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Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:40 am
by Liz_Parker

"Yeah well, neither have I", I frown and look around at the last little bit of cleaning up to do.

"Maybe if we work together we can figure it out", Aurora says and I nod.

I close my eyes and try thinking of how to move the grass back together and look over at Aurora. "Ok, close your eyes and concentrate and let's see if it'll work,ok?", I smile at her and close my eyes and hear Ashley laughing softly.

"You know if I could do that to then my room would always be pleasant", She syas and I laugh softly.

"Ok Aur, spill about all this Kevin problem", I cross my arms and sit down and wait for her to do the same.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:57 pm
by isabelle

"I guess you're right," I say, running my hand over the photo on the page again before giving Liz a little kiss behind her ear. "A mother always knows. Something happened that day that started Aurora being interested in Kevin instead of Stephen. The miracle is that Stephen didn't seem to be that badly hurt by it."

"Or that Ash wasn't, either," Liz adds. "Although I guess it's not unprecidented. Kyle has managed to stay friends with both of us, even after I broke up with him."

"That's true," I say. There was more keeping all of us together than mere friendship, but it did help. I don't know if it would have gone as well if I'd continued to be as angry at him as I was immediately after the disaster of the Gomez concert. "We have a very unique family."

"What's so great about normal?" Liz asks with a smile. She turns a few pages, opening the next one at random. "Oh wow. Remember this?" she asks.

I look down. I'd been about to look back, closer to the beginning of the book, but Liz has gone forward. Aurora looks so bright and clear and amazingly happy, standing next to Kevin. They were definately a couple.


Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:01 pm
by Sugarplum7
I figured that they’d have a going away party for her before she left. If anyone has issues with it, let me know.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Aurora ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“I can’t believe that I’m leaving tomorrow. It’s going to be so weird not having you around all the time.” I look down at our hands, fingers intertwined. I let our hands slip apart, choosing instead to lean into him. I let feelings of comfort and protection cover me like a blanket as his arms come around me to hold me close.

“You’ll be fine,” he says, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

“I’m going to miss you.”

“Me too.”

The silence surrounds us and weighs heavy in the air, saying everything and nothing at the same time. My hands grip at his shirt as I hold him tight. As much as I trust him, it’s hard to let go. What if he meets someone else at school? Someone better than me. Someone more deserving of him and his affection.

“I won’t, you know,” his quiet voice seeming very loud in the silence of the early evening.

“Won’t what?” I ask with my cheek still pressed to his chest. His hand comes to my chin, lifting my face to look into his. I smile at the kind regard in his eyes, barely covering the sadness on our approaching separation.

“Meet someone else,” he explains as he traces the curves of my face with his fingertips. “No one else could compare to you.”

“How do you do that?”

“You’ve always been easy to read. How else do you think I always knew which buttons to push when we were kids.”

“Like calling me Aura.”

“Oh, you know you love that name.”

“Now I do. Then I couldn’t stand it. You were constantly picking on me.”

With a light kiss he ended the conversation, only adding, “I like it. I like having a name for you all my own.”

“I like that you have a name for me all your own,” I say, replying with a kiss in turn. This time I let it linger on but end it with the purpose of making him hunger for more.

“Are you ready to head inside?” he asks, as he catches his breath.

“Ready when you are,” I say, leaning my forehead against his as I try to even out my breathing.

“Remember to act surprised,” he instructs as he walks us over to the door. “I think Ash would kill me if she found out I spoiled it.”

“Then you’re lucky that I like you alive so much,” I whisper. “That would’ve made great entertainment.”

“Very funny,” he adds wryly as he reaches for the door.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 3:10 pm
by FallenMagic
Woohooo! i'm back! :D And great new part!! Lemme see if I can bring Liz into this. Is this okay?

~* Liz*~

I cast a last quick glnce around the room to make sure everything is in order before Aurora's arrival. I know Ashley put a lot of effort into this suprise party and I'm pleased that she did but it makes me sad too. It only further reminds me that in a few days time my baby will be off to college, far away from me.

I worry about her sometimes. I worry what she'll do without us, without her friends, without Kevin. I know it's silly of me but I can't help it. I hear Max come up behind me as we all get our signal to be in place. Looks like Aurora's home.

Max places his hand on my shoulder and I smile as I lean into him. "I worry for her, Max." I murmur to him. I look over my shoulder at him and smile a little. "She's still a baby in my eyes. How can she be going off to college?"

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 2:42 pm
by isabelle

"I know," I say soothingly as Liz leans against me. "But she'll be okay. You know she can take care of herself. Ashley will be there, too; she'll look after Rory for us. And Isabel is only an hour away." I turn Liz towards me slightly, lifting her chin with my curled finger. She looks so beautiful.

"This is what we've always wanted for her," I remind Liz. "A normal life. A chance to attend the unversity of her choice. It's all that we planned."

"Not so soon," Liz says, her eyes growing misty. "I'm not ready."

I nod. The years have flown by so quickly. I would have been happier if she'd have been able to attend college more locally, but I don't want to handicap her ambitions, her abilities. She'll have what we couldn't have, those first anxious years, constantly fearful of the FBI at every turn. Unable to take the luxury of attending Harvard or any school.

When she was younger, Liz and I had even talked about following Aurora to whatever school she eventually attended. We'd been nomads before and it seemed so easy to think about just changing jobs and being there for her, always. But real life doesn't work quite that way. Liz has tenure and we don't want her to lose that. Besides, Michael and Maria are still here with their three boys.

