Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Z/L UCAdult Pt 70 P17 [WIP]

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz UC Adult Pt -17-18

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback



Pt 17

Rath finished the last sip of coffee in his mug and set the mug down on the counter. Deciding that he might as well take a shower he walked over to the door that lead upstairs. Turning the handle he opened the door and climbed the stairs. He turned the handle and opened the door stepping into the hallway. Pausing for a moment he listened for any sound of movement from inside Michael bedroom. Hearing none he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Walking over to the bed he pulled his T-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor. Moving his hand to his black jeans he unbuttoned and unzipped them pushing the denim down his legs so he was standing at the end of the bed in all his naked glory Walking across the room he opened Michael bedroom door which connected their bedrooms together. He stuck his head inside seeing a Michael was still sound asleep. Not wanting to wake him but at the same time hoping Michael would join him he left the bedroom door open hoping Michael would hear the shower and walked back across the room into his bathroom.

Michael slowly opened his brown eyes after hearing the bedroom door opening. He expected to see Rath standing over him and felt disappointed when he didn’t. Sitting up in bed he noticed that the door was still open connecting their bedrooms. Hearing the water running he threw back the covers from his body and climbed out of bed. He walked across the room in all his naked glory and into Rath bedroom and noticed the bathroom door was still open. "Rath naked and in the shower" Michael thought. His hardened cock jumped in response and he quickly walked across the bedroom and into the bathroom. Quietly shutting the bathroom door behind him, Michael looked to his left seeing Rath standing with his back to him inside a glass walk in shower. He licked his lips quietly opened the door making steam pouring out into the room.

Michael stepped into the shower closing the door just as quietly as he had opened the door. He walked up behind Rath wrapping his arms around Rath waist holding him close to his body "Morning" Michael said. "Morning" Rath said. Michael moved his hand to Rath hardened cock taking it into his hand. Rath moaned feeling Michael hardened cock pressing into his ass and his hand start to pump his hardened cock. Michael pumped Rath hardened cock enjoying the grunts and moans of pleasure he was causing to escape his mouth. " Michael...." Rath moaned. His balls tightened and his hot seed shot out as he thrust his hips uncontrollable grinding his ass into Michael’s hardened cock, making Michael moan in pleasure. Rath suddenly turned in Michael’s arms brining his mouth down on Michael’s mouth capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss when air became an issue Rath looked into Michael’s desired filled brown eyes and said, "How would you like me to give ya pleasure like ya just did me, a blow job, or ya wants me inside of ya tight ass?"

"How about all three?" Michael answered. Rath snickered and said, "Ya are as bad as Ria."" Speaking of Ria where is she?" Michael asked. "School" Rath answered. "She is going to be pissed when she finds out what we are doing? "Michael said. "Yep, but not for long cause then she will be moaning in pleasure" Rath said. He walked behind Michael pulling him back into his body wrapping one of his hands around Michael’s hardened cock and placing his other on his right hip holding him in place. Michael moaned in pleasure feeling Rath’s hand touch his hardened cock and Rath’s semi-erect cock pressing into his ass. Rath pumped Michael’s hardened cock hard and fast making Michael whimper, grunt and moan in pleasure.

Rath brought his mouth down to Michael’s shoulder near his neck taking the skin into his mouth and sucking hungrily."Rath... "Michael moaned. He thrust his hips grinding his ass into Rath’s semi-erect cock making Rath’s cock completely hard again. Rath pumped Michael’s hardened cock hard and fast releasing the area that he was sucking on from his mouth. "Rath..." Michael screamed as his hot seed shooting out of his large mushroom head. Rath moved his hand away from Michael’s cock deciding that they needed to move into the bedroom soon. Stepping away from his body Rath reached over picking up the bar of Zest soap and a washcloth. He rubbed the soap into the washcloth forming lather, then setting the soap back down.

Rath brought the washcloth to Michael’s back and slowly moved it around in circles over his back, then down over his firm ass. Michael moaned in pleasure enjoying the gentle touches never having had anyone wash his body before. Turn around Rath said. Michael turned around and Rath brought the washcloth to his chest slowly moving it around in circles over his shoulders, chest, stomach, and abdomen. Michael moaned when Rath moved the washcloth over his once again hardened cock and then massaged his balls. Rath squatted down moving the washcloth over Michael’s right leg and then over his left leg. Standing back up he set the washcloth back down. Michael turned around letting the water rinse away the soap from his body.

"Iz already washed by body before ya came in here" Rath said when Michael turned back around and said, "want to get out then?" Rath smirked while reaching around Michael and shutting off the water. He opened the door and stepped out onto the fluffy black bath mat grabbing two towels he handed one to Michael and wrapped the other around his waist. Michael wrapped the towel around his waist following Rath out of the bathroom. Rath stopped near his bed and said, "Ya wanna continue or ya wanna gets somethin’ ta eat?" Michael’s brown eyes were drawn to the towel hanging loosely around Rath’s waist and down to where it bulged out knowing Rath was as hard as himself. Michael didn’t answer instead walked over to Rath tugging the towel off from around his waist and kneeled down in front of him. He brought his mouth to Rath’s hardened cock running his tongue around the large mushroom head.

Rath moaned in pleasure moving his hands into Michael’s wet hair. He used his powers to dry Michael’s hair making him moan in pleasure from the sensation. Michael took Rath’s hardened cock into his mouth thrusting his mouth back and forth. Encouraged by Rath’s moans and grunts of pleasure Michael thrust his mouth harder and faster along Rath’s hardened cock. He scrapped his teeth along the vein causing Rath to thrust his hips uncontrollably. "Michael..".Rath screamed as his hot seed filled Michael’s mouth. Michael greedily drank down his hot seed making certain not to miss a single drop. After drinking him down Michael slipped his mouth from around Rath’s now soft cock.

Rath sat down on the bed feeling weak in his knees. Michael snickered, and then gulped realizing Rath was going to do the same thing to him. Rath breathed in deep catching his breath and then saying," Stands back up." Michael stood back up and Rath moved from the bed kneeling in front of Michael. He ran his tongue around Michael’s hardened cock licking up the pre-cum that had pooled there before taking Michael’s hardened cock completely into his mouth sucking hungrily. "Rath... "Michael moaned in pure pleasure. With each touch from Rath, Michael craved more. He moved his hand into Rath’s mohawk holding his mouth against his body. Rath thrust his mouth harder and faster along Michael’s hardened cock. Michael felt weak in his knees with each thrust of Rath’s mouth against his hardened cock. He thrust his hips uncontrollable thrusting his hardened cock into Rath’s mouth and filling his mouth with his hot seed. Rath greedily drank down his hot seed making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped his mouth from around his now soft cock.

Michael quickly sat down on the edge of the bed feeling that his knees might give out on him. Rath stood back up and snickered, knowing he had caused Michael to feel weak in the knees just like Michael had him. Michael gasped suddenly getting a flash of Ria with her hands in Rath’s Mohawk while his head was between her legs. "What ya see?" Rath asked knowing Michael had gotten either a flash of him eating Ria out or Ria giving him head. "Ria with her hands in your hair, holding your head between her legs," Michael answered. "Iz thinks we could convince Ria when she gets back dat we wants ta both give her pleasure" Rath said. "I think that will be the only thing that saves us if she knows what we have been doing all morning" Michael said. "Iz wants ta continue dis but iz hungry" Rath said. "Me too" Michael admitted. Rath walked over to his dresser opening the third drawer down and taking out two pairs of jeans. He handed one to Michael and stepped into the other pair. Michael stepped into the jeans pulling them up his legs, then buttoning and zipping them. They walked out of the bedroom heading for the kitchen.

Ria, Liz, Zan, Kyle, Alex, and Ava all had health class together. Ria was trying to figure out how she was going to skip the rest of school and spend the day with Rath. She sighed knowing that Rath would be angry if she hitched a ride to his house since she didn’t have the Jetta. Liz nudged her shoulder trying to get her attention. Ria looked over at Liz mouthing, "What?" Liz lifted her chic in attempt to tell Ria that she needed to listen. Ria sighed looking at Ms. Carter. "For this assignment you and your assigned partner will have to take care of this egg till the end of this term" Ms. Carter said. She looked at Zan and Ava and said, "For the aliens that are present and for Michael Guerin who is absent I will not tolerate use of powers to fix a broken egg" Ms. Carter said. "You mean we have to care for the child like a real baby?" Kyle asked. "Yes a shared responsibly" Ms. Carter said.

Ms. Carter waited till she had the classes attention again before continuing. "Before class I placed a piece of paper on everyone’s desk. On all the girls desk you have a whicker basket with a small pillow inside The girls have a number which is either one or two, for single birth or twins, and next to that number is your partners name. On the boys desk you have the girl’s name and the sex of the babies. I want everyone to look at the paper and anyone with the number two on their papers to make sure they get two eggs when I hand out the eggs in a few minutes." Ria’s green eyes doubled in size when she looked at the piece of paper on her desk and saw the number two next to Michael’s name. "This is so not funny" Ria thought. Liz looked at her paper seeing she had the number two and Zan’s name next to the number. "Did you get the number two?" Liz asked. "Yes and Micheal" Ria answered. "Me too and Zan"Liz said.

Ms. Carter started walking around handing an egg out to most of the girls, and two to a few students including Ria and Liz. "Why did you give Alex the egg?"Ava asked. "I talked with Alex earlier and he volunteered to be Tess Harding’s partner" Ms. Carson said. Ava’s blue eyes doubled in surprise when she heard Ms. Carson having forgotten Tess was in their class. She stared at the egg placed in front of her and shivered knowing she would be spending a lot of time with Kyle. Ms. Carter reached Ria and handed her two eggs. "Can I have Michael’s sheet cause he’s not in class today" Ria asked. "Zan can you grab the sheet off Michael’s desk and pass it to Ria?" Ms. Carter asked. Zan reached over grabbing the sheet off Michael’s desk and passed the paper to Ria. She looked at the paper seeing her name on the sheet and boy and girl.

Ms. Carter walked back to her desk and said, "You or your partner must keep the egg baby or babies with you at all time. You are to talk to them protect them and give them names." "So I can leave these with Michael" Ria mumbled. "I expect to see the babies in class with you each day one day with you and then next with your partner. If you are unlucky like Ria whose partner likes to skip class then you will have your baby each day in class with you" Ms. Carter said. The bell rang signaling the end of class. Ria grumbled stuffing the papers into her health folder. She stood up picking up her books and the eggs. Not only do I have to have a baby soon after I get married but now I have to pretend to have one Ria thought. Liz got up out of her seat picking up her books and the baskets with her eggs.

They walked out of the classroom and Ria asked Zan, "Take me back to Rath’s please?" Zan snickered saying, "No." Ria huffed walking away from Zan and Liz toward her locker. Ava, Alex and Kyle walked out into the hall after Ria walked away. "Here you can take the egg with you to your next class" Ava said. She handed her basket and egg to Kyle before he could say no. "Fine I’ll keep the egg until the end of the day, and then you can keep the egg while I am at practice" Kyle said. "Kyle what did you and Ava have?" Liz asked. "A girl" Kyle said. "Oh cool I can pick a girl’s name" Ava said. "Actually you are supposed to pick together" Zan said. The first bell rang for their next class and they all hurried down the hall to their next class.

Pt 18

Isabel followed the guard through the hallways in a big palace. The guard led her into a big room, which had two thrones against one wall. She looked over to a big window on her left and saw a man about six feet in height looking out the window. “Leave us” Kivar said. The guard turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Isabel alone with Kivar. Kivar turned around and Isabel’s breath caught in her throat when she got a good look at him. Kivar had sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. “Do you still go by Vilandra?” Kivar asked. “No. It’s Isabel now” Isabel said. “Seems your brother got himself in some trouble with Kal Langley” Kivar said. “Yes. He was supposed to protect Michael and refused to help him” Isabel said. “I have finally gotten the war to stop and for the people to accept me. I guess I owe it partly to your brother’s ignorance” Kivar said. “What are you going to do to him?” Isabel asked. “I would like you to be my bride and help me rule Antar. As for your brother, I plan to execute him” Kivar said.

Isabel nodded her head ‘yes’, feeling that was what Max deserved since he had killed Michael and most likely Tess. Max had become someone she didn’t know anymore or care to know after Liz had point blank told him that she was in love with Zan. “I will be your wife” Isabel said. Kivar smiled making Isabel feel weak in the knees. “It will not be for convenience” Kivar said. “Good cause I keep thinking about ripping your clothes off” Isabel said. Kivar smiled stepping closer to Isabel. He leaned down bringing his mouth to her mouth capturing her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Isabel clung to Kivar feeling weak in her knees. “I have a meeting in a few minutes. I can have the guard show you to my quarters where you could take a shower or bath and change. There is a closet full of clothes I purchased when I heard that you had left earth” Kivar said.

Isabel smiled, and said, “Shower and new clothes.” Kivar nodded his head yes. “I hope to join you soon” Kivar said. “Good” Isabel said The guard walked back into the room and Isabel walked over to him. She followed him out of the room and down another hallway to a room about the same size as the throne room. Looking around the room she saw a king-sized bed, two oak end stands and a closet. Going over to the bed she stripped off her clothes, thinking, “They need to be burned.” She walked across the room and into the bathroom, smiling when she saw a big tub and a shower. Walking over to the tub she turned on the hot and cold water adjusting the water to just the temperature pulling up the lever she stepped into the tub and closed the shower curtain. She sighed in pleasure feeling the warm water caressing her body.

Isabel picked up a washcloth and a bar soap and rubbed the soap into the washcloth. Setting the soap back down she slowly moved the washcloth over her body making certain not to miss a single spot of her skin. She felt so dirty after not being able to take a shower or bath while they traveled to Antar. Setting the washcloth back down, she turned around moving under the spray of the warm water. After the warm water rinsed away the soap she tilted her head back re-wetting her hair. Moving her head out from under the spray of warm water she reached down picking up a bottle of shampoo squeezing some into the palm of her hand. She brought her hands into her hair, massaging her scalp, forming a lather. Titling her head back she rinsed the soap out of her hair while running her fingers through her hair. Reaching down she turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. She grabbed a towel drying her body off, then stepping out of the tub. Walking back into the bedroom she went over to the bed and laid down not caring that she was naked.

Meanwhile, the guard with Max pulled the car into the palace and shut off the engine. Opening his car door he climbed out and closed the door after him. He opened the back door yanking Max out of the back seat. Max trembled in fear, making the guard laugh. “You are in for a treat” the guard said. He walked Max around to the back taking him inside and down a long flight of stairs. Using his powers he opened the door pushing Max inside of his cell. “This is going to be your new home” the guard said. He waved his hand making the door slam closed. Max’s brown eyes doubled in size when he realized the guard was still in there with him. “Word is you betrayed your best friend and then tried to murder his sister through her unborn child” the guard said venomously. “I did what I had to” Max said.

The guard laughed, before saying, “Kivar gave me permission to do anything I wanted you.” “What?” Max said unable to keep the tremor out of his voice. The guard waved his hand making Max’s clothes disappear. “They call me Goliath” the guard said. Max shivered feeling the cooler air in the cell touch his skin. He felt his body bend down against his own will making his ass raise in the air. “What’s he going to do to me?” Max thought. “You want to know why they call me Goliath?” he asked sarcastically. He took his large hardened cock in his hand and said, “My cock is twelve inches long and nice and thick.” Max’s brown eyes doubled in size as he felt his ass checks being spread open. Goliath brought his hardened cock to Max’s virgin whole. He thrust forward forcing the head of his large hardened cock into Max’s ass.

Max whimpered and tears filled his brown eyes. Goliath moved his hands to Max’s hips pulling his body back and forcing him to take his hardened cock inside. Max screamed and tears rolled down his face. Goliath moved his hand to Max’s cock finding his cock was as hard as a rock. “You like this” Goliath said. “No” Max cried. Goliath pumped Max’s hardened cock relishing in the load moan of pleasure that echoed off the cement walls of the cell. He thrust his hardened cock hard and fast making Max whimper and moan in pleasure. “I want to hear you admit you like me doing this to you” Goliath moaned. Max meowed feeling the head of his hardened cock brush against his g-spot. “…you…”Max moaned. His hot seed shot out of his hardened cock at the same moment as his admission. His ass clenched around Goliath’s hardened cock and he felt something warm fill his insides.

Goliath growled in pleasure, having not felt something that tight around his hardened cock in a long time. He pulled his hardened cock out of Max’s clenching ass and moved his hands away from his hips. Max crumpled to the ground curling up into a ball feeling his body tremble in pleasure. “That would be an alien orgasm you are feeling right now. When I come back you will be begging me to fuck you again” Goliath said. Max whimpered, knowing without a doubt that what Goliath was saying was true. Goliath waved his hand over his cock cleaning himself off and tucking his cock back into his uniform. “See you soon Max” Goliath said. Max whimpered and cried as Goliath walked out of his cell and closed the door behind him.

Kal walked into the room with Tess pressing the button for the scanner wanting to see how the process was coming. He looked at the monitor seeing that half of the toxin was now gone from the baby’s system. “Its working” Kal said. He pressed a few buttons turning the scanner off. Walking out of the room he glanced back and said, “Hopefully you will be able to come out by the end of the month…” He wished he could wrap his hands around Max’s neck and strangle him knowing that Tess was missing three months of her pregnancy because of Max. Walking out into his office he found a message from Kivar. Opening the folder he saw that Kivar was requesting that Kal allow him to publicly execute Max for his crimes on Earth of attempted murder. Kal responded back giving his approval feeling that was what Max deserved.

Damon was driving down the road when Lonnie suddenly said, “You need to stop at the next exit.” Damon glanced at her out of the corner of his eye seeing she looked like she was going to get sick. “I told you not to eat all that junk food” Damon said. He quickly moved into the lane for the parking ramp. Lonnie wanted to scream at him but was afraid if she did she would puke all over him. Soon as Damon pulled the car into a parking spot, Lonnie jumped out running to the bathrooms. Damon shut the engine off climbing out of the car and making his way to the bathrooms. “Guess we find a room for the night” Damon thought. Lonnie flushed the toilet and slowly got up from off the cold cement floor. She walked out of the stall walking over to the sink. She turned on the cold water splashing some water into her face. Turning off the water she walked out of the bathroom surprised to see Damon standing there waiting for her.

Damon walked over to Lonnie picking her up in his arms. “Wrap your arms around my neck” Damon said. Lonnie wrapped her arms around his neck wondering why he was being so nice to her. He walked back over to the car and said, “There are a couple of motels at the next exit. We are going to stop for the night.” Reaching the car he opened the door and carefully set her down on the seat. “Lay back and close your eyes” Damon said. Lonnie didn’t argue, and laid back. Damon reached in buckling Lonnie’s seat belt. He closed her door and walked around the car climbing back into the driver’s seat. Turning the key, he brought the engine to life and shifted the car into reverse and drove out of the parking area.

Damon drove back onto the main highway and took the next exit. He pulled the car into a parking space on one of the more expensive motels. Lonnie noticed and asked, “Why here?” “Cause they have room service and other things” Damon said. “Why are you being so nice to me?” Lonnie asked. “You know the reason” Damon answered. He climbed out of the car walking into the lobby. Lonnie’s brown eyes filled with tears as she thought, “How do I get you back. I was so blind.” Damon walked back out of the lobby a few minutes later. He went over to Lonnie’s side of the car opening her door and lifting her out of the car. Lonnie wrapped her arms around his neck holding onto him like her life depended on it. Damon kicked the door shut and carried Lonnie to their room.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 19-20

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


roswell3053 that's good cause Max does kinda get what he deserves

Pt 19

Rath closed the dishwasher and said, “Ria should be home in a couple hours.” Michael nodded his head ‘yes’ and said, “Gives us plenty of time?” Rath nodded his head while he walked over to the door, which led upstairs. Opening the door, Rath followed Michael upstairs. Opening the door at the top, they stepped into the small hallway. “Your room or mine?” Michael asked. “Yours. Iz just gotta gets some lube from mine” Rath said. Michael walked into his room and Rath walked into his.

Rath walked over to his end stand and opened the top drawer taking out a tube of lube then closing the drawer. He walked across his room into Michael’s bedroom through the door that connected their rooms. Closing the door he smirked seeing Michael was already naked. He walked over to Michael setting the lube down on the end stand. Michael moved his hands to Rath’s jeans slowly unzipping them and freeing his hardened cock from inside. Rath moaned feeling Michael’s hands touching his hardened cock. Michael moved his hand away from Rath’s hardened cock and pushed his jeans down. Rath kicked his jeans off the rest of the way and leaned down capturing Michael’s mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss breaking the kiss for much needed air.

Michael breathed in and out trying to calm his rapidly beating pulse. Knowing Rath wanted to fuck him first Michael asked, “How do you want me?” “Lay down on ya back. Iz wants ta watch ya face” Rath said. Michael laid down on his back resting his head against the pillows. Rath climbed onto the bed moving Michael’s legs over his hips and kneeling between Michael’s legs. He reached over picking up the lube and squeezing some onto his finger. Bringing his finger to Michael’s virgin whole he slowly slipped his finger inside. Michael moaned in pleasure as Rath slowly thrust his finger in and out of his ass. Rath slipped another finger inside and thrust his fingers in and out enjoying the grunts and moans of pleasure.

Michael whimpered when Rath suddenly stopped thrusting his fingers inside of him and slipped then completely out. Rath lined his hardened cock up with Michael’s virgin whole and said, “Don’t tense up.” Michael wondered why Rath said that until Rath slowly thrust his hardened cock inside of his ass. He could feel Rath’s hardened cock stretching him. Rath moaned, wanting to take it slow. It felt so good to have Michael’s tight ass around just his head that his body wanted more. Michael whimpered wanting Rath’s hardened cock completely inside of him. Rath thrust forward breaking through Michael’s cherry and filling him completely. He stilled his movements wanting Michael to adjust to his hardened cock being buried deep inside of his tight ass.

