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Cries In The Night (ADULT/CC/UC/AU/SLASH) 4 needed

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:28 pm
by ~SavitarOmegrion~
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO ifs, ands, or buts.

Title: Cries In The Night (thanks OnDragonflyWings for the name)

Author: Storm Wolfstone

Rating: Adult

Genre: Het and Slash

Couples: Mixing hehe

Disclaimer: I own nothing having to do with the shows, but the idea I’ve implemented comes from my own mind wanting to mix the show with a bit of other things.


Though still alien, things are not as they were on the show. Instead, here’s the low down on how people are.

Zan and Rath are not dupes to the others; instead they are simply other aliens that are on Earth. Their planet is called Corelon. Zan can use mind domination as well as read minds to an extent. Rath has the ability to Levitate and transfer or drain energy from someone he touches.

Liz, Maria, Alex, and Kyle are unaware of the truth with their parentage. They are truly related to their parents, but their parents aren’t what they seem. Liz is a precognitive, Maria is a Spell singer (her voice allows any emotions her songs convey to be felt by any that hear her sing), Alex is able to have anyone speak the truth with a word, and Kyle is Empathic.

Michael, Tess, Max, and Isabel are still Antarians, but they have no knowledge of their destiny. Though, Tess was still raised by Nacedo, just Nacedo wasn’t the same. Their powers are the same as the show.

Rance, Raina, Serena are from a planet called Sterata and the twins carry with them a secret that all the many enemies they have want. Serena is their protector. Raina is one that communicates with animals as well as she and her twin have powers that work only for each other, she can also speak with focus and the sound of her voice will calm any who hear it. Rance can give pleasure or pain with a touch, but he is also one with light elemental powers. Serena is a Shape shifter and Elementalist.

Michael, Max, Tess, Alex, Liz, Isabel, Kyle, Maria, Zan and Rath -

Unknown to each other or even themselves, they have experienced the same dream. In this dream they see a young girl being dragged away, hear the sound of gunfire and hear her scream the name “Rance!” loudly, seeing a boy lying there in blood. This dream has repeated for two weeks but every time they’ve awakened they forget about the dream.

Then, one-morning things changed, they saw a newscast that brought everything back.

“Sonya Radcliffe here in Roswell, New Mexico with a breaking story. Just last night tragedy struck a visiting family when the Morgan’s came home to find their son lying in their living room bleeding from a gun shot wound, in his blood he’d written only two words, ‘Raina Kidnapped.’. Raina is his twin sister. Rance Morgan is currently laying in critical condition. Here with us is their older sibling, Serena Morgan.”

“Thank you, Sonya,” A dark haired girl said, she looked like she was barely nineteen if that. “Please, whoever has Raina let her go. I’ll give you whatever you want, just let her go so she’s safe.” Her words ended on a sob.

Suddenly, the broadcast was interrupted and a masked man appeared on the screen, “Sorry for the interruptions, but I’ve decided to make my demands.” Raina was thrust into the sight of the camera and the bruises and cuts had her so that she was barely recognizable. Blood seeped down along her left side, showing that it probably hadn’t been tended. “If you want her back alive, Serena Morgan along with one million unmarked dollars, and a helicopter fully gassed need to be delivered to the place that Serena last visited with Raina by Midnight Friday.”

“Don’t do it, Rena!” Raina screamed into the camera and was backhanded for her move, but she didn’t cry out. The transmission ended right after she stood back up with blood sliding down her face.

Then, Serena was seen again with the reporter and several men dressed in suits. “What do you think, Serena?”

“Agent Forrin, I can’t allow my sister to die because of me. I’m going to make the transfer.” The reporter walked away then, but it was as though no one realized they were still on the air, “I’ll be able to get out if I’m meant to, but the twins won’t survive apart. They need each other. Didn’t you see the blood sliding down Raina’s side, it was from the same area as where Rance was wounded.” She commented calmly.

“You’re our best agent, we don’t give into terrorists, you know this.”

“Derek, my family needs me. I don’t give a damned that they aren’t my blood, they are my family.” The feed suddenly cut and the original news program resumed.

Later, while alone, a few calls are received… anonymous calls…

In a remote cabin, a man picks up a phone, making a call he hadn’t wanted to ever need to make. As the ringing sounds in his ear, he takes a deep breath, “Hello?”

“Serena Morgan,” he begins as the voice picks up on the other end. “Or should I say, Illiana. You don’t know me, but I know all about you and the others. I know a way you can save Raina and Rance without ever turning yourself over to your enemies. Find Maxwell Evans, he’ll be expecting you.” Hanging up before she could say anything he dialed another number.

As soon as he heard the voice of Max on the other end he said simply, “Serena Morgan will be coming to you for help, heal Rance and Raina will be healed. Help her find Raina and when all three Morgan’s are safe, you’ll have the chance to learn about who you really are.”

Without waiting for a reply, he hung up the phone and sighed, hoping he wouldn’t have to worry.




Zan - Athenea
Michael -
Max -
Rath - RiaRath101
Maria - OnDragonflyWings
Rance - Savitar
Liz - Dream Weaver
Serena - Savitar
Raina - Lou
Kyle - OnDragonflyWings
Alex - alizaleven
Isabel – FaithfulAngel24
Tess – Savitar

Khivar –
Valenti –
Nacedo – OnDragonflyWings
“Caller” – Savitar

Basics: When we start, it’ll be just after the phone calls and broadcast were done. How each person reacts will be up to the players.

This is what Rance looks like ... cehehe.jpg

This is what Zan looks like ... /sing6.jpg

This is Serena ... stic01.jpg

This is Raina ... id04-1.jpg

And This Is Khivar ... /talan.jpg

And Nacedo in his new permanent look ... iley04.jpg

2. Posts must be at least 3 paragraphs. Include as much as you can for conversations, thoughts, etc…
3. Only take as many characters as you can handle.