moment before being shown into the Chief of Staff. Carrying a pile of files with him, Stevens was not in a good mood and as he enter the room he noticed with irritation that the Chief of Staff was slouched on his office lounge, his sock covered feet rested atop the low coffee table bouncing in time with the music playing through the little white buds snaking up to his ears. Stevens watched as he ignored his entrance, instead taking a bite from a large pink glazed donut as he continued listening to the music and read the folio open on his lap.

Dropping the stack of files on the coffee table, next to Booth’s feet, Stevens watched as he turned his eyes to the stack before returned to the open folio, continuing to read as though he wasn’t there. He’d never liked Booth, as far as he was concerned the fag had got the job because he was the Presidents bum buddy and that was all.

Turning to leave the office, Stevens decided to put Booth in his place. He was the Director of the FBI for Christ’s sake, he wasn’t the lapdog of some fairy sidekick, Robin the Boy Wonder – Union Leader. Taking a step towards the door Booth interrupted him “What are you afraid of most?”

“It’s not what I’m afraid of, it’s what I know will happen” he said without turning around.

“And what is that?” Booth asked from the couch

“They’ll infect our race, walk among us like parasites and the public will have no idea what is happening until it’s too late.” Turning back around to face Booth he continued as though explaining a simple concept to a child. “We have been fighting a war Booth, for over fifty years. You’re coming new to the party, don’t interfere where your not wanted or needed. We can handle this.”

“The way you’ve been handling it for the past fifty years?”

“Don’t be a smart-ass…” Stevens started condescendingly.

“Things are going to change Director” Booth stood, letting his iPod drop to the couch “Its reached the point where we can’t ignore them any longer. Your obdurate refusal to see them as anything more that the threat you have created hasn’t helped you hunt them down. What do you really know about them? What are they?” He continued despite Stevens opening his mouth to interrupt “Are they all the same or are they different?” his momentum build as he continued to ask Stevens questions he knew he couldn’t answer “Why are they here? Has any of this been answered in the fifty years you have been hunting them? Do you know anything?”

“We know a great deal Booth” the Director snapped angered by Joseph Booths accusation “we know their strengths, we know their weaknesses, we know how their powers work and we know how to kill them. We know all we need to know to fight them, but to ensure national security and anonymity the people entrusted to our protection have been limited. And don’t underestimate the power these parasites have, they could destroy you as soon as look at you.”

Dropping his eyes to the stacked files, Joseph listened to Stevens claims. He truly believed that these aliens were a threat and he was probably one of the only humans who knew what they were truly capable of. He’d got that much right, but Stevens was a dick at the best of times and if he wanted to get any information, he needed to make sure he didn’t push him too far.

Taking a seat back on the couch he intoned quietly “Relax Stevens, take a seat.” Stevens paused in a mixture of annoyance and suspicion “Tell me what you know about the Roswell crash” he said as Stevens finally took at seat on the wing chair to the right of the lounge.

Giving a short bark of a laughed he asked condescendingly “Which one?”

Not expecting that answer he never the less didn’t show any confusion while filing that bit of information away in his mind. Instead he answered with the year of the original crash, the one he had been thinking of, “1947.”

“A weather balloon was launched from Alamogordo Air Force Base, New Mexico…”

Booth cut him off. The phrase Smart-ass prick travelled through his head, but he shouldn’t expect anything better from this parochial chauvinist. Stevens was an appointee from the old regime and epitomised everything he loathed about their government. But he had to work with him, so instead of nailing him for again showing what a blockhead amateur he is, he asked calmly “How is lying to me going to help matters?”

“I wasn’t lying” he said quickly, with all the defiance of a 14 year old who had been caught red handed but still refused to admit their game had been had.

Are you stupid? Booth thought in disbelief, he couldn’t believe the insolence of this man “You don’t stand in the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States’ office and lie to them” he said in anger at his continued refusal to cooperate. “If you lie to me, it is the same as lying to the President. So why don’t you stop trying to play the cowboy and we’ll do this again.” Sitting forward in his seat, Booth rested his elbows on his knees “I’ll even make things simple, tell me when I’m wrong.

“A spaceship crashed to Earth just outside Roswell, New Mexico in July of ‘47. There were two survivors of the crash, one escaped almost immediately the other was held and experimented on for almost three years until he escaped. This guy stayed under the radar until 1959 when he killed a prominent UFO researcher, leaving behind a silver hand print on the upper torso.”

“He killed others” Stevens interrupted

“Yes” Booth agreed and continued “but it was this killing and the high profile investigation led by the Roswell Sheriff that prompted the formation of the ‘Special Unit’” Pausing, he waited for Stevens to show his assent. After a moment, seeing Booth waiting for his reaction, Stevens gave the smallest motion of his head, his every movements showing barely disguised contempt.

“This thing has left a murderous trail in its wake. That was why the ‘Special Unit’ was formed, to stop these killers, permanently. And whatever else is out there.” He added darkly as he watched Booth flick open the files.

