The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )CH18 6/30/08 [WIP]

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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) CH10 2/17/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Hey all! sorry this part is coming so late...I am in mountain time and I only get 2 write after work and after I have fed the kids. Weekend are the best when it comes to spitting out the chapters faster :wink: But I finally managed to finish this part. I like to call chapters like this a "Tween" cuz it builds up a major action that takes place and ugh! they are the hardest for me to write! I don't know if any of the other writers have the same problem. They take longer to write and I have to keep myself in check and not jump ahead of myself just so i can be giddy again.(I tend to enjoy my own plots alot!!)

okay enough of my babble! here's the next part. my tween :wink:

Chapter 11

Jeff Parker watched Max patiently waiting for an answer.

Max then cleared his throat. “Right now Isabel, Michael and Liz and I are going to put our heads together and try to formulate a plan.”

Amy Deluca flashed Jim Valenti a puzzled look. “Well, we can help right?”

Jeff nodded in return, giving Max a hopeful look.

Jim shifted uncomfortably next to Amy. Max has always been the careful thinking things through before acting. When he had learned of Max, Michael and Isabel’s alien side it was during a time in which Max had no choice but to trust him. Now stood the parents, demanding to be included but Jim new the more people got involved the dangerous the task would become.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Jim argued “I have been part of this for a long time, and I can tell you, it’s dangerous. The more people involved the more vulnerable the group is.”

Amy was not pleased with Jim’s answer and her scowl was proof of that. “How can you say that? You haven’t seen Kyle in just as long!” Amy argued back, crossing her arms.

“Mom! It’s too dangerous! Without any abilities your sitting ducks!” Maria explained

Amy arched an eyebrow at her daughter. “What are your abilities Maria?”

Maria opened her mouth to reply but found no words to argue her point. “Exactly!” her mother finished for her. “And for your information, we’re not as helpless as you think. Show him Jim.”

Jim Valenti suddenly looked embarrassed and refused to look into Max’s eyes. Kyle looked at Amy to his father with sudden interest, his mind reaching out to his father’s thoughts.
There was something different about him and it worried Kyle. He hadn’t picked up on it, although he wasn’t searching either. Kyle furrowed his brow in concentration and to his amazement, he felt his father resist his probe. Only Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz had the strength to resist. Kyle had learned over the years that they would be the only people he knew, who the strength. A thought suddenly struck Kyle and his eyes went wide with surprise. “You have a power don’t you?” Kyle asked in awe.

The color in Jim Valenti face darkened a few shades. “It’s nothing really.” He mumbled in a low voice his head still down. Amy shot her chin up and crossed her arms. “For your information, Jim and levitate objects in the air and move them around.” She then nudged Jim slightly with an elbow closest to him. Jim suddenly looked up and flashed Amy an irritated look. He then removed a small stone from his pocket. He then open his palm and let the flat stone sit for a moment in place. After a few moments, the stone seemed to shiver and then shot up into mid air a few feet above Jim’s open hand. He then had the stone circle around the group several times before hovering above his palm and slowly descended back into his hand.

Everyone stared for several moments in silence, jaws hung slightly ajar. Isabel, Liz, Michael and Max looked to each other, smiles spreading across their lips.

“You Have Telekinesis huh?” Maria asked “Way to go sheriff!”

Max considered Jim for a moment he was faced once again; with how knowing him impacted people’s lives. “When did it happen?”

Jim was staring at his hand turning his hand over then back again several times. He had performed that trick many times for Amy but he still had a hard time believing the ability came from him. “About the following spring after you left Roswell.”

Max nodded realizing it had been a year after he had healed him. A year after he took over Clayton Wheeler’s body and year after Liz brought Max back from the dead.

When they heard the door close quietly everyone turned to see Jesse standing in the door way.
“What did I miss?” he asked noticing the smirks on everyone’s face.

Kyle and Isabel quickly put distance between each other and glance at each other awkwardly. Then to Jesse to see if he had noticed.

“Just the sheriff making us dizzy with a rock.” Michael replied with sarcasm. But quickly let out a small yelp as Maria nudged him with her elbow.

Jesse nodded “Uh yeah the floating stone trick huh?” Jesse quickly went to Isabel’s side and smiled warmly into her face. There was a sudden shift in Isabel’s mood that only Kyle was able to pick up. She was tense and was stressed over how she was going to tell Jesse about her developing feelings for Kyle. “Will you join me for coffee later?” Jesse asked, but his dark brown eyes pleaded. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Isabel studied Jesse’s face for several moments trying to read his facial expression. He seemed happy but something in his eyes told her she was not the source.

“Um yeah sure.” Isabel replied awkwardly, trying not to let Jesse see how uncomfortable his request had made her.

“Do you remember that café we met at before?” he asked. “Meet me there after the meeting.”

Isabel’s eyes go wide as she realizes Jesse didn’t know. “Jesse, my parents have been kidnapped!”

“What!?” he gasps “How do you know? By who?”

Isabelle rubs her forehead. “I found a communication device in my room. It had a prerecorded message on it. It was Kihvar.”

The named caused anger to flicker in Jesse’s dark brown eyes. “Isn’t that the guy who…”

“Crashed our honeymoon? Yeah that’s the one.” Isabel finished with a nod.

“He’s here?” Jesse asked his anger growing.

“No.” Isabel replied then looked up. “He’s”

“He took them to your home planet?” Jesse asked but not quite believing it.
What are you going to do?”

“We have to go meet a shape shifter.” Isabel explained. “She’s going to help us, I think.”

Jesse squared his shoulders. “Well, I am going too.”

“No Jesse.” Isabel replied firmly placing a small hand on his chest for effect. Her brown eyes clearly showed her resolve.” It’s not safe.”

Jesse squinted his eyes and then shook his head in frustration, but then looked at Kyle and Maria puzzled. “But it’s safe for Kyle and Maria?”

“Kyle is different now, he has his own abilities, and well Maria has Michael to protect her.” She explained as she glanced over at her friends. Jesse you have to stay here and watch over my parent’s house, in case they return.”

“She’s right Jesse.” Max said taking Isabel’s side. “We have no idea what’s going to happen or what we are up against. It’s best they you stay here.”

Max then turned to the parents, “Right now it’s best if all of you stay behind, to be safe.”

“What about Jim?” Amy protested.

“We are counting on him to keep you all safe while we are gone.” Max explained. “We will come back to the café, and fill you in, before going anywhere.”

With that, The hybrids along with their friends set off to the birth place that started it all.


Istariah paced the room, her long white silk gown swooshing around each time she abruptly turned. One hand was to her pale thin lips, her violent eyes distant in worried thought. It had been almost a day since she had contacted Kayleen, and there had been no more news since.
Suddenly the doors to her quarters burst open and her hand maiden entered the room.
fear was etched over the younger antarian’s features and immediately the queen’s heart sank. Something was wrong.

“What’s happen Kareena?” fear laced in her tone.

The handmaiden sighed. Even if she wanted to lie, the queen would have known. She had learned the hard way a long ago what the queen’s special abilities were, and that sparing the queen’s feeling would never be possible. One visit into her mind and the queen knew every morbid detail.

“Kihvar had a communication device planted in the human’s home. It has been activated. Ian said they have just received the return signal not to long ago.”

The queen gave no response, no look to indicate her feelings on the matter. “I’m sure Zan and Vilondra knew it was a plot. I am sure they wouldn’t rush home without some sort of plan in place.” Kareena offered.

The queen nodded in agreement, and then sat into a chair next to her window. Her pale golden hair fell to her back as she did so. “I don’t think Zan had any intention of coming home. So many years have passed. How many years has it been since the signal from the communicators?”

‘Almost eight.” The hand maiden replied reluctantly. She began picking at the embroidery on her long emerald dress. She hated these conversations with Istariah. The queen would always fall into a depression that lasted several days. “But your highness, Zan had enemies on earth as well. There could many reasons why he was unable to return home. Ava returning home and to Kihvar should have been proof of that.”

Istariah’s violet eyes flashed angrily. “That creature was not Ava! I don’t know who that was, but it wasn’t my son’s wife!” she hissed.

The older antarian’s anger was so intense, that Kareen could feel it vibrate throughout her head, and she flinched at the intensity of it. The return of Ava on Antar had the whole planet buzzing with excitement but the moment word got out that she was with child and had sided with Kihvar; the queen had a hard time believing that the petite blonde human could possibly be the former queen incarnate. She hadn’t been able to explain why “something was not right” about the antarian who had called herself Tess. But it was that same feeling that caused her to refuse the hybrid sanctuary in her home. Unable to be completely heartless towards the traitor, she gave Tess a ship to use to return to earth. She reserved her warms smiles and embraces for her human grandson, who cooed and giggled happily in his grandmother’s arms. Human, Antarian she didn’t care. This child was part of her son, which made him part of her. Seeing the child, she thought for sure that she would see her son soon enough; But five years had passed and still nothing.

“It doesn’t matter now; it is only a matter of time before Zan returns home for his human parents. No doubt Kihvar will try to destroy Zan, but Ian says it Vilondra Kihvar is focused on.”

The queen smirked with humor. There was no doubt her daughter had learned a lot by living a human’s life, her rejecting Kihvar had been proof of that. It had not been the queen’s choice to send her children to earth, but rather her handmaiden’s. It was the young antarian’s description of the human’s capacity for love told by her mother, who had visit earth many times, that warmed her over. It was only after much visits and a little investigation, that the scientists of Antar discovered that human and antarian DNA were very close in form. Later with the help of gandarium they were actually able to bridge human and antarian DNA together to form an Antarian/Human hybrid.
There was no doubt that life on earth had changed her children for the better. The queen chuckled inwardly. She sorely wished she could have been there when Vilondra sent Kihvar on his way, and from what the rumors were saying, quite rudely. Although rumors also said that Kihvar had almost been successful, had it not been for Vilondra’s love for a human. But none of that mattered now. Her children grew up surrounded by love and now they were capable of giving love, which was more than she hoped for.

The hand maiden could feel the queen’s spirits lift and was grateful for the change in her mood. It had always worried her the way the queen chose to hide in her quarters for days at a time, holding onto a picture of her son and daughter. She too doubted Kihvar would win over Vilondra this time around. When he had returned home without the princess, word the spread through those loyal to the royal family. The was a sense of great relief and respect for the King and princess who were now half human, but had yet to return home and reclaim the throne.

“Word has it he took a human to be his wife.” Istariah said in a soft tone.

“Yes.” The queen said with a sigh “I heard that as well.”

“And if he should return to Antar with her?” she pressed. It was the question everyone had been asking, since word got back from an informant living on the planet. Would the queen accept Zan’s marriage to the human girl? Would she be able to reign by Zan’s side as the new queen of Antar?


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) CH11 2/20/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

begonia9508 wrote:I just love your optimismus!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You're not even finished with this story that you're burning to write something else......
:lol: Hope you can put two feets in the same shoe!!!! :twisted: :lol: :roll:

EVE :wink: :mrgreen:
Lol I just love writing Roswell fanfic! and usually I can only focus on one Fic at a time. I don't usually know how I am gonna end a fic til i get close to it. TOAU is the first one I ever knew how it was gonna end.(and not just cuz it's a remake either. I changed the ending 4 this remake)

Yeah I think the next fic will be just as good as this one if not better.

Okay without further Ado.....heres the next chapter :mrgreen:
~~Chapter 12~~
Amy Deluca crossed her arms and watched her daughter and the rest of the gang walk out the Café doors. “This isn’t right! They just got back!”

Jim Valenti put an arm around Amy in attempt to console her. “It’s how it’s always been with them.” He explained. “But they will be alright, as long as they stick together.”

“I can’t believe you’re being so cool about this.” Amy replied in bewilderment. “And you Jeff? Are you just going to let Liz take off like that?”

