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Luck of the Irish (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 5/7/10*Complete*

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:58 pm
by jake17

banner by the most amazing dreamer19, thank you kristin!! :)

Title: Luck of the Irish
Author: jake17
Rating: adult
Category: romance/comedy/smut :wink:
Couple: M/L
Disclosure; I own nothing Roswell
Summary: Miserable about being set up by their friends on the biggest party night of year, St. Patrick’s Day, Max and Liz soon discover that a blind date might not be the end of the world after all. In fact with a little luck it might be the best thing that ever happened to them.
Author's note:
Not of This Earth
Spring Fic Challenge for Roswell Heaven
Story must be set in spring, at Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, spring break, Easter, or at least mention one of those holidays.
- I picked St. Patrick’s Day
The story must include two of the following phrases:
-Is there a point to this story?
-I don’t feel much like a party
The story must include two of the following things:
- a really bad thunderstorm that causes blackouts and flooding
- someone receiving a completely inappropriate gift
- a holiday themed party

Chapter 1

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time -- a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.
~ Adrienne Cook ~

“I’m not going Maria, you can just forget it.”

Staring into her closet Maria nodded as she riffled through Liz's clothes.

After throwing a low cut emerald sweater over her shoulder onto Liz’s lap she went back to applying her lipstick.

“You have to where green on St. Patrick’s Day Liz it’s a tradition.”

Gazing at the plunging neckline Liz sighed. “Maria seriously this is the last thing I need right now."

Straightening out her olive mini skirt Maria continued to ignore her pleas.

“Ok so we’re going to meet Michael and his friend at Kelly’s in twenty minutes. What do you think of these earrings?”

This was the first time she had heard about Michael bringing someone, she wondered suddenly if there was more to this night besides bar hopping and partying.

"I love those earring Maria, that's why I bought them last year, now what is this about a friend? Please don't tell me this is a surprise blind date! I'm telling you I cannot handle this, not now!"

Inspecting the earrings that she could have sworn she bought herself Maria put them on and disappeared into the bathroom, as she continued to ignore Liz. She refused to let her sit home and mope another night of her life away, no not this time. This time she was going whether she wanted to or not.

"Maria! How can you do this to me, and with one of Michael's friends! Are you insane!”

Opening the door quickly Maria placed her hands firmly on her hips.

“And what is wrong with Michael?”

Beginning to back peddle now Liz approached her hoping to explain.

“Nothing! I-I mean he’s perfect …for you, but Maria we are total opposites. He’s a partier, a sports fanatic, and his idea of a nice meal consists of wings and nachos at Hooters! Not to mention he’s loud, crass, and is in serious need of etiquette lessons. I mean he brought an ipod to your grandmother’s funeral so he wouldn’t miss the hockey game!”

Folding her arms in front of her Maria looked down at her watch.

“Is there a point to this story?”

Sitting on the bed she thought it was best to come at this from a different angle, it was time for brutal honesty, time to get tough.

“Maria, I am not going, I just broke up with Sean and I am in no mood to be surrounded by a bunch of drunk lunatics in some crowed Irish bar.”

Handing Liz the sweater once again she jumped as a loud clap of thunder rattled the windows and momentarily tripped the electricity.

“I’m sorry but you’re my designated driver, without you I may be forced to drive home with Michael, who I’m sure is half way through his fifth drink by now. Your call Liz …one night out or the possibility of loosing your best friend forever in a horrible fiery car wreck.”

Sighing knowing she wasn't going to win this one she Lifted her shirt over her head muttering to herself as she pulled the green sweater through her arms.

“I hate you.”

With a big grin Maria reached for an umbrella and her keys.

“Here, you better take this the weather man said we’re in for a big thunderstorm tonight.”


Scratching behind his ear Max could feel his anxiety growing. He looked over at Michael who was occupied betting some inebriated biker that he could beat him in pool.

“Michael I’m really not in the mood for this tonight. I’m just going to head out, I’ll see you back at the apartment.”

Throwing a twenty on the table Michael wrapped his arm around Max's shoulder and pulled him in close.

You are not going anywhere. I’ve spent the last two months watching you mope around the house pinning after that whore Tess. At least meet this chick if you don’t hit it off you can go home, I promise the Discovery Channel will still be there when you get home grandpa."

Narrowing his eyes Max sighed. “First of all I do not mope, second Tess is not a whore, and third no offense but Maria is not exactly my type. I can’t see anyone that would be friends with her actually having anything in common with me."

Slapping his back Michael gave him a big grin. “Relax Max, Maria told me this girl is wrapped just as tight as you are. A real egghead, loves to read and shit.”

“Great, she’s literate. What more could I ask for Michael? Come on! Lets go get the engagement ring!”

"You know even when you try to be funny it doesn't work, it's still like watching grass grow, and anyway it doesn't matter it's too late, your date's here."

