The Lynx (TEEN) Ch. 12 [WIP]

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The Lynx (TEEN) Ch. 12 [WIP]

Post by Loxyanissa14 »

The Lynx

Rating-It's rated TEEN
Disclaimer-I don't claim any of the original Roswell characters
Summary-This takes place after the 3rd season of Roswell. Max does give Zan up but after a couple of months gets him back from a foster home. In this story Zan does have alien powers and Tess is his mother and Liz is the mother of Landen (a new character). Kyle and Liz have powers.


The dry desert wind stung Kyle’s face like a thousand bees. This couldn’t have happen, everything he had known had been torn apart the day he died and was brought back to life by Max, and now the “people” he had grown to care about had left him behind.
The space ship had been here moments before. Kyle had watched as Max, Liz, Michael, and a pregnant Maria, Isabelle and three-year-old Zan and two-year-old Landen had loaded the ship. As Kyle was about to get on he remembered Ava’s wedding ring sitting on his dresser. After Ava had died in the war against the skins, Kyle had wanted to give it to his daughter so she would remember her mother. Max had assured him he had time to run home and get it. He was only going to be gone an hour or two.
How could this have happened? He was left after all that Ava and he had done for them. His wife had died to save Zan from the skins and this is how Max repays him? His future is on Antar, this was confirmed by a vision Liz had when she was sleeping, but he was left on earth. Is this the end he asked himself?
There was nothing left to live for, his future was gone, so this is the end. As he thought these words he felt a small hand pull on his jeans. He looked down to find his two-year-old daughter. As he looked in to Evie’s big green eyes, he knew this was the end of his story and the beginning of hers.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

Hey Icequeen! Thanks for your post!!!! Tess is dead but don't worry the story will still go on. Here is some more I hope it explains some things.


Chapter One:
My Dream Girl
(13 years later)

Zan awoke with sweat dripping down his face. He looked out the window at the light purple sky, which told him it was dawn. He always had the same dream. A girl in a white dress with dark hair and the purest green eyes standing in the middle of a dry, hot place. It always ended the same, as soon as Zan got close she ran, so he ran after her, but could never catch her. No reason to fret about it now.
Zan dressed in a silver tunic with light blue pants with the royal seal in the left-hand corner of his shirt. Then, he picked up his Liz’s old journal to read it one more time before heading down stairs.
When the sky turned a color that is similar to blue and purple, Zan rose from his seat. He walked down stairs to find Aiden blowing up fine china.
“I hope you plan on paying for that”
“Now why would I do that?” Aiden replied.
Zan held his hand over the broken plates and they quickly were put back together.
“One of these days Aiden you will have to fix your own messes”
“When that day comes I’ll be sure to let you know”
Zan watched as Aiden turned and left around the corner that led to his family’s wing. Zan and Aiden hadn’t always had this hate between them. Once, they had been great friends but all that changed when Zan and Aiden’s twin sister, Lilith had started dating (if that is what you would call it).
Aiden had always had this special connection with Lilith, not only was she his sister but his twin. Zan had seen how this relationship changed, not for the better. Aiden cared more about war then he did about her. She was sad and Zan was there to comfort her, from then on they were inseparable. Then the dreams came, the girl was all he thought about at night. He knew it wasn’t Lilith.
Before, he could think about it anymore, Lilith interrupted his thoughts.

Chapter Two:
Evie’s Birthday Gift

Evie sat on her bed; it had been a long day. She hadn’t wanted a birthday party but her father insisted it is what every normal 15-year-old girl had but the thing is she isn’t normal, far from it actually. She had always been different but her father wouldn’t except the truth. She is an alien and it is apart of what made her special not different.
Her father had gotten a journal for her birthday. It was black with stars all over the cover. She sat at her desk and began to write.

November 29, 2004

This Journal is my gift. For any future readers this is my life story.
When I was a year old my mother died. She was an alien like me. She loved my father, a human, with all her heart. Since then I have lived in Roswell, New Mexico. For a while we lived with my grandfather but after he retired we moved into the Crash Down. I know what your thinking, what the heck is the Crash Down? Well, I will tell you. It use to be an old restaurant but the previous owners moved after their daughter ran away. When my grandfather retired my father bought it and we live above it now. I work in the kitchen after school and in the summer.

