Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 Complete 10/4

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 8/20

Post by begonia9508 »

Really good that Liz finally envisages having a friendship with Max! It means that she doesn't judge the men about what her stepdad did to her! :?

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 8/21

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Liz knows that she has people in her life who truly care about her. But it will take her a long time to fully let anyone in. As for Sean, well he is going to take his time for now.....

Eve Liz knows that not all men are like her stepfather. But it is going to still be a while before she will fully trust Max.

Part 12

Diane walked into the office of Child Welfare and right over to Ed Harding's desk. She slammed the file down and stared at cold hearted balding man.

"Mrs. Evans what do you want? I am very busy."
"Mr. Harding, I want you to explain to me how you left Elizabeth Parker in the care of Richard Carter!"
"Mrs. Evans, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Elizabeth Parker fifteen year old girl. In the care of her abusive stepfather!"

He opened the file and glanced at it.

"Oh yes. Her mother was killed by a drunk driver two years ago. She had no blood relatives. Her stepfather had been part of her life since she was seven. Married to her mother since she was eight. I felt uprooting her from her home would have been damaging to her emotional health."
"There are a number of reports of suspected abuse from her doctor as well as a number of teachers! Enough red flags that it should have been looked into!"
"I did and found no proof of any of it."
"You didn't do anything!"
"The girl is a klutz."
"That might explain some of her broken bone and bruises. But that doesn't explain her being raped. Or ending up pregnant with that man's child! Only to suffer a miscarriage from being beaten and kicked!"
"The girl most likely seduced him."
"Mr. Harding! A fifteen year old girl would not seduce a forty year old man!"
"Mrs. Evans! My daughter Tess has told me that girl has a habit of leading boys at school on."
"This isn't over! I am reporting you for neglecting your duty!"

Diane picked up the file and marched down the hall to the supervisor's office and knocked. She walked in when she was told to come in.

"Mrs. Jennings?"
"What can I do for you Diane?"
"I have reason to believe that Ed Harding ignored the signs of abuse in the case of Elizabeth Parker."
"May I see the file?"

Diane handed over the file and took a seat in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. Mrs. Jennings read threw the file and looked at then looked at Diane.

"I am going to review all his case files. But there is enough in this file alone that could have him facing charges of child endangerment. He will be suspended pending investigation."
"Mrs. Jennings how did Richard Carter get approved at all?"
"I don't know. But I am going to find out. How is the girl doing in her new placement?"
"I have a home visit planned for this afternoon."
"Keep me updated on her."
"I will."
"Diane, I am glad to have you in my office. There aren't enough case workers who care as much as you do about these kids."
"I just think about them as if it was what if they were my child in this situation."
"It isn't good to become too close to these kids."
"I know. But I hate to see them fall through the cracks because of someone's uncaring neglect."
"OK. Make sure you let me know how the Parker girl is doing."
"I will."

Diane left and Mrs. Jennings called Ed Harding into her office.


Sean watched as Liz walked off with Serena and that wimp Alex heading home. Now was not the time to make his move. But he did need a fuck. He smiled when he saw Tess Harding coming out of the school. She was known for fucking anyone. Hell he had done her before. He walked over to her.

"Hey Tess."
"Hi Sean."
"You want to go somewhere?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"Thought we would hook up. Like we did on the first day of school."
"Sounds good to me."

They walked off together unaware that they were being watched.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 8/21

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Good for Diane......hope she continues to put pressure on Mr. Harding.
Looks like his daughter had some influence on the outcome of Liz's placement..........I smell a rat!
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 8/21

Post by begonia9508 »

So Tess was the one who informed her father?! What kind of social worker was he, this idiot!?
And I hope that Mrs Jennings is going to fire Harding because when men have this attitude, they have nothing to do in child wellfare, when they listen to their own kid's for judgement!

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 8/21

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm so glad that Diane went to the boss about Mr. Harding. I hope the boss fires Mr. Harding. I can't believe Mr. Harding would believe his daughter over the case file. I 'm glad that Serena and Alex are walking home with Liz. I can't believe Tess lies to her dad about Liz. And I think Sean, Tess and Mr. Harding should all rot in hell for everything they are doing or telling about Liz. Wow so someone was watching Sean watch Liz, Alex and Serena and then watching Sean with Tess. I can't wait to see how it goes when Diane goes and sees Liz. Who was watching Sean and Tess? Was it Max?, Isabel?, or Maria? Will the person tell someone about Sean watching Liz? What will happen when Diane comes and see Liz? Will Diane tell Sara, Liz about her case worker before? Will Mr. Harding get fired? Will the boss look into what Mr. Harding do and say about Liz's case? Will Mr. Harding and Tess talk? Will Tess try and get revenge on Liz for her father being fired? Will Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena and Maria stay close to Liz? Will Sean try and get Liz alone? Will Liz listen to Sean? Will Liz stay away from Sean and Tess? Will Sean and Tess try and hurt Liz? Will anyone be there for Liz? Will Mr. Harding do something about losing his job? What will Mr. Harding do? Will Sarah be there for Liz? Will Max and friends be there for Liz? So sorry about all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 8/21

Post by max and liz believer »

Diane Evans is a very good woman. She's really in the perfect occupation for her. And she'll do everything in her power to see to it that Liz's future is a lot better than her past.

