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Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 53 & Epilogue Complete 5/3/17

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:47 am
by Roswelllostcause
Title Love Can Heal
Disclaimer Roswell is owned by a lot of people, I am not one of them. I am only borrowing the characters, they will be returned when I'm finished.
Category Au without aliens M/L
Rating Adult
Summary Liz spent the first part of her childhood in foster care. She has a hard time believing in love, until she meets someone very special. But is he too late to save her from herself?
A/N There is a depiction of child abuse in the beginning.
A/N 2 I did post this at Roswell Haven.

Part 1

She ran to her room trying to get there before he caught her. But the fact is she had never gotten away from him before. Her five year old legs were to short to get away from him. He grabbed her twisting her arm behind her. She cried out as her arm broke. He threw her to the floor. She covered her face as he began to beat her with his belt. Tears poured down her face as the belt cut into her soft skin.

"You little bitch I told you to have that room clean by the time I got home! You are worthless! If it wasn't for the money I would have dumped you in the desert long ago."

The beating continued. As she blacked out she could hear someone breaking the door down.


One week later

She sat in the backseat of the car as they drove through the town. She was on her way to her new foster home. Not that she really cared. When they finally pulled into the driveway of a house she looked up. Her case work turned to smile at her.

"Everything will be better here."

She didn't say anything. She didn't believe the woman. But knew she had to give this a try. The woman got out of the car and opened the back door and helped her out of the car. Her left arm was in a cast up to her elbow. She had cuts and bruises over most of her body. She even had bruised ribs. She looked up when she saw the front door open. There stood a couple and a girl with red hair.

"You never said they had a kid." She mumbled
"Her name is Serena, she is the same age as you are and been here about three months."
"So what?"
"Elizabeth, just give this a chance. Jeff and Nancy Parker won't hurt you."
"Everyone said Frank wouldn't hurt me either."

Elizabeth followed the woman up to the house. Jeff and Nancy smiled at her.

"Jeff, Nancy this is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is Jeff and Nancy Parker and Serena."
"Hi Elizabeth. We are very happy to have you here with us." Said Nancy

Elizabeth didn't say a word. She didn't trust anyone. Adults were the worst. They only wanted her around cause they got paid.

"Mrs. Parker give her time. I'm sure she will warm up to you."
"Ms. Johnson, I understand she has been hurt. I know that it will take time for her to trust us." Said Nancy
"Elizabeth, you can call us Jeff and Nancy ok? Do you like to be called anything other than Elizabeth? Beth? Lizzie? Liz?" Asked Jeff
"Liz or Lizzie would be ok."
"Liz, it's time for me to go. Be good ok honey?" Said Ms Johnson

Liz just nodded without saying a word. Ms Johnson left and Liz was stuck with her new "family."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 1 3/8/17

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:06 am
by Roswelllostcause
Part 2 Six months later

Liz watched as Jeff unloaded the new bike from his car. It was her birthday present. It was not only the first bike she had ever had, but the first gift of any kind.

"Liz, that bike is so cool!" Said Serena
"Yeah. Too bad I don't know how to ride." Said Liz
"I'll teach you Liz." Said Jeff
"Yeah he taught me." Said Serena
"Liz, are you ready to give this a try?"
"I guess."

Liz walked over to Jeff. He helped her onto the bike and explained how to pedal. Liz started to pedal while Jeff held the bike while she got going and balanced. After a few minutes Jeff let go and Liz was going on her own. Jeff smiled as she turned the bike back towards him smiling.

"Liz to stop pedal backwards and lower your foot." Said Jeff

Liz did as she was told and stopped right in front of him. He caught her before she could fall.

"That was so cool!" Said Liz
"So do you like it?" Asked Jeff
"Yeah. Thank you."
"Liz, Serena will you both come inside. There is something that Nancy and I wasn't to talk to both of you about." Said Jeff

Liz looked at Serena wondering what was going on. Both hope that it was nothing bad. They followed Jeff into the house and sat on the sofa. Jeff and Nancy sat on either side of them.