Michael thrust his hips wanting to feel Rath moving inside of him. “Please...” Michael begged. Rath slowly pulled back as if he was going to pull out completely, then thrust his hardened cock back inside. Michael moaned in pleasure loving the feel of Rath’s hardened cock thrusting in and out of his tight ass. “Rath....” Michael moaned when Rath’s hardened cock brushed against his g-spot. Rath thrust his hardened cock in and out of Michael’s tight ass watching the pleasure clearly written on his face. He took Michael’s hardened cock into his hand thrusting his hand up and down Michael’s hardened cock at the same pace that his hardened cock was thrusting in and out of his tight ass. “Ohhh...yes...ohhh...” Michael moaned in pure pleasure.

Rath thrust his hardened cock harder and faster as Michael’s ass clenched around his hardened cock and Michael’s hot seed shot out of his large mushroom head. “Rath....” Michael screamed. He felt Rath’s hot seed fill his clenching ass as Rath screamed, “Michael...” Michael hoped he could give Rath as much pleasure as he had just received. Rath slowly slipped his now soft cock out of Michael’s clenching ass and used his powers to clean his cock off. He brought his mouth to Michael’s stomach licking up his hot seed. Michael gasped and moaned in pleasure when Rath’s mouth closed over his cock. Rath sucked on Michael’s hardened cock making it hard again in his mouth then slowly slipped his mouth from around Michael’s hardened cock.

Rath rolled onto his back and Michael leaned over capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for much needed air, Michael moved so he was kneeling between Rath’s legs. He picked up the tube of lube and squeezing some onto his finger. Setting the lube back down, he slowly brought his finger to Rath’s virgin whole and slowly thrust his finger inside. Rath moaned in pleasure as Michael slowly thrust his finger in and out of his ass. Michael thrust another finger in beside his other one thrusting his fingers in and out of his tight ass. He slipped his fingers out causing Rath to moan in frustration.

Michael lined his hardened cock up with Rath’s virgin whole. He slowly thrust his large mushroom head inside of Rath’s ass moaning in pleasure at how good Rath felt around his hardened cock. Rath moaned feeling Michael’s hardened cock stretching him. Michael slowly thrust his hardened cock completely inside breaking through Rath’s cherry. He stilled his thrusts wanting Rath to adjust to his hardened cock being buried deep inside of his ass. Rath thrust his hips wanting to feel Michael’s hardened cock thrusting in and out of his ass. Michael slowly pulled his hardened cock back, then thrust his hardened cock back inside. “Michael...” Rath moaned. “This feels so good...” Michael moaned. He thrust his hardened cock in and out of Rath’s ass. “So does bein’ inside of ya” Rath moaned.

Michael moaned in agreement. He thrust his hardened cock harder and faster and took Rath’s hardened cock into his hand pumping his hardened cock at the same pace he was thrusting his hardened cock. “Michael...” Rath moaned. He thrust his hips uncontrollably as his ass clenched around Michael’s thrusting hardened cock and his hot seed shot out. “Michael..” Rath screamed. Michael thrust his hardened cock as deep as he possible could filling Rath’s clenching ass with his hot seed. “Rath...” Michael screamed. Slipping his now soft cock out of Rath’s clenching ass he waved his hand over his cock cleaning himself off. He brought his mouth to Rath’s stomach licking up his hot seed, then moving up Rath’s body and capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss.

Michael broke the kiss for much needed air and rolled onto his side. Rath rolled onto his side so he was facing Michael. He wrapped his arms around Michael’s body running his hand up and down his back. Michael wrapped his arms around Rath’s body running his hands up and down his back. They lay together touching each other while enjoying the after math of their climaxes. “What are we going to do when Ria walks in and wants to kill us for making her go to school while we gave each other pleasure?” Michael asked. He shivered imagining Hurricane DeLuca. “We grab her and bring her down in between us” Rath said.

Damon walked over to the bed holding onto Lonnie with one arm while pulling the covers back with another. He gently laid her down and said, “I’m going to help you get undressed.” Lonnie nodded her head yes not really sure if she wanted him to undress her. Damon raised his right eyebrow at her almost as if he knew she was thinking of reasons why he shouldn’t undress her. He moved his hand to her jeans slowly unbuttoning and unzipping them. Lonnie lifted her butt up off the bed and Damon slowly slipped her jeans over her hips and down her legs. He pulled the covers up over her body before walking over to the phone. Picking up the phone he dialed room service telling the person on the other end that he would like, a bottle of ginger ale, some saltine crackers, and a large order of French fries.

“What are you getting fries for?” Lonnie asked. “Cause I’m hungry” Damon answered. “Oh” Lonnie said. Damon brought his hand to his eyebrow and scratched it wondering if the smell of the fries might make her sick again. He walked across the room moving the waste basket closer to her just in case she couldn’t make it to the bathroom. Lonnie rolled onto her side snuggling into the pillows deciding she was going to sleep. “Thanks” Lonnie said. Damon watched Lonnie’s brown eyes slowly close and moved to the door to make sure that room service didn’t wake her. Sensing the room service guy he opened the door motioning for the person to be quiet.

The boy quietly pushed the cart into the room and Damon gave him a tip. “Your wife not feeling well?” the boy asked. “No” Damon answered. “If you need anything else I will personally bringing it and be extra quiet as not to disturb your wife” the boy said. Damon nodded his head wanting the boy to leave. After the boy left the room Damon closed and locked the door. He picked up his French fries from the tray and walked over to the chair next to the bed. Sitting down he ate his fries and watched Lonnie while she slept. He couldn’t help but wonder if Kal had purposely had him drive Lonnie knowing very well that he was still in love with Lonnie. Picking up the remote he turned on the TV wanting to do something to take his mind off Lonnie. He sighed when he found nothing worth watching on TV. Turning off the TV he found himself once again watching Lonnie while she slept.

Pt 20

Kivar made his way down the corridor to his quarters having concluded all his business for the day and informed the guards not to disturb him in any way. He walked into his quarters and slowly closed the door behind him. His blue eyes instantly noticed that Isabel was sprawled over his king-size mattress wearing absolutely nothing. His cock became rock hard at that moment. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress next to her. His blue eyes drank in the sight of her laying there.

Isabel slowly opened her brown eyes looking up into Kivar’s blue eyes. She blushed, never having had any man look at her body without clothes Kivar had his suspicions that Isabel was still a virgin but they were not confirmed until she blushed. He watched her nipples harden into tight peaks and said, “Cold?” “I wasn’t” Isabel answered. She looked deep into his blue eyes and said, “You could help me warm up.” Kivar leaned down bringing his mouth to her’s and slowly ran his tongue around her bottom lip. Isabel opened her mouth and Kivar slid his tongue inside of her mouth. Their tongues met and battled until air became an issue.

Kivar looked into Isabel’s eyes and saw that they sparkled with desire. “Warmer?” Kivar asked. “A little. I think I need more” Isabel said. Kivar brought his mouth to her mouth capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Isabel moaned in frustration when Kivar broke the kiss. Kivar moved his mouth to her rapidly beating pulse, sucking hungrily. Isabel moaned feeling the wetness between her legs. Kivar released her rapidly beating pulse admiring the purple hickey that now marked her neck. He kissed his way down to her right hardened nipple running the tip of his tongue around the hardened peak. Isabel moaned unconsciously spreading her legs in a silent invitation.

Kivar took the hardened peak into his mouth, sucking hungrily. Isabel didn’t think she would be able to get enough of him. Kivar released her hardened nipple and inhaled deeply, smelling her desire. He licked his lips as his mouth watered from his desire to drink down her juices. Isabel watched his tongue run around his bottom lip and moaned, “Please...” Kivar smiled knowing she was asking him to give her pleasure where the ache was building. His mouth closed over her left nipple sucking hungrily. Releasing her hardened peak he kissed and nipped his way down her body to her wet heat. Isabel moaned in pleasure and frustration; the ache between her legs was becoming unbearable.

Kivar ran the tip of his tongue along her outer lips, licking up her juices that were seeping through. “Ohhh...” Isabel moaned. Kivar thrust his tongue deep inside her pussy slowly moving his tongue around her inner walls. Isabel moved her hands into his sandy blonde hair holding his mouth against her pussy. Kivar thrust his tongue harder and faster wanting to push her over the edge and drink down her juices. “So...good...” Isabel moaned. She thrust her hips making her pussy grind into his mouth. Kivar moved his hand to her clit circling it with his thumb. “Kivar...” Isabel moaned. Her walls clamped down on his thrusting tongue and her juices filled his mouth as she climaxed. Kivar greedily drank down her juices making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat.

“I’m nice and warm now” Isabel said. Kivar smiled while crawling up her body. Isabel concentrated on making his clothes melt away from his body. Kivar moaned when his hardened cock brushed against her wet heat. “Wasn’t fair…you had clothes on” Isabel moaned. “I could hold back with them on” Kivar said. Isabel captured his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss breaking the kiss for much needed air she said, “Unless I have to wait till our wedding night, I want you. Now.” “Now is good” Kivar said. He reached between their bodies taking his hardened cock into his hand and slowly guided it into her tight heat. Isabel whimpered feeling his hardened cock stretching her. Kivar stopped when he felt her barrier and looked deep into Isabel’s eyes before thrusting his hardened cock completely inside of her pussy.

Isabel’s eyes started to fill with tears when she felt the sudden pinch from his hardened cock ripping through her barrier of innocents. Kivar moved his hand to her check gently wiping away the few tears that escaped her brown eyes. Isabel wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust her hips, wanting to feel his hardened cock moving in and out of her. Kivar pulled his hardened cock back and then thrust his hardened cock back inside. He thrust his hardened cock in and out making Isabel moan in pure pleasure. Isabel matched each and every one of his thrusts until her hips moved uncontrollably as her walls clamped down on his thrusting hardened cock. “Kivar....” Isabel screamed.

Kivar thrust his hardened cock harder and faster moaning in pleasure when her walls clamped down around his hardened cock making him feel like he was inside of a vice. Isabel ran her nails down his back cupping his fine ass in her hands. Kivar thrust his hardened cock as deep as he possibly could, filling her with his hot seed. “Isabel...” Kivar screamed. He continued to thrust inside of her prolonging their orgasm until he reluctantly pulled out of her fluttering heat. Rolling onto his back he brought Isabel into his arms and held her close to his body. He used his powers bringing the covers up over their bodies. Isabel snuggled into his body enjoying the feel of his arms being wrapped tightly around her body and soon, they fell asleep.

Goliath walked down the steps leading to the dungeon with a tray that held a bowel of split pea soup and a glass of water. He opened the cell door and walked inside finding Max was still curled up in a ball but had moved to the old beat up mattress in the corner. “I brought you some food. Nothing special…kinda nasty if you ask me” Goliath said. Max whimpered slowly getting up from the mattress and walking over to Goliath. He sat down on the bench and winced feeling the cold metal against his ass, which he felt like was on fire still from Goliath’s large cock being inside of him. Goliath handed him the tray. Max looked down at the bowel and wanted to refuse to eat what looked like split pea soup, but was afraid what Goliath might do to him if he refused.

Max picked up the spoon and started to eat the soup. This is nasty Max thought. He forced himself to eat every last drop of the soup the picked up the water and quickly drank it down. Goliath reached over taking the tray from Max and set it down on the bench next to Max He moved his hand to his jeans unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans freeing his large hardened cock from inside. Max’s brown eyes doubled in size when he realized that Goliath was going to repeat what had happened earlier. Goliath took his hardened cock into his hand and brought it to Max’s mouth. “Open up” Goliath said. Max opened his mouth and Goliath thrust his cock into Max’s mouth. He moved his hands into Max’s hair holding his mouth in place.

Max whimpered, as Goliath thrust his hardened cock in and out of his mouth forcing him to take all of him each time. He felt shame when he realized that his cock was rock hard from Goliath fucking his mouth. Goliath grunted in pleasure as his hot seed flowed into Max’s mouth. Max greedily drank down his hot seed. Tastes better than the soup Max thought. Goliath continued to thrust his cock in and out of Max’s mouth until he was rock hard again and said, “Enough.” Max released his hardened cock from his mouth and wondered what Goliath was going to do to him now. “Stand up and face the wall” Goliath said. Max shivered and stood up and faced the wall. Goliath took his hardened cock into his hand and spread Max’s ass checks, thrusting his cock inside of his tight ass in one swift movement. “Iz gonna miss ya after ya gone” Goliath said.

Max moaned thrusting his hips back wanting Goliath to fuck him already. He wondered what exactly Goliath meant by when you are gone. Goliath thrust his hardened cock hard and fast inside Max’s tight ass. Max grunted and moaned in pleasure feeling his balls tightening. Goliath thrust his cock as deep as he possibly could as Max’s ass clenched around his thrusting cock. Max’s hot seed shot out at the same moment Goliath’s hot seed filled his ass. Goliath pulled out of Max’s clenching ass and waved his hand over his cock cleaning himself off before tucking his dick back into his jeans. He walked Max over to the bed before letting go of him. Max dropped onto the mattress his body trembling from the after effects. Goliath waved his hand covering Max with an old ragged blanket before turning around and walking out of the dungeon.

Ria sighed, having thought the day would never end. She shoved her books into her locker and closed the door. Turning round she walked down the hall carrying her basket with her egg babies. “They had better be ready” Ria thought as she walked up to Zan and Liz. “Iz gonna drop Liz off at da Crash n then takes ya back to Rath’s crib” Zan said. Ria nodded her head ‘yes’ and followed Zan and Liz out of the building, over to his Trans Am. Liz opened the passenger’s seat and pulled up the seat lever for Ria, who climbed into the back seat. She pushed the seat back and then climbed into the front seat. Zan walked around the car opening the driver’s side door and climbed into the car. Turning the key, he brought the engine to life and shifted the car into drive, pulling out of the parking spot.

Ria sighed when they reached the Crash a few minutes later. “I have to work so you can keep the eggs” Liz said. “Sounds fair to me” Zan said. Zan leaned over capturing Liz’s mouth in a passionate kiss breaking the kiss for air he said, “Call me when ya done workin’.” “I will” Liz said. She opened the passenger’s side door and climbed out of the car. Ria pushed the lever up and climbed out of the car and then back in, sitting down in the passenger’s seat. She closed the door and Zan pulled the car back onto the road, heading for Rath’s house.

Ava walked into headquarters with Alex, having checked her messages. Kal smiled when they walked in and said, “I just wanted to let you know that half of the toxin is out of the baby’s system.” Alex smiled, and hoped that might mean that Tess would be out of the tank soon. He missed her more than he could fathom. Kal noticed that they were both carrying baskets with eggs and asked, “What’s with the eggs in baskets?” “We have to be parents to the egg or eggs for a couple of weeks” Ava answered. “Interesting” Kal said. “Anything else?” Alex asked. “No” Kal answered. “We are supposed to meet Kyle at the Crash after his practice. He has our egg tonight” Ava said. Kal smiled, and asked, “Bring me back my usual?” “Yep” Ava answered. Alex and Ava left Kal’s office and Ava said, “That was good news.” Alex smiled and said, “It was.”

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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 21-22

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


Pt 21

Zan pulled the car into the driveway. He placed his foot on the brake and shifted the car into reverse. “Are you coming in?” Ria asked. “Nah, I got some stuff to do” Zan answered. “Okay. See ya” Ria said. Opening the door, she picked up her basket with her two egg babies and climbed out of the car. After closing the door, she walked over to the front door and opened it, walking inside. Zan smirked as he watched her close the door before he backed the car out of Rath’s driveway. Shifting the car into drive, he drove down the road heading for his house.

Ria walked over to the door and turned the handle, opening the door and climbed the stairs to the top door. Opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway and wondered in which room she would find them. She decided to try Rath’s bedroom first so she walked over to the door and slowly opened it. Stepping inside, she found that neither Michael nor Rath were in his bedroom. Her green eyes looked at the door which connected Michael’s bedroom to Rath’s bedroom and walked over to it. Turning the handle, she opened the door and walked inside. Once inside of the room, she quietly closed the door and made her way over to the bed where she found Michael and Rath naked and wrapped in each others arms.

Ria set her basket with the egg babies down on Michael’s end stand and walked closer to the bed. She placed her hands on her hips while drinking in the sight of seeing Rath naked for the first time. “Damn” Ria thought. She shifted on her feet feeling the familiar wetness between her legs as her body responded to the sight before her. Her green eyes sparkled in anger, feeling they still needed to be yelled at for making her go to school while they obviously became better acquainted with each other. “Rath” Ria growled. Rath slowly opened his brown eyes and looked up into Ria’s angry green eyes. He smirked, having anticipated Ria being angry with them. Moving away from Michael, slightly he reached up and grabbed Ria bringing her down on the bed between him and Michael.

“You made me go to school while you and Michael stayed home and gave each other pleasure” Ria growled. Rath smirked again, wondering how she could look so hot when she was angry. Ria glared at Rath when he smirked again. Rath brought his mouth to hers, capturing it in a fierce and demanding kiss. Ria moaned into Rath’s mouth as he deepened the kiss. Breaking the kiss, Rath looked deep into her eyes seeing they now sparkled with desire. “We has been waitin’ for ya ta gets here so we can give ya some pleasure” Rath said. Ria blinked, having forgotten about Michael being there. She moaned when Michael chose that moment to close his mouth over her neck.

Rath paused for a moment and remembered that he had never seen Ria completely naked. He placed his hands on her jeans making them melt away from her body. Michael released Ria’s neck and ran is tongue over the purple hickey he had just given her. Ria blushed knowing why Rath hadn’t melted away her shirt. “You... can take my shirt off” Ria said. Rath placed his hands on her shirt, deciding to manipulate the material instead. He concentrated on turning her shirt into a bikini top. Michael wondered why Rath did that, when he remembered Rath had said they hadn’t done a lot of things. “Dat way ya can takes it off if ya wants” Rath said. Ria smiled and nodded her head, having a feeling she would want to have skin to skin contact with them.

Ria turned her head, brining her mouth to Michael’s and capturing it in a fierce and demanding kiss. Rath moved his hand between her legs, finding she was already wet. Ria broke the kiss for air, breathing in deep as Rath moved his fingers back and forth over her outer lips. Michael moved closer to her body, pulling her back slightly, giving Rath better access. He moved his hands to her covered breast and cupped them in the palms of his hands. Ria moaned in pleasure, feeling both of them touching her. “More...” Ria begged. Michael moaned in frustration when Ria rocked her hips, making her ass grind into his hardened cock. Rath smirked, knowing Ria was inadvertently teasing Michael while he teased her.

Michael moved his thumbs back and forth over her hardened nipples wanting to tease her like she was him. Rath slipped two of his fingers inside of her wet heat, making her moan in pleasure. His cock jumped in response to her moans of pleasure. Pushing his own need aside, he thrust his fingers slowly in and out of her pussy. Ria looked into Rath’s eyes, only focusing on him as she felt her climax building in the pit of her stomach. Rath moved his other hand to her clit and circled it with his thumb. “Rath...” Ria screamed. Her hips thrust uncontrollably against Rath’s hand, making her grind her ass into Michael’s hard cock; causing him to moan in pleasure and frustration. Rath slowly slipped his fingers out of her fluttering heat and brought them to his mouth, sucking off her juices. “Sweet and spicy” Rath said in a thick and husky voice.

Michael inhaled deeply, imagining she tasted just as good as she smelled. Rath brought his mouth to hers, capturing it in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Rath said, “If ya turns so ya facing Michael, he can do what I just did.” Michael moved his hands away from her hard nipples and Ria turned so she was now facing Michael. She blushed, seeing Michael’s brown eyes drinking in the sight of her before him. Rath wrapped his arms around her body, bringing her back against his body. Moaning in frustration when her ass rubbed against his hardened cock, he moved his hands to her covered breasts and began moving his thumbs back and forth over her hardened nipples.

Ria moaned in pleasure and frustration. She wanted Michael to touch her. Michael moved his hand down her body to her pussy and ran his fingers over her wet outer lips. “More...” Ria moaned. Michael slipped two of his fingers inside of her wet heat, moaning at how good they felt around his fingers. He could only imagine how good she would feel around his hard cock. Rath decided after Ria came this time she needed to be on her back so they could tease her more with their mouths. Michael slowly thrust his fingers in and out of her tight, wet pussy. Ria meowed in pleasure, wanting more than their fingers touching her. Her walls started to flutter around Michael’s fingers signaling she was close. Michael thrust his fingers harder and faster making her scream, “Michael,” as her walls clamped down on his thrusting fingers.

Rath moved his hands away from her hard nipples as Michael slipped his fingers out of her fluttering heat. Ria watched him bring his hand to his mouth and suck her juices off. He moaned and took his fingers out, making his mouth water wanting to taste more of her sweet and spicy juices. “You taste sweet and spicy. My favorite flavor” Michael said in a thick and husky voice. “You can taste me more if you put your tongue where your fingers where” Ria said in a husky voice. Michael licked his lips liking the sound of that but knew Rath was first. “After Rath” Michael said. “Lay on ya back” Rath said.

Ria moved placing her head against the pillows and spreading her legs in a silent invitation. She looked deep into Rath’s eyes and said, “I want to give the two of you pleasure too.” Rath and Michael both moaned as their hardened cocks jumped in response to her words. “Later” Rath said. Ria stuck her bottom lip out in a pout wanting to give them pleasure. “Dis is about ya right now. Ya can give us pleasure later” Rath said. Ria moaned when she felt his mouth against her wet heat. Michael moved his mouth to hers, capturing it in a passionate kiss. Rath thrust his tongue deep inside of Ria’s pussy. Ria moaned into Rath’s mouth, knowing he would be pushing her over the edge soon. Michael broke the kiss and stared into her eyes hoping that he could give her as much pleasure as Rath.

