Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 Complete 10/4

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 8/23

Post by Roswelllostcause »

max and liz believer Jo, Isabel really is worried that Sean might try something with Liz. She also realizes that it may not take much for Liz to break. This is something new for Liz have her case worker actually care that she is safe. Alex really is a great guy!

Carolyn Liz is going to have trust issues for a long time. Isabel is trying to look out Liz. Liz is lucky to have so really special people in her life.

L-J-L 76 Diane, isn't going to forget about Liz. Isabel knew that she needed to tell someone who can do something that Liz could be in danger. We will see if anyone else gets recutied to help with Liz's new room.

Part 14 Two months later

Liz stood in the doorway of her new room. She was watching a shirtless Max finish painting the trim around the closet. She had to admit he was very good looking. But she was no where near ready for a relationship. Max smiled at her when he saw her watching.

"Hi Max."
"So how are you doing Liz?"
"I'm getting better."
"That's good."
"It's still going to take me a while to be comfortable with Being touched."
"I want you to know that I will never hurt you."
"Max, there can't be anything more then friendship between us."
"Right now or ever?"
"I won't say never. But I can't say there will."

Max reach to gently touch Liz's arm. But she stepped away before he could. Liz could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Max, please don't be upset with me. It is still hard for me to be touched by any male. I still get jumpy with Serena or Maria touching me. But my shrink tells me these reactions are normal."
"No Liz, I am sorry. I should never have tried to touch you. That was wrong of me."
"You had no way of knowing. Max, I think you are a nice guy. Just the kind of guy I could see myself with. But I am still a long way from that point."
"I understand. But just know when you get to the point you want to go out with a guy, I want to be the first to know. I want to show you how a man should treat a beautiful woman like you are."

Liz couldn't help the smile that came across her face. Max was the sweetest guy she had met. Max smiled it felt good to bring a smile to this sweet girl's face.


Serena watched from down the hall. If she didn't know better from the look in Liz's eyes she would think that that her friend was falling in love. But Liz was still so damaged emotionally. But that was also the first real smile that she had seen from Liz. Serena walked down the hall and looked at the two of them.

"How is the painting going?" Asked Serena
"All finished. Liz can move in as soon as it is dry." Said Max
"Thank you Max." Said Liz
"You're welcome. Let me know if you want help moving in."
"I will."

Max gave Liz a smile hugged Serena and then cleaned up his brushes and stored the paint and brushes on the work bench in the garage. He was heading down the driveway when Liz came out of the house.

"Yeah Liz?"
"I am going to move into my room an Saturday. Do you think you can come by and help bring my books up from the basement?"
"I would love to. Liz, from the day we met I wanted nothing more then to be your friend and to help you heal from whatever was causing all the pain I could see you were in."
"Max, you are my friend and I can't thank you enough for that. But the truth is I never told you that I was sorry for being a bitch to you the day we met."
"Don't worry about it. I forgave you when I realized what was really going on."
"Max, thanks."
"You're welcome. See you at school tomorrow."
"Yeah see you at school."

Max walked off with a smile.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 8/23

Post by begonia9508 »

Two great parts!

And I am really surprised about Max! He is already informing her that he is greatly interessed in her :D but not in the way - at least for the beginning - like this stupid Sean is! :?

But I hope they will warn the sheriff, because Sean can be dangerous for every woman in town! :twisted:

Lootking for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 8/23

Post by max and liz believer »

Awww... Max pulled the first real smile out of Liz in ages <3

She needs time, but I can tell that she won't be able to "resist" Max's touch for long. She definitely needs the love, that I'm sure Max can provide, to be able to fully heal and start trusting people again.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 8/23

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Max got Liz to smile for the first time in ages. That was really great. Wow so Max wasn't wearing a shirt while he was painting. I Think Liz got a great view of Max. I think that is great that Max is willing to wait till Liz is ready. And I'm glad that Liz told him it will be a while before she is ready. I think it was great how Liz asked Max to come back and help her move. Max and Liz are both great together. I hope Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena, Maria and Diane will be able to protect Liz from, Sean, Tess, Mr. Harding and step father.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 8/24

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve Max believes in being honest with Liz. He knows that she doesn't trust anyone right now. But the only way to earn trust is to be honest. He is hoping that one day that Liz will trust him and he can show her how she should be loved.

max and liz believer Yes Max was able to get a real smile out of Liz. He so wants to be the one to hold her and love her. In this part she starts to have a small break through when it comes to Max.

