Friendship on Fire (AU, M/L, Teen/Mature) AN 7/12 [WIP]

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Addicted Roswellian
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Friendship on Fire (AU, M/L, Teen/Mature) AN 7/12 [WIP]

Post by baby_bre »


Title: Friendship on Fire
Author: Baby_Bre
Genre: AU
Couples: M/L
Rating: Teen/Mature
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell do not belong to me. It belongs to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and some other peoples.
Summary: Sometimes it takes almost losing someone to realize how much they really mean to you.
Author’s Note: As always this fic is written for the lovely and not mention talented ladies, Ruby and Elena :). I hope you guys like it and credit goes to Ruby for the awesome title :).

Chapter One

Max and I have been bestest friends forever. I was four when our parents had us play together and since then I don't think we've went longer then a few days without speaking. We're inseparable and I like it that way. The problem is that lately it feels like Max is pulling further and further away from me.

So maybe I'm being just a little paranoid but ever since he had his braces taken off, got a haircut, and started dressing in cuter clothes the girls of West Roswell High have all over him. I know that I'm only his best friend and not his mother or anything, but I don't want him to leave me. Okay, that does sound a little clingy but I hate how the In-Crowd is all of the sudden accepting him into their social circle.

What if Max decides that I'm not cool enough to hang out with him anymore? I mean I would never ditch him to hang out with a bunch of snobs. And come on, what would he even want with those types anyhow? Maria Deluca, Tess Harding, Pam Troy, and Isabel Evans may be beautiful but they don't have hearts.

Alright I'll admit that's a little rude since Isabel and Maria can be nice, and Isabel is even Max's younger sister but I don't care. Where were they when Kyle Valenti, Michael Guerin, and Alex Whitman (the jocks of West Roswell High) jumped Max last year? Huh? Where were they then? Oh yeah now I remember, they were laughing their mini skirt clad asses off.

Besides it's not as if he has anything in common with them. Sure they're nice to look at but all I ever hear them talk about is their next trip to the mall. So what could he possibly find to talk about with them?

'Well, they probably won't be doing a whole lot of talking,' The little voice in my head points out and I scrunch up my face.

Can I just say ewwwww!? I don't even want to imagine my best friend, the boy I used to make mud pies with, who used to put spiders in my shoes, and who I had ice cream eating contests with getting freaky with one of those fake barbie dolls.

It's so unfair! Why does Max feels like he needs to be accepted by those people? They'll never care about him like Katya and I do. They'll never understand him or worry about him or comfort him when he's upset. They only want to use him and make him feel special until they're bored with him, and then he'll be tossed aside like yesterday's trash. I've seen it happen to lots of people and I don't want to see it happen to Max.

My best friend is someone who deserves better then those people. He deserves the type of friends who will care about him and want to listen to his opinions and support him in his decisions (aside from this one!). The A-list crowd people are definitely not the type of friends who are going to stick by him. I want to tell all of this to Max but I know he'll say I need to chill and that I'm only worked up over this because of how mean Pam Troy was to me last year.

"Parker," Max's voice interrupts my thoughts and I notice that we've arrived at school. "Are you coming or are ya gonna sit in the jeep all day?" he asks.

"Huh? Oh... yeah." I mumble and get down from the jeep. I love Max's jeep and I've been lucky enough to ride to school in it everyday since Max got his license. I was so jealous at first that his parents bought him a jeep when my parents hardly celebrated my birthday that year, but then I did get shot gun privileges so now all is cool.

"Senior year is going to be a total blast!" Katya says, coming up behind us as we head towards our lockers. I adore Katya, she's the only female I can stand. Although, with her good looks and contagious smile, I can't help but feel a little discontented with myself when I look at her. And I'm not the only one that feels that way and loves her. Everyone at school does as well, even the robotic people.

I watch Max nod out the corner of my eyes and I can't help wondering what's going to be so special about this year. For me it feels no different then the last three years, but then I'm not Max and I'm definitely not Katya. Max is now so high up there on that stupid social ladder and Katya always has been. I, on the other hand am still mousy Liz Parker; someone no one pays any attention to unless they're busy trying to copy off me in class.

