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Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT)EpilogueComplete11/20/10

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:37 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.


Thank you so much to pijeechinadoll for this wonderful banner.

Chapter One

Terminal City had that smell about it- that unusual reek of street, sweat, and resistance. Alec had grown accustomed to the odd odor, but the sights of transgenic roaming free and unchecked, except by those of Max’s ranks, was an entirely different adjustment to accept. Nothing in TC had been the same since the day Max had raised their flag and declared war against specie-ism. Logan- eyes only- had been a great help for a while, but when he realized that his relationship with Max was not going to go any further- he pulled back. The cable hacks, the upstart speeches, the pompous “I will save the world” spiels- they all ended. He disappeared from Terminal City and the last Max had heard of him; Logan was with Asha and the S1W in Boston.

Alec thought the whole Logan thing was better where it was than where it could be; he was an unnecessary complication that required too much attention, and far too much babying. Max had been withdrawn at first and Alec had backed off, but when she refused to go on missions because of it- he had come forward and laid it out flat; get over it and get back to the mission.

Max had rolled her eyes, told him to shut up, and walked out with a slap upside his head. In some ridiculous way, Alec felt he had been the one to get her out of her stasis. Mission for food, fuel, and money were becoming more and more difficult. Mole, Joshua, and the other X operatives were finding it exceedingly hard to get passed barricades and in the underground to make the missions.

It was only a matter of time before the ward was won or lost- and Alec wasn’t so sure they were the ones going to win.

“Hey move it,” Alec jumped out of the way as a pregnant X6 waddled passed him.

“What’s the problem soldier?” She gave him a look like “did you miss the round stomach”.

“I’m in labor, now out of the way.” It looked like she was perfectly fine, but Alec knew that would not last and again thanked God that his breeding session with Max had been less-than-successful.

Alec made his way to control central, and found it busy as always. Max stood up on the top platform arguing with a blond haired transgenic male. His instincts were immediate: target threat and dispose of it. Max shouted something and then another male X5 stepped in to intercede. Two woman stood off to the side and their stance screamed submissive and prepared for orders.

“Hey Maxie. Need help?” Alec asked, then launched himself to her side over the guardrail.

“Who’s this clown?” The blond flicked his eyes up and down, examining Alec and then dismissing him to once again stare at Max with a stern expression.

“Zack, this is Alec, my second in command. Alec, this is Zack, my old CO. And next to him are Krit, Syl, and Jondy. They were in my original unit,” Max’s expression softened a bit when she mentioned the passed and who they were to her, but when her eyes landed once more on Zack she hardened herself to it.

"Second in command? Max, he’s not even in our unit. Give up this war, and dispatch everyone here. It’s better that way. At least when they break in here they won’t catch all of you,” Zack was practically shouting his opinion and Alec thought it was time to shut him up.

“You don’t want to be here? Leave. Why are you wasting our time? Maybe for you it’s easy to continue to be deserters, but those us who live in the real world know that anything worth having is worth fighting for. You fought to get out in ‘09, and now that they know about us they want to put you back in a cage, or worse exterminate you. You don’t think that’s worth fighting for? Fine, then go,” Max stiffened beside him as Alec ordered Zack to leave, but Alec stood by his answer.

“You do not understand us. Our unit did what we had to do. Now we have come back for our own. Back down soldier before I have to put you down,” Krit spoke up, and Alec had to restrain himself from taking battle stance.

“Krit! Back down before I put you down. This is my second in command. I am glad to see all of you again, but I cannot leave. I cannot keep running from my past and I don’t want to anymore. If you want to stay and be apart of my unit once more, then I am here and ready to take you on, but if you think that you can come in here and tell me that I cannot live my life than you have another thing coming,” Max told them in no uncertain terms. Jondy smiled at Max and stepped forward.

“I’ve missed you, my sister. I have heard of all the things that you have put up with, and all the things that you have done for us; I will stay and fight.” Jondy took up on Max’s side. Syl, the blond on Zack’s left, looked at Krit, and silently they communicated and the hard look that appeared on his face told Alec that she, too, was about to join up.

“You helped us once, sister, it’s our turn. Whatever you need, I’m here,” Syl took up on Alec’s left, and Alec watched as the muscle in Krit’s jaw worked before he too crossed beside her.

“I do not agree with this line of tactic, Max, but I won’t desert my unit when it needs me,” He announced. Max had no expression on her face, but Alec could practically feel the hum of her happiness.

Moments passed between Max and Zack, and Alec could feel the tension. “If you hadn’t sent word via one of your transgenic, I wouldn’t have remembered anything about this war, I wouldn’t have remembered you, or any of the others- but I do now. And I know you did it to protect me, to make sure my ignorance of who I am didn’t end up with me getting killed, but now that I do remember I cannot condone this. One of the more important rules of Manticore was to get out of enemy territory as fast as you can, now what? You want to sit in the thick of it?”

Max opened her mouth to say something, but he cut her off, “I understand your reasoning, but do you think you will win against a world of hate? Think like a soldier, what strategy is best? What statistical possibility that you will win this war?” Zack puyt his hands together in a pleading manner and then looked stone-faced at the others.

“I stand by my decision. War is not about the possibility of winning, Zack. War is about the possibility to change,” Max clenched her fists as she spoke, and Alec took an assessment of the situation: Krit, Syl, and Jondy were on her side, she had a good argument, and they were on her turf; technically this would be the point where cocky, overly-assured Max reared her head, instead she was standing as though she was in enemy territory facing defeat.

“Just give it a few days- think it over before you make a decision, okay?” Max beseeched, her face doing nothing to hide how strongly she felt.

“Two days and I’ll have an answer. Now where are the barracks?” A broad smile spread across her face, and Max turned to Alec.

“Take Syl and Jondy over to the main out-apartments; show them the washrooms, the rest areas, and the training centers. I want them prepped for the next mission. Krit will have to house nearby. I’ll take care of Zack. Meet me later,” She didn’t specify where to meet her, but Alec nodded and led Krit, Syl, and Jondy toward the abandoned low-rise on the sound end of TC.

“So how long have you known Max?” Krit questioned.

“Since she was recaptured by Manticore and we were paired as breeding partners.”

Jondy and Syl shared a look while Krit laughed.

“I’m sure that went well,” Jondy said with a smile to Alec. She had a beautiful face- Manticore perfect much like the other X operatives. Her high cheekbones and lush lips were flattering with her symmetrical facial structure. The olive-like complexion of her skin only added to her beauty and her long hair reached down to mid-thigh. For all her features though, she still seemed to be missing something. Alec didn’t know why he always felt this way about women, but he just couldn’t seem to picture anything lasting with any of them.

“Yeah well, I will definitely never forget it, that’s for sure. She makes one hell of a first impression,” Alec said.

“So, you’re what Ben would have looked like all grown up, huh?” Jondy seemed to be staring at Alec and his stride lessened slightly.

“Yeah.” Something passed over her face and Jondy’s eyes traveled to the floor only to settle there as they continued toward the low-rise. Alec stopped at their final destination, did a run down of what every room was and who slept where. Before he left, Alec set them up in the workstation and took off; he was headed back to meet Max.

When he reached control central, Alec noticed an off the side bet going on between Mole and another Nomaly. “Hey fellas, where’s the action?”

Mole twisted to face Alec and swept the cash onto the floor beside them- hoping he hadn’t seen. “Nothing doing, Alec. So any idea when the next mission is and who’s on the roster?" For a covert operative specially trained, Mole lacked subtly.

“Sure it’s in a week. Some new arrivals will be scouting though, looks like you have no need to worry.” Alec bent down and swept up the cash, “Hey look, it must be my lucky day- someone dropped their cash.” Alec smoothly folded it and put it in his pocket before patting it and smiling.

“Yeah, lucky,” Mole said. He and his companion shared a disgruntled look, but neither expressed their upset. “I don’t trust anyone new. Where did they come from? How do we know they aren’t undercover for White, or the Ordinaries?”

“They’re the ‘09ers, a part of Max’s original unit.”

Mole shook his head in distrust, but then shrugged, “Hell, it can’t hurt having a few more hands. Guess if Max wants them around we have to deal.”

Alec nodded patronizingly and then turned away to where he hoped he would find Max.

She sat in one of the rolling chairs, making every effort to connect to a proxy server, “Fucking Logan,”. Max slammed her fist down on the table and the structure started to snap in half. With blurring speed, Alec held the table together and kept the contents from falling.

“Easy Max, what are trying to do, kill our operation?” Alec joked.

She reached up and smacked the back of his head before getting up and storming away. Alec whistled to a nearby X6 and then took off after Max once the table was secure.

“Hey hothead, hold up a second. What is your problem today?” When Alec snaked a hand out to grab Max’s forearm, he found himself thrown over her shoulder and on the ground in front of her, “God Max, chill out.”

“You chill out.”

“Hey you were the one who wanted me to come by later. You don’t want me here? Fine. I’m gone.” Alec was on his feet and moving towards the nearest exit when he was halted by a petit figure blurring to a stop before him.

“Look, I’m sorry. I am not in the best of moods today. I’ve been getting a lot of whack shit from Zack today and Logan has been untraceable. Let’s go to the training center; I need to burn off some steam.” Max puckered her full lips in agitation and moved toward the same exit Alec had been headed for.

“Sure thing, Maxie.”

They walked in silence until they reached the gym area and then they broke apart to run individual laps. After five miles each, they took a break, grabbed some water and Max cooled down enough to discuss what she had planned.

“I didn’t know that my unit was going to show up. True I sent a retrieval team to get Zack, but that was more for his safety than my actual need to have him here. They are good soldiers- they will be sent on important missions, and I do not want to hear a word to naysay them, or me. The dealio with Logan isn’t as easy. I’ve been trying to get a hold of him- we need his technology to do some cable hacks of our own, but now that he dropped off the map it’s been a little difficult.” Max shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“I figured as much. What’s the metal-head’s problem?” Alec asked, referring to Zack with a roll of his eyes and a quelling of his feral instincts. Everything in him screamed out that Zack was trouble and things were going to become complicated and quickly.

“Hey watch it. That’s my brother, not to mention the fact that I have his heart beating in my chest. If it had not been for Zack, I wouldn’t be here right now, standing in front of you.” The thought of Max not existing had Alec rethinking his stance on the bulky blond. Max had become one of his closest friends, and not having her around was an unpleasant thought.

“Got it.”

Alec watched as Jondy came in and joined the line of sparing partners who were paired off to face off in the main ring. It was a bit of a contest around Terminal City to see who was the strongest and most respected. Alec watched while listening to Max run down the linguistics of a money run to come. The basic get in, get it, and get out speech was recited, and Alec nodded as he watched Jondy take down two X6s and one X7; he laughed out loud when Krit got in the ring and had his ass handed to him.

“She is good, but then Jondy always excelled singularly at physical combat- she sucks at logarithms and strategy; got to hand it to the sister though, she has a way with weapons and her body,” Max chimed into his thoughts when she realized he was no longer paying attention.

“You think you could take her down?” Alec flicked his head back in her direction to see her
shrug in answer to his question.

“Probably, but that’s more because I was the uber cocktail back at Manticore.”

Max swiveled her chair to face the ring more fully and watched as Syl and Jondy faced off, “That’s probably not a good idea.”

“What?” Alec asked.

“Jondy kicking Syl’s ass in front of Krit. I mean in our unit they were paired,” Max said, mesmerized by the symmetry of the fight, and Alec had to admire the way that both women moved.

“Paired?” He hissed out an “ouch” when Syl ate mat, hard.

“With our X5 unit they decided to pair us off by mixing in a single strand of DNA that would make us want to mate one another- each of us has a partner.” The granite look on Max’s face should have warned Alec off from asking questions, but then he really was not one to take warnings.

“So who was your partner?” The question was irresistible.

“I don’t want to discuss that. All I know is that Krit looks like he wants to kill,” Max stated with a frown at the corner of her lips, and Alec’s brow furrowed.

Krit jumped back into the ring, tossed Syl out- she landed on her feet- and faced off with Jondy again.

“Krit!” Max shouted out to him. He turned to face her; a glare on his face.

“Get your ass out of that ring.” Max’s procession from her chair to the ring the center of everyone’s attention. In addition to the broad smile that swept Jondy’s face, Krit worked a muscle in his jaw- Syle stared on from the side; she was urging in a whisper that Krit get out of the ring, and saying how she was fine.

“Have you forgotten how to follow orders, soldier?” With the flex of her eyebrow, Max had Krit hauling ass.

“Come on, little sister. Haven’t fought you in years, let’s see if I can kick your ass,” Jondy called loudly from the ring.

“We always seemed to break even before, why would you think you could now?” Max rejoined.

Jondy merely tilted her head in acknowledgement before getting in fighting stance. Alec admired Max from behind as he made his way to stand ringside with Krit and Syl. Trangenics were placing bets all over the place and Alec thought about grabbing a piece of the action. The X6 taking down the money and the info glanced in Alec’s direction- knowing how much of a gambler he was- and Alec smirked.

“Six hundred on Max.” The X6 whistled and then held out his hand to Alec for the cash. Grinning now, Alec pulled out the roll of bills he had collected earlier from Mole and his friend and forked it over.

“Pretty sure of her aren’t you?” Syl’s head was to one side and Krit had an arm around her waist. A measuring expression was facial and passed quickly, but Alec had the feeling his actions were being analyzed Manticore style.

“I have been in the ring with her before; Maxie is about to double my money.”

Nothing else was said as Max climbed into the ring.

Max and Jondy circled each other and then stopped. They both kicked out, and then it was a blur of bodies. Occasionally one of them would land a punch and the scene would slow enough to be visible; and the more aggressive Max became the more she dominated.

“Come on Max, kick her ass. Think about how angry you are. Think about Logan, how he left you, how he moved on, how much of a pompous ass he is. Think of the Ordinaries, think of the war- think of everything you are fighting to win,” Alec shouted out to Max.

Suddenly, the sound of two bodies slamming together resonated throughout the hall. Max had Jondy pinned to the mat and was wailing away at her face- she pulled back when Jondy stopped struggling and it was official that Max had finished the match; coming out the winner.

“All right Maxie,” Alec cheered. Alec collected his cash and met Max and the others at the corner of the ring. Jondy had a bloody nose and a bit of bruising around her collarbone, but she was smiling. Krit and Syl were congratulating Max and Max herself was looking at Alec with a smile, while hugging Jondy in apology.

“Sorry I had to beat you down so hard, but if it makes you feel better you are a worthy opponent.” Jondy bumped fists with her and the smile never left her face.

“It’s alright, I figured I was done when you put on the speed, you were always faster than anyone in the unit. Good fight.” It was weird to watch someone praise the person that just handed them their ass on a silver platter.

“Nicely done.” Alec kicked in for the hell of it. Max smiled for a second, and then turned to Krit and Syl.

“You need to watch your attitude about Syl fighting. She is a soldier, she was built to fight, and Syl you need to watch your weak spots; Jondy would’ve had you pinned with another twenty seconds.”

Krit twitched his head, but nodded, and Syl shrugged before linking hands with Krit. Together they headed out to do laps.

“Not bad- you sound like a real CO,” Alec jibbed.

“Yeah well, guess there’s just some things you can’t forget, no matter how hard you try.” Max gave a quirk of her lips and then moved on to climbing the ropes.

Alec observed Max as she flew up the netting ropes; his head tilted back to watch her from below. The way that Max moved just enforced the fact that she had cat DNA- the graceful stretching and pulling of her muscles reminded him of a well oiled machine. In a split second decision, Alec smirked and began giving chase- racing her up the ropes and back down; under the wire; over the scaling wall; then proceeded to speed passed her as they broke out of the gym and into the city. Each pushed the other’s endurance, Max glanced at him in feline friskiness before cutting out ahead of him and into an abandoned unused building.

Crates and boxes provided them an obstacle course through which to run. Both reached the other side of the room in under a minute, and then broke out through the narrow windows- landing on their feet only to take off without a second glance.

As they drew close to one of the TC perimeter fences, Alec pulled to a sudden stop beside a still Max. Two figures sat on the ground just inside the perimeter fence.

“Name and rank!” Max called out, body instantly on guard.

“X5- 581,” The smaller of the two females called, “ Max, it‘s me- Adia.”

Max gaped at the name and Alec had to wonder just how much more interesting life was going to get as the two intruders slumped down passed out and bloody.

Author's Note: Surprise! For those of you that read Beyond Destiny I'm sure you didn't expect me to come out with another fanfic so soon, especially because I have another one going in the Other Shows Fanfic forum, but as I said in my first ch of BD it was a toss up between a CHMD/Ros XO and a DA/Ros XO- well now you have both. Let me know what you think, and if I should continue. Thanks, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch1 7/22/08

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:37 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Two

Someone was hovering over her. That’s the first thing Liz felt as she came awake. Her body was sore everywhere, covered in cuts and dirt and God knew what else. The trip from Roswell had been like trying to claw her way out of hell- with a passenger along for the ride. Something had tipped White off. Someone had left it slip that she, Liz Parker, was more than just a small town girl. Someone had ruined her life.