L-J-L 76 Yes Max got Liz to smile a real smile. Yes Max had his shirt of while he painted. Oh I am sure that she did get a very good view! Liz is starting to warm up to Max.

Part 15

Liz stood at her locker after school when she felt someone grab her. Her heart started to race then she felt his hot breath on the back of her neck.

"Little Lizzie Parker, you are going to pay for what you did to Uncle Rich."

Liz's eyes went wide. She knew who this was! It was Richard's nephew Sean. She had never liked Sean. He was a bully and prayed on those weaker then him.

"Let go of me Sean." Liz said in a shaky voice.
"Not going to happen until I get what Uncle Rich promised me."
"Please Sean! What you are talking about is rape!"
"Lizzie, Lizzie no it isn't. You are nothing but a slut. That is all you will ever be."
"LET GO OF HER CARTER!" Came a powerful voice

Sean turned to see Max Evans heading over to them.

"Stay out of this Evans! This is between me and little Lizzie." Said Sean
"Liz is my friend. It is up to her if she wants me to leave." Said Max

Max looked at Liz. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"Liz do you want me to leave you alone with Sean?" Asked Max gently
"No. Help me Max please." Said Liz

Max grabbed Sean and pulled him off Liz. He then shoved him away.

"Stay away from her Sean." Said Max
"This isn't over Evans! Parker owes me, and I will get what she owes. That is a promise." Said Sean walking off.

Once Sean was gone Max turned back to Liz. She had slid down to the floor and was crying with her knees pulled to her chest. He knelt down by her, but didn't move to touch her.

"Liz? Liz are you OK?" Asked Max
"Do you want me to find one of the girls?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Can we go somewhere and talk?"

Max stood up and held out his hand to Liz to help her up. Liz looked at it, then took it with a shaky hand Max pulled her to her feet and closed her locker. Then they both slipped out of the school and out to the bleachers by the football field. Liz sat down next to Max.

"What does Sean want from you?"
"Sean is the nephew of my stepfather. Richard it seems promised Sean that he could have sex with me. I didn't know anything about it."
"Liz, was Sean going to make you go with him?"
"Yes. He wants to take what was promised him."
"Liz, you need to tell the sheriff."
"It's my word against Sean's. We have no proof."
"There has to be something we can do."
"I don't know what."
"We will Figure something out."
"Liz, you know I care about you."
"I know. Max, I want to trust you. But I can't do it yet."
"Liz, I know that it takes time to earn trust."
"Thanks for being understanding."
"Come on we should get to class."

Liz smiled and followed Max back to into the school.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 8/24

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Sean is so wrong about Liz. Liz is a better person then the asshole Sean for forcing Liz to have sex with him. I'm so very glad that Max was there for Liz when she needs him. I'm glad Max and Liz went somewhere to talk and Liz told Max everything. I hope Max and Liz will tell Serena, Alex, Isabel, Maria, Diane, Sarah and the sheriff about Sean attacking Liz. I hope Max, Isabel, Diane, Serena, Alex Maria, Sarah and sheriff will be able to protect Liz from Sean, Step father, Tess and Mr. Harding.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 8/24

Post by begonia9508 »

Great part! To see that Sean is as pervert as his uncle is quite a surprise but maybe not...

And I hope Max will inform his mom about it! EVE :twisted: :mrgreen:
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 8/24

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can't believe that Liz's step father promised Sean he could take Liz.
They are one screwed up family!
Glad Max came to the rescue, but was careful not to overstep his bounds. That should help Liz start to trust him.
At least she shared a few things with him.
Hope they will go to the Sheriff.
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 16 8/27

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Sean really is an asshole! Liz is starting to trust Max on some level.

