The Shot Heard 'Round the World (M/L, Child) Complete, 9-20

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The Shot Heard 'Round the World (M/L, Child) Complete, 9-20

Post by ultimatepickupline »

Title: The Shot Heard 'Round the World
Author: Reese aka Ultimatepickupline
Couples: M/L with mention of other CC
Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell, nor did I intend to steal the title of this fic, if it was used elsewhere.
Summary: A summary isn't really needed, because the whole thing is only five parts long, and it's all explained in the first paragraph.
A/N: I wrote this for the grand opening challenge on Roswell Heaven, and used it as an exploration into a different writing style. It is completely written, and I will be updating it every Wednesday. Major thanks is due to Tanya7496 who made my banner, and bluebballjumper (my sister) who beta'd for me!


Chapter 1

I'm Max Evans, and can I just say that I'm screwed? It all started about a year ago if you really think about it. The number one teen TV station decided to make a show about these aliens that were sent to earth and then grew up as normal kids, but had to deal with the fact that they weren't. Sounds like an interesting show right? Wrong. Okay, okay, not wrong. Pretty much every teen in America loved it. It's coming back for another season, and it's really big talk among the teens here. I mean how could it not be? The show is filmed on location in Roswell and where do you think I live? You guessed it. Roswell.

Here's the problem. The show hits just a little too close to home. What do I mean you ask? Well I'll tell you. This show is practically my life story. Okay again, not exactly, but it could be. It's about this alien guy who falls in love with this girl the first time he sees her in the third grade, and when she's shot in her parents diner, he risks everything to save her, by healing her from the fatal gunshot wound and exposing himself in the process.

Now on the surface you may not see the resemblance. I mean I definitely don't have a girl that I've been in love with practically my whole life, I don't hang out at a diner to check out the local waitresses, and I haven't risked my whole secret getting out to save someone. But I'll let you all in on a secret, and you can't tell anyone else. I'm very careful about this secret. I don't just let anyone in on it. It could ruin my life if the wrong people found out about it, so you have to promise to keep quiet. Do you promise? Okay here it goes. I am an alien. I know, I know. You think I'm crazy and I'm just pulling your leg. But it's true.

I know it's kind of hokey for there to actually be an alien living in Roswell, the home of the supposed alien crashsite, but it's actually quite true. Now if you ask a native of Roswell if they've every met an alien, they'll most likely say no, unless they are trying to pull your leg because you're a tourist, but the truth is that most of them actually have seen an alien, they just don't know it. My sister, Isabel, my best friend Michael, his sister, Tess, and I are all aliens. We're not really sure if we were in the 1947 crash, or even in that crash was real. All we know is that about eleven years ago all four of us emerged from these pod looking thingys and we looked like normal human six year olds.

Lucky for us there was a nice couple by the name of Philip and Diane Evans traveling through the desert the night we emerged, and they took us in their car and took care of us for a while. Michael and I were a little hesitant about the sudden attention, but we went anyway because Isabel and Tess immediately liked Diane, and we couldn't bear to be separated from them.

The Evans wanted to adopt all of us, but the state didn't want one family to suddenly take on four six year olds, so Diane came up with this amazing plan. She asked her sister, Donna to move to Roswell too and adopt two us. Donna had as big of a heart as her sister, and thus it was decided that Donna and Hank Guerin would adopt Michael and Tess, while Diane and Philip Evans would adopt Isabel and me. Obviously this meant that Michael, Tess, Isabel and I grew up quite close. Not only did we obviously have the same background in common, since we were found at the same time, but we were all family. To the rest of Roswell it looks like we just all hang out because we're cousins, but they don't know how far the whole family thing runs.

About a year after we had been adopted and mom and Aunt Donna had sufficiently caught us up to other kids our age, the four of us were all enrolled into school. That was when we first developed our techniques of fitting in. Michael and I were always a little more cautious, so we usually kept to ourselves. That didn't keep us from being the model teenagers though. Both of us worked hard to not get in any trouble, keep our grades up and be involved in just enough that we were average. We're both on honor roll, but we aren't outstanding students, and we're both on the basketball team, but we're nowhere near the amazing player that Kyle Valenti is, so we don't stand out.

Tess and Isabel handled things differently. They decided to be the most popular girls in school. They have always had a ton of friends, and if any girl in West Roswell is asked who they would most like to be like, she always answers either Isabel Evans or Tess Guerin. Usually that answer will depend on who Isabel and Tess are going out with, because they always go out with the most popular guys. Isabel and Tess are also co-captains of the cheerleading squad, and they are the ones that organize many of the charity activities in Roswell, so everybody has met them.