The hand hovered closer to her face, and Liz couldn’t take it. Her hand came up in front of her and snatched the arm passing over her out of the air in a crushing grip. Opening her eyes, it registered that she was on a cot in a run-down building with poor ventilation, and people milling about everywhere.

Meeting the eyes of the young bald boy in front of her, Liz realized she was still holding him in what had to be a very painful grip. Releasing him, she sat up.

“Where is Maria?” Liz asked. That was currently the most important thing.

“The Ordinary that came with you? She’s resting over there,” the bald boy replied, pointing in the general direction of “over there”.

Forcing her weak, battered body to rise, Liz pushed off the cot and rose to her full height, fighting the nausea she felt rising. The boy soldier in front of her stood pin straight when Liz managed to get to her feet, and looked off behind her to signal for someone else to join them.

“Adia,” Max called, coming to stand beside her. Liz stiffened when Max hugged her- it had been a long time since they had last seen each other, and the pain that wracked her body at the contact was severe.

“I go by Liz now,” Liz answered her, letting her arms come up to embrace her sister.

“What happened to you? We all thought you were dead,” Max queried, letting Liz go to study her.

“I’ll explain later. How is Maria doing?” Liz wanted to forgo explanations of her torturous childhood.

“The one that was with you? She’s…not in stable condition. The doctor said she might lose the baby,” Max told her as they walked to Maria’s side.

Maria lay flat on the bed, barely breathing, barely moving at all. Tubes, needles, and machines were hooked into almost every available orifice. Her skin was pale, her usually full, pouting lips were cracked and dry- chapped to the point of peeling. Liz stroked the long blond hair that looked dull and unhealthy, pulled off to the side and out of the way. Veins ran in thin blue lines along her eyelids, and her cheeks were sunken in. Liz noticed how drawn and withered her best friend had grown, and a part of her wished she could take Maria’s place in that moment, be the one on the verge of death.

“How do you have all of this? I mean, how did you get all these medical supplies?” Liz whispered, her voice soft as she watched Maria’s chest rise and fall with the aid of artificial oxygen.

“We get what we need,” Max said evasively.

“How long have I been out?”

“A day,” Max answered.

Liz processed that information and sat on the floor beside Maria’s cot- her hand holding Maria’s. It had been three months then. They had been running for three months. Max and the others had left a week before White and his men moved in on them. It probably wouldn’t have mattered if they had stayed- other than to get them killed too.

Liz remembered coming home and seeing her adoptive parents strung up on the ceiling- it had been a message. She had shut down when she realized what was happening, that they had found her. It had been a blur of events that followed: packing a duffle; escaping off her balcony; running to warn the Sheriff and Kyle only to find them with the chests cut open and hooked up to machines, prolonging their lives and ensuring they felt the pain; shutting off their life support machines to let them die in peace; running to Maria’s; fighting off White’s agents; grabbing Maria and running, unsure where Ms. Deluca was- it had been a long series of events played out in soldier mode.

Telling Maria had been hard, Liz thought. Words had failed her at first. How did you tell someone you were a genetically engineered super-soldier? When the words finally had come, Maria had taken it all in calmly. She asked questions. A lot of them. And then she had hugged Liz and told her that she was still her best friend, and if it hadn’t been for her she would have been killed.

It hurt looking at Maria. It hurt knowing her life was barely hanging on because Liz hadn’t been able to get enough supplies for them. It hurt more looking at Maria’s swollen belly and knowing a child was growing there that might not survive.

“How far along is she?” Max asked gently, and Liz realized she had been quiet for a long time.

“Three months,” Liz answered, kissing the back of Maria’s hand in apology.

“What about the father? Where’s he?” Max asked.

“I don’t know,” Liz replied, and honestly she didn’t. She didn’t know if Max and the others
had made it to Antar, or even if they had survived breaking through Earth’s atmosphere.


“Call me Liz.”

“Liz, you need to rest. You have two broken ribs, multiple contusions, and an infected wound on your leg- not to mention a number of cuts and bruises,” Max informed her, urging her to rise.

“By all rights, you shouldn’t be standing,” came an unfamiliar voice. Liz turned to examine the older woman. Beautiful, exotic looking, and quite clearly Manticore.

“Who are you?” Liz questioned, ignoring Max’s urging.

“You don’t recognize me, baby sister?”


“Liz, this is Jondy,” Max introduced, finally managing to get Liz to her feet.

“Liz?” Jondy asked, perplexed.

Liz studied Jondy, second oldest in their group only to Zack. She was nothing like Liz had pictured- and she had pictured all of her siblings, everyday for the last eleven years. The hair that used to be shorn short was long and thick, and her skin had grown darker with age.

“I go by Liz now,” Liz told her as she had Max. Jondy hugged her, as Max had, but more gently- more feminine in her touch.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Jondy whispered in her ear, and Liz felt an inkling of emotion with two of her sisters beside her.

One of the machines started to beep, unpleasant and high-pitched. Liz turned from Jondy’s hug in desperation and saw that Maria’s heart was faltering and the breathing machine was working harder to keep her going. The hand in hers twitched and the next thing Liz knew Max was pulling her away so that others could come in and stop Maria’s seizing.

“Max, we need help at the main gate!” A smooth male voice shouted from the entrance of the building. “We need everyone up front, the Ordinaries are rushing the perimeter.”

Max started to call people to leave, but when some of the medics attending Maria started to leave her side, Liz jerked out of the cold haze she had slipped into.

“Stop! What are you doing? You need to help her,” Liz ordered, pushing one of the X operatives back toward the cot Maria was stretched out on, still critically seizing.

“We need them at the main gate,” said the same male voice, only closer.

“You don’t need all of them,” Liz argued, turning to face the man standing there.

“Yes, we do,” he was tall and blond and apparently stubborn.

“If my friend dies, I’ll kill you,” Liz whispered in a deadly voice, her feral nature overtaking
her sensible one. He had at least a hundred pounds on her, and he was build- she might or might not be able to take him in a fight, but at that moment she could careless.

“Zack, back off. You and you- help her friend,” Max ordered, overriding previous orders.

Liz relaxed back into her passively quiet demeanor, but now she was studying the man. Max had called him Zack. As in their CO Zack.

“Max, we need-”

“We need people at the gate, yes I know; but what does your standing here and telling me that do to help this situation?” Max asked, and Liz watched as Zack struggled with himself until he turned cold and stiff and walked out the way he had come. “Jondy, get Krit and Syl, and head to the front gate. Liz get back on your cot.”

“But Maria-”

“Will either live or die, but you hovering over her won’t change that. Now go. Both of you,” Max ordered loudly.

Jondy disappeared with a salute, her face devoid of emotion. Liz watched as Max turned to leave and retreated to her own cot, knowing that if she didn’t it would only cause more problems. Glancing over at Maria, Liz knew they didn’t need anymore problems.

The bald boy from earlier stood by the side of her cot, and Liz wondered just how much he had been through in his young life. She guessed that he was about seven, and she remembered that by his age she was a vicious killer- or at least capable of being one. Training- practically from the womb- was harsh and fast and unforgiving. He probably had no idea what a mother was, or how to deal with one if he did. Liz remembered struggling with that one herself.

“What’s your name?” Liz asked kindly, wincing as she propped her legs up on the cot.

“I don’t know yet,” he answered, his eyes turning more human.

“What do you mean you don’t know yet?”

“Max told me that I could pick any name I wanted, but I can’t decide.”

“So what do you I call you until you pick one?” Liz asked.


“Well, I’m Liz,” Liz offered him her hand, and observed his hesitance in taking it before he
finally mustered up the courage to grip it properly and shake it vigorously.

“How come you aren’t at the gate?”

“Max doesn’t let anyone younger than thirteen fight. She says that we’re kids and we
deserve to have a childhood. But once in a while she’ll let Alec take me on a raid,” X5-992 informed her.


“He’s Max’s second in command. He goes on almost every raid,” the boy told her, his eyes
shining with admiration.

“How old are you?” Liz questioned, turning to lay on her side so she could look up at him.

“I’ll be nine next month,” he said.

He didn’t look nine, but Liz didn’t say that out loud. Growing up, she hated it when people
would guess her age and it would always be at least a year younger than she actually was. Growing up was hard enough without people reminding you how slow the process is.

“How old are you?”

“My birthday just passed last week, I’m seventeen,” Liz confided. She remembered huddling
down in some basement as Maria sang to her over a Little Debbie.

“That’s old,” he said before he realized how it had come out. Liz laughed and eventually he joined her.

“Not as old as Max. She’s twenty-two,” said Liz.

“I know, a lot of people here are old…er.” Obviously the last was tacked on for her benefit, and Liz smiled, warming up to the child.

One of the transgenic that had been working on Maria came over to her, and Liz held her breath. He didn’t have an expression on his face to indicate sadness or joy, just that he was intent on speaking with her.

“The Ordinary is fine. She’ll stable now, and so is her baby.”

“You’re sure?” Liz questioned, and watched as the man became irritated.

“Yes, I’m sure. I know how to do my job,” He huffed. He began to walk away and Liz bit
back the sarcastic remark she had at the ready.

“Is the Ordinary your friend?” X5-992 asked, looking at her curiously.

“Yes, and her name is Maria,” Liz told him. She knew it had to be a foreign concept for him
to understand: friends. More importantly, friends with an Ordinary. It had been a hard concept to grasp for Liz, and that had been before the Ordinaries became the enemy.

“Did you have other friends?”

“Yes, I had a group of them,” Liz answered, reflecting back on just a few short months ago.
Things had been messed up after the whole Future-Max thing, but at least she had still been around the people she loved. Now she was, Liz thought with pause. Technically she was still around people that loved her, people that had even loved her longer- but it was different. It had been a long time since she was around Manticore’s finest- and it was weird to be back.

“Can you tell me about them?”

Liz shared with him her memories. From the time when she was eight going on nine and the Parkers had taken her in. Alex, Maria, Kyle, Max, Michael, and Isabel- she went into great detail about each of them; leaving out the more extraterrestrial facts. She realized as she described them how much they sounded like characters from a book, fictional in their uniqueness, and colorful in their passions. By the end of her reminiscing, Liz felt the pangs of sadness that came with losing almost everyone that
cared about her.

“I like Michael. He sounds like a soldier,” X5-992 said, his face fixed in a fascinated stare.

“He could have been. He knew how to handle the tough stuff and he always put his unit first.” Which was true to an extent, Liz thought. He had his moments of weakness, namely Maria, but when it came down to it, he had left with the others.

“I think I like that name. Michael,” he announced.

“That’s what you want your name to be?” asked Liz.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Call me Liz. And it’s very nice to meet you, Michael,” Liz replied. It sounded weird rolling off her tongue. The boy beamed at her though when she used it, so Liz pretended that it didn’t make her uncomfortable.

There was a commotion outside of the building, and Liz turned her head to see Max and a number of others coming in. Three or four wounded soldiers were carried in, place on cots while med-trained transgenics raced back and forth- giving orders and following procedure.

Liz turned back to see that Michael was standing in salute, not saying anything. Obviously he had reverted back to submissive mode. It was hard to just lay on the cot while unknown soldiers raced around the room, and Liz observed that many of them regarded her with distain.

Max took up a seat on the cot next to her, and Liz saw her arm was bandaged from wrist to elbow.

“Report,” Max ordered the closest soldier that looked capable.

“The front gate had been secured. Four wounded. One dead. The Ordinaries have retreated. Damage to the main gate is being repaired. All perimeter guards have been doubled up, Ma’am,” came Max’s answer.

“I want a report every three hours. Tell Mole to rework the money run- I want it to be clean. Alec is to report to me. Dismissed.”

It was an odd thing watching Max give orders. She had always been considered the most fragile of them all- even above Liz who was the youngest. It was most likely because Zack had always had a weak spot for her, but also because of the seizures.

“How’s your friend?” Max bit out as she readjusted the bandages on her arm.

“Better. Stable. How’s your arm?”

“Hurts like a bitch. Why aren’t you resting?” Max asked, re-knotting the gauze on her arm.

“I’m laying down. I’m resting,” Liz argued.

“You are so stubborn. Almost as bad as Alec,” Max muttered, but Liz heard her.

“I feel like you just insulted me,” Liz said, and Michael let out an amused laugh from behind

Both Liz and Max turned to look at him, but his face was as stoic as it had been when Liz last faced him.

“You'll…tolerate Alec. He’s a bit of an acquired taste,” Max said with a broad smile, all of her perfectly straight teeth showing. It was in that moment that Liz realized just how beautiful Max had grown to be. Her smile was infectious in its simplistic joy and Liz returned it.

“How soon do you think you’ll be able to train?” Max asked.

“Soon. A day, two tops. I heal very quickly,” Liz responded. Max would assume it was due to
her transgenic DNA, but in truth after Max healed her, Liz found that all wounds she received patched
up at almost twice the speed they had before- which was saying something.

“Good,” replied Max, her smile fading a bit. “Are you going tell me what happened? I mean, we all thought-”

“I know what you thought. After what happened to Ethan and Raed, you thought I was gone too. But Lydecker wasn’t going to get rid of me that way. He had me operated on, and maybe a week later the gun shot wound to the heart was nothing. He had me put in isolation, then trained one on one everyday for a year,” Liz spoke, her voice strong and mechanical.

“You were only six, how did you survive?”

“I don’t know. Some kind of genetic reconstruction and a new heart. After a year in training, I was sent on mission with one of the human units that was invading another country. It was successful. I was successful. So when I got back I went through more rigorous training, and then I was sent on five more missions- each time with less backup. When I turned eight I was sent out alone. I made it through three solo missions before I came up with a plan to escape.

“My fourth mission was to kill off two targets in a two day allowance. I made it out on day two and left. I went into deep cover mode and by the time I surfaced I was in Roswell, New Mexico,” Liz skipped over the finer points of escaping. She didn’t tell Max the torture Lydecker put her through, and she didn’t tell Max how close she had come to dying on each mission- it was useless and a part of the past.

“It just doesn’t make sense. Why did he send you? You were so young,” Max puzzled aloud, and Liz remembered asking herself the same things. And she remembered Lydecker’s answer. She was stronger. She was better. After the surgery she was the prodigy he was looking for. “-do you think they’re alive?”

Liz looked up, she had missed part of what Max was saying, “What?”

“Raed and Ethan. Do you think they’re alive?” Max asked, her face shining with hope.

“Maybe,” Liz answered. She hoped so, but she didn’t really know. “Who else is here?”

“Zack, you saw earlier. Jondy, too. Krit and Syl. They showed up shortly before you did.”

“What about the others? Brin, Tinga?” They had been her closest sisters.

Liz knew when the happiness went out in Max’s eyes that they were dead. Her sisters were dead.

“I tried, but they didn’t make it out after they were recaptured. We all escaped in ‘09, but some of us got dragged back. Brin was dying. Tinga’s family was held hostage. Manticore got a hold of them and Tinga died right away. Brin was reprogrammed and when Manticore went down, so did she. I couldn’t save them,” Max whispered.

Liz felt herself getting tired, her body had been through so much and healing always took a little extra out of her. She didn’t know what to say to Max. She had lost people too. There had been people she couldn’t save, and she knew what Max was feeling- but she couldn’t say that. It never helped to say you knew what someone else was feeling, it only made them angry because they usually felt that you were trying to brush it off, or say that it happens in life. And the only thing Liz could think when that happened is that it shouldn’t happen.

Max stood up to leave as Liz drifted off, and to Liz it looked like she had the weight of the free world on her shoulders.

Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks for all the great reviews- I was stunned with the quick response! This chapter was supposed to give you more information about Liz and what's been going on. Hope you liked it. Let me know. EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch2 7/23/08

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:40 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Three

Hitting the mat hard, Alec rolled to his side and waited as the X behind him approached. When the man was close enough, Alec flipped upward in a horizontal roll and as he came down he landed on his feet behind the transgenic, and delivered a seamless round house kick. His opponent hit the ropes of the ring, and his body was perpetuated forward and over the ropes, landing on with a hard ‘thwap’ against the mats.

“Sorry buddy,” Alec called, smirking as he stepped out of the newly made ring and onto the matted floor.

The incident at the gate had left everyone a little on edge. Alec still couldn’t believe that the Ordinaries had managed to get through, or that they weren’t too terrified to fight them. Following Max’s orders not to kill had been hard after one of their own lay lifeless and bleeding on the streets- it had whipped up a frenzy among them. Being a pacifist when fighting a war was not the way to win, Alec thought.

Glancing up at the control platform, Alec saw Max walking around, and asking questions.

“Hey Maxie,” Alec shouted. It was always fun to watch her turn red when he used her nickname in front of other people.

