Choosing Grounds (AU/UC/XO/ADULT) Xander and Maria needed

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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Ok guys couple of pionts before I post. 1st and foremost I Suck with firsts posts so forgive me if this sucks. Second sometimes I may post things that dont make sense at that given time and when that happens it usually means an explaination comes later.


I had come here intent on the little gypse girl... Ginny I think they called her. I sit there in the silence of the darkness, the moon cascading over me doing absolutly nothing... waiting lost in my own thoughts. It's rather funny really...

This little yellow piece of plastic I hold in my hand can ruin so much so easily. I had thought...hopped I was finally free. One kill, One Measly little kill amoung how many and next thing I know Im tortured for the next hundred years. The scurge of Europe reduced to nothing. Feeding on rats in back allies and dumpsters because of some new Fucking sense of morality. Then just as suddenly its over, Im free...

Never again, I won't let it.

"Wha...How did you get in here?"

I look up at the studdering surprised voice and almost laugh finding Xander Harris standing by the door. He's watching me wirrily with a determined scowl, but I can smell the permiates the air.

I settle on a feral grin and watch with pleassure as his body unconsciencely starts to tremble. The answer to his question is fairly simple, but the obvious always seems to elude the boy. It's a public school, but I decide to toy with the boy. It's always fun to play with the test his reactions. Harris plays the ignorant fool granted. He fools his friends well enough, but I'm centuries old and know a guiese when I see it. "'Formatia trans ...sicere educatorum", I say flippantly and chuckle darkly at his confused look. "...'Enter all ye who seek knowledge.'"

"I must admit Harris, you werent quite who I expected", I say lazily coming around the desk twirling the disk in my fingers. I watch as Xander eyes it coutiously and I smile. "Looking for this? ...You know it's rather fascinating really. The age old secret.. the key to restoring my Fucking soul in this tiny peice of plastic."

With a blatant sneer I close my fist around it and listen at the satisfying snap. I watch as Xanders face falls, but only breifly. I watch as his hands slowly creep toward his pocket just Hoping I dont notice and I smirk letting my face shift back ti its human Mask. "Oh Im sure you'd just love that wouldnt you Xander", I say in a cocky tone changing my tactic slightly. "...Kill the big bad, play the hero..get the girl" I say walking toward him casually.

"Xander, Xander why do you fool yourself", I ask sadly. "We both know they dont want you... Your Donut boy for God sake!"

I reach Xander and watch as he flinches when I lie a comforting hand on his shoulder a resigned look on his face. I sigh with an unneeded breath, a gesture meant to calm Xander. Now comes the wild card. If Xander runs I have to kill him, but what I want will have so much more punch. "You are more then that Alexander and I can give you the power to prove it."

I watch silently as he stairs me down a war or emotion going on behind his eyes. He knows everything I said is true, but its battling with the impications of my offer. For a second I think I may have to kill him, but then he surprises me and nods.

I take a breath and place a hand on his cheeck nodding solemly in return. He jumps at the action but doesnt pull away. I pull him to me burying my head in the crook of his neck so he doesnt see the change and Bite. I let my fangs sink into his flesh and feel the hot life giving fluid flow to the top exploding in my mouth like fire. Xander gasps and clings to me hard crying out in surprise and pain.

I feel his strength draining, his body getting weaker and weaker with every passing second. I can feel his heart slowing...stopping and suddenly I release him letting him fall into my arms..barely sustand awarness in his eyes. He's dying... Gently I shift him to one arm, raising the other to my lips I bite into it feeling the blood flow freely and put it to his lips. "Drink", I whisper. He hesitates a second but grabs my arm and begins to drink hesitantly at first but then more greedily, his hunger growing.

I sigh and toss my head back, a feeling of uforia sweeping over me as I feel the 'old Bond' forming and groan. With a cry I force him to release me and watch as he falls limp, unconscience as it dies. Xander is forever mine now and No power on earth can change it.

I grin wickedly, blood staining my lips glistening in the moon light and pick Xander up leaving the school


Angel wakes in 'his bed' in the hyperion with a gasp and sits up. A tear falling down his cheeck...

OOC: I know that was diferant from the Calender killing but This Is an AU Buffy/Angel
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Something causes me to stir from a strange sleep and I vaguely remember a strange woman placing her hand on my shoulder. Had the woman done something to me? Cold tile penetrates the silken top I'm wearing and causes me to wake even faster as I sit up and look around, trying to figure out where I was.

