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Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 Complete 10/4

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:02 am
by Roswelllostcause
Title Earning Trust
Disclaimer Roswell is owned by a lot of people. I am not now or have I ever been one of them. I am only borrowing the characters they will be returned when I am done.
Category AU without aliens M/L
Rating Adult
Summary Liz Parker lives with a secret that she can't let anyone find out. Max Evans is the new boy in school and determined to find out what she is hiding.

Part 1

She felt her heart start to race as his heavy footsteps came down the hall to her room. Ever since her mom died two years ago he had been different. He wasn't great but he didn't hurt her either. Now he drank and when he was drunk he was not someone she wanted to be near. He opened the door and came in. He had taken his shirt off like he always had before coming to her room. He dropped his pants and climbed into bed with her. He reached for her underwear and pulled them down her legs. He pushed her legs apart and pushed his fingers into her. This wasn't the first time he had touched her like this. She knew better now then to fight him. It was worse when she did. She hated him. He moved on top of her removing his hand. She could feel tears falling down her face she felt him push his penis into her and start to pump in and out of her. It had been six months since he took her virginity from her. Once he finished filling his needs with her he got out of bed and pulled his pants on and left the room. She just laid in bed crying. No one would ever love her after what he had done to her.

She was up early dressed and left before he woke. He would be gone by the time she would get home from school. She walked into West Roswell High and was at her locker when she noticed a boy and girl walk in she hadn't seen before. Not that it mattered she couldn't let anyone close. She couldn't let anyone find out what he was doing to her. She closed her locker and walked away.


Max Evans walked into the high school with his sister Isabel. He hated moving. He knew that Isabel didn't like it either. But their dad thought that this was for the best. As they walked in and when looking for he office he noticed a girl with long brown hair glance their way before closing her locker and walking off down the hall.

"Don't bother asking her out. She will say no. That is if you can get her to talk to you." Said a female voice from behind them.

Both Max and Isabel turned to see a red haired girl there.

"New right?" Asked the girl
"Yeah I'm Isabel Evans and this is my brother Max. So who is she?" Said Isabel
"I'm Serena Kent. That was Liz Parker. She isn't a bad person. She just doesn't talk or let anyone close."
"Why?" Asked Max
"Don't know. She started to pull away after her mom died two years ago. Then six months ago she told me and her other friends to stay away from her and unless she had to hasn't spoken to any of us since. She was my best friend."
"Have you asked her dad?" Asked Isabel
"Her dad walked out on her before she was born. She lives with her stepfather, and he can be a jerk."
"Max, we really need to find the office and get registered for class." Said Isabel
"Come on I'll show you the way." Said Serena

Max and Isabel followed Serena down the hall to the office. None of them noticed that Liz was watching and listening to them.

I wish I could tell you what is going on Rena. I pushed you away because I care about you. I can't risk him doing to you what he is doing to me. Liz thought

Liz turned and headed to her first class as the halls filled with other students.


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 1 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Interesting start to the story. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out what will happen for Max, Liz and friends. Liz's step father needs to be in prison for what he is doing to Liz. Liz needs to tell someone what is going on. Someone needs to stop Liz's step father. Will Liz tell someone? Who is Liz going to tell? Will Serena and friends believe Liz? Will Serena and friends help Liz? Will someone help Liz get away from her step father? Will whoever Liz tell believe her? Will Liz be able to get away from her step father? Where will Liz go? Will Liz be safe? Will Max talk to Liz? Will Max try and be Liz's friend? Will Max and friends be able to protect Liz form her step father? So sorry for the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 1 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:51 pm
by keepsmiling7
Great start........but so unfair that Liz had to endure a stepfather like that.
And now Max enrolls in a new school........looks like he has a mission ahead of him

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 1 8/10

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:53 pm
by saori_1902
Oh my. :( :( :( :( nteresting start, anyways.

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz isn't going to tell anyone what her stepfather is doing to her. She is too scared to. Serena and Liz's friends know something is going on. They just don't know what.

Carolyn Liz really is living a nightmare right now. Max is going to have a lot of work a head of him to gain Liz's trust.

saori_1902 Thanks

Part 2

Liz sat at the lab table waiting for class to start. She looked up to see Miss Hardy talking with the new boy. Miss Hardy glanced at her the pointed to the empty seat next to her. He walked over and sat next to her.