Now we come to the reason I'm screwed. So yeah, this show has had one complete season, and their fans were so supportive that the producers thought it would be a good idea to open their own Crashdown Cafe. During certain times, the Cafe is suppose to be used for the actual filming of the show, but while they're not taping, and even sometimes when they are and they need extras, the Cafe is used as an actual cafe. It's also where fans can go to buy things that the actors and actresses wore on the show, and things like that. So basically it's like a massive way for the show to raise money.

The Grand Opening for the Crashdown is today, and it's the reason why I'm now suddenly doubting whether I'll be alive next year. Okay, I might be being a little dramatic, but Tess convinced us all that it would be really funny for us to get jobs at the Cafe. I mean how appropriate is it that there are actual aliens fixing and serving the food that's given to the fans of a show based on aliens? It's just too funny to pass up. But now I'm not so sure.

This is the summer before my senior year, and I've never had a job before. I have no clue what I'm doing, and like I said I've made it my job to not really stand out. Now I have to be personable to people who will be constantly asking me questions that they have no clue I know the real answers to. Plus there's rumor that sometimes the staff of the Crashdown might appear on the show as extras, and that means, that I'm an instant celebrity here in Roswell. It doesn't exactly work well with my past hiding tendencies.

What am I going to do now?
Last edited by ultimatepickupline on Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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Post by ultimatepickupline »

Thanks for the feedback all.

Queen Fee- I'm glad you think this fic is a bit different. When I wrote it, I decided to use it as an exploration into a different style of writing. So this whole fic is written in the form of a long monologue from Max. Hope you enjoy.
c_which- I'm glad to know that you don't think this stoyline has ever been used before. It seemed so simple to me that I was worried that maybe it had.
LovinGuerin2Much-I am very embarrassed to realize that I completely accidentally left you out of my thankyous before, so while this if very belated it coming, thanks for reading. I'm glad you think it's a good idea.
midnightstar29- Thanks, and don't worry there will be more. It's all already written.
begonia9508-glad you like it!

Chapter 2

It's been three months now since I first started at the Crashdown, and things were definitely not as bad as I had thought. It's the here and now that I really have to worry about. I mean what am I going to do?

Let me start at the beginning of my job. Starting out the job was easy, and even though I have been filmed in a few episodes probably, it's not a big deal. Nobody has seen the episodes yet, and all it is, is a brief glance of me.

The crazy thing is what the grand opening did! Apparently, it brought all of these fans from all over the country to Roswell, and while the business people are loving it, it's really changed the face of our little town. Some of the people have even come for extended visits! There's this one group that came, that has been here the entire three months, since we opened! How in the world do they even do that? They all look like they're probably my age, and I know that my parents would throw a fit if I wanted to take off across the country and spend the entire summer away from them, just being a groupie for a TV show. And what about school? Aren't they in any activities whatsoever? I mean some school stuff has meetings and practices over the summer, so what are they still doing here?

And they have some really weird people in the group too. There are two girls who are really annoying. They're in here all the time trying to get a glimpse of the actors. I don't know if there could possibly be any two more devoted girls. But I can't really get too annoyed with them because they're really nice. One girl is named Liz. She's this petite brunette with brown eyes and long hair. She seems really nice, and she's always helping people out when they need it. The other girl is named Maria. She's this petite blond with short hair, who always calls Liz chica, and she is a ball of pure energy it seems. She's always talking a mile a minute, and while it should annoy me, it doesn't, probably because Liz always humors her, and I can't help but take Liz's lead on that for some reason.

Okay so back to my summer. Everything was going well. I was working at the Crashdown five days a week, hanging out with Michael whenever we both weren't working, and playing a few practical jokes on Isabel and Tess. Come on, don't look at me that way. How can you not play a few pranks on your sister? It's just too easy because Isabel is sooooo particular, and depending on the thing your messing with, so is Tess. It's great! The only problem is that then Isabel will dreamwalk you and make you dream all kinds of weird stuff, or Tess will mindwarp you into believing something bad, like you're late for your shift, then you show up at work in a rush, and you weren't even scheduled! But it's so worth it. So anyway, basically we were having a normal summer and were getting prepared to go back to school, because we start back on Monday, when tonight happened.