During his speech Booths hands had come to rest on the stack of folders. He unconsciously ran his fingers down the sides, straightening the files that were skewed when they dropped on the table. His hands came to rest back on top of the folder, teasingly opening the files while his attentions remains focused on addressing Stevens. When Stevens started talking Booths eyes dropped to the file he had been casually playing with. Looking up at him were black and white autopsy photos, identified as being from the 1950’s by a messy hand written date in the bottom right corner. Even through the black and white images the silver handprints glowed with an unnatural shine. Looking back up at Stevens in confusion he missed the superior smirk that turned up the corner of his mouth “I thought these were destroyed?” he asked in mild curiosity

“Over the years our agents have kept their own copy of the files, it was one of our insurance measures so information wouldn’t be lost even if the government in their infinite wisdom decided to shut us down.” The smirk returned to his face as though to prove a point.

Taking a breath and burying his annoyance, Booth pushed on asking Stevens another question “Why don’t you explain that to me then” leaving the file open he moved it into the centre of the coffee table, the images staring up at him as he sat back in the couch, training his eyes on the Director “Explain to me how the Special Unit operates, how your agents tracking these people down?” he finished, laying his hand on the remaining stack of files.

Booth watched as the superior smirk returned to the Directors face, he didn’t even bother to tone it back this time. Stevens was in exactly the position he liked to be in, Booth needed information that only he could provide. As he sat back in his wing chair he asked “And what do I get out of this?” he was in a negotiation position now he didn’t see why he shouldn’t get some for his troubles.

“Think of it as serving your country” a voice said from behind. Standing in the doorway that lead through to the Oval Office was the President, his arms crossed over his white button up shirt. Jumping up from his seat Stevens watched as the President walked further into the room. “You were saying?” the President asked, he stood opposite Stevens looking down at the open file. The image of a silver handprint seemed unbelievable as he looked down at the black and white images. Looking up at Stevens the President read the controlled resentment, staring back at him. This was one of those moments where he truly enjoyed the authority of the Presidency. “Well?”
Walking through the halls Jessie stuck his head into a couple of the offices looking for Eric Stezwalski, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff in charge of Domestic Policy. It was late for most people, approaching 10 o’clock, but for a senior White House staffer Jessie still expected to find Eric about, particularly if they were planning a major policy decision. Walking along the hall and past the Oval Office Jessie stuck his head into the Office of the Presidents Secretary. Sitting at his desk, just inside the door was Luis Sanchez, “Hey man” he greeted, stepping fully into the office. Luis was sorting through files spread across his desk, as Jessie walked in he glanced up with a greeting before returning to the collection of documents. “Eric around?”

Not looking up from his documents, he moved a couple of pages on top of each other “He’s gone home” he said as he continued to organise the papers.

“Home?” Jessie asked in shock, looking at his watch he glanced back at Luis as he combined two of his piles and slipped them into a manila folder “it’s not even 10.”

Letting out a laugh Luis straightened up and took the folder to the filing cabinet behind him “His girlfriend’s complaining that she doesn’t see him any more.”

Jessie chuckled “Bit under the thumb huh?”

Returning to his sorting Luis explained “Yeah, she’s got him on a tight leash”

“I heard that she’s moving in” Jessie replied, catching up on the gossip as he watched him file the last of his papers.

“Yeah I actually think she’s taking over” he replied walking back to his desk, moving the remaining documents into his draws.

Straightening up the two stood in an uncomfortable silence, stuck not knowing what else to say, both thinking of the benefits of a girlfriend, even a clingy one “Kinda sucks doesn’t it” Jessie said at last.

“Yeah” Luis drew out as he exhaled.

Seeing that he had basically packed up his desk Jessie decided to forgo the Eric option and concentrate on Luis, in his pursuit of information for the First Lady “You heading out?”

Looking back at the door to the Oval Office Luis replied “Yeah he’s just talking with Joe, they’re about to head up to the residence I think”

“Oh ok, well in that case, do you wanna grab a drink?”

Looking around the disserted office he gave a smile before grabbing his backpack from the bottom draw of the filing cabinet “Early mark” he said as they made their way out of the office.
Director Stevens marched through the halls of the J. Edgar Hoover Building in a wave of fury, ignoring the greetings and calls for attention, he made his way to his office. Bursting through the outer office door he ignored his assistant as she called out messages, instead he snapping at her to place a call to General Washington-Smith before walking through and slamming his door in her face.

Sitting at his desk he swivelled in his chair to face the wall behind him where a small safe sat recessed into the wall. Entering a code and laying his thumb on a scan pad a barely audible beep could be heard before the door popped open. Reaching into the back of the safe Stevens struggled with a tinny latch hidden behind a removable shelf. Pulling the shelf out and with the tip of a pen Stevens was able to open a false door at the back of the safe. The door had been a custom install made on his request. Reaching into the back of the safe Stevens removed a small pile of folders in similar envelopes as the ones he had just delivered to the White House. Turning around in his chair Stevens placed the files on his desk before picking up the phone and dialling an outside number.

Listening as the phone rang he opened the top most file to see the personnel record of a Special Agent Julian Priestley. Hearing the line pickup Stevens started to talk without bothering with a greeting. “You better have some good news for me. He’s got the file”

Listening to the voice on the other end, Priestley’s well-bred New England accent replied “We’ve got a lead. Our contact has told us where we can find them”

“I want this situation taken care of,” the Director’s voice ground out, his long vowels becoming more prominent with his increased irritation “it’s dragged on for too long Priestley. I want these freaks to disappear. Do you understand me?