"Girls do you like living here?" Asked Nancy
"Yes." Said Both Serena and Liz
"We love having you here." Said Jeff
"What is it you are saying Jeff?" Asked Serena
"What we are trying to get to is we would like to adopt both of you." Said Nancy
"Adopt? You mean you want to be our mommy and daddy for good?" Asked Liz
"Yes. That is if it would be OK with you. Liz, Serena do you want to be our little girls? Be sisters?" Asked Jeff

Serena didn't say anything just wrapped her arms around Jeff's neck in a big hug. Liz looked at Nancy and just nodded. Nancy pulled her into a quick hug then released her knowing she still had a hard time with being touched by people.

"We will call Ms. Johnson tomorrow and have her get started on the paper work. We will also get in touch with the lawyer we talked to." Said Jeff
"Lizzie isn't this great we are going to be a real family!" Said Serena

Liz didn't respond. She wasn't sure about this but knew that things wouldn't be better anywhere else either. This way she knew that she would spend the rest of her childhood with Jeff and Nancy Parker. She watched as Serena danced around happily. But Liz couldn't bring herself to be happy about this.

Later that night Nancy was tucking Liz into bed and could tell that this was still the scared little girl that had come into their lives six months ago. She kissed Liz good night and headed out of the room.

"Good night Liz. Sweet dreams. I love you." Said Nancy before closing the door.

It was six months later that they sat in a courtroom and a family court judge signed the adoption papers for the two girls. They also had both girls last name legally changed to Parker.

"Thanks for everything Philip." Said Jeff
"Glad to help. Take care girls." Said Philip Evans before leaving.


Feedback Please!

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 2 3/10/17

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:58 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad you posted the story here. Wow Liz got a new family that love and care for her. And a new last name. So glad that the Parkers wanted Liz and Serena. Glad that Jeff and Nancy understand that it will take a while for Liz to be not scared and open up a little. Loved how Jeff was teaching Liz to ride a bike. Can't wait to find out when Liz and Serena meet Max and others. Again so glad you posted the story here.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 2 3/10/17

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
Serena and Liz are very lucky little girls to finally find a warm and loving family that care for them.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 2 3/10/17

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Both Liz and Serena are very lucky to have found a loving and safe home.

Carolyn They are very lucky girls.

Part 3

Liz walked into the class room with Serena. It was the first day of first grade. This was the first time they had been to public school. They had both gone to kindergarten at a center that specialized in working with abused kids. But at the end of kindergarten their teacher had said they would be better off in the public elementary school for first grade. The teacher smiled at them.

"Hello girls. I'm Mrs. Barry. Who are you?" Asked the teacher.
"I'm Serena Parker and this is my sister Liz." Said Serena
"Hi Liz." Said Mrs. Barry well aware of both girls past.
"Liz is kinda shy around new people." Said Serena
"That's OK. In my class we work in groups of four. Liz, you are in the group by the window with Max Evans, Alex Whitman and Maria DeLuca. Serena, you are in the back with Isabel Evans, Michael Gurein and Kyle Valenti." Said Mrs. Barry

Liz's eyes went wide realizing that she wouldn't be sitting next to Serena. Mrs. Barry could see that Liz was scared. She thought for a minute then called over to Max.

"Max will you come here please?" Asked Mrs. Barry
"Yes Mrs. Barry?" Asked a little boy with dark hair and eyes that remained Liz of honey.
"Max this is Liz. She is in your seating group will you show her to her desk for me?"
"Sure." Said Max

He looked at the brown haired girl with big brown doe eyes and gave her a small smile. He held out his hand to her. She looked back at her sister fighting the urge to cry.

"It's OK Lizzie, I will be right over there Max isn't going to hurt you. Take his hand and walk over to your desk with him." Said Serena

Liz very reluctantly took the boy's hand and let him lead her over to her desk. When she got there a little blond girl jumped up in front of her.

"Hi I'm Maria. What's your name?" She asked

Max watched as Liz tried to pull away from him.

"Her name is Liz. Maria, calm down you are scaring her." Said Max
"Oh please I don't scare nobody." Said Maria
"Maria, you are scaring her! Look she is trying to get away." Said the other boy who had dark hair and blue eyes.

Maria pouted and sat down at her desk. Max turned to Liz and said something very softly to her. She seemed to relax a little and sat down in the desk next to Max's.

