The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 69

“Uh oh” seemed to float silently but impendingly in the air surrounding the group of people. It was as if a powerful magic spell had been cast, and the gang took off in a body, leaving Michael and Maria to work it out. On the way out, Laurie signalled to the other two confused couples to vacate the room asap, before the unstoppable tsunami swept them over too, in its raging tide.
Maria stood back and crossed her arms over her breasts, tapping one foot on the floor, her typical way of showing her impatience and repressed fury.
Michael sighed, resigned and hung his head in defeat.

- Maria, this is private, let’s take it upstairs, just you and me, please? Do anything you want to me but be fair when I tell you these things happen to me without my choice. I wish I could help them but I can’t! Ok, I’m saying too much, c’mon, we’re out of here. -

Michael reached for Maria’s hand but she backed away and walked around him heading for their bedroom.
Michael decided to give her a minute to get it all together and took a carton of milk from the fridge, drinking straight from it. After consuming half of it, he cleaned the spout with a wave of his hand and put it back. He took a deep breath and let it out wincing, not very enthusiastic about what was in store for him upstairs. He climbed up slowly and found Maria sitting at the foot of the bed far back, so her knees were draped over the edge. Michael approached her as she looked down at her hands. He dropped to the ground in front of her, his knees flanking her feet as he leant forwards to place his forearms on the bed, an inch away from her hips. He tilted his face towards her and Maria was shaken by the intensity she could see in his eyes, as the bright blue streaks of Gandarium flashed back at hers.

- Maria, I want you to know everything, but I will have to touch you…- He said.

- You’re already touching me. - She answered coldly, gesturing down with her head at his groin pressed against her knees.

- No, I mean like this. - And his arms wrapped around her waist making the connection before she had time to protest.

He gave her everything that concerned Irene, to the smallest detail, and then he let her go, his arms back on the bed as she scoffed and shook her head.

- Maria, how would you feel if it was you who was being touched so intimately even if it was for medical reasons, could you control what it made your body feel? And remember I’m half alien, with the sensitivity from my blood, so multiply it at least by five and I’m sure I still fall quite short. If she is someone I’m not close to, can you imagine how it feels when I’m with you? It makes everything unpleasant that happens to me, worth it. I don’t do this to upset you, how could I? I…- He shut his eyes tight and winced, shaking his head slowly. - I just couldn’t! -

He sighed and looked up at her, biting his lip, then rested his cheek on her breast as she could feel the warm tear running down from his eye.

- Michael…- She whispered and he felt her fingers digging into his hair, playing with the baby soft locks. - Now tell me, I want to know how would you feel if you saw that happening with me? What would you do? Can you be absolutely honest about it? -

- I’d probably kill them! - He spoke against her flesh after waving her top away.

- What about me? Would you want to kill me because of my feelings? - Maria asked.

- No! What would my life be without you? - He exclaimed.

- So, you’ve got all the rest of us…- She said.

- But I wouldn’t have you. - He sighed, his breath warm against her.

- Would you punish me then? - She wondered.

- You know I couldn’t lay a finger on you in anger. And you didn’t start it. - His soft full lips brushing her breast as he formed the words, made her shiver.

- Thankfully I’m not like you, or I would end up in jail for murders in the first degree. So then, what should I do…with you? -

- You can punish me. Whatever you want…I deserve it. - He tempted her.

- Why should I do it, if you didn’t start it either? - She insisted.

- Because you will enjoy it, you’ll feel better, and you’ll forgive me. - He licked her nipple and then blew on it.

- I can’t do it, you’re in no condition to be punished, your wounds have barely healed. No, I won’t do it. -

- Forget about me, Maria, I can take anything from you. I want this over, this is for you. -

- Well, you asked for it. I want you stripped naked and on the bed! - She got up right after he slid off her, watching his every move.

His clothes vanished and he stretched out spread eagled, in his feline graceful way, exposing himself completely to her, as he knew she liked. He braced himself, not sure what she would do to him. He could get it from her if he wanted to, but he favoured the element of surprise. It was much more exciting! And Maria had an endless repertoire! He tried to guess what it would be…the riding crop? A belt? But then he felt her tongue…her tongue! What kind of punishment was that? He found out the second he felt the moist tip following the track of one of the ultra sensitive fresh scars, making him cringe and hiss, as if an icy hot poker had been used instead. Yes, he was right; she was thoroughly enjoying watching him writhe under her. Then, just as he had done to her, she blew on it and sent him into uncontrollable shudders, gasping and whimpering. Oh yes! He was suffering, in an unusual and unexpected way, but he sure was! He kept twisting and slithering and squirming to Maria’s delight, listening at the same time to his sobs and grunts. Michael was going out of his mind, Maria had always been so good at punishing him, and this was really her, totally unexpected. She moved away from him and he waited to see what else she was going to pull on him. She was taking a little too long and Michael wondered if maybe she wanted him to do something.

- Maria? - Nothing.

Michael turned his face to his left, sure she was sitting there covering her mouth with both hands not to laugh. Yes, she was sitting very still with her back against the headboard, but she was looking very serious, and she wasn’t even looking at him, just staring blankly towards the door. Michael followed her gaze, turning his face back to his right and saw the door open and Isabel walk in. She closed the door and waved her hand backwards, locking it.

- Izzy? - Michael noticed she had the same kind of empty look in her eyes as Maria had.

Then she waved both her hands, one over herself and the other aimed at Maria and they were instantly naked as he was.

- Is this some kind of game? Cause I’m beginning to like it…double punishment? WOW! Just bring it on! - Michael remembered saying those very words to Nicholas at that basement in Copper Summit.

They were playing their part to perfection, absolute robots, Michael thought, freaking funny! Ok, he was ready for them!

- Well, c’mon! What are you waiting for! I guess Stuart is ok with this…-

- Shhh…- It echoed all around the room so he just played along.

Maria lay on her back beside him and Isabel did the same on his other side.

- Maria first. - Isabel said, sounding like an order.

Michael was compelled to obey and lay over her. He was about to start kissing her and caressing her to get her in the mood but she wrapped her legs around his butt pulling him to her.

- Hey, hold it! I want to get you…-

- I’m ready, take me. - Maria said, as if she were reading her lines.

She pressed him with all her strength against her, and Michael simply had to allow her, when he could have stopped her without the least effort. His cock was ready and when he placed it just outside her, she was dripping wet. Michael decided it was all part of the game, but which of the two girls was responsible for the idea, was beyond him. Ok then, he would give them what they wanted. He made love to Maria as tenderly and sweetly as he always did, but she wasn’t responding like she usually did. She felt a little stiff, just a little, letting him do all the work, not that he minded, but…Isabel’s hand began groping his ass and he thought the fun was about to start. She forced her finger into him and Michael winced, thinking she could at least have used some lubricant. She went straight to his prostate and attacked it mercilessly. Michael didn’t even have time to protest, he came painfully and without the least pleasure, like it was only for a purpose, which didn’t have to be fun. Isabel pulled out of him and he could have sworn half his gut came out sticking to her finger. It hurt and stung that bad. He felt Maria’s legs releasing him as her hands on his chest pushed him away from her and he looked up into her face. She was expressionless and her eyes were closed.

- Now me. - Isabel said without even turning to look at him.

She knew he would obey and he didn’t know why he did it. He just had to. It was just the same as with Maria. Isabel was very wet and ready, her legs squeezing him into her, with more strength than Maria had, but still child’s play to him. He felt Maria ramming two fingers into him this time, and just as dry. Probably because her hand was slimmer than Isabel’s, he wasn’t sure. She pounded the cum out of him furiously, and this time the pain was almost unbearable. He really felt he was being punished now. Maybe that was the idea. Isabel let go off him and pushed him away too, her face also blank and her eyes closed.

- Go away, Michael. We must stay and rest so this will work as it should. Go to my room. - Isabel said in the same monotone as Maria.

They both laid their hands on their bellies and gave Michael no room for argument. Their breathing told him they were totally disconnected from reality, and that this was something not even Royal blood could tamper with. It was a woman’s thing.

Michael pushed up and limped to Isabel and Stuart’s room, hoping to find the doctor there to see if he had some explanation for the strange ritual where he had taken part and been the victim at the same time. The room was empty and Michael saw the post-it on the headboard that read: See you tomorrow, baby, graveyard shift…yechhh!

- Fuck! - Michael scoffed remembering Stuart wouldn’t be home that night.

He lay down gingerly feelin his ass was burning rather bad, but he couldn’t consider it an emergency to get Max away from Liz, or calling Stuart to make a home visit even if he lived there too. Michael started drifting into a fitful sleep and before he knew it, he woke up with a start. He raised his face from the pillow and saw he was in his own bedroom with Maria lying beside him like he had last seen her. The room told him it had been just a nightmare, not sure when he had actually fallen asleep, specially with what Maria was doing to him, but his girlfriend’s position told him it had been quite real, as did his sore ass. He groped the bed on the other side but it was empty. Where was Isabel? Had she been there at all? What had Anita put in the food? Wait, she said when the “chicha” was left to ferment, it turned alcoholic! It must be that! It had to! But the taste had been mild, and Anita said she had made it that very day. No, it had to be something else, but what? Maria had been quite good a few times at solving alien mysteries, to he turned to her.

- Maria! - Michael reached for her hand lying limp on the bed.

“Son, she’s alright. I just needed her out of the way to reach you.”

Michael looked over his shoulder to find his father standing by the door, with a worried look on his face.

“Father? What is it?” He asked.

“It’s time, Rath-Michael. We need to go. Your healer must come with us.”

“What? Who? Oh, no way, Max is staying. I’m not risking him, I go alone!”

The door opened quietly and Max walked into the room, almost in Maria’s condition, but moving.

“No! He’s not going! I won’t...”

“You will need him, he will under constant protection and inside the castle. He will be nowhere near the battlefield at all! His sister is being informed as we talk, she will be in charge of telling your friends.”

“Wait! Whatever just happened with Maria and Isabel had something to do with this?” Michael’s eyes bore into his father’s demanding a sensible explanation.

Ramthis knew he was cornered when his son got that look in his eyes, Gandarium flashing in fury at having been used without his consent, and of course only his father could have done it, because he was Royal too. He wasn’t getting out of that one so easily.

“I’m sorry, Rath-Michael, but we had to be sure of your heirs just in case…you know…” Ramthis looked down, unable to face his son.

“You mean I’ve just got both Maria and Isabel pregnant? Is it like that on Antar? So cold? It could have been so much better if you had asked me or at least told me what it was about!” Michael’s eyes were flashing dangerously.

“No child, this was just out of necessity, there wasn’t much time to do it the proper way, only the efficient way, that was why it was done like this.” Ramthis was still unable to keep a steady gaze on his son’s eyes, holding it for just a second or two at the most.

“I want you to know that I’m totally disappointed with my true race, it has just shown a complete lack of respect for my partners. This is not the way I wanted it, is that clear?” Ramthis only dared nod. “Are they really pregnant? Do you know what they will be?”

Michael’s curiosity won him over and Ramthis had to smile at the boy.

“They will both have twins, to embrace the human side that made it possible for you to return to us, and to show them our gratitude. A boy and a girl each, and their pregnancy will take what they choose, between our three months to their nine, whatever makes them more comfortable, but they will have to be born here, for our people to accept them as their true heirs. That means we will have to bring our victory over Khivar’s tyranny as soon as we can, so you can go and bring them here.” Ramthis nodded.

“What are we waiting for? Hold it…I’m not sure about Max…are you sure he will not be in any danger? Because if you fail me there, I will come back to Earth for good. You’ll never see me again, no matter what!” Michael’s eyes were flashing again.

“I swear, Rath-Michael. He will be provided with a constant shield just like mine the second we enter Antares atmosphere.” Ramthis assured him.

“Can’t we ask him if he’s ok with this?” Michael insisted.

“Go on, ask him yourself!” Ramthis sighed.

Michael connected with Max and heard his voice loud and clear.

“I’m your healer, Michael. You can’t go to fight without me. If anything happens to you, I would never forgive myself, or Uncle Ramthis, or even you! I must go!”

“Ok, then. Let’s go!”

“I must warn you, this time it won’t be just your essence, it will be all of you. Your body won’t stay here safe waiting for you to return to it, it will go with you. That’s why I had to insist on your healer.” Ramthis explained. “Is there a way we can get out of here without being seen?”

“Follow me.” Michael started down the stairs from the terrace outside his room and they were soon walking to the back door that led straight into the street. They kept going until they found a taxi parked at the station at the small park two blocks away. Alien powers had the man driving them to the outskirts of town and dropping them there to drive back without the slightest idea he had ever left his original place, just a $50 bill in his pocket he wouldn’t know how to explain where it came from.

“Come here.” Ramthis reached out his hands taking both Max and Michael’s in his as they clasped their free hands together automatically, not needing to be told to do so.

A bright light descended from the sky just like the one from the night Michael had been taken from the bomb shelter, and before they knew it, they were in the ship.

“Ungh!” Michael grunted and doubled over holding his stomach.

“Yes, your body has to adapt to the change, here, you better lie down.” Michael draped his arms around his father and Max’s shoulders and let them help him to a room at the back where he stretched out on his side on a narrow cot. The other two sat on the other cot across and Ramthis turned to Max.

“There’s nothing you can do about this. It will take him a few minutes to get used to the change of atmosphere. He’ll be alright. Don’t worry.” Ramthis explained.

“Why not me?” Max asked, perplexed.

“You don’t have Royal blood.” Ramthis smiled, not meaning to rub it in.

“And what about you?” Max insisted.

“I was dizzy the first couple of times I travelled out of my atmosphere, but we don’t all react in the same way.” Ramthis shrugged.

Then Max felt like he was being glued to the wall behind him.

“W…what’s that?” He stammered, very alarmed.

“Oh, that’s just full speed ahead.”

Isabel knew it would be alright if she moved now. Michael’s seed had already impregnated her, and whatever slid out of her wouldn’t change that fact at all. She got up slowly, making sure Maria was still in the stupor, because it would take her longer to complete the cycle, being totally human. She padded slowy to her room to find Michael fast asleep. She stood at the door watching him for about a minute before sitting on the bed beside him. She sensed twins of both sexes were beginning to form inside her, and something told her Maria was in the same boat as she was. She wished their boys would look just like him, but uncursed by the stigma the hybrid carried. If their girls would be blessed by his gorgeous legs…but not his butt, it had given him too much trouble. Better just normal and reasonable well shaped. She couldn’t help smiling at her thoughts. Names? They’d think about that later. She reached out and caressed him, beginning at his shoulder and ending on his calf. His skin was velvety and his strong vibes coursed up her arm making her yearn for him, for that life that was so unfairly cut short, so far away, a little upset that this one didn’t turn out the way it should have been for lack of information and the protector that should have been there for them instead of messing up the whole project. Damn him! Damn Nasedo and his treachery, he ruined it all! Well, there was nothing she or anyone could do about it so they had to make the best of what they had, and sharing with Maria was ok. The explosive human girl was the last person she would have expected to be willing to share Michael with his ex-love, but then she had turned out to be full of surprises. They would cope, and Stuart had been also a blessing, but then they were sharing Michael with him too. Ok, it was time to follow her orders, and she knew exactly what to do. She leant over and placed the tip of her tongue between Michael’s shoulder blades smack on his spine, and lazily licked it all the way down until he started moaning and bucking to get it where he most wanted it. She slid it back up where she had started and took the curling ends of his hair into her mouth, enjoying the silky texture.

- Go to your bedroom Michael, Maria is waiting for you. - She kissed his cheek, whispering against it and his eyes opened sleepily. He pushed up off the bed as Isabel wrapped her arms around his waist and maneuvered him in the direction of the door. He obediently trudged out of the room to where she had indicated.

Isabel went to her bathroom and took a long hot shower, just like she liked it, her hands gently massaging her stomach where the babies would be forming and making it bulge. It had been her worst nightmare, long before she became a teenager, careful of what she ate and how much, to maintain her slim form without falling into the skinny disaster her brother was. How she had made fun of Max’s bones sticking out everywhere and loved to touch Michael’s chunky body, cuddly and strong wherever her hands fell on. And now her childhood wish had come true, he was her knight in shining, or rather transparent armour, riding a huge war steed, who would free their people and bring peace to them so they could go back to live happily ever after in their castle in their planet far away. Once dressed and ready, she looked at herself in the mirror and pictured her rounded stomach, which would this time make her so proud, with Royal children of her own.

Time to face the music. She found Maria sitting on the bed, looking startled as she rubbed her stomach, not sure of what had happened but sure that something concerning Michael had. Isabel put a finger on her lips and took her hand helping her off the bed and waving her hand to give her an alien shower to save time. Then, hand in hand, they walked down the stairs to where the rest of their friends were watching TV in the chimney room. She cleared her thoat to get their attention and once she had it, started briefing them on what had happened. Their reactions matched Maria’s who was sure it had just been a dream and had been paying no heed to her suspicions.

- No, no! It can’t be! How could he leave us like this? How could he? I’m going to kill him! What if he doesn’t make it back? Oh my god, Isabel! We’re pregnant! -

- Yes! Isn’t it cool? -

- Yes, well, I guess it is as long as Michael doesn’t turn us into widows! - Maria shuddered. - How long will it take us, and where will we have them? - Maria was full of questions.

- Knowing Michael, he’ll do his best so we will give birth on Antar, safe and easy, like Serena showed us, but I’m not sure if we will do the Antar three months or Earth’s nine. Guess it depends on what happens back home. - The word home, meaning Antar, had just flowed out of her mouth as the only choice.

- Yes, I’m sure Spaceboy will make sure it will be the nicest possible for us. - Maria’s eyes grew dreamy, thinking of their warrior, fighting for their happiness.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

First of all my apologies for the delay, my blood pressure dropped to the floor as it usually does under stress, but it's my job that causes that, so...carry on! The kids need me! Still alive and kicking, so here I go.

Chapter 70

Michael squirmed and moaned to Max’s concern, for about ten minutes but then he sat up shaking his head before getting to his feet.

- I’m fine now. - He said, and just then he realized he was speaking Antares.

He gave Max a surprised questioning look and smirked when he nodded back. Cool, so he understood it too. Ramthis was watching them with curiosity.

- What? - They both said at the same time, chuckling.

- I guess your human part has done wonders for the two of you; this might work better than I expected. - He smiled. - Come with me. -
Ramthis led them to the cockpit and the view was awesome! The stars zooming past them made them realize the speed at which they were travelling. Max groped around trying to find something to hold on to and also somewhere to sit as his face began to turn green with nausea. Ramthis materialized a chair under him as he started going down, while Michael watched entranced, leaning forwards on the console, careful not to touch any of the switches and instruments on the panel.

- Some things don’t change I see. - Ramthis sighed.

- Hey, this is so cool! - Michael exclaimed enthusiastically.

When he got no feedback, he turned to see Max sitting with his head thrown back, beaded with sweat, his eyes open but out of focus and mouth gaping. Max started jerking and Michael knew what that meant.

- Shit! He’s going to throw up! - He rushed to him and grabbing his arms, bent him over with his head between his knees.

Max dry-heaved a few times but them took a deep breath and straightened up.

- Don’t worry, it happened to Zan too. - Michael grinned, punching him playfully on the arm. - You guys were not made for flying. -

- We’re almost there, look! - Ramthis pointed straight ahead a little to the SouthWest.

In a fraction of a second the V shape of the five planet constellation jumped at them. Max gasped and shot back in his chair, while Michael smiled at the sight from where he was standing. They landed with featherlike softness in seconds, and as Max touched Antar for the first time, he was exhilarated by the different perception of the colours and the density of the air which made him feel he was stepping on thin air. He would have been skipping around like a child if he hadn’t noticed Ramthis and Michael trying hard not to laugh at him.

- Go ahead, dance around, if that’s what you feel like doing, like when the Evans got you into ballet classes with Isabel. - Michael shook his head, quite amused.

- What are you talking about?! - Max reacted indignantly but his cheeks were tinged with red, giving him away. - Ok, they did, but I couldn’t even fill the tights, the ones that somehow managed to cling were too short so I ended with these baggy things that had everyone pointing at me and covering their mouths! And I was too clumsy, didn’t last the month! Now laugh if you want! -

But instead of laughing, Michael got this dreamy look in his eyes.

- Yes, I remember Isabel dressed for ballet and once getting me in these tight tights that clung to me like a second skin as she chased me in them downstairs, pinching my ass. I can’t forget the way your mother…Diane, stared at me, with this strange smile on her face. - Michael smiled, remembering.

- Yeah, she probably was wishing I looked like you. That evening, during supper, Isabel was trying to convince her to pay for your ballet lessons, and it was I who assured them you would commit suicide if they forced you into the outfit again. You’re welcome! - Max grinned wickedly.

- Whew! Man, yeah, thanks a lot! I owe you big for that, even if it was a long time ago! - Michael shuddered, making his father and cousin break out laughing at him.

- You did look good, son, whether you want to admit it or not! - Ramthis had a second good laugh as Michael glared at Max.

