Underneath it All (UC, Kh/L, MATURE) Ch. 7 12/18/06 [WIP]

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Underneath it All (UC, Kh/L, MATURE) Ch. 7 12/18/06 [WIP]

Post by Dying_Hearts »

Title: Underneath it All
Author: Rachel (Dying_Hearts)
Rating: Mature
Couple(s): UC - L/Kh amongst others
Disclaimer: For the entire fic: If you recognise it, I don't own it. All rights belong to their respective owners, I just want to play with them ^^
Set: After an AU CYN - You'll see the changes throughout
Summary: If you find you can't remember, try and remember the reason why...
A/N: This is my first fic of this kind. So I'd love some good feedback.

Can I have a big hand to Hotaru for her beautiful banner.


Elizabeth Parker set her coffee cup down on the counter top and waited for the on-coming storm. Any dreams of completing the algebra homework that lay open, forgotten on the side had long since drifted out of her mind. All Liz could see from beneath heavy eyelids was a man she had once feared. A man she could still fear. But their last meeting put any thoughts of that nature to rest at last.

But if she admitted that, she could kiss her life goodbye. The fallen King had been scourned enough by her. So she sat idly by, waiting for the rain to fall.


It started about a week ago, when Liz had been dreaming up a world where Alex was alive, Isabel was happy and Max was not obsessive. It had been, a nice, pleasant, every night sort of dream. Nothing about it worried or confused Liz. It was what it said the tin: a dream. Yet it seemed that dreams are not always destined to stay that way, and moments later, the dream was a memory that she'd no recognition of. But it was definately a memory.

Liz forced herself awake. She prayed to every deity she knew that Isabel hadn't picked that exact moment to interupt her dreams and see what was going on inside her head. Liz found herself wanting to realise what this dream meant, before sharing it with her new friends. Her relationship with Isabel was a bit too new for Liz to want to open up to something that her brain obviously deemed private.

Looking over to the analogue alarm clock that stood proudly on her dresser, glinting in the early morning sun. It was only half past five, but Liz would not go back to sleep. Her shift began at seven. This way, at least she was awake, before it was meant to start. Shaking her head gently, she shook her head, as if to descramble the message Liz clearly trying to send herself. Or someone else was trying to send her. To herself - and she was the only one that knew - it was quite unclear what was going on. She knew she needed waking up, and could think of two ways to do it.

So it wasn't a suprise when it didn't take long for Liz to find the shower, an enjoyable way to awaken, and let the warm water beat down on her still tired body.


Dry, dressed and half-awake, it was only half six, so Liz trudged down the steps to see about setting up for opening. She didn't feel like it, but she had an obligation to her parents. They paid for her new glass-topped Mazda, so she worked opening and closing shifts everyday for a month. Liz moved slowly, as she had given herself ample time to set up. It was a Sunday, which was a day of late opening. She thanked those deitys again.

There was quick movement in the corner of her eye, so she snapped her neck, trying to glance whoever or whatever had run past the shop. But too fast for her, as Liz saw nothing but a man's shadow pass. Liz put it to the back of her mind, and continued placed salt, pepper, tabasco and other condiments onto the tables. It was time to organise the work, something Liz knew how to do very well.


Rushed off her feet, grateful that her turn taking the orders in Hel- sorry, that should be CrashDown, was over for another few hours. Rubbing her achy feet, glad that this form of torture ended in a week, when she would take a well deserved break from work. For an entire weekend. Stop the presses Jerry, it's a miracle! Elizabeth Parker taking a break!

The comical voices in her head, mocking the way Liz worked best was enough to annoy the young woman. Her eyelids shut and her head gently hit post she lent upon. She felt awful. Like she was going to do something to put the Czechs in danger. But that made no sense, because Liz had no-one to tell. Very few people were actually talking to her after the aftermath of Alex's funeral. It actually, had it not been so serious, was quite hysterical. Two of the aliens had sided with Max, as had Maria. But Isabel, felt pulled by her proclamation. It was like some sort of parallel universe, where nothing made sense. Not even the voices in her head.