The short “Yes Sir” that answered him from down the phone was all the answer he needed as he hung-up the phone. Reading down the page Stevens lifted up the top most sheet and started to read through the report contained beneath.

Hearing a short double-beep come from his phone he saw the light flickering indicating he had a held call on an outside line. Pressing the button to connect the call Director Stevens said in a low voice “The President knows.”
<(<>..<>)> - Kim
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Re: Asylum – (CC, Adult) Ch 13, 23/8/09

Post by ForeignLoveMonkey »

Thanks for the feedback guys. I've been waiting for this chapter to get back from the beta but of course once I sent it off I decided to change the whole last half of the chapter so instead of sending it off again and waiting for it to come back I'm going to post for you unbetaed and all. Lucky you.

It's a bit late here so I'm just going to post it but just so you know I have read your feedback and thankyou all for taking the time to write.

Thanks to:
Roswelllostcause - A new Feedbacker. Nice
DeDe Pr - Cheers, for the Bumps

and on with the show...


Chapter 13
Kate and Jack sat at the end of the conference table and watched with a wary curiosity, the three people sitting in front of them. They were sitting around the same table that the group had been taken to not four days previous. Isabel, Kyle and Maria had been filled in on who these people were in bated whispers by Liz and Michael as they followed Max into the compound following his short yet direct command that everyone get inside. He hadn’t said anything to them as he marched through the corridors, the head of an impressive procession, which drew the stares of the passing Black Guards. But as he reached the conference room he held back after throwing the door open. Directing Maria, Kyle and Zan’s new family into the room he grabbed Liz as she moved past, pulling her to his side, with out a word communicating his need for her presence. Standing next to the door, his expression was murderous as he watched Terrance approach at the rear of the group. Michael and Isabel also stopped next to Max “Go inside Isabel” Max ordered in a quiet voice without breaking eye contact with the approaching Terrance and Sooen.

“Don’t order me around Max” Isabel snapped. Hating herself immediately for her knee-jerk response in this situation.

“I want you in that room Isabel” Max explained in the same quiet voice as his expression became more murderous with Terrence’s slow approach.

“I have a right to be here as much and Michael” Isabel tried to explain in a calm voice.

“I know Iz” Max tore his eyes away from his target to look at his sister. “But I want someone in there. Someone I can trust to look after them.” She could see his anger starting to break as the fear that he’d been hiding at seeing his son started to break through.

Her heart broke at seeing her brother’s face. They had been fooling themselves thinking that giving up Zan would keep him safe and since moving into the compound with the Black Guards they had stopped looking over their shoulders, worrying that everyone they came into contact with was the enemy. They’d had a false sense of security but she now knew they would never be free of that. Even surrounded by the Black Guard they could not guarantee their safety. They ultimately would have to keep themselves safe. As she walked into the room Terrance and his companion came to a stop next to Max, the expression of anger returning to Max’s face.

Isabel took a seat on the left of the table with Kyle slightly behind her and Maria on the other side. She watched as Kate spoke quietly yet emphatically to her husband in rushed whispers. Zan, after the reserved curiosity of his emergence from the van, seemed to have been filled with excited energy. He was running around the room, tipping each of the chairs around the table. Isabel watched his progress; the similarities with her brother were so obvious to her. His olive skin accentuated the amber of his eyes, which seemed to shine with an inner light when he would turn his gaze to her. The only indication that Tess was his mother was the shaggy mop of ringlet that hung around his ears in the deep brown of Max’s own hair. He was adorable and she knew without a doubt that he would grow up to be just as hansom as he father.

“Do you think you could explain why we’re here?” Kate asked abruptly, directing her question at Isabel who had been the last to arrive.

Expecting this question Isabel’s response was quick “No” she said in a casual voice. Indicating the door with her eyes she continued, “They won’t be long.”

Kate’s eyes narrowed at this, she was about to say something when she felt Jacks hand squeeze hers, trying to calm her down. Taking a calming breath she watched as Zan made his second trip around the table, offering her with the perfect distraction. As he made his way past his parents his mother caught him expertly in the crook of her arm, collecting him and pulling him next to her body. “Shh. You need to calm down” she whispered in his ear “Why don’t you stay with mummy for a bit. Ok?”

Nodding his little head, where it rested in the crook of her neck, he held onto the arm of her chair but after a moment of standing still he started to swing, using his arm as a pendulum, around the edge of her chair.

Isabel hid a smile. She could see that he was getting bored, and quick. He was doing a good job of following his mum’s instructions but she couldn’t see him staying there for much longer. His father was saying something again to his mother in a quiet calming voice as Zan moved away again from his parents and started to make his way back around the room. As he approached her, Isabel watched his attention shift from the chairs that he had been playing with, to her “Z come back here” his mother asked, noticing that he had moved away from her.

“It’s ok” Isabel whispered, giving her a reassuring smile as she turned her attention to her nephew. Letting a wide smile brake across her face she held out both her hands clenched into fists and presented them to Zan “Pick one.”

