Breathe Me In-CC-M/L Adult AN 9/6/07 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Temptress »

Sooooooo, here I am back in the saddle. And I must say how sweet it is. :D This is an extra-extra long part for you guys. Alot happens here, so pay attention! 8) Meanings of certain words will be posted at the end. :wink:



“Oh God, never again.” Liz groaned to herself before blindly flopping her body onto the bed in her dark room in exhaustion.

“Exactly how tired are you?” A masculine whisper greeted her ears.

Liz jumped off the bed and opened her mouth to scream before a hand clamped down on her mouth.

“Shhh. It’s me.”

Liz’s shoulders dropped in relief and she nodded. Max’s presence immediately filled her senses and if she hadn’t been so exhausted she would have felt him the minute she hit her room. “Max,” She whispered furiously as soon as his hand came off her mouth, “Are you crazy? What are you still doing here?”

After the group had finished cleaning up The Crashdown and agreed to meet later that day, being as it was already 2:00 AM, Liz had seen everyone to the door.

It had been slightly awkward saying goodbye to Max in front of everyone especially since they had barely been on speaking terms earlier that day. It didn’t help that Maria was clearly still furious with Michael for his absentminded comment earlier and a still yet to be revealed reason. Liz never did find out why Michael and Maria had argued earlier in the evening, but then again if she tried to keep track of all the arguments those two had she’d need a whole other house to store the records.

So, Liz had kept it short and sweet. A smile, light kiss and a squeeze to the hand had been all she was willing to so with such a mixed audience present. It had been hard to say goodbye when it seemed that they had just found each other again. Despite all the issues that came with their relationship, knowing Max was hers again always made something in her lighter. Freer. And, ironically, safe.

Now, as Max gazed into her eyes, she saw her own emotions mirrored in their depths. It seemed he had found it hard to say goodbye as well.

“I didn’t want to go home yet.” Max whispered as he gathered her close to his body, “I told Isabel to cover for me. Alex is giving her a ride home.”

Liz felt the familiar goosebumps pebble her skin as she smiled and ran a hand through the bottom of Max’s hair, “Oh yeah? And why is it that you didn’t want to go home yet?”

Max half-smiled down at her, “There’s something that I think we need to take care of.”


“Yeah.” He placed a soft kiss behind her ear and took a deep breath, “But I can’t seem to remember exactly what I wanted to talk about.”

“Really?” Liz whispered back as she tilted her head to the side leaving her neck free for him to nuzzle. “Well I can’t help you until you tell me what it is that you need.”

Max groaned into her neck, “If you only knew what I needed.”

Liz giggled and blushed despite the pull of desire in her lower belly, “Why don’t you tell me….”

Max’s lips continued their slow trek down to her collarbone as his hand massaged the area above her hips, “I have a better idea. Why don’t I show you?”

Before Liz could respond, Max had pushed her up against the door to her room gently and his lips were on her own and she practically sighed in relief before the images attacked her in fast forward. As her lips were devoured over and over by Max’s she saw the images slow down and if she weren’t so busy meeting her tongue with his she would have gasped in embarrassment. All she could think of immediately was that her body sure didn’t look like that in real life. It seemed Max’s fantasies consisted of a Liz with a big bust and no shame.

With a snort, Liz pulled herself from Max and gave him a mock glare, “Max! Are you kidding me? I do not look like that and I don’t think that I would…well I can’t see myself doing half that stuff. Jesus, you have a dirtier mind than I thought.”

Max blushed slightly but grinned at her all the same. “Only when it comes to you.” His hand slid down the expanse of her body before stopping at the bottom of her dress where the slit revealed the bottom loop of that damned garter. His eyes lifted to hers and he swallowed slightly harder than necessary. “I had almost forgotten about this.”


He grinned sheepishly, “Well, you couldn’t really expect me to forget about it all together, could you?”

Liz moved to pull down the dress slightly, “This thing is so embarrassing. I still don’t know how I let Maria talk me into it.”

With a smile, Max slapped at her fingertips gently before pulling the dress up more, “I personally don’t care how. I’m just glad you did.” His hands slid up the expanse of her outer thighs. “You look amazing in it.” His voice had lowered to a husky whisper as his eyes followed the soft skin he was revealing inch by inch.

Liz mouth started to part to get out a retort but all she could do was let out a trembling sigh as his hands all but left her bottom half exposed. She began to feel the hard wood of the door on her thong-clad bottom as he pushed the dress up to her waist. Her stomach clenched as she felt her body start to heat up to abnormal degrees. “Max…..w-what are you doing?”

His eyes alighted to hers briefly, before they darted back to her exposed legs and the lace covered in-between. “Finishing what I started in the hallway.”

Liz’s heart started to pound abnormally hard, “Ummm, you’re kidding right?”

His eyes never leaving her body, he shook his head, “When it comes to you, I never kid.”

Before she could respond, he dropped to his knees in front of her still holding up the bottom of her dress. A feeling of deja-vu overcame her senses as she looked down into his warm hazel eyes and before she knew what she was doing she was holding up the bottom of her dress herself as Max licked a path up her inner right thigh.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the way you taste.” He mumbled against her skin as he made his way further up her leg.

Liz’s eyes started to close as the sensations zinged across her body. A small moan was working its way up her throat as he got closer and closer to his destination and she almost let it out before realizing where she was.

They weren’t alone in the house. Her very real, very frightening parents were sleeping right down the hall from where she was standing. This was madness.

“Max,” She managed to whisper around the lump in her throat, “Max, wait. My parents-.”

And then his mouth was outside of her heat and she gasped out loud as she felt his tongue tentatively lick the already wet lace of her panty. All arguments were forgotten as he moaned and sucked at her skin through the material and accidentally grazed his teeth against the hard nub at the top. Her body jerked in reaction and she felt Max’s mouth leave her heat. She let out a small sound of disappointment and looked down into his upturned face. With a contemplative look he moved back to her wet heat and ran his tongue over the nub again and again going faster until her head started to spin. Her head slammed back slightly on the door behind her and she jumped as the sound hit her ears.

Too loud.

Oh God, they shouldn’t be doing this.

She must have said something out loud because Max removed his mouth once more, “Do you want me to stop?” He whispered.

She knew she should say yes. She knew she should be saying goodnight and getting to sleep like a good girl.

But good girls didn’t have an alien with the body of an Adonis on their knees in front of them; licking their private parts with the same gusto they gave fine foods.

Liz felt her lips move, “No.” They whispered, before her brain could catch up to her mouth.

His face never changed from its serious expression as his fingers touched the edge of her panty and moved it to the side. Before she could react, he plunged his tongue inside her body and her knees shook as the unbelievable feelings stroked up from her stomach to the heat of her cheeks.

“Mmmmmm…” He moaned, “So good…” He said almost too quietly for her to hear.

She never knew when she had moved one of her hands to the top of his head to run through the dark locks or when one of her legs ended up on his shoulder, opening her up to him more. She only knew that first one then two of his fingers had slid into her opening and his mouth sucked and licked her heat voraciously never ending its constant search for that inevitable release.

A whole new side of Liz was revealed as she moved her slightly hips in time with the thrusts of his hand and her fingers grasped at the hair that was in between them almost roughly, ensuring that he didn’t leave, ensuring that he didn’t stop.

A guttural moan left Max’s throat as he felt her grip on his head intensify and he grabbed at one of the globes of her ass pushing her heat closer to his mouth as if he couldn’t get enough.

It would never be enough.

Max licked at her opening, his tongue inadvertently licking at his own fingers as they continued their heavenly assault faster and faster before sliding his tongue up until it reached that spot that she had loved so much earlier. It took one suck into his mouth, before she let out a loud moan and shattered.

“Fuck!” She said noisily.

“Liz?” A sleepy voice asked from down the hall.

Too loud.

Dad. Shit.

Her breath still coming in gasps, her eyes widened in panic. She looked down at Max once again, expecting him to stop what he was doing only to see him continue licking her, slowly and lazily, not appearing in a hurry to cease.

He winked at her, “Better answer him.” He whispered.

“Liz?” Her father voice said again. This time closer and more forceful.

She cleared her throat once, “Uh – Yeah dad?”

“Is everything alright?” He said quietly through the door. “I thought I heard a bang.”

Max licked at a trickle of her essence that had run down her inner thigh and closed his eyes in slight rapture and licked his lips.

“Uh, yeah dad everything…” Her voice shook slightly, “Everything is fine. I, ummm, I’m getting undressed and I stubbed my toe on the leg of my desk. S-sorry if I woke you.”

“Ok, sweetheart. Get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Max’s hands moved her other leg back to the ground and he slid her panties the rest of the way off. He slid up her body and pulled his shirt up over his head.

“O-okay daddy. Goodnight.” She whispered as her eyes traveled down the expanse of his chest, down, down to the throbbing bulge in his thin, revealing pants.

She vaguely heard her fathers footsteps move on down the hall to his room, the door clicking shut softly behind him.

“That was amazing.” Max whispered as his hands moved to the zipper in the back of her dress. “But it’s not enough.”

“N-not enough?” Liz stammered. Cool air hit her back as the zipper slid further and further down.

Max took one of her hands and brought it to the throbbing in between his legs. “No.” He replied simply.

Liz squeezed him outside of his pants as she had done earlier and was reminded and amazed at the fact that she had so brazenly put him in her mouth. What had come over her then she didn’t know, but the urge to do it again was readily apparent in the way she licked her lips as she squeezed him once more.

“Oh God…” Max whispered against her lips. He had raised both arms and rested his palms on the wall on either side of her, sufficiently trapping her where she was. She could smell the cologne he wore as it wafted warmly past her nose and inhaled the scent deeply. It was a heady combination of smells that always drove her insane. Cologne but underneath it all the scent of Max. Warm and heavy. The smells of fresh grass and the clean scent of air. It radiated off of him with intensity and made her head spin as the urge to taste him became almost too much for her.

“Max….” She managed to get out, before crashing her lips down to his. She could taste the musky scent of herself on his lips and inside his mouth and it excited her to no end.

Max lifted his mouth from hers and as if he knew what she was thinking a wicked gleam entered his eyes as he stared down at her. “I want to taste like that all the time.”

Liz wanted to blush in embarrassment but instead desire reddened her cheeks and she reveled in his low moan as her hand squeezed him once again from where she was consistently rubbing him and started to unbuckle his pants.

Max’s breath came out in a gasp as he was freed from the confines of his pants and his overheated skin was met with the cool air of her bedroom. She rubbed the head of his hardness gently and unintentionally spread the wetness at the tip.

“Jesus…Liz….” He got out on a breath as he jumped back slightly from her touch.

Liz stilled her hand and looked at him quizzically, “Did I…did I do something wrong?”

Max shook his head roughly, “No. No. Not at all. It was just too….right.”

With a raise of her eyebrows, Liz resumed stroking on his hardness and loved the way his mouth opened slightly and his hips moved in time with her strokes; so familiar to the way her own body had moved earlier when he had been pleasuring her with his mouth.

“Liz,” His voice came out in a ragged breath, “Liz, you have to stop.” But his hips were still moving and a free hand reached down and wrapped over her own, showing her a rhythm that made his eyes slide shut. He moved her faster along his length and she watched the cords on his arm bulge slightly.

“Why?” She managed to get out. “Why do you want me to stop?” She rubbed her thumb over the tip of him once again and it caused him to shudder.

“No. Not want. Need. Or else you’re going to have….” He stopped and even in the middle of lust he looked at her with embarrassed eyes.

Liz licked her lips and not really knowing what came over her, stated the obvious; “I’ve already had it in my mouth and swallowed it, Max. Having it on my hand is slightly more innocent don’t you think?”

At her huskily spoken words, his eyes darkened and he stayed her hand. He grabbed her to him, “God, you really cant talk like that and expect my body not to react like a seventeen year olds.”

Liz felt the tip of his hardness swipe against one of her bare thighs and suddenly more than anything she wanted him inside of her, on top of her, her bare breasts rubbing against his chest as she lifted her hips to meet his.

“Max…” She whispered, “Make love to me.”

His eyes widened, “Wha-. Liz, I didn’t come here just to…I mean don’t think that I came here to-.”

Her fingers were on his lips, stopping the rest of his sentence. “Shhh. I know what I want. I want you. Now. Always.”