Liz felt, for the second time today, as if a shadow was watching over her. Her eyes snapped open, but she was only met with the sneering face of Max. What exactly he was doing in the employee Break Room, Liz was quite unsure, but she stood silently, with so much as an ounce more acknowledgement, Liz left, making sure she stood on Max's foot as she passed him.


Lent up against the side of the CrashDown and breathing heavily, he couldn't believe his luck. He'd managed to nearly get caught twice. Making sure that Liz has vacated the room, he drops the projection of Max. It's a dirty trick to play, but he's not ready for her to know yet. He suspects her suspicion, but without solid proof, he believes things are safe.

For now.


Her shifts finally over for the day, Liz stalk up the steps to the place she affectionately calls home. After seeing Liz so dead-beat, her parents tell her, that under no circumstances do they want her and Isabel up before nine. As neither of them have school, because the heat has picked up and the some of the teachers are refusing to go into school, they shut it for a week, her parents have expressed wishes to say that her three weeks of double, and even triple shifts is enough to earn her car.

'Thank God for that!'

Arching her back like a graceful cat, Liz sits down on her bed, Isabel opposite her, and a year book between them. Grinning at the slightly elder girl, Liz flicks through the book, until she comes to the face she wants to reek havoc in. There are no complaints when Liz places a finger on a picture, infact a rather gleeful grin takes over.

Never spurn friends who can mess with your dreams Tess, you never know what they may learn.

Last edited by Dying_Hearts on Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Underneath it All

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Post by Dying_Hearts »

Thanks to all those who reviews, and those who read, but didn't leave feedback ^^

I'm looking for a beta, anyone interested?

Part Two

With Isabel easing her into the dream after her, Liz found it easier than it should be to enter Tess' dream. It had an almost calming affect on the frazzled bag of nerves that had become Liz Parker. It was cool, dark and slightly damp standing outside the dream, a vast contrast to the dry heat of the Roswellian desert.

But shockingly, the girls were not alone; it seemed a young man, about their age, had invited himself to the party, watching the arguement from after Alex's funeral unfold before him. How on Earth he'd managed to dreamwalk Tess was beyond the girls, but it appeared he'd noticed neither of them, and they watched him; but as it turned out, he was mostly stoic.

Michael would be proud of him, whoever him turned out to be. Liz wanted to snigger, but realised the graveness of the situation. Turning to pull Isabel's arm, it seemed she was one step ahead, and gently persuading Liz out of the dream already. They stared at each other, unsure of what exactly had just taken place. Why was someone watching Tess' dreams? What was special about her? Other than being the fallen from grace Queen of Antar. What was it that Tess was meant to know that caused her to be dreamwalked by an unidentified alien?

"What do we say?" Liz felt her lips force out the words. Her throat had become dry and she no longer felt safe in her own skin. Liz then stopped her thoughts, dread flooding her soul. What if she was next?

...What if she'd been first?


Nicholas watched the scene, curiosity dancing among his child-like eyes. So it seemed that the lady to whom Zan was previously so besotted, has turned her back upon the once boy King, taking the Princess with her. Nicholas wonders if this means anything signifigant. He realises it's less people in his way, but that's not what he meant. Raising his hand into the air in a rather flippant manner, a pair of grass green eyes appear in the otherwise darkness, and then they are both gone; the eyes and Nicholas. The Skin never even realised he ever had company.

Let alone two of the people he needed to bring back into the fold.


Isabel knew instinctively that something wasn't right. Something big was off about Liz's air, and this was without powers. Isabel looked at the dazed girl, before giving her a gentle hug.

"Hey, y'know, whatever it is, you can always tell me, right? Something to do with this person, or dreams, or anything...?" Izzy trailed off, hoping to prompt her friend into talking. Liz just sat there. Was it really possible? He had only appeared to be watching Tess' dream...

It couldn't be. Could it?


