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Alliances (ADULT/CC) Thread 2

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:47 am
by littleroswell
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO ifs, ands, or buts.

Title: Alliances
Disclaimer: We own nothing related to Roswell, not the characters, storylines, music, nothing. We just want to have some fun borrowing them for a while.
Rating: ADULT (we change it if we need more players)
Category: AU w/ aliens/CC

Summary: The 5 planets of the VATER System are Valentia, Antar, Tagorra, Eurolgan, and Reschvet. These planets have a fierce and long history of war between them. In the last two generations, however, the rulers of these planets have all agreed that peace was not only welcomed and longed for but a necessity for all planets to survive. Each of these planets has something that makes it special and unique from the others. Valentians are a people dedicated to love and is the planet furthest out from the two small suns that are the life of the system. It has been the least participant of war and they are generally a peaceful people. Their specialty is a spice unique to their world that heightens the senses and allows one to go much longer without food and water than normally would be the case. It is especially important for this world that is mostly a desert like planet and has a limited water supply. Antar is known for its wonderful love of learning and excels in medicine and can rightly brag of the best education available. Tagorra is the fiercest place of all of the planets but also know the secrets of the mind. These were the people who were quickest to war and were constantly seeking power, at least this was the case of its rulers. The people are tired of war, however, and their planet is in dire straits from centuries of fighting battles there. They have an abundance of water but the soil produces little food due to the abuse it has taken over the years. The spice from the planet of Valentia is critical to their survival at this time. Eurolgan was the planet usually used as a neutral place due to its easy atmosphere and good location to everyone. They were often the negotiators and voices of reason in times of relative peace but strong defenders of those who had been wronged. Their specialties lie in technology where many of their rulers, including the current Prince Alex, can do wonders with any machine they come across no matter how simple or complex. The Reschvets are the problem solvers, often able to see solutions to problems quicker than others. Their instincts never fail them when it comes to survival. They have long had peace with Antar and provide the best clothes ever due to the fact that the special fibers from a plant native only to their world grows in abundant supply under many various conditions. This plant has many uses but it is most useful in making apparel as it lasts such a long time, is very strong and durable and dyes easily to any color. Unknown to anyone outside of the world of Reschvet, a certain part of this plant is never traded away to keep the secret that if swallowed, it makes the eater invincible for a period of time, how long depends on how much is taken and how young or old the plant but it never lasts more than two hours. However, if you eat too much of it back to back, it will kill you. Peace treaties were signed and there has been a new and tentative peace to settle over the system. Hoping to make the peace more lasting, several marriage alliances have been promised or carried out. For more information, please see the characters’ information below and then the paragraphs after that.

Princess Elizabeth – Beloved daughter of King Jeffery and the late Nancy, who died in childbirth along with the third of the royal children, she is well loved by all who know her, especially her people, the Eurolgans. She often participates in charities, holds audiences with her subjects and hears complaints from them as well. Her older brother, Alexander (or Alex as everyone close to him calls him) will be king when their father dies and has been given leave to find his own bride while Liz was promised, from the time of her 5th birthday, to be the wife of Crown Prince Xan III of Antar as a part of the alliance between her planet and his. Born an empath, she is an excellent judge of character usually but also tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. She is sweet, intelligent, has a quick sense of humor and a fierce loyalty to her subjects. Though she has never met her betrothed and has secret dreams of love, she accepts willingly her place in life and is determined to keep the peace that her father and the current king of Antar have worked hard to establish. Her cousin, Maria is also her best friend and constant companion since Maria’s parent’s deaths in a terrible transport accident caused by equipment malfunction. Her gift of being an empath shows her what is in the hearts of those who have not the power to block her and add to that her intelligence and it makes her a very noble ruler indeed. When her betrothed sends 2 bodyguards to watch over her for the two weeks of preparation to depart for Antar and the trip there, she is rather offended that Prince Xan would think she would not show up or that her own guards would be unable to do the job. But she is pleasantly surprised by the two and forms a close friendship with Michael and unfortunately develops feelings she knows she should not for Max. She cannot help the gloominess that settles over her heart as her wedding day approaches for she has found that love can be a powerful persuader to do what she ought not.

