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the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:07 am
by ñusta
Chapter 78

Nicholas was absolutely surprised to have Khivar summon him urgently after just having returned from spending the whole day with him, hardly speaking or paying any attention to him at all. The soft knock on his door made him jump, sending his concentration down the drain when he had finally arrived home, finding the time to try for a pleasant incursion in Michael’s direction. He got up cursing to find Khivar’s currently favourite guard at his door to inform him that Khivar wanted him immediately back at the palace and the man said he wouldn’t be allowed back in if he didn’t return with Nicholas. So what was he to do? He stepped out of the room and sealed his door before he followed the man. Nicholas had to admit that the guard had been very respectful, and anyway he was now terribly curious.
Once back at the palace, Nicholas found Khivar locked up in his rooms, and he just opened the door enough to pull him in with him. Nicholas found his cousin in an utter state of agitation, wondering what it was all about.

- What’s wrong? - He asked, noticing he was hiding something behind him.

- Something’s happened…with this! - He said bringing out the whip on his right hand and showing it to him as if he hadn’t seen it before.

- Well, tell me! - Nicholas couldn’t wait to hear the news.

- I was playing with it, waving it and moving it every which way to see if I could get it to do something, when suddenly it went completely rigid and glazed, as if it was made of ice. I heard it crackling and this weird glitter started forming all around me making me itch all over! I got scared and when I jumped back, it all stopped. That’s when I remembered reading about the rumour that the demon had began to form a protective shield waving the whip about her, but she wasn’t fast enough and her head was cut off before it got effective. The baffling thing was that the whip had vanished when she ceased to exist and they went out of their minds looking for it, but it was definitely gone. She probably had a spell to make it disappear to a safe place if anything happened to her. So maybe it was true and not just fantasy invented by the superstitious locals who had witnessed her capture and death! - He babbled enthusiastically. - I really need that shield, Nicholas! We both need it! -

“Dammit! And it had to be my loathsome cousin the one to accidentally discover that its properties were real!” Nicholas thought.

- Then let me give it a try, but for that I must have it. - Nicholas could tell Khivar wasn’t willing to let go of it, but he had no choice.

With a deep sigh, he surrendered it to Nicholas, but when his hand grabbed it, Nicholas started convulsing uncontrollably. Khivar reached over and grabbed it too, and it stabilized, so Nicholas could breathe again.

“No!” Nicholas wanted to scream in frustration. “Khivar was the first to touch it after the demon so the damn thing has bonded with him! Shit! Why wasn’t it me? Now it will only accept me through Khivar! SHIT!”

- What was that? What happened? - Khivar asked a little frightened.

- We both need to touch it. If you do it alone, you need to do a very special move to make it work and we don’t know what it is. You did it accidentally so that doesn’t help us, if I do it alone, it reacts asking for you too, because you were the first one to touch it after the demon. So it has to be both together, I can discover how to activate it, but you must be touching it too so it will accept me. If you do it alone, you’ll only make it work if you’re lucky to do the right move. - It wasn’t all true, but Khivar had no way of knowing and Nicholas gambled and won.

- Alright then. - Khivar accepted, not very happy either, but his life might depend on the blasted shield, maybe the only thing to keep Rath-Michael away from him. - Do it! -

Nicholas had no problems getting into Khivar’s memory and rewound it to the moment when he was playing with the whip. He now knew exactly how Khivar had got it going.

- I can make it work, but we must be fair. I can’t do it without you, right? But you can’t do it without me either, so I’ll do it only for my eyes. - Nicholas told him.

- Why shouldn’t I see if I can’t do it without you? - Khivar asked after taking his time to consider it.

- That’s my condition, take it or leave it. - Nicholas was adamant.

- It’s because I can do it alone, right? I’m not that stupid, you know? - Khivar was beginning to lose his temper.

- If you think you can, go right ahead. I really want to see you do it by yourself! - Nicholas scoffed making Khivar shoot fire at him with his eyes.

He started shaking the whip every which way, but everytime Nicholas saw him getting there, he sent him a mental jolt that almost made him drop it, to prevent him from achieving his goal.

- Are you doing that? - Khivar screamed with fury.

- Of course not! I need the shield too! - Nicholas said angrily and Khivar believed him.

- Alright! I won’t look! - Khivar accepted.

- And you won’t! - Nicholas chuckled as he turned to stand back to back with Khivar.

His next move was to make Khivar’s arm go numb, so he couldn’t know how he was moving it, though his hand was still holding it. Nicholas could feel his cousin shaking with rage at the fact that he was helpless in his hands. Khivar was no match for Nicholas’ cunning, and they both knew it. It drove Khivar out of his mind to know his damn cousin was always one step ahead, no matter how hard he tried or what he did, it was useless.
Nicholas did the correct move and they were enveloped in this glowing shield but they still had to know how effective it was, and they weren’t about to bring anyone else into their secret. Nicholas experimented taking a few steps, pulling Khivar along with him and the shield followed their movements, so he tried walking into the table and the shield held, stopping them from running into it. Yes, it definitely worked! Now, how did you make it go away…Khivar said he had jumped back and it had vanished, but it hadn’t been completely formed yet. He pushed the whip trying to pierce the shield but it didn’t go through. Then he reversed the move that had brought it on, and it disappeared. Oh yes! He was in charge now! “Who’s the boss now, cousin?” He thought smugly.

- You did it! - Khivar shouted, regaining the power of speech.

- What did you expect? You thought I couldn’t? Well, surprise! - Nicholas sounded sarcastic. - Now can I go get some rest? -

Khivar just waved him off and Nicholas left as fast as he could without making himself suspicious. He couldn’t wait to give Michael the news and how he was controlling it. Once in his room, he lay back and concentrated again. To his frustration, Michael was sleeping in Max’s arms so he would have to wait.

Max had to practically drag Michael the last steps towards their rooms and finally dropped him on his bed. Just as the Shaman had promised, there was what looked like a vial of a greenish liquid waiting for them. Max took it carefully between his fingers to find it was rather soft, and knew what he had to do just by touching it. It had a rounded end and a tapering one which was obviously the one that had to go into Michael to squeeze the contents into him. He approached the prone boy aiming it at him, ridding him of his clothes. Michael moaned and writhed. Max knew how to get him where he wanted him and shoved his hand between Michael’s thighs sliding his finger over the chains of the piercing. Michael spread his legs and sighed so Max pushed the tip into him and injected its contents as deep as they were needed with his powers, coating all the chafed tissues with the sticky fluids.

- What are you doing? - Asked Michael in a sleepy voice.

- Shooting you up with Amaru’s salve, is it ok? - Max wished it was.

- Just stings a little, that’s all. - Michael snuggled into the bed and slid over Max as soon as he lay beside him.

Michael was asleep in seconds and Max began to doze too. Then this vaguely familiar face flashed in his head and so did the name “Nicholas”. It was there for just a second, and Max had to admit it did look like the version from Earth, but much older, probably like he really looked. Why was Michael having a nightmare with Nicholas? And why was he still sleeping so quietly, as if it hadn’t registered at all? Or maybe it had just been him having the nightmare, but why did Nicholas appeared to him looking like he really did when Max had never seen him like this? He knew Michael had during all this stuff he had been going through lately, in which Nicholas was involved, so did this mean Nicholas was after Michael again? Max didn’t like it at all! What would he do, all alone, with no one to help him? Could he trust his uncle Ramthis to do something about it or would he react in anger and start an untimely chain reaction which might get them killed again?

- Hey, why are you so tense? - Michael slurred. - You feel like a statue, it hurts to be over you…-

- I’m sorry, that better? - Max whispered, forcing himself to relax.

- Mmmmm…- Michael purred and he was asleep again.

About two hours later, Max woke up as Michael slid off him to face the other way. Max turned on his side towards him and Michael automatically adjusted his body so that his back ended glued to Max’s front. Max had to chuckle at the typical mechanics of Michael’s sleeping habits, whether he was with a male or female lover or just a bed partner. It was totally unconscious, protective and comforting, keeping his partner under or behind him. Max’s arm was wrapped around Michael’s waist pressing him tight against him as the boy pushed his ass into Max’s lap, raising one thigh and using his knee to keep his body as close to his lover as possible. His relaxed breathing had Max falling asleep again.
The next time Max woke up, he knew he had already covered his usual three hours with maybe a bonus, because Michael started turning again in his sleep towards him and he was sure he had been awake for less than an hour. He rolled on his back to receive the younger boy again on top of him, this time wrapping one arm around his hip so his hand was free to roam all over Michael’s ass. He cherished every writhe and squirm, every moan and whimper he got from the sleeping boy, every squeeze of his fingers as their hands lay on Max’s chest.

- Michael…- Max whispered into his hair, kissing it.

The purr and slither he received from him spoke a million words. He spent the rest of the night watching his warrior sleeping in his arms, allowing him to move freely every time he needed to, and either way, keeping him in a close embrace. The routine went on next morning, only this time Geehan and Shenti knocked as soon as they heard some movement going on inside the room to hand Michael his armour. It had been entrusted to them with a thousand apologies by the nervous man when Michael had already been sleeping, and they didn’t want to disturb him. It was in time, anyway. The three of them stood open mouthed and drooling, watching Michael in full armour, moving around to make sure the fit was as perfect as it looked. He twisted to his right, to his left, bent over, got on the bed on all fours, and was crawling backwards out of it when his father arrived silently at the open door.

- What do you think you’re doing? There’s no time for that now! - Ramthis snapped, indignantly.

He presumed by the glazed looks of the three men that stood behind his son, watching him and almost drooling, that they were trying to decide who took him first.

- I’m just making sure I’ll be able to move without problems, man, you have a dirty mind! - Michael scoffed and smirked.

Ramthis shook his head and handed him his helmet, which he had kept since he had been taken away from him.

- It’s just training, father, you know I’m not very keen on wearing that thing! - Michael protested.

- You’ll have to wear it in battle, so you may as well get used to it! Do as I say! - He ordered.

- All right, as soon as I get on the field. - He complained with an unenthusiastic sigh and Ramthis had to compromise.

The two Royals got on horseback as Max got between the two guards, now feeling quite at home with them. His mother appeared again from the door near the field like she had the second day and he stepped beside her with both guards flanking them.
Once Michael donned his helmet, he looked very intimidating, the gandarium blue crest adding several inches to his already towering height.

The training was in crescendo, getting more realistic with each passing day, and Wyteeah went pale, preferring to close her eyes not to disturb anyone with her gasps and muffled cries. Max himself couldn’t help rising to his feet on several occasions, even racing to the top of the steps a few times, to make sure Michael was alright and didn’t need his help. He still made it with a few scratches and bruises from the armour’s slight deficiencies, which would have been rather serious in a real situation with real weapons and true killing intent. As far as Max was concerned, this was as real as a real battle could get. No one was giving anyone any quarter, specially Michael, attacking him unstopping and without mercy, to make sure he would not be surprised and would always be ready to take on any enemy or number or them. By the end of the long session, the boy was exhausted and sore, as he would be after a battle, estimating three hours as the time it might take to defeat a difficult and large army. Michael was kneeling beside his mother, his body bent over the next two steps and his crossed arms supporting his face over the following step. Ramthis approached his son and placed his hand on his heaving back, knowing he had pushed him almost to the limit that day. But he also knew that his Royal blood and youth enabled him to summon inexhaustible amounts of strength when they were needed. That was his trademark, and had proved it when he was able to take two unending weeks of torture before Zan was finally found, in spite of Rath-Michael’s unbreakable spirit and silence.

- Well done, son, you’re ready. No doubts about it. - Ramthis nodded.

- I’ve been ready even before I arrived here, father. You’ve just finally noticed it! - Michael answered, with his usual cocky and smug attitude.

- Of course son, anything you say. - Ramthis smiled at his son’s bravado, but yes, he had felt it too, he just wanted to make sure the boy’s overconfidence didn’t get him badly hurt, or worse still, killed again.

Something was up with Khivar that morning, and Nicholas didn’t like it at all. He had him beside him and wouldn’t let him stray more than a yard away from him.

- We must stick together, cousin, I’m quite ready for anything! - Khivar gave him this disturbing lop sided grin and opened his flashy ridiculous golden gown just a tad to show him the whip strapped to his repelling pale, emaciated body.

Nicholas’ mouth dropped open in disbelief. So now he was carrying it everywhere he went! Talk about insecurity and distrust, the last one obviously aimed at him! Nicholas shook his head and scoffed, making Khivar giggle.

- We can never be sure enough, you know that! Remember we had 9 guards and that wildcat of a boy did away with most of them in record time and starting unarmed! I’m not risking it again. Rumours have it he’s here on Antar, don’t tell me you haven’t heard! Were you ever going to tell me? - Khivar eyed him owlishly, trying to conceal his suspicion.

- I was thinking the same thing! If I have, then you surely had heard it too, I had hoped to hear it from you, thank you…finally! - Nicholas spat his bitterness quite convincingly.

- Alright, alright! The last thing we need now is to quarrel. I’ve also been informed they’re training furiously…- Khivar started.

- As we are! - Nicholas finished for him.

- But we have no Royal blooded leader! Have you given that a thought…at all? - Khivar exploded.

- Have you? It’s your army! It has nothing to do with me! - Nicholas spat like a cat.

- This is getting nowhere. Neeklas, we must trust each other, our lives depend on it, so from now on, we’re together. As we are speaking, your room is being moved beside mine, we’ll use the same door to leave our sleeping quarters, so we can be both safe. - Khivar was sure Nicholas would be pleased, and was totally surprised by his reaction.

- How dare you! Who said you could move my belongings? What if I had done the same with yours? - Nicholas was deep red with anger.

- I would have been thankful, being for my safety! What is it with you? Do you have a death wish? Is that it? - Khivar retorted, angrier still.

Nicholas realized his danger and immediately changed his tactics.

- You’re right. - He said meekly. - It’s the best we can do for now and our safety. I’m sorry, I’m just as worried as you are, as you can imagine. -

- I understand, I’m worried sick too with the news of the Royal brat here on Antar again, and out of our hands. If I could have him back in my brothel…why did you send him away? - Khivar’s suspicion was back full force.

“Dammit!” Nicholas cursed to himself, but was ready for his cousin.

- Oh, you don’t know? How did you find out about his return? Rumours, right? His “holidays” at your brothel were all over the citadel! Don’t ask me how it got there! And don’t look at me! I was the one who got him there for you! My head would have been the one Ramthis had in a platter! Most likely in a spike, come to think of it! Then yours too, of course, for probing repeatedly the kid’s ass, not to mention the beatings which would have brought the next rumour of the demon’s whip to the spotlight! Think, Khivar, does the word “spy” ring a bell? Cause there’s no other way! - Nicholas giggled, knowing it got in Khivar’s nerves.

- If I get my hands on the bastard…! - Khivar gnashed his teeth like a rabid dog.

- No Khivar, if you see him! I’ve heard about the invisibility factor investigation being the Nº 1 project of our enemies’ scientists. Who knows? They may have finally mastered it! Someone could be standing right beside us without our knowing! - Nicholas exclaimed dramatically, gloating to see the terrified look in his hated cousin’s eyes.

- Then shut up! Not another word until we’re in our rooms with every door and window sealed! - And that was the end of the conversation.

Nicholas couldn’t help stealing a glance at Someri who was standing guard at a reasonable distance from them, ready to react to an attack, but the man looked totally bored, checking the progress of the mercenary army, oblivious of their heated conversation. He hadn’t moved a muscle, not even a facial one during the whole time, and he had been right in front of Nicholas’ eyes. If he was acting it…no, he couldn’t be that good, Nicholas decided.

Khivar waved his hands and the action in the field stopped after the mercenary in charge of the supervision screamed until they all froze. He turned to Khivar and they exchanged very significant nods.

- What was that ab…- But Nicholas couldn’t finish.

Khivar grabbed his sleeve and dragged him like a rag doll behind him all the way to their rooms. By some alien miracle, Nicholas managed to regain his footing after just two of his cousin’s lengthy strides, because Khivar had no intention of stopping no matter what. Once there, somehow slipping through the barely opened door which Khivar slammed right behind them making sure they were the only ones past it, and after shushing Nicholas at least twice while he made sure they were completely sealed in, Khivar began breathing again.

- May I ask now what that was about? - Nicholas was then able to finish his question.

- I am sending Ramthis a message tomorrow at the earliest, through our common channels, to meet our army at the plains beyond the lakes any time he chooses during the morning or I shall proceed, by midday, to carry on our attack on the Andes village, putting an end to our truce with them. I don’t want to give them any more time to find a way of getting to us first, now that they the young warlord is back with them. - Khivar beamed, proud of himself.

Nicholas felt his heart skip a beat and still somehow, he was able to congratulate his cousin on his bright move. Now he desperately needed getting to Michael to warn him.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:04 am
by ñusta
Chapter 79

As Michael slowly got up and stretched, a couple of gentle vibes in the piercing, of all places, told him Nicholas had him on his mind. Something was up and that meant he would be communicating with him soon. He needed to be alone to see what he wanted; he could sense it was important. He was so exhausted that he hadn’t even removed his helmet, and in his case, that was a lot to say. He now shook it off and ran his fingers through his hair cleaning it up, then he took a deep breath.

- You ok kid? - Max asked, wrapping his arm around his waist and pulling the boy close to him.

He was still amazed at how skin-like the armour felt and was worried at the way Michael’s body felt. He was so tense and his breathing hadn’t still stabilized completely. He had now a permanent slight wince and pain, both physical and psychological showed clearly in his eyes.

- I’ll be fine…- He nodded, blinking as if that could make what he had just gone through go away, perhaps turn it into a bad dream, just that.