Once he was up beside her, Alec took up residence in one of the many rolling chairs.

“Alec,” Max said, her voice icy with warning as well as greeting.

Zack stood beside Max and it seemed that they had just been in another argument. How uncommon, Alec thought. Zack had been with them for five days now, and he had told Max he was staying- but that he wanted to be part of the chain of command. That had not gone over well with Alec, but Max had said he would have input.

“All I’m saying, Zack, is that you could have been nicer. That is our sister in the infirmary. She has been through a lot, more than she’s saying, and you being cold isn’t helping. What is your problem with her?” Alec watched Max rip into Zack, and smiled, crossing his arms behind his head as a cushion.

“Stay out of it Max. You don’t know anything,” Zack demanded, his voice harder than usual, which in Alec’s opinion was saying something.


“I mean it. If you have a problem with how I’m treating her, I’ll stay away,” Zack said, leaving in a stiff walk.

“But that won’t help either!” Max shouted after him, but he walked on as if she hadn’t said anything.

“Man that guy is stubborn. Must be that stick up his-” Alec began.

“Alec. That’s enough. Zack just…well I don’t know what Zack’s problem is right now, but leave it. Things are hard enough around here without you two bitch fighting,” Max warned. Alec noticed the tension in her body, and the way she was frowning at nothing and everything all at the same time.

“How’s your sister and her friend?” Alec asked. He observed some of the tension ease, and a soft smile light her face.

“Better. Her friend is awake now, but groggy, and Liz is healed well,” Max informed him.

“She ever plan to make an appearance outside the infirmary? I mean if she’s going to go on missions, chicks got to train right?” Alec questioned.

“She trains,” Max defended, glaring at Alec. “She just does it alone, at night. And she can stay with her friend as long as she wants. How would you feel if it was one of us in there hooked up to machines and breathing from tubes?”

Sighing, Alec fought the urge to argue back. Whenever anyone mentioned Liz, or said something about her antisocial habits, Max flipped out. She was protecting the girl as if she were breakable.

“All I’m saying is she can’t stay in there forever,” Alec replied after a few minutes. He acknowledged the fact that Liz meant something more to Max than the others.

“I know,” Max said, softening. “I just don’t want to rush her. I don’t want to run in the other direction.”

“Where would she go?” Alec asked, swiveling in his chair to observe the room in the hustle and bustle of mid-day.

“Back when I knew her at Manticore, Liz was one of our best. She was stealthy, fast, and quiet. If our unit needed to hide, or make a surprise attack we would all turn to her for strategy. And that was before Lydecker did whatever he did to her,” Max reminisced, leaning back against one of the tables.

“What happened to her?” Alec had wondered that since Max had told him who the two intruders were. He had asked a million and one questions, trying to glean some knowledge from Max, but she had clammed up.

“We thought she was dead. She was shot through the heart one day. Lydecker had been trying to prove a point to us, and when she had defended one of our own against him, shielding her body in front of Ben, he’d shot her,” Max whispered, her eyes unfocused, her mind far away. “I watched, we watched, as she was dragged away. That’s what started all of this. She’s why we finally decided to leave.”

“Didn’t you say two other boys were shot in your unit?” Alec asked, his voice softer than normal, he didn’t want to snap her out of wherever she was.

“Ethan and Raed. But they were shot in the field; during our missions it was accepted that some of us wouldn’t make it out. The way they took Liz was…unacceptable.”

A sea of murmurs went up in the room, and Alec turned to face the entrance below. A small lithe figure was walking into the building. Her delicate face was upturned, and Alec felt Max stiffen behind him. It only took a few short seconds for the girl below to take an assessing sweep of the room, and decide to come directly to where Alec and Max were located.

Watching the transgenic, Alec couldn’t help but admire her. She was less endowed than most of the females with the Manticore stamp, but her face hit the mark. Pale skin, perfect nose, soft petal-pink lips, and deep soulful eyes. It was a beautiful face, deceptively innocent, and overtly attractive.

“Hi,” the girl greeted, her voice gentle.

“Liz is everything alright? Is Maria okay?” Max questioned. Alec was shocked that the demure girl in front of him was the Liz everyone had been talking about.

“Everything’s fine. Maria’s resting. I just thought…Well you said you wanted me to try and get out more,” Liz replied.

“Heya Liz, I’m Alec,” Alec announced, introducing himself. It was in that moment that Liz became fully aware of him, and Alec watched as an array of emotions clouded her eyes. Her lips parted in a silent gasp and Alec noticed that her tiny, feminine hands started to shake.

“Yeah, this is Alec. My second in command- I mentioned him,” Max said, obviously not seeing Liz’s reaction to him.

“You look just like,” Liz began, but stopped suddenly, and her eyes shut down- no emotion whatsoever.

“Yeah, Ben, I know,” Alec answered, frustrated that that’s all everyone seemed to see him for. His double.

“Liz, how do you know what Ben looked like grown up?” came Max’s next question. Then it hit Alec at the same time as alarm tensed Liz’s petit frame- she was supposed to have escaped before the others, how did she know Ben as an adult.

“I don’t. I just guessed because he looks a little like Ben did when he was a kid. Same eyes,” Liz explained away, but both Max and Alec picked up on Liz’s subtly increased heart rate.

“Yeah,” Max said, letting it slid. Alec stared at Liz, trying to figure out what she had to hide.

“It’s nice to meet you, Alec,” Liz stated, but her straight spine, and still-shaking hands gave her away for a liar. She was unsettled; upset.

“And it’s always nice to meet a beautiful woman,” said Alec, giving her one of his more charming smiles. She might be a liar, but she was still Max’s little sister.

Liz blushed and against her alabaster skin it was stark with contrast. Max started filling Liz in on missions that were being set up, but Liz only had eyes for Alec. The fact that her glances kept touching on him left Alec confused, but unruffled.

Down below there was a disturbance, a couple of transgenics had taken the fight out of the ring, and were causing a few of their more precious pieces of equipment to break. Alec hurtled himself over the guardrail and into the midst of the brawling pair. It was a couple of younger X5s and neither were willing to stop. Alec shouted for Max’s help, but she had problems of her own just keeping others from joining the fight.

In a blur of movement, Alec pinned one to the ground, but felt the other attack him from behind in an attempt to get to the other. Suddenly the weight from behind him was lifted, and there was a brutal sound of crunching bone, and a high pitched scream. When Alec had subdued the transgenic in his arms, he turned to see Liz holding the other boy up against the wall five feet from him.

Everyone stopped to watch as Liz held the struggling boy up by his windpipe. His left arm was broken at an odd angle and the bone was sticking out from the skin. His face was red from where Liz had struck him to get him away from Alec. When the boy passed out from lack of oxygen, Liz released him slowly to the ground. It was odd to see someone so small take down a tall, gangly boy of about fourteen.

“Alright, fights over. You know the dealio, get back to work,” Max shouted out, and Alec watched as everyone went back to what they were doing, restless but on task.

“You okay, Liz?” Alec heard Max ask as he lifted the transgenic he had been forced to knock unconscious.

“I’m fine. You should get him some help though. I cracked his ribcage, broke his arm, and possibly dislocated his jaw,” Liz informed Max. Alec watched as Max lifted the boy up and headed off
toward the entrance.

Handing the X5 in his arms off to a nearby X6, Alec made his way over to where Liz stood beside the ring, watching two females get into it.

“That was some job you did on that kid. A bit much don’t you think?” Alec asked, propping his arm out on top of one of the ropes to the ring, ignoring the fight.

“He wouldn’t back down, so I made him back down,” Liz told him, her face stoic.

“But the ribs and the arm; were those really necessary?” He was pushing it. She had helped him, and he was pushing her. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help it.

“If they want to fight with the big kids they better be ready to take what comes with it. You’re fighting a war, right? And those ‘kids’ are going out on missions, right? What I did was nothing compared to what White and his agents would do, or any mob of Ordinaries,” Liz whispered vehemently, her eyes never leaving the ring, or the blurring figures in it.

Alec stood quiet after that, just watching Liz watch the females. His mind was elsewhere- a million miles away with what could have made Liz the way she was now.

Out of nowhere, Alec was knocked down to the side. One of the transgenic females had hit the ropes right where Alec was standing, and being unprepared as he was, he hit the ground at a roll. He jumped up to his feet a half second later and dusted himself off, ignoring the raucous laughter that went up around the room. He glanced at Liz and saw that she too looked amused, but was holding in any actual sound of happiness.

“You okay?” she asked, biting her lip even as the corners turned up.

“Ah a little female on female action is worth a light hit,” Alec answered, smiling devilishly at her.

“A light hit? Wow your balance must suck then,” Jondy said behind them, smiling.

“Well not light, but nothing I can’t handle,” Alec retorted.

“I’m sure,” she patronized. “Hi Liz.”

“Hi,” Liz replied, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I’m glad to see you made it out of the infirmary. You want to give it a try next?” asked Jondy, nodding her head at the ring. Alec wondered if Max had put her up to it, or if Jondy had truly just come to command central coincidentally.

“I hadn’t planned to,” Liz said.

“Come on, what’s a fight after your little warm up earlier?” Alec teased.

Liz seemed to give Jondy the once over, and Alec recognized the way her pupils widened as Max’s trademark way of scoping things out. It was a full minute of assessment before Liz conceded. The two females in the ring finished up shortly after the same transgenic that hit the rope- and Alec- was pinned to the ring floor.

“Let’s go sister,” Jondy stated, launching herself into the ring gleefully- she always seemed to get a high off of fighting.

Ducking into the ring, Liz stretched a bit, rolling her neck and popping her back. The two woman circled each other, Jondy smiling while Liz relaxed- her muscles stretching and then releasing. Alec thought that Liz looked more at peace in the ring than she had anywhere else in TC.

They took off in a blur of bodies, zipping from one side of the ring to another. The sound of groans could be heard as the two collided in the center. Liz did a double back-flip higher than Alec had thought possible, and then landed solidly behind Jondy. Sweeping down, Liz took out Jondy’s legs, and jumped out of Jondy’s reach as the other X5 went for a take down.

Bets went up all over the place, people cashing their money on Jondy as she held a record of wins against her one loss to Max. Alec thought about betting, but he didn’t have it on him, and after one particular incident when he had bet on his word and then ‘forgot’ about it later- everyone wanted cash up front.

Liz hit the ropes suddenly- visible again- and Alec noticed the way her eyes darkened, her skin turning a paler translucent color, veins standing out in startling clarity. She blurred again and the two woman did a little give in take, until Liz finally slammed Jondy down to the ring floor, and left hooked her with a jarring blow. Jondy lay there for a moment, then sat up with Liz’s help. When the two were on their feet, Jondy held her hand to her jaw, but couldn’t hold back the violent cough that spat blood on the floor.

“Now that was some female on female action,” Alec joked, hiding his shock. Liz’s eyes,
skin, and veins all looked normal again, but he remembered what he had seen.

“You okay?” Liz asked Jondy sending him a ‘shut-up’ glance.

“Fine. Damn that was some fight. You and Max should throw down sometime. That would be something to see,” Jondy laughed, then stopped rotating her jaw a bit to stretch the sore muscles in her face.

“I prefer to train solo- fighting in the ring isn’t usually my style,” Liz replied, handing a cup of water to her sister.

“Why don’t you come with me to visit Krit and Syl- they’re dying to see you,” Jondy offered, accepting the water.

“I have to get back to Maria,” Liz evaded. Obviously she still had issues with being out and about, Alec thought. It was interesting to watch her go from fierce to fretting.

“It’s not like Maria’s going to get up and walk away,” Alec kidded, but shut up in the next second when Liz threw him a glacial glare.

“I’ve got to go. Thanks for the fight,” Liz said, retreating out of the building.

“I know you’re trying to be mister congeniality with her, but Liz is different. I mean she was always quiet when we were little, really only opening up when we were alone in our barracks, but she’s changed,” Jondy said, offering her own opinion.

“What do you think happened?” Alec asked.

“I don’t know. She used to be the sweetest among us when we were alone; I almost don’t want to know what she went through because for her to change it had be something…massive.”

“Max said she took a bullet for Ben.”

Jondy got the same far away look as Max, but she didn’t say anything. She merely nodded.

“Why? Our instincts are to survive,” Alec questioned.

“Adia was that kind of person. Especially when it came to Ben; she was the most responsive during his stories. She always had questions and he did his best to answer them for her, even when in reality, he didn’t know either,” Jondy responsed, smiling a sadly.

“Maybe that’s why he was such a head case; he couldn’t stand the fact that she took a bullet for him,” Alec offered the idea, thinking that that made the most sense.

“Maybe,” Jondy said solemnly, finishing off her glass of water.

“How about me and you go get a drink?” he said. “A nice frothy pitcher of beer to take the edge off?”

“I’m into harder stuff than beer,” Jondy whispered, smiling at Alec alluringly.

“Well if you like it hard, I’m sure I can manage that,” Alec retorted in a husky voice. He liked Jondy. She was funny, she was direct, and she was sexy. Three qualities he liked in a woman. She wasn't the relationship type, but neither was Alec; one night of fun was always acceptable.

“I’m sure you can,” Jondy said back, heading toward the door walking backwards, waiting for him to follow. And with a sexy smirk back at a few eavesdroppers, he did.

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who reviewed- it really made my day. I wanted to clarify that Liz is supposed to be the girl (Eva) that was shot and ended up being the reason the '09ers escaped- I just happened to like Adia as a better name; the meaning is going to come into play later. This is Xtremer. Alec being with Jondy is just a small side thing- he's not really into her as more than a one-night stand/friend. Let me know what you think. Thanks again, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch3 7/25/08

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:11 am
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer:I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Four

“Liz?” Maria asked groggily, turning her head to face Liz.

“I’m here,” Liz replied. She had been sitting beside Maria’s bed ever since she returned from her first foray into the mainstream of transgenic activity.

“Are we safe?” It was Maria’s first coherent question.

“We are,” Liz said, taking up her friend’s hand. Maria’s color had returned, but she still looked relatively meek.

“And the baby?”

“The baby is fine. How do you feel?” Liz questioned.

“A little numb and tired,” Maria answered, turning her head to look at Liz more fully and giving it a squeeze. Liz felt a rush of relief at the knowledge.

“That would be the medicine they gave you, and before you ask, it’s safe for the baby.”

“Did you find your sister, Max?” Liz watched as Maria’s eyelashes fluttered shut and her voice turned exhausted.

“Yes. Just sleep for now ‘Ria. We’ll talk later,” Liz told her, laying Maria’s hand down beside her on the cot.

“Okay,” came the response, and then Maria was gone, sleeping deeply with long even breaths all on her own.

“Is your Ordinary going to be okay?” came a voice behind her. It was little Michael.

Liz faced him, turning from her place on the cot beside Maria’s. Michael had taken to being her shadow around the infirmary, and he asked her to tell him stories constantly. When Liz told him about her past, detailing her life outside Manticore, he would relax and act as if he was like any other child his age should be.

“Yes. And I told you to call her Maria,” Liz reproached without anger.

“Are you going to be okay?” he asked next, ignoring her attempt to reprimand him.

“What do you mean? I’m fine,” Liz responded, eyebrows raised.

“You looked…sad earlier, when you got back,” Michael replied. He had gone from stiff and rigid soldier to lax and concerned little boy. The change was not lost on Liz and she remembered everything from the moment she left earlier that morning to the moment she returned.

“I’m not sad. I just had a busy morning,” Liz said. She didn’t want to go into detail about why, or how she had become upset.

In truth seeing Alec had been like walking through a time portal. He was the spitting image of Ben, and the entire time she was with him her memories played on a reel in her mind- repeating over and over again.

Ben had come to her in Roswell. Not right after the escape, or short years later, but just after Max had healed her. It was late at night and Liz was working out on her balcony when a slight shift from below caught her ear. She had spun around defensively and watched with wide eyes as a man she had never seen before climbed up her ladder and into her private space.

He explained that he had tracked her down, that he had caught wind of the fact she was alive, and he wanted to come for her. When Liz explained that she was with Max and that she was happy in Roswell; he had been upset, angry. He didn’t want to leave her alone. He had read the clippings about the shooting and he feared for her- Lydecker could catch her any day with that kind of publicity out there. But she had refused.

In the weeks to follow he had stayed with her, hiding out during the day, and returning to stay with her at night. They spent hours talking; Liz told him about her life and how she had ended up in Roswell and with the people she was with, and he in turn told her about the years he had spent after the escape just trying to blend in- find his place.

Slowly, Liz began to feel for Ben. She remembered the way his voice sounded when they whispered to each other at night. She remembered when he held her after she told him the truth about the shooting. She remembered him consoling her when Tess came to town, and the way he had told her she would survive- that she was soldier, and that she was strong. He had been her rock as the disastrous romance between her and Max panned out.

