A Cheating Heart 5/19/07 (OTH,XO,UC,Mature) [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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A Cheating Heart 5/19/07 (OTH,XO,UC,Mature) [WIP]

Post by Rave_girl297 »

Title: The Cheating heart
Author: rave_girl297
Declaimer: don’t own nothing
Pairing: Nathan/Liz B/L M/M P/J
Summary: How do two hearts that have been cheated on move on to love again?
Rating: Mature

*Nathan’s apartment*

“I’m really sorry Nathan” said Peyton, it had been a three weeks sense Haley had left and he was still such a mess, Peyton felt terrible feeling so happy when he was so miserable.

“Thanks Peyton, what are you doing here anyway, you don’t want to hang out with me you want to spend it with your boyfriend so go” encouraged Nathan knowing that her and Jakes relationship was new so to enjoy it when they can because it all goes down hill from there

“Are you sure, I mean I can stay here and we could hang out”

“No, no go”

“Well ok, bye” said Peyton with one last hug she was out the door, a minute later there was a nock on the door

“Come in” yelled Nathan

“Hey man” greeted Lucas with a hug

“What’s going on” wondered Nathan

“Nothing really, there’s a girl who’s coming to live with us in a week”

“What why?”

“Well her and her boyfriend just broke up and her mom was friends with my mom in high school and she thought it would be best to leave Roswell for awhile”


“Ya, you know Roswell New Mexico”

“You mean Alien capital of the world” laughed Nathan

*God, great there’s going to be a new kook in this place, like my parents aren’t enough*

*Crashdown after hours*
“I can’t believe your leaving” said Maria

“Maria I just can’t stand being around Max right now”

“But Evil Bitch Tess is gone now” said Kyle

“Exactly, Max thinks that now Tess is gone I should just forgive and forget everything that has happened”

“I’m going to miss you girlfriend” cried Maria

“Maria don’t cry yet, I’m not leaving for a week” said Liz giving Maria a hug

“How you going to tell, you know THEM” said Kyle

“I don’t know”

“You do realize that their going to have a BF”

“What the hell is a BF” wondered Kyle

“Bitch Fit” said Liz and Maria together

“You guys need to stop watching those chick flicks, there rotting your brain” laughed Kyle

“You should talk, who was it that I watched A walk to remember with” said Maria pretending to think about it

“I have no memory of such thing” blushed Kyle

“Right” laughed Liz, this was one thing that she would miss, Kyle and Maria, her best friends

Authors Note: I’m not sure if I should continue this so just let me know if I should
Last edited by Bixie on Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:09 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

“You’re not going” yelled Max

“Yes I am, you’re not my boss” Liz yelled back

“Would you guys just calm down” asked Isabel

“No!” yelled Max and Liz

“Max, we can’t stop her” said Michael

“Exactly, it’s my life” yelled Liz

“You’re putting our life in danger!”

“It’s not like I’m wearing a shirt that says “Ask me about my Alien friends” Max!”

“You might as well!” All of a sudden they hear Kyle laughing and look down at him.

“Asks about my Alie...Friends, classic” laughed Kyle

“Shut up Kyle” yelled Liz and Max

“Hey don’t yell at me, Liz is the one that wants to tell the world about you and Max is the one that wants to control your life”

“Like he could even if he wanted too!”

“Is that what you want to do Liz, tell the world about us!”

“Yes Max, because my life revolves around you!”

“Is it me or do I indicate some unresolved anger toward them” asked Kyle

“Is that what this is about Liz, Tess?”

“You just had to find away to make this about you!”

“I know this is about me!”

“Ha! You wish it were!”

“Then why are you leaving?”

“Because I want to!”

“You’re not going and that’s the end of it!” yelled Max walking out of Michaels apartment

“Who the hell does he think he is”

“A King” says Kyle

“Kyle I think now is a good time to shut up: advised Maria

*Tree Hill High*

“You finally coming to school” asked Brooke after seeing Nathan in the hall

“Ya I figured that Haley made her own decision going on that tour and I’m not going to ruin my life over it”

“That’s great Nathan I’m happy for you, so has Lucas told you about the girl who’s going to be living at his house”

“Ya are you worried about that?”