He hated the fact that he would have to kill again. He hated the fact that he would get hurt again. He hated the fact that his people needed to be free and safe again. This never should have happened! Damn Zeolan and Zan too! Damn those idiots that killed the king before them because their senseless rebellion was what brought this tragedy upon them! Damn the two unfit kings that followed only making it worse and bringing the whole mess into the breaking point that got them killed! And ironically, it was the descendants of the original rebels the ones who were cursing their stupid relatives who put them where they were now! Was life really worth living? He had just asked himself that, when his mind was flooded with images of Maria, Isabel, Liz, Laurie, Ava, Serena, Kyle, Stuart, Uncle Derek, and that, with Max’s arm around him plus the worried look in his father and aunt’s eyes, gave him an affirmative answer to what he had considered a rhetorical question. Yes, for them it was. He shook his head and scoffed, wearing his typical smirk and watching Max’s puzzled look, as the ex-king tried to get his own answer out of his warrior’s eyes.

- I just need to rest Max, ok? - The haunted look he gave his friend and lover did nothing to ease his concern.

Michael turned pleading eyes to his father and aunt, and they got his message loud and clear. Ramthis turned to Max as Michael gently moved away from him, and “asked” sounding like an order, that he needed him to translate the strategies Michael had been working on and that were waiting in the computer. They came from Earth and Max could easily do it so Michael could rest as he deserved. Max felt Ramthis somehow had Tess’ power of mindwarping on his own special level, because he found it impossible to say no, though his whole body wanted to be with Michael. He detected a subtle nod between his uncle and his mother, and watched her leave through a tunnel opposite the one she had come from. He wondered where she was going but the sound of hooves caught his attention, and he was relieved to see Michael had managed to get on his horse and was heading for his room flanked by Geehan and Shenti. At least he would not be up to any sex whatsoever and the guards would definitely respect that, so he thought doing his uncle’s bid would be the best for all of them and he really needed to feel helpful.

The horse knew the way so Michael left it in his able hands…hooves? He chuckled thinking how hard it was sometimes to trust people and yet how easy it was to trust animals, at least for him it worked. Take the dobies at Laurie’s. The breed had a nasty reputation, born on the training their idiotic owners gave them. At least Glow and Mucho had been lucky to have fallen into a nice home with good people proving his point on how reliable and friendly they were. He had to admit he was almost snoozing when a face flashed in his mind and it wasn’t one of the dogs at all. Nicholas again but he still wasn’t ready for him. Then the horse stopped and he knew he had arrived at his room. He slid off into two sets of arms coming out of familiar bodies, half on his back and on either side.

- We’re taking you to bed, Michael. - Shenti whispered, maneuvering him in the direction of the door.

- Thanks guys, I can walk, but I don’t know how much good I might be, tired as I am. - He whispered back.

- We’re not having sex with you, Michael, you need to rest. - That was Geehan, always making sure his boy got what he needed, no matter what it was.

- Sure, thanks. - Michael sighed as they began to ease him on his bed. - Wait…-

Michael waved his armour and boots away and wiggled his hips with a wince.

- Take it to the “wee-flea” and tell him it’s a little tight down there, you know? I don’t think he realized what the chains of the piercing do to me when they find something to rub on. If I happen to come in the middle of a battle I might end with a sword up my ass. Hell of an orgasm but it might be my last one. Not very healthy! - He allowed them to lower him on the bed and the soft cool material caressed his thighs, cock, belly, chest, arms and cheek in that order. He snuggled comfortably, moaning with pleasure.

- We’ll be right outside, unless you need anything? - Shenti asked.

- No, it’s ok, I’ll call you if I do. - They nodded, already familiar with the Earth term “ok” and went to stand guard outside, closing the door behind them and still chuckling at the armourer’s nickname.

“Alright Nicholas, what do you want?” Michael uttered the magic words and the small hysterical man started blabbering in “Maria” fashion.

Nicholas stayed with Khivar, courteously listening to his rants and fears for a very reasonable time until Khivar decided to go to his computer at the opposite corner of the room to make sure he had every part of his plans unfailingly correct.

- And Neeklas! Will you please tell the guard to make sure he’s here at the break of day to take an urgent message? Make sure it’s Remios, not anyone else. He knows the codes. - Khivar instructed.

Nicholas knew Khivar had been using as far as he remembered, the colour codes to communicate with the enemy, but he was not sure he hadn’t changed them lately, after he lost contact with his mind. He needed to be sure in such a delicate matter so he risked it and took his chance.

- I’m not very sure about those colour codes. - He said, shaking his head. - There are many factors that can make them vary and the meaning might be mistaken. -

- Neeklas, we’ve been using them since I’ve been in charge, and we have never had any problems whatsoever, so as far as I’m concerned, they work just fine! - Khivar explained as he would to a mentally slow child.

- It’s our safety; you know what you’re doing. - Nicholas shrugged and turned towards the door.

He sent Michael a couple of vibes on those chains he had right in front of his ass so he knew it was him and would be back soon because he had something important to tell him. That would make Michael find the way to be alone waiting for him. As he opened the door, he checked back to see his cousin fully focused on the screen, so he stepped out leaving it slightly open so Khivar would not suspect and walked across the halway. Once there, he beckoned and the guard approached him, too much on the right to be seen from inside, so he took a step in the opposite direction to make sure Khivar could see them both, but there wasn’t a chance that he could hear them. He needed to touch the guard to get into his mind.

- I have a message from Khivar. - Nicholas spoke softly but he knew the man could hear him.

He stood beside the man and raising his arm behind him, very subtly took a wisp of his hair sticking out from under his helmet, so that if he unexpectedly moved and Nicholas wasn’t fast enough to let go in time, he would just think it was just his headwear pinching it. Smart! Nicholas congratulated himself. He was immediately inside the man’s head without his slightest suspicion.

- Remios? - He addressed him.

- Yes my lord. - The guard confirmed, but the word that formed in his mind was Someri.

“Neat! The man was using an anagram just like he had with the “Kolya-Aylok” he had used with the witch. He saw the man was ready to go home but he saw him walking into the tunnels to report to Ramthis before he arrived at a small decent house where he had a wife and a young couple who was his daughter and her husband. She was expecting a little girl. Yesss! Just as he thought, he was a spy! Excelent! Now I need to earn his trust. No sweat there.” Nicholas told himself.

- My cousin needs you here at the break of day to send an urgent message on his behalf. - Nicholas made sure he had his full attention.

As the man started to nod, he realized that Nicholas’ mouth kept moving as if he were speaking but no sound was coming from it. A second later it hit him as he heard the voice inside his head, and he wasn’t being tricked thinking he was hearing it the normal way, Nicholas was letting him know he was talking to him inside his head not to be heard by Khivar.

“For the safety of your people, pretend to be listening to me talking to you, in case Khivar turns to look at us. The barely open door will give him the illusion that we are standing right outside it, not across the halway. He is sending Ramthis a message to meet his army anytime during the morning or he will attack the Andes village by midday breaking the truce with them. Listen to me and follow my advice! No need to alarm Ramthis because he will react just like Khivar expects and wants him to: another exhausting training in the afternoon that will not make the men any better for the battle but drain them of the strength they will need to face the mercenaries. Just make sure the men get the longest and best rest they need right now without warning them why and making them unnecessarily tense. I’m getting in touch with Michael right away. You heard me well, Michael, not Rath-Michael. This is so you can be sure I am not tricking you. Go to him after you take care of the army, and just ask him if he got my message. Then you will confirm I’m telling you the truth and I’m on your side. If you betray me to Khivar, you will not only be killing me but all your people too. Hurry up, go, Someri!”

Nicholas let go of the man’s hair and had them both glide back to the door in a fraction of a second before he stepped back into the room and sealed the door behind him. He walked nonchalantly towards his new room in plain sight of Khivar, struggling with his shaky legs as he expected the knock on the door any minute and the guard turning him in. His cousin was unpredictable, he had always been. He might side with the man against him, or he might believe him the man was Ramthis’ spy. Khivar was a walking enigma! Nicholas made it to his room with no interruptions and he was finally able to breathe freely. He went to lie back on his bed leaving the door wide open, and created an image of peaceful sleep which would be what his cousin saw if he decided to check on him.

He focused on Michael and found him thinking of dogs! He tried to call his attention to find himself jogged by an unfamiliar movement and was terrified when he saw the horse under him. Damn boy! Couldn’t he walk? He was scared to death of those huge animals. Michael was almost asleep, at least if he fell, he would land on either of the guards who were walking at each side of the horse. He decided to hover safely over them waiting to make his move again. He watched the whole scene until Michael was safely alone and apparently sleeping, but Michael knew he was there.

“Alright Nicholas, what do you want?” Yes, Michael was ready for him.

Nicholas knew he was chattering like a monkey and it wasn’t working for Michael who was about to kick him out of his mind, and he could do it.

“I’m sorry, let me calm down, it’s been kind of scary, here, l’ll make myself comfortable.”

Nicholas sat between Michael’s spread thighs and leant back over him. He treasured Michael’s firm round ass against his waist and the top of his head reached between Michael’s shoulder blades, because like most short people, the reason for their lack of height was the small length of their legs.

“Hey!” Michael squirmed under Nicholas, making him giggle.

“Stop it! I’m really cozy and I don’t weigh that much! Keep still!” He reached to his sides and pinched Michael’s ass just over his thighs with both hands.

“Owww!” Michael complained and bucked but Nicholas grabbed his thighs and held on.

“Alright, alright! Will you stop and behave? This is very important! Bear with me and listen!” Nicholas scolded.

“Get off me or I’ll roll over and squash you!” Michael hissed.

“If you do, you’ll never know what I have to say, and your lives depend on it!” Nicholas snapped.

“Ok, you’re not that heavy, now spill!” Michael compromised, reminded of Liz, as the small man was about her size.

Michael felt he had sent Liz a minor vibe, but her empathy was sure to have detected it. Still he knew he couldn’t block himself out from her as she was the only one along with Serena that was keeping the other ones informed on their progress and he could trust her discretion where it was needed. He would only block out the Nicholas issues because he knew they wouldn’t be able to understand it yet if even he was finding it hard to deal with.

“Khivar is attacking tomorrow.”

Nicholas was ready for Michael’s reaction and immediately sat up as he felt the boy’s ass ride all the way up to his shoulders as he jumped up to his hands and knees.

“What?” Michael roared.

Reaching behind him, Michael grabbed the scruff of Nicholas’ gown and dragged him over beside him like a limp puppet. Nicholas found himself sitting by the boy looking straight into his eyes.

“He’s sending your father a coloured coded message just after dawn challenging him to battle and giving him all the rest of the morning to meet his army. If he doesn’t, he will order the mercenaries to attack the Andes village at midday, in spite of the truce with them. Your spy, Someri, will be in charge of sending the message; he’ll come to you soon to ask you if I gave you the message, because he didn’t trust me when I warned him, so it’s up to you to confirm that what I told him was true.” Nicholas flashed Michael the advice he had given Someri about Ramthis and his army and the boy totally agreed with him.

“You need to rest too. I know I can trust you with this information because you’re the only one here who will not lose it. I’m sorry for the emotional burden I’ve given you, but I know you will use it to be ready for what’s coming, and it will help you lead your army to victory like only you can. Unfortunately, it will not be a decisive battle, I know Khivar has found a new source which will be sending him large numbers of mercenaries in the days to come, so you will have to keep on fighting until Khivar runs out of soldiers, which will not be too long. This last source he has, are those pricks that provided you with swords and shields, but when they betrayed your father and sided with Khivar, my dear cousin took away everything they had, and now they have to provide him with soldiers or the chips he put in their heads will explode, courtesy of Khivar. It will happen sooner than they think, when they run out of useful merchandise. The last time their provider came bringing a group of soldiers, I was able to get into his head when I admired a bronze bracelet he was wearing and he gave it to me. I took it but then said he should keep it, and I placed it back in his hand making sure I touched him. I saw his last meeting with his masters and how desperate they were when he told them that there was nowhere else to get soldiers when he emptied the planet he was getting them from. That was it. There will be enough for at least a couple more battles, and that’s the end for Khivar and those two rats. I hope I get to blow them up for what they did to you. You know who I’m talking about, right? Iteran and Velnas?” Nicholas regretted asking when he saw Michael shudder and close his eyes, wincing, as he finally stretched out again on the bed. He reached over and rubbed the boy’s back.

“Is that why you’ve come to me? Because you know Khivar’s going down?” Michael sounded hurt.

“What? You know how he’s treated me all my life! You know all I’ve done to try to please him! How can you expect me not to hate him? Of course I’m gloating at his going down! I’m glad it’s you who will do it! If it were anyone else, I would have stayed with Khivar to the end, no matter what! But it’s you! I admire you! Look how I’ve made you suffer, you were a child and you took it like no other man could! Look at the warrior you are! You respect your enemy, you face him, you don’t hide and send someone else to do it like Khivar and your “king” Zan! You are a hero, you have the guts I wish I had! I’ve fucked the daylights out of you inside the heads of the ones who physically did it, I’ve felt you come, I’ve felt the man you are in bed, you don’t back down no matter what they do to you! You brace yourself and take it! I don’t know any other man that can do that, and you’re still a kid! I can’t have you the way I'd like to, you’re way out of my league, you’re Royal blood, but that doesn’t make me love you any less! I love you, Michael, is it so hard to believe?” Nicholas’ voice was trembling with emotion, and Michael was afraid he would break down and cry.

“Shit, man, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting that from you! I though you hated me, and just wanted me to rid you of your stupid cousin, that was all!” Michael scoffed.

“No Michael, that’s not all. I want you to know that whatever’s in my hands to do for you, you can count on me. I will have to stay with Khivar until the end to make sure you’ll be safe from him. All I ask you is let your men know that I’m with you, that I’m not an enemy. Tell them I’m your spy, cause it’s the truth. Let Khivar know it when he can no longer lay a finger on me, because by then I won’t care anymore what he thinks, better still, I will enjoy it. Just let me be with you from then on. It’s truly a shame that we can’t choose our families!”

"By the way, you've already had me many times, now I'm offended! I thought I was unforgettable!" Michael quipped.

"You know what I mean, Michael. I may have fucked you, but I can't get you to love me. The tortures I've put you through and the fact that I killed you will always be there to haunt you and make it impossible. You know that's true, I won't fool myself..."

- Michael? -

A man’s voice was followed by soft knocking, then Michael heard another male voice and his aunt’s. Nicholas physically vanished but his voice left him a last message:

“You’re absolutely right! Some of Hastings will do but surround them at the same time. That’s their worse fear. Someri wants your answer!” And he was gone.

Michael waved the door open and sensed the three persons rush into the room before he opened his eyes.

- I’m sorry milady, sir, I assure I won’t take long, but it’s very important! - Someri said to Wyteeah and Amaru, respectfully.

The Shaman nodded and retreated to the door with Michael’s aunt.

Someri knelt beside the bed and spoke in a very low voice so he couldn’t be heard by them.

- Michael, did you just get a message? - He sounded doubtful and scared.

- Yes, Nicholas was here until you arrived. I’m the only one who knows and he’s right in keeping it from my father, or he will make the wrong decisions and won’t be able to rest. It’s alright, I can take it. I’m used to it, and I’ll make sure we do what’s right and defeat them. We’ll have enough time to get in sync to beat them. Are the men resting? - Michael whispered, in full conspiration mode.

- Yes, I told them Ramthis planned a very hard training tomorrow so they needed to be at their best. - Someri replied.

- Thank you, Nicholas is my spy, just like you are my father’s, so you must both be very careful. You must rest too, you’re quite tense. Go now. - Michael dismissed him and the man squeezed Michael’s shoulder, got up and left.

- What was that about? - Wyteeah inquired suspiciously, while Amaru was just looking very aware of what was going on.

- Just some questions about the strategies my father and I have been working on. He wants to keep them very secret, I think it’s childish, but he takes it so seriously, you know him. - Michael smirked, making it sound trivial.

His aunt smiled, sighing, but he knew he wasn’t fooling the Shaman. Michael was grateful for his discretion, and his aunt went on.

- I hope you don’t mind, I’ve asked Amaru to check your energy flow and give it a boost, because it was so stressing today! You were exhausted and I know your father will keep on pushing you even more each day, although he pretends to be satisfied. I’ll leave you with him and I’ll be back when it’s over. - She kissed his cheek and smiled fondly down at him before she left.

- I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’ll be at your best tomorrow and return safely. - Amaru gave him a sad smile that told Michael he knew exactly what he would be up against the next day.

- Do what you have to. - Michael winked, and the man knew his silence had been appreciated.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:06 pm
by julamorb
I can hardly wait for the battle! Go for it! You're still my #1!

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:44 am
by ñusta
Chapter 80

- Do you trust me Michael? - Amaru asked him softly, walking around the bed and kneeling behind him.

- With my life, it’s yours, you know? I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. How many times must I tell you? You shouldn’t even ask again. - Michael smirked.

- These herbs I’ve prepared will give you the strength you will need. It will summon every bit of your stamina to the last drop. I will have to do it again after the battle and before and after each battle you will fight, because of your hybrid condition. You will be totally drained after fighting, until I replenish your energy, but it will not fail you while your adrenalin is at its peak. By the time you relax, you will be close to passing out from exhaustion. Not even Max will be able to do that for you. He will heal your wounds of course, but your energy is out of his hands. - The Shaman said, seriously. - They are extremely bitter, the only way we are able to keep it down is by swallowing a chunk of bread after it. With you, no way, so…-

- I know. Do it! - Michael knew exactly what Amaru meant.

- I want you to get as comfortable as you can. - The old man instructed.

Michael pushed his hips back towards him, slightly sideways and raised one of his thighs higher that the other one and in front of it. It was almost a Sims position but not quite. More on the prone side, that is, face down. Amaru nodded. It would do. Michael felt the Shaman’s hands spreading him as he guided the rounded greased tip of the tube into him and gently eased it inside him. As he kept pushing it deeper, he felt the boy’s firm flesh going tight under his hands.

- It shouldn’t hurt you…- He whispered, initially not understanding his reaction.

