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Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:56 pm
by pijeechinadoll

AUTHOR: Ping (Pijeechinadoll)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Liz Parker or Max Evans. They are from Roswell. I do not own Isabel or Alex either or a matter of fact anyone one else who is stated in my story. The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended I do not profit from them, they belong to their owners. ^^
Pairings/Couples/Category: Max/Liz AU of course.
Rating: MATURE
SUMMARY: Elena is an earthling living on Antar aged 10. Zan is Antarian age 12. He loves Elena but is betrothed to Ava, so his parents send her back to earth and she has her memory wiped. Before this Zan knowingly give Liz a necklace with his heart and powers in it.
Author's Note: I’ve been around in this group for ages (lurking ^^ reading other fanfics) .This is my third attempt at a little fiction. I hope you like it and enjoy it. I’m a dreamer at heart enjoy. I would love feedback. Yep, I want to know what you think of my attempt at a little fiction.






Elena grinned happily as her friends Alixander and Marianne splashed at one another. They were both soaking wet. They were about to throw Elena in after having grabbing her by the arms, when a boy stopped them.

“Ah ah… that’s not very nice. Elle doesn’t want to get wet!” smiled Zan, who then frowned trying to exert some authority.

Elena smiled happily as she saw her knight in shining armour.

“Zan” she squealed, as she wriggled out of Alix’s and Marianne’s grip. This of course made her get wet as she slipped and fell into the water. Alix and Marianne laughed as they swam away.

“Zan look at my dress now it’s all wet!” she whispered as she sat unhappily in the water.

“Come on Elena out you get!” murmured Zan who wiped away Elena tears.

At the age of 12, Zan was growing up in maturity and was fast hitting manhood. He was quite clever and handsome. He knew for quite a few years that he loved Elle more than a little sister. Only two years between them, they felt a bond that no one could ever break. He hoped! He had met Elena about three years ago and ever since had become inseparable. Though he hadn’t spoken to Elena about how he felt he knew that he loved her and she loved him. Oh he defiantly loved her. He wanted to keep her and love her and protect her, cherish her. He looked down at the girl who he wanted to be his queen. His princess. That’s what he was; a prince and one day she would be a princess. He was the only one who called her Elle. She was shivering like a leaf when a towel magically appeared before them. Zan then proceeded to wrap it around his sweetheart. He gave her arms and back a little rub. Elena giggled.

“I knew there was a reason why I liked you! Zan look I’m dry!” She dropped her towel and twirled around to show off her dry pink ivory dress.

“Do you think I look pretty in it Zan?” asked Elena. Zan grinned.

“Of course you do. But who are you trying to impress?”

Elena was quiet for a while whilst her cheeks went rosey pink. Should she tell him that she got changed for him or say something else. Sometimes when she was playing with Zan she would catch him staring at her. She saw love and honour in his eyes. But there was like an unspoken rule between that they couldn’t tell on another how they felt. She so badly wanted to tell him that she felt the same but she knew that time wasn’t now. It was too early she was too young and he was too young. Plus she had plenty of time didn’t she?

TBC... ^^


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:03 am
by pijeechinadoll
awww u guys ^^ i couldnt resist th=e feedback LOL.

the next part i posted just for u guys
dedicated Lena7, roswell4life, Hunter, begonia9508, jake17



Elena cried inside her room, she didn’t want to leave Antar. It had been her home for the last three years. She didn’t want to leave her friends. She didn’t want to leave Zan. So she going to have Marianne with her, but it wasn’t going to be the same. She was going to miss Alixander terribly. She was going to miss Lonnie and Rath, who were Zan’s brother and sister. Oh Zan. A lump formed in her throat as she thought of him. She didn’t want to leave him. She loved him, she couldn’t let him go.
At the same time Elena was being told that she was being sent back to earth with her parents and Marianne, Zan had heard the news. He was angry at his parents, he was angry at Elena’s parents for not fighting for their right to stay on Antar. The king and queen knew that Zan was getting to close too Elena and they had to stop that. Unknown to Zan his parents had betrothed him to the Princess Ava of Planet Garmath. This shock, he only found out today.

“I will not marry anyone else other than Elena!”

He stormed out. It took him hours to calm down before he sneaked off to find Elena.

“Elle open your window! Come out at once!” cried Zan trying to control his emotions.

The window was locked so he used his powers to unlock it. At the Same time Elena had heard his voice had flung open the curtains. They both opened the window at the same time. Zan immediately saw that Elena’s face was all pink and blotchy and her eyes were red and sore. Elena started crying again, she flung herself at Zan.

“Zan please don’t let them sent me away. I don’t want to go back to earth… I want to stay… stay… with you… please…”

“I’m sorry… I can’t. They won’t listen to me Elle!” murmured Zan.

“Please don’t cry sweetheart!”

Elena continued to cry. Zan brought his hands to Elena’s face and tried to wipe her tears away. She cried even more, she tried to stop her tears but emotions wouldn’t let her. Zan brought his lips to her forehead and her cheek; they sunk to the floor just inside her room as he held her tight. Minutes later Elena stopped crying.

“I look awful don’t I?” whispered Elena who attempted to smile.

“I’m not much a Juliet!”

“You’re my Juliet!”

“You haven’t climbed my balcony in ages!”

“I Know”

“Your dad had been keeping you busy huh?”

“Yeah and he told me today why. I couldn’t believe it. Oh god… Elle…” Zan could feel himself choke on his word. He was a little tearful himself.

“I couldn’t let you go without saying goodbye!”

Elena recoiled back in hurt.

“Oh you just want to say goodbye.”

“No!” Zan pulled Elena back into his arm. “I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t want to say goodbye… but… theres nothing that I can do…”

They sat holding one another. Elena rested her head on Zan’s shoulder. She was so emotional tired but she didn’t want to waste a minute more without Zan. He then turned her face to look at him and held out his hand. Elena gasped as he placed a small stone that hung on a cord in front of her. It was nearly a heart shape, but then it wasn’t. It was quite irregular. The stone was made up of pink and blue specks and swirls. In the centre was the symbol Antar etched on it.