Lady Maria – Cousin to Princess Elizabeth, she is proud of her position as best friend to the future queen of Antar. Unsure of her own place in life, she happily assists her cousins in keeping the people of Eurolgan. A happy person, she is more boisterous than her dignified cousin and adores animals of all kinds. Quick with a smile and a teasing remark, she is blessed with the gift of being able to see the good in any situation. She also has the gift of tongues in that she can understand and speak fluently any language she is exposed to in a very short time. It makes her an excellent interpreter and she often serves in this capacity when she is needed. She is happy to know that her life is her own and she may do with it as she pleases.

Prince Alexander – Crown Prince of Eurolgan and a gifted machinist. He is a wizard with anything mechanical but unfortunately is not as at ease with people. He is happy to let his father rule and tries to learn from him the ways of a good king but he feels completely inadequate for the job and hopes that he will not have to rule for many years to come. He and his sister are very close as well as their cousin, Maria. He is well liked by everyone but many of the servants in the palace as well as his subjects hope that he will find a bride that will be able to help balance him and bring out the ruler they know he can be. He is not easily ruffled and is glad there is peace in the system as he hates the thought of war.

Prince Xan III/Maxwell – Crown Prince of Antar he has the basic gifts of telepathy from his race as well as the gift of healing. The race is unable to read minds unless both parties open a communication link with their minds. He was an avid student and will be a wonderful king. He loves his father very much and tries hard to please him and make him proud, succeeding always. His nurse had given him the nickname Max when he was little and he goes by it in informal settings and with his friends and family. A perfect gentleman and a handsome man, he has his mind always on what’s important for everyone else. He understands the reason for the marriage alliance and is not against it as long as Princess Elizabeth, whom he has never met, will be a good ruler for his people and is just as in favor of peace as he is. In order to make sure that is the case, he convinces his father to allow him to go to Eurolgan in disguise as a servant of Prince Xan sent to escort the Princess to Antar for the introductions and the marriage and to act as her bodyguard. His best friend Rath IV, or Michael as his close associates know him, Crown Prince of Reschvet has insisted on coming with him and poses as another guard in Xan’s service sent to the Princess. Max certainly never thought he could come to love his future queen so quickly and is put to the test as a king and future husband when she is kidnapped on the way to Antar. It was a quiet transport that was unknown to the common people and the small group was attacked and Princess Elizabeth taken in the commotion. He is further tested when he learns that his father has been assassinated while he was away. There are reports that his sister Queen Vilandra Isabel has left her husband, King Kivar of Tagorra and gone into hiding from him. The peace of the system rests on his abilities to work to find the truth behind the rumors that King Jeffery had his own daughter kidnapped so that she would not have to marry the Prince or that Prince Michael had orchestrated the kidnapping because he fell in love with the Princess himself and many others. Kivar is threatening war if his wife is not returned to him. King Jeffery is threatening war on whoever kidnapped his daughter, unsure if it was Prince Rath or even an elaborate plot by the Antarians to renegotiate their treaty or simply that Prince Xan didn’t wish to wed her after all. Will he be able to unravel all the mysteries and save Liz?

Queen Vilandra Isabel – The younger sister of Prince Xan III of Antar and the wife of King Kivar of Tagorra. She always resented being a pawn of fate, unable to choose her own destiny but after a talk with her brother and her good friend Michael, she had accepted her fate as part of the marriage alliance with Kivar, even putting aside her fears at the rumors of Kivar’s cruelness. However, it has been 2 years since her marriage to Kivar and the rumors didn’t express the half of his cruelty. At first, he was so obsessed with her beauty and winning her trust that he was all that she could hope for in a husband, attentive, loving, and seemed to listen to her ideas for how to help make Tagorra a better place for everyone. Soon, however, his true colors began to show. He talks only of war and ultimate power over the other planets now. He beats her and keeps her locked away from the eyes of others. Terribly jealous, Kivar constantly accuses her of unfaithfulness though she is never allowed a moment alone and is constantly under the watch of his guards. Now that she is with child, she refuses to take it anymore and because she thinks that all her pleas for help that she sent to Antar (that Kivar’s loyal men intercepted and never reached their destination) she decides to take matters into her own hands and with her sister-in-law’s help (Tess) she escapes and goes into hiding on Eurolgan until she can decide what to do. She certainly never expected to meet the Crown Prince Alexander…or to fall in love with him. She was blessed with the telepathy of her race but more importantly the gift of the dreamers, able to enter and manipulate people’s dreams, whether they were sleeping or daydreaming. She only hopes now that Kivar will not find out that she is pregnant or she knows he will never stop looking for her.