If he hadn’t left, Liz knew she and Ben would have stayed close, but Max stopped that from happening. One night when Liz was waiting for Ben to show up for their evening ritual, Max appeared. He scuttled up the ladder and onto the balcony to profess his love for Liz. It had taken a while, but Liz finally started to accept that Max was destined for Tess. They had got into an argument and that’s when Ben showed up. There was a lot of testosterone fueled threatening, and Liz had been the one to break it up.

Max told Ben that this Roswell was his town, and Liz was his girl, and that nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted. Liz knew Max was just jealous, but she had agreed partly that there was a lot of unnatural beings living there, and maybe there were too many. When Liz voiced her opinion to Ben, he asked her to come away with him. But Maria, Alex, Kyle, her parents- they all still needed her, she wasn’t ready to leave them.

Ben told Liz that he wasn’t staying in someone else’s territory and that he would provide for them if she came along. She wanted to, Liz recalled. With everything in her being she wanted to go with him- forget everyone else- and go find the rest of her family. But she couldn’t. So he left, and for long days after she been numb.

Max became overtly romantic, singing to her, trying to win her back. Liz felt her heart thump louder and stronger at the memory. Future Max had been the one to finally get Liz to separate from Max- and her heart broke with a finality that pushed her far away from the group. Asking Kyle to do what he did to help push Max towards Tess had been unfair, and thinking about it now, Liz regretted never telling him before it was too late. Nothing could rouse her from the pain she had felt, not until Alex died. Then she had been on a mission to prove that someone alien had done it.

It was during her quest to find answers and look into who could have killed one of her best friends that Liz discovered something. Ben was dead. He was gone for good. The file was of a John Doe in Seattle- obviously a cover story for Lydecker. The picture added to Liz’s heartache, and Liz was ready to fall apart. On top of all of that, she found out the truth about Alex’s death- Tess had done it. And by the time she and Maria had reached the pod chamber, Max; Michael; Isabel; and Tess were already in the sky, hurtling at top speed toward their home planet.

Shortly after White and his men swooped in, and Liz had taken Maria and run. They had been in seedy back alleys, run down apartment buildings, and dirty bus terminals for months on a zigzagging route to Seattle- to Max and the resistance. It had been many days of cold weather, hot weather, damp weather, and even snow without food and water, and among vile pigs unfit to live before they reached their destination. Scaling the wall with a pregnant Maria was like carrying a struggling hippo out of water during the summer- way to damned hard.

The exhaustion and fatigue had hit the second they landed on the other side of the Terminal City perimeter, and to Liz the sound of Max, and who she now knew to be, Alec speeding toward them had been a godsend. Weakness had settled into her bones and Liz had barely held on for Max to acknowledge her before dropping into unconsciousness.

“When is she going to have the baby?” Michael asked, tilting his head to the side in question.

“About six months,” Liz responded, coming out of her reverie.

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” Liz told him. The medic trained transgenics had let Liz in on that small bit of news two days after their arrival.

“You think she’ll be a good soldier?” Little Michael questioned.

Now there was a question, Liz thought. The baby was Michael’s and in his own right, Michael was a soldier. Liz recalled the many conversations Liz and Maria had had over the subject of the baby, and whether or not he or she would have powers. Maria was hoping that the baby would be normal, but to Liz the idea of having a defense when growing up in the broken world around them was not so repulsive. It was controlling the baby’s exposure of said powers that would be the problem.

“If that’s what she wants, I think that the baby- after she grows up- will be a fine soldier,” Liz stated, smiling as Michael nodded pragmatically as if that made enough sense for him to accept.

“She sleeps a lot,” Little Michael said, pointing at Maria.

“She’s been through a lot, and she is carrying a baby,” Liz explained. The idea of the baby seemed to intrigue Michael, Liz noticed. He was always asking her questions about Maria, or the baby, or how the baby would be when she wasn’t a baby anymore. He was like a constant game of twenty questions, but the second another soldier came close, or walked in, he shut up in a hurry.

“Did you see Max when you went out?”


“Did you meet Alec?” Michael asked more excitedly, eyes shining.

“Yes,” Liz answered, looking back down at Maria.

“He’s a great soldier,” was Michael’s proclamation.

“I’m sure,” Liz said, still averting her eyes.

“So is Max,” Michael stated as an afterthought.

“I know,” Liz said. She did know, Liz thought. Max radiated authority and strength. Others admired her, and even when they were alone, Max held a certain amount of readiness. It was something she admired in her big sister, more so because she had a balance.

“She’s been sad though, since Logan left,” Michael confided. He was particularly observant, even for an X5.

“Logan?” Liz asked, but stopped when she saw Max come into the building. Michael clammed up as usual, and stood up straight.

“Hi Michael,” Max said smilingly, rubbing his head for a second in affectionate greeting. “Liz.”

“Hi Max,” Liz said, watching as Michael saluted them both and then walked away.

“I heard you and Jondy threw down,” Max said off-handedly.

“She asked me to join her for a fight,” Liz responded a bit defensively.

“Best way to earn respect around here, ring matches are a big deal. Maybe you should exercise during the day more,” said Max, joining Liz on the cot.

“Maybe,” Liz said flippantly. She didn’t want to commit to that- she wasn’t big on getting to know other people, she couldn’t afford to get close to others, especially in times of war. “Will Maria be alright here in Terminal City? I heard about the health risks to Ordinaries.”

“We injected her with an antigen which should keep her body working at optimum levels; as long as she gets one every six months she should be fine,” Max answered, looking at the woman in question.

“Good,” Liz said, running a hand through her relatively short hair. She had cut it when they went on the run. It had been down to her waist, but Liz had wanted to change it up a bit- throw off suspicion rather than having to dye her hair.

“What was up with you and Alec earlier?” Max questioned, cutting through the frivolous pleasantries.

“What do you mean?” Liz evaded.

“I mean, you looked like you saw a ghost,” Max rejoined, crossing her arms, and making a stern ‘be straight with me’ face.

Liz thought about telling her. Max was the closest female X5 to her. They had shared quite a few secrets back at Manticore, and it was a wonder that they had survived so long without having one another to lean on.

“I knew him before I came here,” Liz started.

“Alec?” Max asked confused.

“No, Ben. He found me when I was back in Roswell. He came to me because he wanted to protect me,” Liz said, mind full of him in many different positions around her room: staring at her pictures, sitting on her bed, hiding behind her door as her dad knocked to come in; they were all so fresh to her.

“I saw him too, but it was right before he…died,” Max confessed.

“Things in Roswell weren’t right, he couldn’t stay. I was the one that sent him away,” whispered Liz, clamping down on her emotions. “Maybe if I hadn’t he wouldn’t have-”

“Liz don’t. Ben made bad decisions and he was in charge of that. Manticore really screwed did a job on him. Getting out was hard, he was confused,” Max cut Liz off, face fierce with determination and concern.

“I know. He told me that he prayed to the Blue Lady that the rest of us were alright, and that finding me had renewed his faith in her. I guess sending him back out on his own wasn’t such a good idea,” Liz continued to whisper, forcing herself to remain in control.

“I killed him,” Max confessed softly, her voice dropping to Liz’s level.

“What?” Liz asked, turning sharply to stare at Max.

“Lydecker was closing in on us, and he had a broken leg- there was no way we could both get out. He asked me to,” Max had a sheen of tears in her eyes, and Liz felt for her sister. Tears of her own were starting to rise, but Liz bit them back. She needed to be strong, she needed to rise above weakness.

“He shouldn’t have done that to you. But I don’t know what I would have done if I was facing a return to Manticore,” Liz lied. She knew she would have trembled with fright and sobbed for Max to kill her too. Going back to that nightmare would be a living hell. “You said that Brin wanted to go back?”

“She didn’t want to die,” Max defended. Liz nodded. Brin had been one of the ones that hadn’t been as dead set against Manticore as the rest, she probably could have gone either way with escaping.

“Tinga had a family?”

“Yeah. She even had a son,” Max said with a smile, and Liz returned it. Tinga had always
seemed like the family sort to Liz, not that she displayed any mothering tendencies, it was just the role Liz cast for her in her mind.

“And you took down Manticore?” Liz questioned, the details still a little fuzzy.

“It’s more involved than that, but Manticore is gone,” Max said, blushing.

“Whose Logan?”

Liz recognized the frozen expression on Max’s face as the one she herself had probably worn earlier in the day. Clearly Logan was someone of importance.

“A friend,” she finally responded. Liz nodded, not arguing or pushing. “I want you to go on the next mission- we need food. Our storage supplies are running low and despite our surplus of liquor, we lack actual nutrition.”

“I’ll need a debriefing,” Liz answered, going into soldier mode.

“How about I debrief you tonight, over drinks. Maybe we can play a game of pool in the
abandoned bar that we recently got up and running. You could meet my friends, Sketchy and Original Cindy, maybe even Krit and Syl,” Max suggested.

“Have they changed a lot?” Liz had wondered what Krit and Syl were like all grown up. They had been the immature duo that constantly got reprimanded and put through extra training.

“Syl has mellowed out a lot, but Krit still has a hot temper,” said Max with a hint of humor in her tone.

“Okay,” Liz agreed.

“Maybe I’ll get you some clothes too, and a place to stay,” Max offered.

“I don’t really want to leave Maria, but clothes would be good.”

“I have soldiers running security in close rotation, and Maria will be in good care. You should
really get something more comfortable than a cot to sleep on,” Max argued, standing.

“And what if Zack comes back and demands everyone run off to do whatever it is he thinks is important?” Liz countered, standing to face Max.

“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. He didn’t mean it the other day; he just gets carried away when it comes to security. He’s not exactly happy with the fact I’m fighting this war,” Max informed her, and Liz paused. That sounded an awful lot like her old CO.

“His reservations aside, Zack should have realized it was wrong to deprive someone of medical attention. He’s prejudiced against anyone he doesn’t consider in his unit, or of his kind,” Liz accused, her voice gaining in volume.

“He has his orders. And I don’t want to make this an order, Liz, but it’s not healthy for you to stay cooped up in here. Just stay in one of the low-rises. Or train during the day. Show me that I don’t have to worry about you, soldier,” Max said in a dressing down. Liz clenched her fists, but shut down her irrational anger.

“I’ll start training, but I want to stay here in the infirmary until Maria is able to go with me,” Liz answered, her voice cold.

“Fine,” Max responded, strained. “And Liz, I really am only trying to help you. You’re my baby sister, and I can’t say that about anyone else.”

With that Max left to get Liz clothes and tell the others to meet at the bar later that day. All Liz could do was sigh in resignation.

Author's Notes: Thank you for all the encouraging reviews! I'm so pleased that this story is so well received. Hope you enjoyed this chapter; let me know. EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch4 7/26/08

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:40 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Five

The cute transgenic that was volunteering to help run the bar brought them another round of drinks, Alec noticed. The idea of volunteering in the bar was entice, Alec though; there were plenty of women around, lots to drink, and a bunk to crash down on in the back room.

“Eight,” Jondy announced, slamming back another Tequila shooter. Alec waved his beer in salute, and took a long pull.

Transgenics, nomalies, and the select few Ordinaries allowed in TC gathered at the bar almost every night since they got in up and running. Booze was the single medium that everyone had in common. When the bar was open, the people were happy.

“So you grew up in Manticore, right? You made it passed group core training?” Jondy asked, signaling for another round.

“Yeah,” he answered, not particularly interested in rehashing the ‘good old days’ at Manticore.

“And you went solo missions?” Alec heard her ask, but at that moment the doors opened, Max and her usual group of drinking buddies walked in, and surprisingly- Liz.

“What?” Alec asked dumbly, coming out of his distraction.

“I asked if you went on solo missions,” she replied, shooting back another shot.

“Uh huh,” Alec responded. He glanced down into the pitch of beer he had been steadily
drinking since they arrived an hour before, and realized that he was almost out. “I’ll be right back.”

Getting up, Alec wended a path to the bar, avoiding a number of full tables, and stopping at the bar, “Another pitcher.”

The volunteer behind the bar was a nomaly with gray skin, slits for eyes, and a bald head- clearly a special covert designed for sensory deprivation while out on mission. Alec nodded back and smiled as another pitcher landed in front of him on the bar, “Thanks buddy, this is for you,” Alec said, slipping a twenty onto the bar.

As he turned to go, Alec practically slammed into Max, barely keeping a hold on his newly filled pitcher.

“Nice running into you, Maxie,” Alec said in jest, moving as Max scoffed, rolled her eyes, and then put in her own order.

“I see you and Jondy are getting to know each other,” Max replied, leaning her elbows back on the bar and staring at Alec like he was guilty of something.

“I always try to make the new ones feel welcome,” he responded, turning to wink at Jondy, who had realized he was gone and turned to scan the room for him; she winked back and went back to her shots.
“That’s fine. Make Jondy feel welcome, she’s a big girl, but refrain from making any of my
other siblings feel welcome.” Alec heard the warning in Max’s voice, and thought it was a little subtle for Max’s usual taste, but when he glanced around, he saw that Liz was close by at a pool table, playing
against Sketchy.

“You have nothing to worry about, I’m not into blonds, so Syl’s safe,” Alec rejoined, and then walked off with the pitcher of beer in hand, and a smirk on his face at having gotten the last word.

“Took you a while,” stated a semi-buzzed Jondy as Alec took his seat.

“I was having a nice chat with your sister, Max,” he replied.

Sudden dawning lit Jondy’s face, and Alec watched as she twisted around in her seat to stare at Max and her group.

“We should go join them,” Jondy suggested, already getting to her feet.

“I thought tonight would be better if it was just you and me,” tried Alec, in an attempt to deter what was probably inevitable.

Jondy leaned forward, over the table, and placed an open palm against his chest, then gripping his shirt to pull him forward. They met in a rather heated kiss: full of liquor, sexual tension, and general friskiness.

“We have all night,” Jondy responded after ending the brief, but intimate kiss. She led the way to the currently occupied pool table, and took a seat next to Max.

“Hello ladies and Sketchy. Nice night for a pool game,” Alec said, leaning against the table, and picking up a ball that Liz had been about to aim for. “Sketchy, my man, what do you say to ten bucks a ball?”

“Excuse me, but we’re in the middle of a game,” Liz said, her voice finely edged with anger and warning.

“Oh right, sorry,” Alec replied innocently, dropping the ball back on the table only to have it scatter and send balls flying in opposite directions. He felt Liz’s glare on him, but ignored it in the dim lighting of the bar.

“Alec, man, I was winning,” Sketchy whined.

“Yeah, winning if you were playing another game,” Original Cindy jumped in. “Pretty boy, you are walking thin ice; I had money on that game.”

“Sorry OC,” Alec said. He peered over at Max and Jondy, and the two seemed to be entrenched in discussion. “How about that game, Sketch?”

“Nah, man I’m done,” Sketchy answered, dropping down in a seat beside OC.

“How about you, Liz?” He watched her fidget for a second and shake her head.

“I don’t have money,” Liz replied.

“Hey don’t worry about it boo, I’ll spot you,” OC offered. Apparently Liz was popular with the Ordinaries, Alec thought.

“And I’ll even bet on you,” Sketchy said, plopping down ten bucks. Obviously he had little faith in Liz.

“How about it Liz?” Alec asked again. She was torn, he could tell, but then she nodded, and Alec smiled. “I’ll rack them up, you can break.”

“Hey OC put me down for fifty on Liz,” Max called out. Alec couldn’t believe she would downsize his abilities that way.

“Nice Max, real nice,” Alec murmured, and rolled his eyes when she smiled broadly at him.

It was an easy game of eight ball. Liz broke well, which surprised Alec. They took their turns, Alec playing it light to give her some chance at hope. Liz did well, he thought, when she did a
particularly hard skip trick off the side. She began to sink ball after ball, and Alec scratched his ear in irritation, masking it with a fake smile every time she glanced his way, or he heard OC or Sketchy shout out an encouragement.

Finally, Liz missed one. Alec grabbed his pool stick back up from where it sat against the corner of the table, and took his turn. He lined up his shot, ready to start his comeback when he felt someone brush up against him from behind, and he completely missed his mark.

Turning to face the person responsible, Alec noticed Liz a few feet behind him.

“Sorry, I was trying to get out of the way,” she responded, a little too innocently for Alec’s taste, but he shrugged it off, and waved a hand to show that the table was hers.

It took three more shots, and Liz had polished the game off with an astounding win. Alec could not believe it. He stood there for a good ten seconds after, just staring at the table. It was when OC snapped her fingers in front of his face to get his attention that he came out of it.

“Come on boo, cough it up,” OC held out her hand.

Alec reached into his back pocket, pulled out his bursting wallet, and begrudgingly handed over a hundred and fifty dollars.

“Here you go sugar, a little money for the pocket,” OC congratulated, handing over Alec’s newest ring match winnings to Liz, who was smiling a small smile that lit up her face in a way he hadn’t see before.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“Hey little sister, where’d you learn to play like that?” Jondy asked, breaking up her conversation with Max.