It was true; Jeff Parker wasn’t too thrilled about Liz taking off so soon. After all, she had just gotten back. If it weren’t for Max Evans though, he would have no Lizzie coming back home at all. She would be six feet under in the local cemetery. No, Jeff decided to count his blessings and let this one go. Surprisingly enough, Nancy has shown the same sentiments. Of course, Liz had told them up front that the reason that all of them had returned was Philip and Diane Evan’s disappearance. Jeff didn’t care, seeing Liz after seven years even if it meant it was possibly only for a day or two, was well worth it.
Jeff chuckled at Amy Deluca. She hadn’t changed much since the kids had left, and he was grateful that Liz had mailed her journal. Otherwise the woman would have hounded the crashdown, with her endless questions and ranting and ravings.
“Amy, Diane and Phillip are missing, and our kids are the only ones who can do anything about it. You need to just let them do what they need to do to bring their parents back home.” Jeff pointed out calmly.

But Amy Deluca was not happy with this explanation, and Jim knew it and let out a loud defeating sigh. “Yeah um, I am going to head home.”

Jeff Parker smiled and nodded. “Take care Jim”

The sheriff smiled and waved, but then paused at the door, and waited for his wife, who still had a scowl on her face. Amy soon, but with reluctance followed her husband out of the Café.


Serena sat on the dusty floor of the pod chamber. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind, and several ways she could reveal the unsuspected hybrid was among those thoughts. Although revealing the hybrid wasn’t what had the changeling stressed. Restoring their memories, was another story altogether. It would take a lot of energy; she would need all of them including the last remaining human in the group. Her connection to Michael, help his energy flow smoothly. Although he would never openly admit it, it was always her and her patient love for him that kept him grounded. Even with that, Maria was also necessary in Liz Parker’s life. She was the one person Liz turned to when she needed to feel “human.” Maria had no idea how her being human, was so important to the others. She reminded them just how delicate life was, and how it needed to be respected. Although humans puzzled her even now after many years on earth, you didn’t need to be human, to see how much Maria wanted to be part of the group, and be anything but human.
Serena smiled as she chuckled inwardly. She was surprised Michael and Maria stayed together this long. It had been touch and go for quite some time during their first three years together. The fact they still remain together was a good sign. Those two certainly didn’t have an everyday kind of love.
When Serena heard the stone wall slide open to the podchamber, she got to her feet and watched as hybrids and friends piled into the small cave. When everyone was in, Serena grabbed a suede bag not far from where she had been sitting, and began pulling out amber colored stones.
She received a puzzled look from each who received a stone. “I trust you know what these are?” she asked but knew that most of them did.

“Healing stones.” Maria offered.

“Yes.” Serena said smiling at the blonde.

“But I thought.”

“You destroyed the only ones?” Serena asked Max as she handed him the last one. “No, you didn’t. I wasn’t sent here unprepared. What we are about to do takes a lot of energy, and we will need quite a bit from all of you. Even from those of you who are still quite human.” The last sentence was for Maria’s sake as the changeling could see her insecurity settling in.

“You still haven’t told us who the mysterious hybrid is.” Isabel pointed out. Not quite trusting the mystery of it all. And the look of displeasure on her face was evidence of this.

Suddenly all confusion was gone as all eyes rested on the changeling in curiosity.

Serena opened her palm allowing a ball of energy to take shape then glow a bright green. The glowing orb then levitated above her hand and began to gently pulsate.

“Now, I want you all to focus on your stone, once it is activated visualize a beam of light from your stone entering the orb in my hand.” Serena ordered.

Liz had taken a few steps closer to Max until their hips gently brushed against each other.

Feeling her next to him, Max looked up from his stone, which just began to flicker and glanced over at her curiously. He could see that she wasn’t even concentrating on her stone. There was fear in her dark brown eyes and it was a look he had on her face before, in a situation not so different from this.

“Liz? What is it?” Max whispered loudly.

“I am scared Max,” Liz replied her voice quivering slightly “How do we can trust this hybrid? What if she is like Tess? What if this is a trick?”

He wanted to reach out to her, comfort her. Seeing the fear in her eyes was more than he could bear. Nothing could tear them apart now. Hybrid or no hybrid, he was married to Liz. He was hers forever. Despret to ease her fears he touches her with a free hand, and instantly a connection was made.


Memories of their travels…….


Memories of their lovemaking……


Memories of their wedding……

When Max could feel the edge of her consciousness he sent out a single emotion, his undying love. Liz reacted instantly and began to relax.
Before long they both had their stones activated and glowing brightly and one by one the other were activated as well.

Max turned to his wife, about to say “I love you.” But his words failed him as he stared wide eyed at his wife. Her brown eyes turned black and large and the miniature version of the royal seal glowed brightly between her brows. She just stood there, her now alien like eyes void of any emotion.

Serena felt sorry for Max; she had no way of giving him warning. But she had faith in their love, Max and Liz had gotten through much worse. With a quick gesture of her hand, Serena brought Liz’s lifeless body before her. One by one the other looked up in awe as Liz’s body glided past them.


Kihvar was staring at the latest number on the hologram projector when Ian gently rapped on the library door.

“Enter.” came a cold and curt reply.

The elder antarian stuck his head through the doorway, timidly before entering fully.

Kihvar arched a thin eyebrow at Ian then rolled his eyes and sighed.” Yes Ian, what is it?”

Ian had the whole story practiced an hour ago and carefully went through the details to make sure there weren’t any gaps. He had to explain Kayeleen’s presence on earth without exposing his true reason for being Kihvar’s advisor. He decided giving the dictator only half the truth, wasn’t quite lying, and telling half the story wouldn’t cause any real harm.
Squaring his shoulders he cleared his throat. “Sire, there seems to be a situation.”

Kihvar arched his brow again. “Oh really? What kind of problem?”

It appears that Kayeleen has been living on earth for quite sometime.” Ian replied matter of factly.

Kihvar’s eyes suddenly grew wide. “Kayeleen!? “What on Antar is she doing on earth?”

“We are still looking into it Sire.” Ian replied coolly. “But once we know, you’ll know.”

Okay, maybe he was lying.

As he left Kihvar’s quarters, he felt a great sense of relief. He hated having to deal with the brutal leader. Maybe King Zan tried to do too much too soon, but he ruled the planet with his heart. Like his father before him. Ian thought a lot about the hybrid on earth that would eventually return to Antar and reclaim the throne. He had heard many stories, The King bringing a human girl back to life. The battle of the skins; and the death of one of their best soldiers who had oddly enough had fallen in love with the King’s second.

As walked down the palace halls, Ian thought to himself how he couldn’t wait til the was some kind of order on Antar again. The death and fight was really beginning to toll on the sister planets and their inhabitants. Zan had refused to hand over the granolith to Kihvar. A bold move that assured Ian that the King had benefited from being raised on earth by humans. Zan’s ability to trust his instincts gave Ian faith in Zan’s future ruling.
As he stood on the balcony over looking Antar’s major city, He took in a few deep breaths and then sighed contently. The sun was just beginning to set over the horizon and it covered the tops of the city buildings with golden light, giving them the appearance of being made of gold. The flying animals of the planet whizzed by the buildings in a frenzy as it was that time of the season where they will be mating and building their nests. To the west of the horizon two of the sister planets began to rise into the evening sky. Antar was without a doubt a place of beauty. Some would argue it to be the most breath taking of all the sister planets. Sighing again, Ian then decided to turn in for the evening, and returned to the inside walls of the palace once more.

Unsuspected eyes watched the elder advisor retire to his quarters suspiciously. Kihvar had not been foolish enough to completely trust the older antarian. That’s where he came in. He was King Kihvars loyal spy and subject. There was something amiss on earth. Something Ian was choosing not to disclose. He was just the antarian to find out what it was.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 111
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) CH12 2/24/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

begonia9508 wrote:I don't know one of all these things you're talking about but it doesn't matter anyway..... :wink: EVE :mrgreen:
Trust me, it was a good series :wink:

Hey everyone!(yes even you lurkers!) for those who read this and think..”Tara your being repetitive.” Bear with me I know some things have been explained but I am going repeat how Liz ended up as a hybrid, courtesy of Serena. *wink* I also borrowed a few quotes from “sexual healing” lol and I accidentally borrowed a small Liz quote from 4 aliens and a baby

Chapter 13
Liz stood before Serena helplessly. She couldn’t move a single limb. She squinted her eyes at Serena, who neither looked amused nor enjoyed to see her in her weakened state. Her mind was racing in fear and confusion. She was the fifth Hybrid? How could that be? She saw her baby pictures. Her mother all disheveled after giving birth, smiling weakly for the proud new daddy.
It makes no sense. Wait! Maybe she was dreaming! Maybe she was still asleep in bed. That’s it one big, very lucid dream. If only she could pinch herself.

“I am sorry Liz. I am sorry you have to find out this way.” Serena apologized with true sincerity. She pulled something from the back pocket of her cargo pants and held it in front of Liz’s face to see. It appeared to be an old photo and not one originating from earth. “And if you’ll excuse my beginning, you have lived before. Your essence was duplicated, but somewhere during the cloning process, DNA was switched and instead of you, being part of the royal four someone else took your place.

Anger flickered in Liz’s now large eyes, and Serena knew exactly was Liz was thinking and feeling. “Yes, Tess.” Serena scanned over Liz’s form briefly. “But if you ask me, dark features better suit you.”

“How is this even possible?” Max asked stepping forward and looking up from his healing stone.
“Liz was living in Roswell long before Isabel, Michael, Isabel and I emerged from the pods.”
Inside Max’s chest was about to burst. If there was anything more he wanted it was for Liz to part of the destiny his mother revealed to him. So long he had to deal with his destiny and Tess. He loved Liz more than anything in the world and turned his back on everything having to do with Antar. Now, suddenly there was hope that his love for Liz had always been his intended destiny. As he looked at her and thought back of those earlier years, it made perfect sense. She was there; she was always there, never failing, never doubting, just complete faith.

Soon the others looked up from their stones, and Liz was suddenly dropped, and she briefly crumpled to the ground. As she stood up her knees buckled slightly. “Impossible! I have baby pictures! I remember so much! And most of all I remember NOT emerging from a pod!”

Serena let out a sigh. She had expected this reaction from Liz. Although Liz had married an alien and loved him for many years before that and practically gave her life for him, she cherished that she was human, that she always knew who she was, and who her family was. It was the one thing she was grateful for.

“Liz I know this isn’t easy for you to hear.” Serena began. “But you need to hear it. Max, Isabel and Michael, they are going to need you.”

Liz’s eyes brimmed with tears. She didn’t want to hear that her mother wasn’t really her mother.

“Don't ever have sex. Don't ever leave this house. Don't ever stop being my baby girl. Ok?”

She didn’t want to hear that her parent’s love was never really meant to be for her or that dumping Kyle and falling in love with Max was never really her choice, but a fate that she had no control over.

I'm Liz Parker, and lately I've been having these feelings, like I'm changing inside, and part of me doesn't want to change. Part of me always wants to be my mom's little girl. But the thing is, these feelings are strong...dangerous, undeniable. It's like I have no choice. It's like...chemical.

Who was she? Ava? But who was Ava really? None of them really knew, and what did know was she was Zan’s bride in that other life.

“How?” Liz asked hesitantly, sniffling back a tear.

Serena hated what the news was doing to Liz. She could see the petite girl trying to remain composed and strong. But she had to know, all of them had to know.

“Thirty-Four years after the pods were sent to earth, we discovered that there had been a switch in the DNA of one of the podlings for both sets. As you know, Gandarium was used to bridge the differences in the DNA sequencing. Thirty-Four years later, technology has improved and science had advanced. We learned that Gandarium wasn’t needed if you knew when to inject Antarian DNA into a human subject.” Serena explained.