"DATE? You never said anything about a date! I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of you for this Michael!"

“Well how about the fact that she’s a cute little brunette with a sweet rack! Wow Max looks like you have the luck of the Irish going for you tonight you lucky undeserving dog.”

Afraid to look Max slowly turned around and peered through the crowd.

Suddenly everything began to move in slow motion when Liz emerged from Maria’s side.

The striking petite girl with raven hair had an instant effect on Max as he lost his footing and stumbled back on the barstool.


Re: Luck of the Irish (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/2/10

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:37 am
by jake17
yayaliens: thanks so much! :D
dreambeliever: so happy you liked it! Ive been writing such dark emotional fics it was so nice to write something light and funny, hope you like the next update! :D
Carolyn: Yes Michael is a trip in this fic, so happy you like this! it was so much fun to write! thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
Ginger: thanks so much for the fb here and on RH! you are so great!! :D
L-J-L 76: so happy to see your fb! thanks so much! :D
Natalie: thanks so much! :D
Alien614: thank you !! :D
Eve: I wouldn't refuse Max either! :lol: :wink: thank you for the fb eve! :D

These were my choices for the Challenge, I think if you read them the fic will make more sense,
Not of This Earth
Spring Fic Challenge for Roswell Heaven

Story must be set in spring, at Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s, spring break, Easter, or at least mention one of those holidays.
- I picked St. Patrick’s Day
The story must include two of the following phrases:
-Is there a point to this story?
-I don’t feel much like a party
The story must include two of the following things:
- a really bad thunderstorm that causes blackouts and flooding
- someone receiving a completely inappropriate gift
- a holiday themed party

Chapter 2.

Liz cringed as mobs of drunken men all of ages bumped into her accidentally or rather most likely intentionally, one even grabbing her ass as she tried to follow Maria through the crazy crowd.

“This was a bad idea Maria!”

Holding her hand to her ear, she yelled to Liz while keeping her eyes on her boyfriend who she was dying to get her hands on.


Between the blaring music and intoxicated losers Liz kicked herself for not staying at home.

It was killing her that at this moment she could be curled up with Ben and Jerry watching her favorite show Roswell but no, she was

She had such a crush on the main character; in her eyes he was truly a god. He was so sensitive and gorgeous in Liz's eyes he was the perfect man.

“I said, I’m going home! Call a cab if you’re desperate, or call me and I’ll come back out and get you.”

Still not paying any attention to Liz, Maria began to smile as the space between her and Michael closed in.

“What Liz? I can’t hear you!”

Liz was busy staring down someone who spilled beer on her new shoes before once again focusing her anger back to Maria.

“I said I’m going ho – “

Stopping dead in her tracks she found herself face to face with Max.

Liz lost all train of thought as the guy before her bore a striking resemblance to the actor who she spent her nights dreaming about.

Maria who was well aware of the likeness smiled confidently at Liz wrapping her arms around her. “What was that again Liz? You have to go… where again?”

Besides his incredibly handsome looks it was his sensitive warm eyes that seriously captured her attention.

His shyness gave him an instant vulnerability that drew her in even more, she couldn’t understand how someone as devastatingly handsome could be bashful, but what really shocked her is how he could be friends with the most egotistical guy she ever met, Michael Guerin.

Go? Umm… oh well I was just worried about our basement flooding in this storm, so I was saying how we should check it out… later.”

“Eddie! Another round and two green beers for the ladies!”

Michael was already showing signs of a good buzz as he pulled Maria aside. Putting a rectangular shaped box on the bar he slid it towards her and sat back very impressed with himself.

"I got you a gift for St. Patty's Day! Go ahead and open it!"

Sighing Liz took a sip of her green beer completely puzzled that Michael had gotten Maria a gift for a holiday that no one exchanges gifts for, but gave her nothing for her birthday that was only three weeks ago.

Knowing how totally inappropriate this present was Max began to rub his forehead shocked that he was actually going to give her this and in a puplic place no less.

Bouncing with anticipation Maria ripped open the poorly newspaper wrapped box in seconds and stared at the odd shaped container.

"Hmm I can't imagine what this could be!"

Michael moved in closer so he could see her first reaction when she saw her gift. "go ahead open it!"

Lifting the top of the box Maria's mouth fell open in shock while Max nervously downed his entire beer while signaling the bartender for another one.

Liz tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What is that?"

Proudly Michael took the massive sized vibrator out of the box and held it up so every one could see.

Lowering his head Max groaned as everyone around them began to cheer, "Michael please put that away!"

Stunned Liz widened her eyes in disbelief. "Is that what I think it is? Is that a...oh my god."

After a few brief seconds Maria couldn't restrain her excitement as her curiosity got the best of her, smiling widely she threw her arms around Michael's neck. "Its a vibrator! And it's green! "

Not surprised by Maria's reaction Max drank his second beer down as fast as he could wondering how the hell he was supposed to approach Liz after all this. By being his best friend Max was positive Liz would think he was just as moronic as Michael.