- It’s alright, just go on. - Michael whispered back, his voice a little husky.

Amaru gave it a thought and it dawned on him that with the kind of sexual activity that was well known the boy indulged in, he had to be extremely sensitive in that particular area. No wonder he heard a moan or a gasp every now and then as he used a screwing motion to keep burying it into him. When he was left with just three inches of the transparent treated Tamaris fish gut, he connected it with a container which he then tipped upside down and held it above him as the greenish liquid began to disappear inside the boy’s body. Amaru took turns with his hands as his arms grew tired, until the last drop was inside him. He slowly removed the tube, squeezing it between his fingers just outside, making sure it all remained inside him to the last drop. As the last inch came out, Michael jerked when the last of the liquid was forced into him.

- That’s all. - Amaru assured him.

- Stings like hell…just the last part, the rest feels kind of bubbly hot all the way in. Nice, except almost outside. - Michael groaned.

- It’s cauterizing an area that constantly suffers chafing. It should be over soon, and almost as good as new! - Amaru chuckled knowingly.

- Cool, yeah…- Michael bit his lower lip in a definitely sexy way, closing his eyes and the Shaman shook his head.

- You must sleep. You will need no food until the evening when you wake up. I will make sure you get what you need to work with the herbs I just gave you. Then you must sleep again, right after eating. No sex, please! Is that clear? I want you to come back alive! - It was the first time Michael heard the man raise his voice like that and decided he should better follow his advice.

- Yes Amaru. I will. - Michael meant he would obey him on the sex issues and that he would come back alive.

The Shaman understood him as no one else did. He massaged the boy’s back from shoulders to thighs until he felt him relax completely and fall into a deep sleep.

Serena was practically living at Laurie’s since Max and Michael had left. They knew they were on Antar for nearly a week now and last night the Seer and Liz had briefed the rest of the group on what the guys had been up to. Isabel had this sad look, wishing she could also be with her mother. They couldn’t help being worried about the severe training Michael was taking under his father and how sore and tired it left him. Thankfully, when Liz got Michael’s vibe, it was Serena talking, so everyone’s attention was away from her. She found it so confusing to have Michael think of her in connection with Nicholas! What was that about? She would have to talk to Serena privately, because she saw no need to worry all of them. Later, that evening, when Serena was leaving with Wayne, Liz walked her all the way to the back road. As soon as they left the house, Serena took Liz’s arm and they hurried to a safe distance.

- What is it Liz? What’s bothering you? - Serena asked her.

Liz told her what she had felt from Michael, sending the Seer into a state of confusion.

- I thought it was only me! - She said.

- What? What are you talking about? What is he doing with Nicholas? - Liz was getting very agitated.

- He’s just having flashbacks, and of course, Nicholas plays a big part since he’s the one who tortured him and killed him. It’s the stress of being pushed very hard that’s doing that to him. He’s back on Antar, he’s going to have to fight Khivar and Nicholas’ army, so he’s reliving what should have been the last days of his previous life, fighting against their enemies, not dumped in a dungeon to be tortured to death! That was not the way he wanted to go, without a fight, without the honour of dying in a battlefield. Those images haunt him, he doesn’t want that to happen again, and he’s visualizing Nicholas on his side so this time he won’t be his murderer, that way he will be able to die how he wanted to. He’ll get over it Liz, don’t worry, he just needs to get to his first battle and he’ll come around when he sees reality for what it is: Khivar and Nicholas are the enemies and he will defeat them to come out of it alive. - Serena tried to make sense.

- What if he…doesn’t make it? - Liz was almost sobbing.

- He will, Liz. You all underestimate him. He’s the kind that rises to the occasion. The harder things get, the better he reacts. Pain brings out in him an anger that gives him the strength of ten. If he’s cornered, he’ll fight like a tiger, and he won’t go down alone…-

- Serena, he’s just a boy! We’re all already 19 and he’s just about to turn 17! He may be big, but he’s a child! -

- He’s a warrior! He’s Royal blooded! This is what he has been trained for all his life! Even in Roswell, he took more pain that any child could possibly bear, much younger than when he was on Antar. Did he ever complain? No, he grew tougher with each passing day, preparing him for this. Did he ever back down from any fight in school? You said yourself he faced all the bullies and beat the crap out of them. Older and bigger than him! When he was still too young, what he lacked in size and strength he exceeded in cunning. You all know how smart he is, he just never needed to prove it, remember how it pissed Max off when Michael figured out something he couldn’t and it was just too often. It’s in his alien genes, like animal instinct. He doesn’t need to be taught that, he brought it from his previous life, he knows it, he just has to be put in the situation, and it will all come back to him. And trust me, he’ll shine through, he will make all Antar proud of their prince. You don’t believe me? Just wait and see! - Serena was absolutely confident.

- I guess that’s what I needed to hear. You know him so well! He would want me to trust him like you do, and of course I trust him, but I can’t help being afraid for him. For what he has to do and for what it will do to him. He’s so incredibly sensitive under his “stonewall” that his feelings are so easily hurt, and keeping it to himself as he always does, is not good for him. I want him back, Serena, we all do. I know the time space is totally in our favour, but that doesn’t mean he’s not living all that’s happening to him there. It will leave him so scarred! Will he be the same Michael…when he comes back? - She had almost said “if” and it made her shudder.

- His love for you guys will never change, and it will be up to you to heal his emotional wounds, I know you can. You better go; they’re beginning to get uneasy, tell them what we just talked about but leave the Nicholas issues out of the picture. The effect would be quite negative. I’m blocking it out because you can’t and Isabel can easily get it from you. Don’t let her convince you to force a communication with him, because that’s what she’d thinking of doing tonight. She wants to dreamwalk him with you. He’s not up to it; it could do more harm that you can imagine. Talk her out of it by all means. Goodnight, I’ll get to you later on so you can tell me how it turned out, ok? - Serena smiled, squeezing Liz’s hands for the reassurance she badly needed and was relieved when she smiled back.

Serena would know all about it without the need of Liz telling her, but it would make the girl feel important, though she also knew why Serena was doing it and was grateful to the powerful seer for her concern.
Liz went back and told them she had been getting these vibes from Michael feeling him sore and tired and she wanted to make sure with Serena that everything was alright not to worry all of them unnecessarily. Then she let them know what Serena had told her, and just like Michael had decided to follow Amaru’s advice on no sex, Isabel decided to follow Serena’s without interfering with Michael’s much needed rest, not knowing how important it was, specially because of what would go on the next day, which they were all ignorant of.

When Amaru left the room, he met Max, Ramthis and Wyteeah waiting outside the door. The way they were looking at him had him telling them what he had had to do to Michael and why.

- The herbs I’ve given him will make his human side allow his alien one to do what it would automatically, if he weren’t a hybrid. That is, what Rath-Michael did to control the stress and focus in the strategy for the battle, dreaming of it and acting it out during the night before, to perfect and correct any deficiencies or weaknesses in his plans. The human DNA interacts with the alien RNA in a totally negative way, inhibiting him from accessing the range, degree and amount of concentration he needs to achieve his purpose. These herbs cancel the effects of the DNA, permitting him to reach the specific state of mind he needs during his sleep to perform the fighting before it happens. That doesn’t mean he has it all covered. There are always surprises and situations which are beyond his control, because most living creatures are completely unpredictable, even now with the trainings as you have been able to see. That’s why he needs to get an uninterrupted sleep, because unlike Rath-Michael, the adrenalin from sexual excitation will bring out more of his human side, putting him at risk when he faces the enemy. No offense, Max. - Amaru apologized.

- None taken, you’re absolutely right. He will sleep alone. - Max assured him.

- He will sound as if he’s having a bad nightmare, but you must leave him to cope with it alone. You musn’t interfere with what could take his life. - The Shaman was pleading with Max with his eyes.

- You know how much I love him, there is no way I would do that to him. Rest assured he will not be interrupted. - Max nodded, and they all turned away from the room to leave Michael do what he had to, leaving Geehan and Shenti at the door so he wouldn’t be awakened.

They left to have lunch, and then Max and Ramthis worked all afternoon at the computer. They went through every detail over and over of the strategies Michael had chosen to be able to master Khivar’s army. Amaru and Wyteeah left to prepare the food for Michael’s supper, waiting for the boy to wake up on his own.

- Max…hey? - Michael whispered, feeling lonely as he woke up with no one holding him.

- Amaru forbade everyone to stay with you so you could do your thing. -

Michael looked over his shoulder to see Nicholas sitting crosslegged on the floor with his back against the door.

-Then what are you doing here? - He grinned.

- I wasn’t included in the Shaman’s threat. I just wanted to make sure you got it right, and you sure nailed it. You’re good, you know? But not as good you were before, you’re even better, with your human side’s reactions too, which will have them unable to guess what you’ll do next, as they are not used to, or expect the things you’ll do or the different way you’ll do them. You’ll see, you’ll drive them out of their minds because they’re totally one-track-minded. When you change their schemes and turn them around with the twist you can give them, having both Rath, and Rath-Michael inside you along for the ride, they’ll go insane! They’re not used to that! - He laughed.

- Used to what? - Michael wondered, not quite sure of what he meant.

- Just let those two join you, and you’ll see what I mean. You’ll elaborate on the way, so not even you will know what you’re up to until it happens. Trust me, we’re going to have a lot of fun, cause I’ll be there with you, but only you will know it. You better join your family and eat what the old man has whipped up for you; he knows what he’s doing! Go, go! Shoo! - Nicholas jumped on the bed and started kicking him out of it.

Michael had to move his ass quickly out of the way, as it was Nicholas’ main target and rushed grumbling to the door, emerging between the two guards, getting a kiss from each one as he heard Nicholas scoffing with jealousy.

“Bite me!” He sent to him mentally.

“You asked for it, wait till I get you alone again, and no complaining allowed, as I’ll be just obeying your order!” Nicholas chuckled.

Michael shook his head, smirking, and proceeded to find Max and Ramthis. He spotted them at the computer room and went to stand behind the two chairs they were sitting on.

- I’m not sure if this will work. - Ramthis said.

- Michael thinks it will, but I don’t know…- Max agreed.

- It will. - Michael affirmed.

- Michael! - Both Ramthis and Max shouted together, rising to their feet.

- How are you feeling son? - Ramthis was faster than Max.

- Oh, I’m fine. Slept like a baby! - Michael smirked.

- I’m sure of that. - Max smiled. - Why are you so sure it will work? -

- Because I dreamt it. - They heard Ramthis gasp and turned to look at him.

- You used to do that before too, you know, as Rath-Michael. - Ramthis sighed.
- Now, tell us why it will work. -

- These beasts are trained to attack, full on, and if the enemy falters, starts retreating, or turns tail, they will rush to finish them off, with no mercy. So that’s what we’ll do. Pretend to stall and slowly start backing up, so they will begin to taste victory and come at us faster. We keep it up as long as we can as they approach us while we circle them. They will have no idea what’s really going on because their helmets will not allow them to see the sides, just straight on, and they are trained to keep their eyes on their enemies so that’s what they’ll do. That will give us the chance to surround them until it’s too late for them. When they realize they are being attacked from the sides and behind, they will go berserk, and their fear will make them easy targets. They’re fierce when they have the upper hand, but when they feel threatened, they become defensive and weak. That will be their undoing, and we’ll finish them off instead. - Michael nodded confidently.

Max couldn’t help watching the admiration in Ramthis’ eyes for his son, and he was sure he was looking exactly the same. He wanted to take Michael’s in his arms and drag him into bed to fuck him hard and deep as he liked, as they both liked. He got such a high from being able to possess his gorgeous body, his own wild and brave warrior, something he would never be. He didn’t have Royal blood or even the smallest fraction of Michael’s courage, he knew that working out with machines to get great abs on his sinewy body would never make up for the kind of body Michael had, whose lower body matched his upper one perfectly, the long smooth strong muscles, the velvety skin fitting tightly over them, that firm yet cuddly quality was not easy to find. Either you were cuddly soft or uncomfortably hard. Michael was the flawless combination, the kind that drove Max out of his mind like no woman could. He didn’t need to be afraid if he was rough, Michael could take pain like no one else could, and not only liked but enjoyed it, so Max could let himself go with no guilty feelings later, well, perhaps some when he had to heal him, but Michael never complained. His body language actually asked for it, pain leading him to the utmost orgasm, a rare gift from his previous life and ironically cultivated by Hank. Yes, Michael was special! “Enough!” Max scolded himself. Michael needed to eat and sleep. He would be training ruthlessly tomorrow to be ready for real battles, where every enemy wanted to kill him, hated him! Max couldn’t get it through his head that anyone could hate Michael. But of course they could! He would hate him himself if he lusted after him and couldn’t have him! Who wouldn’t? Shit! He was getting one hell of a hard on and tonight he would only have his hand! He wouldn’t be in Michael’s bed, but he would leave the door between their rooms open so he could jerk himself off watching Michael’s ass and imagining he was inside him. He wanted him back soon; he wanted Michael hurting for him and his revenge! He would come into him until there wasn’t a drop left inside him. He would make him writhe and moan under him, bucking to impale himself on his long thick cock, ready to make Michael scream Max’s name when he came and came nonstop, to fall asleep over him, in his arms and feeling Max’s hands possessively on his ass. He just needed patience and his time would come again. Tonight, Kyle would come to his rescue, and his Buddah meditation would help him fall asleep controlling the need to touch Michael.

The meal was perfect, just what Michael needed, sweet and spicy as they liked their food. The dessert was a thick goop with a very exotic taste which melted in their mouths. After the first spoonful, both Max and Michael closed their eyes and went: “Mmm…” and turning to look at Amaru, they asked:

- What’s it made of? - Laughing at their total sync.

- It’s made with the meals of our grains to thicken it and it has 4 fruits: Lucuma, aguaymanto, the smaller yet tastier papaya from the highlands, and our small tumbo, which has a tangy taste which the large, almost watermelon sized one from the coast doesn’t have at all. The fruit is ripe so it has its natural sugar and it’s full of the adequeate nutrients you need, filling you with energy. - The old man smiled, complimented by their appreciation.

Michael had a second helping and then Ramthis got up and Wyteeah followed him with Amaru.

- Alright boys, off you go! Michael, straight to bed! - His father ordered.

Max obediently headed for the door, but Michael stalled, walking slowly backwards, talking nonsense with his father and aunt, as they eyed each other, not sure of what to do. Michael caught the Shaman’s eyes and narrowed his, wondering if he was getting the same vibes he was. Amaru surreptitiously shook his head and smiled discreetly.

- Michael, c’mon! - Max insisted as Michael reluctantly turned towards him.

Michael jumped as both Ramthis and Wyteeah whacked his ass playfully from each side at the same time.

- Hey! I’m going! Jeez! - Michael protested and Max grabbed his waist and pulled him along with him.

- Did you see that? - Michael said with a wicked grin.

- See what? - Max wondered.

- Are you blind or…c’mon Max, don’t tell me you didn’t notice! - Michael insisted.

- What are you talking about? - Max was getting pissed.

- Yeah, no way you’d notice. - Michael shook his head.

- What? Will you quit talking in riddles? What’s wrong? You’re worrying me! - Max was losing his patience.

- I could’ve sworn my father and your mother wanted to be left alone, that’s why I kept teasing them. Amaru noticed it too. - Michael chuckled. - Well, they’re both widowed, so I guess it’s the best that could happen to them. They must’ve been going at it for quite some time now, but they’re very discreet. I’m glad for them. I love your mother, and she needs someone like my father to protect her, sorry man, but your father was such a jerk! -

- I don’t want to talk about that. - Max said quietly, so Michael respected his reasons.

Once in their rooms, Max found a stack of downloads from the computer that Ramthis must have had sent to him, knowing it was still early, and though Michael would sleep a lot, Max didn’t, so he would have something to keep busy with. Michael waved his clothes away and did his snuggles until he just lay there quietly. Max kept passing one page to his opposite side after reading it and kept checking Michael out every now and then. Michael lay facing away from him, his hips invitingly jutted towards him and it wasn’t long before Max started feeling this rage and not being able to do to him what he knew they both wanted. But it was for Michael’s sake, so he tried to focus on the hundreds of battles he had been going over with Ramthis.

- Max…- Michael moaned, pushing his ass up a little off the bed to fall back again.

- Shut up Michael, go to sleep! - Max said harshly, knowing Michael was having one hell of a painful hard on and there was no way he would be able to go to sleep in that condition. - I can’t help you. I gave my word. -

- It hurts…- Michael whined.

- Jack off then. Leave me alone! - Max was using all his concentration to keep his cock under control.

Michael sighed and after a few minutes, Max started getting suspicious because he couldn’t sense him at all, so he went over to see how he was doing. He was shocked to see his back was beaded with sweat and he was burning when he touched him. He rushed to the door and told the two guards to go get Amaru as fast as they could. He went to the bed and knelt beside it holding Michael to him.

- Hey baby, Amaru should be here any minute now, he will know what to do because I can’t find anything wrong with you. - Max whispered after scanning his body with his white glowing hand.

Max couldn’t believe they were already at the door, and Amaru explained he was on his way when he found Geehan running to get him.

