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A Sinister Reverie (CC/AI, Adult) 1/1 - 04/07/10

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:05 pm
by PML
Sinister Reverie-

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Author- PML with an assist and beta by Mt. Gazer

Category- CC-M/L

Rating- Mature

Summary- This is a companion piece to A Kiss to Build a Dream On. It takes place not long after Kyle reaches the Evan’s apartment to confront Tess. (Chapter 20) That is the Thursday before Christmas. The man who would have died is now safe, at this point his fate is safe. Theses stories take their place.

Naturally it would be much easier to read if you have already read Kiss up to that point. But I will strive to make it accessible on its own. I heartily recomment reading both Chapter 20 of Kiss as above and [url=]

This is the last of the Companion pieces and the story will be picked up again with Kyle's POV, propbably on Friday.


Alex had been having such a pleasant dream when he woke. He wasn’t quite sure what had woken him but, it had seemed like he had been surrounded in a vast golden light.

Even before his eyes opened he knew he wasn’t in his room. The smell of vanilla and a variety of sweet flowers. Not exactly the aroma of his room.

And he was naked.

In a girl’s room. It had to be a girl’s room. He even thought he recognized it.

His brain froze at the name it reminded him of. Because that was simply an impossibility. Not with how he felt. He dreamt that she would one day…..

Impossible. Simply impossible.

A few stray thoughts intruded, memories of what had happened.

It was impossible right?

He couldn’t really have slept with Isabel? She would have blasted him if he had thought of it in a dream let alone come onto her as strongly as his memories told him.

And she had not run away from his advances. But not until AFTER they had broken up. After they had both known that they would never be together.

Something had changed, possessed them.

This night, this wonderful night, might very well be the only time he did this. Might be the only time he truly was able to hold Isabel. Might be the only time he ever felt complete.

‘I slept with Isabel Evans. I was her first. Wow. She was mine.’ He reveled in the wonder, soon to be followed by reality. ‘And nothing we talked about had changed. It has grown even more dangerous. For if Aric should know….. If he should learn of what we have done…..’ Alex swallowed.

Aric had to die. It was that simple. None of them would be able to live their lives as they wished.

He needed to talk to Tess. Because he remembered that the FBI had shot Nasedo dead. It had required the Podsquad to bring him back. Why didn’t they just do something similar? Simply kill him.

Maybe it had to be done some mundane way. Maybe Aric needed to be shot.

Alex was more than willing to do the job. He wasn’t a great shot. But his mom had made sure that he could shoot. Alex had always been more interested in the mechanical aspect of it. In how all the little pieces had fit together and how they worked. Any well made machine was a puzzle and fun to take a part and reassemble.

He vastly preferred his father’s electronics. They were less dangerous for one.

But his mother had several guns in her collection that would work fine in dispatching Aric. Although if he were really serious, he’d hand the gun to Kyle.

According to his mom, Kyle was good.

No. It couldn’t be that simple. There had to be some reason why that option couldn’t simply be used.

But he would have to ask. Because even if it only bought them time, it would buy them time. Time to build their lives. To not live in fear.

Alex was tired of being afraid. And he knew very well that Isabel was terrified of so many things that it amazed him that she had the bravery to get up in the morning and go to school. Let alone hide it so well.

His Isabel was a wonder to him. More so now that he truly knew her than before.

He turned over to get a better look at the room and saw her. She stood at the window, the light sluicing along her naked body as she looked outside. She turned and saw him. Her eyes glittered in the dim light. She looked off towards the door, “Perhaps this is for the best.”

She slid into bed. “So have you gotten enough rest? Ready for seconds?”

“Are you sure? You’re not too sore?”

“I am fine. Better than fine. And I need, no demand a repeat performance. Let’s see what you can do.”

“What about protection. I only had one.”

A slice of pain slid through his mind. “That won’t be a problem… Now make love to me.”

And he did. He started slow. He wasn’t really any more practiced at this than she was. Both of them still fumbling.

Only Isabel seemed more in charge, more forceful than she had before. Demanding a much more driving pace from him. His breath was all but rasping as he finished, exploding inside of her. He could feel her shudder underneath him, her muscles milking him for all he was worth.

He collapsed on top of her. He knew he should move, that he should slide to the side. But he was too tired.

He just needed to rest. Just a moment.

Isabel began to laugh. It was not a nice laugh. A mocking laugh. A dark and cynical laugh.

What was this about? He slid off of her, but wasn’t able to slide out of her. They were still intimately joined. She was staring at him with open contempt.

And her body grew hot and started to glow. He tried to pull away.

What was going on? “Isabel?”

But he couldn’t pull away. He felt himself drawn deeper, both of them conjoined below their bellies. His dick and balls crushed and seared under the heat and pressure of her glowing belly.