“When?” Michael asked the story now having his full attention. He wasn’t much into cells and DNA, but since meeting Laurie Dupree he had a small appreciation for the subject.

“During cell division after fertilization, the joined cells are vulnerable and capable of being altered. Part mother, part father, and part Antarian. A hybrid; perfectly hidden within a human womb. Neither mother nor child would know any different, til the child came of age. Then as if coming from nowhere, the child would obtain its former powers.”

Liz stood there for a moment soaking Serena’s words in. Did she say part mother part father? So she was her parent’s daughter?

“No protector, it doesn’t need one its protection is its own ignorance.” Serena pointed out.

Liz then looked over at Max, she could see hope flicker in their amber depths. Part of her wanted to run into his arms and yell to the world “He’s mine! He was always meant to be mine!” Maybe even loud enough for a certain deceased blonde to hear as well. She looked over at Michael and Isabel who now looked back at her curiously. Once again they were a complete unit.
Liz felt a warm arm wrap around waist and then another pull her close. “You will always be Liz parker. Nothing can change that.” Max reminded her gently “Alien, Human, it doesn’t matter, only you define who you are, not you genetic makeup.”
Liz turned to Max and gave him a small grateful smile, and touched her forehead to his. “I love you.” Max then pulled her close and kissed her gently.

“What now?” Max asked looking at Serena expectantly.

“Now comes the hard part. Serena begins, her voice now taking a serious tone. “Everyone must now gather in a circle. You will combine your energy, with that energy; I will tap into it and use it to restore your memories.”

“Will we remember our lives here on earth?” Michael asked as Maria suddenly clung to him, worry etched across her face.

“Yes.” Serena replied reassuringly “Your memories of Antar will be added to memories you have of this life.”

Michael and Maria grabbed each other’s hand tightly, and then Max and Liz did the same. Max looked into Liz’s brown eyes which were wide with fear once again.

“Are you ready?” Max asked bravely

Liz opened her mouth to say something, but quickly decided against it and bobbed her head in agreement.

Serena scanned the others looking for anyone who wanted to protest, but instead she round eyes and nodding heads from them all.

“Let’s begin.”

Everyone once again held their amber colored healing stones in front of them, locking their eyes on the stones until they flickered and then shine brightly in their palms. One by one a beam of light shot through the stones and into the glowing green orb of light that Serena created from her energy. The green light grew brighter as each beam of energy joined with it. When the last joined, the green orb began to pulsate. Then, four beams of the same color shot out and hit Max, Liz, Michael and Isabel between the eyes nearly knocking them off their feet.

Each Hybrid had their own set of memories, and as she restored each one to it’s owner Serena was able to experience each memory with them.


Traveling through space


Antar in the spring time during a spectacular sunset viewed from the palace balcony, the sister planet rising in the eastern sky.


The sound of children laughing. Three antarian children play together all with thick dark hair and large eyes, running around in circles and giggling. Vilondra! Zan! A male voice calls. “Daddy!” a male and female antarian exclaim in unison throwing their little arms around the adult Antarian’s neck. “You brought Rath over to play I see!” the two children smile happily at their friend.


A male voice speaks as Vilondra, Zan and Rath eavesdrop in on Zan and Vilondra’s father. “Send a team to this planet called Earth, we need to find out what exactly these “humans” are.”


A funeral for the former king. Several figures stand around their head bowed in grief. Vilondra clung to her mother’s leg, as tears streamed down her round cheeks. Zan stood erect, courage beginning to falter across his face. Rath looked over and his friends giving them a sympathetic look.


A Year before Zan’s coronation, Larek and Zan are swimming near Dimaras rock. A large stone that juts out of the crimson colored fluid. A lock of ebony silk caught Zan’s eye. A petite dark featured antarian sat on the rock breathing in deeply of the afternoon air. Her eyes are closed and a small smile spreads across her lips as she lifts her face to the warm sun. Zan’s breath is caught in his throat, her beauty has captivated him. “She so beautiful.” He whispers just loud enough for Larek to hear.

“Go over and introduce yourself.” Larek encourages his friend.

“I..I..I couldn’t possibly.” A nervous Zan stammers.

“Well, if you won’t I will.” Larek states impatiently.

He swims up to the Dimaras rock and introduces himself then Zan.


Zan’s coronation, He announces Rath as his second in command. Vilondra is looking on with disinterest, and their mother beaming with pride.


Zan and Ava’s wedding, Vilondra at Ava’s side and Larek at Zan’s. When the two Antarian’s seal their promises with a kiss.

Serena suddenly let’s out a gasp and crumples to her knees. The memory restoration comes to an abrupt halt. Everyone fumbles briefly at the onslaught of memories.

“ I need to stop.” She gasps, out of breath. Beads of sweat scattered across her brow. A large sweat stain covered the front of her t shirt.

Max and Liz looked at each other in awe, their jaws hung open slightly. Then Liz gave Max a small smile. “I remember you.”


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) CH13 2/29/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Okay I went nuts! on this chapter I wanted this part finished so you lucky ducks get a super long chapter to read! Not giving anything away. :lol:

I hope you enjoy it!! :D

Chapter 14
Liz wasn’t the only one who could remember things, but she was probably the only one whose memories were beautiful. Everyone had their own personal set.

Isabel looked around nervously. Of course it was silly to think that Max, Michael or Liz would hold her past against her. After all she hadn’t really betrayed her brother. She just fell in love with an enemy of her brother’s. Still she couldn’t help but think that she had only fallen in love with Kihvar just to spite her brother. Had she been jealous? Maybe it was her resentment over being betrothed someone she did not love. After all, Zan did get to choose his wife.
Isabel wasn’t sure why she had found it so thrilling to be Kihvar’s arms, why she came so close to telling the rebel everything. What she did know, was she had been angry, and from what she could tell from her memories, she had been angry for a very long time.

Kyle said nothing as he felt a wave of different emotions coming from Isabel. To him and most likely Maria from what he could sense, the memories he had saw, were nothing more than a slide show of someone’s vacation photos. Kyle knew that these memories were a whole lot more to his hybrid friends and ex girlfriend. He had kissed an alien! Well, neither he nor Liz knew it at the time, but still. A small smirk spread across his lips, until he felt another wave of shame come from Isabel. When Isabel came back from her Honeymoon with Jesse, she had told Kyle of her past and how Michael had remembered that it had Kihvar that had done all the betrayal rather than her. It never seemed enough for Isabel though. It was as if she felt she had so much to atone for.

“You’re not Vilondra anymore.” Kyle said softly in her ear.

Isabel gave Kyle a wide eyed look. Sometimes she forgot about Kyle’s powers and his reading her, would shock her. Inwardly she was glad it was him who pointed this out. Had it come from Max, or Michael she would have just felt worse, and now there was Liz. Although brief in her brother’s life, Isabel remembered Ava. Liz looked only slightly different than from her past life. However, the brunette’s personality seemed to remain the same. Isabel felt a pang of guilt; she was the one who found Ava’s lifeless body in the palace.

“You didn’t kill them Isabel.” Kyle reassured her in the same soft tone.

“No, but I helped the enemy get close.” She replied miserably looking down at her feet in shame.

“Maybe, maybe not but the truth is, it doesn’t matter anymore. Isabel you need to stop beating your self up.” Kyle gently demanded. As he looked up he saw the look of awe that passed between Max and Liz. “I’m sure it is the furthest thing from his mind right now.”

“So Liz isn’t human?” Maria asked Michael in complete bewilderment.

“Yeah, go figure huh?” Michael replied barely believing it himself.

“What was she like?” Maria asked as she eyed her best friend curiously.

Michael shrugged “Not much different than she is now. Dark hair dark eyes loyal to those she cares for.”

“What about you?” Maria asked a smirk spread across her lips. She dying to know if he had been anything like his dupe from New York.

“I was a soldier; everything was about protecting the king and his people.” Michael said flatly. No life, no personality, I was pretty boring if you ask me.”

“You forget I saw those memories too. I saw you as little “space boy”.” Maria pointed out arching an eyebrow. “How did you feel being with Max and Isabel?” Maria watched curiously as a new emotion spread across Michael’s stony expression. His eyes watered up slightly but he quickly swiped at his eyes.

“I have family. Something way closer than Laurie Dupree.”

Maria gasped happily. “Oh my god Michael that is so great!!” She then rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Michael gave a small smile as Maria embraced him. But if his new memories served him correct, his antarian parents were going to find Maria just a little unorthodox.

Liz couldn’t help but stare at Max. She remembered everything about him, from the way he held her close when they slept, to the way he would smile shyly at her when they passed through the palace hallways. She remembered how they first met, and their first kiss at a party. With tears in her eyes she remembered how beautiful their wedding had been, how everyone had been there.


A little female antarian with strawberry blonde hair tugged at the bottom of Ava’s dress. “Please Ava! Can I come too? I don’t wanna stay here with mom and dad!”

Ava bent over and scooped up her little sister up. “No, sweetie you can’t come this time.” The little female antarian pouted as if she might cry. It was a trick that usually worked, but not this time. “But I promise to bring you back something.” The little girl’s big eyes suddenly sparkled.

It was a sweet memory and Liz smiled despite herself. But then, she felt the room spin for a moment and her knees went weak.

Alarmed Max catches Liz before she drops to her knees. “Liz what is it? What’s wrong? Did you have another vision?”

Liz stared at Max blankly and then she shook her head trying to clear her head. “Huh?”

“Did you have a vision?” Max asked again.

But his sentence began to break up in Liz’s ears she only caught a bit of his sentence. “What?” she asked weakly clinging to Max suddenly. Then in an instant, everything was normal. Liz looked around, no dizziness, good. She tested her legs when she felt they were steady, she backed up from Max.

“No, actually I had a memory.” She explained wiping a bit of dust from her pant leg. Liz suddenly looked up at Max her dusting put on hold, and gives another smile. “I have a little sister.”

Serena suddenly stiffened at Liz’s words. How did she remember that? It was not a memory Serena has passed on. Serena eyed Liz curiously. Did she know who that little girl was? When Liz glanced over at Serena unknowingly she got her answer, and relief washed over her weakened frame. Liz could never know that she was that sister she remembered, because Serena’s destiny would soon be ending.

Oh my god!” Liz exclaimed rushing to Serena’s side “Serena are you okay?”
Liz draped one of the redhead’s arms around her shoulder and helped her to her feet.

“Yeah, I’m fine like I said it takes a lot of energy.” She said weakly. “But we need to finish this soon, The faster you get to Antar, the better chance your parents have.

Max eyed Serena with worry. “Are you sure you can finish this?”

Serena gave a weak smile “It’s my job, I have no choice.”

“But you could die!” Max argued suddenly not liking where this conversation is going. He did not want to have another death on his shoulders. He wouldn’t.

“Maybe,” Serena concealed. “But I took on this mission a long time ago, I knew the consequences. But right now, your destiny is more important than my fate.”

“No! I won’t have it.” Max said simply shaking his head.

“You have no choice….You highness.” Serena argued back. Reminding him what job he had to do.

Liz felt her throat grow tight, as a hint of what she could only describe as grief began to twinge within her. It was faint almost elusive, but there still the same. In the back of her thoughts she felt she her mind struggling to recover some unknown and forgotten memory. Liz blinked several times as she felt the sting of tears.

Isn’t there some other way?” Liz croaked as the emotion grew stronger inside of her.

Serena looked over at Liz sadly and shook her head. I won’t cry she told herself, struggling hard to contain her emotions. At least she got to be with her sister for this long. So she only got to watch from afar. Still it was better than living on Antar still believing Ava was dead.

“The granolith.” Serena began putting on a stony face.

“Is gone.” Michael interrupted as Maria pulled in close and listening carefully.

Serena patted the large pocket of bottom half of her pant leg. She then pulled out a long thin crystal with pink and purple streaks flowing through it. The crystal seemed to have a life of its own as a light within slowly strobes brighter then darker.