“About what? The new girl living there”


“Not really I trust him Luke”

“Did I hear my name” asked Lucas putting his arm around Brooke

“Ya, we were just talking about your lousy jump shot” laughed Nathan

“So I’m guessing Peyton and Jake’s relationship is really working out” laughed Lucas seeing Peyton and Jake practically make out against the lockers

“Oh, you mean the disgustingly couple who can’t keep their hands off each other, that Peyton and Jake” laughed Brooke

“By the way when is that girl Liz coming?”

“Tomorrow at 3:00”

“I thought you said something about today” said Brooke

“Ya she was suppose to but she had problems with her ex-boyfriend or something”


“I can’t believe you got Max to finally let you go”

“Please, who said anything about letting, I told him I was going and he had no choice in the matter”

“Well um…Ok cal me as soon as you get in” cried Maria

“Ok, I will” says Liz giving Maria a hug

“Hey, what about the ex-boyfriend” says Kyle with a laugh

“Kyle your way more then a ex-boyfriend”

“Liz! Jeez I thought we agreed to keep are affair a secret”

“Kyle you goofball!” laughed Liz giving him a hug

“Liz, I think I heard them call your flight” says Maria

“Well, ok I’ll see you guys later, call me if you have trouble with the three”

“Bye” yelled Maria and Kyle waving her off

“Tree hill here I come*
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

“Liz Parker?” Liz heard after getting of the plane

“Ya” she said turning to see a good looking guy who looked about maybe a year older then her

“Hey, I’m Lucas”


“Ya, my mom is Karen Roe”

“Oh right, its nice to meet you”

“You too, my mom says she’s sorry she couldn’t make it”

“It’s Ok. I’m sure she had other things to do”

”I thought maybe we could go out to eat at my moms Café”

“That sounds great, I’m starving”

* Karens Café*

“My mom is working today so I thought you could meet my friends and girlfriend”

“Making a point in using the word girlfriend” laughed Liz

“I didn’t my girlfriend would kill me” laughed Lucas

“So tell me about your friends, things I should know, things not to talk about”

“Well there’s my brother Nathan, my friend Haley just left him to go on tour”

“Are they still dating?”

“They were more then dating, they were married and no”

‘Married! And their still in high school”

“Ya but uh I don’t think Nathan is really ready to talk about it sooo…”

“No talk of marriage, got it”

“Great, so then theirs my girlfriend Brooke, she is polar opposite then me, she’s cheery always smiling”

“Sounds like you really love her”

“Trust me I do, anyways there’s Haley we had been best friends sense I was little”

“Then there’s Peyton, she’s a artist, we kinda had a thing awhile back but where just friends now”

“Does your girlfriend know?”

“Trust me she knows, Ha anyway there’s Jake he’s Peyton’s boyfriend and a good friend”

“It sounds like you have a lot of great friends”

“I do, so what about you?’

“Well there’s Maria, we also have been friends sense we have been little, she’s nothing like me, she’s fun and crazy”

“And let me guess your kinda laid back” laughed Lucas

“Ya” laughed Liz

“Anyway then there’s Kyle, we use to date but were best fiends now”

“Any hidden feelings”

“Trust me none” laughed Liz thinking about dating Kyle Valenti again

“Then there’s Max, we used to date but we recently broke up”

“May I ask why?”

“Things just weren’t working out”

“I’m sorry”

“Don’t be, its better now that I’m away from Roswell, anyway then there’s Max sister Isabel, we were never really friends but she was my boyfriends sister you know”

“Then there’s Maria’s boyfriend Michael, we all call him Stonewall Guerin, Maria really loves him a lot”

“Lucas, Liz, Hi” smiled Karen

“Hi Mrs. Roe it’s nice to meet you finally”

“It’s nice to meet you too but call me Karen”

“Hey Lucas” yelled Brooke followed by Nathan, Peyton and Jake

When saying hello to Karen after hearing about her from years from her mother, she heard a the door bell jingle and a girl’s voice calling Lucas, she turned around to see a pretty girl with long brown hair followed by the most handsome guy she had ever seen, he wasn’t that tall but taller then her with brown hair and muscles you could see through his shirt

Walking through the Café Nathan had expected to see some girl with ugly Alien theme clothes and bad Acne but what he saw was anything but, she was beautiful damn it, she was more then beautiful, she was gorgeous, lovely, pretty, sweet, hot and damn it he couldn’t help have his mind wander.