Sean, on the other hand. What's up with that guy? :?

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 8/22

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Diane is going to find out why Liz was left were she was. As for Tess infusing her father that maybe the case. But there had to be a reason for bit. Max wasn't in town when Liz was first placed!

Eve Mr. Harding is not a very good social worker! He seems to not care about these kids he is in charge of looking out for. Mrs. Jennings is going to really look closely at all of Harding's cases. He could face criminal charges for leaving Liz in danger when there was evidence of abuse.

L-J-L 76 There is a very good chance that Mr. Harding will lose his job. As for who is watching Sean that is still a mystery.

max and liz believer Jo, Diane really is a wonderful woman! She has the perfect job. She will do everything in her power to see that Liz has a happy life from now on. As for Sean..... We are going to have to wait to find out about him.

Part 13

Liz walked into the house with Serena and Alex after school. Liz stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Mrs. Evans talking with Serena's mom.

"Hi kids. Liz are you OK?" asked Sarah

Liz just nodded. Diane seeing the fear in Liz's eyes got up and gently took her hand.

"Liz, relax honey. I just came by to check on you." Said Diane
"Check on me?" Asked Liz
"Yes. We are suppose to do checks. Both announced and unannounced. I take it Mr. Harding didn't do any checks on you?"
"I only saw him once at that apartment in two years." Said Liz

Diane sighed she had been afraid of this. She had to wonder how many others were out there he handled like Liz.

"Mrs. Evans, I have been here a week. I am still trying to get use to it. I started therapy yesterday. I am slowly letting my friends back in. I don't want to leave here."
"I'm not going to move you. Ms. Kent is very happy to have you here. In fact she told me that this weekend they will start work on the basement for Alex's new room so you will have your own room."
"Really Sarah?" Asked Liz
"Yes it was actually Alex's idea."
"Really Alex?"
"Yeah. Lizzie, I want you to be happy. You know like when we were kids." Said Alex
"Alex, I hope that you can understand that I will never be that girl again. What I have been through has changed me. But I have never doubted that you care about me Alex. You either Rena."

Alex very gently reached over to give Liz a hug. He could feel her stiffen at his touch and released her a short time later.


Diane walked into her house after a long day. Seeing Liz had been the best part of it. When she saw Alex hug the girl even though he knew she might be uncomfortable with it she saw a light that had been missing in the girl's eyes.

"Hi mom."

Diane smiled at Isabel who had started dinner.

"Hi honey. How was school?"
"Good. Mom, there is this boy at school that keeps watching Liz. He looks at her like he wants to do something to her and won't take no for answer."
"Isabel are you sure?"
"I am not positive but I get a bad feeling from him. I know I shouldn't say anything without proof. But my gut is telling me that Liz could be in danger from him."
"Liz Parker is one lucky girl. To have both you and Max on her side."
"Thanks mom. But what should I do?"
"That is tough. But I think you need to tell her and her friends. That way if she really is in danger then there will be proof at some point. People like this boy you are worried about always make a mistake."
"Besides I think having you as a friend might be of benefit to Liz."
"Well Ms. Kent is letting Alex turn part of the basement into a bedroom. So she might like some help decorating her new room."

Isabel broke into a big smile. She would have to get together with Liz, Serena and Maria to make plans.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 8/22

Post by max and liz believer »

It's a very good thing that Isabel has told her mom about Sean instead of keeping it to herself. At least now, even before anything possibly has happened, a grown up knows of the situation.

Poor Liz. So afraid she'll get moved. Loving Alex :D

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 8/22

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's said that Liz can't trust everyone at this point. But her past has made her that way.
I am glad Isabel is her friend and is watching out for her.
Liz is a lucky girl after all.
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 8/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm so glad Diane is taking better care and check of Liz then Harding did. I'm glad Liz told Diane how many times Harding came to see Liz. I'm so glad that Isabel and Max and watching out for Liz. I'm really glad that Isabel told Diane about Sean watching Liz and about her feeling about the guy. I agree with Diane that Liz, Serena, Maria and Isabel should get together and fix Liz's room up. I think it was so cool that Alex is willing to give up his room so Liz could have it. I'm glad that Liz got Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena and Maria watching out for and being there for her.

L-J-L 76
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