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Bleed (SPN, XO, UC, ADULT) 1/1

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:07 pm
by Traitor
Title: Bleed
Author: Traitor
Pairing/category: UC, Supernatural/Roswell XO
Rating: adult
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing associated with Roswell or Supernatural. Please don’t sue me.
Summary: Dean watches after saving Liz. Sequel to Bury Me.

Her voice kept echoing in the back of his mind, bouncing around on a permanent loop. She had only said two words, just two, but the sweetness mixed with sorrow in those words had hit him in the oddest way. He felt strange, uncertain. That did not often happen to Dean, especially when it involved a woman.

His stomach churned.

She hadn’t moved in nearly twelve hours. He hadn’t left her side for that entire time. He brushed his hand across her cheek every few minutes, just to make sure she was still breathing….or at least that was the excuse he gave to himself. He knew the real reason wasn’t something that should have happened.

His heart tightened, constricted, in his chest every time his fingers touched her.

Dean and Sam had saved her, just barely. They had taken her back to Bobby’s, stitched her up, taken care of everything the best that the could, but she still wouldn't wake up. He wanted her to live, needed her to live, but he didn’t understand why.

Right now, in this moment, all that he could do was wait.


See if she still took a breath.


Make sure none of her wounds were bleeding.


Keep her alive

He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. His body ached, his head throbbed. He rubbed his eyes, trying to clear away the fog from his vision.

He reached out his hand and touched her arm gently, careful to avoid any of her injuries. He felt the need to check her again. Just to be certain.

Still warm, still soft.

Still alive.

A touch on his shoulder made Dean recoil his hand. It had caught him off guard, but then again, it always did.

“Hello Castiel.”


Castiel moved around from behind his back to face him, He gave Dean a nod of greeting.

The angel’s eyes drifted to Liz.

“And yet, somehow, all trials she has been through, all battles she has fought, the sacrifices she has made, have not done a thing to mark the beauty of her soul.”

Dean felt himself shiver involuntarily at Castiel’s words. He had saved a lot of people over the years, but the thought of this soul, her soul, made his body quiver.

“Is she going to be ok?”

His green eyes never looked away from her, not once, not even to look at Castiel. Even in her current state, she held his attention, held him captive.

“She will live, if that’s what you mean. But she won’t be ok until you do what you need to do.”

Dean’s breath hitched as Castiel leaned down, running a hand over Liz’s cheek. A faint glow followed where the angels fingers touched. She sighed in her sleep, her first physical movement in hours.

His chest pounded.

‘What do I have to do with any of this anyway?”

Castiel smiled at him. “Everything.”

Dean moaned in frustration, running his hands through his hair. He raised his eyes, looking to the Angel that had saved him, had pulled him out of Hell.

“Could you please, for once, not be so fucking vague when you answer a question?”

Castiel’s smile never faltered.

“You have to save her.”

His eyes went back to Liz, to her hands, that were so small compared to his own. He didn’t know her before today, still didn’t know her now, so why did he care?

“I did that already,” Dean chuckled dryly. “ You told me to save her and I did, so what else could she possibly mean to me?”

He kept staring at her, looking over every line, every scar, every bruise that marred her olive skin. Her body showed the signs of so many battles fought. She was worn and weathered, just like him.

They were both hunters, both protectors. He didn’t have to know her to see that.

But, if he looked further, he could see she was also very fragile. Dean wanted to protect her, shield her, keep her safe.

In that moment, he understood why he had been charged with saving her. What did she mean to him? He knew the answer already, Castiel had already given it to him.

“Everything,” Dean whispered, the word barely audible as it passed through his lips.

The angel nodded, “And so much more.”