Ria watched Michael’s eyes trying to read what he was thinking. She moved her hands into his brown hair and brought his mouth back down to hers. Their tongues met and battled at the same pace Rath thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy. Rath moved his thumb to her clit knowing she would need to sleep soon without having their heightened alien sex drive. “Break da kiss n come down ta me so when iz slips my tongue out, ya can make her cum. Ya can wakes her up after she sleeps some” Rath told Michael mentally. Michael broke the kiss and Ria moaned in frustration wondering why he was moving away from her. “Rath...” Ria screamed.

Rath thrust his tongue hard and fast, making her walls clamp down on his thrusting tongue. He greedily drank down her juices making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipping his tongue out of her fluttering heat. Michael then thrust his tongue deep inside of Ria’s fluttering heat and Rath moved up the bed, laying on his side next to her. Ria meowed in pure pleasure not having expected Michael to be giving her pleasure when she was still recovering from her last climax with Rath. Michael thrust his tongue hard and fast wanting to drink down her juices. Ria thrust her hips uncontrollably, grinding her pussy into Michael’s mouth. “Michael...” Ria screamed.

Michael greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop and then slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat. He crawled back up the bed capturing her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, he laid on his side next to her. Rath leaned over capturing her mouth in another fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss, he brought Ria into his strong arms holding her close to his body. Michael moved closer to Ria wrapping his arms around her body so his hands were touching Rath too. Rath concentrated and brought the covers up over their bodies. He then snickered, seeing Ria had already fallen asleep in his arms.

Pt 22

Lonnie slowly opened her brown eyes and looked over at the chair, seeing that Damon had fallen asleep. She slowly lifted her head up off the pillow to test if when her head was off the pillow, she would feel like getting sick again. “Being an alien I have never been sick before and now all at once. I feel like my head’s going to explode” Lonnie thought. She slowly pushed the covers off her body and climbed out of bed and walked over to the serving tray picking up the glass of ginger ale, then walked back over to the bed.

Damon opened his eyes and saw Lonnie climbing back into bed. “I would have gotten that for you” Damon said. “You were asleep” Lonnie said. She sipped the ginger ale wanting to eat something but was afraid she would get sick again. Damon got up out of the chair needing to stretch from the position he had fallen asleep in. Lonnie set the ginger ale down and said, “I’m not feeling sick right now and I’m kinda hungry.” Damon walked over to the phone picking up the room service menu. “You could get something light, maybe chicken noodle soup” Damon suggested. “That sounds good” Lonnie said.

Damon picked up the phone dialing the number for room service. “I would like a bowel of chicken noodle soup, cheese burger, coffee and ginger ale” Damon said. He hung up the phone and said, “About fifteen minutes.” “Okay” Lonnie said. “Do you want some of these saltines until then?” Damon asked. “No. Oh I should have had you ask if they have those little oyster crackers” Lonnie said. Damon shook his head and picked up the phone dialing room service again. “I placed an order a minute ago” Damon said. “Yes, sir” the girl said. “I was wondering if you had oyster crackers?” Damon asked. “Yes we do. I’ll add them for you” the girl said. “Thanks” Damon said. He hung up the phone and said, “They added the crackers.”

Lonnie sat sipping her soda discreetly watching Damon. She wondered again, how she could fix the mistakes she had made in the past. “What would it take?” Lonnie thought. Damon could feel Lonnie watching him and chose not to say anything afraid that once again they would get into an argument over nothing. There was a knock on the door, Damon walked over to the door and opened it. A young boy pushed the room service tray into the room. Damon reached into his pocket taking out his wallet giving him a tip. The boy nodded his head in thanks and pushed the other cart out of the room. Lonnie started to get out of bed and Damon said “You can stay right there. I’ll bring the tray over to you.” He had no desire to see her walking around half naked.

Damon moved the tray over to Lonnie. She noticed his cheese burger and whined, “No fair.” “I aint’ drinkin’ no soup” Damon said. Lonnie rolled her eyes and picked up the oyster cracker opening the small package and pouring them into her soup. She picked up her spoon dunking the oyster crackers. “You going to play with your soup or eat it?” Damon asked sarcastically. Lonnie stuck her tongue out at him while bringing the spoon to her mouth. Damon quickly picked up his cheese burger wanting to think about anything else but the temptation to kiss her.

Zan walked into his house chuckling to himself while thinking about Ria telling Rath and Michael off for making her go to school. He set his basket with the egg babies down on his counter having no intention of carting them all over the house. He walked over to his answering machine checking to see if Kal had left any messages for him. Seeing the number flashing, one, he pressed the play button. “Just letting you know that we are having dinner on Sunday to announce your’s and Liz’s engagement and Rath and Ria’s.” Kal said. Zan groaned, knowing that meant it was a formal dinner. “Monkey suit” Zan thought. He licked his lips, imagining Liz wearing a sexy cocktail dress.

Kal sat at his desk looking at two files he had collected years ago which had helped him in making his decision to have Rath marry Ria and Zan marry Liz. The secret in their human blood line was what had in the beginning attracted him to Amy Deluca. Sitting there he remembered the day that he had boldly asked Amy if she would agree to an arranged marriage of her daughter to Rath. She had laughed, playing it off by saying, “You want my daughter, a human to marry one of the children you watch over, an alien?” “I researched your family and the Parkers” Kal said. “You must have been bored out of your mind” Amy said. “Do they call you a witch or is it Wiccan?” Kal asked. He had never felt so scared in his life when after he had said that she turned staring him right in the eyes and said, “It’s Wiccan and my daughter will never practice the craft unless she chooses to do so.”

Kal had finally gotten Amy to agree but she had made him promise that he would destroy the files. Neither Liz nor Ria had to his knowledge ever followed in their parent’s footsteps. Picking up the files he threw them in the trash can and waved his hand over them igniting them destroying the files. He sighed, wishing Amy would get back from her business meeting soon. His phone rang, he reached over picking it up and saying, “Yo.” “Yo yourself” Amy said. “I was just thinking about you” Kal said. “When is the dinner?” Amy asked. “Sunday” Kal said. “Are you having Nancy and Jeff attend?” Amy asked. “No” Kal answered. “I am still stuck here for a couple more days” Amy said. “Can I ask why you and Nancy choose to not have your children practice the art, as you call it” Kal asked. “Demons tend to follow those of us that do practice” Amy answered.

Kal shivered, having thought he had seen everything until the day he had tried to fight what he had thought had been an evil alien. Amy threw something at the red eyes being and the next thing he knew the thing had screamed and caught in fire. “You still there?” Amy asked. “Yes” Kal answered. Amy giggled knowing he was thinking about the demon that would have kicked his ass. “Not funny” Kal growled. “I don’t think Zan or Rath thought it was funny either” Amy said. “It took me forever to convince them that they must have had a nightmare” Kal said. “You wouldn’t have had to do that if you would have let me cast the spell that Nancy and I used to on our daughters” Amy said. “I still think that spells can be broken” Kal said.

Liz walked over to the booth Alex, Ava and Kyle were sitting. She slid into the seat next to Alex. “So did you get busted?” Kyle asked. “Shh, before you get me busted” Liz said. “I’m still in shock” Alex said. “Ha ha very funny” Liz said. Ava giggled thinking it was funny cause the only reason she skipped was not wanting to listen to Ria whining all day and then Ria skipped. . She wondered what exactly was going on with Ria, Rath and Michael but was sure it would be announced at their up coming formal dinner. “Ya have ta work tomorrow?” Ava asked. “Nope” Liz answered. “Cool. Ya wanna go shoppin’ wit me and Ria?” Ava asked. “Sure that would be fun” Liz said. Ava smiled, knowing Zan was going to tell her later about the formal dinner.

“I better get back to work” Liz said. “Can ya put in an order for Kal ta go?” Ava asked. “Yeah the usual?” Liz asked. “Yep” Ava answered. “Does he ever cook?” Kyle asked. “Only when Amy’s home” Ava answered. “Surprised doesn’t get mad about Ria staying over at Rath’s house” Kyle said. “Guess Amy just knows she can’t keep them apart” Ava said. “Well I have to get going” Kyle said. He slid out of the booth and Ava said, “You are forgetting something.” Kyle looked down at her seeing she was holding the basket out for him to take. “Come on” Kyle whined. “I watched her while you had practice” Ava said. She batted her eyelashes at him and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. Kyle sighed, taking the basket from her knowing the second she batted her eyelashes at him he was a goner. He quickly turned walking out of the diner before someone made a smart comment.

Liz watched Kyle walk out of the diner and then said, “You know that Kyle likes you.” “No. I always thought he liked Lonnie” Ava said. Alex shook his head no and said, “Lonnie is a girl ya wants ta fuck but not have as a girlfriend.” “Alex” Ava gasped. “Come on how many guys has she fucked this year?” Alex asked. “Lonnie has made some bad choices” Ava said. Liz had walked over to the kitchen when Alex had started asking how many guys Lonnie had been with. She thought about how Lonnie was the alien hooch and Pam Troy was the human hooch of their class. “Orders up” Jose yelled. Liz walked out into the kitchen picking up the box for Kal. She walked back over to the booth placing it on the table.

“Call me later on my cell if ya don’t talks wit Zan all night” Ava said. “I will” Liz said. She turned around walking back behind the counter. “I’m going to go too” Alex said. He picked up his egg and basket and slid out of the booth. Ava slid out of the booth and picked up Kal’s dinner. She walked over to the cash register paying for her food. Alex followed her over paying for his food, then walked out of the diner with Ava. “You know if you wanted to hang at Kal’s. Iz sure he wouldn’t mind” Ava said. “No thanks. That will just make me miss her more” Alex said. Ava nodded her head yes hoping she could find a guy like Alex who would love her just as much as he loves Tess. She was unaware that was what she could have with Kyle.

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Alien W@edlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 23-24

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


Nusta~ I perposely spell it the other way so my beta's the one who changed it and people do spell it like that they spell it all sorts of ways

Pt 23

Isabel slowly opened her brown eyes and looked up into Kivar’s piercing blue eyes. “Please tell me you have normal food and not food like on that planet we stopped at” Isabel said. Kivar laughed before saying, “You hungry for finger food or food requiring silverware?” “Oh French fries and a cheese burger would be awesome” Isabel said. “I will tell the servant to bring us two cheese burgers and fries. What to drink?” Kivar asked. “Soda” Isabel said. Kivar nodded his head ‘yes’ reaching over by the bed and pressing a button on the wall. “Yes, your highness” they heard. “I would like the cook to make me two cheese burgers and fries with two large sodas” Kivar said. “Yes, your highness” they heard again.

Isabel moved her hands over his chest and watched in amazement as his nipples hardened from her gentle touches. She brought her mouth to his chest, kissing a path down his chest to his hardened cock. Kivar moaned in pleasure, feeling her breath against his hardened cock. Isabel slowly ran her tongue around the large mushroom head, licking up his pre-cum. “Take it in. Iz” Kivar moaned. Isabel slowly took his large mushroom head into her mouth, sucking hungrily for a moment before taking his hardened cock completely into her mouth. Kivar moved his hands into her hair holding her mouth against his hardened cock. Isabel thrust her mouth up and down his hardened cock, relishing in the grunts and moans of pleasure she was causing to come from his mouth.

Kivar fought the urge to thrust his hardened cock in and out of her mouth. Isabel thrust her mouth up and down his hardened cock harder and faster. She felt wetness between her legs again and wanted his hardened cock buried deep inside of her but at the same time wanted to finish what she had started. “Isabel...” Kivar moaned. He could smell her mounting desire and wanted to be buried deep inside her tight wet heat again. Isabel scraped her teeth along the vein on his hardened cock as she deep throated him. Kivar thrust his hardened cock hard and fast inside of her mouth as his hot seed flowed into her mouth. “Isabel...” Kivar screamed. Isabel greedily drank down his hot seed, making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped his cock out of her mouth. She crawled back up his body just as a female servant entered the room with a tray.

“Anything else your highness?” the girl asked. “That will be all” Kivar answered. The girl nodded her head and quickly turned around leaving their quarters. “I’m starved” Isabel said. “Did you eat anything since leaving Roswell?” Kivar asked. “No…was too afraid when I saw the food” Isabel said. She moved away from his body and sat up. Kivar also sat up, letting his eyes drink in the sight of her naked breasts. “I’ll have you for dessert” Kivar said. Isabel was reminded then of the wetness between her legs. “Can’t wait” Isabel said. Kivar reached over picking up the plates. He handed one to Isabel and kept the other for himself. He watched her pick up the cheese burger and take a bite. Isabel swallowed the food in her mouth and said, “Just like home.” Kivar picked up his burger and took a bite having no idea what the burgers tasted like on Earth.

Lonnie finished her soap and moved the covers away from her body. Damon was glad he had swallowed the food in his mouth when his eyes watched her climb out of bed and his hardened cock jumped in response to seeing her naked below the waist. Lonnie could feel his eyes watching her, as she walked across the room and into the bathroom. When the bathroom door closed, Damon moved his hand to his jeans adjusting the pressure against his hardened cock. Lonnie walked back out into the bedroom and Damon asked, “Did you just get sick again?” Lonnie climbed back into bed and reached over for her ginger ale. “No” Lonnie answered.

Damon stood up and walked over to the tray. He picked up the second can of ginger ale and set it down on the end stand. “Anything else before I take a shower and call it a night?” Damon asked. Lonnie looked deep into his eyes and thought, “You.” She shook her head ‘no’, afraid that her voice would give away her desires. Damon’s alien senses picked up on Lonnie’s desire as he moved the tray away from the bed. He walked across the room to the bathroom thinking, “Ice cold shower.” He was just about to walk into the bathroom when he heard Lonnie mumble, “God I want him.” “Tempting” Damon thought. He found himself turning around and walking back over to the bed, almost like his body had a mind of its own.

Lonnie’s brown eyes doubled in size when she saw Damon walking back over to the bed. Damon leaned down brining his mouth to her mouth and capturing hers in a passionate kiss. He broke the kiss when air became an issue and said, “If we do this, I have something I need you to do.” “What’s that?” Lonnie asked. “Take the time in the city to decide what you really want” Damon said. “If I said I already know what I want and was too scared and stupid to admit it?” Lonnie asked. Damon looked deep into her eyes and saw that she was completely open to him. Lonnie moved her hands to her T-shirt and pulled it over her head, silently begging him to touch her while moving her hands to his T-shirt. “Can we talk later? I want you so bad. I’m sure the sheets are wet” Lonnie said.

Damon lifted his arms, allowing her to pull the T-shirt over his head. Lonnie dropped the T-shirt onto the floor and moved her hands to his jeans unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, freeing his hard cock from inside. She licked her lips seeing his hard cock standing proud. Damon kicked his jeans off the rest of the way and climbed into bed. He covered her body with his, making her moan in frustration. “Please...” Lonnie begged. Damon reached between their bodies, taking his hard cock into his hand and slowly guiding it inside of her tight, wet heat. “Damon....” Lonnie moaned. Her walls clamped down on his hardened cock on penetration.

“Tight...”Damon moaned. He slowly pulled his hard cock back, and then thrust his hard cock back inside of her fluttering heat. Lonnie wrapped her legs around his waist, holding his body close to hers. Damon thrust his hardened cock in and out of her wet heat, relishing in the whimpers and moans of pleasure coming from her mouth. “So good” Lonnie moaned. “So tight...”Damon moaned. He thrust his hardened cock harder and faster, making certain that his large mushroom head brushed against her g-spot. “Ohhh...” Lonnie moaned. Her hips moved uncontrollably as she met him thrust for thrust, her walls clamping down around his thrusting hardened cock. “Damon....” Lonnie screamed.

Damon thrust his hardened cock harder and faster inside her fluttering heat, feeling her walls pulling his hardened cock deeper with each thrust. His balls tightened signaling his own release and he thrust as deep as he possible could, filling her with his hot seed. “Lonnie...”Damon screamed. “Damon...”Lonnie mewed in pleasure as she felt his warm seed flow inside of her wet heat. Damon continued to thrust his cock inside of her until he reluctantly pulled out of her fluttering heat. Lonnie whimpered wanting him buried deep inside of her. “Did I hurt you?” Damon asked. Lonnie’s eyes filled with tears hearing the concern in his voice. She shook her head no and said, “Wanted you there.”

Damon smirked, rolling off her body and onto his back. He reached down with one hand bringing the covers up over their bodies and reached over with his other arm, brining Lonnie into his arms. Lonnie sighed in pleasure, snuggling into his body. Damon ran his hand up and down her back, feeling her tremble. He watched her eyes slowly close as she fell asleep in his arms. “I love you” Lonnie mumbled in her sleep. Damon blinked, staring down at Lonnie snuggling in his arms. He watched her sleep until he could no longer keep his eyes open and fell asleep as well.

Michael slowly opened his brown eyes when he could no longer ignore that he was hungry. He noticed the basket on his end stand with two hard boiled eggs. Not knowing he couldn’t eat them, he moved away from Ria’s body and reached over. “You can’t eat them” Ria said. Rath’s brown eyes slowly opened wondering why Ria was telling Michael he couldn’t eat the egg. “Put it back in the basket” Ria said. “Why can’t I eat the egg?” Michael asked. “Cause they are our egg babies for health class” Ria answered. Michael quickly placed the egg back in the basket and said, “Who’s mine?” “Yes. I got partnered with you. Rath isn’t in our class” Ria said. Rath snickered thinking it was funny that Michael and Ria had to take the eggs with them where ever they went.

Ria glared at Rath hearing him laughing at them. “I don’t find it funny” Ria growled. “All ya have to do is make sure the eggs don’t break” Rath said. “We have to take them every where with us, unless we have a babysitter” Ria said. “You” Michael said. “No way spaceboy. I am not the only one who is going to carry them around” Ria growled. “Not like I am planning on going back to school till the week after next” Michael said. “Oh yes you are. Both of you are going to school on Monday” Ria growled. Rath snickered, already having planned on going to class on Monday. “Are you saying no more skipping period or no more skipping with out you?” Rath asked.

Ria looked directly into Rath’s eyes and said, “Not without me.” “I think after we get somethin’ ta eat ya should convince Michael and me why we should let ya stay home” Rath said. Ria licked her lips and said, “Let’s go get something to eat then.” Rath unwrapped his arms from around her body and climbed out of bed. He picked up his jeans and stepped into them. Michael then climbed out of bed and picked up his jeans, stepping into them and pulling them up his legs. Ria climbed out of bed as they buttoned their jeans. “I’m going to get a skirt” Ria said. Walking across the room, she opened the connecting door and walked into Rath’s bedroom. She walked back into Michael’s bedroom a few minutes later and followed Michael and Rath downstairs.

Pt 24

Goliath made his way down the stairs to the dungeon, having received Kivar’s permission to take Max to a different part of the castle for a night of pleasure on his part and a night of torture on Max’s part. He opened the door to Max’s cell and said, “Stand.” Max’s brown eyes doubled in size, seeing a metal device in Goliath’s hand and a dildo in the other with a collar and leash. “Kivar has given me permission to play with you tonight” Goliath said. He walked over to Max, taking his limp cock into his hand and running his thumb nail down its length. Max hissed as his cock jumped to attention.

“That’s it, get hard for me” Goliath said. He slipped cuffs around Max’s balls, clicking them closed as he slipped the shaft into the steel tube. Max moaned when Goliath moved his hand way from the devise. He wondered how long Goliath would leave the thing on his dick. Goliath placed a leather collar around his neck. Buckling the collar in place, he hooked the leash on the ‘O’ ring in the front. He walked behind Max, spreading his ass checks with one hand exposing his asshole and placed the dildo there, thrusting it inside. Max whimpered, wondering what would happen to him next. Goliath walked around Max and took the leash into his hand. Pulling on the leash, he forced Max to follow him out of his cell.

Goliath led Max down the hallways, to a room in the back part of the castle that was no longer used on a regular basis. He waved his hand, lighting the two candles that hung on the walls. Max looked around the room and saw that their wasn’t much in the room other than a bed and a wooden chair. He was unaware that everything Goliath needed was laid out behind the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Goliath walked Max over using his powers to remove the ring from around Max’s wrists. Max sighed, hoping he could stay free for a few moments. Goliath dashed his hopes when he lifted Max’s arms over his head and cuffed his wrists, so his arms were cuffed above his head. He squatted down and moved Max’s feet apart, locking his ankles into shackles secured into the floor.

Goliath picked up a whip, bringing it down across Max’s back. Max whimpered, feeling the sting from the whip. Goliath continued to bring the whip down across Max’s back until his back was bright red. Max’s body shook as he openly cried. Goliath set the whip down and picked up a paddle, bringing the paddle down across Max’s firm ass. Max whimpered, wondering when the pain would stop. Goliath stopped after he had given Max fifteen spanks with the paddle. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the mattress to watch Max. “You are going to be executed in a day or two” Goliath said. Max’s eyes doubled in size, having hoped Isabel would come to his rescue. “So I think I am going to just takes ya back to your cell” Goliath said.

Kivar smirked before moving in for the kill. He pinned Isabel to the bed and pressed his hardened cock into her wet heat. “Ohhh...” Isabel moaned in frustration. Kivar reached between their bodies taking his hardened cock into his hand. He slowly guided his hardened cock inside of her tight wet heat, making Isabel moan in pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding his body close to hers. Kivar then began to thrust his hardened cock in and out of her tight heat. His large mushroom brushed against her g-spot with each and every thrust. “So tight” Kivar moaned. “” Isabel moaned. She could feel her climax building in the pit of her stomach while matching each one of his thrusts.

Kivar brought his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Their tongues battled at the same pace their bodies moved together. They broke the kiss for much needed air and Isabel thrust her hips uncontrollably. “Kivar...” Isabel screamed. Kivar thrust his hardened cock harder and faster as her walls clamped down on his thrusting hardened cock, milking him for all he was worth. “Isabel...” Kivar screamed, thrusting his hardened cock as deep as he possibly could, filling her fluttering heat with his hot seed. He continued to thrust his cock inside of her fluttering heat till he could no longer thrust and rolled onto his side bringing her body with his body. Isabel snuggled into his body as sleep over took her body. Kivar closed his own eyes soon after her falling into a deep sleep.

