Page 6 of 11

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:30 am
by isabelle
OOC -- Max gave Xavier the book but not the orbs.


Liz explains that she's seen Hope in trouble. That's no surprise. We all heard her in Khivar's hands.

“Max, there going to kill Hope. I can’t just sit here when I know she’s out there with them. Something bad’s going to happen to her and to the people here. Don’t ask me how I know, cause I haven’t seen anything… But I feel it…And your responsibility is to these people and I'm... I'm responsible for Hope. I You have to lead these people... I love you…” she says, preparing to leave.

"Liz, no!" I say. "You can't go. They're coming. Michael and Isabel and Ava." I sure hope they're coming. None of them have responded to my call, but I need them. Are they too busy fighting?

"Xavier is the only way we're going to get Hope back. And I am going to get her back. Nothing will stop me. You have to believe that. Please," I say, catching her hand, holding her back. "How did they get her? She was with you before. What happened?" If I know how they took Hope then I'll know how to follow her.


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:35 am
by M&M<3
OOC: Too much? Let me know!


"Liz, no! You can't go. They're coming. Michael and Isabel and Ava."

I know from the look on his face that we’re thinking the same thing, we hope that they’re coming. Max steps in front of me blocking my exit but I know it won’t keep me here. I feel like I’m going completely insane staying here, waiting for something to happen, waiting for a plan to get my daughter back.

"Xavier is the only way we're going to get Hope back. And I am going to get her back. Nothing will stop me. You have to believe that. Please," Max grabs hold of my hand, holding me back from leaving. "How did they get her? She was with you before. What happened?”

“Are you saying this is my fault Max?! That she was with me and I just handed her off to Khivar with a smile on my face?!” I can’t tell what Max is thinking, his face is stiff and serious. I think maybe I’ve lost it but right now I’m consumed with so much hatred and anger that I don’t care. I clench my hands into fists at my sides and try to suppress my shaking body. “Maybe you should look in the mirror Max! Your daughter went missing for two days and instead of letting someone else deal with the prisoner, so you could make sure she was ok; YOU PUT HIM IN FRONT OF HER!!! She was back for five minutes before you felt your duties as leader needed you more than she did. And now she’s gone, again, and you’re sitting here with the enemy!” I stop to take a breath and feel the tears falling from my face. My efforts to stop shaking are failed as my body is shaking violently and I can’t stop it. I know at this moment I have to get out of here or I might say something I truly regret. I push Max out of the doorway so I can get by him and out the door, “I’m going to find my daughter, you can stay here…,” I take a last look around the room remembering Xavier is still here, “with your son.”

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:56 am
by isabelle

"No! Liz!" I say jumping out into the hallway after her. I know I'm leaving Xavier alone but right now, I don't care. I grab her arm again, trying to get her attention. I'm appalled that she thinks I was blaming her. How could she say that I put Hope in front of Xavier! SHE'S the one who brought Hope back to the prison. Not me!

"I did make sure she was okay! I put her with you!" Both times, I entrusted Hope to Liz, in the courtyard and in the cell. "I went with Xavier to the prison to keep him from escaping and getting close to her or anyone! And in case you didn't notice, he's saved her twice! He got her out of the Skin stronghold this morning and then he protected her from the debris in the cell. I don't know why, but he cares for Hope, too."

"And I wasn't blaming you for anything!" I add, feeling desperate. I only wish it had been the same the other way around. Why is she blaming me? "I was hoping you'd seen something that could help us find Hope. I don't know how he got her out through the shield or how to follow her. Where did you see her last? If you saw anything, PLEASE, tell me. I need information so I can find her. We need to be in this together!"


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:15 am
by M&M<3
Isabelle - LOVED THE POST!!!


”We need to be in this together!"

“Don’t you think if I saw anything I’d have said something?!” I feel guilty for blaming Max, I know this isn’t his fault but I’m so angry and scared that something will happen to Hope and it’ll be my fault. I shouldn’t have taken her down to the tag cell, she was almost crushed by a cement block and if I would have stayed with her in the bomb shelter she wouldn’t have been taken. How can he not blame me for what’s happening? He entrusted the most important thing in our lives to me and I put her in danger twice. I hate myself for what’s happening to her right now, I have to figure out how to get her out of there.

All I want to do right now is hide in Max’s arms, and have him tell me everything’s going to be alright, but I know if I do I won’t be able to move till Hope is back with us. I feel myself losing control of my emotions and I can’t let Max see it, not right now. I rip my arm from his hand and for the first time since I started blaming him I look into his eyes, “I’m going to the bathroom. Don’t follow me Max.” I walk away from him and enter the next door without looking about at him.

As soon as the door closes behind me I collapse onto the floor in sobs, tears burning my cheeks as they fall to the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and start to rock slowly back and forth. How could I have said those things to Max? How could I fall apart when we need each other the most?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:35 am
by Athenea

While they are having there little domestic dispute I try and get the shackles off my wrists. However, it doesn’t work. I completely ignore the book Max handed me and I only look up to pay attention to them one time when the woman says, “I’m going to find my daughter, you can stay here…, with your son.”

“I’m not this son!!!” I pipe up in English but it gets ignored anyway as Max tries to pacify his wife. They argue some more but I am too busy trying to get the shackles off to pay attention to anything else. My wrists are getting sorer and redder as I try and just slip them out of the shackles. The woman leaves and I say to Max in Antarian.

“Why don’t you get your BITCH under control so I can leave!!!” I yell, getting more and more frustrated.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:20 am
by isabelle

I watch Liz head into the toilet. *I love you. We will find her,* I promise, silently.

She said not to follow her and I’m not, although it’s hard. Yes, I would have thought that she’d say something if she’d seen something, but by the time she was collected enough to talk again, she was already leaving. How was I to know what she’d left out in her anger? The only thing I’d gotten from the exchange was that she didn’t see Hope get taken. Somehow, they’d been separated. Where and how? It would help a lot to know for sure if she was still in this building the last time Liz saw her and who she saw Hope with. I want to know how she was taken but Liz is right. How she was taken is less important than getting her back.

“Why don’t you get your BITCH under control so I can leave!!!” Xavier shouts.

Even if I wasn’t already tense and angry over losing Hope and the battle raging around us, this would put me over the edge. “You will NOT talk about her like that! She is my wife and Hope's mother. You give her respect and I'll give you the same,” I warn him as I stalk back into the room, my teeth clamped together in anger. Perhaps he doesn’t remember that he is weak enough to be nearly powerless while I am not. If the others were here, we’d be strong enough to take out a building, as strong as the Granolith. But they’re not here. Why not? I’d understand if they were too busy to come but why haven’t they answered me? We don’t have to be in the same room to work together.

*MICHAEL, ISABEL, AVA!* I fairly shout through our telepathic connection. I include Liz in conversation although at a lower volume. I don’t want to interrupt her but I do want her to hear if they have a response. *Where are you? What’s your situation? Answer me if you can!*


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:17 pm
by isabelle
*Max* (continued from previous post.)

I feel another small jolt rumbling through the building, but it's not from a hit on the shield. It's a hit on the ground. One of the enemy ships has crashed outside Haven. I wave my hand and turn on the vid-screen by the duty-board and I see it. It's burning brilliantly in the desert but Khivar's command ship is still in the air. Normally, I would be wanting to see that one brought down but my daughter is on board and I don't want her in danger.

Still, I can't help but cheer silently at our forces for their good work. Another ship, still in the air, is burning. I'm sure this is Michael's doing. If he wasn't the one who fired the shot, he still trained these troops. He's been a fantastic warrior. Still, I wish he would contact me. Together, we could clear the skies and stop this attack. Where are Ava and Isabel and Michael? This has to end.

Moving closer, I touch Xavier briefly on the throat, numbing his vocal chords. I don’t want him to speak just now. He may be my son but as Liz pointed out, he's still an enemy.

Stepping out of Xavier’s reach, I pick up the communication orbs. “Time to contact the murdering usurper,” I comment. I wonder for a moment what to say. Threaten him or negotiate an exchange? Where would we do that? Not the reservoir. I don't want him getting ideas about poisoning our water supply. Besides, we have a shield over it; it's not exactly neutral. Maybe someplace out on the Clovis Highway? I wish Isabel and Michael were here.

Holding the orbs, I concentrate briefly to activate them. It’s far easier than it had been the first time. I’d used them from time to time contact Larak. He was arrested and killed, but not before he gave me the energy sequence needed to contact Khivar. I’d never used it before, not wanting to reveal my hand. Today I will.