- I didn’t do it, he took it from me! - Max gestured his innocence with both hands stretched outwards, palms up.

- Alright, we’re in the invisible bubble activated for our landing which will only last long enough to get us all under. I kept it going longer so Zan could get the feel of the land. Now we’re going down. - Ramthis warned.

And down they went, the ground disappearing under their feet as they floated weightlessly to the new subterranean citadel. As they left the huge hangar where Max was open mouthed at the number, shape and size of the crafts, they proceeded to a crystal clear door that opened sideways as they stepped to it. Max felt like arriving at an airport with a huge family group waiting for him. They were all looking eagerly towards them with big friendly smiles on their faces. Michael went ahead to their reaching hands, welcomed and loved, and Max felt a little out of place when he realized they didn’t recognize him. Then Michael turned to him and waved him over. As he approached, hesitantly, he heard the whispers of: “Who is he?” “I think it’s the king…remember?” “Oh, wait…Zan, right?” “Yes, right, it was Zan.” “He looks kind of different…” “But he’s got the ears still!” Some giggles… “And still thin as a whistle…poor thing!” Max was about to open his shirt to show them his abs when the next phrases made him freeze. “Poor thing? He got us into this!” “He has a nerve coming back!” “Lord Ramthis needs him to heal Rath-Michael.” “He better!”

- He’s changed…very much! He’ll heal me, but he’s my friend too! - Michael told them, obviously hearing the comments too, placing his arm around Max’s shoulders, to steady him, feeling him faltering.

“And your lover!” Went another whisper followed by chuckles and giggles.

- And my lover too! - Michael confirmed, defying them, but no one dared take his challenge.

Then they were silent, respectfully greeting Max in their cold acceptance like they had his father. Michael was about to make some demands, but Max stopped him.

- It’s alright, I understand their distrust. I would feel the same in their place, now that I know what I represent and remind them of. I can’t blame them. - Max’s arm had snaked around Michael’s hips and gave him a squeeze.

Michael nodded and smartly decided to leave it there. They followed Ramthis to what would be their sleeping quarters as more hand shot out of the crowd to touch Michael affectionately, with hope and trust. They had a room each, which they could connect any time they wanted. Standing guard at the doors, were Shenti and Geehan, who leapt to receive Michael in their arms. Max was enveloped in jealousy, but remembered that on Earth, he also had to cope with Kyle and Stuart, so he wasn’t any worse or better off. After a lot of groping and kissing, Michael reached out for Max, pulling him towards them.

- This is Max, he used to be Zan. -

Max felt the coldness invading the two men, though they did their best to welcome him, not to disappoint their boy.

- Ok, Max, we need to get clean and ready to meet my father so we can go over what is expected of me. See you guys, later, ok? - Michael knew they would understand, and that he was more than ready to spend quality time with them, Max or no Max.

The slight frown was immediately turned into a grateful smile at the promise they knew Rath-Michael would not fail to keep, and they resumed their grim post at the doors.

The Earth group, as was expected, had had Serena rushing up to them to help them see what was going on with Max and Michael. They kept her going until Serena decided to give them their privacy to get cleaned up to meet Ramthis, and anyway, they could see they were doing alright.

- Isn’t there a way we can know they’re alright all the time, please? - Maria pleaded.

- No Maria, that’s impossible, because I would have to be connected to Antar all the time and my energy doesn’t last that long. You’d also have to abandon your studies, and that simply will not do at all. We can get together in the evenings to cover the few hours it meant there. That’s the best I can do, and I won’t do pornos without their consent, so that’s out of the question.

- Hey Max, you look kind of…I don’t know, but it’s not bad…- Michael said, checking out the burgundy gown which reached just under Max’s knees with a hose-like thing under it and the funny shoes.

- I look like an idiot! I’m not wearing this! - Max protested. - My legs look like sticks! -

- Well, they do look rather spindly, but that’s how they are, man. What do you want, bell bottoms? C’mon! You should be glad it’s the king’s casual attire, the ceremonial one is down to your ankles! - Michael encouraged him. - Do you think I like mine at all? -

- You do look hot in those tights, knee high boots and the cute short tunic, I can reach over and feel your ass, like Serena showed us, remember? - Max did just that and Michael pushed back into his hand and moaned, rubbing his butt against it.

- C’mon, let’s…just a quickie! - Max insisted and yanked the tight pants down to Michael’s thighs, bending him over the edge of the bed.

- Max, my father’s waiting for us…- Michael groaned but didn’t do anything to stop him.

- Michael, please…- Max begged, baring his cock with a wave of his hand and pressing it against Michael.

- Ungh! Fuck! - Michael winced at the lack of lube, problem solved with another wave of Max’s hand. - Ummm…hell of a difference…yeah…-

Max suspected they wouldn’t have much time so he just rode Michael hard and fast, prodding his g-spot to ram deep. He felt the boy spasming and gasping right when the knocking on the door started.

- Be…right…out…just…a…minute…wait…ahhhhh! - Michael exploded feeling Max was just three seconds away at the most and he was right.

- Yesssss! - Max hissed as he filled Michael up.

- My lord, are you alright? - Asked an unfamiliar and very concerned voice.

- Sure man…just hold it…a minute, ok? - Michael half whispered, knowing he would be heard outside.

- Yes my lord, I’m sorry. - Followed by absolute silence.

- Do you think he’s out there? - Max asked, a little embarrassed.

- Of course he’s outside! Quick, let’s go to the bathroom so you can do your thing! - Michael said.

- I’ve got a better idea…- Max slid his finger into Michael, just holding it in there so he could feel Max’s cum bubbling inside him.

- Max! You’re gonna make me come again! - Michael moaned.

- Please yourself, I’m evaporating it inside you. - Max chuckled.

- Wow, dude! That’s awesome! Mmmmm! Yeah! - Michael got the bonus he usually got at the end that had eluded him this time by the interruption. - Shit! I’m a mess!

He fixed himself with his powers, pulled his pants up and made sure Max was decent too.

- Ok, Max, let’s go. - He punched him on the chest and turned towards the door, hearing Max’s steps behind him.

As soon as they arrived at the huge hall where Ramthis and several other men were gathered around a table, Michael was immediately part of the group, discussing the strategy, checking out the maps and making sure nothing was left out for everything to go according to plan without the smallest margin for error. Max felt left out because although Michael pulled him to stand beside him, he was totally lost and didn’t understand what he was supposed to do there. His grades had been quite good in school, though not straight A’s, still he was considered one of the best in his class but this was out of his league, and Michael was completely at home with it. What had happened? Well, guess he didn’t major in strategy as Michael did, that was all. No, winning the battles was all it would take to defeat Khivar, and that’s what they were here for, not what you could do in a classroom but what you could achieve in a battlefield and that, for Max, was absolutely out of the question! He was glad he had been brought here just as Michael’s healer, not to take any active part in the planning, specially not in the fighting. The sole idea of standing in a battlefield with everyone around him killing, getting killed and expecting to be lucky enough to survive, had him breaking in a cold sweat. He just wanted to return to Earth, to Liz, hopefully with Antar free of Khivar and Michael in one piece, or at least alive, that’s all he could focus on right now. He was amazed at the accuracy of Michael’s perception of the enemy and how they could be overcome. It all seemed so simple, flawless and a piece of cake the way he put it, though of course, it would take a lot of effort, courage and suffering to get it done as Michael was sure it could. His enthusiasm was contagious and if he could transmit this to his troops as Max was sure he could, it would work. Michael set the training time to a week before the first battle and Max was surprised to see them all agreeing. He felt so stupid at having been the one holding back all of Michael’s potential during these years because of his lack of trust in the boy’s true instincts. What a waste it had been, admitting Michael had always managed one way or another, to nail it, without the need of Max’s support. Max’s doubts and indecision had always been on the losing side, like it or not, preferring to stay behind on the safe side, while Michael was always ahead, straight on and in the lead, fearlessly. Hadn’t he rescued Max twice? From Pierce and from the feds at the graduation fiasco? Max already owed him his life twice, but Michael would say Max had saved his life more times through his healing. Max knew it wasn’t the same. That was his job: to heal the true Royal prince, where would they be without him? What good was an army without a leader like him? What good was a kingdom without an army to protect it? Max wasn’t aware of the way he was looking at Michael until he heard him.

- Max? Max! What is it with you? Why are you looking at me like that? This isn’t Earth, man, you’re not going to stop me now! - He scoffed, smirking.

- How could I, Michael? Have I ever been able to really stop you? It’s the last thing I’d do now, I wouldn’t dare! - Max smiled at Michael, admiringly.

- Alright then, we start training tomorrow! - Ramthis nodded in confirmation. - Let’s eat. -

They walked alongside the older man who had both arms around their shoulders, with all the rest at their heels. The dining room was quite big, but simple and the food was in charge of the Andes women so though it looked a little different and tasted a little different too, they found it exotic and enjoyable.

- I suggest we call it a day because I want an early start tomorrow. I mean it, Rath-Michael! - Ramthis glared at Michael.

- No problem, if someone wakes me up. - He shrugged, smugly.

- You can be sure of that! - His father said, making it sound more like a threat than a promise.

- C’mon Max, or my ass will be in danger of a thrashing too early for my taste! - Michael chuckled, clutching at the front of Max’s robe to drag him behind him.

They were all gathered at Laurie’s chimney room, waiting for Serena to decide it was the right time to find out about their runaways.

- Max was wrong…how could he be wrong? - Liz asked rhetorically.

- What are you talking about? - Isabel wondered.

- Oh, sorry, just remembering that day at the Mesaliko reservation waiting to get Riverdog to heal Michael when he became sick. Max was telling me about that night they were hatched. - Liz apologized.

- What did he get wrong? - Isabel insisted, full of curiosity.

- He told me the first time you guys saw Michael was in the desert, that you two had found each other first and left, feeling Michael near but not in sight, and when he finally showed himself, he was afraid to go to you. - Liz recalled.

- My brother! - Isabel scoffed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. - He always has to have his own version of things and impose it, not caring about the truth. We all woke up at the same time, and of course it was Michael the one with the guts to come out first. That made me feel safe to follow him and we mentally had to force Max from his pod because he was scared to come out. It was Michael who opened the door of the pod chamber and went out, asking me mentally to follow him, but I went to take Max’s hand to coax him to come with us, and when I finally had him moving, Michael was gone. We went looking for him, knowing he coulnd’t be that far until we finally found him, or he let us find him, most likely. He was hurt that I had preferred to take Max’s hand instead of going with him and letting Max do it on his own. He had automatically lost trust in us, specially in me, but at the same time, he knew we should be together so he finally joined us. When we saw the lights coming towards us, Max grabbed my hand, shaking and frightened but though I was just as scared, I sent to him we would be alright as long as we were together, sure that Michael was with us. Max reached out for Michael but he just took his hand for a second tugging at it to make us follow him as he rushed towards some rocks at the top of a small hill. I sent Max that we should go with him but Max was frozen stiff and by then, it was too late. Michael had been faster than I had expected and the lights were already upon us, so I froze too. I could feel Michael’s anguish, fury and disappointment when he saw us taken away. Max was unresponsive with fear but I managed to send Michael my regret at not having followed him. Unfortunately we couldn’t talk to tell the people to find him for us. I could feel nothing threatening coming from them, just concern and it calmed me down completely. I concentrated to send it to Max too, because he needed to relax, but it took me longer than I thought and when I finally felt him giving in, I realized we were too far to go back even if we had been able to. I was sure Michael had moved on right away, so there was no way of knowing where he could be by then. He wouldn’t have believed either that these people meant us no harm and just wanted to help us. He was too focused in protecting us to trust anyone. -

- It was a pity, he would’ve been so much better with you. - Maria sighed.

- Maybe not. Philip Evans was able to fight for the right to keep you two, but I don’t think the system would have allowed him to adopt the three of you. It was one hell of a struggle not to separate you and Max, I can almost assure you Michael would have been adopted elsewhere anyway. I accept that it probably would have been a better home, with Philip’s pressure and feeling the right, as his founder, to see he was in good hands. I’m sure he would have made constant “social visits” to make sure he lacked nothing. - Serena sighed. - I feel just as bad for not having been there for him either. -

Maria scoffed and went “Dammit!” catching everyone’s attention.

- You on to something? - Laurie asked hopefully.

- Nah, I wish! Just one of my stupid bitchy stellar moments crept back into my mind. Remember after Michael got sick at Riverdog’s sweat thing? I was going nuts trying to make this wooden napkin holder and he came to help me. Of course I overreacted when he thought I was making a shoe tree and rubbed it in his face that I had helped when he was so sick and once we did the healing and he was ok again, he went straight to hug Isabel and Max and that it was all about them. I could see the intense way he looked at me but I didn’t get it. It was all about the fact that he hadn’t even thanked me. What kind of person, friend, are you that you do what isn’t even asked of you, just because you want to, because you care, cause no one’s forcing you and then practically demand their gratitude. That just shows I didn’t deserve it when he thanked me. Michael has risked his life and hide so many times for us all by himself trying to keep us safe, never expecting or even dreaming of our thanks and all he got was our stupid attitude because he worried us! He even took a beating for my mother! Of all people! Now I can see I behaved like I was in a constant PMS. I don’t know how he could stand me. I wouldn’t have. -
- He loves you, Maria, from the start! - To Maria’s surprise, it came from Ava, who hugged her and squeezed her in her arms.

- To think I told Michael to run because that was what he did best that day in the desert that he decided to go find Nasedo after I had been the first to suggest we ran from Roswell when my stupid brother almost brained himself on his steering wheel and we discovered those guys at the hospital were on to us! - Isabel took a deep breath after the long sentence, shaking her head.

- That’s to show that we all make mistakes, human or alien, we aren’t perfect. But we are forgiven, and that makes it worth it, turning us better persons, not to make the same mistakes. - Serena philosophized.

- Then I’m a piece of crap, because I kept doing it, instead of trying to understand what it was like being in his sh…boots, and giving him the kind of love he needed so bad! Blind on top of all! - Maria broke down in sobs.

They started moving towards her to console her but Serena stopped them, wisely knowing that it was better for truth to sink in to be able to exorcize your demons.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 71

- He’s here! I know he’s here! Do something! You could get to him for a good fuck but now it’s my life! Don’t you get it? And it will be yours too! - Khivar ranted, walking in circles with his hands on his head. - Get him to change his mind! -

Nicholas was barely managing to keep a straight face as he met Khivar’s eyes. They were flashing with anger, fear and…defeat! Yes, he was already tasting it.

- Khivar, I could only get his body, like you just said, for a good fuck with the help of the few humans in tune with us. Where can I get one like that on Antar? I cannot get inside his mind, his Royal blood won’t allow it! You know that! We’re in this together, as you have just put it, I’ll find a way out, you’ll see, but not through Rath-Michael, that’s impossible! - Nicholas said a little too calmly for Khivar’s taste.

- Don’t say that word! Nothing is impossible for me now that the damn boy is going to tear us limb from limb! Don’t you remember what we did to him the last time? We tortured him and murdered him! You did! By my orders, but you did it! And then you brought him back to me, to use him as my whore! You’re getting the worst of this, you hear? I’ll probably be able to watch him rip you to pieces! - Khivar’s laugh sounded more like a snarl. - What’s wrong with you? -

- I’M THINKING! WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING? AND YOU’RE DISTRACTING ME! - Nicholas screamed, successfully calming Khivar down.

- I’m sorry, go right ahead and see what you can do about it! We’re going to need all we have to get out of this one but I’m afraid we won’t. We don’t stand a chance, neither with Rath-Michael nor with Ramthis. At least we have the Amanthin. Now I know why I liked that flower so much! It wasn’t the darkness in me like my mother said, it was actually the quick death in it! Immediate paralysis and brain failure in three seconds are beginning to sound so good to me! What do you say, Neeklas? Do you agree with me? - This time his chuckle came out close to a death rattle.

Nicholas covered his mouth just in time to stop his giggle, and Khivar took the mirth shaking his frail body, for a shudder.

- Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing. I’ve seen it work; it was so fast that the stupid peasant we used to test it was still laughing at a joke as he swallowed it and the next second, he dropped like a stone, not even time for a change of expression. He actually died laughing! Can you believe it? Just what we need, perfect! - Khivar sat heavily in his throne and covered his face with his hands.
- I’m a coward! I just hate it! I hate myself so much! AND I HATE YOU! -

- How do you expect me to think if you don’t stop talking? - Nicholas protested, taken by surprise by the last outburst, thinking it was because his cousin wasn’t getting the answers he expected from him.

- Why couldn’t I have a second in command, a leader of my armies like Rath-Michael? Why was I cursed with you? A slimy slug! - He spat in disgust.

- FUCK YOU, KHIVAR! - Nicholas reacted to the insult.

- I’M SORRY! I’m sorry, it’s just that…I’m desperate! I never thought it would end like this! - He apologized lamely. - Dammit Nicholas, I know we’re doomed, but…I’ll have my revenge! -

Nicholas didn’t like at all the new look in Khivar’s face. He had seen it before and it just reeked with cruelty.

“Not now, please!” He silently begged. “Not now when I still have to pretend I’m on your side! I loathe you, cousin! I despise you for what I know you’re about to make me do!”

- Alright! Concentrate! Get him for me! I know you can do it! - Khivar said gnashing his teeth like a predator, ready for the kill.

- What are you talking about? Who…? - Nicholas was truly confused, not knowing who his cousin had in mind.

- Don’t play stupid with me! It doesn’t become you! You know who I mean! The filthy human who dared defile Vilandra and Rath-Michael! That swine who married her, the one who’s now with the rabid bitch, and who dared fuck my boy! They’re just whom I need to fulfill my deathwish! NOW! - Khivar had reached that demented state which made everything possible through the fear of his threats.

Nicholas knew that while Khivar’s head was still on his shoulders, he was far from safe and he wasn’t risking it. He was confident he could fix anything he got himself into. He sank to his knees shutting his eyes tight, and pressed the heels of his hands hard into his temples. The witch was gone, but the ability had been left within his powers, so he felt his essence zooming into Earth, scanning the area and homing on the unsuspecting human. Nicholas was hoping, in spite of his own security, that his target was not alone, and his lack of responses while he was planting his alien seed, would be taken for some kind of fit, confining him to an isolated ward where he would be rendered harmless in a drugged state of unconscious delusion. But the lucky bastard was alone in the men’s room taking a leak. SHIT! Nicholas couldn’t help jerking as he connected with his brain, and Khivar, cunning as a fox, knew he was in, kneeling in front of him to grab both his wrists. Now they were both in.

Jesse felt this incredible sexual arousal and he immediately linked it with Michael.
“You like it right? But you hate him too!” Jesse shook his head not sure where that was coming from. He was standing right in front of a huge mirror and he could see he was totally alone in the room. This was alien! Shit! He began to get anxious, but a soothing calmness hit him with a new message.
“Easy, I just want to make sure you can find him anywhere he is in your planet. This is a homing device and I will implant it in your brain, that’s it, open your mouth, tastes like him, huh?…there! Now his vibes will attract you like a magnet. You’ll find him unfailingly wherever he is and you will kill him! I give you the choice of weapons, whatever you want, just make sure the damage you inflict is lethal but slow. I want him to suffer Earth and alien-wise! You do your part and I will do mine, do you understand?” Jesse enjoyed the strange voice, which seemed to be coming from somewhere under water yet the idea it was conveying was crystal clear so he knew exactly what he had to do.

Nicholas was completely at sea. What the hell was Khivar talking about? What was he on? Nicholas didn’t like it at all, because he had no control over it.

Khivar let go of the human and ordered Nicholas to go back. The small man was helpless in his ignorance, so unlike him, and desperate to find out what his evil cousin had done.

- Khivar, what was that about? Why wasn’t I informed of what you had in mind? - Nicholas questioned him.

- Do I need your permission or consent? How dare you? - Khivar retorted angrily.

- I didn’t mean it that way! I could have helped…- Nicholas began his apology.

- And you will, this one’s on you with my supervision. I discovered this in a corner of the box where the whip was kept. It just looks like a curved chip of bone, right? Well, it’s not! It’s the claw of a tristel, that small predator from Kathana that has the most amazing way of tracking down its prey. It has been proved that it has nothing to do with its eyesight or sense of smell; it’s just a homing sense that’s only found in that species. The animal is too small to be a real threat but once he chooses a victim, it first pounces on it by surprise and needs to draw blood, which is no problem with its sharp claws. It just needs a drop to activate his homing sense to the maximum. No matter where the victim goes or tries to hide, the tristel will find it, drawn to it like a magnet and attacking it until it finally leaves it fatally wounded, dying slowly, unable to flee because of its many injuries. Then the tristel leaves, to return when it dies, to feed on it, while it has been feeding on its previous victims, with no hurry whatsoever. Holding the claw in my hand as I examined it, when I found it, opened this powerful knowledge that told me a drop of blood, touched by the tristel’s claw and swallowed by the predator, will travel straight to his brain and develop the homing sense of the original animal for the blood of the victim. I bathed the claw with Rath-Michael’s blood at the brothel and kept it until the right occasion presented itself. I scraped the dry blood in the pig’s mouth. If the boy leaves this planet alive and returns to Earth, he will be hunted and found by the tristel’s incarnation. He’s already as good as dead now, and my revenge will be consummated, by my other hated enemy, who also being my victim’s enemy, has become my partner in crime. Now I want you to do the same with his bitch, to make sure it will come to pass as I wish. Two human tristels are better than one! GET HER! - Khivar demanded.