So I'm taking out the trash for the Crashdown, minding my own business, when I go out into the alley. I see this random person dressed as an alien run by, and I think that's a little strange, because I mean seriously, how often do people run by dressed in alien costumes? But I just shrug it off and drag the trash to the dumpster. It's a little messy, so it takes me awhile to get it all in there, when I start to hear screaming and struggling. I slam the dumpster shut in hopes that the noise will scare someone off, and start running to the other end of the alley, when everything drops to a dead silence. Then I hear it...

The shot heard 'round the world.

What am I going to do now?
Last edited by ultimatepickupline on Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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Chapter 3

Post by ultimatepickupline »

Ok thanks to all of you who are reading this.

begonia9508- hmm, well I don't see how Max couldn't save her really.
Timelord31- ok well here's what he does!

Chapter 3

Okay so it wasn't literally a shot heard 'round the world. But it could have been, because do you know what that shot meant to the world? It meant the revelation to everyone that there is indeed alien life on this planet. Why did it reveal that you might ask? Well I'll tell you. The shot that I heard ended up being a gun shot that fatally injured one Liz Parker.

Now I didn't know what had happend for sure when I heard the shot, but I knew that it was important, and when I ran to go find out what happened. That's when I found Liz slumped over on the ground, with blood pooling out around her. Now I didn't have any illusion that I loved her or anything like that, but I couldn't just let her die! I mean she seemed like this really nice person, and she was always helping people out, so how could I leave her there?

I wasn't even entirely sure that I would be able to save her, 'cause I hadn't exactly been able to test the strength of my healing ability before, but I decided to try nonetheless. So I frantically tried to form a connection with her, and luckily it was easier than I imagined, as soon as I tried, I got it. I barely even had to touch her. Then I concentrated on making the lost blood clean itself and flow back into her, and I focused on knitting her organs and skin back together. To tell you the truth it was really much easier than I would have expected, and I got a real rush finding out I could do something so major like that. But after Liz opened her eyes I freaked out.

I mean seriously! How was I suppose to deal with that? Suddenly I heal this random person, and I let them know that I'm completely different from them, and I have to figure out what I'm going to tell them, and I have to just hope that I made the right decision and the person is not going to report me.

So I looked back into Liz's eyes, and then begged her not to tell anyone. She seemed really confused, and wasn't really sure what happened, so I told her my side of the story, and when I was finished, she was really quiet. Then she started asking all of these questions, and finally I told her I was an alien, and her eyes got really big. She confessed that she hadn't really believed in aliens, and she was only there because it seemed as good of a place as any to run away from home. So her and Maria had packed their bags and headed to Roswell.

After she got done babbling for a little bit, she insisted that I prove to her that I was telling her the truth, like healing her from a fatal gunshot wound wasn't enough, but I figured she was in shock, so I cut her some slack.

After that night, we pretty much avoided each other for the weekend, and then on Monday, I somehow got assigned to show her around school. Actually that's not true. What really happened was that Isabel and Tess were suppose to show Liz and Maria around, but they bailed out, and as a result, Michael and I had to fill in. I had to admit though that it wasn't really that bad, because it was a blast just to witness Maria annoying the heck out of Michael. I think Liz enjoyed that too.

After awhile, we all started hanging out together. Liz told Maria our secret, much to Michael's dismay, but she was cool with it, as long as she could call Michael Spaceboy. Liz and Maria shared an apartment, but they didn't really have the funds to pay for it indefinitely, so Michael and I got them both jobs at the Crashdown, and then there was even more time for us to all hang out. Maria was especially excited because she was used as an extra waitress for the show and even got to say a few lines.

Michael and I quickly found out that the reason why Maria and Liz were in town was because both of them were orphans of sorts, and couldn't deal with the abusive situations they were in, so they ran away to the least logical place possible, and ended up in Roswell. Liz was a little worried when Maria appeared in those episodes, but by the time they aired both LIz and Maria were eighteen and there was nothing anybody could do to make them go to foster care. So things were okay.

The whole year played out rather uneventfully, with the exception of Liz and me starting to date as well as Michael and Maria. That was a first for both Michael and me, but there was nothing to lose with Liz and Maria already knowing out secret.

I quickly fell in love with Liz, and can't stand to think of not being with her, which is why things are so hard now. We graduated in May, and it's now August, and we will be leaving for college in a few weeks. I'm living out my parents dream for me by going to Yale, but Liz can only go to a community college for now, because she doesn't have the money, and she has to stay with Maria in order to be able to make rent.