“Antar!” murmured Elena as she ran her finger over it. It glistened slighted under her touch.

“It’s beautiful…”

“Elle look at me. I know we’re young…”

“Yeah…” whispered Elena.

“Shush… sweetheart.” Zan replied trying to command his nerves to be still. His Heart was pounding.

“I… think… I love you! NO! I KNOW I LOVE YOU. I love you Elle. I mean it Elena. I think I’ve always have from the moment I saw you. My heart is yours forever. I love you.”

Elena started to tear up again. “Zan…”

Zan wrapped the necklace around Elena’s neck and brought his lips to her neck. “Love you… so much…”


Elena got up her hands reaching to her neck, the stone. Tears ran down her face. Her heart was breaking, couldn’t Zan see that. It hurt so much.

“Elle don’t you have anything to say… Elle please… please tell me… I need to know!”




Zan looked away hurt and angry. “Zan… you… know how I feel about… you!”

Elena whispered as she ran into her bathroom.

TBC. ^^ (luv from ping)


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:59 pm
by pijeechinadoll
LOL u know what ^^ the majority of this story in a notebook BUT typing it up is a pain in the butt ^^ LOL im currently doing it right now. Im only halfway through chapter 4 (but that one's short) thank god... on with the show...

THANKS hunter + begonia9508 for continuing reading

this part is dedicated to
keepsmiling7 + Michelle17

LOL ^^ u ask a lot of questions. can't answer all of them as it would give the story away. BUT some i will :lol:

Why won't Elena parents fight for her to stay on Antar? cause they cant ^^
Is Zan planning to go get Elena on earth? LOL read chapter 3
Is Zan really going to Marry Ava? NOT IF I CAN HELP IT :lol:
What its wrong with Zan parents? don't know. old age?? ^^
Is Kivar going to go after Elena since she won't remember Zan? nope thank god he's whimp in this one.
What Powers did he leave Elena? lol cant tell u that



Zan was staring at his four walls, when he heard someone knock at his door. He ignored it as he thought about this morning when he saw her turn away from himself. She didn’t say I LOVE YOU, but in his heart he heard her thoughts loud and clear. It was etched through his head and heart. She loved him… but she knew if she said those three big words she wouldn’t be able to retract them and being separated from Zan would be even more heartbreaking.
He promised himself as soon as he came of age he was going to get her back. He had six more years to wait, to plan. He had to try to change his parent’s minds. He had to try anything. If not he had a last resort, the last plan. Yes he would wait and then his parents, Elena’s parents, the whole world, the whole planet would know that Elena was his and he was hers. Unbeknown to Elena he had pledged his heart to her, to the stone that he had given her and until she came back to his side his powers would seize to exist. He only hoped that before he turned 18 he wouldn’t need them for anything BIG either that he would be screwed. That second the door burst open.

“Zan she’s gone!”

Zan looked towards the door to see Rath, Lonnie and Alixander standing there looking very angry, very upset and looking very lost.

“Zan didn’t you hear us, I SAID ELENA’S GONE!”

Zan sat up from his bed and saw that Lonnie still crying. Alixander was tearful as well.

“Oh Lonnie don’t cry she won’t be gone for long. She’ll be back. Alix I know it hurts but you really need to stop crying. STOP BEING A WUSS. I lost her as well do u see me crying!”

Vilandra pouted holding Alixander’s hand

“Yeah well Alix lost both his best friends SO THERE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!”


“OH YEAH HOW MISTER?” Vilandra pouted even more determined to let brother win the argument.

“I lost my bet friend and soul mate, my heart and powers in one fell swoop! SO THERE!”

Rath was the first one to realise what Zan was saying.

“Your powers? How Zan? Bloody Hell what the hell are you talking about?”

Zan looked calming at his friends and turned away to lookout of the window.

“It’s as I said. I’ve gave my heart and powers to Elle!”

“Oh God Zan you didn’t please tell me you didn’t. Mum and dad will kill you!” cried Vilandra. Both Rath and Alix turned too stared at Vilandra.

“V what are you talking about! What’s Zan talking about?”

Vilandra was silent; she was shocked at what extent Zan had gone to prove his love to Elena. In one way she couldn’t believe how stupid he was in another she couldn’t but help but be in awe of her dear brother. She was actually proud of him. But there were butterflies in her stomach as he thought of the consequences.

“Okay if I tell you two what I say doesn’t leave this room. Okay?”

“Yeah!” muttered Rath, who didn’t like the direction of this conversation.

“Uh… yeah…”replied Alix.

“And no interruptions!” commanded Vilandra.

“Just get on with it Lonnie we haven’t got all day!” grumbled Rath.

“Zan came to me this morning asking me how to perform a spell with my powers… he asked me how to bind something to an object!”

“What?!” bellowed Rath.

“I didn’t know!” Cried Vilandra stepping back meekly.

Zan was silent throughout this but then spoke up.

“Leave Lonnie alone she didn’t know! I asked her how and she just told me. I did it all by myself. I binded my heart to the stone and then gave it to Elle. I gave my heart to Elle cause I won’t fall in love with another. I don’t want to love anyone else.”

Rath frowned.

“But why your powers Zan! WHY??? Bloody why?”

Zan shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t really thinking but when I did it; I didn’t care. I thought I’ve given my heart why not go for the long haul; mom and dad are going to have to give Elle back to me. Because not only has Elle has my heart which I give freely; she has my active powers. And until she comes back and marries and mates with me I won’t get them back.” Zan pulled a sad smile that could only be classed as despondent but there was hope in his eyes.

Rath was about to blow, Alix sputtered in shock he couldn’t even talk, Vilandra looked on with her lips pursed together.

“Zan please tell me you didn’t!” shouted an angry Rath.

Zan and Rath were both tall for their age. They stood head to head in front of one another staring at one another; spoiling for a confrontation.

