Choosing Grounds (AU/UC/XO/ADULT) Xander and Maria needed

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Post by isabelle »


Before I can answer Kyle, both Pride and Bray awaken and Pride introduces both of them.

"I am what I am and not what I'm not!" I explain when Pride asks who I am. Then, looking at the two Tribe members, I warn them. "What you think you know, may not be so."

Like the three in the UFO Center, these two are not from quite the same world, although they think they recognise each other. I don't know much about what those differences will mean for them, but Medina believes it will be amusing so I am looking forward to watching it.



Moon seems amazed that she was met by an adult. The woman I met was older, true, but I don't think she was over thirty. There's only one person I know who's older than that.

As Moon looks at the knife, I realize how lucky it was that I chose to come in here just as I did.

"Should we take a look around and see if anyone can tell us what this place is?" Moon asks.

"Sure," I say. "There doesn't seem to be much of a staff here." I can see an office behind the desk, but nobody's there. Nobody's come in response to the two of us being here. "Or guests for that matter. I didn't see any people walking around, but there were some shops and a mall in that direction," I say, gesturing.

I do see a young man that I hadn't noticed before sleeping on one of the leather sofas in the sitting area. "I guess we could ask him if he wakes up," I say. I'm not sure it would be a good idea to disturb anyone who's sleeping, but then again, there doesn't seem to be a lot of options.

Last edited by isabelle on Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by magikhands »


Rain splatters around me as I kneel on the muddy ground. My tears mix with the rain and I feel numb. Numb inside my body and out, I can't seem to bring myself to care any longer. Nothing matters now. My life means little...the only reason I'm still walking is for Dawn. I'm all she has left.

A hand lays on my shoulder and I know it's here. I know she's feeling as much pain as I am. My chest tightens and I can no longer keep in my sob.

"'s time to go. You'll get sick." She says helping me to my feet.

Somehow I make my legs work and I find myself walking away. I turn back and stop, my pain increases as I say my finally good bye to my love and my best friend.

"Buffy" I sob but Dawn pulls me away to live another day.

I wake with a start, the dream that plays often pulling me out of the abyss of peacefulness. I sit up and notice that's I'm not in my bed. I'm on a leather couch somewhere I've never been. I look around and find that it looks much like a hotel lobby but...darker. Instead of pretty landscape photos on the wall, there is a large battle ax and a chest full of fighting tools. I scratch my head completely confused.

I try to think back to how I got here. I rub my temples and think back. In a rush it all comes back and my heart races with fear.

Willow...somehow...she came back alive. I know it's impossible, I saw her die and watched as they buried her. But she wasn't the same Willow as before. I close my eyes trying to get the vision of her out of my head. No, she was something else...something evil, reborn. And the things she did....

I let out a sob as reality rushes back to me. Willow came back and killed everyone. Everyone I loved. Tara was the first to go. She tried hard to bound Willow's powers but she wasn't powerful enough. Then Giles was next. Spike wasn't far behind but what hurt most was when she took Dawn. The way she killed Dawn was primal and... I couldn't control the shiver and the roll my stomach gave as I tried to push back those memories. But in the end, she'd come after me.

I took a deep breath and tried to remember how I survived her wrath. I remember her about to attack but then time stood still and a with long black hair appeared out of no where. She smiled at me and touched my shoulder. That's the last I remember.

"Crap." I say as I stand and go to the weapon cabinet. Some habits are hard to break. Buffy taught me a long time ago to always be armed. I stash a stake in my pocket before picking up an sword. Giving it a practice swing I turn and find a woman and man staring at me, their eyes wide.

"Uhh...hello?" I stay where I am, not certain whether I should approach them or not. I've learned the hard way that looks can be decieving. They look like humans but beneath they could be something else.
Last edited by magikhands on Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by isabelle »

Okies -- very long JP between Stormwolfstone, Katnotkath and me for Isabel, Liz and Max in the UFO Center.

Liz shook her head. "No...we're seniors...or at least Alex, Maria, Michael and I are... Isabel graduated last year..." She explained stiffly. Looking over at Isabel, for the first time she really noted some slight changes which made her look older. She didn't know what to think about it, but then given the current situation, there was a lot to puzzle over anyway...

Max stared openly at Liz as he tried to process what he’d been heard. They were seniors and Alex was alive. They’d passed that point. And it seemed that his own world was past the point where ‘he’ had died, too. What did it all mean?