Liz hesitated, “A friend.” Another half truth, Alec thought.

“Alec, I think Liz did you a favor,” Max said, smiling like the cat that got the cream.

“How’s that Maxie?” asked Alec, deliberately using her nickname, knowing what she was going to say next.

“Well now you and your ego can leave at the same time,” she said, and the others had a laugh.

“Good game,” Liz said, holding out her hand to Alec with that same small smile that was twisting his gut.

“You have a beautiful smile,” Alec said. He watched her turn pink and smile a little bit more; she seemed to be easing up around him. He turned to see Max glaring at him, and he was thankful
transgenic eyes couldn’t kill.

“Seems to me that my buddy, Alec, here is having an off night. I think I’m ready for that game now,” Sketchy announced, clapping Alec on the back.

Fresh meat, Alec thought, and he smiled. “Sure thing, Sketch.”

Beers went around the table, and Jondy continued to do her shots, a little water in between
as per Max’s orders.

“But transgenics have to work twice as hard for a buzz, Max,” Jondy said, sipping her water with a grimace.

“With the way your throwing them back, I have feeling you have a buzz,” Max replied.

“I certainly wouldn’t take the lady in a drinking contest,” Sketchy added, drinking his beer, and frowning as Alec sunk another shot.

“How come you ain’t touched your beer, sugar,” OC asked Liz. It was weird, Alec thought, distracted from his shot. Liz kept turning down beer after beer in favor of a coke.

“I’m underage,” Liz said, but he knew it was an excuse.

“If you can fight a war, you can take a drink,” Alec stated, making his shot with a ‘yes’ to Sketchy’s ‘no!’.

“Yeah, Liz, we’re not going to begrudge you a beer,” Sketchy said, handing over his money to a beaming Alec.

“I’m fine,” Liz replied, taking another long drink from her coke.

“Come on baby sister, I’ll drink you under the table,” Jondy offered, slamming back another shot.

“No, you’re done, and Liz can drink whatever she wants,” Max announced; her way of offering without making Liz feel like she had to take a drink. Alec didn’t know what was between Max and Liz, but he thought it was off how Max seemed to step in when it came to Liz- over all others.

“Boo’s got a straight edge, I like it,” OC stated, slinging an arm over Liz’s shoulders.

Alec noticed that Jondy had a thing for liquor, and couldn’t help but chuckled when Max swooped in to tell the waitress her sister had reached her limit. The X5 took off for the bar without an backward glance, and Max took Jondy’s shot for her.

“Tequila?” Max questioned, eyebrows raised.

“I like it, it has bite,” Jondy responded, eyes a bit glazed with an unconcealed buzz.

“Bite, huh?” Alec said with a smirk, pulling her closer with an arm around her waist.

“OC doesn’t need to see this. Game of pool, Max?”

That got Alec’s attention, Max never played pool anymore. She was always way more serious than she should be, and it was rare to see her indulge in something other than a ring match, or a mission.

“I got a long day tomorrow; I should probably head out,” Max started.

“I want to see you play,” Liz opened her mouth in the first statement of the evening that wasn’t necessary, or a polite response. In fact, it was the first request that Alec had ever heard her make. “And you still have to debrief me on that mission.”

“You want me to play?” Max asked, her eyes connecting with Liz’s. Liz nodded, and Alec wondered why she was pushing. “A’ight.”

Original Cindy went about racking up the balls, and laughing at Sketchy as he tried to juggle two of them and ended up getting hit with one. Liz took a seat next to Jondy, who had slipped out from under his arm at the prospect of the game, and the details of the next run.

“The only source of food nearby is the Ordinaries market, but we can’t get out there without being exposed because of the hover drones which now have thermal scanners. Because our body’s core temperature is higher than that of a human, we’re easily targeted. The dealio is the market’s shops all get shipments from the harbor, not far from the market, but far enough that hover drones are fewer.

“White and his cult bred assassins rely on the drones to figure out when and where we are; if we can hit the loading dock before the drones catch a shot of us, we can get new food, and maybe some clothes. I’m sending you out with a team of seven other X5s and three nomalies. This shipment is important, and it arrives day after tomorrow. Alec, Jondy, you two are up for this one too,” Max detailed, watching as OC took her turn.

“Who else is going?” Alec asked. He was used to having certain people with him on missions.

“Cray, Lea, Joshua, Eric, Mole, Krit, Syl, and Zack,” Max named off, taking her turn when OC scratched.

“What entrance are we using?” Alec asked again, noticing that Jondy had slipped off to the bar and was flirting with the bartender for more shots.

“I left that up to Mole. He’ll be the one leading you in and out. After what happened at the main gate, I told him I wanted a clean run- no more trips to the infirmary for anyone. This should not be difficult, it’s a routine retrieval,” Max responded. Alec turned to Sketchy and they bet on who was most likely to win- he had some money to win back.

“How often are retrieval missions?” Liz questioned.

She had been quiet for a while, Alec realized. He had forgotten that she was the one to start the conversation. He let his eyes travel over her as Max answered, and noticed that she was wearing some of Max’s clothes, which were slightly big on her. A strip of skin was exposed from where the pants hung low on her hips. The shirt was the smallest one Max own, Alec thought, because it fit Liz relatively well. Usually, Alec went for long hair, something to run his fingers through, but the short hair that barely brushed her shoulders was completely arousing to Alec.

“How come you changed your name?” Jondy asked, having reappeared from the bar, drink less- apparently Max’s orders were taken even in the bar where everyone was equal.

“What?” Liz asked, eyes coming off the pool table where Max was cleaning up.

“Your name. Why’d you change it? I mean, you were far enough from Manticore that it probably wouldn’t have mattered, right?” She asked a lot of questions, Alec thought. He hadn’t realized how inquisitive Jondy was until that moment. Even semi-drunk she was popping off questions like no tomorrow.

“The Parkers took me in after they caught me slipping out of their restaurant with some food. My fatigues were torn and I went mute when they asked me who my parents were. I had been undercover so long that I saw everyone as the enemy. The fact that they caught me was an unexpected miracle. They stopped asking me questions eventually, and accepted me into their home. I didn’t answer when they asked my name, so they gave me one. It stuck because I figured that if Lydecker did come looking, it was better to have an alias,” Liz explained, and Alec felt a rush of heat as she bit her lip in remembrance.

“You have a guy back home that would miss you?” Sketchy asked, and Alec perked up, pretending not to be waiting for the answer.

“Not anymore, no,” Liz responded, and Alec smiled into his beer. “Can I get another coke?” Liz asked the X5 volunteer as she made a pass over their group.

“What do you mean, not anymore? Did some male dog do something, boo?” OC asked. Again Alec felt his interest peek as the waitress took off with their orders.

“It’s a long, uncomfortable story. Doesn’t matter now anyway,” Liz responded, smiling falsely at them.

“See, men are the reason I like women. If men appreciated women half as much as women do, I might still bat for your team,” OC threw in, her eyes rolling and disgust clinging to every word.

“I resent that. I happen to appreciate many women,” Alec responded with his classic lechery.

“And that would make you a dog,” Max responded cheekily, sinking the eight ball and winning the game with a triumphant smile. “Game.”

“What about me? I’m a good guy, I appreciate women,” Sketchy asked, offended.

“You cheated on Natalie,” Max said, a familiar ‘don’t even’ look on her face.

“Cheaters should be castrated,” Liz said fiercely, anger shining in her deep brown eyes. Alec raised his eyebrows and watched as Sketchy grabbed his privates.

“I think I learned my lesson, really,” Sketchy assured the group, and the women laughed.

“I’m ready to go,” Jondy announced finally, her hand straying to squeeze Alec from behind.

“And so am I,” Alec responded. With that he cast a last glance at Liz, and followed Jondy out the door.

Author's Note: Thank you to all of you who reviewed. And for those of you who are waiting for Alec and Liz to get together, it is building, just give it some time. I hope you liked this chapter, let me know, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch5 7/28/08

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:39 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Six

“Can’t you just tell them that you don’t feel well? Maybe that you are still hurt?” Maria whined, concerned for her best friend.

“Maria, I already told them that I’m better, and transgenics don’t get sick like Ordinaries do,” Liz replied, sighing as she laced up her boots. It was the day of the mission, and after telling Maria about what it entailed, the other girl started to harp on her about not going. Liz was just happy that Maria was well enough to do that. Her health had taken an unexpected upturn in the last day.

“But Liz, this is dangerous,” came Maria’s automatic response.

“I was made for this,” Liz said. She knew of the danger, but her life was full of it, even
when she had been ‘normal’ there was danger.

“What if something happens to you? I can’t do this alone. I can’t be a mom without your help. I’m not as strong as you, Liz. And what happens to me if you don’t come back?” Liz had already given thought to all of these matters, and she had spent the day between going to the bar and going on mission clearing it up with Max.

“Maria, you will be fine. I will be fine. We will be fine. Max will be here for you, she promised,” Liz explained. Her sister’s word meant something to her, it was platinum. Max wasn’t the kind of person to easily promise anything, but Liz could tell that she understood her worry over Maria- she knew that her sister could relate when she had seen her interaction with both OC and Sketchy the night before last at the bar.

“I want to come,” Maria started, again. She had periodically taken to whining and then proclaiming that she wanted to be there to help.

“Maria, no, that’s crazy.”

“We faced worse with the FBI, and the Skins. I helped then,” Maria argued, attempting to sit up, and Liz responded automatically by pushing her back down. The medics agreed that it was fine for Maria to begin slight exertions with her body, Liz did not.

“You weren’t pregnant then, and this is worse than all of that. It’s too dangerous. The enemy outnumber us by a far greater number,” said Liz.

“More of a reason for you to stay here,” Maria continued.

From the moment they met, Liz and Maria had always had arguments, and Liz had let her win them because Maria was the first person Liz trusted unfailingly. Outspoken, tenacious, and caring- Maria was a triple threat when it came to arguing.

“I’m going,” Liz said with finality. “And I’m coming back. Like you said, I have to be here to see my niece born.”

The fight had gone out of Maria. Liz could see she was exhausted, and that she had exhausted her last argument. Going on mission meant earning their keep, and Liz had to do it for both of them. Caring about what other people thought of her wasn’t the issue, if it was then Liz would not be going, but keeping them safe in the only safe place left for them was.

“Michael will be here to watch over you. Won’t you Michael?” Liz turned to ask the hovering boy.

“Yes, ma’am,” he stated, voice strong and rough.

“Ma’am?” Liz asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Yes, Liz,” he said again, voice more normal, a smile softening the corners of his mouth.

“Little-boy-wonder is going to be my guardian?” Maria questioned, propping herself up on her elbows.

“In about ten seconds he is the only one going to stop me from strangling you,” Liz informed her sarcastically, glaring at Maria without fire.

Sighing, Maria laid back down, “Fine, but if you get yourself killed because of this I’ll never forgive you…ever.”

“I love you, Ria. Don’t worry about me. Focus on getting better,” Liz told her, pulling her into a half hug, not using much strength because Maria was so fragile.

“Love you too. Be careful,” Maria whispered back, clearly nervous and upset.

“Bye Michael,” Liz said, standing to leave. Michael took up his place beside Maria and nodded in response.

Making her way to headquarters with the dusk as her backdrop, Liz passed a number of transgenics keyed up about the mission. She heard snatches of conversations pertaining to who was going, and what was on the retrieval list. The guard around TC and the perimeter was doubled, and no one was allowed in or out until the mission was over. Lockdown had a whole new meaning in a place where super-soldiers ran security.

“Liz, over here,” Jondy waved from where the group was gathering once she had arrived.

Everyone was there, and Liz fidgeted under Krit’s and Syl’s attention. She had met them the night before, but she hadn’t really spoken with them. Liz figured that there would be time later, if she changed her mind about getting close to the others. It was too soon to tell.

The sounds of people fighting in the ring beside them drew her attention, and Liz admired the symmetry of the fight and its fighters. Manticore was all about perfection, and watching the transgenics train together, Liz admitted that nothing was as perfect in nature. Their design was unique in an amalgamation of natural creatures that created something deemed ‘unnatural’.

Her parents had thought that Liz was just especially gifted in science, which she was, but there was more to it than that. With Manticore as a parent, it kept the body fit, but they also insisted the mind be fed too, something dutifully rectified after the ‘09ers escaped. But still, Liz had the basic genetic sequencing of a prodigy. Her mind worked like the well-tuned machine it was supposed to be. Yet still, Liz had in actuality taken an interest in science to learn more about herself, about the human monstrosities that had created her. When Kathleen Topolsky had asked her why she wanted to pursue Molecular Biology, she hadn’t lied- science was a great tool for unlocking the mysterious of the world.

The group stood with their best posture, and Liz mimicked them, tuning back in and away from her thoughts.

“Alright, we deploy from the west tunnel connected to the north sewer system, which should take us out beneath the docks. It’s three clicks north when we should come up through a manhole; no one goes out without the rest of us there. We need to make in exactly an hour- that’s when the shipment managers switch off, and when the docks are least guarded. We need three people on standby to watch for unexpected shift change, and two in the hole to receive the crates. Three of you will get on the ship and take out the staff offloading the merchandise, then get the crates on the dock. Two of you and I will be transporting it from the docks to the hole. Any questions?” The reptilian nomaly- Mole- asked.

Crickets would have been louder in that moment as everyone remained dead silent.

“None? Alright. Zack, Joshua, and Cray- I want you on standby. Krit and Syl, you’re in the hole. Alec, Liz, and Eric- you are going in. Jondy, Lea, and I will move the shipments from the dock to the hole,” Mole assigned the duties, and Liz had to wonder why they were trusting her to incapacitate, and ultimately steal the crates, she was after all the newest among them. Still distrusted.

“If something goes wrong, something whack goes down and compromises the objective, you
retreat. I want automatic fall back with you and your assigned teams. Are we clear?” Max’s voice suddenly rang through the group, and they all turned to face her where she stood on the platform above them.

“Clear,” The group shouted as one. A few transgenics in the area were at attention, and Max nodded at them in dismissal.

“Follow me,” Mole said, and they did.

It was a sight to see as the group of eleven marched from the heart of Terminal City through its dirty streets to the west perimeter. Their boots stomped together, their shoulders set, their eyes straight-forward. They were a visual unison of coordinated determination. The aura that radiated off them as the streetlights gleamed down at intermittent breaks had others moving to the sides of the street, and saluting as they passed. Everything in that moment made them soldier- from the shirts on their backs to the shoelaces on their boots, no one could mistake them for anything but Manticore

Natural, Liz thought, it felt natural to be in the synced, rhythmic march of soldiers prepared to fight. Roswell had limited her, had suppressed her, and even when the FBI and the Skins presented a familiar challenge, an enemy, nothing compared to the feeling of being a soldier; of being surrounded by soldiers.

They arrived at the tunnel, and Liz watched as they each dropped down into it, one after another after another in a repetitive motion. When it was her turn, Liz felt a hand on her back, and then the whoosh of air as she dropped down ten feet and landed with a grit-worthy impact below. Something about that touch had unsettled Liz, in a more primal way she woke up, and her instincts clouded her mind. Nothing so potent had touched her before, and she had to give herself a shake before moving out of the way of the next in line.

It was Alec, Liz noted. He dropped down beside her, and her body tingled in response. Standing so close, Liz fought to contain her iron grip on her emotions, but a part of her had been awakened by his touch- a part she had never known.

“Move out,” Mole called once everyone was in. Again the marching, again the unison, and again that familiar accord rang through Liz, only this time it was coupled with her primitive awareness.

They reached their destination, sloshing through water and crud, and it was just under an
hour. Mole continually checked his watch. They all synced up when he said to, and the moment they did, it was like a countdown. Get in, get it, get out- Liz chanted in her mind. She could still feel Alec beside her, and she worried that not all of her was focused on the mission. If only he hadn’t touched her.

“Go,” Mole commanded and it began.

Krit and Syl moved to either side of the hole, and stood stock still, quite inhuman. Zack, Joshua, and Cray- the last two nomalies- went up first, and gave the all clear. Mole, Jondy, and Lea went after, and then Alec, Liz, and Eric. Mole insisted they wait thirty seconds after coming up to keep with his timing, and then sent them out.

Eric swept out in front of her, and Alec remained behind- they put her in the middle. Liz grit her teeth at the idea that they were ‘protecting’ a fellow soldier, but soothed herself with the knowledge someone had to be in the middle anyway. The lighting surrounding the docks was poor, people were quiet, and everyone tried to look inconspicuous- shady dealings often went on at the harbor, everyone knew that, and tonight it would work to their advantage.