I straighten up and change the appearance of my clothing to more traditional Antarian garb, including the royal symbol glittering on my right shoulder. When the orbs begin recording, I speak in Antarian, using strong, clear tones. I blank out the background so Khivar and Tess won’t be able to see where we are. “Khivar. Xavier is here,” I say, allowing the boy to be seen but skipping any reference to whose son he is. “You will do no harm to my daughter, and that includes frightening her.” I have no way to enforce that demand, but I hope that Tess, at least, values her son as much as I value Hope. Khivar needs Xavier, too, if only as a tool. “She is a child and has done you no harm. Cease your attack and spare your fleet. Release Hope immediately and grant her safe passage home, then Xavier will be free to go.”

I end the recording and cancel the change in my appearance. I would like to have said more, but I don’t have the information I need. I don’t have Ava and Isabel and Michael here to help. However, I can’t wait any longer. I need to send Khivar an answer and it was best to keep it short. In truth, I don’t expect him to release Hope first. Nor do I intend to wait until Hope returns before I act, but I’ll let him think that. With another thought, I specify the energy sequence for Khivar and send the message.

Then I turn to Xavier and stretch out my finger again. “Don’t worry, I’m just going to let you talk again,” I tell him. He lets me touch him and I free his vocal chords.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:11 am
by M&M<3

“MICHAEL, ISABEL, AVA! Where are you? What’s your situation? Answer me if you can! I hear Max in my head but tune him out, as I try to control myself again. I begin to stand up ready to go back to Max when I feel the building shaking beneath my feet. That couldn’t have been a hit to the shield; it wouldn’t have that kind of effect. I swing the door open quickly, but stop as the hallway fades to black quickly…

Khivar is sitting in what looks like a cockpit, Tess is in the chair next to him. “SHUT UP! I CAN CONTROL THE SHIP WE’RE NOT GOING DOWN!!” Smoke begins to fill the ship, a dinging sound going off in the background, as the ships starts to descend. Someone starts to scream, I turn to see who it is and see Hope…

I look around for her then realize I’m no longer in the ship, but on the ground with soldiers standing all around me screaming for victory. I look into the sky and follow Khivar’s ship as it hits the ground and turns to fire…

I’m sick to my stomach as my vision begins to reappear and I fall to my knees. I try to breath, but it feels like something’s squeezing my lungs together. My emotions start to unravel again and I feel my eyes moisten. I pick myself up from the floor, feeling a little part of me dying as I pull everything back together; knowing I’ll have to in order to tell Max what I’ve seen.

I push the door open slowly and walk in the room heading for Max. “Hope’s going to die. She’s in Khivar's ship and I… I saw fall to the ground.”

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:53 am
by isabelle

I wait for whatever Xavier might say now. I expect bravado or anger or strident defence of Khivar, but before he says anything, the barracks door opens and Liz walks in.

For an instant, I'm glad, ready to tell her what I'm thinking, but then I take in her slow walk and subdued demeanor. Something is wrong. "Liz?" I ask, a big fearfully

“Hope’s going to die. She’s in Khivar's ship and I… I saw it fall to the ground,” she says.

I wrap her in my arms, looking skyward. No, as much as I want to stop Tess and Khivar, I can't risk my baby. I go to the telephone and call the main command center, the building where my main office is, as well as the war-room. A voice answers, saying "Major Hagan, here."

"Hagan, it's Max Evans. My daughter is aboard the commandship. Liz says she'll die if it crashes. Concentrate your firepower on its weapons but don't bring it down," I say. I know this is a life-or-death battle and it could be a mistake to hold back, but I can't lose Hope.

"Yes, sir," he says, offering no arguement or comment.

"Pass it on to the others. I'm having a hard time contacting Geurin and the others. Do you know where he is?" I ask, hoping he won't tell me that Michael's been hit.

"No, sir. I haven't seen him or the others," he says.

"Thank you. Resume your duties," I say, disconnecting. I'm disheartened, but there's not much more I can do. I still don't know where Michael, Isabel and Ava are.

I turn to Liz, one eye on the vid-screen. "Maybe I can catch it if it falls," I whisper to her. If the four of us were together, I'm sure we could. Alone, I'm not sure if my shield will be strong enough, but I sure will do my best.

I turn to Xavier. "If we let you go, can you get on that ship while it's in the air?" I ask.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:39 am
by Athenea

"If we let you go, can you get on that ship while it's in the air?" he asks and I glare at him. Oh now I can talk huh?

"Yes, If you release me right now." I say. I have to get away from this place, from this man, the whole situation is driving me crazy.

"The longer you delay the more dangerous it is for Hope. Realease me and I'll get her back." I promise but I don't really know why I am even bothering.