- It’s Rath-Michael. He’s fighting to come out; he would like to take over but has accepted to merge with Michael. Rath, on the contrary, doesn’t seem much too enthusiastic about the battle. He prefers to lurk and see how it goes before he makes his choice to join them, so I can’t say I blame him; he’s never been in such a situation like Rath-Michael. Even Michael has relived his previous life through Serena’s magic and experienced his father’s illusion, raised and trained as a Greek soldier. Rath has faced perhaps three at a time or a small group at the most but not an army, so he has a right to play it safe. I’m sure he will choose to be with them; still something must be done about the other two. - The Shaman frowned, not satisfied by the way things were going.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:50 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 81

He knelt at the head of the bed and reached down Michael’s arms to take both hands in his, gently easing them up over the boy’s head. Then he guided Michael to the left side of his body and Rath-Michael to the right. Michael insisted his human side was needed for the battle. Rath-Michael had to agree with Nicholas’ perspective that the unusual approach from the human point of view would take the mercenaries by surprise, but he wanted a part in the fighting too. It was his right, he had been in battles since he was fourteen and his experience would guide Michael in the best direction. Michael totally agreed on that, but neither of them knew what to do to work as one. Both of them had the core of their DNA-RNA branching out from that very spot where the piercing was. There were three nerves: the one on the left had two strands of DNA, and only one of RNA with Michael’s humanity dominating. The other one was the other way round, the alien Rath-Michael in command of that side, and the one between them had both elements fused together, resulting in the hybrid. There were two ways to end the conflict. One was to block out the different strand in the uneven nerves leaving the left one with pure DNA and the right one with pure RNA; the other one was to block out one of the double strands leaving one of each on either nerve. The first possibility would end up almost the same, the human side in charge of one nerve and the alien one in charge of the other one, now by purity, not by majority. The second one was better in the sense of harmony, because the presence of the elements would be equal and they would have to compromise.

- For the sake of your people, I need to have you two fighting together for them, not against each other which would do them no good at all. So if you want me to help you be at your best, you will have to trust my decision. -

Amaru heard both identical voices giving him their trust, and telling him they were ready for whatever he decided to do. He let go of the hands nodding, and went to get his pouch from the floor.

- I need your help. - He told Max. - I need full access to the area of the piercing. -

Max used his powers to create a high rise in the middle of the bed, bending Michael’s body over it so the Shaman could easily reach the area he needed to work on.

- I want you to place your hand over the…thing…and learn exactly how it’s fastened to him, so you can replace it when it is needed just as it originally was. Can you do that? - Max nodded. - Then, I want you to do the same to what I’m going to do to him, so you can also repeat it when I ask you to. Can you do that too? -

- Yes, of course, no problem. - Max assured him.

- Alright then, Max, check it out. - Amaru watched him do it, then he proceeded to pull out the pins that held the chains in place. - The man who did this was very good at it, and very careful too. The pins ran parallel to the nerves, not touching them at all. If he had, he would have created a link between the essences with just one accidental prod, which might have worked, but could just as well have ended up even more conflictive still if it wasn’t repeated exactly on the other side, favouring one of the elements in the outcome. I think Rath was hoping for the first possibility, wishing the man would have managed to do just that, nervous as he was and afraid of him, thinking Michael was Rath. That’s why he pushed Michael into doing it, in spite of Rath-Michael’s doubts. But the man was very professional and did it right, so nothing was altered and Rath was disappointed. He wanted them acting as one, but it didn’t work the way he had planned. Now it’s up to me to do it. Once they’re in complete accordance, the fever due to the clash of energies will leave the body and they will work together as one, using what is needed from both the human and alien side to insure the victory. - Amaru was working as he talked, and Max’s hands holding Michael’s thighs down and apart could feel the boy’s suffering as he gritted his teeth not to distract the Shaman. Max watched the old man locate the precise spot and drive in the spine to block out the unwanted strand as Michael gasped and shuddered. Then he drove a different spine into the two other strands to boost them up. Amaru repeated it on the other nerve with the same results, then he used three still different spines in the same number of spots on the fused nerve at the centre and Max felt the heat of the flesh under his hands decrease immediately once the nine spines were in their correct corresponding place.

- Now I need the chains back again with the pins through the spines to hold it all in place. - The Shaman ordered and Max complied.

Michael jerked when the pins ran through the spines where they were buried right under the nerves, holding all of them securely in place. Then Max stopped the bleeding, and it was done. The Shaman used some drops from one of his vials and carefully slid his finger into Michael, pushing the tip downwards to feel the pins, making sure they were under the skin and had not pierced it through, pressing down all the way out.

Max gave him a look wondering why he hadn’t trusted him and the old man just shrugged.

- How are you feeling? - Amaru asked Michael, stroking his cheek.

- Horny! I need to get laid to function as I have to. That’s the best way to get me to sleep. My father’s wrong making me go wanting. I need a cock up my ass! - Michael demanded lustily.

- Max, check out what I have done to him so you can get that back again too, then I’ll leave you on your own to work it out. - Amaru rubbed the chains making Michael writhe with torturous pleasure. - My work is done here. -

- Thank you. - Michael reached back and their hands met, clasping each other.

Max swore he saw sparks flying out from their contact. Then the old Shaman nodded knowingly and gathered his stuff before he left the room.

Max slid his hands down the back of Michael’s thighs, then up the insides and felt as if he were stroking a thunderbolt. The joint energies of the prince and his clone were so powerful that Max had to jerk his hands away, open mouthed. He started to return the bed to its normal shape but Michael interfered a little before he finished, leaving his hips still raised. Max took a step back, surprised, and was turning towards the door when Michael’s hand grabbed his wrist with lightning speed.

- Where are you going? - He asked.

- I…I think you need Geehan…- Max stuttered as the secret information of the next day’s battle jumped at him unwittingly through Rath-Michael.

- Yes, but I need you too, and you’re here, so, Geehan can wait. - The Antares prince smirked.

- But it was him always before the bat…- Max paled as his mouth clamped down.

- Shit! You shouldn’t have accessed that information! I hope you can keep it to yourself until my father gets the message. What, you don’t want me? - Max knew that was definitely “his” Michael, just as he knew the one who had stopped him had been the original alien one.

- Of course I want you! - He exclaimed, sending caution to the winds to pounce on the boy as his hand made the front of his pants disappear, freeing his already bloated cock and making it drip with natural lubrication.

Max rammed into Michael, sure that it was expected of him and began having doubts when Michael went so still, not moving a single muscle, not even the smallest twitch. Max could only guess how much he had hurt him, how much he was hurting after Max collided with the piercings and the spines he had now sticking into him as well. He hoped he had been right with the rough entry, but now he didn’t know what to do, so he just waited for Michael to give him a hint, something, anything! A full minute went by, with the victim hardly breathing, until he finally broke the silence. He gripped Max in a vice and growled into the pillow, his hands clutching at the soft sheets under him.

- Ooohhhhh…- He moaned and shifted his hips just a little, as if trying to escape from the pain.

Being Michael, and knowing him the way he did, Max was certain that couldn’t be the case. Quite the contrary, the boy was trying to get him in even deeper. Max pushed his hands under Michael’s body, forcing them between his stomach and his steel hard cock pressed against it. Once he had a good hold of him, he slammed him up to bury what little had somehow stayed outside.

- Aaahhhhhhh…yes…fuck me hard. Make it hurt…make me bleed! - Oh yes, that was Michael alright.

But then Rath-Michael was Michael too. Max could feel them both in the sweet tight velvety tissues. It was like fucking Siamese twins sharing one single ass. Max could hardly believe the rapture he was in. He felt the essence of both boys bubbling inside the narrow passage and caressing his pulsing organ. Oh no, he wasn’t coming yet, this was too good! He had to summon all his powers to hold back and was finally able to breathe when it worked, so he could just do what Michael wanted him to. He managed each thrust by sheer force, literally screwing it in, first in one direction, then in the other, loving the way Michael was enjoying it, shuddering with the painful pleasure that drove him wild. Max wiggled, rubbing on the chains, sending jolts into the pins and spines. Michael bucked with each of Max’s shoves, clenching as hard as he could to feel the huge cock ripping its way into him and sending electric shocks into the metal and wood embedded into his perineum. Yes, Michael was unique, one of a kind, there was no one like him, no one could give his lovers the pleasure he did, no one had that kind of courage to take willingly such amounts of pain, much less enjoy it in the heat of the moment, and suffer it afterwards. Max had to admit Michael was the most giving person he could think of, not only in sex, but in every aspect.

“Yo, that’s so cool, dude, joining you like this! Just love fucking those two! I should be there with them, but I like being here! Guess that’s the only thing I don’t agree with them. I owe Michael big, for taking my place every time Zan got frisky with me. Sure, he thought it was a wet dream, but he took it for me just the same. Since he likes this, I’m kind of paying him back, huh? And also giving Rath-Michael one hell of a ride at the same time!”

“Rath? I can’t believe this! What are you doing here with me?” Max was totally flabbergasted at the incredible boost of energy the dupe was providing.

“You didn’t get it? Dude, you’re dumb! Want me to repeat the whole thing?” Rath smirked just like his twins.

“No! Of course I got it! It just feels weird sharing with you, but it’s ok, I like!” Max was pleasantly surprised and thankful for the extra time he was receiving from the extra nudge from the dupe’s power source.

“You should all be thankful for my brilliant idea of Cobra’s masterpiece. Bloody kewl, ain’t it?” Rath chuckled. “It’s about time I can enjoy it too!”

They had Michael and his other self in ecstasy and eventually the double explosion was one hell of a bonus. The aftermath was Nirvana, no other way to describe it.

- Do you want me to get Geehan for you now? - Max asked, feeling Rath giggling and saying he just wasn’t getting into black meat, sorry, but not his thing either.

- Dude, Geehan will have to wait for the next time, or they will have to carry me to the battlefield on a stretcher or tied up to my horse! - Michael moaned, and Max felt Rath-Michael totally agreeing.

- Go to sleep then, I’m sure you’ll have no problems with that now. - Max smiled, looking down at the relaxed body to find the boy already asleep.

Michael had been right, it was just what he needed. He would be the one to do the explaining to Ramthis the next morning, because as soon as the daylight arrived, Max would scurry like a rabbit back to his bed and to the stack of papers. That’s where his uncle found him when he came to check on his son to give him the dire news of the battle and almost shooting through the roof when the sleepy boy’s lack of reaction to his words, told him Michael already knew and had prepared for it as usual, clearly meaning what had got him to sleep so well, but not revealing the culprit: Fat lot of good that information would do to Ramthis, knowing how his son protected his lovers.

- You know! - Ramthis accused his son.

- I dreamt it. It’s alright, I’m ready and you know it, you said so yourself. - He pushed up from the bed and waved his armour and boots on.

Max almost giggled when Michael twisted his hips both ways a couple of times and then nodded.

- What’s wrong with you? - Ramthis asked, puzzled.

- Just checking the fit of the armour, down there, you know? It’s fine now, nothing rubs where it shouldn’t. - He smirked. - We need to practice something, they can wait until I decide to attack. -

Michael had his father rushing behind him, now in full warlord mode, totally in the lead. When they arrived at the training field, Michael noticed his men looking nervous and unsure.

- Show me your shields! - He shouted, waiting for them to do so.

He sent his energy through both his hands to make every single one of them shine brightly polished, like mirrors.

- The enemy is waiting on the field to the left of the dry lakes area. We shall form with that landmark at our backs and the sun rising quickly but still just slightly behind us. When we start marching towards them, they will go for a running charge trying to intimidate us. We shall stop and back up so that our rear lines will descend into the dry lakes and hurry through the gullies that run along the left and right of the field. Only the three front lines will be left standing, waiting for them so they won’t notice the ones missing. The field rises to the west so they will think they have the advantage of the slope rising towards them. The rest of you will come up behind them and surround them. While you’re doing this, we shall keep marching towards them very slowly but stop and retreat as many times as we can to keep them focused on us. I shall be riding in the lead, smack in the middle. My horse rearing will be the signal for you to attack them from all sides so we can charge too. By then we shall be only five strides away and it will be midday so the suns will shine on your tilted shields, blinding them. I want you to choose partners right now, and once the charge is complete and the battle begins, you will fight back to back. I fight with Shenti. Don’t go for the body, go for the throats. It’s quicker and lethal. Feint high on their shield side and when they raise it to stop your strike, ram your shields against theirs hard into their gut so when they double over, slash up to cut their throats. You must be quick not to give them time to strike at you, and if they do, stay behind your shields, slanting them upwards to catch the suns and blind them. We have one hour to practice it to perfection. We’ll march from the right just before midday. Keep your shields tilted down, away from the glare, so they won’t suspect they are your second weapon. Change the slant to catch the glare when you’re two steps from them and they won’t know what hit them. It won’t matter what direction you come from because the suns by then will be right on top and to our advantage. Their shields are metal but covered in woolly hides, so the suns will do them no good, but don’t strike straight at them because your swords will be snagged in the fleece. If it happens, don’t try to pull it back, just turn it sideways and cut your way out. Now, go! - Michael ordered.

They began by forming, making sure who was their fighting partner and which way they had to turn to end back to back with the right soldier. Michael turned half the training shields into the same material used by their enemies, to learn how to deal with them. He also gave the other half the exact sheen they would have with the suns, studying what would be the enemy’s reaction to them so they could overpower them fast and easily. Michael and Shenti showed them the moves so they could understand and practice them. Before the hour was over, they were expertly coping with what they would have to face, in an easy way, saving their energy for the real fight. Then Michael with Ramthis and Max’s help, created the same landmarks as the dry lakes and gullies, practicing their descent and rush to rise again behind the enemy. That took them almost another hour. They took a break for half an hour, relaxed and confident, and then they regrouped and marched to the battlefield. Michael rode at the vanguard with Shenti on his left, arriving just when the enemy army was getting ready to march against the Andes village. Their arrival took them totally by surprise as they had already given up on them, and the Antares were already formed when the enemy realized they were on their right, preparing to face them. It was Michael’s horse letting out a shrill neigh that alerted them and made them turn to find the Antares waiting for their enemy to notice them. The harsh unintelligible but quite obvious curses of the leader had Michael smirking, showing the boy that the stupid man was the leader only in name, but not in efficiency. The mercenaries were really just every man to himself, with hardly any previous experience fighting together. Their orders surely were to charge, killing everyone that got in their way, with no idea of teamwork whatsoever. Everything worked exactly as they had practiced, and when the mercenaries found themselves surrounded, they knew they were done for. Their only advantage was that if their “leader” was killed, no one would care or even notice, they would just try to take down as many as they could before they went down themselves. Their angry screams when the glowing Antares shields took away their vision, came just before their dying gurgles, many of the heads rolling on the sandy ground. They struck out blindly in every direction where they presumed their enemy was, to find out the hard way, they were anywhere but there. It was a complete slaughter. No Antares was killed, but some had cuts on their arms and lower legs as the enemy struck out when they fell. Shenti was dragged down when an enemy groping hand took hold of his belt from behind as the man fell, already headless and he ended sitting on the man’s stomach, grossed out by the blood spewing neck. Michael suffered a shallow cut under his ribs as his back lost the protection of his partner, and another nasty slash across both thighs as he reached down to help Shenti back up to his feet. Six Antares formed a circle around them immediately so Shenti could bind the two wounds up tight with strips he tore from the hem of his long shirt, pulling it out of his pants. By then, the battle was practically over, and Michael rested his back against Shenti’s, bloodying the short man’s armour. The last mercenary was cut off about ten minutes later and the Antares victorious army was ready to start marching back. Michael had to ride leaning forwards because his thighs were on fire when they grazed against the moving animal. The cut on the right one extended towards the inside, rubbing on the horse with each step he took and it started bleeding again, leaving a trail of bloody drops. Michael’s cheeks were flushed with fever by the time they arrived home so Geehan joined Shenti on the right side of the horse and led it, with Max and Amaru joining them, straight to the door of the boy’s bedroom. Geehan received Michael in his arms maneuvering him over his shoulder to ease him as gently as he could, sideways on the bed. Michael finished rolling over so his healers could assess the damage he had sustained.

- Hey, it’s nothing. Just hurts from the ride, that’s all. C’mon Max! Heal me, I need to report to my father! - Michael insisted, as Max rid him of the armour and boots, handing them over to Geehan to have him take care of the repairs and cleaning.

- I’m right here! - Came the booming voice from the door and Michael sighed with relief. - What can I say, the men are exhilarated with their triumph, so I had to assure them this had been a piece of cake due to the element of surprise, but it wouldn’t be the same each time. If the whole army has been destroyed, you can imagine the next one they face will be ready for them, so they musn’t take it for granted it will be as easy again. Good job, son. -

- Thanks…UNGH! - Michael went, as Max slid his hand over the deepest of the cuts knitting the tissues back together.

Max healed the other one and then took care of the wound under the floating ribs. Michael wasn’t taken by surprise again, grunting into the pillow until the whole healing was successfully performed. Amaru then proceeded to fill him up with the herbs to channel his human energy back to normal after the rise of adrenaline had it off its course. They were all sitting around Michael on the bed as the herbs disappeared into him, and then, after the Shaman had finished with him, they noticed the boy was falling asleep, so they just stayed with him, talking freely about what would happen next, knowing nothing could wake Michael up once he was sleeping. They were all worried thinking about how furious Khivar must be after the defeat and who knew what he would be up to for the next battle. Amaru was the only one who knew about Nicholas’ spying for Michael, so he hoped whatever happened, Michael would know in advance to be ready for it.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:30 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 82

Nicholas watched Khivar’s different stages of rage as the news of his defeat was delivered by a terrified messenger. First, he went icy blue pale and Nicholas actually thought he would simply drop dead, which would have been the best that could happen. Then he heated up to an almost burgundy shade and the possibilities of his combustion gave Nicholas a different hope, but unfortunately it didn’t work either. The insults he uttered against every one of the soldiers of his already defunct army were impossible to graphically translate into English and though Nicholas was gloating inside, his outside demeanor was one of absolute fear and concern to the utmost detail. He made his face sweat profusely in his mock terror so convincingly, that Khivar kept sending him his typical glares of disgust as he watched him tremble.