"I'm kinda looking forward to being just you and me, again," I say, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Oh, you!" Liz exclaims with mock indignation. "Don't you ever grow up?"

"Not so far," I answer with a grin. I draw her close again and kiss her gently, a promise of what we might do when we're again on our own.

"They're here!" Maria hisses as she lets the curtain fall back into place where she'd been peeking.

"Everyone in place," I say, un-necessarily as they're all moving already. Liz and I don't hide, afterall, she's expecting to see us here. Turning to Liz, my voice is more serious, but no less loving. "Don't let her see your worry, okay? This is her day. Let's make it a happy one.

The next moment, the door opens and Aurora walks in with Kevin. One, two, three, I count silently as she walks into the room. I see her eyes widening as she takes in the streamers and balloons decorating the room, along with the banner that Michael made for her.

"Surprise!" everyone shouts as they emerge from their hiding places.

"Congratulations, Aurora," I tell her, grinning widely.


Free Cheat Sheet: For this 'Glimpse' the kids are --

Erica Valenti -- age 9
Justin Valenti -- age 13
Chris Guerin -- age 10
Dominick Ramirez -- age 11
Grace Ramirez -- age 14
Matthew Guerin -- age 16
Daniel Guerin -- age 12

If anyone wants to join in as one of the kids, let me know!

:D :D :D :D

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:38 pm
by Sugarplum7
It's not much, but at least it's something.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Aurora ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

Kev pushes the door open and pulls me in behind him. I put my purse on the end table by the door as I hear Kev shut the door behind me. I sweep my hair back behind my shoulder as I try once more to forget about how much I’m going to miss him. How much I’m going to miss this house. How much I’m going to miss my world. It’s all going to change sooner than I think. Everything is going to be different.


I let the shock and surprise show on my face while pushing the impending tears back once more.

“Congratulations, Aurora,” Daddy says as he walks over to me.

I hug him tightly and whisper, “Thanks. For everything, Dad.”

“And who is the one responsible for this?” I say half laughing as I take a step away from my Dad. I feel Kevin come up behind me and wrap his arms around me. I lean back into his embrace and find myself wishing that we were alone and back on the porch again. Instead of pulling him back out there I simply look up as he leans down to place a chaste kiss on my lips.

“That would be me, and you two could cut down on the PDA for a while,” Ash says as she walks over.

“We could. But I don’t think we will,” I say as he hugs me closer.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:33 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Sorry that this sucks... I'm having a really crappy day and I'm trying to work myself out of it, but at the moment it's not that easy... Is there going to be any particular 'event' at this party or is it just a normal family thing???


I frown at Aurora's answer to Ashley. It's not that I don't remember how nice it was at that age, to hold Liz at every moment, to kiss her. I do remember. As she was just reminding me, that hasn't changed at all over the years. And I love Kevin. He's really a fine young man. But it's still hard to see my little girl like this. To know that she'll be out there on her own with the big bad FBI on the look-out for us. I'm sure there aren't that many any more, but I'm equally sure that they haven't abandoned the search.

"Well, It might be a bit hard for you to eat the cake and open your presents if you can't tear yourself away for some air," I suggest.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:15 am
by Sugarplum7
Welcome to the fun (at least I hope it will continue to be), Corina Star!

And it wasn't bad, Izzy! Silly rabbit. This on the other hand might be. And as to the "event" question . . . I have no idea. Do whatever it is that you wish. It's Max's memory. I'm just poking around in it. ::amused::

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Aurora ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“Well, it might be a bit hard for you to eat the cake and open your presents if you can’t tear yourself away for some air,” Daddy replies and Ash gives me a smug look.

“There’s presents?” I question as I idly trail my fingers over the back of Kev’s hand. “I get presents,” I say with a smile as I look up into Kev’s face.

I know that I ignored the comment about extricating myself from Kevin, but I did not feel right answering that question for the both of us. He didn’t feel like he wanted to let me go, and who am I to argue? I didn’t want to be separated from him any sooner than I had to. And if I thought for one second that holding me gave him the smallest hint of happiness, I would willingly give him that simple pleasure forever.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:53 am
by isabelle

"Of course you get presents," I smile at my daughter. Her bright, almost innocent question is nearly enough to make me forget the way she's glued to her boyfriend. Nearly, but not quite. Still, I hide my annoyance at that and try to focus on the party. I do want this to be a pleasant time for everyone.

"But first there's food and music. Your cousins are all here. And your friends from school. Your mom and uncle Michael have been cooking all day."


It's so great to have Aurora in my arms. In a few weeks, she'll be away at school and I'll only be able to see her a few weekends a month. It's just not fair. It makes me wish we were going to the same place, but I know this is the best place for her and for me, it's someplace-else.

But Mr. Evan's eyes on me make me more than a bit nervous. "Yeah, Let's have something to eat and have some fun," I say, relaxing my grip around her just a bit. "Just promise you won't forget me."

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:18 am
by Corina Star

I hate formal events! Especially these kinds of hotiy toity parties! But of course, Mom and Dad dragged me into this, and I must deal with it no matter how hard it seems. They may take my freedom, but they cannnot take my dignety. I of all people had been inroduced to the wonderful world of burger flipping, and what a joy it is to cook all day! I can barely fell my hands from all the stress.

Uncle Max is watching his daughter, Aurora, wrapped in a bear hug, by Kevin. Time for some reinforcements.
"Hey Kev! Do you mind helping me out here?" I ask.