She sneered, “So you thought you could bed a Princess and get away with it, did you? Well, she always was easy. Just ask the string of lovers she had as Vilandra. I wonder if there was a noble on Antar who didn’t have a chance to taste her charms. What makes you think it would be any different here. You know that she is entirely out of your league. One day she will tire of you and discard you. Or perhaps she would keep you as an ornament, a decoration to shield her ’virtue’ from the reality of what she is. You know it as well as I.”

“No, she would never do that.” But a seed of doubt filled him. His head seemed to pound along with the waves of pain coming from his abused genitals. Because, as much as he loved her, and as much as she loved him…. She was out of his league. He had to admit that.

He was just a normal guy after all. And she…. She was a glorious golden Goddess. There was no way he could ever compare.

Alex could feel the doubts mount as his headache screamed toward splitting.

“And you know human, the truth is I don’t really care. I don’t care if she has you as a pet some day. But for now, for the future she must attend to her duty. That duty to Antar comes first. Surely you can understand that with your feeble adolescent brain?”

And under the pain it came to him. Nasedo. Aric. He was a shape shifter!

Aric continued, “And to make sure that you will leave her alone until she has fulfilled her duty, you will have nothing to do with her. Or I will make you pay. I can preserve the seed you spilt within me. Save it for a more opportune time.”

The glow and heat began to grow, the bed shaking slightly. And Aric’s form rippled. Suddenly it wasn’t Isabel he was lying with. It was Vicky. Her voice and body exactly like the leggy cheerleader’s

“If you don’t do what I say. One day you will rape someone. Perhaps a school mate.” The body glowed again. And it was a sad eyed Liz. “Or maybe a dear friend. Or possibly even a…” Again the glow, again the heat. Only this time it was a small frightened body of just developing preteen girl. “Maybe even a little girl. They don’t treat pedophiles that well in prison I hear.”

Alex was just shaking his head, “No, no!” He desperately tried to pull himself out, but Aric held him firmly.

“Yes, I think a small girl would be best. Perhaps the daughter of a friend of the family. Or two. So many opportunities! And there will be no doubt of your guilt.”

Again Aric’s body shifted, still holding him tight. And Alex stared into his own face.

“Yes, my dear Alex,” Aric continued in Alex’s own voice, “There won’t be any doubt. Because, I will be you. The only thing I lacked was a sample to leave inside the girl. And now you have helpfully provided it.” Aric cocked his head to one side and made an evil smile. “In fact why don’t I keep these for a little while, as you won’t need them.”

Alex felt a great searing cutting pain from his crotch.

Aric pulled away. And he definitely was equipped as a guy now. He slid off the bed and looked down at Alex.

Alex couldn’t resist, one hand slipped along to his crotch. His heart pounding. He checked because all sensation, even pain was gone.

And his fears were realized. He was a sexless as a Ken doll.

Aric just grinned and hefted him up.

Alex tried to resist, but Aric was too strong. He tied up Alex, changing the fabric he used to a more durable form.

Aric set him in the closet, and with one hand absently playing with himself. He told Alex everything he was going to do with Isabel. “I was never a noble on Antar you see, I might as well get my taste while I can. Hope you enjoy the show.” And he sauntered over to the bed, climbed in and waited for the unsuspecting Isabel.

Alex strained and cried. But the best he could manage was a weak mumble. He worked at the complicated knots that Aric had woven into the bindings. He had to hurry!

It would have to be enough.

It seemed an eternity before a smiling Isabel in a red dressing robe walked into the room and sealed the door with her power.

Alex tried to call out to her. But all he could muster was a slight whimper. A whimper that must be too low for her to hear. Because she took off her robe and set it on the chair by her desk. She stood there admiring the body lying seemingly asleep on the bed, before slipping back in.

Alex struggled harder, trying to make some sort of noise. But he had to watch as they played for a little while. He calmed a little as their play slowed and they cuddled up.

And Isabel slept.

Aric raised his head and looked right at Alex. And began whispering into Isabel’s ear. Her sleep became restless. She fidgeted even as she lay in Aric’s arms. In fact, at several points it seemed like she was trying to get away.

She was dreaming. There had to be a way he could connect to her. Maybe if he let himself drift off he would be able to join her dreams? Maybe if he focused on that Bond that seemed to connect the two of them. The Bond that if he had truly been paying attention would have warned him that he had not been with Isabel.

But Alex wasn’t used to a non-physical connection. He had let his other senses fool him.

So he focused on the Bond they shared, hoping and praying for a miracle.

A few minutes later he drifted off to sleep.


He could see her, could follow her along as she lived again and again. But she never heard him.

Again and again she lived. And again and again the photos she had foolishly taken with Grant came to light. Sometimes they were doctored to show even more explicit things. But mostly they were simply the photos of her in the desert in various poses, some more salacious than others.

Most often they were released on Alex’s own website, although others sometimes were also used. There were times she railed at him, times they ran away and even a couple of times that he died at her hand.

Or her father’s. He remembered watching as her father was put to death for his own murder.