- Will you stop that and make yourself useful? - He roared. - You! Out of my sight before I change my mind! Neeklas, go with him and make sure those two rats really landed the freaks they promised they would sometime this morning. -

Nicholas and the messenger raced out of the room to safety and went to the filthy barracks at the back of the castle. Nicholas waved a rent in the transparent wall which protected the castle and the citadel of the stench coming from the scum that Khivar hired to do his fighting. The second he stepped through, Nicholas could hardly breathe and had to cover his nose and mouth with his arm, pushing his nose into the crook of his elbow. He wondered how the other man was doing and the gagging sounds from behind him gave him his answer. Nicholas looked over his shoulder and saw the man was breathing into his hand, barely managing, but not very successfully. Nicholas shook his head and waved an invisible filter mask over his whole face and the man’s, because their eyes were already beginning to water too. The man nodded thankfully and they proceeded into the so called “camp”. Nicholas was shocked by the conditions in which these “beings” lived, if you could call that living. It was impossible to tell what colour their skin was from the layers of grime that covered them or it the matted thing on their heads was hair at all. They had dug out personal trenches for their sleeping places, so they would rest buried in the ground but uncovered, not much different from an Earth grave. No wonder they didn’t care about their lives, they were already dead alive. Probably death was a relief to them, saving them from their miserable destiny, anyway. There was no way Khivar could know what went on there as he would flee at the first whiff of the “aroma” hitting his delicate nostrils, that is, of course, if he deigned even approach the place, which would, in itself, be a miracle. Nicholas wondered how just their smell alone didn’t kill their enemies, but then, in the battlefield, in an open space and with the amount of adrenalin flooding the area, it could be mitigated or even rather effectively disguised. What he saw from the small hill that overlooked the infamous place made his breath catch for another reason. It was impossible to tell how large this army was, but it was certainly larger than the late one, though not quite twice its size. He was watching a sea of these “freaks” and this time he didn’t find the word offensive, just precisely descriptive. The head of the army rushed to them, making gestures for them to stop with such urgency, that they were compelled to stop dead on their tracks.

- This way, my lords…- He guided them to the right, including the messenger in Nicholas’ status, overlooking the affront against their safety.

As they were led away, Nicholas’ skin crawled as he heard these animalistic growls which he confirmed were coming from the “troops” as he quickly glanced over his shoulder. They had also begun to rise from where they were sitting, and turn towards them in a menacing way. Nicholas noticed they were gnawing at what looked like bones, much like dogs, reluctant to let go in fear of surely losing them to one of their “comrades”. The ones on their feet looked emaciated.

Once in the man’s small but reinforced headquarters, Nicholas and the messenger were able to sit and breathe on small very uncomfortable chair-like things coming out of the wall.

- I’m sorry you had to see that. Lately, not even the lord Khivar wants to know who his soldiers are or where they come from, as long as they’re willing to fight for him. Lords Iteran and Velnas have made it clear that it’s not for lack of interest, but of available resources that this is the last they can get. There are two more groups and if any survive the battles, hoping to have enough to form another army, but from the way the previous one was obliterated, I doubt the last possibility will happen at all. The Royal Prince is…you know…- It was obvious the man hated to say “unbeatable”, but his reputation, after the last victory spoke for itself.

Nicholas had been thinking in the same line, but after seeing what the boy would be up against this time, even he had his doubts.

- Where do they come from? Do they even speak? - Nicholas was sure there was no way he could be offensive to the life form he had just seen.

- They used to be quite civilized, until the scavengers arrived and caused havoc to their planets. This is what’s left of at least a dozen galaxies! They have no will to live, and who could blame them. They’ve stopped speaking altogether because they had different languages and couldn’t understand each other anyway. They can only communicate on a level, their tone and loudness getting the meaning through, and of course, universal gestures. All they know now is fight and kill and if they’re killed themselves, they’ll consider it an act of charity, and will die thankful for it. Believe me, I pity them, but their tragedy is not my doing. It’s all I can do for them at this stage of their existence. Sometimes I wish I could go to battle with them, I have nothing to live for either. - The man sighed wistfully.

- Thank you. We need to report to Khivar. You have been very kind. - Nicholas nodded and made the fastest retreat he had done in his life.

He was so disappointed, he just couldn’t form a word all the way back, and the messenger seemed to be in the same condition. They just nodded to each other after he escorted Nicholas to the castle’s door and then just vanished into the narrow streets of the citadel.

- Are you alright my lord? - Someri asked respectfully, as Nicholas arrived at his now shared chambers, looking absolutely ghostlike.

The door opened and Khivar was standing just inside his room, looking at him with puzzled eyes.

Nicholas pretended to trip and Someri reached out to stabilize him. Nicholas grabbed the man’s wrist under the same pretence and sent him the images he had just witnessed. A slight stiffening told Nicholas his message had been received in every detail, the man was very well trained in discretion, and they were both sure they wouldn’t have been discovered even under the most expert scrutiny.

- Thank you. - Nicholas said loudly as he stepped into the large living area closing the door behind him.

He slumped on the huge Antares version of a couch and took a deep breath, feeling his colour returning.

- Well? You’re driving me out of my mind! Are we covered or not? - Khivar was struggling to keep his voice down when he wanted to scream his lungs out.

- Yes, we’re covered for the moment. Only two more deliveries are due, but if they are like this one, we might just make it. - Nicholas said, barely audible. - I need to rest…-

- First I need to know exactly what you saw! - Khivar insisted.

- I don’t want to remember, I’ve vanished it from my mind the second I left that cesspool! Don’t make me recall it! - Nicholas protested.

- I NEED IT! - Khivar yelled, so Nicholas did a very convincing act of making an extreme effort to summon it back to his mind and sent it to his cousin.

Khivar’s head jerked twice, as if he had been slapped and backhanded right after. His mouth dropped open as wide as his eyes. He shook his head to go back to normal and shuddered.

- Yes, we need to rest, if we are in the hands of…“that!” - He agreed and went back to his room, closing the door behind him.

Nicholas could still feel the revulsion that Khivar had left behind, invading the atmosphere of the room, so he had to rush to his own quarters to escape from it.

He dreaded having to communicate his discovery to Michael but there was no other way the boy would find out the kind of enemy he would be facing. On the way to the camp, he had discovered, with a surreptitious touch from the messenger, that the boy was alive, had sustained just a couple of flesh wounds, three to be exact, and he must surely be sleeping it off now, hopefully alone. It was just what he needed, so he lay back and crossed his arms daintily over his chest before he closed his eyes.

Yes, he was alone. Perfect! Nicholas watched Michael fast asleep, and shook his head smiling. Could the boy choose to sleep in a more vulnerable position? Even if he opened his eyes, he couldn’t know who was in the room with him. Right, he had forgotten he was Royal blooded, he would just sense it. Still, he should learn to sleep in a more defensive manner, like on his back? Easier said than done! Michael couldn’t care less. When he slept, he did it as he liked, and as cozy as he could possibly get. To make his point, he snuggled and turned his face the other way. Nicholas’ heart skipped a beat and his cock hit his stomach.

Michael sensed the presence and the sexual arousal at the same time.

“Nicholas…” He whispered, still sleeping.

Nicholas’ face broke in a broad smile at the boy’s immediate recognition.

“Michael, I have…” Nicholas changed his mind, realizing the boy badly needed to rest before he could summon his restored energy to deal with the future. “Just sleep, kid, you need it. Let me stay with you and we’ll talk later.”

“Whatever…” Michael whispered and smirked in his sleep.

Nicholas sat beside him and reached for his hand, taking it in his as he watched over him.
Hours later, after several snuggles and moans, Nicholas was forced to evaporate his physical presence, staying undetected after the first warning click of the door. It was the black servant, who was just checking on the boy and closed the door again when he saw Michael was still sleeping. Nicholas just materialized his hand in the boy’s as he saw him tossing and groping around for it. Michael relaxed again and Nicholas squeezed the strong large hand in his, feeling it return the reassuring gesture. The next to check in on him was the other guard, the shorter one. He just took a look, oblivious of the invisible visitor and let the boy be. Nicholas was safe in his present condition because he wasn’t really there, just on a very realistic level of communication with the boy’s sensitive mind, only possible with him through his blood. The so sought for invisibility formula did just that: you couldn’t be seen, but you could be felt if you came in contact with anyone or anything. In Nicholas’ case, matter was absent too because it was just a mental interaction, so unless you had Royal blood, Nicholas was undetectable. That meant he just had to be careful of Ramthis. The next one to barge in was Max.

- Michael! You must wake up! Your father has had very disturbing news from his spy! They’re speaking just now and he wants you there with them! Michael, please! - Max was shaking him roughly, but though Nicholas sensed Michael was detecting Max’s words, he refused to respond.

- I’ll be back! - Max left the room determined to find a way to wake the boy up.

Nicholas saw his chance. He knew Someri was Ramthis’ spy, so why he was there with him was beyond him. He should be standing guard at Khivar’s! It didn’t make sense! He wanted to be the first to give Michael the news reiterating his status as Michael’s informant and spy.

“Michael, I know you’re awake now. I don’t know your reasons for not letting Max know, but you can’t fool me. What’s going on with you?” Nicholas wanted answers.

“You came first, so I want you to be the one to tell me before my father does, that way I might get him to give you a chance, like I’m doing, so speak up to see if it’s really worth it.” Michael went straight to the point.

“Fair enough! This is what I saw, this is what you will have to fight against. I have an idea and the scientists can help, but first speak to your father, and if Someri is there with him, there’s a big chance he’s already been discovered, because that could be the only reason he’s not in the castle at Khivar’s door.” Nicholas sent Michael his whole ordeal of that morning, and he had just finished when Michael jumped up from the bed and whispered: “Go! My father’s coming!”

Nicholas vanished in a hurry and Michael made sure nothing was left of him that his father could detect, waving clean the room before he dropped back on his bed and shammed sleep.

Ramthis burst into the room followed by Wyteeah, Max and Someri. Michael felt himself surrounded by his father, aunt and cousin, who pressed their hands along his spine, Max at the lowest point, being his healer, then Ramthis over the small of the boy’s back and Wyteeah above his father’s. Michael knew the game was over when their energies raised him about ten inches from the bed to drop him down again.

- Dammit Max! - Went Michael, opening his eyes to meet his father’s narrowed ones where he could see them.

Ramthis knew Michael was awake but had decided to see what he was up to, first.

- Michael, Someri has these weird news…- He began.

- I guess they’re the same ones I have, right? - Michael grabbed his father’s wrist and sent him what he had seen in Nicholas’ mind.

- You…you dreamt it? - He asked in disbelief.

- No, I was informed by my spy. Someri, have you been discovered? - Michael asked.

- No, my lord. I came as soon as my shift ended! I’m doing double ones but I get three hours’ rest and I use the formula to slip in here. I’ve already been gone almost and hour, I shouldn’t stay away too long just in case. - He knew he and Michael were sharing a very specially classified secret so he spoke as freely as he could without betraying their common source.

- You’re right, you better go. - Michael was relieved that Someri could still be close to Khivar and be the known link instead of Nicholas.

- Should I trust your source, my lord? - Someri asked, kind of doubtful.

- He’s proved reliable so far, hasn’t he? - Michael smirked.

- Yes, my lord. - Someri tipped his head respectfully.

- That’s good enough for me and should be for you too. Go now. - Michael dismissed him and the man turned for Ramthis’ approval too and hurried away as soon as the older Royal blooded also gave his consent.

- Who is your source, Michael? - Ramthis asked his son in a “no nonsense” way.

- I can’t tell you. I can’t put his life in danger having proved to be so useful and exact, lately. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you when I know you’re ready for that information, but now is not the time yet. You’ll have to trust me. -

- Michael! This is not the time for secrets between any of us! You must tell us his name! - Ramthis exploded.

- No father! I won’t and it’s final! A life is in my hands and I’m not risking it! That’s it! - Michael snapped back.

- Are you defying me, boy? - Ramthis spat the last word insultingly.

- I am the warlord now, father. - Michael smirked, returning the insult. - I decide! -

Ramthis’ coal black eyes flashed fire in his son’s direction and he turned and slammed the door behind him.

- Michael! Are you out of your mind? What have you just done! He’s your father! He wants the best for us! - Wyteeah was shocked.

- I’m trying to keep us alive, that’s what I’ve done! It’s why I’m here. If he can’t understand it, then he better stay out of my way, so I can do what he brought me back here for! It’s alright, we’ve always had our differences, I’ll apologize and he’ll see my reasons. If he doesn’t this time, then we’ll have to stay apart until I do my job, if I survive! - Michael sighed, watching his aunt and Max shudder.

Michael was now sure that something was going on between the two elders by the way his aunt had defended Ramthis.

- I better see to your father. You should eat. I’ll have your food sent over, I don’t think you’re up to…the dining room…- She left making it clear that she had meant for Michael and Ramthis seeing each other after what had just happened.

Max just stood there, not sure if he should stay, or if Michael wanted him to go too, so he could think things over.

- Max, please, I need to be alone. - Michael whispered, flopping down on his bed and burying his face in his arms.

- Sure, no problem. - Max complied and left the room.

“How did you do that?” Michael asked Nicholas, having heard him say Max had to leave.

“I was in his head. Only Royal blood can feel me, and now I can’t get in Khivar’s head anymore, after his stupid liaison with the blasted whip! Thank you for not giving me away. Your father would have had me hanged and I’m sure the rest of your family would have helped him. I don’t think you could’ve done anything to stop them.” Nicholas observed.

“They would’ve done it over my dead body. They wouldn’t have touched you with me defending you. You can be sure of that.” Michael told him.

“Well, thanks again, anyway. There’s this thing I’ve been thinking of and it might do a neat trick with those creatures you’re going to be fighting against. Listen…”

the calm before the storm

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:54 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 83

“The original Antares scientists invented this patch that was attached to the base of the slave’s skull and accessed the nerves going to the breathing system, modifying it through them to adapt to the atmosphere he would be living in. There have been some changes and a scientist from another galaxy, almost as brilliant, was captured by the scavengers and trained to provide them with this gadget after the problem with the Andes people which made the Antares flee to this galaxy and become the scavengers’ enemies. All we need to do is retrieve a gadget that’s still functional from the enemies slain in the last battle and have our scientists check it out to see how they can be deactivated, because if they are rendered useless, they will not be able to breath properly, and though most will be able to last and fight for a reasonable time, in spite of it, it might be enough to give you the victory once again. What do you think?” Nicholas watched Michael eagerly, as the boy chewed his lower lip thoughtfully.

“Kal Langley mentioned the gadgets, and yes, I think it might give us a chance. Now the tough part will be getting one from the bodies. As far as I know, they’re still where they fell, cause no one’s going through the trouble to pick them up. We could do it at night, unseen, but the sooner we begin the better, so we use the formula to go right away.” Michael grinned wickedly.

“Wait a minute…by we you don’t mean…I can’t…-Nicholas stuttered.

“Yes you can! It’s your idea, right? You know how they’ll have to get it into me, so while they’re focused on me, you can swipe a dose for you undetected.” He said.

“No Michael, that’s not what I mean! I’m presumably sleeping for now quite an alarmingly long period of hours, I don’t want Khivar to grow suspicious as I’ve been able to get away because he’s doing the same as I am, but he should begin to stir any minute now and the first thing he’ll do is come to me. Even he can notice the difference when I’m ‘absent’, and it will not do us any good if he decides to find out where I am and what I’m up to through his blasted whip.” Nicholas explained.

“You’re right!” Michael admitted. “I’ll go with Shenti.”

Michael felt the most amazing “goose” he had felt in his life, leaving him out of breath and his ass tingling, piercing included. He shook his head and smirked, and getting up, he padded to the door and asked Shenti in. He winked at Geehan and the man had to smile, not liking being left out, but there were some things where he couldn’t be included, and in his special wisdom, he understood.

Michael quickly explained to Shenti what they were about to do and the man, of course, was game. They left hurriedly to find Amaru and briefed him too. Michael submitted to the formula as Shenti, standing beside him and with his hand in his, jokingly raised his vial in a toast, winking at Michael, and downed it. His face screwed up and he accepted the chunk of bread, stuffing it hurriedly down his throat. Once able to focus back on Michael, he found the boy half wincing, half smirking.

- At least I have no idea how bad it tastes though it stings like a bitch! - The last word came out in English and Shenti repeated it the best he could, shrugging.

- It means real bad! - Michael moaned, already beginning to feel dizzy.

- Here, sit down. - Amaru pushed a chair-like thing towards Shenti. - He’ll get there before you. Though the lack of real nutrients makes it go down quite fast to the place where it will be absorbed and do its thing, it arrives there faster going up, because the route is shorter. Remember you will have a visual contact of sorts, mostly a shimmering which only those under the influence of the formula can see, so you can make sure you stay safely close to each other. Your horse is almost there too, I put it in the centre of the…- He said the unpronounceable funny word in his native language for the carrot-like treat and chuckled at their attempts to repeat it.

Michael began shimmering but only to Shenti’s eyes because to the others’, he was gone.

- SHIT! - They heard him exclaiming, already familiar to the, for them, alien curse word too.

- What is it? - Asked Amaru, the same question in Shenti’s face.

- I feel like I’m beeing stabbed with needles under the chains down there! - Michael growled.

- It’s the spines. I forgot about them, they’re just asserting your alien status. They will dull to a hum, it won’t take long, you’ll see. - Amaru bent down to kiss his hair.

Shenti felt Michael’s grip slowly relaxing as his moans gradually turned into purrs.

- Feels good? - He asked.

- Mmm…man yeah! Hey, you’re here now too! - Michael laughed checking out Shenti’s now shimmering form.

- Alright, off you go! - Amaru groped for them pulling his hand quickly away from Michael’s crotch.

- Sorry! - He apologized, very embarrassed.

- Amaru! I didn’t know you still had it in you! - Michael teased and chuckled.

- Alright, alright, go! You’ll become visible probably at the same time, because Michael’s bonus is only in the way in. The effect should last the same for the three of you. - Amaru informed them.

- Three? - Shenti asked surprised.

- The horse! - Michael provided and they both laughed.

They found the shimmering animal and Michael was up in seconds, reaching down for Shenti’s hand and pulling him up behind him. The man wrapped his arms around Michael, not a horseman himself, and felt the boy’s body was very tight. Michael nudged their ride on, and they took off faster than Shenti had expected. He glued himself to the boy’s back and heard him hiss.

- Is something wrong, Michael? - He asked, feeling something wasn’t quite right.

- The chains and spines are rubbing and getting me damn horny. We better hurry. - Michael had the horse cantering and the smoother movement changed the approach of the rubbing enough for them to arrive at the gruesome sight of the battlefield in a matter of minutes.

The only thing the Antares had done for the dead, mostly out of respect, was arrange them in tidy lines, looking up at the suns, so according to tradition, the light would show them the way to where they wanted to go for their final resting place. As fast as they could, Michael and Shenti slid their hands under their necks to find the patches, but there were none. They just found what looked like two round metal tacks at the base of their skulls in some and several others seemed to have nothing at all, but the same two glowing spots in the hollow under their throats, made it obvious that they were the same thing. They picked them out and took three different sets each, rushing back and riding at full speed. Once safely back, Michael turned on Shenti.

- And I thought I was horny! Do you want me to bend over? - He rubbed his ass back against Shenti’s erection.

Shenti jumped off the horse, being very private about his sexual practices, though everyone knew his special preference for the boy. He became visible again a fraction of a second before Michael and he was caught blushing red as Michael appeared beside him giving him this sexy glazed look as he bit on his lip.

- Stop it! - Shenti scolded, and looked away.

That had them all laughing, even Amaru, until the old man decided it was enough as they had a lot of work to do. The Shaman went with Michael to the scientists’ large and well lit room, where they could examine the strange looking artifacts.
There were two wires coming out of the back of the tacks, one almost transparent and one dark. How exactly they worked was what the scientists had to find out. Michael decided he had nothing to do there and excusing himself, he left Amaru who seemed partly very interested, and partly felt he owed it to them because helping his people had brought on the exodus and destruction of their original planet.
As Michael passed by the secluded little garden on the way back to his room, he felt this familiar feeling of being touched by soft hands and the subtle aromas reminded him of the females he loved on Earth. He walked in and closed the hedges and space above him with the multicoloured thick cumulus cloud. Then the soft hands gently pushed him down to the ground and started massaging his back, easing every kink and stressed up muscle until he was writhing and purring in delight. Then the hands centred on the inside of his thighs, finger walking up them to tease his ass and chains while a couple of them boldly pushed under him searching for his cock and balls. He raised his hips up on his knees to make himself accessible there too and the hands ‘fought’ for supremacy in a very teasing way. A finger plunged into him followed by another, totally and excitingly out of sync: one shoving deep towards the back and the other one thrusting searchingly in the opposite direction, against his g-spot as another pair rubbed the chains, one from the right and one from the left. One hand smoothly slid up and down his cock, while the other one squeezed one ball and then the other one, making him clench in sweet pain against the invasion in his body. Then one of the fingers on the piercing forced its way under the chains and rubbed directly on the protruding nubs of the spines as the fingers inside him began to overlap..

- UNGH! AHHH!…OOOHHHHH! - Michael came, unable to tell which had been exactly the point of contact that had made it happen. All of them had contributed in their own way, and the result had been hallucinating.

- Are you hiding from me to experiment on masturbation? You? - A male voice said in disbelief as his hands cupped his ass and dug his fingers into the firm muscles.

Then two things happened: Michael recognized Max, and Max began to identify the presences responsible for Michael’s unstopping orgasm.

- Maria? Isabel? - Max whispered, feeling each girl had a hand fore and aft.
- LIZ?! -

- Keep it down! - The small brunette’s voice reacted to her boyfriend’s.

- What?...How?...- Max couldn’t end either question coherently.

- New language? - Three voices teased together and giggled as they materialized all over Michael.

- How come you’re here? - Max snapped a little harshly.

- Well, glad to see you’re fine too! - Liz snapped back, a little pissed.

- What happened to “the perfect boyfriend?” - Maria said in a mocking tone.

- More like “the perfect jerk”, I should know, as his sister! - Isabel contributed.

- Hey! I’m sorry, ok? I wasn’t expecting you here! By the way, nice talking to you too! - Max sounded offended.

- Fuck off Max, or make yourself useful, this feels sooo good! - Michael moaned.

- Where? You’re all full! - Max protested and the two fingers up Michael’s ass slowly started leaving him.

- Shit Max! No! See what you’ve done? - Michael whined.

Max realized what was happening and didn’t miss his chance. He pounced and rammed.

- Yeeechhh! - Went Isabel, barely managing to yank her hand away and avoid contact with her brother’s cock. - That was so gross! -

Maria wasn’t so fast and she felt Max’s slick cock forcing its way inside Michael past her finger and the way Michael reacted, clenching tight to feel every inch tearing into him, had her thinking she would give anything to trade her finger for Max’s cock so she could make him wince and moan the way he just had. As she eased her way out, she could feel Michael’s velvety tissues stretched to a ripping point and preferred not to experience it. She moved her hand to Michael’s inner thigh, feeling almost the same silkiness she had just felt inside him and Isabel took the other one, their other hands switching from his cock and balls. Michael was getting there again, with Isabel and Maria’s hands plus Max pounding into him and Liz straddling the small of his back. Both her hands were tucked under him and also under the chains, her fingers pressing the nubs of the spines driving electric jolts into him and up her arms too. Three female glazed pairs of eyes were watching entranced as Max drove his huge cock into Michael as the boy bucked to impale it to the hilt, grunting as the two bodies met. Isabel’s eyes were totally focused on Michael’s body: the thing pounding into him could be a broomstick for all she cared. She loved to see Michael enjoying it, no matter whom or what was giving it to him. Of course, she always wished it could be her, but things had turned out so different for them. At least she could be thankful that Stuart understood as well as Maria so Michael wasn’t completely out of the question, shared or otherwise. Maria couldn’t help wishing she could transform into a male once in a while, though not constantly, so she could enjoy Michael both ways, and Liz…Liz wished she could get into Max’s head while he was fucking Michael, curious about how the boy felt so deep inside with the new stimulus she was giving him.
Michael just concentrated in feeling every touch, every prod, every squeeze and every shove, taking him nearer and nearer. He felt wave after wave of exquisite pleasure enveloping him as Max deliciously ploughed in and out of him, forcibly opening and stretching him, making him feel his insides giving to allow the deep penetration that was taking him to forbidden ecstasy. He couldn’t resist anymore the amounts of pain and pleasure battling to take control of his body, laced with the tingling extra helpings which each of the three sets of female hands were adding and he exploded, gritting his teeth not to scream out his sweet torture and bring the whole place down on them. He lay there, sobbing and whimpering, as the white healing light came from the very same source that had ripped and torn his unusually sensitive tissues, chafed and raw where they weren’t bleeding. The process burnt and left him sound again, shuddering with the pain that would take much longer to go away but which he wickedly enjoyed as much as the hurting pleasure that had taken him there.

- Michael, you ok kid? - Max asked.

Michael scoffed. He couldn’t tell how many times he had been asked that question in his life. Countless times. Who could possibly understand what sex was to him? What he felt when they were fucking him, raping him? Who could possibly know what it was for a child his age to have that part of his tender body reamed with something ten times larger? He wasn’t a female with a vagina along his ass and a wall of flexible tissue between them that provided a wider double space inside. At least the female parts had been made for penetration. He didn’t have a hymen that once gone, eased the way for future action. After his weirdly willing ordeal with Eddie, when he had supposedly been six, though they later discovered he had been younger, he had healed, so it was like being a virgin to him all over again with Hank. How could anyone know what that had been like? Or even when they were loving him, driving him out of his mind with pain and pleasure? Could anyone be able to fathom such intensity of feelings that led him to those impossible degrees of pain filled pleasure? No one felt anything even near to what he did, who could feel a deep penetration with the millimetrical frame by frame precision like he did? From the second his front was pressed on the bed or whatever surface he would lie on or be bent over, his pants either gently lowered or ripped off, the hands on his butt, carefully or roughly spreading him, then the invasion of his body, sometimes gradual, considerate, first lubrication, cool and slippery, then a finger to ease the way to another one, perhaps even a third one before the real thing, then the penis itself, working its way in, preparing him with no haste for the needy way it would keep picking up speed and depth until the hot measure of love would fill him and make him shiver with the searing pleasure, in the best of cases. Or he would just be transfixed with cruel pain as the “love” weapon plunged into him mercilessly, his narrow passage never ready enough, no time for anything that could make it easier, too fast even for precum, just the steel hard rod straight in, nothing smaller first to prevent harm, who cared? The kid would eventually heal or bleed to death, and if he did survive, cool, cause then he could take it anytime his “lover” felt like it. It would ram him hard from the first shove, making him feel he was splitting in two, or being run through, hanging on to his life, thinking over and over that it wasn’t worth it, he would be better of dead not to repeat this torture. And then, finally, after what had been like hours of torment to him, his unbearably ravaged and wounded insides were branded with liquid fire that had him biting down his urge to please them with his protest. Whether it was consensual or not, gentle or rough, with love or just need, Michael always suffered, it seemed to be his destiny to be a victim, no matter what, even of his own desires and the ones who did love him.

- I’m fine. - He whispered, answering that same question for the millionth time.

And it was true, he was always “fine” to everyone else, or would be eventually so why worry them?

“I’m sorry girls, it’s time to go.” Serena’s voice floated all around them.

“No, no! Please! Not yet!” Unanimously by the three female voices as their realistic illusion began to falter.

But that was it, they were gone. Michael felt the brush of three soft kisses, one after the other on his cheek that wasn’t on the ground, and sensed Serena, Laurie and Ava: motherly and sisterly caresses, which he enjoyed and thanked.

- Michael? What was that? - Max had seen the way he smiled, in that special way he saved for those three.

- That’s mine alone, Max, I’m not sharing. It’s too personal. -

Michael looked so pleased and happy that Max just let him have it.

- C’mon, let’s go. - He kissed him as far up and down as he could reach along his spine as he smoothly slid out his almost limp cock, cleaning him and dressing him up before he started helping him back on his feet.

As they walked back, Michael went over the last day, trying to figure out where it had gone. The battle had ended in the early afternoon, he had returned and Max had healed him and Amaru had also done his thing. Then he had fallen into a blissful sleep which must have lasted throughout the whole night. He remembered his interaction with Nicholas, while he was there as he went on sleeping. The next thing he knew Max was shaking him and then his father, aunt and Someri had arrived, so it must have been morning. Then, after his argument with his father, and Nicholas’ reasonable suggestion, he left with Shenti when Nicholas explained Khivar should be stirring by now from his abnormally self induced sleep which had given the small man the longest hours he had ever hoped for, to spend with him. Michael had noticed a tray with food on the table by the door when he left his room, so his aunt had sent him breakfast as she had threatened to! She would be pissed that he hadn’t eaten it but his hunger was just beginning to spike after his unexpected awesome orgy. So it must be about midday or abouts? He had totally lost sense of time so though he now knew Nicholas could be there with him undetected by anyone but his father, he wanted to make sure about Max’s wherabouts the night before.

- Max, you didn’t sleep with me last night, huh? I don’t mean sex, just sleep. -

- No, I let you sleep alone, I even closed the door not to get tempted at all. Shenti and Geehan were at the door, so you were totally safe. - Max answered.

He saw Michael nod and return to his thoughts, falling back into silence. Max wondered what was going on with him, but not even their bonding could access Michael when he blocked himself out from him.

Serena noticed the girls teary eyed and unusually silent, slumped on the couches of the chimney room. She realized that Michael’s thoughts had reached them too, as the boy had totally forgotten to block himself out from them. She obviously had not been the only one there with him but she had also been so moved by what she was getting from Michael that she wasn’t aware of his overlook either until now, or she would have alerted him. Anyway, it was too late so she smiled at them and shared their sorrow. They were still there, looking absolutely gloomy when Stuart and Kyle burst through the front door laughing and joking, punching each other’s arms. Then they saw them and they went silent and still.

- What’s wrong? - Asked Stuart just a little louder than a whisper.

- Michael…- Began Isabel.

- God, no! What’s happened to him? - Screamed Kyle and they both rushed over to them.

- He’s ok, we were there with him. - Isabel finished, sorry to have given them the wrong idea.

Both men slumped on an empty sofa on the left and took a deep breath, slowly recovering from the misguided shock but still pale.

- I’m sorry…- Isabel looked down at her hands, unable to meet his eyes.

- Don’t…ever do that to us again! - Kyle bit down each word.

- Why were you crying? - Stuart wondered, now composed.

Isabel’s eyes filled with tears and she sobbed as she rushed over to him, holding both his hand and Kyle’s and sending them what they had got from Michael.

- Jesus! Fuck! - Shouted Stuart, as Kyle just closed his eyes and grimaced, his hands closed in tight fists, the knuckles going white.

- He looked ok, he’s ready for the next battle, but they still don’t know when it will be. Max was with him. -

- It’s not fair, we want to see him too! - Kyle exploded.

- We know, it just happened, we didn’t plan it or you would’ve been included. - Liz nodded, feeling guilty.

- We’ll have to wait for another opportunity to find him alone. - Serena told them.

- You just said he was with Max. - Stuart turned to question Isabel.

- He was alone, Max came when we were with him. - Liz informed.

- We arrived when Serena was about to recall them. - Laurie frowned.

- We only had time to kiss him. - Ava sighed, disappointed.

- Maybe you could come back with us. - Kyle smiled at Ava, including Laurie.

- Depends on your plans, are you sure you guys want us along? We might be in your way…- Laurie had a wistful look, knowing how it usually ended with Michael when they got their hands on him.

- No Laurie, he needs another kind of love right one, the family kind. - Stuart said.

- Max is his family, so is he doing that for him? - Ava sounded bitter.

- He meant the human kind. - Kyle intervened.

- Max’s human side is not much different from his alien one when it’s about Michael. - Ava persisted.

- Ava, dear, you know Michael gets what he wants, and we all respond to his vibes, so don’t blame them for what your brother needs from them. - Serena acted like the catalyst in the uncomfortable dialogue between human, alien and hybrid cultural differences. - You know very well that Michael is one of a kind; he’s different from all of us, so it’s not fair to judge him for what he has suffered or for what his experiences have made him. He loves each one of us in his own special way, and he will never fail us. -

That had Ava meekly agreeing with a nod, knowing that if Serena took Stuart and Kyle to Michael, she wouldn’t doubt for a second going with them as she was sure Laurie would too.

Nicholas spiraled back into his head as Khivar sat up in bed, willing himself awake after having covered what he was sure was every detail he needed to go on with his crucial existence. He had come to the conclusion that he really needed Nicholas’ intellectual and cunning powers, which he absolutely lacked, and their fathers had known it, that’s why they had made sure that they would be together for their safety. Nicholas’ father had accepted his brother’s proposition because he knew his son would be able to find a way out if his cousin played dirty, like he suspected he would. The finding of the whip had been a bonus for Khivar, but still Nicholas was the “brains” while his cousin, whip and all, had only physical powers. He could wrap the bloody whip around Khivar’s balls if he put his mind on it and that’s what he was going to start working on right away. If everything else failed, he knew Michael could blast Khivar to oblivion in a fair confrontation, Khivar was no match for the Royal blooded prince, and Nicholas could unfailingly count on that, along with the curse of the whip. In the end, it would be the two of them, because no matter where Khivar tried to hide, Michael would find him, that’s where he came in, and even if Michael had the whole Antares army behind him, he would face Khivar alone like the man he was. Nicholas had to make sure it would be absolutely fair, and for that he had to neutralize the powers of the whip. Maybe he would have to summon the demon herself and he knew just who he had to get to help him but only Michael could make that happen.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:52 am
by ñusta
Chapter 84

Max and Michael sneaked into the kitchen where Amaru was having a controlled fit of rage because he had just found out when he arrived a few minutes before the boys that Michael had not had breakfast and no one had come for lunch.

- Hey, I’m here and bloody hungry, so quit ranting cause I’ll eat anything you put in front of me! Oh, and Max too! - He grinned when he saw Max roll his eyes.

Amaru smiled from ear to ear and sat to watch his prince wolf down his selected specialties. It was so perfectly balanced, that once he finished he felt satisfied but not full and uncomfortable at all. Even Max was nodding, looking pleased.

- You have to speak to your father. - The Shaman adviced.

- I need a nap. - Michael decided to ignore the issue.

He locked his eyes with the old man’s and sent him a silent message he knew he would understand. Then they headed for their rooms.

Nicholas knew Michael would sleep out the whole afternoon, so he waited until Khivar had finished eating like a pig to mindwarp him into thinking he was developing a paunch and sent him on a long walk along with the need to see for himself the soldiers that the scavengers had sent him and make sure from the safe distance of the watch towers at the northern east and west corners. Khivar could walk from one tower to the other checking out the filthy camp below, safe enough from the stench because of the height of the walls from which he was watching them as he kept walking the considerable distance from tower to tower, getting the exercise he was sure he badly needed. That, of course, took a few hours, as long as Nicholas could hold it from a distance, to let the mindwarp fade gradually so Khivar could not recognize it for what it had been and suspect him.

He was off to Michael a few minutes after Khivar left, not to make it too obvious, making sure that by then, the boy should be back in his bed. He had no problems either, getting into Max’s head and mindwarped him into trying to gain some ground in his relationship with his still powerful uncle now that he was pissed at his son. Once the idea was planted in Max’s brain, he let him walk out of the door and returned to his current favourite hobby: watching Michael sleep. It was the absolute turn on: the way he snuggled, stretched, squirmed and writhed along with the sexy moans, purrs and whimpers. Nicholas had lately become an expert in mental orgasms just using his visual aids. Suddenly to his total surprise, he felt the invasion of two human essenses, male, no doubts about it and the way Michael welcomed them made him terribly jealous. Dammit! The sheriff’s spawn and that doctor! At least now he owed big to the human doctor for saving Michael’s life after he skewered his ass that last fatal time, fatal to his stupid human body, of course! He stayed hovering over the scene, glued to the ceiling where no one would even think to look up to, but which his alien eyes could easily perceive in the darkness of the room, ready to fade away undetected in a fraction of a second. The Seer! He could feel she was the one responsible for the illusion! Only she could do it! Thankfully she was taking no direct part, because maybe, if she had, she could have been able to sense him. The two men were all over the boy, caressing his body but refraining with incredible restraint against any kind of sexual activity.

“Shit, SHIT!” Nicholas screamed in his head. “Go for it so I can do it too!”

No one, not even the Seer would be able to identify him that way, but if he tried to force his hand and mindwarp them into his will, then he would make himself evident to Serena and he couldn’t risk it.

“Damn humans!” He threw the granddaddy of a mental human tantrum.

He felt ready to puke at all the honey they poured over Michael, saying how much they loved and missed him, how they wanted everything to go fine with him so he could be back soon, how much they wanted to hold him close to them and feel him safe again. They were almost saying how much they really meant they wanted to fuck him but they just didn’t, and went on pawing him and kissing him until the Seer thought it was enough, probably feeling as nauseated as Nicholas was or sensing they wouldn’t be able to keep it together for another second. Finally they were gone, but they had left Michael horny as hell. The boy used his powers to check out who was outside his door and found Geehan with an unknown guard. Cool, just what he needed, he called out for him so the man had to obey, and anyway, there was a guard left at the door who wouldn’t dare have the black slave fail to obey his master. It was all Nicholas could do not to lose it at the chance he had dreamt with, and the opportunity had so far eluded him: fucking Michael through the black man. He was glad he hadn’t made his presence known, and practically dove into the slave’s head, feeling his libido jump sky high! This was really going to be something! The chance of his life! Nicholas was going out of his mind at the way the man felt for the boy, the love, the desire, the respect, the admiration, the will to please him, the pleasure the tight firm young body gave him! It was unbelievable, indescribable; way over anything he could have thought possible from someone that was considered inferior. He would never be able to do so again, it was so unfair! Nicholas was in total awe of the way “they” touched Michael, what “they” made him feel, how deep “they” reached inside his body, the pain and the pleasure “they” gave him, the way the boy enjoyed it all, wincing, moaning, gritting his teeth, bucking and forcing “them” inside him as he clenched his fists and his ass to squeeze “them” dry to the last drop. Nicholas hated to think what he had missed with Michael by being his enemy because of his worthless cousin’s sake! What an utter idiot he had been! He should have sided with Vilandra and had Khivar hanged instead of helping him destroy them. He wasn’t sure about the just as stupid king, but he could trust the noblesse of the true heir, and his gratitude. If he could just turn back time! But alas! He didn’t know anyone who could do it! Illusions yes, but not the real thing, unfortunately! The aftermath was just as incredible, thanks to the man’s amazing genetic ability to stay erect as long as the boy went on gripping him. All Michael needed to do was relax and Geehan would do so to, it was the particularity of that race, to be completely in sync with their sexual partners, no wonder they had been so sought after as slaves. It was mostly to keep the wives satisfied and the husbands sure they wouldn’t be cuckolded when they were away from home for otherwise unsafe periods of time due to their line of work, war one of them. The slaves, of course, were not considered competition, just part of the household appliances, like a dildo or a vibrator on Earth, a thing, not a person. They weren’t even supposed to be able to think at all! How wrong they were! How wrong he had been himself! Whatever he had felt before this experience, was nothing to what he was feeling now. His hate for Khivar knew no boundaries.

- Shenti is coming, you better leave. - Michael warned the man so he slid off him with just as ecstatic results, and bent to kiss his lips with Nicholas waiting until the last minute to vacate the slave’s head.

As Geehan left the room, Michael groaned in disappointment. He was sure the slave’s “snake” would have bloated again to give him a hell of a second helping, as both humans should have done one after the other. What the fuck had that shit of pure love had been? Why had they been holding back? As far as Stuart had been concerned, it couldn’t have been for Isabel, but then Michael focused on Kyle and there was Ava all over him. He had been respecting her brother and now, Michael also got Laurie through Stuart. She had taken him into her home when he went to Tucson and was shacking in a puny room! Of course Stuart was grateful to her, but he didn’t have to pay for it that way! Damn! Oh well, Geehan had been great, even if it had only been once.

“Yeah, I’m sure he could’ve gone for a second one without breaking a sweat!” Nicholas sighed.

“You were there!” Michael accused, quite amused though. “I thought Geehan was making me hallucinate!”

“Wow kid, that was really something! You don’t mind do you?” Nicholas sounded wary.

“So what if I would? I’m already quite fucked up! And it was awesome, no complaints. What is it now? I’m sure you had another reason to come here, not exactly to fuck me, huh? You were just lucky to get a piece of ass, but there’s something else to it, right? C’mon Nicholas spill!” Michael ordered.

“I think you’re the one spilling!” He giggled and his finger clarified what he meant as he used it to clog the cum inside the boy.

“Hey! Mmmmm…” Michael growled as Nicholas pulled out and let the thick fluid start to flow out again.

“Nice, yum, you like this, I know…let me see…” And Nicholas tucked his hands under Michael’s hips as the boy pushed up on his knees wondering what the small man was up to.

Nicholas squatted behind Michael, spreading him to dive and push his tongue deep into him.

“Fuck!” Michael exclaimed, surprised at how good Nicholas was at this.

This time it was his small body that enabled him to twist his neck so his head could reach angles no one else could, and it drove Michael to such heights of pleasure he would have never imagined coming from Nicholas. His short fingers did magic on the chains of the piercings and he could send his tongue vibrating with his humming and also make it swivel and lap with the craziest effect. Michael couldn’t believe he was making him come again. He was left gasping to catch his breath when he felt it.

“Max…” He whispered.

He couldn’t help remembering that time as he lay kissing Maria, that he had thought she was calling him that very name, when she was actually warning him of Max and the whole gang at the time standing behind him and enjoying the view. Nicholas reacted just like he had then, jumping off him but vanishing from sight.

“Dammit!” He exploded as the ex-king stepped into the room.

- C’mon, you already had me! - Michael didn’t realize he had said it aloud.

- Of course I had you but with a full house taking part too, it wasn’t like when we’re alone, you know? - Max answered, sure Michael was talking to him.

“When the hell did he have you?” Snapped Nicholas, very frustrated at his ignorance of the incident.

- Shut up! Just go away, ok? - Michael laughed.

- What is it with you? - Max was a little surprised.

- Nah, just ignore me, just waking up, I guess. You tell me. - Michael could tell Max was here for a reason.

- My mother wants us to join them at the dining room. She spoke with your father and he’s, you know, upset but sorry about the whole thing. He’s not one to apologize, but she thinks he might find a way. - Max told him.

- Why at the dining room? It’s way past lunch! It must be closer to dinner! - Michael scoffed.

- Well, it seems no one was hungry at lunch time! - Amaru protested, still offended that his choice of food had grown cold, as he appeared at the door.

- Ok, so it was kind of my fault. But I meant every word and you know I’m right! - Michael was adamant.

- You are, but your father deserves some respect, you should know that too! - Amaru frowned. - And it’s not right away, but she wants you there by dinner. -

- We’ll be there. - Michael assured him.

- Do you promise? - The Shaman locked his eyes with Michael’s.

- I give you my word. - Michael assured him.

- Fine, then I guess you can have your reward. - Amaru smiled fondly.

- What do you mean? - Michael was puzzled.

- I have a surprise for you. We’ve just finished it today at about midday, I was going to announce it for you at lunch but it couldn’t be. So, I’ll do it now, because you’ve promised to respect your father, and I trust you will. - Amaru looked very pleased.

He pointed to the door of the bathroom on the wall behind Michael’s bed a little to the left just before the joining door to Max’s room. Michael went over to it, quite intrigued and placed his hand where the man indicated.

- Don’t blast the whole place down now! - Max warned.

Michael turned to give him one of his typical looks followed by his usual smirk.

He gave it a gentle push and his eyes went wide with astonishment at the sight in front of him. It was an eerie lit tunnel leading straight on and he could hear the sound of water falling not far from where they were standing.

- I know you were wishing you could go to the ponds you used to go with Vilandra, so I think this will be the nearest. Go and find it! It’s going to be right there for you now whenever you want it and it’s much nicer than the original bathroom. - Amaru gestured towards the tunnel with his head. - Enjoy!

- Thank you…- Michael said not quite sure yet what he was thanking for.

The Shaman nodded smiling and left the room.

Michael walked tentatively in the direction of the sound and after a few yards, the tunnel made a sharp turn towards the left and opened to a cave with a waterfall large enough to cover him completely, falling into a crystal clear pond. It reminded him of the one at the Mescalero reservation they had visited on they way to Laurie’s after leaving Roswell, it was just as beautiful but with an alien twist. The rainbow of iridescent colours in shades which were not found on Earth looked so inviting that Michael waved his clothes off and rushed in, diving into the water. Its density was thicker that the Earth’s, but he was already used to it. He rose to the surface and shook it off his hair, turning to Max who was still standing fully clothed not sure of what to do.

- What are you waiting for? You’re not joining me? - He tilted his head to a side and gave him this inviting and teasing look from where he lay almost submerged.

For once, Michael was content that he could just relax thinking of anything but the reason why he was back on Antar, in spite of the fact that getting finally there and start fighting had been practically everything on his mind while he was still on Earth. He could hardly believe he had already been in a battle and survived it with the victory that was expected from him. Now, there was another one coming and his enemies weren’t even from this planet, just scum recruited to do that coward Khivar’s fighting. Beings that had nothing to do with this war, nothing to look forward to and for whom dying in combat was a blessing, only ready to take down as many Antares as they could before they went down themselves. Michael hoped the scientists could find something to be done about their breathing gadgets, so he wouldn’t feel guilty about their demise. No, he had no reason to feel bad about it, he wasn’t the one who had them brought over to get killed, but he had to do it because it was the only way to Khivar and to get rid of him once and for all.

- I swear I can hear you thinking! - Max chuckled.

- Sorry, just wondering if there was a way to stop the needless massacre but I’m afraid it’s the only possibility to get to Khivar. - Michael shook his head as if that could put his mind on hold or somehow change the eventual outcome in the most positive way for him and the Antares, wishing he could also include Khivar’s innocent army.

- And don’t forget Nicholas, who knows what that “weasel” is about! - Max added.

- Yeah, right, who knows? - Michael shrugged and scoffed blocking himself out just in case. - Hey, are we going to take Amaru’s advice and enjoy this or what? - He grinned and decided it was for the best right now to just live the moment.

Michael crawled in the not so deep water to rise under the waterfall getting completely enveloped in it. Max waded all the way to him and wrapped his arms around him, pressing the boy’s back to his front. Michael threw his head back over Max’s shoulder and they kissed very gently and sweet. Michael didn’t push back his ass into Max’s lap and Max didn’t get an erection. It wasn’t about sex, just getting Michael to forget about any source of adrenalin, be it pleasant or not.

- What can I do for you, what do you want to do? - Max asked sincerely, ready to accept Michael’s choice whatever it was.

- I just need to relax, that’s all. That ok with you? - He whispered hoping Max could understand the way he was feeling.

- Of course kid, c’mon. - Max maneuvered Michael to the shore again and slowly eased both of them down on their sides.

Then he rolled Michael on his belly and kneeling beside him, began to massage him, soothing every muscle as Michael’s body slowly let go of all the stress and tension. Max went all the way down from his shoulders to his legs and then he stepped over to the other side repeating it all in the opposite direction. Michael seemed asleep, but Max knew he wasn’t. Michael just wanted to lie there, his mind blank and his body unresponsive, willing everything to fall back into the correct and specific place when he felt up to it and allowed his body to “restart” so he could go on with his destiny.

Max watched Michael as he lay completely still, no side snuggle, nothing. He traced his spine with his fingers all the way down to the piercing and back up but apart from a slight tightening of his body at the lowest points of contact, he just stayed unmoving. Max felt his back rising and falling with his breathing under his hand and he knew he wasn’t asleep.

- You know, I may have had great parents, a great house and all, but I always envied your courage, your guts, that cocky, smug way of yours. I was kind of scared and unsure most of the time, trying to give the opposite impression but I know you could see clean through me, mostly because until then, I still thought you were my brother. But at the same time, I felt we were very different and then Tess came and everything changed. I can’t say if it was for the best, but then we found out who we really were, although she didn’t know the whole thing about you. And now we’re here, and our people will be free again because you’ll make it happen. I’m glad it’s like this, Michael, because if it were in my hands, I’m sure I would fail them all over again. - Max scoffed.

- I’m glad you don’t have to do any fighting, so you can be safe. - Michael sighed.

- Ditto! Can you picture me as a soldier? I wouldn’t be able to make up my mind fast enough whether to go for the enemy’s gut, or sword-arm or throat! Of course I’d be safe anyway inside my shield, but I would be the laughingstock of all the army after the battle, I can imagine the jokes there would be on me. No Michael, I’m not cut to be a soldier. I have been a jerk with you because something told me you wouldn’t hit me back although I almost had you there a couple of time…no, that time you got the seal doesn’t count, because you weren’t yourself and we know it! I punched Jesse on the nose at the bachelor’s party because I knew he wouldn’t dare hit Isabel’s brother, that was so brave, wasn’t it? Taking it out on someone I knew would not touch me! That's me Michael, and I have to face it. You can’t imagine how bad it makes me feel! - Max ended close to sobbing.

- Don’t be so hard on yourself, Max. We’re all doing our jobs here and yours is just as important. Where would I be if I didn’t have you to heal me? - Michael consoled him.

- And I’d be in a wheelchair if I hadn’t had you to hide behind and save me from the bullies at school, so it’s the least I can do. - Max pursued it.

- Ok, you win! I give up! - Michael chuckled and Max was glad he had been able to lighten his mood.

- This place is so cool! Did Amaru mean he had it built specially for you? - Max realized it must have taken them all the time they had been there to do it.

- No, it was all here. He just had to have the last tunnel built to connect it to my room. - Michael said, closing his eyes and concentrating on the images he was receiving from the sand under his cheek. - I guess it’s time to go and face my father. -

- What are you going to tell him? - Max wondered.

- Don’t know, it’ll come to me when I need it. - He shrugged.

- It’s always like that with you, isn’t it? In the spur of the moment? How can you do it? - Max admired Michael so much for that kind of attitude he wished he had.

He was totally the other way round, worried sick long before whatever was due finally happened, and he was not only never ready for it, but he knew he could have done better every time.

- Hey! Quit brooding! It’s not your problem, it’s mine, so why should you worry? C’mon Max, you’re getting old by the second! Your hair will start to turn grey any minute now! - Michael laughed. - Let’s go. -

He pushed up and bounced to his feet with the agility of a cat, tall as he was.

Max looked up at Michael watching him in awe from where he was sitting and took his hand to feel himself pulled up without the slightest effort.

They arrived at their rooms and got dressed and tidy to trudge unenthusiastically to the dining room. There was nobody there yet but the light steps behind them told them it was Wyteeah. She stood by her chair and Michael hurried to help her get seated. Max watched pleasantly surprised, at what he probably would have done had they been on Earth. He hadn’t expected Michael reacting faster than him on this. Michael stiffened when the heavy steps came to stop behind him. The hands on his shoulders were just as heavy.

- Michael…son…- Ramthis was struggling to get the words past his mouth.

Michael turned and fell into his father’s arms. That was better than anything Ramthis could’ve said.

- I…I didn’t mean it…- Michael lied through his teeth, burying his face in his father’s strong neck.

- Yes you did, and you are right! You know it, so do I, though I find it hard to accept. It’s just that…what you said took me back to that horrid moment when I received your body and saw what they had done to you! - Ramthis’ voice broke.
- You’re absolutely right! This is why we brought you back to life, and I shouldn’t be interfering because you’re the one who can and will make it happen, not me, and I have to step back to let you do what you must. I won’t be in your way again, I promise! - Ramthis nodded solemnly.

- No father, I need you. You taught me all I know and it’s time for you to see what you’ve made of me. - This time Michael meant every single word.

- You didn’t need much teaching, child, you were always way over my head, as if you knew exactly what to do, and all it took you was listening to your heart, not to me. No! Not another word out of you! We’re not arguing again, because I’m right. Now let’s have dinner! Your aunt and I were too upset to have lunch so we’re starving! - Ramthis gently disentangled himself from his son and now, quite embarrassed, not used to displaying his feelings like this, he went to sit down.

Max picked at his food, not very hungry after the late lunch, but Michael went for it as if he hadn’t eaten in days, making the three members of his family shake their heads and smile. Nothing like watching him eat with gusto to know how healthy and ready he was to fight for them.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:09 am
by ñusta
No translator for just few days. Sorry!

the calm before the storm

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:03 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 85

Nicholas had had enough. He knew what was coming, yet he was curious when Michael said he was facing his father so he stayed in Max’s head to witness it. Still, he was not prepared for the touchy scene between the tough ex warlord and his even tougher young warrior son. He couldn’t help remembering his own father and wished he had been as eloquent as Michael’s, in spite of Ramthis’ obvious difficulty in expressing himself under the circumstances. Nicholas recalled how his father had proudly shown him off to his friends and acquaintances like the smart freak he was, as if he were the latest piece of technology: “Look what he can do, can you believe it? Awesome, huh?” It was as if he didn’t consider his son a person at all, that’s how he was, so Nicholas always did what was expected of him and nothing more. At least his father had worried about his “amazing” son’s safety where his future was concerned; making sure Khivar would not kick him aside once he and his brother were gone. He had to give him that, not what Nicholas would have liked, but…well, that was it for him.
Nicholas fled as fast as he could, badly needing to think about what he had just been through. Thankfully, Khivar was still gone, and he sent his cousin a boost to keep him away long enough so he could calmly investigate this utterly disturbing sensation he failed to recognize. His experience with humanity screamed at him that he had had what they called an “epiphany”, a revelation, and was shocked to discover he actually had feelings which had been locked away, for the sake of his sanity, somewhere in childhood and now that they had been so untimely triggered awake, he didn’t like them at all. Not like this. He had welcomed the newly found ones with Michael but not with anyone else, he couldn’t, they weakened him, so he shut them off again. He suddenly pictured himself blubbering and hugging Khivar and almost puked! No, it wouldn’t do. For the time being, Michael was the only beneficiary of what little he allowed to escape from this self imposed prison where he kept that unwanted side of his complex personality. The sound of the door being rudely opened brought him out of his meditation and back to the harsh reality of his existence.

- I’m sure this group of mutants will completely obliterate the damn Antares this time! - Khivar beamed, beside himself, sure of victory.

“Not if I can do something about it!” Nicholas thought, smiling back as genuinely as he could.

- Of course they will, cousin, they are one hell of a mean group. I knew you would like them, and yes, I also think you’re right. -

- Now Nicholas, we need to have a long chat and make sure we are safe in any possible outcome. I want to cover every possibility because I’m not planning on being surprised, so, we have a lot of work to do. - Khivar placed his arm around Nicholas’ shoulder, trying to make it feel like a familiar gesture, which Nicholas immediately perceived how forced it really was.

That morning, when Isabel dreamwalked Suzanne Duff, she was waiting for her.

“Isabel, where’s Michael?” She deadpanned.

“Wh…what do you mean?” Asked Isabel totally surprised.

“I accidentally walked on Jesse and his “partner” talking with their boss, thankfully they didn’t see me or hear me because they were facing away from me and I stepped back in a fraction of a second. I’ve got excellent reflexes as you can see. I don’t like the way those three are so chummy lately. I heard Jesse tell him something about suspecting Michael wasn’t here anymore. What did he mean by that?” Suzanne wondered.

“Suzanne, Michael was taken by his father to fight for his planet’s freedom just a few days ago. The time space is different so he’s been there for about a couple of weeks or so. We know he’s won one battle, but it’s far from over. How could Jesse know about it?” Isabel sounded ready to crack.

“You’re asking me? How should I know? I thought you would be the one with the answers!” Suzanne exploded.

“I’m sorry, I have no idea how he got that information, because as far as I know, we are the only ones who know and there’s no possibility of leaks.” Isabel assured her.

“Well, he seems to knows, even if he says he just “suspects”. I’ve seen his smug and cocky way to say things before, when he’s absolutely sure but wants to play dumb. He’s pulled that one quite a few times when it comes to you guys, so I should know. I don’t like it, because I’m sure he’s up to something, and I’m sure Michael’s the target. It’s always him for Ramirez and now for his “partner” too. They’re too much in sync for my taste.” Suzanne scoffed.

“Yes, I know what you mean. Wish there was something we could do!” Isabel sighed, hating to feel helpless, specially where her ex-husband was concerned.

“Let me try to find out what I can, ok? I hope I’ll have anything asap.” Suzanne made it sound as a goodbye and Isabel got the message.

“Alright, but be very careful, please.” She begged.

“I will, don’t worry, I’m also damn good at playing dumb. You guys take care too.”

Isabel sat up with a loud gasp and had them all freaking out until she told them everything in detail. It didn’t put them at ease at all, quite the contrary, but there was nothing they could do about it. When they briefed Serena, all she could say was that she hoped Jesse was bluffing just to feel important and maybe he was so good that he had fooled Suzanne too, but no one could be really sure.

Nicholas knew he was trapped, and hated to admit Khivar had been way too cunning this time, and he hadn’t seen it coming. Before he knew it, his sneaky cousin had the whip in his hand which made him untouchable while he held it, his powers matching the Royals’. Nicholas had to compromise, or else.

“Take me back to the human. I want to know what he’s about.” Khivar ordered.

“What human?” Nicholas was momentarily lost.

“Playing stupid doesn’t suit you! The bastard that defiled Vilandra! Who else?” Khivar roared with fury.

“Oh, the Ramirez prick. What do you want with him?” Nicholas couldn’t understand why he wasn’t able to follow Khivar, it had to be the whip.

“What’s wrong with you? I said I want to know what he’s about, now!” Khivar was losing his patience and that wasn’t good.

“Alright, alright! That thing blocks me out from you, I can contact him but I won’t be able to bring you along for the ride unless you let go of it. You don’t need it if you want me to get you to him.” Nicholas wasn’t lying.

Khivar scoffed and placed the whip back in its bag and went to stand beside Nicholas. He placed his hand on the shorter man’s shoulder and pushed him down on the pseudo couch, sitting beside him.

“Do it!” He snapped.

“Close your eyes and concentrate!” Nicholas was now giving the orders, knowing that while he played Khivar’s game, it was he who had his cousin by the balls.

Khivar obeyed so Nicholas slipped into his head and took control. It wasn’t the time to risk problems of any kind with his cousin so it was at the same time, the best way to find out what Khivar was planning without giving himself away. Nicholas created Jesse’s mental picture and they were inside his head with amazing ease. Where the hell was he? Oh, he was in a car with the bitch, at least they weren’t having a make out session. They were just talking as they kept watching the back doors and metal emergency stairs of a tenement building. Nicholas had seen enough of those in NY, filthy and crammed with people of the lowest kind, Khivar didn’t know what it was so Nicholas sent him a picture and felt him recoil in disgust. ‘Welcome to Earth!’ Nicholas teased him.

“What are they doing?” Khivar demanded.
“From the way they keep their eyes on the building, I think they’re stalking someone, some criminal they want to capture.” Nicholas assumed correctly.
“Shut up, let’s hear what they’re talking about to kill the time.”

“I hate this! When are those motherfuckers coming out? We should just kick their doors in and gun them down instead of losing our time like fucking jerks!” She barked.

“I wish we could too, but we’ll probably lose that prick again and we need to keep the boss on our side.” Jesse fumed, as restless as she was.

“Shit! Yeah, I know, it’s just that I hate to wait. Ok, ok, I’m cool. So, tell me about your spacekid, how is it that you connect with him? That torture chamber was just awesome!” She gave him her doggie grin.

“I don’t know, it’s really weird. That time I saw him in NY was just accidental, I guess, though it seemed like I knew where he was and then he was there, getting a tat or whatever high up between his legs from behind. It was all I could do not to burst into the place and find out what it was.” Jesse shook his head, confused.

Nicholas briefed Khivar on the issue, explaining it hadn’t been totally accidental as Jesse had said. The fact that he had had “close encounters” with Michael in the dream and the real world, a link had been made so he could recognize the strong Royal adrenaline of Michael’s pain as he got the piercing. It wasn’t quite a physical thing, more like ultrasonic waves going straight into Jesse’s brain. They led him straight to the boy, and when he saw the crowd outside the tatto place, he just knew he was there and managed to get a glimpse. Sure that Michael had seen him too, even for a second, he ducked and left. He didn’t want the boy to come after him, and knowing him, he probably would if he stayed long enough for Michael to be sure it wasn’t a hallucination caused by the pain.

“Then that time, when I saw the way he was killed on his previous life, that just came, I don’t know how, it was suddenly there, and you saw it too cause you were holding my hand. It was totally different, something else. That’s how I knew he wasn’t here at all.” Jesse continued.

“But you just said that happened in another life. How could you know he wasn’t here anymore because of that? It doesn’t make any sense.” She scoffed.

“Remember you pulled away when you saw that weird midget finish him off?” Jesse nodded, smiling, as Nicholas wished he could blast him to kingdom come.

“Yeah, I almost came! Wish it had been me!” She giggled, pleased with herself.

“Well, you missed a quick last flash I got of him looking just like he does now, you know? With brown long hair, not the gold streaked one he had when he died in that creepy place, and this time he was getting his ass fucked by a just as creepy tall underfed albino with spindly legs like a stork. His butt was also bloodied by one hell of a beating and the weirdo was having the time of his life. I had the feeling it was the same place where he had been killed, but it looked different, and there were these skanky looking women with crazy clothes that screamed whore to me, holding him down while he got it real rough. That wasn’t Earth, no way, uh uh.” He assured her, and this time it was Khivar who cringed, feeling murderous.

“Why didn’t you tell me that last part?” She sounded pissed.

“Something happened, I felt like my head was being emptied, like vacuum cleaner hoses had been shoved into my ears and were sucking my memory out of me. It went on for quite a few minutes and by the time it stopped and I reacted, I was already outside and heading downtown. Then I seemed to remember it for a few secs and it was gone again. Totally strange, as if I wasn’t supposed to have seen it, like someone had screwed up in letting me on to it and was trying to make me forget it, but I kept recalling it in snatches. Shit! They’re coming out!” Jesse hissed and ducked pushing her head down too.

Nicholas was glad the distraction had taken Khivar’s mind away from his mistake, dangerously clarified by Jesse, and which Nicholas completely regretted.
Two latino looking guys were being bullied out into the back alley by an oriental one who kept yelling incomprehensibly at them and waving a gun. Together, on cue, the two feds burst out of the car shouting ‘FBI!’ with their guns ready to shoot. The latinos took off like scared rabbits and the oriental one, who seemed to be the couple’s target, turned half surprised half pissed and aimed his gun at them.

“Drop it! You don’t stand a chance, Wang!” Snarled the bitch.

Nicholas decided to lend a hand but couldn’t access the man’s brain, so he did the next best and sent him a jolt boomeranging into his head from behind. The man thought he was surrounded and that the cannon of a gun had been rammed into his cropped head.

“Ok, don’t shoot!” He screamed and dropped the gun.

The weapon fell on the concrete exploding when it hit the ground and Jesse went down holding his head with both hands. The aliens were rudely shoved out of the fallen man’s head and Nicholas, quick as a flash not to lose contact, dove into the woman’s with Khivar in his grasp.

“Jesse, Jesse!” She shouted as she kicked the unsuspecting prisoner’s belly and he went down on his knees holding his stomach, out of action. She had no problem peeling Jesse’s hands away from his head and saw the dark blood pooling behind it on the ground from a nasty graze over his left ear. He had passed out and lay drooling, growing pale and cold from shock. The woman, without losing her cool, took her mobile phone and called saying very composed that there was an officer down and needed urgently an ambulance, giving her exact location. She went to stand behind her victim and pulling his arms behind him, cuffed him. Then she stepped in front of him and punched him viciously in the face bloodying his nose and mouth.

“You stay still or I put a bullet in your head and say I had to do it after you shot my partner!” She shrieked.

“I didn’t shoot him and you know it!” He snapped back.

She hit him with the barrel of her gun and laughed when he spat teeth and blood. He decided it would be much safer and healthier to stay put and shut up. She sat beside Jesse and repeated over and over in a whisper: ‘Hang on, they’ll be here right away, hang on!’ The hospital must have been around the corner because they were there with the speed of light and the paramedics pushed iv’s into the back of his hands pumping him full of drugs. Khivar and Nicholas were sucked again into Jesse’s head, unable to stop themselves.

“Stop it! Get us out!” Khivar was screeching like a woman.

“I can’t! Don’t you think I’m trying? I don’t like this, we’re stuck in here!” Nicholas was caught in the drug induced comma and Khivar was right there with him.

It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, quite the contrary, the problem was that neither of them had any control of the situation, and it was scaring the hell out of them. Jesse’s relaxed state was contagious and the aliens started loosening up and beginning to enjoy it. Jesse’s mind was free to go wherever he wanted in the carefree dizziness that had completely invaded his senses. The link that had formed between him and Michael through sex, was giving him the power to recognize the two aliens as such, and draw them back into his head mostly out of curiosity. Nicholas felt the ground rolling under his feet and also Khivar’s panic.

“It’s ok.” He told his cousin soothingly, recognizing the movement from his human experience. “We’re on a ship.”

“Don’t be stupid!” Khivar knew he was grinning like and idiot, totally caught in the unusual situation. “Ships don’t move like this!”

“I don’t mean our flying ships, idiot! I mean Earth’s seabound ships! You have no idea because we don’t have oceans on Antar or any of our planets!” Nicholas insulted his cousin not giving a damn.

“What the hell is a seabound ship and an ocean? And you are the idiot!” Khivar chuckled ignoring the offense.

‘Wow! Love this drug!’ Nicholas laughed to himself, thinking of the possibilities of expressing himself without restraints and Khivar just taking it, like it was the greatest joke he had heard in his life. Very patiently and absolutely enjoying himself, Nicholas explained the meaning of his words to his astonished cousin.

“How doesn’t it sink?” He asked, puzzled by the information.

“Because the frame is made of wood, which has amazing buoyancy, that means it floats!” Nicholas cackled making Khivar echo him.

Jesse was tripping like crazy and settling gradually into his dream, which was taking him back to his childhood, when he was hooked on pirate stories and would spent hours playing with his toy ships in his plastic pool at his mother’s back yard, but it was becoming real in his drug flooded mind. He was becoming his hero: Captain Henry Morgan, and so were Nicholas and Khivar who by now, were loving every second of it, as they could sense no physical danger in the illusion.

The sea breeze was amazing, so pure and refreshing. The beauty of the water flowing by the ship had Khivar and even Nicholas entranced. While he lived on Earth, Nicholas had never been aboard a ship in open sea, except perhaps a ferry sightseeing trip. This was truly awesome, and Jesse was experiencing the same thing, seeing his childhood dreams come true. Nicholas was getting all the information on the infamous character Jesse was merging with from his mind, turning out he had his good points too, appart from being a buccaneer. He was Welsh, of rather noble birth, and had been a soldier before he turned on the wild side. He was eventually honoured by king Charles II of England who made him a ‘sir’ and had this beautiful hideaway on the island of Jamaica. Apart from plundering mostly the Pacific Coast of South America, he stole from the Spanish ships the gold that they, in turn, had stolen from Peru, so as the local saying goes: “ladron que roba a ladron, tiene 100 años de perdon” (Thief that steals from thief, has 100 years of forgiveness) seemed to work out fine for him, because he always had the Spaniards by the balls, even when they outnumbered him. He was a cunning bastard and Jesse sure admired him. Nicholas watched Jesse’s swarthy face flicker a couple of times and then only the dark hair and eyes of the Welshman remained, though Jesse and his dirty mind were hidden in the man’s head as they became one in the dream.

“Ship ahoy!” The shout from the man high up in the ‘crow’s nest’ had the captain first looking up and then totally focusing on the horizon, in the direction the lookout was pointing to. Gradually, the vessel came into plain view and it was obvious it was just drifting, her mast broken and fallen across the deck. At first sight, it seemed deserted, but then movement was detected in a fleeting fashion, the persons hiding and trying to remain unseen, disappearing under the top deck.

“Well, they’re asking for it! Let’s board them!” Morgan encouraged his crew and they headed for the almost wrecked ship.

His enthusiasm was contagious and everyone was ready and went for it the second the target was within reach. Morgan led the way down the narrow stairs to the lower deck and found a small but thick wooden door that definitely led to the cabins.

“Open up or I shall tear the door down!” He threatened, and was puzzled to hear sobs and wails beyond it.

True to his word, he had his men bring a ramrod and proceeded to attack the offending door. After three assaults in which the hinges started giving, the door creaked open and a smallish pale, spectacled older man stood in front of a group of frightened and cowering nuns.

“What the hell…?” Morgan exploded, watching the nuns crossing themselves.

He remembered having used priests and nuns when he took a fortress in Panama and his conscience had been giving him some trouble at the loss of their lives when the makeshift stairs his men had built were pushed off the walls full of the men and women of the church he had forced to climb them, thus sparing his crew and having his plunder. After that, he had promised himself to make amends with the church just in case, so maybe he was being given this chance.

“Who are you? What are you doing here on this sinking ship?” Morgan asked.

“My name is Henri Esquemelin, I’m French and a surgeon. I have been commissioned by the king of Spain to take his niece to her betrothed, the Duke Fernando de Esquivel, who waits in Lima to marry her on arrival.” He explained. “We had a hard time rounding the Cape of Horn and soon after, we were attacked and our captain was thrown overboard with all the crew. At least we were spared, but they took the Infanta’s dowry, although they left the food and water, or we would have perished by now.”

“Why did he commission a surgeon? Is she in poor health?” Morgan pursued.

“The Infanta Isabel had to wait for almost two months to sail because of the terrible weather this time of year. She developed a cough as soon as she arrived at the port, and none of my syrups has been able to help her, to the extent that the other doctors who were asked for a second opinion, suspected consumption, though I completely disagree, because she’s been getting it when she comes in contact with the sea breeze since the first time she did years ago, and the cough is mild though persistent. I think it has something to do with it because it completely disappears once she’s back inland. I just hope I’m right for her sake, but I have to make sure she arrives alive to her suitor. Once there, she’s out of my hands and I return to Madrid.” He went on.

“How old is she?” Morgan persisted.

“She’s almost 16, she should be married by now, but this strange ailment, though not serious, since it hasn’t killed her yet, has kept all suitors away. At least this one doesn’t know her and her predicament, so if she is still coughing by the time she arrives like I presume she will, we have to tell him it started on the last week of the trip. Her father just wants to get rid of her, because she is very shy and hardly talks with those she hasn’t known since childhood.” Esquemelin elaborated.

“Is she not ‘favoured’?” Morgan was curious.

“Of course not! She is a pretty girl but her cough can be very exasperating and she feels very embarrassed by it.” The doctor was outraged.

“I want to see her!” Morgan ordered.

“Sire, I wouldn’t recommend it, she is very nervous and she keeps coughing into a silk handkerchief which muffles the sound. We really don’t know if it’s catching, since we all keep reasonably away from her.” He sounded sincere and Morgan decided to take heed of his words.

Still, before the door was closed, Morgan managed to get a peek of a blonde girl, sitting on the bed with a blue silk scarf pressed to her nose and mouth.