“Dad is bloody going to kill you! You do know that without your powers you can’t be the next heir to the throne. You can’t be… YOU’RE SO BLOODY SELFISH!”

“Rath I don’t want to argue with you.” Pouted Zan acting like a kid who just been told off.

Zan took a deep breath and signed; glancing at his family, his brother.

“I love her Rath. Its’ as simple as that” He whispered.

Rath stared at his brother, they were twins born on the same day but Zan was 3 Hours older. They weren’t identical in fact they looked nothing like one another. Rath had short blond spiky hair. Zan had dark floppy hair. They both had different colour eyes. Zan took after their Dad and Rath and Vilandra took after their mom. They were so different to each other but they were really close. Zan had the brain and he had the brawns. Not that he was admitting to being dumb. It just that happened that Zan was more clever, Zan used his brain and well he used his fists. They may have had the odd argument and words were exchanged but they never ever got physically with one another. But this time he wanted to punch some sense into Zan. He was so angry. He clenched his fist to stop himself from lashing out; he pushed his anger back down. If he was older that this story would be different he would be heir but he wasn’t. Heck he didn’t even have his active powers. He signed in frustration whilst staring at his brother.

“Bugger Zan what are we going to do with you? I know you love her! Heck even I love her. But you can’t just give away your powers! There’s more to this world that of your love life. There’s the crown! The throne!”

“Rath…” Vilandra finally butted in.

“Zan Loves Elena like… you know more than a sister!” whispered Vilandra.

Rath signed again. “V I know what he means I’m not stupid I do have eyes.”

“I’m not sorry that I did it!” murmured Zan.

“But I am sorry the way I went about it, but at least this way they’ll have to bring her back to me. She loves me as well!”

Rath signed again. “It’s okay Zan its just I wished you came up with another way. This stupid plan better work if you don’t get you powers back before the coronation you’re buggered. The throne will be thrown down to Khivar; our dimwit of a cousin.”

“I know Rath I’m going to look for her as soon as become 18 the legal age to travel to earth, my coronation is till I turn 20!”

(NOTE: The Coronation is the ceremony for the next heir to the throne with his intended. That would be Zan and Ava. Here they are married and given honorary titles till they’re 22 when Zan will become King of Antar. However there are some special requirements needed. You have to be of royal blood. Have active powers which in time will activate the granolith. He also needs to have a mate of royal blood. Which of course Elena isn’t of Royal blood; to make it worse in fact Elena is an alien (an earthling) and relationships between antarian and earthlings are frowned upon. Ps: if you’re wondering why Rath isn’t next in line after Zan. It’s because Rath hasn’t gained his active powers yet, so until he does Khivar is next. Of course this could always change)

“So Zan Boy what do you want us to do? Keep your secret right?” question Rath given in to helping his brother.

Zan smiled a smile that none of them had seen today.

“Yeah that and I need Lonnie to cover for me by using her powers!”

“Of course I will Zan! I love you” Vilandra replied hugging her older brother.

“Yeah don’t worry about it Zan. We’ll get her back. I’ll help as well!” piped Alix.

“Thanks Guys!” replied Zan trying to smile a little more.

TBC?? would u like more? :lol: :D :lol:


Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:22 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Liz parker woke up to thunder and lightening, she put her hands over her ears to try to drum out the noise. It was raining heavily. It was a miserable day to start school today. She walked over to her balcony window and looked through it. She signed with a deep breath feeling a bit despondent. She rubbed her arms trying to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. She didn’t like feeling like she was lost. But today was going to be one of those days. She felt a little tearful for some reason. Something felt different today. Liz had grown up with a psychic ability, she had small premonitions.

She wondered back over to her bed and started to get ready as Maria was coming to pick her up. Liz put her diary away and left her bedroom. She went to the kitchen where she sat down for her breakfast but her stomach was churning.

“Liz sweetie are you okay?” asked her father.

Liz tried not to frown as she fiddled with her necklace. She felt strange.

“Umm… yeah… daddy… sorry daddy actually I’m not hungry.” as she ran out of the room.

“Liz! Liz!” questioned her father.

“Oh Jeff leave her be darling!” order her mother shaking her head with a sad smile.

Liz then went outside to wait for Maria; she sat on the doorstep her thoughts all jumbled up. She stared at the sky it was grey and murky but at least it had stop thundering and lightening. Even the rain had stopped. She smiled sadly she couldn’t get away from the feeling that something was missing her whole life. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t understand why she objected to this life so much. Yeah she loved her life and Roswell but sometimes it just felt like she was going through the motions of life. It felt like sometimes she was watching her life that wasn’t her own. Of course she knew that was stupid. She was clever; she was on top of her class. She didn’t think she was drop dead gorgeous but she thought she had enough physical quality to get her by; long chocolate dark hair dark ebony eyes. She was very popular at school even though she didn’t run with the popular crowd. She and Maria stuck with together. She had a few guys ask her out. Kyle the varsity school captain; Roswell’s Sheriff Valenti son was one of them. He kept pleading for her to go out on a date with him. She works at her dad’s restaurant which she loved. So what on earth was wrong with her life? What was wrong with her?

Across from the road in his jeep Max Evan’s was watching Liz with curiosity with a pang in his heart.

“Yo Bro so what are you going to do now that you found her?”

Zan turned round to speak to his brother heavy heartily. “I don’t know Michael. She doesn’t even remember me …that I’m sure of!”

TBC? do u want more?

PS: :D the next chapters jump backward. So you'll get to see what happened to Zan/ eh oh ^^


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:49 pm
by pijeechinadoll
awww thank u all for all the feedback. sorry to keep you all waiting. here's the next part. just finished copying/typing it up from my notebook :lol:



“Zan get up brilliant news we’ve found her!” grinned Alix who came running in with Vilandra’s hand in his.

Zan jumped out of bed.

“You… you… found her! You found Elle! Where is she?”

Vilandra grinned happily at her brother.

“Oh Zan your not going to believe this!”

“Just tell me Lonnie! Just tell me! I beg you put me out of my misery!”