Rising lazy from her fortress under the covers, Tess remained blissfully unaware that she'd ever been dream-walked. In her tiny mind, she kept replaying that scene, and decided that if Liz approached her, then she would severe ties with the elder brunette. Liz was so totally certifiable; and it wasn't like they had ever really been that close in the first place. She had Max. They were in love. They were going to have a baby! What did Liz have?

A former Princess and Bhudda Boy. Good for her. Real emotionally stable. Scoffing, even though it was just Tess and her thoughts.

Feeling slightly lazy, Tess slipped beneath the covers again, before a long, hard day of covering up Alex's murder.


Kyle sat just outside his tent, wishing he was at the Parker residence with Isabel and Liz. He knew they'd be doing something mischievious, no doubt about it, and he needed the giggle as well. But with Alex's death, both Kyle and his father, Jim, felt they needed to re-connect, in case there was another 'accident'.

Kyle lived rent-free with his out-of-work father. He could do this one thing for him.

Kyle stared into the flame, and was scared witless when an image appeared from within. A man, one Kyle thought felt familiar, and a woman who looked almost identical to Liz; having a heated dicussion under a crimson sky. Shaking his head, and willing the image to disappear, Kyle prayed what he had seen wasn't really a memory. Or at all real. But it felt too real to him for him to wave it off as part of his underestimated imagination.

Confused, he knew that there would be a discussion between the four of them when the Valenti's arrived back in Roswell tommorow. The camping trip was probably the worst timed that Kyle had ever been on, but his father needed his company.


Liz's face was one of crumpled confusion. When she finally looked up at Isabel, they both knew what she had to say was serious. But Liz didn't seem to be able to spit out the words in an understandable way. There was much stuttering and stopping. Finally, after a deep, calming breath, Liz managed to choke out:

"I think I was first."

Isabel sat confused, wondering what it was that Liz had meant. And then Liz elaborated.


Last edited by Dying_Hearts on Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Underneath it All

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Post by Dying_Hearts »

Thanks to: Jensen Lover 37, Queen Fee, orphyfets, elfangel01, pandas2001, Luna_Seer and my lovely new beta Skittles1983

Part Three

The sun was just beginning to dance on the sandy desert below, allowing patterns to create as shadows appeared. One such shadow swirled before the outline of a femine figure formed. A mixture of sun-kissed and slightly darker hair bounced about her shoulders, warm chocolate eyes staring out at the horizon. She appeared to have an olive shaded skin, perhaps slightly darker, like she had been in a tanning booth recently. Stepping out into the sun, feeling its heat tingle her skin, she felt more alive.

It had taken three days to be allowed outside of camp and into Albuquerque. Of course, once out, she was hardly going to stick to his plan: although she was unaware that he, too, was about in Roswell. It had been the heading for most of their camp.

But could they really convince a few teenagers that not everything was as it seemed?

Doubtful, she let out a sigh, and looked towards the town. Thankfully, the shadow she'd travelled through hadn't been too far, meaning no one would query it. Much. A flat tire in the desert was hardly likely to be suprising, and then could find a place to crash. It wouldn't be that difficult. Surely not for her.

Taking out the cigarette she was itching to smoke and lighting it, she took a long drag and took off.


It was about twenty minutes after leaving the area of her arrival, that she came upon a moving vehicle. Without her even placing a hand out to flag the driver down, it slowed to a stop next to her. In the driver's seat was a middle-aged man, with who, she presumed, was his son in the passager's seat. Smiling sweetly at the men, Serena spoke to the pair.

"I've been having car troubles, actually just left the car there with the keys in the ignition. Any chance I could hitch a lift into town?"

"Hop in. Just beware the loaded goods."

She was puzzled until she saw the amount of stuff on the back seat. Gingerly, she opened the door and sat down. She smiled, the car was giving off a homely, family feel. She wished that she could see her lover already. But it wasn't time. As the car pulled into gear, her brow furrowed, as if in slight pain. He was close. Too close. Her eyes opened wide in shock and she stared at the man in the passenger's seat.