Eve Sean, isn't really any better than his Uncle. Max, telling his mom what happened? He just might do that!

Carolyn Yes Sean was promised he could take Liz! Max came to the rescue and is starting to gain Liz's trust. As for going to the sheriff, don't think Liz and Max will. But that doesn't mean that someone else didn't see what happened and won't tell what they saw.

Part 16

Liz walked into Dr. Turner's office and took a seat in one of the chairs.

"Hello Liz. How has your week been?" Asked Dr. Turner
"What happened?"
"Well it happened today at school."
"What was it?"
"Richard's nephew Sean goes to school with me. He is a year older. He grabbed me me and told me that I owe him what his Uncle promised him."
"What did his Uncle promise him?"
"That he could have sex with me."
"I take it you got away."
"Yes with help from a friend."
"Who is this friend?"
"His name is Max. He is a really sweet guy."
"Sounds like you might like him."
"He is nothing more than a friend."
"Does he know what happened to you?"
"Yes and he is very understanding of where I am."
"That is good. Now Liz, you have been very open with me about some of what happened to you. But when it comes to the sexual abuse you still clam up about it."
"I don't want to think about it."
"Liz, I understand that. But do you some day want to have your own family?"

Liz bit her lip she really hadn't thought about it. But then she had an image of Max flash into her mind.

"Then you need to talk about it. You will never feel comfortable with a man, even one you love and trust if you don't get past what your stepfather did to you."
"I know."
"When was the first time he touched you like that?"
"It was a couple days after my fourteenth birthday. My mom had been dead for about three months."
"What did he do?"
"He came into my room one night. I was wearing a night shirt. He grabbed me and put his hand on my chest on top of it. He roughly squeezed my breast, not that I had much of one. I remember starting to cry. He had squeezed it so hard it hurt. He shoved me down on the bed and pushed the night shirt up. He had straddled me at the waist so I couldn't move. The only thing he had on was a pair of boxers."
"What did he do next?"
"He put his hands on my chest and was kneeding my breasts roughly. Then he took one of my hands and forced me to touch his thing."
"You mean his penis?"
"Yes. He pushed the waistband down on the boxers and put my hand on him. He forced me to rub it up and down. I had to rub it until he came in my hand. He laughed as I cried. He left shortly after that."
"How long did this go on?"
"A while. But it wasn't just my breast he touched. It wasn't long before he removed my underwear. He would then shove his fingers into me down there."
"How did that make you feel?"
"When did he rape you?"
"One month after my fifteenth birthday."

Liz was crying at this point. Dr. Turner put her pad down and pulled the young woman into a hug. After a few minutes Liz pulled away.

"Sorry I shouldn't done that." Said Liz
"Liz, you did nothing wrong! You had a normal reaction to talking about the forced loss of your virginity. Your stepfather had no right to take that from you. That was a gift for you to give someone very special."
"Dr. Turner, what if I am never able to get past this?"
"Liz, time can heal almost anything. I should know."
"What do you mean?"
"In college I was a victim of a sexual assault. That is one of the reasons I specialized in helping victims of sexcual assault and abuse. Liz, I know for a fact that it is possible to heal after something like this. It just takes time."
"Will any man want me after finding out what happened?"
"If someone truly loves you, then your past will not bother him."

Liz thought about it. She knew from the looks Max gave her that he hoped that one day they could be more than friends. The thing was she wasn't turned off by the idea.

"Liz are you OK?"
"Yes doctor. I was just thinking."
"OK. Well our time is up see you next week?"
"I will be here."

Liz got up and headed out to meet Sarah to head home.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 16 8/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Liz told her Therapist and what happened in school and what her step father Richard did to Liz when she was 14 and 15 years old. Wow Liz's therapist been through a lot also. But I'm glad that she is there for Liz. That all Liz's friends are there for her when she needs them. So Liz can see herself with Max huh? Now that would be cute. I hope Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena, Maria and Diane will be there to protect Liz and when she needs it.

L-J-L 76
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