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Recommended Period Pieces

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:11 am
by Kath7
Post links to all your favorite stories set in another time here. Please make sure it isn't already on the thread before linking it.

NOTE: UC stories CAN be recommended here. Just make sure you identify it as such.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:21 am
Reccomended by Buxom Brunette

Uphill Battle
by Anais Nin
Summary: M/L PG The story is set in Germany, before, during and after WWII (1939-1945, Europe). Max is German, Liz is Jewish. They were friends before Hitler came into power, but their different nationalities drove them apart. Wonderful, heartbreaking story.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:26 am
by Erina
The Isle by blake
Summary:Liz has lost her memory and is stranded on an island with a very handsome, but very annoying, plantation owner.
Complete, M/L

Love & Marriage by blake
Summary:The new Earl of Kingston needs a bride, the pretty Miss Parker seems to be perfect for the role, but love doesn't seem to be playing a large part in the marriage and Elizabeth wants more from her husband.
Complete, M/L

Behind the Glamour by nicola
Summary:When Elizabeth and Maxwell meet they have an instantaneous pull towards one another. Though Elizabeth is ‘happily’ married they can not help but let their passion overtake them and leisurely begin pursuing one another when backs are turned. In a scandalous fight to unleash desires neither have experienced before they may obliterate their homes, reputations and nuptials. When what was a search for unleashing sexual frustration turns into much more will they have to make the choice to linger together or return to their ordinary lives?
Complete, M/L

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:33 pm
Destiny's Circle by Kath7

This story is the only one I've ever read that made me hate Kyle. That alone is enough to give Kath props, lol.

But this story is great, and gets you emotinally vested in the characters. A wonderful piece of fanfiction set in midieval times. "Midieval Mayhem involving our favorite Roswellians", the author's own words.

This story does not dissapoint, and is well worth the time.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:41 pm
by Itzstacie
A Farewell to Arms by Nicola, Lana & Scifidreamer
SUMMARY: Basically it's the dreamer version of the movie 'love and war' with a few different twists and a different ending. Max is a New Zealand soldier and Liz is an American nurse

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:22 pm
Reccomended by ebony

You and the Night and the Music by Nicola - nobody writes period like Nicola writes period! The detail and melancholy in this fic is just beautiful

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 4:59 pm
by behrlyliz
Accept The Challenge by LiLEvEe
Summary: AU (no aliens, no destiny) and CC ((mainly Max/Liz)) set in ‘Once Upon A Time’ land.

Brooklyn by Nicola
Summary:Set in the 60's. Basically it's drugs and rock 'n roll.

I know the next two stories aren't finished but they're still very good

The Evans: A Rake's Betrothal by A Rose Is True Blue.
Summary:It's a historical romance. The first in the series (The Evans). I'm going to be writing a fic for each couple (Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Alex/Isabel, and Kyle/Tess). Max, Michael, Alex, and Kyle are all Evans... and this is the story of Max and Liz. They've been betrothed since Liz was born, but have never met. What happens when they finally do.... but under false names?

Chasing Arizona by ISLANDGIRL5.
Summary:It's 1876. Liz has run away from home. She doesn't know where she is going or what whe will do. This is her story.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:42 pm
by jbangelo
Title: Here Be Dragons
Author: tequathisy
Pairings: Michael/Maria, Max/Liz
Rating: ADULT
Summary: Maria gets lost on a car journey and ends up in the mysterious town of Roswell where she makes an amazing discovery - the journal of a girl who had been brought back from the dead by an alien three hundred years ago.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:00 am
by Erina
A Romance to Remember by Lisa1783
Summary: Based a bit on the book Jane Eyre. Liz Parker is hired to take care of a large mansion for the brooding and mysterious owner, Max Evans. Takes place in some deserted, moory place. I guess England will do. Takes place in the 1800's.
Complete, M/L

Re: Recommended Period Pieces

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:16 pm
by DreamerLaure
The Evans: Rake’s Bethrothal by A Rose Is True Blue
Max and Liz have been betrothed since birth, but they’ve never met each other before. What happens when they finally do…but under false names?

A Duke, a Governess, and a Little Lady by mattie788
Elizabeth Parker is a governess for Emily Burming in the early 1800s but when tragedy strikes they move 3000 miles away, to live with a cousin Emily's never met and a Duke Elizabeth might wished she hadn't.

The Legend of Daring Elk & Horse Dreamer by shadowlynxbehr
Max is a Native American warrior whose tribe has always valued strength of character in both genders. Liz is a white girl who was captured in a raid when she was a child. Now a young woman, she is a slave who is mistreated by her owners. Max has grown to know this woman who always has the strength to stand up for her rights and those of the other slaves.