It wasn't...


Elsewhere in the desert, there was a transport issue of another kind. Max got out of his Jeep, and kicked the front tire. He was out by the pod chamber, trying to clear his head. If someone came by, it was either going to be an enemy, or someone nosey. What was a teenager doing out this far into the desert, this early in the morning? Max was screwed and he knew it. Sighing resentfully, Max picked up his cell, and clicked speed dial #1.

He could only pray it wasn't Jeff Parker who picked up.


The car finally in the driveway, she hopped out very quickly. Turning to the elder of the two males, she smiled softly, before shaking the out-stretched hand.

"Thank you Mr...?"

He smiled, "Mr. Valenti. But please, it's Jim. Anywhere you need to be? You look pretty lost."

She could hear the wretching sounds from Jim's son and she giggled.

"What you not happy with your old man flirting with someone only just older than you?" Then, turning back to Jim, she chuckled, "I may be lost but I like it that way. Thanks for your help. Keep him safe."

At this point, Jim turned to face Kyle in confusion, trying to grasp the meaning behind her words. Turning back to the nameless young woman, they found her gone without a trace.


"What did you do that for?" Yanking her arm out of his grip. "I had it under control."

Nicholas smirked, and to prove a point, baited her: "Of course you did, Serena. And I'm the rightful heir to the throne of Earth."

But the elder looking girl did not rise. Instead, she pulled a face at the general of Khivar's soldiers. Serena turned away from the boy commander and started at quite some pace away from him. She never once looked back, and never once cared what he might be shouting. She just wanted him gone. Her head was pounding, and he was so not helping.

If he didn't leave her alone when she made it back to base, she'd totally destroy him. It wasn't like he was needed at all, was it? They'd already won the war, any rebellions quashed. He was just a waste of space and precious air. He didn't even have any useful powers. Serena wished desperately that she would be allowed the pleasure of his death. But unfortunately, it seemed Khivar was attached to the little punk. Such a shame...


It had been a wasted phone call. It had rang until the answering machine had picked it up. Max had barked the orders down the phone, only to be met with a rather angry father. Why, were the deities not having enough fun on his behalf already? Apparently not. His phone now only had enough battery for one phone call. A short one at that. With Liz out the picture, who would he call? She was the only one who would ever bail him out. Tess didn't have a car, neither did Isabel. Kyle was unlikely to help. Maria would be on shift by then.

It was then that Max stopped. It wasn't Liz. It was always Michael that bailed him out. After a quick phone call, Max felt strange. Why had Liz been the first one his mind flew to? He was with Tess, they were happy. She wasn't investigating an accident. Liz was nothing to him... but then in his mind, he knew his problem. But it really couldn't be that...

Was he still really that fixated on the luscious Liz Parker?
Underneath it All

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Post by Dying_Hearts »

orphyfets - I always found Max annoying. I love that in fanfiction, I can make him pay ^^

Luna_Seer - Max is a git, isn't he? Oh well, got any plans of torture you'd like me to extract?

Part Four

The Previous Night

Isabel sat, stunned. Was it even possible? She was the only alien that they were aware of that had dream-walking abilities, and from what Liz had implied, her dream had been manipulated as well. No-one knew anyone that could do that. Or, rather, Tess had not informed them if that was the case. But even still, Liz was nothing to most of the aliens. In fact, very few of the group wanted anything to do with either of them. So what was the deal?

"Too much alien freak-out. No, last night... I had a dream. Just a dream." Pausing for breath, Liz then let out the other thoughts. "Or maybe that's too much to hope for?"

Liz slowly explained the dream, repeating, re-iterating and rehashing it, as she needed. Isabel was able to follow the complicated telling, and was shocked by what she heard. Everything Liz had seen, if true, placed her, no, placed Vilandra out of direct blame. Now, if Liz and Isabel could catch up with the little punk traipsing through people's dreams, they'd be able to back up what they had found out.