Sometimes when I'm really sad I think about the fact that Katya wouldn't be friends with me if it hadn't been for the fact that we met when we were eight. That was before make up, social ladders, in crowds, and designer labels. We were just kids having fun, and we both liked playing in the mud, throwing dirt and grass at other kids, and picking on poor Max.

Then we hit middle school and we realized how different we were. How plain I looked in comparison to her, and how guys never stared at me the way they did her. Maybe it was only me who noticed this but still. I know I'd hate Katya if I didn't love her so much, if I didn't know that she's really a good person with morals and standards and beliefs. Unlike everyone else in this school she's true to herself through and through and won't compromise who she is just to get ahead.

"You don't think it's going to be an awesome year?" She asks as I'm reaching into my locker for my Economics textbook.

I shrug my shoulders and look at her, "I guess."

"You don't sound too convinced." She tells me with a smile and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe because for some of us it's just going to be like any other year," I reply.

"What do you mean?" Max butts into our conversation. Which is nothing new, he never knows when to keep quiet.

"I know that it's just going to be like the last three years, I know all year I'll be day dreaming about college where I won't have to deal with stupid people who think about stupid things." I say, going back to getting my books because I don't want to continue this conversation anymore. I hate feeling like the black cloud all the time, but that's the way it usually goes. I don't want to ruin they're fun, but I know that that's probably what I do all the time.
Last edited by baby_bre on Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:22 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by baby_bre »

cocopucks Thanks for reading!

taressa05 I soooo love writing new stories! hahaha I love making Alex different then he was on the show but having him with the same attitude. Yep, because he was awesome and the girls of Roswell (in the show) were just too screwed up to realize, I mean they were the unacceptable ones not Alex! (anyway) I like messing with characters and making them different but still having them hold some of the characteristics that made them well them on the show. It's just how I am! Yay me! lol (thanks for reading btw!)

Surfgirl02 :) Thanks for reading!

Jbehrbabe Bingo! Liz is scared she's going to lose Max (and we'll see if she does ;) ) to the fake squad! Thanks for reading!

RASaero611 Thanks! :)

roswells_hope_lily She sounds sucidial? haha that suprised me :). Anyway thanks for reading :D!

Lizza Thanks :)

anonymousarfan Thanks I'm glad you think so :)

xsuper_novax I feel bad for Liz too :/ thanks for reading!

Thanks for all your guys support :)

Chapter Two

"What'd you get for your birthday Pam?" I hear one of her many mindless bots ask.

"The most perfect car ever!" Pam squeals back loud enough so the whole class hears, I hate her, I hate that she gets everything she wants and takes pleasure in rubbing it in all our faces.

Tell me again why I was given the 'priviledge' of sitting behind Pam Troy in English? I can't stand her voice, it's so annoying and fake and it makes me want to smack her across the face and tell her to shut the hell up.

"Liz... honey." She turns in her seat setting her gaze on me, and damn I know I'm her next target. Her smile is so fake and sugary sweet that it gives me a toothache looking at her. "When are you going to get a car?" She finishes with a bat of her fake eyelashes.

"Why would she need one?" Tess rudely butts in, "When she can just bum rides from poor Max."

"Excuse me?" I snap turning to face her, I hate Tess almost as much as I hate Pam. Unfortunately I think Tess had the potential to be a person once upon a time before she became Pam's clone.

"Sweetie, it's not as if it's a secret. Everyone at school knows that you take advantage of how nice Max is, I know he feels sorry for you and that's the only reason he lets you ride to school with him."

"That is so not true!" Nice comeback, are we stupid? I can already feel my cheeks turning a bright pink.

"Hun, not to be rude but even Max will admit that he feels bad for you when you're always hanging around him and complaining that you're too poor to buy a car. I figure he knows you just want to be seen with him to improve your loser status and is too nice to mind."