Standing there, facing the image of her dead husband was far from easy, but Liz forced herself to concentrate with the reminder that others needed them back home... She reached up, pushing her hair back from her face and looking around again. The whole place pretty much creeped her out, along with the words of the letter, but she wasnt going to let them get to her, she couldn't... Locking such thoughts behind the walls she had inside, she turned her attention back to the job at hand. "We should see what we can find...standing here isn't doing anyone any good...we need information..."

“Right,” Max said. He’d already agreed to that and didn’t much see the point of Liz repeating herself. He stepped ahead, automatically taking the lead as he started down the stairs. “I just thought that the mention of ‘second chances’ might have something to do with that, but if you’re past it already…” Max pinched his lips together, unsure of how to continue. “Where I’m from we’re not yet done with Junior year, although Isabel’s already decided to graduate early and leave the rest of us. Everything’s been wrong in the group since Alex died just after the Prom.”

Isabel wasn't sure what he was wanting to know about their schooling for or why it was he seemed so surprised about her going to Alex's. Then when Liz had explained about schooling, Isabel remained silent for a short time. However, Max's comment about Alex dying after prom caused her to stop her steps. She knew it wasn't in her reality, but, it was still something she couldn't help but feel effected by. "How did he die?" She asked, unable to hold back. The idea that something could happen to the man she cared so deeply about, sending shivers down her spine. And she felt strange having another Isabel mentioned and hearing talk about 'her' leaving the others. Mainly because she couldn't picture doing it herself, though at one time she'd thought it would be best for Alex not to be.

Max turned to Isabel, his expression grim. Knowing how his Isabel and Liz had reacted, he wasn’t looking forward to seeing the same response from these two. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to lie. “It was a … car accident,” Max told them. “Witnesses said he deliberately turned his car into oncoming traffic and he hit a truck. Valenti put it down as suicide, but none of us can figure out why he would do it.”

“I tried to … bring him back but I … I …” Max stopped himself grabbing the railing on the stair as he stopped in his track. He turned his face away from the girls, fighting the trembling that threatened to overcome him at the memory. It was one of the most traumatic things he’d ever been through, outside of the white room, but none of his ‘friends’ had seemed to notice. They only cared that he failed, and that Isabel and Liz needed comfort and help. Not that Liz wanted it from him. He’d been sent after Isabel, although there hadn’t been much he could do.

“Liz is trying to prove that an alien murdered him. That he died because of us. Maria and Kyle turned against us, too. Isabel doesn’t care about me or Antar or anything. And Liz, Liz went to Sweden to try and prove something.”

Liz shook her head, struggling to take in this alarming information. So in another reality, one of the group had again been lost... She didn't know how connected the two were, but it seemed like whatever the path they chose, it didn't matter...loss always followed... She swallowed, biting back a sob, refusing to let herself be seen as weak, and concentrating on Isabel who she knew would be hurting... Perhaps they knew that their Alex was okay yes, but it wouldn't be easy for her 'sister' she knew...

Max's speak of trying to save him, caught a nerve, causing images of a similar, although different event in her own past. "You tried your best...just as we did..." She murmured softly, almost to herself as she remembered that fateful day when they had learnt just what Tess really was.

Hesitating a moment, she stepped forward, closing the gap between them and reaching out to touch his arm. "It wasn't your fault..." she told him softly, although deep down she had big reservations about the suicide theory... Without more information about his world she couldn't be certain, but it didn't seem like the Alex she knew anyway... "If you tried, sometimes it's just not possible...sometimes it's too late..." She finished, her feelings hidden behind the mask she had erected, her eyes seemingly dead of emotion.

Max felt the hand on his arm and he stiffened. He schooled his face to an expression of neutrality. These people looked like Liz and Isabel, but they were strangers. He wouldn’t let them see his weakness. He’d hid his feelings from his own friends and family. He wasn’t going to start opening up to these two.

He put his own troubles out of his mind for the moment; they were a problem he couldn’t solve from here, anyway. ‘Liz’ was right. First they had to get back to where they belonged. He knew he didn’t belong in ‘the service of Medina,’ whatever that meant.

Straightening his shoulders, looked back at the two girls, closing the topic for the moment. He started down the stairs, his voice once again under control. “I thought Medina’s second chance might mean that I could save your Alex, even if I couldn’t save ours. But yours has already survived.” He said again, shaking his head. “And our world is already past the point where you say your … your Max died. It must be something different, or maybe it means nothing at all.” There was no reason to trust this ‘Medina.’ No reason to believe that her words meant anything.