Evie closed her journal and sat it on her desk. It was best to leave her weird dreams out of it in case someone decided to read it. She had grown apart from her father, besides he would not want to hear she has vivid dreams about a guy she has never seen or spoken to.
Evie glanced at her clock, her break had ended and she would be needed down stairs.
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Thanks for all the feed back Icequeen!
I write more and have it out as soon as possible!

Chapter 3:
The Lynx

Of course, almost suppertime and he is late again, Zan thought. He is the king of Antar and yet he can’t be on time for a meeting with his son. At least Lilith is here to keep me company he thought. He wondered if she knows how beautiful she looked at that moment, with her short blonde hair pulled into a perfect bun and her light blue eyes shinning bright but she was nothing like the girl in his dreams. Why did he keep thinking of her? He was in love with Lilith isn’t he? His father entered the room and Zan’s thoughts of the dream girl quickly vanished as if they were never there.
“The Lynx,” Max stated, “is very powerful and deadly ring. It was given to the royal four to keep safe. It was in trusted to Ava by her pods shape shifter. We have only recently discovered this. The skins have been searching for the Lynx for years but have yet to find it. This ring could destroy our planet if put in the wrong hands. We must find it before the skins.”
Zan was stunned, how could there be something this powerful that he did not know about. Zan’s brother, Landen didn’t look surprised. He had Liz’s power of premonitions (the ability to see in to the future or past) along with her dark brown hair and eyes. Being that Landen was a year younger than Zan they are very close, if he had seen this ring in one of his visions he would have told Zan. Zan snapped back to the present. “So have you located the rings position?” was Zan’s only question.
Max looked at Michael who intern answered Zan’s question. “Yes, we have a location for the ring but were not sure what to do about it as of yet.”
By this time Maria, Isabel and Liz had joined the conversation, along with Aiden.
“What do you mean you don’t know what to do. We go get it, it doesn’t matter how far away it is.” Aiden yelled.
By this time the whole room broke out into a fit. The older women wanted to leave it where it is and the older men wanted to get it as soon as possible, the younger men agreed with the older men and the younger women with the older women.
Zan was about to leave the room when he remembered they never said where the ring was. Over the crowd Zan shouted “So where is the ring exactly?” Everyone was quieted by these words waiting for Max’s response “Earth, Roswell, New Mexico to be exact.”

Chapter 4:
Exotic Dreams

Evie closed her eyes, it had been a hard day at work and she needed the rest. As soon as she drifted into the black abyss of sleep the dreams started. She was flying through space, there in front of her lay a cluster of stars. Then the dream took her back to earth in a hot sticky desert. She wore a white dress with her black hair down. A man with the same color black hair stood in front of her, his deep blue eyes looked right through her. Then she began to run, she ran so fast the man could not catch her.
Evie woke startled, she could feel her heart racing, her head felt like it was going to explode. Her dreams were becoming more vivid, this was not the first time she had a premonition but the others had been short and to the point not at all like these dreams. As she lay her head down she prayed that the dreams would stop.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Evie’s alarm clock went off. She rolled on to her stomach to see the bright red letters read 7:00 a.m. It was Sunday so she had the day off, for that she was thankful. She jumped in the shower, she then dressed in a white tank top with her favorite pair of jeans. She left her wavy hair down to be dried by the air she then placed her green ring on her left hand it had been her mother’s and she only took it off to bathe. As she headed down the stairs she heard her father drop a plate on the floor.
“Damn it!” Kyle cursed as he reached down to pick up the broken pieces of plates.
“Need some help dad?” Before Kyle had a chance to reply, Evie had her hand over the plates and they were quickly put back together.
“Thanks kiddo, it seems my alien powers can only make things worst but yours make things better than they were.” Kyle picked up the plates and sat them on the table behind him.
“I am going to see your grandpa today, so I won’t be home in till late. I left you some money in the café” and then he was gone.
Evie worried about her dad as long as she had known him he had never said anything about his powers, he had excepted them but never used them. Unlike Evie who used them anytime she could. The only thing Evie knew about her father’s past was what her grandpa had told her and they were not good things. His wife died, and his alien friends left him on earth. As far as Evie knew they were better off without a “king.”
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Chapter 5:
The Arrival