He shouldn’t be feeling like this so soon after Haley leaving but then again looking at her he couldn’t help it.

“Liz, hi I’m Brooke” says Brooke with a smile hoping Lucas told her who she was

“Lucas’s girlfriend right” said Liz with a smile, she new what Brooke was afraid off, that she was a girl trying to take Lucas away from her but Liz was never going to be that girl; she was never going to be Tess

“Right” smiled Brooke even wider knowing that her and this girl was going to be great friends

“Hey, I’m Peyton and this is my boyfriend Jake”

“It’s nice to meet you both”

“I’m Nathan” Ah so know where going somewhere, she now new that Mr. Mc Hottie’s name was Nathan

“I’m Liz, it’s nice to meet you” said Liz giving him a handshake but when their hands touched she felt something, something she never felt with anyone, not even Max and it scared her.

But at that moment Nathan was thinking the same thing because he had also felt something he had never felt with Haley.

Note: sorry I posted a day later then I said I would, my grandmother came over and she wanted to go shopping for homecoming , lol anyway I left the whole Max cheating on her and Alex part out of the conversation because I thought it should be something she tells Nathan for the first time.
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Post by Rave_girl297 »


“So, Liz how old are you” asked Brooke, She looked like she was maybe one or two years younger then them

“I’m 16”

“So your one year younger then us”

“Ya, Is the school here good”

“It’s all right” said Peyton finally seeing what was going on with this Liz girl and Nathan; they were practically burning holes into each other’s skull

“It’s a school” laughed Jake

“Ya, why are you asking about the school you should be asking about the boys in the school, unless you already have one on the waiting list” smirked Brooke after seeing Liz blush, oh it was so on now she was going to get Liz and Nathan together if it was the last thing she ever did

“Brooke!” laughed Peyton

“Oh, my god, Sawyer were late for cheer practice” gasped Brooke after seeing what the time it was.

“We got to go, Jake do you want a ride to go get Jenny?”

“Ya that would be great” smiled Jake

“Well I’ll se ya later boyfriend” said Brooke giving Lucas a lingering kiss

“It was nice to meet you Liz” waved Brooke walking out the door

“It was nice meeting you too” smiled Liz

“Bye guys”

“Oh, I better go see if my mom needs help with that” said Lucas after seeing his mom struggle with a big box

“So…..” said Liz, not sure what to say to him

“So, how do you like Tree Hill?”

“Well from the ride to the airport to here, it seems nice” laughed Liz

“Right” laughed Nathan nervously, he didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t get nervous around girls, Haley didn’t even make him nervous

“So you’re a junior” said Liz trying to make conversation

“Ya, I’ll be a senior next year” said Nathan feeling stupid, duh he was going to be a senior next year after junior year senior year comes, god did he feel like a major idiot

“So have you lived here your whole life?”

“Ya, pretty much”

“From the looks of your basketball shorts, you like basketball”

“Oh ya, I love it, it’s my game”

“My ex-boyfriend Kyle plays basketball”

“The reason why you left Roswell”

“No! Kyle and me are great, he’s my best friend”

“I have someone like that”

“Really, who?”


“The blonde”

“Ya, me and her used to date but were just really good friends now”

“Hey what are you guys talking about?” smiled Lucas sliding back into the booth

“Peyton” coursed Liz and Nathan

“Ok” laughed Lucas

*two days later*

http://www2.victoriassecret.com/commerc ... rfnbr=2259

“The perfect outfit” smiled Liz to herself through the mirror

It took only two days to get situated here in Tree Hill, her and Lucas were already pretty close and she had been hanging out with the rest of his friend for the last two days, everyone except Nathan which for some reason sadden her.