“This crystal will repair and reset the Granolith however; you will not be transported by ship. Instead you will instantly appear on Antar by portal and finally returning the granolith where it rightly belongs.” Serena explained.

“Like the one Kihvar used to try to bring me home with?” Isabel asked remembering how the human possessed by Kihvar’s energy, had raised his hand to the sky and produced a direct bridge to their home planet.

“Exactly.” Serena replied noting that she now had everyone’s full attention. “Now, shall we finish?”

Everyone backed up and returned to their spots.

Once again, all healing stones were aglow and transferring their energy to the green orb Serena produced with her energy.


“Go to our room and stay there!” Zan ordered firmly to Ava, as loud crashing and explosions could be heard from behind the main entrance of the palace door.

“No! I want to fight! I will not just sit around and wait for you to die!” Ava yelled back as tears brimmed in her large brown eyes.

“Please!” Zan begged his wife. “I could not live with myself if something were to happen to you!”


Rath was watching Vilondra from afar. She decided to meet up with her lover that night, in a secret tunnel not far from the palace.

“I am just going to make him see reason Vilondra I swear!” Kihvar said the desperation evident in his voice.

“I can’t Kihvar!” Vilondra declined feebly

“You know he’s a weak ruler! Nothing like your father! The whole kingdom is falling apart! Please Vilondra!”.


Zan and Rath stood side by side their hands out stretched, fighting off energy blasts that seemed to come from every angle.

“Where’s Vilondra?” Zan asked his voice strained from his growing exhaustion.

“Dead.” Rath replied panting.

“He killed her?” Zan asked in bewilderment stopping a grenade like object in mid-air and contained its blast within a force field bubble. Both Zan and Rath flinched as it exploded in front of them.

“It was his plan all along.”

“And Ava? Where’s Ava?” Zan asked, containing yet another grenade in a force field bubble. But Zan only received silence from his second in command. “Rath! Where is Ava?” When he turned to look at Rath there was only sadness in his eyes.

“No.” Zan croaked he didn’t believe it. He blocked another blast directed at him, but nearly missed as his tears began to blind him. How could he fight? When everything he believed in, everyone he loved was dead.

Another blast came much stronger than the ones they had been previously blocking. It hit Rath directly in the chest and the second in command crumbled to the ground. Zan stared in horror and then narrowed his dark eyes on Rath’s assailant.

“Nicholas!” he growled.

In that moment of distraction, his enemy caught him off guard and he too was hit with an energy blast, and she slipped to the ground lifelessly. His life was fading fast and he welcomed it. Once soul bonded with a partner, an antarian cannot survive without the other, and would only be a matter of time before their life force would wither and die.

Kihvar crouched down and grabbed Zan by the front of his shirt and brought Zan’s face up to his “Guess that makes me king now.”

With that Zan’s dark eyes hazed over in death.

With the final memory received, Serena collapses to the ground, too weak to move.

The others, fumble for a moment when to connection was broken. Max and Liz immediately grabbed each other.

“Max, it was horrible!” Liz was trembling in Max’s arms.

“It’s okay Liz, we’re here now.” Max said softly trying to comfort as he smoothed her hair over and over again.

Some gasped and all eyes went to the source. Michael and Maria were crouched over Serena’s form. Alarmed, Max and Liz rushed to the changeling’s side.

“What happened?” Max asked panic began to creep up on him.

“I dunno, when the connection was broke Maria and I saw her lying like this!”

Liz knelt beside Max who now was slowly moving an open hand just a few inches above her body. The twinge of pain that had briefly been forgotten during the memory restoration had returned. Without even thinking Liz grabbed the changeling’s hand, at that moment it seemed them most natural thing to do. The moment skin touched skin a connection was made. Once again Liz saw Ava pick up the little Antarian.

“Please Ava! Can I come too? I don’t wanna stay here with mom and dad!”

Ava bent over and scooped up her little sister up. “No, sweetie you can’t come this time.” The little female antarian pouted as if she might cry. It was a trick that usually worked, but not this time. “But I promise to bring you back something.” The little girl’s big eyes suddenly sparkled. Ava hugged the girl and the two giggled happily.

“Now, it’s time for you to go home.” Liz heard Serena’s weak voice inside her head. “Good luck Ava.”

When Serena had spoken her Antarian name again, Liz gasped. A wave of pain engulfed her heart. The little antarian girl, her sister, her only sister!

“Max! You have to save her! Please don’t let her die!” Liz pleaded as a stray tear streamed down her cheek.

“I’m trying.” Max grunted trying desperately to revive the energy that kept slipping away. Breathless and soaked with sweat, Max jerked away. “I can’t!” he gasped harshly. “It’s beyond my capabilities.”

Liz shook her head in denial and stood to her feet. “No.” pain seared at her heart. Serena was her sister, her only sister on earth or Antar. She remembered her everything about her. That she had always been able to shape shift and use it as a means to trick their mother and father. Another wave of grief hit her. Her baby sister was gone! She will never be able to share her experiences with her, or bond as sisters do, or talk about men or go out for coffee. She was gone. Another wave washed over her. Tears began to flood her eyes. Green energy faintly began to crackle at her hands.

“Liz? What’s wrong” Max asked in alarm as her saw the energy appear faintly in her hands.

Michael and Maria glanced at each other in worry.

“Go to her.” Michael stated. Although Maria hated it when he ordered her like general, but her best friend needed her.

“Liz?” Maria asked timidly, and reached out a hand and grabbed Liz’s but suddenly pulled her hand away. “Ouch!” she exclaimed frowning at Liz who just looked at her with a blank face.

It was too much. It was too much to absorb. She was alien, a queen? Tess was the enemy and had taken Liz’s rightful place!? Anger began to mix with her grief. On top of killing one of her best friend’s that blonde……..BITCH!!! Her mind screamed. Yes! That what she was! Taking her throne! Her husband! Her friend!

What has started as just faint crackling in her hands began to grow. Liz’s hand now appeared to be on fire with her energy and it began to spread over her entire body.

“Oh my god!” Isabel gasped “What’s happening to Liz?” she looked at Kyle can you feel anything?

Kyle was flinching against the onslaught of Liz’s emotions. “Are you kidding?” he gasped “It’s the only thing I can feel.”

“Max!” Kyle called out holding his head, which was now in pain.

Max tore his eyes from Liz his amber eyes wild with bewilderment.

“Max! Liz’s emotions are on over drive, she doesn’t seem to be in control of herself. You need to find a way to get through to her!”

Max looked back over at Liz whose body was now completely covered in her in the glow of her energy and hovering several feet from the ground.

“Liz!” Max called out. But Liz appeared not to have heard him. He reached out to touch her hand but like Liz’s best friend, he got his hand singed, and quickly pulled away. What could he do? He couldn’t reach her no one could.

“Try the other one.” Kyle offered.

Max spun around and looked at Kyle puzzled. “What do you mean the other one?”

“Well, Serena did restore your memories, and Liz’s eyes don’t exactly look “human” at the moment. Kyle pointed out “So try her other name.”

Unlike, Michael, Isabel and himself, Liz was not born into her powers. Max had to think how he would feel if a whole new life was shoved onto his plate. It had been, when Tess came to Roswell. But in the end it was Liz and their love for each other that grounded him. Now she was all along his destiny. Liz was lost and confused by her destiny and Max needed to return a favor.

Max swallowed hard and approached Liz carefully. “Ava?”

Liz turned and looked at Max curiously a first. “Zan?” she asked in a almost childlike tone.

The energy emanating from Liz like grew larger still and then exploded in a ring spreading all around the pod chamber and knocking down all were standing.
When green energy faded from Liz’s body and then disappeared altogether she dropped down to her knees. Her head down and her petite shoulders shook as she sobbed over and over again.

Max and the others soon collected themselves and got to their feet looking around making sure everyone was okay.

“Liz!” Max exclaimed as he saw his wife limply kneeling on the floor crying. He quickly scurried over to her and collected her into his arms. “Liz, what is it?”

Liz looked into her husband’s amber eyes. “Serena.” She gulped “She was my sister.” Liz then buried her face in her husband’s neck as once again sobs wracked her tiny frame.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) *AN*3/17/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

~Chapter 15 pt 1 of 2~
Max quietly closes the door to Liz’s bedroom, behind him and turns to see a worried Maria and a hard faced Michael staring at him.

“She finally fell asleep.” Max explained not quite looking into either of their eyes. They wanted answers, answers he could not provide.

When Max, Michael and Maria joined the others downstairs, a clearly stressed out Mrs. Parker approached Max.

“What the hell happened?” she asked her voice tight with anger. Jeff Parker joined his wife from behind giving a stern look that Max had come to know very well. It was the constant glare that had been given to Max for several months after he and Liz held up the convenient store in Utah. It had been the look that had clearly stated get the hell away from my daughter!

Max glanced over to Amy Deluca and the sheriff, although no anger flashed in their eyes, they were still very worried.

“Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Serena is dead.” Max said slowly.

Nancy Parker gave a small gasp as a hand flew to cover the sound. She turned to her husband and rested her head on his chest for comfort.

Jeff jaw hung ajar for several moments before he could think of a reply. “How….Why? No wait, What?” he asked befuddled. His brow furrowed as he tried to comprehend Max’s words.

“You mean that young waitress from the Cafe?” Amy asked wide eyed.

“She wasn’t a waitress mom, she was a shape shifter” Maria clarified.

“Oh. You mean like that Nasahdoe guy?” she asked frowning and still confused.

“Nasaedo.” Maria corrected her. “Yeah, they can change their physical form.”

“She was an Alien?” Jeff asked paling slightly.

Max nodded. “Yeah.”

“What did she want? Max?” Jim asked putting an arm around Amy’s waist when he saw frightened glance.

“She was put here, to restore Mine, Michael’s and Isabel’s memories from past lives.” Max explained deliberately leaving out Liz’s part. When the others flashed him a questioning look, he returned them with a stern glare. To his relief, no one called him on it.

“So what’s the plan now?” Jim asked knowing there was much more to know than just the waitress death. He could see it in all their eyes. Something was brewing, something big.

Everyone fell silent in thought, wonder what their next plan of action would be. Max thought of the pulsing crystal in the night stand next to Liz’s bed. The plan was to go back to Antar and get his parents. Max then thought of his slumbering wife, in her unconscious state her face had been so peaceful and free of pain. He hated that he would have to wake her only to see her chocolate brown eyes replaced by her black antarian orbs. As large as they were, her pain was still clearly distinct in their depths.

“We go back.” Michael replied simply.

Although they knew that was the plan, hearing it still brought on a bit of shock to the hybrids. After Tess had used the granolith, it was believed that there would be no returning to Antar for them. Serena’s crystal swung those doors open again.

Nancy lifted her head from her husband’s chest. “What do you mean you go back?” she asked, alarm rising in her voice. Jeff pulled her close to console her, but she fought against it. “With Liz?”

“And Maria? No.” Amy said shaking her head. “I haven’t seen my daughter in years! Now your going take off again? To another planet? No, I don’t think so!”

“Mom! Will you stop! I can take care of myself.” Maria complained.

Amy Deluca arched an eyebrow and crossed her slender arms. “Really? Did you managed to acquire “powers” you failed to fill us in on?”

Maria jutted her chin defiantly. “I got this far without any powers.” Maria hated that her mother had unknowingly tapped into her biggest insecurity, and she had snapped at her mother a little more viciously than she had meant to.

Amy eyed Michael. “He may be an alien but he doesn’t have eyes on the back of his head.” Amy rethought her statement and a look of worry spread across her face, she then eyed Michael again. “You don’t do you?”

Michael crossed his arms irritated and scowled at Amy. “No, Ms Deluca, no extra eyes.” Michael watched Maria argue with her mother as a feeling of unease began tp creep upon him. Maria’s mother had a point. This time they would be facing, nothing but people with powers, and he couldn’t watch Maria’s back every second. What if she got hurt? He couldn’t live with himself if something had happen to her. She had been safe with him when they had been traveling. Liz always made sure of it. But after seeing the power that Liz or was it Ava? He didn’t know for sure but he had a feeling that the people on his home planet were capable of the same kind of power that Liz had displayed in the pod chamber.

“But she has a point.” Michael added

Maria eyes went wide as she spun to face Michael “What did you just say!?” She exclaimed. “What do you mean she has a point?”

Suddenly all eyes were on Michael. For five years he and Maria were inseparable always crammed up close in the van, never forgetting how awful they had felt when Maria yearned for normality and broke up with Michael.

“Maria, on Antar, everyone has powers. Everyone. You could get hurt, or….or.” Michael stammered not really wanting to say what he was really thinking. “Or worse.”

Fury flashed in Maria eyes. Typical! Once again I’m not part of the group. Why? Because someone didn’t want to kill me! “So you’re just going to leave me here huh?”

“Maria.” Michael warned in a low grow

But Maria wasn’t listening. Her temper completely lost and the feeling of loneliness among her best friends hit her like a ton of bricks. It took all her strength not to cry, and even then she couldn’t stop her eyes from misting over. “Story of my life! Maria Deluca lone human, Antarian wannabe!”

“Maria! It’s not safe!” Michael snapped. He couldn’t understand where her anger was coming from. Five years on the road, away from family never knowing where their lives would end up. Why couldn’t she just respect his wishes? Why couldn’t she just stay home where it was safe?

Maria glared into Michael’s brown eyes all she saw reflecting back at her was his stubbornness.

“Listen to Michael, Maria. He’s right.” Amy added

Maria gave a snort of disgust. “You never took Michael’s side before, now suddenly he’s spewing words of wisdom?” I was all she could take. Her anger boiled inside her, pain ached in her heart. “Fine!” Maria shouted “Leave me here! See if I care.” She then looked for the nearest door, which was just next to the couch in the waitress’s break room. Maria let the door slam shut, to emphasize her anger. The truth was, she did care, she hated she was the weakest link, everyone had to protect her. Then, she could hold in no longer, tears streamed down her cheeks.


sorry so short guys i promise the next part will be longer!! :D

~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) A/N 3/26/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Roswelllostcause wrote:Maria, mad not a good thing! This is getting better and better hurry back!!

Is it ever a good thing?? lmao!! Thank You for the feedback!! Roswelllostcause :mrgreen:
angeleyes wrote:i can't wait to read the next part.
Welcome aboard angeleyes glad to see your enjoyng the fic!! Thank for the FB :mrgreen:
Timelord31 wrote:I bet she goes.. I dought Liz would leave her behind anyway..
*says in a sing song voice* I'm not telling! .....lmao! you'll just have to keep reading to find out.
Thanks for the FB Timelord31. :mrgreen:

Sorry for this being so late, I am still working out the kinks with my beta. I had to post this w/o her
editing again cuz tomorrow I am going out and saturday I am picking up my laptop and probably will be
nursing a hangover....its ladies night with a friend I haven't seen in ages in a limo! woohoo!!

Hoping you enjoy the new part. Keep in mind its a "tween" the one i gotta drag through lol.

~~Chapter 15 pt2of2~~

Michael gave a defeated sigh, and threw his self on the couch in frustration

Max watched Jeff and Nancy Parker during Michael and Maria confrontation, studying their faces wondering what their response would be, and if they felt the same as Amy Deluca.

“Mr. Parker?” Max asked and he could tell that Jeff knew exactly what it was he wanted to know.

Jeff sighed at the young man he now called his son in law. “Max I’m not going to tell you, I want Liz to go, nor will I tell you I am happy about this.”

Max felt his shoulders slump.

“However, I trust you.” Jeff added. “If it weren’t for you, my daughter would not be alive today. For that, I owe you. So go, but please bring my daughter back safely.”

Max gave a small smile of relief and nodded. He then turned to the others. “We leave tomorrow morning, everybody get some rest.”

One by one everyone took off to their homes. Everyone that is except Michael who was still sitting on the couch, frustration still etched across his face. Isabel who was waiting in the doorway flashed Michael a quizzical glance and then nodded to Max.

“Don’t stay too long. I’ll see you when you get home.” She said as left.

Max sat down next to Michael, who didn’t even look up as the couch stirred slightly.
Then, out of the blue, but still not looking up he spoke.

“She would get hurt. Or worst yet, used as leverage.” Michael stated.

“Possibly.” Max agreed. “But Maria is one tough cookie.”

“But without powers.” Michael added.

Max nodded. “Yeah she could get hurt. Maybe it’s best she stay here, til the danger is over.”

“Yeah, but what if she never speaks to me again?” Michael asked, raking a hand through his hair.

Max could hear the genuine worry in his friend’s voice. There almost seemed like sadness in Michael’s eyes. “Somehow, I don’t believe that will happen. Yeah, you guys had your moments, I’ll give you that, but if you guys were going to break up. It would have happened long before now.”

“I dunno Maxwell.” Michael sighed. “This could very well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I mean Maria and I don’t exactly have what you and Liz have.”

Max’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Michael, I had I screwed up so many times. Truth is, I don’t deserve Liz, I know that and by the grace of…..” Max struggles against saying the word “god”. Even now he still didn’t believe completely in the entity that Liz still had so much faith in. “By the grace of Liz! She still stuck by my side. It was rough, and it took her a while to heal, but we got through it. Just like you and Maria will get through this. She made her choice when we left Roswell, she’s in it for the long haul, give her space, she needs that right now.”

As Isabel stepped out to the side walk she saw Jesse waiting by his car. His expression not angry, yet he was not smiling either. “We need to talk.” He said his voice laced with an emotion Isabel was unfamiliar with.

“Ok.” Isabel replied with uncertainty, watching his face curiously. She could have dream walked him last night as he slept in her parents house. It would have been so easy, but she had decided against it. She was afraid of seeing how much he loved her knowing that she would have to explain her feelings towards Kyle.

“Not here though, I’m sure Max is going to stay with Liz for a little while, so let’s go to your parent’s house.”

Isabel nodded as Jesse unlocked the car and went o the passenger side and opened the door for her.

The sun was just beginning to rise when Ian awoke. Just another day of servitude on Antar. Sleep was Ian’s best friend, only in his sleep could escape his demeaning position in the castle. Everyday he served with a heavy heart, his only hope that Zan would soon return home and lay claim to the throne once again.

As he slips into his formal attire, a small device on his dresser blinks for his attention. Buttoning the last of several buttons on his uniform, he scoops up the palm size device and activates it.

“Yes?” he asks curiously.

“Ian sir, the changeling has performed her duty.” A male voice reported back.

“What is her status?” Ian asked grimly, but he already knew.

There was silence on the other side, as the male voice hesitated to report the sad but expected news. “Kayeleen no longer lives sir.”

“I see,” Ian replies quietly “What of the other?”

“Everything seems fine sir, she is with the King, but….”

“But?” Ian asked.

“Well sir our scanners are picking up spikes in her energy field. It started right after the memory restoral.”

Ian frowned He didn’t know what the hybrid’s fluctuating energy field indicated, all he cared about what that she remained with the King. “It’s probably nothing; inform me the moment the “Royal Four” leave earth.”

“Yes sir.” The male voice replied obediently on the other side, and then closed of the communication channel.

Ian grabbed his light button less silk over coat hanging in the hall way near doorway. He turned as he slipped into the light material. In doing so he spied a framed photograph standing on a shelf next to a few small nick knacks. It was a picture of a family he once knew, his best friend with his wife and two daughters. Kayeleen had only been four years old when the picture had been taken. Sighing sadly, he thought of the two girls. There was only one left. The last remaining family member. He felt sorry for the young female returning home. Kihvar was going to pay dearly for the pain he had inflicted on so many members of the royal family. Ian the smirked slightly he could wait to see the day.

Ian was completely unaware of the figure that had hidden him self not too far away from the advisor’s quarters. When the elderly antarian had walked a safe distance away, the spy emerged from his hiding place.

As the cloaked figure approached the locked door, he pulls a thin piece of metal and slides it into where the door handle meets the doorway frame. He gives the door a quick shove and the door opens easily. When he enters the room, he looks around curiously. He was lifting up papers, examining pictures; even poked his nose in the cupboards and grabs something to eat. He almost decided to leave, finding nothing out of the ordinary, nor suspicious. So why had Kihvar have him follow the advisor?
Something flashed from the corner of his eye and when he glanced over at the object he realized his luck was with him this day. The elder antarian had left his mobile device in his quarters. He had to move fast, no one left without their mobile device and it was only a matter of time before the advisor came back to retrieve the item. He pulls a flat black object from beneath his cloak and places the mobile device onto it. There were lights on the object that flashed rapidly but soon they moved rhythmically and them stopped with a mechanical chirp. When he heard the doorknob to the elder’s quarters stirring, he immediately hid himself in the nearest closet.

Ian came in obviously flustered, Kihvar hated it when he was late. He quickly went to his room and grabbed the mobile device off his dresser, but then stopped for a moment. Had it moved? He was sure he placed it further back on the dresser. Giving a shrug he decided it didn’t matter and once again rushed out of his quarters.
When he heard the door lock, the intruder stepped out from the closet and tapped the scanning device on his palm in thought. He seemed pretty harmless but the saved conversation on his mobile device should help find out if that were true.

Jeff Parker was turning off the last of the lights when he saw Max slipping into his coat and scooping up the keys to the van. He looked warily up the stairs. Nancy would kill him, but after all, Max was Liz’s husband. He remembered a time when his parents made he and Nancy sleeps in separate rooms when they came to visit. Oh the endless nagging he would hear from Nancy on the drive home.

“Max?” he called out to his son-in-law.

Max spun around startled he had not heard the older man approach.

“Yes Mr. Parker?” he asked apprehensively

Jeff arched an eyebrow “Call me Jeff.”

Max gulped shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded.

“Liz has been through a lot.” Jeff began “She’s obviously under a lot of emotional strain.”

“I am sorry Mister….I mean Jeff.” Max began to spew out in a rush.

Jeff put up a hand to silence him. “Then tell me son, why are you taking off in the middle of the night? My daughter needs you the most right now.”

Max felt his eyes go wide. Was Jeff Parker actually telling him to stay there for the night? Max quickly put his self in check to keep his jaw from falling open.

Jeff Parker smiled sheepishly and then chuckled. Whenever Nancy and I would go visit her parents, they always made sleep in separate rooms. It was like they didn’t respect the fact that we were married. I hated it, Nancy would complain the whole ride back home.”

Max threw Jeff a quizzical look. “Sir?”

Jeff realized he had carried on without getting to the point. He cleared his throat and frowned. “Put down the keys son, your place is here.”

“I’m staying for the night.” Max said in a whisper trying not wake Liz on the phone.

“Damn it Max!” Isabel hissed on the other end of the line. She too was whispering to avoid Jesse hearing the conversation. “I really need you hear, I can’t have this talk with Jesse now.”

“You can’t keep avoiding him Iz, you guys need to have the talk eventually.” Max pointed out. “Besides, Liz’s dad insisted I stay by her tonight.”

“Oh yeah that’s convenient.” Isabel snorted.

“Isabel it’s not what you think. Besides you saw what happen to Liz, I really don’t think she should be alone.”

“She’s not alone! She has her family.” Isabel shot back angriliy

“What she is going through has nothing to do with her human family!” Max pointed out as anger began to creep into his tone. “She needs me.”

Isabel sighed dejectedly. She knew Max should be Liz’s side. Of course he should, but she had hoped to avoid the inevitable conversation with Jesse, just until she could figure a way to explain a few things.