The ship landed in a desert about 20 miles from Roswell. It was Max’s idea to send the future king (Zan), his future general (Aiden), Zan’s betrothed (Lilith), and the future ambassador of their planet (Landen) to earth with Michael (the now current general of Antar’s army) and his wife Maria. The trip had been long and Zan had already begun to miss home but as soon as they found the ring they could leave.
Through orb communicators Max had contacted Jim Valenti and he had agreed to pick them up in his car. He was there and waiting when the ship touched the ground. Zan had seen pictures of cars on Antar but was even more amazed that it could only go 80 miles per hour. They arrived at Jim’s house around 10:oo a.m. to find a white ford truck pull in behind them. A man that could have been Jim’s twin if he were years younger stepped out of it. Immediately the man walked past Zan to where Michael stood.
“You stupid son of a bitch, how dare you come here as if everything is okay!” the man shouted
“We came here on imported business Kyle, as far as I heard this is still a free solar system.” Michael replied.
“You bastard!” Kyle took a step towards Michael.
“Hey, you’re the one that had to go back for that stupid ring.”
Kyle balled up his fist and crammed it into Michael’s eye. Maria rushed to Michael now lying on the ground. The man called Kyle brushed past Zan saying “Welcome to Earth.”

Chapter 6:

Evie watched as her dad stormed into the Crash down. She had never seen him this mad. What could grandpa had said to him to make him this angry? Evie watched as her dad began to pace. She noticed blood on is right hand. Evie marched out into the café. “What the hell did you do to your hand?” Evie yelled.
Kyle turned around to see a very upset Evie. “ Don’t worry about my hand it’s just a scratch. I cut it while changing a spear tire on my truck.”
Evie had a very open relationship with her dad, she could tell him anything and vice versa but at that moment he was lying to her. She said the only thing that came to mind “oh” and in one graceful movement turned and walked up the stairs.
As Evie entered her room she wondered what could her father possibly be hiding. It was Roswell for goodness sakes, the only secret left in this town was hers. As she thought about all the possible reasons why Kyle would lie to her, her head began to throb, she climbed out her window to her balcony for some fresh air. Just as her headache started to fade Evie started to hear voices. This being common with Evie’s telepathic powers, she let them in. She focused on the down stairs. Evie could hear two voices and then a third. The first two were easy to recognize her father and grandpa but the third she had never heard before. She could tell it was an older male. Someone who was use to giving orders. As curiosity got the best of Evie she blocked the voices and headed quietly down the stairs.
From the window in the door that leads to the front part of the café, Evie peeked out to see an angry man yell at her father. Why was her father standing there letting some stranger yell at him? He might be able to stand it but Evie could not. She stormed through the door announcing her presence to the room. “Who the hell do you think you are yelling at my father like that.”
As soon as the words were out of her mouth the man turned around to face her. Being almost his height with the boots she had on Evie stood her ground.
The man appeared to be shocked, the only words he could speak were “How dare you speak to me like that?”
“Excuse me, I not the one that is yelling!” screamed Evie.
“Do you not know who I am? I am the commanding officer of Antar. You are just a little girl who doesn’t know who she is screaming at.” Michael took a step forward towards Evie.
Evie could not believe this man could walk into her home, yell at her and her father and then have the nerve to speak down to her as if she were a child. Evie lost it, she closed her eyes and through all her mental energy towards the man.
Michael dropped to his knees screaming with pain. This child took the general of Antar down in a second. Michael had never felt power like this. As quickly as it had come it was gone. Michael opened his eyes to see black combat boots in front of him.
“You pissed me off, I advise you not to do it again.” Evie whispered into Michael’s ear.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

Thanks for all the great post. I'm glad ya'll like my story.