Nicholas was forced to emulate his cousin, getting to Laura Cecilia, who was sitting at her computer, in absolute concentration, and also attracted no attention whatsoever, not even when she opened her mouth and seemed to be sucking at the air, like a toothless, senile octogenarian.

- Now we have two of them, and Rath-Michael is done for, whether here or on Earth! - Khivar smiled from ear to ear, keeping the vial of Amanthin hidden in his ring.

- Are you sure they won’t fail? - Nicholas asked, pretending to be afraid they would.

- Only if they are killed, of course, which I don’t think it’s likely. - Khivar said, matter-of-factly. - Now I need to be alone to perfect my back up plan, here on Antar. Off you go, this one’s just mine. I’m not sharing! -

And before Nicholas had a chance to protest, he was violently shoved out of the room by Khivar’s powers, and the heavy door slammed behind him, leaving him shaking in a fit of rage, all the way to his room.

Once alone, Khivar went to the back of the room and waved open a small door that he had to stoop to go through.

- Taita…(tight-ah) - went a soft voice, saying the respectful Andes word for sir or master.

- Good news, Sinchi? - Khivar asked the small, thin Andes man, wearing their typical clothes.

- They’re doing fine, taita. Kaori’s experiments were quite advanced, though his purposes were different, of course. These babies have the teeth, scales and voracity of the piranha, the strength, mobility and slickness of the uxuru (oox-ooroo) reaching the size and bloodthirsty hunger of the leech. They can enter the body undetected, so tiny, just out of the eggs and they will make their way straight to the kidneys, leaving by the urethers to stay lurking at the urethra, causing a high state of excitation that leads to a sexual encounter. Their growth is so fast that by then, they are getting very hungry, but their appetite is for another kind of tissue, the intestinal one. The ejaculation into another male will wash them where they will thrive and start eating their victim as they reach their full growth in a matter of minutes through the nourishment, causing a constant but controlled internal bleeding, making it impossible to detect the cause even with an internal examination, as the parasites will be completely hidden inside the tissues. Death is slow and very painful, because the victim will not deteriorate like in a weakening illness, making it very unlikely to diagnose correctly, as the victim’s appetite will be normal and eating will strengthen him and momentarily ease the pain, as the parasites allow the area to regenerate just enough to begin feeding of it again. Eventually, when death is imminent, as nothing seems to help, the victim will be begging for it, the pain getting worse with each passing day from the resulting inflammation and acute sensitivity caused by the foreign bodies embedded in the tissues which are scraped raw by the scales and the sharp teeth of their piranha side. I haven’t been able to test it in a living creature, out of mercy, but I’ve watched their work using freshly dissected cadavers following their journey down the throat, digestive system to the kidneys, all the way to the urethra, then flushing them out into the intestine to watch them begin their feeding spree. Impressive! They will not disappoint you, my lord. They’re indestructible and resistant to all the chemicals I’ve tried against them so far. Any beverage will do to get them into a body. - The man was definitely proud of his achievements, very efficient, but he creeped Khivar out, reminding him of Nicholas.

- Something must be able to destroy them, right? - Khivar asked, intrigued.

- Yes, their natural enemy would be a yard long river snake which has these prehensile sharp fingerlike protuberances around it’s round mouth that enable it to gouge the parasites out of the tissues and feed on them. They’re able to do away with a large number of them in a very short time, but I’m just talking of the uxuru. They will still do it detecting that side of the parasites but in pulling them out of the damaged tissue, the scales and the size which is not usual to the sleek and small uxuru, will cause serious wounds and probably do more harm than good. Still, the only ones that know of it are my people, who still have the ancient knowledge, but I don’t think they will dare interfere with you, my lord. - The man bowed his head respectfully.

- Of course they won’t. Thank you, Sinchi, and congratulations. - Khivar smiled.
“And when this happens, my ‘victim’ will be on Earth and there will be no way anyone there will know what’s wrong with him and how to deal with it! Just in case that stupid human can’t do things right, and if he does, he will just add to Rath-Michael’s pain.” Khivar chuckled, only regretting he would not be able to see it, or would he? He always had a card up his sleeve which no one suspected of. He had to thank his father for that. He had been as sneaky as they came and taught him every trick in the trade. And of course, he had the Supay whip!

They ended in Michael’s room, Max wanting to make sure he would be comfortable and relaxed to get the deep sleep he would need to start the hard training the following day. He took Michael in his arms and kissed him until they were out of breath.

- Max…- Michael gave him a sexy smirk.

- No, Michael, you need to sleep. I’ll be here after the training waiting for you. -

- You won’t go to watch? You always did after you were crowned and the classes were over. - Michael reminded him.

- Of course I’ll be there, I wouldn’t miss it for anything! - He said, turning him to face away from him and pushing him towards the bed.

Michael eased himself down after he felt Max wave his clothes away. He liked the way the soft material caressed his chest and he purred with pleasure. He felt Max sit beside him, placing his hands on his back. The massage was awesome, just what he needed to get sleepy and Max was so good at it! His fingers knew exactly where to prod and where to rub, this was just great, he felt every muscle relaxing the second Max touched it to leave him tingling all over. His eyes started closing and the last thing he felt as he fell asleep was Max’s lips on his cheek, travelling to the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t have the strength to raise his face enough from the pillow to have him cover his lips with his. Max slid his finger lazily all the way down Michael’s spine, watching his hips push up to get him where he wanted him, but Max pulled away, hearing his moan of protest.

- Tomorrow, my love. Sweet dreams. - Max smiled and went to his room.

He lay back on his bed and stared at the ceiling, wishing it would disappear so he could see the stars, mainly Earth. He closed his eyes and concentrated on how peaceful Michael had looked as he fell asleep and soon he was there too.
Max woke up and knew he had already slept his needed three hours. At home, he would go to his computer, or perhaps read a book until he was sleepy enough before he finally turned in at about 2:00 a.m. or a little longer. He was usually sleeping by 3:00 a.m. to wake up at about 6:00 a.m. When Michael stayed over, he would fall asleep almost the second he stretched out on the sleeping bag to wake up about 10 hours later if left on his own. If he was comfortable and relaxed, he could sleep forever, something Max had always been unable to do, just as Isabel, who was also an early riser. Michael drove them out of their minds. He wondered how they were taking it back home…well, on Earth when he heard the soft shadow of a noise next door in Michael’s room. He had left the door open just a sliver, well actually almost an inch, just in case he needed anything. He got up quietly and crept towards the connecting door to see a tall dark shadow standing over Michael on the other side of the bed. He seemed to be holding up a sword or club and as Max was about to scream the alarm, he realized the man’s arms were reaching down for Michael and the ‘weapon’ was his…Geehan! It could be no one else. Max could feel the tenderness of the black slave for the boy and he was glad he hadn’t made his presence known. He squatted down and watched. He had probably been ordered to wake Michael up, but how he did it was obviously up to him, so he had come earlier to get some time alone with him. Max saw him push his hands under Michael’s hips and raise them off the bed as the boy groaned softly. The man knelt on the bed and kissed Michael’s ass, then his tongue protruded from his head and buried high up between the boy’s thighs, making him squirm and sigh. The close cropped head kept bobbing as he slicked and prepared him. One of his hands went to his cock and jacked himself a few times to get the precum flowing before he carefully placed it at the chosen place. Michael spread his thighs, opening for him, his breath coming in gasps as the massive member started disappearing into him. Michael grunted as he struggled to accommodate it, shifting his hips from one side to the other to ease it in. Max watched open mouthed as the two bodies came together and Michael gasped as the black balls pressed against the piercing sending Michael into ecstasy. Michael sobbed and in perfect timing, the black body moved forwards under him as he bucked hard and made the last inches fill him completely. He buried his face into the pillow as his body shuddered, dealing with the pain of the deep penetration, his insides slowly adjusting to the length and width of the huge cock inside him. Geehan held him in his arms, crouching behind him and covered his back with kisses, with such tenderness that Max could feel the love the man had for the boy. His hands slid up and down his sides and his thighs, willing the suffering away as Michael’s hard breathing began to stabilize.

- I can take it now. - Michael whispered.

- Are you sure? You’re not hurting anymore? - Geehan whispered back.

- Of course it hurts, make it worse! - Michael hissed and rocked his body from side to side again.

Geehan pulled back halfway out and sent it all back in, in one fluid thrust.

- Ahhh, yesss…- Michael exclaimed.

Geehan pulled back again, leaving just the bloated head inside and back inside, eliciting a gasp and a whimper.

The next time, it was all out, just the two small openings kissing each other and it was rammed in deep, with a quick prod to the front.

- Ungh…Ooohhhhh…- All the way in.

The sweating bodies were glued together, and Geehan moved in a circle to the right, then to the left, then rocked like Michael had teased him changing to a vertical movement, over and under. The chains were burning, and Michael felt sparks shooting out of black cock as it started to fuck him hard. He felt he was squeezing the daylights out of the throbbing member, but Geehan held back until the spasms told him Michael was beginning to come. He went for the boy’s g-spot until he got him where he wanted and plunged deep to shoot his liquid fire, loving the way Michael didn’t stop coming until he did. Geehan rolled them on their sides for the aftermath and Max saw Michael wince with the movement.

- Owww…- Michael bit his lip hard and bucked to get back what had slid out.

The black hand now glided over Michael’s chest and stomach, toying with his nipples and making him jerk and moan.

- Yeah…torture me…I love it…- Michael whimpered as the rough fingers pushed between his thighs and strayed back to play with the piercing.

Michael jerked and stiffened, clenching reflexively in response to the activity on the chains. He felt Geehan’s cock jump up several inches inside him, steel hard once again and Michael’s chafed tissues protested as they were stretched to a breaking point much too soon. He gripped back in defense as the burning rose up his gut and thought: “Uh oh, I think I’m going to need Max…” and wondered how he could make it happen.

- Rath-Michael! - Ramthis’ powerful voice boomed outside the door. - Are you ready? -

Geehan jumped off the bed remembering too late where his cock had been.
Michael bit his lip till it bled not to cry out. “Dammit, I need Max like now!”

- Give me five! - Michael groaned in a husky voice hoping he sounded more sleepy than hurting.

- Go straight to the hall! - Ramthis growled and his steps grew dimmer as he walked away.

- Rath-Michael! - Geehan rushed to acess the damaged he had caused as the door of the room opened and the black man froze.

- It’s me, you guys alright? The Lord just passed me fuming. What happened? - Shenti hurried to Geehan’s side.

- I can help…- Max said timidly, rising from where he had been squatting and opened the connecting door enough so he could get through.

Both men went silent and stood up at attention. Max was surprised, no one had shown him any respect whatsoever since he had arrived.

- Hey, it’s ok, I may have been the king but I know I screwed up real bad, right now I don’t feel like a king at all and I doubt if I’ll be one again. I’m really here as his healer, so…I think he needs me. - Max turned towards Michael who lay shuddering and gasping as the two men moved out of his way. - By the way, congrats on your ding-dong. -

The two men looked at each other confused, mouthing the foreign word which had come out in English, of course, guessing what it meant but taking it quite seriously as the compliment they suspected it was, while Michael let out a peel of laughter that left him grunting and holding his stomach with both arms crossed over it.

- What are you laughing at? Never heard of a ding-dong? You’re making the bleeding worse, harder for me! Lie still will you? - Max spanked his ass hard, lightening the mood the best he could, noticing how worried the two men were, in spite of realizing they had just been humoured.

Michael felt Max’s gentle hands smoothing back his hair and caressing his cheek to slide his thumb over his lips, kissing it before it left him. His right hand was sliding between his thighs searching for the source of his pain, finding it and very carefully pushing into him. The sperm and blood eased his way in as he could feel Michael struggling not to clench. Max’s other hand was on the small of his back, holding him down and trying to keep him still through his shudders. Michael lay in the knee-chest position, his thighs spread to give Max easy access but still a couple of extra hands would be a lot of help.

- Please, could you…? - Max called their attention and gestured with his head, conveying the message as clearly as he could.

The two men knelt at Michael’s hips on either side with both hands on the boy’s ass and thigh, one on each, keeping him apart for Max to work on him. The healing light began to do its work as Max swivelled his finger all around reversing the damage on the torn and ripped tissues until they were smooth and sound again. Then to the men’s surprise, Max leant over and sticking his tongue out dipped it into the crevice between his buttocks as he pulled out his finger. Michael writhed and chuckled, as Max gave his ass a squeeze and slap.

- You’re fine, get up. Go and show them what you’re made of! - He laughed and added a pinch to get him going.

- Hey, ow! - Michael winced and smirked, thrusting his hips away from Max.

He waved his clothes on after an alien freshening up for lack of time and headed towards the door, flanked by the two guards.

- Shower later…- He turned to wink at Max and reached out for his hand, pulling him to his side. - You coming! C’mon! -
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 72

When they arrived at the hall, there was only one man standing guard to greet them.

- My Lord, your father left me here to guide you to the training camp, or you may ride there if you want, the horse knows its way. - He bowed his head respectfully.

- Hey, cool! Wait…- Michael shifted his weight from one leg to the other, checking how his ass felt and smiled. - Yeah! Let’s go! -

He dragged a protesting Max to the waiting animal who nickered as it saw them approaching. It was the dark chestnut with the golden mane and tail and it pranced eagerly where it was tied, willing to go, and sending Max scurrying behind Michael. Michael grabbed Max’s sleeve, rushing them to it and let it bury its nose into his chest as he scratched its cheek and ear with Max pulling his sleeve off Michael’s grip. Michael heaved himself over the horse’s back ending astride it as he watched Max walking beside the guard a little ahead of him.

- Hey! - Michael called, trotting to catch up.

- No way! You’re not getting me on that elephant! I’m walking! - Max pressed on, adamantly.

The silence got him suspicious as he turned over his shoulder to see the horse looming in what he considered a dangerous way and as he tried to move out of its path, he felt being grabbed by the collar of his gown and lifted like a rag doll, as Michael placed him behind him. Max was forced to straddle the animal or end up sitting sideways like a medieval lady.

- Hang on! - Michael hollered over his shoulder and took off at a wild canter.

Max heard himself squeaking like a mouse and wrapped his arms around Michael’s chest as they flew at a frightening speed through an empty tunnel.
By the time Max was seriously considering letting go and ending in a heap on the floor, the horse started slowing down as the tunnel opened into a large field full of soldiers who stopped the action to receive them.

- About time! - Said a gruff voice on their right, as Ramthis approached them.

Max was peering precariously from where he was perched, calculating the height to see how hard the fall would be if he jumped, when Michael reached behind him over his shoulder to grab again Max’s collar and ease him down over the side, leaning until Max’s feet were safely on the ground.

- You ok? - Michael said with a mischievous grin.

- Yes, thanks! - Snapped Max, making his sloping shoulders do a funny wiggle as he tried to straighten up his gown.

He was angry to know how stupid he must have looked with his hands grabbing thin air as he desperately tried to find something to hold on to, on the way down.

- This way my lord. - The guard gestured with his head, leading Max to what looked like bleachers, where he could sit and watch the training.

Max watched the transformation with amazement when Michael was given a sword and a shield. The blades were blunt, but they were still hard metal. Ramthis raised his weapon and attacked his son unexpectedly, but it wasn’t so for Michael, who stopped him with his sword, shoved his father’s aside and placed the tip of his weapon smack in the startled Ramthis’ throat with a smug smirk. Ramthis nodded, pleased. The older man spent several minutes trying different tactics which were always useless to Michael’s lightning speed reflexes. Ramthis seemed to have planned, while they waited for his son, several different forms of attack, as realistic as they would be in battle, so now they were put into play with just a barked order. Two men came at him and though Michael knew what he would do in the real situation, he wasn’t sure of using what was presumably a very secret move. He turned questioning eyes towards his father and Ramthis gave his consent through a subtle blink of his eyes. Still, some precious seconds had been lost and Michael took a hard blow on the ribs that enraged him to the point that he ‘beheaded’ one ‘enemy’ just after sending the other one flying with the clash of his shield. Like a flash, he turned to meet another one, coming at him from behind and whom he had simply sensed, ducking and sending the ‘enemy’ tumbling over his back to pin him to the ground before he could get up, with his sword against the dazed man’s throat. The attacks continued non-stop, from different sides and using sundry techniques, testing Michael’s resources and stamina. He was ‘wounded’ many times, unable to keep more than two ‘enemies’ off him at the same time, but never backing down under any circumstance. He kept going, no matter what, and had his father gaping. The other soldiers again stopped to watch the Royal prince fighting like the daredevil he was known to be.
When finally a break was called for by the current warlord, a relieved sigh made Max turn to come face to face with his mother.
They were both at a loss for words, though Max could tell she had the advantage of having known him the second she sat behind him.

- M…m…mother? - Max stammered, not sure of what else he could possible say to her.

Shouldn’t she have run to embrace him, so glad to see him again, instead of sitting lurking where he couldn’t see her? Was she ashamed of him, ashamed of her behaviour and lack of maternal instincts? Max was so confused. He turned to the field to see if they had an audience, but everyone was focused on Michael who had shamelessly waved himself naked and was leaning forwards with his hands braced on his thighs, his ass provocatively jutting back as his army comrades were pouring over him the Antares’ version of buckets of water to cool him down. Max turned to his mother and saw she had followed his gaze and had this proud smile on her lips, but not for him, for Michael. Max scoffed and rolled his eyes, not liking to have to take what Michael had taken on Earth most of his short life there.

Wyteeah noticed her son’s frown and understood. She knew her guilt too.

- Zan…- She said with an uncertain smile, reaching her hands to him.

Max took them and immediately regretted it, wishing he could have shown her he wasn’t too happy to be there either.

- It’s Max. I don’t want to be reminded of that life, thankfully gone for good. - He answered, bitterly, trying to pull away from her but she held on stubbornly.