“I’m sorry Max.”

“Iz, Jesse always seemed a pretty reasonable guy.” Max pointed out. “So much time has past. You never know, he might have found someone as well.”

Isabel stiffened at Max’s last words. It had been something she hadn’t considered. Could Jesse have had found someone else? As she looked down at Jesse’s hand she realized he no longer wore his wedding band. Was it possible?

“Look I gotta go before Liz wakes. Meet you in café first thing in the morning.” Max said his voice now back in a soft whisper.

“Okay Max I’ll see you then.” Isabel replied softly.



“You and Jesse will work something out I’m sure of it.” Max said trying to comfort his sister.

“Yeah, good night Max.”

“Good night.”


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )A/N 4/1/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Hi everyone!! as makeup 4 making you guys wait sooo long for the last 2 updates, I made this chapter extra long :wink: For those Candy fan lurker and you writers of FB don't fret! Things will be right in the end. It's just that I have plans for a little growth in Maria, I promise things will end as you fan like it to for the "Candy" couple! I promise!! And Last but not least I wanna thank my one of 2 Betas for editing this sooo fast for me! Thanks Steph!!!
~~Chapter 16~~

Maria sat on the couch, of Jim’s now spruced up home, courtesy of her mother. She was staring off into space, not even looking at the TV as she flicked through the channels with the remote control.

Her mother was looking through a catalog looking for items to display at her novelty store. “Maria, quit flipping through the channels and find something already,” Amy complained not looking up from the magazine.

Maria let out a sigh. “There is nothing on.”

Amy now looked up, Maria always used to be able to find something. Had 4 years really changed her that much? It was Michael that was on her daughter’s mind, and she knew it. “I’m pretty sure Michael is not on any those channels.” Maria turned to her mother as she hit the power button on the remote.

“Well, it’s a good thing for the T.V. isn’t it?” Maria mumbled under her breath.

Amy just arched an eyebrow at her daughter’s last statement.

“You know, he’s just trying to protect you,” Amy pointed out, deciding she needed a break from her never-ending list of novelty items

Maria’s shoulder slumped slightly. “I know mom, but am I always going to be left behind because of it?”

Jim strolled in casually dressed in his night clothes. “Because of what?” he asked as he walked to Amy and kissed her forehead.

“Maria is feeling a bit left out, due to her non alien status,” she informed her husband and held him after he kissed her.

Maria shuddered inwardly. Would she ever get used to the sheriff being married to her mom? She doubted it, nor will she ever get used to seeing him in his sleep wear. Did God hate her? Did she do something in another life? Glancing over at her mother and Jim she made a solemn vow, once things were safe she and Michael would find an apartment on the opposite side of Roswell from her mother.

“No, not unless you do something about it,” Jim offered.

Maria frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Well,” Jim began, “When female victims of violence come into the station, they have many resources for support, including learning self-defense.”

“You mean Kung Fu?” Maria asked giving the idea some thought.

“Why not? Rather than feel helpless you can empower yourself,” Jim stated hoping Maria would find her place amongst her friends. He couldn’t talk, after all, he had telekinesis and who knows what else as time went by.

Max had just begun to drift off to sleep when the feeling of warmth dropping on his bare chest aroused him from semi-slumber. Max tried to clear his head to make sense of the odd sensation. He then realized the warm spots were tears, Liz’s tears. His eyes shot open then looked down at his wife.

“Liz?” he said groggily.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t,” he lied.

“Liar,” She replied with a weak smile.

“Are you okay?” he asked pulling her closer.

“No,” she said her voice almost cold, “She was the last of my family Max. My antarian family; my only sister.”

“I’m so sorry Liz,” he said smoothing her hair. “I wish we could have stopped her.”

Liz let out a sad sigh and fought back another bout of tears. “I know Max, there’s nothing you could have done. Kihvar. has destroyed so many lives just to claim your throne, including my sister’s. Although it wasn’t him who actually killed her it was his actions that led up to her death.” When Liz saw Max about to apologize yet again she put a hand to his lips. “Don’t. It’s not your fault.”

Max let out a frustrated sigh. The fact that Liz was the real queen was a miracle in itself, far more than he deserved, but Liz was the one who was paying the price for the miracle. She had lost her sense of self, her antarian family.He dreaded of thinking of how much more she would have to pay, and through it all she refused to blame him.

Liz watched the frustration spread across Max’s brow. She knew what he was thinking, knew that he was mentally beating himself up once again.

“Stop that,” Liz complained.

Max frowned, “Stop what?”

“That,” Liz said while pointing to his face. “The whole, it’s-because-of-me look, that’s all over your face. Serena must’ve known her fate, and knowing the whole situation now she did it to be near me to be near her sister and death would be worth it if she had a chance to see me again. I know had it been me, knowing the love I had for my little sister, I would have done the same.”

“But knowing you are in pain, the loss you are suffering,” Max interjected.

“I’ll be okay. I have to be after all, I am the queen.” The words she spoke hit her like a ton of bricks. It had been something she hadn’t really considered before. She was the queen. Her, Liz Parker Evans former small town waitress of Roswell, New Mexico. She straightened her shoulders slightly and lifted her chin ever so slightly, (as) her brown eyes sparkled with life and just a tad more pleasure than she would ever admit.

Max did not miss the sudden look of pride that swept across his wife’s features and grinned into her face. “Oh you must be loving the sound of that.”

Liz’s smirk turned into a broad grin. “Well, it does have a nice ring to it.”

Max felt his stomach rumble slightly at the sparkle that had finally returned to Liz’s dark brown eyes. “Do you think you can handle being queen?”

Liz grinned wickedly at her husband. She knew exactly where the conversation was headed. “Oh I am quite sure I can handle it, can you?”

Max chuckled at Liz choice of wording, and before they knew it, their hands were roaming all over each other. Tonight, for a little while there would be no surprises or pain. Just Max and Liz losing themselves to each other, as they had lovingly so many times after they had fled Roswell so many years ago.

She had been sound asleep; wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets, when something woke her from her not so peaceful sleep. Maria had been crying before she had drifted off into a fitful sleep. She sat up in bed trying to shake the grogginess from her head. Had she heard something? A loud tapping came again from the window, and Maria jumped lightly at the sound.

“Maria!” Michael’s voice called out in a loud whisper.

Maria’s heart leapt at the sound of Michael’s voice. He had changed his mind! He had come back to apologize and decided she had to go with him!

Maria quickly rushed to the window and opened it. It didn’t take much for Michael to climb in.

“Hey,” he said testing her mood, which was fortunately for him, one of surprise since she had just woken up.

“Hey,” she replied back.

“Are you still mad at me?” he asked shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.

“No, I guess not.”

Michael gave a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad you understand. The very thought of losing
you was scaring the hell out of me and I was so sure you were going to….”

“Wait!” Maria interrupted. “You mean you didn’t change your mind? You actually expect me to stay here?”

“But I thought you understood,” Michael argued.

“You thought wrong Mister Guerin!” Maria shot back angrily.

Michael let out a frustrated groan. “You know, I just don’t get you Maria! You could get hurt or worse!”

“I don’t care,” Maria replied with tears brimming in her eyes. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Why do you always think that I am….” Michael argued back but then stopped mid sentence. In the back of his thoughts a single memory came forward. A little version of Maria crying as her pet dog licked her tears away. Of course! That’s why she was so afraid. There was only one way to get Maria to understand. He had only let Maria see him a few times, and had stopped after their temporary break up before leaving Roswell.

Michael suddenly rushed at Maria and swiftly planted his lips on hers. She resisted at first, trying to push him away several times, but once the connection was made, flashes filled both of their heads like a slide show. He saw her pain, her fear of his death, of never seeing him again.

Maria saw Michael watching her from afar, she saw his love and his pride and in a sudden overwhelming rush, she felt his fear. He was so afraid to lose her, more than she of him. She saw his thoughts, and his worse case scenarios. In different scenes she saw herself be tortured and murdered and felt her stomach weaken. He was suffering and that hurt her more than her fear of losing him.

When he broke off their kiss Maria gave a sigh of resignation. “Okay I’ll stay,” she said softly. “This time.”

Michael quickly embraced Maria gratefully. “Thank you.”

Isabel sat at the table picking at a nail. She hadn’t even touched the coffee Jesse had made for her.

“So,” Jesse said simply, trying to break the unnerving silence.

“So,” Isabel replied.

Jesse scratched the back of his head uncomfortably and then cleared his throat and spoke. “A lot of time has passed.”

Isabel nodded in agreement.

“Isabel, when you left I was so lost. I stayed behind. I stayed in Roswell and worked for your father for a while, in hopes that you would call during that time.”

Isabel had grown more uncomfortable with Jesse’s confession. “Jesse I…I’m sorry it wasn’t safe we…”

“I know,” he said gently. “I eventually came to that realization and went to Boston. My second year in, I met someone.” Jesse watched Isabel curiously.

Had it not been for Kyle, Jesse’s words would have stung. She may have even been angry, but instead she felt relieved. They had both moved on but as she looked at Jesse she could tell there was more to his story but he hesitated to speak. So Isabel decided to let him off the hook.

“It’s alright Jesse, I understand. Actually, I am kinda relieved.”

Jesse’s eyebrows shot up. “You are?”

“Yeah,” she said with a nod.

“My girlfriend is in Boston, and she’s three months pregnant,” Jesse explained timidly.

This time it was Isabel whose eyebrow shot up in surprise and she smiled broadly, “Oh Jesse that’s…that’s..Congratulations!”

Although, it was more happiness than she was truly feeling. But she did not want Jesse to walk away without a piece of mind.

“So you’re not upset or disappointed?” Jesse asked his tone suddenly changed.

“Uh oh.” Isabel thought to herself. Had he been testing her? What exactly had he been expecting? For her to cry, beg at his feet not to go? Typical.

“Actually Jesse, there is someone else in my life too,” Isabel explained.

Jesse eyed her curiously.

“You see Kyle and I….”

“Wait!” Jesse interrupted. “Kyle as in the sheriff’s son?”

Isabel blushed. “Yeah it’s a long story.”

Jesse glanced at his watch. “I’m not exactly tired.”

Isabel faked a yawn. “Well, I am we’ll talk about this when I get back?”

Jess sighed. “Yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

In awkward silence they cleared the table. Then both headed to their beds.

But sleep did not find Isabel so easily. She laid on her back staring up at the ceiling. There was a time when she had done the same thing, waiting for dawn to come as the granolith readied itself. At that time she had been torn, wanting to be with her brother and yet wanting to stay behind to be with their parents. Somehow she knew this day would eventually come. This time she would embrace the experience with no fear in her heart. She then thought of Jesse and of his odd reaction to her being happy for him. Isabel let out a frustrated groan. It was going to be a long night.

“Good morning Roswell!” a cheery voice greeted. “Its seven O clock on a gorgeous Saturday morning.”

Max groaned and then swatted at the alarm clock. “One more hour.” He groaned as he felt for Liz. When his hand came up empty, he lifted his head up. “Liz?”
The blankets on her side of the bed had been pulled aside. When the smell of freshly brewed coffee drifted into the bedroom Max got out from underneath the covers and quickly hopped into his jeans. A gasped was suddenly heard from behind him, and Max spun around startled as he realized the sound had not come from Liz.

“Oh! Omigod!” Nancy said startled nearly dropping the clothes she was holding.

Max gave an awkward smile. “Uh, good morning Mrs. Parker.”

Nancy gave Max a displeased look. “Yeah good morning Max, You stayed here last night?”

Max shrugged. “It was Mr. Parker’s idea.”

Nancy arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

Max nodded in response.

Nancy then pivoted and left the room leaving a trail of socks behind her. When she was down the hall, Max heard his mother-in-law yell for her husband.

Liz walked in with a toothbrush still in her mouth and her hair disheveled from sleep. “What was that all about?”

