Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Come here to post pics & fanart :)

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by L-J-L 76 »

I was wondering if someone can please make a banner for my new story called The Key{The Reveal}. I would be really grateful if someone can please help me out. If you are interested please pm me back and let me know? Thank you!

L-J-L 76
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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by SarahWhitman »

Do we have any Roswellians still checking this thread? If so, may I request some fanart for our #FanArtFriday for 'Baron and Toluca'?

For more information on this new (potential) show from Majandra Delfino and Brendan Fehr, go to or --you can also get the photos there, too.

And be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! (@baronandtoluca, @crashdowncom, @roswellback, @SarahLeeAnne, @MajandraD, @unrealfehr)

(PM me here or reach me on Twitter @SarahLeeAnne if you have questions!)

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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by L-J-L 76 »

I was wondering if someone can make a banner for me for my new story called Holiday Contract or Christmas Contract. I can't decide which sounds better as of yet. I would be really grateful if someone can please help me out? If you are interested please pm me back and let me know? Thank you!

L-J-L 76

P.S Can someone also please make a banner for my story called Unknown Secrets? I would also be very grateful if some one can please help me out? I somehow lost my banner for the story when I got my laptop cleaned. So can someone please make me a banner for Unknown Secrets? I would be really grateful if someone can help me. If you are interested please pm me back? Thank you!
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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by memory_echo »

Hi everybody!

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me with a banner for a Canon Dreamer fic.
You can send me a pm for more details.

Thanks in advance!

∞ Max & Liz – The most sublime Love story ever told! ∞

Here's my latest fic, written for all devout Dreamers out there: Everloving.
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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by LovelyPOM83 »

Hi guys I'm writing a new story 'At first sight', and I'm in need of a new banner.
It's dreamer fiction (of course it is), but it's starts out as unconventional Michael & Liz , it's based on the reality show married at first sight. They think they've married the best person for them,until they meet each others best friends and find out just how wrong they are for one another.
The title has to be called: At first sight

I don't care what pictures are used, just hope it's pretty. ☺Thank you in advance.
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Re: Fanart of Any Kind Request....

Post by LovelyPOM83 »

Just a friendly bump :mrgreen:
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