His eyes sparkling with excitement and interest as he looked up at her, they moved from one hand to the other trying to determine which was the right choice. Biting his lower lip, he looked at her again hoping to find a clue to the correct answer but Isabel only smiled down at him finding it amazing that despite only knowing his real father for a couple of day when he was a baby he shares so many of his mannerism. Cocking her eyebrow in silent challenge, he lowered his head before making a snap decision and shooting his finger out to pick her left hand.

“Are you sure?” she asked?

“Mmm hmm” he nodded, his eyes remained fixed on her hand, his curls bouncing on his head in front of his eyes.

Dropping her eyes to her hands she turned her left hand over, opening her palm to reveal that it was empty. Taking a quick intake of breath in mock shock, Isabel couldn’t help smile as his little hand shot out again, his brow creased in concentration as he picked her other hand. Turning it over slowly, his attention was fixed on her fist. Chancing a glance up to his parents she saw that they were both watching her with interest, Kate her brow creased in concern, Jack a ghost of a smile creasing the corner of his mouth.

Turning her attention back to Zan she asked, “Are you sure this time?”

Again he nodded his head, this time with absolute certainty, his eyes fixed on her hand.

Slowly unfurling her hand his head shot up in shock and puzzlement when there was nothing in this hand either. But her left hand shot out and between the knuckles of her index and middle fingers she gently pinched his nose before just as quickly pulling her fingers away. Showing him her hand, the tip of her thumb was just visible between the knuckles of her fingers “Got you nose” she whispered tauntingly.

Zan’s eye widened as he simultaneously sucked in a surprised breath and his two little hands came up to cover his nose. Moving his hand to check that it was still there his eyes remain fixed on Isabel who gave him the smallest of winks. Feeling his nose where he had left it he gave off a peal of laughter. His hands came down from his face as his childish cackle continued, he clapped his hands together only to bring them back to his nose a second time just to check it was still there.

This action caused Kyle to start laughing, after watching Zan’s actions, which in everyway resembled Max, he couldn’t help himself when he had to check for a second time that his nose was still there. Kyle’s laughter had shocked Zan a bit but despite a slight stiffening of his smile as he watched Kyle, when they returned to the smiling Isabel his smile and laughter returned to full strength.
“How the hell could you let Nicholas get that close to him!” Max demanded of Sooen once he was filled in on what had occurred earlier that morning.

“We had no way of knowing that he would do anything” Sooen tried to explained, fear creeping into his voice.

“What did you expect him to do?” Michael asked from his position next to Liz his arms crossed across his chest. He was with Max, he could not believed these people, entrusted with their Kings protection they had casually allowed their mortal enemies lieutenant to play on the swings alongside their charge.

“His appearance was unexpected…”

“Isn’t it your job to expect the unexpected” Max interrupted in anger

“Max, please let him explain” Terrance tried to reason.

“No” he snapped stepping forward into Terrance’s personal space “You promised me that he was safe” he said poking him in the chest. “If you can’t do your job then I’ll do it for you.”

“Sir” Sooen interrupted hesitantly. Max stopped talking but kept his eyes trained on Terrance. His shoulders were tense, controlling the fear and anger that had taken him over when he first saw Zan step out of the van. Until moments ago he hadn’t known why Zan and his family had been brought here but the fear had gripped him immediately when he saw him. They could have only been here for one reason, they’d been found and that meant that Terrance had lied to him, they could still be traced despite his assurance that it was only the Black Guard that could find him. “We didn’t know if he would do anything Sir” Sooen continued uncertain of himself in the face of Max’s anger “If we’d gone in Sir, made a move without the proper back up there’s no telling what could have happened. Everything was ok as long as Nik’lo thought she was alone. We think she was just scoping them out anyway…”

“You shouldn’t have let them be anywhere near him” Max interrupted, his visible anger dissipated as he turned away from Terrance and moved back towards Liz who til now had been standing to Max’s side offering her silent support.

“Sooen, thankyou for your information. I think we have everything we need.” Liz spoke kindly, dismissing the Bodyman for the time being.
Zan’s laughter still echoed around the room as he moved to the other side of the table, giving Kyle a bit of distance as he ran around to stand in front of Maria. “Hello” he said biting his lip and smiling at the same time.

“Hello” Maria said in turn, leaning forward in her chair to look down at Zan.

“What’s your name?” He asked, becoming more comfortable with these new people.

“My name?” she laughed at the question “I’m Maria” she answered offering her hand to him to shake “And what’s your name?” she continued.

“My name is Jonathon Zan Harris” he replied stumbling over the words, with all the dignity of his three years, fitting his small hand in hers to shake.

Noting his new name Maria wondered at that. She had heard him mainly called by Zan or a variation on this and wondered why his parents still called him by his Antarian. They had no knowledge of its significance. Taking his small hand in hers she shook it in return “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The door to the room suddenly opened behind them causing both Kate and Jack to stand and for Kate to motion Zan to come back to her. Michael entered first followed by Terrance and then Max and Liz. Zan who had been standing in between Maria and his father looked up at the group in shock, uncertainty returning to his face at the appearance of these new strangers.

“I think you need to answer some of my questions” Kate stood at seeing the group enter. She was not going to let these people brush her questions aside. They had been refusing to answer her since the moment she was taken and she wasn’t going to stand for that anymore.

Stopping momentarily, not expecting her to address him, Max replied “I’ll answer all your question” as he moved towards one of the empty seats at the head of the table, the opposite end to Zan’s new family.

Standing, as everyone started to take their seat, Maria leant slightly towards Jack and Kate “Hey guys, do you mind if I take Z outside? Maybe get him something to eat?” Seeing Kate about to object Maria jumped in quickly and continued “You know, you probably won’t want him around during this” she indicated the table and it’s inhabitants with a circling motion of her hand.

Laying his hand on his wife’s leg Jack stopped whatever objection Kate was going to make. “I think that’s a good idea” he said understanding that what was about to be revealed somehow concerned his son and he shouldn’t be here for it.

Extending her hand to Zan as her turned towards the door Maria asked “Now that we know each other I have to ask you Z how do you feel about ice cream?” Zan’s eye lit up at just the mention of the word “because I don’t know if we could be friends if you don’t like it”

Stepping towards her and taking her hand Zan looked at her imploringly “I love ice cream”

“You love it?” Maria asked as they made their way out of the room. Casting her eyes back to Michael and then Max who were watching her leave matching confused expressions on their faces she gave a slight smile and a nod of her head letting them know that they were free to talk about whatever they liked. She knew Max especially had been wanting this and she was giving him the time and freedom he needed to talk with Zan’s parents. Giving Zan’s hand a little squeeze she turned back to him and the door “Well that’s good because I’m going to get some.”

Zan gave a little skip in excitement in an effort to keep level with Maria as she continued to talk about ice cream. Turning as they passed through the door Maria addressed Kate specifically “We’ll just be across the hall ok” in an effort to arrest her nerves. Returning her eyes first to Michael then to Max as she left the room she tried to let them know with her eyes that they had her support and luck. She knew there was nothing she could do. As much as she would love to be a fly on the wall of that room, or a person in a seat, when all their secrets come out, it was more important that Zan was somewhere else when that happened. Whatever Max decided to tell his sons new parents it would be a bombshell of the likes they could not predict so she would protect him until they were ready to.

Moving across the hall she opened the door and stuck her head to discovered what she thought she would. Another conference room. How many conferences could these people have? She wondered, taking in the size of the room It’s like the second floor of the Ritz Carlton, all they need is some bad carpet and an over sized chandelier.

Closing the door and stepping into the corridor “Hey!” she heard yelled from behind. “What are you doing there?” Turning around to see an approaching Guardswoman her progress halted momentarily when Zan’s head appeared from behind Maria’s legs.

Seeing the Guardswoman halt in her tracks, her attention drawn to Zan, Maria took this opportunity to have some help in setting up the room “Hi! My little mate Zan and I are going to head upstairs to grab some ice cream while everyone has their meeting next door but we need a place to play. Do you think you can do your little –“ her fingers wriggled in the direction of the room “thing? Make something that we can play with.”

The Guards eyes remained on Zan. Her eyes had not left him since her arrival and with the excitement of the morning and the large number of new people he had had to meet already, Zan started to become scared. Holding on tight to Maria’s hand, his other hand gripped her black trousers leg tightly as Zan started to move backwards and away from this new intimidating person. Hiding behind her leg.

Seeing the effect that this woman’s stare was having on him, Maria hit her on the arm with the back of her hand “Eyes up” she commanded in a voice just above a whisper. Maria never expected that should would every give a command to anyone of importance in her whole life especially not to an alien who was one of the personal guards to a King. But she was scaring Zan whether she knew it or not, and being the girlfriend to their general had to get her somewhere right? “You’re scaring him.” A mixture of confusion and anger crossed the woman’s face but before she could say anything, Maria cut in “Can you do it or not?” Seeing her hesitate Maria’s eyes dropped to Zan, giving him a significant look she cocked her eyebrow “You know who he is.”

Nodding wordlessly, she moved past them into the room.

Making their way upstairs Maria and Zan entered one of the smaller dinning halls. The reaction of the surrounding soldiers was far more obvious than the previous morning. The hall was packed and at their entrance silence descended like a vacuum. Predicting this reaction Maria made eye contact with the room “Stop it” she directed feeling more confident than before in issuing an order, steering Zan further into the room they towards the ice cream fridge. The conversations in the room slowly started up again and as they reached the fridge containing their treat Maria asked, “So what’s your favourite ice cream?”

Looking up at her through his lashes Zan shrugged his little shoulders. I don’t know. Maria couldn’t believe how much he looked like his father at that moment, his long lashes curling out from his eyes and mixing with the chocolate silken curls falling across his face. Shrugging her shoulders she looked down at him in return imitated his action while giving him a half smile with a raised eyebrow. “Well I’m having fudge just so you know” she told him as though Zan’s non-comment had offended her.

“Me too” came the soft reply to her right. Looking down at Zan where he was still holding her hand Maria could see his nerves at being surrounded by all these strangers.

“What about some whipped cream on top?” Maria asked hoping to engage him and make him feel more comfortable. At the nod of his head she squirted the cream in both the bowls “What else?” she asked

“Strawberries!” Zan yelled with more excitement at seeing the bowl sitting on the bench in front of him.