Slipping onto the right ship wasn’t a problem- it was quick, quiet, and smooth. Eric started taking down the men on deck, signaling Liz and Alec to go on. Liz made a gesture to tell Alec to go down below, and get the men guarding the cargo while she went into the office and bunk areas where stray seamen might still be on board. Liz watched his hands avidly as they signed that she should go down below where their were less men, and that he would run the risk of being surrounded. Instead of yielding to his response, Liz slipped him a purely human gesture, and took off into the personal quarters.

As she cleared each room, Liz slipped into her childhood persona. She took down two men in their room with the touch of a pressure point; three more in the next with a few kicks passed around; then continued on. The wood that skimmed her fingertips as she kept close to the wall was finely shellacked, obviously made pre-pulse.

A sound caught her ear, and Liz froze along the hall. Someone was in the last room Liz had to clear. After a moment several more voices murmured in kind, and Liz realized that there had to be at least eight men in addition to the first speaker in that room. Nine. She could take nine with help.

Being near to the room as she was, Liz held her breath as she made her way back down the hall, but she didn’t account for a loose floorboard. Her mistake. The men in the office heard the creak, and the door flew open. One of the crew peered out and then shouted before Liz incapacitated him. The other eight men rushed out, and Liz jumped up to cling to the ceiling, then launched herself on them.

“Someone get to the deck, we have intruders,” the man Liz had heard in the office first shouted.

Liz grunted as she took down two more men, and felt a sharp pain to her lower back. Not stopping to think, too high on adrenaline to pause, Liz swept backward with her outstretched arm, and sent the person assaulting her crashing to the ground. He was young, Liz acknowledged, then held her booted foot down on his windpipe until he passed out.

The sound of more men dropping had Liz returning to the fight. Alec has appeared, and he was in all his glory. He took down the two that were attempting to hold onto him, and his muscles stretched taut as he flipped another off his back, and into the wall.

One of the men came at Liz, and she crouched low on the defensive. As Liz swept out at his feet, the man jumped up, and slammed his fist down at Liz, but she blurred out of reach. She pulled him back by his hair, bending him in a U, and slammed her forehead down on his face- the crunch his nose made was unpleasant, and he passed out from the pain seconds later.

When Liz looked back up, she saw Eric running toward them full speed. The X5 stopped just shy of bulldozing them over. “We have to get out. I managed to lift more than four fifths of their supply, but whatever went down in here caused a stir. We need to move.”

Liz nodded unnecessarily, and the three took off. They has to vault over the side of the deck and into the dark waters below to avoid a hover drone, and a new batch of men making their way onto the vessel. The freezing salt water was a sharp sting, and Liz felt her back flare up with pain that zinged alone her spine, and she could smell her blood in the water. Fighting through the excruciating pain, Liz focused her eyes in the midnight darkened waters, and put her DNA to work, playing catch up to the males that had gotten out in front of her.

They passed a number of fish, a stingray, and three sand sharks. When they came up at the dock closest to the manhole, Eric and Alec climbed out with ease. Liz felt the air on her face, and as she pulled herself up and beside the others on the dock, a thousand needles stabbed at her back, unrelenting in its torture. Again she fought it, and neither transgenic male noticed, far to focused on scanning the area, and making it into the open hole.

The others had gone on ahead of them, as per instruction. Liz fought back bile rising in her throat, and dropped down after Alec. The impact this time was too bit much for her, and Liz stumbled into Alec, who caught her as she hit the sewer wall, and spat out a mouth full of blood and vomit.

“Where are you hurt?” Alec demanded to know while Eric dropped down after moving the lid into place. Both men crowded Liz for a moment, and she swore it was a suffocating feeling in the putridly pungent sewer, surrounded by rats, and entrenched in unidentified muck.

“It’s nothing, let’s go,” Liz said, pushing away Alec’s hands.

“We need to move out,” Eric agreed, taking point.

Alec stared at Liz, and that primitive part of her came to life even as her back seared with pain. “I’ll carry you.”

“No, let’s go,” Liz told him, pushing off his hands even as she wanted to lean into his touch.
“You are hurt,” Alec reasoned, marching in time behind her.

Eric was impatiently scouting ahead of them, urging them to move faster. Liz felt herself start to stagger, but forced herself to move onward, unhindered by the pain. Pain was a neurological signal that sent up the alert of physical damage- it could be ignored, Liz reminded herself.

Placing a hand on her back, Liz felt the sharp edge of a blade, and pulled out a fragment of a blood-covered, serrated knife. Ignoring Alec’s repeated order to let him carry her, Liz kept pace with Eric. The three clicks was like thirty for Liz, and when they made it back to the west tunnel’s entrance, she even allowed Alec to help pull her through.

Soaked to the bone, the three marched on, and Liz stopped fighting Alec’s hold. She felt herself give in to his arms as they swept her up, and her eyes rolled shut as the darkness consumed her. Her last thought was how right it was to be in his arms, how unlike anything she had ever had with anyone else. Primitively, she knew this was hers.

Author's Note:Hey everyone, I appreciated all of your input. I know some of you are unhappy about the Alec/Jondy mini hook up, but I hope you continue to read in spite of that. I also hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was asked if the podsquad will be making an appearance, but that is undecided as of this moment- I'm leaning toward no because this story is primarily focused on DA matters. I look forward to your feedback, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch6 7/29/08

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:41 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Seven

Alec could feel a knot in his back where the tension had settled. He had raced to the infirmary the moment Liz gave out in his arms. The medics and the retrieval team swarmed him, and Alec had been beyond explanations at that point. He had snarled at the transgenics in charge, and placed Liz down on one of the coarse cots that littered the room.

Max had jumped in to shout and demand answers. Eric- Alec’s least favorite person of the moment- went on to complain that Liz had caused the problem, and drawn the attention of the others without the ability to dispose of them. The way he used his words to paint the unflattering scenario, Eric made it seem as though he knew what happened. Alec was quick to correct him, which only directed her anger at him. He had never seen her so angry, and even though yes he was upset, he couldn’t understand why she was so over the top- soldiers got hurt, it happened.

Now that the situation had cooled, and everyone had a calm head, Alec asked, “Why is she so important? Pretty doe eyes, nice body, good soldier- all great qualities, but something tells me that there’s more here, Maxie.”

“She’s my sister,” Max said after a long pause.

“I know that. So what she was in your original unit-” he began, getting frustrated with that tired answer.

“No, you don’t. I mean she’s my sister, as in biological- the real deal,” Max shouted fiercely, getting in his face to the point Alec could feel her breath on his chin.

“What do you mean, Max?” Syl asked from behind them, she was very quite- an extreme introvert, and Alec was unused to hearing her voice.

“When White ran my DNA, he found out a bunch of whack stuff about me. Thing is, he had other files too; old mock ups of the ‘09er problem cases. The only pair of biological siblings in our original unit was Liz and I. We had the same mother. After I was born, my mom decided she wanted me, which made her a risk to Manticore. She tried to escape, and they neutralized her, but not before harvesting her eggs. It took years, and many attempts before they succeeded in fertilizing a single egg…Liz. That’s why she’s so much younger. And that’s why she’s so important,” answered Max, again her eyes hard and her glare directed at Alec.

The room fell into a hushed silence, and Alec was staring at Max with new eyes. The bond that was inexplicably present between the two female X5s made more sense. The fact that Max and Liz both had eyes that weakened the people around them, that inspired profound feelings of altruism- it was a family trait. All of her ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ meant something to her, but for Max, Liz was the real deal. Who else at Manticore could say that.

One of the medics came over, and the look on his face was stunned- absolutely incredulous.

“How is she?” Max jumped in before Alec could speak.

“She’s fine,” the man answered.

“Fine? How is she fine?” Max demanded, moving away from Alec and getting very friendly with the poor guy’s personal space.

“I mean, she’s fine. I don’t know how. Technically speaking, she should be dead right now,” the medic started.

“As a whole, we transgenics heal fast, but her recovery should have been impossible. I’ve never seen anything like this. Her right kidney had been punctuated by something sharp with a serrated edge that sawed through the perirenal and pararenal fat- two layers that encompass the kidneys and the adrenal gland, and then proceeded to rip passed the renal fascia to directly stab her right kidney. The kidneys main function is homeostasis, and as a result, the more she fought with the damaged kidney, a sporadic rise and decline must have immediately followed because homeostasis controls BP. At some point during the mission, Liz managed to crack her ribs- possibly from the blow to her kidney as the top of a kidney is usually protected by the eleventh and twelfth ribs. The cracked ribs would not be a problem, except at some point she dove into water- which was one part helpful and one part stupid.

“Trained as we are to dive into water, Liz attempted to do as trained, but her injury effected her balance, and when she made impact with the water, the force drove her cracked rib into her left lung- puncturing that as well. The helpful part in all this was that salt water which preserves kidneys- more commonly saline is used to help with kidney transporting for kidney transplanting.

“Once the kidney is damaged there is nothing that can be done for it, so we worked on her lung- putting her on a saline drip IV with mineral base, and patched up her lung and set her ribcage. But when we went to reassess the kidney, the tissue had sealed over with a transparent membrane, and the excretions it had leaked into the body had disappeared. There is no trace that she had begun kidney failure- and the hemodialysis that we had at the ready was completely unnecessary. Medically, X5-581 is of incomparably value,” the man finished, and he shook his head then returned to helping in the examination of pregnant transgenics.

“So what, Liz is some medical marvel?” came a female voice from behind the group. Alec was quickly beginning to recognize the voice as Maria’s- Liz’s Ordinary friend. She had started harping the moment Liz was brought in, and Little Michael had had to forcibly restrain her in her attempts to rush to Liz’s side hysterically.

“Sounds like,” Krit responded, arms crossed, and leaning against a wall beside Zack and Syl.

“I want all of you out of here, go put the supplies in storage,” Max ordered to the retrieval team, and everyone except Alec filed out.

“I meant you too, Dick,” Max responded, still glaring angrily at Alec.

“You blame me for this? I’m the one that helped her when the mission was compromised. I’m the one that made sure she got her in one piece. It’s not my fault she wouldn’t take orders,” Alec defended. This was always how it was with Max- she always found a way to pin everything on him.

“She was a part of your group, your unit, and you were responsible for her. I trusted her to go on this mission because of you. Not Zack. Not Krit. Not Mole or Joshua, or my sisters. You. Take responsibility soldier,” ranted Max, arms flying about for dramatic effect as she spoke. “When are you going to grow up.”

“Grow up? You want me to grow up? Well how about you grow up, Maxie, and take a look around. We are at war, and people- our people- are going to get hurt. Soldiers are going to be wounded, and that is what Liz is. She is a soldier. Just like you. Just like me. You want me to take responsibility? Fine, I’m the dumb ass that decided to stand by you even when your precious Logan left you, and when saint Zack challenged you. My mistake,” Alec said viciously, wanting to hurt her, to wake her up. He was always there, and he was a good soldier. He had been CO of his unit, and the best material Manticore had before Max blew it all to smithereens. Maybe he was self-indulgent, self-centered, and egotistical, but he was a damned good soldier, and an even better friend.

An intrinsic battle went up between them as they stared each other down, but Alec wouldn’t look away. He respected Max for all she had been through, and he cared about her more than he had anyone else in his other unit- but that didn’t mean he would let her step all over him. He had rank; he had strength; and he had pride- in this he would not defer.

“I hate to interrupt this visual smack down, but Liz is awake. Can someone help me up?” Maria asked, breaking them up.

Alec’s eyes flicked to where Liz was laying on a cot hooked up to an IV. She was answering questions for the medic from earlier, and nodding her head slowly. Focusing back on Maria, Alec answered her, “Can you move?”

“Yes, I’m not an invalid. God, you sound like Liz. The medical guys already said I could exert myself a little,” Maria whined, crossing her arms over her chest as she lay staring at Alec in reproach.

Michael seemed anxious while he too gazed off at Liz- Max now beside her bed. Alec noticed as the boy’s posture relaxed a bit, and the tip of his boots were lifting up and down repetitively.

Sighing, Alec moved to Maria’s side, and picked her up into his arms as she began protesting loudly about not being allowed to move on her own, and him being a Neanderthal, and not appreciating such treatment. He carried her to the bed beside Liz, and lay her down as Michael trailed behind them pushing Maria’s IV stand.

“Liz I told you not to go! Look at this, look at you. Do you know what those people said about your injuries?” Maria started right off the bat, and Alec quickly moved three steps away to avoid a ringing in his ears.

“I’m fine, Maria,” Liz answered, and hearing her say it made it all the more real for Alec. He breathed more normally, and the tension in his back eased.

“I thought you were a super freak- how did that guy even get close enough to stab you?” Maria asked, completely ignoring the threatening glances that came her way at the words ‘super freak’.

“There were eight guys, and I can’t exactly grow eyes and arms and legs everywhere, Maria,” Liz said exasperatedly, and then coughed violently into her hands.

Alec was by her side before she had stopped, and in front of an angry over-protective Max. Soothing a hand down her back, Alec watched as Liz removed her hand from her face, and revealed blood spatter on her hands.

“You aren’t fine,” Alec retorted, and laid her back down from where she had sat up.

“I’m fine, really. It’s just a residual effect,” Liz answered, but she didn’t push his hands away, and Alec grabbed hers once she settled back without struggle.

Holding her hands out for her to see, he spoke urgently and in a completely serious, completely un-Alec voice, “This is not fine. You have blood coming out onto your hands.”

“So have them check me over again. I’m telling you, this is normal,” Liz argued, yanking her arms out of his steel grip with surprising speed and ease.

“Normal?” Alec questioned, then looked around at the number of people surrounding them. “Everyone out,” Alec called. Medics looked up from where they were helping patients, and Alec waved them to stay, but all spare medical attendees were ordered to leave.

“What the hell are you doing?” Max demanded, sitting on the edge of Liz’s cot.

“Obviously she has something to tell us, if this is normal,” Alec told her.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you. All you need to know is that I’m fine,” came Liz’s hard spoken response.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You do have to explain because currently we are the only thing separating you from a world full of enemies,” Alec told her matter of factly. He hated pulling this card, but he needed to know. Something in him was demanding he find out so that he would be better able to take care of her.

“Liz, be careful,” Maria whispered her warning, but with his transgenic hearing, Alec caught

“Careful? What you don’t think you can trust us?” Max asked, her glare removing itself from Alec to focus on Maria.

“I know that I don’t know you. I know that the only reason I’m here is because Liz is protecting me, and she believes in you- despite the fact that she hasn’t seen you in eleven years. I also know that my best friend is being bullied by people that don’t particularly like me, or her, and that would sooner stick us out on the street than accept us into their ‘family’,” Maria said, using air quotes at the last.

She believed every word she was saying, Alec realized. She honestly thought they would abandon her and Liz to the world- and in a way she was right. If not for the fact that Liz was transgenic and important to Max, they wouldn’t be sitting with them in TC at that moment.

“No one is going to kick you. We protect our own,” Max reaffirmed, looking at Liz who had fallen silent.

“What about me? I’m not ‘your’ kind, I don’t leap tall buildings in a single bound, or have freaky super strength. To you, I’m just another Ordinary. Isn’t that what call me?” Maria asked.

“Enough, Ria. You are my friend. That makes you ‘my’ kind. I don’t care what they call you, and I thought you were Teflon babe- nothing sticks to you. You aren’t going anywhere,” Liz said, and Alec could hear that she was tired. “Michael, could you go get us all some water and maybe for Maria to eat?”

“Yes-” he began, and Liz raised an eyebrow, “Liz.”

Liz relaxed with a smile, and Alec wondered at the strange behavior. Michael was a soldier, he was supposed to be respectful and defer to the chain of command, but around Liz that hazed a little. She managed to put the boy at ease.

“So you want to tell us what the big secret is?” Alec questioned, standing as close to Liz as possible. The feel of her near had his body temperature raising a few degrees. It had felt similar to this the night at the bar when she had brushed against him. His whole being felt like it was lit up like a Christmas tree, and his instincts were more than attentive.

“Lydecker did something to me that he didn’t do to the rest of you. I don’t know what it is, or why. All I know is he claimed he had unlocked some special part of my DNA, and ever since then I have certain abilities. I’m different than all you, and sometimes not in a good way. Couple that with an incident at my parents diner a little over a year ago, and I’m not your average transgenic,” started Liz.

“What happened at your parents diner?” Max cut Alec off. He could hear the urgency and curiosity in her voice.

“I was working as a waitress, and things got out of hand with two of our customers. A gun went off, and I was shot in the stomach. I would have healed given time, but one of the customers didn’t know that, couldn’t. He rushed over to me, placed his hand on the wound, and healed me. Ever since-”

“Healed you? What the hell do you mean, healed you?” Max demanded.

“I mean, he manipulated the molecular structure of my body, and dissolved the bullet while patching up the damaged tissue. I’ve been even more…unique since then,” Liz informed them.

Alec was processing everything while Max tossed out question after question. Liz had been shot. Anger. Liz had been healed by another male. Jealousy. Liz was different than him. Confusion.