Maria isn't going to college yet, she got into an arts school, but she has to put it off for a year so that she can afford it, and Michael decided to go to the local community college too. He claims it's because he doesn't know what he wants to do yet, and doesn't want to waste his parent's money, but we all know that really Michael just doesn't want to leave Maria. Unfortunately for Maria, Michael isn't willing to tell Maria he loves her yet, and Maria refuses to believe he thinks anything more of her until he tells her himself.

So basically, I'm leaving for college in just three weeks, at which time I'll have to rip my heart out, because not only am I leaving behind everyone I know, but I'm leaving Liz behind, and she has become the sole owner of my heart. I don't know if I can really deal with leaving, but my parents want me to go to Yale so bad, and I don't want to disappoint them either.

What am I going to do now?
The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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Chapter 4

Post by ultimatepickupline »

Well, I very nearly forgot to update this fic today, but have no fear, because update it I will. Thanks for your feedback.

LovinGuerin2Much-I was looking back over things, so see how much feedback of gotten for each chapter, and I realized that you were accidentally left out of my thankyous for the feedback of my first chapter. I am very sorry about that, and you have now been added to the thankyous for that chapter. It doesn't really say a whole lot, other than another apology, but I did write out a thankyou. Thanks for still reading this story when I neglected to thank you the first time.

Here's the next chapter.

Chapter 4

Well it turns out that my last major problem was actually a relatively easy problem to solve. I ended up talking to my parents about not really wanting to go so far away, and they actually said that they had thought that I was going to say something like that. So they allowed me to decline my acceptance into Yale, and enroll in the University of New Mexico. It was still four hours away, but it allowed me to come home on the weekends and visit Liz, and sometimes she would come up to visit me.

In the middle of that year I proposed to Liz and we got engaged. We ended up getting married in the August before our sophomore year, and we went to UNM together. It was awesome, living together and going to school together and everything. Well most of the time it was awesome. Sometimes there were some major fights, but hey, you can expect that from any couple no matter how perfect they are for each other. Right?

We, of course, had a few difficulties getting through college while married, because after we got married, we refused any help my parents offered, but it was worth it. We busted our butts and we both ended up graduating on time, while still working full-time jobs to pay the rent, utilities and groceries. Sometimes it was really difficult because our schedules kept us apart so much, and while I love Liz more than anything I have to admit that she is just always pushing herself to do more, and that was really hard.

Okay, okay, I admit it. I also pushed myself and it was both of our faults, but that's not the point. The time really started getting hard on us was when Liz started developing powers. Apparently, she started accidentally heating things and getting green sparks on her hands, and because we were busy around that time with exams and things, she didn't tell me. She claims it was because she didn't think it was something she could just write on a note and leave on the fridge for me to find. "Honey, I have developed some kind of weird alien powers somehow. We'll need to find a way to deal with it. Call my Cell. Love ya, Liz."

So to a certain extent I agree, but I also know that Liz was just worried. The whole idea of Liz having powers scared us a little bit, and we came up with several different theories, including a pregnancy theory which scared the living daylights out of us. I mean we were only in our second year of college, and we could barely afford to feed ourselves, let alone take care of a kid. Luckily for us, that theory was quickly vetoed and we came up with other ones. I think we decided that it was probably because I healed her in the alley that night.

We've worked on things, and now Liz can control her powers as well as the rest of us. Sometimes she can even control them better than Michael, but that's not really saying all that much since Michael was always the worst at controlling what he was doing.

During college, Michael and Maria also got engaged, and Isabel and Tess both met guys they fell in love with. Isabel met Alex, a computer geek who is pretty much the complete opposite of the person I would imagine for Isabel, but they're perfect together. She's already told him our little secret, and he's cool with it.

Tess met Kyle at a party, and he started chasing after her. It took a long time for Kyle to convince Tess to go out with him, but they did end up getting together last year, and now they are pretty much inseparable. Tess is planning on telling him the truth in a few days after Michael and Maria's wedding. We've been trying to get Tess to tell Kyle the truth for a while now, but oddly enough, she's actually been the one to be most protective of our secret.

Michael and Maria are actually getting married right now, and I don't think I've ever seen Michael so happy. He just can't stop from smiling, and Maria looks radiant. Liz looks really happy for them too. It's impossible for me to stop looking at Liz. With me being Michael's best man, and Liz being Maria's matron of honor, we are standing right in-line with one another, and I just can't help but stare at Liz's beautiful face and think of our wedding.

I know, I know. It's kind of a girly thing to do, but hey, these are my personal thoughts here, and if I can't be honest with myself, then who can I be honest with? So I'm staring at Liz. No big deal, I love her, and where else would I look anyway?