Smiling, Maria grabbed the bowl and grabbed a handful of the sweet fruit, dropping them over both bowls. “Anything else?”

At the quick shake of his head she grabbed a spoon and shoved it in the top of their overflowing bowls, the spoon standing upright. Picking up another strawberry she brought it down to hold it at Zan’s mouth so he would bite it, leaving half the strawberry poking out. “Lets go,” she said picking up both bowls and heading for the door.

Zan’s grip had transferred to the black pants leg of the uniform that she was still wearing from training that morning. Walking out of the dinning hall, they made their way through the hallways towards their waiting room.

Approaching the hallway that led to the meeting rooms a woman marched around the opposite corner pulling up moments before colliding with Maria. Dressed in black leathers she carried a motorcycle helmet in one hand, as she came to a stop in front of Maria her helmet clad hand coming to rest on her hip. Dropping her gaze to Zan who was eating another strawberry Serena demanded, “What is he doing here?”

Narrowing her eyes at her Maria could not believed it. This woman, this Skin claimed she was looking out for their safety, that she was gathering all the information on our enemies’ where-abouts for their protection but conveniently when Zan is attacked, by Nicholas no less, she is mysteriously away on a biking holiday. The way the question was asked got further on her nerves what right did she have to question Zan’s presence as though he was wondering around a restricted area by himself? He’s their goddamn King as far as they are concerned. Processing these thoughts in the second following Serena’s accusation she paused and thought with all venom she had I don’t know, isn’t that your job.

A smirk crossed Serena’s face before a laugh escaped her lips. People didn’t have to like her for her to do her job and Maria especially seemed to think she was the route of all-evil, but the girl had spunk. Few people here would dare to blatantly imply as Maria had that she was incompetent or call her on her attitude. It was one of the things she enjoyed as head of the Black Guard intelligence operation she was given a lot of space. Partly a reflection of the position but coupled with the mystery of her parentage and race few of the Guard trusted her or trusted themselves when they were around her. This meant that she could virtually say or do whatever she wanted and none would call her on it, afraid that she would read their inner most secrets and use them against them. Not that she wouldn’t, it was her job after all but the petty secrets hidden in the closets of these Guards had little interest for her. She knew them all but, she wouldn’t be doing her job if she didn’t, but knowing them and needed to acting on them was another thing entirely. Word got around quick in this place, dealing with one or two got the job done for her and she was given the freedom to do her job as she wished after that. But Maria either didn’t know or care that given time Serena could crush her like a bug, she suspected it was the latter, and she respected her for that. She was smart and obviously could keep her wits about her when caught of guard. It was quick thinking on her part to remember her thoughts were exposed, rather than have an open argument in front of the child. If only she would learn to keep her mental barrier up, though it worked in her favour for the time being. Making a mental note of the ease with which Maria handled the situation, she stepped to the side she and with a flourish of the hand holding the helmet waved her through. “I’ll chase it up”
“What I don’t understand is why?” Kate asked, sitting back in her chair holding her husbands hand. She had sat through an explanation of the events that led to their arrival at the compound. The perceived threat by Nicholas had caused the group responsible for monitoring the situation to react, to extract them from danger.
Max considered Kate. She was the dominant person in this meeting, whether that was a defensive mechanism to the events of earlier today or her normal attitude, he wasn’t sure but at the moment she was the person that needed to be gauged.

“It’s because of me” Max finally said, coming to a decision. He was aware of Michael and Isabel’s attention quickly shifting to him in surprise and in an effort to predict where he was going.

“You?” Kate asked fear lacing her voice

“Because of who I am, your son is in danger”

Analysing this statement, Kate took a moment to reply but it was Jack who asked the question, the expression on his face suggested that he already knew the answer “Why would you put our son in danger?”

Giving them a moment, allowing them to retract the question if they wish, Max watched the two. Kate was young, no more than a year or two older than them. Her age was something of a shock to Max when he found out who the were, he had expected an older couple in their late 30’s or 40’s but she was his age. Her hair was red, cropped short into a stylish boys haircut, she wore a dark blue and white stripped loose singlet with knee length tight denim shorts and red suspenders. She looked quite funky he thought with surprise. Her husband was also young and about their age. His brown hair was slightly unkempt and he had not shaved in a couple of days. While only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts he had the tanned skin and look of a person who was outdoors all the time and active. These were not the people he had pictured raising his son. Remembering the way they interacted with Zan he could tell they loved him and ultimately that was the only thing he cared about. “Zan – was my son” Max finally replied stiltedly.

Immediately Max could see their reaction, the fear and panic that somehow they were going to loose their son was written across both their faces. Quick to reassure them Max elaborated, “Please let me explain. It’s not simple.”

Swallowing whatever she was going to say Kate gave the slightest stiff nod, her husband following suit a moment later.

“Me, Michael and Isabel have been living in America in exile” Max started his story, his eyes dropping to the table as he spoke. He held Liz’s hand tight in his, drawing as much strength from her as he could. Even though this story was not precisely what had happened to them was the best he could offer these people at the moment and they deserved something. “There was a coup in our country and almost all our family was killed. But we were young, only babies, and they smuggled us out to safety and eventually we were brought to America. We are all that remains of our countries royal family and the regime that now controls our country wants us dead at all costs.