His breath left his mouth with a sigh and he laid his forehead against his hers, “Are you sure? I mean it’s been a weird day. A long day. So much has happened…”

“I think it’s the perfect way to end it.”

His face was a confusing max of emotions but the one most apparent was the adoration as he searched her face with his gaze, “I love you.” He said suddenly. “So much.”

She smiled softly as her lips reached his, “In every lifetime I’ve loved you.”

They kissed softly as Max walked backwards to her bed. He finished unzipping the back of her dress and let it fall to a puddle on the floor as she lowered his pants and underwear over his hips and to the ground. He toed of his shoes as he reached behind her, removing her bra and greedily drank in the sight of her naked body with just her stockings, garter and shoes on.

“You’re…wow….you’re just….”

“Yours.” Liz said. “All yours.”


Max’s eyes closed briefly at her words and he let them wash over him with the warm blanket of security they brought. He opened his eyes to see her head leaning against his bare chest, hugging his body close to her own as if trying to absorb him into her skin.

Her head lifted and she met his lips. What started as a light kiss turned into that burning heat once more as he felt his hardness slide against the silk of her stomach and was reminded of how naked he was and just how ready he was to slide into her.

His hands buried themselves in her hair, his mouth devouring hers and he led her to the edge of her bed. Max watched with heavy eyes as she broke the kiss and made her way to the center of the bed. She reached down to remove her heels and the bend of her knee, combined with the moonlight from the window, caused Max to see even more of her than he had been able to see while she was standing up against the wall. The bolt of lust that shot through him at the sight of her damp center was too much. He stayed her hand and removed her shoes for her. He was surprised when Liz stopped him from removing the garter.

“I don’t think I can wait much longer Max. Just leave it on.”

With a jerky nod he reached down to the center of her and slid his fingers through the moisture once more loving how her body shuddered when he put a finger inside of her.

“Yess…” She hissed.

He pulled back and reached for his discarded pants and was met with a sense of deja-vu. He never had removed the condom from his wallet. Even after they had broke up. Mostly because he had just forgotten it was there. Thank God for small miracles.

As he turned around in the semi-dark he was struck dumb at the sight of Liz leaning back on her elbows on the bed clad only in stockings and garters. Her hair falling in soft waves around her face, some strands stuck to her moist lips. Her nipples were hardening under his stare and her eyes beckoned to him.

His knees felt weak.

She was going to be his.


Suddenly, his body was leaning over hers as she was laid down back into the bed. The condom was quickly and clumsily slid on and he was at her entrance, hesitating, still wondering when he would wake up from this dream.

“Now, Max. Please…”

With a shudder, he gently parted her thighs further and slid the tip of him inside of her. The heat seared him and he was going to lose it. Slowly, he moved, more and more of her body accepted him until he could go no more without breaking through her barrier. Their final barrier.

“Are you-. Are you ok?” He whispered against her lips.

She nodded through hazy eyes. “I love you Max.” She said again.

“Always.” He whispered, before claiming her mouth and pushing to the hilt, moaning as her tightness enveloped him, breathing heavily as he fought the instinct to keep moving.

Max felt her body tense momentarily before she relaxed underneath him. He waited while she experimentally moved her hips and his eyes crossed as he slid in then out of her body. She engulfed him again and again and before he realized it he was moving with her. His hips started to pick up speed as the most amazing feelings shuddered down his back and over his body. He buried his face into her neck and bit her pulse point slightly. He heard her moans in his ear and was close to losing it once more.

He felt her fingernails in his ass as she tried to get him deeper. He lifted his head and looked down into her eyes, “What do you want Liz? Tell me.”

She blushed but answered him, “Faster.”

Capturing her lips once more, he did as she asked and moved faster.

It proved to be too much.

“Oh, God. Liz, I’m gonna…Oh, God.”

Her hips met his own and her eyes locked onto his. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck. Her fingers slid into the strands of hair at the bottom and she said, “Let go…”

The minute the words left her lips, he felt something in him release and as he shattered the world around him faded as Liz’s brown eyes swallowed him……………

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 59
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:07 pm

Post by Temptress »

“Selenta! Danae! Please, wait!”

Her scent invaded his nostrils as he watched her slim form stop in the long hallway with reluctance. The aqua blue of her sleeveless gown touched the floor and he caught a glimpse of her toes sticking out from her jeweled sandals as she swung around to meet his gaze. The red of the sun shining in from the opened window to her right glowed around her form. Her long mane hung down her back in soft curls and his stomach clenched at the memory of it swinging in her face as she licked down his chest.

“Idris Zan.” She said so formally, so coldly, it made his heart hammer in his chest in panic.

“Danae, please. Just speak to me. Stop running from me.” His voice sounded so desperate to his own ears, he wondered how she could ignore it after everything that had happened between them. No matter how hard he tried he could not reach her. She had blocked him. Body and soul.

Her hand lifted to her temple and she closed her eyes briefly before meeting dead eyes to his pleading ones. “I’m not running from anything, Idris Zan. I have a meeting with my father that I must attend to at once. Is their anything you require of me Il-Aine?”

Zan’s heart started to pound harder, “Danae, why are you speaking to me in such a way? Just talk to me.”

“Idris-Zan, forgive me if I sounded disrespectful. That was not my intention.”

He made a noise of frustration and moved towards her. His heart broke as she stepped away from him avoiding any contact with him, “Danae, I didn’t know. I didn’t have control over it. It was not my decision.”

Something that looked like uncertainty clouded over her eyes and then was gone, “I’m aware. It matters not, however.”

“Of course it matters. It means everything. Why will you not talk to me, damn it?!”

Her lips started to tremble and he felt her aura waiver. “Zan.” She whispered and his stomach clenched in hope at the familiarity that entered her tone. “Please. Leave it alone. We knew this day would come. We just chose to ignore it over and over again.”

“I will not allow it.” His whispered desperately. “I will not marry her. My father cannot-.”

“Your father can do whatever he pleases!” Danae screamed and then clamped her lips shut. She took a deep breath, “Your father is the Emyr, Zan. His word is law.”

“His word is not
my law!” Zan yelled.

Danae’s eyes hardened once more and her chin lifted as her aura covered her fully once again, “My family’s job is only to protect the royals of Antar. I have compromised a position that has been in our family for generations long enough. I have no title Idris Zan. I have no royal lineage. I have only what I was born into and that is to protect you and yours.” With a clench to her jaw, she continued, “And that includes your future wife, Princess Ava. You will do well to accept that and move on.”


His power filled the hallway and scratched along the surface of her skin. The sunlight disappeared from the window as the skies became filled with clouds. He saw her eyes fill with shock at the radiating intensity as she rubbed along her arms as if to brush off the feeling of harsh energy.

“Danae,” His voice was deeper than usual. More commanding than usual. The vines on the outside of the castle walls started to reach in through the open windows that spanned the hallway, “I am in command of my future. I will have this say. No one else. Not my father. Not this Kingdom.”

His hands were crackling with energy at the edge of his fingertips. His eyes were burning with a million emotions, all battling for the forefront.

Quickly, Danae placed both hands together in front of her stomach as if in prayer, her eyelids blinking rapidly.

“Gather it.” She whispered to him as her white energy collected around her, swirling her curls around her face. “Make it your own. Feel the soil in your bones. The power of Antar in your heart. Feel the elements gathering at your feet. Let go Zan….Just let go….”

Her eyes were brightening, her pink lips more pronounced as the energy caused her to partially glow. His heart tugged at how beautiful she looked while reaching full power and he felt sorrow replace his anger. His own energy dying down. The crackling in his hands ceasing. The vines retreated. The wind slowed.

“I……Danae please…..” His face dropped his mask of fury. Only an extreme yearning remained. “Forget about harvesting my powers. I don’t care about that. I need you so much. I cannot live in this life without you. You mean…you mean everything to me.”

Danae’s eyes misted and her jaw clenched. Except her power didn’t cease. It grew stronger. One hand reached toward him and a portion of her aura floated through the air and touched his cheek. He closed his eyes as the warmth of her love filled his senses once more. It had been too long since he’d felt it.

“This,” She whispered, “Is why we must forget one another. This is why you must marry Princess Ava. You lose focus when we are together. We both do. We must do what is best for the Kingdom.”

His eyes shot open as he felt her presence leave his face. “No. No Danae. Wait. …”

As he moved forward as if to grab her, she pushed him back gently with her aura. A sad smile reached her lips and for a second his Danae was shining through once more as a tear trickled down her cheek. “Know this Zan. I will be here forever to protect you. As is my duty. But you will never be King if you cannot learn to be Prince. The Kingdom comes first.” She started to disappear as her aura surrounded him once more and the fresh scent of flowers filled his senses. He could feel the whisper of a kiss touch his lips and then it was gone.

Danae was gone.

She had never spoken of love. She spoke of her duty. She had never spoken of her devotion to him; only to the Kingdom.

He reached out with his senses, determined to find her presence. Determined to make her see that they were meant to be together and that no one could force him to marry someone he barely knew. Someone he now had only contempt for.

He reached out with all of his energy oblivious to the brightening of the sun, his only concern being Danae. His breath came out sharply as he found her and felt her surprise as his connection with her flared once more to life. He grabbed onto it and mentally tried binding them together as they had been since children.

He thought he heard a sob. He thought he felt the ground beneath his knees as he shook.

“No, Zan. No……..” He heard the whisper clearly and then like a window slamming shut, her presence was gone and he was left alone in the hallway.

Alone. Always alone………..


The wall behind her was cold to the touch. As cold as the rest of the world felt now and forever. She had done what was right. She had done what was best for everyone involved, especially Zan.

But it hurt. It hurt so much.

She raised a trembling hand to her forehead and braced herself for the meeting with her father.

Danae raised her hand to knock only to be met with a booming voice before her fist touched the heavy wood of one of the doors, “Come in daughter.”

She placed her open palm on one of the double chamber doors and watched the blue glow beneath her fingertips before both doors noiselessly opened.

“You are late, Danae.” Her father said sternly.

“My apologies Father. I was….held up momentarily……….”

The Granolith hummed in the far corner of the enormous chamber. Its black cone swirling with blue energy as her father read from one of the many ancient texts that covered the rooms ceiling high bookshelves. The black marble tile of the floor, gilded with gold in between the squares, gleamed as Danae’s feet quietly but quickly moved to her father’s side.

Jeroen’s head lifted and his green eyes met her brown ones. The intelligence in his gaze mocked her, “I felt Idris Zan’s power start to rise Daughter. As did the granolith. What warranted this change?”

Danae’s chin lifted as she ignored the twisting of her stomach, “Idris Zan’s reluctance will no longer be an issue Father. I……I told him what he must do.”

“And as for the connection?” Her father closed the book in front of him soundly. The lock on the front slid shut on its own; the palm print on front glowed blue briefly.

At his question, Danae had automatically reached inside for the glow that she had carried since before she could remember and felt the darkness that now resided there. Her heart clenched momentarily as the emptiness hit her full force. She turned away from her father in order to give herself a second to grieve. The last second she would allow herself.

“Daughter?” Her father said, slight anger lacing his tone.

Without turning, she answered, “It is closed. It has been done away with. Ihave made sure of that.”

It was gone. Forever gone. Voluntarily locked and closed. It did not matter how special such a connection was told to be. It only mattered that Danae was not of royal lineage, therefore not worthy of such a bond with Idris Zan. Not worthy of anything but her place. And it would be by his side. Just not the side of his wife and life partner.

Danae shut her eyes and squeezed them desperately, trying to stop the flow of tears determined to make their way down her cheeks. One tear managed to escape and she tried inconspicuously to wipe it away with her fingertips.

However, the glow of her tears did not go unnoticed by her father and a wave of regret hit her senses. “No father.” She turned to meet his gaze with her own, “You are right in your insistence. It is over.”

Her father’s gaze, which had momentarily been the gaze of the man she had adored as a child, hardened and he nodded once. “Idris Zan will get over it, as will you.” A lie. They both knew it would forever be apart of them both. They both also knew, Danae would feel the loss the most. “However, I warn you now daughter, you will still have to be in his presence for his training. He is ridiculously behind. His reluctance to reach his full power has barred him from moving forward. If our enemies knew an inkling of how unprepared he is-.”

“I am aware Father.” Danae’s lips pressed together in an effort to stem the flow of words that were insisting on being spoken. It would do no good now.

