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Post by liz_maria »


"I'm sure Maxwell would be glad you found another time when it could be used." Michael said. He smiled. And I was glad he did. It definitely eases a bit of the tension from the situation.

I smiled back. "So what is our plan of action?" I inquired. By this time, we had started out of the school building, and walking on the grounds.

"You know we can't just go charging off and pointing fingers. -I mean, we know that something is out of focus, but could we be absolutely a hundred percent sure that it concerns us?" I could feel the apprehension creating butterflies in my stomach. "But I just have the feeling that it really does...I'm just confused now," I said. I could feel the smile I had fading into nothingness. It was as if I had never smiled at all.

"Do we confront them and demand to know once and for all, or do we observe them first?" I asked nervously.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: don't know if this is what everyone had in mind, but maybe it's a start ;)


To say that this is all so new, soon everyone seems to be chatting away happily enough. I’m so glad that Serena seems to have calmed down and accepted this… I never wanted to hurt her, or go against her wishes… I might not need her blessing in this relationship, and whether she wanted it or not wasn’t going to affect whether it happened, but although I didn’t NEED it, I still wanted it…

I smile add a few details to a tale that is being told about one of our ‘cookery’ lessons… Max has already seen something of one of them…they tended to be ‘interesting’ to say the least…

Reaching over, I slide my hand over Max’s, unable to keep from looking over, a little nervously, to the table just across the diner, where Isabel and Michael situated themselves a little while ago when they came in.

At first I thought they were heading straight over, but then they seemed to change their mind, taking a seat a short distance from us and then sitting there…watching…

I’m pretty sure they haven’t exchanged more than a few words the whole time they’ve been here… They ordered some drinks of course, but I note that they’re practically full still…

I keep looking over at Michael, as naturally as I can… I’m certain he’s watching us…

A couple minutes ago he nearly gave me a heart attack you know… He stood up, and for one moment I was certain that he was coming over… ‘Ready or not, here I come’ – that was what his stance said… Luckily for us, Isabel seemed to say something to him, and he nodded, at least retaking his seat for now.

I don’t know how much longer he’s going to be put off though… I swallow, forcing a small smile in the hopes it will look like I’m still listening to the conversation. In truth, I’m more interested in thinking about the conversation that’s going to come shortly.

I sit back, trying to concentrate, but nothing works. As the bell above the door sounds, I look round, giving a weak, genuine smile to Alex as he enters the diner. I wave to him, realising that this has gone on long enough. “Do you want to go talk to them now…? Everyone’s here…” I turn, asking Max softly so that only he can hear.

Maria, Alex, Michael and Isabel…all here…now all we have to do is convince them…to lie again…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I nod at Liz's whispered question. I've noticed Michael and Isabel hovering like vultures, too. It does seem that we've sorted out things with Ms. Brennan and Serena. At least, they're acting like they're both okay with this. Like this is something we can all work out.

I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about the way Michael and Isabel have been hovering so closely as they watch us. I'm getting the distinct feeling that Michael has told her all about it, in spite of my request that he keep it to himself until I sort out what it was all about.

"Yeah, I guess we should," I tell Liz just as quietly. "I'm betting they wanted to talk to me without you, but they're going to be surprised," I add with a grin. They're about to find out that Liz is completely aware of my little lunch-time trip. I only hope that our story is believable.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: hope this works, tell me if you want me to change anything


As Max agrees, I can see that he’s a bit nervous, although his comment about them being surprised is probably his way of trying to lighten the tension that’s settled over us. Surprised indeed… Although I can see some anger being likely too when we give our explanation… Michael is hardly going to like being made a fool of, and given it looks like he’s told her, Isabel is likely to have been panicking so is likely to be upset too.

Of course when we were talking about all that, I had forgotten that Alex and Maria were due to be at the Crashdown too… Looks like it’s not just going to be one, or even two to convince, but the whole group…I just hope what we have is convincing enough… I sigh and look over at Ainsling and Serena… “Thanks, for understanding… I know this was sudden, and I really didn’t want to upset either of you, I just knew it was time for me to tell Max though…” I force a small smile and then look over at Isabel and Michael again. I can’t imagine that they’re going to wait much longer…

Luckily, Alex just coming in gives a possible exit, because I can’t think that we want to be talking about this downstairs… I look back at Max, speaking loud enough that Serena and Ainsling will hear this time. “We should probably be going upstairs now that everyone’s here…that project isn’t going to write itself…”
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I nod at Liz's excuse about a project. Hopefully Serena won't catch onto that. Fortunately, they're not in all the same classes. The school likes to split them up when possible...

"I guess not," I sigh, getting to my feet.

Ms. Brennan seems to accept it easily enough. I look around and notice that Maria is still sitting with that stranger. I hope he's not going to be trouble for us. I'm kinda surprised Michael didn't interupt them. It's bad news, I'm afraid. It shows he's more worked up about our lunch-time trip than he is about her. ... And I'm sure she's going to be pissed off about that later, too...

Alex is here, too. I need to separate them out, if possible. If they don't know yet, I don't want to raise suspicions about Liz by sharing our strange story... On the other hand, better to hear it from us than second-hand through Michael and Isabel...