Have I mentioned just how much I really hate these barbies? They want to humiliate me in front of the entire class while the teachers out. I know it's just my paranoid self kicking in but I'm starting to wonder if Max has said something to them. I mean maybe they've twisted his words a bit? Stop it! You know they only like messing with your head, making you believe things and you know Max wouldn't say those things. Oh how I love the voice in my head, note the sarcasm.

"Being a little rude aren't we?" I turn in my seat to find the source of the voice, Isabel Evans. I should have known she'd probably be the only person (besides Maria... Katya doesn't count) in the entire robot squad that has a semi decent heart.

"No... not at all." Tess says with a tight face, "I was simply stating a fact."

"A fact that doesn't need to be stated Tess," She says with a look of pure ice, everyone knows you don't cross Isabel. "I'm sure Pam would agree with me, isn't that right Pam?" Pam nods right away and I stifle a laugh.

I do feel a little weird with Isabel's coming to my defense against her friends but then it's not really the first time she's spoken up for me. I highly doubt it has anything to do with her genuinely caring. I'm pretty sure a while back Max threatened to tell her parents about what really goes on when Isabel says she's staying over at Maria's if she didn't get her posse to back off. I felt even more weird about Max knowing they picked on me.

"Sorry ... Liz." Tess apologizes and I know it's taking alot of her self control to do it.

"It's okay," I reply without really thinking about it. Isabel smiles statisfied that her secrets are still safe and intact.


"Liz!" Katya's voice rings out above the crowded voices of the quad.

"What is it?" I ask as she takes a seat in front of me on the bench.

"Somethings up with Pam,"

"And this is different then any other day why?"

"It's not... it's just I heard stuff." She says vaguely and I raise an eyebrow.

"What kind of stuff?"

"It's not important," She says quickly, maybe a little too quickly?

"Come on tell me, now you have me interested you can't just leave it like that!"

"Alright, alright. Well I was in the locker room," She pauses to see if I'm still following and I nod. "When a few Pam clones come in and they were snickering about how Pam has this big plan to get back at you."

I'm not sure what to think. Pam's always had it out for me, her wanting revenge isn't a new thing. She has always wanted it but never got it. The problem here being that if her clones are talking about it then it must be somewhat big news to have spread to them, which sucks. Pam is good at making people suffer.

"You girls gossip too much." Max interupts as he sets his tray of food down.

"We do not!" Katya protests with a grin.

"Yeah you do!" He tells her and I can't help but love the bicker between my two best friends. I am relieved that Max is sitting here, I thought for sure he'd start sitting with the fake crowd but I suppose that trasition is going to take a bit longer.

"And worry too much." He adds in and I glare at him, I worry too much? As if! Who's the one who takes three hours to do his hair when his hair isn't even below his ears? Right, that'd be Max. And who spends an hour ironing his pants everyday? Right, that'd be Max's mom. I mean come on! I am so not even worrying at all about what those bimbo's think of me.

"Uh huh, right." I say glaring at him again.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what it means Max."

"I don't think I do." He tells me sticking his tongue out.

"Der! You worry too much about their opinions, not me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I don't want to start fighting with him, not today and not about this. I also don't want him to think he can play it off like I don't know how much he cares about our schools gossip or that he doesn't care about whether the fake squad find him acceptable. I would feel really bad though, if the robots didn't accept Max because of me but then again I don't want them to like him, I know messed up, right?

"It's not meant to mean anything." I say and roll my eyes when he's not looking. I don't want to approach the subject anymore, I don't want for him to feel trapped or think I'm clingy. Most of all I don't want him to feel sorry for me or pity me like Tess said, I couldn't bare those things happening, not with my best friend so I change the subject.
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Post by baby_bre »

I love you guys! Thanks sooo much for all the FB

Chapter Three

"Liz..." Katya whines. "You have to let me do your makeup!" she says, and I sigh. Why did I even agree to this girls night in? I mean, I seriously hate having to do my hair or put on makeup, or really just any type of girly girl activity. While I'm definitely not a Tomboy, I'm also not into that whole girly-girl, makeup plastered on my face, hair stiff as a board look. I'm just more of a simple and clean everyday girl.