“We were adopted” his eyes rose momentarily to convey to them the importance of this revelation “Me and Isabel” he indicated his sister “Michael, wasn’t as lucky” he paused for a moment to look at his friend, his brother. Michael’s expression was unreadable, rather than loosing his momentum he continued, “he was fostered. We grew up together but had no idea of our past. It wasn’t until we were sixteen that we found out what had happened and who we were. It was a bombshell, but it actually took us almost two years to actually find out the full story, that there were people after us, who wanted us dead for no other reason then we were born. We tried to live in hiding, to live a normal life in plain sight but they found us, we managed to lead them off our trail for a while but they always came back. When Zan’s mother got pregnant we considered going away but then we found out that she had made a deal with our enemies so that she could return to our country in return for handing us over. Her plan was discovered and we allowed her to leave. I never expected to see my son again”

Unbeknownst to Max this last comment did not sit well with Jack and the fear that they were going to take his son grew in the pit of his stomach. Max had paused for a moment remembering Tess’s betrayal and despite Jacks fears he spoke up knowing that he needed to hear the end of this story “What happened next?”

Bringing his eyes up to Jack and reading the fear there his mouth twitched in the slightest reassuring smile “For the most part we were left alone by our enemies and it was almost a year later that Tess appeared again and brought everything down on our heads. She’d escaped but they followed her back and she was killed trying to lead them off. She had left Zan with me, I think she knew she wasn’t coming back and I knew I could not give him the type of life he deserved. I didn’t want him to live on the run, constantly having to look over his shoulder for unnamed enemy from some distant country that wanted to hurt him or use him. Ultimately both.

“So we put him up for adoption and hoped that he would go to a good family that would love him and give him a normal childhood.” He gave them a smile, letting them know that he though they had given him that. Letting his eyes drift to Terrance who was sitting to one side of the table he gave him a calculating look “These people have dedicated themselves to our protection. They located you and imbedded their people in town as a backup in case anything happened. Nicholas was no child, he has some disease so he doesn’t look anything near his age but he’s dangerous. He is the most evil person I know. We thought he’d be safe with an ordinary family but Nicholas found him, after we were assured he couldn’t” his voice hardened at the end of the sentence his gaze fixed on Terrence, his anger still evident. Taking a breath, he tried to calm the emotion of fear and regret that had creped into his voice.

Still trying to grasp the facts Kate asked, “You’re living in exile? From what country?”

Shaking his head with a regretful smile Max explained, “I can’t tell you Kate, maybe sometime in the future but not yet. It’s for everyone’s safety”

“If we move, change our name…” Jack started to reason but trailed off seeing Max’s headshake.

“You’ll never be safe out there I’m afraid. As long as you have Zan you will always be in danger. They found you once, they will find you again”

“You can’t take him off us” Kate’s panicked voice cut in quickly “He’s my son. You don’t understand I can’t have kid. Zan is my son. You can’t take him back.” Tears had come to her eyes the culmination of the emotional exhaustion that had accumulated through out the day.

“Kate I know” Max reassured her “I gave him up, I have no rights to him. You are his parents, you have raised him and given him a normal life something I could never do. But what I can do is protect you. Out there in Boulder or anywhere else they can track you down, even here we aren’t completely safe but what I can offer is 10,000 people to protect him.”

“You’re shitting me right?” Jack asked disbelievingly “10 000 people?”

“Yes” was Max’s simple response.

Jack turned to look at Kate. They were both completely lost about what to do. This was never a scenario that they would have ever considered, it was too far fetched and now they were faced with it, they didn’t know where to start. “What else can we do?” Kate asked her voice sounding lost in the face of the enormity of the situation.

Opening his mouth, as though he was going to make a suggestion, Jacks mouth moved wordlessly before he eventually exhaled “I don’t know” in an equally lost voice.

“What about you?” Kate eventually asked turning her attention back to Max. Where would he fit into this she wanted to know?

As much as it pained him to say this Max replied “I’m just Max. I’ll be whoever you want me to be”
Moving across the hallway the group found Maria sitting with Zan in a cubby made from the chairs and some tablecloths.

“Nice set up Maria!” Kyle whistled appreciatively as Kate followed the group into the room.

Calling Zan to her, she left the room with her son. Watching their movement Maria asked, “What’s going on?”

“They have some things they need to talk about” Max said letting his weight rest against the counter to the left of the door.

“And so do we” came Michaels unexpected reply from the other side of the room.

“We do?” Maria asked with interest but her question was overshadowed by Max.

“What is you problem Michael?”

Michael’s expression was dark; he took a couple of steps into the centre of the room his arms crossed across his chest. He’d sat through that meeting in silence listening to Max, create a fairy story of their life “What are you doing Max? What are you offering?”

“Whatever it takes to keep them safe!” was Max’s immediate reply.