- Max, then…- She continued, sighing and serious this time, the touch of her hands sending him the message that she was sincere. - I wish I could turn back time and make things the way they should have been. I had every right as a mother to defy your father in your education, he was the king just in name, but he was basking in his luck and undeserved power, taking on Royal airs that didn’t become him and only harmed our family life. Why I didn’t, I’ll never know and forever hate myself for my stupid fears. I loathed the way he turned you into the selfish, arrogant, haughty bastard he became when he felt the crown on his head and the throne under his scrawny ass! At least I had Vilandra, but I still hated to lose you to him. He wouldn’t let you see or hear reason, filling your head with a craving for power which didn’t belong to you. When luck like this falls in your hands, you should be thankful and humble, but he could never fill the shoes of a king, he was so far from it and we all paid dearly for it. Rath-Michael, your cousin, took the worst part. He lost his mother, your aunt, your father’s sister and my best friend, when he hadn’t even got to know the wonderful person she was, so different from her ambitious and shallow brother, my husband…- She scoffed, with undisguised contempt. - Bless my poor widowed mother, she thought she was doing the best for me, he was such a hypocrite, showing just the side of him that only existed to get what he wanted, the only one you saw and believed. When I tried to warn you, you said I was mean and I hated him, and you, too. So what could I do? I doted on my Vilandra and Rath-Michael, because I saw his mother in him, he had her beauty, her irresistible sexuality which combined with the strength and courage of his father, gave him tenfold the assets he had inherited. I would have no one else for your sister, his Royal blood was a bonus, of course, but it wasn’t about that, at least not for me. He would love her, protect her and make her happy, that’s all I wanted. I had already lost you the second your father took on that false Royal role which became his life and impregnated you with his disease. I never meant to turn you against Rath-Michael, why should you be jealous if you had clearly stated over and over that you didn’t love me, not even liked me? I loved him because he was the child of my dear friend, not just because she was my sister-in-law on top of all! I cared for him because I had promised to do so, on her dead body, and you can’t break a promise like that, you have to keep it, or you’re the most unworthy creature in existence. I cringed when I saw the way you looked at him, the way you touched him, craved for him and hated him at the same time. I despised you when I found out where you had chosen to connect with him, I was sure you had done it to mock me, because of my love for him. I hated every filthy Antares that dared defile his sweet young body, and pitied his suffering, for his people, for us, but most of all, I pitied my daughter for having to know what they did to him. I have to admit, I also pitied Ava, poor child, victim of the unfair circumstances, of the confusion that made her fall for Rath-Michael and feel so cheated and disappointed. Victim of her father, so much like yours, turning her into an ambitious brat, you two were one of a kind, no wonder you couldn’t stand each other. I may have sympathized with her, but I was glad Rath-Michael only had eyes for Vilandra, and even if Ava used her to get into his pants, I can’t blame her, knowing what it’s like to have a husband forced upon you. And the way they killed him! Like a traitor! That boy who would stand in front of anything to protect you! The injustice of it almost killed me! To see my Vilandra’s neck bent and broken was so grotesque, and your head placed back on your neck in such an unnatural position just for my peace of mind, showing it had been too fast for you to feel your death, but Rath-Michael! During those unbearable two weeks, everyone went silent when I came into view, but I had already heard them saying how he was being tortured all that time, when I didn’t know about you either. You were missing, which made me hope for your safety, and then the early light of that fateful day had the whole citadel lamenting loud enough for me to rush to the window before I could be stopped, to be met by a sight that will haunt me until my dying day! Your uncle had pulled me back in seconds, but I had already seen! The metal rod between his sweet thighs and his Royal blood pooling on the floor under him! What sacrilege! Ramthis darkened the pane and had me sitting away from it, but I could see how pale he was, how his eyes were flooding with tears of helpless rage, how his fingernails were digging into his palms, though his soldier’s face told me nothing. He was used to the barbarities of war, but not as cowardly as this, not with his son, in spite of everything that child had suffered during his short life. This time nothing would heal him, his healer was gone too. Amaru took us to the safety of his village, to mourn our irreparable loss in peace. I vaguely remember giving my consent for your rebirth; convinced they were just trying to give us false hopes, to make us feel better. I was so afraid Ramthis would leave again, like when he lost his wife, he had every right, what was I to him, anyway? Our children hadn’t even been married yet. But he stayed. He never left me alone, we shared our grief while Amaru’s wisdom and tact kept us from going insane. When I was finally able to talk about it, I suddenly remembered our children had not exercized their right to come to us for a last farewell. Amaru, well informed and a master in the afterworld, did a ritual to inform us my girl had chosen to go to her love, in his agony and my two boys’ essence had stayed with them to be reborn, as they couldn’t be considered really dead so the right remained with them, until their lives were truly over. Zan…Max, the second name you also chose here on Antar, you are different, and it’s not only in appearance, though that is just slightly…-

- Yes, mother, I have changed. This second life is an opportunity to put right what wasn’t. I’m afraid it didn’t start so well, Michael fell in the hands of a bastard that put him through much of the hell he lived before, Isabel led the same pampered life, giving her a reputation of being cold and bratty, because of her insecurity of being different and fear of what would become of us if we were discovered, and I, well, not much different from the son you knew, now with both parents doting on me, though they are good people wanting to bring out the best in me. They can’t be blamed for having been unable to do a good job because of our secrets and our accidental relating with humans, what can I say, it was all my fault, I have to take the blame for it. And I’m afraid I did a lousy job with Michael and Isabel too making them think Michael was also our brother, but then I thought so too, I felt the familiarity and there was no one there to tell us how it really was. - Max frowned, truly sorry for the way things had turned out for the other two. - Some experience, a lot of Langley, and mostly Serena have made me see the light and helped me change my unreasonable behaviour. I hope I’m a better person this time. -

- Langley?...Oh, yes, I remember him, you know he disliked the other chosen protector from the start. We should have trusted him. I can feel your change, and I’m so glad for you, but you still have some things to put right…- She went quiet as she felt this amazing warmth approaching her and let go of Max’s hands to turn and receive a now dressed Michael in her arms.

- Child, you didn’t need to dress for me! I’ve seen you naked so many times since the day you were born! - She quipped as she was wrapped in his strong arms and literally raised off the ground. - Rath-Michael! Put me down! -

Max laughed along with them, with Ramthis joining in. He knew how much he had changed when he just felt happy for them, not even a shadow of jealousy.

Michael put her down and Wyteeah looked at him and frowned, twirling her finger in the universal gesture that meant she wanted him to turn around.

Michael arched his eyebrows, mystified, and her scoff had him obeying her.

- Max…- She now used her head to send her son her message.

Max waved his hand turning Michael’s clothes transparent and was shocked at the nasty bruises beginning to appear in his back, butt and thighs.

- Ewww! That must hurt! - He hissed, grimacing.

- I also need a real shower. - Michael winced, biting his lip.

- Go child, your healer knows what to do. - Wyteeah winked and this time Max knew for sure it was meant for him too.

She had looked at him in the same way she had at his cousin, which clearly said she accepted the change in him and trusted him with their champion, sure of her son, for once in their lives.

The ride back was at a walk, slow but leisurely, for both boys. The tunnel was as empty as it had been on the way over, with the movement of the animal rubbing them together sensuously. Max’s arms were loosely around Michael’s hips, his hands crossed over his stomach, just for the sake of it, because there was no way he could fall off the horse at that pace.

- So was it really that good when Kyle did it to you on horseback? - Max whispered into Michael’s shoulder, resting his face on it and biting him playfully.
Michael shrugged his teeth off him and chuckled.

- Why, you getting ideas? - Michael whispered back.

- No one would notice, with our only point of contact away from any eyes. - Max spoke into his hair.

- What eyes? There’s no one here, no windows either, just the open sky above us. I wonder how they keep the tunnels hidden from Khivar. - Michael wondered, looking up and turning first to his left and then to his right, where Max met his lips full on, as he pulled his face down to his.

Michael took the kiss but didn’t make it last longer because of the uncomfortable position.

- If they’ve done it this long, it means it works. - Max let his hands smoothly glide backwards to Michael’s ass and did his magic.

Michael felt the warmth of Max’s flesh against his own, and then the bloated cock sliding up and down between his buttocks seeking entrance, his precum bubbling over and bathing the whole member. Michael shivered and lay over the horse’s neck allowing Max to plunge the slippery, dripping organ deep and fluidly, aided by the motion of their living transport.

- Mmmmm…- groaned Michael, as Max inserted his cock all the way in, impaling him into his lap.

Michael sat up and gave Max one hell of a lap dance, squirming every which way making the chains follow his movements to drive him out of his mind.

Michael couldn’t help spasming because of the piercing, not because he was coming yet, which made Max pulse inside him for the same reason. The pleasure they were getting was amazing, using every drop of control they had, hoping to stay there as long as the tunnel lasted. They didn’t need to move at all, thanks to the animal, and that allowed them to hold back effortlessly. To Michael, it was like having a real live vibrator up his ass and to Max, it was like getting one hell of a blow job, just lying back and enjoying. If anyone had been able to see them, they would have thought they had fallen asleep and were sharing a wonderful dream.
Michael shifted his body, altering the angle of the penetration and Max started sliding out when the boy bucked and rammed the head into his g-spot.

- Ungh! Yesss! - He growled and Max’s concentration was blown.

Michael was pushing back, riding him high, so his ass was rubbing against Max’s stomach, forcing his cock against his front. Max got the message and started pumping hard, in and out of him, he was so tight, it felt like his cock would be swallowed into Michael’s body. Michael bucked so hard, that Max’s cock hit his prostate and was twisted upwards from the force of the blow, burying to the hilt. Michael shuddered and came so hard, Max was afraid his member had been amputated, but then he felt himself shooting with such force, that matched Michael’s grip. The boy fell forwards, his arms around the horse’s neck, as Max fought to get his breath back, choking from the strength of the orgasm. Finally recovering, Max looked down to see his whole cock was still shoved inside Michael, who was far from relaxing and letting him go. The end of the tunnel was just a few steps away and he knew someone would be there to receive them, or at least the animal.

- Michael, you need to let me go. We’re almost there, we can’t be seen like this. - Max coaxed him to comply.

- I just love you inside me. - Michael whined.

- So do I baby, but I don’t think they should see us like this. - Max insisted.

- They all know, Max, what the hell! - Michael purred and writhed, making Max’s cock jump inside him. - See? You’re getting there again. -

- Michael, you knew Jesse was having sex with Isabel, but would you have liked to watch it? - Max knew he was being cruel, but if this didn’t work, he didn’t know what would.

- Shit! - Michael jerked and Max pulled back with perfect timing.

It hurt. It hurt like hell! Michael felt his insides ripping again though he knew they hadn’t, and this time Max was certain the head of his cock had been nipped off by Michael’s contraction, which had squeezed out every single drop of semen left inside him, of that he was sure. Man, the kid could squeeze! If he put even half that strength behind his sword thrust, no wonder he could behead a man with just one slash!

- I think my bloodstained pants would be a far worse sight that having your ding-dong shoved up my ass! - Michael moaned, wincing.

- Ok, enough with the “ding-dong” thing, and you know you’re not bleeding! - Max snapped back, though he admitted he had been a little extreme.

- You started it! - Michael protested.

- Then you stop it! Alright, babyboy, we’re here, I’m giving you a bath. - Max couldn’t wait to get Michael all wet and slippery again, the kid was a wet dream come true!

The horse was stopped by the guard but Michael ordered him to take them all the way to their rooms, which were anyway, just around the corner. Once there, Michael started groping behind him for Max, who ducked and slid off the horse by himself.

- I’m down here. - He said, tugging at his leg.

Mchael stared at him wondering how he got there and just nodded sliding off the horse too. Max received him in his arms as Michael pushed his ass into Max’s lap. The guard pretended not to see, but his eyes didn’t move away from them. Michael smirked and dismissed the man, thanking him and again caressing the horse and kissing its forehead. The animal arched its neck over Michael’s shoulder and nipped at his butt, reminding him of Moonshadow. He winced and chuckled holding out his hand for the guard to provide him with the treat the animal was demanding as a reward for its services. They left with the chestnut happily munching on the morsel and Michael trudged into the room with Max pushing him from behind, waving the door shut once they were inside.

- Sweet baby Michael is getting a bath. - Max cooed, teasingly.

- And sugar daddy Max is giving it to me. - Michael shoved his ass back against Max feeling how hard he was again. - What are you waiting for? -

That smirk, the way his tongue wet his lip to have his teeth bite it as his eyes streaked blue with gandarium and anticipation, his fringe of lashes closing and opening them again so slowly, to show them glazed with desire, made Max want to pounce on him and give it to him hard and fast, rough and without mercy. Damn boy, no one made him as hot as he did! He wanted him, he would have him. Michael knew what he was doing and the bulge in Max’s pants made the familiar tingling start rising up the inside of his thighs to centre in his pleasure spot, his heat making the chains burn as he could almost feel Max tearing into him yet again.

Water games were the most! Max had Michael on all fours, digging for gold inside him while he carefully healed all his bruises. It all caught up with him and his now sore body allowed Max to do what he wanted with him. He let him lather him and rinse him, feeling him unmoving, but deep inside him. Max could reach all of Michael from that dominant position, then he got them up without losing an inch, and hugging a towel against Michael’s chest, he walked them to the bed to end up exactly like in the shower. Max carefully toweled him dry, feeling him relax under his hands as he massaged his powerful muscles, before he went back to make love to him. Michael was just loving the long, deep, lazy lunges, just what he needed, feeling Max’s length inch by inch all the way in and all the way out. He loved how he pulled it all out to push it back in. How he toyed with his g-spot just enough to make him gasp without pushing it out of him. He knew this would end up in a long regenerating nap, which his young body needed to regain his strength for the rest of the day and then another one of hard training, sex and sleep. It was the best way to get him ready to give all he had, to make him invincible against the enemy army he had to vanquish, so his life would be worth it.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 73

Serena could see how proud they all were of the way Michael was doing with his training. They had been doing this for a whole week and it had only been a day on Antar. Things were quite frisky, but if that was what it took to get him where he needed, it was alright with them, even with Maria whose eyes stayed misty the whole time they were focused on her Spaceboy. Isabel was close to crying when Max had that talk with their mother, taking her back in time and understanding things she had missed during that life.

- Serena, I’m confused, this just reminded me that Zan chose “Max” as his second name on Antar because of the human boy who became his donor and I chose Isabel for his sister, but when we arrived here, Uncle Derek told us their names were Sam and Mabel. I don’t get it. - Isabel wanted to know.

- Maxwell and Isabel were their second names, but that’s what they called each other, because the ones their mother forced upon them, although she knew they preferred the other ones, reminded them of her coldness, that’s why they didn’t like them. Those are the names they were known by here on Antar, the ones they used, that’s why you chose them. - Serena explained.

A soft sniffling caught their attention and all heads were turned towards Maria who was wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, with her head turned away from them so they wouldn’t see her crying.

- He will come back to you, Maria, I can promise you that. - Serena said, knowing that much she could assure her.

- I miss him so much, I hate sleeping alone. - She sobbed.

- I’m sure if we join forces, Isabel and I can dreamwalk him to you. I’m sure he’s missing you too. - Serena winked at Isabel and she nodded.

- He’s too busy to miss me. He’s not alone. - Maria scoffed.

- That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have you on his mind. You should ask him yourself. Care to give it a try? - Serena smiled at her.

- Yes, I know, I kept getting this kind of nudges last night as I went to bed and I could have sworn they were coming from him but then they stopped. I hoped I would dream of him, but I didn’t. I don’t remember if I dreamt at all. Was he really thinking of me? - Maria turned hopeful eyes to Serena.

- Of course he was, why else would it happen? C’mon, let’s give it a try, ok? - Serena reached out for her hand.

Maria smiled as they climbed the stairs to the main bedroom. She lay in the middle of the bed, and did as Serena told her. She closed her eyes and relaxed, uselessly willing to feel his body over her, as she did every night, crying herself to sleep.

- That’s it, think of him. - Serena said as she lay beside her with Isabel on her other side, holding her hands in theirs. Serena knew it was already past midnight on Antar though it was only 9:45 to them. That meant Michael was asleep to rest for his training, whether alone or in someone’s arms. Michael welcomed them in his dream world, glad to have them with him. He had forgotten how many days had gone by on Earth since he left and realized how Maria was feeling. Serena and Isabel left them together and sat up to supervise the experiment, making sure everything went as planned without interfering.

Maria held Michael in her arms, her hands travelling up and down his back, and while he buried his face in her breasts, he waved away a neat little circle of her t-shirt so he could suck on a nipple as he hugged her body under him.

“Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have been so pigheaded and seduced you that night at the nooky motel, would you have gone for it?” Maria whispered into his hair.

“I guess I would if you had convinced me nicely. How would you have done it?” Michael asked teasingly.

And before they knew it, they were right there, ready to go to bed as Michael asked her if she would mind sharing. This time, though, Maria decided it was alright and she lay on the far right side of the bed, nervously looking at the ceiling. She was thankful that Michael stretched far enough from her on his belly and facing away from her. She fell asleep in seconds, forgetting all about him, and beginning to wake up feeling cold. Thinking she was at home, still half asleep, she rolled on her side reaching for her huge teddy bear and found a source of heat where the toy should have been. She snuggled into in, not giving a damn that it didn’t feel quite right, all she cared was it was warm and that’s what she needed. Michael felt Maria spooned into his side and also rolled a little to push his ass into her lap. Maria opened one eye and recognized Michael’s spiky hair, muttering: ‘Wow, hell of a dream! I had never realized how smart and sensitive he really is, and how hot he feels. Love his firm ass and what about those legs!’ She ran her hand over him as she felt his body against her not knowing how keen his alien hearing was. He could hear her as he slept and triggered his dream of her, his unconscious state activating powers he couldn’t while awake, drawing them into the same dream plane. He rolled back on his belly and on to his other side to face her. She thought he was pulling away from her and was so disappointed. She opened her eyes to see where he was and found he was just turning his body towards her, not away as she had thought. His eyes were still closed as he reached out for her and she snuggled into his arms. He went on rolling and ended on top of her, blindly finding her lips. The kiss was soft and sweet and when it ended, he whispered her name against her mouth. She kissed him aggressively forcing her tongue into his mouth as he sucked it and hummed, making her very wet. She could feel he was getting hard and she craved for him.

“Do you want to do it?” He slurred in his dreamlike sleepy voice.

“I’m afraid…” She answered.

“I would never hurt you. I can take your pain and you will only feel pleasure.” Michael whispered.

“But I would lose my virginity anyway?” She asked.

“Yes you would, but we would be married.” He smirked.

“What do you mean?” She wondered.

“That’s the alien way. Do you want it?” Michael silky voice was alluring.

“But you’re mean to me. Will you still be mean to me?” She demanded.

“I’m not mean to you, Maria; I’m always trying to protect you, to keep you away from danger, that’s why I’ve been trying to stay away from you, because I attract danger. It hurts me so much, too much, to be away from you, and I can’t help worrying about you. But I can protect you, if you marry me.” He coaxed.

Yes, she wanted him. If they did it, and were married the alien way, it meant they had eloped. That would make her dull life so exciting! She could just see the way they would look at her in school, with such envy! Because they would go back to Roswell, as husband and wife, they had to finish their education, if they wanted to have a good life, even if he was an alien. She could then look down at all those wanna be bimbos, who probably hadn’t gone past second base and thought they knew all there was to it! They all drooled after the gorgeous bad boy, and pretended to look down on him because of where he lived. Yes, she wanted him.

“Do it, but promise me…” She didn’t need to finish, he did it for her.

“It will hurt me, not you.” He said, sincerely, knowing what he was talking about.

“Swear you’re not lying to me just to get your way!” She insisted.

“I swear Maria. That’s the alien way, if you don’t like it and say ‘no’, I will have to stop.” He spoke against her nipple, beginning to suck it into his soft mouth.

“Yes, Michael, yes!”

He waved their clothes off and the feeling of his smooth muscles and velvety skin against her had her dripping. She felt him at her heat but he didn’t push in, just played there with her, feeling his precum mixing with her flowing juices. He was so careful and gentle that he was making her really love him. His hands rested just above her pubic hair and she felt this warmth coming from them. She raised her upper body on her elbows and saw they were glowing. He sent her the picture of what he wanted her to do and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“You will push me into you, just like you want, at your own pace, I will let you do it until you let me take control, alright?” He felt her feet cross over his ass.

“Oh yes, YES!”

She started pressing him into her, enjoying the way he slid in so smoothly, she felt her insides stretching to accommodate him without the least discomfort. Quite the contrary, it felt so good! The friction was delightful, and then he was stopped by her barrier. Trusting him that it would not hurt her, she pushed him on and he gasped. She opened her eyes to see the room was surrounded by mirrors showing them from all angles possible. When had he done that? It was awesome! She liked the way her hair had fanned out on the pillow and her breasts looked small but firm. She smiled at her ego trip and then she focused on him. Wow! He was a hunk! His broad shoulders and strong back had her drooling and the way her slim legs were hugging his ass…yummy! His legs were what she would like to have: firm and rounded, beautifully shaped with perfect long smooth muscles, a girl’s envy! Why had he stopped? Oh yes, her stupid cherry! She ignored the mirrors and looked straight into his face to see his eyes were half closed and he was biting his lip and wincing. She shoved him in harder and he hissed, shutting his eyes tight. All she felt was a slight pleasant pressure, but no pain. She rammed him in to get it over with and felt this amazing liberation and a pleasure she hadn’t even imagined in her wildest dreams, as he grunted and sobbed before he started to whimper, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She froze as she felt his unstable breathing and realized he was in pain.

“Michael, are you alright?” She was really worried, feeling guilty for just wanting the pleasure he had made her feel, not realizing and beyond caring about what he was going through.

“It’s passing, I’ll be fine, just wait a little, please?” His voice was husky, laced with pain.

She felt like a bitch, no, a prick, no, that was not possible, a major bitch, yes. She rubbed his back until she felt him relaxing.

“It’s ok, it’s not so bad now, I can take it.” He took a deep breath ending in a sigh.

“Michael, it’s alright, take your time. It feels great just like this…” She turned her head and kissed his hair, surprised by its fresh scent and how soft it was.

“No, I don’t want you to wait for me, I’m tough…I can deal…” As he pushed gingerly deeper into her, his body went tight in her arms and she heard him stop breathing.

If that’s what he wanted, who was her to stop him, she was loving every second of it, whether he was suffering or not. Finally, his body pressed against her and the feeling of being full with him was ecstatic. He stayed still, moaning softly and then he pulled out a little to go back in with a grunt. He kept it up as he gradually ended sliding almost out of her to fill her up again, the moans also progressed into purrs and she felt every cell in her body vibrating and pulsing and all she could do was scream his name in a whirlpool of a delicious tingling that ended in an explosion of feeling.

“Oh my god! What was that?” She exclaimed.

“You came…” He chuckled.

“No, no, I’ve come when I…” She blushed crimson at her confession.

“When you play with yourself, I know girls do that, it’s ok.” He said nipping at her neck.

“And boys don’t?” She sounded defensive, a little too loud but not angry.

“Yes, of course…” He tried to sound convincing but she didn’t get it that way.

Something was kind of off with him, unusual, not normal…well, he was an alien, huh? What else could it be?

“This was different, awesome! Far from it!” She said, enthusiastically.

“Of course it was, after all it was your first time with a real man inside you. That’s how it should be. And there was no pain, so it had to be great.” He sounded wistful, probably because he had been the one hurting.