"But I don't like makeup, remember?" I remind her. She rolls her eyes at me and I know she isn't going to let me off the hook that easy. Why couldn't we have invited Max? I know this is meant to be a girls night but Katya's always said that Max is practically a chick in her eyes. Besides, if Max were here, it would get me out of this stupid makeover.

"Come on! Don't give me that excuse! All girls love makeup." She tells me in a know-it-all kind of why, like it's a fact of life.

"I don't." I repeat and stick my tongue out. While I agreed to come to the sleepover, I did not agree to be her personal barbie doll. And besides, she already knows that I don't like makeup or hairspray or gel or tight clothing. We've been fighting about it since we turned 12.

"Don't ruin my party, Lizzie! You gotta get your makeup done girl!" Katya says in a way too determined voice, and I narrow my eyes in suspicion. Why is she so intent on doing my makeup? Is someone coming over to crash our slumber party? Has she invited someone? Are we going somewhere? Maybe I'm being paranoid, but usually she doesn't make such a big fuss unless she wants for me to impress someone. Because we all know it's impossible for me to do that by being myself.

"Okay, fine... but if you make my cheeks look like they're on fire, so help me I'm going to be forced to smack you." I warn her, smiling to show I'm kidding. I always tease her about blush because when we were about 10 she went through this stage where she covered her entire cheeks with nothing but hot pink blush. I swear it looked painted on, it was so bright and thick.


Well, Kayta just finished and I have to say, I don't look horrible. Sure, I doubt I'll ever take the time to make myself up like this and my face does feel kind of itchy, but overall the final product looks okay. I just don't get how Katya can spend all morning doing this to herself, I'd get tired and toss it.

"I told you you'd liked it." Katya says, a smug smile on her face. "And I was right, wasn't I? But then that's nothing new." she says, and I want to wipe the smile off her smug face. Yes, I like the new look, it's better then some of the makeovers from the past but that doesn't mean she should get all I-told-you-so on me. That always gets on my nerves when people do that. But then again I'm a big pain in the ass and probably would have done the same thing, so it's not like I can really get pissed at her. Plus I know she's just playing.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and she laughs. "Just because you're right this time doesn't mean it's always that way."

"Yes, yes it does." she says slyly.

"Whatever, believe what you wish Katya." I retort.

She smiles. "Don't worry I will."

We go back and forth for a few minutes until we hear my cell phone ring. I jump over the bed I grab my cell, looking at the caller I.D. It's Max.

"Hey." I greet him, sighing in relief. His phone call is saving me from having to change into one of those girly outfits. Just what is so wrong with my basic black capri's and my white sweatshirt? It's not a bad-looking outfit and it's perfectly presentable.

"Hey Lizzie Lou." He says and I can almost hear the smile in his voice. "What's up?"

I sigh. "I'm being made over my the Queen of makeup and hairspray." I pout.

He laughs and I want to smack him. "It's not funny! It's horrible." I inform him.

"If it's so horrible why'd you let her do it then? Huh?" He questions teasingly.

"Cause! She just kept telling me." I huff indignantly.

"If you say so...." he singsongs.

"Shut up I'm right." I snap

"Okay.. okay I believe you."

"I don't care if you believe me." I say defiantly.

"Sure you don't... would you be arguing with me right now if you didn't care?"

"Ugh! Whatever! Why did you even call? Just to aggravate me?"

"No.... I just found out there's going to be a party tonight, at Pam's."

"So....?" I say still not getting why he's even calling. Do I look like someone who would care about some lame sheep party?

"So, Katya and you are coming... aren't you?"

My head snaps in the direction of Katya who's innocently looking off into space. I can't believe she tricked me into this girls night in so she could end up doing my make up and dragging me to some lame party. How horrible! My friends suck!

"I didn't know! I'm not going." I say quickly. There is no way they're going to take me to this party. No way.