“Hey, Liz you ready for your first day” smiled Karen from her bedroom door

“As ready as I’ll ever be” smiled Liz back

“So, Liz you ready to see the towns and school’s rich bitches and major stoners” cheered Brooke coming into her room

“I think I might be”
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

“So what’s your first class” asked Brooke

“Gym” said Liz scrunching up her nose, its 7:30 in the morning and she had to go get all gross and sweaty, oh ya I bet that will turn any guy on

“Bummer” said Lucas before looking at his schedule groaning after seeing that he had it first period too, he was all for gym but to have to at 7:30 in the morning just sucked “Man, I have it too”

“Thank god, I’m not taking it this year” laughed Brooke walking to their locker

“Hey guys” smiled Peyton walking up to them with Jake close on her heal, you would think they needed at least breathing air between them every once in a while

“Hey best friend number 1” smiled Broke brightly

“Number one Brooke” asked Lucas wondering how she comes up with most of the things she says

“Ya Peyton’s best friend number 1 and Liz is officially my best friend number 2”smiled Brooke

“Thanks Brooke” laughed Liz

“Hey there’s Nathan” said Lucas pointing to him from across the room making his way towards them

“Oh yes, there is Nathan and he’s looking just fine today isn’t he Liz” winked Brooke to Liz

“I guess” blushed Liz

“Hey man” smiled Nathan giving Lucas and Jake man hugs  (It’s all I could think to call them)

“Hey Nathan” smiled Liz wondering what the hell was wrong with this girl Haley for leaving this kind and gorgeous guy

“Hey, what’s up” said Nathan barely glancing at her

Now she knew why Haley left his ass, he was well an ass, she thought he was so sweet to her and that maybe he was different then Max

“So I guess I’ll see you Liz in 3rd and 4th period and you in 6th boyfriend” said Brooke giving Lucas a kiss goodbye and I wave to everyone else

“Bye” waved Liz saying bye to everyone before starting her first day of school.

*After School*

“So how was your first day of school” asked Lucas catching up with Liz when the day was over

“Great” lied Liz, she had three classes with Nathan and she had no idea how she was suppose to deal with this for the whole year

“Hello, people” shouted Brooke walking up to them

“Well hello Brooke you snuck up on us, you sure are a quiet one aren’t you” smiled Liz with her sarcastic humor

“Very funny Parker”

“I know I’m a hoot” laughed Liz

“Hey whats up guys” said Nathan walking up behind them

“Hey, man how was your first day” asked Lucas

“It’s school, how do you think it went, it sucked” laughed Nathan determined not to look at Liz, he made a vow not to fall for her, not after what Haley did to him, he wasn’t going to let a girl get to close to him again

“So what is everyone doing tonight” asked Brooke linking arms with Liz

“I think I’m just going to stay in tonight Brooke” said Liz

“Umm, no Hun that might have been ok in Roselle but not in Tree hill baby”

“Roswell” corrected Liz

“What” asked Brooke not knowing what the hell Liz was talking about

“I lived in Roswell”

“Where the hell is Roswell?”

“New Mexico”

“You lived in Mexico? How are the guys there, not that I’m looking boyfriend” said Brooke before giving Lucas a kiss

“Fine, where go out tonight” yelled Liz after hearing all the reasons why they should go from Brooke

“Great, lets go get ready I’ll get Peyton and where meet you guys at Lucas’s house at 10:00” smiled Brooke

*god, what they hell has Brooke got me into*

Spoiler: Nathan and Liz get a little too close for comfort
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

"so how about this one" said brooke holding up a little piece of cloth that was suppose to be called a shirt,
there was no way in hell she was going to wear that

"umm. how about no" said Liz giving her a weird look

"Why!" exclaimed Brooke

"because this piece of cloth could be considered a t-shirt for a 5 year old"

"Oh please, come on a five year old wont look half as good as your going to look in this" squealed Brooke

"wow brooke, you have the talent to just say the right thing to change a person's opinion" said Liz sarcasm
driiping from her voice

"girl, you have to much sarcasm in your life"

"really, many people say it's part of my charm" smiled Liz

"oh, ya charming, oh my god your rubbing off on me" yelled Brooke after realizing she was using sarcasm

liz Laughed

"liz please wear it, nathan wont be able to take his eyes off you" said brooke knowing that would get her to
wear it

"Why would you say that" said liz wondering if she was so ovious about it

"no one else can tell" said brooke knowing what she was thinking

"you really think nathan will notice me in this" said liz picking up the outfit

"hell ya"