“Hi, Michael,” Maria called out loudly as he approached them with a tray full of drinks and food. It was a way of letting them know he was coming, which was unnecessary as they could all sense and hear him, but Alec could appreciate the human gesture.

“Thank you,” Liz said to Michael once he was beside them. Michael nodded, and Liz accepted it.

“You should eat some too,” Alec responded.

“I’m not hungry,” Liz insisted, but the way her eyes widened in want said otherwise. She was trying to be noble and let her friend have it.

“Hey baldy, why don’t you go get some more,” Alec said, addressing Michael with his usual nickname. He liked the kid, but he was a little too serious for Alec’s taste.

“Don’t call him that,” Liz ordered.

“Why not? It’s my nickname for him,” Alec said as Michael took off with a salute.

“Because I said so. He has a name now. Use it,” Liz’s tone had turned threatening as she sipped her water.

“Or what?” Alec asked, smirking.

“Or you’ll regret it,” Liz answered.

“You’re a good soldier, Shorty, but I’m not feeling the fear,” Alec said with a smirk. He felt two slaps on the back of his head; Maria and Max had taken the liberty of correcting him.

“I’m not short,” Liz argued, hung up on that particular detail.

“You’re shorter than me,” Alec responded, and rubbed the back of his head again when Maria hit it harder. “Watch it, Blondie.”

“Fine, I’m shorter than you, but height isn’t everything,” Liz told him.

“That’s like saying size doesn’t matter,” Alec scoffed.

“Aw, and I thought that would help console you a little bit,” Max jumped in.

Liz and Maria laughed at that, and Alec rolled his eyes. Michael appeared a moment later with a tray overflowing with food, and he handed it to Alec. Alec semi-saluted the kid, and watched as the boy returned it with a triumphant smile.

“Here, now eat,” Alec ordered, giving Liz the tray.

“I said I wasn’t hungry,” said Liz.

“It will help replace what your body has lost, eat it,” Alec ordered.

“I’m not hungry,” Liz fought. Alec couldn’t understand. He knew she was hungry, now she was fighting him just to be obstinate.

“It’ll be good for you, Liz,” Max joined in.

Liz waited, and Alec sighed- understanding. Turning to Little Michael, Alec addressed him, “Thank you, Michael.” He received a nod in response.

“Now eat,” Alec told her, and she did.

“We should run some tests. Find out what exactly is different about you,” Max said, watching as Liz devoured the tray of rations.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Liz answered, stopping for a moment.

“Why not? It could tell us a lot about you?” Alec asked.

“Because, macho-man, if the wrong people get a hold of her DNA, Liz could be in a lot of trouble,” Maria tossed in exasperatedly.

“It’s not like we’re careless,” Max defended.

“Why do you need to know about Liz anyway?” Maria questioned.

“With her DNA, we could cure diseases and help our wounded,” Max answered.

“So she’d be your lab rat?”

“No, of course not.”

“Guys, stop. If you want some of my blood, take it, but you have to destroy the research immediately following any discoveries. Memorize the data, but get rid of the hard copies. Maria’s right, this could put me in danger,” Liz told them, biting her lower lip.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Alec replied. He could see the look of astonishment on Max’s face- it was almost a look of betrayal.

“Alec, this could get rid of the virus,” she whispered to him, only loud enough for him and Liz to hear.

“What virus?” Liz asked aloud.

“Is it really more important than your sister’s life?” Alec asked, and prayed she’d say no. He would protect Liz if he had too, but they weren’t going to put her at risk.

“No,” Max responded, despondent. This could have been her chance with Logan, Alec knew, but he was glad that Max put family first.

“What virus?” Liz asked again.

“I have a virus in me that is directly targeted to someone else’s DNA,” Max informed her.


“Someone I cared about.”

“Logan?” Liz asked naively. She didn’t know the details, Alec noted. Max was keeping her private life private- which he thought was unfair considering everything Liz had just told them. Granted, Liz had her secrets still, but she had opened up.

“Yeah, Logan.” Max answered truthfully, then stood to leave. “We should go. You need to rest. I’ll see you in a few days baby sister,” Max told Liz.

“I’ll be good to go by tomorrow,” Liz said.

“A few days, Liz,” Max warned, and Liz nodded.

Alec felt Liz’s eyes on him as he headed toward the door after their quick goodbye. He turned and met her eyes at the doors, and felt something in him claw for release- she was dangerous to him, he acknowledged. She had a way into him that no one else did, and that was not a comforting thought.

Author's Note:Thanks for all the reviews. I hope this chapter didn't disappoint, I was a little distracted with RL when I wrote it. I'm off for sophomore year of college in August and with the rapidly approaching school semester, I find myself in higher demand. Let me know what you think. Oh and if anyone wants to make me a banner please pm me, and let me know. Thanks again, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch7 7/30/08

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:00 am
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Eight

It had been three days since Liz had arrived in the infirmary, and three days of Max telling her she wanted her to stay. Maria yammered on, each day growing stronger and more healthy, and coming up with a million baby names. Transgenics came in and out all day. Max, OC, Sketchy, Jondy, and even Krit and Syl dropped by to check in with her. Things were beginning to mellow for Liz, and the routine of existing among so many ‘people’ like her was beginning to settle in .

Listening to hear if Maria was finally asleep, Liz breathed a sigh of relief and slipped off of her cot. It was ten after one in the morning- or so Liz’s internal clock said. She had snuck out the night before, and now that she was at top strength, Liz had to do it again. Staying locked down in a medical facility was never something she had been comfortable with, and she couldn’t contain the nervous energy when she felt ready to leave.

Liz passed Michael standing guard at the door, and waved a little; he was her partner in crime. If Max came looking for her, Michael promised her that he would cover for her. Looking at him, Liz could feel her heart hurt for his lost innocence- the childhood he would never have.

The streets were lined with streetlights, some worked; some didn’t. Transgenics were either at the bar, in the low-rise apartments, or on guard- walking the streets was fairly unusual, and Liz felt confident that her brothers and sisters would never notice her. Trash littered the ground on some back alleys: broken bottles, old newspapers, bits and pieces of useless something or others; it all lay scattered over the streets. Everything seemed deserted, which suited Liz fine.

Finding the backstreet in the southeast section of TC that she had come across the night before, Liz crouched down and surveyed her surroundings. Her hearing enhanced, her pupils dilated, her sense of smell became fine-tuned; it was her usual sweep, and once Liz determined that no one had followed her, her eyes traveled up to the large metal bar that stretched from one building to the other, hovering over the dank alleyway almost invisible.

Tensing her muscles, Liz centered her balance, and pushed off from the ground like a rocket, grabbing hold of the bar twelve feet from the asphalt. The stretch of her taut muscles, the feel of her cramped back unknotting, and a few cracks of her spine had Liz rolling her head back in relief. Taking control of herself, Liz used the momentum of her body to swing back and forth until her body perpetuated upward in a completely vertical alignment.

Gripping the bar tightly with her left hand, Liz slowly released her right hand from the steel rod beneath her fingers. This was a test of control, a means to keep her in line, and Liz remembered using the edge of her balcony at night to do it. It was a rush, an exhilaration, as the blood zinged through her veins, pumped adrenaline through her body, and produced a familiar high- the high she always found when hunting.

Once her arm was completely horizontal, Liz took her locked left leg down straight in front of her, creating a stiff L. Carefully, Liz mimicked her movement, bringing down her right leg. Breathing deeply, Liz felt her lungs expand, and her diaphragm felt compressed, but the feeling was welcomed. Pulling her arm back down, Liz brought out her left, and slowly put each leg back up.

A sound reached her ears as Liz brought her left arm back down to grip the bar again. Someone was coming. Resisting the familiar urge to flee, Liz remained perfectly still and straight as she balanced vertically on the bar. Below her the sound of footsteps intruded on the quiet of the night, and Liz grit her teeth in consternation as she realized the person stopped right below her. With a sigh, she met his gaze, and Liz swung down to meet him.

“Aren’t you on direct orders to stay in the infirmary?” Zack asked.

“Why does that concern you?” Liz answered his question with a question, irritated by his commanding attitude.

“You were given an order soldier, and it’s in your best interest to follow it,” he replied. He stood ramrod stiff, arms behind his back, and shoulders tensed- ever the perfect soldier.

“What is your problem, Zack?” Liz had had enough. She had heard him the last few days lingering outside the infirmary, always saying rude things, treating her like the enemy. She was his sister, and if he like that it was too damned bad.

“My problem is that you need to learn to follow orders,” Zack said, jaw tensing.

“Ever since I got here you’ve had a stick up your ass. I haven’t seen you in eleven years and all you can say to me is ‘follow orders’? I haven’t done anything and yet you are mad at me, why?” Liz fired off.

“Just leave it, soldier,” Zack ordered, then moved to walk away.

Liz caught his arm as he passed her, and pulled him to a stop. He didn’t stop her. He didn’t move. He just stood there, breathing deeply.

“Tell me what’s going on,” Liz said softly.

“I’m not mad at you,” Zack began.

“Then why are you acting this way?”

“Because I couldn’t be there for you. I thought you were dead. I never even thought to look for you when I got out. I let you down,” Zack answered.

It was like he snapped, and the next thing Liz knew he was hugging her. He had never hugged her before, and it felt weird at first, but Liz realized that the second she had shown up in Terminal City he had been weighted down with guilt. Zack had come to the conclusion that she had been out there for years on her own, and he was all about protecting his own- being there when it got tough. He had never been there for Liz while she grew up outside Manticore.

“Zack, it wasn’t your fault. You thought I was dead just like everyone else. If you had known, you would have come for me,” Liz told him, rubbing his back and he held her.

“I would have; I promise, Liz, I would have,” Zack reassured her, pulling back, and looking into her eyes.

“I know you would have. Besides, it’s not like I had it hard. I had a good family and some friends,” Liz soothed. He looked so upset; it was a first for her former CO.

“You shouldn’t be out here, you should be resting,” he said in a sudden switch of gears, obviously trying to shake off his emotional display.

“I’m perfectly fine. Did you miss my impressive display of athleticism?” Liz joked, pointing up at the bar.

“How did you survive, Liz? Max told me what the medics said.”

Everyone had been asking Liz about it. What little she had told them had only sparked their curiosity, and Liz had been fending off noisy inquiry ever since.

“It’s not important, Zack,” Liz answered, letting go of him, and shrugging off his questions.

“You have secrets,” Zack stated- without a doubt.

“Doesn’t everybody?” she asked.

“You can trust me.”

“I know,” Liz said with a nodded, then gave him a half-smile.

“You grew up beautiful; just like Max,” Zack informed her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with uncharacteristic tenderness.

“Not quite,” Liz said sardonically, shaking off Zack’s compliment.

“Are you going to go back to the infirmary?”

“No,” she replied, shaking her head.

“I think you should, even if you are healed you do need sleep,” Zack urged.

“Good thing about shark DNA, sleep isn’t really a big deal,” Liz replied, glancing back up at the bar overhead.

“Maybe I’ll come visit you tomorrow,” Zack said, uncertainty coloring his tone.

“You don’t have to,” Liz started. “But I’d like that.”

Zack smiled, and then saluted her before walking off. He seemed a bit lighter, and Liz wished she had approached him sooner; not that there had really been an opportune moment prior their encounter.

It was getting late, and Liz wondered if she should head back. The bar looked so enticing to Liz, and she crouched low again, readying to launch herself upward. Her senses kicked in, and Liz sighed out loud.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” came his greeting.

“I haven’t had a bedtime in a long time,” Liz replied, jumping up to grip the bar.

“Ah come on, going to bed can be fun. Why don’t we go together?” he suggested, and Liz began to swing enthusiastically.

“I think I prefer this, thanks,” Liz called, peering down at him as she aligned herself vertically.

“If you want a work out, I’m sure I can help with that too,” Alec responded, smiling up at her in a way that had Liz’s grip faulting just slightly.

“Not interested,” Liz replied, looping the bar.

“Sure you are, I’ve seen the way you look at me. Besides, I saved your life, don’t you want to repay me?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest, and
leaning back against one of the buildings as he watched her.

Sighing as her concentration broke, Liz dropped down in front of him, arms crooked out for balance.

“Thank you,” Liz stated, and then started to jog away. Annoyingly, he kept pace.

“That’s not what I had in mind,” Alec informed her.

“I know,” Liz said, and moved a little further away from him as his body heat began to effect her. She felt the stirrings of her body’s primal reaction in
response to his nearness, and Liz hated the loss of control she felt.

“Playing hard to get? I see.”

“Why this sudden fascination in me?” Liz asked, increasing her speed to put distance between them.

“Oh, it’s not sudden,” Alec answered, speeding up to match her.

Jerking to a stop, Liz faced him, “Why are you following me?”

“Because I’m talking to you.”

“Why are you talking to me?”

“Because I like you,” he stated simply, and Liz melted inside while fighting to show the reaction outside.

“I’m going to bed,” Liz told him, then raced off, hoping to lose him with no luck.

“I’ll join you,” he whispered sexily, and Liz felt herself shiver.

“I’m going to bed alone,” she tried again.

It took half a second for him to pull her to a stop, and less than that for the feel of his warm lips to send tingles running all over her body. His hands were
still holding her arms, and hers were dead at her sides, but when her mind engaged, Liz’s body roared to life, and her arms came up to wrap around his neck, drawing him closer.

A feral hunger wrapped itself around them, and Liz turned them, slamming him aggressively into the brick wall of a building. He dropped his arms to her
waist, hoisting her up as her legs locked around him. Alec’s tongue slid across her lower lip, and in a demanding thrust, broke passed her moist giving lips and into her mouth. Liz could taste him, feel him, smell him, and recognize him with every molecule of her being. Never had she felt so on fire. Not a part of her
went untouched by him.

A hand traveled to her lower back, under her shirt, and slid across the silken skin beneath. The rough pads of his fingertips massaged her spine, traced over the spot where the knife had ripped into her, and then clutched her more closely to him. Liz could feel the grip of his other hand on the nap of her neck, tilting her from side to side as he explore her mouth with expert kisses.

Incendiary, molten, smelting- nothing could describe the rousing heat that flared between them. Liz felt her fingernails tingle with the urge to grab him, and she sank them into hard muscle as she moved her hands from his neck to his biceps. Sweat began to cover her body and as a breeze passed over them, a chill ran through her. It was almost too much, Liz thought. She pulled her head back from him, and felt his lips and tongue draw a path down her jaw and neck, consuming her inch by pulsing inch, as his mouth came to settle over her rapidly beating pulse point.

“Alec,” Liz struggled to say, attempting to fight her way back to sanity. The path was convoluted, snared with the many nerves that clenched in response to his touch, but Liz found her rationality, and roughly pulled away from him.

She watched his harsh breathing as he devoured her with his eyes. Liz didn’t want to stop. She didn’t want to be rational. She didn’t want to say no. But she had to, for too many reasons.

“Why are you fighting this?” he asked her, and the answer caught in her throat.

Instead of replying, Liz took off, her legs pumping with the adrenaline and frustration her every limb was wrought with. She was flushed and the feel of the cool air against her body as she rushed through the dirty, empty streets of Terminal City felt like whips of contrast- unpleasant. The feel of him was still alive in her mind, and phantom sensations of arousal played havoc with Liz’s body.

Getting involved with him was too dangerous. Letting herself get close to him was too dangerous. Pretending she could have something normal was too dangerous. Liz kept telling herself that, kept trying to make her demanding physical needs understand what her mind refused to accept, and it was a losing battle.

Alec’s piercing eyes flashed through her mind; so did his lips, his biceps, the feel of his hard pelvis pressed between her legs with an impressive hard on ready to pleasure her. God, it had been so long since she had let herself go. Her last heat had been hard, but stopping herself back in that alley with Alec had seemed by far more difficult.

Stopping two blocks from the infirmary, Liz slammed herself backward against a building, ignoring the pain of it, and letting her body pause. A piece of newspaper blew over her foot, and Liz focused on the feel of that, and of the wind. She tried to think of Maria and the baby, of Michael, and of her brothers and sisters. She thought of the royal four, and glanced up at the stars, wondering where they were, and if they were okay.

Slowly Liz’s instincts retreated, her body calmed, and the world reverted back to normal. Normal. It was such a relative term. Nothing was ever really normal, Liz thought. Everyone had a problem- or at least thought they did, and maybe that was the only normal thing that really existed. Back in Roswell, Liz had thought she had a normal life. More normal than Manticore could provide at the very least. Her parents had had normal jobs, she had gone to a normal school, and she had had normal friends. But it took that one day in the Crashdown when the shooting happened to remind Liz that she wasn’t normal, and that her life would never be just normal.

Green energy crackled along her skin, and Liz felt the searing pain of it building inside her. A month before coming to Terminal City, Liz had developed her “gifts” and ever so often, she couldn’t control them, and they came to an intense, physical culmination.