Her father nodded, “Good. As soon as he is married, you will resume instruction.” Her father looked away uneasily, “Without the bonding, and with his new marriage he will better be able to focus on his powers.”

“You mean without the distraction of love and unknowingly trying to complete his circle?” Dane could not help but reply. Immediately, she regretted her words as her father glared at her.

“Idris Zan will complete his circle with Princess Ava. Emyr Aeron has seen to it that… will happen.”

Alarm flashed through Danae, “Without his consent?”

Jeroen glanced down his nose at her, “Idris Zan
will consent.”


Zans boot clad feet pounded the grass in front of him as the trees seemed to huddle in closer together, frightened of the internal storm that raged within him. His hands once more crackled with unspent energy and his eyes were burning bright in his face. The silence of the forest should have been soothing but he only yearned to fill it with his frustrated screams and yells.

Why did he not he have a say in his life? Why did everything have to be set in ridged lines of protocol and order?

Why did he not have control over his own decisions?

He moved deeper into the forest and welcomed the darkness that gathered in the center. He did not want to be near anyone that may want to either unabashedly worship him or tell him with disappointment that he was not performing to the standards that were set before him.

‘What is holding you back, my son?’ He mimicked his father in his head. ‘Why do you shy away from all the power waiting to be uncovered inside of you?’

The crackling reached his forearms and it would have been almost painful if he could still feel anything at all.

He moved faster to the darkness ahead of him and thought back to the conversation he had had with his father just two weeks ago………

“Sit down.” His father had said from his seat at the head of the table in his war room. His short cropped dark hair shone in the light from the bright fixtures above. Hard, see through cases filled with ancient artifacts and breathtaking jewels lined the walls. The drapes on the windows around him were closed, blocking the view of the massive mountains of Antar. Maps of those same mountains and charts of star constellations were laid out on the computerized table in front of him. The light from those screens glowed in his eyes, but Zan was no fool. He knew some of that light was from his repressed anger at his one and only son.

His guards stood stoically at either side of him, their black pants tucked into their knee high boots, their hands in a feigned relaxed posture in front of them. Zan knew the power behind those hands. Knew how fast they could take out enemies. They were ready to die to protect their Emyr.

Zan took the seat at the other end of the table after nodding his head slightly to the guard on the right hand side of his father. Rath quirked one side of his mouth for a second before resuming his stoic countenance.

“So, let us forgo the asinine pleasantries and move straight to business shall we?” Not waiting for an answer, Emyr Aeron folded his hands in front of him, and that’s when Zan saw the glow coming off of them.

His father was furious.

Emyr Aeron never showed evidence of his powers in so blatant a manner. The Emyr showed power in his posture, in his gaze, in his ability to rule a world with an iron fist. He need not show power in a physical sense. The fact that he was doing so now, exhibited his lividness towards something…or someone.

And that someone was Zan.

“Please explain to me what is happening with Jeroen’s daughter.”

“Father?” Zan questioned. His heart was in his throat and he forced his foot to stop tapping in nervousness. He had no idea how his father had found out. He had to see just how much he knew before admitting to anything.

Aeron’s hands twisted tighter together, “Do not look at me with that feigned bewilderment!” He shouted. He took a deep breath and regained composure once more, “Answer the question and answer it with the knowledge that you will not be telling me anything that I do not already know.”

Zan continued to stare at his father in what he hoped looked like confusion, “Father, please explain to me what it is you are talking about.”

Aeron stood out of his seat and leaned both hands on the table in front of him. His thumbs depressed into the gel like substance of the screens and Zan wondered faintly if they would leave marks. “Tell me Zan. Tell me now of your relations with the Seer’s daughter. Speak only the truth for I WILL know the lies.”

Zan sat up straighter and raised determined eyes to his father, “Tell me what you know and I will either confirm or deny it.”

Aeron’s face shattered from its cool countenance and immediately his fury was apparent in every line of his face, “YOU STUPID, INSIGNIFIGANT, CHILD! YOU WILL TELL ME AND YOU WILL TELL ME NOW!!” The stained glass of one of the windows to his fathers right shattered and the drapes lifted as sunlight ran through the remaining shards casting red patterns across his fathers face.

Zan’s lips curled up in anger and he sneered at his father. He was through playing games.

His father knew about he and Danae’s relationship.


It did not matter. While he had been hoping to tell his father under better circumstances, this would do. “What do you want me to say Father? Hmm? Would you like me to tell you that it’s over? Because its not. Would you like me to tell you that I will end it immediately? Because I wont. It does not matter what I tell you because you will have no say in what happens. I will do as I please.”

Instead of the harsh words that Zan had expected, Aeron immediately sat in his seat and did something that will forever be ingrained in Zan’s memory. He laughed. He laughed until the walls felt as if they were shaking with it as Zan sat in bewildered silence. Whatever reaction he had been expecting that most certainly had not been it.

“You stupid, stupid boy.” He finally said when he sobered. “I wish I could say man. You
are four and twenty. But that day wont come until you realize that your selfish pursuits could cause us our world!”

“How?” Zan banged his fist into the table, “How could who I am in love with be cause for world annihilation? HOW?!”

Emyr Aeron shook his head, his eyes heavy with disappointment, “You know our customs. You know our rules. Everything is done for a reason. For structure. Danae is essentially a servant. One of better class, I will grant you that. She
is a part of a family who is detrimental to our world, but she is a servant nonetheless. You cannot try and make her more than what she is. Her destiny lies elsewhere.”

“Her destiny is with me!” Zan yelled, “We are the rulers here. Why must we conform to what
they want?”

“They are our people Zan. They are the reason we are here. Their support,
their love is what we must aspire to.” Aeron sat back in his chair and regarded Zan with what could be construed as regret. But with his father he could never tell. “It matters not what you want Zan. What matters is what needs to be done for our Kingdom.” With his hands folded in front of him once again, Aeron coolly let down the anvil, “You will be married to Princess Ava of Silisia within the next three cycles of the moons. She arrives tomorrow. End of discussion……………”

Zan’s hand shook at the memory of his father’s face as he ordered his guards to escort him out of the room. He remembered Rath’s apologetic look before he helped usher him out of the room. The slam of the door behind him still echoed in his mind.

A man of his word, Princess Ava had arrived the following day and had made it her business to follow Zan around the palace with devotion. It had taken great pains to evade her the day he had gone into the maze with Danae. The last day he had held her in his arms without the stain of his fathers ruling leaking into their bond.

He had not told Danae of his meeting with his father. He had not told her of his father’s decision to betroth him to Princess Ava. He had hoped to have more time to convince his father against his arranged marriage. He had hoped….damn it all. He hoped to be able to tell her himself!

But not long after their clandestine meeting, sitting at the dinner table, he had felt Danae’s link to him waver and instead of the warmth he carried around with him daily, cold started to seep into his senses and for heart stopping minutes upon minutes he felt utterly alone before the connection flared to life once again. Weaker than before, but still there for him to grasp at.

Danae knew. He could feel her shock, her anger, her misery but what hurt the most, her acceptance. A vision of Danae sitting in the Granolith Chamber with her parents across from her flashed into his mind. She looked to the right of her and she knew he was watching. Her eyes were so hurt.

‘Why did you not tell me?’ She whispered in her mind.

‘Danae…Danae I am sorry. I was hoping for more time……’

‘My parents know. Your father knows. It is over, Zan. We were fools.’

‘NO! Danae, no. Please. Just let me come to your rooms tonight. We can talk about this. Figure something out.’

He felt her heart wrench and knew she was trying not to cry, ‘No. There is nothing to be done. Do not come Zan. You will only make it worse. Congratulations on your betrothal.’

And with that their connection had been severed. She had blocked him. Damn her and her stubborn will!

He had gone to her rooms that night anyway. But it had been for naught. She was gone. One of the servants told him that she had left with her parents earlier to an undisclosed location. He did know, however, that she would be back within two weeks.

Two weeks.

For two weeks, he went mad with anger. His powers were uncontrollable, reacting with violence to anyone that tried to speak to him of his upcoming nuptials. They were especially violent towards Princess Ava. Her voice sent shivers of revulsion down his spine and for a little while he was glad to have been confined to his rooms until his powers calmed if it meant he only had to hear her voice at the dinner table. How he had ever once found her attractive was beyond him. If he knew then what he knew now he would never had remarked on her beauty to his father when he had been younger and naive.

He had known the instant Danae was back. The warmth had tingled on the back of his neck but it had been immediately tamped down on. She was having trouble closing their connection.

‘Good.’ He had thought. It had given him hope. He had sought her out and that’s when he had found her in the halls.

And that’s when she had closed every bit of their connection. And in turn wrenched his heart out of him.

Damn her. Damn his father. Damn this world!

With a low growl, he felt the energy inside of him build to a fevered pitch. The darkness of the forest welcomed him in as he lifted his hands and let out the energy in one mind numbing blow……

The darkness around him retreated as his body glowed with the now spent energy. The flames of the trees in front of him flared wildly as he kneeled on the grass, breathing heavily, his anger still apparent, growing as time moved ahead……


Emyr- King
Idris - Prince
Il-Aine - Your radiance
Last edited by Temptress on Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Temptress »

Hello All!!

Well I'm back! Trying to plan a wedding has been kicking my ass, so please forgive me for taking so long. :(

Okay. So. Those of you who visted me at me Authors chat ( :P ) are aware that we will not immediatly being going back to Max and Liz. There is still some things we must learn about Danae and Zan's life back on Antar and there are still some questions that need to be raised. 'Cause you know, I'm nothing if not infuriating. :twisted:

And Ellie Dear, don't make me go over there and forcibly take back my red leather. 'Cause you know I will. :wink:

This was unfortunately not Beta'd , so all spelling and grammatical errors are my own.


Max’s eyes snapped open and he immediately noted the green energy tinged with white and blue pulsing around him, weaving itself into Liz…..or was it the other way around? He couldn’t tell where the energy began. He couldn’t tell where the energy ended. All he knew was that he was still on top of an unconscious Liz, resting on his elbows above her, still inserted inside of her warmth.

His heart…..God it hurt….He wanted to cry….No….future Kings do not cry…

These weren’t his thoughts…his pain….yet they were.
Max opened his mouth and tried to get out words, sounds, anything. Nothing happened. His voice didn’t seem to work just yet.

He looked down into Liz’s face and willed her to wake up. He watched as her eyes moved rapidly underneath their lids. A small whimper slipped out of the corner of her mouth. Her body suddenly jerked underneath him and his eyes opened wide in confusion.

“Liz…” He managed to whisper.

Wake up. Wake up. It’s time to wake up…

He was about to start to move his body from on top of her when her eyes snapped open and met his.

Anger, fear and that ever present longing met his gaze.

“Zan. NO!” She whispered fiercely.

Blue light lifted from her body and shot into Max, snapping his neck back with the force.

His mouth opened up wordlessly as his eyes started to glow. He stared at the white ceiling of Liz’s bedroom and watched it become a red Antarian sky……………….


The sound of metal clanging against metal sounded throughout the field. A long brown braid gleamed down Danae’s back and flowed through the air as she spun and parried against Cecelia’s attacks with her sword.

“You are getting better everyday ‘Lia.” Danae said on a breath. “But you are still not paying attention to the full body of your opponent.” Danae abruptly dropped to the ground and swiped her foot underneath the young woman’s legs, dropping her to the ground with an ‘oof’.

‘Lia groaned into the air and looked up at Danae with one eye, the other still squeezed shut in slight pain. “Did you really have to do that?”

Danae grinned down at her cousin. “How else will you learn to fight, if you cannot learn to fall?”

‘Lia sat up and blew an errant hair out of her face, “I do not understand why we must learn to fight with these blasted swords when we have modern technology not to mention our own personal powers.” As if to prove her point, ‘Lia stood up and ran a hand over her black pants, effectively making the dust on her clothes disappear.

Danae rolled her eyes, “Yes, Cousin. I can see you now. Cleaning our enemies to death.”

‘Lia stuck her tongue out at her older cousin, and made her way to the servant waiting on the outskirts of the field they were practicing on. She took the cup of water from the young woman with a nod of thanks and swallowed quickly.

Danae removed her protective arm gear as she walked toward the same table in slight exasperation, “Cecilia,”

“Oh Heavens, I must be in real trouble now if you are calling me by my full name.”