Chapter 7:

Zan watched as Jim carried Michael through the door. Maria went to Michael’s side to make sure he was okay. “What happen to him?” Zan directed his question to Jim.
“Well, Michael got the pleasure of pissing my granddaughter off.” Jim laid Michael on the coach and grinned as he took a step back.
“Your granddaughter did this to my father?” Lilith asked as she went to Maria’s side.
“I am afraid so.” Jim replied as he took a seat in the recliner.
“I didn’t know you had a granddaughter?” Landen asked.
“Yeah, she just turned 15.”Jim pulled out his wallet “Sorry I don’t have a more recent picture.” Jim showed Zan a picture of a five-year-old girl climbing a large oak tree.
Zan held the picture, he felt like he knew the girl but that was impossible. How could he know a girl who lived on Earth when he lived on Antar?
“How can a 15 year old hurt the “Great Michael Guerrin” Aiden grinned as he asked his question.
“Well a long time ago Max healed Kyle just as he healed Liz. Over time he developed the same powers. Than he met Ava, Tess’s dupe. They fell in love and had Evie. Then Ava died saving Zan from the skins. From than on Evie developed her powers by herself she must have caught Michael off guard today and that is why he couldn’t defend his self.” Jim explained.
“No,” Michael stated, “I was guarding myself but some how she broke through my mental shield. I don’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t stopped when she did. I have never felt power like that. It’s a shame it is in an emotionally unstable teenager.”
“She can control her powers just fine, she chose to use them on you,” replied Jim.

As Zan fell a sleep that night he dreamed of the little girl. He watched as her little hands grabbed on to the huge branches. Her grin was a mile long as she finally reached the top. Then she fell but as she fell Zan caught her and as she smiled up at him she was no longer Jim’s five-year-old granddaughter but the beautiful girl from the desert. Zan held on to the girl as if his life was depending on it.

Chapter 8:

Kyle walked into his daughter’s room. He could clearly see her standing on her balcony. He walked to the window, and climbed out. “I think we should talk kiddo.”
Evie turned around to see a very worried Kyle. What was there to talk about she wondered. Over the past 15 years he couldn’t find time to tell her about Antar and the aliens that live on it or the fact that they arrived yesterday? Evie sat down and waited for Kyle to begin.
Kyle started with the summer he dated Liz and ended with him hitting Michael.
Evie had a million questions and started with, “Why are they here?”
Kyle looked into Evie’s bright green eyes. He noticed she had pulled her wavy brown hair back during his story. She wasn’t his little girl any more but a beautiful young woman. What if they had come for her? What if Zan needed a mate? Kyle had seen him with a blonde headed girl but they could need Evie like Max needed Tess, to complete the group. This couldn’t be happening.
Evie didn’t notice her dad’s hesitation but thought he didn’t hear her so she repeated her question, “So why are they here?”
At this Kyle realized he hadn’t answered her question. “They said something about a ring but I don’t know much. You should ask your grandpa or Michael.”
“He’s got to be kidding,” Evie thought, “I wouldn’t talk to Michael for nothing,” but she smiled and nodded her head. She waited for Kyle to leave before she climbed down the fire escape. She would be back before Kyle knew she was gone. She needed to talk to someone. She needed to talk to her best friend, Laura.

Laura sat on her bed; she brushed her red hair up into a bun. The story Evie had just told her couldn’t be true. Laura knew Evie was an alien but she had no idea there were others like her. She sat thinking for a long time before she gave the answer she knew Evie would not like “you have to talk to this Michael guy or you’ll never have the answers you need.
Evie knew Laura was right so she climbed out of her window and started to walk towards her grandpa’s house. As she walked she heard Laura yell out the window “doesn’t anyone use doors anymore?” Evie smiled and yelled back, “only the people who don’t know about windows.”
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

Thanks for all the interest in my story!!!!!!!!