"fine!" yelled liz jokingly taking the outfit and changing in the bathroom

"Girl you look like a total hottie" squealed Brooke after having Liz come out of the bathroom

"Really, i look ok." said Liz hopeing she looked good

"ya, you look totally hot"

"thanks, you look so good brooke" smiled Liz

"thank you! you ready to make Nathan sweat"

"As ready as i'll ever be" said Liz walking out of brooke's room

*Lucas's house*

"thanks for picking me up, brooke" thanked Peyton

"anytime Sawyer" smiled brooke walking into lucas's house

"Lucas, Brooke wants to party so you better get your cute butt down here" yelled Brooke

"ok. i'm ready" laughed Lucas coming down the stairs

"how long did it take to make your hair just right" laughed Liz

"Ha, ha your funny parker"

"Are we ready" asked Peyton

"were's jake" wondered Lucas

"he had to stay home with jenny, i told him i would stay with him but he pracically forced me to go to the party"

"well you deserve some fun tonight, especially sense the whole nikki thing has blown over" smiled Brooke

"Nikki" asked Liz

"long story, i'll tell you in the car" said Brooke linking arms with her


"Wow, this party sure is something" said Liz in awe, in roswell there were parties but nothing like this

"what no parties in roswelle" said Brooke

"Ros... nevermind"

"Well Well, isn't that Nathan" ticked Brooke seeing Nathan over on the other side of the house

"I guess" said Liz with a fake grin

"whats with you guys" wondered Peyton

"Nothing, i just saw Nathan and wondered if Liz saw he was here"

"ah, well i see Bevin over sitting with Skills, i'm going to go talk to them" said Peyton making her way over to them

"Anyone wanna a drink" asked Lucas

"Hun, i go with you" said Brooke seeing Nathan making his way over there

"What about Liz"

"Nathan will keep her company, wont you nathan" said Brooke her question being directed towards Nathan who just joined

"ya, sure" said Nathan with his cool demire

"great" exclaimed Brooke taking Lucas's hand leading him toward the keg

"So.. likeing the party" asked Liz after a moment of akward silence

"It's ok, you having a good time"

"ya, in roswell their are not really a lot of parties and when there were i didn't really go"

"Ahh, well if you would excuse me i see a keg just calling my name" said Nathan giving her a kiss on the cheek and
making his way to the keg where Lucas and Brooke were currently located

"Did it hurt" said a voice out of nowhere

"what did what hurt?" asked Liz seeing a shaddy looking guy giving her a small smirk

"when you fell from heaven" he said with a smile

"wow, that was lame" said Liz in a fake dreamy voice

"i think Derek needs to teach you some manners" said Derek moving closer to her

"ya, i'm guessing your said Derek and no i really dont think he does" said Liz baking away from him untill she hit the

"you have a mouth on ya, i'm sure we can make it for better use"

"you know i have a boyfriend, a total jock and a toatl hottie"


"Me" said Nathan's voice out of nowhere and then all of a sudden his lips where on hers and before she new
it she was kissing him back.
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Post by Rave_girl297 »

Hey guys im back, sorry im late i had like no life this weekend, i babysat, well anyway to answer a question, yes Haley is coming back, she will be in my next update that im allready working on, and yes the pod squad will come back just not at the same time, ther will be more lets just say hot scenes coming up for Liz and Nate, no worries :)

"Ok. dude, i get the picture" said Derek before leaving
"Hey, ok guys derek is gone" said Peyton trying to get there attention
"right sorry" said Liz breaking away from Nathan
"Ok. Lets party" yelled Brooke making a note to talk to Liz about the kiss at school on monday,
right now she was just going to enjoy the party


