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Their Darkest Secrets. Ros/SPN/SV/OTH/Twilight XO RPG

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:33 pm
by Haley James Scott.
[align=center]SPN/SV/OTH/Roswell/Twilight Crossover

Takes place in season 2 of SPN, Season 5 of SV, Season 3 of OTH, Season 2 of Roswell and before James attacks Bella in Twilight.

Sam Winchester begins having strange visions of terrible things happening to people, all strangers who seem to have a perfect life. His first vision is of a tragic school shooting in Tree Hill, North Carolina. 2 lives were taken and Sam doesn't understand why. He just knows that it shouldn't happen. Convincing Dean they head to Tree Hill to try and stop the vision from coming true. Upon reaching there they meet the town's inhabitants, especially the Scott brothers. Dean finds a friend in Nathan Scott, while Sam befriends Lucas. It's Dean who convinces Nathan to give Haley another chance, while Sam helps Lucas realize that Brooke truly does love him and is meant for him. Together the Winchester's manage to save the life of Keith Scott, but are unable to save Jimmy Edwards.

Before leaving Tree Hill, Sam has another vision, this time of a beautiful young woman, being tragically killed in a horrific car accident. Upon describing the town to Dean, the eldest Winchester suddenly goes silent, though when Sam tells him who the woman is Dean becomes upset and insists on going. What are Dean's ties to the beautiful Lana Lang? Can the brothers get there in time to prevent the accident and save another life in the process?

While in Smallville, Sam has yet another vision, this time of a young man in high school being killed in a car accident, that was made to look like a suicide, except that wasn't true at all. This time Sam and Dean are traveling to Roswell, New Mexico and making new friends while there. Can they save Alex in time? Will they learn the secret of their new friends?

The last vision Sam gets is of a small brunette being attacked by a vampire in Forks, Washington. In his vision she is bitten and turned, changing to a vampire, but he refuses to let that happen if he can help it. He and Dean along with a few of their new friends and maybe a few old travel to Forks and take on three nomad vampires and befriend the local vegetarian vampires while there.

There's a reason for all the visions Sam gets and why all these people are being brought together. There's a reason for it all, a more important reason then any of them could ever know. Will they figure it out before their darkest secrets are revealed to the world? Together they will fight in the war to protect all humanity.