Ignoring her cousin’s comments, she placed the gear on the table and reached for her own glass of water, “You are perfectly aware, that we must keep the old ways in our blood line. This training will sharpen your-.”

“Senses, body fluidity, and your mind which will in turn help you gather and strengthen your aura and the powers that come with it.” ‘Lia mocked in Danae’s tone of voice. “I have heard this all before. And I[\I] am aware. But I want to move forward already. To the fun stuff.”

Danae’s eyes hardened slightly as she slowly put down her glass, “There is nothing fun about having to use your powers to physically hurt someone, Cecilia. It is even less fun to have no choice but to kill them. Until you learn some self-control and some discipline, we will continue on with your studies in hand-to-hand combat. And until then I do not want to hear another word on it. Do I make myself clear?”

Cecilia gazed upon her cousin and Danae wondered if she could read the pain she knew was shining in her eyes. That last battle had been harder than she let on. Than she even admitted to herself sometimes.

Looking chastised, ‘Lia put down her water, “I apologize Danae. It must be constantly landing on my back without any type of gratification that made me so surly.” She finished with a grin.

The anger lifted from Danae’s eyes as they widened in surprised laughter, “’LIA! You are awful!”

All at once her giggles seemed to echo in the air and lengthen as if she was hearing it from someone else’s ears. The hairs on the back of her neck came to immediate attention and she forced her neck not to turn. She glanced down at her feet and watched the grass sway before leaning towards the direction behind her.

She could not help but lift her shields slightly and bury herself in his presence. He was always so warm. Always so willing………

‘Well, well…seems I may be interrupting something.’

Immediately, Danae slammed down her shields. He was getting better. He had not been able to sense her that way before. At least, not when she was concentrating on him not knowing what she was doing.

Pretending not to have heard him speak in her mind, Danae turned and bowed her head slightly at his dark form, “Idris-Zan.”

‘Lia’s smile immediately vanished and she schooled her features into a blank mask. She clasped her hands in front of her and bowed low, “Good day, Idris-Zan.”

“And good day to you soldier. I trust your training is going well?”

Zan was outfitted in full battle gear. A large sword gleamed from its sheath on his back. His black leather pants snug on his legs, tucked casually into the tops of his boots fitted like a second skin. He spoke to Cecilia but his eyes hungrily devoured her cousin’s form.

“It is, Il-Aine.” ‘Lia said, looking sideways at her cousin, pointedly looking at the stiffening of her shoulders with curiosity.

“I am happy to hear that. It seems I am a bit early for my training session with the lovely Danae.”

Danae lifted her chin, “No. You are just in time Idris-Zan. Cecilia and I were just finishing up.” She turned to her cousin, “You are dismissed. I shall see you tomorrow. Same time.”

‘Lia hesitated for a fraction of a second, before gathering up her belongings and bowing before leaving, “Good day.”

But the two people staring one another down on the field were not listening. They barely noticed her soft footsteps making their way down the hill back towards the palace. The only other movement was Zan’s head inkling towards the servant and gesturing slightly for her to leave. The servant hurriedly gathered her supplies, leaving the table with Danae’s protective gear behind and moved at a much faster pace than the soldier before her.

“So,” Zan said, first to break the silence, “It would seem we have a full days work ahead of us, being that my father has decided that I need to combine both hand-to-hand and metaphysical combat in one sitting.” He stopped and pretended to look thoughtful, “And here I was under the impression I was doing so well so far learning all the fundamentals from my ex-lover.”

Danae’s jaw clenched, “You are very well aware that there is no one else in the kingdom qualified to teach you both. So please, spare me your sarcastic prattling.”

“Oh?” Zan raised a brow, his face set with barely hidden venom, “Are you sure you did not purposefully request to do both on the same session to cease having to see me two times a week?”

Danae rolled her eyes, “I did no such thing. You really need to stop thinking so highly of yourself.”

His face took on a cocky look as he subconsciously stepped forward, “I do not need to think highly of myself. My title speaks for itself.”

“Oh? Well pardon me, Il-Aine. I am but your lowly servant.” She took a step forward.

Zan’s face dropped the arrogant mask and instead an angry yearning took its place as he stepped even closer, “You were never my lowly anything. You were my highest everything.”

Damn her traitorous heart for starting to beat so loudly. It made her livid to know she couldn’t quit the way her body responded to him. It would be the only explanation for what she said next into the face of his pain, “Save the poetics for your wife.”

Zan’s eyes blinked away hurt, “She’s my wife in name only. She’ll never be my wife the way you could have been.”

What she would have given to have that choice…….

“Last time I checked I was not given that option.”

“Neither was I.”

The silence stretched until it seemed the world stopped spinning on its axis.

Danae was the first to break the staring contest and stepped back from his body, realizing how close they had been to one another, “Let us just get to your training.” She moved to the table, picked up her arm guards and started slipping them on, “We are neither solving nor changing anything.” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, “Nor do we have the power to.”

With a frown, he shrugged out of the sword and its sheath and laid them on the table.

“What are you doing?” She asked, frustration lacing her tone.

“I would prefer to work on the metaphysical portion of my training first.”

With a sigh, Danae put her hands on her hips, “What is it with everyone trying to rush their training on me? You know that trying to master your energy takes more of a toll on you than physical contact.”

“I said I would prefer working on the metaphysical portion of my training first.” Zan said with a stubborn set to his jaw. “Of course, I could always order you to do so.” He said quietly.

Danae’s eyes seemed to die on her face. “Whatever you request of me Il-Aine shall be done.”

“Whatever I request?” Zan said, his voice now low and husky. The anger momentarily taking a backseat to the desire burning in his gaze.

Danae ignored the pull of her lower belly and instead focused on the frustration Zan evoked in her as she placed both palms together in front of her stomach. Before Zan could react, she lifted her right hand and shot out a bolt of blue energy, knocking him to the ground on his back, leaving him disoriented. “Lesson number one, of which we have reviewed time and time again, never let your guard down. Your metaphysical shields must ALWAYS be in place.”

Zan rolled to the side and leapt to his feet. But before he could do anything else, Danae disappeared before his eyes. “Danae…stop with the gam-.”

He was cut off as another shot of energy hit him from the back and he was thrown to his knees.

“Lesson number two,” The now disembodied voice said as he tried to get his bearings back, “Never leave your back unprotected. Yet another thing we have constantly reviewed.”

Zan panted from his place on the ground, “You are not playing fair.”

“War is not fair, Zan!” Danae shouted.

He stood slowly and circled the area around him with his eyes, “Only a trusted few can disappear the way you just did. And those that can are bound to protect the royals of this Kingdom. Now show yourself!”

“You are a fool to believe that only one lineage of people were born into this identity. And you are an even bigger fool for not paying attention when I taught you to read aura’s. Now CONCENTRATE!”

With a frustrated grunt, Zan stopped moving and let his eyes slide halfway shut. He let his hands hang loosely at his sides and took a deep breath. Almost at once he felt his energy churning at his feet. In his minds eye he pictured that energy swirling up his body, getting larger and larger, before running down his arms into his fingertips. He had tried this time and time before with little success and only his anger and aggravation allowed him to try again.

He opened his eyes slowly and suddenly, there was so much more to Antar than what his physical eyes could see.

The reds, blues, greens, purples and so many other colors dotted the air, instantly overwhelming him. His hands started to twitch as his energy reacted to his nervousness, threatening to subside.

“Stay calm Zan. Embrace it. Stop fighting it.”

He took another deep breath and focused on the smells of Antar. The sweetness of the grass, the breeze heavy with the scent of flowers and most of all the taste of the sea. He sniffed the air once more and a scent more familiar than anything else filled his senses.

Oh, how his body yearned for that scent.

Suddenly it was as if a shade had been lifted. There was Danae, standing a mere foot away from him, glowing with power. Her eyes were searching his face in earnest and for the first time in what felt like forever he was seeing the woman who loved him.

Not his protector.

Not his teacher.

Only the woman who cherished him with her whole heart. He could see the pain in her eyes, as he watched her lift a hand to the outside of his face without physically touching it. He knew then that she was caressing his aura and he wondered how often she had done it before when she thought he was not looking. How often had she visited him and used up reserves of energy to block their connection just to touch him in this way?

He watched as her eyes followed the lines of her fingers as they traced the area just above his cheekbones and he could not help what he said next. Could not help but ask the question he had asked her since they were old enough to understand what they felt for one another, “Why do you constantly lie to yourself?”

Her eyes snapped to his, immediately noticing that he was looking deep into her own, as she abruptly pulled her hand away, “You can see me. Congratulations.” She said on a shaky breath, “You have finally tapped into another portion of your powers.”

Zan stepped forward slightly, closing the mere distance between them. He allowed his own fingers to caress the energy surrounding her and felt his aura pull. He watched in fascination as the green of his powers started to merge with the blues and whites of hers, “What’s happening?” He said on a breath.

Danae’s eyes flicked in panic over the merging of their aura’s, “Zan! Zan stop it.”

Zan’s breath came in gasps as an utter elation started to build within him, “I…I cannot.” His body was burning, almost feverish with the intensity of his powers, “I will not. Oh……Danae……” Not able to stop himself, Zan grabbed for her waist and pulled her to him, immediately feeling her physical form start to reappear.

Danae moaned out loud as her body touched his own and her aura brightened. She felt herself pulling in all directions as his hands caressed her neck and the small of her back, “Zan….Zan please…you must let go….we cannot do this……Ugh!” She moaned louder as she felt Zan using his powers to uncoil the braid from her hair and immediately bury his hands in the soft strands.

His eyes were bright in his face. His lips moist where he had licked them, “Shhhhhhh…”

Before she could stop him, his lips crashed onto her own, his tongue slid into the recesses of her mouth, and the power flowed over both of them as the grass whipped at their feet. The sun’s rays blasted across the red sky and seemed to reach for them…………

He ate at her mouth with a ferocity that had been built up inside for six moon cycles. His body was hard and ready to claim her once again as his own and he could taste the wetness of her body ready to welcome him over and over again. No one could ever compare to this. No one was ever meant to.

Danae pulled back from him, “No.” She whispered. “You were supposed to be bound to Ava. This should not be happening.”

Zan’s face pulled in anger, “You underestimate me. The only way to truly be bounded to someone and complete the process of the circle is to make love to them. And even then you must both be willing to complete the ritual.”

Her eyes widened in shock, “How did you know……. Wait. You expect me to believe you never made love to your wife? You have been married for six cycles!”

His eyes were still bright with anger but his mouth pulled in sadness, “I do not expect you to believe anything I say anymore. Believe what you wish. But if there is one thing I have proof of it is the way we belong together. Very few can do what we can.” He pushed her body up against his own once again, “I need you Danae. Please do not deny us what is rightfully ours.”

Her eyes fluttered as the warmth of him filled her senses, “Zan…” She managed to get out before her lips were on his.

For the first time in her life, she was helpless to her own power. Her aura was determined to merge with his own. Determined to complete a process that was destined……

With a sob, she gave in. The repercussions would be disastrous. Even in the middle of all that power, she knew………

Still she did not stop him. Or herself.

His hands reached for the clasps in the back of her shirt and with his powers he slowly popped them open one by one, enjoying how her body trembled at the feel of the breeze on her exposed skin.

She was on her back faster than she even knew how to explain. She did not remember removing the rest of her clothes or his. She could not even see where they were. She did not know what material was underneath her back, only that there was something separating her bare skin from the dirt of the ground. However, she did know that her hips were lifting to meet his own. She did know that the smooth skin of his chest was in between her teeth as she licked and bit her way up to his neck. She did know that their moaning was at a crescendo and she was trembling with need.

She did know that their power was building far too much for none to notice.

She knew the minute he entered her body. She knew the minute he came home………

“Zan!” She screamed.

Her body raised for his strokes as he delved into her over and over, ceaselessly searching for something.

“Danae, please look at me. You have to look at me…”

Abruptly, her eyes snapped open in panic as her body started to pull.


No, no, no, no, no!

They could not do this.

In the end, it mattered not. They heard the sound of running behind them in the distance. And the sound of someone screaming her name………


Tess’ body jerked in her sleep as images assaulted her in fast forward. In the forefront of her mind she knew something was happening. Something that was quickly slipping out of her control. She knew she needed to be up and awake and fighting, but in the recesses of her mind, there was a world underneath her eyelids opening up for her to view. A world that she had been so sure had been in the palm of her hand, waiting for her to come home.