Maria was in heaven as she turned it on and off, amazed by the several speeds and many different motions it offered, "I love it, hey maybe we can - "

"Talk about this another time when there isn't fifty million people all around? Not to mention your two best friends who are extremely humiliated right now!"

Max inwardly smiled, not only was this girl beautiful, she definitely wasn't afraid to speak her mind, which something he always had a very hard time doing.

Rolling her eyes towards Liz Maria huddled close to Michael in the corner of the bar so she could admire the special features of her incredibly thoughtful gift.

Now alone and sitting next to each other Max and Liz struggled to talk, which wasn't easy as the memory of the gigantic green sex toy hung in the air like a huge elephant in the room.

Blushing profusely the two strangers smiled timidly at one another until Max got up the nerve to put his hand out.

“You must be Liz, it’s very nice to meet you.”

Leaning in closer Liz cupped her ear trying desperately to hear him over the loud music.

“I’m sorry what?!”

The cutest awkward smile crossed his face as he scratched behind his ear and moved closer to the beautiful brunette.

Trying to raise his voice he shouted louder.

“I said it’s nice to meet – “

Just as he was finishing his sentence the DJ cut the music announcing that it was time to begin the wet tee shirt contest.

Everyone that surrounded them including Maria and Michael who came up for air laughed hysterically.


Shaking his hand Liz smiled empathetically as her attraction for him grew even more.

Looking up at the stage Michael began pointing his finger over his girlfriend’s head.

“I’ve got a contestant for ya right here!”

Smacking Michael upside the head Maria threw back another shot before grabbing his hand and yelling over her shoulder at Liz.

“Time to hit O’Leary’s!”

Gazing up at Max, Liz bit her lower lip trying not to smile as Max walked close behind her blocking any bombed morons from touching her.

Swaying with their arms around each other Michael and Maria both stumbled as they left the bar.

Catching Michael before he made a nose dive onto the cement outside Max took off his coat and held it over Liz’s head shielding her from the pounding rain.

“I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.”

Snuggling close to him Liz nodded secretly hoping he was right.

Re: Luck of the Irish (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 /4/10

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:11 pm
by jake17
NotYourChick: so happy you thought this was cute! thank you! :)
dreambeliever: Love that you're in love!! thank you! :D
Carolyn: thank you so much!, yes is was a crazy first meeting, and its only going to get crazier! :wink: :D
Natalie: thanks for thinking this was cute! :D
Courtney: HI! So happy to see you here! so happy you love this! :D
Ginger: Yes "ya so gotta love them don't ya" :wink: :lol: thanks so much for the fb! :D
EVe: yes that was part of my challenge to think of an inappropriate gift, did I do a good job? :wink: :lol: thanks so much for the fb!
LilithAnn: just to let you know this is a Tess free story! YAy! :wink: :lol: so happy you liked it!! thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D

keepsmiling7 wrote:Carrie....please hurry back here. I need an uplift after the last chapter of Sacred Vows!

OK this is just for Carolyn, because sacred vows was so depressing :wink: hope this lifts your spirits sweetie! Your the best! :D

Chapter 3.

Max didn’t know whether it was the two drinks he had at Kelly’s, or the sudden nearness of Liz but he definitely felt a strange buzz.

Too much studying and not enough partying had not prepared him for a night out such as this, or maybe it was the vanilla scent that floated by everytime Liz brushed against his arm.

Raising his hand towards a taxi Max felt too responsible for everyone's safety, he figured this way if he felt nervous around Liz he could have another drink to settle his nerves.

Eyeing Max, Michael interrupted a very public lustful kiss with Maria to protest.

“Hey! You’re supposed to be my designated driver, what’s with the cab?”

Widening his eyes Max tried to shut Michael up knowing how he loved to embarrass him.

“Ooh come on! You couldn’t possibly be drunk off of those two little beers we had back at the bar!”

He could feel his face becoming hotter and hotter by the second as he felt everyone’s eyes on him.

Sensing his embarrassment Liz raised her hand in the air redirecting the attention towards her.

“Actually Michael the cab was my idea, I wasn’t really into this before I left the house, but now that I'm out I'm thinking it wouldn't hurt to get a little… crazy,” looking up at Max Liz raised her eyebrows hoping he would catch on, since you have a drinking partner over there I kind of talked Max into hanging out with me tonight.”

Nodding Max smiled completely blown away that she seemed to be possibly flirting with him, “Yeah, we just didn’t want to take any chances.” He felt his heart skip a beat, as she looked back up with him with a special gleam in her eye.

He couldn’t believe it, she was not only beautiful but she was obviously really smart. Could Michael Guerin actually have done something right for once in his life?