Isabel desperately wanted the redemption it would bring. It would make her feel less dirty, less used, less abused. From the memories, she had been nothing but a puppet on strings. But if it hadn't been her... Who had it been?


As the sun began to rise on the tired teens’ faces, Isabel and Liz tried to hide from its waves of light and heat by burying themselves under the blankets. It didn't work - the abrupt noise of Liz's phone eventually got them from underneath. Only for them to realize Jeff had taken the pleasure in answering the call. The yelling that followed the shrill ring was enough to keep them up.

Resigned, they rose - against their wishes.


His feet pounded heavily against the marble slabs of the hallway. His eyes were cast downwards, but the angry aura around him was a warning to those who dared approach him. The entire encampment shuffled away from him the moment he came close, and that was the way Khivar liked it. Being lonely was what he lived for, especially after her death. Sure, there had been others, but never replacements.

Slamming the door open in front of him, Khivar bounded up the steps. He was not a happy bunny, at all. In fact, he hoped progress had been made, or he knew a certain dark haired female who would be pretty pleased. The dark pleasure that would dance across her chocolate orbs was almost enough to allow her to do it anyway. He was worried about the girl. Serena just hadn't been the same.

Looking over the files, he almost regretted the note stating that more back-up was needed. That meant it had been going much better than planned. But then a bubble-gum pink sticky note in Serena's hand caught his attention, and the former note became the least of his worries.

Running straight back the way he had come in, Khivar knew immediately where to look for her. He would not appreciate her making him appear earlier than the plan allowed.


Kyle had been itching to go over to the Parker's the moment he had unpacked. The camping trip had been quite the bore, and other than the mysterious girl from the drive home, nothing had really peaked his interest. Bird watching and all that nature lark was hardly his cup of tea. Give him Buddha for Beginners and a quiet room for meditation. It was a much better day. Nature was a bit more advanced then his teachings allowed. Or maybe a locked door, a Playboy magazine and a tissue, depending on his stress levels.

But after the girl had gone, things had become boring. He'd lugged the bags out from the car. Unpacked the stuff. Got it washed. Got it dried. Got changed. But still, Jim insisted on making him wait. Unable to hold in his excitement to see friends, even after only three days, got the better of him, and Kyle snuck out of the window.


After finally dragging their arses out of bed, the girls proceeded to fight about who got the first shower. Whilst distracting Isabel with some long speech, Liz had managed to sneak in and enjoy the benefits of hot water. Isabel had smacked her playfully on the arm as she arrived back in her room, wet and with only a towel around her. Isabel went in, leaving Liz alone, practically naked in her room. Which was fine.

Most of the time.

Underneath it All

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Post by Dying_Hearts »

A/N: May I make a quick beg, if you are actually reading this, that you make a comment. Good or bad. Just so I know what you, the reader, want to happen. I love hearing theories. Please?

Thanks orphyfets, for the review. As for them understanding, it's going to get a heck of a lot more confusing before things can clear up!

Part 5

Denim was not the most suitable of materials to wear in a desert town, as Serena was learning. However, the material took the shape of a pair of hot-pants, which allowed her legs to cool. Her top was a mostly flowly one, with thick straps to keep it in place. The pretty young woman didn't realize how many stares she would receive. Helpfully, it seemed that she was able to manipulate most men, even a few women, into pointing her in the right direction.

It took all of about forty-five minutes from where she had been dropped off in Roswell to her destination. Mainly due to her lack of knowledge and stopping to chat to the locals who weren't currently working. However, it was mid-morning, with few cars on the road, allowing Serena to ease into the building in front of her with little acknowledgement from the residents. But one in particular watched her movements, and it was not a friendly someone.


Khivar growled. He'd still not been able to pick up a trail on Serena. It was almost as if she'd eluded all the guards meant to be tailing her. It wouldn't have been the first time. Indeed, she was very fond of that particular practice. It always pissed him off, no matter how many times he put her in her place over it. It still wound him up. If he didn't know any better, he'd swear it was on purpose.