Oh well, he was the man, he could take it, he had said he was tough and could deal, hadn’t he? Right, so let him then! She totally agreed, that’s how it should be! And yes, she was grateful, but she wasn’t telling him that. No way. She wanted to come again. Had he come too? She didn’t think so, but maybe he had, and that was it. What a shame, it had been so good. Wait, he was moving again and the maddening tickling was back too. Sooo good!

“You didn’t come too?” She managed.

“No, I want you to come again, I had to stop, to hold back for you.”

Before she knew it, she was there again, and he also froze, shuddering with the effort, but he gave her a third one and exploded into her. Wow! That last one was the most! Why couldn’t he come with her every time? She would have to pay more attention to the boy’s side of the story in the next class on that subject, instead of fooling around only interested in just what concerned her. She noticed Michael was slumped over her as if he had passed out.

“Dammit Michael! You didn’t wear a Condon! I’ll get pregnant! My mother’s going to kill you! I have to go wash, get off me!” Maria was very agitated.

“Ow, Maria, watch my balls! You won’t get pregnant! You just had your period, didn’t you? So it’s impossible, remember!” Michael doubled over as her knee connected with something very soft as she tried to push him away.

“How do you know? I didn’t tell you!” She eyed him suspiciously.

“When I took your hymen unto me, I could feel you were not fertile, that’s all.”

“And if I had been?” She inquired.

“I wouldn’t have come inside you.” He said simply.

“But it wouldn’t have been good for you!” She said, incredulous.

“Well, no. I would have just jacked off, so what? It was about you, not me. You can do anything you want to me, you know? Cause I’m your husband now.” He shrugged, as if he was alright with being used in any way.

“I need to pee.” Maria gently pushed him away to get up.

She turned towards the bed at the sound of rustling sheets as she was about to close the door and saw he was again stretched out facing away from her. As she used the toilet, she had this weird feeling about him. ‘You can do anything you want to me, you know? Cause I’m your husband now.’ Did he want her to do something to him? What did he want her to do to him? What did she want to do to him? What was wrong with her? Where were these kinky ideas coming from? Were they alien related? It was kind of disturbing but very erotic! She stood at the bathroom door looking at the prone boy on the bed. His chest was on the cheap sheets with his arm lying behind him, parallel to his body. His ass was jutting up and back from his hips being in a slightly sideways position, his legs just a little flexed, one in front of the other with the knee bent at a sharper angle. She felt he was beckoning to her, like an offering, a sacrifice.

Husband…she liked the sound of that. Well, as his wife, she was also entitled to his body, right? So after her short and much needed trip to the bathroom, she decided it was her turn for explorations. And Michael’s position gave her access to what she presumed to be virgin territory. She knelt behind him, between his thighs, meaning to push them even wider apart with her knees but he did it himself, automatically, the second he felt her there behind him, spreading them for her. She placed her hands on his muscular buttocks and checked the scene out in the mirrors.

His face lay half buried in the pillow with his lips parted with a shadow of a frown, or was it a wince? He let out a soft growl, and his expression turned peaceful, making him look so young, just a kid. His other arm had his hand tucked under his chin, he looked so vulnerable! She watched his sleek strong back dipping and rising to his round ass, complimented by the looking glass. Maria licked her lips before turning back to the real Michael, thinking the mirrors were playing tricks on her eyes, but there he was, ass in the air, legs spread wide apart, and Maria saw this apparition smiling wickedly down at him to realize it was her reflection.

Maria felt like she was starring in her own version of the most erotic possible porn movie. She just loved watching herself kneeling behind Michael as her hands travelled up the inside of his thighs, with her sharp nails scratching and tickling him silly, his writhing slowed her down until she finally arrived at his butt. As she parted him, one finger slipped up and down the warmth she had found there, then reaching for her dripping heat. Catching some of her fluids, the finger returned to find the lubrication made her teasing much easier, so she scooped again, realizing by the way it glistened when it came back, that part of the slick was his, too. Then her finger rubbed it on his opening, circling both ways and feeling the contractions urging her on. This time, she let her finger slide in smoothly as Michael gasped at the very familiar sensation of intrusion.

Maria just had to see, her curiosity gaining the upper hand. She crouched behind him and drooled when she saw what little was left of her finger protruding out of him. It was almost all inside him and she noticed it was rimmed in pale pink where his sensitive tissues were stretched and gripping it. Michael bucked and it buried completely with a growl that had her wondering about its meaning, reaching the conclusion he was voicing his delight in the sweet torture she was delivering. She began to pull back as he grunted and squeezed, reluctant to let her go. She slid it back in as he kept clenching, making her use some force which she certainly enjoyed, feeling her finger quite slick by his and her body fluids mixed together. She pumped it just halfway out a few times to gain his confidence, then she suddenly and unexpectedly pulled it all out as he squirmed and moaned in protest. “Nooo!” he begged, and she wondered how easily she had entered the wet entrance, and how he had contributed for it to happen. This wasn’t new to him, she could tell, but didn’t want to know. She had seen it happen with Max in that dream she had last week, after she walked in on them at the back room of the Crashdown when she went for more napkins. Max had his hand on Michael’s cheek in a very unusual tender gesture, very close to him as his other hand was gliding back over his hip towards his ass. Michael’s face was a mask of desire and when they heard her, Max quickly pulled his hand back and slapped Michael’s cheek smartly making him gasp in surprise, as he went: “C’mon, let’s go!” Michael’s cheek was red where Max had struck him and he smirked at her before he left. That night she dreamt the whole scene, only she came in silently and hid behind the door. Max grabbed Michael’s ass and pushed him down on the battered couch with the cushions stacked under him so he was bent over them. He pulled down his pants baring Michael’s ass, and his smile told Maria he knew Michael went commando. He spanked him a few times to warm him up as he pulled out his spiral alien cock and jacked himself until it was completely upright and dripping. “Take your medicine!” Max chuckled as he plunged it into Michael, pounding into him savagely as his victim gasped and whimpered but did nothing to stop him, as if he deserved it. But that was all it had been…a dream…more like a nightmare…or had it? It had been too realistic, like it was really happening somewhere else while she somehow had access to the video input. Her jaw had dropped to her shoes next day when she saw Michael sit gingerly and wincing at school while Max grinned and scoffed as he plopped down on the desk beside him. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it the whole day, specially since Michael went missing after that period. Only Max and Isabel were at the Crashdown that evening and when Liz asked him about Michael, Max said grinning that he had a pain in the ass, which Liz naturally took as a joke and they laughed over it. Isabel did not find it funny and frowned, quite disgusted by her brother’s gross joke…joke? Next day, Michael wasn’t even there at all when the teacher gave the assignments and paired her off with him. She shook her head violently, willing it all away and returning to her present reality.
She plunged her finger back in, deep, all the way and felt it was about to be bitten off by the strong contraction trapping it inside him like a vice. He gulped getting in control and managed to relax some, allowing her to start pumping her finger in and out of him again, not without effort. He was so tight! But the way he was moving, gave her no doubts about his expertise in the matter. She would have to talk to him about it, find a way to ask him subtly. But how? “Tell me Michael, honey, who’s been fucking you up the ass?” God! Was there a subtle way to ask about that? He purred and she suspected he was finally awake.

“Michael? Are you ok with this?” She asked tentatively.

“Mmm…You’re my wife…you can do anything you want to me…I like…mmm...”

Then he shifted his body so that her finger pressed inside him in a downwards direction against a nub under the skin that sent him over the edge. He bucked against her hand until he was going wild and when she felt him spasming, she knew he was coming. Electricity ran up her finger, her arm, all the way to her brain giving her what she could only describe as a mental orgasm.

“Maria!” He screamed and fell back on the bed totally spent.

The infamous prostate gland! All the girls gave the boys their funny mocking looks each time the teacher mentioned it, knowing it was accessed through the ass and she wished she had paid more attention to the way it worked, but anyway, today’s experience had taught her much more than she would ever learn in a classroom.

She started pulling her finger out of him but he clenched tight and moaned “Ohhh, wait!” So she just sat there beside him, caressing his butt with her other hand, until he relaxed, allowing her to come out. She lay beside him, spooned into his side, her finger lazily tracing his spine all the way down, disappearing between the warm mounds as she felt him pulling her into his aftermath.

“That was so cool, Michael, now I wish it had happened that way!” Maria whined, knowing they were still in the dreamworld.

“Did it feel real?” He whispered his question.

“Sure it did! Was it the same to you?” She hoped it had.

“Yes, Maria, it did, because it was. In this world, it did happen, and I just loved it.”

“I tortured you, Michael, it wasn’t fair!” She admitted, guiltily.

“I wouldn’t have had it any other way, when I could make it the best for you.”

“Would it have been that bad for me too?” She didn’t know who to ask, since Liz and Isabel had also been lucky to have Michael their first time.

“I don’t think so, remember my blood makes me super sensitive. It probably wouldn’t have hurt you even half of what it did to me. I didn’t mind it, forget it!”

Maria took him in her arms with her eyes brimming with tears as she heard him whispering in her ear:

“You must go now, they’re expecting me at the training field and Max is trying to wake me up. Thank you for coming to me, I miss you.” Michael kissed her and she felt him being pulled away from her.

- Michael, baby, don’t go yet, please! - Maria shouted as she sat up, her eyes flying open.

Serena and Isabel embraced her from both sides and they shared her grief. When they let go of her, three other set of arms engulfed her and Maria didn’t need to open her eyes to know it was Liz, Laurie and Ava. A sniffle coming from her left caught her attention to open her eyes and see Kyle, looking lost and sad, standing out the way at the foot of the bed.

- C’mere! - Maria smiled but the invitation had him kneeling to massage Maria’s feet, knowing exactly what she needed.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 74

- Shit, Max! I was trying to contact Maria! - Michael protested and his silence made him look over his shoulder following Max’s gaze towards the door.

His aunt and Amaru in full regalia were standing there, and he could see the upset expression in her face when he mentioned a female name that wasn’t her daughter’s. Michael knew how hard it was for her to accept there was someone else sharing him with Vilandra. He hoped Isabel could convince her of their current situation and the way it was working out for them.

- Rath-Michael…- He heard Wyteeah’s voice start with a tinge of ice to warm up on the last syllable, and he knew she couldn’t stay angry at him. - Amaru needs to see that…thing you brought from Earth.

- Oh, the piercing, sure, no problem. - Michael twisted his upper body to watch the smallish man approaching him, and grew a little wary when he saw Amaru had what looked like a metal thimble on his finger with strange golden carvings, and he was pointing it at his target. - What is that? -

- It is the nipple of the “Pachamama”, our mother earth, made of the treasures she yields for us, silver, for purity, steel which contains a large quantity of iron, for protection and strength, and gold for power. It will tell me how the energy of the metal embedded in your flesh reacts and interacts with your own flow to give you the force necessary for our victory. - Amaru knew Rath-Michael had trusted him with his life, literally, as he had saved it on more than one occasion, so this new version of the original prince had no reasons to doubt him.

Michael wrapped his arms around the pillow and laid his cheek on it, giving the Andes man whatever access to his body he required, knowing he wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for the Shaman and his wisdom. He felt the nub at the tip of the “nipple” push into his spine at the small of his back and slowly travel down, acquiring a comfortable warmth until it reached his tailbone, where it jumped up several degrees. Now it was hot, but when it reached his ass, it was actually burning. Amaru prodded so that the nub penetrated him for a fraction of a second, feeling like a red hot brand, and when he proceeded to touch the chains, they were on fire! Michael squirmed and growled into the pillow as the heat burnt up one chain and down the other until it had covered the whole thing twice and back up to the starting point. By then, Michael’s breath was hissing through his teeth and he could feel Max’s hands holding one of his tight, helping him deal with the ritual. Then it was gone.

- Look! - Amaru said, and Michael looked up to where the man was showing him the “nipple”, which was bright red just before it started waning first to pink and then back to its true metallic composition.

- Damn! It was really burning! What does it mean? - Michael braced himself for the bad news until he saw the Shaman’s joy.

- The best of omens! The chains are made of platinum, and they charge you to the limit! I’ve never seen the “nipple” burn so brightly! - He beamed.

- What would have happened if the omen had been negative? - Max asked.

- Nothing, nothing at all. There wouldn’t have been any change. It would have stayed cold, lacking energy and strength, but turning black if evil of any kind was present. - Amaru nodded. - Not good at all. -

- Evil how? - Max persisted, full of curiosity.

- Like he wasn’t the real prince but an impersonator, or if he was in any way possessed by the enemy to manipulate him to their advantage, or if he was a traitor, pretending to be on our side to sell us out. This is the most propitious outcome, burning as red as his true Royal blood! - Amaru exclaimed.

- Oh yeah, tell that to my ass! - Michael smirked.

Amaru chuckled and patted the boy’s thigh affectionately as he turned to leave.

- Well, aren’t you hungry? - Wyteeah arched her eyebrows at the boys.

That’s all they needed to rush out of the room with them.

After a very tasty and nourishing lunch, Amaru took Max on a tour of the underground citadel while Michael went over sundry strategies that would eventually come handy when the time to fight off the enemy finally came. Dinner went much the same as lunch and they called it a night early enough for Michael to be able to be up and about at a decent time. He was in for a big surprise and standing guard at his door was Shenti. When Michael hugged the man familiarly, Max felt a twinge of jealousy trying to remember exactly what had caused it, apart from the embrace which should have been reason enough, but somehow wasn’t. Receiving Michael from Shenti’s arms, Max also felt amazingly strong vibes of jealousy coming from the man, though his expression was totally blank, trained not to show his feelings. Max knew the man had every right to feel jealous of him but it was stupid for him to feel the same, because Michael was right there with him. When the door was closed behind them, Max waved Michael’s clothes away and maneuvered him to the bed using his hands on his shoulders. He followed his movements as he stretched out, so that they slid down his body ending on his butt.

- Mmmmm…- Michael moaned, enjoying Max’s hands on him but still feeling Shenti’s.

As Max began to massage him, the memory jumped at him and he felt ashamed. The man had helped when he had unnecessarily hurt Rath-Michael in a stupid bout of anger and then had seen him make a fool of himself after he bungled the job so his mother had to bring Amaru, who healed the boy with the snake in the pool at the underground cave. His behaviour had been so immature, that it was Shenti who had been chosen over him to stay with Rath-Michael, for the boy’s overnight recovery. There! That’s what had made him jealous, even if he admitted he had deserved it. Well, Zan had, but then he probably would have behaved just like him.

- You ok? Just relax and I’m sure you’ll be able to get through to Maria. - Max really considered Maria a great idea to make him forget about the guard outside.

- Yeah, sure, cool idea but I’m already on it, so don’t take the credit! Ohhh…- He went when Max nibbled all the way up the inside of one thigh and down the other. Max spread him and rimmed him with his tongue, his mouth poised to eat him out when another flash hit him. He saw the man’s struggle to resist Rath-Michael’s seduction, managing by some miracle of will power to only press the tip of the head of his cock just deep enough to shoot his load into him, without actually penetrating him, then getting the boy off expertly with a hand job.

“Man! This guy is the master of masters of mind and body control to have been able to hold back like that, and smartly skip around a bad case of blue balls for both of them, on top of all! Jeez!” Max thought, and Shenti had definitely won his respect; the guy deserved a break, he sure had earnt it!

Max sighed, he had no control whatsoever over his needs when it came to Michael! He dipped his head and used his mouth on him in every way possible until Michael was begging for release. Max knew they both just needed a nudge to explode, so he backed off and took his cock in his hand, using it to mix his flowing precum with the slosh of his saliva left on Michael. He slicked him up, and plunged hard and fast straight into his prostate.

- UNGH! NO! Ooohhhhh…Ahhhhh! - Michael came in record time and Max did too, right after.

Max could sense Michael’s frustration, he hadn’t wanted it like that, and Max hated himself, knowing it had been his revenge for the jealousy the boy had made him feel along with the shameful memories. Michael was always the innocent victim, paying for Max’s lousy temper, yet taking it and keeping the hurt inside, in some hidden corner of his noble soul, where only he could go. Max heard Michael’s breath coming in gasps and watched him hugging himself as if he had been brutally kicked in the stomach. He felt sick, what he had done was sick, he badly needed an excuse, no matter how lame, and the only one he had at hand, made him feel even worse.

- Max! Why did you do that to me? - Michael whispered, half sobbing, surprised and hurt.

- Sorry, kid, it came out all wrong, it wasn’t how I meant it but I couldn’t stop myself. Go to sleep, baby, Maria will make it up to you. - He knew it was so mean and low to use Maria to get him out of that one, hell of a mess he’d done.

Max shot a burst of healing light that made Michael jerk, and as usual, he just nodded and accepted it, making Max feel ten times worse, as he pulled out of Michael as gently as he could.
Michael winced and sighed, keeping his eyes closed, he just couldn’t look at Max, he wasn’t up to it, so he decided that concentrating full on Maria was the best chance he had to feel better. He was right, just thinking of her made his pain bearable, and hearing the ‘whoosh’ as Max opened the connecting door that took him to his room, did a lot of good too. By then, though, he was too far gone to be aware that the door had not been closed back.

The dream had been great, he even wished it had really happened like that, in spite of knowing what it would have meant then to incur in the rage of Amy DeLuca. They would have definitely had to elope as far from the said lady as possible until she cooled down, if she ever did. A grandchild might have done the trick, but even Michael knew they would have been completely irresponsible to bring a new life into their crazy world when they had no means to give the child all they would have wanted to. Michael was still living with Hank, and being a minor, they would have probably been forced to give it for adoption, breaking their hearts. He could understand now what Max had gone through with his son, but he could not understand how he could fall so stupidly for Tess’ ruse. Michael couldn’t be mindwarped thanks to his blood, but Max knew what Tess could do by then, and all he had to do was stay away from her or at least avoid being alone with her. Like it or not, he was as much to blame, on that issue, and Michael was totally with Liz on that one. Max had been an idiot, fooled like a kid with candy, and he almost fell for it again on that second coming.
Michael hated to have to obey to that alien sense which he almost always chose to ignore, but this time, he just couldn’t, there was too much at stake. He sensed Shenti was already standing at the open door, about to come in to wake him up, having found the courage to do it, and he had to let Maria go. Shenti was a little intimidated by the fact that Max was fully awake and had turned his face from the ceiling towards him the second he felt the door opening. The two men locked eyes, Shenti refusing stubbornly to look away and his heart did a flip when Max nodded and smiled at him, gesturing with his head and eyes towards the sleeping Michael. Their connection was strong and Michael had not blocked himself away from him at all since their arrival, so Max knew Michael was aware of this but he didn’t seem to care. The dream with Maria had reached the limit of his patience and Max desperately needed a change, wishing his relationship with Liz had been as torrid as his warrior’s, all the bickering and on and off stuff included. He would take anything right now as long as it didn’t remind him how he had so stupidly screwed things up with Liz far too many times.
When he saw Shenti standing hesitatingly at the door, he was reminded he had decided to give him a chance, as Geehan already had. It was only fair, he was a high ranking officer of their army by then, and the black man was just a slave, no offense meant and surely none taken either. Max knew Geehan couldn’t care less what he thought of him, not even when he had been the king. He had no power over Rath-Michael; he was no match for Royal blood, even if he was unworthily sitting in Antar’s throne. No one dared interfere with what Rath-Michael and Geehan had. Not even Ramthis, the boy’s own father and then the most powerful warlord of Antar, had been able to keep them apart, so what chance did Max have?
Max watched the man approach Michael and was reminded of Kyle, because of their similar height. The man looked up at the soft sound of the door closing to give him privacy, presuming it had closed completely, but Max had cunningly left the sliver like before, to be able to spy on them, like he used to do a lifetime ago. It was now Max’s heart that flipped at the tenderness the man had for the boy. Shenti knelt by the bed and caressed Michael’s hair and cheek, then he kissed the corner of his mouth feeling it curve in his wicked smirk as he turned his face parting his lips to meet his. Sure he was awake, Shenti pulled back expecting to meet his contagious impish grin, to find he had been wrong. Michael was still asleep! He should have been upset at his failure, but he was overjoyed to think what he would have to do to try waking him up. He felt his cock jump to full attention and turned guiltily to look at the connecting door, relieved to see it was closed. If his eyes had followed it all the way to the wall, he might have registered the glint of the sly peeping ex-king’s prying eyes, as he lurked in the shadows.
Shenti relished as his hands glided all over the boy’s luscious young body, enjoying the feel of his toned muscles, and the way he writhed and purred responding to his touch. He only had to slide the edge of his hand high up between his thighs for Michael to spread them and let him into the warmth further up which made him wander if the boy was feverish. He grabbed the firm globes and squeezed them, his fingers digging bruisingly into the strong tight flesh. The brands sent hot warnings into his palms and he decided it was safer to let go. He wedged his hands in the centre, once again amazed at the heat generated there, and pulled Michael’s ass apart to expose what he was yearning to see. Unable to contain himself any longer, he reached to unfasten his trousers and release his bloated cock. The erections he achieved with this boy had him asking himself questions he couldn’t find the answers to. If he would be granted a wish, he would ask to be turned into a sex toy, subtle enough so Michael could keep it inside him as long as he wanted, enabling it to send him vibes everytime it felt like it to remind him it was there. No, this was the best wish he could ask for, to be able to touch him, kiss him, fuck him. His cock gained an extra inch at the thought and he needed both hands to push it down and aim it at the boy’s tight opening. He pressed it against him using one hand to hold Michael apart while it took him a few strokes with the other one to feel a glob of thick precum ease the way for the head. Michael whimpered but held his ground. The slicked head opened the way in but the rest was finding it hard to follow and Michael shuddered and moaned.