So here we are, at the party. Yup, they got me here. Katya threatened me and Max tickled me until I eventually gave up, and wound up in one of Katya's hip hugging jeans and pink halters. Ewww I don't even like pink! I told them I wanted to wear my clothes but nooo that was soo unacceptable to them. I mean, why are we even friends if they don't like my hair, my makeup, or my clothes? If they have to go to this lengths to be seen with me in public then why do they even bother at all?

I am never going to be one of the In-Crowds and quite frankly I never want to be. They should just give up now while they still have their reputations in tact.

"Lizzie, you came." Pam says, her sugary sweet voice booming over the blaring music as she glides across the room towards us.

"Yeah, hey Pam." I say and she kisses me cheeks. Ew! Do I puke now or should I wait until she's done hugging me?

"I'm so glad you guys could make it!" she squeals, batting her eyelashes at Max. Kill me now!

Poor me! I'm being punished because Katya and Max are part of the In-Crowd. What did I do in a past life to deserve this treatment? Can't I have good friends who respect my wishes? Can't they understand that I think these people are bunch of loser clones and I don't want to spend my nights hanging out watching dumb jocks and cheerleaders get drunk and fuck in the pool?
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Post by baby_bre »

Sorry for the wait! :)

Chapter Four

Pam finally leaves me alone but so do Katya and Max. Why did they bring me alone if they planned on ignoring me the whole time? Max is off with the "cool" guys and Katya is chatting with Maria and Isabel. I could go over to them but instead I head towards the punch bowl, I'm insanely thirsty but would it be a bit crazy to drink the punch? I don't know what they've put in it and knowing Pam she probably spit in it. She's icky like that.

I really wish that someone would come along and tear my eyes out. Seriously if I have to watch the in-crowd any longer I'm going to puke all over the patio. I hate this school and it's stupid party filled with lame losers so remind me again why I'm here? Oh yes I remember now it's because my "loving" best friends thought it'd be fun to drag me along, ignore me the whole time and not even care that I hate most of these people because they either act like I don't exist or treat me like crap.

"Liz honey there you are!" Pam squeals in that sweet tone again. I want to strangle the life out of her! Ugh she's so repulsive, how anyone could like her I'll never know.

"Yeah here I am." I mutter lamely and look away from her smiling face it's evil and gross.

"I wanted to introduce you to someone." She pulls a guy out from behind her, he's got raven colored hair, huge glasses and a lanky build. Overall he isn't that bad looking, "This is Jason and I just know you'll both hit it off so well!" She exclaims and I know that despite his looks he is either A. the biggest perv in school or B. the guy with the most STDS in school. Either way he's no catch or real friend of Pam's.

"Hello there doll face. Pam told me you had a banging body but dayum! How about I take you over my knee and ....." He was cut off by Max's cough. FINALLY! Thanks the lord he's got here in time to save me!

"Max!" I squeal which is so incrediably unlike me that it makes me want to gag.

"Jason." He ignores me and gives him an evil look, perhaps they know one another?

"I got to go so see you around." Jasons off.

"So why were you conversing with the guy who was expelled last year for hiding in the girls locker rooms and watching them shower?" He asks me and I blush, I knew it!

"Pam introduced us." I pull a face.

"Why would Pam introduce you to him?" He looks thoughtful and I want to yell, because she's an evil whore who is set out to destroy my already miserable life! But of course I don't, I simply shrug and look at my feet. Why is Max even over here? I'm suprised he's not over there with the sheep, I mean that is why we're here isn't it? If he wanted to hang out with me we could have stayed home.

Actually I think home is the best idea, I can't stand being at this party any longer. I know that I'm being a bit prissy and maybe I should just slap a tiara on and call myself Princess but seriously, this place gives me the creeps. There's people making out two feet away from me, a bunch of guys doing beer bongs and some girls in the corner taking their tops of so guys can oogle them. And they call this fun? This is what all the unpriviledge kids of Roswell are so upset about missing out on? I don't get it.