King Kyle – King of Valentia, friend of Prince Alex, husband of Queen Tess. He is a great ruler and very pleased to have found love in the marriage alliance that he made with Kivar with Kivar’s sister, Tess. His people love him and Tess too has found love and a home of peacefulness that she never thought possible. He hopes the peace will last in the system and quickly offers to help Prince Alex and Prince Xan/Max when the troubles start. He has the gift of teleportation and his body seems to retain the spice of his planet longer than most people’s. He loves his desert like planet and is an excellent lover to Tess, who unknown to him was supposed to betray him for her brother Kivar. He doesn’t realize that Kivar’s goal is to rule the entire VATER system single-handedly.

Queen Tess – Born Princess AvaTess on Tagorra, she is the younger sister of Kivar and was raised as a fierce warrior like the rest of her race. She had known nothing of love or honor or peace and was willing to be used for her brother’s plan to take over the system. She had no idea that her marriage to Kyle would completely change who she was. This stranger she calls her husband is a kind person who does all he can to make her at home and she has learned to love him. Kivar had told her that he would send her a sign when it was time to kill Kyle so that they would rule over Valentia and the rest of the VATER system. Now she must choose what to do next. She doesn’t want to kill Kyle but is afraid of her brother’s revenge. She’s also afraid of what Kyle will do when he finds out what her plan had been. She likes being Queen of Valentia and has taken to the people there very much. Her time there has taught her how to love, trust, and respect people as a whole and as individuals.

Crown Prince Rath IV/Michael – He is the next ruler when his father dies of the planet Reschvet. His instincts are keener than most and he can sense others’ presences. Quick reflexes and the ability to take in a situation quickly make him an excellent warrior and also a worthy opponent in any game or contest of skill. He is blessed with the gift of being able to see in any light and to go on very little rest along with the gift of being able to turn invisible, although it does tax his energies horribly to do so for long periods of time. He is very loyal to those who win his trust but as the oldest of five boys, he has a hard time showing his deep emotions. Longing for true love in his innermost self, he is thankful not to have been approached to form a marriage alliance and hopes to make a love match. When he goes to Eurolgan with Max to judge the Princess Elizabeth, he is happy to discover a close friendship in the princess, close enough to make his best friend jealous, although Michael only considers her the sister he never had. When his name is listed among the suspects in Liz’s kidnapping, he is anxious to clear his name, to rescue his friend, and to prove to her cousin that he is worthy of her attentions. He is also concerned when his friend, Princess Isabel is said to have disappeared, deserting her king and planet.

King Kivar – King of Tagorra and brother of Princess AvaTess. He is a cruel person but a master actor, strategist and manipulator. He detests the thought of a lifetime of peace as he finds war to be very profitable and longs to rule the system. When Prince Xan III is said to have left Antar temporarily, he sees his chance to kill King Xan II and takes it. He has already placed his sister Tess in position to take Valentia as soon as she is with child so that the people will not be completely devastated when she kills King Kyle. He also has a plan to put the other three planets at war with each other by looking for an opportunity to kidnap Princess Elizabeth. He is at first furious when his own queen disappears as he was obsessed with her but then thinks that it would be a good excuse to use to divorce Vilandra by law for abandoning the marriage and he would then be free to marry Princess Elizabeth himself. When he learns that Vilandra is in hiding and is expecting his child, he realizes that this is the perfect opportunity to take control of all five planets by killing Xan and setting his own son as heir to the Antarian throne. If he can also produce a child with Elizabeth, he will have blood ties to the Eurolgan throne. That would leave only Reschvet to acquire by force. The rumors he himself sends out into the system put everyone at suspicion of one another and hopefully will cause enough distraction to give him time to carry out his plan.

If you would like to audition for a role, please send a sample post for your character by PM to me.

Princess Elizabeth - Flamehair
Crown Prince Xan III/Max - madroswellfan
Lady Maria - me (littleroswell)
Crown Prince Rath IV/Michael - KarenEvans (temp)
Queen Vilandra Isabel - KarenEvans
Crown Prince Alexander - Sternbetrachter/Trude
King Kyle - KarenEvans (temp)
Queen AvaTess - alizaleven
King Kivar - me (littleroswell)
King Jeffrey - me (littleroswell)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:59 am
by littleroswell

I don't have to have Liz's empathic abilities to know that Michael is not exactly comfortable to have been left with me. I don't know why. I don't bite!