Vilandra laughed.

“Okay! Okay! She’s on earth going by the name of Elizabeth Parker, with her parents and Maria. She schooling at a place called Roswell High that is the area that she lives in by the way. And her parents own a café restaurant called Crashdown…”

“Wait stop!” commanded Zan.

“Elizabeth Parker!” He let the name roll over his tongue.

“Elizabeth Parker… Elizabeth Parker! Wait what is Parker?”

Alix grinned. “On earth they have a naming system that takes the first name as the forename and the second is what they call a surname. It basically tells people which family they’re from.”

“Geek!” grinned Vilandra pinching Alix’s hand that she was holding.

“Elizabeth! It’s beautiful isn’t it? It suits her. Is she tall? IS she pretty? Does she still have short hair? Does she still do her hair in bunches? She still beautiful and clever? I bet she is! Oh Gosh Elena! Elle! I still like Elena but I could grow to love Elizabeth. No Lizzie! That’s better. Wait does she have a boyfriend. She hasn’t has she? Wait don’t answer that. NO! WAIT! Does she?
Actually I’m not sure if I want to know. Does she remember me? Is she waiting for me? Oh gosh I love her, oh gosh I can’t breath. I’m so excited!!”

“Zan take a deep breath and breathe before you over excite yourself and collapse on us!” Alix smiled.

Zan grinned excitedly and took in a gulp of air.

“Okay air in my lungs. Now let me know! I need to know! TELL ME!”

“Demanding is he?” muttered Alix who then laughed.

Vilandra giggled.

Alix waved his palm pilot in front of Zan. “I take it you would like a picture?”

Zan snatched it out of Alex’s hand.

“Eh eager much! Lonnie I think Zan is becoming a bit rude.” Whispered Alix into Vilandra’s ear.

Vilandra giggled again. Alix joined in with laughing at Zan.

Not that he would have noticed. He was too busy staring at the photo. The girl before him was not longer a child, but a teenager. She still had her dark chocolate soulful eyes. Her hair was no longer short. Longer hair suited her so much better. She had it long past her shoulders. OH she was beautiful. Wait a minute Zan spotted something. “Wait Lonnie She’s got my necklace on. She must remember me! She’s waiting for me!” Zan was so excited.

But then he saw the sad look that Vilandra gave him.

“What?!” cried Zan.

Vilandra shook her head; she looked like she was going to cry. “She doesn’t remember us at all. Rath is on earth and saw Marianne, but she completely blanked him!”

“Yeah but she did that half the time when she was here on Antar that was what their relationship!” reasoned Max trying to vive for an explanation.

Vilandra frowned at her brother.

“What about Elle? Has he seen her? Has she said anything?”

“No…” whispered Vilandra, “But don’t give up yet Zan!”

“Don’t be daft Vi of course I ain’t going to give up. I need her… I can’t breathe or live without her… I… just need to know what I’m up against!”

Alix coughed for their attention.

“Anyway Rath has enrolled into Roswell High and it seems that he has some of the same classes as Elena…”

Vilandra continued.

“Rath said she’s really clever and beautiful and really polite. She’s was the person to speak to him. Everyone else was scared and intimidated by him. But she wasn’t. She made him feel very welcome. Actually I think Rath was flattered by her attention!” said Alix just to see what Zan would do.

Of course Zan responded just like Zan would respond. He started sputtering. He hit the room.

“WHAT?” muttered Zan. “But she’s mine!”

“I know dumbo!” replied Rath walking into the room and conversation. Alix was grinning quietly and Vilandra smiled.

“Nice of you to show up.” Said Alix.

“Have you told him then?” asked Rath.

“What now?” huffed Zan with sadness looking at Alix and then Rath. “I don’t think I wanna know… oh just tell me!”

Rath grinned.

“If you’re going to be jealous of anyone I think you’re pointing the wrong finger in the wrong direction!”

“Eh what you talking about?”

Alix stepped forward. “You remember 10 years ago Larek our science Advisor made dupes of quite a few people to send to earth to study them…”

“Yeah I remember, I was one of them who had a dupe made cause I thought it would be interesting… why are u asking?”

Rath put his arm around Zan’s shoulders trying not to laugh.

“Well I think you might regret doing that. It just so happens that your dupe Max Evans also lives in Roswell as well and it happens he’s just as painfully shy as you. But he’s got the same taste as you; He’s in love with Liz as well. So big brother what are you going to do about that? Two of you but only one Miss Elena Liz Parker.”

Zan’s head was swimming with the new information. “He loves her as well?”

“He’s also half earthling and half antarian. You know what maybe he has a better chance!” laughed Rath.

“Piss off Rath! Elena is mine. I don’t care if she’s an earthling. She’s earthling!”

“Calm down Zan! Rath Alix will you two stop winding Zan up. He’s stressed enough without you two acting up.” Vilandra cried trying not to laugh herself.

“But he done pose a problem.” Replied Alix. “I mean we have many special earthlings arriving on Antar and many antarians going to earth but…”

(NOTE: Even though this is true only people specially selected on earth get to come to Antar. Antar is a secret and so are alien. There has always been sighting of ships and aliens on earth. But nothing has ever been proven. Antar is so technically advanced they don’t want to interrupts earth’s natural order. If you get to come to Antar and then go back to earth you usually have to go through the cleansing so any memory of Antar is wiped clean. (This is what happened to Liz and Maria) Only people with special licences or permission of the royal court who have taken a vow of sacred oath get to keep their memories intact. Plus they get to travel backwards and forward using the ukwandor, a device that allows them to travel through space in a matter of seconds (as Antar is a billion light years away))

“I’ll get a dupe of Elena and give him her. Elle the original is mine!”

Vilandra laughed.

“You mean if she’ll have you!”

“Oh when she remembers me she won’t be able to resist!”

Everyone laughed at Zan’s enthusiasm. Rath then spoke up. “SO Zan boy are you coming to get her?”

“Oh I’m definitely coming just you try and stop me!”

