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Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:59 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Liz has had such a sad life! Now she is being taken from her only friend!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:51 pm
by Twilighteyes
:D :D :D :D :D loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please post more soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:04 pm
by flyawayraven
Thank you all for reading!

EVE ( begonia9508)- So glad you are enjoying the story!
Michelle17- No, Liz doens't know Max yet, although he is important to the story, she still has some growing to do before she meets him! He is coming up though!
Carolyn( keepsmiling7) I was hoping someone would like my take on the Skins!
Roswelllostcause - :cry:
Twilighteyes- I am happy you are like it!

Chapter 3

The Skin Chamber occupied a room in one of the buildings I had never visited before. Large tanks lined the large circular room that echoed our footsteps as I was shuffled past. Each tanks held what looked like a body.

The individual Skins of the researchers who left the protected confines of the cities. I knew at one time, there had been tanks that held the husks of my mother and father. I wondered kind of morbidly if They had kept them, if we would walk by the empty husks that looked like them. What would they look like really? They empty husks that they were? My curiosity nearly got the best of me until we approached a tank near the back.

It was floating in the tank. It’s brown hair floating like tentacles around its delicate facial features. The Skin looked soft and silky like cream as the limbs twitched slightly, causing the gel like water to lap thickly against the glass.

My cheeks heated as I realized how detailed the Skin was, but I couldn’t help marveling at the alien beauty of it.

A tall thin man approached us, his white lab coat reading Dr. A. Whitman. I had heard of him from the other assistants working in my lab. Alex Whitman was one of the youngest researchers to leave Capital City to research the Gandarium.

At the age of fifteen, he had memorized all of my grandmother’s research, as well as developed a technique to quickly grow new skins. Shortening the harvest from years to a matter of weeks. In one word or less, he was a genius. Nearly unheard of considering he was one hundred percent human. I had heard the whispered words growing up, and I never really thought much of it. My mother had been human, along with my grandmother. The fickleness of the residents of Capital City never ceased to amaze me as they reaped the reward of his genius with one breath and condemned him with the other.

“It’s a beauty, isn’t it?” Alex asked, approaching us with an easy going smile.

I couldn’t help but smile back. My lips twitching as I glanced between the tank and him.

I stared at the floor until I heard him chuckle easily. “I didn’t realize they were do detailed.” I muttered

Alex turned toward the tank. Glancing at me, he nudged me. “It was meant as a complement.”

The guards around us either snickered or coughed uncomfortably as I willed the heat away from my cheeks. “How does this work exactly?” I asked in a desperate attempt to change the subject. “I was just informed hours ago. How is there a Skin grown for me already?”

Alex looked at me with a large grin. “Pretty cool huh?!” He nodded vigorously until I realized he was waiting for me to nod also.

“Your stem cells were saved when you were born. This is standard procedure for all newborns in the city. This skin was grown and matured once you were tested and it was discovered you had the genetic markers for a Seer. It’s been so long since a seer was born the Counsel knew eventually you would need to be transported to Granolith City to work with Ava.” Alex explained

“Ava?” I asked

“Ava is the Granolith’s Guardian” Alex stated like I should know who Ava was.

“Artificial Visual Assistant?” Alex tried again. I could only stare at him as I wondered quietly what he was talking about.

“You’ve never met Ava?” Alex asked as if he couldn’t believe I didn’t know who Ava was.

“Ahhh, No Alex. I’ve never met Ava.” Alex moaned halfheartedly before the words had fully left my mouth.

“How is it your Elizabeth Parker and you’ve never met Ava?” Alex asked me as if I had the answer.

“Why would I know who Ava is?” I asked him curiously.

Alex cleared his throat, suddenly uncomfortable. “Umm…no reason.”

He moved suddenly, all business. “Ok, the shuttle leaves in an hour. We need to harvest this skin and get you suited up so you’re all ready to go.”