Reaching the bottom of the stair, Max took a look around the UFO Center. Now that he had a moment, he realized the displays were different than the ones he’d worked on only the day before. The Crop Circle display was in the center of the floor, not to the left of the door. The alien autopsy was there, instead.

“I hadn’t noticed before, but this place does look a bit different from my world,” he noted, but he was still mulling over what Liz had said about the attack by the skins after Whitacker died. “Your Tess turned against the group? She attacked you?” He asked. Could it be that Isabel leaving would mean that she would return with their enemies as Volandra did? He hated to think it, but right now he was no longer sure about anything.

Isabel watched as Liz seemed to momentarily reach out and she knew that it had to be hard. She also knew that as much as she was wishing this was her brother, it had to be making it harder for Liz and the memories she kept buried within.. As they all began walking again, she glanced around, remembering the times she'd come into this place to find Max and ended up with Alex trying to find something more to talk to her about. What would it have been like if she'd lost him?

She heard Max's comments and felt herself freeze with the memories of everything. "Yes, she did. Tess caused my brother's death. She attacked me. I... I..had to kill her." Isabel still felt guilt for having caused deaths even though they'd been in self-defense. She was glad she felt guilt, because it made her feel more human and kept her from feeling as though she was a monster. "We don't know completely why she turned other then possible jealousy over Liz and Max's relationship." She decided not to mention the marriage, it was up to Liz to do that.

Max looked up at that, watching his alternate reality sister's face. She had killed Tess? He remembered how hard it had been on Michael when he’d killed Pierce, and Pierce hadn’t even been a friend. Isabel and Tess had been so close at the beginning. He wondered if it had been the same for this Isabel and her Tess. How hard it must have been for her to deal with that.

"I’m sorry you had to do that,” he said after a minute. "Our Tess was jealous too, but after Liz broke up with me, she was a lot easier to work with. But just because I'm not with Liz, it doesn't mean that I'm going to be with her."

His voice betrayed some bitterness then. Loosing Liz had been something he never fully understood. Although he tried every day to keep on going, it had never been the same. He still loved her, and he'd tried to deny it, to believe that there was some other explanation. But in the end, he had to admit that seeing her with Kyle had made things very clear. She didn't seem to be 'with' Kyle, but it was obvious that she wasn't planning to ever be 'with' him, either. Liz had trampled even their friendship when she'd gone off to Sweden. It was clear that any feelings she'd ever had for Max, were long over, along with any hopes he had of ever finding happiness.

As Max mentioned Tess, Liz felt herself go cold. Her gaze hardened and she swallowed, looking down at her hand and squeezing her first together tightly her gaze fixed on the simple gold band which sat there... She shook her head mentally, unable to understand what could make someone act the way that Tess had done... Jealousy was one thing, but she had turned to their enemies, betrayed them all...including the man she claimed to love... She swallowed, looking up and listening to Max as he spoke of his Liz breaking up with him.

That didn't make any sense...she knew that she would never have done that...she had loved him so much... Of course this wasn't her reality they were talking about...this Max was alive and well, even if he didn't seem very happy about it all... She swallowed, biting her lip and fighting to keep the emotion from her voice. "Max and I were together for about a year in our reality...and it was so short a time...but I wouldn't have given any of it up for anything..." She told him. "I loved him so much...I promised him forever, and I meant it..." She commented almost as though to herself as she indirectly referred to her marriage. She missed him every day...sometimes she didn't know how she could continue, but she had to be strong, she had to be there for the others...

Max felt his heart wrenching at the strained emotion in Liz’s voice. His fingers twitched, wanting to reach out and caress her face, to soothe away her pain. He automatically denied that impulse, ‘tho, as he’d been denying feelings like it every time he’d seen Liz for the past few months. Even when they’d gone to the prom together, there’d been a distance between them. Liz had asked to go with him, and then spent their every dance together telling him to move on, to give up on loving her.

But this wasn’t his Liz, Max told himself. All the more reason not to take liberties, the other part of his mind argued. His hands stayed where they were, but he listened to her every word.

“If he was like me, then I’m sure he loved you just as much. I promised my Liz forever, too. I was sure Max felt his heart wrenching at the strained emotion in Liz’s voice. His fingers twitched, wanting to reach out and caress her face, to soothe away her pain. He automatically denied that impulse, ‘tho, as he’d been denying feelings like it every time he’d seen Liz for the past few months. Even when they’d gone to the prom together, there’d been a distance between them. Liz had asked to go with him, and then spent their every dance together telling him to move on, to give up on loving her.