She never thought this world would not welcome her back……..
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 59
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:07 pm

Post by Temptress »

Helloooooooooo everyone! Okay, now pay attention cause this could get a bit complicated! *picks up ruler*

Now, the next part can get complicated and confusing. Most of it is from Tess' point of perspective and you have to keep in mind that this is in a timeline order. Things that have been revealed from their Antarian life in previous parts are connected to these new memories but they are all from Tess' perspective. Hopefully, I wont boggle too many minds. :? If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask and I will answer them to best of my ability. As long, of course, as it doesnt spoil the rest of the story. :P Also remember, there is just sooooo much that we don't know yet. But hopefully this part will answer one or two questions.

And last but not least, thanks to all those that stuck it out with me all this time. I appreciate the constant feedback and support.

behrluv32: You see, this is why I called myself infuriating, LOL. You were supposed to have an idea that someone had interrupted their little rendevous and that Tess was having some visions of her own. Were you supposed to be confused? A little bit. 8)

confusedfool - Thanks and welcome to the fic!

And second..I like it rough
*Slaps Ellies wrist with her ruler* Ooooo...Isn't that funny so does Liz in my other fic "A Dupes Indulgence"! Oh wait I wasn't supposed to say that just yet. Dammit! Me and my big dirty mouth. :wink: I missed you to Doll and I hope to be able to work on my fics more frequently than this. :(

Cocogurl-Thanks I'm glad you felt that way! That's the emotion I was trying to convey!

Zanity - Damn Straight Zanity! Thanks for the wonderful feedback!

Luna_Seer-Thanks for your constant support and for reading!!

Jessibelle47-Glad I could surprise you! And for my next trick.....

Gater101 - Thankies!

LairaBehr4 - DARLING! You can always ask me for an update! Heres an extra long one just for you.

Timelord31- Thanks!

Arianneleigh-Thanks! Im glad you like my version of their past life!

Alien614- Thanks!

And thanks to all the lurkers out there!

Hope you guys enjoy!

Posted in seperate parts for length.


Max felt himself awaken with a start, gasping for air. He immediately knew where he was and he moved his eyes frantically around him. The energy was still there but not as bright. It was fading even as he was thinking about it. The odd thing was it seemed to be melting into his form. It wasn’t just disappearing it was almost as if it was……retreating. Snuggling into his skin, ready to be called out at a moments notice.


Max’s head snapped back down and he looked down at Liz’s gasping face.

“Are you ok?” He whispered, quickly letting his eyes roam around her face down to the rest of the body he was still partially lying on top of. He barely felt the strain of staying in this position for an extended period of time, which told him that while it felt like he had been out of it for a long time, skim minutes had passed.

To his amazement, he watched as her blue energy disappeared almost immediately. But the white, which he now recognized as Liz’s aura, remained. It was faint but it still glowed all around her. He wondered if his own aura was visible to him, but a look back at his arms revealed nothing.

Liz swallowed hard, still trying to get her breath, “Yeah. I’m good. I-I…wow.”

Max nodded slowly, “I know.” He tried smiling down at her, “To use a Maria phrase, ‘We are such drama queens.’”

Liz let out a small laugh, before furrowing her brow, “It was never easy for us, was it?”

Max’s smile disappeared slowly, “I guess not.” He leaned down until he lightly touched her lips with his, “But it was worth it, each and every time.” He whispered against her lips.

Liz’s eyes closed briefly and she took a breath, “Every single time.” She agreed.

Max finally moved to roll off her and shuddered as he felt himself pull out of her warmth. Lying on his back, he quickly disposed of the condom with his powers. No need to leave evidence behind.

He pulled Liz onto his chest and felt her snuggle into his side as he pulled her covers around them, trying to get his thoughts in order, “Max?” She said quietly.


“What do you think happened? I mean at the end, before we woke up. I don’t think….I don’t think the process was completed.”

Max suddenly stiffened as he remembered something from right before he had been thrust into that second vision. He had seen the colors of their energies melding. He had seen it going from out of him, into her and vice versa. Did that mean they were…bonded, or completed their circle or whatever the hell those things were?

Max rolled onto his side, as he searched her face intently, “Do you…do you feel any different?”

Liz gave him a confused expression, probably trying to figure where this line of questioning related to her previous inquiry, “What? No. I mean, I feel a little sore…there but-.”

“You do?” His hand immediately started to raise above her inner thighs, “Do you want me to-.”

“No, Max. I’m fine.” At his stubborn look, she reached for his hand and linked it in hers, “I’m fine.” She repeated.

He let his body relax slightly, and rubbed his thumb along the indent between her thumb and forefinger, “So do you? Feel any different?”

Liz eyebrows scrunched up, “Max, stop dancing around what you’re trying to say and say it.”

With a sigh, he realized that he was still of the mindset that he was throwing her into the alien abyss against her will, or against either one of their better judgments. However, it seemed she had always been apart of the madness. It was just that no one knew it until today, “I think we may have been bound together tonight.” He said quietly.

Liz’s eyes widened as she stared at him, “Why would you say that? How? When? Because we had sex? But in the vision, memory, whatever you want to call it, Zan…you said that we both had to be willing to complete the ritual. We don’t even know what that ritual is.” Her eyes darted back and forth as she continued to think, “Wait, at the end of the vision, right before they made love, they were merging their energies…..their auras. We didn’t do that.”

“Uh, actually Liz, I think we may have….without knowing we were doing it.”


“When the first vision ended, I ummm, woke up for a few seconds and…and I saw my green energy and a blue and white energy, that I think is a combination of your energy and your aura, merging together. It was coming out of our bodies, rolling together…..I’m not sure if we completed whatever the process is, but I’m almost sure we started it.”

Liz’s face took on a look of wonderment, “Wait, I have energy? Like you and Michael and the rest of you?”

Max shook his head slowly, “No, Liz. You have energy like Danae. You have your own powerbase. I think you can do things the rest of us can’t.”

Her mouth opened, “Holy shit, Max. All that stuff Danae…I mean I….I mean Danae did in those visions…Am I capable of all that? Do you think I can….disappear like she did in the vision?”

Max continued to stroke her fingers in between his own, “I’m not sure what you’ll be able to tap into. I think Maria’s right when she said you were born human. But…”

Max trailed off as his eyes slid down to where their hands were clasped together. Right in front of his eyes he saw her white aura practically caressing the green energy that had somehow risen up out of his hand without him knowing.

“Max? What-s-shit!”

He half expected to see Liz let him go in fear, but instead her eyes were full of wonder, amazement. She lifted their hands and brought them in her face tracing the lines of their fingers with her eyes before closing her lids and bringing them to her lips….

Wind touched his lips, leaving behind wet finger trails from the downpour surrounding him. Her body is pushed up against his, a rocky wall behind her as he lowers his face to her waiting lips, her hair plastered to her face.

“I am not afraid………..” He rumbles against her lips, as he watches her wet form in front of him, her eyes closed in hope, in pain.

“Your fear is not the problem……” She says sadly even as she bridges the gap between their mouths.

Grass at their feet once again. A red sun shining down a mountaintop as he runs after a young Danae. No more than fifteen years of age. He lunges for her and grabs her around the waist.

A giggle sounds in the air, “I love you, Zan.”

“’Till the day I pass from this world to the next?”

“No matter what world we’re in.” They say in unison.

Their eyes meet as the voices and sounds fade and Max sees her looking all over his face in astonishment, “We did something Max. I don’t know if we bonded…but we did something.”


Her body involuntarily jumps on the bed, her blue eyes continue to shift rapidly under her lids.

“No….” She mouths the word to no one in the room. She mouths it to whoever is behind her eyes…..


………..She keeps to the shadows of the hallway, careful to make sure her body is seen only as a servant. She finally makes her way to the Granolith room and watches as three servants carry out cleaning supplies. She sneaks in just as the door begins to close behind them and makes her way to the bookshelf nearest to her. She concentrates with all her might to make sure Jeroen and his wife Isis only see a statue where she is standing. It took up large reserves of energy as these are two of the most powerful people in the kingdom besides the royal family themselves. She was still slightly young in her powers and hoped by next year when she reached two and twenty she would be at her highest form.

“Isis, I will hear no more on it.” Jeroen made his way to a heavy book on the desk in front of him and closes it with a slam.

“Jeroen, I am telling you I saw the good that will come out of this union. They will be the saviors to our people. Together they will put an end to the wars!” Isis grabbed his arm in her hand tightly, “You MUST listen to me!”

Jeroen closed his eyes in aggravation, “Isis, you know as well as I do that your visions become muddy when it comes to your family. I think it is your will to see your daughter happy that makes you
think that you had this vision.”

Isis made a sound of exasperation, “Jeroen, I am not an imbecile! I am fully aware of the difference between a vision and daydreams, so please spare me your ‘I know better attitude’.” She stepped closer to her husband and forced him to look at her, “You had that same vision. The other night when you were working with the Granolith. You saw it. I know you did. I experienced it for the second time with you.”

Jeroen looked stubbornly away and wrenched his arm out of his wife’s grasp, “You speak nonsense, Isis. Your daughter’s happiness cannot come before the good of this kingdom. It is not to be. You need to come to that realization. There will be upheaval of which none of us have ever seen before if we attempt to make this union happen. The answer is no.”

Isis shook her head in disappointment, “You are fully aware of how rare their natural bond is. You know how powerful they could be as a unit. Khivar will be nothing more than a memory if they were to complete their circle. I care not for the political structure of this kingdom. Royal protocol be damned!”

Jeroen looked at his wife in alarm, “Do not speak in such a way Isis. This kingdom is what we live for. Danae’s place has been set in stone from birth. We cannot change it nor should we try to.” With a set to his jaw, he stepped back to the potions table set behind him, “The Emyr will eventually choose a bride for Idris Zan if he continues to be stubborn regarding the subject.”

Isis raised her hand to his shoulder, to try once more, “You and I both know that Danae and Idris Zan have been carrying on a relationship that they believe to be in secret. You are fully aware that they share a natural bond and if she is not taught about the bonding circle she may unknowingly begin the process. Her powers….her powers have not been seen in such intense form in generations. The only ones who rival them are the Royalty.” At her husbands sigh, Isis turned him to her, hopeful once again, “Jeroen, Amante, please, you know what I am saying is true.”

Jeroen’s eyes wavered slightly as he looked down into the eyes of his life partner, “Isis,” He said softly.

Isis nodded her head, “Yes, Amante. We must tell the Emyr and-.”

At the mention of the king, Jeroen immediately tensed, “No. I will not speak of this again. The answer is no.” He repeated. With a small jerk, he relinquished her hold on him and walked away from her once more. Without looking up at her he reached for vials and started mixing, “I warn you now, never tell anyone of the relationship between Danae and Idris Zan. I will begin teaching Danae about the circle so that she will know better, however, soon it will matter not. The Emyr will be choosing a wife for his son within two years if he should not come to the decision himself.”

Isis stood straight, her dark brown locks so like her daughters shining in the light from above, her shoulders set in a strained position, “And what would you like to do in the event that they do mistakenly complete the process?”

Without looking up, Jeroen reached for more liquids around his worktable and began mixing furiously, “I am preventing that as we speak.”

Isis’ eyebrows rose in shock, “You wouldn’t…….Jeroen! She’s our daughter, you cannot place blocks-.”

“She is too powerful for a mind block.” Jeroen said with a slam of a bottle, “You know that as well as I do!” Jeroen’s hand shook as he ran a hand through his hair, “Please, Isis, this….this must be done. I will make sure to lift the blocks once Idris Zan is married. I love our daughter fiercely but the Path she is following is not meant for her.”

With a tear in her eye, Isis gave her husband a disgusted look, “The Path was
made for her. You know that as well as I. You and the Emyr continually fool yourselves into thinking that your political standpoints are what this kingdom needs to thrive. Mark my words Jeroen, you will both rue this day.”

With one last glare in his direction, Isis turned on her heel and stalked out the door, never one glancing at the curious statue beside the bookshelf.

Princess Ava took a deep breath as she felt the sweat trickle down her face. She had to leave soon. The strain was getting to the breaking point. If she was found in this room….she did not want to think what the consequences would be. She just hoped Jeroen would leave shortly so that she could leave with him. She had a gala to prepare for tonight and she had to look her best. All the royals of neighboring planets were in the palace just for this party and she was determined to stand out and have Idris Zan notice her beauty.