"I have to go." I say loud enough for Max to hear me, he frowns and asks why. "I don't feel good...." I lie and head for the exit, but not before Tess has the chance to come over.

"Leaving so soon?" She looks concerned, ugh.

"Yeah, I have to get home." I reply hoping she'll let me out of there like now.

"Oh well it's a shame, I guess I'll just have to keep Max company." She smiles smugly and heads in the direction of Max. I tell myself I don't care and leave, ready to go home and fall asleep.
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Post by baby_bre »

Chapter Five

"Oh well it's a shame, I guess I'll just have to keep Max company."

Tess's words continue to ring in my head long after I'm home and laying in my bed. What did she mean by them? Okay they're pretty self explanatory but I'm still kind of worried that she is going to Max do something he doesn't want to. Damn now I'm starting to sound like one of those pamplets where they go on and on about not giving into peer pressure, I still feel bad though, why did I have to go and leave him there?

ure I was dragged there against my will but the nice thing to do would have been to sulk in the corner, lick my wounds, get over it and keep Tess and Pam as far away from Max as humanly possible. Although... why should I? He wants to be around them, Max wants to be their friend, he wants to be one of their many mindless clones. So why should I stop the from talking to him if it's what he wants?

Even if I think he's dumb for it and I know what they're really like that doesn't mean I can do anything to stop them, does it? Look at Katya, she's been one of them for as long as I can remember and she doesn't listen to me when I tell her how nutters she is for speaking and hanging out with a bunch of wannabe celebrities. So why even bother? Really it'd just be a waste of my breath, I've had this sort of conversation with Max before and he just thinks I'm overreacting and insists that Pam and Tess are not as bad as they seem.

I snort at the thought, they're worse then they come off, they're like evil taking on a human form. For some reason it seems strange to me that Maria and Isabel are friends with them, yeah both of them are self centered and such but they do seem to have heads on their shoulders so I don't get it. Why would anyone want to be friends with Pam and Tess?

People probably say that about me though, I've been told I'm really depressing and generally drag the people around me down. Whatever that means. It's rude if you ask me but what can I do? Nothing, I feel the way I feel and I will never conform to be one of the 'It' girls at my school, it just isn't going to happen. Everyone there is so obsessed with their looks, their image and reputation that it makes me want to puke up the chicken sandwich I just ate. Ewwwy I know but it does.

"Lizzy... You ought to head to bed." My moms voice calls from outside my door and I reply with okay. I know I'm getting older and my mom still tells me when lights out should come, unless she knows I'm studying for some important test. It's not even a school night and I'm going to bed early, how lame is that?

It really shows how little of a life I have, but that's the thing I don't really want a life like Max and Katya want, I want friends who I can be close with, trust and hang out with whenever. Unfortunately I've picked two people who don't seem to want the samething. Don't get me wrong I love Max and Katya but they want different things then I do and so maybe I should give up on our frinedship?

How can I go from one extreme to the other so quickly? You're probably wondering, one minute I'm wishing Max won't leave me for the sheep bunch and the next I'm thinking about giving his frinedship up but I can't help it. It's probably for the best, I can make friends that are interested in more then their hair and maybe even form some strong bonds, have someone to call on if I'm bored and I won't have to worry about being dragged to some stupid social gathering or worry about having to put up with Pam and Tess's teasing and horrid comments.

It seems like the perfect plan, the only problem is, who are going to be my new friends?
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Post by baby_bre »

Sorry for the wait I hope ya'll still like it!

Chapter Six

Day One of Operation find new Friends

It hasn’t been going quite as well as I expected it would. I took the time this morning to leaf through the year book for possibilities but no one stuck out. Why did I think this was going to be simple? If it were that easy to make new friends wouldn’t I already have them? Sometimes my stupid ideas amaze even me; I’m not Katya and I’m definitely not Max. People just aren’t going to be lining up at my locker to hang out, overall most people at school hate me and/or think I’m a stuck up snob. So remind me again what the hell I was thinking?