“And where do we fit into that?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked genuinely confused

“I’m talking about you casually telling our story to strangers no mater how PG the version. What are you going to do if they don’t accept? Have you thought about that Max?” Taking a couple of steps towards Max, Michael let his anger carry him. They had no plan, as far as he could see, Max was leading himself blind down this path and dragging the rest of them with him. “And what if they do accept? Have you thought about that? You aren’t his father you can’t go making decision and controlling his live like you do our.”

“I don’t control anyone’s life here” Max shouted back taking a step in Michael’s direction. It was a deliberate taunt for the sake of the argument on Michaels part, and the girls knew it but Liz and Maria had both called out in outrage but their contribution was drowned out in Max’s response “Your right I don’t have a plan but when did you become a proponent of advanced planning Michael.” Taking a calming breath he asked in a quieter voice “You’re the General,” it was a deliberate jibe, Max was still angry that Michael didn’t see that this was their only solution “what would you have me do Michael? Nicholas just had a play date with Zan this morning and absolutely no one saw it coming. In fact we were emphatically told it was impossible so come up with a better solution that keeps him safe.”

Dropping his shoulder his anger left him “I know it’s a good solution but what if they say no? Huh. Are you going to take him away from his family, force them to do things your way?” Michael was worried about Zan but he knew Max had know idea what was coming next and this was very shaky ground. If they said no what would they do? They had just shown these people who would now be guaranteed targets their inner sanctum. They knew each one of their faces and enough of their story that if the government caught them they could piece together the story and know exactly who Zan was. And then where would he be? A little boy wanted by the most powerful governments on two planets. “That story you told them doesn’t even convey half the dangers that are hanging over all of their heads now and they need to make the right decision to accept our help.”

“I know it’s not perfect –“ Max started but was cut of by Michael

“This could have been handled much better Max –“

“Michael I think he knows that” Liz interrupted before this turned into a blame session “but yelling because you are scared won’t make it any better. You could have spoken up in there but you didn’t, because you don’t know of any other solution. So we’ll just have to wait and hope like crazy that they make the right decision.” Pausing, she watched as Michael internally struggled with something “Michael I know what your thinking” and she did. They had become friends during their time on the road and their was a time when it was just her and Michael, and they talked, he told her stories about living with Hank, not the abuse but his hopes and dreams for the future. She would listen during those day when they were on the run together separated from the rest of the group. They had relied on each other during that period to survive and Liz had developed an understanding of how he though. Not voicing her thoughts, and blocking them from Max for Michael sake, she let him know with her eyes that they would not take Zan away from his parents. That was what Michael feared, destroying that boys home, he didn’t want anyone to have to grow up with the knowledge that they had a family somewhere that they would never see.

Giving a slight imperceptible nod of his head, letting her know that he got her message he took a slight step back to take hold of Maria’s hand. As he gripped her hand tightly and the others in the started to move the tension in the room lessened but a measure remained as they waited for Kate and Jacks decision.

Not sure how long they expected to wait but it was approximately 20 minutes later that a knock on the door drew everyone’s attention and the brought everyone’s nerves to the surface. Hearing the knock a second time, this time a bit louder Max moved away from Liz to answer it. Standing in the doorway Kate held Zan in her arms in front of her a nervous expression on her face. Behind her, her husband stood a head taller then her, his face unreadable as he looked into the room.

“Hi” Kate said weakly, not sure what to say to the man who had just turned their world upside down.

Feeling his eyes drop to Zan even as he told his brain to keep his eyes on Kate, he mumbled out a quiet almost lost “Hi.” Dragging his eyes back to her face his cheeks redden and a nervous but guilty smile tipped the corner of his lips “Hi” he said stronger this time letting his eyes travel between both of his parents.

Taking a deep breath, revealing her own nerves, Kate looked down at Zan’s curly head. Patting his shoulder “There’s some people that I want you to know, My Little Man.” Steering him into the room a step or too she came to a halt just inside the doorway where she would clearly see everyone in the room. Turning him slightly to face Max she took another deep breath to steady her nerves “This is you uncle Max.” Watching his face she saw that is took a moment for what she had said too register but seeing his brain process what she had said she saw the shock register and his eyes drop immediately, as though he now had permission, to Zan.

Taking a step towards then, Max could see that Zan took a corresponding step back against his mother’s legs. Stopping where he was Max dropped to his knees so that he was almost at eye level with Zan before extending his hand “It’s a pleasure to meet you Zan” he said in a quiet voice so as not to scare him.

With a little encouragement from him mom Zan shook his hand before being introduced to the rest of the group. With the exception of Michael and to a lesser extent Kyle Zan was happy to meet everyone else in the room and especially to discover the Isabel and Maria were now his Aunties. Moving around the room happily of his own accord Zan had climbed back under the cubby house with Maria on the outside.

Seeing that Zan was happily preoccupied Max let his gaze shift to Michael. Their argument forgotten, Max respected Michael’s opinion. Silently waiting for his assent he watched as Michael took in Zan’s parents as they talked to Liz, giving a nod of his head he walked to the door, thinking it best to be over with all the revelations today. “Kate, Jack. There’s some stuff we need to tell you now that we couldn’t before” Directing them out the open door and back across the hall they walked back into the conference room, again leaving Maria and Zan in the cubby house, to reveal their deepest secret.
Last edited by ForeignLoveMonkey on Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
<(<>..<>)> - Kim