But this wasn’t his Liz, Max told himself. All the more reason not to take liberties, the other part of his mind argued. His hands stayed where they were, but he listened to her every word.

“If he was like me, then I’m sure he loved you just as much. I promised my Liz forever, too. I was sure she’d be my true destiny. I would have married her, if she wanted me,” Max said, pinching his lips together. That dream was long gone, and he knew it. He wondered if it would ever stop hurting as much as it did just then.

It was only a moment before Liz's walls were back up, the impassive expression she wore back in place, hiding her true feelings. She couldn't allow herself to get like this, she had come so close to breaking down, to completely losing it after Max had died, and they couldn't afford for that to happen. It was dangerous, put people at risk, and it was her place to keep them safe...

Max's next words couldn't help but affect her though, as he spoke of his willingness to marry his Liz if she had wanted him. Despite her best efforts, a sob caught in her throat and she covered her mouth with her hand. Her parents had told her it would get easier with time...they hadn't known the whole truth of what he had been to her of course, but still, they were wrong... Not a day went by that she didn't think about him, miss him... What she would give to have him still with her... All the emotions threatened to come tumbling down, but she closed her eyes, biting down on her lip and fighting to keep control. Her powers were linked to her emotions, and one thing was for certain, she couldn't afford to have them fail...

Max’s gaze hadn’t strayed from Liz’s face and he was shaken to see her brought nearly to tears. He hated to see her, or anyone, so unhappy. He struggled to think of something to say, seeing that she obviously did love her Max the way he’d once thought his Liz had felt about him.

He opened his mouth to speak, still unsure of what to say, when suddenly his eyes caught the rings on the hand that Liz had clamped over her mouth. A diamond ring that looked so much like an engagement ring and behind it, a plain band of precious gold that could easily be a wedding ring. He stopped, biting his lip. She’d just told him she was still a senior and that Max had died when they were Juniors. They couldn’t have been married then, could they?

“Are you -- ? Were you – married?” he asked.

Isabel listened as the two spoke, trying not to think of the strange implications this could have on all of them should they be returned to their own realities. Alex had died, a car accident and yet Liz had thought it wasn't an accident. They'd all agreed that it wasn't suicide. What could have brought their Alex to that? She shook her head, not able to imagine that her Alex or this other one could ever have gotten that bad, that depressed. The thought of losing Alex that way, caused her to feel a sharp pang of dismay, even knowing that it wasn't her Alex. Isabel turned to look at Liz, saw the light catch on her 'sisters' rings and reached out a hand to her shoulder.

At Max's question concerning the marriage of Max and Liz, she has to turn away, knowing that this was not going to be the easiest of questions for Liz, because her friend hadn't really had the chance to deal with her pain. ~I'm here, always here~ Isabel told Liz through their link before speaking aloud. "I'm here." Her voice was soft and she felt the need to be protective of Liz, yet she doubted that this double of her brother was a threat in any other way then by emotions.

Liz swallowed, the emotional pain hurting just as much as if it were physical. She hadn't really allowed herself to fully grieve, insisting that she had to be strong, and couldn't let the others down... She told herself that Max wouldn't have wanted her to break down, and that the others needed her to keep it together... She had hidden her emotions away so much, even from most of the group... The only person that had really seen her had been Isabel, and even her 'sister' she tried to hide it from. Now though, there was no hiding from it... The question was out there, and she had to answer... Part of her berated herself for putting the rings on, but then anther part knew she wouldn't have got this far if she hadn't...

Slowly, she turned to Max and nodded. *Thanks Isabel...* She sent back to her friend, her mere presence helping in a way that she couldn't really explain. "W-we were having trouble, taking a step back... Maria set me up on a blind date competition, and I won... Max came after me, took me away from my 'date'..." Her voice was tight as she began, and as she got to a point, she had to stop a moment. "He was drunk, but he told me that he loved me, and he asked me to go away with him..." Liz broke off, shaking her head. "To this day, I don't know what made me say yes, but I did..." She chewed on her lip, and fiddled with her rings. "We got married, and it was the most wonderful evening I could imagine... Not because of where we were, because I can hardly say that getting married in 'chapel' of love was exactly how I had planned it, but because of who was there... I would never regret being married to him... It was less than a year, but I treasure the memory of every single day..." She finished softly, a single tear, the first in many months, slipping from the corner of her eye.