A look of utter amusement came over Michael as he glanced at a very dreamy eyed Max and back at Liz who with her hair up and her dark rimmed glasses resembled a sexy librarian dressed in green.

He was almost jealous that Max was possibly going to live out one of his favorite fantasies.

You… and ...Max are going to get …crazy?” pulling Maria closer he kissed her temple and winked at Max “well I’d looove to see that!”

Knowing that crazy for Max usually meant staying up past midnight to catch the latest meteor shower, he couldn't wait to see what Liz had in mind, he especially couldn't wait to see if poor old Max could keep up with her.

Maria had a pretty good idea that Max and Liz would at the very least get along tonight but she never expected to witness the very real connection not to mention fireworks that were happening between the two of them.

Knowing how difficult it was for her introverted workaholic best friend to actually come out of her shell, especially when it came to guys, Maria thought she would lend a helping hand by disappearing for the night so they could be alone and get to know each other.

“Well I think that’s a great idea! Listen maybe we should take two cabs. I want to stop home for a second and get another umbrella, its raining too hard and I worked too long on this hair to have it ruined by some massive thunderstorm!”


Slapping her hand quickly over Michael’s protesting mouth Maria whispered in his ear before jumping into a waiting taxi.

"Michael, you know what happens when I"m in a good mood," playfully she ran her finger down his chest circling his stomach, "do you think I'll be happy if my hair is a mess?"

A big smile curved under her hand, "no I don't, we can stop at your apartment, that's not a problem," besides who was he to stand in Max’s way of possibly getting laid by a sexy librarian.

Before they knew it Max and Liz found themselves standing on the curb in the torrential rain snuggling close together under Max’s coat.

So, do you still want to go to O’Leary’s?”

Looking down into her sexy flirtatious smile Max was powerless to even think much less form an answer to her question.

Watching him struggle she decided to be bold for once in her boring life, taking his hand she laced her fingers with his and led him to the edge of the curb just as another cab was pulling up.

She didn’t know if it was the full moon or the fact that it was a crazy holiday where every one loses their inhibitions for the night, whatever it was Liz found herself incredibly attracted to this shy gorgeous stranger.

As hard as it was for her she was going to do her best to not analyze everything to death and just go with her heart or whatever body part that might be in need tonight.

“Come on Max, one drink, its St. Patrick’s Day, I think its actually mandatory we have fun tonight.”

Bashfully he moved in closer so he could reach around and open the car door for her.

Giving her a sweet wide smile he whispered as he helped her in the car. “Well, if its mandatory... I guess I have no choice.”

She didn’t know if it was the chill from the rain or the accidental brush of his hand across her low back as she entered the cab but she started to tremble in way that made her heart race.

As the car drove down the road their thighs accidentally touched over unexpected bumps and turns… now she knew exactly what was making her quiver with delight.

His name was Max Evans....and she wanted more.


Sitting in a back booth tucked away from most of the commotion of people dancing and singing but mostly drinking. Max tried to relax.

Looking up at the waitress Liz didn’t hesitate while ordering for the both of them.

“Two shots of Jameson’s whiskey please.”

Using the cocktail napkin she patted her mascara under her eyes that had smudged do to the falling rain.

As she sat there drenched from head to toe he couldn't get the image of her standing under a his shower all naked and wet with steam billowing all around her, suddenly he wondered if he would even make it through this night.

Noticing him staring at her she looked up into his sexy as hell amber eyes.

Fluttering her long dark eyelashes she tried her best to seduce him, of course with what little skill she prossessed in this area she wondered if possibly he thought she was just suffering from a nervous tick instead.

"So do you drink often?"

“No, not at all but it’s Irish whiskey, I figure we should have a traditional drink if we’re going to do this right, besides it’ll warm us up, believe me Maria used to bring it with us on our high school skiing trips, it will do the job!"

“So you’ve been friends with her for a long time?”

Rolling her eyes she laughed “Maria beat up a bully that relentlessly called me four eyes in the third grade, in return I let her copy off my test, you could say we’ve been inseparable ever since.”

Mesmerized by her obvious intelligence and her unparalleled beauty, Max cleared his throat remembering how Michael always told him he was too quiet, that he bored girls to tears.

“So, h-how do you know so much about Irish traditions?”

Smiling as the waitress lit a small candle between them Liz became all excited.

“Well you see I did my European History paper on The Great Potato Famine my sophomore year, and I just found Irish people as a whole just incredibly fascinating, did you know that two million acres of potatoes were desecrated by a fungus causing millions to starve? Seriously when you examine the struggles that the Irish have endured throughout time how can you not have respect - ”

Suddenly Liz could hear Maria’s voice in her head. Liz no one cares about ancient crap that happened like a million years ago, listen to me NO GUY FINDS THAT SEXY! Talk about what they like, sports, sex, shit like that!