Vilandra smiled whilst gripping Alix’s hand, Alix smiled back. They both knew that Elena wouldn’t know what hit her once Zan got hold of her.

Yep Zan was most certainly coming for her. ^^

Love definitely, Marriage most definitely. ^^


PS: if you are reading this story closely you will notice that i hinted something. LETS SEE IF YOU NOTICED LOL ^^


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:26 am
by pijeechinadoll
chapter 6 LOL ^^ enjoy...


“Liz Chica are u okay?” as they walked to the Crashdown.

Liz turned to her best friend. “Um yeah I’m okay… I just… I don’t know. Kyle keeps pestering me for a date. He seems to think we’re going steady just cause we went to the cinema with the others.”

“Oh so you’re not going steady or anything?” questioned Maria with a quirky smile.

“NO of course not! If I was I would have allowed him to kiss me, I’m…” Liz couldn’t finish her sentence. She couldn’t say what she was thinking. She was waiting… waiting for what she didn’t know; for all she knew she could have been waiting for someone. She just didn’t know. She always drew a blank when her thoughts wondered here.

“Chica plenty of guys like why don’t you just give them a chance?”

“I don’t know Maria. I really don’t know… does that make me weird?” cried Liz.

“NUH HUH hunny that makes you a woman!” Maria replied as they stepped foot into the Crashdown restaurant.

“Though there’s one guy that fancies you!”

“Who?” questioned Liz turning her head to look around her eyes fell on the table that sat Michael Guerin and Max Evans. Max Evans looked up straight at her and then immediately looked back down.

“Both guys, Michael just looks like he wants to do you and well Max-i-boy is more subtle about his attraction to you. He defiantly shy that boy. Anyway Max has been here all our lives. Michael just came out of no where he’s a complete stranger. He’s freaky a well! AND since when on earth did they become friends? HUH answer me that! I thought no body liked him or spoke to him… well about from you… Eurgh he just infuriates me. Can’t stand him. I mean he must be an alien cause he doesn’t act like he’s human.”

Liz frowned.

“Maria you can’t say that! That’s not nice. Of course he’s human silly. Aliens aren’t really. He’s a really nice person just person just misunderstood.”

“Yeah who you trying to kid?” Maria replied with a huff.

Liz went and got changed and thought about what Maria had said it really cheered Liz up not because she believed it. No it was because she found it so remotely funny. It made her giggle. Of course in Liz’s head they couldn’t fancy Miss plain Elizabeth Parker. That was impossible. What did guys see in her? It wasn’t like she gorgeous like Maria or sexy like Pam Troy. She came back into the restaurant after changing into her uniform to see Max Evans and Michael still sitting there. She had spoken to Michael a couple of times and he told her that Max and he were actually best friends when they were little but he moved but now he was back. Which was a bit strange cause the story didn’t add up. She didn’t remember Michael Guerin from elementary school. But she didn’t push the conversation she didn’t want Michael shutting down after all he was just new to Roswell High. Anyway everyone was scared of him cause he was quite intimidating but he was quite nice to her, so she had nothing against him or to fear from him. She did in fact think he was a big softie. Now Max Evans he was a different story. She knew him since elementary school but he never ever said a word to her. He was a bit of a loner he didn’t have that many friends. They had biology together but even then he was so painfully shy to be around. I mean it wasn’t like Liz was loud and bubbly she was shy herself but Max Evan’s took the word shy to a whole other level.

However she knew he was very clever, very brainy. He was second to the class after her of course and even then sometimes he would pip her to the post in some exams. He was so handsome as well but it was like he didn’t notice his looks in fact he was very obvious to the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous.

It was like he was unattainable. All they girls at school fancy him but it’s like they didn’t exist. If any of them approached him he would politely tell them he had to leave. No one had ever gotten a full conversation out of him. It was like he was hiding from the world.

She stood behind the counter doing their drinks for their order…

“Maxwell why don’t you just go over there and tell her? We haven’t got all day you know!” muttered Michael.

‘Shut up Rath. It’s not like I can dump it on her …Oh By the way Liz I’m not really Max Evans. Max Evans is actually in a very deep sleep because I can’t avoid having two of me around. Oh by the way did I mention I’m an alien and Max Evan’s is my dupe. Oh and by the way you used to live on an alien planet as well but you can’t remember. And yeah aliens do exist! YEAH I can really see her going for that!’ Zan voiced his thoughts focally to Rath’s head.

‘Hell I don’t even know if this damn gadget will even reverse the effects of her memory cleansing. Oh hell it better or I’m screwed.’

‘She looks good though doesn’t she Zan!’ grinned Rath

‘Yeah she does look pretty gorgeous doesn’t she Rath!’

‘Zan boy she makes that alien uniform look damn sexy!’ grinned Rath knowing he was egging Zan on.

‘Shut up Rath. She’s mine you egghead. She’s my intended. She’ll be you sister in law. So I’ll appreciate it if you lifted you chin off your plate. Stop drooling at her. But yeah she does…’

“I told you Maxwell didn’t I tell you!”

“Michael shut up. I’ll go now okay. Just stop drooling over her please. Go salivate over someone else!”

“Um… hi… Liz!”

Liz looked up in shock to see Max Evans standing before her. Oh my god Max Evans’ is trying to talk to me. For some reason she was giddy with excitement. Shit quick say something before he leave.

“Um hi Max what can I do for you?”

Liz could feel her self groaning with embarrassment; was that the best she could come up with.

Zan on the other hand just couldn’t talk straight just for the pure fact he was standing next to he beloved Elena. BUT a determination sprung from his heart.

“I… I was just wondering how much have you done for the biology homework?”

Yeah start light thought Zan.

“Oh just a little bit…”

“I bet you’ve done more than me.”

“Yeah I probably have, but now who’s being modest… Every time I think I’ve done enough you always pip me to the post.” Liz grinned. For the last couple of months Max Evans had been beating hell out of her in the homework results. Even if sometimes it was the odd 5% or 7%. It was always do close. Sometimes it would even be the odd 1%. Frustrating for her, but for some reason she got a kick out of it.

