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Sunrise (Mature, L/Kh) Complete 4/19/08

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:34 pm
by Skittles1983

by Amy AKA Skittles1983

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB & UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Rating: Mature

Category: AU w/ Aliens; UC

Couple: Khivar/Liz

Author's Note: Hi Everyone! This story was originally posted at Roswell Heaven last Summer for their Avant Garde writing challenge. I'm a big Awakened Dreamer fan, but something about Khivar/Liz captured a tiny piece of my heart as well. Please let me know what you think!

Ch. 1

"I love you." he whispered as he kissed her forehead softly and pulled her body closer to his. She lifted her head from his chest and smiled at him.

"I love you too." she said as she laid her head back down upon his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

Neither spoke again. Both reveling in the feel of being in the other's arms, safe and sound in their love. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes faded into hours. The lovers fell asleep and all seemed peaceful. She woke first, her long dark hair fanned out around her and her lover's heartbeat still steady beneath her ear. She smiled and then turned and placed a soft kiss over his heart. She looked up into his face and watched as he woke up. His bright green eyes met hers and he smiled at her.

She giggled and then smiled back at him. She couldn't help it, she couldn't remember a time she'd been happier. He could see the love and happiness she had in her eyes.

"What are you thinking my love?" he asked.

She rested her head back over his heart and when she spoke her warm breath sent tingles over his skin, "I'm so happy, Khivar. Not only because we can finally be together without Zan breathing down our necks but because Vilandra, Rath, Ava, Braden, Serena, and Riordan are so happy as well. They are all sleeping peacefully down the hall. We are all together as it should be. I wish Zan could be happy for us and accept that I love you. I know there is someone out there for him but" her words were cut off as an thump sounded at his bedroom door.

Before either could move the door burst open and a bloodied body fell onto the ground. The other person at the door moved to help the woman lying on the ground.

"We are under attack."


Liz Parker woke with a start. Another dream or nightmare depending on how one looked at it, she mused. Her head hurt so bad as it usually did after her dreams lately. She buried her head in the pillow and concentrated on slowing her breathing and relaxing her mind. The pain lessened and she relaxed completely. She started to contemplate what the dream meant. She was in bed with Khivar and God help hershe was in love with him, in fact she had been so content. And, her friends had been happy. Liz sighed as she rolled over. Vilandra, Rath, Ava, Braden, Serena, and Riordan flashed through her mind and Liz realized with a start that they were Isabel, Michael, Tess, Alex, Maria, and Kyle.

Another thought had Liz sitting up so quickly she almost fell out of her bed. Khivar. Liz had never seen him before, but in her dream she knew him intimately. His cropped dirty blonde hair, his bright green eyes, the plains of his muscles. She didn't take the time to think her mind had conjured up an image of him. She knew without a doubt that that was Khivar. If she had never seen him, then how did she know without a doubt that that had been him?

Ch 2

The next morning Liz woke up to the bright sun shining through her window. She had the worst sleep ever and did not feel like working at the Crashdown. Only one more month before everyone was separated and going to different colleges. Tess, Kyle, and Alex were off to join Isabel at UCLA, while Michael, Maria, Max, and Liz were off to Boston. Maria was going to find a job, while Michael was attending art school and Max and Liz were going to attend Harvard.

As Liz got ready for her shift she let her mind wander over all the things that had changed just before graduation. The gangs impromptu trip to Las Vegas brought them all closer and since then they spend a lot of time together. Liz and Tess even managed to become friends. Liz sighed as she buttoned up her uniform and grabbed her antennae off of her dresser. Max was still pursuing her, but Liz honestly didn't want to try anymore. She was over Max and she wished he would just accept it. She wanted to be friends and although he said it was fine, he didn't act like it.

She made her way downstairs and into a nearly empty Crashdown. Her parents were away for the summer, so she and Maria were in charge. There were only two booths occupied. Max, Michael, and Maria sat at one, while Kyle, Alex, Isabel, and Tess sat at the other.

Maria noticed her first, "Hey chicka, you okay?"

Liz just shook her head, "No, I didn't sleep at all. I'm exhausted." Liz said as she plopped down in the booth next to Maria and dropped her head onto the table.

She didn't notice everyone exchanging curious and worried glance at one another.

"Liz, why don't you go back to bed." Tess suggested, "I can cover for you."

Maria nodded her agreement, "Go."

