Holding onto Sunsets (AU,M/L,ADUL) Pt 19 - AN 08/23/04 [WIP]

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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, I´m back again and posting. I just wanted to thank all my readers who have been waiting patiently for my return. Also I wanna thank those who bumped this fic while I was away. :D :D


Part 19

A few days later

"Liz, c´mon Baby don´t cry. My parents just don´t know you like I do, once they get to know you a little bit better, they´re love you just as much as I do". Max soothing voice comforted a emotionally battered Liz.
Leaning her head against Max´s chest, Liz smiled grimly, she loved the way Max always tried to make her feel like the most wonderful person in the world no matter what anyone said about her, but the painful truth of the matter was that Max´s parents had rejected her as a person. The whole experience being a huge mistake from Liz´s part.
"Max who are you trying to kid. Your parents hated me, they don´t even know we´re together yet. If that´s the way they´re going to treat me now. How do you think they´re react once they find out we´re a couple"?

"Really Liz some-times I can´t understand how narrow my Mom and Dad can be, but believe me, we´re not going to give up, trust me they´re accept you one day".

"Max that was just so damn right embarassing. I mean they knew from the start that we were working together to organise the ball, so what I don´t understand is why they practically threw me out of their house. What do they have against me"? Liz buried her face into her hands, feeling the hot tears on the palm of her hands.

"I´m sorry Baby, but they hear things. You know what Roswells like. People talk to much, people like to gossip. Unfortunately for you, you have made some decisions in the past that although most would say nothing much about them. Others would make them out to be bigger than they really are".
"But Max, I was hoping that if your parents could accept me as a person, then maybe they would accept one day that we´re together".
"We don´t need their acceptance to be together, we don´t need anyones acceptance Liz".
"Max it´s not fair, I never did anything to anybody, why do people always end up talking about me for"?
Holding Liz in his arms Max replied. "Because your´ve got something that they haven´t got".
"What´s that Max"? Liz asked searching his amber eyes.
"Your beautiful Liz Parker". Max leaned in kissing the softness of Liz´s skin. "Not just on the outside, your beautiful on the inside as well. That´s why everyone talks bad about you". Max nudged his face Liz´s nose, the corners of his mouth rose into a tiny smile. Closing his eyes, Max hide the melting feeling Liz was able to raise from him.

"Max your so corny, you do realise that don´t you". Liz grinned, raising her eyes to meet the golden specks that reflected from Max´s deep pools.
"Just trying to score some good cookies from my girl you know".
"Max, could you just take me home before my head inflates. I think I need to look into the mirror for a reality check".

"Liz stop it would you"

"Stop what"?

"Stop trying to make yourself sound ordinary when you and I know your not".

"Max your´ve got to start carrying pins around with you"?

"Why do I wanna do that for"?

"Because at the moment my ego´s floating on air, and I need my feet to be kept planted firmly to the ground".

After Max dropped Liz back off at the Crashdown, she waved goodnight to him, waiting at the entrance of the restaurant until his jeep drove away into the darkness.
Trudging upstairs to her bedroom, Liz couldn´t stop thinking how such a good day like today could have ended up in near disaster.
Stripping herself from her clothes, Liz wrapped a towel around herself and ran herself a nice, hot bath.
Squirting some bubble-bath into the running water, Liz´s tried to shut out the terrible thoughts of her and Max´s parents meeting today.
But the harder she tried to push the thoughts away, the more each image replayed in her mind.

"What´s that little tart doing in my house". Phillip Evans barked at Liz.
"Get out of here, I don´t wanna see you or your type anywhere near my son or my family ever again".
"But Mr Evans, I have never done anything to hurt you or your family ever". Liz replied meekly as the tall presence of Mr Evans towered over her.
"Dad, you take that back. Liz hasn´t hurt you or me in anyway. Where do you get off talking to my guests like this".
"If that´s what you wanna call her, that´s because you don´t really know her, now get out of my house". Phillip pointed at Liz.
"Phillip please". Dianne grabbed onto her husbands forearm, surrounding the huge muscle with both of her hands.
"Liz please he didn´t mean it". Max unconsciously covered Liz´s tiny hand with his own.
"No Max, please let me go". She snatched back her hand and scurriedly gathered her books and belongings together.
"Now you get out of my house, and I don´t ever want to see you here ever again". Phillip shouted at Liz.
Running towards the door, Liz gulped down the pain of humility that was about to consume her in tears, she didn´t even look back once as she run from the Evans residence.

"How could you be so heartless Dad". Max yelled at his Father. "How could you say the things you did to Liz". Max´s golden eyes, were now masked in nothing but disgust for his Father. Leaving his Mom and Dad standing in disbelief at his outburst Max ran after Liz.

Swallowing the tears that were wanting to escape from her eyes, Liz inhaled a deep breath, halting her tears in place, not wanting her already bruised ego to admit defeat.
"You know what this means now don´t you Liz". She spoke out to herself, hearing her words echo back to her.
"This means you have to prove to people that your not the person they think you are. This means that you are going to prove to everyone wrong". Knowing that she couldn´t afford to let peoples jabs at her bring her down, Liz slipped a foot into the waters of the bath.
"Yeah I´m going to have to prove that I´m above their petty talk, that I´m not the trash they make me out to be".
Liz whispered to herself, sliding herself underneath the water.
Raising from the water, her eyes scrunched up and she wiped the bubbles that covered her face.
"I´m going to prove them wrong". Liz said convincingly to herself. She knew she had to do this, if not just for herself, then for herself and Max´s relationship.

As the months passed, Max and Liz´s relationship strengthened. Although they were still seeing each other secretly, it had become a normal habit for them to hide the true identity of their relationship, and no one was none the wiser. After all they had the perfect excuse to be together all the time. Although now whenever Max and Liz met to discuss the ball plans it wasn´t at the Evans anymore.
Max had thought Liz was crazy the next day after that fatal first meeting between Liz and his parents.
Liz had insisted that before they go public, that she prove to everyone she was not the tainted young woman everyone thought she was. Max couldn´t understand why Liz thought she had to prove her virtue to everyone when he knew she was still a virgin.
But Max left it down to teenage girls hormones, and although he still disagreed with her about letting everyone know the true nature of their relationship, he respected her need to prove to everyone they were totally wrong about her reputation or rather imaginery reputation.
So while Liz embarked on a personal crusade of her own to clear her name of any misdeeds, Max slipped into the role of the non-existant boyfriend.
But although they were believed to be having a non-existant relationship, the truth of the matter was that Liz and Max´s relationship had heated up to a new level.
One day on one of their spontaneous drives up to the cave at the Mahaliko Reserve, unaware to themselves what started out as a mutual innocent petting season lead into something alot more.


That was a bit rugged...lol, I know pretty vague in some parts, where a lot more detail was needed. But this just came out how it is. Nonetheless I hope it made some OK reading for you´s. Give me some time to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for reading, until next time.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 104
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2002 2:46 am

Post by Maia »

Hi everyone

I am so pleased to see this fic has not been pruned yet. Unfortunately I was in a car accident. A drunk driver hit my car, causing neck problems and my writing arm was badly damaged. Up until last week I was still unable to hold a pen in my hand, but with physio hopefully I will be able to use my arm again within another 4-5 weeks. I have written to Borderinsanity to ask that no more of my fics be pruned due to circumstances.

I've missed you's all

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter