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Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 8 1/19/15

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:05 pm
by SmileeUk
Love the recap! :D

What an intense chapter! Is it really an impossible love??!!??

Liz is right! All 3 of them can go the next day without any problem! Or is there something else you want to reveal? :mrgreen:

Please don't make us wait :twisted: so long for the next update :wink:

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 8 1/19/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:30 pm
by roswell3053
Awesome update. I hope that Liz is able to save him. Hurry back soon.

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 8 1/19/15

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:44 pm
by L-J-L 76
Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next. Will the boss find out about Liz? Will Max, Liz and Michael leave? Will Max and Liz fall in love? Will Max and Liz do more then kiss? Will Max tell Michael about Liz? Will Max and Michael be able to protect Liz? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings towards each other? Will Michael find someone to love? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Max, Liz and Michael be safe? Will Max, Liz and Michael have a happy ending? Sorry for the questions but I was wondering.

L-J-L 76

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 8 1/19/15

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:13 pm
by Evans3
Why why why you stopped right there....come back and give us another part! I am dying to know what's going to happen next.

That last part was so damn HOT....I like it!

Looking forward to your new part!

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 8 1/19/15

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:17 am
by begonia9508
PS - I saw "Skinwalkers" for the first time, on Sunday! :shock:

So my question is, is Pulse another way of telling us he transforms himself in wolf? Could be...

EVE :wink:

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 *Complete* 4/2/15

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:24 pm
by jake17
Lizza x2~ thank you so much for your constant support, you are truly such a sweet person!
Carolyn~ your my angel, always there to pick me up!
Eve ~ wasn't skinwalkers awesome Eve?! :)
Sarah ~ Thank you for your always kind fb, means so much to me!
Roswelllostcause ~sorry this took so long, hope you like the ending. thanks as always!
SmileeUK~you knew exactly where I was headed with this :wink: def. not an impossible love.ty!
roswell3053 ~ you are definitely right, Liz does save him.
Evans3~ loved that you thought that part was hot, it's hard to write those scenes, esp. as many times as I do lol, thank you!

Chapter nine

~ Sometimes we're faced with impossible choices, ones that will change the course of our lives or others, but if we follow our heart, and be brave, they will always be the right ones, leading us to a future that is not determined by others, but by the wildness, and freedom of a path we were destined to thrive on... we will be free ~

Crazed from the sexually charged moments with Liz, Max took off into the woods in his wolf form ravaging anything in his path.

He was wilder, more animalistic than most of his turns, she had released something deep inside him that had been craving to escape since he had been bitten long ago.

In his constant effort to tame the beast within him, he had built up an incredible surge of energy inside, like a volcano beneath the Earth’s surface constantly threatening to implode.

To touch her, to be inside, set off a force of nature that could not be contained, he was free of his human restraints completely running feral into the forest.

Still unlike other times, when he had no sense of who he was when he turned, Max felt an innate sense driving him back towards the camp.

Growling, his majestic black fur waved back and forth in the summer wind, as the witching hour approached.

The need to survive out weighed his moral fiber as his massive claws sunk into the mud at the edge of the wood.

Glaring up at the full moon high in the night sky, Max lifted his golden eyes taking in its haunting ancient power, that had been turning man into wolves for decades.

A deep guttural howl escaped from the depths of his being echoing for miles causing everyone to sit up in their beds, paralyzed with fear, all except for two.

Liz twisted restlessly in her bed, her body still covered with his scent, her very essence craving what only he could give her.

Her eyes drifted shut recalling how such a gentle soul had taken her with such passionate force it left her body still vibrating with pleasure beyond anything she had ever known.

Liz’s heart raced fiercely, her powers shone through her skin glowing brilliantly along her curves, her reaction to him had rekindled a resurgence inside her.

She could feel him near, the wolf was literally at her door, teeth sharp, snarling desperate to take what now was his, he could sense her scent for miles if he needed to.

His impulse to rip open the metal door of her trailer was only eclipsed by a fiery rage to exact revenge on the one who had threatened his life, and the life of his friend.

Taking a turn away from the trailer, it was now apparent that joining with her had stripped away his fears, his insecurities, he was focused, his blood screamed for vengeance as he took a running stride down past the orange and white striped tents to his intended target.

His beautiful golden eyes fluctuated to deadly crimson red as the predatory animal inside stalked his prey.

Silently he approached the fancy trailer strung with colorful lights that reflected off the silver sheen of the trailer.

Razor sharp teeth clamped at the bit thirsting for blood as he circled his victim.

Hearing the eerie bellow of his howl Mr. Cleaves laid in bed, unafraid, knowing that somewhere, even in Max’s wolf’s state, he would know that if one hair on his head was touched, his beloved friend Mikey would have his throat slit by morning.

With his punishing walking stick by his side as always, he turned over in bed, thinking of the money he would make off Max, how he controlled the massive beast as if he was a docile mutt begging for scraps.

It was only when he noticed two piercing red eyes glowing at the end of his bed that sheer terror rushed over him.

Within that instant of knowing, his fate was already sealed.

By morning they would discover body parts scattered across the grounds with a trail of blood telling the terrifying tale of what had happened, but by then it would be too late.


As dusk fell across the green lush valley, Liz gazed out the window taken in by the beauty surrounding them.

“I hear Oregon is lovely, endless forest to roam, plenty of room to hunt, it was the perfect choice Max.”

Lacing his fingers through her raven hair, Max pulled her close, wrapping his arms tight around her, needing to feel her close, to know that this was all real, that Paradise Carnival, and all its horrors were far behind them.

Smoothing her hand beneath his sweatshirt, desperate to feel the warm of this skin, she gazed over at Mikey wrapped in a blanket, curled up in a ball across from them fast asleep.

“You know Mr. Cleaves' thugs will be coming after us, it’s only a matter of time.”

Lifting his piercing gaze up towards the sky that was once again absent of the powerful moon, Max nodded without worry.

“It will be alright my love, Michael will be stronger by then, they won’t stand a chance against the three of us once he begins his transformations.”

Leaning over lifting stray hair from Michael’s sleeping face, checking the bandages wrapped around the massive bite, Liz whispered knowing how hard it must’ve been for Max.

“He’ll understand, Mikey will know there was no other way.”

Nodding Max sat back placing a tender kiss to her temple, dreaming of the new life they would carve out for themselves, free from worry, secure to be the wild things that poets write about, and humans turn a blind eye to, protected under the guise that such mythical creatures do not exist.

Only a few truly believe the truth, and in that truth understand, now, that those that harbor such glorious gifts can never be caged, they will never bow down to the greed of humans, they will fight till the end.

And they will win.

~ the end ~

*Hi everyone, hope you liked the ending, I just wanted to put it out there that I have two AU stories that I'm anxiously waiting to write. I'm looking for someone to help me out with banners if possible. The summaries for these fics are on the media page, if there's any interest I would greatly appreciate the help, please feel free to pm me anytime. thanks again :)

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 ~Complete~ 4/2/15

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
I love the ending. I can't believe Mickey is going to turn. Hopefully Mikey will understand. I am glad that the carnival Boss is dead. Hopefully Max, Liz and Mickey can have a safe peaceful life without fear. I'm glad that Max and Liz are finally together.

L-J-L 76

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 ~Complete~ 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:45 am
by keepsmiling7
WOW....Carrie......perfect ending.
Of course Liz would now be craving Max......who wouldn't??
After "that" night, Max's fear was all stripped away......and goodbye Mr. Cleaves.
They left the Paradise Carnival behind......but Max still has those "beautiful golden eyes".
Your magic words still amaze me!
Thanks for once again finishing a story,

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 ~Complete~ 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:23 am
by begonia9508
Hey Carrie, wow!

It is like in Skinwalkers; Oh yes, it was fantastic but so frightening, at the same time! But a good end!

And I never saw the film on the evenings; nightmares assured for the whole night, for me!

But some scenes were just so... exciting! :oops: :oops: No? :lol:

Thanks Carfrie - waiting for your new stories!

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Pulse (M/L,Adult,AU) chpt 9 ~Complete~ 4/2/15

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great finish Carrie!