He shooed the Protectors escorting me through an interior door as he pulled a screen wall out of the tank. The thin material offered me privacy as he pressed a button and a small control panel slid out of the base of the tank. Pressing a few buttons I watched fascinated as the gel like substance inside the tank slowly began to drain with a thick slurping sound.

Interestingly enough, the Skin looked completely dry as the liquid slid down the Skin, and I pointed to it as I approached the tank. “How is that possible?” I asked

“Huh?” Alex asked as he glanced up. “Oh, well the artificial amniotic fluid is more solid then liquid, and pulls away from the skin as it drains, kind of like pulling away glue.” He explained.

“Oh” I muttered. “How am I supposed to get it on?” I asked again.

Alex glanced at me with a frown. “You should know all of this. Your grandmother helped designed this technology.”

I shook my head. “Grandmother died before I was old enough to really understand and my parents were always too busy studying the Gandarium. I never thought to ask and they never thought to explain it. I didn’t need to take classes on the technology because my specialty wasn’t Gandarium Contamination.”

Alex stared at me. “I’m not going to be able to finish now.” I muttered

I loved school. It was one of the only places I felt no one judged me. It was easy, but fun. School had been the last link to my parents, and had become my solace when my parents had died.

Alex grinned at me. “Don’t you worry, once we get you to Ava, you’re going to have the chance to continue, and more.”

I could see his point. Going to Granolith City meant I was no longer a lab tech, but what I was now remained to be seen.

Alex pushed me behind the screen as the tank holding the husk of skin slid open. “Undress and hold your hands out, horizontal to the ground.”
I did as he instructed. Feeling vulnerable despite the screen shielding me from prying eyes.

“Ok, this is going to feel very odd. Don’t move. Deep breathe in and….” Alex pushed a button, releasing the Skin.

The Skin flew from the tank as if drawn to me, slithering along my skin with a cold sensation that sent shivers along my spine. I held as still as possible as the material worked its way from my feet, up along my body, zipping closed with a sound that was more felt then heard. As the Skin settled, my body heated until I felt as if I was in a vat of burning oil. Whimpers escaped my mouth as the sensation of burning alive worked its way up my body.

Had it only been a few seconds? It felt like hours before the sensations left as quickly as they had arrived, tearing a small scream from my throat as the last prickle ended at the back of my neck. I went to slap it, only to have Alex grab my hand as he awkwardly wrapped me in a towel. He held me as I gasped, acclimating to the new sensations of wearing a Skin for the first time.

I blinked my eyes, slowly coming back to myself. I tugged my hand out of Alex’s grip to rub my eyes, which felt wet and sandy at the same time.

Tugging the towel more securely around you I glared at Alex.

“What the hell was that?” I nearly shouted.

Alex stared at me dumbfounded. “What was what?” He asked. “Your neck is where the release is, done improperly and you’ll cause the Skin to self destruct.”

“It felt like the Skin was burning me alive!” I scowled at him, waiting for an explanation while filing his words in the back of my head.

He grinned suddenly, “Oh that would be the Nano Technology connecting the Skin to your nervous system. Pretty nifty huh?! This way the Skin protects you by identifying your DNA as unacceptable to the Gandarium and allows healing capabilities. The only down side is it only works about seventy percent of the time if you meet a queen, but they usually stay close to the nest. The probability of you coming face to face with a queen is less than two percent. Completely acceptable odds considering where you are going. What the Skin can’t protect, the Granolith will once you have an uplink.”

I rubbed my eyes again. “Why are my eyes burning?” I asked as wetness seeped from my lids.

Alex handed me a small handheld mirror. Glancing in the glass I couldn’t help but gape at the creature staring back at me. She was me, I knew this, but the eyes staring back were completely alien. The soft violet shimmered and reflected the artificial light of the room. Creating a luminous affect that allowed hints of my own chocolate eyes to peek through. The effect was stunning.

“Why are my eyes purple?” I asked

“The Skin enhances your DNA, allowing genetic markers to make a physical appearance. Purple is the color of the Granolith, your eyes mark you as a Seer.” Alex explained.