Oh it looks like the ceremony is completely over, I guess I need to walk back down the aisle with Liz and head over to the reception. Maria used Isabel as her wedding planner, so there shouldn't be any crazy rushing around at the last minute for us, which will be nice, especially with how much time we've put into making the wedding beautiful for Maria. I tell you, Maria is a complete stickler for everything being perfect when it comes to her wedding, but Maria is nothing compared to Isabel, the wedding Nazi herself. I almost feel bad for Alex, because I know that eventually they'll get married, and then Alex will always have to put up with it! At least I got to grow up with it, get used to it, and then move out.

So we're getting to the reception hall now, and I notice that Liz gasps and then gets a little teary eyed, when she first sees it. I look into her eyes and can't help but give her a quick kiss before taking her over the the table we're suppose to be sitting at.

After we wait for a while, we get everything started with Liz's and my toast. Originally we were going to give them separately, but then we decided that hey, we're a couple ourselves, and we have known our best friends our whole lives, so me might as well give it together. Plus then I didn't have to worry about Liz showing me up.

After the toast we eat and then dance. It's been a while since Liz and I have danced together. Maybe it's been since our wedding. We don't have much time with school and everything, and we just graduated last month, so things haven't slowed down yet. I love holding Liz in my arms, and for the last dance of the night, I've already requested our song to be played. So this is the perfect time for us.

I continue to sway with Liz in my arms, when Liz gives me a little squeeze and looks up to me and says she has to tell me something. The look in her eyes says that it's big, and when I nod for her to go on, she nibbles her lip for a second and then tells me she's pregnant.

What the heck? We were careful! We weren't suppose to have a baby so quickly out of college. We were suppose to establish our careers, and then TALK about having children. Now suddenly we have to deal with all of this. What if the pregnancy isn't normal? I'm not exactly human, and Liz is changed. How will she give birth if she can't go to a hospital? How can we still keep this all a secret?

The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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Chapter 5

Post by ultimatepickupline »

Okay everybody, thanks for the feedback. I'm very excited to say that this story won the best AU fic over at Roswell Heaven for the challenge it was in. Now this will be the last part, I hope that everyone enjoys it.


Chapter 5

So Liz telling me that we were going to have a baby, may have seemed like the worst possible thing at the time, because it screwed with all our plans, but I really couldn't have imagined, how blessed my life would turn out. Our son, Conner, is now twenty-five and expecting his own child, so I'm going to become a grandparent soon.

It's hard to believe that I have had such a full life, when in high school, I really thought that I would forever be alone, because I wouldn't be able to let anyone in. But obviously, I was wrong. There are a lot more people that are willing to let me live my life knowing I'm an alien, than I thought.

Michael and Maria, Isabel and Alex, Tess and Kyle, and Liz and I have all been married now a long time, and all of our children have found the person they will probably spend their lives with. Our little circle of people who know our secret has now grown to 39 people. It's obviously not so small anymore.

Liz and I had three kids, a boy and two girls whose names are Hannah Renee and Meredith Noel. The first two are married, and their spouses know and the last one is engaged, and her fiance knows too.

Michael and Maria also have three kids, but they have three boys, Mason, Matthew, and Mark. Isabel and Alex have four children, three girls and a boy, Samantha, Sarah, Sydney, and Brock. Then Tess and Kyle have two- a boy and girl named Anthony and Rain. All of the kids have significant others and all of them have told their significant others, so we don't have to worry about anything in the future.

The significant others weren't the first ones to be inducted into the "I know an alien" club. The first new inductees after Kyle were all of our parents. We couldn't avoid telling them all the truth when Liz had Conner and the birth was not exactly normal, nor did we allow any of them to try to convince us to take Liz to the hospital when the labor got really hard. We ended up finding out the hard way that Liz needed for me to connect with her during labor in order to have enough energy. So I have been one of four guys on earth right now who have felt the pain of childbirth, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant to say the least, though Maria thought the whole thing was hilarious.

I almost feel sorry for my son when he has to connect to his wife for the whole ordeal in a few months, but seeing as he was the one that was the worst for me, I just take it as his due.

All in all, I'm happy. I have a great job, three wonderful kids, who are pretty self-sufficient now, a grandchild on the way, and last but definitely the most important, a wife who I love more with each passing day. What more could I ask for? I almost don't know what to do with myself. I have passed every major hurdle in my life, and if I have learned one thing, it's that things can always be handled and are never as bad as they seem at first. So...

What is there to do now?
The Ultimate Pick-up Line: Come on baby. Help me find my home planet.

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