Opening the fridge and looking inside, Rath asked, “Want pizza?” “Sounds good to me” Michael answered. “Fine” Ria said. Rath took the pizza boxes out and handed them to Michael. “I want mine heated” Ria said. Michael set the boxes down on the counter and opened the top one finding the mushroom and olive pizza. Ria reached in the box and took out a slice of pizza. “Isn’t it just as good cold?” Michael asked. “Yep” Rath answered. He walked over to the counter and held his hand over Ria’s slice of pizza using his powers to heat the pizza. Michael opened the next box taking out a slice of the buffalo chicken pizza. He took a bite and Ria said, “You just don’t want to use your powers.” Michael shrugged his shoulders not wanting the pizza to blow up. “Did you do anything else today?” Ria asked.

Rath’s cell phone rang saving him for the moment from answering Ria’s question. He picked up his cell and pressed talk. “Yo” Zan said. “Yo” Rath said. “Did Kal tell you about dinner on Sunday?” Zan asked. “No iz never got around to calling him” Rath answered. “Oh formal dinner on Sunday” Zan said. Rath groaned, thinking, “Monkey suit.” “I’ll tell Ria and Michael” Rath said. “Iz thinks Ava and Liz are going ta da mall tomorrow” Zan said. “We can all meet up here n go. Michael needs clothes anyways” Rath said. Ria looked up from her slice of pizza when she heard go and clothes. Michael looked over at Rath hearing his name. “Sounds good” Zan said. “Bye” Rath said. He hung up his phone and walked back over to the counter.

Rath set his cell down on the counter and picked up his slice of pizza. “We have a dinner at Kal’s on Sunday and we are going shoppin’” Rath said. “Shopping” Ria squealed in delight. “What was the groan for about dinner?” Michael asked. “Formal” Rath said. “Formal as in I gave to wear a fancy dress?” Ria asked. “Yep. A cocktail dress though not to bad for ya. Michael and Iz gotta wear da monkey suit” Rath said. “Monkey suit?” Michael asked. “Dress shirt, pant, and jacket” Rath answered. “Oh” Michael said. “You can call it practice for the wedding cause then you will have to wear a Tux” Ria said. She licked her lips imagining them both wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants.

Rath felt his cock start to rise as he watched her tongue move around her bottom lip. “Kal will want a date on Sunday” Rath said. “We graduate in June. July is too hot” Ria said. She paused for a moment before asking, “Are we still waiting for our wedding night?” Michael was thankful he had swallowed the food in his mouth when he heard Ria. “Cause if we are then I think Michael and you should have to wait before you guys go all the way” Ria babbled. “Michael and I already did” Rath answered. Michael gulped seeing Ria’s green eyes sparkle angrily. “You and Michael did but you don’t want to with me” Ria said.

Rath ran his hands through his Mohawk and said, “Ria, it ain’t that Iz don’t want to. Michael and I did this so that I could be more comfortable with Michael being wit ya.” Ria looked deep into Rath’s brown eyes seeing that he was being sincere. “Fine. If I still have to wait then you and Michael can’t again until our wedding night” Ria said. “How about we just see what happens as far as going all the way” Rath said. Ria sighed knowing she couldn’t push Rath into doing something he didn’t want to do, no matter how hard she tried. “Are we finished?” Michael asked. Rath nodded his head ‘yes’, and Ria giggled before saying, “Eager spaceboy.” Michael smirked, at her while picking up the empty pizza box. Rath took her pizza box and walked over to the fridge and stuck the pizza box inside. Closing the fridge, he walked back over to Ria and took her hand in his hand leading her out of the kitchen and upstairs with Michael right behind them.

Liz sighed, flopping down on her mattress, she reached over picking up her cell phone. She decided to call Ava first, so she dialed her number waiting for Ava to pick “Yo” Ava said. “Hey I figured I would call you then Zan” Liz said. “Cool. Do you have tomorrow off?” Ava asked. “Yes” Liz answered. “You want to go shopping?” Ava asked. “Sounds like fun maybe we could get Ria to go too” Liz said. “Iz sure” Ava said. She didn’t want to tell Liz about the upcoming dinner knowing Zan would. “We could say that we were having a girl’s night here at Kal’s and you could spend the night wit Zan” Ava said. “Maybe we could actually have a girl’s night” Liz said. “How do you suggest we get Ria away from Rath?” Ava asked. Liz laughed until her sides hurt. “We will figure it out. I want to call Zan before I have to call it a night” Liz said. “Cool see ya tomorrow iz tired anyways” Ava said. “Bye” Liz said.

Liz hung up with Ava and dialed Zan’s number. “Yo” Zan said. “Hi” Liz said. “Ya all tucked in ya bed?” Zan asked. “Yes” Liz answered. “Kal’s having a dinner at his house on Sunday n iz likes ya ta go wit me” Zan said. “I’d love to.” Liz said. “Rath, Ria and Michael will be there as well as Ava” Zan said. “Cool” Liz said. “It’s formal so ya will needs ta gets a cocktail dress” Zan said. “I just got off the phone with Ava she said something about the mall tomorrow” Liz said. “Epic” Zan said. Liz brought her hand to her mouth and yawned, not realizing how tired she was until that moment. “I’ll see ya in da mornin’” Zan said knowing Liz was tired. “Okay. Night” Liz said. “Night” Zan said. Liz hung up her cell and placed it back on her end stand. She snuggled into her covers and closed her brown eyes falling into a deep sleep soon after closing her eyes.

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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 25-26

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback



Pt 24

Goliath made his way down the stairs to the dungeon, having received Kivar’s permission to take Max to a different part of the castle for a night of pleasure on his part and a night of torture on Max’s part. He opened the door to Max’s cell and said, “Stand.” Max’s brown eyes doubled in size, seeing a metal device in Goliath’s hand and a dildo in the other with a collar and leash. “Kivar has given me permission to play with you tonight” Goliath said. He walked over to Max, taking his limp cock into his hand and running his thumb nail down its length. Max hissed as his cock jumped to attention.

“That’s it, get hard for me” Goliath said. He slipped cuffs around Max’s balls, clicking them closed as he slipped the shaft into the steel tube. Max moaned when Goliath moved his hand way from the devise. He wondered how long Goliath would leave the thing on his dick. Goliath placed a leather collar around his neck. Buckling the collar in place, he hooked the leash on the ‘O’ ring in the front. He walked behind Max, spreading his ass checks with one hand exposing his asshole and placed the dildo there, thrusting it inside. Max whimpered, wondering what would happen to him next. Goliath walked around Max and took the leash into his hand. Pulling on the leash, he forced Max to follow him out of his cell.

Goliath led Max down the hallways, to a room in the back part of the castle that was no longer used on a regular basis. He waved his hand, lighting the two candles that hung on the walls. Max looked around the room and saw that their wasn’t much in the room other than a bed and a wooden chair. He was unaware that everything Goliath needed was laid out behind the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Goliath walked Max over using his powers to remove the ring from around Max’s wrists. Max sighed, hoping he could stay free for a few moments. Goliath dashed his hopes when he lifted Max’s arms over his head and cuffed his wrists, so his arms were cuffed above his head. He squatted down and moved Max’s feet apart, locking his ankles into shackles secured into the floor.

Goliath picked up a whip, bringing it down across Max’s back. Max whimpered, feeling the sting from the whip. Goliath continued to bring the whip down across Max’s back until his back was bright red. Max’s body shook as he openly cried. Goliath set the whip down and picked up a paddle, bringing the paddle down across Max’s firm ass. Max whimpered, wondering when the pain would stop. Goliath stopped after he had given Max fifteen spanks with the paddle. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the mattress to watch Max. “You are going to be executed in a day or two” Goliath said. Max’s eyes doubled in size, having hoped Isabel would come to his rescue. “So I think I am going to just takes ya back to your cell” Goliath said.

Kivar smirked before moving in for the kill. He pinned Isabel to the bed and pressed his hardened cock into her wet heat. “Ohhh...” Isabel moaned in frustration. Kivar reached between their bodies taking his hardened cock into his hand. He slowly guided his hardened cock inside of her tight wet heat, making Isabel moan in pleasure. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding his body close to hers. Kivar then began to thrust his hardened cock in and out of her tight heat. His large mushroom brushed against her g-spot with each and every thrust. “So tight” Kivar moaned. “” Isabel moaned. She could feel her climax building in the pit of her stomach while matching each one of his thrusts.

Kivar brought his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Their tongues battled at the same pace their bodies moved together. They broke the kiss for much needed air and Isabel thrust her hips uncontrollably. “Kivar...” Isabel screamed. Kivar thrust his hardened cock harder and faster as her walls clamped down on his thrusting hardened cock, milking him for all he was worth. “Isabel...” Kivar screamed, thrusting his hardened cock as deep as he possibly could, filling her fluttering heat with his hot seed. He continued to thrust his cock inside of her fluttering heat till he could no longer thrust and rolled onto his side bringing her body with his body. Isabel snuggled into his body as sleep over took her body. Kivar closed his own eyes soon after her falling into a deep sleep.

Opening the fridge and looking inside, Rath asked, “Want pizza?” “Sounds good to me” Michael answered. “Fine” Ria said. Rath took the pizza boxes out and handed them to Michael. “I want mine heated” Ria said. Michael set the boxes down on the counter and opened the top one finding the mushroom and olive pizza. Ria reached in the box and took out a slice of pizza. “Isn’t it just as good cold?” Michael asked. “Yep” Rath answered. He walked over to the counter and held his hand over Ria’s slice of pizza using his powers to heat the pizza. Michael opened the next box taking out a slice of the buffalo chicken pizza. He took a bite and Ria said, “You just don’t want to use your powers.” Michael shrugged his shoulders not wanting the pizza to blow up. “Did you do anything else today?” Ria asked.

Rath’s cell phone rang saving him for the moment from answering Ria’s question. He picked up his cell and pressed talk. “Yo” Zan said. “Yo” Rath said. “Did Kal tell you about dinner on Sunday?” Zan asked. “No iz never got around to calling him” Rath answered. “Oh formal dinner on Sunday” Zan said. Rath groaned, thinking, “Monkey suit.” “I’ll tell Ria and Michael” Rath said. “Iz thinks Ava and Liz are going ta da mall tomorrow” Zan said. “We can all meet up here n go. Michael needs clothes anyways” Rath said. Ria looked up from her slice of pizza when she heard go and clothes. Michael looked over at Rath hearing his name. “Sounds good” Zan said. “Bye” Rath said. He hung up his phone and walked back over to the counter.

Rath set his cell down on the counter and picked up his slice of pizza. “We have a dinner at Kal’s on Sunday and we are going shoppin’” Rath said. “Shopping” Ria squealed in delight. “What was the groan for about dinner?” Michael asked. “Formal” Rath said. “Formal as in I gave to wear a fancy dress?” Ria asked. “Yep. A cocktail dress though not to bad for ya. Michael and Iz gotta wear da monkey suit” Rath said. “Monkey suit?” Michael asked. “Dress shirt, pant, and jacket” Rath answered. “Oh” Michael said. “You can call it practice for the wedding cause then you will have to wear a Tux” Ria said. She licked her lips imagining them both wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants.

Rath felt his cock start to rise as he watched her tongue move around her bottom lip. “Kal will want a date on Sunday” Rath said. “We graduate in June. July is too hot” Ria said. She paused for a moment before asking, “Are we still waiting for our wedding night?” Michael was thankful he had swallowed the food in his mouth when he heard Ria. “Cause if we are then I think Michael and you should have to wait before you guys go all the way” Ria babbled. “Michael and I already did” Rath answered. Michael gulped seeing Ria’s green eyes sparkle angrily. “You and Michael did but you don’t want to with me” Ria said.

Rath ran his hands through his Mohawk and said, “Ria, it ain’t that Iz don’t want to. Michael and I did this so that I could be more comfortable with Michael being wit ya.” Ria looked deep into Rath’s brown eyes seeing that he was being sincere. “Fine. If I still have to wait then you and Michael can’t again until our wedding night” Ria said. “How about we just see what happens as far as going all the way” Rath said. Ria sighed knowing she couldn’t push Rath into doing something he didn’t want to do, no matter how hard she tried. “Are we finished?” Michael asked. Rath nodded his head ‘yes’, and Ria giggled before saying, “Eager spaceboy.” Michael smirked, at her while picking up the empty pizza box. Rath took her pizza box and walked over to the fridge and stuck the pizza box inside. Closing the fridge, he walked back over to Ria and took her hand in his hand leading her out of the kitchen and upstairs with Michael right behind them.

Liz sighed, flopping down on her mattress, she reached over picking up her cell phone. She decided to call Ava first, so she dialed her number waiting for Ava to pick “Yo” Ava said. “Hey I figured I would call you then Zan” Liz said. “Cool. Do you have tomorrow off?” Ava asked. “Yes” Liz answered. “You want to go shopping?” Ava asked. “Sounds like fun maybe we could get Ria to go too” Liz said. “Iz sure” Ava said. She didn’t want to tell Liz about the upcoming dinner knowing Zan would. “We could say that we were having a girl’s night here at Kal’s and you could spend the night wit Zan” Ava said. “Maybe we could actually have a girl’s night” Liz said. “How do you suggest we get Ria away from Rath?” Ava asked. Liz laughed until her sides hurt. “We will figure it out. I want to call Zan before I have to call it a night” Liz said. “Cool see ya tomorrow iz tired anyways” Ava said. “Bye” Liz said.

Liz hung up with Ava and dialed Zan’s number. “Yo” Zan said. “Hi” Liz said. “Ya all tucked in ya bed?” Zan asked. “Yes” Liz answered. “Kal’s having a dinner at his house on Sunday n iz likes ya ta go wit me” Zan said. “I’d love to.” Liz said. “Rath, Ria and Michael will be there as well as Ava” Zan said. “Cool” Liz said. “It’s formal so ya will needs ta gets a cocktail dress” Zan said. “I just got off the phone with Ava she said something about the mall tomorrow” Liz said. “Epic” Zan said. Liz brought her hand to her mouth and yawned, not realizing how tired she was until that moment. “I’ll see ya in da mornin’” Zan said knowing Liz was tired. “Okay. Night” Liz said. “Night” Zan said. Liz hung up her cell and placed it back on her end stand. She snuggled into her covers and closed her brown eyes falling into a deep sleep soon after closing her eyes.

Pt 25

“Go in Michael’s bedroom, Iz wants ta get somethin’” Rath said. Ria nodded her head and followed Michael into his bedroom. She wondered what Rath was getting from his bedroom. Michael watched Ria walk over to his bed while he closed the door. Ria sat down on the mattress waiting for Rath. Michael walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. Rath walked back into the bedroom and closed the door connecting their bedrooms. He walked over to the bed and set Ria’s vibrator down on the end stand near the tube of lube. Michael wondered what Rath planned on doing with her toy. Rath sat down on the mattress next to Ria and said, “Ya n iz gonna continue our talk later about waiting or not waiting.”

“Okay” Ria said. Rath moved his hand to her skirt and said, “Ya was going to convince us ta let ya skip.” “I was” Ria said. She moved her hand to his jeans slowly moving the zipper down. Rath concentrated making his jeans melt away from his body the rest of the way and Michael’s melt away from his body. “Iz wants ya ta give Michael head while on ya hands and knees on da bed with ya pussy near me” Rath said. Ria turned so she was facing Michael and got on her knees while wrapping one hand around Michael’s hardened cock and placing her other hand on his thigh. Rath concentrated making her skirt melt away from her body. He slipped two of his fingers inside of her wet pussy making her moan in pleasure.

Ria ran her tongue around Michael’s large mushroom head licking up the pre-cum that had pooled there. She rocked her hips, thrusting her pussy into Rath’s fingers. Michael moaned in pleasure when her tongue touched his hardened cock. He wished she would take his hardened cock into her mouth. Rath thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy. “When ya takes Michael’s cock inta ya mouth, iz gonna put my tongue where my fingers are” Rath said. Ria moaned in pleasure taking Michael’s hardened cock into her mouth, sucking hungrily. “Ria....” Michael moaned. Rath thrust his fingers in and out waiting for Ria to take Michael’s cock all the way into her mouth. Ria thrashed her tongue back and forth over Michael’s large mushroom head a couple of times before taking his hardened cock completely into her mouth.

Michael moaned in pleasure enjoying the feel of her mouth around his hardened cock. Ria thrust her mouth up and down Michael’s hardened cock. Rath slowly slipped his fingers out of Ria’s wet pussy. Ria moaned in frustration, sending vibrations onto Michael’s hardened cock. Rath moved on the bed, laying down on his back and bringing Ria’s pussy to his mouth. He ran his tongue along her outer lips, licking up her juices seeping through. Michael moved his hands into her hair, holding her mouth against his hardened cock. Ria thrust her mouth hard and fast up and down his hardened cock. Rath thrust his tongue deep inside her tight, wet pussy.

Ria rocked her hips, making her pussy grind into Rath’s mouth as she thrust her mouth harder and faster up and down Michael’s hardened cock. “Ria....” Michael moaned. Ria scraped her teeth along the vein on his hardened cock, making Michael thrust his hips. His hot seed shot into her mouth and she greedily drank down his hot seed. Rath thrust his tongue hard and fast causing her walls to clamp down on his thrusting tongue. Ria released Michael’s cock at the same moment, screaming, “Rath...” Rath greedily drank down her juices making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat.

Ria breathed in and out trying to calm her rapidly beating pulse. She turned around so she was now facing Rath. Michael moved his hands to her hips bringing her pussy closer to his mouth. Ria placed one hand on Rath’s thigh and the other around his hardened cock slowly moving her hand down his length, holding his hardened cock firmly by the base. She ran her tongue around the large mushroom head, licking up his pre-cum that had pooled there. Michael ran his tongue back and forth over her outer lips. Ria moaned in pleasure while taking Rath’s large mushroom head into her mouth, sucking hungrily. Rath moaned in pleasure and frustration, wanting her to take him in all the way.

Michael thrust his tongue inside her tight, wet pussy and slowly moved his tongue around her inner walls. Ria took Rath’s hardened cock completely into her mouth, thrusting her mouth up and down his hardened cock. “Ria....” Rath moaned. Michael thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy, wanting to tease her but at the same time wanting to drink down her juices. Rath moved his hands into her hair holding her mouth against his hardened cock. Ria thrust her hips, grinding her pussy into Michael’s mouth. She thrust her mouth harder and faster along Rath’s hardened cock. Rath thrust his hardened cock into her mouth, unable to hold back any longer. Ria scrapped her teeth along the vein on his hardened cock. “Ria....” Rath screamed.

Ria greedily drank down his hot seed, making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped her mouth from around his hardened cock. “Michael...” Ria screamed. Michael thrust his tongue hard and fast inside her fluttering heat, pushing her over the edge. He greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop, then slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat. Rath removed his hands from her hair and Ria brought her mouth to his, capturing his mouth in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, she moved and then brought her mouth to Michael’s, capturing his mouth in a passionate kiss then breaking the kiss for air.

Ria snuggled into their bodies and asked, “Why did you bring those over?” “Iz was gonna do somethin’ but changed my mind” Rath said. “Oh” Ria said. She wondered what he had planned to do. “Iz thought it best if iz did dat wit just ya first” Rath said. He leaned over Ria and captured Michael’s mouth in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss he said, “Ria and Iz gonna head back over ta my room.” Michael nodded his head ‘yes’, having a hard time keeping his brown eyes open. “Iz comfy” Ria whined. “Me too. But we aint sleepin’ all ta gether until later” Rath said. He climbed out of bed and leaned down, scooping Ria up in his arms. Ria wrapped her arms around Rath’s neck, holding onto him. Rath used his powers to tuck Michael into bed then walked across the room and opened the connecting door.

Rath looked back seeing Michael had already fallen fast asleep. He walked into his bedroom and quietly closed the door. Walking over to the bed, he laid Ria down on the mattress. Ria turned on her side waiting for Rath to get into bed. Rath climbed into bed laying on his side next to Ria. He brought the covers up over their bodies and wrapped his arms around Ria’s body. Ria snuggled into Rath’s body, listening to his heart beating. Rath watched her sleep in his arms for a few moments before closing his own eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

Max watched Goliath, wondering if he was really going to take him back to his cell. Goliath got up off the bed and walked behind Max. He used his powers, freeing him from the cuffs and shackles. Max bent over hoping Goliath would take out the dildo and replace it with his hard cock. Goliath snickered, moving his hand to Max’s ass checks. “Ya wants my cock?” Goliath asked. Max remained quiet, feeling it was different if he admitted what he wanted aloud. “Ya has ta say it or iz takin’ ya back ta ya cell” Goliath said. “Fuck me” Max said. “Not what iz looking for” Goliath said. “I want you to fuck me” Max said. His brown eyes filled with tears again feeling humiliated having to admit that he wanted a man to fuck him.

Goliath moved his hands to Max’s ass checks spreading them apart and slowly taking out the dildo. Max moaned in frustration, now feeling empty with out the dildo. Goliath took his hardened cock into his hand and brought it to Max’s tight ass. He thrust his hips forward, filling Max in one movement. Max moaned in pleasure and thrust his hips back, silently begging Goliath to fuck him. Goliath thrust his hardened cock in and out of Max’s ass tempted to ask Kivar if he could just keep Max until he tired of him. “Goliath” Max moaned. Goliath thrust his hardened cock harder and faster, making Max whimper in pleasure. “Ya likes gettin’ fucked by my cock” Goliath said. “Yes...” Max moaned.

Goliath thrust his hardened cock harder and faster, feeling his balls tightening. Max thrust his hips back, meeting Goliath’s thrust. He whimpered feeling the chastity device preventing him from getting release from his cock. His ass clenched around Goliath’s thrusting hardened cock at the same moment. Goliath grunted, thrusting his hardened cock as deep as he possible could inside of Max’s clenching ass. His hot seed shot out flowing into Max’s tight ass. He slipped his soft cock out of Max’s ass and thrust the dildo back inside. Waving his hand over his cock, he cleaned himself off, then tucked his cock back into his pants. He took the leash back into his hand and lead Max back out of the room. Opening Max’s cell a few minutes later, he lead Max inside of the cell. He unhooked the leash and Max dropped down onto the bed curling up into a ball, feeling the after effects from his climax and the pain from where he had been punished. Goliath walked out of the cell slamming the cell door shut before walking out of the dungeon.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz UC Adult pt 26-27

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


Pt 26

Damon slowly opened his eyes, looking down at Lonnie sleepin in his arms. He decided not to mention that she mumbled ‘I love you’ in her sleep, thinking that she would say it to him when she was ready. “Saying the words doesn’t mean that I can forget everything from the past. But I can try because I love you too” Damon thought. Lonnie slowly opened her brown eyes, looking up into Damon’s eyes. “Morning” Lonnie said. “Morning” Damon said. “I know that last night doesn’t erase everything that I have done” Lonnie said. Damon waited, knowing she wasn’t finished. “All I know is that I want to be with you” Lonnie said. “I want that too” Damon said.

Lonnie smiled, happy he was willing to give them another try. “I know that I still need to do this thing with Serena, for me as a way of letting go of everything that happened” Lonnie said. “You do” Damon said. He knew Lonnie needed the time to decide if she wanted to keep the babies. “You can call me anytime” Damon said. “I will” Lonnie said. “We should check out soon” Damon said. Lonnie sighed, not wanting to get out of bed but knew that they had to get back on the road. “Feeling better today?” Damon asked. “Much” Lonnie answered. “Want to take a shower together before we go?” Damon asked. Lonnie smiled and nodded her head ‘yes’. “Just a shower. I don’t want to have this between us just about sex” Damon said. “Me either” Lonnie said.

Damon unwrapped his arms from around Lonnie’s body and threw the covers back from their bodies. He climbed out of bed, offering Lonnie his hand. She placed her hand in his and climbed out of bed, following Damon into the bathroom. He closed the bathroom door and walked over to the tub. Bringing his hands to the hot and cold water faucets, turning the knobs and adjusting the water to just the right temperature. Pulling up the shower level, he stepped into the tub. Lonnie stepped into the tub, closing the shower curtain behind her. She walked over to stand under the spray of warm water with him. Damon reached over, picking up a washcloth and bar of soap. He rubbed the soap into the washcloth and then set the bar of soap back down. Bringing the washcloth to Lonnie’s body, he slowly moved the washcloth over her body.

Lonnie reached over, taking the washcloth from Damon. She brought the washcloth to his body, slowly moving it over his body. Setting the washcloth down, she then picked up the shampoo. Damon took the shampoo from her and squeezed some into the palm of his large hand. He brought his hands into her hair, massaging her scalp. Lonnie sighed in pleasure, enjoying the feel of his hands massaging her scalp. Damon smiled, slowly taking his hands out of her hair. Lonnie tilted her head back and let the water wash away the shampoo. She turned around, letting the water wash away the soap from her body as well, while she picked up the shampoo.

Lonnie squeezed some shampoo into the palm of her hand then set the bottle back down. She turned around, bringing her hands into his hair. Damon tilted his head back letting the warm water rinse away the shampoo. Lonnie slipped her fingers out of his hair, admiring his firm ass when he turned around to rinse away the soap from the front of his body. Damon smirked, knowing she was checking out his ass. He brought his hands to the faucets, turning the hot and cold water off. Lonnie opened the shower curtain and Damon reached over, grabbing two towels. He wrapped one of the towels around Lonnie’s body and the other around his waist.

Damon stepped out of the tub, offering Lonnie his hand. Lonnie placed her hand in his and climbed out of the tub. Damon walked over to the door, opening it and walking back into the room. Lonnie walked over to the bed and quickly dried off her body, dropping the towel onto the bed. Damon dried off his body and grabbed his jeans off the floor, stepping into them before he was tempted to give in to temptation and be with Lonnie again. Lonnie picked up her clothes and quickly pulled them on. She bit her lip, feeling Damon watching her, her body responding immediately to him. Damon pulled on his T-shirt and slipped his feet back into his work boots, looking around the room to make sure they were not forgetting anything.

Damon walked over to the door with Lonnie. Opening the door, he said “I have to check out and pay the bill.” “Oh” Lonnie said. She was had a feeling the bill for last night was higher than the other nights. “You should charge it to Kal” Lonnie said as they walked out of the room. Damon smirked, having originally planned on doing just that, but after last night he wanted the bill to go with the memory. He could hear Rath and Zan both calling him a cornball in the back of his mind. Lonnie followed Damon to the lobby. He signed some papers and returned the keys to the room. Walking back over to Lonnie, he took her hand in his, leading her out of the lobby and to the car.

Damon opened the passenger’s side door and Lonnie climbed into the car. Closing the door, he walked around the car. Opening the driver’s side door, he climbed into the car and closed the door. Putting the key into the ignition, he turned the key, brining the engine to life. Moving his hand to the clutch, he shifted the car into drive and pulled out of the parking space. “We are starting out late today, so we’ll do drive through okay?” Damon asked, as he pulled back onto the road heading toward the highway. “Yeah…Burger King?” Lonnie asked. “Sounds good. I could go for the sausage, egg, cheese croissant and a large coffee” Damon said. “I could too and some hash browns” Lonnie said. Damon pulled back onto the highway and said, “Tell me when you see the exit for Burger king.” Lonnie nodded her head ‘yes’ while looking out the window for the exit.

Zan slowly opened his brown eyes, groaning when he remembered having to go to the mall. He threw back the covers and climbed out of bed, strutting across his bedroom in all his naked glory and into his bathroom. Walking over to the tub, he turned on the hot and cold water faucets, adjusting the water to just the right temperature. Pulling up the shower level, he stepped into the tub and closed the shower curtain. Moving under the spray of warm water, he picked up a washcloth and a bar of soap rubbing them together and then set the soap back down. Bringing the washcloth to his body, he slowly moved it over his body. Setting the washcloth back down, he picked up the bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into the palm of his hand and set the bottle back down. He brought his hands into his hair, massaging his scalp turning around he let the water rise away the shampoo from his hair and the soap from his body.

Zan reached down, shutting off the water with one hand and opening the shower curtain with the other. Reaching over, he grabbed a towel and wrapped the towel around his waist. Stepping out of the tub, he walked over to the door and turned the handle, pulling the door open. Walking back into his bedroom, he went over to his dresser and opened the third drawer. He took out a pair of black jeans and stepped into them. Pulling the jeans up, he buttoned and zipped them. Closing the first drawer, he opened the second drawer and took out a black T-shirt, pulling it over his head and then closed the drawer. Going over to his bed, he sat down and slipped his feet in a pair of socks, pulling his boots on afterward. He then looked at the clock and saw he had time enough for a cup of coffee before he had to pick Liz up.

Liz sighed, knowing she had to get up and out of bed. She climbed out of bed and walked across her room into the bathroom. Closing the door she walked over to the tub and turned on the hot and cold water facets adjusting the water to the right temperature she climbed into the tub. Pulling up the shower level she shivered feeling the cooler water against her skin. She sighed when the water became warm and dances across her skin. Reaching over she picked up the scrubby and bottle of body wash squeezing body wash onto the scrubby she set the bottle back down and brought the scrubby to her body. Moving the scrubby around in circles she washed her body. Setting the scrubby down, she picked up a bottle of shampoo and squeezed some into her hand, setting the bottle back down. She moved her hands into her hair massaging her scalp.

Liz tilted her head back rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. Turning around she let the water wash away the soap from her body. She stood under the spray of the water for a few more moments before reaching down and shutting off the water. Opening the shower curtain she reached over grabbed a towel wrapping the towel around her body she stepped out of the tub. Walking over to the door she opened the door and walked back into the bedroom. Going over to her closet she looked through her clothes trying to decide what to wear. While looking through her clothes her cell phone rang. She walked over to her end stand and picked up her cell pressing the talk button. “Mornin’” Zan said. “Morning” Liz said. “Iz was just checkin’ ta see if ya is ready” Zan said.

Liz smiled, and said, “I’m standing here wearing a towel.” Zan inhaled deeply imagining Liz standing with only a towel wrapped around her body. Liz giggled into the phone knowing from his rapid intake of breath that she was affecting him. “Ya stayin da night?” Zan asked. “You have a one track mind” Liz said. She shifted on her feet feeling her body respond to the idea. Zan snickered knowing she was now thinking about what could happen later. “I should be ready by the time you get here” Liz said. “K” Zan said. “Later” Liz said. “Later” Zan said. Liz hung up the phone and walked back over to her closet pulling out a black tank top and black mini skirt. She walked back over to the bed setting the skirt down on the mattress. Pulling the top over her head she picked up the skirt and stepped into it. Slipping her feet into her black mules she walked over to her bedroom door and opened it walking out into the house. She walked through the house to the door which led downstairs to the diner. Opening the door she walked downstairs into the break room to wait for Zan.

Pt 27

Rath opened his brown eyes and looked down at Ria, deciding he did have enough time to wake her up the way he wanted to. “Liz and Zan will just have to wait” Rath thought while moving Ria, so her body was back press into the mattress. He moved under the covers and down her body, careful not to touch her yet. Placing his hands at her inner thighs, he slowly opened her legs exposing her pussy to him. Moving his mouth lower, he ran his tongue along her outer lips making Ria moan in her sleep. Rath thrust his tongue inside of her pussy, slowly running his tongue around her inner walls and then thrusting his tongue hard and fast in and out of her pussy.

Ria’s green eyes slowly started to flutter, showing she was starting to wake. Rath thrust his tongue as deep as he possible could, causing her walls to clamp down on his tongue. “Rath...” Ria moaned in pure pleasure. Her eyes flew open as her walls clamped down on his thrusting tongue, her hips moving uncontrollably. Rath greedily drank down her juices making certain not to miss a single drop. He slowly slipped his tongue back out of her fluttering heat and along her outer lips. Moving back up under the covers, he brought his mouth to hers, capturing it in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Rath looked deep into Ria’s green eyes.

“Morning” Ria said. “Morning. Ya has ta gets in da shower” Rath said. Ria stuck her bottom lip out in a pout not wanting to get out of bed. “Ya wanna go shoppin?” Rath asked. “Of course” Ria said. “Ya gotta gets up then. Liz and Zan should be here soon” Rath said. “You going to wake Michael up?” Ria asked. “Yep” Rath answered. “Do we all get to play later?” Ria asked. “Iz thinks after shoppin we could go in da Jacuzzi. Iz gonna takes a shower wit Michael since ya aint let me see ya naked yet” Rath said. “Maybe I’ll just loose my top while we are in the Jacuzzi later” Ria thought. She shook her head while throwing the covers back off her body. Climbing out of bed, she walked across the room into the bathroom.

Rath heard the water running and climbed out of bed walking across the room over to the door which connected their rooms. He opened the door walking into Michael’s bedroom. Closing the door he made his way over to the bed. Moving his hand to the covers he slowly pulled them down exposing Michael’s naked body. Sitting down on the edge of the mattress he moved his hand down Michael’s chest to his hardened cock. Michael opened his brown eyes the second Rath’s hand closed over his hardened cock. Rath thrust his hand up and down Michael’s hardened cock. “Ria’s in da shower in my room let’s us da other one” Rath said. Michael nodded his head yes and moaned in protest when Rath took his hand away.

Rath got up from the bed and walked over to Michael’s bedroom door waiting for Michael. Getting up off the bed, Michael walked across the room and over to Rath. He opened the door walking out into the hallway and over to the shared bathroom. Opening the door he walked inside followed by Rath who closed the door. Michael walked over to the tub turning on the hot and cold adjusting the water to just the right temperature. He pulled up the shower level making the water spray out of the shower head and stepped into the tub. Rath stepped into the tub after Michael and closed the shower curtain. He walked up behind Michael so they were standing under the spray of the warm water together.

Ria sighed enjoying the feel of the warm water caressing her body. She reached over picking up a scrubby and the bottle of vanilla bean body wash. Opening the bottle she squeezed some onto the scrubby, then setting the bottle back down. She brought the scrubby to her body slowly moving the scrubby over her body. Setting the scrubby down she let the warm water rinse away the soap suds from her body. After all the soap had rinsed away she reached down picking up the bottle of strawberry shampoo squeezing some into the palm of her hand. She set the bottle back down and brought her hands into her hair massaging her scalp. Tilting her head back she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. Taking her hands out of her hair she reached down turning off the hot and cold water.

Michael moaned feeling Rath’s hand wrap around his hardened cock. “We has ta be quick” Rath said. He thrust his hand up and down Michael’s hardened cock. Michael relaxed against Rath enjoying the feel of his hand pumping his hardened cock. He couldn’t wait to return the favor. Rath thrust his hand harder and faster along Michael’s hardened cock. “Rath...” Michael moaned. He felt his balls tightening signaling he was close and thrust his hips making his ass grind into Rath’s hardened cock making him moan in pleasure and frustration. Rath ran his thumb nail along the vein on Michael’s hardened cock making his hardened cock pulse in his hand as his hot seed shot out of the large mushroom head. He reached over with his other hand picking up the washcloth and bar of soap rubbing them together forming a lather, then setting the soap down.

Michael sighed in pleasure enjoying the feel of Rath slowly moving the washcloth over his back. He turned around so Rath could wash the front of his body. Rath slowly moved the washcloth over Michael’s body. Michael turned around letting the warm water wash away from his body. He turned back around taking the washcloth from Rath. “My turn” Michael said. He took the washcloth from Rath holding onto it with one hand and taking Rath’s hardened cock into his other hand. Rath moaned in pleasure feeling Michael’s hand touching his hardened cock. He pumped his hardened cock hard and fast wanting to push Rath over the edge. Rath thrust his hardened cock into Michael’s hand feeling his climax building. “Michael...” Rath moaned.

Michael ran his thumb along the vein on Rath’s hardened cock feeling it pulse as his hot seed shot out of the large mushroom head. He slowly took his hand away from Rath’s cock and brought the washcloth to his body slowly moving the washcloth over his body. After washing his body, Michael walked behind Rath letting the warm water wash away the soap. He set the washcloth down and picked up a bottle of shampoo squeezing some into the palm of his hand. Setting the bottle back down he brought his hands into Rath’s hair massaging his scalp while washing his hair. Rath tilted his head back letting the warm water rinse away the shampoo from his hair. Lifting his head back out of the water he reached down picking up the shampoo squeezing some into the palm of his hand.

Rath set the bottle back down and brought his hands into Michael’s hair massaging his scalp. Michael tilted his head back letting the warm water rinse away the shampoo. Taking his head out of the warm water he reached down turning off the hot and cold water facets. Rath opened the shower curtain grabbing two towels. He handed one to Michael and wrapped the other around his waist. Rath stepped out of the tub followed by Michael. He walked over to the door opening the door and walking out into the hall. Michael followed Rath out of the bathroom walking down the hall into his bedroom to get dressed. Rath walked over to his bedroom opening the door and going into his room to get dressed.

Ria walked out of the closet wearing a spaghetti strapped red lace cami tank top and a black mini skirt. She licked her lips seeing Rath wearing only a towel. “Since you and Michael played in the shower, I have you first later” Ria said. Rath smirked while walking over to his dresser. Ria sat down on the bed pulling on a pair of white anklets then slipping her feet into a pair of black ankle boots. Rath opened his third drawer down taking out a pair of black jeans. Closing the drawer he opened the second drawer taking out a black T-shirt. Setting the clothes on top of his dresser he closed the drawer. Dropping the towel on the floor, he picked up his jeans and stepped into them. Ria admired Rath’s fine ass until he pulled the denim up to his waist. Rath smirked, knowing she was watching him. He buttoned and zipped his jeans before picking up his T-shirt and pulling it over his head. Walking back over to the bed he sat down next to Ria slipping on a pair of socks and his steeled toed work boots.

Michael dried off his body and dropped the towel onto the floor. He reached down picking up the pair of black jeans stepping into them and pulling the denim up his legs. Moving his hands to the waistband of the jeans he buttoned and zipped them. Sitting down on the bed he slipped his feet into a pair of socks then pulled on a pair of black steeled toed work boots. He got up from the bed walking over to the door that connected their rooms. Knocking on the door he waited to hear them say he could come in. “You can come over” Ria said. Michael opened the door walking into their bedroom. “Can I borrow a shirt?” Michael asked. Rath nodded his head yes getting up from the bed he walked over to his dresser. He opened the second drawer taking out another black T-shirt before closing the drawer. Turning back around he handed the T-shirt to Michael who pulled the T-shirt over his head. “I want coffee” Ria said.

“Me too” Rath said. Michael nodded his head in agreement. Rath and Ria walked over to the bedroom door followed by Michael Rath opened the door and they walked out of his bedroom over to the door leading down stairs. He opened the door, walking downstairs followed by Ria and Michael. “Zan and Liz should be here soon” Rath said. “Ava meeting us here?” Ria asked. “No. We all gonna meet at Kal’s cause Zan said that way Kal can baby sit all ya eggs” Rath said.
“Cool” Ria said. She turned to Michael and said, “The basket is still on your end stand.” Michael knew she was saying that he needed to get the basket. “I’ll get the basket and egg babies before we leave” Michael said. Ria smiled, planning on making him carry the basket till they got to Kal’s. Michael shook his head knowing from the look in her green eyes that he himself was a goner.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 28-29

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback



Author's note : I do not own the song used in this part it belongs to Ivan Neville 'Not just another girl'

Pt 28

Alex sat on his bed strumming the keys on his guitar. Looking at his note book, he sang the first few lines of his song he had written for Tess.

The place was jammed, the music loud.
I could see her face standing out in the crowd.

He smiled picturing Tess watching him sing.

She winked at me.

He pictured a big crowd listening to him with the next part,

Feeling good, I didn’t care, all I could see was her standing there.
The crowd got up, the band was playing, and in my mind I could hear her say I love you

He smirked thinking the last part so fit his Tess,

She could have been from anywhere, she could have most anyone I bet the girl’s in another world.

Alex set his guitar down and picked his pen back up, writing…not just another girl. He brought his pen to his mouth and chewed on the end while thinking of how the song should go next. Moving the pen out of his mouth, he brought it back to the paper writing, when I met her folks I was not surprised she had her old man’s ways and her mother’s eyes. He paused trying to decide what next. He finally decided on silver spoons, she had everything. She would leave it all to hear me sing. He smiled, knowing how much Tess loved to hear him sing.

Alex picked up his guitar again moving his fingers over the strings.

The place was jammed the music was loud.
I could see her face standing out in the crowd.
She winked at me.
Feeling good I didn’t care all I could see was her standing there.
The crowd got up the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you. She could have been from anywhere.
She could have had most anyone.
I bet the girl’s in another world.
Not just another girl.
When I met her folks I was not surprised she had her old man’s ways and her mother’s eyes.
Silver spoons, she had everything she would leave it to hear me sing.
The crowd got up the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you. She could have been from anywhere she could have most anything.
I bet the girls in another world not just another girl.

He paused for a moment trying to think of what needed to come next in his song. His fingers strummed over the stings again and he started to sing.

I gotta find away inside her lovely world. I gotta see the day she will really be my girl.

Alex set his guitar down and picked his pen back up adding the line he had just sung. He continued writing her royal blood didn’t mean a thing even though her first born might be a king. Picking back up his guitar, he smiled thinking about the baby that they had made together. He couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again. Alex began to sing.

The crowd got up the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you”.

His fingers strummed the stings and he continued to sing.

She could have been from anywhere she could have had most anyone I bet the girls in another world not just another girl.
Not just another girl.
She could have been from anywhere.

He paused for a moment before continuing.

I can see her.
I bet the girl’s in another world.
Had her old man’s ways and her mother’s eyes.
Not just another girl.
Not just another girl.

Setting his guitar down on the bed he said, “Perfect.”

Alex picked his pen and song book back up writing the last few parts he had sang into his song. He wrote at the top, Dedicated to my girlfriend, Tess Harding, I love you more than words can express but this song is written with all my love for you. His brown eyes read over the words one more time.

The place was jammed, the music loud, I could see her face in the crowd.
She winked at me.
Feeling good I didn’t care all I could see was her standing there.
The crowd got up, the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you. She could have been from anywhere she could have most anything.
I bet the girl’s in another world not just a girl.
When I met her folks I was not surprised she had her old man’s ways and her mother’s eyes.
Silver spoons she had everything she would leave it all to hear me sing.
The crowd got up the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you. She could have been from anywhere she could have most anything.
I bet the girls in another world.
Not just another girl. I gotta find a way inside her lovely world.
I gotta see the day I can really be sure she’ll be my girl.
Her royal blood didn’t mean a thing even though her first born might be a king.
The crowd got up the band was playing and in my mind I could hear her say I love you she could have been from anywhere she could have most anyone I bet the girl’s in another world.
Not just a girl.
She could have been from anywhere.
Six foot jam music loud.
She could a had most anything I can see her I bet the girl’s in another world.
Had her old man’s ways and her mother’s eyes.
Not just another girl.
Not just another girl.

He decided to name the song, ‘Not just another girl’.

Alex smiled, happy with the song he had written for Tess. He closed his notebook and set it on the end stand with the pen. Reaching over he picked up his guitar and climbed off the bed. Walking across the room he placed his guitar back in the case, then closed the case and picked it up walking over to his closet and putting the case inside. He walked back over to his bed and laid down closing his brown eyes hoping to get some sleep since he hadn’t been able to sleep much, not caring it was still early since he had stayed up all night working on his song.

Max woke hoping last night had been a dream. Looking down he saw the ache in his cock wasn’t a dream he was still rock hard and incased in steel. He looked over to the metal bars of his cell wondering what Goliath would bring him this morning to eat. “Probably something disgusting” Max thought. He knew that not eating the slop was not an option since he was too afraid of what would happen if he refused to eat. The thought in the back of his mind which he was having a hard time admitting to himself was that he was more afraid Goliath wouldn’t fuck him. His hardened cock tried to jump in response to his thoughts was denied because of the steel chastity device. He whimpered just as Goliath walked in with a tray.

Goliath raised his eyebrows at Max wondering what he had been thinking about that had made his hardened cock try to respond. “I brought you breakfast” Goliath said. Max nodded his head yes but stayed quiet. “If you do not do everything I tell you to later I will make it back into the slop they made for you” Goliath said. “I will” Max said. “Since you will have eaten the food if you disobey me I will punish you” Goliath said. Max bowed his head in submission telling Goliath without words he understood. “Before I give you the tray, what are you?” Goliath asked. Max looked up into Goliath’s eyes and said, “Your bitch.”

Goliath nodded his head yes and handed Max the tray. Max looked down at the tray seeing a cup of black coffee, corned beef hash, three sunny side up eggs, three sausages, and three slices of toast. His stomach growled and his mouth watered as he picked up his fork. “If you are a good bitch after your shower, which I will supervise, I will give you a dinner just as delicious” Goliath said. “I will” Max thought. “Do I have permission to eat?” Max asked. “Yes” Goliath answered. He was pleased Max waited to ask if he could eat the food given to him. Max picked up his fork cutting the egg then scooping some with the fork. He brought the fork to his mouth slowly chewing the food. He continued to eat till everything was gone from the plate.

Goliath walked over attaching the leash to the collar around Max’s neck. Max stood letting Goliath lead him out of the dungeon. He could tell from the direction that Goliath was taking him to the same room as last night. Goliath led him into the room and through another door into an old bathroom. “Step into the tub” Goliath demanded. Max stepped into the tub waiting for Goliath to tell him what to do next. Goliath reached down turning on the hot and cold water. He adjusted the water so there was only a little cold water making the water slightly warmer than he normally would. “This is to ensure you are thoroughly clean” Goliath said. He pulled up the shower level making the water come out the shower head.

Max whimpered feeling the water was hotter than he would have made it. Goliath ignored the whimper knowing Max would be screaming in agony after the shower. “Pick up the washcloth and soap” Goliath said. Max picked up the washcloth and soap. “Now rubbed them together” Goliath said. Max rubbed the soap into the washcloth. “Set the bar of soap down and wash your body. Make sure not to miss an inch” Goliath said. Max set the bar of soap down and brought the washcloth to his body. He slowly moved it over his skin making certain not to miss a single spot. Setting the washcloth down he turned around letting the water wash away the soap from his body. “Now your hair. I don’t want lice” Goliath said. Max reached down picking up a bottle of shampoo. Squeezing some into his hand he set the bottle back down and bringing his hand into his hair.

Max massaged his scalp then tiled his head back rinsing away the shampoo. Goliath reached down turning off the water. He grabbed a towel handing it to Max, who wrapped the towel around his waist. He stepped out of the tub eager to let Goliath do anything he wanted to him. Goliath led Max out of the bathroom and over to the bed. He unwrapped the towel from around Max’s body and slowly dried him off. Reaching down he picked up a small square chip that was laying on top of the bed. “This will hurt” Goliath said. “Okay” Max said. “You can scream now if you would like” Goliath said. He brought the chip to the back of Max’s neck using his powers to forcefully push the chip inside of his neck. Max couldn’t stop the scream of agony that came out of his mouth when he felt the chip cutting the skin at the back of his neck. Goliath used his powers to push the chip deep inside. Max passed out just as Goliath finished.

Goliath laid Max down in the middle of the bed and picked up a small cloth. He used the cloth to wipe away the blood on the back of Max’s neck. Setting the cloth down, he moved Max’s arms above his head and shackled him into place. He moved his hands to his ankles spreading his legs apart and shackling him to the bed. Satisfied that Max couldn’t go anywhere he walked to the door and opened it. “You can come in” Goliath said. A young guard entered the room, his brown eyes landing on Max hungrily. “I have to go have Kivar activate the chip. If you touch him I will go back to Kivar and get his permission to chop off your cock , chop it up into little pieces before making you eat it and then cutting your head off” Goliath said. “Yes Goliath” the young guard responded. “Excuse me” Goliath growled. “Yes sir” the young guard said. Goliath walked out of the room leaving the young guard to watch over Max while he had Kivar activate the chip.

Pt 29

Rath turned on the coffee maker and opened the cupboard above, taking down two mugs and setting them down on the counter with his, Ria’s and Michael’s mug. “I’m going to go get the egg basket now so we can just go after coffee” Michael said. Ria giggled before saying, “One might think you wanted to go shopping.” Michael brought his right hand to his eyebrow and scratched. “More likes he knows how ya wants ta go shoppin’” Rath said. Michael snickered, walking out of the kitchen. Ria stuck her tongue out at Rath, who smirked and walked over to her.

Rath captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. Ria moved her hands into his Mohawk as Rath deepened the kiss. They broke apart when they heard, “We knocked but ya didn’t answer,” with a snicker. Ria moved her hands out of his hair and Rath turned around saying, “Iz was just showin’ Ria what ya should do instead of stickin’ ya tongue out.” Zan and Liz laughed as Michael walked into the kitchen carrying the basket of eggs. “Did I miss something?” Michael asked. “No” Ria answered. Liz looked over at Michael, surprised to see him at Rath’s house. Michael smirked and walked over to Ria, handing her the basket before she could object. Turning around, he walked over to the coffee maker.

Rath snickered as Ria glared at Michael. He moved away from Ria and walked over to the counter. Picking up the coffee pot, he poured coffee into all of the mugs and then set the pot back down on the warming plate. Michael and Rath picked up their mugs and stepped aside, allowing everyone else to get their mugs. Ria walked over and picked up her mug followed by Zan and Liz. “Did you talk to Kal at all yesterday?” Zan asked. “Nope” Rath answered. “Wait…didn’t you say that you had to go talk to him yesterday” Ria said. “Yeah, but then iz figured it could wait till the dinner” Rath answered. “Is this something that is done a lot…the dressing for dinner?” Liz asked. “Every once in awhile” Zan answered. “Good thing Iz hates monkey suits” Rath said.

Ava walked out into the living room carrying her egg baby and basket. She set the basket on the coffee table and said, “You are babysitting my egg while I go shopping.” “I am” Kal said. “Iz sure Ria and Liz will leave their eggs here for you to baby-sit too” Ava said. “At least they don’t need to be changed or fed” Kal said. Ava nodded her head ‘yes’ knowing that was true. Kal smiled, knowing that in the near future when he baby sat there would be feeding and diaper changing; if Rath allowed his son or daughter out of his sight. He could see Rath being an over protective father with Michael being just as over protective. Ava gave Kal a questioning look, noticing the smile on his face. She glanced at the clock and wondered when everyone would get there.

Rath pulled the Trans Am into the driveway, driving it around to the back. He pulled the car into a parking spot and shut off the engine. Opening the car door, he climbed out and reached back inside to lift the lever for the seat. Michael climbed out of the back seat and then closed the door. Ria opened her door and was next to climb out of the car. She shut the door and walked around the car to where Rath and Michael were standing. Zan parked his Trans Am next to Rath’s. He then shut off the engine and opened his door. Climbing out of the car, he quickly shut the door. Liz then opened her door and climbed out and closed the door. She walked over to Zan and he took her hand in his, walking over to Rath, Ria and Michael.

They walked over to the door, opened it and walked inside. “So this is Kal’s house too” Ria said. “Yep” Rath answered. He led Ria into the living room followed by Michael, Zan and Liz. “Hey guys” Ava said. Michael nodded his head. “Yo” Rath said. “Hi” Ria and Liz said. Zan nodded his head while walking over to the coffee, putting his basket with the two egg babies on the table next to Ava’s basket. “I know...I’m babysitting” Kal said. Ria placed her basket with the two egg babies down next to Zan and Liz’s basket. “Ready to go shopping?” Ria asked. Rath, Zan, and Michael all groaned making Ria, Liz and Ava giggle. Ava got up from the couch and walked over to Ria and Liz. “See you later” Ava said. “Have fun” Kal said while watching them all walk out of the living room, heading for their vehicles.

Isabel slowly opened her eyes and looked up into Kivar’s. “Morning” Kivar said. “Morning” Isabel said. Kivar brought his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Kivar remembered the last thing he did last night was to have the four female servants, who had been trained since birth, for service of the queen. “Do you remember anything about being Vilandra?” Kivar asked. “Not really” Isabel answered. “Back then, you had a female servant who also used to be your lover” Kivar said. Isabel blushed, never having imagined being with another girl. “I thought maybe you would like to pick out your own personal servant” Kivar said. “You have someone in mind?” Isabel asked. “I have four servants that have been trained since birth the way to act for their queen. They also know that if the queen choices for them to please her sexually, they must do so. They are waiting in the hall for me to command them to come in one at a time” Kivar said. “What am I to do?” Isabel asked. “You are to inspect each one and pick the one you like” Kivar answered.

Isabel blushed, but knew she had no one here besides Kivar. “There will be times when I am busy” Kivar said. “Why don’t you have the first one come in” Isabel said. Kivar used his powers to open the door to their quarters. “Fallon, come in” Kivar ordered. Isabel watched a young girl about her age walk into the room wearing a spaghetti-strapped white gown that hugged the curves of her body and flowed down to the floor. Fallon walked over to the bed for Isabel to inspect her further. Isabel noticed that girl was about five-two, with long red hair, navy blue eyes and lips that looked kissable. “You need to tell her to strip, so you can see the rest of her” Kivar said. “Strip for me” Isabel said. She didn’t know if she was doing this to please Kivar or herself. Fallon moved her hands to the straps slowly moving them down her arms until the dress dropped away from her body.

Isabel’s brown eyes moved over Fallon’s body, taking in her round and firm breasts, flat stomach, abdomen, a mound of red curls, and sculptured legs. “Turn around” Isabel said. Fallon slowly turned around and Isabel moved her eyes down her back to her round and firm ass. “I like her. I want to see them all before I chose” Isabel said. “Fallon go sit in the chair over their” Kivar said. Fallon walked over to the chair and sat down. “You can cover your breasts with your hair” Isabel said. Fallon moved her red hair over her shoulders to cover her breasts. “Pretty” Isabel said. “Ready for the next one?” Kivar asked. “Yes” Isabel answered. “Isis” Kivar said.

Isabel watched a young girl with short amber hair wearing the same white gown walk into the room and over to the bed. She noticed that the girl was about five feet tall, eyes dark in color, maybe even black, and red lips. “You can leave” Isabel said. Isis bowed her head before turning around and walking out of the room. “Jade” Kivar said. Jade walked into the room wearing the same white gown as the others. Isabel noticed she was about the same height as the previous girl with brown hair and eyes. She didn’t like her either. “You can leave” Isabel said. Jade turned around walking out of the room. “Penelope” Kivar said.

Penelope walked into the room wearing the same white gown as the others. She walked over to the bed. Isabel noticed she was about five six with short curly platinum blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders, bright green eyes that reminded her of cat’s eyes, lips that were slightly puffy as if stung by a bee. “You can strip” Isabel said. Penelope moved her small hands to the straps slowly moving the dress down her arms. Isabel noticed her breasts were round and firm and thought they would fit in the palm of her hands, moving her eyes lower she saw her stomach and abdomen were flat, a mound of blonde curls nestled between her sculptured legs. “I want Penelope” Isabel said. Kivar nodded his head yes. “What happens to the ones I rejected?” Isabel asked. “The two you didn’t have strip will be servants until they have been chosen by one of the guards as a bride” Kivar answered. “What about Fallon?” Isabel asked. “I was asked by Mitch that if you didn’t chose her, to ask you for her hand” Kivar answered.

“Is Mitch off duty?” Isabel asked. “Yes” Kivar answered. “Fallon come to me” Isabel said. Fallon stood up walking over to Isabel. She stood next to Isabel silently wishing Isabel would change her mind. “You will go to Mitch and please him like you would have me” Isabel said. “Yes your highness” Fallon said. She turned around walking out of their quarters heading for Mitch’s quarters. “What would you like me to do your highness?” Penelope asked. “You can call me Isabel” Isabel said. Kivar snickered, knowing she was not used to the title yet. Penelope nodded her head ‘yes’ There was a knock on the door, and Kivar heard, “Your highness.” “Goliath come in” Kivar said. “Sorry for the intrusion” Goliath said. “That’s fine and you of all people know to call me Kivar” “I need you to activate the chip” Goliath said. “I will be right out” Kivar said. Goliath nodded his head ‘yes’ before turning around, walking out of the room.

Kivar leaned over, capturing Isabel’s mouth in a passionate kiss with a promise of more later. Breaking the kiss he said, “I will be back as soon as I can.” Kivar climbed out of the bed, picked up his jeans and pulled them on. Isabel watched him walk across the room and out the door. Isabel imagined that Penelope was getting cold standing at the end of the bed wearing nothing. “Why don’t you get into bed with me” Isabel suggested. Penelope walked over to the side of the bed. She pulled back the covers and climbed into bed next to Isabel. Recovering her body, she turned on her side so she was facing Isabel.

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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult Pt 30-31

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


Pt 30

Fallon walked into Mitch’s quarters and closed the door behind her. She could feel his dark brown eyes, which were almost black, drinking in the sight of her naked body before him. “The soon to be queen rejected me. His highness has given me to you” Fallon said. Mitch smiled and nodded his head ‘yes’, pleased with the turn of events. He moved the sheets and blankets aside, revealing his naked body beneath. Fallon couldn’t help but notice that Mitch was very well endowed. She had heard rumors of how big Goliath’s cock was when hard and she imagined that Mitch was smaller than him. “Come closer” Mitch said.

Fallon walked over to stand next to the bed. Mitch reached out placing his hands on her hips and lifting her body from the floor, bringing her body close so she was straddling his waist. Fallon gasped, feeling his hardened cock brush against her pussy. “I know you have been trained to please the queen but right now you are going to learn what it means to please your soon to be husband” Mitch said. Fallon nodded her head ‘yes’ and asked, “What would you like me to do?” She shivered knowing that Mitch was known to just take what he wanted from his women, much like his brother Nicholas. Mitch moved her again so she was laying on the bed next to him. He pulled the covers up over their bodies and said, “Go to sleep, I’ve had a long day.” Fallon looked at Mitch with blue eyes that clearly showed her surprise. “You should never listen to rumors” Mitch said.

Penelope wondered what Isabel wanted her to do. “Is there anything you would like me to do?” Penelope asked. “Kivar said you were trained to please me but you are also untouched. How is that possible?” Isabel asked. “We were told what our responsibilities were” Penelope said. Isabel noticed the red blush on her checks and nodded her head, hoping to encourage her to continue. “Spend time with you, talk to you, and be your lover, if expected” Penelope said. Isabel moved closer to Penelope, bringing her mouth to hers. “Kiss me” Isabel said. Penelope ran her tongue around Isabel’s bottom lip, silently asking permission to place her tongue inside of her mouth.

Isabel opened her mouth and Penelope slowly thrust her tongue inside. She slowly moved her tongue around the inside of her mouth, exploring until their tongues met. Isabel broke the kiss when air became an issue. “Did I please you?” Penelope asked. “Yes” Isabel answered. “Would you like me to please you more?” Penelope asked. Isabel had to admit she was curious to know what it would be like to have Penelope take the ache away between her legs. Moving her hand to the blankets, she slowly moved them away from their bodies. She spread her legs and said, “I want you to make me cum.” Penelope ran her bright green eyes over Isabel’s body, admiring her round and firm breasts, flat stomach, abdomen, and mound of blonde curls. She moved down the bed, bringing her mouth to Isabel’s pussy.

Isabel could feel Penelope’s breath against her pussy and spread her legs wider, wanting her tongue there. Penelope ran her tongue along Isabel’s outer lips to her clit, slowly circling it before running her tongue back down to her tight opening. She then slowly slipped her tongue inside of Isabel’s pussy. Isabel’s mouth hung open as she breathed in and out, enjoying Penelope’s tongue slipping inside and then around her walls. She gasped when her juices started to flow as her walls fluttered. She can eat pussy just as good as she can kiss Isabel thought. Penelope ran her tongue around Isabel’s inner walls, lapping up the juices that seemed to just flow into her mouth. Isabel tastes so good Penelope thought. She moaned into Isabel’s pussy, feeling wetness between her own legs for the first time in her life.

Penelope continued to thrust her tongue in and out of Isabel’s pussy, making her moan and whimper in pleasure. She relished in delight, knowing she was pleasing Isabel. “Ohhh...” Isabel moaned, moving her hands into Penelope’s curly blonde hair. Penelope thrust her tongue harder and faster inside of her pussy. “Yes...” Isabel moaned, thrusting her hips and grinding her pussy into Penelope’s mouth. Penelope greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop. She continued to thrust her tongue in and out of Isabel’s fluttering heat, wanting to push her over the edge again. “Ohhh...don’t...stop...” Isabel moaned. Her head thrashed back and forth across the pillows as Penelope thrust her tongue harder and faster inside of her.

Isabel’s back arched up off the bed and she meowed in pleasure as her walls clamped down on Penelope’s thrusting tongue. Penelope greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop and then slowly slipped her tongue out of Isabel’s fluttering heat. Isabel slowly removed her hands from Penelope’s curly blonde hair, allowing her to move her mouth away from her pussy. Penelope moved up the bed laying on her side next to her. “Did I please you?” Penelope said. Isabel smiled and said, “I definitely made the right chose.” She then moved her hand to Penelope’s pussy, running her fingers along her outer lips, finding she was wet. “Never been wet before either?” Isabel asked. “No” Penelope answered.

Kivar pressed a button on his main computer system activating the chip. “Max’s powers will no longer work unless the chip is removed. There is a fail safe in the chip which will kill him instantly if someone was to try and remove the chip other than me” Kivar said. Goliath nodded his head ‘yes’, knowing Kivar would have put a fail safe in the chip. Kivar pressed another button bringing up a map of the grounds and the castle he pointed to the blinking stop and said, “That’s him.” “Now that Max has the chip, the only time he has to return to the dungeon is when I have rounds?” Goliath asked. “Yes, unless you feel he needs to be there” Kivar answered.

Goliath smiled, knowing Kivar did this for him because of their friendship. “This is only temporary” Kivar said. “I know” Goliath said. “I did tell Kal Langley that I was going to have him executed for his crimes on Earth” Kivar said. “So, then how about until your first child is born, since then my duties will double? It is one of my jobs to guard the queen” Goliath said. “That could work” Kivar said. He smiled thinking about how gorgeous Isabel would look carrying their first child. “You should get back to Max and I need to get back to Isabel” Kivar said. “Yes” Goliath said. Kivar got up from the computer chair and walked out of the room followed by Goliath.

Goliath walked down the hallway heading back to the old part of the castle. Kivar walked down the hallway heading to his quarters. Goliath walked into the room, looking to make sure Max was still the way he had left him. “You may go now” Goliath said. The young guard nodded his head and turned around walking out of the room. Goliath closed the door running his hand over the door sealing the door so only his powers would open the door. Turning around he walked over to the bed and kneeled on the bed between Max’s legs. Reaching over, Goliath picked up a branding rod and used his powers to heat the rod. He brought the bar down a couple of inches above Max’s round ass and pressed down branding him with his Anatarian symbol.

Max whimpered in pain as Goliath moved the bar away from his body. Goliath spread Max’s ass checks exposing his tight opening. He thrust his hardened cock deep inside in one swift movement. Max whimpered and moaned, wanting Goliath to fuck him hard and fast. Goliath stilled his movements, knowing Max had been awake before penetration and wanting him to beg for it. Max moaned in frustration and tried to thrust his hips but found he was restrained. He squeezed the muscles inside of his ass, hoping to encourage Goliath to fuck him. Goliath resisted the urge to thrust his hardened cock into his tight ass. “Please...” Max begged. “Please, what?” Goliath said. “I want to feel your hard cock thrusting in and out of my ass” Max begged.

Goliath pulled his hardened cock almost all the way out then thrust it back inside. Max began to moan in pleasure and frustration. Goliath thrust his hardened cock in and out of Max’s ass, making certain to keep the thrusts slow even though he wanted to go faster. “Please....Goliath” Max begged. Goliath thrust his hardened cock in and out of his tight ass making no move to thrust like how Max wanted. “Harder...” Max begged. He grunted, whimpered and moaned in frustration, wondering what it would take for Goliath to give him what he wanted. “I need.... you to fuck me hard...cause I am your bitch” Max moaned, almost in tears from his need. “I have no intention of giving you what you want. Get used to it” Goliath said. He thrust his hardened cock as deep as he possibly could, filling Max with his hot seed but denying Max an orgasm.

“No...” Max screamed in frustration. Goliath laughed, pulling his cock back out of Max’s ass. “You will learn that I am the one in control” Goliath said. Max stayed quiet not daring to say a word. “Since I know what you like, me fucking you hard and fast, I will make certain that until you learn your place that will be exactly what you will not get” Goliath said. Max couldn’t stop the moan of frustration from escaping his mouth. Goliath laughed while walking over to the chair. He sat down in the chair watching the frustration across Max’s face. “We are going to take a break while I decide what you deserve next” Goliath said. Max decided that if he behaved, maybe Goliath would give him what he wanted.

Pt 31

Rath pulled the Trans Am into the garage and then turned the key, shutting off the engine. Opening the door, he climbed out of the car and reached back inside to pull up the seat lever for Michael. Rath then walked to the trunk and opened it. Michael climbed out of the car and closed the door, walking over to Rath. Ria opened the door and stepped out of the car and walked around the car towards the trunk She reached into the trunk, taking out her bags. Rath then reached into the trunk and took out his bags, allowing Michael to then reach in and get his bags. Rath closed the trunk and walked over to the door, opening it and then walked inside followed by Ria and Michael.

Michael closed the door before following Rath and Ria upstairs. Michael walked into his room and over to the closet. He hung the dress shirt, pants, and jacket in the closet. Rath walked through the door that connected their rooms, saying, “Ria’s going to meet us in da Jacuzzi” Michael wondered when Rath wanted to give Ria the engagement ring they had picked out for her earlier. He couldn’t wait to see the look on her beautiful face. Rath raised his right eyebrow at Michael and said, “We will have sometime before Ria comes down.” Michael licked his lips knowing that meant they could maybe do something while they waited for her. Rath walked over to Michael’s bedroom door opening it and walking out into the hallway. Michael followed Rath out of his bedroom and then downstairs to the basement.

Rath turned on the light and walked over to the Jacuzzi reaching down he turned on the water for the Jacuzzi. “When are you going to give Ria the ring?” Michael asked. “Later” Rath answered. Michael moved his hands to his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. Dropping the shirt onto the ground he kicked off his boots while unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. He pushed his jeans down over his hips. Rath licked his lips when Michael stood before him naked. Michael hissed feeling Rath’s heated gaze on his hardened cock. He wanted Rath to give in to Ria so that Rath could be inside of him. Rath smirked knowing exactly what Michael wanted because that was what he wanted though he still wanted to wait until their wedding night to be with Ria. He knew that Ria was going to try and convince him to give in to her demands.

Rath moved his hands to his T-shirt pulling it over his head and dropping it onto the floor. Kicking off his boots, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans sliding them down his legs revealing he was just as hard as Michael. “I have an idea so that Ria still could have a first time on her wedding night” Michael said. “What’s dat?” Rath asked. “I could wait until our wedding night to be with Ria” Michael answered. Rath turned off the water and stepped into the Jacuzzi. “Iz keeps dat in mind. Iz wants ta see what Ria’s going to do to get me to change my mind” Rath said. “Should be interesting” Michael said. He stepped into the tub sitting down next to Rath, and brought his mouth to Rath’s, capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss.

Ria smiled while stripping off her clothes. She had bought a new bikini to wear, which was essentially part of her plan to make Rath give in to her demands. Reaching down she picked up the bikini bottom which was a mesh thong and skimpier than some of her thongs she wore daily. She stepped into the thong bikini bottom and pulled it up her legs. Reaching down she picked up the bikini top which only had enough material to cover her nipples. She slipped her arms in and tied the string in the back. Slipping her feet into her black mules she walked over to the door opening it and walking downstairs to the basement.

Ria walked into the basement knowing she hadn’t given Rath and Michael enough time to do anything. Rath and Michael looked over at Ria instantly noticing how skimpy the bikini she was wearing. “You call that a bikini” Michael said. Ria smiled and said, “Yep. Don’t you think it would be perfect for the beach?” “Hell no” Rath growled. “No” Michael growled. Ria was having a hard time not laughing knowing perfectly well that Rath and Michael wouldn’t let her out of their sight. Walking over to the tub she stepped inside and sat between Michael and Rath saying, “Okay, so neither of you would let me go anywhere in this.” Rath noticed the top became see through when wet and licked his lips. Michael wondered how much Rath could take since the bikini was Ria’s first attempt in getting what she wanted.

Ria moved so she was straddling Rath’s waist and brought her mouth to his mouth capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Ria looked into Rath’s brown eyes while moving back just slightly and moving her hands to the strings and untying them. She slipped the bikini top off and dropped it right next to her where Michael was sitting. Michael stared at the bikini top floating in the water. Rath inhaled deeply while letting his brown eyes drink in the sight of her round and firm breasts. He smirked when her nipples hardened just from his eyes were admiring her. “Beautiful” Rath said. Ria blushed wanting Rath to do more than look at her. Rath moved his hands to her breasts massaging them. Ria moaned in pleasure and frustration wanting his hands all over her body.

Rath moved his hands taking her hardened nipples between his thumb and forefingers of his hands gently rolling the hardened peaks. “Ohhh...” Ria moaned. Rath moved his hands away from her hardened nipples and Ria turned to Michael letting him see her breasts for the first time. Michael moved his hands to her breasts taking them into his hands and massaging them. He took her hardened nipples between his thumb and forefingers gently rolling the hardened peaks. Rath moved his hand down her body to her pussy. Ria moaned in pleasure and frustration wanting and needing more. Rath smirked, thrusting three of his fingers inside of her pussy. Ria moved her hands down their chests to their hardened cocks taking them into her hands and pumping them up and down Rath thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy making Ria moan in pleasure.

Michael moaned in pleasure moving one of his hands away from her breasts and down her body to her pussy. His thumb circled her clit as he slipped his fingers inside of her and Rath then pulled his fingers out of her pussy. Michael thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy causing Ria to thrust her hips wanting and needing the ache quenched. Ria continued to thrust her hands up and down their hardened cocks making Michael and Rath moan in pleasure. Rath moved his hand down to Ria’s hand stilling her hand and saying, “We should finish this upstairs.” Michael slipped his fingers out of her pussy at the same time. “Michael...” Ria screamed in frustration. She moved her hand away from their hardened cocks and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

Rath brought his mouth to Ria’s ear and whispered, “Iz would rather use my tongue.” “Me too” Michael said. “Do you have towels down here?” Ria asked. She wanted to go upstairs now so they could finish. Rath stood up and stepped out of the Jacuzzi. Reaching over he grabbed a towel wrapping it around his waist, then grabbing two more towels. Michael grabbed one of the towels from Rath and stood up climbing out of the tub and wrapping the towel around his waist. Ria stood up and stepped out of the tub standing in front of Rath. He wrapped a towel around Ria’s body. “Iz gotta gets somethin’ when we gets upstairs” Rath said. “What?” Ria asked. “Ya will see” Rath said. Ria placed her hand in Rath’s hand wondering what Rath was going to get when they went upstairs. Michael smirked, having a feeling Rath was going to give her the ring they picked out earlier. Rath led Ria out of the basement and upstairs followed by Michael.

Rath kissed Ria in front of Michael’s bedroom door and said, “Go wait for me wit Michael.” Ria nodded her head yes while wondering if Michael knew what Rath was getting from his bedroom. Michael opened his bedroom door and Ria followed him inside still wondering what Rath was getting from the bedroom. Michael closed the bedroom door after Ria walked inside of the room. “What’s Rath getting me?” Ria asked. Michael smirked taking her hand in his hand leading her over to the bed. “You have to wait” Michael said He moved his hands to the towel around his waist unwrapping the towel from around his waist and climbing into his bed. Ria unwrapped the towel from around her body and climbed into the bed next to her. Michael pulled the covers up over their bodies and wrapped his arms around her body.

Rath walked into Michael’s bedroom and closed the door behind him. He walked over to the bed and unwrapped the towel from around his waist that wasn’t holding her ring. Pulling back the covers he climbed into bed next to her and said, “Michael n I picked dis out for ya earlier.” He took Ria’s hand in his hand and placed the black ring box in her hand. “Is this what I think it is?” Ria asked. “Open the box” Michael said. Ria slowly opened the box and gasped seeing a ring with three diamonds. Two smaller diamonds were on each side of the larger diamond in the center which had a small sapphire underneath on the white gold band that held the three diamonds. “Ya likes?” Rath asked. “I love it” Ria said. She brought her mouth to Rath’s, capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, she turned bringing her mouth to Michael’s, capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss.

Ria broke the kiss and asked, “Who’s putting the ring on me?” Rath smirked, taking the ring out of the box. Michael took her left wrist in his hand holding her hand out for Rath. He closed a silver bangle around her wrist with nine small diamonds in the top part which looked like a twisted rope. Rath slipped the ring on her ring finger at the same time. “I love the bracelet too” Ria said. She looked down at the ring on her finger and bracelet admiring them. “Don’t think this means I changed my mind about you guys waiting since I have to wait” Ria said. “Didn’t thinks ya would” Rath said. Ria smiled trying to decide her next move in making Rath cave.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz UcAdult Pt 32-33

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


b]Author's note: The parts in Antarian are Greek.[/b]

Pt 32

Penelope whimpered when Isabel continued to run her fingers back and forth over her outer lips. Isabel thought Penelope deserved her first climax since she was sure that was not allowed in her up bringing. She thrust three of her fingers inside of Penelope’s pussy, thrusting them in and out. “Ohhh...” Penelope moaned in pure pleasure. Isabel thrust her fingers in and out, increasing the speed of her thrusts with each moan of pleasure from Penelope’s mouth. Penelope started to thrust her hips when she felt her climax building in the pit of her stomach. Isabel moved her thumb to Penelope’s clit and circled it. “Isabel...” Penelope screamed. Isabel thrust her fingers harder and faster inside her pulsing heat, prolonging her first orgasm. She slowly slipped her fingers from her fluttering heat and brought them to her mouth, slipping her fingers inside and sucking off her juices.

Kivar stood quietly in the doorway watching Isabel with Penelope, remembering another time in her past when he had watched Isabel pleasure her lover. Isabel slipped her fingers out of her mouth and turned her head, having sensed him standing there. She blushed, making Kivar grin. He walked into the room and said, “Penelope’s room, which connects to ours, isn’t ready yet. So for tonight, since I expect no interruptions, she can go back to her old quarters.” Isabel moved away from Penelope, smiling when she blushed from being exposed to Kivar. “You can get dressed” Isabel said. Penelope nodded her head ‘yes’ while climbing off the bed. She picked up her dress and slipped it over her head. “When would you like me to return?” Penelope asked. “I will send a guard for you tomorrow” Kivar answered. “Yes your highness” Penelope said. “You can call me Kivar in these quarters” Kivar said.

Penelope nodded her head ‘yes’ letting Kivar know she understood. She turned and walked across the room and out the door. Kivar used his powers to lock the door and waved his hand over his clothes. Isabel licked her lips, seeing Kivar’s naked body before her. She let her brown eyes travel down his body to his hardened cock. Kivar stepped closer to the bed and said, “Since you are being kinky today, I figured that we would be now.” Isabel shivered in anticipation, wondering exactly what he meant. Kivar walked over to the stand by the bed and opened a drawer, taking out a tube of lube. “This will also do away with your last cherry” Kivar said. Isabel’s eyes doubled in size when she realized he was talking about fucking her ass.

Kivar smiled and said, “Now I want you on your hands and knees.” Isabel wondered if she would like what he was planning on doing to her. She moved onto her hands and knees in the middle of the mattress. Kivar climbed onto the bed, kneeling behind her so his hardened cock brushed against her ass checks. Setting the lube down for the moment, he moved his hands to her ass checks gently massaging the round and firm checks. Isabel moaned in pleasure, enjoying the feel of his hands on her body. Kivar spread her ass checks with one hand while picking up the tube with his other hand and squeezed some into his forefinger. Setting the tube back down, he brought his finger to her virgin hole and slowly thrust his finger inside.

Isabel whimpered not sure she liked the new feeling. “You will like this after the initial pain” Kivar said. He thrust his finger in and out making sure she was well lubricated. Isabel moaned in pleasure when his finger brushed against a certain spot inside of her ass. Kivar slowly slipped his fingers out of her ass and took his hardened cock into his hand. “Anytime after this time, you will have to tell me you want this” Kivar said. “Not one of your favorite things?” Isabel asked. “No, I prefer your tight pussy” Kivar answered. “Unless you feel like being kinky?” Isabel said. “Exactly…now relax” Kivar said. He then slowly thrust his hardened cock into her tight virgin ass. Isabel whimpered, feeling his hardened cock stretching her. She thought that this hurt worse than when he took her first cherry. Kivar thrust his hips, breaking through the cherry in her ass. He stilled his movements waiting for her body to adjust to his hardened cock.

Isabel whimpered and then moaned as her body became accustomed to the new sensation. Kivar interpreted Isabel’s moan as a signal that she was ready. He pulled his hardened cock back, then thrust his hardened cock back inside of her tight ass. He began thrusting his hardened cock in and out, making certain to brush against that certain spot inside of her ass. Isabel moaned in pleasure, deciding that she definitely liked the new sensation. She could feel her juices starting to flow out of her pussy with each thrust of his hardened cock. Kivar thrust his hardened cock harder and faster, while moving his hand to her pussy. He slipped three fingers inside of her pussy and circled her clit with his thumb. “Kivar....” Isabel screamed. She thrust her hips uncontrollably, grinding her ass into his body, as her walls clamped down on his thrusting fingers and her ass clamped down on his thrusting hardened cock.

Kivar thrust his hardened cock as deep as he possibly could inside her clenching ass, filling her with his hot seed. “Isabel...” Kivar screamed. He slowly slipped his hardened cock out of her clenching ass and slipped his fingers out of her fluttering heat. Isabel crumbled onto the mattress, her arms and legs feeling like Jell-O, after her powerful orgasms. Kivar brought his fingers to his mouth sucking off her juices. Slipping his fingers out of his mouth, he used his powers to clean off his cock and then laid down on the bed beside Isabel. He brought Isabel’s trembling body into his strong arms and wrapped them tightly around her body, bringing the covers up over their bodies.

Goliath smirked and walked across the room to the small table. He picked up the paddle and walked back over to the bed. Using his powers, he loosened the bindings just enough for what he had planned. “I want you to get on your hands and knees” Goliath commanded. Max quickly got on his hands and knees eager to please him. Goliath tightened the bindings with his powers and climbed on the mattress behind Max. “Now after a few minutes your gonna want to cum. I want you to hold it” Goliath said. He brought the paddle down across Max’s fine ass checks. Max whimpered not having expected to be spanked. Goliath continued to bring the paddle down repeatedly making Max’s ass a bright shade of red. Max had lost count after the tenth spank from the paddle. His cock was painfully hard and his balls tightened signaling he was about to cum. “Goliath...” Max whimpered.

Goliath flipped the paddle bringing the studded side down on Max’s red ass checks. He chuckled when Max couldn’t hold back any longer and his hot seed shot out onto the bed. “You know on Earth they have some of the craziest things invented for sexual fetishes” Goliath said. Max bite into his bottom lip afraid to know what Goliath had planned for him next. “My friend Mitch had to go there for a meeting awhile back and he had a look around brought me back a catalog for a sex shop order all my stuff from there shipping is high but well worth the price” Goliath said. He walked over to the table picking up a two prong rectal speculum. Walking back over to the bed, he kneeled behind Max placing one hand on his ass checks and spreading him open. He brought the speculum to Max’s ass slipping the tip inside of his ass.

“Cold” Max gasped. “Next time maybe I’ll heat it” Goliath said. Max whimpered feeling the cold metal sliding inside of his ass inch by inch. Goliath pushed it completely inside and released his hold on the steel making the scissor like part spread apart to its maximum two inches. Max whimpered feeling his ass forced open by the toy Goliath had put inside of him. Goliath smiled evilly while moving so his cum could just shoot into Max’s open ass. He never had been one for masturbation but he was sure that Max would beg him to no avail. Max wondered what Goliath was planning for him next. He didn’t care what Goliath did to him secretly enjoying each thing. Goliath took his hardened cock into his hand pumping his cock hard and fast until his hot seed shot out into Max’s open ass. Max whimpered his ass trying to clamp down and the toy was preventing him from doing so.

“I’m going to go take a shower” Goliath said. He walked across the room and into the bathroom leaving Max alone to ponder when Goliath would take the toy out of his ass. Max felt tears in his brown eyes, his body was demanding to close and the toy was mercifulessly holding him open. He decided to stay quiet in hopes that when Goliath returned he would remove the toy that was holding him open. I’ll beg him to when he returns if he doesn’t Max thought. He listened to the sound of the running water trying to concentrate on something other than his needs. That didn’t help him any when his mind filled of images of Goliath naked body and the water running over him. Max groaned as his hardened cock jumped in response and his ass tried once again to clamp down on the toy.

Goliath walked back into the room a few moments later seeing Max was just how he had left him. “Not like he has powers to free himself” Goliath thought. He walked over to Max taking the toy into his hand closing the scissors part and slowly slipping it out of Max’s ass. Max sighed in pleasure once the toy was out of his ass. Goliath used his powers and rolled Max onto his back so his hardened cock was standing proud but he was still restrained. “One more test before we rest for awhile” Goliath said. He walked over to the door and opened it leading in the young guard from earlier

"Áõôü åßíáé ìéá äïêéìÞ ðïõ âëÝðåé åÜí áíþôáôïò ìïõ Ý÷åé äþóåé ôï ìõáëü êáé ôï óþìá ôïõ óå (This is a test to see if Max has given his mind and body to me.)" Goliath said. "Ï Sir Undertood (Understood sir)" the young guard responded. He remembered earlier when Goliath had threatened to chop his cock up into bits and said, "Ï Sir íùñßôåñá åóåßò áðåßëçóå íá ôåìá÷ßóåé áðü ôïí êüêêïñÜ ìïõ. (Sir earlier you threatened to chop off my cock .)" Goliath smiled and said, "Íáé. ÁëëÜ ôþñá åßíáé ìéá äïêéìÞ ðïõ äåí åßóôå ðñáãìáôéêÜ õðïôéèÝìåíïé ãéá íá áöÞóåôå ôï áíþôáôï fuck åóåßò. Ç éäÝá åßíáé íá áöåèåß íá óêåöôåß üôé ðñüêåéôáé íá ôïí áöÞóåôå.(Yes I did. But now is a test you are not actually supposed to let Max fuck you. The idea is to let him think that you are going to let him.) "Ôüóï áíþôáôïò ðñÝðåé íá ðÜñåé ìáëáêüò. (So Max should go soft.)" the guard said. "Áêñéâþò (Exactly)"Goliath said. "ÖôÜóôå óå áõôü. ÁíáìïíÞ ôïõ êïñéôóéïý ìïõ ãéá ìå (Let's get to this. My girl's waiting for me.)" the guard said.

Max listened to Goliath and the young guard talking, assuming they were taking in Antarian. The young guard walked over to the bed and licked his lips openly admiring Max’s hardened cock. Goliath waved his hands over the guards clothes making them melt away from his body. The guard climbed onto the bed and straddled Max’s body taking his hardened cock into his hands. He lowered his body to take Max’s hardened cock inside of his ass. “No” Max whimpered. He wanted Goliath to allow him to fuck him. His cock instantly became soft when it touched the guards ass. The guard released Max’s now limp cock from his hand and climbed off the bed. He waved his hand over his body making his clothes reform. “Öáßíåôáé üôé óáò èÝëåé ìüíï. (Seems he only wants you)" the guard said. "Åõ÷áñéóôßåò. Èá äïýìå áöüôïõ äïêéìÜæù áõôü ðÜëé ìå ìéá áðü ôç ãõíáßêá É fuck óå êáíïíéêÞ âÜóç ðñéí áðü áíþôáôï Þñèá åìðñüò. (Thanks. We will see after I try this again with one of the woman I fuck on a regular basis before Max came along.)" Goliath said.

The guard left the room and headed for his quarters, where his girlfriend was waiting for him. “I will give you a reward for passing my little test after we sleep” Goliath said. He climbed onto the bed next to Max, bringing the covers up over their bodies and wrapping his arm around Max so his hand touched his cock. Max whimpered when his cock instantly stood at attention again. “Ç óêýëá ìïõ (my bitch)" Goliath said. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep a few moments after. Max turned his head and looked at Goliath sleeping next to him. He watched him sleep until he could no longer keep his eyes open, realizing as his eyes closed that he would do anything to keep his head on his shoulders so to speak but knew that in the end he was only here until Goliath got bored of him. I'm just a toy Max thought before falling into a deep sleep.

Pt 33

Lonnie watched the signs while looking out the window. She sighed, knowing that later tonight she would be with Serena. Damon sat quietly, wanting to stop at another motel and spend the night with Lonnie but at the same time knowing that stopping would make the time they were apart harder. “We should be in the city soon” Damon said. “I know” Lonnie said. Damon heard the sadness in her voice and said, “I thought about getting us a room and saying we had car trouble but that would make tomorrow harder” Damon said. Lonnie saw a sign for a rest stop next exit and said, “How about a quickie at the next rest stop?”

Damon was tempted to take the ramp for the exit but decided it would be better just to keep driving. “Lonnie, I want to but we can’t” Damon said. “I could just go back to Roswell” Lonnie said. “You know you can’t” Damon said. “I know Kal sent me here but it was at my request” Lonnie said. Damon raised his right eyebrow and said, “Do you want to keep them?” Lonnie shook her head no. “That’s why you are going to be in the city and Serena can teach you the edikit of being a wife” Damon said. Lonnie turned her head and stuck her tongue out at Damon. “What’s to know about being your wife” Lonnie said. “Oh, I’ll give her the list” Damon said. “I’ll make one for you on what to do as my husband” Lonnie said.

Damon took the exit for the city a few hours later and followed the signs that would lead to the road, to the building Lonnie would be staying in until the birth and final adoption. He knew that Kal had insisted Lonnie do this because of the last time she had been pregnant. “This is it” Lonnie said. Damon pulled the car into the parking lot and into the space in front of the main doors. He shut off the engine and said, “Lonnie, if you decide you want to keep them, I could deal with that.” Lonnie turned looking directly into Damon’s eyes and said, “Their not yours.” “I know but they are yours” Damon said. Lonnie bit her bottom lip not knowing what to say. “Just take the time to think this through and no matter what you decide, I will be here” Damon said. Lonnie blinked back tears, thinking she didn’t deserve him.

Damon took the keys out of the ignition and opened his door, then climbed out of the car. Closing the door, he walked around the car to open the passenger side door. Lonnie climbed out of the car and stood next to Damon. Closing the door, he turned bringing his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, he took her hand in his and led her to the front doors. He then opened the front door and walked inside with Lonnie. Going over to the front desk, they found a young girl maybe a little older than Lonnie working as the receptionist. “Good afternoon. I am Melissa. What can I do for you today?” Melissa said. “I’m Lonnie. Serena is expecting me” Lonnie said. Melissa nodded her head ‘yes’ and picked up the phone, pressing a button for Serena. “Lonnie is here” Melissa said.