“Sorry next time I’ll do less just for you, so you get the better mark”

“You… you would do that for me!”

“Yeah I would!”

Liz felt her cheeks go red. She had to look downwards away from Max’s curious eyes. “Don’t do that Max I like the competition.”

Zan smiled.

“Yeah me too!”

They stood staring at one another when suddenly a man appeared out of no where brandishing a gun.

“Hand over some money!”

The man didn’t even wait to see if Liz would hand over the money, he let off a shot. It happened so fast that Zan didn’t have time to react… He watched with devastation as Liz/Elena fell to the fall. He didn’t know why but he instantly jumped over the counter. He hoped no one saw him as her tore open Liz’s uniform.

“Look at me Elena!”

He placed his hand on her stomach. Liz who didn’t comprehend what was happening knew that she was dying and Max Evans was kneeling in front of her attempting to do something. As Max attempted to heal her he had flashes of her past of her as Liz when she came to earth, memories of her as Elena. He watched with shock the molecules in her body re-heal.

He stumbled back in shock as he hit a tomato bottle on the floor.

“You dropped the bottle okay!”

Zan then got dragged way from the scene.

“Max we’ve got to leave!” Rath yelled in Max’s ear.

As Liz stood up watching Max Evans leave she thought back to the incident... and everything came flooding back… oh my god she was Elena and that was certainly not Max Evans. That was Zan her soulmate, who had just saved her.

But how? That was the question that Liz was thinking. Exactly the same conclusion Rath came to but he had some added knowledge.

‘Zan what the fuck happen there I thought you said your powers didn’t work? So how the fuck did u heal her?'


nobody did work out my clue yet did you?? ^^

HINT:if you get to come to Antar and then go back to earth you usually have to go through the cleansing so any memory of Antar is wiped clean. (This is what happened to Liz and Maria) Only people with special licences or permission of the royal court who have taken a vow of sacred oath get to keep their memories intact.

LOL ^^ who else went to earth with them??? :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:01 am
by pijeechinadoll
begonia9508 wrote:I thought back about your question and apart for her parents, Maria and a stone, I don't know.....

:lol: LOL her parents!!! got it in one ^^

Hmmmmmmmmmm.......... i wonder if her parents one of those special people with special licences or permission of the royal court who have taken a vow of sacred oath get to keep their memories intact?

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: have they known all this time?
LOL i'll keep you hanging for now on that question ^^


as if i would keep you hanging. LOL
c how quick i've come back ^^
here's the next part 2 parts^^
cause they're short.... LOL ^^
sorry gotta leave some suspense :twisted:



“Fuck Zan can u explain to me what the fuck happened in there?”

Zan was still shell shocked at what happened. It was an instinctive urge that pulled him over to try to save Elena. Powers or no power, hell he hadn’t even registered that thought whilst healing Elena.

“ZAN!!! Answer me god damn it! What the hell did u do?”

Zan shook his head in denial. He didn’t have his powers so how did the hell he heal Liz… he was just as confused as Rath was.

“I thought you said you binded your to Elena!”

“…I did …well I thought I did…” cried Zan who then realised what he said.

“Wait no I did. Rath I haven’t been able to use my powers for the last 6 years no matter how hard I tried.”

“SO what the fuck happened?”

“I don’t know!” cried Zan. “I don’t know Rath! She was hurt Rath. I felt it rip through me. The bullet hit her but it felt like it ripped through me. It felt like I was shot! I felt like I was dying as well. I had to do something.”

Rath roared. “Yeah I get what you saying but can u explain to me how the hell you heal a girl without any so called powers. It’s just impossible Zan. IT’S UNHEARD OF!”

“I don’t know!” replied Zan in frustration.

“And another thing Zan what the hell was you doing? Do you know you could have gotten caught with a stunt like that? It would have yet another thing for dad to get pissed off with you about; revealing to earth that aliens really do exist! Couldn’t you like call… what is they call it? 911?”

“Wasn’t really thinking about that, this was Elle we’re talking about.”

Rath stopped the car at the side of the road. He shook his head in disgust but let out a huff. “I know its Elena. I know you love her. But this situation is so fucked up its unbelievable.”

Zan didn’t reply.

“Well so much for not shocking her!”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean she was remembering!”

“She can’t of…”

“Zan Elena’s not stupid. I saw her face. She remembers!”

“I know she’s not… but she can’t have. I didn’t even use the…”

Rath cut him off. “I don’t think you needed it. It had nothing to do with the device and everything to do with your connection… I think.”

Zan felt lost and confused.

“Zan I saw the realisation in Elena’s eyes. She knew alright!”

Zan blew up.

“SO why didn’t you let me stay with her to make sure she was okay. She wouldn’t have said anything to anyone!”

“Yeah but any witnesses might of!”

“Yeah but some might not have, people might have just said it was pure luck that no one was shot.”

“I hope so Zan. Or either that you better start saying your prayers!”


Vilandra and Alixander were pacing backward and forwards across his bedroom. They had spent the whole morning fobbing off her parents about where her two older brothers were. She denied that she knew where they were. She even tried to deter them by talking about her future marriage to Alix. But she couldn’t help but think that they were getting suspicious.

There was knock on the door. It was one of her Father’s personal chancellors.

“Princess Vilandra! Your father has summoned you to the royal chambers!”

Vilandra turned to look at Alix and frowned.

“Come on Lonnie I’ll come with you!”

They quietly made his way to her father’s chambers.

“Father!” she called out as she stepped into the room

“Your Father isn’t here!”


Queen Salina frowned at her daughter. “I suggest you two sit down and explain yourself. And explain to me why my two sons are on earth!”

Vilandra looked guiltily at Alix.

TBC? :lol: next part the reunion of elena + zan?


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:42 am
by pijeechinadoll

It was no use Liz couldn’t sleep. She had been sent upstairs by her father after speaking to Sheriff Valenti so she could rest, Maria had left her hours ago. She had climbed into bed when her mum came and checked on her. She was told to get some sleep, to rest and forget the day.

But all she did was toss and turn. She kept thinking about Zan, the incident, Max Evans. How was all this possible? Zan was alien… She was human right? Wait that was silly; of course she was human. But when Zan/Max touched her to… heal her… she couldn’t comprehend it. She had feelings of love and friendship coursing through her body. She could feel the admiration, love and the sexual attraction that Zan aroused in her and himself. The connection was instantaneous. She knew she felt something for him and he felt something for her. But it was all so alien to herself. Alien? Aliens? It was all madness. It felt like madness. It felt so laughable… But then Liz remembered this was Zan. This was the guy who was her childhood sweetheart. Her only love her soulmate. And her whole soul and body cried out in sadness. She remembered her last time on Antar, Zan was there… oh… as she touched her necklace, he had given it to her as a parting gift. It hurt that she hadn’t remembered him. WHY had she forgotten him? She couldn’t understand. It was like a whole chunk of her memory had been taken away but now restored. She shook her head in frustration. WHAT had happen? She could feel her emotions become out of whack. Her tears were about appear; she gulped to stop herself crying.


Liz quickly scrambled out of bed and flung open the window, climbing onto the balcony.

She knew before the window was opened who it was.

“Oh Zan!”

Liz couldn’t help but cry as she flung herself into Zan’s arms. She wrapped her arms around her neck and clung on tightly.

Zan held her in his arms, trying to stroke the tears off her cheeks.

“Elle sweetie…”

Liz was hic-cupping through her tears.

“I’ve… missed you... so much Zan… not that I knew I missed you… it just felt like something was missing. Do you know what I’m talking about? Oh Zan what happened? I don’t understand how I could forget you… oh Lonnie and Alix. Was that Rath with you?”

The tears kept falling from Liz’s face; Zan felt bad that she was feeling like this.

“Sweetheart please don’t cry!” He tried to kiss away the tears on her cheeks.

He pulled her over to the sun-lounger and sat her down. He kneeled down in front of her. Liz looked down to see two amber brown eyes staring back at her. She stared at the young man her first and only love. He cupped a cheek in his hand wiping another tear. Zan was so handsome. He was handsome when he was younger but he had grown up a lot since she last him.

“Like anything you see!” teased Zan trying to make her smile.

Liz smiled sadly she shook her head in denial.

“I’ve missed you Elle!”

“That’s what you used to call me….”

“I know…”

“I don’t understand am I Liz Parker or am I Elena! Who am I?”

“I suppose you’re both. But you were Elena first…”


Zan sighed.

Liz pouted.

“I know I’m not an alien... So how is it possible that I lived on another planet? ...planet Antar?”

Zan kneeled there with a sadness that lingered behind his eyes. Was she really the cause behind them?

“I’m so sorry Elle!”

“Don’t tell me you’re sorry Zan! I don’t want to hear that. Tell me Zan! Tell me what happened I want to understand!”

She then fainted.

TBC? i know another cliffhanger :twisted:
and only one short chapter this time ^^
be nice and i'll play nice ^^ LOL


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:57 am
by pijeechinadoll


Queen Salina sat down and pointed the sofa next to her. Vilandra and Alix immediately sat down. Vilandra watched her mother, regal and elegant. She held herself in such poise position whilst sitting down. Her mother was also quite intimidating, she was always scaring the individuals of the court for example the chancellors.

“Lonnie?” her mother started questioning her.

Vilandra shook her head not wanted to betray her brother’s trust.

Queen Salina looked towards Alixander who had his head slightly bowed downwards.

“Alixander if you are still seriously thinking about marrying Lonnie I suggest you start talking right now!”

“Mother!” cried Vilandra who couldn’t believe that her mom was resorting to blackmail.

Alixander looked up recoiling in shock.

“Your majesty!”

“Yes Alix! Are you going to talk?” replied the Queen using Alixander’s nick name.

Alix looked at Vilandra and held her hand. Alix sighed in defeat.


“So you’ll tell me?”

Alix nodded a yes.

“I love you daughter your majesty so…”

“I know! It’s okay! Tell me what’s been happening!”

“…however she knows won’t betray my friend’s trust. If I did I wouldn’t be the man that Vilandra loves.” Replied Alixander

Vilandra head whipped upwards; she smiled in delight.

Alixander stood up and held his hand out for Vilandra to take.

“I think we should go. Your majesty…”

Alixander nodded a bow to the Queen.

The queen frowned as they got up to leave.

“Oh to hell with it!” cursed Queen Salina pouted, sitting back down.

Vilandra turned back round.


She kneeled down in front of the queen.

The queen sighed.


The queen looked downward to her daughter’s worried face.

“Ahh my beautiful daughter I’m so proud of you for standing by your brother. Thank you Alix for loving her, I know you play a big part in how she turned out!”

Alixander blushed sitting back down.

“Uh thanks I think!”

Vilandra and the Queen giggled, but Salina sobered up.

“I asked you here because I wanted to tell you what I know!”

“Mother?” Vilandra whispered.

“I know why Zan is on earth, I’ve always known. He’s gone to find Elena; I mean why wouldn’t he go find her? I mean he loves her.”

“But why? If you know he loves her. Why did you split them up?” cried Vilandra.

“I had to sweetheart!”

“What?” cried Vilandra annoyance.

“You know it was just after Zan turn two years old I went to the priestess for answers about my future but instead she told me about Zan’s. She told me that Zan would fall in love. It would be the greatest love foretold, but there was a but… a love like theirs would always comes with a price tag. Their price tag was time and age...” Queen Salina replied.

Two lives are intertwined,
One heart past through a heart
The power to change a love
The power to heal
The power to love
But times of parting must become the price,
For the Two hearts becomes one

“You know I knew this as I watched Zan fall in love with Elena. I knew it was inevitable. I knew I had to let your father split them up. It’s why I didn’t fight for them.”

“Does father know?”