I shake my head. "No, it doesn't hurt much, but it does hurt more if I try to put any weight on it." At that moment, Shasta, my cat, decides to make an appearance and jumps up in my lap. I pet her for a couple of minutes, letting the silence go on. Finally, I say, "So, Michael, what exactly is Prince Xan hoping to accomplish by sending you and Max here?" I know I'm being a bit blunt but hey, you never find out what you want to know if you don't stir things up a bit.


Well, I guess breaking that glass had it's advantages. Vilandra's attention is now back on me. Now I have to figure out what to do about Lord Moxon. I stand and smile down at my sister. "Ava, is there a way that we could speak tomorrow? Just the two of us?"

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:09 am
by KarenEvans

Her cat wanders in next.What next I wonder...a guyana?Not that I mind cats.Infact,they are my favourite animal.

"So, Michael, what exactly is Prince Xan hoping to accomplish by sending you and Max here?"

Rather nosy of her to ask since it is non of her business but I can't exactly be rude and tell her that.After all she is Max's to be wife's cousin.I must be diplomatic.

"Well he wanted her to be protected." then I add quickly "not that he thinks your guards can't do that but since Max and I have been around him for ages,he wanted to be comfortable in the knowledge that we would be keeping an eye on her."

"What's your cat's name?" I ask trying to change the subject

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:32 am
by littleroswell

I look down at the black furball in my lap and smile at her. "Shasta," I answer him. Then I notice something about her eyes. "You know her eyes are the same color as yours." Did I just say that out loud? Now he's gonna know that I've noticed his beautiful eyes.

Where is Liz? She should know better than to leave me alone with strange men. I always seem to say something I shouldn't or make a fool out of myself.


I start to reenter the room with the cool cloth and some antiseptic medicine for Maria's scrapes when I catch her last observation to Michael and I change my mind. Maybe I should leave them alone for a minute or two more...see where this might lead.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:33 am
by madroswellfan
ooc: Um Im Lost with what to do with Max...uh....

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:36 am
by littleroswell
Occ: Perhaps he could come back in the room and rescue poor Michael? LOL.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:38 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-Sure thing Mel


"You know her eyes are the same color as yours."

Is she trying to imply that I look like a cat or something?Mad woman!
How am I supposed to reply to that?

I haven't even noticed the cat's eye colour.
"Errr...really?I hadn't noticed." I say stuffily and wish that Max or Liz would hurry up

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:49 am
by madroswellfan
As I come back into the room I smile and bow politely to lady Maria, and smile at Michael. "Sorry I spent ages trying to find someone. They said that they would bring the bandages down, and they said they would get a doctor as soon as they can." I say.

"How does it feel Lady Maria?" I say looking over at Michael and communcating into his mind, "Everything okay?"

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:55 am
by KarenEvans

I heave an inward sigh of relief when I feel Max's presence approaching.
"How does it feel Lady Maria?"
Must be feeling alright if she can keep talking her head off and say I look like a cat.

"Everything okay?"
I nod slightly,"Yeah just peachy.Did you get lost in the dungeon or something?She just said my eyes are like her cat's."

Even in my own mind I sound indignant.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:58 am
by littleroswell

God, what did I say? I thought it was a compliment. I think Shasta has beautiful eyes and now I get the feeing from him that I totally upset him somehow. What the hell is his problem? I glare up at him. "You know what, Michael? If you don't want to talk to me, you could just say so. It would save us both a lot of trouble," I tell him bluntly.

Shasta senses my mood and bumps my hand with her head, trying to get me to calm down and pet her. I absently stroke her head and scratch her chin. If my ankle wasn't hurt, I'd have stomped out of there, leaving Liz to deal with her stuffy jerk of a bodyguard.

Max's words get my attention and I smile at him. "It's not too bad," I answer him.


Uh, oh. Maria said the wrong thing apparently for Michael. I sigh as she jumps down his throat. Coming back in the room, I pretend that I hadn't heard any of their conversation. "Here we go!" I say brightly. "Let me take care of those scrapes, Maria." I kneel down in front of her and try to concentrate on what I'm doing and not laugh at the way Maria is glaring up at Michael.