Chapter 9:

Zan heard the knock on the door; no one went to answer it so he rose from his seat on the couch to get it. As he opened it he couldn’t breathe. The girl from his dreams was standing there in front of him. She was even more beautiful than his dream. Her long hair falling across her face, Zan longed to be the one to brush it out of her eyes. Her green eyes so deep Zan was afraid of drowning in them. As Zan was about to pick the girl up into his strong arms and kiss her until he couldn’t breathe another breath, Lilith asked “who’s at the door Zan?”

Evie looked at the boy standing in front of her. You could see his soul in his blue eyes. His black hair was short but he had perfect bangs. Just looking at his muscular build sent chills down her spine. He was the boy from her dreams if she had known he looked this good she might not have ran.
A girl talking to her dream boy interrupted her thoughts. Evie then remembered what she was there for and quickly recovered from her thoughts. “Hi, I’m Evie, I was wondering if Michael was around?”

Zan quickly invited Evie in. “Michael is talking to Jim but I can go get him for you.”
Evie smiled as took a seat on the coach, “Thanks.” Evie watched as the boy called Zan went to find Michael. The blonde girl sat down in the recliner.
As soon as Michael entered the room he was surprised to see his guest was Evie. She must have questions he thought but she is going to have to work for the answers. He motioned for Lilith to get out of his recliner. She did as she was told and he took the seat for himself leaving Lilith to sit next to Evie and Zan beside Lilith. Michael began, “So what do you want?”
Evie could tell that Michael was playing a game with her. If a game is what he wants a game is what we will play, she thought. “I wanted to know when you were leaving,” Evie answered.
Michael grinned, “Do we get on your nerves that bad?”
Evie returned Michael’s grin, “yes, as a matter of fact you do”
Lilith was astonished that this girl would dare to contradict her father. She went to get her brother in case things got out of control. By the time she had found Jim, Landen, Maria and Aiden and had gotten them to the living room, the fight had already began.
“I came here to ask you a question but instead all you do is yell,” Evie said as everyone pilled into the living room.
“Well if you weren’t such a smart ass, I might be a little nicer,” Michael screamed.
Jim intervened, “Everyone needs to take a seat and stop yelling.” Jim waited for everyone to sit. Michael sat in the recliner with Maria on one of it’s arms, Landen sat on the floor as Aiden took his seat beside Evie on the coach leaving Zan beside Aiden and Lilith sitting by Zan’s feet. “That’s better. Now what is the problem?” Jim directed his question at Michael and Evie.
“There wasn’t a problem until your granddaughter started yelling,” Michael replied.
“Actually you were the one who started yelling,” Zan said with a grin.
“Well she didn’t have to yell back.” Michael yelled at Zan.
Aiden looked at the girl sitting beside him; she’s beautiful, he thought. He watched as she stuck her left index finger nail in her mouth. She must be thinking. He watched as she looked at him and smiled.
As Evie thought about the “people” around her she stuck her left index finger in her mouth. Evie’s questions could wait; right now all she wanted to do was run for the door.

Chapter 10:

Evie sat on the couch ready to make a run for it at any time. Then she thought about what Laura had said to her, it’s now or never. “Excuse me,” Evie started. Once she had the rooms attention she continued “I was wondering why you all decided to come to Earth?”
Zan noticed how nervous Evie had become since everyone had come into the room. He decided to answer her question before Michael had a chance to. “We are looking for a ring. It’s called the Lynx. It’s green, almost the same color of your eyes.” Zan added with a smile.
Evie recovered her attitude quickly, “what’s so great about a ring that you had to come all the way from Antar to get it?”
Zan started to explain but was cut off by Aiden.
“Sorry Zan but I think I know more about the ring than you.” Aiden quickly added. Aiden turned to face Evie, “who ever controls the ring’s power could destroy our planet, so we want to get the ring before the skins do.”
“Oh,” was all Evie could think of to say.

Landen could see the tension between Aiden and Zan. He wondered if Lilith could see it to. Why was Zan fighting Aiden for this girl? He has Lilith and Aiden has no one. Maybe Zan is just being polite to the new girl but usually being polite doesn’t involve glancing at Evie every second.