It was then he realised he'd walked around the back of Main Street. Meaning that Serena was close and that his instincts were leading him on. He sighed, almost grateful, that he had realized it. He may have just stormed into the building and strangled her. How could she have been so stupid?

In the back of his mind, Khivar had heard noises, like he had throughout his trek. But these were fairly loud. He looked up from his position, and was met with a ladder leading to a balcony. Curious, he stepped backwards, till his back hit a wall. Cast into the shadows, his eye-line never moved. As more of the upper floor became visible, he got less and less willing to step back.

The girl he couldn't get out of his head. The woman who'd unknowingly captivated him in the present. Who he couldn't let go of in her past. She was wearing only a towel, her skin had a slightly pink tinge as if just exiting the shower. It was confirmed by her damp-looking hair. Khivar sucked in a breath. Why did she have to look so amazing? Good enough for him to eat? He wanted nothing but to run up and kiss her till she saw underneath everything. Saw the truth.

Apparently, she'd felt his prying eyes. She turned, lent out of the window, giving him a tempting look at her breasts. But thankfully, he couldn't be seen in amongst the shadows. She lightly shook her head and turned her back to the window. Shame.

Now breathing slightly heavier, beads of perspiration trickling down his forehead, Khivar was well aware he needed to get out of there. But at least now, he knew Serena was in the CrashDown. After that view, maybe he wouldn't kill her after all...


Underneath the baking sun, in a desert not far out of the limits of Roswell, a cool chamber was lit with dancing colours.The coolness started to ebb away, and although there was no one to witness it, the colours played out a story. It told of an alien unknown. Of an alien aware. It began in symbols, then, the message made its way through all the major languages of times past. Hieroglyphs, Ancient Greek, Latin moving through to Old English until it settled on an American English script.

The light danced, a visual delight with no audience. It played it's message over and over and over, almost as if it was waiting for someone. But they never came. Instead, it just continued to weave it's tale for hours, until, at last it dulled, leaving only a message burnt onto the pod chamber floor. A wind picked up and blew the words away, and once more they sang. But now, they sang directly into the minds of those that needed to hear it.

<center>'When four become seven,
You will be seen,
Times have past,
Friends we've lost,
But truth unveiled is still not
They of two; only one knows
In darkness hidden other one
As my light shines, it will be undone.
Both shall know,
Both shall take,
What now is theirs.
Even underneath it all.'

A few miles away, within the town limits of Roswell, a confused teenager gripped their glass, shattering it into a thousand pieces.


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Post by Dying_Hearts »

This really is Part Six, not an AN. Mind you, KarenEvans and Jensen Lover 37, I bet you decide not to run this time, thinking its another hoax :wink:

Part Six

Avin was a dead man walking. Not in the sense, that he had pissed someone of enough that they wanted him six feet under. No, in the sense that he was meant to be six feet under but was still walking around, perfect living. It did not mean, by any stretch of the imagination, that he was alright. His brain was total mush. He'd been mentally abused by a mind-raping whore after all.

But to be alive, was the greatest thing at the moment. If, or rather when, Avin chose to begin living again, he would know the true extend that everyday things meant. Learning, driving, even drinking. But at the moment, Avin was locked up in Albuquerque. Or rather locked within himself. He made it very difficult for those around him willing to help. All he wanted was what was left behind. It wasn't apparently avaliable, so he tortured himself.

So when he closed his eyes, and heard it ring out, as clear as a cloudless sky, he was amazed. Everything was happening much faster than anyone had anticipated. It meant Avin was one step closer to getting back his past, so he could continue with his future. Smiling softly, when his name was called, he answered, as if nothing had changed, and he had never "died".


He'd been waiting in the CrashDown for a while now, the girls still not ready for the movies. He sat patiently, sipping his drink. But his legs began to cramp so Kyle got up to move toward the counter, but his head began to hum, so that he completely missed the entrance of the unclassified girl from earlier. In fact, he squeezed the cup so hard that it broke within his grasp, and the pieces began to fall to the floor.