Max smirked at the doorway as zippered up his pants. “Apparently, your father failed to tell your mother I was sleeping over.”

Liz pulled out her toothbrush and rolled her eyes. “She’ll get over it. We need to hurry I think I saw Maria with her mom and the sheriff in the café.”

By seven O’ clock everyone was in the café having some form of breakfast, and gulping down coffee. By seven-thirty, they were in the van heading up to the pod chamber with the sheriff and the other parents in tow. Liz sat in the passenger seat staring at the crystal and its changing colors in awe.

“This one crystal is going to repair the granolith?”

Max briefly glanced at the crystal and then back to the road. “That’s what Serena said.”

Liz looked out the window forlornly. “I guess Maria’s staying behind. Said that she shared a flash with Michael that she felt his fear, and it broke her heart. She said she didn’t have the heart to go, knowing how intense his fear was.”

Max gave Liz a sympathetic smile. “Maybe it’s for the best. She could get hurt.”

“Maybe.” She agreed sadly. “But it won’t be the same without her.”

“She’ll be okay, she has her mom, and the sheriff, who has his own powers.”

Liz gave a dry look.

“And the entire Roswell sheriff’s department,” Max added.

“So how did your talk go with Jesse?” Kyle asked already sensing a bit of tension released.

Isabel gave a small smile. “Better than I thought it would.”

“Yeah?” asked his relief a little too evident in his voice.

Isabel’s smile broadened at the thought that Kyle may have been just a tad jealous.
“Yeah, he has a girlfriend in Boston and get this, she’s three months pregnant.”

“Really?” Kyle replied the news coming as a bit of a surprise. “Good for him.”


“How are things between you and him,” Kyle gently pried although he didn’t need her verbal answer, because he already could feel her reply.

“Awkward,” Isabel replied squirming slightly at the memory. “Are you nervous?”
Isabel asked deliberately changing the subject.

“Well let’s see,” Kyle began, “I’m about go through an alien created portal, to a planet I don’t even know I can survive on. I’d say ‘nervous’ doesn’t come close to describing how I feel.”

Isabel slipped her slender hand into his. “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe. Besides I doubt our mother would have us cloned in human bodies if we couldn’t handle Antar’s atmosphere.”

When the van and the cars came to a stop, everyone looked around at each other solemnly. One by one they climbed out of the vehicles, and up to the pod chamber entrance. Max waved his hand over the invisible print that suddenly glowed silver at Max’s power. Max pressed his hand to the print and the pod chamber opened readily.

“Only those who are coming should enter the pod chamber. Once the crystal activates the granolith there’s no telling what will happen,” Max explained. “So say your goodbyes here.”

Liz first turned to her parents, but it was her father who spoke. “Don’t say anything. We love you, get home safe.” Liz nodded and hugged them both. She then turned to Maria.

“I wish you were coming,” Liz said hugging her best friend.

“I wish I could go,” Maria replied. “But I just can’t bear to hurt Michael. Besides, you have Max.”

Max approached Mr. and Mrs. Parker. “I’ll keep her safe I promise.”

Jeff Parker embraced Max. “I know you will.” While Nancy gave him a grateful smile.

Jim was the next to approach Max. “You keep them safe, and bring back Diane and Phillip. Bring back my son in one piece please.”

“I will sheriff,” Max replied.

Maria looked up a Michael after hugging him tightly. “Promise me you’ll come back.”

“As soon as I possibly can,” Michael replied solemnly looking deep into Maria’s green eyes. He then leaned over and kissed her lips softly and then her forehead.

“I love you,” he whispered softly in her ear and then stepped back and then heading into the pod chamber. Not looking back, because if he did, he knew he wouldn’t have the heart to go.

With tears spilling down her cheeks, Maria rushed to her mother’s arms, as the pod chamber door closed.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )CH.17 5/24/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Sorry bout the long wait guyz, as you know I had family issues I had to take care of first. I didn't have my beta edit this chapter as I felt I made you guyz wait long enough.Thanks for your patience! :mrgreen:

Chapter 17

They stood facing the half melted frame of which their pods were once held. The metal was warped and looked like melted wax. No one had gone behind the frame, not since Tess had left for Antar. Max let out a sigh then climbed up and over the lower left pod frame, with Liz following closely behind him.
The metal doors that once opened the moment a presence was detected before it, was warped with large ripples but still remained closed. Max lifted his hand and focused his energy on the on the tightly sealed doors. The metal groaned as it responded and then the doors opened with a loud clank. Max and Liz entered the granolith's chamber wide eyed in amazement. Miraculously enough, the chamber had remained intact, along with the activation column. That was all that had remained. When Max looked up see could see Roswell's morning sky.

“Yeah, looks like we're going to get pretty far.” Michael said with a snort.

Max turned and gave Michael a dry glare. So absorbed in the ruins of the granolith he and Liz had not heard the others enter the chamber. Max pulled out the crystal.

“That's why we have this.” Max pointed out. “I'm guessing it goes in the same place the other crystal did.”

“You guess?” Michael asked resuming to his natural questioning of Max's leadership.

Max arched an eyebrow at him. Would he ever stop questioning him? “Well, if you have any better ideas?”

Isabel gave a sigh of irritation. “Will you two stop? Max, just activate the granolith already.”

As he has once before Max knelt down to the base of the column and slowly inserted the crystal in. He then quickly back up and signaled the others to do so as well. At first nothing happened, and everyone stood waiting the confusion spread on everyone's face.

Michael let out a snort of disgust “See! I …….” His voice trailed off.

A sudden burst of bright light silenced Michael immediately. As the lightly slowly dimmed to a bearable level. A pulsating column of light shot through the activation column and up to the top of the cave. Max step up to the column and craned is neck to see the ceiling of the cave instead on the blue sky he saw moments ago, he now saw was small patch of what appeared to be outer space and a small string of light that was connected by a planet he could just barely make out.

When he turned he saw that the other occupants of the chamber stared at him curiously.

“It’s a portal and it leads directly to some planet.” Max explained,

Isabel took a step forward. “It looks like the same portal that Kihvar had used. All you had to do was step in.”

“No one goes in alone.” Max orders to the others. “Grab a hand, we go in together.”

“What do we do when we get there?” Michael asked staring at the portal intimidated.

“We'll think about that when we get there.” Max replied.

Michael frowned at the portal and grabbed Isabel's hand.

“Ready?” Isabel asked Kyle,

Kyle cringed at the portal praying he wouldn't feel any pain. “As ready as I am going to be.”

Isabel caught the worry in his voice and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Max looked down at Liz “Are you ready to do this?”

“No time like the present.” She replied back confidently.

Max and Liz grabbed each other hand and stepped into the pulsating beam of light with the others following closely behind.

There was a moment’s sensation of weightlessness and then the sudden lurch of the stomach as their bodies came to a sudden halt and feet hit the Antarian ground. Everyone crumpled to the ground and then slowly began to scramble to their feet. Instinctively they gathered close to each other staring around at their new environment. All eyes darted to the pink sky and the puffy lavender clouds. Off into the horizon to planets had risen halfway into the early morning sky, with another just becoming visible.
Strange birdlike animals glided into the dimly lit morning sky screeching as they flew overhead.

“Beautiful.” Liz whispered in awe, as vague memories began to become clearer in her thoughts.

“So this is home. Was it always this breath taking?” Max asked still looking up at the sky.

A sudden gasp tore their eyes away from the sky and directly at Isabel. She was staring at her arms and then the other in horror. “What's happening to us?” she asked, now looking at her brother and his wife.
Max and Liz suddenly look at themselves, as the healthy glow to their skin turns pale and iridescent. Then the pupils of eyes dilate and nearly swallow out the color.

“What's happening?” Liz asked fear etched all over her face.

“I don't know.” Max replied breathlessly as he looked at his arms in awe. “Is anyone in pain?”

Michael and Isabel shook their heads.

“It must be the planet.” Liz concluded, “It's causing our Antarian DNA to take over? .”

Suddenly all eyes were on Kyle, whom still remain human looking, but stared at them in a strange wonder.

“Kyle are you alright?” Liz asked, eyeing his reaction curiously.

His eye brows shot up. “Yeah, fine.”. He chuckled slightly “You guys should see yourselves. Man, I am going to have to do some serious meditating when we get home.”

Max and Michael threw Kyle a scornful glare which immediately stifled his giggles.

Everyone is suddenly startled by a loud explosion off in the distance, and Liz quickly joins Max at his side. “Max we can't stay here; Antar still is in the middle of war remember?” Liz warned him.

Max glanced over the horizon looking for the nearest shelter. As flying vehicle flew above their heads and then off into the early morning sky.

“It's only a matter of time we're spotted Maxwell, we need to...” Michael's voice died off as a patch of air began to twist and turn before them. Then a figure stepped out of the hole that replaced midair.

“Unless you want to die, you better follow me.” The female Antarian spoke firmly.

For several moments everyone just stared at the alien that seemed to appear from no where.

Michael frowned at the female and crossed his arms. “And you would be?” he demanded.

A slight color flushed the female antarian’s iridescent skin. “Oh! Forgive me, I forgot about human customs. My name is Kareena I am the queen’s attendant.” The antarian glanced around fearfully. “Now’s not the time for conversation. We must leave this place and quickly. Kihvar is sure to know of your arrival by now.” The Antarian lifted hand which then began to glow a soft green, as a patch of air big enough for a person to enter it formed in mid air.

It only took one step in, and one by one each was following the other with uncertainty. The sensation was that of weightlessness and then a sudden thrust forward. Cities buildings then small homes flashed by them in a blur, and only faint breeze drifted over them despite the speed in which they were traveling. There was only one tall structure that stood out amongst the others and there was no doubt to any of them that it was once the home of the royal family. Without a warning, they came to a sudden stop, each falling on top of or next to the other as they exited the strange portal. Liz was brushing of dirt and grass off her legs as she stood up.

“Are you alright?” Max asks as he joined her side. Liz nods briefly and finishes brushing herself off. He then stares at the closing portal curiously. “What exactly was that?”

“A smaller version of the same portal you used to get here from earth.” Kareena replied as if it were common knowledge. “Now come, the queen is expecting you.”

Isabel frowned, the small cottage they stood in front of, could not possibly be the place the queen of Antar lived now. “Here?” she asked the attendant puzzled.

The attendant gave a sadden expression. “Yes, Kihvar had all royal family members removed from the castle shortly after the king Zan’s death.” Kareena Then opened the cottage door, and gestured for them to enter the tiny dwelling.

Sensing Isabel’s anger and frustration, Kyle took her hand into his. “It’ll be okay, I am sure Max will come up with a plan to make things right.” Isabel flashed him a weak smile and nodded.

“Do I look alright?” Isabel asked as a wave of nervousness washed over her. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now that the time has finally come, she had hoped that she was someone her mother could be proud of, rather than how she was in her former life.

Although Isabel looked alien to him, he knew she was still the same person inside. He flashed her smile. Uh sure, for an Antarian I guess.”

Isabel gave him a sideways glance. “Thanks.” She relied dryly.

Liz gulped as she looked at the open doorway and the just stared as Max took his hand into hers. As he stepped forward, he felt resistance from Liz, he then turned to her concerned spread across his features. “Liz what is it?” he asked noting the fear creeping into her now antarian eyes.

“What if she doesn’t like me? I mean Tess came here saying she was Ava, and now me?” What if she doesn’t know?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Max assured her “You are my wife, and I love you. She will have no choice but to accept you.” And to emphasize his point, she gather her up to him and kissed her firmly at first then softly until her felt her relax in his embrace.

“Okay,” she said with new found confidence and a uncertain smile. “Let’s go.”

When they entered the small cottage, they were immediately greeted by a warm fire burning in a stone fire place. Refreshments sat on silver platters on the coffee table by several chairs, but no one was in the room.