Evie glanced around the room. She found the clock sitting on top of the TV as always. She had left her house around 5:00 p.m. and the clock read 8:30 p.m.
Zan watched as Evie glanced at the clock. Every move she made was beautiful. How could he care this much about a girl he barely knew? As she caught his eye she quickly looked away. The feeling must not be mutual, he thought. He put his arm around Lilith and hugged her close to him.

Lilith felt Zan tug her closer to him. All night she had felt that Evie had been the center of his attention but now she knew she had been mistaken. How could she have ever thought Zan would be more interested in this girl he barely knew when they had been friends all their lives?

Aiden watched everyone around him. Zan must think I’m blind. Aiden could clearly see that Zan was challenging him. He must really like this girl if he has to be reassured of his relationship with Lilith, Aiden smiled as he thought these words.

Maria was oblivious to the children. Her mind was back on Antar. She missed talking to Liz. She missed the way people treated her. Here she was nothing but there she was respected even though she was human.

Jim watched from the doorway. He could tell Michael couldn’t stand Evie, though they were very similar. Jim couldn’t tell how Landen, Lilith, and Maria felt about her yet but he could see clearly that Aiden and Zan liked her a little too much.

The little brat, who the heck does she think she is yelling at me like that. I’ll be glad when we can go home and leave her here. If we were on Antar she would already be dead at my command, Michael thought. A thought suddenly popped into his head, “it’s a good thing were not on Antar then.”
Michael quickly looked around the room and sitting right beside him he found the answer to his question. Evie smiled at him, he was sure the thought had come from her, but how?
Not all who wander are lost

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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

Sorry I haven't posted in a while (you know busy with the real world)

Chapter 11:

Evie looked out of the café window. It had been three weeks since Michael and his crew arrived. They had yet to find their ring and they would keep looking in till Evie wanted to tell them what they are looking for is around her neck and has been since Evie was three. Evie didn’t mine keeping the secret from Michael. “It is them are me”, Evie thought “besides I’m not yet ready to give the only thing I have left of my mother to strangers.” Evie had decided for now she would stay away from them, all of them, even Zan it was for her own good.

Zan woke to the sound of rain on the windows. There isn’t rain on Antar so every time it rained Zan would awake. Though it didn’t really matter for the past few weeks Zan couldn’t think of anything but Evie. It didn’t help that every five minutes Michael asked what he thought of her. He wanted to yell, “She’s the love of my life that’s what I think of her!” but than he would see Lilith and remember she was supposed to be the love of his life. Everyone expected Lilith to be the next queen of Antar. He wondered what his people would think about Evie. She is beautiful, intelligent, confident, outspoken and independent everything Lilith isn’t, Zan thought. People expected Lilith to be beautiful and she is but that is all people expect from her. Zan’s mind began to wonder back to sleep but as soon as he was asleep he dreamed of Evie.

Michael knew Evie was hiding something but he didn’t know what but than she wasn’t the only one hiding things, Michael had secrets of his own. Before Michael had come to Earth Liz had told him something important, something he couldn’t let happen. Michael thought about what Liz had said, he played the words over and over again in his head.
“Zan is meant to be with Evie it is his destiny.” Liz had told Michael right before he had loaded the ship to Earth.
“Than who is Lilith meant to be with?” Michael had asked.
“The vision said that Lilith is meant to be with Landen and Aiden is meant to be with every girl he wants.” Liz had drilled into Michael’s head until she was sure he understood what she was saying.
There was a small problem with this destiny; Landen wasn’t going to be king, Zan was. This is why Michael had promised himself no one would know about the conversation with Liz, not even his own wife.

Aiden no longer thought about Evie. She had made it clear she didn’t want anything to do with him or his family. She had stayed away from all of them. She didn’t even stop by to see her grandpa. Aiden could have any girl he wanted. There is no reason to case after just one.

Landen stared at Lilith; he couldn’t help it. She was so beautiful. “How could he like one person so much?” The other question on his mind, “was how could he win her heart and not hurt Zan’s at the same time?”