"So how was it?" asked Brooke to Liz
"How was what?" asked Liz looking for her history notes in her locker
"Dont play dumb with me! the kiss"
"It was fine, ok it was really fine" laughed Liz
"I knew it" said a voice out of know where
"Knew what Peyton?" smiled Liz innocently
"That you and Nathan are so into each other"
"No! he was just helping me out with that Derek guy, besides i'm not sure he's over his wife"
"liz i love Turtor girl..."
"Who?" asked Liz confused
"Thats Haleys nickname" explained Peyton
"Anyways, i love her but she left nathan for chris keller"
"Not Chris Keller, singing" said Peyton
"Whatever, she dupted him"
"I dont understand how she could do that, marriage is suppose to be forever"said Liz
"Ya, well i guess singing meant more to her than i did" said Nathan coming out of know where
"Nathan, Im so sorr...."
"Do you want to go out with me" said nathan inturuppting her, he realized after that kiss that
he liked her and wasnt going to let Haley stop him
"Wha..What?"said Liz suprised
"you heard me"
"Ya, sure"smiled Liz
"Great" smiled Nathan, then leaned down to kiss her cheek
"Oh my god" squealed Brooke once nathan walked off
*Liz's and Nathan's date*

"So how do i look?" asked Liz to Brooke after finishing up getting ready
"You look hot" smiled Brooke
"There he is" smiled Liz after hearing the song or karens door bell
"Hey Liz" smiled Nathan once the door opened
"Hey" smiled Liz

*Outside the theater*

"Oh my gosh" laughed Liz walking out of the theater with nathan
"That was the worst movie ever" laughed Nathan
"Ya, it was"
"So you want to go for a walk" asked Liz
"Sure i know just the place"

*River Court*
"whats this?" smiled Liz after seeing where they were
"This is my world"
"A basketball hoop is your world" smiled Liz
"Thats right" laughed Nathan "Here i can just let all the drama drift away and just play"
"Drama with Haley" asked Liz
"Wow, you just get right to the point" laughed Nathan
"Ya, i do"
"And to answer your question, yes drama with Haley, you know my romantic history, yet
i know nothing about yours"
"Well i was dating a guy named Max, we broke up for awhile and during that time he got his ex
pregnant who by then murdered my best friend Alex"
"Wow, im really sorry about your friend Liz"
"Thanks" smiled Liz sadly
"Well i had a great time" said Liz once they reached the front door
"Me too" said Nathan
slowly Nathan moved forward so there lips were lightly touching, before they new it the innocent
kiss turned hot very quick and Nathan new he had to put an end to it before it got out of hand
"Wel Bye" said Nathan trying to cool down
"Bye" smiled Liz softly
2 months later

"Im just saying man, i think it's time to take the next step with Liz"
"No, Tim"
"Smack that all on the floor, smack that give me some more, smack that 'till you get sore" sang
Tim making people look at him strange
"Tim! Stop" laughed Nathan
"Liz's not ready for that and im not going to push her untill she is"
"Dude whats with you and virgins? Haley now Liz, you need a girl with some experience"

Liz and Nathan had been together sense their first kiss, they talked about everything (minus the
alian thing) she new about Dan, Karen and Deb thing and he new about her best friends Kyle and
Maria that she talked too at least teice a day, she new about Haley, him and Chris Keller and
he new about Max, her and the girl Tess

"No, all i need is Liz" said Nathan his once serious look turning into a big goofy grin once he saw
Liz coming down the hall with Brooke
"Hello beautiful" said NaTHAN giving her a kiss
"hello" smiled Liz, she new she loved Nathan, she never thought she could love another person
after Max but she did she loved him with all her heart
"You guys are so cute, you make me want to puke" smiled Brooke
"gee, thanks Brooke" laughed Liz
"no problem, hate to leave you guys but i gotta jet" said Brooke walking off
"Brooke where are you going" yelled Liz
"Karen's got some chores for me to do" said Brooke while rolling her eyes
"Karens really got her working hard"
"she came home drunk when shye was suppose to be helping her at the cafe"
"ahh, well are on for are date tonight"
"ya, i cant believe this will be are last date and then were be away from each other all summer"
"i know, im going to miss you"
"im going to miss you too" smiled Liz sadly, she new it probably seemed pathetic she was this sad when she new she was going
to see him after summer but they had never been apart more then a weekend
'i'll stay if you want me too"
"nathan, i could never ask that of you, you deserve this" smiled Liz
"besides, you staying will ruin my plans for my love affair with James Lafferty" teased Liz
"people say me and him look just alike"
"i guess you kinda look alike"
"well i have to spend some time with my mom but ill come pick you up at Karens after ok" said nathan giving Liz a kiss
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Re: A Cheating Heart 5/19/07 (OTH,XO,UC,Mature)

Post by Bixie »