What the hell? I notice all sorts of Alien things about and realize that I'm in a small storage room that must be part of the UFO Center. How the hell had I gotten here? I shook my head, this can't be happening. I have to be dreaming. Yet, I stand up slowly, taking a moment to right myself before I sigh, wondering what was going on. Closing my eyes I draw in a few deep breaths before trying the door which didn't seem to want to open.

Well, a damned door wasn't going to stop me. Using a small amount of power, I forced the door open and stepped out. I had to find Michael and Liz, had to make certain they were okay. ~Liz?~ I called, using the telepathic bond we'd forged over time. No reply came and the only thing I could think was that she must have been sleeping.

I'm just about to start walking when I see someone that can't possibly be there. Max? I shake my head. "No.. you.. can't.."

I don't know if Liz will hear me or if I'm just thinking to myself as much as I am wishing that Michael and Liz were there at that moment. ~No, it can't possibly be Max. He's supposed to be dead and yet here he is standing right in front of me. Damn it, what should I do? Is he a skin? Did a skin somehow get a husk that looked like my brother?~

Drawing in a deep breath, I can't stop myself from sending a small blast of power towards the ground beside his feet. "Who are you? What are you doing here? And why do you look like... Max?"

I want to believe that it's really Max, but I know it's not. I saw him die. We all did. Nothing was ever the same after he died. Nothing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


At the Magic Box

I sit up at the table, stretching and yawning as I come to. What in the world happened last night? I remember this strange woman coming in but after that, everything seemed to have gone black. I want to call out for Buffy, but have to remember she's gone and so is Tara. Shaking my head, I force that thought away. As much as I miss her, I can't afford to think of her when something could be happening.

"Giles?" I ask as I stand, glancing around the shop. There's no sign of him or even of Anya and Xander. Dawn isn't even around the way she had been lately. As I look around I notice that everything else seems to be in place and when I concentrate, I even feel the familiar wards of protection that haven't been tampered with.

I walk over to the counter and reach for the phone, picking it up and dialing Giles' number. However, as I place it to my ear I hear only silence. Clicking it off and then on again, I listen and again only silence. Goddess, what has happened?

I return to the table I'd been seated at and pull out a scrying quartz, concentrating as I think of Giles, and yet the quartz starts spinning out of control and even flies out of my hand. "Great..." I mutter. So, I need to figure out something else, but something tells me that if I go to the door to look out, I'm not going to be very happy.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


I walk into the second floor level and head towards the storage room where I'll find my vest. I wish I could remember what's going on. Why is my brain such a muddle? Just because everyone I know is deserting me and my world is falling apart? Could that be it? Nah...

Just as I reach the rack, the closet door suddenly opens. Turning I see it's Isabel. What the hell was she doing in there? Seeing her here is not improving my mood. I'm already late for work and she's probably only here to yell at me some more but I have to see if there's any way I can salvage this.

I see her shaking her head, speaking almost to herself. "No ... you... can't." Can't what? I wonder but I decide to ignore it.

"Hey," I start to say but before the word escapes my mouth she's blasting at the floor by my feet.

I turn on her now, more angry than I want to admit. "Damn it, Isabel!" I shout at her. I rarely swear but that was incredible. I didn't even get a chance to get my shield up.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? And why do you look like... Max?" she asks.

"I look like Max because I AM Max," I snap at her. All thoughts of salvaging our relationship and healing the rift between us go flying out of my head in an instant. Maybe I can try that another time, but not now. "I know you're mad at me, but that's no reason to be doing stuff like this in public! Especially HERE! You don't want to be part of the group anymore? FINE! You're going off to college alone? FINE! You don't want to acknowledge that I'm you're brother anymore? FINE! But go have your snit somewhere-else. I'm trying to go to work."

I grab my vest and turn back towards the door, but I keep Isabel in my sight since she hasn't yet lowered her hand and looks ready to blast again. If she does, I'll have my shield ready this time.
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Post by isabelle »


After calling out, I notice a spinner of brochures for what I assume are local tourist sites. Roswell NM it says and it's all covered with rediculous pictures of aliens. I don't know where that is. What's NM? For a moment I'm drawing a blank.

Before I can make sense of it, I hear a response to my call. "What do you want?" asks a shaky voice that sounds scared and dangerous. Turning, I see a girl coming out of an area that looks like a restaurant and she's carying a knife. The look in her eyes is almost crazed.