Moving her hands down against the asphalt, Liz tried to quell the rising power. Some of it retreated back into her body, but Liz couldn’t stop the rest from centering in her hands and forcing outward in an extreme blast, a green light that rippled out through the alley floor, and caused mini-explosions of asphalt like tiny geysers. Liz felt bits of the debris pelt her body as she tucked her head to the side against her shoulder, eyes closed.

A grunt of surprise from behind her, alerted Liz to her current problem: someone had seen her. Turning sharply, Liz saw two figures in the dark near the perimeter fence, neither wearing the familiar fatigues required of all TC members. They were intruders, and they had seen her use her powers.

Time stood suspended as Liz stared back at them, and they her. Finally it clicked, and all three became blurring figures. The two men went for the fence, and Liz raced after them. A hand automatically came out in front of her, and Liz watched as a beam of green energy hit the fence, and both figures were thrown back against the pavement.

The man who had grunted was on his feet first, recovering quickly, and he squared off with Liz. As they kicked out at each other, Liz took in his Hispanic features, all handsome and flawless. He had dark brown hair, it looked black in the shadows, and pale brown eyes, hazel in the light. When Liz grabbed hold of his arm and bent him forward, she caught a glimpse of his neck- a barcode stamped in place- before being pulled off of him by his partner.

The second man, the one to pull Liz away from the Hispanic transgenic, flipped Liz backward and into the wall of the building behind them. Her head throbbed for a second as her skull was slammed into the brick, but Liz reflexively dropped down and swept his feet out from under him. Grabbing hold of his neck, Liz yanked him up to her, and pulled her legs up around his waist. Both men froze, her hands were perfectly capable of snapping his neck, and in their current position that was the only likely outcome.

A full head of blond hair filled her vision, and Liz tried peering over the top of her prisoners head to stare at his partner.

“Drop any weapons you may have, and get on the ground,” Liz ordered. She watched as the X5 complied, and then brought her legs down to the ground, and kicked the back of the blonde’s knees, bending slightly to follow him to his knees.

“Who are you?” Liz demanded, still gripping the blond in a position to kill, eyes watching everything in front of her carefully.

“X5-568,” the blond responded, his jaw tensing as he spoke.

“X5-690,” said his partner.

Liz shook her head incredulously, it couldn’t be them. Because if those were their numbers, then the intruders were her brothers: Ethan and Raed.

“What the hell is going on here?” came Max’s voice from behind them, and Liz wished she could close her eyes. This was the night from hell.

Author's Note: Hey guys thank you all so much for reviewing. I'm sorry it took me a few days longer than usual to update, but like I mentioned before, I've got a lot going on. I hope you liked this new chapter, and I hope to get another one out within a week, but don't quote me on that. Let me know what you think, EK! :D

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch8 8/5/08

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:54 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Where Loyalty Lies
Disclaimer: I don't own neither Roswell, nor Dark Angel.
Category: Roswell/Dark Angel XO
Rating: ADULT
Pairings: Liz/Alec, Max/Raed, Maria/Zack, Krit/Syl
Summary: Takes place after series finale of DA and Departure on Roswell- except Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess all left for Antar; set in DA timeline. When White and his agents get a trace on Liz they come after her and everyone she knows. Kyle is killed along with her parents and the Sheriff. Fleeing for their lives, Liz takes Maria to the one place she has heard of rebellion, where her sister is the leader of 'their' kind. Nothing is certain, but for a supersolid and her Ordinary friend- loyalty is their only protection.

Chapter Nine

Sweat dripped down his back, and Alec rolled his tense shoulders. It had been three days since his kiss with Liz, and three days since the two traitors had entered their city. Ethan and Raed were working for Lydecker, that much they had been able to get out of the two transgenics. Every resident of TC had been buzzing with the news. Mole and like-minded Nomalies vocalized their feelings on how they felt the two X5s should be dealt with, and Alec couldn’t find fault with their logic.

Grabbing a towel, Alec left the training room. He had seen the males. He had seen the way they looked at Liz. They had been fixated on her the whole time he was in the room, and a part of him- more animal than human- wanted to kill them for that alone. Alec remembered the look on their faces as they stared with openly curious eyes at Liz, and the way she in turn stared back. Max, Jondy, Krit, Syl, Zack, and Liz were they only people- beside himself- cleared for access.

It was clear that Ethan and Raed had not been as lucky as Liz, they had not planned an escape, nor did they leave Manticore training. Apparently, they were pet projects to Lydecker; whatever he had managed to do to Liz he had tried to replicate in them, with no luck. They were fast and strong, as Liz attested, but they weren’t brainless machines. Emotions flickered through their eyes on occasion, and recognition of their siblings, their unit, could be seen when they were spoken to directly.

Alec passed a few soldiers, saluted, and continued on to his private quarters. Unlike most of the transgenics in Terminal City, Alec had made his space his own. Clothes overflowed from a beaten up dresser with drawers that wouldn‘t shut; a bed sat in the far left corner of the room with a number of pillows; stolen magazines sat on a rickety end table; a standing lamp and a ceiling light were available for use; and a massive window had heavy steel blue curtains hanging on either side of it. A battery powered keyboard sat on its stand to the right beside the dresser, a gift from Joshua, along with three, large, canvas paintings that hung on the blank white walls. It wasn’t big, it wasn’t organized, and it wasn’t perfect, but it was home.

Dropping down on his mattress, Alec stared out the sunny window, the tops of streetlamps and malfunctioning cable wires obstructed his view. A flash of Liz entered his mind, and Alec’s jaw clamped down in frustration. Getting her alone was now an impossible task; whenever he had approached her the last few days she had found some excuse to avoid him. It wasn’t that he needed her, or that she was significantly special, but he wanted her, and Alec was unused to not getting what he wanted.

A knock at his door snapped him out of his thoughts, “Come in.”

“Alec?” Joshua called, entering the room.

“Hey Josh, what’s up?”

“Max wants you. Little Fella says it’s important,” Joshua announced, sniffing the air, and grinning.

“Where is she?” Alec asked, sighing as he got up from his relaxed position. It seemed like every free moment he had not spent sleeping was another moment for someone to ask for his help. He remembered the good old days when he had ties no one and his conscience was squeaky clean of guilt and morals.

“The closed access building behind the low-rise apartments,” Joshua said.

“With the traitors?” Alec asked, exasperated.

“Max doesn’t like when we call them that.” Joshua was ever the faithful friend; sometimes his blind acceptance bothered Alec- which was part of the
reason why he stuck around him so much, taking advantage of Joshua would not be a difficult thing to do.

“Yeah, yeah; make love not war- whatever,” came the response.

“Alec cranky because Liz not talking to him?” Joshua asked with an air of innocence that Alec knew wasn’t faked.

“I’m not cranky,” Alec snapped, and then regretted it when he saw Joshua frown and withdraw, obviously hurt. “Look I’m sorry. I’ll talk to you later, Big

Alec marched out passed Joshua and felt the stiffness in his limbs that he now associated with stress and sexual frustration.

She was one girl. One small, not-so-innocent girl. A single person with an unpleasant attitude. But Liz had that elusive quality that made her difficult to ignore. Maybe she was playing hard to get, Alec thought; but she genuinely seemed disinterested- and that did not make sense.

Looping through the streets with his body on autopilot, Alec watched the blur of transgenics. Nothing had changed since they set up camp in Terminal City, but moral seemed lower than usual. The news of the traitors was a tough hit to the thrill of war. Lydecker was brewing a new scheme, and the grim thought of going back into the cage had them all out for blood; despite the help Lydecker had provided in the past.

“Hey Alec,” a disembodied voice shouted out to him, and he paused. Hearing tuning into the pitch and echo- his head swiveled to face the direction of whoever had called his name.

The low-rise apartments were a good forty feet away, but Alec figured if it had been urgent, Max would have sent someone with cleared access to the secure holding where the prisoners were being held.

Murk, a decent soldier with a little too much bat in his mix, appeared in front of Alec; the black wings on his back fluttering, and his fanged teeth protruding from his thin-lipped mouth.

“Heya Murk, how’s it going?” Alec asked, clapping his friend on the back- he remembered that he still owed the transgenic money from a lost bet.

“Is it true that Max is keeping those freaks around?”

Alec grit his perfect, white teeth. Freaks. The word was exclusionary, unfair, and obsolete. In the post-pulse world no one was normal, and it was
beyond intolerable to hear a member of the X series use the word. They were Freak Nation, and anybody who didn’t realize that was either stupid or blissfully ignorant- two things that were almost synonymous.

“Bigotry doesn’t become you, Murk.”

“I’m a bigot because I want those traitors out of here? They don’t belong and if Max thinks they do, I’m not so sure that she’s fit to lead us.”

Transgenics were listening in and some had gathered nearer to listen in on the discussion. Alec did not need this. He was tired, he was overworked, and
he was frustrated.

“You’re a bigot because every one of us is a ‘freak’ and if your going to start discriminating against other ‘freaks’ than you are just as bad as the Ordinaries who want to exterminate us,” Alec argued.

“They are against us! We shouldn’t be inviting the enemy into our territory with a free pass just because Max has some sentimental weakness for them. I’m not saying we exterminate them; I’m just saying we get them the hell out of here,” Murk called out loudly, gesturing with his arms in a production worthy of Broadway. He was hamming it up, bringing more attention down on them.

“We don’t know why they are here. We know where they are from, but that’s it. And we all came from Manticore, we were all pet projects at one time. Isn’t that why the Ordinaries want us the hell out of their territory? If they could they would jettison us to another planet. That’s what we are fighting against and if you think getting rid of my brothers is going to help our cause, you are dead wrong. If we do this to them we aren’t any better than anyone else. Are you a hypocrite?” Liz’s voice met the audience as she jumped down from the roof of a nearby building.

Some people disbursed at Liz’s appearance- clearly rattled. She was still a wild card that people weren’t too sure about. Change was the name of the game, Alec thought, but acceptance was the only a bonus.

“And what right do you have to be here? You show up with some Ordinary in the middle of the night, uninvited, and expect us to treat you like royalty?
You aren’t our leader- we don’t have to listen to you. You ran away- what do you know about being a soldier?” Murk pressed, his wings set at attention on his back, his face mean.

“She has as much right to be here as you do, Murk. Back off,” Alec barked, a headache starting.

“You’re just thinking with your dick,” Murk sneered.

Alec was on him in a second, slamming their bodies down against the floor with as much force as he was capable. Muscles bulging and tense, Alec felt his lungs restrict as Murk slammed a compact fist into his stomach- winding him. Fangs sank into his neck, and Alec pulled his upper body away in a fierce
wrenching movement that tore at his veins and flesh. Bringing his head back, Alec looked into Murk’s relatively blind, cold eyes as the X sounded off a horrible sonic noise.

Use blurring speed, Alec head butted his opponent, and dove into a tumble before straightening to face Murk. The red-hot anger colored his mind, tingeing the sanity that usually ruled his otherwise controlled mind. Murk flew at him and Alec took in the force around his torso as he was bull-rushed, and grabbed the transgenic around the waist; firmly gripping Murk’s waist, Alec lifted him and heaved him over his body- launching the bat-man twelve feet down the street.

No movement registered and the transgenics lining the street watched with interest as Alec made to continue the fruitless battle. Suddenly, Liz sprang forward into Alec’s path, cutting him off.

“Move,” he grunted, body tense for the fight.

“This is not going to happen. You’re done,” Liz ordered, their eyes locked in a battle of dominance.

Alec blew off her words, shouldering his way around her. Others on the street would have noticed at that moment that her body had a hazy glow, but all eyes were on the twitching Murk. In an impressive display, Liz pushed off the ground and launched into a powerful backward flip, landing solidly in a crouch again in Alec’s path.

Some of the red began to fade as Liz’s voice produced gleaming dots of intelligence through the shroud of feral anger.

“You have a job to do soldier. Max needs you, go,” Liz said, her tone still hard and demanding.

Alec regained his senses in spite of the aimless adrenaline pumping through his blood. Liz looked like a stern goddess, hands on her hips, and his frustration with her roiled to the surface. It was a battle of man vs. animal to hold back from grabbing her up into his arms, but Alec curbed it, and with a fierce growl in Murk’s direction, he marched off toward the secure building. He hoped that he broke a few of Murk’s bones, and the hypocrite could kiss the money he owed him goodbye.

Krit and Syl stood on either side of the only entrance that was not boarded in the building. Neither spoke as Alec passed, but a polite nod was exchanged. Krit and Syl were still obtuse in their socialization with others. They were completely comfortable with one another, but neither breached the board of necessary conversation with anyone else- except Max and Zack, and if Liz would allow anyone to get close, probably her.

Passing Zack who stood outside the holding room in the dank hall, Alec flipped him off. They too had yet to go beyond formality- but that was more for the fact that Zack was a jackass, and Alec would rather be skinned alive than be forced into amiable conversation with the pompous prick.

A brisk double knock heralded his arrival, and ignoring a snide murmur from Zack, Alec swept into the room.

Three hanging laps lit the room in a central line above a steel, four-legged table. Ethan and Raed sat unmoving and unspeaking as Max grilled them from her perch on the end of the table. She looked on edge and irritated as well as thoroughly saddened. Seeing her stare at her two bound brothers caused Alec to feel stirrings of sympathy and guilt about how upset and self-centered he had been earlier.

Two knocks announced Liz’s presence as she took up against the wall behind him, and Alec forced himself not to turn and acknowledge her- or worse, show that he cared. He was itching to know what happened when he left the street, but he curbed his instinct.

“Are there anymore like you working for Lydecker?” Max asked, her voice stern.


“What is your mission?”


“How long have you been on assignment?”

Blank stares.

“When is your expected return?”

A fluttering of eyelids.

“What are your designations?”

“X5-568,” Ethan stated, mouth barely moving, but his voice came out in a booming response.

“X5-690,” Raed shouted, his eyes flicking to Liz’s eyes from where they had been studying her hands.

“What is your mission?” Max tried once more.


They answered two questions. What is your designation and who do you work for. Apparently they were fixed one way and one way only. They might as
well be talking to brick walls- at least then you don’t expect an answer.

“Why won’t you answer me? I’m your sister. Don’t you remember me?” asked Max, begging them with her eyes to answer.

“They’re like robots,” Alec put in, and he received two full force glares- one he saw, the other he felt.

“Who do you work for?” He had heard the question and answer so many times he thought he would have become dull to the sting of anger he felt when
they were said, but he wasn’t.

“Lydecker,” they said in unison.

“What is your mission?”

The silence was deafening in its resolution.

Sighing, Max’s head inclined an inch before she turned from them. A shadow of Max’s resignation shone from her usually fiery eyes.

“Alec I need you to switch off with Zack. He’s been here two days straight, and he refuses to stand down until I can replace him with someone with
actual authority,” Max pleaded, and Alec was already prepared to help.

“Sure thing Maxie,” he answered.

“Really? No fight? You feeling alright?” she teased.

Biting back his retort that he was not actually alright and that he needed a break too, Alec rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

“Poke fun and I might change my mind.”

“Thanks,” she said instead of her usual witty response. She turned back to face the male X5s, but Liz stepped forward.

“Can I have a few minutes alone with them?” Liz requested, and Alec noticed that the two prisoners were staring at Liz with that annoying steadiness.

“I don’t want anyone left alone with them. As it is I wanted you back in the infirmary- you weren’t supposed to even be out until tonight,” Max started,
shaking her head in a negative response.

“You were alone with them, and I can handle myself. You can’t continue to baby me. I am a soldier and I know my limits. Ten minutes. Besides, I already
sent Zack to the infirmary to check on Maria- she needs protection with all of the unease around here,” Liz informed them both.

“How did you get him to leave? He has been refusing me all day,” Max said, frustrated.

“We have an understanding. Look, ten minutes is all I want,” Liz requested again.

Alec wanted to put in his discomfort at the idea, but Max agreed to quickly and before he could do anything, he was out in the hall with Max.

“You trust them with her?” Alec questioned Max.

“She’s got ten minutes,” Max responded, refusing to answer to him, but he saw the answer in her body language- she was just as uncomfortable as him.

“Would you need ten minutes to get out of there and kill someone?”

“Alec,” came his irritated answer.

“Do you have that much faith in them?”

“I have that much faith in her,” Max rejoined.

Liz had ten minutes and then they were coming in.

Author's Note: So the board reset back to the 13th of August- which means that the feedback from the last couple of days has been deleted, along with this post. I'm sad that I didn't have the opportunity to save all the feedback from the last few days- but I still hope to hear everyone who reads this chapter. I can't wait for your input. Thanks for the reviews I did receive. EK!

Re: Where Loyalty Lies (DA,XO,UC, ADULT) Ch9 8/25/08

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:04 pm
by Egyptian_Kiss
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated lately. I've got Strep throat and a sprained wrist. I'm not going to be able to update for a few days, but I will try and do so as soon as possible. Thanks for your support and understanding. EK! :D