"Hi Liz. I'm Alex. You don't need to say anything." Said the boy with a goofy looking smile.


Serena made her way to her desk the whole time watching Liz. She took her seat and looked at the two boys and one girl.

"Hi I'm Serena."
"I'm Isabel, this is Kyle and the one with the bad hair is Michael." Said the girl
"Nice to meet you. Isabel, Mrs. Barry said your last name is Evans. Is Philip Evans your dad?" Asked Serena
"Yes why?"
"He was the lawyer that helped my parents adopt my sister and me."
"Really that is so cool."
"Yeah. I hope Liz is OK over there."
"Why she a big baby or something?" Asked Michael
"No Mikey! She us just really shy around new people." Said Serena
"The name is Michael not Mikey Red!" Said Michael
"Don't mind him. He has no manners. Max is my brother. He will look out for her. Maria and Alex are both OK. Maria just gets excited." Said Isabel

Just then the bell rang and class started.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 3 3/11/17

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:38 pm
by keepsmiling7
I can just see all of these characters a young children.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 3 3/11/17

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:19 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow Love how Liz and Serena met Max, Isabel, Michael, Maria and Alex. Love how Max is with Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 3 3/11/17

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:30 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn They would be such cute little kids wouldn't they?

L-J-L 76 Yes they met Max, and the others.

Part 4

Liz let out a sigh of relief when the school day ended. She really wanted to get away from that Maria girl. She was just too pushy for her. She did kind of like Max. He was nice. Alex wasn't too bad either. But Maria was too over whelming. Liz waited by the door for Serena so they could go meet their mom together. She could see that Serena seemed to be getting along really well with who Liz had learned was Max's sister Isabel. Isabel and Serena walked over to the door and the three girls a long with Max headed out to meet their moms.

"Mom, I want you to meet someone!" Said Serena running over to their mom
"Hi honey. Who is your friend?" Asked Nancy
"Mom this is Isabel Evans. She is in our class." Said Serena
"Nice to meet you Isabel. Liz who is your friend?" Asked Nancy
"Max Evans." Said Liz so softly that Nancy had a hard time hearing her.
"I'm in the same class Mrs. Parker. I am also Isabel's brother." Said Max
"It's nice to meet you Max." Said Nancy

Just then a blond woman came up to them.

"Hi mom! These are our new friends Liz and Serena Parker and their mom." Said Isabel
"Hi I'm Diane Evans, Max and Isabel's mom."
"Nancy Parker. You wouldn't happen to know a Philip Evans?"
"My husband. I remember you. My husband helped you adopt the girls right?"
"Yes. Do you have time? My husband Jeff and I own a diner over on Main. The Crashdown. We could have some coffee while the kids have some ice cream?"
"That sounds great. I know right where it is. We will meet you there."
"See you in a few minutes."

They headed to their cars and made the short drive to the Crashdown. The four kids took a booth together and Nancy and Diane sat down at a nearby table where they could keep an eye on them.

"How are the girls adjusting?" Asked Diane
"Serena, has adjusted really well. Liz is still having a hard time of it. Before she came to us she was in a bad situation. She had been beaten really badly." Said Nancy
"Any behavior issues?"
"Not really. She does have issues with being touched. But that is normal. We have tried to get her to go therapy. But she won't talk."
"Well from here it looks like she is doing OK with Max and Isabel."
"I hope she is making friends."


Max watched as Liz stared at her ice cream. Not really eating it. He had to wonder what was going on with her. He could understand that she was shy. He wanted to be her friend.

"Liz, do you think we could get together and play some time?" Asked Max

Liz just shrugged. Without saying anything.

"I think that would be fun. Right Lizzie?" Said Serena

Liz just bit her lip. She knew that she could trust Serena. But still was unsure of Max and Isabel.

"Sure I guess."

Max just gave her a smile he just knew they would be best of friends.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 4 3/12/17

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:05 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz is really hanging back with the new friends.
Maybe they will soon know why and can help her.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 4 3/12/17

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
It seems everyone is getting along great. So Nancy and Diane finally met. Love how Max is trying to be Liz's friend even though Liz is scared. Hopefully Max and Liz will become great friends and Max will be able to help Liz.

L-J-L 76