Leaning towards her Max questioned why she stopped.

“Are you alright Liz?”

Nodding Liz was happy to see the whiskey arrive.

“Sure, I just tend to get all excited when I talk about historical events, I know I'm a dork. I’m sorry Max; Maria’s always telling me I talk too much about things no one’s interested in. She’s convinced that’s why I’m still single.”

Slapping her hand over her eyes she grabbed her drink praying the powerful liquor would shut her up.

Max was speechless, amazed that there was someone out there that was so much like him, the only difference was he didn't talk enough and Astronomy was his love.

As he gazed down at her he realized that for the first time in his life he thought maybe it wouldn't be his only love.

After throwing back the whiskey she slammed the glass upside down on the table and ordered two more.

“Ok your turn Max.”

Max picked up the russet colored liquid and swirled it around several times before letting it slide down his throat.

Liz began to laugh when his eyes immediately started to water and he coughed uncontrollably.

Rubbing his back she smiled brightly loving how different he was from the fraternity idiots that drank until they passed out every weekend.

“I take it you don’t drink much?”

His voice was horse as he shook his head back and forth laughing.

He was surprised that with her he wasn’t embarrassed to tell her the truth. “No actually I don’t, besides I think Michael drinks enough for the both of us, possibly for the four of us.”

“You take care of him don’t you?”

Looking down at his glass he smiled. “You could say that. He sat next to me in the forth grade. We had this horrible Math teacher, Mrs. Anderson. She had it in for Michael, she used to call on him all the time and then totally degrade him when he didn’t know the answer. Well one day she called on him and I wrote the answer on a piece of paper and slipped it to him. He answered so many correct that eventually she left him alone. It turns out Michael had a learning disability.”

“What a bitch!”

“Yeah she really was, anyway I guess you can say I’ve been bailing him out of trouble ever since, and he forces me to go out on nights like this.”

Reaching out she touched the tips of his fingers brushing his skin lightly "do you regret coming out tonight?"

Deeping his voice his raspy tone sent a serious ache between her thighs, "no, definitely not."

“Well here’s to our wonderful fucked up insane best friends, who I’m sure are probably screwing in my bed as we speak because her sheets are dirty!”

Laughing hysterically they immediately clinked their glasses together finishing off the second shot before ordering four more and two Guinness.

Suddenly Max began to feel a little braver. “Liz just so you know I wasn’t bored at all listening to you before, in fact I could hear about the great potato famine all night.”

Catching her eyes his voice dropped to a seductive tone that he never even realized he had.

“That is of course as long as you were the one talking about it.”

Surprised by his increasing ability to talk with ease, to even flirt he brought another glass of whiskey to his mouth and watched as it disappeared.

Just then he noticed a few stray hairs from her bun had fallen inside the deep v of her low cut green sweater.

His pulse quicken watching as her wavy black hair stuck to her wet skin between her creamy white breasts that were made more than ample thanks to a little help from Maria’s push up bra.

Following his gaze she blushed profusely when she eyed the impressive cleavage that Maria forced her into that night, up till now she had completely forgotten she even had that bra on.

Just then she caught her reflection in the window.

“Oh god I'm a mess, I’m soaking wet!”

Lowering his glass of beer to the table he shook his head quickly. “On the contrary, you look beautiful,” deepening his voice he found himself unable to look away from her soft pink mouth and how she was chewing anxiously on her bottom lip, “stunning actually…Michael neglected to mention how ...“

His voice trailed away as she reached up and loosened the pins from her hair. Slowly she shook her head letting the wavy wet tendrils cascade around her slender shoulders.

He thought he would surely die as she pulled her dark framed glasses from her heart shaped face before folding them inside her purse.

“Y-you don’t need your glasses in here?”

His voice was shaky as he now looked into the eyes of what he thought was no less than a goddess.

Lowering her long dark eyelashes she lightly circled the tips of her fingers across his skin before he got the hint and took her hand fully in hers.

Well as long as you stay this close to me, I can see you just fine, that's all that really matters to me at the moment.”

Liz was beyond shocked by the way she was acting. She had never ever made the first move on a guy, not that the opportunity presented itself that often.

Between her studies and her internship at the museum she barely had time to spend with her family forget some guy she had nothing in common with.

Of course there was the problem of never encountering anyone that she found interesting or intellectually challenging, or even someone that she shared a sexual spark with.

That was until now…

Re: Luck of the Irish (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 5/7/10*Complete*

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 10:02 am
by jake17
Carolyn-so happy i was able to make you smile after sacred vows :wink: thanks so much!!
Ginger- so happy you like this ginger!! thank you for the very sweet fb!
dreambeliever- aww i love that you liked that line!! thank you so much!!
Ellie-yay! sooo happy to see you here!! LIz is about to get very forward Ellie :wink: thanks for the fb!
yayaliens- i'm absolutely thrilled that you love this!! thank you so much for letting me know! :D
EVe-yes its defintely love at first sight! thanks so much eve! :D
LilithAnn-im so so happy you like this!! thank you so much for everything! :wink: :D
angelina- soooo happy you are back sweetie! you have seriously been missed!! :D :D :D

well this is the ending, hope you all like what I did! thank you all so much for the amazing fb!! you've inspired me to write more happy, funny fics like this... so thank you!! :)

Chapter 4.