I take Liz by the hand and approach Michael and Isabel's table. "Hey, Michael. Isabel," I say, feigning easiness. Then, turning to Michael, I say. "I know we need to talk. Let's go upstairs." My tone and gestures make it clear that Liz in included in the conversation, which I know will interest him. In spite appearances, I'm still hoping that Michael did keep his word and he didn't tell Isabel. If he did, I hope he'll say so now...
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I see Max start making his way towards the table that Isabel and I are sharing. I'd thought it better to wait and bide our time before approaching the subject since we were in public, but there were several times whe Isabel had to remind me of that. I was truly getting tired of waiting for answers. Of course, here he was, walking toward us with Liz's hand in his. Did this mean he was once again going to make some excuse for not telling me anything?

"Hey, Michael. Isabel," Max says and I can see now that there's some tension as he turns toward me moreso, "I know we need to talk. Let's go upstairs." Little miss Liz is indeed going to be included, yay. Okay, so I'm sarcastic. However, this just meant I could grille her about what the hell was going on too, especially if Maxwell didn't answer to my satisfaction.

"Isabel is coming with us too, Maxwell." I say looking at Isabel, "Right Izzy?" As she nods I glance back at Max, "It's long overdo that we both get answers." I was certain that by my response and expression he would realize that I had told Isabel, I also knew that he'd realize that it was always difficult for me to keep anything from her. She was after all like a sister and the first girl to ever truly care about me, even if it was as if we were kin.

Of course, I turn and once again glance over towards where Maria is seated wondering for the hundredth time who the guy is with her. "I think we ALL need to be included." I add, thinking that I wanted to get Maria away from the guy and my answers all at one time.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


Michael's answer tells me what I'd suspected. He'd already told Isabel even 'though I asked him to wait. I told him we'd tell her when I had some answers and I guess that's now, anyway. Even if the answers I'm about to share aren't entirely true...

"It's long overdue that we both get answers," he insists.

"Fine. I was planning on sharing it with you anyway, Isabel. I was just hoping to tell you myself," I say with a shrug.

But Michael's next words make me frown. He stares at Maria and says, "I think we ALL need to be included."

I bite my lip, pausing for a moment. I think I know where he's coming from but still... "I don't know that this has to go farther than the four of us." Afterall, I think, does it always have to be all six? This doesn't involve them. Least wise, not directly... We've managed to keep Liz's twin sister out of the alien secret. We don't need to share everything. At least, I hope not...
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Post by KatnotKath »


I watch Michael a little nervously for his reaction as Max indicates that I’m going to be included in this too. At first he looks a little surprised perhaps, but then I can see his mind churning over. I’m not sure I like where I think it’s going either… “Hey Isabel…Michael…” I greet them awkwardly before lapsing into silence and just standing next to Max, unable to keep from smiling as I feel his hand around mine.

I think the encounter earlier with the two of them told us what we needed to know regarding Isabel’s role in this, but Michael’s next words confirm it. He told her… I shake my head mentally. And Michael says I can’t keep a secret…? I only told theirs when there didn’t seem to be any other choice, and I seem to have done a pretty good job with my own up until now…I just hope that isn’t going to change…

Isabel and Michael…these two maybe I can handle…I think… Max and I have a cover story that might just work…

But then, Michael drops the bomb which threatens to capsize out metaphorical little boat. All of us…? I know that I was thinking it myself a few minutes ago, but to be honest I’m beginning to wonder… The more people we tell, the more likely it is someone will pick up something wrong… Especially if Alex is part of this… He’s fascinated by their powers and limitations… What if he wants a demonstration…? Fooling Michael and Isabel is one thing, but Alex just has this way of looking at things…

I groan inwardly. I’m getting a headache…

Max tries to play it cool, saying that he was going to tell Isabel anyway, and trying to make out it’s nothing big. At Michael’s suggestion of bringing in Alex and Maria though, even he looks a little caught.

Ideally Max is right, this should be just the four of us… But somehow, I don’t think we’re going to have a choice… If we start trying to keep the others out, isn’t that going to look suspicious…? I sigh and shake my head, biting my lip and reaching to touch Max’s arm. “M-maybe he’s right…” I concede softly, adding silently to myself ‘as much as I don’t want to…’ “Maria and Alex are likely going to find out about this sooner or later…isn’t it going to be better that happens now than later and them think we didn’t trust them or something…?” I know I’ve already been having some problems with Maria complaining about the amount of time I spend with Max, not having enough time for her…I have to admit I do worry that if we keep this from them, it could cause more problems in the long run…
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I shake my head slowly. If Liz is advocating that we include Maria and Alex then it'll just seem rediculous if I insist on keeping them out. I really don't think we need to share absolutely everything with the whole group all the time, although to be honest there's almost nothing that I keep from Liz when I discover it...

"Okay, let's go then," I agree, hoping my reluctance won't show. I allow my voice to rise to a more normal level, continuing the facade about some sort of school project that Liz started with Serena and Ms. Brennan. (Ainsling, I remind myself. It's not going to be easy to remember to think of her that way.) I pick up my books and nod at the group. "Let's head up to Liz's so we can get started."
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: I'll get a post out as soon as My Muse returns.... I promise
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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