As she watched Jeroen mix strange liquids together, she noticed the way his hands shook and how his eyes would close every now and then in what seemed to be guilt before he quickly shook it off only to start the process of remorse once again.

Ava smirked. She had found out many interesting tidbits this day. There was much she did not understand. Much she did not care about. Zan’s illicit affair with Danae was interesting and would be used to her advantage someday soon. She could see no advantage to her to reveal the relationship to the Emyr just yet. He was barely aware of her and her family. What she needed was to build a relationship with the Emyr and the royals. Build their trust.

What remained in the forefront of importance was that Zan was going to be forced to choose a bride.

And that bride would be she………


………her mouth, it wants to open. It wants to scream in agony.

Ava ran through Mandalas Maze and finally found herself at the entrance where she began. That traitorous bastard. He was betrothed to her. To HER. And yet he still insisted on carrying out rendezvous with a woman who was no better than a servant.

She had kept quiet for two years on his relationship with that whore because she knew it was only a matter of time before he would be hers. She was no innocent herself. He could do what he wished until the day he would belong to her.

No matter how it burned her.

Two years of diligently infiltrating their family and gaining their trust had passed when Ava had known that time was running out. The Emyr was going to once again start insisting to Zan that he must marry.

So, with great glee, she had informed Emyr Aeron, through a regretful message, of Zan’s relations with Danae. Within a day, her father had received an invitation to the palace and a deal had been made.

She would be Zan’s wife. One day she would be queen. They were betrothed and she was going to the palace to begin proceedings for their wedding.

Danae and Zan’s relationship would be over.

Or so she had thought.

He had been told he was to marry her, and yet he still carried on. Speaking words of love and devotion that should be spoken to her. Touching her intimately in ways Ava had only imagined………


It seemed a tear-filled talk with the Emyr was in order.

It was time for Danae to be sent away momentarily. A betrothal of her own was needed……………………

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Post by Temptress »


…………Princess Ava smirked at her reflection. Oh, but she made a lovely bride.

“Il-Aine?” A small tremulous voice sounded to her right.

Ava rolled her eyes at the young servant girl hovering at the doorway, “What is it Sinil?”

The girl may have been nervous but at the harsh tone of voice thrown at her, her jaw clenched and she seemed to be unable to hide the disgust in her eyes, “It is time.”

Ava, having noticed the anger the girl was trying her damndest to withhold, strode to the doorway and leaned down into the young girls face, “Why thank you Sinil. Now, take all of your belongings and leave this palace. You no longer work here.”

The girls eyes widened in astonishment, “But…but what have I done wrong?” She said on a gasp.

Ava shrugged and pushed past her, “Nothing yet. But I am preventing what may come to pass.”

Ava strode down the corridor and made her way to the waiting servants and guards flanking the doorway. No one would question her authority. That little bitch servant would be an example to the others who tried to let their distaste for her be known.

It was good to be royalty.

Princess Ava strode past the guards and servants and stopped mid step as she adjusted her elbow length gloves, “Is anyone going to help me with my dress and open my door or are you all going to stand there like imbeciles?”

Immediately, her door was opened and her train lifted. The staircase in front of her led down into the vibrant grass and the sweet smelling air. The day could not be more beautiful.

She looked out at the hundreds of chairs lined up and down the grass, as all eyes turned towards her. As one, the people of Antar,
her people stood ready to welcome their future Queen. She gazed out at them not surprised at the barely hidden hostility of some of the members of their kingdom. It was no secret that Zan was not thrilled to be marrying her and was being forced into the marriage. And being that Zan was the kingdoms darling, it came as no surprise that the majority would be less than happy to be here.

But that mattered not to Ava.

This ceremony was going to happen no matter what they said as was proven by her trek down the aisle.

No, Ava was not looking for their approval. What she was looking for, however, was the brown eyes of the royals protector. The woman who had tried to be something she never would be. The woman her almost husband loved desperately. The woman who was the reason he would never love her.

Almost as if she could hear her thoughts, Danae’s eyes lifted from their position on the floor. Danae and her family were standing all along the front of the dais, ready to protect the royal family at a moments notice. Ready to protect Princess Ava as was their duty.

Down, down the seemingly endless aisle Danae’s eyes ventured until they reached Ava’s. The pain in their depths was enough to make Ava want to jump up and down in glee.

‘Burn, whore. Burn.’

‘He will never be yours again.’

Never mind that Zan’s eyes would not meet hers or that his jaw was set in a barely contained rage. Never mind that his eyes kept straying to the form of Danae standing diligently in her place in line.

None of it mattered.

She would be Queen. She would control Antar. Her place was now secured.

With a regal lift to her head, Ava started the trek down to her waiting betrothed………

……Ava patted her hair down and smoothed the gauzy material that fell around her body in loose wisps. She glanced at the mirror once more and passed a hand over her lips staining them to a slightly darker pink. Satisfied with the results, she made her way to her marital bed and lay across it, taking care to let the sparse blond curls that covered her most private area show blatantly.

It was her wedding night and she planned on fucking her husband all night long.

Just the thought of his lean, tanned form hovering over hers, sweat pouring off his body made her shudder in delight.

As the handle to the door turned she knew she wouldn’t have to wait much longer.

She sat up on her elbows, and splayed her body.

Zan’s bent dark head entered the room first. His shoulders were sagging in the traditional wedding uniform that he had been required to wear and he angrily whipped off the jacket before stilling at the sight of Ava’s form on his bed.

“Hello, Il-Aine.” She said softly, seductively.

Zan’s breath left him in a rush and he seemed to be at a loss for words as his eyes scattered over her body before he closed them in disgust and turned his head in a sneer, “Get. Out.”

He said it so deliberately, so forcefully, that Ava could not help the delicious shiver that ran up her spine. “It is our wedding night Zan. We need to consummate our marriage.”

At first, Ava mistook the shudders in his shoulders for desire but when Zan finally lifted his face to hers she realized he was laughing. LAUGHING. At her.

“Our wedding night?” He said on a snort. “Did you really think I was going to come in here and fuck you after I was FORCED TO MARRY YOU?!?” He ended on a scream. “DID YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD WANT TO COME WITHIN TWO FEET OF YOUR VILE, SCHEMING, BODY?! DID YOU?!”

“Why do you hate me so?” She said quietly, faking a quiet sniffle, “I am just as much a victim in this as you are-.”

Another laugh from Zan, “Oh, please, spare me. I have been aware of your constant correspondence back and forth with my family. You were deliberate in your attempts to place yourself in the forefront of my fathers mind. Do not insult my intelligence.”

Ava’s mouth curled up into a sneer and she sat up in the bed before gracefully swinging her legs off the bed. She stood and smirked at him, “We are married Zan. You WILL consummate this marriage. Whether it be tonight, tomorrow night or a hundred nights from now. The kingdom needs you to produce an heir. Even you will not be able to shirk that duty.”

Ava slid up to him, her body inches from his own, her eyes deliberately ignoring the disgust in his.

His shoulders slumped at her words, the truth too horrible for even him to bear, “Get out.” He said again, his voice tired. “Do not come back until I send for you myself.”


………The unfamiliar castle was rocked once again as another boom sounded through the hallways. Princess Ava placed her hand against a wall to steady herself before trudging on, desperate to reach the safe room. The guards flanking her back each grabbed an arm and rushed her down the unfamiliar halls.

‘Of course there would be an attack the absolute second the royal family decides to go somewhere outside of the kingdom.’

Ava rolled her eyes and hurried along the corridor. They had a ship waiting in the safe room, ready to transport the royal family out of there immediately.

That is…if she made it there.

Suddenly, shouts up ahead make her stop in her tracks. A vicious boom sounds and she’s knocked off her feet into the hard, unyielding stone floor.

“Princess Ava! Princess Ava! Are you allright?”

Before she can answer, three hooded assassins appear from around the corner of the corridor. One raises his hand at the sight of her, immediately revving his power up his arm.

Ava’s eyes open in fear and she raises her arm in panic, “NO!” She screams from her position on the floor.

Footsteps are running down a corridor to her right and the assassin’s attention is momentarily diverted when Idris Zan’s body fills the doorway.

“Yesssssssssss.” The assassin hisses as he starts to move his arm in Idris Zan’s direction as if in slow motion. She can see Rath trying to make it down the corridor running at top speed, trying desperately to reach Zan. She can see Zan raising his hand….

He will not make it. He is not going to make it to them in time.

Oh Goddess. If he tries to hit Zan they will all be killed. Most importantly she would be killed. She was not ready to die. She was meant for so much more than this.

With a vicious scream, Ava raises her arms together and a fireball lashes out of her body and hits the three assassins head on, disintegrating them into pieces of nothing as screams sound around them.

“Get her up! Get her up! Get her into the safe room!”

She dazedly hears the sounds of scrambling around her as she tries to get her bearings back. Strong arms lift her up into the air and she is being carried at a run to what she assumes is the safe room.

“Idris Zan….did she……did she just save our lives?” She hears Rath yell over the rumbles of the castle.

With a start she realizes, Zan is the one holding her and carrying her body down the hall, “Yes.” He says with something close to gratefulness in his tone, “Yes, she did.”


……………“Idris Zan?”

She watches as he lifts his head slowly to her presence in the doorway of his chambers. His fingers had run through his hair over and over causing the strands to stand on end. She longed to push those hairs back from his forehead and caress the bronze skin of his cheek. But she knew he would only rebuff her touch, as he had countless times before. He did not hate her. Not anymore. She had worked for six cycles to get that trust, to deplete that hate. But he still didn’t love her. He still did not want anyone but HER.


The bane of her existence.

Zan lifted his head and gave her a tired half smile. “Ava. Do…do you need something?”

Ava walked into his chambers and sat next to him on his soft couch, “I…heard about Danae’s mother. Is she…is she going to be all right?”

At the mention of Danae’s name, his body had immediately tensed. She knew he thought she was going to ask him about his relationship with Danae as had been the norm for her. However, she had stopped with the questions and accusations cycles ago, figuring out it was the only way to gain his trust. They had an unsteady friendship now since Ava had stopped her inquisitions. The attack at Manzanares Castle and her subsequent ‘saving’ of all of them in that hall had allowed him to slowly but surely let her in his life on a more personal level. She had worked hard to build the little bit of confidence they had. She was not going to ruin it now.

Besides, when he was ready he would spill little details here and there when he needed to talk. While she sensed that he did not fully believe in her spoken desire to just be friends and partners, he was pathetically in need of a willing ear.

Zan abruptly stood and walked to the closest window, “Yes. She will be fine. The attack was apparently from the inside. Trusted few in the palace can get into the Granolith room. Isis was apparently hit with an energy ball to the back as she was trying to tend to an abrupt change in the Granoliths state. The coward wouldn’t even go hand to hand with her.”

Ava’s eyes narrowed slightly. Little did Zan know that the attack had to be planned post haste. With all the energy he and Danae were emitting during their little tryst in the fields, they needed some type of distraction. They were so close. Too close. They would need little to complete their circle bond. Ava could not let that happen.

Once the Granolith sensed their zenith………

She felt a bolt of irritation hit her in the pit of her stomach. Goddess, she hated that they were matched so well.

However, at this point she was beyond having Zan for herself.

Sure, it still angered her that apparently she was never going to be able to get Zan to love her but she knew eventually, if she played the game correctly, he would desire her. And even then getting him to that point was only to further her cause and her newest deception.

A whole new government. A whole new leadership. A whole new world for her to enter. Right now she was little more than an insignificant necessity in the Antarian kingdom. She intended to change that and soon.

The subsequent days following the attack in that Castle had been eye openers. She was but a pawn in a larger plan. A willing pawn, but a pawn nonetheless.

Eventually, power would be hers.

Her new leader had seen to that.

Little had she known that he had started the process of her recruitment way back when she had first started to show an interest in Idris Zan. He had said that he had seen something in her even then. A common interest that possessed them both. He was also the one responsible for the scene in the maze that she had witnessed.

That still irked her.

But according to him, it had been necessary. ‘You had to see what you were up against.’ He told her. ‘The type of bond you had to infiltrate. Sickening is it not?’

‘But how did you send me the message?’ She had asked in bewilderment. ‘ I thought only those of high……’

He had smiled at her. A truly lethal, evil smirk that had sent a pang of fear in her heart, ‘I have……connections. Traitors are closer than you may think.’