After hours of sharing their childhood, teenage, and college stories they were blown away by how much they had in common.

They both had lived lives of solitude, not of choice, but because of who they were.

They both had always been extremely uncomfortable with dating, never quite feeling as if they fit in with the cool crowd.

Liz opened up to him telling him how she would always get nervous around guys, which would make her ramble on and on. Sometimes it would be about nothing in particualar, but usually it had something to do with what she had seen on the History Channel which was much worse. She always felt much more at home surrounded by her books.

“See history never changes Max, dates, places, moments in time, they always stay the same. I love that these major life events that altered our world are there for all eternity. It makes life predictablesafe.” Knowing she sounded like a complete nerd Liz glanced away.

“You must think I am just a dork.”

Swiftly Max shook his head. “No, not at all actually. I feel the same way. I can definitely relate. You see when I was ten I used to have nightmares about aliens. I wouldn’t go to sleep because I saw a movie about people who were abducted from their beds.”

Liz squeezed his hand feeling horrible for the little boy who was scared so many years ago hiding under his Spiderman sheets.

“Anyway after five nights of sleeping on the floor in my parents bedroom my grandfather decided to take me to the Science museum in the city.”

Smiling brightly Liz noticed the sudden spark in his eye as he began to talk about space.

“We went to the planetarium, and I was just blown away. It occurred to me as I stared up at the hundreds of stars that shown bright above me that there was nothing to fear. In fact the unknown was really exciting and incredibly ...beautiful. I completely understand how to you stability and consistency is comforting, but honestly Liz, the unexpected can be really.... amazing sometimes."

Rubbing behind his neck he wondered if she understood that he wasn't talking about Science anymore.

“I'm really happy we met Liz.”

Suddenly they found themselves drifting towards each other as the need to kiss became almost urgent.

“Hey there they are! We thought you’d both be home asleep by now.”

Michael who was looking completely sober now had his arm firmly around Maria’s shoulder.

Nodding in her direction Michael sighed, “Biggest party night of the year and where do
we end up?”

Snuggling against his neck Maria kissed his hand that held hers, “It’s not my fault I got called into work baby.”

“You had to work at the diner tonight?”

“That’s right Liz, once again I saved your ass, you would’ve been next on the list if I turned them down.”

Grinning widely Michael gave Max a quick nod, “So I guess its safe to say you two had fun without us?”

Avoiding his questions Liz quickly turned the tables on him, “ So did you dare to eat the special tonight?”

Rubbing his stomach Michael groaned, “As long as I live I will never eat another plate of corn beef and cabbage again!”

“Maria why aren’t you in your uniform?”

Remembering why they were there in the first place, Maria jumped up and down all excited, “Well that’s why we’re here! There’s this big party at Alex’s house tonight, he’s going all out! It’s supposed to be a real St. Patrick’s Day themed bash! People are dressing up in costumes and everything! We were supposed to meet Isabel here, I believe she may finally be ready to hook up with Alex, I’m playing matchmaker tonight!. Hey why not, looks like I’m one for one already!”

Clearing his throat Max looked down at Liz gently smoothing his hand over her thigh under the table.

“I don’t feel much like a party right now, how about you Liz?”

Taking a sharp breath in as the tips of his fingers skimmed the edges of her panties Liz slowly shook her head back and forth trying to act casual.

Yawing dramatically Liz whispered as she sinked further into the booth. "I'm beat, we'll probably be heading out soon."

Ordinarily Max would never even think of doing anything so bold so …daring , but the passion that had consumed him was beyond his control.

The only thing he could think about was having her silky legs wrapped around his waist while he drove into her velvet wet core.

Liz shivered and held her breath feeling the need just as bad, she fought every instinct she had to just grab his hand and place it were she was dying for so long to be touched.

Maria raised her eyebrows at their bizarre behavior and waved her hand between them watching as neither of them blinked an eye.

Squeezing her shoulder Michael chuckled, “Come on Ria, their gone, I don’t think either of them can hold their liquor.”

Laughing she nodded before shaking her keys in the air. “Ok Liz just so you know I’m assuming you two are too bombed to drive so I’m taking your car – “

“Yeah Maxwell I’m taking yours too, but I have no idea what time I’ll be home, since this will be your first hangover I don’t see you going far. Just have Jack call you a cab soon it’s getting late.”

Liz vaguely heard muffled voices as Max continued to caress the sensitive juncture between her thighs making her insane with desire.