I frowned, confused. “I know I was tested but I have never had a vision and have shown no indication that I am capable of doing so. Why would I be identified as a Seer if it’s not a guarantee that I am able to successfully have any?”

Alex shrugged his shoulder. “You will have to wait and ask Ava. She’s the one with the answers to your questions.” I nodded as Alex left me alone to once again dress. Stepping out Alex shut down the tank and nodded at the four protectors as they came back into the room, staring at me in awe.

I fidgeted uncomfortably as Alex disappeared for a few minutes before rejoining us, wearing his own Skin. His eyes a bright blue that nearly glowed. I frowned at him.

“Are you coming with us?” I asked

He offered me a smile before linking his arm through mine. "I am one of the six." He stated before steering me across the remainder of the room.

Although I had never met him, Alex felt like an old friend. Someone I could see myself creating a lifelong bond with. The feelings he invoked in me should have made me feel uncomfortable, but instead all I felt was a comforting peace with him beside me.

He led me to a door that led to a flight of stairs. The four Protectors from Granolith City following close behind.

At the top of the stairs was a platform leading to a large set of metal double doors. A small keypad was set in the wall to the right, blinking as it waited for instructions. We all paused on the platform, Alex’s relaxed posture stopping me from asking any questions. Finally the door beeped, slowly swinging open on silent hinges.

Beyond the door was a small chamber that led to the outside. My heart rate picked up as it dawned on me that this was it. The evening sun cast a glow on the tree’s the sheltered the small shuttle bay beyond the door.

I hadn’t realized we were on the ground floor. But it made sense that the Skins were housed close to the door leading to the outside. Alex led me inside the small chamber, holding me up as my nerves got the better of me.

I squeaked as a breeze blew across my face, my ears popping as the pressure from being inside the city changed abruptly; the door behind me closing as the one in front of me opened.

And just like that, I was outside the City.

I hope you enjoyed! Post feedback!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:19 pm
by begonia9508
Loved all of this! the Skin, the fear and the alieness of this story... But I want to know, what about what Liz is? Is she a human an hybrid or an Alien princess...

Hope I will find the answer in the next parts! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:28 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Wow! Just love that Alex is here! Now for the trip outside the city.

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:18 pm
by Twilighteyes
amazing part!!!! Glad Liz has a friendly face and AVA!!!!! Thanks hurry back please!!!!!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:41 pm
by keepsmiling7
So Alex saved the day with his research on skins........protecting when the DNA is unacceptable by the gandarium. Smart man that Dr. Whitman.
It appears it is wise for everyone to save stem cells at birth......but especially the seer. She continues to be marked as special, even with her eyes.
Love this story,

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:23 am
by Michelle17
I'm so in love with this story. I have to know though what is Liz role and how important will she be to Max? Who are her friends?

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:07 am
by max and liz believer
Another really great part!

Horrible to see someone get "relocated" against their own will. Especially when - in Liz's case - it means that you will get separated from the one and only person that you truly trust and consider your home. Hopefully Kyle will be able to reunite with Liz, but it seems difficult considering his role as a protector and the fact that you need a skin to be constructed to even travel there safely. Hmm...

I'm just hoping that she'll find someone to be able to keep her safe in Granolith City. I'm afraid she'll sink too deep into herself otherwise, considering that Kyle has been the one to basically see to that she keeps on eating and stays alive.

And her grandmother was really connected to this whole thing. I presume this grandmother to be her maternal grandmother, hence a human. Makes me wonder how Nancy got involved with an alien...

Looking forward to more,


Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 6-4-16 Chapter 3

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 2:42 am
by flyawayraven

I know I didn't post another chapter last weekend! I am so sorry! I have had so much going on with school right now I am stuck in the middle of the next chapter...but I plan on finishing it this weekend and as soon as I do I will post it. PROMISE! OK...see you all soon!!!