With a slight shake of her head, Ava refocused, “How are Danae and her father taking the attack?” She asked softly, mindful of the sensitive ground she was walking on.

Without turning his head, Zan crossed his arms over his chest, “Jeroen was out on business. He is expected back on the morrow. However….” He hesitated and Ava could feel that he was about to reveal something, but he needed an extra push.

Ava stood up and walked to the window next to him. She placed her arms behind her and crossed the fingers together. She gazed out into the distance with him and was careful not to touch him, “Whatever it is Zan, I am here to listen. Whenever you feel you are ready or if you never feel that way…….” She turned her head slightly and met his eyes with her own, “That will be fine too. I am here.”

With a small bow of her head, Ava turned on her heel and started to make her way to the door.

“A-ava? Wait a moment.”

Ava let a small smile play across her lips before turning back around. He was so easy it was almost painful to manipulate him. You could never tell Zan to do anything. It always had to be his decision in the end.

“Yes, Il-Aine?”

He gazed at her from his position in front of the window, “Danae……Danae blames the incident on herself. She was……pre-occupied because…....because of me. She should have been able to feel what was happening. She should have been able to receive her mothers pleas for help but…because she was…er…pre-occupied she….never heard her mothers call.”

At Zan’s clenched jaw, Ava raised her eyebrows, “Zan?” She said quietly.

“She is leaving for Morona in two weeks.” Zan raised pain filled eyes in her direction, “To get married. She has been holding off a betrothal but her father has now left her no choice…………”


Tess sat up in her bed with a gasp before immediately laying back down in her bed and holding her head in between her hands in pain.

She suppressed a cry of pain as the memories tried to fight for the forefront of her mind. So much information at once…too much information at once…….yet still not everything that had transpired in her other life. Key points, yes but not everything.

With labored breaths, she managed to ease the pain.

And then the fury, when it came, was phenomenal.

All this time. Lied to. Lied to on such a significant level.

She wasn’t supposed to have been the deceiver in her past life. She wasn’t supposed to have the evil in her heart that she had now. Zan…..Max was supposed to have loved her endlessly. Her people were supposed to have loved her endlessly. She was supposed to have been a great leader.

She was supposed to be working for a greater cause……..

There would be hell to pay for deceiving her.

She picked up her cell to make a call.


Amante Means - Love

The rest of the words you should feel familiar with at this point. If not, just ask! I will be more than happy to assist. :D
Last edited by Temptress on Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Temptress »

Okay, so I'm back sooner than I thought I'd be. Just as a reminder guys, some characters know some things that others don't. For any of you that my get confused, please read back to my short summary that was posted a couple of pages ago. It may help a bit. Any confusion that may result is totally my fault being that I am taking waaaaaaaaay too long between updates and it is only natural that small but pertinent details may be forgotten.

In other words:

I suck. :(

Onward forth..........


Tess dropped the cell phone back onto her bed without making her call as she grabbed onto her head, still sorting out the images.

Think Tess. Think!

She couldn’t be stupid enough to lay out everything she knew to those she had believed to be her partners. If she revealed all, her life would be in imminent danger.

What was changing that was causing all these memories to come crashing back now? What was happening?

She grabbed at her blond hair in anger and let out a small moan of frustration. They had lied to her all this time. All this fucking time she thought she had been working for a greater good. For a better Antarian world. She was supposed to be separating Max from making a mistake. She was supposed to be moving him away from his human life and pushing him back to where he belonged. His Antarian life. The life she had once happily shared with him and ruled by his side.

Or so she thought.

None of it was true.

He had hated her. Then he had tolerated her. But he had never loved her.

It had always been Liz Parker…..Or Danae.


Tess hated her in both lifetimes. And her hate seemed to grow in intensity with each passing second because despite it all, she still loved Max. Still wanted him. Still burned for him.

And both Danae and Liz had made it impossible to for him to love her back.

Goddamn it! She had thought Liz was an obstacle only in this lifetime. She was Max’s infatuation that needed to be dealt with before he unknowingly and unintentionally completed his circle.

Her mentor had told her that Liz had no idea that she carried mild metaphysical abilities. And that those abilities are what drew Max to her when he connected and healed her life threatening injury. Max had supposedly made her mild powers grow tenfold with his healing.

Now, Tess knew better. Sure Liz had been unaware of her abilities but they had never been mild. They had always been there. Waiting. Probably waiting for Max.

But how was that possible? How was she here on Earth? She wasn’t transported with them here. That was one thing Tess was sure of.

Tess thought back to all she had been taught. All she been told, the little she had been shown, about her Antarian life. She was supposed to have been a great and mighty leader. She was supposed to have been adored by her people. They were supposed to have been waiting for her to come home to save them from destruction.

She was supposed to be working against Khivar. Never with him. Never with the man who had murdered her and her family………..her husband.

God, when she had entered into that deal with Lonnie and Rath, it was under the impressions that she would grant them access to get back home but they would work with her to take Khivar down. She had told them that with Max’s refusal to give up the Granolith that they had lost their transport home and it was time to face facts that she was their only way back to Antar. She would grant them safe passage, making sure they had a royal life back home. They wouldn’t live the meager lives they did now.

She had thought she had them in the palm of her hand. She thought she was in control.

She had never given a thought to the immediate decision to deceive Max about her liaisons with Lonnie and Rath. He wouldn’t have understood. He was still such a child when it came to his powers. Still such a child when it came to ruling a world. He NEEDED her. Needed her to be the strong one. Needed her to control him.

She had never thought about how it easy it had been to move all the pieces of her world like pieces of a chess set. Never thought on how easy it had come to her to manipulate people. Never thought on how her conscious never bothered her when it was time to take Max in hand and force him to respond to her.

It was for his own good dammit! And for the good of their people.

Or so she had thought.

Tess let out a small sob as her body shuddered on the bed. So now what? What was the next step? She still wanted Max with every fiber of her being. She still hated Liz Parker. And she still wanted to take her rightful place as Queen of Antar. But the reality was if she continued on with her current path, she would undoubtedly be betrayed. She would be killed as soon as her usefulness ended.

But if she left everything behind, Max and Liz would complete their circle. A circle that she now knew had been trying to unite for two lifetimes. A circle that she had known would be powerful before, but now… she knew it would be devastating.

Khivar wouldn’t have a chance. And his ultimate demise would have nothing to do with her.

And suddenly it became clearer.

The Path.

The Path of Cursena.

The Path that was supposed to be meant for her wasn’t meant for her at all.

She thought back to the day that she had unintentionally translated the passage off of one of the official Royal Scrolls during a memory retrieval session with her mentor.

He was always so sincere in his effort to help her understand her past life. She had always wondered why he jumped a mile high that day she had excitedly translated a whole portion of the scroll with no problem. It had been like reading English. Suddenly so clear…….

And then he had taken the scroll away from her with a snap.

When he saw her genuinely confused expression, he had reassured her with a faint smile.

“You are doing excellently. I am very proud of you. You have just read about your destiny. Now do you see why you and Max Evans must be together? You will bring peace back to our world. You will hold unimaginable power.”

“Please,” She had said, breathless with excitement, “Let me try and read the rest. I think I can read the whole thing.”

He had handed it back to her with no problem….only…when she had tried to read the scroll, it was gibberish once again.


“Tess. You must remain calm. It will happen again……”

Only, it never did happen again. She was forced to hold onto the little that she had translated and remind herself everyday of why she was doing what she had to do. Why she would undoubtedly hurt and deceive Kyle and his father……..

……… A Prince will rise. The power of Antar will grow within him. Only he will be able to embrace what is waiting.

But he is not alone.

The one who stands beside him will complete him. Their love, their bond, their circle will know no boundaries. The power of Antar will be held in their palms. The wars will come to an end. Peace will reign once more.

Nonetheless, please heed this warning: The fight to this purpose will leave many dead, many wounded and a bond from birth will be broken before it can be restored.

Evil will take many forms………

After she had recited what she had read to her mentor, he had quickly told her that all knew of the Path of Cursena but that many had believed it be a hoax.

A seer of the kingdom, Cursena, had announced her vision after a particularly vicious battle that had killed thousands. Many years had passed without any indication of this incredible bond. Almost everyone had forgotten about it leaving only the seers and royals of the kingdom passing it down from generation to generation. Only a trusted few were able to read the royal script it had been written in and even fewer had direct access to the scroll.

Then, of course, Ava had come along and the match between her and Zan had been unimaginable. However, Khivar had killed them before they were able to reach their zenith. Just as the prophecy said, their bond had been broken. It had been broken by death. Now, it needed to be restored in this lifetime.

Tess dissolved into giggles that could only be described as maniacal as tears came into her eyes from the force of her laughter. Soon, she was purely sobbing as the direness of her situation hit her in the stomach.

Lies, upon lies, upon lies…………….

He had previously said it would all come back to her, but that she needed pushing. He felt she hadn’t been ready to hear about The Path before and he hadn’t wanted to overwhelm her. He knew she would start to remember soon and knew that eventually the royal script would be easier for her to read, however, he never expected to have the Path of Cursena on one of the scrolls sent with them to Earth. It was a truly ancient text. Valuable if only because it was so old. He seemed genuinely perplexed that it would be sent to Earth where anything could have happened to it.

Tess thought back to the little bits and pieces that he had helped her retrieve previously, remembering how she had thought them to be phenomenal. Tess had seen scenes of pure love and adoration coming out of Zan’s eyes. She had seen her wedding day. Her gown made of the smoothest material she had ever felt. Zan’s eyes glittering with emotion……

Or so she had thought.

The only emotion glittering out of his eyes that day had been pure, unconcealed disgust.

When she was trying to deposit those memories in Max’s head in the breakroom during the party, she thought she was only giving him back what he had forgotten, what he continually refused to remember. She thought she was doing what was right.

Damn her mentor to hell!

It had never been her. It had always been Liz…Danae.

Somehow Khivar knew what would happen once they followed the prophesized path. He knew in their Antarian lifetime and he knew in this one. He knew about Zan and Danae and somehow he had found out that Liz Parker was Danae. He had used Tess through her partners to break up their relationship and to destroy their bond.

And she thought she had been ecstatic when she had found her fellow aliens. Oh God, the party Khivar must have thrown.

In her last lifetime she had been willing. She had been an evil, selfish, power hungry bitch. And in her bones she knew that her mystery co-conspirator had been Khivar. But something had gone wrong. Something had happened to not have him trust her in this lifetime.

She thought she had it all in hand. She had followed her mentors plan to the T. But it seemed she was being double crossed.

Maybe it was time for a triple cross.

It was time to call her mentor.


Kyle tossed and turned on the couch, trying his damndest to fall asleep after the nights long events.

Maybe it was time to get a new couch.

With a sigh, he sat up and looked behind him to the closed doors of the bedrooms. When he had gotten home he had wanted to speak to Tess. Just to talk. He wasn’t going to reveal anything significant. He truly just liked speaking to her.

However, when he had walked in she had already been asleep and he had resigned himself to a sleepless night on the couch.

Now, as he gazed down the hall again, he saw a light coming from underneath her doorframe and he wondered if for any reason she was having just as much trouble going to sleep as he was.

With all that had been revealed to him tonight, he wasn’t entirely sure how he was supposed to act around her. He didn’t want to believe for one second that Tess could be capable of such utter manipulation right under his nose. He had truly grown to love her like a sister and hated the doubts that the others had put in his head. He had made a promise not to say anything to her yet and he wouldn’t. If only for Liz. Because despite his protective feelings of Tess, his loyalties still lay with the brown haired beauty.

This whole love thing? Pretty much sucked ass.

With another sigh, Kyle sat forward with his elbows on his knees and ran his hands through his hair. He felt guilty keeping all this from Tess. She had a right to know what the people she tried so hard to fit in with truly thought of her.

But even if he still felt that they were barking up the wrong tree, he would remain shut for a little while longer. At least until they were able to come up with a little more evidence or until the whole thing slapped them in the face and they realized they were all very, very, wrong.

He heard a soft bang come from his old bedroom and he stood. Tess was obviously awake and he really just wanted to talk to her, even if it was just to reassure himself that she was innocent of any wrongdoing and just as much of a victim as the rest of her fellow aliens.