Liz didn't even try to argue, she smiled gratefully at Tess, "Thanks."

Tess just smiled back and said, "I'll follow you up stairs and just use your uniform and make necessary adjustments." She winked at Liz.

Liz laughed and smiled, "All right."

Liz gave everyone else a small smile and walked back up the way she just came with Tess following behind her. They silently made their way into Liz's room where Liz stripped out of her uniform and handed it to Tess. Liz turned around and put on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. She turned back around and watched Tess fix the uniform so that it fit her better. Liz had the urge to tell Tess about the dreams, but she didn't know why.

"Tess" Liz started but before she could continue a knock interrupted.

Liz sighed and called out, "Come in."

The door opened and Max peaked his head in, "I just wanted to check on you."

"I'm fine." she practically growled out. She shook her head, "I'm sorry Max. I'm just tired."

He gave her a smile and said, "It's all right. If you need anything call me."

Liz nodded and looked at Tess, the moment to tell her having passed, "Thanks Tess. I appreciate it."

Tess nodded and turned to follow Max but stopped for a moment and turned back to Liz, "Liz, whatever it is, you can tell me. I'll come back after my shift and we'll talk then."

Liz nodded and watched Tess walk away, she had a feeling Tess knew more than she was letting on. Liz climbed in to bed, hoping for peaceful sleep to come take her away to a world not filled with dreams. Her hopes were answered.


Tess walked down the stairs following Max and out into the Crashdown, which had picked up in business. She immediately went to work knowing that in a few hours time Liz's life was going to change drastically. She looked over at her friends and knew that everything was coming to a head.

She winked at Kyle as she passed by his table and heard Isabel say, "Alex, please pass the Tabasco."

As soon as Isabel finished asking for the Tabasco, the bell above the door chimed and Tess looked up startled to see the tall figure in the doorway. She didn't think he was going to be coming here yet. She shook her head as she walked up to the table he had chose to sit at.

She tried to act normal by placing a menu in front of him and asking what she could get him to drink.

He smiled up at her, "Coffee, black and please bring the Tabasco sauce."

She smiled back at him, "Sure thing."

Chapter 3

Liz awoke some time later feeling much better. She looked at the clock and realized that she had spent the whole day sleeping. It was already 7 PM at night. A knock on her door caught her attention and she hoped it wasn't Max.

"Come in." she called out.

The door opened and a head of blonde curls appeared, "Hi Liz. How are you feeling?" Tess asked as she stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind her.

Liz smiled and moved over on the bed to make room for Tess. Tess joined Liz on her bed. Both were quiet for a few moments and Liz's mind flashed to the image of Ava lying bloodied on the ground with Riordan standing over her distraught. Kyle. Riordan. One in the same? Liz shook her head.

"Tess," Liz broke the silence, "I've been having these dreams for the past few weeks."

"I know." Tess said quietly.

Liz turned her head to study Tess, "What is happening to me?"

"You are remembering Liz."

"Remembering what?"

"Your life. Our life. All of our lives."

Liz closed her eyes and tried to focus.

"Liz, don't panic. Reach deep down within yourself. You know what I'm telling you is true." Tess said.

"Do I?" Liz questioned, even though she knew the answer already.

"Liz, you know that I was sent down here with the others but came out of the pods later than they did. Nasedo found me and took me with him. He wasn't good Liz. He put ideas in my head and I believed him because I couldn't remember. But I remember now and I'm sorry for what I put you through. I was wrong." Tess said.

Liz's eyes had widened throughout Tess' speech.

"You remember?"

Tess nodded.

"Tell me." Liz commanded and Tess complied.

"I will but you have to promise not to interrupt and to listen.really listen."

At Liz's nod, Tess continued, "Antar was a beautiful planet. Zan had come to be King at a young age of 18. His father had passed away suddenly. Zan wasn't ready to be King but he did it. He was a great King. Zan had help from several people. His second in command, Rath. His sister, Vilandra. His best friend Khivar. And his friends: Lily, Serena, Braden, Ava, and Riordan. Rath was engaged to Serena. Vilandra was involved with Braden. Ava, who was Braden's younger sister, was engaged to Riordan. Zan was in love with Lily but Lily did not return his love. She was the backbone of the group. She was the epitome of strength, determination, hope, love, and beauty. She only had eyes for Khivar. Khivar also only had eyes for Lily. Eventually, Zan was overcome with jealousy and kept sending Khivar off planet for different diplomatic purposes. He never understood their love and would blatantly court Lily. After a few years, Khivar and Lily were married quietly, with Ava, Vilandra, Serena, Riordan, Braden, and Rath present. Zan had refused to come. There was some trouble with a neighboring planet and Zan was off planet trying to deal with it. Lily felt that her marriage to Khivar would help Zan see they were not meant to be together and that would help him move on. All were hoping that. One night everyone was staying at the palace in preparation of the yearly celebration the kingdom had. Zan had accepted Lily and Khivar's marriage but had pulled away from the group."