“Well ok then! Bye you two! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”

Nodding Liz whispered while breathlessly trembling under his fervent caresses.

“Y-yeah Merry Christmas Maria, see ya at home.”

Hysterically laughing Michael slapped Max on the back, “I’ll probably be staying at Ria’s or Alex’s so don’t wait up.”

“Sure ok, H-happy Easter Michael.”

Seeing Isabel at the door, Maria and Michael headed out to their party. They were all alone except for Jack the bartender who was busy cleaning up, or rather falling asleep on the cot in the back room.

Leaning in Max slowly pulled back his hand realizing that he hadn’t even kissed her yet.

Cupping her cheek he brushed his thumb lightly over her bottom lip and sighed dreamily.

“I have something to confess.”

Hearing his deep husky tone she pressed her legs together unable to withstand the unbearable ache that had been building up all night.


Resting his forehead against her he stared hopelessly into her slightly opened chocolate eyes praying that she could pick up on how much he wanted to be buried deep inside her.

He was so afraid she didn’t feel the same and the last thing he wanted to do was give her the wrong impression, that all he wanted was sex.

Because truth was he wanted much… much more, he wanted to see her tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. In fact after tonight he couldn’t perceive of having any kind of future without her in it.

But he also couldn’t deny the fiery drive that burned inside him. Never in his entire life did he want anyone as he wanted her right this moment.

God it was going to be torture if he had to leave her with just a kiss goodnight.

Trying hard to focus Liz forced the words from her strained throat.

“Max? What did you want to tell me?”

Her voice was far from innocent as she whispered her breathy tone while staring longingly into his eyes.

She was desperate to feel him inside her, pounding away holding her in those big strong arms that she had been staring at all night long. It was almost driving her mad how bad she needed him to touch her, how much she wanted to touch him.

Liz began to question herself insecure of these unusual feelings she was experiencing.

What if he didn’t feel the same? He obviously wasn’t a player; maybe he thought sleeping with someone so fast was wrong or worse what it he looked at her like she was some kind of girl who got around.

Max had his own problems desperately trying hard to hide the raging erection that made sitting next to her almost impossible.

His hands were shaking now as he worked to get his heart rate under control , he just wished she wasn’t so beautiful, so smart …so …everything!

“I…I – “

“Yes Max?”

“Well I …really …want to …kiss you.”

God he could kill himself for being such a chicken shit!

Closing her eyes she knew she was asking too much, that after a life time of playing it safe, of following the rules, making love with someone you just met, even though you felt you had a strong connection, just didn't happened to girls like her.

Who was she kidding, sex was at the very least always awkward and uncomfortable for her. How could she possibly think she could pull off something so spontaneous and passionate with someone she hardly knew, but that was just the thing, she felt she knew him, that they already shared a special bond together as crazy as that sounded.

Sensing the disappointment in her eyes he lifted her chin searching for an answer to why this upset her so much, was he completely off? Was the incredible connection they felt all night just one sided?

“Liz? Don’t you…want me?”

Her eyes widened by the absurdity of his misunderstanding then almost immediately her face turned the brightest shade of red.

Totally lost now Max started to pull away. “Maybe I have this all wrong,”

At that moment she knew she had to put all her insecurities aside and act on her feelings or risk loosing him altogether.

For once in her sheltered little life she would have to take a chance.

Grabbing his face forcefully she pulled him towards her pressing her lips against the shell of his ear.

A deep shudder ripped through his body as her hot breath blew lightly against his neck.

“Max its not that I don’t want you to kiss me …its that I want …I want …”

Running his hands up the back of her neck and into her thick shiny raven hair he gently gripped her tresses fighting every instinct he had not to throw her on the table and take her right then and there.

“What Liz …what do you want …I’ll do anything …anything you ask!”

Letting out a shaky breath she closed her eyes as her heart pounded loudly in her ears.

“Make love to me Max."

Not giving it a moment to even register in his mind he reached in his pocket and pulled two fifty dollar bills threw them on the table and grabbed her hand.

Running out the front door into the pouring rain they stopped momentarily on the sidewalk and looked frantically around for his car.

“Oh my god! Michael! Maria! They thought we were drunk, they took our cars, remember?!”

Standing close to him she couldn’t help but touch him. Slowly she let her fingers slide up and down his hard chest.

“Max, we have to find a way home, is there anything we can do? “

Max stood there for a moment searching his brain but all he could concentrate on was the fact that her small hand was touching his body and that she wanted to make him!

“It’s too late, plus with the floods and this heavy downpour no one's going to be around now.”

Running back to the bar they figured they’d just call for a cab, at least then they would be out of the rain.

They both stood staring up at the front door in disbelief at the darkened front and the locked door.

“There is no way Jack could’ve closed up that fast. He has to still be in there cleaning up.”