"Hey!" I shout, stepping back from the desk, raising my hands. There's a flash-bomb in my jacket if I can just get to it before this lady goes berserk. I keep talking, hoping to keep her occupied. "I just wanted to know where this place is. Is this the way you treat all your guests?"
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Post by KatnotKath »


“Oooh… Michael, what time is it…?” I call out as I slowly come to and realise I must have fallen asleep. The last thing I remember is sitting in the apartment writing an essay that’s due tomorrow. I should have started it over a week ago, but things just kept coming up, and they took priority…

I’m assuming that I must have fallen asleep on the sofa – it’s not the first time I’ve done that…

Suddenly it registers that I got no answer… “Michael…?” I cry out again, opening my eyes now slightly and freezing as the room fills my eyes.


Isabel’s voice sounds in my head, but I don’t reply immediately, frozen in place as I realise where I am… I’m not on the sofa… In fact I’m not in the apartment either… The recognition hits me like a brick, and I feel my chest tightening… The Crashdown…my room – well not my room anymore, but it was for the first eighteen years of my life…

I shake my head, struggling to sit up and remember what happened. I’d never choose to be here anymore… I avoid mom and dad as much as possible, and I’m rarely in the Crashdown alone even when I’m working… I talk to them as little as possible, and the last time I ventured further than the staff room, was my eighteenth birthday – the day I moved out…

The room certainly hasn’t changed much… It looks different to when I was living here of course, but I was the one to strip the walls of my posters and such… Out of the window which Max climbed so many times in the past I can just about make out the balcony in the moonlight, reminding me of the hours I spent out there when I was younger.

I blink back a few tears which begin to form, refusing to cry, and turn my attention back to the current situation. How on earth did I end up here…?

The black jeans and red top I’m wearing are certainly not my uniform from the diner, so any explanation I might have thought of regarding having passed out at work or something go out the window – excuse the pun – and my head is spinning as I try and work out what’s going on.

There’s no sign of my parents at least at the moment, and I decide to make myself scarce, having no desire to speak to them anytime soon. How I ended up here I don’t know, but right now, all I want to do is just get back home…and that’s not here…

Lifting the sash window, I climb out as I used to with Max, continuing over to the ladder down, but freeze as I hear Isabel’s voice in my head again.

*No, it can't possibly be Max. He's supposed to be dead and yet here he is standing right in front of me. Damn it, what should I do? Is he a skin? Did a skin somehow get a husk that looked like my brother?*

What I’m hearing sound more like thoughts than a message sent directly to me, but the content is enough to snap me out of the daze I’m in. It couldn’t be Max as Isabel says…the only way I could explain it would be another alien, and from past experience I can’t think that’s a good thing…

*Isabel, where are you?* I ask quickly as I move to climb down onto the street. A quick look around alerts me to the fact that things aren’t quite right. *Michael…?* I try again to contact him, but still get no answer.

As I step down onto the street, I hear a noise… Perhaps it’s nothing, or perhaps not… The lack of people around hits me, and as I wait to find out where Isabel is, I find myself crossing the deserted road to the UFO centre, from where it sounded like the noise might have come. So many memories, but I force them back, refusing to let them distance me and locking them away behind the wall I’ve built up as I check the door. In my hurry, I barely register the fact of a young woman lying, apparently asleep outside. Her presence reinforces that something isn't right here, and under other circumstances, I would probably see if she's okay, but that noise I heard means I have other priorities... My family has to come first...that's what's important...

The door's locked of course, but a closed lock hardly poses a problem and I let myself in – quickly and discretely – before making my way through the ground floor. It appears to be deserted, but what I heard before seemed to belie that, and as I listen carefully, I hear a voice.

Following the sound, I quickly find and mount the stairs. Upon reaching the top, the first thing I see is Isabel, looking understandably shaken considering the appearance of the figure standing in front of her.

I don’t take the time to think, only knowing that she’s my friend, my family, and it’s my place to keep her safe. I raise my hand, blasting the floor at a point behind him without hesitation. “Get away from her!”
Last edited by KatnotKath on Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
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Post by isabelle »


The door opens behind me and as I glance that way to see who it is, there's suddenly another blast at the floor, making me jump. "Get away from her!" someone shouts. Before I have a chance to wonder why everyone's shooting at my feet, I see who it is.

"Liz!" I shout in amazement. My mouth hangs open for a second as I blink at the sight of her. "How the hell did you do that? I thought you were on your way to Sweden!?!" I shout, not at all sure what's going on any more. Maybe I'm dreaming. I turn back to Isabel wondering, is she doing this?
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Isabel, where are you? I hear but before I even think to respond the man speaks, his voice is so much like Max's that it was hard to keep from feeling a relief.

"I look like Max because I AM Max," He snaps, "I know you're mad at me, but that's no reason to be doing stuff like this in public! Especially HERE! You don't want to be part of the group anymore? FINE! You're going off to college alone? FINE! You don't want to acknowledge that I'm you're brother anymore? FINE! But go have your snit somewhere-else. I'm trying to go to work."

"My brother was killed! Your an imposter!" I can't keep from yelling even with the fact that I would have loved to have my brother back. "I don't know what the hell your talking about, going off alone, leaving a group, being mad at you.... " Why did a part of me believe that he really was somehow Max?

“Get away from her!” I hear Liz yell as I see another blast near the guy's feet.

"Liz!" He sounds surprised and I look past him toward Liz whom he's looking at with an amazed expression from the bit of his outline I can see. "How the hell did you do that? I thought you were on your way to Sweden!?!"

Sweden? Why would Liz be going to Sweden? I shake my head, he sounds so sincere as he speaks.. but it can't be.. it just can't..

He turns back toward me and I keep my hand up toward him as I slowly work my way around him until I'm standing next to Liz. "I don't know what game you think your playing, Skin. But, I don't buy it." I respond, letting Liz decide if she wanted to answer his question about how she did what she did.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by KatnotKath »


The figure turns round, and the resemblance now is even more pointed than before… I swallow, and involuntarily find myself reaching for the ring around my neck. I know I should be stronger than this…I have to be…I can’t give in to my feelings, but sometimes it’s so hard…

He starts talking about Sweden, and asking how I just did that – I’m presuming ‘that’ would be the blasting, but I’m not in the mood for games… He sounds sincere perhaps, but I know this has to just be some elaborate ploy.

He turns back to Isabel, who then makes her way over to me, standing by my side now and holding up her hand ready. At least now I know I can protect us both if necessary…

Isabel speaks again to him, and for just a moment I’m lost in just how like Max he looks… He can’t be of course, I know that… I lost my husband, and nothing will ever bring him back…but still, the resemblance is uncanny… How the skins managed it I don’t know, but in truth it’s kinda scary…

I can’t let these emotions in though, fear, regret, worry, they all make me weaker, and I can’t afford to let that happen.

The question about how I did what I did can only be some stupid ploy, because we all know that the skins already know about me… My lips thin as I level my hand at a level which will do far more damage if the blast goes through… Despite the fact that it can’t be him, and I know it, I feel it tearing at my heart as I face him. I won’t let it show though, I won’t let this weaken me… “I don’t know what you think you’re going to gain by this, but it doesn’t fool us…we’re ready for you… Khivar’s fighting a losing battle, and we’re going to be on the winning team!” I tell him, hoping I sound a lot more confident than I feel. It’s been hard the last year…as soon as it became known that Max had died the attacks intensified, but we’ve beaten them so far, and we will continue to do so. We’re strong, we practice hard, and it pays off… We will win…we have to…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


My anger deflates instantly and my brain finally kicks into gear as I realize there's something seriously strange going on here. "This isn't some kind of dreamwalk?" I ask softly glancing around the shelves, looking for a dream-shadow image of Isabel. I'm not all together suprised when I don't see one. "I didn't think so," I say to myself.

I look back at the two girls who have both blasted at me. Both accusing me of being a skin or an imposter. Now that I have a moment, I notice that Liz looks a little different, older. Her hair is longer and somehow, less vibrant. Her eyes are a bit dull, too, as if she's been worn down by too many defeats. Alex's death had devestated her, like it did for all of us, but in the end it spurred her to action, giving her eyes fire and purpose. She didn't look like this.

Isabel is the same. She has an air of franticness that I'm not used to seeing in her. She claimed her brother was dead. Me? Dead? And Liz is babbling about fighting Khivar, implying that I'm working with the man who killed my family and me. Still, dispite the small differences, I'm somehow completely sure that these are Isabel and Liz.

"Something strange is going on here," I say calmly facing both girls. "Obviously, I'm not dead and there's no way I'd be working for Khivar." The girls shift slightly but they're still watching me warily, still looking like they're ready to attack.

"I'm not a Skin. Look!" I tell them. I turn partly away from them, knowing I'm taking a risk, although I keep my eyes on them. I raise the back of my shirt, showing that there's no flap there to hide a stud that keeps the seal on a husk. I let the shirt drop and turn back to the girls. I suppose I could ask them to do the same, but I don't. Not yet.

"What are you two talking about? Why do you say I'm dead? And since when do you have powers, Liz? Is it something to do with what Ava said? How I changed you?" I ask. I don't understand why I don't know about this. How could I have missed all this? The uncomfortable feeling in my stomach gets stronger. They do look older. Have I traveled through time? Gone insane? What if it's true? What if I am dead and I don't even know it?

Last edited by isabelle on Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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