- Michael please! Help me! - Shenti whined.

Michael reached back and used his powers to leave the thick cock coated in Maria’s lubrication, making them both hiss with the fire and ice as it buried into him. Michael had to gasp when their bodies met and Shenti’s balls rammed against the chains. Michael wiggled his hips rubbing the piercing against his lover and clenched so hard with the pleasure he felt, they almost lost it. Michael froze, biting his lip hard to regain control. Shenti began rolling against him, making him feel how deep in he was, then pounding into him, backing out just an inch and adding one with each thrust until he was sliding almost out to plunge it all back in one shove. It took him quite an amount of force to stick in all of it, as Michael was squeezing so hard, to feel each millimetre. Shenti went for his g-spot and teased him playfully until he had him growling and shivering, holding him down the best he could when he tried to buck. Michael managed to get past him and bucked hard, connecting the head against his gland with such force that it bounced off violently changing direction and rammed all the way in, making him come. Michael went wild and Shenti felt himself milked to the last drop. He couldn’t stop penetrating the boy even though he knew he was empty, the coming feeling going on and on, and the way Michael was meeting his thrusts, told him it was the same with him too. Finally Shenti came to the end of his strength and stopped moving, holding Michael tight in his arms to keep him still until the boy sighed, ending in a sob. Shenti rolled them on their sides and they rested for a short aftermath. Shenti felt himself sliding out of the boy and waited until it was all out, to sit up allowing Michael to snuggle face down, and then he felt Max’s hands at his elbows pulling him up. A wave of Max’s hand had him clean and tidy as he pushed him towards the door.

- Go to your post, tell my uncle you already woke Michael up and I’m helping him dress. - Max whispered, like a partner in crime.

- What are you going to do? - Shenti asked, distrustful.

- Heal him, clean him and dress him up. - Max nodded with a smile that said clearly: “no hard feelings.”

For the first time since they had met, the two men shared a look of understanding and mutual respect.

Max returned to Michael and sliding his hands under his belly tried to heave him up.

- C’mon, Michael, I’m going to get a rupture, help me, you have to get up, your father will be here any minute! - Max pulled back one hand and tickled the inside of his thigh.

- Hey, hey!...- Michael gave a cross between a chuckle and a giggle.

- Well get up then! - Max snapped.

- Ok, Max? Where’s Shenti? I thought…oh it was a dream…- He muttered sleepily, pushing up on his hands and knees.

- No Michael, it was real, now stay there…- Max ordered.

- You just asked me to get up! - Michael whined.

- Let me check you up first. - He wrapped his arm around Michael’s stomach facing the opposite way and slid his finger down his spine until he got to his ass. He pushed into him and twisted it around making sure he was just sore. Then he turned his hand so his fingertip was now pressed against his front to check the area over his prostate. Michael gasped and clenched first at the change of direction and then at the painful reaction. Yes, he was developing a swelling there so he used his healing powers. Michael hissed and jerked but it did the trick. Max pulled out, hurriedly waving him clean and was about to dress him when the door burst open and Ramthis stood there framed in the light from the hallway. Surprisingly, his presence had not been announced by his booming voice, perhaps expecting to catch them at some funny business.

- Isn’t he ready yet? - Ramthis glared straight at Max. - The guard said he had just woken him up. -

- Right, I’m dressing him but it took me some effort to get him out of bed and freshen him up. I think he’s fully awake now or at least almost there. - Max explained.

- Rath-Michael! - Ramthis roared and his voice was accompanied by a cracking sound.

- Owww! - Michael yelped protesting, as Max noticed Ramthis has his riding crop. - I’m awake, dammit! Max just told you I am! -

- No, he said he thought you were, now we know you are! Well, are you getting him dressed or what? - Ramthis snapped impatiently.

Max quickly waved his cousin’s clothes on and they followed the older man who was already turning a corner. As they arrived at the hall, a servant with a tray offered them a glass of a nondescript thick juice which was sweet and spicy just as they liked. Michael felt his strength branching thoughout his body and his cheeks were flushed with energy. He turned to look at Max but saw no change in him. The juice must have been different. They left the hall to be met by two horses and Max stayed clear from Michael, determined to use his feet. Ramthis glared a threat at his son who decided to let Max be, watching Shenti joining his cousin on the march and they walked the animals all the way to the training field discussing the possibilities of surprise attacks by them and against them. When they were almost there, three women came out of a side tunnel and Max recognized his mother with two ladies in waiting. This time Wyteeah embraced her son and let him kiss her forehead, acknowledging Shenti’s respectful nod with one of her graceful ones before they followed the two horses the rest of the way.

The training was particularly brutal that day, and several men were led out of the field with arms on slings and others limped out to the bleachers to have their ankles bandaged while they waited for the healers to do their jobs. Max saw his mother jump and cover her mouth everytime Michael was struck, which was inevitable as the large crowd of men fought and defended themselves. Max thought his mother would not survive watching a real battle, where Michael’s blood was sure to be flowing from real and sharp weapons. He was sympathetic, not sure how he would take it himself, because one thing was receiving him for healing and another one was witnessing him getting wounded.
Max was sure he would go out of his mind if he saw him fall. When it was finally over, Michael was limping and wincing. Max had to heal a broken rib, resulting when his bodyguard behind him had gone down with a shield crashing on his head that actually ripped off his helmet so he ended sitting stunned on the ground. The same ‘enemy’ had used the breach to ram the edge of the same shield hard against Michael’s back and the lowest rib above the two floating ones had been badly splintered. The pain was searing, so bad, Michael thought he had been run through and he had to look at his belly expecting to see the weapon coming out of it. A sword blow at the back of his thigh left it numb for a few seconds which would have been enough to have him seriously hurt if it had been the real thing. Ramthis had ordered the ‘enemy’ to be ruthless because it had to be as realistic as possible if they wanted to have a chance at victory. No one was going to spare them if they got hurt, they would only finish them off, so if they wanted to survive, they had to know what they were up against. By now, many of them were deserters from Khivar’s army, so they knew just what to expect, that was why they had been asked to play the enemy exactly as they had been trained to fight. That gave them the advantage of really knowing their enemy. They had mostly to protect their necks because beheading was the fastest and surest way to get rid of a foe, and their sword arms, because once they were hacked off and lost their weapons, their shields would not be enough to hold back death. Michael, of course, would be in his invisible armour so his case was totally different. His vulnerable part was his nonetheless exposed back from the fateful slant that could penetrate it, which try as they might, it had been so far impossible to correct. His helmet was his safest feature, protecting him all the way down to where it sat on his shoulders, but the same material was not practical for his armour, being too rigid that it would limit his movement completely and render him useless in the battlefield. His danger came mostly from the flying arrows which fell from above at an angle, enabling them to pierce his armour. Ramthis had ordered four guards instead of three so two could be at Michael’s back, but it was impossible to hold their places with the enemy attacking from everywhere, as it had just been proved. They had to keep on training, it was the best they could do for now.
Ramthis had his horse taken to the stables by a soldier but he sent Michael riding back to his room, with Max and Shenti walking on either side so that the soldier would bring the horse back. Sex was the last thing on their minds when Max gave Michael a shower, still shaking from the shock of witnessing the savage show the army had put up. The boy dropped like a stone on his bed and Max sat beside him giving him a back rub although he knew he was already asleep. Michael slept through lunch and a tray was brought for them, being excused because of the circumstances. Wyteeah and Ramthis came in the afternoon and sat by him for a while, making sure he was alright, just exhausted. When he woke up, he was ravenous, he wolfed down what was left on the tray and stuffed himself at dinner, to his father and aunt’s delight, who correctly identified hunger with health. Amaru nodded and smiled as he watched Michael enjoy the food, and that night, when they returned to their rooms, escorted by Ramthis, both Shenti and Geehan were standing guard at the door. Ramthis’ goodnight was a barked specific order that no one, repeating no one, would share Michael’s bed that night, the boy needed all the regenerating rest he could get, and he would come personally the next day to wake him up and get him ready. He glared at each one individually, specially at his son, who smiked at him insolently. Ramthis raised his hand showing him the crop and warning him he would have no problems using it again in spite of Michael’s age.

- Suit yourself. - Michael smirked again and turned his back on his father, waving his clothes off before he flopped on the bed to bury his face in the pillow.

Ramthis scoffed and glared again at Max who just nodded in acquiescence and waited respectfully until his uncle left to walk in and close the door.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 75

Max had thought his uncle Ramthis’ demands to control Michael’s sexual activities had been unnecessary since Michael was anyway exhausted and ready just to sleep again. He understood Michael’s fury at his father still wanting to manipulate his sexual life when the deals he had had to suffer before no longer existed and now it was none of his business. Max didn’t want them arguing at a time like this but he agreed with Michael, Ramthis had no right to interfere with his life after what he had been through on Earth. There was a soft knock on the door and Max opened it, glad to see his mother.

- I’m sorry, I was coming over and I couldn’t help overhearing. How is he? - She went to the boy on the bed and sat beside him.

She ran her fingers through his hair and bent down to kiss his cheek before she got up.

- He’s fast asleep, poor dear, I’ll talk to Ramthis, I know I can make him see reason. - She smiled sadly, shaking her head, her eyes on the sleeping Michael.

She kissed Max on the forehead and left. Max went over to Michael and since the bed was big enough, he lay beside him. He reached up and waving his hand, made the ceiling transparent so he could watch the sky. He heard Michael sigh to then snuggle against his side, but he kept slithering until he was half over him, one thigh wedged between Max’s legs and his cheek on Max’s chest with his hand beside it. Max pushed his hand under Michael’s and slid his fingers between the other boy’s, grasping his hand which squeezed back. Michael gave a soft moan and rubbed his cock against Max’s sharp hip bone.
Max barely heard the soft knock which was the only warning he got before the door opened and Ramthis stepped in without waiting for their approval. He stood at the foot of the bed watching his son in his nephew’s arms with his most stern look in his face. Max felt his whole body turn to jelly, remembering his uncle’s warning about no one sharing Michael’s bed that night, and that happened to be exactly what he was doing. Surely the man had meant it in a sexual manner, and that was clearly, at least to him, not what was going on. Max tried uselessly in his befuddled state to slide from under his larger and heavier cousin, thinking he was probably looking like a fish in the last struggling moments of its life, which was just how he felt.

- Uncle, I wasn’t…it’s not…I’m fully clothed, I can’t…- Max tried to make sense.

- Don’t waste your breath, Zan, I came to apologize, your mother is right, you know? My son has survived a terrible childhood without any help from those who should have been there for him…- He paused, and Max couldn’t help feeling the guilt his words sent towards him, to then notice there was another reason for it as the man gulped and Max could see the glint of tears in his eyes. - Sex was also forced upon him there at a very young age, much as it was here, though for different reasons and other circumstances. Unfortunately, what it triggered in him was not his fault, and keeping him repressed will have a very negative result: he will rebel against it. He has proved to be an outstanding soldier no matter what was done to him the night before, so who am I to know what he needs to give us victory? If he comes to the battlefield frustrated, it will probably get him killed and I would never forgive myself. Just give it to him, Zan, let him have what he wants. I understand. -

Max had noticed his uncle’s voice had sounded a little shaky during the second delivery, and he forgave his insistence in calling him Zan, without correcting him yet again.

- Uncle, he’s asleep, I don’t think he will wake up until you come back in the morning. - Max said softly, with a condescending smile, a little sorry for the man and understanding his worry for his son under his hard exterior.

Ramthis just nodded, not trusting himself with more words for the time being, and leaning down, he squeezed Michael’s thigh and gave it a couple of pats. Max remembered Stuart doing just that in more than one occasion and watched his uncle leave the room as the two guards saluted him. He hadn’t bothered to close the door after he went in or after he left, so Max wasn’t surprised to see the white and black faces peering in before closing it, to make sure everything was alright for the night. Max beckoned them in and they complied with relieved looks.

- I thought he was going to zap you! - Shenti exclaimed.

- And I would have had to scrape you off the ceiling! - Geehan looked up reflexively and gaped at the stars. - You would have gone clean through! -

- No, it’s solid, just transparent. - Max laughed as he brought the ceiling back, confirming what he had just said.

- You would have splattered nicely there, anyway. - Shenti observed, nodding.

That had Max laughing until his eyes were watering.

- It’s not funny, the man has a temper! - Shenti insisted.

- But he’s fair, and he loves Rath…Michael. - Geehan corrected himself. - And the boy has a temper too, we know where he got it from! -

- We better go back, he might come back. - Shenti said sensibly and they both returned to their posts, closing the door behind them.

Max spent the night with Michael, sleeping in catnaps and waking up when the boy rolled to look the other way so Max now spooned into his side, to have Michael roll and fit his ass into his cousin’s lap in their usual routine. By the time Ramthis and Wyteeah came in the morning, they were back on their sides with Max wide awake, soothing the sleeping boy with gentle massages wherever his hand could reach.

- Let me. - Wyteeah said, and Ramthis stood back.

She knelt on the floor in front of the boy and her fingers walked gently all over his face, then his chest and stomach, down his thighs avoiding his genitals, and back again. Max could see tiny sparks fly from his mother’s fingertips as she touched Michael, making him purr with pleasure and he couldn’t understand what exactly she was doing. She looked up at her son’s confused face, his chin on Michael’s shoulder, looking over it. She smiled as she would to an inquisitive child, which she wished her son had been with her, remembering all his questions went to his father, never to her, and the answers he got, though they satisfied him, were never the ones she would have given him. She liked Max much better than Zan and was making her peace with her deceased son through him. With her nephew it was totally different. She could never think of Rath-Michael as deceased, but rather murdered. It fitted the way he had died, hard and tortured, suffering and forsaken. That was murder to her, there was no other explanation possible for the cruel word, as cruel as the death of its victim. She smiled at Max, waiting for him to ask, as she wanted him too, she would not answer the question in his eyes.

- What are you doing to him? - Max asked, perplexed.

- It’s my love. I’m sending it to him with each touch of my fingers. - She smiled.

- Why the sparks? - Max queried.

- They show his pleasure to receive it. Look! - She scratched his belly repeatedly with her five fingers at the same time and a shower of sparks rose around her hand as Michael squirmed and giggled. - See! He loves it! He needed it so much when he was a little boy in that strange planet! How could no one there see it? -

Max lowered his eyes and squeezed Michael in his arms. The boy moaned and threw his head back over Max’s shoulder, pressing their cheeks together. Max turned his head and kissed him chastely on the corner of his lips.

- Michael, wake up, c’mon! - Max whispered, nuzzling his hair, hearing him sigh.

Wyteeah traced his profile with the tip of her index and Michael kissed it as it went past his parted lips. She leant forwards and pressed her lips lightly on his, whispering his name into his mouth and backing off after a gentle kiss. His eyes opened slowly and she smiled with delight. Wyteeah could have sworn she was looking into his mother’s eyes, though hers were darker, the expression and depth in them was the same. His smile mirrored hers and even Ramthis’ lips curved a little.

- Alright, alright, Zan, do your thing and get him ready. Go straight to the hall! - Ramthis dragged Wyteeah reluctantly by the arm and left Max to get Michael ready.

Everything went on schedule, the juice was as effective as caffeine and father and son rode to the training field.
Max was surprised at his mother willingly and uncomplaining walked along with him. He had expected her to be carried or transported over in some way. The first day she had just appeared behind him, he didn’t know how she had arrived, yesterday she appeared with the two other ladies from the tunnel just by the field, but he hadn’t seen how they got there. She even seemed to be enjoying her walk.

- Why are you walking? - Max asked.

- How do you expect me to go to the field? - She asked, confused,

- Shouldn’t you have some kind of transport or a horse? - Max wondered.

- A horse? That’s for men, dear, your sister did ride behind Rath-Michael, but never alone! Transports are for those who are old and have lost the use of their legs, or if you’re travelling a long distance, so why should I need one when it’s not far away? - She now was amused. - They don’t walk on Earth? -

- Everyone owns a small transport called car with four wheels and for about 4 or 5 persons. - Max informed her.

- So nobody walks? Don’t they get deformed? - She grimaced.

- Well, they do get fat so they go on diets eating less and go to these places to do exercises so they can lose the excess weight, which is not so easy. - He frowned.

- That is so silly! Why should they eat more than they need? It doesn’t make sense. They chose such a strange planet for you, I don’t like it at all! - She scoffed.

- No, I don’t think you would. - Max had to agree.

Her eyes focused on the training field where the mock battle was beginning. Ramthis had no need to use his shield like he would in the real scenario, and everyone avoided him as they did there too. He only had on a simple soldier’s light armour on his upper body just as a precaustion while he cruised the ‘battlefield’ making sure everything was as it should, encouraging and insisting in realism, checking out Michael’s progress every so often. A group of a dozen new deserters had just joined them last evening and had insisted in taking part right away in the training. They arrived when the fighting had already been going on for a few minutes and Michael noticed they looked a little lost, so Ramthis called one of the older soldiers ordering him to go to them and tell them they had to fight as if they were in a real battle, their weapons were blunt so they would not kill anyone but they had to make it look as real as they could. The man left at a run and soon the newcomers were seen doing their best. Michael had just got rid of a couple of ‘enemies’ and saw his father was just a few feet away from him doing his supervision when about half the group of new ones rushed in his direction. Michael was surprised because all the soldiers knew Ramthis was the only ‘untouchable’ so he suspected they had not been informed of this fact. His father was in profile but looking the other way and could not see them coming. Michael’s alarm grew when he saw them drop to one knee and produce bows and arrows ready to fly, aiming them at his father. It was useless shouting to him or them as the din was as deafening as in a real battle, so he just rushed towards the warlord and stood in front of him, shielding him with his body as he moved in to warn him of what was going on. Shenti, with whom Ramthis seemed to be talking and whose larger frame prevented the smaller man from seeing what was happening behind the warlord, saw Michael appear from nowhere reaching out for his father, his eyes streaked blue with Gandarium and he knew something was wrong. He had to walk around two struggling soldiers and that’s when he saw what had brought Michael over. He waved his arms vigorously to get the men’s attention and signal them to stop but he was too late and the missiles had already been loosened and were flying in their direction. Ramthis noticed Shenti’s strange behaviour and turned to see whose attention he was trying to get, when he collided with Michael who collapsed in his arms. Shenti flew by them to engage with the shooters, rallying a group of his trusted men on the short way to them. The attackers were baffled when their bows were snatched from their hands by these red faced angry soldiers. The ones around them stopped to see what the scuffle was about as it was more like a shouting thing than actual fighting. Shenti left his men to do the explaining the new group had lacked and raced back to Ramthis and Michael. The boy was wincing and slowly getting up to let his father get to his feet too, as they had gone down together. Ramthis was kind of reclining, holding his upper body off the ground with one arm braced behind him and the other one around his son. He was totally bewildered, not sure of what was going on. Michael was wearing a sleeveless white t-shirt over his skin tight riding pants with kneehigh boots and when Ramthis looked over his son’s back, he saw it was peppered with these round brownish smudges except for one under the waist of his pants that looked definitely red and growing wider, low in his back to his left with what he could have sworn was an arrow sticking out of it.

- Michael! Are you alright? - Shenti screamed, sounding quite hysterical.

- Yeah, I think so, why were they going for my father? Are they spies? - He growled, upset and in pain.

- They were not informed about your father, they had no idea, they are very sorry. Let me see. - Shenti calmed him down.

The arrows had hit him and bounced off as they were not barbed or even sharp, but one of them apparently had a splintered tip and had managed to enter Michael’s flesh about an inch. Shenti yanked it out and Michael grunted biting his lip. The officer raised the missile in his hand and waved it over his head, calling Max as loud as he could. Gradually, the fighting was stopping as the combatants noticed something out of schedule was going on and Shenti was acting strangely. They saw the queen and her son running towards him and it was only then that they noticed the warlord and his son were on the ground. Ramthis was now kneeling beside Michael who was being held down by both his father and Shenti, asking him to wait until Max came and made sure he was really alright. Michael cursed, saying it was nothing, but Ramthis would have none of it. Max fell on his knees beside Michael as Shenti raced to meet Wyteeah and brought her safely to the boy’s side too.

- Max, dammit, I’m fine, look, they’re just wooden sticks! They smarted when they hit me but that was it, dude, let me get up! - Michael protested.

- Shenti says he pulled one out of you and I want to take a look, ok? So lie still! - Max ordered as Ramthis held Michael tight in his arms, not letting him go in spite of his squirming.