Or once when they ran away, Isabel having a few children. Letting herself go physically because she hated her life and being abandoned by Alex.

The two of them in the desert, emotionally defeated. She reached out, hand glowing and killed him. And then stared at the sky, hands upraised as if asking for forgiveness.

A crisp bolt of lightning stretched from the heavens and fried her.

Usually she died penniless and alone. Often as a diseased prostitute, her body’s beauty marred by drugs and a hard life.

Again and again it went. And at no time did any choice truly go well. A few times she made it to Hollywood, usually by road of the sleaziest porn. Even then she died alone, usually from drugs.

But in one memorable case she was vivisected by the reformed Special Unit, with her brother and Michael on adjoining tables.

Only one thing seemed to save her. She withdrew from her human friends. She comforted a grieving Michael, still broken from Maria’s death. And they were happy.

Sometimes they went to Antar, and sometimes they didn’t. But only with Michael was she safe. Only with him were here children able to grow. Only he could provide the family she so desperately craved.

Being with Alex lead only to poverty, shame, and death.

Again and again it came, until he found himself starting to believe it. Until he began to wonder….

Maybe it would be best after all. Maybe she hadn’t been made for him. Maybe those dreams from last year had meant something important, crucial. Something that he and Maria had kept from flowering. Risking and ruining their friends for their own selfish needs…..

Alex awoke to an argument happening between Aric in Alex’s body and Isabel. He could already see a mark across ‘Alex’s’ face.

And there was something subtly different from her posture and bearing towards who she thought was Alex than there had been. More doubt, wondering if this had been the right thing after all.

But Aric managed to soothe her somewhat. And they began to caress and hold each other, kissing deeply.

Isabel stopped and the two off them talked for a few minutes longer.

Alex was desperate at this point, he had to warn her! He had to!

And he could feel that he was making progress. But he was beginning to despair it would be in time. He watched in tears as Aric began to make love to her.

Their moans and growls of pleasure fueled him. Through his Bond he could feel her excitement growing, feel the pleasure well through her body.

Aric was taking his sweet time with her. Taunting Alex. And thoroughly enjoying Isabel if his vocalizations could be believed.

Alex could feel Isabel’s welling pleasure as Aric’s tongue lapped at her. Alex shivered at the backwash of Isabel’s orgasm.

Aric looked over at the closet, and smiled, wiping his mouth of Isabel’s inner fluids. He then made his way up her body, kissing and caressing her. Waiting for her to recover a little before mounting her.

Alex finally had leverage enough to fling himself against the closet door. It didn’t open, but the noise was audible.

Isabel heard it. She did. Alex could feel it. Could feel a slight twinge of worry impinge upon her mind.

But she was too inflamed. Too eager to have Alex inside of her. For the pleasure to return.

Anything else could wait.

Alex was now totally in tune with Isabel, he could feel as Aric slowly eased himself into her. Feel as he began a driving rhythm. He could feel the tension in her build and build, could feel her pleasure. Occasionally Aric would hit a slightly more sensitive spot and a wave of pleasure would hit him.

This whole experience was very strange. Couldn’t she tell that she couldn’t feel him on the other side?

But then, he hadn’t. He hadn’t noticed himself. Could he truly blame her?

But watching as they rippled together hurt him. He could feel as his heart began to break, and he could feel the confusion growing within Isabel underneath the driving desire.

Could feel her sense that something was wrong, as his pain finally began to sink in.

Alex bunched himself as tightly as he could and threw himself against the closet door. And it burst open.


Isabel tried to slow down, but Aric kept up the driving pace, rocking deeper and deeper into her. And for a moment Isabel just lay there, letting the momentary pleasure overwhelm her mounting worry and curiosity.

Alex could feel the war within her. She was so close. So very close. Already some of her muscles were beginning to flutter ever so slightly.

Alex felt a twinge of despair as she chose pleasure. As he could feel her rationalizing. Just a moment more.

So he lay there, staring up at her bed, feeling as her pleasure continued to build.

But there was a spot. A tiny spot that was much more sensitive than others. And she gasped in glory every time Aric hit it. And so he changed his position slightly. Ever so slightly to increase the friction on that spot.

And Isabel’s head slipped off her pillow. It was a little awkward, but at this point she was far from caring. Her eyes just slits as she moaned her ecstasy, calling on God and on Alex to bring her to completion.

Alex could see her eyes, could see the brown eyes misty with pleasure. Could feel as the orgasm hit, as her eyes opened with shock at the intensity.

Her eyes met Alex’s. Alex could feel as the knowledge flooded her brain even as the ecstasy wracked her body.

And Isabel gave a soul-wrenching scream. And began to hit Aric. Items from around the room began to fly around, aimed at the Shape shifter.

But Aric wasn’t finished with her. He was still hard, still driving inside of her.

Alex tried to help her. But he was still too well confined. He was helpless. And so he had to watch. Watch as the assault continued.


Isabel screams shattered the morning stillness as she struggled alone. So very alone….