"Shit!" Kyle swore to several of the higher beings things that would make them blush several shades of red. The shattered glass had cut his hand, so that it poured crimson. His upper body seized up, before he forced it into a more relaxed state, using techniques he'd learned playing football and basketball. His thoughts were running at a hundred miles an hour, trying to catch up with the memories that forced their way through his conscientiousness. His head pounded and his hand dripped with the life force flooding through.

He blinked for a moment as the torn skin of his hand melded itself back together, before his own eyes. Disbelief filled his every fibre of his being, before finally, the images stopped coming and he faded into black.


Serena watched in horror as Kyle fell amongst the broken shards of the glass, and felt a horrible sense of deja vu. It had been the same last time he had been taken from her. She wanted to rush forth and help, but it would break cover, so turning on her heel, she fled the diner.

Only to hit a rather muscular wall. Khivar.

Angry Khivar. Or was that blushing Khivar? Serena didn't want to stick around and find out.

"We need to get them together, explain to them now what's going on. It's already begun."

Serena knew what that was her queue. Taking a deep breath, shutting her eyes, she began to manipulate the time, and let the air out of her lungs slowly, so that it was almost a sigh. Her eyelids fluttered open, and time stood still. Khivar took over, marching into the cafe, and dragging Kyle out again with him. Of course they'd start with him. It had to be Karsten who'd remembered everything.

Her heart fluttered at the sight of him, and time moved once more.


At base camp, Avin smiled at the guards as they bowed low to him. His brothers were coming in, along with Sierra. Then, only his Vilandra and his dear friend Alixa to wait for. But with Karsten's memories as crisp as an autumn morning, thing could return to a vision of normalness soon. Maybe, they'd even finish what they had planned before the war had broken out on Antar.

Avin smiled again, and the objects of his thoughts appeared at the door.

"Welcome back, Kyle. I've missed you baby brother."


Kyle's eyes shot open at the voice. He couldn't believe the sight laid before him. He'd seen Max's failed attempts. He'd watched them lower him to the ground. He'd endured Liz's search into his murder for it to come up with a whole lot of questions that nobody could answer. But never had they'd even dreamt of what was before him.

It was an impossibility. One of life's very few. But there he stood.

Kyle deflated as he thought of the shapeshifter that had entered his life. It was possible that there were more, and this was his captors idea of a sick joke. But that would be mean...

His eyes shot to the left and he noted the similiarities between the description he'd been given, and the man holding his left arm. He couldn't believe his rotten luck. Why him? Isabel had been only a floor above. Why was Kyle special?

The silence was broken. "Because you're one of us, Karsten."

Kyle shook his head at the mere thought. For the second time within a short space of time, Kyle made his way to the floor. But on the way down, you could him whisper:

"You're not him. You're not Alex."


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Post by Dying_Hearts »


Thank you all so much for your patience. My PC has been rather sickly, and has been refusing to connect to the internet. I'm at home for the holidays, so I can post. I'm really sorry for the wait.

Now, Chapter 8 should arrive shortly after the New Year... maybe earlier. Hopefully it won't be too long. In the next few chapters, things are really going to take off. Hopefully, if I'm good enough, by the time I'm finished, you shall all hate season 2 Tess as much as I do...

FYI: It's un-beta'd, so I'm sorry if it's too bad.

Chapter Seven

Liz was beyond scared. Kyle had been downstairs. Mere moments had passed since he last shouted up for them to hurry. But now he was gone. His phone still on the counter. His glass shattered, his drink spilt over the floor. His blood made a nasty trail to the exit. The CCTV showed him collapsing, then disappearing. As if by magic.

Or alien powers. What if one of their many enemies hadn't heard about the split and had taken someone from the wrong side? They meant to hurt Zan, but ended up hurting Vilandra instead? What if...

Liz shook her head as pain screeched through. In those brief moments that she'd had her panic attack, Isabel had cleared the glass and Jeff had closed the CrashDown. He helped her to a seat, Isabel beside her, with both Jeff and Nancy opposite them.

"In 1947, there was a crash. It wasn't a weather balloon. It wasn't the American forces. It was you, Vilandra. But I suppose you know your own story. No, what we really need to explain is Liz's story."

In a dumb shock, both girls just stared. They couldn't believe the Parkers had known.

"My story? But I'm hum-"

"No Lizzie, your the same amount of human as the Princess over there."


James Valenti sat, his feet propped up on the coffee table, the television on, sound down. He shook his head, wishing things had gone differently. If only he'd explained to Kyle exactly who Serena was, maybe he'd have...

The phone on the table rang. It was him.

It was too late to prep Kyle. He was already in. Jim cursed and answered the phone. He listened intently to Nicholas, cursed again before grabbing his keys from where they had lain strewn on arm of his chair. He snapped the phone shut and flew out of the room like a bat out of hell. He couldn't believe the stupidity of his King some days.

There had been reports of him behind the CrashDown, Serena was out in the open - although Jim did muse whether he had allowed it or not - and now he'd abused the powers of the girl he saw as a sister, stopped time and taken an unconscious Kyle from a crowded diner of witnesses! The car door slammed shut, the camping gear from earlier long since removed, the garage door open and he sped out. Praying against hope that Kyle's memories had reappeared, if only to make this, however slightly, easier on himself and Khivar.

But even then, would Kyle choose to believe in Karsten?


Maria sank to her knees. It had been merely a handful of short weeks, but it felt like it had been forever since her world had collapsed around her. Her fingers gently traced the lettering of the headstone in front of her, and a tear rolled down her pale cheek. It had been hard. She'd made it hard on herself, choosing Michael over Liz. Her boyfriend over her best friend.

What a stupid mistake.

He'd been so wrapped up in about a million different things, that Maria had been forced to grieve for her fallen friend by herself. No-one to talk to, or share her memories with. If she swallowed her pride, maybe Liz would listen. But Maria was still unsure of Liz's position, and wanted to stay out of the search for his killer. Isabel would probably just glare her to death; Kyle would just spout some Buddhist crap. Her bottom lip quivered, and she spoke softly.

"Hey Alex. It's me. Maria. I know you're gone, but I need some brotherly advice. I need to talk to her. Liz. Give me a sign. Should I go to her?"

A soft rustle of leaves was heard, and Maria was shocked to see a definitive yes spelt out among them. With head hung, she began to make the long journey by foot to the CrashDown. Maybe they could fix things. Make things better.

From behind the tree, Nicholas' figure stood. Liz was going to need all the friends she could get in order to deal with the truth...


Max slammed the door shut. Isabel had been gone days. Spent countless hours with the Parker's, when in all reality, her own family needed her. She was needed for the latest crisis that had struck him blind. Why hadn't he...

Tess was pregnant. She'd known days. Why was he using hindsight to tell him that he should have used a contraceptive? He always carried one in his pocket due to Liz but he hadn't really ever expected to waste it on a slut like Tess. He shook his head in disbelief. Had he really just though that? Along with several other thoughts along the lines of: 'Tess is so stupid, she's as stupid like a gerbil making love to a flea!'

Max snickered at his own thoughts, before remembering the curious girl from earlier. She'd entered the CrashDown, but she was certainly not a local. In fact, she gave off weird vibes, similar to Nicholas', and so Max was almost certain that they had another Skin attack looming. If there was, he'd need to protect Tess and their unborn child with everything he had.

A flash smacked him straight between the eyes, and he remembered thinking an identical thought about Ava when Khivar had made it clear the attack was immenent. The disappoint, as Zan had almost been like a fourth brother to them, and he really did not wish to attack them.

"Wait." Maz muttered to himself, "A fourth brother? I swear the hologram told us..."

Something about Max's knowledge of Antar didn't add up, and he knew that his answers were going to be part of a long journey he'd been avoiding ever since he realised that he hated himself and what he'd allowed himself to become.


Underneath it All