Max raised the white t-shirt and pulled down his pants to find the arrow had hit him smack on the dimple in the small of his back on the left. There was a round puncture wound the size of a dime which was full of blood and overflowing. Max placed his hand over it, sure that his powers were charged from just the day before so they wouldn’t need to take Michael to a more private environment because the physical connection would not be necessary. It was too small and not dangerous. Max healed it in a matter of seconds with Michael feeling as if someone had pushed a lit cigarette into his back. He realized there was a small hand in his and turned to see it was his aunt, teary eyed and kneeling beside him on the other side.

- I’m alright, don’t worry! - Michael raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

Then, gently pulling his hand away from hers, he pushed up from the ground and got up. He shrugged his shoulders a couple of times to loosen his tense back, quite sore as the arrows had hit him with a considerable amount of force at a fairly short distance, aimed at Ramthis’ breastplate which would have made them bounce off with the owner only noticing the pattering sound they made against it. But there had been no way of knowing where they would hit until they did, and Ramthis could have been struck on the head as he wasn’t wearing a helmet which would impair his supervision of the action. Michael refused to wear any kind of armour for the training, wanting to feel just like he would in his own special one for the battle, as the normal ones would limit his movement, making him clumsy and uncomfortable. The most he would get from the blunt weapons was a few bruises that Max could easily take care of, so he preferred to feel free from restraints of any kind and train to fight as he would when the time for the real thing came.

- Well, what are you waiting for? Nothing happened here, let’s go! - He shouted, urging them to continue with the fighting.

They obeyed, a little half heartedly, nervously eyeing the bloody spot on Michael’s pants and t-shirt which Max had either overlooked, or given it no importance. Realizing what was bothering them, he peeled off his shirt waving away the stain from his pants and attacked the nearest soldiers forcing them to defend themselves. Small bruises were forming all over his back where the arrows had hit him, but everyone had a bruise or two so they decided it was alright to go right on. When Ramthis finally called it quits, they were quite satisfied at the results. They were all getting quicker and more effective in every action they took. Ramthis congratulated them with his arm around his son’s waist and the boy’s over his father’s shoulders. Shenti brought over a group of very embarrassed men who had been the infamous shooters, and wanted to apologize personally to their victim.

- I don’t think anyone will do that after a battle, but sure, ok, apology taken! - Michael smirked, realizing he had them confused about the work ‘ok’ which of course had come out in English as there was no translation for it into Antares.
- ‘Ok’ means alright too. -

After the explanation, they were all laughing with him and relieved they hadn’t caused anything more serious.

Once alone in the bathroom, Max took Michael in his arms and started sobbing into his shoulder.

- What the hell’s wrong with you? - Michael frowned.

- You gave us one hell of a scare back there! - Max sniffled.

- Shit man! I think I even liked you better when you sounded like your father than now that you sound like your mother! C’mon! You’re going to have to ask Amaru for a strong sedative tea each time I go to a battle. Get yourself together Max. I don’t want to take you back home in a box as the result of a massive heart attack! - Michael scoffed.

- I don’t care as long as it’s you who takes me back home! - Max said in a shaky voice.

- Hey, hey, give me a bath ok? I think we both need it. I’m getting hungry. - Michael grinned and Max captured his mouth with his.

Max was shocked to see how bad and how many the bruises on Michael’s back were. He passed his hand over them and the darkening colour faded to nothing.

- Better? - Max asked.

- Yeah, sure. - Michael smirked.

Max knew he could heal the damage but he couldn’t take all the pain away, so when Michael just stood there and let him soap and lather him hardly moving, he knew he must be quite sore. So it was just a shower, nothing more. Max toweled his patient thoroughly, going easy on his back when he felt him stiffen even at the gentle contact. Dressing him was no problem with their powers and soon they were joining their parents at the dining hall. The food matched what Wyteeah had told her son, just what they needed, according to their activities. Michael’s was much more consistent than the others’ as was expected, but was still just as good and tasty. When they finished, they stood up to leave and Michael approached the Shaman.

- Amaru, can you take me again to that underwater pool where you healed me with the snake? - Michael asked him quietly and the intelligent man understood he didn’t want to hurt Max’s feelings.

- Of course I can, but that is not what you need, is it? - The man’s sly smile told him he knew exactly what the boy had in mind.

Michael’s smirk and nod confirmed what he was thinking. Amaru circled Michael’s waist with his arm and they left the room knowing the other three were bugging with curiosity, but trusted them enough not to interfere until they chose to inform them.

The man’s special sensitivity, as he walked in close contact with Michael’s body, was immediately aware of his suffering, and knew he was remembering how the natural acupunture he had performed on his previous body had soothed his pain better than Zan was able to. He was sure it would work again and could feel Amaru was totally in sync with him.

After several winding tunnels taking them deeper underground, they finally arrived at the dark cavern with the bubbling pool. They passed by it and Michael wondered where the Shaman was taking him.

- Too hot! - He observed, and they proceeded to the next cave with its own pool and then to yet another one. - This is the one you need, just a little above your body temperature. -

The man winked, knowing Michael’s preference for his bathing water.

- The next would be your choice but I wouldn’t recommend it now, later on perhaps. You will need the extra warmth for your blood to run a little faster and wash away the feeling left by the clots that made the bruises. Just lie in the water and relax while I go to get the spines that will suck the pain out of you. – Amaru recommended.

Michael waved his clothes away and waded into the pool, first kneeling and then stretching out with his face cradled in his forearms. Silence enveloped him and the sound of the bubbling water and the subtle masage it provided made him sleepy.

“Wow! Best spa in this galaxy! I can fit beside you, may I?” Nicholas’ giggle more than his voice made Michael identify him.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 76

“Hop in!” Michael smirked, moving over just enough to make space for the man’s small frame.

Michael was reminded of Max in a smaller scale, as the thin bony body pressed against his side, kind of like Max at thirteen, that time they made the threesome with Isabel.

“Ewww! Take me for anyone except that jerk! Please! - Nicholas exclaimed, offended, making Michael chuckle. - Wish I had been in that threesome instead of your creepy cousin!”

Michael scoffed and shook his head.

“You’re going to defeat him, you know? That much I can tell you! Khivar’s scared shitless of you. After that last group that deserted, he’s been left with only the mercenaries, you can’t even cough because he goes into convulsions foaming at the mouth and lashes out at you with whatever he has in hand, the Granilith forbid you should sneeze, he might spontaneously combust, which would be the end of all problems, but he’d probaby blow you to dust before you knew what had happened! He’s a hairline away from losing it.” Nicholas frowned.

“You should know, you’re the brains, aren’t you, and you can get in his head whenever you want without his knowing, huh? So what’s the problem?” Michael wondered.

“What?” Michael insisted at his silence and suspiciously discouraged look.

“Things have changed lately. He’s been getting some kind of power from that whip one of the mercenaries found in a cave. It belonged to a demon who cut a Royal baby’s throat with it and anointed it with the strong new blood to give it special powers. You know it, he used it on you! You’ve felt its power, travelling from the part of you which was trapped here to the one on Earth, without the least effort. Now he’s had it make himself inaccessible and I’m completely lost and useless, apart from bloody pissed! I can’t tell what shit he’s planning with those beasts and I can’t help you!” Nicholas sounded sincerely worried, and Michael wished he could tell when things had got so complicated.

“I’m mostly worried about your return to Earth. He forced me to connect him with the Ramirez creep and his ‘pit bull’ girlfriend. I couldn’t deny it because he would have known I wasn’t on his side anymore, and that’s the only way I can be of any use to you. They’re going to be on to you as soon as you get back and I have no idea what he’s putting in his filthy mind with that bloody whip’s help. He isn’t letting me into it just to spite me! ” Nicholas electrified the water with his fury.

“Dammit!” Michael jerked with his body on fire. “You’re out of here if you do that again!”

“I’m sorry! It’s just that I’m so frustrated! I hate it! I hate him! Ok, ok! I’ve got it!” The jolt was stopped just before it got too painful, and Nicholas vanished into thin air as he let out an angry: “SHIT!”

- Michael? What was that? -

Amaru’s voice made it quite clear he had sensed an unknown presence beside Michael, gone too quickly for him to make a possitive identification. There was something not quite familiar about the entity but still Amaru had this weird feeling of recognition.

- Huh? Guess I was dreaming, but I can’t remember what…- Michael said elusively, sure he hadn’t fooled him and hoping he wouldn’t pursue it.

Amaru wisely decided to let it be since he felt no threat from the presence.
“Was it a child? It was too small, maybe it was a vivid uncomfortable memory from his own childhood, that’s why he didn’t wanted to share it. Yes, it’s wiser to leave it there.” He thought.

- Alright, I’ve got the spines. -

Michael braced himself as he felt the rough hands gliding over his back and unfailingly prodding right on the sore spots. He gasped and stiffened mostly still surprised at the accuracy of the Shaman’s skill, specially since the tell-tale bruises were no longer there. When he arrived at the one that the arrow had penetrated, Michael gritted his teeth and tightened his fists.

- That’s the worst one, huh? - Amaru confirmed and Michael just nodded. - Then I better begin with that one and leave the spine there the longest. -

He effectively drove the spine in, watching all of Michael’s muscles within his view, stand out with sharp definition as the boy bit his lower lip hard. Then he expertly stuck in all the rest of the spines with efficient speed and precision. The Shaman hovered his hands over the protruding nubs and Michael could swear the shards of wood inside him began to buzz, beginning with the lowest one which hurt the most. The pain began gradually to wane, and made the torturous procedure worth it, much like Stuart’s injections, that hurt but eventually eased his suffering.

- Thanks. - Whispered Michael, visibly relaxing.

He was desperately fighting sleep, afraid Nicholas would come back at an inappropriate moment but then he had a fleeting flash of him quickly fading away backwards, with a smile and a nod as he disappeared, assuring him he would not be back until a more favourable occasion. Michael let his eyes close, relieved, and embraced the threatening slumber while Amaru sat in a corner against the wall, giving him some privacy and watched him fall into a dreamless and peaceful sleep. Once Michael was asleep, he moved beside him, checking every few minutes the progress of the treatment. He passed his hand over the spines making sure the buzzing continued without changes, assuring him their work was being done. About an hour later, he noticed a dramatic change as the buzzing spiked alarmingly and Michael gave a start opening his eyes.

- Your body says it’s enough, they must come out now. - The Shaman read the message and began to remove the spines one after the other, leaving the lowest one last.

Once they were all out, Michael’s pain had gone from 10 to 3, leaving just a subtle reminder of what had happened. Michael stretched and squirmed until he had Amaru laughing.

- Feeling better, right? - The old man observed.

- Much, thanks, really. - The boy grinned and the Shaman’s heart melted at the thought of the entire galaxy putting their hopes on such a young boy for their freedom.

-You’re right. -

Michael slowly got up and Amaru was able to understand what he had meant as he watched him trudge to where he presumed was the next cave, find it, and practically dive into the cooler water of the pond, rising again on all fours and looking over his shoulder to see the old man staring down at him with a smile.

- Is there another one? - He asked, gesturing with his head in the direction the water was travelling.

- Just one more and then the spring disappears into the ground. - Amaru confirmed.

- Cool! - Michael smirked getting up again and groggily making his way in that direction.

- Yes, quite cool. - The man nodded, ignorant of the connotation that Michael had given the word and taking it literally.

Michael chuckled, immediately getting the confusion in the meaning of the word, though it applied anyway. And yes, the water was cool. This time he actually let himself fall into it, splashing all over and sighing loudly in absolute bliss. He writhed and slithered as if he were swimming, his face in the water and had the Shaman laughing out loud. When he couldn’t hold it anymore, he pushed his upper body up on his hands and took a deep breath.

- Wow, man, this is the utmost! I really needed it! - He sighed again.

He crossed his forearms so that his elbows rested on either side of the small bubbling brook that flowed out of the pool to vanish into a wide crack between the floor and the rocky wall, forming a bridge so that laying his cheek on them he could see, hear and feel the water running underneath, the bursting bubbles splashing him on their way out.
He lay quite still now for a few minutes and then Amaru knelt beside him and walked his fingers over his back making sure the spines had truly worked. Only at the lower one did Michael give a twitch and a slightly deeper intake of air, but the old Shaman was quite satisfied.

- Ok, let’s go. - Michael stood up and used his powers to dry and clothe himself, putting his arm around the small man’s shoulder as they returned to the citadel.

Michael found his father looking at the outside world from a high terrace that allowed him a perfect view through the invisible bubble that at the same time, kept them out of sight. To their enemies, it looked like a natural phenomena, beautiful cumulus clouds that reached all the way down to the ground gradually changing into the appearance of a thick fog, but if they tried to walk through it, the electricity contained, violently repelled them. It was said to be engineered by the Andes people to maintain their privacy, and not even Khivar dared meddle with them, due to their acute knowledge of nature. Rumour had it that the only one who once tried walking into it was skewered through the neck by a bolt of lightning accompanied by a clap of thunder and wasn’t only killed instantly but also deep fried, reason enough for no one risking a repetition of the accident. So they were safe.

- Where have you been? - Ramthis asked his son, sensing him beside him without the need to look over to confirm it.

Michael told him what he had been up to and his father nodded, grateful to the Shaman.

- You’re trying out your armour later on. - He informed him.

- Uh oh, does he need me to…- Michael wondered, remembering the previous time.

- No, he’s got all your measures, he just wants to make sure they still fit so you can use it tomorrow at training. I’m not risking another freak accident. - Ramthis was adamant so it was useless to try changing his mind.

Meanwhile, Max had taken a walk with his mother trying to clarify some points that kept bothering him, but he didn’t know how to begin. Thankfully, Wyteeah was wise enough to figure out what was in her son’s head.

- It’s about that hologram I sent to you through the orbs, right? - She smiled watching him blush.

- Well, yes, you said you had chosen that appearance to look more familiar to us but so far the only difference I see is your eyes, with the black iris taking up the whole space. Why did you lie to us? - Max was gathering some courage.

- I just thought you would find the difference in our eyes a little disturbing…-

- That’s not what I mean, and you know it! - The rise in his voice made her flinch.
- You told us I was the “loving” leader of our people. “Loving?” Why did you lead me to believe that, knowing the names they called my father and me behind our backs? -

Wyteeah noticed that the flush in his face was now clearly anger, and she was reminded of the nasty temper lurking in there, ready to flare when provoked.

- Son, you were so far away, I had no way of knowing how you were taking this, how much you remembered and how much your protector had chosen to tell you so far. He had been instructed to be gentle and subtle with the information he gave you, lest you, particularly, might feel unworthy of coming back. I was sure this time, with your protector’s help and without the negative influence of your father, things would turn out very different. I had the same hopes for Rath-Michael, wishing he would have a life without suffering what he had here because of his stern father and the political ordeals he had had to go through. I guess it’s hard to escape from destiny, even for Vilandra. Her insecurity here, from being the girl in this game of power, made her an easy target for our enemy but almost the same thing happened there, trying to keep her true identity from being discovered plus the ignorance because of the lack of information, kept her away from those she really loved. Your compulsion to manipulate those around you stayed deeply ingrained in you, treating Michael as a troublesome younger brother made the circumstances repeat themselves and created the same conflicts you had here. Of course, you didn’t know the truth about your cousin, making you as unfair and abusive as you had been here, backed by your father’s ambition that made sure you stayed in the throne. And Rath-Michael…what can I say? He wasn’t any better there than how he was here and yet he managed to prove himself trustworthy and amazingly strong, passing the tests with flying colours in every circumstance. Sorry, Max, but the fact that you did not approve of his methods, didn’t make them wrong, and you and your friends got in his way far too many times, just messing things up. And you had the nerve to make him take the blame for your lack of guts and constant stupidity! I’m not to blame for that, you took it from your father! I’m certain his absence this time will make the difference to our complete advantage. What I’ve told you is the truth, out in the open, and if you can’t take it, you’ll just be proving that you’re simply hopeless, you haven’t learnt anything, and your father will have won, having turned you into the total failure he was. Don’t let him do that to you! Look where it took us last time! Look how much your cousin has suffered both times! Not again, please! - Wyteeah’s eyes were full of tears and Max was truly shocked. He closed his eyes and could see Kal Langley’s face that night after the UFO fiasco, distorted with contempt, calling him selfish and ungrateful. He stood there, tottering, his face a mask of disbelief as both his lives passed before his eyes in a speed of light succession but still in painstaking detail, making him see it from the outside, and he had to admit, he would be the last person he would like to have as a friend or family. How could they bear with him? His behaviour could frequently be simply unacceptable! Ungrateful? Far too many times, but Michael had found the way to either put him back in his place or just smartly ignore him which worked out just the same, making him freak out with fury. Selfish? Oh yes! He could share with Liz things he should have done with Michael and Isabel, keeping them in the dark, yet when Michael decided to do some investigation on his own, taking the risk to keep them all out of danger, he had no right to do it. Oh no! Not without asking his permission, as if Michael needed it! Only he, Max, had the luxury of doing what he pleased, when he pleased and with whom he pleased! Luxury, yes, just the word to rub his nose into, now knowing that his people considered him and his father worthless usurpers of the throne, because that’s what they really were. Simply lucky bastards that had had the opportunity falling on their laps. Unfortunately, it hadn’t gelded them when it did, because perhaps that way they would have made better rulers, the snob squashed out of them. Max stepped back in total humiliation and slid down until he was sitting with his knees drawn up, hugging them to him, his forehead buried into them. Somehow the image of that time he had found the hidden camera sticking to Michael’s fridge had remained in his head. As usual, he had turned to Michael for help in his Tess/Liz issues and when Michael had told him to leave, backing Liz, he had attacked him and shoved him against the refrigerator with all he had, that being mostly the element of surprise. He could taunt Michael in the safety of the group or just his sister, like when he had dared punch him at Buckley’s Point, and Isabel had stood in front of him to stop Michael from beating him to a pulp, yet that day, they were alone, because he knew that when Michael got the upper hand, all he had to do was look scared and raise his hands defensively in front of his face, and Michael wouldn’t be able to go on. Oh, he loved manipulating everyone he could; flawlessly playing compassionate and sensible and get away with it, and what about frightened and helpless? Ask Valenti too! He couldn’t find an appropriate or exact word to describe what he was! He just made himself sick!

- Max? Max! What is it, man? What’s wrong with him? - Michael asked as he rounded the corner after talking with his father and found his aunt looking down at Max with a frown.

- I don’t know how to put it, I think he’s finally found himself and didn’t like it. Does that make sense? - She gave her nephew a sad look.

Michael just shrugged and reached down to pull Max up by the arms.

- Oh my god, Michael, I’m so sorry! - Max blubbered as he looked up, his face a mess of fluids.

- No you’re not! You need to wash your face. - Michael smirked.

Embarrassment took over, knowing what Michael meant, and he waved his hand over his face, cleaning it up.

He went over to his mother who looked wary, knowing his usual reactions, and braced herself for screams or insults but she was totally surprised when Max meekly took both her hands in his and just thanked her. Expressionless. Then he turned and walked away with Michael.

- What was that all about? - Michael asked, confused.

- Reality just slapped me in the face. Very effectively, trust me. I never saw it coming but I guess I deserved it. Where did you go? - Max also asked.

Michael just grabbed his hand and sent him the whole underground session.

- Well, then I’ve been kicked back into my place twice today! - He sighed and shook his head.

- What? - Michael grinned, thinking he was joking.

- I’ve just had a step by step revision of my life both on Antar and on Earth and now the Andes Shaman can wrap up my healing better than I can. - Max frowned.

- Max, you healed me, Amaru only eased the pain that just has to catch up with your skills. - Michael tried to put him at ease.

- Well, I don’t happen to have those skills. - Max persisted, quite frustrated.

- Hey, come here, ok? I think we need to have a talk. - Michael wrapped his arm around Max’s shoulders feeling his healer’s around his waist.

He led them through a maze of tunnels and after trial and error, coming out to the wrong place, they finally arrived at a small green field surrounded by tall thick bushes with white, yellow, purple, red and yellow and pink and yellow clusters of tiny flowers. The ground was covered in clover with small bell shaped flowers in two shades of pink, yellow and light blue. Once inside, Michael waved the bushes on both sides together, keeping unexpected visitors outside.

- This is beautiful! How did you know about it? - Max wondered, open mouthed.

- I didn’t until I went to that terrace to speak with my father and saw it down here. So you like it? - Michael pointed to the place he had mentioned.

- Of course I do! And you found your way just from seeing it from up there? Wow! You’re good, kid! - Max was amazed by Michael’s sense of direction.

- Well, I made a couple of wrong turns but finally got us here! We can make it totally private. - He arched his eyebrows and raised his hand towards the sky.

- Great idea! - Max nodded, imitating him and together they waved a low compact cloud over their heads.

Max sat down and Michael sprawled by him on his side, pushing him back so he could snuggle against him with his cheek on Max’s shoulder, looking up at his face.

- Alright, spit it out! - Michael ordered.

- It was nothing, I overreacted. - Max shrugged and shook his head.