Chapter 12:
The Skins

Lilith walked up to Zan who was sitting outside on the lawn. She knew what she had to do but it still hurt to do it. As she sat down she managed to say “Zan, we need to talk.” These words caught his attention, and he looked into Lilith’s eyes. “I see the way you look at Evie. I think we should take some time apart as friends. You need to figure out what and who you want and until you do we are both going to be unhappy.” And just like that the relationship she had had with Zan for the past year was over.

Zan walked into the Crash Down a new man, a free man. He could now show the feelings he had for Evie. He sat in a booth and watched her wait on people and then give them their orders. “Beautiful,” he thought aloud. Lucky for Zan Kyle was sitting in the booth behind him.
“Did you just call my daughter beautiful,” Kyle grinned as he turned around to talk to Zan.
“No, of course not sir, I was talking about the menus.” Zan said picking one of them up and showing it to Kyle.
Kyle’s grin widen, “Oh, well in that case I’ll leave you alone to look at your menu.” Kyle returned to looking at his paper. The boy was funny, he had to give him that, Kyle thought.
Zan pretended to look at his menu. Over his shoulder he heard Kyle thumbing through his newspaper. Slowly he worked up the nerve to turn and talk to him. “Excuse me Mr. Valenti,” once he had Kyle’s attention he continued, “what would you say if I was calling your daughter beautiful?”
Kyle mirrored Zan’s blue eyes with his own. “I would have to say, Excuse me Buddha while I kick your ass.” Kyle watched all the color drain out of Zan’s face “but since you were talking about your menu we don’t have to worry.” Kyle smiled as he turned back around to finish reading the paper leaving Zan with his thoughts.

Zan watched Evie walking around the café. She was happy about something but Zan didn’t know what. All Zan knew was that he didn’t want to ruin that happiness by trying to change the relationship they had now. His feelings could wait if it meant Evie was happy.

Evie couldn’t help smiling. Zan had been staring at her since he had walked in. Evie was still working on what to say to him when he got up and left the Crash Down. “There goes my chance,” she thought as she walked into the back of the Crash Down and up to her room to change out of her uniform.

Zan walked down the street to Jim’s house. “We really don’t belong here,” he thought, “As soon as we find that stupid ring we can go home.”
Zan walked through Jim’s front door to find everyone in the living room.
“What’s going on,” Zan asked?
Aiden held up a piece of skin that quickly turned into ash. “I have found several of these things around town while you have been flirting with Evie,” Aiden added.
Zan looked around the room. Michael looked worried. They still hadn’t come close to locating the ring and now they would have to make sure the skins don’t get it first.

Evie finished up her shift and headed up stairs and walked out on to her balcony. It was already dark outside. Evie looked up at the stars; they were beautiful. She held on to the ring around her neck. Her thoughts drifted to Zan. She was comfortable but not so comfortable that she didn’t hear the being climbing up her fire escape.

The first thought that popped into Zan’s head was that he needed to go protect Evie but that was absurd; Evie could take care of herself. Zan wanted to protect Evie for his own self, he thought that being close to her would settle his nerves. As he headed out the door he heard Aiden yell, “Where are you going,” but Zan didn’t stop to answer.

Evie watched a women jump over the last step up to where she was standing. Evie immediately knew the old woman was a skin. As soon as the woman got her footing she lunged at Evie.
Evie gracefully sidestep the woman’s lung. As the woman cursed Evie she yelled “Just give me the ring you little brat!”
Evie had a witty come back, “I don’t think so, get your own.”
By this time Zan had seen the skin go up the balcony. He quickly climbed the short distance up to see a large woman lung at Evie. Before Zan could do anything Evie had thrown all her mental energy at he skin. In the blink of an eye the skin was turned into a pile of ash and Evie was face to face with him. In the fight with the skin Evie’s hair had been tossed around; Zan scanned her body with his eyes. When he got to her neck he noticed a green ring on a silver chain and he immediately knew it was the Lynx.
Not all who wander are lost