Melissa hung up the phone a moment later and said, “Serena will be right out.” Lonnie nodded her head ‘yes’ before walking across the room and sitting down in one of the waiting chairs. Damon sat down next to her and said, “This is as far as I go.” “I know” Lonnie said. “You can call me anytime” Damon said. “If I can, I will” Lonnie said. Serena walked out of her office and into the waiting room. “Lonnie” Serena said. “That’s me” Lonnie said. “I’m Serena” Serena said. She held out her hand for Lonnie. Lonnie placed her hand in Serena’s and shook her hand. Serena released her and said, “Come with me.” Lonnie stood up, looking at Damon for a moment before following Serena into the main part of the building.

Damon waited until the door closed behind Lonnie, then got up from the seat he was sitting in and walked out of the building. Walking over to the car, he opened the driver’s side and climbed into the car. He closed the door and put the key in the ignition. Turning the key, he brought the engine to life. Looking at the front doors, Damon sighed knowing that Lonnie wouldn’t be allowed to call him for awhile. He knew Lonnie had things she needed to do for herself before she would be allowed phone privileges. Moving his hand to the clutch, he shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the parking space and then shifted the gear into drive. He drove out of the parking lot, heading back to the highway.

Serena led Lonnie into her office and motioned for her to sit down. Lonnie sat down in the chair and Serena sat down at her desk. “In a few moments, you will have your first exam with the doctor to determine how far along you are and your due date” Serena said. Lonnie nodded her head ‘yes’ “There are a few rules here. You will wear a uniform except for at night when you are in your room. You will attend classes like you would in Roswell and since this time is for you to decide what is best for you, there is no contact allowed with anyone outside of the building until I feel you have earned that privilege” Serena said. Lonnie frowned, hoping to have at least talked to Damon. “Now we will go get your uniform and then go see the doctor” Serena said. She stood up and walked to the door, Lonnie following behind her and out of her office.

Serena took Lonnie into another room. Closing the door, Serena walked over to a cabinet, opened it and took out a plastic bag. She walked over to the examine table and set the bag down. “Everything you are wearing goes in this bag.” Reaching under the table, she took out a white hospital gown and said, “Put this on.” Lonnie nodded her head, letting Serena know she understood. “The doctor will be in shortly. After the doctor has seen you, I will have your uniform and take you to your room” Serena said. She then turned and walked out of the room. Lonnie stripped off her clothes and stuffed them into the bag. Picking up the hospital gown, she slipped her arms into it. She then sat down on the examine table, waiting for the doctor to arrive.

There was a knock a few minutes later on the door and it slowly opened. “Hi Lonnie, I’m Steven Webber. I will be your doctor while you are here with us” Steven said. “Hello” Lonnie said. “I want to ask you a few questions before I do the exam” Steven said. “Okay” Lonnie said. “Do you know when you got pregnant?” Steven asked. “Monday” Lonnie answered. “Today is Thursday, so I won’t really be able to tell anything from an exam. I think we should wait till the end of the month” Steven said. Lonnie sighed, happy to be putting off the internal exam. “I want you to start taking prenatal vitamins in the morning before breakfast” Steven said “Do I get the bottle or is that something Serena distributes?” Lonnie asked. “Serena will give you the bottle and you are responsible for taking them” Steven said.

Steven walked to the door and opened it, and then he walked out and into the hallway. Serena then walked into the room and handed Lonnie a white dress shirt, a red and black checkered pleated skirt and a pair of black slip on shoes. “When you are dressed just come out” Serena said. She walked back out of the room to give Lonnie some privacy. Lonnie wrinkled her nose hating the clothes she had to wear. She climbed off the table and slipped off the hospital gown. Setting the hospital gown down on the table, Lonnie slipped her arms into the white dress shirt and buttoned the buttons. She stepped into the skirt and pulled it up her legs, then slipped her feet into the shoes. Walking over to the door, she opened it and stepped out into the hallway.

Serena led Lonnie down the hall and through another set of doors. Lonnie saw a few other girls sitting in what looked like a living room. Serena paused at the entryway to the room and said, “This is our living room. When you have free time, you can come here.” “Okay” Lonnie said. Serena led Lonnie down the end of the hall and to the right. She opened the third door and said, ‘This is your room. There is a baby book and a journal. All I ask for now is that you look through the book and write down anything you are feeling” Serena said. “Do you read the journal?” Lonnie asked. “No, that is yours. There will be times that I would like you to discuss with me what you are feeling. If you need to talk, no matter what the time, over there is a phone. You can press one and it connects with me” Serena said. Lonnie wondered if there was a special number to get an outside line. “The phone you have now is not set up for calling out” Serena said. She could tell that Lonnie wanted to call Damon. “When I see that you are focused here. I will personally put the other phone in here for you to call Damon. Until then, my hands are tied. No matter how much I would like to allow you the chance to call Damon, I can’t” Serena said.

Lonnie had a feeling that most of her restrictions were because of how she had tried to get rid of the last baby. She looked around the room, noticing a twin sized bed, a dresser, a CD walkman, a couple of CDs, and the end stand which contained the two books. “There are undergarments and night clothes in the small dresser” Serena said. “Where is the bathroom?” Lonnie asked. “You have your own bathroom, which is through that door” Serena said. “Oh good. I was afraid that we had to share the bathroom” Lonnie said. “I hated having to take a shower after gym, so I figured it was best for everyone to have there own bathrooms” Serena said. Lonnie walked over to the bed and sat down. “Dinner is at six” Serena said before leaving the room.

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Alien Wedlock Rath/Ria/Micheal Zan/Liz Uc Adult pt 34-35

Post by RiaRath101 »

Thanks for the feedback


Pt 34

Ria gasped when Rath captured her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. He lay back against the mattress, bringing Ria with him somehow managing to not break the kiss for air. Ria broke the kiss for much needed air and moaned in frustration, feeling her body become alive with desire and need. Michael snickered, knowing Rath had interfered with any plans she had been working in her head. He moved closer to Rath and Ria, wondering what exactly Rath had planned. Rath moved his hands down Ria’s back and cupped her ass in his hands. He rolled their bodies so he was pressing Ria’s body into the mattress. Ria moaned in frustration, feeling his hardened cock pressing into her pussy.

Rath lifted himself off of her body to tempted to give in to the temptation before him. He moved down her body bringing his mouth to her pussy running his tongue along her outer lips while laying on his side. Ria moaned in pleasure and turned her head bringing her mouth to Michael’s mouth capturing his mouth in a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss for Michael laid down on the mattress on his side and brought his mouth to Rath’s hardened cock. He ran his tongue around Rath’s large mushroom head licking up the pre-cum that was pooled there. Rath moaned into Ria’s pussy as he thrust his tongue deep inside. Ria moaned in pleasure, moving her head just enough to reach Michael’s hardened cock. She ran her tongue around his large mushroom head, licking up the pre-cum that had pooled there.

Michael moaned in pleasure taking Rath’s hardened cock into his mouth, sucking hungrily while thrusting his mouth up and down his hardened cock. Rath thrust his tongue harder and faster inside Ria’s pussy. Ria moaned against Michael’s hardened cock, sending vibrations into his cock. She continued to thrust her mouth harder and faster along his hardened cock. Michael moaned in pleasure thrusting his mouth harder and faster along Rath’s hardened cock. Rath thrust his tongue harder and faster inside Ria’s pussy. Ria thrust her hips uncontrollably as her walls clamped down on his thrusting tongue. Rath greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop. Michael thrust his hips making his hardened cock go deeper inside her mouth as his hot seed flowed into her mouth. Ria greedily drank down his hot seed, making certain not to miss a single drop then slowly slipped his cock out of her mouth.

Rath thrust his hips making his hardened cock go deeper into Michael’s mouth as his hot seed flowed into his mouth. Michael greedily drank down his hot seed, making certain not to miss a single drop, then slipped his cock out of his mouth. Rath slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat. Ria moaned in frustration having been right on the edge again. Michael moved down the bed and Rath moved up the bed. Their mouths met in a passionate kiss breaking the kiss for air as Michael continued to move down the bed towards Ria’s pussy. He ran his tongue along her outer lips before thrusting his tongue deep inside. Ria moaned in pleasure as Rath brought his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Ria moaned in pleasure. Her hips moved uncontrollably as her walls clamped down on Michael’s thrusting tongue. Michael greedily drank down her juices making certain not to miss a single drop, then slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat.

Michael crawled back up the bed and laid on his side next to Ria. She turned toward Michael bringing her mouth to his, capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. Breaking the kiss for air, Ria turned toward Rath running her hand up and down his chest. “I was going to try to convince you to cave” Ria said. Rath snickered having distracted her for a few moments from her initial goal of trying to get her way. “I guess I will just have to wait” Ria said. Rath raised his right eyebrow wondering if Ria was really giving up. Ria giggled thinking about the dress she bought to wear after dinner. Michael had a feeling that what ever Ria had planned Rath was in no way going to win.

Liz stood on her tip toes bringing her mouth to Zan’s ear and whispered, “I don’t want to wait anymore.” Zan felt his cock jump and hardened in response to her words, knowing that Liz was saying she wanted them to take the next step. He wanted the same thing but was afraid that when Liz found out about their pending nuptials, she would be a little angry that the decision had been made for her. “Maybe we should wait” Zan said. Liz stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, making it quiver slightly. “I’m ready” Liz said. “I don’t want ya ta thinks that iz don’t wanna, it’s just that I don’t think I would want ya ta not be in bed wit me each night” Zan said. “That would be nice” Liz said. Zan smiled before scooping Liz up in his arms and carrying her toward his bedroom.

Zan kicked his bedroom door shut and walked over to his bed. Liz giggled when Zan used his powers to make her clothes melt away from her body, as he laid her down on the mattress Zan brought his mouth to hers, capturing her mouth in a passionate kiss and breaking the kiss for air. He kissed and nipped his way down her body to her left breast, running his tongue around the hardened peak. He then moved his mouth to her right nipple, running his tongue around the hardened peak. Liz moaned in pleasure and spread her legs, begging Zan to relieve the ache that was building there. Zan kissed his way down her stomach and abdomen to her pussy. He ran his tongue along her outer lips licking up her juices that were seeping through.

Liz moved her hands into his spiky brown hair holding his mouth in place. Zan thrust his tongue inside of pussy, slowly running his tongue around her inner walls. “Ohhh...”Liz moaned in pleasure. Zan thrust his tongue harder and faster inside of her pussy, wanting to drink down her sweet and spicy juices. “Zan....”Liz moaned in pleasure. She thrust her hips uncontrollably, making her pussy grind into Zan’s mouth as her walls clamped down on his thrusting tongue. Zan greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop and then slowly slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat. He crawled up her body and captured her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss, breaking the kiss for air. “My turn” Liz said afterwards.

Zan smirked, rolling off her body and laying on his back next to her. “Do your power thing” Liz said. She thought having powers came in handy. Zan concentrated and made his clothes melt away from his body. Liz rolled onto her side, admiring his tanned and toned body. She licked her lips when her brown eyes moved down his body to his hardened cock. Leaning over, she brought her mouth to his, capturing his mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss. She then kissed her way down his chest to his left nipple. She ran her tongue around his nipple and watched it harden underneath her tongue. Moving her mouth to his other nipple, she ran circles around it before kissing and nipping her way down to his stomach, abs, and finally to his hardened cock.

“Liz...” Zan moaned. Liz ran her tongue around his large mushroom head, licking up the pre-cum that had pooled there. She ran her tongue down along the vein on his hardened cock to his balls, taking first one and then the other into her mouth. Releasing his balls, she ran the tip of her tongue along the vein on his hardened cock. Zan moaned in pleasure and frustration, wanting Liz to take his hardened cock into her mouth. “Iz gonna tease ya next time” Zan growled. Liz giggled before taking his large mushroom head into her mouth and sucking hungrily. Zan moved his hands into her hair, holding her mouth against his hardened cock. Liz then took his hardened cock completely into her mouth. “Liz...” Zan moaned.

Liz thrust her mouth up and down his hardened cock. Zan had to fight the urge to thrust his hardened cock deeper into her mouth. Liz thrust her mouth harder and faster, up and down his hardened cock. She pressed the tip of her tongue along the vein with each thrust of her tongue. “Just likes dat” Zan moaned. Liz moved her hands to his balls, cupping them in the palm of her hand. She played with his balls and thrust her mouth harder and faster, up and down his hardened cock. “Liz...” Zan screamed. He couldn’t hold back any longer and thrust his hardened cock in and out of her mouth. His hot seed shot into her mouth and Liz greedily drank it down, making certain not to miss a single drop. She slowly slipped his cock out of her mouth and crawled up his body.

Zan captured her mouth in a fierce and demanding kiss, breaking the kiss when air became an issue. He rolled their bodies so they were on their sides and brought the covers up over their bodies. Liz snuggled into Zan’s body and said, “I was thinking about getting my tongue pierced.” Zan groaned thinking about how her mouth would feel on his cock. Liz giggled and said, “Like that idea?” “Hell yeah” Zan answered. “Cool” Liz said. “Get the piercin’ n I can do it for ya” Zan said. “I bought one at the mall today” Liz said. “Ya wants me ta do it now?” Zan asked. “No. Iz all comfy and I don’t wanna move” Liz said. “Good, cause neither do I” Zan said. He tightened his arms around her body, holding her tightly in his arms.

Liz yawned, feeling tired. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed as she listened to the rhythm of his heart beating. Zan watched Liz sleep in his arms for a while, thinking about the dinner they would have at Kal’s house tomorrow. This would be so much easier if I could bend the rules like Rath did Zan thought. He didn’t see anything wrong with asking Liz to marry him. I’ll call Kal in the morning and see if I can pop the question and then Kal could tell her about the arrangement…maybe Zan thought. He closed his own eyes soon afterward, falling into a deep sleep.

Pt 35

Mitch opened his eyes and looked down at Fallon, who lay wrapped tightly in his arms. He carefully moved her body away from his, so her back was pressing into the mattress, and her auburn hair fanned out around the pillows. His eyes traveled lower, admiring her round and firm breasts for a moment before letting his eyes move over her flat stomach and abdomen to her mound of curls nestled between her long and sculptured legs. He moved his hands to her thighs, slowly spreading her legs and exposing her pussy completely to him. I think you have slept long enough Mitch thought. He then moved his mouth to her pussy, running his tongue back and forth over her outer lips before thrusting his tongue deep inside.

Fallon moaned in her sleep and her eye lids slowly fluttered open. Mitch teasingly moved his tongue around her inner walls. “Ohhh...” Fallon moaned. She opened her eyes and looked down to see Mitch’s head between her legs. She was amazed at how good it felt having his tongue inside of her. Mitch thrust his tongue harder and faster inside of her pussy enjoying the taste of her juices and wanting to drink them down completely. Fallon moved her hands into his brown hair, holding his mouth against her pussy. “Mitch...” Fallon moaned. Mitch thrust his tongue harder and faster and moved his thumb to her clit. Fallon thrust her hips uncontrollably when Mitch circled her clit with his thumb and her walls clamped down on his thrusting tongue.

Mitch greedily drank down her juices, making certain not to miss a single drop. He slipped his tongue out of her fluttering heat. Fallon breathed in and out, trying to calm her rapidly beating pulse. Mitch kissed his way back up her body, kissing her abdomen and stomach. Reaching her left nipple, he ran his tongue around the hardened peak. “Ohhh...” Fallon moaned. She was enjoying each touch of his tongue and mouth against her body. Mitch took the same hardened nipple into his mouth, sucking hungrily and making Fallon gasp in pleasure. He released the hardened peak from his mouth and ran his tongue to her other hardened nipple, running his tongue around the hardened peak. Taking the hardened peak into his mouth, he sucked on it hungrily.

Fallon moaned in pleasure feeling more wetness pool between her legs as well as an aching need to be filled with his hardened cock. Mitch released her hardened peak from his mouth and kissed his way up her body to her rapidly beating pulse. He ran his tongue over her rapidly beating pulse before taking it into his mouth and sucking hungrily. Fallon moaned in frustration, feeling his hardened cock pressing into her wet heat. Mitch released her rapidly beating pulse and admired the dark purple hickey that now marked her neck. He brought his mouth to hers, running his tongue along her bottom lip. Fallon opened her mouth, granting his tongue access to her mouth. Mitch slipped his tongue inside, slowly running his tongue around the inside of her mouth until their tongues met and battled.

Breaking the kiss for much needed air, Mitch looked into her eyes seeing desire, need and lust. He held his body away from her by placing his hands on the bed and holding his body weight on his hands. Holding himself away from her with one hand, he moved his other hand down her body and took his hardened cock into his hand. He slowly slipped his hardened cock inside of her pussy. Fallon whimpered, feeling his hardened cock slowly stretching her. Mitch then thrust his hips sending his hardened cock through her barrier of innocents. Fallon whimpered in pain and her eyes filled with tears. Mitch stilled his movements waiting for her to adjust to his hardened cock being buried deep inside her body. He moved his hand to her check brushing away a couple of tears.

Fallon wanted to feel if his hardened cock could make her feel as good as his tongue. She thrust her hips signaling she was ready and wrapped her legs around his waist. Mitch slowly pulled his hardened cock back and then thrust himself forward back inside of her. Fallon ran her hands down his back and cupped his firm ass in her hands. Mitch thrust his hardened cock in and out of her pussy, making his large mushroom head brush against her g-spot. “Ohhh...Mitch....” Fallon moaned. She thrust her hips, matching each and every one of his thrusts. “You’re so tight” Mitch moaned in pleasure. He thrust his hardened cock harder and faster, wanting to feel her walls clamping down on his hardened cock. Fallon thrust her hips uncontrollably as her walls clamped down on his thrusting hardened cock. “Mitch...” Fallon screamed.

Mitch thrust his hardened cock harder and faster inside her fluttering heat. He could feel his balls tightening, signaling his own release. “Fallon...” Mitch moaned in pure pleasure. He thrust his hardened cock as deep as he possible could into her fluttering heat, filling her with his hot seed. Fallon moaned in deep pleasure, feeling his hot seed flowing inside of her fluttering heat. Mitch thrust his cock inside of her prolonging her orgasm until he had to reluctantly pull out of her fluttering heat. He rolled onto his side bringing her body closer to his and holding her tightly in his arms. Fallon snuggled into his body and closed her eyes, feeling tired again. Mitch snickered before kissing the top of her head.

Lonnie sighed walking over to the bed, and sitting down on the mattress. She decided since she had a while before dinner she might as well look through the baby book. Reaching over, she picked up the baby book and leaned back against the pillows. Opening the book, she flipped through the pages seeing pictures of what her body would look like in each stage of her pregnancy. These are pictures of single births not twins Lonnie thought. She wondered if Jake would have to sign anything for her to adopt the babies out. Feeling tired, she set the book aside and closed her brown eyes to rest before dinner.

Damon pulled over at the first rest stop on his way back to Roswell. Shifting the car into park, he picked up his cell phone and pressed the button for Kal’s office. “Hello” Kal said. “Hi Kal, its Damon” Damon said. “Did you get Lonnie to Serena’s all right?” Kal asked. “Yes. That was what I was calling to tell you I dropped her off about an hour ago I’m heading back to Roswell now” Damon said. “Did you and Lonnie work anything out?” Kal asked. Damon smiled hearing Kal. He had been suspicious that Kal was trying to get them back together but now he was certain. “Time will tell” Damon said. He wanted to wait before telling anyone, afraid he would jinx their relationship. “Yes, it will” Kal said.

“Well, I had better get back on the road” Damon said. “You can just call me when you get back into Roswell” Kal said. “Will do. Bye” Damon said. He ended the call and turned off his cell phone. Shifting the car into reverse he backed the car out of the parking spot. Shifting the gears again, he put the car into drive. He drove the car out of the parking ramp and back onto the highway, heading back to Roswell. He glanced over to the passenger’s seat every once in a while missing Lonnie sitting next to him. I wonder when Serena will give her phone privileges Damon thought. He drove down the highway deciding to drive until he was too tired to drive anymore, wanting to get back to work. He thought that work would help him think about her less. Yeah right Damon thought.

Kal hung up his phone smiling to himself. He had hoped that forcing Damon and Lonnie to spend time together would have them admitting they still cared about one another. “What are you smiling about?” Ava asked. “Oh nothing” Kal answered. Ava yawned not realizing she had been so tired. “Well I’m going to call it a night” Ava said. “Night Ava” Kal said. Ava walked through the house to the guest room. She closed the door, walking across the room turning on the small lamp on the end stand. Pulling back the covers she stripped off her clothes pulling on a black cami and slipping into bed. She pulled the covers up over her body and closed her blue eyes thinking about a certain brown eyes jock.

Kal walked into the room containing the tank Tess was submerged inside of. He looked over at the tank hoping that the results from the scan would be good. He had some good news earlier, courtesy of Damon though not completely confirmed, and wanted more good news. Walking over to the computer, he pressed the button for the scanner, which began to move over Tess’s body and stopped at her abdomen Looking at the view monitor he read the results of the scan. He smiled happy with the results that he was seeing from the scan. The toxin is almost completely removed from Tess’s system.Maybe tomorrow after diner she can come out Kal thought. Moving his hand to the button for the scanner controls he pressed the button and the scanner moved back up her body and shut off.

Kal turned around walking out of the room into his bedroom. Walking over to his bed he sat down on the mattress and picked up his phone. He dialed Alex’s phone number anxiously waiting for him to answer. “Hello” Alex said. “Hi Alex, Kal Langley” Kal said. “Kal” Alex said. He was hoping that Kal would tell him Tess was better. “I think that tomorrow night Tess should be able to come out of the tank” Kal said. “Really?” Alex asked. “Yeah. Why don’t you come over here tomorrow night, say around eight? The diner party I am having should be over by then. I will break my rules this one time and allow you to stay the night here with Tess in the other guest room. After that, Tess will be staying at Ava’s and what you do there is up to the two of you. I normally just don’t allow the sleeping together unless you are married and under my roof” Kal said. “I’ll be there tomorrow at eight” Alex said. “Night” Kal said. “Night…and thanks Kal” Alex said. Kal hung up his phone and smiled hoping dinner tomorrow night would go as smoothly.