Max stared at her, barely moving as she confirmed that she had actually been married to that other Max Evans. He remembered the blind date competition on his world. He knew he’d gotten drunk, too, and although everyone believed he’d blacked it out, he remembered most of what had gone on between him and Liz, too. He’d asked her, but she didn’t say yes. And when he’d sobered up on that stage, he’d run away, scared to admit all that he was feeling.

Another thing Max remembered is that had all happened before Tess arrived. Tess had mollified her militant pursuit after Max and Liz had broken up, content then to ease her way into Max’s arms more gradually. But if he and Liz had been married he could well imagine that her campaign would have been very different. Still, would it have been different enough to murder him? Tess had claimed she loved Max. Max wondered if she’d tried to kill Liz and Max had died protecting her. But it wasn’t something he could ask. This Liz wasn’t the same as his own, yet he couldn’t help but wonder if his Tess would be capable of the same thing. After all, he’d seen her destroy the Skins as well as Lonnie and Rath. The thought sent chills down his spine.

“I’m … sorry for your loss,” he said, not knowing what else to say. One thing was clear. His Liz had had many opportunities to stay with him and instead, she had left, time and time again. She had told him that she wanted to be safe. She didn’t want to be hurt the way this Liz was hurting. Maybe she had been right. At least she would be spared this…

"Thank you..." She responded stiffly, hiding her emotions once more behind the mask. However much it hurt right now, there were more important things which needed dealing with...getting home being the main one... The more she thought about it, the more she didn't like the sound of this 'Medina'. Whoever she was, she was powerful, but what did she want...? She swallowed, quickly shifting back into business mode as closed the shutters on her emotions once more, leaving her eyes dull and listless. "We don't have time for this right now, we need information, anything that can tell us more about where we are and what's planned!"

“You’re right,” Max said. He was almost relieved to get the conversation back onto the here and now rather than other worlds that it was apparent he wasn’t going to change. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a bit stung, too, by her abrupt change. This wasn’t his Liz but somehow it still felt like yet another rejection.

“I don’t much like the idea that she expects us to provide a ‘service’ to her,” he stated. He might not like it, but he knew his duty lay in another place. Another planet that he didn’t even remember. Once, he thought he had a greater duty to his heart, to Liz, but that was nothing but an illusion. The only duty he had left was Antar, and to do that, he needed to somehow salvage his fractured ‘I know an alien club’ back on his own world. “The note said there were others. We need to find them, explore this place and determine a plan.”
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Hehehe, you may or may not have expected this, but you never Technically said Xander left so... Oh and points for the little dreamsequence,tearjerker that was :wink:


Sighing heavily with unneeded breath I wipe the tears from my eyes and turn over to wrap an arm around Xander. What I did was wrong I know that, but there is no way to change it now. There's no sense in crying over it now.

Settling myself on my side I find the space beside me empty and smile ruefully before groaning and hoisting myself out of bed. It is entirly too early for this, the sun's still up I can feel it...

With stiff muscles and completely bare I stalk towards the dark Mahogany Chest of Drawers and let my feet dig into the plush carpet. The room originally had old hard wood floors, but Xander, still clinging to bits of his humanity complained the floor was too cold. So, a couple of days later with the help of Gunn and Wes, with cordy complaining it better not cut into her salary I bought and installed a plush royal Blue carpet. Not long after that cordelias bickering grew silent, do in no small part to Xander telling her that her salary would be fine and in no uncertain terms to "Shut the Fuck Up." It took alot of disipline not to laugh my ass off.

I should be concerned about my favoratism of the boy... Spike says I'm coddling the boy and I know he's probably right, as much as I laoth to admitt it. William never did let me slip. Hell he even stepped out of line to show me on ocassion, but I really can't find it in me to care. I may favor Xander, but I know if I left him on his own he could hold his own Just like spike and thats enough...

I never really understood Pen and why he was So adimate to stay with me..Why he was so desperate for my attention or why he was so insistant in his views as a "Family". Spike was never like that. He knew or more presisely knows his place. He respects me, he would protect me and and do his duty to his sire as any Childe should, but... and Drusilla called me Daddy, but she was insane. I'll probably never admitt this, but I think I finally get Penn. In the nonhomicidal "I have my soul" kind of way, but I think I get it.