Queen Salina frowned sadly.

“Of course your father doesn’t know”

“Is that why Daddy still wants Zan to marry Ava?”

“Your father doesn’t know what’s she like, but don’t you worry I see right through her. She won’t be marrying Zan any time today or the future.”

“Why what has she been doing?”

“Nothing I want to worry you about. But don’t worry I’m on your side. I‘m going to help once Zan comes back, but they better come back soon you father is getting suspicious.”


Liz woke up startled about to scream.

“Elena! Liz! Shhh… you’re okay!”

Liz shook the dizziness from her head.

“What happened?” she whispered as she noticed she was lying down.

“Um I think everything must have got to emotional for you…” said Zan making a guess at what happened.

Liz tried to sit up. Zan helped her.

“Elle you wanted to know what happened.”

She nodded.

“You are Elena. I knew you as Elena. I met you as Elena…”

“But there’s no such thing as Aliens!” cried Liz.

“We don’t call our self aliens. We, our people are called Antarians. We are another race not so different from Earthlings. We have the same body structures but we have different blood. We are also more advanced and intelligent! Not that I’m saying you’re not.”

“Why did I not remember you then?”

“When people come to Antar and then leave us, unless they have taken the special oath they have their memory stripped.”

Liz recoiled down in shock.

A tear slipped down her cheek.

“Is that what happen to me? Why wasn’t I allowed to take the oath? I wouldn’t have told anyone!” She cried.

Zan eyes were watering himself.

“My father and mother didn’t want you to remember me so he didn’t give you a choice…”

“Did you know? Did you let him do that to me?”

Zan nodded.

Liz cried. Zan pulled her into his arms.

“I’m so sorry Elle. I couldn’t stop them. They’re king and queen, even I have to fall to their command and I’m their son. I’m so sorry Elle. Please forgive me for not being able to protect you. I love you.”

Liz sighed.

“Did you marry her?”

Zan was the one this time who recoiled in shock.

“Of course not!” cried Zan.

“She’s a bitch! If anything I hate her! She’s not you!”

Liz looked at Zan’s devastated face. She cupped his face.

“What did she do to you?”

Zan shook his head in denial.

“Tell me Zan!”

Instead Zan ended up showing her.

TBC? ^^ LOL i'm not evil i swear :lol: :D
next chapter if a flashback sequence.
We'll see what Bitchy Ava's been up to :twisted:

HEART INSIDE A STONE M/L mature part12

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:59 am
by pijeechinadoll
lol but i luv you people for it.
:D :lol: :lol:

so i take it you would like to know huh?
on with the show. ^^

(lol i know what you're probably thinking just hurry up and show us the story)
(LOL i can't help it if your impatient to know)

Natalie36, keepsmiling7, begonia9508, Hunter, loviedovie,

...........OPS I ACCIDENTLY HIT SUBMIT OPS ^^lemme go back and edit. LOL

83 AlienAngel, Michelle17, roswell4life, Cocogurl



Zan sighed with sadness as he lifted up his shirt.

“She said it’s my punishment for giving you my heart…”

There he revealed a scar right over his heart, like someone had taken a knife to him and scored him like a piece of meat. It was a deep and angry wound.

“She nearly killed me” whispered Zan.

Liz reached up and ran her fingers over the wound. A tear slipped from her eye…

Then the flashes started.


Zan was standing by the side watching the party continue with a despondent heart. Elena had been gone four weeks and he still couldn’t get over it.

The king kept inviting Princess Ava over to the palace. Everyday she would hound him. Everyday he would go hide in Vilandra’s bedroom.

“Your father suggests you dance with me!” Ava said coming up behind him.

Zan turned to look at Princess Ava with a slight disgust. She was the only one in a short dress. She looked like she was about to spill out of her dress. Her hair looked like it was bleached platinum blond. Over coloured, over done. She had too much makeup. Her lips had too much lipstick. She tried to look sultry by pouting.

He looked over to see him father raising a glass.

Zan sighed not saying anything and took Ava to the dance floor.


“Zan you will marry me!” shrieked Ava.

“I won’t let you embarrass me!” she kept shouting.

“You will be mine Zan!”


Ava stormed into Zan’s room. Zan, Vilandra and Alixander looked up in shock.

“Get out! I want to speak to Zan!” ordered Ava.

“What?” cried Vilandra.

“I said get out Princess!”

“Exactly you said it. I’m a Princess. Of higher ranking of yours! How dare you order me out of my brother’s room!”

Ava eyes flashed with anger. Her hand crackled with electricity.

Vilandra stood up statuesque; she stood a lot taller than Ava.

“I like to see you try!” laughed Vilandra sniggering down at Ava.

Ava scowled.

“Get out!” screeched Ava.

“I’m not leaving you Zan alone with you!”

Ava let off a crackle and directed it at Alixander knowing full well he couldn’t defend himself.

“Alix!” cried Vilandra as she ran over to Alix.

“You bitch!”

Ava sniggered as she left the room.


Zan fell as Rath and himself did practice combat.

He slipped off the cliff.

He got knocked unconscious, He couldn’t wake himself. Rath couldn’t wake him.

He was bleeding and had a broken arm.

Rath had to find Vilandra.

She healed him but at the expense of mentally hurting herself.

They had to be a lot more careful.

No more accidents could happen.


Zan was asleep in Alix’s bedroom dreaming of Elena.

He didn’t hear Ava come into the room. She smirked knowing she was going to have Zan.

She pressed her hand to his forehead sending Zan into a deeper sleep.

She stripped of his boxers.

Then removed her clothes.


“You will love me Zan.”

“I will have you! Maybe not last week, but I will in the future!”

“You will be mine!”

“You obey me Zan. I own you! You will forget ever finding Elena. You will never marry her!”

“I will be Queen! DO YOU HEAR ME?”

Ava froze Zan and walked up to him.

“This is your punishment for loving that earthling tramp!”

She dragged the knife down his heart and watched Zan bleed...

UMMMMMMMM............ :shock: :twisted: