Stargazers and the myth of NC-17

Are you a stargazer? Want more Alex and Isabel? Then come in here and talk about it.

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Post by killjoy »

Ok here's a guestion I'd like to ask.When it comes to NC-17 Stargazing fics, which one do you like better? Ones where Isabel finally opens her eyes and goes after Alex OR the rare ones where Alex actually breaks out of his nice guy imagae for a time and puts the moves on Isabel?
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Post by Sologirl102 »

Definitely the Alex shell breaking ones.
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Post by killjoy »

Me too :D One of my favorite Stargazing moments on the show was when Alex was showing his slides from Sweeden.I loved how Alex told Isabel 'whatever' and turned his back on her when she told him she had to leave.

That look on Isabel's face was priceless.She had a look that was a cross between she couldn't believe Alex had just said that to her and a look of 'whooa who is this new Alex'

If the writers had had any brains they would have ran with that.
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Post by KaraGail »

If the writers had had any brains they would have ran with that.
Obviously they didn't have the right stuff otherwise the show would still be on the air, right? :twisted: (Yes I am a little bitter that they didn't do anything with Alex's character) :twisted:

I think the best Fics are the one's where Alex has broken from his nice guy image and it's Isabel who has to run after him :lol: :twisted:

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Post by Sternbetrachter »

killjoy wrote:Ok here's a guestion I'd like to ask.When it comes to NC-17 Stargazing fics, which one do you like better? Ones where Isabel finally opens her eyes and goes after Alex OR the rare ones where Alex actually breaks out of his nice guy imagae for a time and puts the moves on Isabel?
hm, how about both - Alex breaking out of the nice guy image and then Isabel going after him? :D
If the writers had had any brains they would have ran with that.
we still talking "Roswell" here? :twisted: writers and brains don't belong into the same sentence then :twisted: (oh, the dark side in me is breaking through again)
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Post by Sologirl102 »

Yeah, actually both sounds appealing. Alex does his breaking out of the cocoon, is a beautiful butterfly, and totally ignores Isabel. This would naturally piss her off, because i mean, who doesn't love hero worship? And the outrage alone of being unworshiped makes Isabel take a good long hard look at what Alex means to her. She naturally realizes, oh my god, this is love, why am i fucking this up. Thus, the Alex compaign begins. Full on Alex stalking. Only we would never call it such, because that's not dignified. Since Isabel is haunting his steps, Alex is bound to notice. Because hot aliens with big breasts basically drooling over you has got to be an ego booster, he gives her ONE last chance. She jumps at the offer, and they all live happily ever, with no Jesse, and Tess getting run over by a truck if she tries anything... unless of course she's good at heart, and that was all evil Ava or something. And there is a happily ever after for the Candy, the Gazers, The Lamptrimmers, and the Dreamers. Hey that could be a challenge! Uffa, that mad typing gave me fingercramps. Which are like menstrual cramps, only in your fingers, and not when you're flushing out eggs. My god I can't believe I typed that :oops: :oops:! Well yes I can. I had a bag of M&Ms and I'm raring to go. :lol: :lol:
Magic Mushroom Omelets. You know what I'm talking about.

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Post by KaraGail »

Read Sternbetrachter's Open Heart.. :lol: It has all of those qualities you seem to like in a story Sologirl102..Plus the same plot of Isabel stalking Alex when she realizes she has lost him :lol: (although not rated Mature) :wink:

I understand about the M&Ms. But I would eat a bag of the minature snickers bars. mmmmmmmmmmm :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by majiklmoon »

So, are you guys Stargazers or Alex shippers because it seems to me that you can't really have one, without the other. They are a couple after all. I mean I love Alex, but he alone does not make a couple.
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Post by cardinalgirl »

majiklmoon wrote:So, are you guys Stargazers or Alex shippers because it seems to me that you can't really have one, without the other. They are a couple after all. I mean I love Alex, but he alone does not make a couple.
Well said, Tracie. Sometimes I really feel like Gazers only ship Alex/Isabel because Isabel was the only person Alex ever wanted.

Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of stories where Isabel all of a sudden realizes that she has to be with Alex and he's the only person that she could ever be happy with. I think that's a little OOC, actually. Besides if she really did stalk Alex, I think he'd be more than a little suspicious... and I don't think that's what he wanted from her in the first place.

Now, I understand why Gazers get this way... we did see our boy hurt an awful lot on the show. But sometimes these types of fics stretch the boundaries a little too much in my opinion.

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Post by truelovepooh »

I understand all of us being woman and talking alot more about Alex...but I have never really understood how you can be a part of a ship and not like both people. I'm not talking about the real people, it just seems I'm seeing a pattern in Stargazer stories lately of Isabel being the "bad" one and having to fix things, I'm not blind and I do realize she is the one who made alot of mistakes in the couple, but IF you go into why she did alot of the things she did I think you could understand her better. Alex was one of the people who saw Isabel for what she truly was, and the Ice Princess was not it. I think if you stick to cannon then alot of Isabel was not explored, we never got the chance to see alot of what could have happened, my favorite parts of stargazer are not when Alex snuffed Isabel but rather when they both gave each other a look, or when they spent time together being a couple. As for the NC-17 myth I can't really put my two cents in, I write it and I see it, I see both of them being a couple and exploring anything and everything together, period.

I also realize people have Isabel issues, I guess I just don't, funny I relate most to Alex on the show...maybe that's why I can see alot of things about Isabel some can't, I mean did anyone ever think to exactly why she would act like "the Christmas Nazi"? She was looking for something, anything that was "NORMAL"...can you imagine being the only girl in a group of three aliens? I know Tess came along after a while but Tess was raised to believe humans were worthless,( not her fault, that was all Nasedo) Isabel loved her Mother and Father and then later...Alex (as well as Maria and Liz,IMO) My fics tend to be very Isabel centric, I was at first not happy about this knowing it would not be received well, but then I realized I liked writing it that way. I'm just babbling on here but I guess I thought I would let it out, it bothers me somewhat that it seems the only Gazer fans who like Isabel are men.
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