The both of them pounded on the shade-covered door for several minutes before realizing it was useless, for some reason Jack couldn’t hear them.

“Wait! Jack always parks in the back! Come on maybe his car is unlocked we can wait there until he comes out!”

Getting in the big nineteen seventy powder blue Impala Liz sat back and started to laugh.

“Well this isn’t exactly how I thought this night would end up, but then again knowing my life it pretty much makes sense. I don’t have very good luck with men, Max.”

Both soaked to the bone and freezing he searched the back seat for something to put over her. Finding a thick green blanket he looked away so she could take her drenched sweater off.

Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders she watched big drops of water fall from the tips of his black hair onto his strong square jaw.

Whispering softly he gazed into her bottomless brown eyes, "I think your luck is about to change Liz."

Speechless she smiled as her curious stare drifted slowly over him.

After marveling at just how perfect and devastatingly handsome he was she noticed how he was shivering and blowing on his hands attempting to find some source of heat.

Thinking for a moment she slowly opened the blanket leaving herself open to his surprised eyes.

His heart literally dropped on the floor as he gazed at her lost in her beauty.

Max couldn’t help but stare at the exquisite curve of her breasts that were encased in a delicate lilac lace covered bra.

“I think you should take off your shirt Max.”


“Body heat.”

“B-body heat?”

“Well yeah, we need to create as much body heat as we can so we don’t freeze out here.”

Nodding Max pulled off his soaked shirt and moved slowly towards her.

Liz’s mouth went completely dry as his incredible muscles flexed and lengthened.

Opening the blanket up further Liz curled up against his chest and sighed as he covered them up.

Feeling his bare skin against hers was heaven, it was also torture as close as she got it just made her want more.

Turning to face him she gazed up at his mouth then up to his sultry eyes.

In that moment a streak of white lightening spiraled across the sky and a thunderous boom shook the car.

Feeling a powerful surge of electricity rip through the air sparked something deep inside them as they decided ...this was the moment.

Max seized her mouth immediately urging her lips apart; he caressed her tongue fervently as the need to have her over took all rational thought.

Breathlessly he moaned as he sought out every inch of her skin he could taste.

“Liz! Oh god …I want you so much!”

His mouth slipped from her puffy lips to the damp slick skin covering her graceful long neck to the curve of her breast below.

Soft throaty moans soon turned into desperate pleas as he pulled the delicate lace down releasing her soft mound to his eager mouth.

“Max…oh yes Max!”

Flicking her harden nipple quickly he lowered his hand to reach up under her skirt, this time there would be no teasing.

Liz threw her head back as he sucked and pulled her hard peak while slipping his fingers under her panties.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip as he circled her swollen clit.

Their view to the outside was blurred by the torrential downpour but neither one cared.

To them the whole world could’ve disappeared and maybe for a few stolen moments …it did.

Within minutes they were both stripped of their clothes. Their bodies pressed together in a mixture of sweat and moisture from the rain outside.

The heat from their passion steamed up the windows blocking everything out as they lay in each other’s arms.

Needing to feel him inside her Liz kissed him while straddling his waist.

Settling over him he groaned as her slick warm entrance teased him mercilessly.

He pushed back her wet hair and cupped her flushed face in his hands.

“Liz, I want you to know this means something to me, that I want you in my life.”

Nodding Liz kissed him softly, wondering if this was all a dream.

Her hand rested on his heart that was hammering away in his chest.

Taking his hand she put it over her heart and watched as his eyes grew.

“I feel it too Max.”

They both could take no more as she slowly lowered herself down on him.

Their eyes widened with surprise as sheer unbelievable pleasure washed through them both.

Finding her rhythm she rode him while sheets of rain came down in waves flooding the streets.

Gripping her hips he helped her thrusting upwards brushing his cock again and again against the sensitive spot she didn’t even know existed.


Unable to hold back any longer he raised his body up to meet hers capturing her mouth in a passionate desperate deep kiss.

Reaching down he gently brushed his thumb up against her clit as he pounded inside her.

Just then thunder and lightening crashed all around them as they screamed flying over the edge.

Breathless and shaky they sat in the car wrapped tight in the green blanket as they watched the clouds begin to part and the sun peak over the hills.

Kissing the top of her head Max held her tight lost in the happiest moment of his life.

So I know this is a little forward considering we just met, but do you think you’d want to go out sometime?”

Her face lit up as she leaned up on his chest and looked up into his sweet amber eyes.

Winking she smiled brightly imitating an Irish brogue.

“That depends, St. Patrick's Day is over, do you still feel that you've got the luck of the Irish on your side?"

Pulling her close he began to pepper her with kisses as a radiant shade of orange burst over the horizon.

Catching his eye he pointed out a huge colorful rainbow that seemed to appear out of no where.

"Actually Liz... I've never felt luckier."

~ the end ~