Tess paused, seemingly at a loss for words. Liz waited patiently for her to continue, her mind running a million miles a minute and then she relaxed. It all came to her. Her life as Lily, her life as Liz.

Before Tess could begin again, Liz continued for her, "Khivar and I were talking. I was telling him how happy I was that we were all happy. I thought maybe Zan could find someone. And before we could finish we heard something at the door and then you were lying on the floor, bloodied and broken. Riordan was right behind you and I had never seen him look so devastated. He looked up at us and said, 'We are under attack.' Braden, Vilandra, Rath, Serena, and Zan came in shortly after. The planet that had been giving us trouble had attacked. We weren't prepared. You died first, but we made a stand against them. The last thing I remember was Khivar's cry of rage and anger as I was hit by a blast."

Liz looked at Tess, "Maria, Kyle, Alex." she trailed off.

"I know." Tess said.

"Khivar survived and he had us all put in pods and sent down to earth with protectors. You, Kyle, Alex, and Maria were sent as one sent and Max, Rath, Vilandra, and I were sent in another set. Nasedo killed the other protector and separated the pods. He left ours in the pod chamber were we grew. Your pods, because they were separated from the chamber didn't form properly. You came out as babies six years ahead of us, while we developed and came out as six year old children. Nasedo was working for the other side, the other planet. Their whole plan was to separate us and not let us know what our real destinies were because together we were stronger. Khivar caught wind of the plan and sent down more protectors. He felt it was too dangerous for us to be united, so while Michael, Max, and Isabel were situated in their homes, you were set up with homes. You were specifically placed in the homes. Our protectors blended into society and watch us like shadows. Khivar waged a war in our names. He got lost in his grief after a while. His friends, his family, his love was gone. The war hardened him but he was fighting for us. Time moves differently on Antar. While it's been over fifty years since we came down here, it's only been about five on Antar. Liz, we were never meant to go back and save our planet. Things got so messed up. The skins do work for Khivar but some of them such as Whitaker, Nicholas, and the ones at Copper Summit are bad. Khivar has been on this planet for a few months and he has made it safe again. Antar is a destroyed planet. No life is on it. Any remaining survivors have all been integrated into other planets."

Liz had been watching Tess the entire time. She was listening to the story but also remembering. She remembered holding Ava's lifeless body to her own and feeling her rage boil to the surface. She couldn't imagine what Khivar went through. He lost everything. Without warning Liz pulled Tess into a hug and both girls let their emotions go, sobbing out years apart.

Chapter 4

"How did you remember?" Liz asked.

"I had the dreams too, as I suspect the others are starting to have. And one night I was walking in the park and I ran into someone. Before I could fall he reached out and grabbed me. I got flashes and when I looked up I realized it was Khivar. I shrank back in fear and he released me and held his hands up to show he didn't mean any harm. I could see the look of hurt in his eyes that I was scared. Something told me not to be afraid, but I didn't know what to think. And then, it just sort of clicked."

"We need to tell the others." Liz said.

Tess nodded her agreement, "We need to call a meeting. Let's have it at Michael's apartment."

Liz picked up the phone and called everyone. They agreed to meet at Michael's and Liz knew that they were all curious as to why she was calling a meeting.

"Are you ready for this?" Tess asked.

Liz laughed for the first time in a long time, "No."

Suddenly, she became serious, "Tess, Khivar is here. What are his plans?"

"He's created peace between the planets. He has nothing up there for him, so he wants to stay on Earth." Tess peered at Liz.

Liz nodded. She was happy. She knew that no matter what happened at this meeting, she would be reunited with him. She remembered every detail of him and while she knew they were both different people now, she had no doubt that their love was still in tact.


Liz and Tess walked into Michael's apartment together. Alex and Isabel were seated on the love seat, Kyle was seated in a chair, while Michael and Maria sat in another chair together. Max was leaning casually against the wall.