Darla got me this dresser 120 years ago in progue. It's one of the only things I kept.... I shake my head clearing away that thought and pull out a piar of Black Silk boxers, Dress slacks and a blood red silk shirt and quickly despince with the task of dressing leaving the shirt unbuttoned showing bare chest.

I stop just outside the door and use the link to find Xander, he's probably a few floors down in the pool room; he likes it down there. The Link is faint, he probably dampered his end from my dream. He keeps telling me to get over it, but he doesnt understand. I can't give him his soul so how could he?

I amble down the stars ans see Xander by the weapons cabinet testing one of my swords (He didnt see Xander stowaway the stake) and smirk. Just like Will, I think to myself.

"Um Hello", I hear Xander ask looking to a Cute little boy and girl. I quickly decend the stars to join them speaking before Xander can. Again much like spike Xander wont kill them but he dislikes people. It's a vampire thing...

"Can I help you guys" I ask nutrally but with a hint of concern. Im already assessing them. There's no physical damage I can see, but with all Ive seen in 244 years I've learned not to be hastey

OOC: Ok people time for my famus Post-Post notes.

Ok 1st and foremost I know it sucks but I suck with the first few posts. Not to mention I dont write Angel too often.

Second I know angel seems alittle OOC himself, but that is explained above. Plus according to Lore its a Sires obligation to care for and protect a Childe. Not to mention a sire/Childe bonding is extremely slashy to start with (Read Interview with the Vampire) and Angel having a soul would just increase that
Last edited by AntarPrince04 on Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by isabelle »

I'm confused here.

I thought there was only one hotel and there was nobody in the lobby except Zeus and Moon -- and that lobby that included plasma TVs... But Xander and Angel are now in a hotel lobby that is mideval, including Angel's personal sword collection?

Is there more than one hotel, Storm?
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Post by StormWolfstone »

No, there is only one hotel at the moment.. it's a cross between two other types.... however you bring up a valid point that I hadn't even thought of with my sleep crazed mind of late.

Both Xander and Angel would have noticed Moon and Zeus since they had yet to leave the lobby.

There would be plasma TV's but also there would be a weapons rack. It's a cross between the hotel used in Angel and the hotel used in Tribe (which I am still trying to find an online pic of the interior to better describe it.)
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Post by isabelle »

Okay -- revising my post.

So... I'm guessing Xander and Angel will be noticing that the hotel is a bit different than before, right? Zeus has never been to either hotel so he's obilvious. Has Moon been to the Tribe one?

Last edited by isabelle on Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

No, Moon had never been in the city where the Tribe one was located. She'd remained in the country most of her life.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


The other one wakes up, asking how he got here. I watched as he found the other guy from the floor and called him Bray. He sounded really worried when was talking..about a virus? Was this Bray-guy ill? Then the guy - not Bray - turned to face me and Quixote.

"My name's Pride and this is Bray, who are you two?" Pride asked.

I looked at him. They both had such odd names. Bray and Pride. I was about to answer when Quixote talked before me.

"I am what I am and not what I'm not! What you think you know, may not be so" she said. I looked at her, confused. She didn't say anything like that when I asked her name. Or did she mean something else..? Anyway, I felt like I should tell them my name...maybe I could figure out what was going on if I'd first just got to know them.

"I'm Kyle..." I said, feeling kind of weird. I never needed to introduce myself to anyone, because I rarely talked to strangers. And Quixote never asked my name, she never asked me to introduce myself. Which was weird. We had never met and she didn't even ask who I was. Just started talking to me.

"I haven't seen you around anywhere.." I said. "Are you from outside of the town?" Once again I had a strange feeling. Like something wasn't right. This whole situation...almost empty mall, two weird faces...three. What was going on?

It could have been the skins...maybe now that Tess was on Antar they sent a new army here to kill the rest of the pod squad. A shiver ran down my back. It couldn't have been her.

But if it was, this time I would be ready. I had the weird powers she gave me. I could defend myself from her...her...Her. She couldn't harm me. Never again. It was Tess's fault I was like this. If she'd come back I would be ready to pay back.

But that didn't matter right at that moment. I needed to concentrate on what's going on. And keeping myself calm. It never turned okay if I was losing my nerves. I looked over at Quixote. Maybe she knew more about the whole situation than I did, but didn't want to tell me. She was hiding it, I could feel it.
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
- Dorothy Parker
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Ok angels been added to to accommidate Zeus and Moon
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