"Hi I'm Max Evans. I already know you are Liz Parker." Said Max

Liz turned from him without saying a word.

"The polite thing would be for you to say hi." Said Max
"Look I may have to work with you in class, but that won't make us friends." Said Liz coldly

Max didn't say anything but he had to wonder what was going with this girl. He would see when he looked into her big brown eyes that she was hurting. Some how he was going to get her to trust him with whatever was going on. When class ended Liz gathered her things and headed for the door.

"Liz wait!" Called Max
"What?" Asked Liz
"We have to get together to do the pre lab report."
"Fine. You free after school?"
"I will meet you in the library after last period."
"We could go to my house to do it."
"School library or we do it on our own."

Liz walked off leaving Max to wonder what was going on with her.

"Don't take it personally. That is just how she is." Came a voice from behind him.

He turned to see boy that was taller than he was. Very lanky with dark hair.

"You know Liz?" Asked Max
"Yeah. She use to be a friend. I'm Alex Whitman by the way."
"Max Evans."
"Uh yes the brother of the fair Isabel."
"So you met my sister?"
"What do you know about Liz?"
"Max, don't get involved with Liz unless it's for school. She won't let you or anyone else behind the wall she has built around herself."
"Why has she closed herself off?"
"Wish I knew. She my cousin, Serena and Maria were always together. I hung out with them a lot. But Liz pulled away after her mom died. But didn't become moody until six months ago."
"Serena, told me the same thing this morning."
"Rena was really hurt when Liz pulled away."
"There has to be a reason that she has pulled away."
"If I can be honest, I think her stepfather has something to do with it. Liz never liked him. But he was given custody of her after her mom died. She was only thirteen at the time."
"So she is fifteen?"
"Almost sixteen. But he has always been controlling when it came to Liz."
"Can't the sheriff do something?"
"Unless there is proof or Liz admits what is he doing to her if he really is doing anything there is nothing he can do."
"Alex, I know something is going on. My mom has worked with abused kids. Liz shows signs of some kind of abuse."
"You might be right."
"I should get to my next class. See you around Alex."


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:01 am
by begonia9508
Wow! Another great start! Even if the idea of what this man did and do to her makes me ill :twisted:
What I don't understand is that they gave him custody; that should have never happened, as he is not even her father...Sometimes, I ask me what the people think, giving custody to a teenager girl to a man who isn't her father!

At least, in my country, it doesn't work this way... Blutband is necessity for custody of a child and if there is no one, an official host family!!! :twisted:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:11 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Max knows signs of abuse. Hopefully Max will find away to save Liz from her step father. I'm glad Alex told Max about his cousin Liz. I know Liz is acting mean and everything. But I still think she needs to find someone that will help her. Will Max have any more classes with Liz? What other classes will Max and Liz have together? Will Liz have any classes with Serena, Alex, Maria and Isabel? What will Serena, Alex, Maria and Isabel say to Liz? Will Liz enore them or talk to them? What will happen at Liz? Will anyone talk to Liz? What will happen with the rest of Liz's classes? Will Liz meet Max at the library? Will Max and Liz get work finished? Will Max start asking questions? Will Liz tell him? Will Liz listen to what Max has to say? Will Max follow Liz to find out what is going on? What will Max see? What will Max do when he finds out? Will Max be able to help Liz? Where would Max take Liz to keep her safe? Will Max's parents help Liz? What will Max's parents and sheriff do to help Liz? Will Liz's step father go to prison? Will Liz's father stay in prison for a very long time? Will Max and Liz become friends? Will Liz be friends again with Serena, Alex and Maria? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz become a couple? Who the hell gave Liz's step father rights to raise her? Where the hell is Liz's father? What court would give step father rights to raise Liz? Whoever gave Liz's step father the right should have their heads check? How the hell did her step father pull that off? The judge needs to look in on Liz. Why won't Liz say anything to anyone? Did her step father threaten her? Someone needs to check on Liz now!!! So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:48 am
by saori_1902
Come on, Max.

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:06 pm
by keepsmiling7
I know it is hard for Max to understand Liz at this point.
But I hope he keeps trying.
And Liz should go to the Sheriff.......what if the same thing happens to someone else that she could have prevented?

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 2 8/11

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:44 pm
by roswell4life
Loving that Max is noticing Liz's behavior!! Hopefully he can save her sooner rather than later!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!