"What's up Liz?" Michael asked.

"Oh my God, you're leaving early aren't you? And then I'm going to be stuck here for two months without you and I won't see you until I get to Boston at the end of August" Maria stopped her rant and pulled out her cedar oil and began sniffing it. Michael grabbed the bottle and clamped a hand over her mouth.

Liz smiled gratefully at him.

"What I'm about to say is going to change everything." Liz began and then looked to Tess for reassurance. Tess gave her a smile and then looked out at the group to see that they had everyone's attention.

"Antar was a beautiful planet." Liz continued and for the next hour recanted their history. Surprisingly, no one questioned her. Liz knew that deep down they knew that it was true, just like she had known when Tess was telling the story.

Everyone was speechless afterwards.

"I want to remember." Maria's soft voice broke through the silence.

Liz offered her a smile, "Just focus on breathing. Let your mind blank and then think about one of your dreams. The feelings, emotions you were having, but keep calm and breathe."

She watched all of them close their eyes and after a few minutes everyone started to open their eyes.

Liz could tell they remembered.

"I think it's best if each couple goes their separate ways and then we can meet tomorrow."

"I think that's a good idea." Alex agreed.

"How come Khivar isn't here?" Michael asked.

"He knows what we were told about him, and he didn't want to panic anyone. He knew it would be emotional enough without him here, and it didn't want to add anymore initial stress." Tess replied.

"And when you see Khivar tell him thank you and invite him to dinner tomorrow." Isabel said.

On the way out Alex grabbed Tess into a hug and then pulled back, obviously still uncomfortable with all of the new info.

As Kyle followed Tess, Alex, and Isabel out, Maria spoke, "Are you going to go to Khivar?"

Liz nodded.

"How do you know where to find him?" Max asked, trying to remain neutral.

"I know." Liz replied.

Chapter 5

Liz walked around the deserted streets of Roswell, thinking. Max had asked how she knew where to find Khivar, but the truth was she wouldn't have to find him, he would come for her.

Lily had been walking the grounds aimlessly, missing Khivar. He was on another Ambassador trip that Zan had arranged. Lily heard a shout behind her and turned around to see a messenger running towards her. By the time he reached her he was out of breath. Lily laughed and he smiled at her.

"From Khivar." his smile widened as she shrieked happily and grabbed the letter from him.

He backed away quietly as Lily tore open the letter.

My dearest Lily,

I miss you so much. I was outside early this morning at Sunrise and I thought of you. Did you know that I get up every morning just before daybreak to watch the way the early morning rays play across your skin? When you miss me, get up at Sunrise and think of me, and know that I am thinking of you. If you are ever separated from me, know that at Sunrise no matter how many miles separate us I am thinking of you and I am trying to get back to you again.

All my love,


Liz sighed at the memory. She made it home and took a shower slowly. Once she was done, she rubbed her vanilla lotion all over her body. She let her hair dry naturally and it created a slight wave. She applied neutral makeup and a sheer lip gloss. Liz went out to her closet and picked out a soft pink colored slip dress made out of silk, pairing it with matching flip flops. Then she slipped out onto her balcony and waited. Just before dawn he came. Liz had dozed lightly but woke up when she felt a pull. She looked up at the sky and could see that Sunrise was fast approaching. She knew she wouldn't have to go out and find Khivar, she knew he would come for her, as he had promised so long ago.

And then she heard the familiar scrape of shoes on the ladder and within minutes Khivar was standing in front of her. Liz got up slowly and neither spoke. She appraised him slightly. He was just as she remembered. The only sign of aging were the slight creases around his eyes. He looked at her warily, she knew he didn't know what to expect, how she would react to him. And, if she were honest with herself she wasn't sure until she saw him. She launched herself at him and he easily caught her, wrapping his arms around her and cradling her against him.

Khivar broke the silence first, never letting go of Liz, "You smell just as I remember. I never forgot any of our moments together my Lily, my Liz."

Liz nodded against him, "I got lost for a little while, but I remember too. I just need time." but she didn't make any move to lessen her hold on him.

"I will wait. I told you, I'd always come for you , I'd always find you, my love."

Liz wrapped her legs around Khivar's waist and pulled back slightly. She leaned her forehead against his and looked into his green eyes. She had not seen anything more beautiful than his eyes. So open, just for her. She leaned down and kissed him. And she knew that everything would be all right as long as they were together.