Oh right, I remember now. I need them, I need new friends, I must have them! I mean what will I do if Max and Katya completely abandon me? It’s only a matter of time until that happens and then I’ll be stuck hanging out by myself every single day. How pathetic will that be? It will give Pam a reason to tease me more then she already does, I’ll be really really lame. I am going to have to do this, I am going to stake out every possible friends locker, class, whatever it takes I’m going to do it. When I’m done I’ll have a new best friend and I won’t seem so pathetic and clingy.


“Hi Marissa.” I greet her, my smile permanently on display. The last three attempts at making a new friend haven’t gone well at all.

“Liz?” She replies a bit coolly and I sigh, another cold greeting. What is it about me that people don’t like? Is it my hair? I know it’s a bit frizzy sometimes and okay so my clothes aren’t the cutest thing ever all the time but is that any reason for them to treat me like crap?

“What’s going on?” I ask trying to sound interested in what she’s saying.

“Nothing I’m just getting my stuff out of my locker for my next class.” She explains pulling a history book down from the top shelves.

“Cool.” I exclaim with a smile, “That’s really cool.” Now I’m being a spazz she’s giving me a weird look and is probably wondering why I think getting a book for history is so cool. No wonder I don’t have any friends I act like a crazy person!

“Um yeah I guess so?” She raises an eyebrow, “I have to go. So I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah see you later okay? Maybe we can eat lunch together sometime.”

Pathetic seriously can you spell it? Go look it up if you can’t it’s in the dictionary right next to my picture. I am like the most pathetic person ever; here I am standing by her locker while she practically runs away from it. I know I’m being a complete weirdo but I am desperate, do you get that? I AM DESPERATE! I am so desperate I’m going to take Kyle up on his offer of a date just in hopes of it making me feel better.

You know what’s funny? The fact that Kyle wants to go out with me, Kyle like Michael and Alex and sort of Max could have just about any girl at school they want. Kyle has always wanted to go out with me, ever since we were kids. It’s actually a small part of the reason him and his friends jumped Max. I don’t get why he wants to go out with me when he has bimbo’s hanging on his every word. Maybe he likes the challenge? Since up until now I’ve always shot him down.


What will Max say? A tiny voice in my head asks and I roll my eyes. Nothing obviously, I mean what can he say? It’s not like he’s Mr. Morals considering he is becoming best friends with an entire group of people who have tormented me for most of stupid life so what is he going to say?

“Have you seen Kyle?” I ask Michael Guerin. I hate talking to him; he is always making me feel really nervous because he has these really intense looks that he gives people. He also oozes sex appeal which unnerves most girls, he is quite yummy but he also has a huge ego and a jackass attitude to go along with it.

“Why do you need to know?” He asks raising an eyebrow, looking at me like I was some kind of bug. Besides his body I can’t figure out why a half way decent human being like Maria would give this creep the time of day.

“I just do okay?” I tell him and he rolls his eyes and mumbles he’s gone to his car to get something.


“Kyle?” I say a bit hesitant as I approach his car.

He whirls round a smile plastered on his face, “Hey Liz.” He does look surprised to see me. “What’s up?” He asks finally when I don’t say anything. I don’t know how to go about this, I’m hoping he’ll ask me out so I don’t have to ask him out but I doubt after all the rejections I’ve given him that he’s going to.

I shrug and smile at him. “Nothing much, I was just looking for you.”

He laughs and gives me a once over like he thinks I’m confused, “Well you’ve found me.”

“Obviously, umm I was just wondering…” I trail off.

“Wondering …” He prompts good naturedly.

“If you wanted to hang out on Friday night?”


I nod and he smiles, “Yeah I’d like that.” I really hope I won’t regret this; this isn’t a date it’s just going out, two friends hanging out. I know we haven’t been friends but still it could change right?
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 228
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2002 8:40 am
Location: Oregon

Post by baby_bre »

I'm so sorry for not updating any of my stories sooner but there are somethings going on IRL that are taking up all of my time but no worries I will be back very soon with updates. I just wanted to let everyone know that I have chapters started and everything.