- Hey, I find you all teary, snotty and almost drooling and now you’re going all girly saying it was nothing? You sound like Maria! - Michael ranted.

- What, you’re finding me feminine all of a sudden? - Max tried to joke.

- With what you shove up my ass? No way, man, does that make me go that way to you? - Michael grinned.

- You feminine? After I’ve seen you in a battlefield? Are you out of your mind? - Max started laughing just like Michael had wanted, to lighten the mood.

- Ok, what got you like that? And don’t tell me it was your mother! She’s such a sweet lady! - Michael smirked.

- Sorry to disappoint you, but it was her! - Max assured him.

- Disappoint me? No way, good for her! What did she tell you? - Michael was very curious.

- She made me see what a jerk I’ve been to you guys. I’ve let Liz down so many times, and if I had let Isabel go when she so desperately needed to, she wouldn’t have ended married to that creep. That was all my fault. And you, Michael, the way I’ve treated you in both lives…- Max voice got shaky and that’s all Michael could take.

- Hey dude, I’m a big boy, I’ve always been bigger than you, so whatever happened between us was a guy thing that I could deal with, no matter what. If you’re going to have any guilty feelings, I absolutely agree with the Liz and Isabel issues, but leave me out of it, ok? - Michael admitted it had come out a little louder than it should have.

- No Michael! I had no right, not even this time that I didn’t know…- Max began to get teary again.

- I said I’m over it, ok? And I mean it! You obviously have to get over the self pity thing, and Max? Lay off it, you can’t turn back time and there’s nothing you can do to fix it, what’s done is done. Over, past tense. You should be glad it’s not too late and you can still apologize to them. I’m sure they will forgive you. - He nodded. - Now, I’m sure you’ll love this: I have to go and try on my armour. -

- That means I’ll have to…- Max broke into a big smile.

- No, the man already has my measures, he just needs to make sure they’re still the same. My father won’t allow me at the training camp without it, so…- He scoffed.

- We still can have some fun teasing him, let’s go! - Max seemed to have snapped out of it, ready for some mischief with the master of it himself: Michael.
- But what about this? -

Max looked at the beautiful field with the privacy they had created.

- We’ll come back right after and make good use of it. You game? - Michael bit his lower lip sending Max a preview of what he had in mind and this time he watched his cousin really drool.
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the calm before the storm

Post by julamorb »

Sorry for not feedbacking sooner, but I haven't missed one single awesome chapter. I have a theory on why you get so little feedback, it happens to me after every chapter, all I can think is WOW!!! What else can I say! You girls really rock! Best fic ever for me so far! Congrats!
Obsessed Roswellian
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the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 77

Nicholas found Khivar in the computer room that had been the pride and joy of the late king Zeolan and even his also “delayed” son, because he was back alive, had found a reason there to cope with his miserable life.

- What is that? - Nicholas asked, checking out the strange symbols that filled the screen.

Khivar jumped a foot in the air, having been so focused on his findings that he hadn’t heard his cousin arrive.

- Just some senseless gibberish that I’m trying to figure out, just to pass the time, nothing to worry yourself about. - He said a little too amiable, getting up and leading Nicholas out to the room with his arm around his shoulders. When they were outside the room, Nicholas just lost it.

- Why don’t you trust me? Don’t you understand I’m as deep in shit as you are? I’m the one who’s done all your dirty work. Everyone knows they were your orders I carried out, but it was me they saw, not you, and it’s me they remember, more than they will you, because the visual effects are the ones that really count! What the hell are you getting into? Can’t you see you can get us both killed? Dammit, Khivar! - He exploded.

- Nicholas, Nicholas, trust me cousin, don’t you remember our fathers’ oath? You may have fooled it when it comes to us but not when it comes to our enemies. My safety is yours too! That’s what I’m working on! Now, you trust me, because this is for us. The whip can give us a shield, but I still can’t find the way to make it work for me. Maybe if you would help me…- “Of course,” Nicholas thought, “now that he’s given up trying to get his stupid shield, he turns to me because there’s no other way he’s going to make it happen! Bastard!” But for Khivar, he mustered the most grateful smile possible.

- You know you just have to ask, cousin, and I’m right here for you!

Khivar’s mind had been going as fast as it could possibly manage. He knew keeping Nicholas out of his latest source of power was just making him more curious and his cousin had the potential to find out about it on his own and profit from it far better than he could, so since he was limited to access all the whip’s powers, he just had to share it. It had all started when Nicholas came back from Earth and he had him all over him again. He had forgotten how stifling it could be and it was by now, really getting to him. Nicholas seemed to have developed lately a thing for the Royal brat, a kind of infatuation for the boy, he wasn’t that stupid not to have noticed. When did that start? After all, he had murdered him here on Antar, and on Earth, he had tortured him and tried to kill him again but had ended getting his stupid limited human body blasted by a local puny lawman. Then, out of the blue, he had found a means to communicate with some compatible humans and had been having fun with the boy again through them, going halfway between torture and pleasure. Had that been the turning point? He thought so, but when Khivar found him out and made him stop, Nicholas had summoned the witch behind his back and got the Royal boy back on Antar, fooling him completely but then he was forced to give him over to Khivar as an obvious reluctantly unplanned surprise when he was cunningly discovered by that efficient guard. It was the only way he would have let the prince go, to save his skin, and Khivar was sure he was so pissed at it, that once “his majesty”, as Khivar knew he called him behind his back, got a taste for Rath-Michael, Nicholas’ revenge was taking him away even if it meant he lost him too. That was the only thing that made sense. Soon after, he began getting secretive again, but this time he was very distrustful and careful, making sure he wouldn’t be discovered again. Khivar was seething with anger because he had no way of finding out what he was now up to and no way of finding out, whip or no whip. He was unwilling to admit he was at a total disadvantage because Nicholas would have no problems at all accessing his current issues. So as the Earth saying goes, if he couldn’t beat him, he decided to join him, or rather let him in on his game, but there was no way Nicholas would let him in into his, though Khivar thought it was the least he could do. And for Nicholas, it didn’t work that way, he wasn’t sharing Michael again with Khivar, that was final. His other lovers he couldn’t control, but there would be no one else through him. Khivar was no problem. Once he let him into his whip thing, Nicholas had him totally believing that he had just been working hard not to lose the contact with the Ramirez creep and his bitch.

Michael stepped into the small room and the man’s face broke into a huge smile, which only lasted until Max walked in behind him a couple of seconds later. They watched the man’s mouth curve the other way round in an undisguised frown.

- Hey, we’re going to behave this time, and if we decide not to, we will do it somewhere else, alright? - Michael smirked.

- I’m sorry my lord, I never meant…I meant no disrespect…- The man bowed his head with regret, then turning towards Max. - I’m sorry. -

Max just shrugged, not really caring what the man thought of him, and he went to sit in a funny looking chair at the back of the room. He saw the man’s hands going over every inch of Michael’s body, making him squirm and chuckle when he covered intimate places, but Max could feel no jealousy of the man’s totally professional behaviour. As he sat there enjoying the view, his mind went back to the day of their arrival. After Shenti and Geehan’s welcome as they stood guard outside their doors, they had gone into Michael’s bedroom to find a connecting door inside. Michael had gone to check the unusual looking clothes on their beds, first on Max’s then returning to his. As he looked up to where Max had been standing, he saw this surprised look on his face.

- What? - He asked, wondering what it was that Max had seen.

- Your hair and your eyes…you’ve changed so subtly and slowly that I hadn’t noticed until now! Is there a mirror…- But as he was speaking, Michael waved his hand in a circle towards the wall in front of him and a round mirror had appeared there as he gestured to it with his typical smirk that held a thousand meanings.

He had looked at himself in the mirror and his eyes had gone wide as Max stood behind him hugging him close to him and staring at Michael’s reflection over his shoulder. His hair was now a burnt gold with streaks of a lighter golden hue and his liquid honey irises had expanded all over the eye, so the sclera was no longer there: there was no white part any longer. Michael turned to look at Max checking out for any changes.

- Your hair is still the same, but your eyes are getting kind of weird. - Michael observed.

Max concentrated on his eyes and saw to his horror that his irises had lightened to a disturbing yellow shade. He wished he could call it golden, but no, it was definitely yellowish and he couldn’t help remembering that time as a child when a neigbour had come visiting and he had noticed the whites of her eyes were just that shade. Max had had nightmares for a week with the lady’s yellow eyes growing to cover most of her face and chasing him all over the house screaming his head off. He had sat up to find the rest of the family looking down at him looking very scared. He had insisted it was a nightmare but that he couldn’t remember it for next three nights, after which Isabel had decided to take the bull by the horns. The following night she dreamwalked him and found out what it was all about, so she threatened him that if he didn’t tell their mother himself, she would, so his screams would finally let her rest. When their mother came in like the last two nights to calm him down, Max had to confess what his nightmares were about, and Diane assured him she knew the neighbour for many years and she was a very nice person. He had just nodded and Diane had received them next day after school with the lady and a very nice chocolate cake they had baked together for them. The woman had called him to her with a smile and held out both her hands to him. Max had taken them, very scared, but once he did, he had been convinced that her vibes confirmed what his mother had said. The lady explained that her yellowish eyes also disgusted her, as it was caused by a liver condition she had been left with after she had had hepatitis some months ago, and though her doctor had assured her it would gradually go away as her liver regenerated, it didn’t seem to be happening at all. Max had nodded, feelingz< bad for the woman, and later that night, as they were being sent to bed, he asked Diane if he could take the lady some of the Angel food cake she had baked the day before, which would not be bad for her liver. Diane had thought it was a great idea and sent him over with a big slice for her and another for her husband. She had received the dish from Max and he had slid his hands over hers as he smiled at her and their eyes met. Max had healed her liver and when the next day she came so Diane could see her eyes were much better and almost back to white again, she had been very glad for her, thinking that finally what the doctor had said had come to pass, just taking a little longer than she had expected. Max never had another nightmare and right now he felt he was living one seeing his eyes just like the lady’s.

“Dude, that’s sick! You don’t have a “liver condition”, it’s just that you’re taking longer to change, that’s all. I think I can help you, let me try, ok? My “blood condition” might do the trick.” Michael had winked and placed both his hands over Max’s eyes concentrating in what he remembered of Zan’s, and when he took them away, they had become all black, as they should have been. “Man, I’m good!”

Max had looked at his eyes with relief; at least they looked like the rest of the Antares’, but nothing could be done about his hair, as far as he remembered, Zan’s had been just like his too.

- Max…Maxie?...Maxwell! - Michael’s voice kept rising until finally Max looked up and around the room, completely disoriented

- Huh? What was that? - He asked.

- You were miles away, what happened? - Michael asked leaning over so his face was right in front of Max’s.

Max reached up and pushed his fingers into Michael’s hair, grabbing a handful and smiling when he found it was still baby soft, so that hadn’t changed like the colour. He gave it a tug and watched him wince.

- Hey, ow! You should be thanking me with a kiss. - He bit his lower lip and Max almost complied.

The man’s not too discreet cough made Michael straighten up.

- Hey, we’re really trying here. Don’t temp us, alright? - It came out a little husky so the man just made himself busy again, sensing another apology might piss Michael off and get right to it.

The room was too small now and that was it, no back room like the other time, so the man would have to stand pressed to the wall and watch the “usurper’s” unworthy cock slide up the Royal prince’s ass once more. No, he really wasn’t up to it, not today or any other day in the rest of his life! He finished the fitting quickly and efficiently and stood back to admire the boy waving away his clothes to wave on his armour. Perfect fit! Michael moved as if he had nothing on, just like it looked, except for the genital protection.

- What do you think, Max? Will I scare the shit out of the enemy? - Michael smirked in that cocky way of his.

- I don’t know…- Max rubbed his chin between his index and thumb, thoughtfully serious. - I think there’s a higher chance of their gang raping you because attacking you to kill you might be the last thing on their minds. -

Michael scoffed, shaking his head, and Max couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

- Bitch! - Max teased.

- Prick! - Michael grinned.

Max jumped to his feet and took Michael in his arms, amazed at how skin-like the armour felt, but at the same time, he could feel the strength it exuded, hoping it would exceed expectations. His hands were cupping Michael’s butt and he felt he was losing his own battle. They had to get out of there…fast! Michael’s super vibes were making him ultra sensitive and Max’s hands were setting him on fire.

Max was suddenly transported to the clover field with Michael suggestively lying on his chest and knees with thighs wide spread in front of where he was kneeling. He shook the vision away as he felt his cock hit his belly, thankful now for his loose gown. He looked at Michael to see his teeth clamp on his lower lip and the glazed look in his eyes told him they had definitely shared it. They simply had to get out of there asap or risk the untimely shocked demise of their already uncomfortable witness.

- Is that all? - Michael asked impatiently in a husky voice.

- Yes my lord. - The man answered with his eyes lowered to the floor.

- Let’s go! - He turned towards the door but stopped when he heard Max’s voice.

- Michael…mmm…your clothes? -

- Oh yeah! - He aimed his hand at this clothes that lay in a heap on the floor.

- My lord, are you taking your armour…on? - The man asked shyly.

- Dammit! No! - He waved it off him leaving it on the floor and waved his clothes on. - Must I take it now? -

- I still have to work on a couple of places. I shall send it to you later on. - The man assured him.

- Fine! Thanks! - He rushed to the door grabbing Max’s sleeve pulling him behind him.

Max tripped on the raised frame of the door and grabbed on to Michael not to fall, pressing his erection against Michael’s ass.

- Shit, man! I feel just the same but let’s get somewhere private, ok? - Michael whispered over his shoulder.

- I tripped, you idiot! I’m not about to do you in the middle of the street! - Max snapped making Michael laugh.

Michael stood still for a couple of seconds looking left and right to get his bearings. Then he nodded and dove into a tunnel to the left with Max at his heels. They arrived at the field after just one wrong turn this time and closed back the bushes to be left alone. Their need was such, that as Max pushed Michael down in front of him like in the vision, he waved their clothes off simultaneously and it was all about grab, spread, lube and shove for Max, and brace yourself and take it for Michael. He was used to grit his teeth, grab on whatever he could, and welcome the burning pain of the penetration, which was inevitable, no matter what…or how it was done.

Michael had never been able to understand his masochism, until Serena explained that it had been conditioned in his genes, to protect his sanity. The first times for both the Antares prince and the hybrid, there had been a family issue. For Rath-Michael it had been with Zan, wanting to please his cousin, replacing the brother he had lost. For Michael it had been with Eddie, wanting to please him because he was now his brother, feeling the pull through their shared RNA/DNA with his dupe Rath, though he didn’t even know of his existence, but still it was there.
Then later on, for Rath-Michael, it had been the deals, having to submit whether he wanted or not, and though it was pleasant with some of them, like Illimar, Samtor and Kaori, most of the time it was not, making him hate the perpetrators through his pain as he recovered. But inexplicably, the next time, though he dreaded it until the very moment, once the hot play began, he craved for it, no matter how bad it hurt.
For Michael there had been no “later on”, at least not too much time in between. Hank had got him not that long after Eddie, about a year later, give or take. His drinking had marked the difference in his moods, so sometimes he wasn’t in a decent mood, so it wasn’t so bad, he would say something kind of nice which would make it worth it, but then, more often that not, he was in a real mean mood. Those were the times when he hated him, knowing how much it would hurt and how sore he would be next day when it was a school day and if he wasn’t there for the bus, Hank would be called by the principal and would give him hell for it on top of all: killer sex with a bonus beating as foreplay.
If it hadn’t been for that addition to his alien genes, Michael wouldn’t have made it. He would have been a candidate for the nuthouse or reform school, depending on how he lost it. It was much better somehow learning to enjoy it and stay alive and sane.

Max was pounding hard into him and he was bucking just as hard to receive him, feeling what that delicate part of his body was taking and knowing how sore he would be when the pleasure ended and the reality of his traumatized tissues hit him. Max would heal the chafing and tearing, but he would be left with the pain. The much needed release came soon after, ending spooned on their sides, the aftermath as alien as it could possibly get, being in the perfect environment. Michael writhed and whimpered in his lover’s arms and Max held him as tight as he could, injoying the way the boy felt against his body. Michael was so hot and firm and cuddly. Max loved to touch him, to squeeze his supple muscles, and caress his velvety skin. He sent him his healing light and had to feel sorry when he gasped and jerked. He kissed his hair and met his perfect lips when he turned his face over his shoulder, trying to sooth his suffering as the boy moaned into his mouth.

- Michael, maybe Amaru has something that can ease…- Max began.

- I wouldn’t know how to ask him, and if he drives a spine in there I’m sure I will pass out. - Michael whispered with a smirk.

- I’m sure he would use something else in this case. - Max persisted.

- I’m not, and I’m not risking it. I’ll deal if you’re here with me. - He sighed.

- You know I won’t leave you. - Max kissed him again, grimacing when Michael shuddered, and suggested: - I should take you to your bed. -

- No, it feels so good here; hold me tight, ok? It will be better soon. Just let me rest a little, that’s all I need. - Michael whispered between laboured breaths.

Max did as he asked, feeling him slowly start to relax sliding his hand up and down his side, massaging the tight muscles of his thigh, counting all the ones that would be jealous of him right now, and would give anything to be in his place.

“You’re very lucky.”

Max looked up to see the Shaman standing in front of them and almost jumped up.

“NO! You’ll hurt him worse, keep still!” The Andes man ordered just in time.

It was then that Max noticed two things, the man seemed kind of transparent, and his voice had some of the underwater quality, so he wasn’t really there. Had Michael summoned him?

“Not Michael, you did.” The old man smiled. “I felt your worry about Michael and wanted to help. I can prepare a salve made of aloe with plantain and coca leaves which you can apply so it works during the night. You’ll only have to push it into him with your powers. Now just let him sleep, he’ll wake up strong enough to go through supper and you will find it in his room when you get back. Take good care of him.” And Amaru vanished in thin air.

Max lay there with Michael sleeping in his arms, thanking the old man’s concern and at the same time admiring the cool way he had handled it, not shocked at all at what they were so obviously doing, just finding a way to fix what couldn’t be helped. He had heard on Earth that you had a much better communication with your grandparents than with your parents, the understanding and complicity skipping one generation, and right now, the old man’s age was in the range of a grandfather’s, just as his behaviour and his grasp of the situation. Max was truly grateful and felt a sudden closeness to the Andes Shaman that had never been there before, and was glad that it would spare Michael of most of the pain.
He had begun to doze, when he felt the boy stirring and moaning, so he covered his shoulder with warm wet kisses. Michael sighed and his breath caught at the end in a whimper that broke Max’s heart.

- Michael, Amaru will prepare a salve for your pain, I don’t know where he came from, he said he felt my concern for you and just wants to help. He said we would find it in your room after supper. We better go back, it’s getting dark and they will get worried. I don’t want them to send someone looking for us. Ok? Let’s go? - Max coaxed.

Michael nodded and rolled over on his belly so the last two inches of Max’s now soft cock that had miraculously remained inside him, slid out.

- Oh, fuck! - Michael cursed, realizing what his moving had caused.

He turned on his other side facing Max and snuggled over him.

- Hey, hey! None of that! We need to get up, c’mon! - Max laughed.

- Yo, dude, have some mercy…- Michael chuckled, sounding like Rath.

- Ok, up you go! - Max roughly inched out from under him and tried to pull him up off the ground.

- Coming, coming! Ow Max! Don’t drag me! I have a cock too, remember? - Michael complained.

- Well, you’re too heavy and you’re not helping, work with me, ok? - Max pleaded.

- Ok…- Michael struggled to shrug off his lazy mood, slowly gaining the upper hand.

Michael allowed Max to gradually ease him back on his feet, and holding him against him, they eventually arrived at their rooms for a quick alien freshen up and change to fresh clothes to make it on time for supper. Ramthis made a big thing of punctuality and Michael mechanically ate and drank not to disappoint either his father or his aunt, not to mention Amaru who was partly the gourmet and the chef when it came to their food. Tonight, they could all see Michael’s eyes were ready to close and he was making a big effort not to let it happen.

- Go on, child. You’re practically falling asleep. Max, take him to bed. - Wyteeah said, looking at her nephew with her eyes full of pity for the younger boy.

- Thank you, ahmee. - Michael whispered, and Wyteeah was moved at the sound of the pet name the original Rath-Michael had for her, a cross between aunt and mommy, as Vilandra called her, but never Zan, with his formal and very distant “mother”.

- Come here, baby. - Wyteeah held out both her arms wrapping them around him.

She kissed both his cheeks and then pecked his lips before she let him go.

Max watched them with interest, which his mother misunderstood for his typical coldness, turning to him and giving his forehead a quick kiss not to make him turn away as he used to do. But Max didn’t turn away and surprised her also kissing her forehead and giving her a warm smile before he turned to help Michael out of his father’s affectionate embrace.

- Uncle, good night. - Max said very formally.

- Take him to bed. - Ramthis nodded and patted Max’s arm, making him feel comfortable and accepted.