Remember me [ CC/ AU/ Adult-Mature]: Part 3 [WIP]

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Remember me [ CC/ AU/ Adult-Mature]: Part 3 [WIP]

Post by POM »


Title: Remember me

Species: Hybrids & HUMAN

Location: Earth

Rating: Adult/ Mature ~ For some strong language :!:
Disclaimer: I own nothing to Roswell


Authors note:
Tess is not in the Role Play...because... Liz Turns out to be Ava...but she dosen't know that just yet.

BY: Josh Groban

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

When your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
Just remember me

I am the one star that keeps burning so brightly
It is the last light to fade into the rising sun
I'm with you whenever you tell my story
For I am all I've done

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory, remember me

I am that warm voice in the cold wind that whispers
And if you listen you'll hear me call across the sky
As long as I still can reach out and touch you
Then I will never die

I'll never leave you
If you will only
Remember me

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

When your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
I live forever - remember me
Remember me, remember me


In school Liz Parker was never a very popular girl...there was always somthing different about her...but she didnt' know what. Adopted at birth..she dosen't remember anything about herself. Her father neglects her all the time, she distances herself away by reading and doing homework. She is considered to be the biggest nerd of Roswell High. She has a crush on the hottest guy in Roswell High, but it impossible for her to talk to him outside of class. He is her Science partner--and althought he is always nice to her...and he secretly has a crush on her, he dosen't want to ruin his reputation by being seen with her outside school. Knowing she has to do something...she gets sick of Roswell high..and Roswell in general. For the summer, she goes to the summer exchange program to get away with everything...but when she goes back for her Senior year...everything is different...She bloosoms overnight, and everyone wants to know her...the only thing is that She discovers that she has powers--and she's part alien a hybrid to be exact. Her adopted her protector, and since she is now of age..he shows the the live is suppose to have. First exposing what she truley is, Her name is really Ava not Liz. and she is reunited with three of her own kind..and amazed to find out that her destiny lies...with Max or should I say...Zan. And he is as well the same reaction. Michael and Isabels relationships...they already know that they have powers...and befriend she steps into the already shaking existance of the podsters.
**Okay...Alex and Maria Are not friends with Liz in the beginning...Liz is an outsider to them. Alex was the one who was shot...just outside the UFO Festival. He was already going out with Isabel at the time. Him and Maria have known for a long time. They were the first people that the podster befriended once they came out of the pods. Anyways once he got shot Isabel begged max to heal him...and so he did. Thust leaving all of them closer than they ever where before...but they are all iffy about bringing in a new someone and that person just happens to be Liz.**

Liz [AVA]: POM

Max [ZAN]: Madroswellfan

Michael [Rath] : MadRoswellFan

Isabel[Lonnie]: maxandliz4ever1357

Alex: : POM

Maria: maxandliz4ever1357

Nasedo: Everyone

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Post by POM »

madroswellfan wrote:~~~~~MAX~~~~~
I sigh. " what is that you desperately need to talk about?" I ask.
"Agent Pierce is dead...but we have much greater issues...Kivar has found you...I don't know how...but he wants what is most important to you right now...he wants Liz.

"ME?!!? Why me?" I asked him.

"You are eventually going to give birth the heir of the throne..and he wants to take him from you two and raise him as his own to rule Antar, and destroy everything like he has done so.

"No..." I whispered.

"He cannot reach you until your twenty first birthday's and you activate your royal seal. but until then, you will have reacurring dreams of your past...Like Liz has attention to them...they just might teach you something the second time around.

I muttered under my breath, "this isn't happening..." I got up and walked back into my room, and cried softly by myself. "He can't have me...or my children." I spoke aloud, I could feel someone watching me.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I look at Nasedo amazed at what I'm hearing...
This is some kind of sick joke...right.
I look at Liz...God she looks awful.
I walk after her into her room.
"Liz" I say softly. I go towards her and pull her into an embrace. "Liz, it's going to be ok. I would never let anything happen to you....never" I tell her.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Maria </center>

I was so sick of it. I was tired of Michael always being this way. This stubborn, this damn headstrong. I was so tired of it, in fact, that I did something completely out of character, something I would usually be ashamed of; I cried. Loudly. In front of Michael.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by madroswellfan »

I'm driving along and we've just reached the borders of Roswell when suddenly Maria starts wailing.
The noise surprise me so much I put my foot on teh break before I know what I'm doing. The car comes to an abrult halt.
I'm sitting her shocked look straight forward...lucky theres no one else around.
I turn around and look at Maria. She's sobbing and I have no idea what to do...
"Maria?" I ask quietly...not sure what else to do or say.

Post by POM »


I followed the two..."Listen, he will find you two--you can't run and you can't hide from him.

Breaking away from Max's grasp, "What are we suppose to do...he killed us once, he can do it again...History always reapeats itself, isn't that true.

"Your highness, I'm just saying that your destiny is already set in stone...but it can be undone...but you guys have to know who you guys are going up against, he is twice as powerful in this life time, than he was in the previous. You are not only dealing with have the F.B.I to worry about, and the skins.


I repeated all his words in my head...only two words found it's way out of my mouth..."the skins?" I looked over at Max a little more scared.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I look at Liz. "Liz, I would die a million deaths before I let something happen to you or any of us." I tell her determinedly. I turn to Nasedo. "Who are the skins?" I ask calmly.

Post by POM »


They are rebellion group on Antar, the don't believe in your leadership--they were trying to take over the throne as Kivar was doing the same. Let's just say that they've been looking for you all this time, and still wants to take over. But instead of having you as the leader. They want Michael--they believe his is the true leader, in there eyes anyways.


"This is too much too soon..." I stummbled back on the bed. "How are we suppose to protect ourselves...when we don't even know what we are up against? This is Crazy!!! Are we just suppose to on the run for the rest of our lives, I had plans--but I'm sorry it didn't include fighting enemy aliens, fighting for some planet that I've never seen before! I wanted to get married, have children, I want them to be safe, I want my family to be safe. Why didn't you tell me who I was earlier? I mean hello didn't you ever think that this was going to effect me...GOD! All these Dreams and hopes that I have they are know shot to Hell!! I've had to grow up on my own, the only love I've ever felt in my entire live is from Max--what kind of father are you?" I shouted at him.

"I am not your father...I'm your protector...nothing more..nothing less...It's not my job to love you, care for you, or anything like that--you have to deal with that." I told her bluntly, and walked out of the room.


"Then why did you adopt me?!!" I shouted out as he left the room....I collasped on the bed with fresh tears in my eyes..."Why is this happening now?" I asked Max.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Maria </center>

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled, jerking back when he reached a hand toward me. "God, you're such an idiot!" I said, the tears still coming. I didn't know what started them, but now they wouldn't stop. All I was thinking was that there was no way I could convince him to stay.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by madroswellfan »

I carefully move to the edge of the bed and put my arm around her. "I don't know Liz." I say quietly. "But it's going to be ok. I promise you. I would never let anything happen to you. And we're stronger than they think....we're probably stronger than we think" I tell her.

I look at her....God I just want to hold her so much right now.
But I can't.
I stare at her for a moment or two. I don't know what else to do. My head is telling me to drive her home and leave...but my heart? My heart is in the back seat with Maria.
"Fine" I say quietly. I turn around and drive at a reasonable speed back to the Crashdown.
After what seems like an hour, when in reality what was two minutes, of driving with Maria still sobbing in the back, we arrive.
"We're here" I say quietly.
She doesn't move.
I look around at her. "Maria?" I say again looking at her. I so want her to tell me right now to kiss a heart beat I would. But I know she now realises that I have to leave. I have to leave for Max's, Isabel's Liz's, Alex's and her own safety.
I just wish that right now I could convince my heart that was the right thing to do.