“Nothing says welcome home, like an empty room.” Michael points out sarcastically crossing his arms defensively. Kyle walks past them gingerly and sits down on one of the available chairs while examining the small morsels of food with mild interest. “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but food was always the way through my heart.”

Michael gave Kyle a disapproving look. “Well, I guess some of us have very simple needs.”

Max’s face had grown wary. “Hey, come on guys. Be cool okay.”

A soft chuckle came from behind them. “Zan, you haven’t changed a bit.”

All heads turned to see the regal Antarian that now stood in the door way. Her golden hair flowed down to the middle of her back and spilled over onto her slender shoulders. Her large eyes twinkled softly at her children and their faithful subjects, as stared back at her curiously. “Welcome home.”


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )*AN* 6/8/08

Post by tarajeff73 »

Hey guyz! sorry this is sooooooo late :roll: My home life has changed a bit and I find it harder to focus lately. So without further another part extra long just for your patence.

The alarm buzzed loudly in the darkness. Maria groaned in protest, she hadn’t gotten much sleep that night, not with all the crying she had done the night before. She just couldn’t believe that now that Antar needed the hybrids, she had ended up remaining on earth, without Michael. She sat up suddenly, her hair tousled from her restless night of sleep, her eyes half opened and blood shot with a hint of bags under her green eyes. The pain of Michael’s departure still stung at her heart and once again tears threatened to spill over.

“Rather than feel helpless you can empower yourself.”

She had promised Michael before he had left to be safe, and she would. She snatched up a flyer from her end table. The florescent orange paper boasted a reduction in price for self defense classes.
Maria frowned at the ad. Was she kidding herself? Maria Deluca taking self defense classes? She, who whipped out a bottle of eucalyptus oil at the first sign of stress? Maria squared her shoulders. She was tired of being the odd man out, being the defenseless one, the one who got left behind. It was time for her to discover her own power, whatever that may be.
With new found confidence burning inside of her heart, she climbed out of bed, snatched up a towel and a few toiletries and headed for the shower.

Kihvar was staring out into the morning sky from his office window when a gentle rapping came from the door.

“Enter.” He ordered. Not turning to see who entered the quarters. Kihvar knew who had entered the room, and his tardiness irritated Kihvar immensely.

“I pay you good money, so I may have the current news before everyone else.” Kihvar pointed out his low, almost threatening.

The servant trembled slightly “My lord I can….”

“I don’t want to hear your explanations.” Kihvar shot back, as he finally turned to look and the hired scout. “I just want news. Other than Zan’s arrival, have you any useful information for me?”

The young male gulped several times. Normally he was in control of his fears, but rumor had gotten around that the king had become easily agitated since the pending arrival of the former king. Kihvar had been showing no mercy, and had several spies killed on the spot for their failures. The scout cleared his throat then straightened his attire.

“Zan has brought a human claiming to be the former queen.”

Kihvar frowned “The blond hybrid named Tess?”
The scout’s heart leapt. His information hadn’t been leaked to the king yet.

“No my lord, the human girl he saved eight earth years ago, his human wife”.

Kihvar frowned in confusion. “She’s claiming to be Ava?”

“No, my sources say she is Ava,” The spy began “It seems Dr .Ayetoon had discovered the DNA switch during the cloning of the royal four. He created another hybrid.”

For a brief moment, panic had coursed through him like a jolt of energy. How was it possible that with all his scouts on earth, no one knew of the existence of this hybrid?
He then saw a face flash in his mind. It was the face of the changeling Kayleen. No wonder she had been on earth. She was protecting her sister. Kihvar had discovered the plans for the cloning, despite the doctor’s tight security. He had ordered the switching of DNA to that of his mistress. He had killed her days later with the promise she would be reborn as his queen one day. It was never his intension to have her as his queen. That was Vilondra’s place, whether she liked it or not. He felt panic grip at him once more. With this other Ava, the “Royal Four” was once again a complete unit, a unit which he no longer control.

The scout watched the emotions play across the king’s face. He had never seen fear or heard of anyone see fear on the ruthless king’s face before. What he was witnessing at that very moment might possibly cost him his life. Instead of letting Kihvar reveal anything more, he added the last bit of information he had left.

“There’s more your highness.” The scout said interrupting Kihvar’s thoughts “It seems that Rath has not brought his human mate with him.”

Kihvar looked up suddenly as a bit of hope came to life within him. “He left the human on earth?”

The scout nodded “It would appear so.”

“Why did he do that? He must truly love the human, if he truly desired her safety.” Kihvar then chuckled. “I have to say, it’s a rather an amusing change in Rath. I wonder if he remembers his strong dislike for humans in his other life?

The scout frowned at the king. “Sir?”

“I want you to send your best man to get this mate of Rath’s.”

“But sir, we already have Zan’s human parents. Isn’t that enough?”

Kihvar’s large eyes glittered with anger. “Are you questioning my orders?”

The scout paled. “No your highness.” He replied a little more quickly that he would have cared to. “I’ll get a man on it right away.”

“Good. See that you do.” Kihvar replied waving him off.

The scout was only more than happy to leave. Grateful, that he was leaving the king’s office alive.

Maria still held the florescent orange flyer in her hand as she stared at the glass door of self defense studio. It was part of the same strip mall her mother’s novelty shop was in. The windows of the studio were covered with plastic stencils boasting the cheapest prices for martial art classes. She was dressed in her best sweats and a new pair of sneakers with the newest innovation in spring back soles. With her hand on the glass door Maria felt her confidence beginning to dwindle, the idea of kicking and punching awkwardly in front of complete strangers suddenly did not seem so self empowering any more. “No, forget this.” She says as she begins to walk away. But the glass door to the studio opens while she is still within earshot.

“Can I help you?” a male voice asks.

Maria spins on her heal to face a young man of dark hair and tan skin in a white robe with the studio’s logo on the back. His eyes regarded her questioningly

“I was just, I mean I was going to but,” Maria tried to explained stumbling across her words. She wanted to bale out, but her tearful goodbye at the pod chamber flashed inside her head, and reestablished her resolve.

The young man noticed the flyer in her hand and he smiled broadly at her. “You’re here for the reduced price lessons! Please come in.”

Maria followed the man to the backroom of the studio where he handed her a registration form. “Your in luck, we start our first lesson in about five minutes.”

“How soon will I know how to kick and punch?” She asked as she sent a punch into mid air.

The dark featured man eyed her curiously and then smiled. “There’s more to Kung Fu than punching and kicking.” He began as he leads her back into the studio. “Self defense is not meant to be used to attack but rather a last resort to protect one’s self”. May I ask why you choose Kung Fu?”

Maria gave a sigh. How does one to put something so complicated; into simple terms?
“Have you ever felt so completely helpless that felt like you didn’t belong?” she asked almost complaining.

The young man raised an eyebrow, “This is about fitting in?”

“No,” Maria quickly corrected she then carefully chose her next words. “I have these friends you see, and they always have to protect me and I hate it.” Maria said between gritted teeth. “I’m the odd man out, the weakest link. I don’t want to be the damsel in distress. I want to be the secret weapon.”

The young man considered Maria for a moment trying to read her face. His face then expressed understanding. “ I think you will find our lessons to be exactly what you are looking for. By the way, my name is Josh; I will be your instructor.”

Maria smiled back at him in relief and jutted out a hand. “Maria, Maria Deluca.”

Istariah looked back at the curious eyes expectantly.

“Mother?” Isabel managed to whisper loudly as she slowly approached the antarian. Max soon joined her side as they stood in front of the Antarian queen. Both had so many questions but s words seemed to fail them.

“Yes, I am your mother.” She beamed warmly at them. “I have been waiting a long time for this day. I take your journey here was a safe one?”

Max and Isabel nodded in response. Istariah glanced over to Kareena “You made sure you weren’t followed?”

Kareena bobbed her head. “Yes your highness.”

“So much to say, where do I begin?”

Istariah looks from her son to her daughter and frowns at Isabel’s trembling form. “Vilondra what is wrong?”

Isabel looked down at her feet in shame. She had fallen in love with the enemy had gotten Kihvar closer than he should have, and even though she knew Kihvar has betrayed her and was fully responsible for their deaths, She still felt she was not worthy of her mother’s open arms. She wanted so much to rush into her mother’s arms that it hurt. She had waited for this day for so long, but her shame kept her rooted to where she stood.

“This whole situation with Kihvar,” Isabel began. “He would have never gotten this far had I not fallen in love with him in that other lifetime.”

Isabel felt Max’s hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

Istariah smiled gently at Max, warmed by the closeness they now shared.
“Look at you and your brother now. In that other life, you were never so close. You were, the exact opposite of what you are now. We chose earth, and it’s humans for their capacity for love. Seeing the way you two are now, couldn’t make me more proud. The being you have become, makes up for what you were in that other life.”

A weak smile spread across Isabel lips as tears streamed down her cheeks. Max had forgiven her a long time back, but Isabel hadn’t realized how much she was still hanging onto her shame until she faced her antarian mother, desperately hoping she would be forgiven, and like a tidal wave, relief completely washed over her and she couldn’t help but let her tears fall. Isabel then rushed into her mother’s arms. Istariah was startled at first; not having been used to such a way of showing affection, but soon recovered from her surprise and returned Isabel’s embrace It was Max’s turn and he quickly embraced his mother eager to get to the matter at hand.

Istariah frowned at her son. “Zan, you did not bring your wife?”

Max tried to speak but his words failed him as a lump made it difficult to swallow. Would she be mad that he had not return with Tess? Surely she must have discovered the truth when Tess came home with the baby. Would she accept Liz? Would she know that Liz was the real Ava? “It doesn’t matter. I love her.” He though to himself, he came here to save his parents, not to gain his antarian mother’s blessing.

Istariah peered off to Max’s side to find a fearful looking Liz trying to duck from the queen’s view. “Come here,” she requested gently once she made eye contact with Liz. “It’s alright, I won’t harm you.”

Max turned to Liz and reached out a hand to her, her eyes gently urging her forward. Liz stared at Max’s hand for a moment. She wasn’t certain which she was more afraid of, being rejected or a confirmation of who she really was. Liz eyed the Antarian curiously. It was amazing how close she resembled the human version from the message recorded in the communication orbs. She grasped Max’s hand gently and he stroked his thumb over fingers in an attempt to ease her worry. Liz then curiously approached the queen.
Istariah studied Liz top to bottom, before taking the hybrids hands into her own. She could read the uncertainty in the Liz’s eyes and see a slight hint of fear in their dark brown orbs. A small gentle smile curved her thin lips, as she scanned Liz from head to toe with her eyes. When her large eyes met Liz’s once again she beamed at her happily hoping her show of emotion would disarm her son’s wife, and finally allow her to relax. “Welcome home Ava.” Istariah she said warmly.
Liz briefly froze at Istariah’s words, and then peered over to Max. He was smiling broadly of course and then was by Liz’s side. But Liz still felt unsure, that she was asleep somewhere, dreaming of this moment. It was the moment she had always wanted since the day of the message in the pod chamber so many years ago.

“You are Ava.” The queen stated firmly; when she saw doubt flicker across the hybrid’s face. “You may not remember me from your previous life, but I have never forgotten the quiet yet strong willed antarian that won my son’s heart.”
“What about Tess?” Liz asked her curiosity getting the best of her. Max stiffened slightly at the mention of the petite blond.

Istariah’s expression turned cold and immediately Liz regretted mentioning the name at all. The Antarian clearly did not think much of the young blond.

“That creature did not have an ounce of Ava’s DNA in her body. She was created to be a tool of destruction.” Istariah then looked to Max in sympathy “She was almost successful, she almost had you all killed.” Istariah’s face then returned to a peaceful smile. “But that does not matter anymore; you are here, alive and well. We need to get to work, if we want to keep it that way.”


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child