He adjusted his sweatpants as he walked down the hall towards the room. He was about to knock when he heard Tess whispering. Wondering whom she was talking to at such a late hour, he was about to attempt a knock when he heard a name he thought had been long gone from their vocabulary.

“Nasedo, you are not listening to me.” He heard Tess take a deep breath. “You have to help me retrieve more memories. I need more ammunition to use against Max. He’s not responding to me. It’s getting harder and harder.” Another pause. “Dammit! I know what my duty is. I know what’s at stake.”

Kyle’s eyes widened and he swallowed deep as he took two wobbly steps back from the door. His heart pounded in his chest feeling as if it was going to break into pieces. He forced himself back to the doorway and listened to the girl he thought as family betray them all.

“……he and Liz had another fight. I think now is the time to act on his weakness. I need you to help me retrieve more memories! I think now if I connect with him on some common memories he’ll be more willing to move on. For some reason, he refuses to connect with the ones you’ve helped me remember.” She waited, “Nasedo, they have no idea of Liz’s abilities. Liz will not be a problem to overcome. Besides, I told you she and Kyle slept together and he’s following her around like some lovesick puppy dog.” Pause, “I agree. When can we meet?”

Kyle’s fists clenched and he resisted the urge to run into the room and pummel her till she was unrecognizable.

God, this shit hurt.

He had all but spit in the faces of those he had grown to love as friends when they had speculated her evil and here she was plotting against them all. Buddha only knew what she had been doing to them.

What if she had been mindwarping him?

That thought alone was almost too much to bear and he waited long enough to hear where the meet was.

“….Pod Chamber later on today at 1:00 PM. They’re so busy trying to fit in with the humans that none of them venture out there when they don’t need to. Idiots, every last one of them. We’ll have privacy for the memory sessions. Don’t bother bringing Lonnie and Rath, they’ll only get in the way. Oh and uh, bring the scrolls, I want to, uh try and read them again.”


Kyles’ eyebrows scrunched together as he listened to her blunder through that last sentence. She was nervous about whatever these scrolls were. He could hear it in her voice. Something was off. But what?

He took a small step back from the door deciding that he had heard enough.

That bitch was going to pay. It was time to pay a visit to Liz.

Kyle quickly and quietly dressed and placed a bundle on the couch. He hoped Tess didn’t venture out of her room to check up on him. It was highly doubtful but it didn’t hurt to take precautions.

He tiptoed outside and looked at his car longingly. Too loud. She’d be out there in an instant asking questions. He couldn’t afford for that too happen.

So with a grumble, he stepped around to the side of his house and grabbed up his bicycle, testing the wheels to make sure they were still stable. He had ridden it last month but it would be his luck to suddenly have a flat.

Seeing that the tires were fine, he took one last look at the house and saw the light shining out of his old window. The yellow glow was more than just illumination. He used to look at that light and taken comfort in the fact that someone was waiting from him at home. Sometimes to bitch, sometimes to say hi and at the best of times just to talk. Cook dinner together. Watch television together.

To be a family…………

He swallowed deep, regret, pain and anger etched in his face, burning out of his eyes.

She would pay for this. For making him hurt. For making him trust.

For making him vulnerable…….

With renewed vigor, Kyle jumped on his bike and started making his way towards the main street. For once he was glad that he lived in a little shit of a town.


Kyle skidded to a stop under the ladder leading to Liz’s balcony. He laid the bike against the wall and reached for the metal bars. As he climbed, he remembered back to a time when it was a regular occurrence for him to be up there. A time when he would steal kisses from her shy mouth and hold her hand in his own, loving the blush that would run up her cheeks.

Though he would never verbally admit that to her.

He had been a guys guy. Never would he be totally enraptured by the dark brown eyes of a mere female. Never would he voice any warm endearments. Hell would have frozen over before he admitted to loving someone, anyone.

No matter how much he truly did.

As he walked over the balcony to her window and sat on his haunches, he realized maybe he should have. Maybe he should have admitted to loving her. Even once.

Maybe then the view of her smooth leg peeking out from under her blanket wouldn’t be so much of a punch to his stomach as he watched Max run a hand sensually over her calf.

Maybe then he wouldn’t feel the foreign pressure of tears behind his eyes as he watched Liz softly kiss Max’s lips, enraptured as a glow formed around her fingers sliding its way over his cheek.

Her bare shoulder was peeking out from underneath the blanket and as Max sat up slightly and kissed the exposed skin, Kyle was granted with the sight of his bare chest and half a hip laying to rest any denials that may have formed in his mind.

They had made love.

And it seemed, once again, Kyle was stuck out in the cold.

He closed his eyes tightly before he could see anymore and quickly turned and pressed his body up against the wall next to the window, sliding down to the floor, out of sight of the bodies within.

So this is what it feels like.

He ran his hair in between his fingers, pulling as he tried to get his anger and devastation in check, realizing in that moment what Max had felt that fateful night long ago.

No one deserved this. No one deserved these feelings of inadequacy.

Kyle knew he needed to move. He knew he should knock on that window and warn them of what was going on. His feelings were not what was important. What was important was keeping them all safe.

Now if he could only get himself to believe that maybe he could get his body to unfreeze from its position.

Maybe then he could begin the process of saving them all…..


Liz ran her hand through the bottom of Max’s hair and inhaled the warm scent of his skin. She hummed in her throat and was about to bring her lips back to his when out of the corner of her eye she saw a dark purple light shining from outside of her window just touching the edges of the frame.

Quickly, she sat up and motioned for Max to be quiet, “There’s someone out there.” She whispered frantically.

Max’s eyebrows scrunched together, “What? How do you know?”

Liz reached for a long t-shirt that she had at the foot of her bed and quickly slipped it on. She stood up and reached for her panties, “There’s a purple light there. Can’t you see it?”

Max sat up and grabbed for his jeans, “I don’t see anything Liz. Are you sure?”

Suddenly, Liz felt her stomach clench and she was forced to sit back down on the edge of the bed. The light outside started to get more noticeable and it seemed as if it was trying to climb into the window.

“Liz? Liz, what’s wrong?”

Liz knew Max was standing in front of her but all she could see was that purple glow sliding down into the room, edging its way towards one of her bare feet. She noticed the gray tinge around the strange glow and immediately felt a bitter sadness at the sight. Melancholy made her shoulders slump and she watched with sad eyes as the purple glow touched the tip of her big toe.

So sad……so lost………….

She wiggled her toe around lazily and was suddenly hit with an image so intense that it took her breath away.

“It’s Kyle. He-he’s hurting.” She gasped out, pushing Max back a step as she stood and ran to the window.

Max stared after her with incredulity, “What? Liz what are you talking about? How do you know its Kyle?”

As she opened the window and reached her arm out to the warm shoulder waiting out there, she answered, “Because I just do.”

Those big sad eyes narrowed as they turned to her. “Hey. Nice night for a clandestine meeting, huh?”

Liz stared at him, concern marring her features, “Kyle, what’s wrong? What happened?”

She watched as Kyle shrugged casually and if it weren’t for the intense feelings vibrating off of the strange purple glow around him, she would almost be convinced that everything was okay.

“Oh the usual.” He said gesturing indifferently with his hand, “You know, finding out that your almost sister is a murderous bitch who will stop at nothing to get the same guy the girl your in love with just had sex with. See? Nothing unusual at all.” His voice cracked slightly at the end and he angrily pushed his body off the wall.

Liz felt Max hand her a pair of sleeping pants and she held them in her hands lifelessly as she watched the purple glow begin to spike, causing the gray to be more pronounced.

He was getting both angrier and more miserable by the second.

She didn’t know exactly how she knew that, but she knew it to be the truth.

She slipped on the pajama pants and gestured for Max to stay back, “Kyle, please, talk to me. What happened?”

He took a deep breath and turned his back to her, crossing his arms in front of chest, “You were right.” He said quietly, not looking as if he was going to voice anymore.

Liz grabbed the window frame and lifted herself over. She slowly made her way over to his stiff form, instinctively knowing not to touch him.

As she stood in front of him and looked into his eyes, she watched the purple and gray glow soften considerably.

Was this Kyles aura? God, this was so weird, but so not priority right now.

“Right about what, Kyle?”

He bit the inside of his mouth before answering, “Tess. She’s an evil whore.”

Liz blinked up at him, “Ooookay. Uhh-.”

“I heard her on the telephone with Nasedo. She’s been manipulating Max. She’s working with Lonnie and Rath. And she could give a shit about me or my dad or any of us. Isn’t that lovely?”

“Wait, what? Nasedo? He’s alive? I mean, how….ok wait. Kyle, tell me exactly what she said.”

Liz heard Max start to make his way over to the window sill. He looked ready to climb out. She shook her head at him and told him with her eyes to wait. If Kyle saw Max right now and Max started the game of twenty questions, she had a feeling it would only end in an argument.

Kyle took a deep breath and quickly relayed what he had heard.


Liz looked up and saw Max standing behind them. She shot him a look of impatience that he ignored.

Kyle stiffened immediately at the sound of his voice and turned and sneered at Max, “Don’t bother asking me if I’ve told you everything, cause I did.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Yeah well, just in case. I’m not protecting that troll anymore.” Kyle clenched his jaw, “I can’t believe I trusted her.”

At his dejected expression, Liz couldn’t help but reach out to touch his arm. She watched with wide eyes as the purple glow expanded at her touch.

Kyle hastily removed her hand from his skin and stepped away from her. “Just, please, don’t touch me right now. I-I just came by to let you know what was going on and to set something up to get rid of the stupid bitch, alright? What?” He asked as Liz kept staring at him with an incredulous expression.

“Ummm…you have this glow around you. A purple glow and uhhhh, it just responded to my touch. I-I mean it’s been acting up ever since I first saw it…but I-.”

“What?!” Both Max and Kyle exclaimed.

“Purple glow? What the hell?” Kyle yelled.

“What do you mean ‘responded’ to you?” Max asked slight jealousy tinged in his tone.

Liz gave them an uncomfortable look, “I don’t know! I’m just telling you what I’m seeing!”

“Purple.” Kyle said again.

Liz rolled her eyes, “Yes, Kyle. Purple. With a little bit of gray on the edges….”

“Purple and gray.” Kyle said slowly.

Liz sighed, “Yes, Kyle.”

“What does it mean?” Max asked.

Liz turned to Max, prepared to retort when she saw noticed a slight red and green tinge coming off of him that she hadn’t noticed before, “Oh, damn.”

Max followed the direction of her eyes and ran a hand over his bare chest as if trying to figure out what she was looking at, “What? Am I purple too?”

She shook her head slowly, “Uh-uh. You’re a weird mixture of green and red.”

As the words left her mouth, she was able to focus more on the colors and it was as if Max came to life around her. Both the green and the red seemed to be reaching for her and she watched through hooded eyes as it seemed to dance through the air. She reached forward with her hand and caressed the air in front of her. Her eyes widened in shock as a blue energy slinked out of her hand and slid into his.

“Liz? What’s wrong? What’s happening?” Kyle asked as both Max and Liz gasped.

“I can see it now.” Max whispered. “I mean I can see Liz’s and mine. I still can’t see yours.”

“See what?!” Kyle said impatiently.

Liz swallowed before she responded, the answer suddenly so clear in her head, “Our aura’s. Our powers. I can see them. I think this was part of Danae’s abilities.”

Max stepped closer to her and felt the pull on their intertwined energies grow stronger, “We were doing this earlier but we…we had to touch. This is moving so fast…..”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you telling me I have powers?” Kyle said in a panic.

Liz shook her head distractedly, “No. No I think the purple is your aura and the gray is like….an indication of your feelings….I think. I’ll know more when I can research it.”

“I don’t get it. How do you know that?”

“I’m not sure I get it yet either and I’m not sure how I know even that much, but I do.” Liz responded.

Kyle scratched his head in thought, “Wait, I think there was a chapter on this in my ‘Buddhism for Beginners’ book. As soon as I get home I’ll…..kill the murderous bitch that’s lying in my bed!” He finished angrily, realizing that he had totally steered away from the reason he was here. “What are we going to do about Tess?”

At the mention of Tess, both energies surged then dropped. Causing both Liz and Max to stumble back.

“Whoa.” Max whispered.

“I, uh, think we need to meet up with everyone else.” Liz said as she blinked rapidly.

“Yeah,” Kyle agreed distractedly, “Purple….are you sure its not like more of a manly dark blue?”
