What Real Life's Like Thread 4 (CC TEEN)

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Post by KaraGail »


"It's indeed a fantastic night."

I glance over at Alex and almost groan aloud at the grin that was spreading across his face. Maybe we should have gone back inside the club instead of intruding on Max and Liz.

Looking over at my room mate, I couldn't help but frown at how quiet she was being. Did something happen to her that made Max bring her outside the club?

"Finally one night were it isn't as humid as it was in the last weeks."

Once again, Alex was trying to break the silence with a mundane comment about the weather. Well at least he was trying unlike myself who probably looked dumb just standing there taking the other couple in and worrying that they would know that something was different between Alex and I.

"What time is it?" I asked realizing that I had left my watch at home. It had felt like hours since Alex and I had left the club to have our heart to heart conversation.
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Post by isabelle »


I tilt my head slightly to one side as I look at Alex. He's got this grin that looks almost bigger than his face as he says how nice it is tonight. Then he starts babbling on about the weather and rain. I glance at Liz, wondering if she's seeing what I'm seeing. Maybe I can ask her later.

"What time is it?" Isabel asks suddenly, looking at her bare wrist.

"Um. About eleven, I think." I say. It had been nearly that when Liz and I left the dance floor. Checking my watch, I see that it's close to that. Four minutes before the hour. Close enough.

"Are you getting tired?" I ask, with a bit of surprise. Isabel doesn't usually turn in this early, although Liz sometimes does. "Do you want to go home?" I ask all three of them.

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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Are you getting tired?"

I also look at Isabel in surprise. Sure, pouring your heart out can be tiring but really ... I feel more alive than I did in weeks! But I know better than making some stupid comment, I did after all notice the look Iz gave me earlier.

"Do you want to go home?"

I shrug. "Whatever you want to do. I'm not tired at the moment but the day's been long and when the alcohol wears off, I might get tired pretty fast."

Besides, I don't wanna ride home with Michael because with Michael, you never know if you get home or end up at the place of one of his girlfriends.

"Hm, we still have ice cream at home, have we? We could have another pyjama party with ice cream and junk food!"
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Post by lizandzackfan »

Can I have Tess if she is still open?
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

yes, she's still open :)
I'm sure you can play her :)
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Post by KaraGail »


Max gave the time and I couldn't help but be surprised at how early it still was. I don't usually worry about the time, but I was trying to figure out how long Alex and I had gone missing from our house mates. I didn't want them too start wondering where we had run off too and realize what we were really up to.

"Are you getting tired?" Max looked surprised at me and I frowned in confusion, "Do you want to go home?"

Home? What was he talking about? It's only 11:00 and the night is just starting. Don't they know that I am one of those rich society girls that they read about in the tabloids? Okay, so I am not Paris Hilton...but I have had my share of wild party adventures that I hope is never unearthed.

"Whatever you want to do. I'm not tired at the moment but the day's been long and when the alcohol wears off, I might get tired pretty fast."
Alex responded first to Max's question, "Hm, we still have ice cream at home, have we? We could have another pyjama party with ice cream and junk food!"

hmmmm..Did Alex really want to go home? Looking over at him I tried to gauge if he was tired already, but he still had that same excited expression on his face so it was hard to judge. Although, that ice cream sounded mighty tempting at the moment and the fact that I could be sitting on a sofa ( or maybe even in the hot tub) and sharing ice cream with Alex was a huge plus.

"I don't mind either way." I give them a smile showing the pearly whites that took over a year in braces to get perfect, "What are the plans for tomorrow? Are we doing anything that we need to get up early for?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"I don't mind either way."

Looks like once again, no one wants to make the final decision or everyone's too polite to just firmly say 'I say we do this!'.

"What are the plans for tomorrow? Are we doing anything that we need to get up early for?"

"I hope not, it's Saturday and I think no one of us has to work. I'm all for sleeping in." I reply with a shrug, looking around the people near us.

Is that ... ? Yes, it is Michael, once again in female company. Okay, the thought of him hooking up with a guy would be too surreal anyway. Oh well, might be another sleepless night for poor poor Kyle. Then I see just who the girl in Michael's arms is.

"Oh wow!" I mutter. "This is unexpected!" Sure, I knew Maria likes Michael but Michael liking Maria? Well, I hope he likes her, 'cause if he's just fooling around with her ...
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Re: Hey

Post by Sternbetrachter »

lizandzackfan wrote:Can I have Tess if she is still open?
I'm for it ... what about the rest of us?
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Post by isabelle »

I'd love to see someone take Tess.
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Post by KaraGail »


"I hope not, it's Saturday and I think no one of us has to work. I'm all for sleeping in."

I smiled at Alex, glad that he was up for more and would be able to keep up with me. It had been quite some time that I had gone home this early, but I was willing to go with the flow of the group while doing this show.

"Great! Then let's go back and get some drinks and make a night of it." I include Max and Liz with a look hoping that they would agree. I had been getting closer to my room mate and hoped to have a chance to ask her what was going on with her and why she was being so quiet.

"Oh wow! This is unexpected!" I hear Alex mutter from beside me and I turned to see what had grabbed his attention. Seeing Michael and Maria just outside of the club in a tight embrace gave me quite a shock.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed with a chuckle and wide eyes, "Do you think she is checking to see if he still has his tonsils?"
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